tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News March 30, 2021 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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news breaking every single day. thank you for being with us this evening, never missed an episode. we are not the media mob, we never will be, we are always independent and we will always give you truth you won't get from them. let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham is going to kill a test usual. that's my prediction. >> laura: we have to put it in a very kind and gentle manner, lest we be mischaracterized by the left. >> sean: hannity said laura ingraham is a killer, cancel him! >> laura: i'm going to usher in ever so gently the next hour of programming, never killing, never maiming, never fighting, we don't get the fight anymore, only the left gets to fight. >> sean: can i ask you a question? what is your friend dr. fauci on the sugar show going down there at the border, where is fauci?
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where is the i hate trump fauci guy now? >> laura: he's too busy giving an interview to entertainment weekly, he's very booked up. you can't bother him. great show tonight. we'll see you tomorrow. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle," so much going on i can't believe 24 hours has gone by, we are going to get right into it. a line in the sand, that's the focus of tonight's angle. one of our nation's most sacred and fundamental rights is the right to vote and protecting that right is going to require voters to follow reasonable rules when casting their ballots. that's exactly what georgia is doing with the election reforms that governor brian kemp signed into law last week. as we watched democrats try to undermine common sense voting
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rules, laws like this are long overdue but democrats somehow see this as a threat to their power, so they and their media lackeys are mischaracterizing these measures as, you guessed it, racist. >> what georgia has done in this bill is in essence say to a group of folks in georgia that you don't matter and you don't count. >> this is jim crow redux in new clothes. >> it's almost like a knee on the neck of georgia voters, just like that officer had his knee on the neck of george floyd. >> this poisonous rhetoric is meant to vilify and dehumanize the g.o.p. and conservatives as bigots. it's all done to avoid a conversation about what is actually in georgia's new election law, why? because then americans realize that the rules in georgia are both reasonable and fair.
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in fact, key provisions of the law are extremely popular, for instance -- the law states that you have to show voter i.d. to cast an absentee ballot. past polling by gallup has found that 80% of americans including 70% of nonwhite voters support voter i.d. and that's why democrats would rather talk about jim crow that about the real world. every issue, no matter what is just a replay of the same nonsense that we've been saying for years. how does that work? step one, get all liberals repeating the same pernicious lies, like this one. >> it's sick, deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people standing in line. >> they see legislators deciding that it's a crime to give people water? >> imagine arresting someone for
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handing a bottle of water to an elderly black woman. who lived through the last fight for the right to vote. >> laura: total lies. the law only prevents partisan election years from using food and beverages to sway voters. nonpartisan poll workers on the other hand are allowed to provide food and drinks for general use. then came another whopper from biden himself. >> what i'm worried about is how un-american this whole issue is, it's sick. deciding you're going to end voting at 5:00 when working people are just getting off work? >> laura: that is joe's bedtime after all that once again, that is alive. don't take it from me, take it from "the washington post" fact-checker. not a single expert we consulted to study the law understood why biden made this claim. if this was the section of the
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law that expanded the early for many georgians. but the left does not care because they've already moved on to amplifying the original lie through their pop-culture and pro sports echo chamber. just as with the blm rampages last summer, wall street always supports the hard left on these issues. while not explicitly mentioning georgia, jpmorgan ceo joe dimon issued this statement saying we regularly encourage our employees to exercise or fundamental rights to vote and we stand against any effort that may prevent them from being able to do so. [applause] i'm going to take my moral cues from a guy whose firm is cashing in on slave labor in china, right. even sleazy or is this man. hillary donor mark benioff who runs the company sales force. his company tweeted the georgia
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law is unnecessarily limiting provisional ballots and equal access to voting. false, false, and false. but consider the source. they oppose voter i.d. requirements for voting but are one of the firms actually working on future vaccine passports. that's medical ids that will in the future give you your freedom back, that's what they are saying. to travel and attend large events. these people are total frauds and once you scratch the surface, they have zero credibility. the statements i mentioned earlier with a woke sports media, one cnn sports contributor suggesting another way to bully georgia. we can start by stripping atlanta of major league baseball's all-star game which is set to take place in the city in july. the same players who linked arms to neil for the national anthem
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are apparently also open to this idea, players are very much aware of the new law that mlb players association director tony clark told "the boston globe." after passage, players talk about relocating the all-star game. by the way, as they threatened george's bottom line, we all have to remember that all of this woke activism is terrible for their bottom line. a new poll found that one-third of viewers are watching less sports because of social justice shenanigans and this is just the beginning of the economic pain they are going to feel if they join the mob that's hoping to make future elections. i sense that americans want more sports and less politics but the far left goon squads are betting that we can need corporate boards are going to collapse under pressure. >> growing calls to boycott delta air lines, coca-cola, and
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home depot, all georgia-based giants. >> the mention i want them to take away from this is that voter suppression is bad for business, it's bad for your bottom line. >> laura: it's time to change this story line. how about this? any business that bows down to boycott her's better be prepared to be run into the buzz saw of tens of millions of patriotic americans who will vote as well with their wallet. i'm talking moms and dads who are sick of being lectured to by spoiled brat activists who produce zero that is useful to america. i know a lot of young professionals who may not be all that vocal but who will recoil at the notion that somehow hollywood knows best about how to run elections. what we're seeing in georgia is just the latest of the left's broader campaign of intimidation and distortion, but it's perhaps the most dangerous to our nation's future.
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now is a time for all americans concerned about secure and meaningful elections start getting involved and make it clear that any business organization that helps the democrats in this rigging process, they understand the meaning of this new rallying cry i don't know who came up with but sound good. get woke and go broke. georgia can't do this alone of course, other g.o.p. governors, legislatures, they all need to stand up and push for fair election laws. laws that preserve our fundamental rights of all americans to vote and have their votes counted by trustworthy and nonpartisan officials. we need a coalition of politicians and activists who will not only stand up to big business and the media but also the congress and the white house. where biden is concerned, whatever stacey abrams wants, stacey abrams is going to get, we know that. here's the bottom line, the
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democrats believe that america is a racist, evil nation that is destroying the planet. they intend to punish us, they intend to lower our standard of living. gas prices, you see where they are today? taxes soon going to follow, going up. lockdown and masks are apparently here to stay but for now we can still cast them out of office by casting our boat. democrats have to break our electoral system but we have to stop them. we didn't pick this fight. we would've been happy to have the same election laws that have been in place for decades, but the left knows it can't win under those rules so they started a revolution to destroy them. we have to defeat them now or prepare ourselves to live under their control for decades to come. and that's the angle. joining us now is crisco back the former secretary of state of kansas and the former chairman of the kansas republican party. it's a good bet that georgia was
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on the right track given all the lies about this bill, even "the washington post" gave many pinocchio's to joe biden the other day. >> you're absolutely right. not only is the georgia election reform law are reasonable and popular, it's already been proven effective in other states which already have some of the same reforms. for example when i was secretary of state in kansas ten years ago, we implemented your form of i.d. requirements and a signature verification and it proved extremely popular, no complaints it was difficult and it protects voters. prior to that reform, there were many reports of people having somebody else fraudulently request their absentee ballots for them. it works well in other states and absentee ballots went up.
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there will be more confidence that absentee ballots are safer. these reforms are commonplace, reasonable and i have already been proven in other states. >> laura: tonight in msnbc, joyless reed was spreading another lie. >> governor murphy joint by stacey abrams signed a law expanding early voting. if it stands in stark contrast to george's jim crow voter suppression law. >> laura: explain why this is a lie. they are lying, they have been caught lying. >> it's a flat out lied because the georgia law expanded the early voting. 221 days, more than double the e
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new jersey period of ten days, if georgia is racist then i guess new jersey is twice as racist because they have half the early voting. to. they imply that georgia has a shorter voting period when in fact it's twice as long. >> laura: al sharpton, you'll be shocked to know was trying to use it to with operational tension as well. he has jumped into the fray and of course licking arms with stacey abrams, watch. >> people cannot in this era of black lives matter movement be identified in any way, shape, or form investing in their own demise. to be partners and sponsors of something that robs us of the right to vote. our dignity would demand we not do that. >> laura: al sharpton
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lecturing us on dignity, okay. >> it's truly shameless, this propaganda campaign on the left is flat out lying or like sharpton does, they just speak in vague terms about voter suppression, but they never talk about specifics. as you point out, they get it wrong, the specifics of these bills are on their face perfectly reasonable. any thinking person would look at that and say that's pretty reasonable. at the end of the day we have the truth on our side and we need to make sure -- >> laura: this is why i vote so much time in the angle on this. we have to be relentless. they act like they have all the dollars in the game, that traditional americans spend no money, that is bull, they spend a lot of money, they are very dedicated americans, they want fair rules and they know what's going on and i think people are tired of all this, they're sick
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of it, sick of politics and sports and entertainment, tired of it, tired of being lectured to by these people and i think people are telling them to back off, i think they're going to run into a buzz saw. you are so good on these issues, thank you so much for being with us. bullying as we mentioned has become a familiar tactic on the left and we've seen it time and again. now it's being employed by the teachers union. in multiple caught on tape moments, teachers are making it clear, they are trying to intimidate you into believing you are actually racist. a disturbing lecture from loudoun county virginia. >> it's just two people chilling. >> nothing more to that picture? >> i'm confused on what you would like me to speak on. >> i don't think you are. i don't know why you do this. >> are you trying to get me to
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say they are two different races in that picture was make at the end of the day, wouldn't that be feeding into the problem instead of acknowledging them as two people? >> no it's not. you can't look at the people and not acknowledge that there are racial differences, right? >> laura: unbelievable, it takes your breath away. a teacher who might be reading too much into band-aids. >> white privilege. think about it, when i hand a browned child a white band-aid i am literally adding insult to injury and i refuse to do that in my classroom. >> laura: she's a lot of fun at the party. joining me now, victor davis hanson, senior fellow. what color band-aid do you grab for in the cabinet, that corner cabinet in your kitchen, i know that's where you store them.
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do you make a conscious effort to pick that flesh-colored band-aid or do you go to the closet? how did we arrive here? >> i think a lot of people apparently have too much time on their hands and they are too pampered. i think they feel it is not bullying. i think when they talk about mccarthy, they are said that he served the right instead of the left. people stayed away from the public, they didn't get their views cross-examined, they nurse their wounds, they exaggerated their grievances and then they got out and they didn't get out and dispel the stereotypes. i feel in the nation, an
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african-american legal scholar said i don't want to go out there because i would have to meet white people again and they have an approved any -- i would he know if he hasn't talked any of them? facebook and twitter and the internet is kind of like an electric guillotine. it's instant chop, chop, you're done, nobody is responsible, our version of the old western mob out in front of the jail that wants to hang somebody but you don't have a sheriff with a shotgun enforcing the law. if you are right, when you said we all have to speak up according to our station. nobody who spoke up when the bolsheviks who were a minority they said we can handle them, don't worry and seven years of soviet murder followed. if somebody did speak up during the reign of terror and they stop them in the french revolution, that's where we are right now. >> laura: that teacher who was lecturing that student on the photo, that teacher shouldn't be let anywhere near a public
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school. i want to have that teacher take care of the paper on my kids gerbil cage. these are incompetent people poisoning our kids and they are scaring our kids, they are scaring our children with falsehoods and bullying. >> she's doing it because she thinks there is no deterrent, she's going to be rewarded rather than punished. she's ingratiating herself with what she considers the mob in control and there is career enhancements and on the other side if you object, there is nothing but rejection but she's playing the odds and all americans say that's not the odds, she's on the losing end. we are all going to ensure that's not going to continue that bullying of innocent people, by cowards, she's a coward to. >> laura: she should be out of work, parents see this in loudoun county, that person can lead teachers name should be reported to the school board and parents need to go to these
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meetings and say we will not tolerate this any longer, period and unless they do that it's going to get worse and worse. >> it's not like this generation of students are excelling in test scores and are brilliant in a way we've never seen before, that's with the tragedy is. for every band-aid distraction, something is being lost like math and philosophy and language and that's maybe because they can't teach it, they have to find distractions elsewhere. >> laura: forget plato and socrates, they are racist. anthony fauci and deborah birx and the rest of the panic pushers told her story on cnn, now the trump team responds. scott atlas next.
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>> there were about 100,000 deaths that came from that original search. all of the rest of them in my mind could have been mitigated or decreased substantially if we took the lessons we had learned from that moment. that's what bothers me every day. >> laura: if dr. birx was so disturbed about what she saw happening at the white house,
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why did she quit? instead she's in listing cnn's help to rewrite history making it sound like former president trump didn't do everything that fauci and she told him to do at the outset. we know he did, that's why we locked down the entire country for 15 days, then it was 30, then 45, then it was we have to get our freedom back. the lockdown flattened the economy and likely ended up prolonging the reign of this virus but she ended fauci want you to believe that they are blameless for the pandemic spread, it's all trump's fault. >> liberate virginia, liberate michigan and i said to myself oh, my goodness, what is going on here? it shocked me because it was such a jolt to what we were trying to do. >> the one policy directive that he came to me in april which was the last time that i had any briefing with him and that kind of way was "we will never shut the country down again."
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>> laura: that's why you lockdown, understand that. joining me now someone who was in the room and these decisions were being made, dr. scott atlas, former white house covid advisor and hoover fellow. your response to birx and fauci's big tour de force. >> we are witnessing something incredible which is people trying to overtly rewrite history. it's the most insane thing i have ever seen. of all the insanity i saw in the white house, this is the most despicable. what they are doing -- these are people that advocated for curfews, lockdowns, school closures, business restrictions, the lack of group visits for your own family and those were implemented. those were the policies on the ground of almost every single state including the ones that
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fauci just mentioned. now they are saying the people who criticize the policies that were implemented are responsible for the failures of the policies that were implemented. this is insane, it is despicable. i'm shocked but i shouldn't be because i never fit in there. these people don't know the truth if it hit them in the head. it's incredible what we are seeing here. you're blaming people for criticizing what was done and those are the people on your show who wanted what was done. they ought to look in the mirror and they ought to go on tv and apologized if they think 500,000 people died, they were the cause of the policy, they recommended the policy. >> laura: they never looked at anything beyond infection numbers or hospitalizations, they didn't look at the broader damage that was being done to the united states of america, families, kids, all of it. cnn couldn't resist the opportunity to get a couple
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other smears in, watch. >> dr. scott atlas, his perspective was in my view allowed him to ill-informed a lot of people and as a consequence, a kind of negated dr. birx, dr. fauci, dr. redfield's voice. he thought if you could protect the vulnerable and let the well build up this herd immunity and dr. birx and i said this is a fallacy. >> laura: dr. alice, your response. >> i'm speechless, again they don't understand what they advocated was done. i was the one brought him because i was the only one who cared what was happening by shutting down medical care, closing schools, closing businesses, destroying low income families, sacrificing our children. they had no interest in even talking about it. i could go on and on about what
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they didn't know. i think it's bizarre they want to rewrite history and to stop taking responsibility for what was done because that is what they wanted. my friends keep reassuring me and i can guarantee you the truth will come out. >> laura: yes or no, if they had their druthers, would america tonight be essentially where germany is now, lockdown? if they had their druthers. >> if they had their druthers they would be like california, lockdown, the whole country would. >> laura: dr. atlas, thank you. while birx and fauci try their hand a historical fiction, team biden lashing out. >> alabama's governor said she's going to go forward with her plans to remove the mask mandates. >> governors know they are not helping their cause, they are weighing down the cause and they
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may think it's a popular thing to do. the truth of the matter is. >> laura: the truth of the matter? joining me now former white house chief of staff mark meadows. they are clearly trying to diminish states rights even as we see the true numbers coming out of texas that completely belie the point they are making. >> you're right, the numbers that we are seeing honestly do not support the biden policy that we have coming out. what we saw from dr. birx and dr. felt she was a political statement. it was blame shifting and trying to suggest the policies they are part of somehow that president trump is to blame for that. he's the one who should have credit for actually making sure that millions of americans lives
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and millions across the world were saved because of the vaccine that he actually made sure got developed. the other thing -- in a joe biden world, you don't need an i.d. for voting, you don't need an i.d. to come across our southern border but somehow we are going to have a vaccine passport in order to carry on your normal lives. this is all about trying to make d.c. make the decisions for local communities and this is not what america is all about. >> laura: i know you know this but dr. fauci was actually in the cnn special trying to take credit for the vaccines. >> unbelievable. >> laura: you were in the room when he was throwing cold water on the idea that the vaccines were going to be ready last fall, correct? and my that correctly? >> you're 100% correct, dr. fauci didn't mention vaccines for the vast majority of the time leading up to actual
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when we got the vaccine. but he's trying to take credit for something that even he told president trump was not possible for two, three, maybe four years, it would take much longer than this. and yet the president insisted on all of us staying engaged into making sure we got the vaccine done and we have that today because of great companies and great leadership in president trump. >> laura: here's a little more from dr. birx melodramatic reading, and airing of the grievances -- watch. >> you are the covid coordinator and no one around you is wearing masks. that must've felt like you were being marginalized, people weren't listening to you. >> i marginalized every day. that is no question. i would say the majority of the people in the white house did not take this seriously. >> laura: didn't get invited to the sorority mixer.
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>> we listened to dr. birx, she was listen to every day every day analogies trying to do is change history to suggest that somehow her input was not valued when we listen to it each and every day. >> laura: as she jumps in the private sector, she wants a softer landing. she's very frightened, that's what she said. thank you for being here tonight good day 2 of the derek childref the prosecution witnesses very combative there it we'll explain what it all means
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derek chauvin who stands accused of murdering floyd but the defense caught a break at the end of the day when one of the prosecution's witnesses got combative with the judge. >> wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that the police had already called for medical? >> it would also be reasonable to assume that if the patient -- >> i'm going to say objection, nonresponsive. >> wait for the question then answer the question that is asked. >> your question is unclear. >> do not volunteer information that is not requested. >> laura: here to way in, alan dershowitz and an exchange like this with a key witness for the prosecution, will that make any difference to the jury?
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>> it doesn't help. i thought that was the first time that the defense has caught a break so far in this trial. part of what's going on is the prosecution is using some of these lay witnesses to elicit expert testimony. and we had the martial arts guy giving medical testimony about choke holds, never should have been permitted and then we had this woman genevieve hansen who is a two your firefighter emt and she's critiquing the police officer's performance from a medical perspective. she gets into arguing with the lawyer almost like she was an expert witness and i think the fact that she got rebuked by the judge certainly doesn't score one for the defense. >> laura: one of chauvin's attorneys had a tense exchange with a witness. >> did you say that? >> is that what you heard? >> i'm asking you.
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>> you heard that, i'm pretty sure you did. [bleep] >> that's what the video called. >> laura: why is chauvin's attorney pursuing that line of questioning? >> he's trying to show the witness is biased. you have a very emotional witnesses today, today is emotion day. we didn't learn any new facts, we didn't hear anything relevant, we just saw emotions and i think the defense wanted to show this emotion even though real, biased to the witnesses and i think the judge helped them out. jurists always want to get guidance from the judge, they listen to the judge, they want to know does the judge like this witness, does he agree with the witness, when this judge had this momentary rebuke in the presence of the jury, in the
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presence of the jury it doesn't send a message. the judge thinks this person is being argumentative, maybe we ought to question the credibility and may be take into account the fact that she was emotionally involved and we should assess that emotional involvement. it was an attempt to defuse a deeply emotional day. today didn't move the ball for the prosecution in terms of the elements of defense but it did move the ball in terms of the emotional aspect of it. >> laura: dovetailing from what alan just said, i'm watching some of the commentary and this is the cnn esteemed legal panel. they had this a fascinating take away from today's proceeding. >> her being angry about the situation and imputing that anger onto the defense attorney because he's the closest thing to derek chauvin, that to me -- that will stick to the jury.
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you see this bouquet of humanity, you see people break down and cry. exactly what he said an opening, he was going to present a bouquet of humanity. >> laura: the cnn legal reporter repeated that, seeing the emotion will affect the jury. is that what it's supposed to affect the jury, the emotion? >> allen is right, we didn't learn a thing today that's relevant to a disputed fact. it was the same think of the videos and observations from eyewitnesses over and over and over again. the thing is, these people sincerely believe that they saw derek chauvin asphyxiate george floyd. they believe it. the truth is, they can't tell by looking what caused floyd to become unconscious. was it asphyxiation, drug overdose, medical condition, whatever. the emotion is real and i think it does have a real impact on
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the jury. >> laura: should have an impact on the jury? >> no. in fact, in the o.j. case we determined after it was over, the people who watched the trial on television and anticipated the results, the people who listened to cnn and who read "new york times" and to read secondhand assessments were shocked by the verdict. you get a lot of biased reporting in a case like this. reporters want to be on the right side of this issue. i urge people to watch the trial and then you will know how it's going rather than listening to people's assessment of the trial. >> laura: it was abominable, honestly, gentlemen, thank you again. imagine you had to church with your husband and 1-year-old child. imagine it's in a state where mask mandates have been lifted, now imagine your day ends with you being dragged out by cops because he refused to worship with your mask on. that happened to our next guest,
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her husband, and her 1-year-old baby attended mass at holy trinity parish in dallas. during mass, a priest twice approached her and asked her to put on a mask despite texas no longer having a mask mandates. after the second warning the priest called the police and this is what happened. >> am i getting arrested? >> if you don't listen, you will be. >> what's the crime? >> the church doesn't want you here because you're choosing not to follow the rules. >> is not a law. >> laura: this is america, deirdre hairston joints me now. what went through your mind, the pro-mask people out there would say just put on the mask. a lot of us wear masks at mass,
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why did you just do it? >> i'm newly pregnant so i was feeling very nauseous and light-headed. i fear that i was going to pass out so that was why. >> laura: the catholic diocese of dallas released a statement saying "the young woman that was involved in the incident was not arrested or ticketed, she was issued a trespass warning, while the bishop has not mended the mask he expects the faithful to wear masks out of charity and respect for others." are you not concerned for others? was that what you were trying to convey with your nonmask wearing self? >> i am most definitely concern for others, it was for that very reason that i sat for the far right back in the church, completely socially distant, i
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was not 15 feet the nearest person. >> laura: what went through your mind. i was watching this video, we have people walking across the border, we don't know who they are, not talking about little kids -- there waved right through, not wearing masks, and you're treated like a common criminal. what goes through your mind? >> it's extremely upsetting, i was frightened, it was shocking and to think that we are getting the police called on us while attending mass in a sanctuary is completely uncalled for. it really shows a lack of leadership and clarity from our bishops, our state leaders of what really are the rules. >> laura: any comment from the fellow parishioners? with a helpful, were they asking
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police to go find someone else to take it? >> no, actually, not one single person in the church was remotely saying a word about it. i was hoping my 1-year-old daughter was kneeling and praying, i had the eucharist on my tongue when three police officers come to arrest me. to think not one person said anything is very frightening, honestly. >> laura: again, i can't believe this is the united states of america, i'm sorry you had to go through this. thank you for sharing the story come everyone has to wake up. you can't submit to this. we have a last bite, it's not about a bidens dog, i don't think. you'll have to find out.
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border, she was dressed in all white, he could feel her anguish -- it was real. what does she think of the current crisis? >> what about the surge? first of all, gut check, stop. anyone who is using the term search around you is trying to invoke a militaristic -- this is not a surge, these are children. they are not insurgents and we are not being invaded. >> laura: can use a power surge, is not allowed at all? can be go with massive increase? shannon bream and the fox news at night team take it all from here. >> a lot of discussions about semantics but i think the numbers speak for themselves and that's what we are going to talk about tonight, thank you so much. >> great, we are watching. >> shannon: breaking news, president biden is about to open up a
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