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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 31, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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list. >> you can come back to talk about spongebob any time, just pitch us the stories. thanks to everyone at home for joining us for "the faulkner focus" today, i will be back in for harris tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. stick with us, i'm going to come back for "outnumbered" in just a moment. >> emily: fox news alert, the biden administration finally allowing the media to get an inside look at a packed migrant facility in texas and what reporters found was truly disturbing, the video showing kids banging on glass walls, sleeping on matt's shoulder to shoulder on the floor. the detention facility housing mostly unaccompanied minors far surpassing its 250 person limit and now packing in more than 4,000 migrants. many of them crammed into parts where his critics once called them cages. border guards say more than seven migrant children have tested positive for covid, photos to show some detainees being treated for lies amid
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fears of an outbreak but the shocking images come as the white house back in february said keeping children in these facilities was the "most humane approach," watch. >> our approach from the biden administration as we think the most humane step we can take here is to have these children, unaccompanied kids under 18, not send them back to take a treacherous path forward. >> emily: you are watching "outnumbered," and emily compagno. gillian turner is back with us today and also here, tomi lahren, fox news anchor shannon bream, author and host of the new book and corresponding show on fox nation "the women of the bible speaks" which we can't wait to chat with her later in the show and in the virtual center see, john james, former senate candidate in michigan and iraq war veteran, welcome to you all and thank you so much for joining us, john james and thank you for your service, first and foremost. i will get your topline thoughts if i may on the southern border crisis and what's happening
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there with the overpopulation of these facilities and how the administration is handled it. >> this is emblematic of what happens when we send people with no leadership experience and put them in an instance where they have to lead. they look like deer in the headlights, kamala harris almost looked crazy when she was laughing about this when she was put in charge of this border crisis. the biden administration wants us to believe that they are more humane but i don't know what's humane about incentivizing people to undergo treacherous travel, they could lose their lives and livelihoods, i don't know what's humane about putting children in these types of situations, cages that the obama administration built and i don't know what's humane about not having a plan. when you beat up republicans for the past four years, it's not humane, it's insane and i believe this is embarrassing to america and we are better than this and it's a golden opportunity for us to do everything we can to actually bring solutions to the table. fix the problem.
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>> emily: shannon, to john's point, the dearth of democratic outrage is pretty deafening considering how vocal their outrage was for the past administration doing less than this. we will get your thoughts on the video showing exactly what some of the top leadership said back then and then we will get your thoughts on the other side, shannon. >> comparing this president to the president we had is outrageous. number one. we didn't lock people up in cages, we didn't separate families, we didn't do all of those things. >> we've got a person who is put babies in cages and separated children from their parents. i will release children from cages, i will get rid of the private detention centers. >> i've been down to the border, i have seen the mothers, i have seen the cages of babies, we must be a country that every day lives our values. >> this is the reality of campaigning versus becoming the actual president, it is very
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easy regardless if you are a democrat or republican, to point to a current occupant of the white house and say i'd never do this, never handle this differently whether it's foreign policy or domestic and at the moment any president is sworn in and sees a magnitude of what is before them, the reality can be much more challenging than they thought it was going to be. here's the thing, senator lindsey graham was among the lawmakers who visited last week down there and said he had a meeting with a top border official, top transition officials for the biden administration who specifically asked if we rollback this policy or that policy, what is going to be the real world impact. that border patrol official told the biden administration exactly what would happen and they moved forward with this choice. people want to argue about the semantics and the surge in the crisis, these are numbers but these are also human beings, i think everyone with a heart looks at this and realizes this is a terrible situation, instead
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of pointing fingers and we have had democrats come forward from down there in texas, congressman who was the first one delete pictures from inside saying this can be about party, this has to be about people in finding a solution. democrats have run washington, republicans have run washington and nobody has yet to solve this problem and these are real people hanging in the balance. >> emily: b7, shannon makes an excellent point which is that while the conversation revolves around semantics, calling it a crisis versus a challenge, a surgeon versus something else, then these human beings who are left thrown away, throwing to the desk and packed in these inhumane conditions, i'd like to play for you what congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez says and get your thoughts on the other side, tomi. >> first of all, just stop, anyone who is using the word "urgent" around you consciously is trying to invoke militaristic frame, this is not a search, these are children and they are
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not insurgents. and we are not being invaded. >> tomi: i would have to disagree with alexandria ocasio-cortez, we are being invaded when you have hundreds of thousands of people coming over every month, set to reach a million this year, that is an invasion and everybody looks at those images from these detention facilities and feels very badly for those individuals, nobody wants to be in that position but i will tell you this because i have visited those facilities and spent a lot of time with border patrol agents and those that are tasked with their care, and of these images look bad, i know that's not what anyone wants to see but you have to understand, border patrol agents are being overwhelmed right now. they are being relegated to babysitters, they are not able to do their actual jobs and they are doing the best they can with the resources that they have so we need to come together as a nation and decide how we are going to get border patrol better resources but as john james said at the top of this block we really need to do is stop incentivizing people to come over here. these are children, absolutely,
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they are innocent children but they are being incentivized to come over here, their parents are sending them over here, they know they will only be held for a certain amount of days, possibly moved to a convention center and be given school schooling and housing and eventually released and their parents will be able to come right along with them. we have to stop incentivizing it but i will disagree with some of the points that were made as far as nobody has tackle this problem, donald j. trump tackled this problem, his zero-tolerance policy that said do not come over here if you do not want to be separated, do not cross the border illegally, do not come. we are building a wall and taking immigration seriously, we have every right to protect and defend the integrity of our border, that was working. the biden administration came in with their virtue signaling andrew that all away and now everybody suffers, the migrant children suffer, the american taxpayer suffer. it has to start with securing the border.
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>> emily: gillian, your floor? >> gillian: first of all i would say, if president biden woke up tomorrow and did what every republican lawmaker and every trump supporter wants him to do which is to reinstate the remain in mexico policy, what would happen to the tens of thousands of children in particular, families but unaccompanied minors most specifically who would then be left on the mexico side of the u.s. southern border? i understand the position, to biden administration policies but my question for a lot of people who are sort of critiquing the situation right now is, we always have to accept the reality for what it is, the biden administration has reversed the remain in mexico policy so what happens now if you refuse to admit thousands of unaccompanied minors into the united states? do they live happily ever after or are they now stranded on the
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mexico side of the u.s. southern border and become more vulnerable to sex traffickers and coyotes and the cartels? obviously, shannon, i think this is what you are getting at when you were talking about, we need solutions, we need less critique and more accepting of the reality and people getting on board to try to figure out solutions. more people putting their heads together to the problem instead of just complaining about it all the time. >> emily: hopefully the bridge between candidate kamala harris and vice president kamala harris becomes possible and she should find some of the solutions now that she's in charge of the whole thing, starting with diplomacy. we will not hold our breath. moving forward we are learning more about the special treatment that governor cuomo's brother got during the onset of the pandemic and about the doctor
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who reportedly spent hours at chris cuomo's home while in charge of testing at nursing home facilities, those details just ahead. the olympic committee is bucking long-standing rules and will allow raised fists and kneeling during the national anthem at the olympic trial. weighing in on the controversial decision, next. ♪ ♪e theand your family you real piece of mind. refiplus from newday usa can make it happen. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history plus get an average of $50,000 cash for the financial security you and your family deserve. refiplus, only from newday usa.
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>> emily: welcome back, we are learning more about the department of health's. physician dr. eleanor adams who gave special attention to governor cuomo's brother early in the pandemic. back when the tests were hard to come by for most new yorkers, the extended vip treatment for
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his brother included house calls to his home by dr. adams who had a senior role in the state's covid response rate of top state physician was dispatch multiple times to the hamptons home in testing visits that sometimes stretched hours." this was taking her away from her primary role which was coordinating covid testing for nursing home, 15,000 patients died and now we are finding out she was dispatch 90 miles away to take care of people like governor cuomo's brother. >> people who immigrated from this great country can tell you exactly about what corruption looks like. they can tell you exactly what the powerful few who can do their connected buddies and it
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lets there people down. that being said, if any of us had a family member who was at risk of dying, there is not one of us who wouldn't pull out every single stop to help save their family member, i think there are two main issues that come into play here that people, are rubbing people the wrong way. taxpayers are paying for it, if you're going to be using resources it shouldn't come out of the taxpayer's pocket, you should pay for those resources yourself into duty, your duty to the many should come first and during a pandemic where so many seniors especially where it is proportionately effective particularly in the nursing homes, we are having the same issue here, 1% of our seniors live in long-term care facilities but 40% of the covid deaths are related to seniors in nursing homes and similarly the person in charge of covid responds in michigan was given hush money by our governor and
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were looking at similar misappropriation of time and a lack of transparency in new york. i believe that people deserve to know the details and i believe that if you're going to be using government resources you should reimburse the taxpayers for that time and those resources. >> gillian: or not use them in the first place. >> john: if you are doing it to protect a pandemic from an entire state and yes, the people need to be your first priority. >> emily: tomi coming your thoughts? >> tomi: i'm glad he mentioned the corruption, i think most americans understand that those are in power in government positions on the right and the left probably use the perks and privileges of that power for their family and their friends, i think we've all probably accepted that. we talk about cuomo, the list of things he's done has stacked up and piled up, go back to what gillian said in the early block about solution, what are the consequences? we need to have the investigations and keep putting out more information and have transparency but at the end of the day, every time we talk
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about cuomo, quite frankly i think it is getting so tiring to talk about this man. at the end of the day, every leader that is in power, the powers going to be taken away and the only way that can be happen beyond their democratic or republican colleagues holding their feet to the fire's have an option for the voters to recall their leaders. they don't have that in new york and i know every time i'm on i say the same thing, we can talk about how bad this man is and how corrupt this man is and all the horrible things he's done to seniors, to women and use his position of power and abused it but at the end of the day the only way we are going to have a solution for him and others like him is to make sure that every state has a recall option and i'm going to go ahead once again. >> emily: to our colleague's point, we saw criminal prosecution in the state of ohio for the same decision the governor made in new york state and that's without the ripple effect corruptions we are learning about and allegations, what do you foresee happening in the way of actual accountability
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here for governor cuomo? >> shannon: that is no question, tomi nailed it there, that's exactly what we have to ask. what's going to happen? he said he's not going to resign, a number of leaders are stepping up and calling for his resignation, they get credit for that but he doesn't have to go anywhere. the impeachment process can take months before they get anywhere, meanwhile there's going to be another election, it's going to be up to the voters of new york to decide what they want to do. i thought it was interesting in "the washington post," a spokesperson for the governor's office said there was no vip, there was no special treatment, they were prioritizing people who were part of fighting the pandemic, nurses and other important workers that were key to helping them manage the pandemic. "the washington post" cited five different sources, three nurses and some of these people are speaking on conditions of anonymity because they are worried about the backlash from the administration. we are hearing that over and over again, whether it's people coming forward with information
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of the nursing homes, harassment claims, there are more and more people willing to now break their silence and come forward to say we've been intimidated by the sky but this is the stuff that was going on allegedly behind-the-scenes, the attorney general is digging into harassment allegations, numerous allegations with regards to nursing homes, the public ethics commission in new york, the allegations over now he's not going to go anywhere, he feels emboldened. >> emily: unfortunately for the moment and you are absolutely right, the more we learn the more we realize it was truly a culture within that administration, not just one toxic man but there are many within that that really engaged in those insidious, toxic measures of intimidation, agreeing to the corruption in carrying out his orders in the culture he certainly set from the top down. president biden is ready to roll out his $2 trillion spending
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package as some democrats are pushing for even more direct payments to americans. how the president plans to paper at all. plus, first lady jill biden is joining other high profile democratic women and starring in a comic book series that focuses on powerful and influential women. but it's the women who are not part of the serious sparking blowback. stay with us. ♪ ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® works differently than any other diabetes pill to lower blood sugar in all 3 of these ways... increases insulin... decreases sugar...
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>> gillian: president biden preparing to unveil the first part of his spending package and a couple hours, the proposal together are expected to include free community college, universal can to my kindergarten education and a nationwide paid leave program for parents. democrats are saying this is not enough, they want to send more covid relief money directly to americans, they say the last round some of the $1400 stimulus check just didn't cut the
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mustard. 21 senators including these top democrats sent a letter to the president, urging him to include recurring direct payments to individuals as part of the package. i want to come to you first to break down the politics here a little bit, we know legislation is really all about being the great idf area until it comes time to actually push this through the house and the senate. it does seem unlikely at the outset here that democrats will find a way to gain ten republican votes to overcome a filibuster to put this legislation through, they're going to have different angles on kind of reconciliation package again here, this is going to tear up washington again. >> shannon: think about that last covid bill, with almost 2 trillion dollars, didn't get a single republican vote in the house or the senate, the president has talked a lot about unity and said look at what we can get done when we were
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together. there wasn't a single republican vote for that. there are real reasons they are objecting, worried about the long-term impacts of our economy. and now you have calls for all kinds of things to be tucked into the bill. the majority of people including the republican's are for this, they are when you ask them about making sure we are providing and helping our fellow americans or us if we need it when people are polled, yes, people need a lot of help after what we've been through in the last year but when you really break it down and start to ask people, what about this provision and this included and they find out this is wrapping future generations with trillions of dollars of debt for things that aren't directly related to helping our fellow americans through covid, the numbers change. there's got to be false perception in selling this but the way democrats are numerate they will logistically use whatever they have to do to get these things past and it may not involve a single republican getting on board. >> gillian: so tomi, to that point, i want to get your take on this so stick with me for a
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second, is there an element of progressive proposal here that might be more appealing to republicans? i can personally foresee a situation in which republicans would be likelier to get on board, saying instead of sending $2 trillion on providing free college and kindergarten and paying back student loans and all these other things, why don't we cut checks for the american people and start sending this out to them over the next ten years? are you following me, is there any part of that progressive agenda here that's more in line with republicans? >> tomi: this is exactly the problem because then republicans are meant to choose between two socialist options, this happens every time we move further and further to the left and we have to say, do we want this brand of socialism or socialism light? we don't want socialism at all, covid is bringing socialism and people like me have been warning about this for over a year now. they closed people's businesses,
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close their school, criminalize people making a living for themselves, locked us in our homes which is probably unconstitutional to be really honest with you and rob people of their ability to provide for themselves and what if they done? they changed a lot of election rules as well to make sure they can really put a little bow on it and now they have the power and that control, they want people to be as dependent on government as humanly possible, these are the starting signs of socialism, those from other countries that have immigrated here or have families that live in other countries that are socialist or communist nations are seeing this and saying wait, wait, wait, three free things, this is how socialism starts. wake up, americans, you do not want to be dependent on government. you can be free or you can be dependent what you cannot be both. >> emily: john james, pick up their where tomi left off, a lot of americans are pushed back and say, you know what? providing more support to parents and giving them some
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better leave options is not exactly socialism. b5 i think you hit the nail right on the head with that question, i believe that tomi is right. the only problem is it's not up to the government to tell me how to take care of myself, it's up to the government to do the things that i can't do as a private citizen to keep me safe, to keep me free. right now what these politicians are doing is boldfaced lying our votes, what's it going to take for us to wake up, america? there are literally using government is the only means for us to survive, that's exactly what socialism is and so yes, we need to help people who are hurting. we also need to make the owner of an automotive supply chain business in detroit, somebody who's grown up watching the city he loves and state he loves fall down around him. we need to do it in a way that is not totally dependent on
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politicians mortgaging our children's futures and most of these people aren't going to be alive by the time my 2-year-old is in college, we need people with real-world experience to understand that you pay for this with regulatory tort and tax reform and will be incentivized long-term, positive, sustainable and inclusive growth for americans. >> emily: this is going to be paid for over the next ten year, to your point, john james, it a lot of the results we won't see for many decades. the governor has got to find a way to even out the playing field a little bit. so it's not generations paying for other generations advancement. we've got san diego parents, they say that migrant children are being given priority over their own. san diego teachers are now volunteering to teach migrant in u.s. custody in person. their own students are still
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stuck on zoom. the white house is being prepped on that, we will break it down next. >> i don't think this sends the right message to these 130,000 kids in san diego and their parents. ♪ ♪ an homeowners. with home values high and mortgage rates at all time lows. great news for veterans who need money for their family. that's me. refiplus from newday usa lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of $50,000. that's me. that's money for security today or retirement tomorrow. that's me. refiplus.
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>> emily: welcome back. we are learning that at least 8d minors tested positive for covid at a san diego facility yesterday but despite that local teachers are still being allowed to hold in-person classes for migrants before their own students who are still not back in the classroom. the teachers volunteering to do that during the week of spring break. the white house is appearing to defend the move, watch. >> to does the white house think this sends the right message to the 130,000 kids in san diego and their parents who have been stuck at home last year? >> i am just saying the context is important in these kids are going back to school for hybrid
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learning, we are confident we will get there early next month and i believe they are also on spring break right now. i think the context is pretty important. >> emily: john james, indeed context is pretty important. a gentleman by the name of scott davidson who is suing the state of california to try to force of quicker school reopening points out that the case right there in san diego county, bear with me for a moment, it's almost 11000 out of 100000 which he points out is 437 times the case rate threshold that schools are allowed to open in california. he says the threshold for reopening in california is 25 for 1,100,000, your thoughts, sir? >> i think as a leader you should do your very best to stay consistent, people are going to be looking to you to provide fairness, don't tell me that safety is your number one consideration for not teaching my children in school in person
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and then completely ignore what you just said for the past year to teach other people. again, i am all about people doing what they want to do in their own free time, it's a free country the last time i checked by don't tell me one thing and then do another. i absolutely believe that we need to do everything that we can open immediately and to make sure that we are putting our family first, taking care of american taxpayers first and as we get stronger and better able to deal with this, that we are able to begin to welcome more people. >> emily: shannon, ted john's point about leadership, every incremental step of the way he is being defended are left off or rejected or pushed away for later comment but the forest for the trees is outrageous. >> shannon: we had a parent on last night from california who had four kids, three of them are
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school age, talked about the nightmare it has been to try to manage zoom and remote schooling and really worried about his kids losing more than a year of their education. so for him to hear that these children would be getting in person schooling, is very frustrating. they are open to education here in the u.s., and we should be providing that but when the parents feel like they've made enormous sacrifices and their kids are the ones stuck at home, they've been asked to keep them there, they've been told by teachers and unions that it's not safe for them to go back. it's incredibly frustrating for those parents to say if you can make a safe way to help these immigrant children and make sure they get instructions, why can't you do it for my kid? that's a question and it seems reasonable. >> emily: tomi? >> tomi: 137,000 kids in san diego being left out in the cold in favor of illegal
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immigrants but i know everyone is talking about this and they should be outraged right now what's going on and this is just a week of spring break instruction and we should all be furious about it but i want people to pay attention to the long-term implications of this. we have 100,000 plus illegal immigrants coming across the border each month and it's probably going to increase because joe biden has not said when he is ever going to cut that off so i want everyone to think about the long-term implications. these students being taught right now in these facilities in san diego, that's happening right now but the students will soon be released into the shadows of our country, they will be going to our schools. they're going to be going to underserved communities, they are not going to be speaking english, those teachers when they do return to in person learning or hybrid learning are going to have to teach the students in their schools for years to come. they don't know english, they are far behind a lot of american students and who suffers with that? underserved communities and american students. they are the ones that are going to be fighting for the resources because we have all these kids that are being welcomed over. so watch the long-term
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applications of this, this is not just a one spring break outrage for the teachers going to teach at the convention centers, this is going to be lasting impact that's going to hurt underserved and minority communities the most. >> emily: absolutely right. moving forward, the olympic committee is bucking long-standing roles and will allow raised fist and kneeling during the national anthem olympic trials. power panel weighs in on the controversial decision next. ance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ alright, i brought in ensure max protein... give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't (grunting noise) i'll take that. yeeeeeah! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar drink, play, and win big in the powered by protein challenge! keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. you need to hire.
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>> top of the hour, two big events we were watching, thousands of images show thousands of children cramped in pod, lawmakers just finished a tour moments ago, you will join us live with reactions. plus, the headline of "the new york post" this morning, joe biden about to unveil his massive new spending plan hours from now, those big plans funded by you, the taxpayer. so how much will your family be on the hook for? we've got you covered, join john and me live on "america reports" at the top of the hour. >> gillian: u.s. olympic and paralympic committee say they will not sanction athletes who protest the national anthem, the
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committee released a document that had some details to a prior announcement back in december that says it's going to allow raised fists and kneeling during the u.s. national anthem. the policy is expected to carry over when athletes had overseas to tokyo this summer. the athletes have been challenging the long-standing rule and debate continues over social justice protests. all right, john james, we are going to come to you first, a new iteration of the same argument that's been tearing up america for the past two years, being exported overseas and will be on a global stage, what do you think? >> gillian: two separate issues, i am a black man and i thought in this nation's military for the principles that keep our country free. i have no problem with peaceful protests. i have a problem with the rioting in our streets and destroying our business. i, frankly, was able to run because somebody marched for me and i was able to fly because people like rosa parks sat in
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for me so i have no problem with peaceful protest. before just to be clear, you mean, meaning kneeling during the anthem qualifies as peaceful protest? >> john: look, we've forgotten this part of a being american, the concept of disagreeing what someone says and does defending it up to including our life. that is what it is part of being american. that's why i wore the red, white, and blue because frankly, being an american is the number one most important thing and i believe that having a nation that remembers that is very important. the issue at hand here is the olympics is most concerned about corporate sponsorships and those corporate sponsors have figured out a way to monetize outrage to profit from social activism or the fear of being canceled. this is about money, the olympics is concerned about their bankroll, not about these
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communities that were being hurt. if they were they would have done something about black men being killed for those nikes back in detroit. we need to do more for our communities and not have this faux outrage and making money off of people who are suffering. before tomi, what you say about that part of john james' argument here? does the olympic committee say so matter to most americans in this either way? >> tomi: no, and you'll see a lot of people that just aren't going to watch and that's the best response, quite frankly. i think every body knows how hard i was on colin kaepernick, not because i didn't think he was able to do what he did, i think everyone should be able to do what they want to do and express themselves, i just criticized his reasons and his merit for doing so but you know what? at this point i think americans are so sick and tired of this, this has become so commonplace and obvious that i think the
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best thing we can do when these athletes want a virtue signal and get on and he had raised a fist, whatever they want to do, i think the best thing we can do is just ignore it, they are doing it for attention, they are doing it for the virtue signal, they are doing it to be woke so if we just ignore them maybe they will stop doing it and find something more productive to do to actually help underserved or minority communities or people that are supposedly oppressed. so i just think of them do what they want to do, they are not counterculture, they are just like everybody else so keep it up, be woke, nobody cares. >> gillian: shannon, you know from covering the story that historically speaking there is a president here for minority athletes using pro sports in america as a platform to advocate for social justice reform. this is a continuation of that, right? >> shannon: and what i'm hoping as omega to china for the winter games in 2022 people are going to have the guts to speak up against what we have been told is, the people that have
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been enslaved and imprisoned for their religious beliefs, tortured and killed. if we want to have space for people to be able to push back against what we think is injustice, let's have the compassion and i will be very interested to see how athletes from all over the world react when they are in china and beijing for the games in 2022. >> gillian: let's focus on the real suffering, modern-day concentration camps spread out across western china. coming up next, first lady jill biden is joining michelle obama and vice president kamala harris and getting the full comic book treatment. but who is getting snubbed as part of the comic book series is now sparking a backlash. we will debate coming up next. ♪ ♪ refiplus from newday usa. record low mortgage rates have fallen again, while home values just keep climbing.
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>> first lady jill biden will be the start of a new biographical book alongside a covering book part of a female for a series aimed at inspiring young girls through telling the stories of powerful and influential women. the authors have previously featured michelle obama, kamala harris and aoc, but notably absent from this series for example it was lonnie a trumpet. no inspiring comic book for her. what are your thoughts on that? >> i think she would be a perfect person to be in a comic book like that given the fact that she is an immigrant is done amazing things and should be looked at someone who is living the true american dream, the same thing going back to the kneeling and the virtual signaling, i don't care if they don't want to showcase certain women i think every conservative woman on this channel and elsewhere would be great to be in a comic book, so why don't we
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just do it ourselves, why don't we make bobble heads and comic books, we can do it ourselves we don't need to be featured in their trash comic book that nobody is going to read anyway. we don't really need the spotlight commit we don't need the platform come over just going to keep doing it. have your comic book and maybe we'll have some bobble heads coming out. >> they will have some better illustrations. just seeing the cover of the comic books. >> k gate to that point, jillian, i feel like i can't walk by any type of small store without all of the kitschy bobble heads and books and what's not, highlighting the same ten people that are sort of revered on the left while totally ignoring the fundamental historical figures that have really created this nation from the whole spectrum, the entire political spectrum. >> it's wonderful to see women
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represented in comic books and superhero stories. but women can sell just as well as men, but if you're going to celebrate women, why not celebrate women from diverse backgrounds with different ideologies, but you really represent a wide spectrum of women that are out there. i don't see the need to make it political. >> your thoughts? >> i would personally make it about my wife, she was a crude oil trader for a while, she came back, worked out whizzed in the state of michigan, she's a mom of three boys. i think there is a ton of women in all walks of life you deserve to be revered, empowered, and celebrated. i'd like to hear from shannon on this. you cover supreme court, and i think amy kony barrett is superhero. shannon, do you think that she should be covered?
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i think that would be a great one. >> you know, they have been comic books of women justices, there are women across the spectrum that children aspire too. when you look at her when a justice of the nation's highest court game, most of them school-age, she's been described in her community as radically generous, and i think man, that sounds like superwoman to me. i can barely care for a dog. jiggy speaking of super women, we are going to add amazing husbands to your quite extensive and impressive bio. shannon, be sure to check out, you have a new book it's called women of the bible speak in your own special on that is available on fox nation streaming service. you reflect of 16 political women and how the with lessons they teach can help us today. can you share a bit about that? >> there is something for
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everyone. we have a prostitute, a murderer, a queen, we have mary, the mother of jesus, everyone of these women are so inspiring. some of them get a little off track, but i live including their stories because we all do that from time to time. what we see as that god is still working through them. humble and great through all circumstances. so many wonderful women step up to be a part of this. we get to hear about their faith journeys as well. i wrote it during the pandemic and during the unrest of last year. it encouraged me and i hope it will be that message of inspiration and hope for other women. >> inspiring. >> what is the most point that you learned in creating this book. >> problems from centuries are the same problems that women struggle with today. financial, chronic illness.
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he saves our military, he hears the prayers. >> i love this so much, what a wonderful way to end such a great conversation today. thank you, and you all for watching. now we turn it over to america reports. >> thank you. fox news alert from the border where at least to delegations of lawmakers are getting a firsthand look at the migrant crisis unfolding there. this after the media was finally granted access to an overcrowded border facility giving americans a look at the dire conditions inside. hello and welcome, everyone. >> i am john roberts in washington, dc. we first brought you some of the disturbing scenes from inside the dominant texas facility yesterday and afterwards, the images kept feeding in and showing the conditions for thousands of migrant children. you can see the impact inside


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