tv Hannity FOX News March 31, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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one book in america, then it's obvious that youip are doing censorship. so i guess that's kind of got to ride this thing out now. >> tucker: you are protected by your success. it's crazy. congratulations. t what a great story. thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: we are out of time. tomorrow and every weeknight at 8:00 p.m.n in the meantime, we turn it over to the capable hands of sean hannity. >> sean: as always, thank you. tonight, shocking news video from the u.s. mexico border, i can't believe i'm even saying these words. toddlers being flung across the border wall and abandoned in the united states by these human traffickers. now, in just a moment, lara logan will be here. she will have the very latest into these human traffickers and the drug smugglers and the cartels and how dangerous they are and how all of these groups are capitalizing big time on joe biden's border crisis. and also tonight, we have new details and the hunter-biden saga, including his involvement with the biden family
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international pay for play get-rich-quick scheme. we are going to have a full i promise you won't hear that in the media mob. but first, after several feeble painstaking steps up the stairs once again to air force one in the wind, and the rain, the veri frail, the very week, the cognitively struggling joe biden made his way to pittsburgh pennsylvania, where he unveiled what is a massive multitrillion dollar tax hike, the largest in history, and green new energy program disguised as an infrastructure bill, which it is not. just like the emergency covid bill was not about emergencyot covid relief. in fact, out of the roughly 2.3 trillion dollar spending -- 80 billion, that is marked as a handout to amtrak.
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the rest of the two-point -- $3 trillion, that is dedicated to retrofitting homes and hospitals and other buildings in an environmentally conscious way and other funds would go towards building new green schools. 400 billion of your hard-earned tax dollars of this so-called "infrastructure bill," that will be used to expand medicaid and of course billions more would be used to permanently cap permanently capping oil and gas wells. i bet vladimir, all of these countries that hate us in the middle east, they are doing back flips and celebrating tonight. and of course, in order to pay for all of this, joe biden is proposing the most expensive tax increase in the history of thed country. but according to joe, he is telling you know one under than $400,000 a year will be here is this. >> no one, i'm going to say it again. no one making under $400,000 will see their federal taxes go
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up period. this is not about -- i have nothing against millionaires and billionaires. >> sean: joe look so tired. but let's cut through all the clutter. joe biden, right there is lying and he has been lying a lot lately. you know, like his staff saying oh, the wind blew him to the ground three times while boarding air force one. oh, and most people on the border, we are sending most of them back. and that is border problems caused by donald trump. make no mistake, if you have a pulse, whether you make aa million dollars a year or $100 a year, i am telling you tonight your bank account will suffer under joe's proposals and all of biden's radical environmental policies, you will be helping to
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pay for if at all even possible. let's break it down. now, if passed, high income earners are going to have 40% of their income wiped out by the federal government immediately.a they invest that money and capital gains, they will take another bite at the apple. that's not all. 50% more. the corporate tax rate. we are going to go after those greedy corporations. yeah, that tax goes up significantly. but let's be clear what joe is not telling you. large corporations, they are not going to eat joe's tax increase and take the loss. not even a little bit. corporations will do what they always do. they will pass those costs onto you and the consumer, the american people, meaning almost anything you buy, any service you used, willne be more
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expensive. they will be charging more and then you couple that with the biden administration's war on oil, gas, and energy. that is causing energy prices to shoot through the roof, as you already know. and then you will be looking at steep increases going further higher. pretty much every thing. in other words, if what you are buying was transported on a truck or a ship, and you are paying more money for gas and fuel of guess what, you will pay the burden of higher prices for everything you purchase. by the way, when you fill up your gas tank, heat and cool your homes, you are already paying more.e. remember, this war on oil and gas, it has already destroyed thousands and thousands of highp paying career jobs in the energy sector and the biden administration, well, they just told these americans they fired through the stroke of a pen, go
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find another good union job in the middle of a pandemic while we are legalizing 15 million illegal immigrants that are also going to be competing for jobs., where are the jobs, joe? because we have looked. we have not located a single clean energy job that yourr administration has created, note one.rk if we have learned anything from the shovel-ready jobs era, the so-called infrastructure bill is doomed to fail. those jobs were not shovel-ready. they were nonexistent. they were literally shoveling nothing but -- and that was all that was shoveled. tonight, the cherry on top is the legislation's commitment to ending the right to work. let me expand with his means. every state will be just likeni new york, just like illinois and california, where the all-powerful public sector unions and their unholy alliance with the democratic party, they will run the show. by the way, all you union leaders, great job they did ending those union jobs and energy sector. so, make no mistake, just like new york, california, illinois corruption, inefficiency
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insanely high state and local taxes will become your new normal no matter where you live. here with reaction, south dakota governor, kristi noem. by now is this correct that in spite of saying only the rich are going to pay on these evil corporations pay? i argue this will be paid for by the average american person. doesn't matter how much you make. >> that's right. you are exactly right, sean.n. every single family will pay the price for what joe biden's agenda is. he will drive up the coast of the food and their grocery bills. he will drive up the cost of their utilities, the gas prices the cost of their cars, the clothes they dress their children income everything that they do each and every day will be more expensive here their budgets will be tighter because they will be earning less and it will be directly because of these policies and these tax increases that joe biden is embracing and pushing through congress. >> sean: okay, let's talk about what does it mean for people in your state in south dakota? tell us how it will impact them? >> well, i served in congressid when we did the tax cuts with resident truck. i was on the conference committee that negotiated the
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final package. in south dakota, we put $2400 back in the pockets of each and every family here and we saw our economy grow.ut in fact, nationwide, after we did that, we saw federal revenues increased because we had economic growth in the country, exactly what president trump said was going to happen happened and we were better for it. people were out there spending more money because they had more money in their pockets. they were able to do more, take a vacation, may be buy a new car and it was directly because president trump recognized -- they should have the right to spend them how they saw fit. i was on a call with the white house today with all of the governors talking about the specifics of this package and i was shocked by how much doesn't go into infrastructure. it goes into research and development.e t it goes into housing and pipes and different initiatives, green energy. and it really is not an honest conversation we are having about what this proposal is. so, i'm frustrated. i recognize that this is noto
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going to be good for the country. it is not going to be good for the people who live here in south dakota and we are going to be back here a couple of years from now wishing that we weren't in a situation where people had less money, all of their costs were increased, and the country was declining. >> sean: and low tax states like yours, the last $2 trillion covert emergency relief, the blue state bailout bill paid for in large part by citizens and states like yours that are far more fiscally responsible. quick word, you had very strong words about these vaccine passports. we will have more on it later in the program. your thoughts, your initial thoughts on it. this is something that we are going to fight and not allowed
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to happen and we should across the country fight this kind of an agenda. a to have this kind of policy going forward and pushed by the federal government is on acceptable. >> sean: all right governor kristi noem, good to see you and good job you have republican governors have been doing great. it's new york, new jersey pennsylvania, michigan california, that is where the big problems. we turn our attention back to the crisis on our southern border we have tonight thousands of migrant children separated from their parents. now they are languishing in uswjoe biden's cages operated by the biden administration. built by the administration. by the way, many facilities now operating in over 1600% capacity. look at those videos. look at that. take a hard look. if any of you watching this, if you ran a day care center center or pre-k covid, look at the overcrowding. look at what they are doing to these kids. guess what? i would argue that you would be arrested or should be arrested for neglect and/or child abuse.
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look at this. in the middle of a pandemic no less. in southern california, the migrant children lucky enough to be released from biden's cages come at least they are now enjoying in person learning with teachers from the san diego. good for c them, but remember american kids from parents ing san diego, their parents paid for all of this, they have not been allowed to step foot in a classroom in person for learning for more than a year. apparently in san diego, it's too risky for teachers to interact with american kids because of covid, but they have no problem teaching unaccompanied migrants from central america, who by the way most of which haven't been tested.. they already found 82 kids in san diego that now have tested positive for covid and just arrived jam-packed living conditions. and as you can see, not particularly full of social distancing and mask wearing. what is going on here customer care with the full report
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san diego county supervisor, jim desmond. so, let me understand this. san diego union school district parents have not been able to have u their kids in school forn class learning for a year? >> that's true.ri i mean, it's primarily due to the draconian lockdowns by our governor, governor newsom here in c he hasn't allowed our kids to go back into school. they will be allowed to have limited in person training or learning here on april 12th. but in the meantime, they are not allowed to be let back into our public schools. and you know, it's very frustrating. we have 130,000 students in unified school districts f that are not allowed forhe in-person training right now. and we've got these poor migrant kids who came across the border these girls without parents, and they are being, i am not regarding the fact that they should have education but our kid should have that opportunity
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as well. and unfortunately, through gavin newsom's policies, they have been locked out of the classrooms. >> sean: okay, now as i understand it, a lot of kids weren't tested when they were in the cages in texas before they were transported. these would be the american taxpayer. is it true that as fox 5 out in san diego reporting that 82 of these children have tested positive for covid? >> that's true. we are testing them once they get here at the convention center. yes, there are 82 that have tested positive.s they are being isolated. they are being separated from the rest of the students there. the teenagers. but, having that many people in one room, they are going to have up to 1500 children, these unaccompanied minors. 1500 in the convention center which is a big open room. you know, it's no surprise that the virus is going through there fairly quickly and it's over 10% now that have the virus.
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>> sean: i thought that's why the teachers didn't want to go back to the classroom. now they are teaching the kids that come okay. i'm trying to understand this. it is illegal to enter this country. if you enterer this country without our permission, you have broken the law. now, after you are in the country illegally, now you have to get educated customer can your district say sorry, but we are not going to aid lawbreaking? i know it's a sanctuary stayed out there in the united socialist utopia known as california. but i would imagine that if you stood for the rule of law, you might have a strong case to make. >> well, to my understanding is that we are constitutionally required to educate them. they are not leaving the convention center. they are cooped up there for 24 hours a day. they can't get out. i'm not regarding on the factt
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that, okay, so educational expenses, learning some english. they are here in the country. they are seeking asylum here they've got to be scared to death. it's girls 13-17 that came across the border without parents and that is the population that we have here. but really, it's their owns parents that are very upset. my office is getting lots of calls from parents saying, hey we've been fighting to get our kids into schools and get the education in person, and now we are seeing this other population who is here is getting it before we can get it and we have been waiting over a year. >> sean: all right, thank you. i appreciate you sharing all of this with us. i feel sorry for the parents of children in san diego and this double standard is kind of breathtaking. what we are seeing in san diego is really just the beginning. waves of new migrants already on their way.
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they are coming because joe biden invited them. told them to come and seek asylum. he promised to let them into the country. he entered border wall construction. he reversed the president's president trump's stay in mexico policy. then he brought that come up course, catch and release. not really a mystery surrounding the surge, the migrants themselves are telling anybody that will listen that they are coming because of joe biden and the mexican president called biden the migrant president and now it is an unmitigated disaster on every level. humanitarian crisis, health crisis, national security crisis. look at your screen. these are toddlers. toddlers. watch that. watch them cost over the border wall. isse ses look at that. by human traffickers. look at, just dumped over the wall. abandoned on the other side of the wall. in a separate incident this week, a 6-month-old baby girl had to be rescued by texas rangers after being tossed into the rio grande by smugglers. her mother was violently
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erassaulted by the same human traffickers after paying them probably every penny she had which was thousands of dollars to transport them into the u.s. and according to extensive reporting from lara logan, human trafficking is now a multibillion-dollar industry run by dangerous wall-organize cartels in mexico, migrants who wantel to enter the u.s., of course to pay thousands of dollars to the cartels, who according to larra logan will collect pay in one way or the other. in other words, you don't pay us, we will go make a visit to your family backr. home. orthis is beyond dangerous on every level. it hurts people on both sides of the border but according to congresswoman. now she wants you to know that the real crisis is using the word surge to describe what is
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happening under biden. amazing how things change when you have a new take a look. >> first of all, just got check stop. anyone who is using the term o surge around you consciously is trying to start a militaristic flame and that is a problem because this is not a surge. these are children and they are not insurgents and we are not being invaded, which by the way is a white supremacist idea philosophy. >> sean: here with reaction and a full report, the host lara logan has no agenda. return to the border on fox nation. you have been doing phenomenal work. we saw these toddlers being thrown over her like that. we see people drowning.
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we see what is happening with the conditions which i think are abusive beyond inhumane to me. now the question is, you know and you have investigating. tell us what you are finding. >> well sean, you know, it's really disturbing to hear americans up in knots with semantics, insurgents and all that nonsense that you just heard aoc. those processing centers, they are no resemblance to tha whatsoever. what all of this does is prevent anyone from focusing what is the real national security threat on the border and what the administration has failed to pay attention to is something verye very simple. starting in around 2006, thatar
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was when the cartels in mexico drug cartels and drug organizations and criminal organizations into an actual insurgency. if aocru knew anything about the history of mexico and the cartels at all, she wanted throw that language around because there was a real insurgency in mexico when the president declared the war on drugs and the war on the car child. and then what you have happened in 2009, they transitioned to terrorism and that is what they have been using ever since. that was when they broke off and establish their own cartel. and one of the first things that they did, sean, that they are most known for is massacres. 72 illegal immigrants in mexico. and the next thing they did was to kill over hundred mexican civilians in the massacre. and the next great flash point that the u.s. needs to pay attention to was in 2015 when a new cartel shot a mexican military helicopter out of the sky. and what you see happening is these club organizations have gone from insurgents to terrorists and they are now a
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parallel shattered government in mexico. they are the ones calling the shots. what they have observed is that these cartels do not fear the u.s. government and they do not have to fear the mexican government, because they are calling the shots in mexico. they don't feel under pressure. they are pushing as many people across h as they want. it is unbelievable numbers. you can call it whatever you like, but when four or five come across at the same time and they are packed with people, the smugglers are telling everyone "hurry up, hurry up, hurry up" and they are yelling out that they've got 50 more, they've got 100 more. they've got to get back. that includes 23-day-old babies. you've got agents holding back because they don't want the cartels to toss these kids in the river and kill them, whichbe is what they will do in a heartbeat.el you've got agents who have
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rescued women who are being raped. so many girls talking about being raped along the way. and you have kids who aren't even wearing shoes. many of them have never seen a doctor in their life. some don't even speak spanish. sean, the numbers that you are talking about, those are just the apprehensions. over 34,000 in the last month alone. those are people who have just vanished. gone. >> sean: youee call it a multibillion-dollar business and human trafficking. there are children being traffic into prostitution rings. and then they have bank routing numbers.
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in the 40 seconds we have left explain what that means. bank routing numbers. >> while, for a long time people have been coming across and little carts and they have a routing number and an account number written on them. that is what the cartels were giving them to make sure that they get paid. one thing you can be sure of sean, i don't care how many people they have to kill. they will get paid. now they have wristbands with a number that corresponds to a database in mexico and they know everything about you. they can track you anywhere and they will hunt you down if you ddon't pay them. >>ou sean: and they will hunt down your family and they will pressure your family to pay. you will get their money one way or the other. >> that is the kind of thing they do. cut your heart out and eat it and laugh on tape. >> sean: you have been doing amazing work down there. keep up the good work. lara logan. wait until you hear about the extreme censorship. that's up next. stay with us ♪ ♪ extreme censorship. that's up next.
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bun b: covid-19 has hit our community real hard. nadeska: we're dying from coronavirus at almost double the national rate. bun b: if we come together, we have the power to save what matters to us. our black lives. nadeska: there's power in protecting your loved ones. bun b: there's power in wearing a mask and social distancing. nadeska: there's power in knowing the facts and using your voice. bun b: let's fight covid-19. visit these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: efforts to silence all things trump are intensifying all things tonight. facebook actually banned an interview with donald trump and his daughter-in-law. they claimed that any content in the voice of donald trump will be scrubbed from the platform. talk about woke canceling as an email was sent from facebook to team trump laying out the full scope of this censorship. one employee writing in line with the law we placed on donald trump's facebook and instagram accounts, for their content posted in the voice of donald trump will be removed and result in additional limitations accounts. then they specifically mentioned dan. what, he is not allowed to give his opinion either? so one of the silicone valley is so afraid of?
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that donald trump has a thought? he actually speaks truth? let's see, 75 million americans did vote for him and he might expose their abusively biased partisan corruption, like not printing the article in "the new york post" about zero experience hunter and the laptop? here is what the former president had to say.. take a look. >> i think social media has become so corrupt that people aren't believing it anymore t really. i mean, a lot of it has become very corrupt. it's really become like the media itself, very corrupt. we have the best southern border in terms of what we are talking about that we have ever had. eand in one day, he said everybody come up. and once he said that, and what
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is going on now is nothing compared to what is going to take place during the summer. >> but do we have hope that there is a possibility to see donald trump run again in 2021? >> you do have hope. >> [laughs] >> you do have hope. >> sean: in addition to censoring president trump, the media mob is working overtime to play defense for,, yes, the weak the frail, the struggling joe biden. just look at this tweet from fake cnn. infrastructure was a trump punch line but it is a window into biden's soul. president obama, what do you find enchanting about the office? can't make this up. what about kamala harris for vice president. she has yet to hold the vice president as being named to the point person on the border crisis. whatever happened to transparency, accountability, or any real solutions or just the protect biden-harris administration at all costs? but in fairness to president harris, mine as well
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get used to it. i guess i understand because she's got to do her job and joe's job. here with reaction, fox news contributor's, ari fleischer and joe concha. i see a smile on that face mr. fleischer. more and more people that i know seem to think that joe is handing off all of the responsibilities to kamala harris. >> yeah, it's a pretty good line about her having to do both. it's pretty good. the one i'm learning slowly, 33 years. i'm trying. >> you can have a career in this business may be. how distressing what facebook said and what they did. are you telling me that if somebody wants to string together a series of facebook posts for donald trump's speeches, taken right out of history, facebook will suppress it? o you are not allowed to have audio in the video of what donald trump is saying? we have the lowest black unemployment level in history? you can't put that on because it
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is his voice? let alone a live interview. i mean, the censorship is one of lethe reasons we are splitting s a society. our conservatives supposed to start all of their own conservative media and band biden and obama? is that the america we want? this is going anti-democratic antiintellectual, antihistory. >> listen to what this says. dance camino sent it to me, joe. we are reaching out to let you know that we have now removed content from facebook that has been posted in the voice of donald trump including from the team trump facebook page and the dance giving a page. so now, dance camino, who works for president trump, just because you work for president trump, you can't post on facebook. why is anybody on facebook anymore that is a conservative? it's time to leave if you are not wanted there. >> it's amazing.
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when you look at the span, it not only applies, sean, to your point, to the 45th president of the united states, who they are trying to erase from historyus but also all campaign accounts and all former surrogates of the president. that is a very deep list here that we are talking about. meanwhile, i just went on facebook right before we went on here and i am seeing speeches by louis farrakhan, who refers to he says i'm not anti-semite. i'm anti-termite. that's okay. but you can't have a benign interview that the former president of the united states did.ha i asked him, what did he say during that interview that is so offensive that you have to hide the sensitivities of the people that are on facebook, the billions that are on there? for facebook to do this, even george orwell is probably watching this from somewhere and saying yeah, that is pretty -- that you are actually trying to suppress all the videos of donald trump, a president who received 74 million votes and
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now we are going to try to do this? it is going to have a boomerang effect, sean. it makes him the victor and it makes big tech. i will share this one stat. one quick step. in 27 different countries, it shows that trust intech is now at an all-time low, okay? 27 different countries. not just here, but the world is seeing what tech is trying to do as far as shaping the narrative and people are fed up with that at this point, sean. >> sean: we have the candidate protection program. now the presidential plan. does joe get this passed for as long as he is the president? >> come he gets the pass as long as there are republicans in america. so, they have to defeat. that is a big part of it. the bigger part of this is not
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just that it is pro-biden, it is antirepublican. anti-conservative thoughts. anti-conservative ideology. it has started to overly take sides. they used to be pretty strong liberal leaning and now it is almost totally over it. did you know that more than 90% of the readers of "the new york times" are democrats? it provides them with complete information. m they adjust their business model. subscriptions will be canceled. the media is in bad shape. >> sean: i said it in '07. journalism in america is dead. instead. thank you both. coming up, you won't believe what is in hunter biden's new memoir. we will bring you some of the details. a shocking attack. shocking. broad daylight, new york city. dan bongino will explain why this never should have happened.
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>> sean: more details about zero experience biden. he won it repeat his work with the ukrainian energy company the holdings. he said i did nothing unethical. really, hunter? taking five figures a month profiting off your father's diplomacy. and your father caught on tape bragging about getting the prosecutor fired that was investigating you and -- what about the work in china with $1.5 billion. welcome of the three and a half billion dollar company to your company from the former
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first lady of moscow, you know the russian oligarch that you said you hated so much for the money you got from the --thio like any deranged democrat hunter couldn't write a book calling him a vile man with a vile mission.ra c of course, one hunter really means is that donald trump dared to call out the bidens family prime syndicate and the corruption and the play inside the democratic establishment. the biden family sold out to america's adversary like china and hunter doesn't mention any of that in the book. by the way, what about the hard drive from hell? you know, the disgraced intel officials falsely claiming russian disinformation. is there a chapter on that? don't count on it. how about you approve the
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release of everything else on the laptop. the pictures, hunter, the videos, hunter. i assume you are a member. i assume you are pretty worried about it. and also in the book, hunter details his long history with crack addiction. clean off the grid living in a super eight oh while scaring my family even more than myself. here with reaction, radio talk show host along with former white house chief of staff. you know, i actually have been briefed on the rest of what is on this laptop and i'm having a hard time knowing what i have been told by credible people is there, but this has not come out yet and there has not been more urgency on the part of law enforcement. have you been briefed on this? >>ee no. but it all comes down to a
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little bit of what you talked about in the last segment too. with this book, the media is going to have an invitation and the invitation is going to be you are going to get to ask him when he does this media tour over this book, which is apparently a $2 million deal. the media is going to have a chance to ask him about chinaop about burisma, about ukraine. people don't have a problem, i don't think with folks making money. but financially toxic people they do. >> sean: he's not going to do my show or dana's show. i can promise you that. >> yeah, you are right. but can you imagine, i thought about the millions of dollars othat many of us spent includig eric and don jr. in legal fees defending themselves against accusations and the mueller investigation that never even took place. obviously taking pot shots at the president. and i think you know that people who stand on moral authority should be very careful what stones they are willing to
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throw. a lot of his book is right out of a jerry springer show. he shouldn't be the guy throwing stones at anybody. >> sean: i have talked to people who have seen the laptop. i think you are pretty well aware and versed on what is there as well. why has that not come out? >> that is a right question million dollar question. i mean, also, why have state gun control groups not said anything about all of the felonies that were committed in the one story involving him that was dumped by his sister, girlfriend, in law ex, i guess across from the high school.
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i don't think that this book nobody would be interested in this book, sean, if he hadn't mentioned trump. i almost think he had to add it go in and add it at the last minute because the auditor was like nobody is going to buy this unless you mentioned trump. nobody cares that you paint with your mouth, okay? nobody cares that you are an addict. nobody cares about this. you haven't really done a lot on your own in life. say something about trump because it is the only reason you're going to get credit. ii honestly think that is why he put it in there. he is just opening the door to the press now. it is fair game. media democrats have been saying this whole time you can't bring up hunter biden, joe biden's child. he is 50 something years old. at some point, he's not somebody's child anymore. he's a grown man with his own children. so yeah, he opened the door up on this one. >> sean: i don't even think i could write a fiction novel that could meet the equivalence of him and his personal life in this and the way he is trying to explain some of the things, some of the decisions on lifestyle he has chosen away. >> well, and it's just wild stuff. i mean, this relationship with his sister-in-law and begging
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his father for his statement claiming that this relationship between him and his former, i mean, hisis brother who passed away. i mean, again, the members of powerful political families making an obscene amount of money that they otherwise would not be able to make on their own. writing this sad and unfortunate tell-all book to make even more money at a time -- i don't know if it's sad or vile. >> he is the new tiger king. >> sean: what is the reaction to this? moscow, china, ukraine kazakhstan. it's unbelievable. >> it's a huge double standard. if they turn hunter biden's life into a netflix series, he would be "tiger king." >> sean: lying on the gun application.
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if you did it -- >> i would be in jail. >> we would be in the pokey. we would be in jail. [laughter] i would have to file my way out. sort of like the "shawshank redemption." great movie. we are learning shocking new details about the daytime attack. this should it happen. this can't happen. dan bongino responds next. ♪ ♪ uld it happen. this can't happen. it's lawn season. and i need a lawn. quick. the fast way to bring it up to speed. is scotts turf builder rapid grass. rapid grass is a revolutionary mix of seed and fertilizer that will change the way you grow grass. it grows two times faster than seed alone for full, green grass in just weeks. after growing grass this fast, everything else just seems... slow. it's lawn season.
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parole after being convicted of killing his own mother back in 2002. brandon elliott, 38, lives in a nearby hotel that serves as a homeless shelter and charged with assault and a hate crime and attempted assault as a hate crime and is being held without bail. the bail man who stood by and did nothing has r reportedly ben suspended. they put a cop killer on the commission. joining us now, fox news contribute or dan bongino.o. i get so angry on all sides of this. this is what a billion-dollar police department looks like. this is what not punishing criminals and murderers looks
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like. your reaction. >> yeah, you know, sean, this is the kind of thing that a street cop in brooklyn, this is the kind of thing that you saw every day. you saw the results of it. now, with the proliferation of phone cameras everywhere, the public is seeing it too. you are seeing the results of what happens when you let a city to send into total chaos. it may have been the kind of thing 30 years ago before we had this past proliferation, you would be like oh, it's not my neighborhood so what am i realli worried about? now you see crime up close and personal and you mention a couple things. yeah, obviously it's the weak on crime approach of the forest fire liberals burning down american cities. happening in l.a. too with that disastrous district attorney.ou but this is an abandonment of the rudy giuliani era. you know what happens, sean? they stop you. they don't let you go. you had your name checked for breaking the law. you didn't have any warrants you got off with may be a summons, but you know what happened? they were the same people like
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this guy who beat the out of people. >> sean: i blame the people who let this guy out. this guy killed his mother. why would andrew cuomo have the police commission and literally appoint a convicted cop killer on the commission on top of a billion-dollar cut to the nypd come on top of catch and release.n you commit a crime in new york -- >> can i be honest with you why? >> sean: tell me. >> a covered list on my show with a five minute rant. because liberals are stupid. i am sorry if this offends you. liberals are just dumb. you are just stupid. let's let him out early on bail through bail reform. let's not arrest people anymore for minor crimes and send them
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to roam the streets and let's attack the police. and oh, my gosh, it turns into "mad max." how the hell does that happen question might because you are stupid. sean, it's your show. give me another explained. sean hannity, what is the explanation for the explosion in crime in new york? i mean, what is it?be you have to be stupid to not understand what happens when you go easy on criminals and hard on cops. >> sean: he could have been murdered. unbelievable. all right, thank you, dan ilbongino. all right, that's a villain of course of the day. stability of politicians to let that guy out. another villain coming up next straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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we are not the media mob, we never will be, we are always independent and we will always give you truth you won't get from them. let not your heart be troubled laura ingraham is going to kill a test usual. that's my prediction. >> laura: we have to put it in a very kind and gentle manner lest we be mischaracterized by the left.
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