tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News April 5, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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carlson is here right here right now. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." a lot of americans, people in the west are under severe pressure to conform. most of them do conform because they're afraid. it's interesting to see who doesn't conform. who refuses to repeat the slogans, who stands up. piers morgan is one of those people. not sure you would have guessed that. he lost his job for telling what he believes is the truth. a very long conversation withnet him on "tucker carlson today".
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we'll show you big chunks in just a minute. we want to bring you up to date on the defining story of this moment that hasn't gotten enough attention. that's the crisis on the border. the one in progress now, the one that will change the country for your grandchildren profoundly. in the fall of 2018, donald trump ordered a small group of active duty soldiers to the american border with mexico. congress refused to build his wall and trump wanted to highlight the severity of the illegal immigration crisis going on for decades. in some ways, sending the troops was a symbolic gesture. about 5,000 participated. in perspective, that is far fewer, about half the number of troops that the democratic congress set to congress this winter to protect itself from a. imagine ordinary qanon threat. those with the vested interest in open borders, any military presence on the border was too much. it was intolerable. official washington went berserk when he did it. deploying troops to our border
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to no national security reason is one of the biggest scandals of his presidency. a congressman from texas a head democratic on the subcommittee in charge of border security described the tiny troop deployment as a political ploy to appease his white nationalist supporters. it was racist. the national security community was as upset as their partners in the democratic party. it's a misuse of the u.s. armed forces for an obvious political stunt said a former national security council staffer. that turned out to be the right thing to say for ambitious players in d.c. less than three years later, kelly is now chief of staff to the secretary of defense. the political activist and defense contractor, lloyd austin.ffec and another one that charged
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racism isal a vice chairmanshipf the dnc. so in washington, there's a real pay-off for those willing to repeat the necessary slogan. and then the border. how is the border doing these days? remember the border? the military, our military is still involved in the immigration crisis but not the way you'd expect. american troops are now serving the needs, not of americans, but of foreign nationals that have violated our laws. the biden administration is turning our military bases intoo housing for illegal aliens. if that sounds like a partisan attack, somebody that we made up, watch the president's own flak brag about it. >> just in the past week, we've taken steps to bring a number of new facilities online from fort bless, where there's 5,000 beds to lackland air force base, san diego convention center, 1,400 beds. in peak capacity, they provide 6,750 beds.
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>> tucker: so you break into our country and in return, we give you free housing and medical care. pretty generous. what is interesting is who is not gettingg the treatment. last night more than 500 million americans are homeless and spent the night in shelters. the biden administration won't help them despite the fact that0 many are veterans. instead, the administration is beasting about all they're doing to the people that have demonstrated pure contempt for our the system that some of us prefer and would like to preserve. the press conference was ten days ago. nobody in the media has bothered to follow up on that. 40 bless, in el paso, texas, one of the largest army bases on the how many illegal aliens are now at fort bless? how many are there now? the truth is, we don't know.
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we asked authorities at fort bless point blank that question today. they refused to tell us. instead they referred us to the bosses in the biden administration. american has no right to know how many illegal aliens are on the military bases and neither are elected members of congress that are charged with that. they can't know. watch what happened when one tried to find out. >> please give dignity to the people. give dignity to the people. >> so you work for the commissioner. you were hired two weeks ago -- >> please respect the people. >> because of the political leadership doesn't want the american people to know it. >> don't treat the people -- >> this isam a dangerous place d your policies are trying to hide them. i understandla you're instructed when 18 senators came down here -- >> respect the people -- >> i respect them and i want to
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fix this situation. the administration you're working for is responsible for these conditions. >> tucker: please give dignity to the people squeaks the college student. please respect the people. the foreign nationals whose the biden administration is now serving. notice the total lack of respect for the american people, the ones that deserve precise answers, that deserve to see what is happening but don't get it. they can shut up and pay for it. officials at hhs to which we referred to by fort bless gave us no numbers when we asked how many people are living in fort bless. they did assure us that military personnelt will not be staffing the site or providing chair for the kids that is a lie. it's not true. it's a lie. it's a crock. we spoke to a person with direct knowledge of this this morning. a relative of someone that just deployed to 40 bless. the military constructed six tents at fort bliss, each of which will have 1,000 illegal aliens.
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military personnel have been instructed -- when you're instructed in the military, you have to obey. it's a crime not to. they're told not to take photographs of the tents. h the tents are national security secrets. why are they hiding this? so they can lie to the rest of us.. some details have leaked out about what is happening at the border. here's one.s. the border patrol announced today they obtained two people whose names were on the federal terror watch list.e. both men came from yemen. both just crossed from mexico into california. so it's not just willing workers. it's not just fruit pickers taking advantage of the total chaos that joe biden has unleashed along the border. of course, our mortal enemies are taking advantage of it, too. that brings up the question, how
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many terrorists have crossed and not been caught? a fair question. how long rapists and murderers? you can say you're nots h allowd to ask that question. of course you are. if you live in this country, you should be asking that question. it's not racist to wonder. it's real. how many pounds of fentanyl have crossed over? how many americans will die from that drug? the truth is, we don't know the answers. we know that washington lies about numbers constantly. they tell us inflation is not real. it's not happening. it is real. it's happening. they tell us there's 11 million foreign nationals living in the united states. we know for a fact that the real number is closer to three times that. yet they keep lying. 11 million. sources familiar with protection data have confirmed to fox news that officers so far havee encountered 171,000 illegal immigrants in the month of march alone in one month. that's a 418% increase from march of last year. that does not represent the total of people that crossed over. those are the ones that were caught.
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those are just the ones that we know about. the real number is higher, much higher. how high is it? it's high enough to change this country forever in every conceivable way. it's high enough to devalue your political power as a voter. it's high enough to subvert democracy itself. it's high enough to make this country a different place. again, we don't know the number. why is that? we have absolutely the right to know. we should demand to know now. clay higgins is a member of congress in the state of newd guinea. he has an understanding of what is happening there. congressman, thanks for coming in.. what do you any the real number of people crossing foreign nationals illegally, purely contemptuous of our laws into our country every month?
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>> during the month of march, tucker, the real number is closer to 250,000. if you have 172,000 mapprehensions or interdiction, then the real number of illegal crossings would be somewhere close to 250,000. because we have never caught 100% of illegalou crossings as everyone knows. a good solid number to keep in mind historically has been about 85%. now because the biden policies have pulled law enforcement primary mission, men and women off of the border and out of law enforcement rolls into processing centers to help with the -- those guys are overwhelmed. the numbers are just too much. obviously the interdiction percentages have gone down. if you have 172,000 with illegal
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crosses and you run an interdiction percentage of 70%, my sources tell me, then the 250,000 illegal crossings in tho month of march becomes a frightening real number. all 100% due to the biden policies and the lack of law enforcement. the lack of allowing law enforcement to do their job. when you pull these men off of their primary mission, which is securing the border and task them with processing centers, when law enforcement on the border becomes facilitators of illegal crossing, then you've opened the flood gates. i didn't expect it to be as bad as it is. for a month or longer, i've been saying we would have 150,000 in march. it's higher than that.
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>> 250,000 a month. a new city of chicago every year. people who clearly have no respect for our country. congressman clay higgins, thanks. i hope you come back as you learn more. thank you. >> yes, sir. there's more. >> tucker: certainly is. so was the last election rigged? well, depends how you define it. we know right before the last election, the "new york post" reported that a laptop has been abandoned at a delaware computer shop. whether it was abandoned there or not is an open question. what is not an open question is that the contents of the laptopp were real and they contained messages exposing the biden family's overseas influence pedalling operation. silicon valley called it russian disinformation. facebook censored the piece. sunday, hunter biden admitted to cbs that it was true.
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it could be i was hacked or that it was russian intelligence. >> could be that it was stolen from me. >> tucker: it could be that it was russian intelligence. guess who would know the answer to that fairly precisely? the biden administration. they control the most sophisticated intelligence apparatus in the history of the world. so if russian intelligence had any role in putting that laptope in the computer repair store, you would know about it, p trust me. may have been a foreign government involved. it wasn't russian' or you'd kno. trust us. miranda is here, the author of "laptop from hell." i appreciate your coming on. if anybody deserve as stupid
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journalism prize, it's you. you kept the faith. so with retrospect having written a book on the subject, tell us what wee learned from this laptop, which is real. >> there's an enormous amount of wrong doing, tucker, on the 'slaptop. the bidens have gotten away with it. they had last year of course after our stories came out, they had big tech colluding with the establishment media to cover up, to suppress and censor the story and make sure that it didn't see the light of day before the election. of course, after the election, jack dorsey from twitter said it was a mistake to lock the account for two weeks. that's very convenient. so now hunter biden is doing i guess the last stage of this sort of laundering operation and that's with this memoire that is coming out tomorrow, "beautiful things" or whatever it's called. pretends that he's come clean on
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the bad things in the laptop. he said today on one of his interviews that you don't need the laptop because you've got his book. i'm here to tell you that is not true. the only thing he's been vaguely honest aboutha in his book is te crack addiction. there's so much. in his book, he says that he's the father proudly of three daughters and one son. he doesn't mention a fifth child a 2-year-old girl who is somewhere in arkansas whose mother was a stripper that used to go to work at one of the clubs that he frequented in d.c. she had to go to court and press a paternity suit against him to prove it was his child. in the book, he says he can't remember any fleetingou assignations that he had with the worm. niece not true. the laptop shows the relationship was five months with london roberts, the
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28-year-old stripper that bore his child in november of in fact, he used to sneak her in his office building in d.c. late at night to such an extent that the building managers wrote toer him and asked him stop doing it. he took great umbrage and fired back telling them that london roberts waste the basketball mentor for his daughter and sasha obama, the daughter of president obama and how dare they question him. so that's another lie. then you talk about the gun, the famous gun incident in october of 2018 when his then lover,me hallie biden, the widow of his brother, she took his new gun and threw it in a trash can outside a market in delaware that caused a great furor. had to get police, the fbi, secret service cam in to clean
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it up. and hunter lied about his crack addiction on the form two weeks earlier in which the firearms form where he had to swear that he wasn't using drugs. so much, tucker. >> tucker: congratulations on the book. thanks for reminding us at a time when the biden administration says you need a federal background check to give your son a 22 for christmas, the president's son lied on a federal background check for a firearm, committed a felony and was not prosecuted for it. it's a total outrage. thanks, miranda. congratulations on preserving your dignity and self-respect and doing the right thing through this. speaking of that, piers morgan was forced out of his job for telling the truth. we spoke an hour. has he changed his mind about meghan markle? a really interesting conversation. a long clip from it next.
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is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. over the next 10 years, comcast is committing $1 billion to reach 50 million low-income americans with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. i hope you're ready. 'cause we are. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: piers morgan lost his job last month in the u.k. for
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asking a pretty obvious question that all of us should be asking. how did the most powerful people in the world get away with pretending to be victims? you see it everywhere. we have very long and fascinating conversation with piers morgan today for our show, "tucker carlson today" on fox nation. here's part of it. >> tucker: this, i think, looking back will be the moment that changed the trajectory of your life. changed a lot of people that watched it. here's the moment that you walked off the set of the show that you hosted. >> understand that you don't like meghan markle. you made it so clear a number of teams on this program. you continue to trash her -- >> okay. i'm done with this. sorry. sorry. >> no, no, no. i'm being -- >> sorry. can't do this. >> absolutely diabolical behavior. >> tucker: so looking back, i'm convinced you'll see that as a pivot point in your life.
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you probably do. fill in the context around that moment. how did you get to that place? what happened before that moment? >> that was the tuesday after this monday show in which we had debated almost in real time the oprah 90-minute whine-a-on this with the duke and duchess of success. that aired in america several hours before we did monday morning. i watched it in truncated form. they took out the commercials and just let me see it straight before we went on air. so it was undiluted whine-a-on this. i watched it with a real sense of anger. what i was witnessing was the
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>> well, the queen is the head of the commonwealth. she's 94 years old. she's been on the throne for 68 years. whatever your view of the monarchy or the queen, she's the longest serving rulener the world. she has huge respect for many people in britain and around the world. she's also head of the commonwealth, which has many countries which are predominantly with black citizens. so you look at this. you're accusing the queen of the monarchy and the institution of being racist. that's really what was going down here. there were two central charges, tucker, for in alleged racism. one is what we just heard. meghan markle said there was several conversations while she was pregnant when harry had a conversation with the royal family which talked about the skin color of the child. we don't know who that was. we don't know what the context of that conversation was. angry to the point of boiling over today. i'm sickened by what i just watched. >> you might be upset -- >> wait a minute. i'm going to say what i'm going to say. this is a two-hour trash-a-on this of our royal family, of the monarchy, of everything the queen has worked so hard for and all being done as prince phillip lies in hospital. they trash everybody. they make out the entire royal family of a bunch of white supremacists. they didn't name which one it was. throw it out there so it could be any member of the royal family. harry says i'll never say who it was. you better say it fast. >> tucker: the reason i want to play that, that's where your
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life changed. that clip right there. tell us what you're -- you're pretty clear in your explanation. fill it out for us. why were you so angered? >> the queen is the head of the commonwealth. she's the longest serving ruler of any kind in the world right now. she has huge, huge respect from many people in britain and around the world. she's also head of the commonwealth. many countries predominantly with black citizens. you're accusing the queen of the monarchy and the institution of being racist. that's what's going down here. there's two central charges for this alleged racism. one is what we just heard where meghan markle said there were several conversations while she was pregnant in which harry was
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having a conversation several times, she said with a member of the royal family that talked about the potential skin color of the child. we don't know who that was. >> tucker: so for saying that, they took his job away and tried to store his life. the thing about piers morgan, he refused to go along with it. he kept talking. in doing that, he's one of the foremost defenders of free speech. not a job that he thoughts he would have. we talked about that in the next part of the conversation here in just a minute. ♪ ♪
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hey chat, why do i wear a mask? because when i'm not behind the screen, my mask is my cheat code. and when we stop the spread, we level up. what's the next level? hanging with friends again. you're right! masks have always been a part of our community. i miss you guys too. being face to face is truly the next level. here's the cheat code. stop the spread of corona. mask up america. >> tucker: when pierce morgan was forced off the air, we're told that he insulted the fake duchess from los angeles. but it wasn't about her or him. it was about all of us to say
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what is true in a free country. it's about free speech and freedom of conscious. he obvious is still editor at large at "daily mail." what he writes is worth reading. he's not on television right now.e that is implications from the freedom of's speech. here's part of our conversation. >> what i found is over five years, we traveled the ratings. the last day ironically was the first day that we beat the bbc ever. we had trebled our ratings. you thought peopleca were thankg my. i was corralled in a position where you were told you either have to apologize for effectively disbelieving meghan markle's version or you position is untenable and you have to leave. i was going to be damned if i was going to apologize for something that i believe. i wasn't going to go down that road. i've seen tomorrow people where
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they're bullied by the woke brigade too apologizing. we saw that with sharon osborne. she was bullied for saying that i wasn't a racist. sheryl underwood accused me falsely of being a racist. sharon had to apologize for her passionate defense of me. then she lost her job anyway. we saw recently the editor of team vogue. before she could start, she apologized for years about stuff she tweeted about a 17-year-old kid. that wasn't enough. so apologies don't ever get you anywhere. i don't believe meghan markle. what i didn't know and fascinating to discover after i left, meghan markle between the monday and tuesday had made a personal complaint to the boss
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of itv, carolyn mccall. i didn't know that. i was never told that. i don't know pressure she was putting on. but i know she personally contactedit her. i also know she personally contacted with prince harry another government regulatory body designed to regulate what we put out on news shows. i was under attack from miss markle from my boss and the government regulatory body to conform to her version of events. i had to believe her. if i didn't, i was a callous racist and i should be condemned and ultimately as it turned out later that day, lose my job. and i think that's a perilous slope, a journalists job to express skepticism about some of the more outlandish claims like the secret wedding, like the story about archie becoming ala prince and so on. even down to small stuff like she never had any interest in the royals and there's pictures of her draped over railings when
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she was a teen and so t on. i should be able to be a journalist and question the voracity of those statements. frankly, i should be allowed in a democracy the values freedom of speech. i should be allowed to say i'm sorry. i don't believe you. i wasn't. it was meghan's way and meghan's narrative and meghan's truth. that is the phrase that she used aby oprah winfrey. this is your truth. what does that mean? when did we get to your truth? this have the kind of defense that -- the kind of thing that we hear liberals attack donald trump for for reinventing tracts.. creating his own truth. when meghan markle does it, the same liberals cheer and applaud her and say this is her truth. it must be believed. if you don't believe it, you're a racist. i'm sorry. t i'm not a racist. i just don't believe her. >> tucker: one points out the
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underlying irony is that here you have two of the most powerful people in the world, oprah winfrey and meghan markle both claiming to be victims. their oppressed. they have more power than you. they got you fired. but you're oppressing them. the strong pretending to be weak in order to crush people below them. does anyone notice this dynamic? >> well, it's completely absurd, frankly. i've written abouts this regularly for "the daily mail" and the hypocrisy of this couple, who by the way, contrary to what many americans have been led to believe, the press coverage of these two up to the wedding was completely over the top euphoric. i was in britain was thrilled that we were having a nonwhite bride in the royal family.n it wasn't happening. we were happy about this. i wrote about how wonderful it was on the wedding day.n so this narrative that from the start she was bombarded withth a
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horrible hateful racist press coverage is another disengen use load of nonsense fueled by the oprah winfrey show where theyars flashed up a series of headlines. really where this leaves us, you have this concept that somehow meghan markle that married into one of the richest families in the world and within a couple of years has gone back to her home in california, is living in a $11 million mansion,ad is doing all sorts of enormous deals with netflix, spotify, you name it, they're taking the checks. hundreds of millions we read. how they'reil getting those, tucker? they're getting them because the duke and duchess of success. they're getting them all of the royal tightles bestowed on them by the very institutions that they say they can't stand and suffocating and traps them and so on and so on. you can't have it both ways.
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if you believe that way about the royal family and the monarchy, give up your titles. they won't do that.wa makes them too much money. so now you have the two oppressed people living in a mansion in california, earning hundreds of millions of dollars in the middle of a pandemic that has killed three million people, betraying themselves of the biggest victims in the world. there's many people that don't have our platform that aren getting wiped out, lives destroyed, careers ended over the most ridiculous things. and it's got to stop. it will only stop when the mass body of people that don't feel this way, who don't find themselves offended by absolutely everything, when they stand up and go enough. i'm not going to let thisng happen. the power of free speech -- winston churchill says free speech is what people hear something they don't like and 13 they outrage. free speech is something that you hear and even if you don't agree with it, you let it go. that's what free speech is. >> tucker: suffering does amazing things to people.
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they become different in a short time.eo in the case of piers morgan, he's gotten wiser and braver and worth listening to. we spoke to him over an hour today. its on demand at fox nation. speaking of brave, ron desantis may be the bravest governor left in the united states. "60 minutes" decided to crush his political career before it got out of hand. liars. we can prove they're a liar. they manipulated the video. ron desantis joins us after the break to respond to that "60 minutes" report. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ that "60
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people. no, moving to florida. people want the live a free american life, they're moving to florida.w rk ron desantis is the governor of florida. if you're the democratic party or the minions in the media, this is a huge problem. he's succeeding. that's why people are moving to his stated. crush him before he gets elected. last night cbs did their best. "60 minutes" said ron desantis okayed publix to put out the vaccines in florida because publix donated. is that real? no. the head of florida's emergency management department, a democrat, recommended that his department wanted publix. t and their the exchange was edited with ron desantis. here's what they aired on the show. ec>> publix donated $100,000 to
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your campaign and then you rewarded them with the exclusive rights to distribute the vaccination in palm beach.ed >> what you're saying is wrong. >> how is that no plat to play? >> that's a fake narrative. i met with the folks in palm beach county. we can do the publix, other drive-in sites. they said we think that will be the easiest thing -- >> but melissa mckinley said the governor never met with them. >> the criticism it's pay to play. >> it's a fake narrative. you don't care about the facts. >> tucker: so that's the woman cbs sent down to stop ron desantis. here's the full tape. >> as we got to january, we wanted to expand the distribution points.
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so yes, you had the counties, drive through sites, hospitals doing a lot. you wanted it in communities more. we reached out to other pharmacies, publix, walmart. cvs had to finish that mission. for publix, they were the first to raise their hand and say they're ready to go. we did it on a trial basis. i had three counties. i talked toay seniors across for different publix. how is the experience? is this good? is this the way to go. >> 100 percent positive. >> tucker: funny you didn't see that on "60 minutes." we don't spending time defending politicians. normally we attack them and enjoy it. but this is a political hit. governor ron desantis joins us. thanks for coming on. it's hard to imagine. i was just saying the other dayo the people moving to florida. probably going to try to take out desantis soon.
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didn't take them long, did it? >> not on that, tucker but lost in this, we vaccinated now 3.5 million senior citizens. we're the first state to say we're doing seniors first. we're not going to follow the cdc's recommendation. what we have done has worked. they didn't want to discuss that. obviously they selectively edited the background. they acted like there was a conspiracy with publix. they ignored the fact that i met with the county mayor who is a democrat that said who "60 minutes" has done is bunked. but palm beach calculated 90% of their seniors live within 1 1/2 miles of a publix. when we puts it in there, their numbers started going through the roof. it succeeded there. what they didn't tell you also, when there was a need in a more rural part of the county, we set up a separate site in a town
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called pahoke. they didn't tell you that. they didn't tell you we were doing african american churche drives before publix gave a single shot. they didn't tell you that. they didn't tell you that hospitals were doing shots starting in the third week of december because it didn't fit the narrative. they don't believe in facts. it was a political narrative. they would not talk to the people that were most relevant to this because they know those key democrats would blow up their narrative. so they put their head in the sand and pretended like those facts didn't exist. >> tucker: i didn't watch the show because it's sad to see something like "60 minutes" degraded. did they mention the bottom linc number, the coronavirus death rate? how does florida compare to new york or california? >> new york is one of the top in the country. florida, 26 states higher than florida per capita mortality and
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40 states that are higher than us for 65 and up mortality, which is -- that was our focus. now since we vaccinated so many seniors, we're seeing the hospitalizations among seniorsr plummet. so what we did has worked. obviously they were in florida for three months, "60 minutes" trying to drudge up any dirt that they could use to smear me. the best they could come up with a baseless conspiracy theory that was easily debunked not just by me but by two very prominent democrats in the state of florida. >> tucker: i doubt it will be the last. people keep coming to your state, we'll see more "60 minutes" on you. ron desantis, governor of florida. thank you. >> thanks. >> tucker: the one thing you know about pete buttigieg, ifa. that's really name, he cares a lot about the environment. that's why he rides a bike. but we have a video to suggest actually he's not really much of a bike rider. more a s.u.v. man.
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my daughter brinley is here at st. jude. we came here for her second relapse of acute myeloid leukemia. coming here was literally life or death. we feel that we, on a small level at least, are helping change the world, helping increase the survival rate for children. it's a very sad world where children don't get to grow up as adults, and you know, live their lives. you just want to, like, show them your little girl and be like “you're giving me her. you're giving us time.” you look at everyone, they're all so different, they all come from different places, they all have different views, but everyone there was there for one mission. in this world it seems like a very unreal thing, for so many people to come together, and just give. ♪♪ ♪♪if you're talkin' they will hear you...
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we all want our kids to grow up safe and healthy. so we show them how. and we tell them with honest conversations that let them know what we expect. not just one time but every chance we get. that's especially important when it comes to alcohol and other drugs. kids not only need to know the dangers and how to avoid them, they need to hear it often from you. and when it comes to pain medications - opioids - they need to know that they should never be taken without a prescription and never shared with friends or family. it's dangerous and illegal. so, talk with your kids and guide them through the challenges of growing up safe and healthy. because when you talk, they hear you. for more information about talking with your kids about underage use of alcohol and other drugs, visit ♪♪so talk, they hear you. you can do it if you try.
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>> sean: unlike you, he is a good person. >> tucker: unlike you, he is a good person. oh wait, turns out pete buttigieg drives an suv. oh, are you surprised that he is not who he used to be?urig pete buttigieg is false? fox news 11:00 p.m. eastern. first of all, congrats on the show. this is exciting. i will be watching. everyone i know is going tors be watching. congrats. >> yeah, thank you, tucker. thank you, tucker. i appreciate it. i'm just so thrilled that you would do an hour onra fox nation with pierce morgan and leave me
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one minute left on your show. that makes me feel really good, tucker. >> tucker: 1:20. >> how dare you. >> tucker: you get an extra 55 minutes. go ahead. >> you know, tucker, that i walked across the streets. i walked across the street to do the show. i'm sitting in a van for 40 seconds. you know what that's like? the amount of sacrifices i've put into this. >> tucker: yeah. but your carbon footprint, unlike pete buttigieg, is virtually zero. >> [laughs] he is the rosy as of the transportation secretary. am i right? rosie louise. >> tucker: i do. she took the subway. died a few years ago.
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watch greg gutfeld. he is really smart and funny. with that, greg, i appreciate the conversation we had about meghan markle. [laughs] just cut him off. we'll be back tomorrow. sean hannity right now. >> sean: congratulations. is there a show? 45 seconds? he did great. it was the best 45 seconds ever. congratulations to greg. we'll all be watching. thank you, tucker. welcome to this breaking news edition of "hannity." g tonight, "cbs news" 60 minutes caught red-handed spreading outrageous lies about the florida governor, ron desantis, but even democrats now, they are out there defending him and debunking cbs's lies. we will break it all down. and we have a brand new tape of zero experience hunter. he is now giving interviews and' giving the most bizarre, baffling confusing answers to avoid admitting ownership of the hard drive.
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