tv Hannity FOX News April 6, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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so great. before we go tonight, we had an amazing conversation with piers morgan yesterday on fox nation. made a fair amount of news. worth seeing. go to the show is called "tucker carlson today." we will see you tomorrow. have a great evening. sean hannity takes over from new york. >> sean: thank you. and welcome to "hannity." we are learning more about "60 minutes"'s intentionally lying hit piece against florida governor ron desantis. it's even worse than we thought but cbs still refusing to issue a full retraction and an apology and we have a full report tonight along with the major developments on what the biden administration is considering doing at the southern border may surprise you. more serious question surrounding the stem and outcome of the cognitive decline of joe biden. also our very own lisa boothe gets a reaction from georgians
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on the devastating lies about georgia election law. hiss support, by the way, joe's support, and "corporate cowards" who back up his line. that exclusive report coming tonight which brings us to our top story tonight, major league baseball along with joe biden, stacey abrams, they have struck out yet again, completely embarrassed themselves. and because of joe biden leading these lies, the mlb is moving the all-star game from atlanta, georgia, to denver, colorado, a state with, just for irony, similar but in truth more restrictive voting laws then the lawg just passed in the state of georgia. for example, georgia had 17 days of in person early voting including two optional sundays to vote. colorado, they only have 15. both states allow no excuse vote by mail. do you know that colorado has a
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voter i.d. requirements just likeia georgia. what message does major league baseball is scenting to fulton rgand cobb county's of georgia d the good people of georgia? major league baseball, delta, coca-cola all lied about georgia's election laws and that has now cost the people of georgia almost $100 million of revenue. every person in georgia should be furious with biden, abrams, major league baseball, and two spineless corporations were amplifying these lies. joe biden played the race card plain and simple, innocent people have now suffered. the worst part of it is that biden's home state of delaware have far more restrictive laws on voting, here's what the week and the frail and the cons and belief struggling joe biden told our own peter doocy earlier today when asked about his own boycott call spirit take a look.
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>> i think that's up to the masters. look. you know, it is reassuring to see that for-profit operations and businesses are speaking up about how these new jim crow laws are just antithetical to who we are. >> sean: welcome back to the show. joe biden needs to apologize to the people of georgia, the georgia need to take as possibilities for his actions and frankly the lack of applying the same standards across the board because what he has done here, what he's doing is absolutely disgusting and completelydy dishonest. why hasn't anybody in the media
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mob but for peter doocy ask him about this and frankly ask him to apologize? he's a straight up lying comfortably disregarding the facts, and what this law does and does not do. this law in georgia does not limit early voting, it actually expands it. it does not reduce voting hours, actually gives voters more flexibility to this side when they want to vote. they even add a saturday to voting. yes, you're allowed to bring food and water while you wait in line. no, joe, there's nothing in this law that resembles jimse crow 20 and you should be ashamed of yourself for herding an innocent state, innocent people, playing the race card, using that kind of language. joe biden needs to be asked why he never lifted a finger to change his own home state's more restricted laws. why did you single out one state, joe? will you asked the masters to
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end the pgas? joe is making the winter olympics, not far off next year 2022. that's right, china. how fair the voting rights are in china, do you support the u.s. pulling out of the beijing olympics? by the way, the state of new york where mlb is headquartered? they have more restrictive voting laws then georgia has. new york has only nine days of early voting. they require a valid excuse if you want to vote absentee. unlike georgia, which has no excuse absentee n voting. what about joe's home state of delaware? delaware has none, no in person early voting. georgia, 17 days off in person voting. delaware requires specificse excuses if you want to vote absentee. in georgia, anyone can vote absentee. in delaware, there are no ballot drop boxes anywhere. in georgia, drop boxes are still
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available and one box per county is required. so new york and delaware, are they pushing jim crow laws too, joe, when are there boycotts coming? joe biden is absolutely positively lying to the american people and the hurting innocent people in the state of georgia about the georgia law and about voter i.d. it is not racist, it is not restrictive. it is not an undue burden for voters. it is a practical, necessary step to ensure thatt georgians r residents of any states forha tt matter can have competence and integrity in their election results. it's that simple. and you know where else joe needs to show an e idea? joe, by the way, if anyone in this country wants to visit you at that white house he lived in, the one you are sleeping in right now? you need a picture i.d. to get into the white house as a visitor to see you. want to go to the u.s. capital, meet your congress when
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coyou get a picture i.d. you need one there too. buy a house, apply for mortgage, rent an apartment, you need some picture i.d. you want to buy a six-pack of beer or alcohol, cigarettes, or juul pods, or apply for welfare programs, apply for medicaid, unemployment, drive-by, rent-a-car, adopt a pet, rent a hotel room, pick up a prescription,d, donate blood, ad even get a lot of cold medicine at your pharmacy, the list goes on and on. in any case you need a picture i.d. ask yourself, why is the mlb, all these corporate ceos, why are they so outraged by the election integrity reforms, but totally willing to do business with china? delta? coke, 200 companies? we are going to be watching.
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we are going to see if you sponsor the beijing joe, we want to see if you pull america out of the olympics. why are they all silent on very real human rights abuses in beijing. will joe pull the u.s. out of the 2022 beijing winter olympic games? is delta? coke? are they going to sponsor thept olympics in china? don't forget in china there is ongoing mass detention of the uighur muslims. that's happening today. the assault and imprisonment of pro-democracy protesters. we've all been watching what's happening in hong kong. all that attack against basic human rights in tibet. it is all of that okay, major league baseball? joe, is it okay with you? apparently a lot of you did a huge deal in china for major league baseball. you are taking china's money. did you question china about their human rights abuses and how about beijing 2022?
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u.s. is in fact considering a boycott of the 2022 games? i guess peter doocy raised legitimate questions today. will these woke corporations,lo are they going to follow suit? is there going to be a boycott there? what is clear is that joe biden, stacey abrams,e the mlb commissioner are all willing participants in what is now a massive lie, propaganda, disinformation campaign against voter integrity and free and fairee elections that americans could have competence in prayer and frankly, they all owe an apology to the people of georgia. they have an obligation to at least acknowledge basic fundamental truths instead of needlessly dividing americans even further with lies about this law. we did send our own lisa boothe down to atlanta to get georgians' reactions to all of this and much more. i bet you got an ear full today. >> my gosh, sean.
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joe biden called this "jim crowe on steroids" and that seems to have taken hold right here in atlanta, georgia. what struck me is the opposition to the laws seem to be more of the opposition to the governor rather than the law itself. watch this. >> major league baseball has now moved the all-star game from atlanta to denver. estimated loss of tourism about $100 million. what are your thoughts on the whole$1 thing? >> i guess the government ander them, they shot themselves in theoo foot. for now this is going to be, all the events, super bowl, other nba all-star games, et cetera, they aren't going to want to come here. >> i think it's really unfortunate. >> it's not the city of atlanta, it's not the state -- well, somewhat the state of georgia's fault. you shouldn't blame the braves, shouldn't blame the atlanta fans. it's what the governor did. in colorado, the voting rights, it's different than here.
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it's stricter there. >> allegations that showing i.d. is racist. what do you think about that? >> i mean, that's appropriate. showing i.d. let you know that, you know, that you are really you, if your true identity. i don't have an issue with that. >> i think it's awful and sit here to say the people of color and minorities can't get an idea or don't havee an i.d. why do they think black people, people of color, don't have ids? why? why do they keep saying that? you have to have an idea to do anything in america. it's unfair in my personal opinion. i think a government you to make everything as efficient and easy as possible. we are doingos so much pushback from the overall public in saying something. >> sean, as you heard there, universal agreement that needing i.d. is not racist, they were okay with it. what is interesting is people who oppose the law are actually okay with sending a message even
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if there are may be consequences economically for the city and state. b1 lisa boothe, thank you. major institutions as i said before the election are failing this country more than ever. it allrt started with the media mob, big tech mob, democrat party. they are corrupt, abusively biased, they will parrot whateveroc lies the democratic socialist party overlords want them to tell no matter what they are basically -- no exceptions. look atpl this lower third, fake news and see and then don lemon lastt night claiming joe biden, he was just misspeaking about the georgia law when in reality he was caught red-handed lying over and over again and again about it. so, don, would you ever cover donald trump -- donald trump just misspoke, you accused him of lying when he was even telling the truth over at fake news cnn. why is no one in the media asking questions about the day-to-day schedule? the obvious stamina issues
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surrounding joe biden. watching him struggle to answer a simple question. today he didn't have his notebook with him. why is he doing so few public events. we looked into it all. joe biden is averaging less than one event per day since taking office beer that's all he can handle apparently. handing off all the other response abilities tof kamala harris, o president harris, if you prefer. think about this if you would, commander in chief of this country. why is everything so scripted, from from the reporters hecr cas on to the notecards he reads from come up from the lies his staff is telling all of us. you know, the wind blew joe over three times, it was windy that day, he was boarding air force one. why is he handing off some of his biggest response abilities, if not most of them now to vice president -- or if you prefer, if you want to get practicing, president harris like talking with foreign leaders.
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what is joe biden doing all day? who's actually running the country? who's running the white house? is it ron klain, susan rice, barack obama behind the scenes offering our lease advice? are there any serious journalis left who will do some real investigating to get answers to these questions but sadly these serious issues surrounding the president of the united states, the mob and the media trying to find lucrative ways to spread lies about republicans. look at for example fake news fraud cbs, 60 minutes, still refusing to retract and apologize for the now debunked fake news conspiracy theory hit piece against the florida governor ron desantis which, you know, use nothing but lies to falsely suggest that the state of florida cut a secret exclusive deal with publics on vaccines. that never happened. as the state of florida never
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paid publix a single penny. there was no pay to play for anybody. for the record, publix is a huge chain and they've given money and justiv as much money to republicans and democrats, including democratic virginia senator mark warner, and tim now the good news is income of florida democrats are now calling out cbs for their outright lies because they work hand-in-hand with governor desantis for the good of the people of florida and it has worked out well. the democratic mayor of palm beach county, dave carner who waske on my radio show toda, he watched "60 minutes." so outraged, calling this report intentionally false, explaining that 60 minutes refused to hear his side of the story come and here is the mayor speaking out earlier today. take a look. >> i preach is abated in speaking with the producer of "60 minutes" over 45 minutes in very direct facts about the governor and meetings i had with them here in my office a few
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months ago. when i launched the piece, i was taken aback that none of my comments, none of my perspective was included, and certainly the facts bear out the truth that this washa a decision that i mae them a ministrations made, and really has been a wonderful addition to our overall plan in palm beach county. it was important to put that in the public sphere. >> sean: at his request, the governor came and met with officials in palm beach county, and the governor offered a series of options. what would work best for the people in this county? it was the mayor made frankly the right call, he made that decision about publix. he told the people of 60 minutes that they didn't want to hear it. he offered to go on camera. they didn't want him on pier that broke their narrative, that broke their live. that's not all. another florida official, jared moscowitz slamming "60 minutes" and their fake news, despite all
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of this "60 minutes" won't issue a retraction, apology, over 50 years, the fact supported by "60 minutes" have prompted strong reactions, our pictures speak for itself. it doesn't speak for itself. you intentionally purposely withheld exculpatory information because it destroyed the narrative of the story you were building. you purposely lied to the american people.e. so i have questions for "60 minutes," how about instead of wasting time spreading lies about the floridat lawyer, you want to focus on real scandals, real corruption surrounding the disgraced governor of the state of new york andrew cuomo and his march 25th order that killed 15,000 nursing home patients, and his team's efforts of covering it all up while he's writing a book being paid millions of dollars. one is that story going to be on "60 minutes"? when will 60 minutes cover the failures of governor whitmer, murphy, wolf, waltz.
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why do you only exist to attack republicans? the american people are hip to "60 minutes." it's corrupt and abusively biased. and maybe we will ask the president to ask at the time donald trump, can you see "hannity" will do an interview? willwi hannity do an interview? sure, can we do it live, live to tape them in the, i'll do it in the interview. guess what, i haven't heard back. he protected nursing homes, protected the elderly from the start. cuomo did the opposite with deadlyly consequences. so it's time for 60 minutes, leslie stahl and company, to retract their bogus story, basically a conspiracycy theoryt this point and simply admit that they were wrong and try to do better in the future. of course that's never going to happen. ted koppel interviewed me for a full hour so he could take one minute of tape, selectively edit
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it, just to make himself look good. all my good points, didn't get one in question my o care with e reaction former white house press secretary, fox news contributor kayleigh mcenany along with joe concha, fox newsh contributor. you deal with the media mob on a daily basis. i started laughing when they said they wanted to come up with like to feature you on "60 minutes." yeah, okay, i'm sure it's going to be fair and balanced. how about we i do it live to tat that wasn't an option, kayleigh >> i find it really interesting which revealed there. "60 minutes" interviewed the president in 2016 and 2020 they came back and said let's interview him again and i will never forget walking into the interview, the president walks in, it was a complete and total hit job. every single question was framed to trap him, attacked him, take
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him down. the exact same thing they tried to do to ron desantis who in fact did not interview with them, but because he did the interview with them, they came to a press conference, blindsided him, refused to take the words of democrats -- this is journalistica malpractice, y the way. "the washington post," "new york times," they are biased, leftist, they would come to me with a hit piece against the president and as for mye response as press secretary petm i'd give it to them but even them, they would give an exhibit of my response. "six to minutes" would not give a snippet to democrats refuting the story. it disseminates any respect we have for journalism and we need to take a hard look at journalism in the united states right now because it's in a perilous perilous place. >> sean: publix is a great grocery chain, joe. they really are. very aware of them, great stores, great shopping. when the mayor of palm beach county and other
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officials met with ron desantis, desantis laid out all the options, it was the mayor who made that decision.ol told me on the radio show today. i give this democratic mayor all the credit in the world for he put people in his county before politics. they work together, everybody says they want bipartisanship. here you actually had it. publix, they didn't charge the state of florida a penny. they donate to republicans, they donate to democrats, they donate to all causes pretty much equally from what we've been able to determine. if i was publix, the fact that they intentionally kept out that exculpatory information from multiple democrats saying that your narrative is false, they were told, i think that might actually meet the high bar standard of malice. thoughts? >> that's interesting. if ron desantis goes down that route. >> sean: i think they should both sue.
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>> that's a very good point. publix is notap happy about this as well given the statement they put out. but we are so divided now, it's so rare to see a democrat defend a republican like ron desantis, very viable 2024 candidate who could very easily take the nomination particular if donald trump does not win, and here you have democrats in the state defending ron desantis. but the central focus of this report was why was publix chosen in the situation? "60 minutes" says pay to play. we are supposed to believepo tht 100k buys you the sitting governor of florida? that dog don't hunt, particular when he has presidential aspirations -- >> sean: they did it for free! >> he gets the nomination -- >> sean: he did it for free! >> you are talking about $2 billion compared twothousand? it's ridiculous on its face. let's talk about the facts herei for a second.
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publix also doing the vaccination effort in helping the lead in states like alabama, georgia, south carolina, texas, didn't hear that in the "60 minutes" piece. 800 locations in florida, it's asn ubiquitous as a starbucks in new york. if you want to get this out to the community particularly the elderly, this is the number one company you go to.ha speaking of number one, o axios and harris found that publix is the number one trusted company in the country. here's a topline headline that should've been included in this piece if "60 minutes" wanted to be objective, cases among those over 65 are down 80% in the state of florida, down 53% whenr we are talking about hospitalizations. the fact that "safety minutes" has andrew cuomo in his backyard was under two investigations on a federal level and the state level as far as i cover them up around nursing home deaths, nonwoman accusing him of sexual harassment, the fact that he
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prioritized for other people in his family? i'm sorry. >> sean: you are now up to ten. >> bias in broad that light >> youmentioned something on th, new york versus sullivan. the standard is so high to hold any of these news organizations accountable, you have to prove intentional malice. it's extremely hard to prove, it's why "60 minutes," the left, msnbc get away with murder each and every day. they can say whatever they want because you can't hold them accountable. it's a travesty. he was exactly right. >> sean: thank you both. when we come back, breaking news. why won't dr. fauci, the great fauci, speak out about the border? will tell us why. sara carter with a lab report about terrorists. they said it wouldn't happen.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: so after senator lindsey graham, south carolina criticized dr. fauci on his silence for problems at the border, fauci responded saying, "i have nothing to do with the border" despite the high rates of migrants testing positive at joe'se' facilities that are nown our country? the cages that all those kids are living on top of each other in, the situation is so dire the biden administration is now pleading with nasa to get their employees to volunteer at these overcrowded migrant facilities? meanwhile after governor greg
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abbott faced widespread backlash over his decision to lift all covertft restrictions in texas, cases continue to fall as the state continues to reopen. pressed about why this is happening? dr. fauci who a year ago on "60 minutes" said, you don't skhave to wear a mask, mask our >> it can be confusing because you may see a lag and the delay because often you have to wait a few weeks before you see the effects of what you are doing right now. t there are a lot of things that go into that. when you say that they had a lot of activity on the activity on the outside like ball games, it could be that they are doing things outdoors. >> sean: are far from the actual time that fauci has been confused or wrong about the virus. as a matter of fact, he's been wrong quite a bit. take a look.
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>> people should not be walking around with masks. >> you sure of it? because people are listening really closely to this. >> there's no reason to be walking around with a mask. when you are in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet. but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. and often, there are unintended consequences. >> dr. fauci, saturday morning and am wary, people waking up with real concern about this. they want to go to malls, movies, maybe the gym as well. should be changing our habits and if so how? >> there is no need to change what you are doing on a day-by-day basis. right now the risk is still low pay butd this could change. i've said that many times even on this program. you've got to watch out. although the risk is low now, you don't need to change
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anything you are doing. when you start to seek amenity spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to do things to protect you from spread. >> sean: senator, great to have you back. you went down there twice to the border. 19 senators went down there. thank you for sharing your videos. you come in ted cruz, others. my cameras that were with you were not allowed in because of the media blackout. kids on top of kids on top of kids, high positivity rate. i would think dr. fauci would be concerned about that. >> and that's my point. i'm not here to beat up dr. fauci. he is the medical advisor to the president of united states joe biden. joe biden has confidence in dr. fauci. joe biden was concerned about people attending the texasxa ranger's opening day baseball game because it might be a super
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spreading event. here is what i would tell president biden. you need to send your medical advisor to the border because it is a complete chaotic situations. you've got 600 people in a room built for 80. you have 172,000 illegal immigrants show up to our border in march alone with a 10% positive rate. n i'm not asking dr. fauci to change our integration laws. i'm asking him to visit the border and gave his analysis of what's going on there regarding the pandemic. i can't believe the vice president has not gone to the border, the president has not gone to the border, and the chief medical advisor to this day has not gone to the border. it's important that dr. fauci sees for himself what's going on in the border. if you saw what i saw, i think he would recommend that he would change our policy. >> sean: senator, we are sending these migrants to every state. as other senators sat, everybody is being let in and they are
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being sent to other states. huge unfunded mandate. shelter, food, education, that falls on the backs of the taxpayers expecting may be two, 2.5 million people, maybe more. my question to you, we have laws in this country, you are a lawmaker.yo if i aid and abet in lawbreaking, why do i think i'd end up in jail? >> that's a really good question. what happens, if you are 16 or under. you are going to be kept in the country, be released in the country. 80% of the on the company of have family members already in america. they have a phone number. so they pay smugglers, the family member sends money back to guatemala, they will hire ae smuggler get into the border, and the federal government will finish the last mile. we are aiding and abetting human trafficking. $800 a day to keep one of these kids in u.s. custody. but we, your federal government,
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aiding the illegal immigrant child with illegal immigrant parent and don't you think that's going to encourage more illegal immigration and find that situation -- if that is not a super spreading event, i don't know what it is. i cannot believe the top levels in government haven't visited the border. and dr. fauci when it comes looking at the border. >> sean: are you certain republicans will unite and they won't be able to enact legislation filibuster, are you confident that lisa murkowski, ben sasse, mitt romney won't go along with that? >> i'm confident. let'ss put it this way. if we don't unite and stop the filibuster, that's the end of the republican party and the conservative cause and we won't have anybody else to blame but ourselves. >> sean: senator graham, thank you asas always. sara carter up next. exclusive report. terrorists back at the border.
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♪ >> sean: just breaking out in californiaia tonight, a car chase outside of los angeles. we'll be bringing you updates as they come in, a hard high speed chase but yesterday customs and border pro-protection, they announced that the agents arrested two individuals on the terrorism watch list at the border. fox's peter doocy circled back to jen psaki to ask today. >> the fbi keeps a list about people known for reasonably suspected of being involved in terror activities here two
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people from yemen have been apprehended at the border. how concerned is president biden about terrorists possibly trying to take advantage of exploiting gaps in the border to kill americans? >> let me convey that these type of incidents are very uncommon and cbt and dhs can speak more to the timeline and the specifics in these particular cases and but encounters of known and suspected terrorists are very uncommon. >> sean: "very uncommon." if we didn't have open borders, they would be no terrorists crossing the border. one terrorist is all that it takes. that's not all. we won't be able to find the original press release announcing the arrest because customs and border patrol took it down. tonight, the cbp released ayi statement saying the news release in question was not opproperly reviewed and containd certain disclosure of policy information related to national security that requires cbp to
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remove it from its own website. that's not the full story. here for an inclusive report on what actually happened, investigative reporter fox news contributorhaed sara carter. not exactly what they are saying it is, is it? >> no, it's not, sean. the sources i spoke to both in dhs as well as intelligence sad that people in the biden administration and particularly officials within the department of homeland security wanted that pressle release down because thy didn't want the public to be alarmed at the very real threat that the border poses. particularly now into the bideni administration on 170,000 people entering the border in march, those are the people they apprehended and another 100,000 in february. think about this, sean, 1,000 people according to cbp officials i've spoken with, get away every day across the border. that means those are gone aways, people they cannot identify, people they have not traced, people that disappear into our
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country without any identity whatsoever. there is a big concern amongst intelligence officials at some of those people could be terrorists. i am certain they are questioning these two men from yemen right now caught in the el centro sector and possibly there could be more that could enter the border. they do not know and i don't expect us to be finding anything out anytime soon unless somebody else is willing to talk. >> sean: sara carter, thank you. one leading republican who has been one for weeks about individuals on the breaking tonight, kevin mccarthy requesting a classified fbi/cia briefing about suspected terrorists who have already crossed the border. here with reaction, house minority leader kevin mccarthy. w we already know a number of them, don't we? >> we do. when i was down at the border almost a month ago, talking to the border agents, they told me that they caught people on the terrorist watch list.
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when i brought that up at the press conference, my democratica colleagues were not shocked by it. w do you know what they did? they called me a liar until we brought forth the answers. shouldn't come as a surprise that the democrats are troubled by all of this. they are trying to distract from this disaster because they created it. this policy has created this catastrophe. so today i sent a letter to the director of the fbi, the director of the cia,ia to give a classified briefing to myself, pelosi, schumer, mcconnell, and bring in the vice president. if she is so-called supposed to be in charge but won't go to the border, she should hear the classified briefing because what's happening to us and the policies that president biden put in has made us less secure. we are vulnerable to terrorist attacks. you talk about the two terrorists who have been caught, they didn't catch them together, they caught the two separately and a thousand people are coming across every day and not being caught, how many terrorists are in that thousand?
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>> the fbi director may be busy finally offering discipline to those mentioned in the inspector general, so he's probably very busy. what we really have here is a health crisis. we do have a humanitarian crisis, but really a national security crisis and a financial burden on the american people, the likes of which which will be in the billions and billions of dollars. do you see this getting resolved because i don't, i only see it getting worse. >> it's getting worse. i sent a letter to president biden before traveling there to ask him to meet with the elected officials and work solving this border problem he created? he ignored it. we traveled to the border, we warned him about the terrorists. we warned himis what's going on with these children being packed together and not tested forco covid but now being shipped across america, spreading covid throughout, more than 10% of them have covid but how many more will they have after being
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heldld together? >> sean: has joe biden invited you to the white house? >> i've sent three letters to him, he's ignored everyone and never once talked to me since he's become president. not much by partisanship there. >> sean: sounds like unity to me. never seen much unity, kumbaya unity it sounds like. congressman, thank you. when we come back, senator ted cruz will join us. if you look at your screen, we are monitoring that car chase, southern california, 88 miles per hour. we will watch and monitor, hope it ends safely. straight ahead.
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everything that you buy, the efforts know no boundaries and treasury secretary janet yellen proposing a global minimum corporate income tax which of course will only be passed on to you, the american people. biden administration no longer trying to hide that these tax heights are going to hurt the middle class. over on the facts news fake news cnn, a"wall street joe that taxes will hit the middle class hard. take a look. >> the tax code is not fair and so what joe biden wants to do is say that corporations should pay their fair share in the same way that a plumber, a teacher would have to pay 22% of their income or 24% of their income, corporations should have to pay their fair share too. >> sean: she didn't deny the taxes would hurt the middle class. texas senator ted cruz, still monitoring the car chase as well. corporations don't pay taxes, i
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argue, or very little.y what they do is they'll increase the cost of the product or services that they have. just like energy prices are going up because of biden's policies, that's another tax on the american people. thoughts? >> you know, i am reminded of what hillary clinton said a few years ago. don't let anybody tell you a corporation or business will give you a job. well, these are folks that don't understand how the economy works. know what the people of texas want? we want jobs, we want more jobs. how do you create jobs? create an environment where small businesses can grow, hire people. we just came out of a year-long pandemic that has hammered small businesses across the country. what did joe biden and his leftist cronies in the cabinet wants to do?ts every one of them wants to raise your taxes. they want to jack up the taxes and american families, jack up the taxes on every small business in america at the exact
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time when millions of small businesses are hanging on by a thread, right on the edge of going bankrupt and surviving and what the biden the administration is doing is giving a shove, the early projections are that this biden tax increase, the biggest tax increase in the generation, it's expected to almost immediate lead cost 150,000 jobs and potentially a lot more after that. >> sean: senator, it's the biggest tax increase in 30 years. janet yellen wants a global minimum taxl rate. we see people leaving california, n new york, new jersey, illinois going to states like yours and texas. a ron desantis state in florida, and the carolinas. if you have a global corporate minimum tax, isn't the idea that corporate corporations leave big cities for a tax firmly states like texas, they might start leaving the united states. isn't that what that is about?
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>> big government the socialists want to everybody all the time. they are looking for mechanisms to keep raising money. why? they think they can spend your money better than you can, that they have all these big ideas but you look at joe biden suppose it infrastructure bill. over $2 trillion, do you know how much of the infrastructure goes to building roads and bridges? 5%. 95% of his infrastructure bill is spending money on things other than roads and bridges. this is a shell game and it always ends with the same trick. your taxes go up on your wages, on your small business, on your employer, and the big government socialists take the money and spend it on the green new deal, they spend it on their own special interest prague directs projects.the american people, tg
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men and women deserve to keep more of their paycheck in their own you know, we had prior to this pandemic, we had the lowest unemployment in 50 years. it was incredible the economicbl boom that we had and that came from low taxes and low regulations. what does joe biden wants to do? high taxes, high regulations, that's destroying your job, it's bad for the country, and we are going to see a whole lot more of that over the next two years, unfortunately. >> sean: i doubt the state ofs texas is going to get a refund for all that is going on in the border down there and the board and that your state now has a take on. senator, thank you. now learning that it is a possible murder suspect leading the cops on that car chase in southern california. more next.
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way. we have found out that this is a possible murder suspect. san gabriel valley outside of los angeles, learning that the suspect attacked a deputy before leading authorities on this pursuit. obviously trying to resolve it. we hope it peacefully for the sake of all. let not your heart be troubled. brian kilmeade. you better not be late tomorrow for your show. >> i promise. >> sean: off the air at 11:00. you have to get get off here at 11:00, got to get up at 4:00 and you're going to be whining and complaining in the morning that you are tired and there's no excuse. >> i have so much power in the morning i would say when the repeat, and give you the first hour off until i'm ready, that is how much power i have. >> you will be wide-eyed and bushytailed tomorrow at 6 am, no excuses. >> why rest, w
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