tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News April 7, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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cuomo. an accuser said the governor groped her and reached under her blouse. how does he have a job. brian, i will give you a wake up call. no excuses if you are tired tomorrow. >> it's awkward. i was going to text you. would you fill in for me tomorrow? >> sean: [laughing]. >> could you get to the city? >> sean: i don't go to bed until 3 a.m. the odds getting up in time to be ready for fox and friends pretty low. i might need a little more notice. >> and you will smell like liquor. >> john: probably. >> i can take it from here?
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>> sean: it's all yours. >> laura ingraham is out. the "the ingraham angle" is on. influx of unaccompanied minors is legislate terrorists waltz right in and a major announcement. and the biden administration caught in another lie. why you should not believe the job creations and joe biden has a new profession. motivational life coach. raymond arroyo has the "seen and unseen." this show has demanded that our leaders hold communist china accountable for horrific human rights abuses. laura ingraham took things a step further. >> joe biden claims that america
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is back and he wants to be the world leader. then he should start by announcing a boycott of the 2022 winter games in beijing and convince our allies on join the boy cot to show the world we won't treat china as a normal country. >> for a moment yesterday the biden state department was listening. >> it suggests on the olympics that the u.s. is in consultations with allies discussing whether to consider a joint boycott? >> it's something we wish to discuss and something we understand a coordinated approach is not only in our interest but in the interest of our allies. >> but then the state department said wait a second. we have not called anybody. jen psaki tried to do damage
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control. >> our position on the 2022 olympics has want changed. -- not changed. >> really? why not? is biden more outraged over the georgia requiring voter i.d. than china putting millions of citizens in concentration team. the communist party warning today they would have a robust response to any super power boycott. joining us the man who called for the boycot and steve mowser here.
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what about the warning? have you changed your mind? >> here's the problem for the biden administration, biden's own secretary of state tony blinken agreed during the nomination in mike pompeo there is again -- genocide going on as we speak. there is on-going forced sterilization of women. there is on-going rape. there is on-going torture and on-going slave labor. what i think the biden administration was starting to hint at was a diplomat boycott so they can't go over to the olympics. they will still on in terms of
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sponsor numbers, nbc, nike and major league baseball. major league baseball just expanded and telling us how much they care about social justice. they expanded their deals in china. on the back of real slavery going on in china. how can we reward them after all they did with covid and with this? flying the american flag there and legislate everyone make millions and giving them the global platform to white wash their atrocities. they try to replace the american dream with the china dream. >> last time we looked the other way was with russia. and as soon as the winter games were over they invaded another country. steve, china is getting bolder
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every day. they warned japan you better not put out a condemnation of our trade policy and now this warning not to boycott their olympic. what is china up to? >> the human rights situation in china is the worst in 40 years. in 1980 i saw women sterilized. now women are being sterilized again and worse things are happening to them. it's worse now than the 2008 beijing olympics. we have genocide and the re-education of christians. we have forced organ harvesting
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of buddhists and the chinese communist party should not be allowed to hide these behind athletic competition. it's the efforts of individual men and women to be the best people they can. that's why the games should be held in countries where human rights are respected. in beijing that is violated every day and it's a bad choice for the winter olympics of 2022. >> we have the games in los angeles in 2028. it we bow out, it could destroy the games. is it worth it? >> well, i think we have to ask ourselves would we have the games right now if it was in
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ruwanda. i don't see how we put our athletes in this position to choose between their values and turning a blind high. i think so, brian. we have to take a stand. we cannot let them continue to white wash atrocities. you mentioned russia. a month after their games they invaded crima. we know what germany did after their games. we can't give china this legitimacy and have the entire world shrug their shoulders at what is happening. >> you're absolutely right. there is a lot of stakes.
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it's not just fun and sports. look out for taiwan. they could be gone in the blink of an eye. we move ahead. in case you were wondering many democrats are spreading vicious lies about georgia and voter integrity laws. >> corporations that are taking a stand against its georgia jim crow voting law is designed to cancel black voters. >> it represents jim crow 2.0. >> these new jim crow laws. >> the people who claim georgia's new law will hurt support what is in it. 73% of black voters say requiring photo i.d. is necessary for a fair and secure election process. that's the goal.
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not to exclude. just to make it fair and secure. if minority voters support having voter i.d., i a utility bill why are people using terms like jim crow 2.0. does that make sense? >> yes, because the plan is to divide people. black americans are not any less likely to be able to get access to a driver's license than white americans or any other communities in our country. the truth of the matter is when they say these things, they do them intentionally to create the impression that america is a place in the 21st century we ought to worry about who our neighbors are based on their skin color.
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there is no evidence whatsoever of this. what we have done is punished a city -- atlanta -- with an over 50% minority population by taking from them $100-million in new opportunities and sending it to denver which has barely 9% of a black population. what a change that the woke police have brought to us. >> people should understand after the pandemic when we loosened things up because nobody could feel comfortable going to the polls, many states changed their rules on the spot. they sent ballots to where people were not there. after that 30 states have tightened things up. they are verifying it and making it more accurate.
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on tuesday, home depot and delta and other major corporations are meeting to come up with offense against other states that want to do things similar to avoid being boycotted boy activist groups. your thoughts? >> if i were coca-cola and the largest polluter among all of the beverage companies i would stay focussed on that. our organization has done multiple studies and it's black americans who are most likely victimized when voter fraud takes place. it's very tempting to manipulate election returns when black communities are involved. back americans need voter integrity. we need to be sure so when
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gallups and americans where we don't vote, we don't answer because my vote can't make a difference. we need to make sure that every person is confident whether they go in, real voters will decide the elections. not ghosts, not con60s. -- not convicts. not people who are not residents in the local community. >> thank you very much. all right. on top of the mlb moving the all-star game out of atlanta ceo's jumped on the trash georgia bandwagon. what if we just accept it? jp morgan's ceo wrote this today: oh really?
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here to react is dan crenshaw. the congressman from texas. he will make decisions. >> he should run for congress if he wants to be in politics. that's my message to all of the ceos. i don't think they understand how damaging their entry into politics is. americans are forced to watch a different late night comedy show. the actor they are watching thinks their ideas are stupid. we have to look at products or banks or airlines and think i want to buy this product or purchase this ticket, but these people hate me. they don't think my ideas are
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good. they lie about election integrity. this is damaging our social fabric. they are doing far more damage than they realize. >> absolutely. corporate america want tos get involved to look out for their own interest. they want to win over politicians by changing their corporate policy, i think it gets dangerous. we have big tech. wall street is saying take me i am yours. united airlines wants to get more woke and say 50% of the new hires from here on will be women or people of color. they will train 5,000 new pilots by 2030 and half will be women and people of color. what do you think about this idea? >> i think every passenger gets
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on the plane thinks i hope the pilot is qualified and can take off and land the plane safely. what pissed me off about united was the way they lied about the election integrity reforms in georgia and texas. they insinuated these were voter suppression laws. that's not true. they are venturing into territory they don't understand. this is what i call the phenomenon. it's progressive fascism. fascism is the regimentation of the economy of society and it's the forced suppression of your opposition. that's what is happening right now. the democrats have successfully captivated the institutions. pop culture and hollywood and
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corporations into their own woke agenda. it's fascism. the youth cancel culture wants to impose this on us. they engage in the tactics. it's time we exposed that. if they want to hire based on quotas and virtue signal to us and imply people didn't have these opportunities. fine. but don't lie about other policy. that's what i have a problem with. >> you did not have a bad election day. you lost the presidency, but you almost took back the house. and you almost defied logic and held on to the senate except for what happened in january. it's a wake up call.
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dan crenshaw, thank you very much. appreciate you scrambling today. the crisis at the southern border is getting worse by the day. former white house advisor steven miller is here with a major announcement he hasn't made anywhere else. is the biden dhs legislate illegal criminals walk free? the texas lawsuit everybody should be watching next. to mee's while creating a cleaner future for all. at chevron, we're lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations, investing in lower-carbon technologies, and exploring renewable fuels of the future. we work hard to care for the homes we love. but it's only human... to protect the one we share.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> we have criminals and terrorists crossing that border. the mission is critically important. to have over 50% of them agents pulled off the line because they have to be in border facility caring for and feeding thousands of migrants. we have over 1,000 got aways. you don't know how many more are out there because we don't have the number of border that parole agents on the border doing their job. >> that was chad wolfe last night detailing the nightmare on
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the border. one of the chief architects of the policies is former white house advisor steven miller. he is announcing a new group that has the blessing of his former boss president trump. here now exclusively steven miller, president of america first legal foundation. what is this? what is it designed to do? >> thanks for having me on. this is the conservative response to the aclu. being a senior official in the trump administration i saw firsthand for 4 years how the
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radical left waged legal warfare against the president. you talked about border security. we faced dozens of lawsuits for every action we took to secure the southern border of the united states. we faced lawsuits on every area policy. energy policy, climate policy, environmental policy, abortion policy. everything. here's a great example of the disparity. when barack obama did daca, no serious legal challenges. smooth sailing for years. when president trump tried to rescind the same policy 4 years in court. when president trump should a policy saying you can't fund abortion with u.s. taxpayer dollars overseas, lawsuits tied up in court. when joe biden issued an executive order saying you shall spend taxpayer dollars on abortion overseas, nothing.
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when president biden resumed the teaching of the critical race theory, nothing. we are outmand and my organization america first legal is here to even the score. >> 413 lawsuits from the aclu over 4 years. you also have matt wit ger and mark meadows. you are not a lawyer. aclu has been around forever. how quickly can you ramp up and make a difference. >> that's a great question. it depends on how much support we get from every day americans who believe in tradition values and law and order and homeland security, and safe secure communities. i am not a lawyer. that's the point. i am a policy guy who saw firsthand how the aclu and other organizations were able to delay our policies being put into
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place and conservatives need to have a legal organization to answer that. that's why i am doing that. with brilliant attorneys i am confident we can turn the table as president trump said. it will require the support of millions of americans who care about their country and know this needs to be done. >> i know a lot of republicans, you heard dan cran saw. -- crenshaw. you lost hollywood and academia yet you are still competitive in the elections. you could take the senate back. you have more talent for president on the right than anybody on the left. it's time to take action and you are. from your firsthand knowledge, did mike pence ever get asked to do stuff by the president and say i will get to it when i can?
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kamala harris was asked to take over the border program and went to connecticut, chicago, california, made one call to mexico and i believe is decorating her house. did she blow off the president of the united states when she was asked to do something? >> it's a shocking display of disrespect for the president. he announces you are in charge of the border crisis and you say i don't think so. i have never seen anything like this. i will say this, one of the areas we will be focussed on with my organization is the nightmare at the border. we are working with our state attorney general on the litigation in terms of the mass release of illegal immigrants with criminal records. you don't have the house. we don't have the senate. people who believe in america first principles and in
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sovereignty need to understand the legal battle is where this fight will be won or lost. >> it was announced here. it's the america first legal foundation co mitted to combating the left lawless agenda. game on.mitted to combating the left lawless agenda. game on. the state of texas is taking matters into their own hands again. they are suing the biden administration for refusing to take custody of a illegal alien criminals stating this: doesn't feel good as an american knowing that is happening. texas lt. governor dan patrick
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here. it's a shame it came to this. what is the next legal moment for you? have you filed this brief already? >> the attorney general filed the brief. this lawsuit is about the fact if we have someone in jail who is an illegal alien and already convicted of a crime. trump would deport them. today biden says i.c.e. can't pick them up. the president of the united states is breaking the law. tonight we just sent the texas rangers in to the facility in san antonio because we got complaints there is no supervision. there is sexual assault going on between the teenagers that are not being fed properly. they have kids with covid who are not being separated.
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the president and the vice-president of the united states and the democratic party are so concerned about placating the left for open borders, children are allegedly being sexual assaulted on american soil because of their total neglect of protecting these kids. they are dropped over the fence. joe biden and kamala harris have this on their hands. they are legislate criminals go in america and putting kids at rick -- risk that are coming across the border. if they won't do it, texas will. >> last week we saw pictures because republican senators refused to delete their phones of pictures inside the donna facility.
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they still can't handle it. the news you just broke. at the freedom coliseum facility? >> yes, at that facility. you have a total lack of law and order on the border. there is no border security. we will see a million people potential apprehended in texas. meaning two million got through we didn't apprehend. the children, we have no idea where to send them. they need to close the border and go back to the trump policies. if any children die the blood is on the hands of the president and the vice-president. they are allowing this to happen by turning their back on the border. she doesn't even have the respect for human beings to come to the border and see it firsthand. >> it's unbelievable.
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let's talk about georgia and their problem with delta airlines. american has a problem with the new texas rules to secure texas elections. american airlines is rebuking the texas voting bill which will become law. what is your answer to american airlines who has a problem with you and is headquartered in dallas? >> the left changed voter suppression, replacing border security with that term. we passed a strong bill that is voter security. we have two weeks of early voting. everything being said is a lie by the left. american airlines had the audacity to call my office and say we want to let you know this is not personal against the lt. governor or the governor but we are coming out against senate bill 7. they said we have not read the
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bill. has the ceo read the bill? no. the nerve of american airlines like these other corporations coming in and getting their nose this politics and they don't take the time to read a bill. i co take it personaly on behalf of the 18 senators who voted this out and the government's support. when they talk about voter suppression, they are talking about there must be racism. americans are so sick of republicans for or against something, it's racism. we will pass this bill. we will have strong support for voter security in texas. >> you can make a point. american airlinesville their hands full. read the bill.
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the same thing with delta airlines. major league baseball you embarrassed yourself. you have not read the text. biden is deploying a new technique to pass the huge spending bill and a cabinet member vouches for the president's violent dog with raymond arroyo in "seen and unseen" next. are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® works differently than any other diabetes pill to lower blood sugar in all 3 of these ways... increases insulin... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. people taking rybelsus® lost up to 8 pounds. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis.
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president's recent public addresses with a purpose. what is it? >> well, the president is rather brilliantly trafficking in feelings instead of arguments. every speech is laden with language meant to conjuror emotions. inspirations and motivations with joe biden. >> ♪ ♪ >> new variants of the virus are moving quickly. we could have a safe and happy 4th of july with family and friends in small groups in your backuaries. -- yard. how much death, disease and misery will we see between now and then? now is not the time to celebrate. >> so inspiring. tens of millions of americans are vaccinated and covid-19
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cases are falling everywhere but you have to keep this crisis going so the government can spend trillion dollars. here's today's uplifting call to arms. can you almost hear the strains of god bless america in the background if you listen closely. >> america is no longer the lead of the world. the united states of america. i am not trying to punish anybody, maybe because i come from a middle class neighborhood i am sick and tired of ordinary people being fleeced. >> the middle class. the book someone is catching up to america. someone get that book! he is fleecing america. he has corporate taxes going up. that will hit consumers. gas prices are rising.
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>> biden trying to sell his 2 trillion dollars infrastructure bill. it's not your grandfather's infrastructure. >> the idea of infrastructure evolved to meet the needs of the american people. it's evolving again today. ask them what sort of infrastructure they need to build a better life and breathe and investing significant amounts of money. dealing with cancer and alzheimer's. that's the infrastructure of a nation. >> no, that's not infrastructure. that's healthcare. a complete lack of respect for language here. unbelievable. don't miss the emotional play. we need to let americans breathe
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by taking their hard earned money and spending it because government is the solution to every problem. this biden's emotive socialism in action. he is not offering an argument why the spending spend will work but just this emotional massage. man, he cares. >> democrats are floating a new definition of what constitutes infrastructure. here is an example. >> we need to deal with human infrastructure. healthcare and education and climate change. >> our president biden ran on the concept of chifrl as it infrastructure. >> it's part of infrastructure because we need these kinds of jobs. this kind of care to enable women to go to work just like i need the road outside of my house to get to my job. >> it's the barometer here for
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what constitutes infrastructure is getting a job. we need to hand out gift cards because we need entertainment infrastructure to be relaxed when we seek that job. this is absurd. infrastructure does not evolve. it's what you think it is: bridges, roads and tunnels and republicans and democrats need to make that stick. we don't want our money spent on this other stuff. >> the president said on the 4th of july we should take our station wagon to the cook out. i am not sure he is on the cutting edge. that was all unseen by me. thank you. >> i glad i could open your guys. >> president biden said infrastructure plan the create
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create 19 million jobs! >> sounds too good to be try? that's because it is not true. it's based on moody analysis. but 16.3 million would have been created without biden's big infrastructure stand because the pandemic is over. at a cost of 830,000 per job. joining us is mark. mark, what do you think about this playing with money? >> we know it's all bunk. it won't even create 2.7 million jobs. during the obama administration
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with biden they promised jobs want it took 3 years to get below 7% unemployment in america. we passed tax relief in 2017. the first 2.2 trillion dollars only 300 billion is for roads, bridges and airports. they are throwing in the kitchen sink under infrastructure and somebody has to pay for that and that's the american taxpayer. >> yeah, on a credit card. we have not heard much from the
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vice-president. you have a new group. what is your role and the vice-president's role? >> well, the trump and pence team was such a great team in part because they complement each other's skill set. when donald trump chose mike pence to be on the ticket, the vice-president had a long history inside the conservative movement to advocate for traditional values. a number of voters were excited and said we will secure a border and take on china and that was a prescription for success. record tax relief and new trade deals and prosperity for the american people. we believe that's a prescription not just for the past but for the future. we will defend the record of the last 4 years under the trump and pence administration from the
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leftist attacks that want to erase the successes we achieved. this organization will focus not just on what we did but will say this is where we need to move forward to secure a winning majority in the united states. >> the president and vice-president talking and do you think if president trump runs mike pence is the running mate again? >> well, i won't comment on the second piece. i will leave that to the president. they had a great partnership. they have spoken several times in the last few weeks. the president called the vice-president to congratulate him. >> back in a moment. last bite is next. thanks for watching. ankh ses. promises of all shapes and sizes. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you.
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>> peter, remember me, tall good looking, blond hair and blue eyes. >> long time no see. >> that's all we have tonight. brian in for laura ingraham. >> social distancing. i will get if trouble here. >> when you meet joe biden bring 3 masks. 1 for your face and 2 for his hands. >> [cheering]. greg her name is nicole. >> i think ifne
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