tv Hannity FOX News April 7, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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i wish you work for "the new york times." great to see you. we will be back tomorrow and every night at 8:00 p.m., the enemy that's a sworn enemy of lying, and groupthink. sean hannity takes it away. >> sean: thank you and welcome and tonight we begin with a fox news alert. breaking news on our southern border tonight as texas governor greg abbott bringing to life sick disturbing frightening credible allegations of real abuse and incredibly abusive conditions inside of joe biden's migrant cages for kids. tonight the governor of texas rightly demanding action. take a look. >> earlier today, the texas health and human services commission and the texas department of family and protective services separately received tips that allege child abuse and neglect at the federal
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government's child migrant facility at the freeman coliseum in san antonio behind me. these problems are a byproduct of president biden's open border policies. and the lack of planning for the fall out from those disastrous policies. >> sean: governor abbott's child protective service these denied access in these facilities to check on these children. basically saying that biden's cages for kids have become torture abuse centers. joel, law joe, kamala harris telnet, kids jumping 14 feet off the walls left in the most unsanitary con. is there a time you're going to pay attention and stop the abuse, go down to the border and address what is a self-inflicted catastrophe? children are allegedly being
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sexually abused andoute thanks to joe's invitation and an joe's cages. any american day care center that remotely resumed these disgusting conditions, if they ever had pictures like this coming out of a day care center, they would be shut down immediately and the people responsible arrested for child abuse. biden should intervene immediately and stop child rape and the abuse of migrants and navy american taxpayer should not be fitting the bill in all of this. much more including our investigative report live from the border tonight. also tonight as the show continues, remember the wild southern california car chase we showed you last night, you know the big rig driver save the day? he'll join us exclusively pit you want to see that. but first tonight, joe biden and the far left continue to fail our country in every way imaginable. because after promising so much unity, unity, unity over and over and over again, joe biden's
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words are ringing more hollow than ever before. his rhetoric is becoming more reckless, more divorced from real truth and real reality. of course, it's all happening just as we predicted. we were awarding you back in january when biden refused to call out democrats and made their unconstitutional post-presidency impeachment sham clown show that took place? that unity was never a priority. his first day in office, biden signed a flurry of far left executive orders to kill american oil, gas, and energy jobs and make this country less energy independent. since then he's now surrendered his entire agenda to the far fringe socialist activists in the d.c. swamp and they are on a quest to abolish the filibuster, to pack the u.s. court and other courts, gave d.c. and puerto rico statehood along with trillions and trillions in new spending and debt to fund their
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radical far left green new deal madness. i ask you, are you feeling the unity tonight? believe it or not, it's getting worse. joe biden continuing to spew lies about everything from his noninfrastructure infrastructure package to georgia voting laws where he has turned his back now on the good people of fulton and cobb county and the entire state of georgia and he continues to live and play the race card, falsely calling georgia's new law jim crow 2.0. why is joe doing this? the law requires voter i.d., requires the same verification standards for in purchasing and voting by mail pier and how can anyone tolerate such racially charged lies from joe biden, especially with his atrocious record. so tonight, we'll do what the media mob will never do, we will expose joe biden's phony vein to pleas for unity, joe's history himself, of what a sick disgusting racial rhetoric
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dating back decades that the media never dares question him on. because unlike the woke extremist and the spineless corporate cowards like major league baseball, delta air lines, coca-cola, and hundreds of other companies, we actually believe in facts and sober analysis on this show. get this, we actually read the georgia law and we compared it to delaware. we compared it to new york, and we compared it to colorado. it actually expands access to polling. it provides 17 days of early voting, it gives voters more flexibility to vote, it's far less restrictive than joe's home state in delaware, and they don't even have any early voting. so the question is, why didn't joe ever do anything to reform the voting laws in his own state? because joe biden never once lifted a finger for the people of delaware for 50 plus years. and if joe and the democrats in all these major corporations want to start this conversation about race, pushing boycotts, we
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can't avoid we'll talk about joe biden's history of saying things like this. >> madame president, we have predators on our street. the largest group is moving from india, you cannot go to a 7-eleven or a dunkin' donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. i'm not joking. >> what kind of chance would a northeastern liberal like joe biden stand in the south? >> better than anybody else but you don't know my state. my state was a slave state. >> articulate, bright, is clean, a nice guy. i mean, it's just storybook. >> they'll put you back in chains. >> we got more questions? >> if you have a problem figuring out whether you are for me or trump, then you ain't
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black. >> sean: any comment from major league baseball, coca-cola, any of the 200 companies who believes joe biden's big lie about georgia's law being jim crow 2.0? claim to be so concerned with racism, are you going to call out joe biden for his rhetoric over the years? what about joe biden working closely with robert "the former klansman" byrd because he was worried about in his words, our schools becoming a racial jungles. why are you silent on joe biden? why are all these companies silent on joe biden? why are you protecting him? what about the 2022 olympics in beijing that are so interested in politics, what about the human rights abuses all across china today? where is your outrage for mlb? the league did a huge deal with
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china. the league, they are headquartered in new york. far more severe restrictions on voting in the new york state then georgia. these are all fair questions because these corporations have all fallen for joe biden's jim crow 2.0 lie, they have thrown the working people of georgia under the bus. they screwed hardworking men and women to the tune of an estimated $100 million now on lost revenue. thankfully there's at least one organization refusing to capitulate. the augustine national golf club had this to say about the golf take a look. >> the right to vote is fundamental in our democratic society. no one should be disadvantaged in exercising that right. and it is critical that all citizens have confidence in the electoral process. there have been calls for boycotts and other punitive
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measures. unfortunately, those actions often impose the greatest burdens on the most vulnerable in our society. and in this case, that includes our friends and neighbors here in the agusta who are the very focus of the positive difference we are trying to make. >> sean: joe biden, stacey abrams, over the people of georgia an apology. they've been positively lying about the georgia law, lying about calling it jim crow 2.0. absolutely lying about jo's commitment to so-called unity. you want to see unity? take a look. you decide. >> to restore the soul of the future of america requires so much more than words, requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy. unity. for profit and businesses are speaking up about how these new
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jim crow laws are just antithetical to who we are. i pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unified. >> i'm worried about how un-american this whole initiative is. it's sick. it's sick. >> we've overcome incredible challenges as a nation bit we've done it before and we will do it again. we will do it by coming together, by uniting after years of pain and loss. it's the most pernicious thing. this makes jim crow look like jim eagle. this is gigantic. >> sean: joe, your state laws, delaware, far more restrictive. do you feel the unity yet? like i've been saying, voter i.d. is practical, it is necessary, it's a step to ensure that not only georgians, but residents of any states for that matter have confidence in their election results.
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we have an election integrity, that's a simple concept. by the way, do you know where else you need to show an idea, joe? you get the opportunity, you want to enter joe's white house, you need to show a picture i.d. to get in or else you are not getting it. you want to go to the capital, visit the people's house, you need a picture i.d. go to the democratic national convention? you need a picture i.d. get on an airplane, by the house, rent a house, by alcohol, six-packs, cigarettes, jewel l s , rent-a-car, purchase a gun, rent a hotel room, pick up a prescription, donate blood, purchase allegra d or alka-seltzer plus cold medicines, on and on and on, you need a picture i.d. is that also jim crow 2.0? of course not. voter integrity, voter ideas are the only things joe was lying
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about. continuing to try and sell his massive spending packages, pretending it's about emergencies covid relief and infrastructure when in reality it's all been about the socialist takeover of our economy and turning far left fantasies into this new nightmarish reality. what are the democrats doing to deflect? they are trying to redefine the words come out claiming that pretty much anything and everything counts as either infrastructure or emergency covert covid relief. kirsten gillibrand, "paid leave his infrastructure, child care's infrastructure, caregiving's infrastructure." no, senator, it's not infrastructure. but you know what is infrastructure? yeah, the keystone xl pipeline project that you killed, the dakota pipeline. energy resources in ny or alaska. when, joe, are you going to apologize for destroying those
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six-figure career hardworking jobs for american energy workers? it's just one of the many reasons the biden administration has to lie to you, to we the american people, as they are getting more desperate by the day. because biden and even pete buttigieg now caught this week saying delma claiming the package would cost have 19 billionjobs. what that's why he kept felling on the stairs, that was a lie. number included 16.3 billion jobs that moody's project it would be added even if biden's infrastructure proposal never became the law. oh, biden, he's just off a mere 16 million jobs on that lie. like clockwork, rather than admit obvious mistakes, democrats do what they always do. when all else fails, play the race car. they do it every two years, every four year spirit team
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biden are claiming that highways are racist. they need to be totally overhauled to pursue racial equality in the country and equity. i guess not according to democrats, roads are now racist. and need to apologize for it. honest question, is there anything in this country that democrats won't try to reduce to race that divides us when we should actually be united? this is the democratic playbook every election. every two years. every four years. like congresswoman omar this week comparing georgia's law to south african apartheid. what the democratic party is doing is dangerous, diabolical, it's destructive here but unfortunately it's not at all surprising. remember the covid package? there was no emergency relief, it was only 9% for the info structure package doesn't focus on infrastructure and it is the hr one sr one build that are the actual attack on election integrity. the entire rallying cry has been
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and continues to be based on lies and the only way they can get their agenda past is to try to prevent you from actually knowing what are in these bills. so let me ask a question. joe biden, he vowed that his top priority was unity. how could anyone at this point believe that or believe that he fell three times because the wind blew him over, it's a windy day. here now, dr. ben carson is with us but your initial reaction first as a medical doctor to these reports. we have been reporting on and we have our investigative report from the border tonight, the perilous journey of these unaccompanied minors. the violence that often takes place, now it's taking place as governor abbott has described, they try to keep child protective services from seeing these kids. now that they are seeing them, they are reporting these atrocities happening. your reaction as a medical doctor, sir? >> having spent almost my entire
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professional career dealing with children and the issues with children, obviously it breaks my heart seeing these children treated this way. i don't know that anybody really cares that much that they are being used adds ponds like so many of us are being used in this effort to divide this country. i think it's going at a very macro level, you have to remember that about 60 years ago, the kid khrushchev said, these children will live under communism and we won't have to fire a shot. what was he talking about? he was talking about the ability to gain control of our educational system so you can indoctrinate the kids, gain control of the media so you can spoon-feed the people only what you wanted them to hear, exclude the things he didn't want them to hear, he was talking about replacing god and confidence in god with government. he was talking about raising the debt to such incredible levels
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that you could justify massive taxation, redistribution of wealth, and complete control by the government. we need to wake up. we need to go back and read some of the stuff that was going on decades ago when people were predicting what was going to happen and we need more of it. the best way to thwart it is to recognize that this is the united states of america. and we have to recognize those who are trying to divide us. >> sean: we have states like delaware, new york, colorado they have far more restrictive voting laws than the new law in georgia. but that didn't stop joe biden from now numerous times referring to it as "jim crow 2.0." what is your reaction? >> does he know what jim crow is? >> sean: does he know what day of the week it is, doctor? >> [laughs] had he read about the lives of people who had to suffer under that system, not only of extreme segregation but unfairness,
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incredible violence that was going on? this is nothing like that. these laws in georgia apply to everyone. they don't specifically apply to one group of people. i find it quite offensive for people to assume that black people cannot get a voter i.d. cannot get any kind of official i.d. i did not know any black people like that. i do not know where they are finding these people. the fact of the matter is, black people are just like anybody else. tremendous progress has been made and all of a sudden they have become victims because the media and politicians find it to their advantage to create those casualties. >> sean: voting laws in delaware for more restrictive than georgia! outrageous what he's done here. dr. carson, great to see you again. also a republican running for the senate in pennsylvania calling out biden's history of disturbing racial rhetoric, releasing a viral video.
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take a look. >> the white man that sits at 1600 pennsylvania avenue believes that he has the power to take away my blackness because i'm a conservative. but i will keep on. joe biden, after the november election of 2022, you can call me something else, senator. because this determined black conservative woman is going to become the next united states senator from the commonwealth of pennsylvania. >> sean: here with reaction, fox news contributor and civil rights attorney leo trial, leo 2.0. along with senate candidate in pennsylvania kathy burnett is with us. i watched your entire video. it was very impressive. you would be the first african-american woman as a republican in the senate. from all i can see, i hope that happens. >> you know, you and me both. but i can tell you this, if
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people are truly sick and tired just listening to your opening statement, i now understand why so many of your guests come on completely hyped up. you cannot hear the things that you are speaking about, what dr. carson was just speaking about, and not be completely heartbroken and unnerved by what has taken place in our country right now. we were on that battlefield, it was intentional, at gettysburg. it was one of the most defining moments in the civil rights -- in the civil war. we could've lost it at that particular moment but we didn't i believe because of providence. nonetheless, we are in a battle for the very definition of who we are as a nation. who are we? that is the question that our culture, our nation is asking and people need to begin to rise up and begin to speak out and push back against the lunacy and the ill logic that is being used right now to divide us.
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they are simply using the color of my skin to divide this nation and fundamentally change who we are. since the democrats love talking about my skin color, i decided to start talking about it as well. i am not a victim, i am a victoire in this nation, i know exactly where i come from and i know exactly why i am where i am today. if it was up to socialism, i would be still be on the pig farmer talked about about in that video. >> sean: i'm listening to kathy. kathy is running in pennsylvania. i keep hearing herschel walker might run in the great state of georgia. i do like that liberal democrats can be the coastal elites, i'm fine with that. the party of working men and women, minorities in america? that ought to be the conservative movement and the republican party movement going forward. >> that is donald trump, what he did to bring me to the party, bring kathy, herschel walker, that's why the democrats are
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playing the race card 24/7. your opening monologue with the evidence i can use in court to prove that joe biden is a racist. it laid it out perfectly. it's a reason why i left the democratic party. joe biden is a racist and because of his mental capabilities, he might not know it. but he's a racist. he owes georgia an apology because everyone who has any common sense knows that jim crow does not exist. that is a lie. that's a big lie. honestly, sean, he's playing this race card to divide this country while he passes hr 1, while the borders are unsecure, while he bankrupts this country with this massive tax bill. i think it's a diversion. one last point, the democrats are worried that blacks are leaving the party, people like kathy, people like herschel, people like leo terrell because we figured it out. they don't want us to be independent and that's why they keep us in those poorly run the
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public schools they keep us in poverty. >> sean: does that mean you are endorsing kathy? i can hear it. i don't know. i'm just reading between the headlines here. >> kathy and i are going to talk big time. >> sara carter live from the border. mark meadows next. later, that california car chase we told you yesterday? it came to the conclusion because of the heroism of one guy. that person will join a straight ahead.
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wanna help kids get their homework done? well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. over the next 10 years, comcast is committing $1 billion to reach 50 million low-income americans with the tools and resources
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calling for a full investigation into the investigations of the san antonio migrant facility. where is joe biden, kamala harris? should be intervening to stop abuse of migrants. here with the latest from our own best get a reporter sara carter, we heard about this. happened with this perilous journey that a lot of these undocumented people, legal immigrants say that joe invited them. now they kept out greg abbott for a long time for sending out child services and they are getting and telling us after all that we've seen in the cages. >> yeah, sean. there isn't a law enforcement official or somebody involved in this crisis including human health services personnel that don't say that this is when it's
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the biggest challenges they've ever had and they also say this is the worst i've ever seen the border. remember, sean, these facilities are overcrowded. the one that governor abbott was talking about is the freeman coliseum facility holding over 1300 teenagers. they say that the facility, there are a number of reports of sexual abuse in the facility as well as the inability to separate children who have tested between six positive from children who are testing covert negative. they want that facility shut down for there's also the issue of ms-13 and other gang members in the facility as well as crossing the border. there was a recent arrest of an el salvador income at 28-year-old gentleman who crossed the border in california and is allegedly an ms-13 gang member. a lot of these gang members are going without tattoos but law enforcement officials saying it's very difficult to distinguish who is a gang member, who's been in prison, who hasn't. another big, big concern right now, the national security implications we are facing in the southern border, i got to
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spend the day with congressman jim jordan from ohio and he was out on the border with me and he's been listening and being briefed by law enforcement officials here. we discussed the real security concerns that he had and how all of those concerns aren't just at the border but they travel inland ntd united states, into the midwest where he sees an increase of drug addiction in ohio and other issues that our nation is facing because of the criminal organizations. sean, everybody here wants a solution. they say the biden administration needs to deliver that solution and the need to pay attention to what's happening here at the u.s.-mexico border. >> as we've been reporting, the texas governor made shocking allegations about what is happening in biden's migrant detention centers but we've already witnessed with our own eyes biden's cages for kids. take a look.
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>> this facility is a health and safety nightmare. the biden administration is now presiding over the abuse of children. to end this abuse, the biden administration must immediately shut down this facility. while we wait on the biden demonstration to act, i'm directing the texas department of public safety and the texas rangers to immediately begin investigating these allegations. >> sean: this is an unmitigated disaster, full brown crisis directing from biden's open border policies. no plan to address the real problems. it has now been two weeks since biden and kamala harris, the borders czar, not even been briefed by the borders. if as by reporter that it be worth visiting, she laughed, as
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she often does. what's so funny? you found the time to make trips to connecticut, spend almost a week in california, visit a bakery in chicago at no time to go down and address kids living in the cages that you and joe are building? the unmitigated disaster? with reaction, former white house chief of staff mark meadows and at the border tonight with sara carter is congressman jim jordan. you are down there. if an american day care center, we show the american people pictures of the images we have now seen for weeks overcrowding in biden's cages, kids in cages. and now that we are learning tonight, now what we've learned about terrorists being apprehended, did you not think the day care center owner would be handcuffed and taken right to jail, jim jordan? >> particularly when the rules say that under covid court protocol, you needed to have 33 in the park and they had 527
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children there, sean. this is a problem, a crisis that could have been prevented if they kept in place the policies that president trump had in place that were actually working. i'm convinced the reason the president hasn't come down, that the vice president hasn't come down here that they won't let the press back into these facilities is because they are afraid the american people are going to find out exactly what's going to go on here. how chaotic it is, and it could be stopped if we just put in place -- excuse me, keep in place the policies that were there under president trump. >> sean: mark meadows, they won't allow the media to go in and investigate and see these. the only reason they have a lot of these images are from people that bravely went in and took pictures that they tried to erase. number one. number two, border patrol is forbidden from giving interviews in right along spirit if these happen committees images we are now seeing, these allegations of abuse and rape, even, how do you
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think the people in this country would be reacting? >> the media would be up in arms but you've done more reporting on the border than most of the other networks combined. when we look at that come up the borders czar kamala harris has spent more time with her interior decorator then she has at the border. it's time that the american people get the whole truth. i can tell you, if it was president trump, they would've been down there with cargo loads of cameras to try to make sure that the american people knew it. they are using the bunker mentality for joe biden and kamala harris, and now it's the time to make sure that we go back to the policies that worked under president donald trump. >> those policies were simple, jim jordan. stay in mexico i'm a continue
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construction. end catch and release which was ended under president trump. >> yeah. those three policies, president trump a couple weeks before he left, if you want to do with the policies we put in place, there will be a tidal wave of illegal immigrants on the border. all the people watching your show tonight, we should remember that you cannot get into your capitol to exercise your first movement rights, you can't get into your capitol but everybody can now get into your country. all kinds of bad things are happening to kids on this journey. the ages were clear, they said put back in place remain in mexico policy, continue to build a wall and we all stop this and get this thing under control and have the legal immigration we are supposed to have come that this illegal chaos and crisis that we now see on the border. >> sean: mark meadows, what do you make of the constant reference of jim crow 2.0 when george's voting laws are far more open than joe biden's delaware? not even close.
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>> it diminishes all we know that was horrific about jim crow laws, separate but equal, and the unbelievable way that people were treated not too long ago. to suggest that a law that was passed actually creates of fair and free election in georgia is anything close to that is just playing a card that quite frankly joe biden shouldn't play and knows better than to play. >> sean: reporting for us tonight. thank you both. joe biden set to announce new gun-control measures. expect that they'll use more executive actions. dana bash, larry elder here to explain why that's a really bad and dangerous idea. remember last night? high-speed chase. ended because of a hero truck driver, he will join us tonight are you ready to join the duers?
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>> sean: tonight we are learning more about joe biden's executive action on gun control which we expect will be formally unveiled tomorrow, you will curb so-called ghost guns among other things. seems to have no end in sight and neither does the administration's lack of transparency. here with a quick reaction, radio talk show host nationally syndicated -- both of them, actually. dana loesch and larry elder. i looked at what this proposal is, i see will use executive action again and bypass the coequal branch of government as usual and do it through executive fiat. i'd expect a lot of court challenges. but in the interim, that'll probably be something law-abiding gun owners will have to abide by.
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>> sean, you are right to note that the executive action is completely also to bypass congress. he doesn't have the political capital in the senate to get this done. no way joe biden is going to convince a number of senators including joe manchin and i'd even wager kyrsten sinema to sign off to this stuff. of course, that pen and paper only goes so far. but to go after hobbyists? i want to make this very clear, sean, for everyone clear on the show. ghost gun is a term used by people who have no idea that this activity is already federally regulated. 18 usc 923. it's also covered by the national firearms act. 27 cfr 478. this is already federal law. there is no gun that that can be sold without a serial number and that's why they called him ghost guns. they act as though they are
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untraceable. that is alive. if you're a hobbyist, you want to go out into your shed, do not know if you have a tool shed. i think most do. you want to go out, make a firearm for your own personal use, you can. if you are going to sell it to larry, you need to serialize it. if either follows the law, there are serious consequences associated with that. ultimately there's a lot more here than just what's on the surface, but this is already covered by federal law. >> sean: good take. larry elder, from a legal perspective, you are also a lawyer. >> is there any evidence whatsoever that any of these measures that joe biden wants to do would've stopped any of these gun shootings? i am in california. the state that's got the most restrictive gun laws in the union. we just had a shooting here. and the gun laws did not stop it. just once i'd like somebody to ask jen psaki, madam press secretary, can you tell me how many americans last year are
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alive because somebody was able to use a gun for self-defense, we never have a discussion about how many americans use a firearm for self-defense every year but for the firearm they would've been dead. democrats are always talking about wanting to have an unpleasant discussion, let's have an unpleasant discussion. how many are alive because of firearms? >> there is a fun mental question i'll ask both of you the same question. i always asked the question when i'm debating the issue of guns, i've been a pistol marksman since i've been 11 because they haven't had a fingerprint safe like i do which protected kids from getting near it. the issue is what do you do if, god forbid somebody breaks into your house, wants to bring harm to you and your family? i know what i'm going to do. i will protect my family, dana. i don't know what other people who don't seem to want as second amendment will do.
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>> that's the million-dollar question. how are you going to defend yourself? something so incredibly important it dovetails to what you are asking. if we are going to have a serious discussion about gun control, have a discussion about fatalities and homicides that are mostly carried out by a prohibitive past sensors in a completely eagle they'll make a loan all of the lives that are survived annually with defensive gun usage. sean. i know that you carry and you support the second amendment. i know what i'm going to do and i had to face this because i've had people who like me to try to come to my home. thankfully i wasn't there. as i told fort worth police, that it be a different story had i been there. i know what i would do. it's something that i have practice, law-abiding gun owners are the only ones i do to improve their skill set so they never have to use it. that needs to be included in this conversation.
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last word, larry. >> i live in the city proper and i have guns distributed throughout my house. if somebody comes in we are going to have a short brief conversation. that's all i can tell you. >> sean: i'm not coming over to dinner tomorrow. dana, i don't know about you. but we'll come over unannounced at 11:00 p.m. larry, how are you! bypassing an entire coequal branch of government, that's a problem too. last night on this program we showed you that high-speed car chase and it did end because of one person. the hero of the story joins us next.
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>> sean: suspect wanted in connection with a murder leading police in the southern california wild a high-speed chase reaching nearly 90 miles per hour before crashing into the side of a big rig. here with a full report, he's with fox 11 l.a. phil? >> i think is a pursuit that a lot of folks here in southern california are going to remember for quite some time not just because of how dangerous this was but because of how this came to an end with a good samaritan getting involved. if we can pull up some video yesterday afternoon, this was about 30 miles east of los angeles, as you mentioned, this was a high-speed pursuit of a merger suspect in a large pickup truck. had a female passenger with him and this thing went on for over an hour. incredibly dangerous. incredibly dangerously, on the wrong side of the road, nearly
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avoiding hitting oncoming cars, throwing stuff out of the window and this went on for quite some time until it went on the surface streets in pomona and that's when this big rig truck driver decided he was going to take matters into his own hands. going to see a video from the helicopter and we got some ground video of him watching this pursuit suspect come by him and he just takes his big truck and slams into the suspect. i had a chance to talk to him after he did this and he told me he did it on purpose. it was instant, felt that he to bring this pursuit to an end and he knew it was a murder suspect. on top of that, both suspects were taken into custody but the female passenger for whatever reason was let go by police and i had a chance to catch up with her in a really bizarre exchange and a gas station with this crowd of onlookers where she held an impromptu press conference. said that the murder suspect was her friend and she had picked her up. take a listen. >> he wanted to help his friend and got shot. said, i'm down the road, we'll
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go help your friend. they tried to chase us. it didn't work out well. >> they said he's wanted for murder. >> he's wanted for murder? didn't know that. it might've been self-defense. did you ask that? did they ask that question mike today as it was self-defense? or did they just say, "it's murder." >> that brave truck driver, he told us again that it was in his nature to get involved and stop it? it was put to an end and no innocent people got hurt. we'll send it back to you. >> sean: bill, thank you for joining us with more is that truck driver, he is the one who put an end method that chase come out ahmad, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> sean: you know the danger you were facing. you know what was happening. how did you know that car needed to be stopped and did it take a lot of thought or was it just instinctive for you? >> well, i saw them chasing him
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about five blocks before where i had hit him. i was talking to my friend on the phone and i was like, hey, there is this car being chased by 14-15 cops. he's like, yeah, that guy is a murderer. and maybe about 5-7 minutes later, here he comes again but from behind me. and i was looking at my right rearview mirror and i was watching him coming, had the red light in this minute and just had to pick my truck a little bit ahead just to see which direction he was going to turn into which was right or left, and he took a left. my intention was related to block the whole intersection, my truck is not that long. by the time my truck reacted and he got in his truck, i got my
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truck and we just surrounded each other. so yeah. >> is there a gofundme page to repair the damage of his truck? you deserve that for your heroism. is there anything up there or anything? >> i believe my wife set it up under the truck driver that stopped the police chase. >> sean: i'm going to put it up on my website on and i'd like to donate myself. a lot of people do not want to get involved, ahmad. you did indistinctly. you knew it was dangerous, you did it anyway. that defines her wisdom and courage. thank you for another hero of the day, at least wins this honor once a week. i will tell you who it is next.
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>> i usually go to bed at 3:00 and 4:00 am. i will call you and give you a wake-up call, no excuses if you tire tomorrow. >> i was going to text you, would you fill in for me tomorrow, would you be able to get to the city? >> go to bed from 3:00 to 4:00, i'm a night owl, the odds of me getting up in time to be ready for "fox and friends," pretty low so you are in for tomorrow. might need a little more notice. brian: and you will smell like liquor, we don't know that.
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