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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 9, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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can practice his own moves. jillian: he is so cute. i love that. >> lawrence: so cool. download the fox news app. open your camera and scan the qr code on your screen. jillian: that's right. thanks for joining us this week. >> lawrence: fun week. jillian: you will be at 7:00 p.m. next week. >> lawrence: yeah. >> what the left won't tell you about the true state of our southern border. >> more than 172,000 migrants encounters to 71% increase? the new surge we are dealing with now [inaudible] >> the new president unveils his gun control policy. >> gun violence in this country is an epidemic. it's long past time that we act. >> you are only putting more burden on law abiding gun owners. if if we ask if that was your last you don't know. >> i really don't know. the fact of the matter is it's a red herring. >> the pull all star game out of atlanta. >> it happening to our game of baseball. the great game of baseball, we
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are going to lose a lot of fans because of this. in the hole, takes dead aim ♪ brian: so this is what is confusing. that's a rock song looking at a country city singing about country music. i hate when we confuse america around the world but montana, he will be on a little bit later. it's somewhat disconcerting. steve: mark, can you dropped locater that shows that it's nashville? can you take that out, because that is the batman building. the so-called batman building in nashville and what town is that? it's in gotham city, right? batman, gotham city? we are in gotham, so even though we are looking at nashville we
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are talking about gotham with a batman building. brian you opened a can of worms. ainsley: there is no state tax in tennessee so a lot of people from new york are moving down there. steve always tells us the weather, right? whenever we put up a picture of a city. steve: could be 82. ainsley: 84 is the high. i knew you were going to say it. steve: there you go. brian: do you know when it's going to be high what time? steve: 3:00 in the afternoon. ainsley: usually it's 3:00. steve: it's a good guess. brian: build on the gotham comment the number one comedy club in new york city which opened up friday this guy named jerry sign if he would didn't close he opened. you are allowed to have 25% capacity in comedy clubs in new york city thanks to our oppressive regime. steve: well, nothing to laugh about regarding these shocking new numbers showing more than 569,000 border encounters just this year alone. brian: looks like a fictional number but it's actually happening on top of that unaccompanied minors are
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reportedly costing taxpayers $60 million a week. ainsley: wow, that is $24,000 per child. griff jenkins joins us live to it from washington to break down all the numbers. griff, pretty expensive. griff: it is indeed, brian, ainsley and steve good morning. we knew the numbers were going to be big but not this big. these march numbers show how badly the border is being totally overwhelmed. look at them 172331 migrants to be exact. up 71% from february. and one number stand out and should be triggering alarms everywhere. 18,890 unaccompanied children. the highest ever recorded in a single month. now, even border state democrats are decrying it. >> this is an unsustainable situation. there is no doubt about it. it's unsustainable for the migrants. it's unsustainable for the agency. griff: this as khs secretary mayorkas visited the border for the third time holding no public events or access drawing
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criticism from senator ted cruz who tweeted closed press. once again joe biden is trying to hide his agreerges failures at the border from the american people. #hyden biden. mayorkas met behind doors with mark daniels who told fox news afterwards currently we asked to meet with the secretary for once a week, whether that's through zoom, conference calling in person or whatever needs to happen based on where we are at today with the border hopefully this will turn into action. are at the regional medical center of the christ '0,000 children in care of dhs custody and care. taxpayers spending 60 million a week to shelter them in more than 10 emergency facilities that have been set up sincian with one in san antonio under investigation for sexual abuse allegations. as texas' governor greg abbott
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is calling for its closure. and then there is this. some other governors like iowa's kim rendell are now refusing to even take the kids as this crisis unfolds. ainsley, brian, steve? brian: that's interesting, griff. because i didn't know governors can refuse to take kids or immigrants because they all seem surprised when they show up in their state. steve: she said they didn't have the facilities. ainsley put up that number it's $60 million a week times four, that's a quarter of a billion dollars a month. every four months that's a billion dollars. whose department is that money coming out of? griff: ultimately, this is the hhs's office refugee it resettlement that is footing the bill. i would have to trace down the exact expenditure where it comes from. here is the big take away. that is let's remember we were all sthokd to get the february
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numbers and now we are stunned to get the march numbers and all the officials say that it is going to increase. i can tell you that in the first seven days in april, in just the rgv where i have deep sources they are saying a massive number of increased unaccompanied children. so, it's safe to say it's going to get much higher. that's pretty much right now, as ainsley pointed out breaking it down we are spending about 300 bucks a kid per day. that's going to increase a lot. ainsley: i was thinking as a parent, i don't spend nearly that much. i probably spend that much a week feeding -- not even that much feeding my child a week. steve: how much are chicken fingers? ainsley: i was thinking why is it so expensive i was reading the costs really are so significant because of staffing and insurance. brian: right. and by the way it's not as if they are getting luxurious conditions thanks a lot griff. i know you need to get going you have a lot of stuff to do. not great conditions. chris stewart tweeted this out the congressman facilities 75%
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capacity with 19,000 unaccompanied minors and then we know this. there have been no visits by the border czar and when we sent envoys down to meet el salvador, nicaragua and guatemala. el salvador president says i will not meet with you. i do not like the way you treated me. i was just in washington i asked to see the president he wouldn't see me. i'm not seeing your envoy. the that is not good international relations. it's not going to help the situation. steve: yeah. of course, this administration is blaming the last administration. biden official said, quote: we are continuing to dig out of the hole left by the previous administration in -- on immigration. and they go ton say they didn't ask for more money for beds until january 15th. but they didn't know the extent to which biden was going to undo everything the trump administration had done. that's like asking for money to rebuild a house that has burned
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down before it's burned down. they just didn't know the extent of it. and now we are looking at the numbers. 300 bucks a kid per day. and this is going to multiply throughout the summer. ainsley: yeah, the white house's entire administration blaming trump. watch this. >> so there this new surge we are dealing with now started with the last administration. >> what i am seeing is the result and what we are seeing is the result of president trump's dismantlement of the safe and orderly immigration processes. >> the last administration left us a dismantled and unworkable system and, like any other problem, we are going to do everything we can to solve it. >> what did trump do? he eliminated that funding. he didn't use it. he didn't do it. and in addition to that what he did, he dismantled all the elements that exist to deal with what had been a problem and has tipped to be a problem for a
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long time. ainsley: absolutely no way they can blame trump for this. even the people who want open borders who lo aoc and love this administration. still know that president trump built that wall, the numbers prove it. the monthly numbers for march surpassed any monthly numbers ever recorded under president trump. they are the highest monthly numbers recorded in 15 years. brian: and remember when president biden said if i make a mistake, i will tell you. i will let you know. there has been nothing candid so far over the last two months including those comments. just like it wasn't jim crow on steroids with the georgia laws. there are things he may not like and do like. now they are trying to message this as trump's fault and i'm trying to clean up a mess. awful you have to do is talk to the mexican president to try the leaders of these triangle countries. if you talk to the border patrol, they will disabuse you of anything accurate by the president's remarks. ainsley: he can say anything because the media, the other channels are not going to report it, brian and steve. brian: they will roll that
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soundbite and move on. steve: we detailed this yesterday. there are now allegations of sexual child abuse. not just, you know, neglect and. ainsley: sexual assault. steve: not just neglect and overcrowding at the facilities, but actual allegations of sexual child abuse at that facility in san antonio. and the governor, greg abbott said, look, the administration has known about this. and they are doing nothing. and the question is, he wonders, you know, is this happening at other facilities as well? so i think the administration, you know, they have talked about the overcrowding. but how about talking about these allegations. i know some senators have suggested the inspector general for the tempt of homeland security go in there and just check out the facilities. if we are putting those children in a facility that is not safe for them, it should be closed down. but whose fault is that?
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ainsley: governor abbott was out the convention center in dallas wanting to get in so he could find out how many of them, what's happening inside? had they been sexually assaulted on the way up to mexico when they get to the u.s.? what's happening inside and the federal government won't allow it. brian: another day, another national embarrassment that accord tog the 39 of the united states. he used yesterday to announce executive orders as it relates to guns. no, by the way no amendment in the constitution is safe. let's zero in on these remarks. >> taking steps to confront not just the gun crisis but what is actually a public health crisis. nothing, nothing i'm about to recommend in any way impinges on the second amendment. no amendment to the constitution is absolute. and the very beginning you couldn't own any weapon you wanted to own. in the very beginning of the second amendment existed certain people weren't allowed to have weapons. so the idea is just bizarre to suggest that some of the things we are recommending are contrary
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to the constitution. steve: you know the part that is really shocking is where the president just said no amendment to the constitution is absolute. he is talking about the second amendment, which he does not regard as, you know, giving everybody the right to do whatever they want to with guns. we know that we know his talking point. but, what about if no amendment is absolute, what about how does he feel about the first amendment? how does he feel about the freedom of religion? how does he feel about freedom of speech? ainsley: how about the 19th amendment that allows me to be able to vote? anyone to vote it doesn't matter your sex? brian: on the bubble. steve: how does he feel about freedom of the press? we actually know how he feels about that there is a complete media blackout at our southern border. it looks as if he is being kind of a cafeteria approach to the constitution, he said, you know, these amendments are not absolute. he would like to do something about the second amendment, which he simply disagrees with, but, at the same time, if you feel that way about one, do you
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feel that way about all of them? ainsley: good point. here is jason riley, "wall street journal" columnist on democrats arguing against constitutional rights. >> the big problem that the biden administration, the democrats have, is that gun rights, unlike, say, abortion rights, are actually part of the constitution. and what that means is that they require acts of congress to pass serious reforms, not simply executive action. so the administration can push for redefining what a pistol or a rifle means or, you know, they can push for community violence intervention and throw money at that at the end of the day, you run into the same problem you always do with, this which is that you are only putting more burdens on law abiding gun owners, of the criminals don't care. you are simply putting more burdens on law abiding people and they're not the problem. brian: jason riley always with
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good perspective. president biden embarrassed him again yesterday saying there is no background checks at gun shows when that is blatantly not true. jen psaki tried to soft pedal that it doesn't work. he should learn what the rules are he would have much more credibility if he tries to change them. ainsley: what mr. reilly was talking about, if they take away our guns what if somebody who is a criminal who is going to get the gun no, sir matter what. steve: they already have them. ainsley: what if they come in my house? how am i going to protect my family or how is dad going to protect us. when we grew up we knew dad was strong and he could shoot a gun. if he had to he could protect our family. joe biden wants to 'ban assault weapons. buy backs on assault weapons and gun manufacturers to be sued if a criminal buys a gun from a manufacturer and he is caught with a crime, then he could sue -- then they could sue the manufacturer. steve: that would run the gun businesses out of business. ainsley: correct. make them bankrupt. steve: perhaps that's the end game. brian: i don't know if you know this hunter biden has a book
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deal unfathomable a guy investigated by the fbi allegedly whose laptop would include pornographic pictures of him doing crazy things with hookers and then also have him smoking crack and doing things i didn't think was possible with drugs and then denying that it was even his laptop to begin with would go on a book tour to actually welcome in the question because he knows he's not going to get any hard ones. that's why he is showing up trying to sell a book on jimmy kimmel's show last night who even managed to ask him the question and he still doesn't have a good answer. listen to this. >> i really don't know. and the fact of the matter is it's a red herring. it is absolutely a red herring. but i am absolutely, i think within my rights, to question anything that comes from the -- from the desk of rudy giuliani. and so i don't know is the answer. >> do you ever wish you had apple care? >> that would have been good.
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[laughter] steve: now that's funny there at the end. here's the thing. so here we are. brian: blaming rudy, are you kidding? steve: no the apple care. april 9th. and now we are joking about this kind of stuff. if you remember in the run-up to the election, that particular story was being told to us that the few media outlets that we're talking about it were talking about how it was russian disinformation. and when the "new york post" came out with essentially what was on there and fox news followed the story as well, we were told you know what? that's just russian disinformation. you really can't trust that fast forward to now, now hunter biden says yeah, it could be my laptop. i don't really know. ainsley: he said he didn't make a mistake. jimmy kimmel asked him did you make a mistake taking a place on the board? he said no. answered writes in the book did i display a lack of judgment? no. would i do it again? no. he said because he didn't take into account how it would be used against his father in the election. but, i'm not really sure it was
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used against his father because no one was reporting it. steve: no there was a total media blackout. ainsley: "new york post" reported the story and social media took it down. anyone who tried to repost it, they were blocked. the story was completely suppressed. it was hidden from america as much as they could hide it, they were trying. brian: the name tony bobulinski should come up and this country called china should enter into the fray that fund that he collected while traveling on air force 2 and the relationships that he had, they need to be unwound because his dad ends up becoming president of the united states and our number one foe in every way, shape or form happens to be china. people should know if he is on the look to china who know a lot more than jimmy kimmel knows about questioning hunter biden. steve: as hunter biden tries to sell the book and he says it's a tell-all yesterday the daily mail came out with encyclopeed dick list of what was on that laptop as it turns out the hunter biden book is missing a
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really lot of all of things if they're to be believed. ainsley: jimmy kimmel red read the book so much about his crack addiction i'm impressed that you are actually alive. he said i didn't believe that you wouldn't know where your laptop is or if that was or was not your laptop until i read the book. i'm surprised you are even showing up with shoes on. brian: it is his laptop. jillian, you have the rest of the news. jillian: that's right, good morning. go ahead and begin your headlines with this. a mass shooting at a texas warehouse leaves one person dead and four others in critical condition, including a state trooper. one worker detailing the terrifying moments. i told my daughter that i love her and my boyfriend and i didn't know what was going to happen. i thought it was several people involved. jillian: place say only one person was involved. larry is charged with murder. he worked at the facility but his motive remains unclear. he is being held on $1 million bond. a we're storm threat remains
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high in the south as golf ball sized hail hammers texas overnight. in tennessee a tornado ripped the roof off an elementary school. some minor injuries are reported. another twister in arkansas causing a semi-truck to blow over. severe weather is expected into the weekend. and tumor when president biden said this about russian president vladimir putin? >> so you know vice president. do you think he is a killer? >> um-huh. i do. jillian: putin was so reportedly upset about the comment he moved 28 russian troops to the border with ukraine. a senior researcher of international peace says he thinks the military move is about putin showing off to the u.s. and day two of the masters tees off in just a few hours. justin rose taking a commanding force lead in the opening round. tommy had the shot of the day right here nailing, look at this, the hole in one at augusta. we have to wait, you have to see
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it. oh, gosh, that's impressive but rory america elroy getting off on the foot striking his dad in the leg with a stray shot. that's a look at your headline. back to you. steve: going to be a big week in augusta. brian: the numbers quite high yesterday. let me tell us what's straight ahead. democrats divided after biden backs the decision to pull out of the all-star game. in fact, you could say it was his idea. hear from one world series winner making a shocking admission about the game that he loves next and maybe you can understand where he is coming from. from our friend at fox bet. download the fox bet super 6 app. predict six owks in the fox bet super 6 quiz show topics range from entertainment to sports. free to play. download the fox bet super 6 app. right now. ♪ ♪
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>> mr. president, what do you think about the possibility that baseball decides modify their all-star game out of atlanta because of this political issue? >> i think today's professional athletes are acting incredibly responsibly. i would strongly support them doing that. steve: that was -- there are democrats now who are saying they wish he simply would not have answered that question that way because obviously he was pushing for for a boycott now the every other question in the briefing room to jen psaki how does he feel about the masters? and how does he feel about the olympics and things like that because what has and is it's one thing to boycott something but then when you realize the pretty much instantaneous hit your economy is going to take to the
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tune of $100 million in cobb county down in georgia because they have moved it to coors field in the great state of colorado. ainsley: i know, even the democrats in that area because, consider, if you look at atlanta. it's more than 50% african-american. if you look at den, very it's less than 10% 9.2% african-americans. and everyone, actually, who owns a business in atlanta is being hit by this because they were expecting all these patrons to stay in the hotels and eat at the restaurants and now the democrat in that area are speaking out. this is the chair of the cobb county democrat she tells "the washington post" i think he probably should have not weighed in as push came to shove i know some of the local officials were disappoint that he had weighed. in it's going to get a story and get attention and it snowballs. brian: you are telling another state to kick out major league gaivel pass time because you personally, mr. president, don't
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like the put in place now that the pandemic is over. i got bad news for you. it's going to get worse, because there were 360 election rules on the books in 47 states and i have a sense that you might not like any of them. so where is baseball going to play? guam? david wells who played for 9 separate teams over the course of 20 years known best for throwing a no-hitter with the new york yankees and winning a world series right here in the bronx knows rob manfred before he became commissioner and he says he is out. after this, i am done with this sport that he loves so much here is what he said on the radio show yesterday. >> to me, how do you change the games the dynamics and hurt a city like atlanta who really needs some income that n. that situation? i mean atlanta is a great place to play baseball. i don't watch baseball anymore, brian, i refuse to watch it because of this. i don't want no part of it and this was my life. for me to not even want to go baseball game or watch it, it
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kills me because i don't put up with that kind of crap and i don't condone it. steve: how many people on the republican side now people are going to regard baseball as a blue state sport. brian: yeah. steve: georgia democrat some of them reached out to the white house after are joe biden pushed for the boycott and said that is not a good message for us. they got to the deputy chief of staff jen o'malley dillon and stacey abrams and senator jon ossoff both said hey, white house, we want you to know that while you are pushing that, we are going to say we oppose the boycott because the people we need to vote for us wanted the all-star game to stay there. brian: no one is buying it. steve: it's not going to poll well for us we are not for what joe biden just pushed. ainsley: what are you supposed to believe stacey abrams said not for the boycott brian reported yesterday stacey abrams and a few other. brian: al sharpton representative and lebron james
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weighed. in. ainsley: if the commissioner doesn't move. brian: the players were going to boycott. which is unbelievable. ainsley: you made a good point yesterday brian, the players are not decided. all-star game whoever is the best this season. you know what? if those all-star players that were selected don't want to show up? a lot of others would love to play in that game. brian: 47 states are changing thriewls major league commissioner might not be happy with. they will find the three state they will play in rhode island, utah and, i don't know, ohio, perhaps. and they will call it a day. we will see. i don't know how the braves can play. steve: when it comes to big sports organizations they should do exactly what the masters did. stay neutral. ainsley: stay out of politics. 6:29 on the east coast. the president pitched infrastructure plan as investment in the economy the tax hike to fund it could cost nearly a million jobs. we will talk to an economist who is crunching the numbers for us,
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jillian: good morning, we are back with headlines now dmx remains on life support. his manager giving update on his condition amid rumors that the rapper had died. >> stop with the rumors. he is still alive and he is on life support. jillian: dmx has been hospitalized for a week following a drug overdose that triggered a heart attack. his family is going to release a statement today with an update on his condition. unarmed park rangers are being deployed to portland in response to a shootings. 1.-million-dollar to provide a, quote, positive safety presence in portland's parks and surrounding neighborhoods. the city has seen 250 shootings since the part start of the
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year. that's 125% up crease compared to the same time last year. a former university of virginia student get the green light to proceed with a lawsuit over his expulsion. the school is being accused of violating the medical students first amendment rights for kicking him out after questioning microaggression. a federal judge denying the school's attempt to throw out the case after the incident branded him a threat on campus. some things in life are worth fighting for. according to north carolina congressman madison cawthorn. the young republican reveals he spent month learning how to kneel before he proposed to his now wife christina. a car accident left him paralyzed seven years ago. the couple was married over the weekend in a private ceremony. congrats to them. that's a look at your headlines, steve. steve: he was driven to do that that's great. thank you, jillian. well, you know, president joe biden has pitched his infrastructure plan as an investment in our economy and that sound good. but, the tax hike to fund it
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could kill a million jobs in the first few years. could shrink the g.d.p. and put a dent in your wages. that's according to a new study by the national association of manufacturers and our next guest one of the authors of that study joins us right now. john diamond is director of the center for public finance at rice university's baker institute. he joins us today from texas. good morning to you, john. >> good morning. steve: all right. so the headline that the biden administration is trying to push is that over the next 10 years it would create 19 million jobs. but then you realize are the economy was going to create 60 million anyway. and you say this could actually kill off a million jobs in the first two years. explain why. >> well, as you raise taxes on individuals and corporations by 1.7 trillion, that's going to lead them to reduce investment and labor supply and those two things fall, g.d.p. falls.
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as we invest less in capital, workers are less productive over the long term and that leads to a reduction in wages. and so we end up by year two you will lose a million jobs over the 10-year budget window, we predict that they would lose about 5.7 million jobs. so, that's what we see from our modeling of this. steve: yeah. so, i mean, that's the part that joe biden and company really don't talk about. hey, we need to pass this $2 trillion thing and to pay for it we are going to raise the corporate tax to 28%. we're talking about doubling the global tax to 21. we are going to tighten tax code loopholes, we are going to replace fossil fuel subsidies with tax incentives for green energy. they say that's how we are going to pay for it. when people realize it's going to cost a million jobs in the first two years and your wages are going to go down, why isn't the administration telling us
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that part? >> well, they don't ever say the negatives. they don't ever tell us about the negatives of their policies. and, to be honest, the policies i have looked at only raised $1.7 trillion over 10 years and they are planning to spend 2.65 trillion over 10 years. so really they are not even raising enough to pay for it. they are giving us this story that they are going to spend 2.65 trillion and they are going to raise taxes forever. but, in order to do that, they are also going to have to accumulate more debt, which we are already, you know in a world with too much debt. and that additional debt would also cost some jobs. so, there are several things we should be concerned about, even beyond the numbers i'm presenting today. steve: sure, i'm sitting here in new york city and now the legislature has passed income tax hikes on new york's most successful people. new york's top marginal income tax rate is going to be about
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52%, which means, john, for some people they are going to wind up actually paying governments more than they take home. ultimately, things like that have an impact on these higher earners and they wind up saying, you know, i can move to texas, i can move to florida. i can move to tennessee and i'm not going to have these headaches. >> that's exactly right. if you can modify to florida and you are allowed to work from home, so you can work from anywhere, and you can keep 20, 30% more of each dollar you make, it probably makes sense to move to florida. steve: you are probably about right. the weather is nice pretty much year around. john diamond. >> absolutely. steve: joining us from the baker institute down there in houston. sir, thank you very much for joining us on this friday. >> thank you. have a great day. steve: you as well. thank you. so now you know. cost a million jobs over two years. is it worth it? meanwhile, switching gears, border agents captured ms-13
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gang member trying to get into the united states. what happens to criminals who have made it across and are somewhere that we don't know? well, our next guest's brother was shot and killed by illegal immigrant and he stunt want to see the same tragedy happen to another family. that story coming up. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c.
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your perception, tell us what happened to your brother. >> good morning. thank you for having me first of all. he was murdered in 2018 by an illegal criminal alien that was arrested two days prior because of the sanctuary city laws. he was released and shot and murdered by this criminal. brian: so this guy's name is gastavo garcia. he was arrested on drug charge held in jail about 10 hours and then responsible for several shootings, two other murders, carjackings, multiple high-speed chases. this guy is a true menace. he is hell on earth. and he is still here and your brother isn't. when you hear about an arrest of two yemeni terrorists and then you here about an ms-13 arrest. what are you thinking along with the 19,000 unaccompanied minors who are just streaming into our country? >> we absolutely have a crisis. all you hear is law enforcement agencies screaming for help.
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and there is nothing being done. we have a saying in law enforcement if it walks like a talk, talks like a duck it's not a cow, it's a duck. don't sit there and tell me there is not a crisis at the border. there is. all you have to do is listen and see and know it's a crisis. we had more illegal immigrant cross our southern border last month than ever before in history. think about that. in history. brian: right and they blame. >> it's truly amazing what's going on down there. brian: of course the way it depose and you would know better than i you send the families who are no threat. you send the kids who are no threat. the border agents go there and then in comes ms-13 or the drug traffickers with the fentanyl that are poisoning the country. they think well, i'm not in a border city, it doesn't involve me. that's just not the case. >> you are right. it isn't the case. think of how many that's getting across getting into our communities. it's really destroying our
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communities. we have here in california sb 54. it really drove a wedge between local law enforcement and immigration. it just stopped them from communicating with each other. now we have proposed bills here in california a.b. 937. if you strip that bill away. really what it does is it just makes 'impossible, against the law actually to deport or remove any felon, illegal immigrant that commits a felony. you just can't deport them. it's insanity what's going on here. steve: the hhs secretary went to whhs secretary. he knows how it works. he knows the need for ice. yet, when it comes to sanctuary cities what has ice been told to do stand down or get out, right? >> that's absolutely right. their hands are tied. just look at the pictures what's going on down at the border. it's just like that in our communities. these felons are committing crimes, these illegal immigrants are committing crimes, felons,
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felonies, getting caught with pounds of methamphetamines, weapons on them, firearms, nothing is happening to them. i mean, they are doing early hours in jail and getting released. you know, a.b. 54, the sanctuary city laws, immigration has to have a federal warrant to have these local law enforcement agencies hold them. and it's impossible to do it. brian: they just don't seem to care. >> that's sad. look, i'm not a politician. i'm not a governor, i'm not a senator, i'm not a congressman. i'm just a citizen. i'm an american citizen. and what's going on right now they are protecting criminals, illegal alien criminals. and when you start doing that when you are protecting them, you stop protecting our community. you stop protecting our american citizens. brian: jody jones this isn't red or blue it's right and wrong. >> that's right. brian: what is happening now is flat out wrong. you are doing it in memory of your brother. you scrambled to get up this
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morning rocky who was killed two years ago. >> if i could say one last thick. i heard president biden say that it's his job to protect the american people. well, i want to say to president biden please protect the american people. secure our southern borders. do it now, do it soon because it's getting worse by the minute, by the hour, by the day. brian: yep. and we can't even get the vice president and president to show up. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. brian: the president getting called out by the "new york times" by making false claims about background checks and indoor bull riding is back ashley strohmier is live in sioux falls, getting lessons on how to tame the beast ♪ ♪ the rx crafted by lexus. get 0.9% apr financing on the 2021 rx 350 experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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ainsley: it is the first pro-sport welcoming fans back to a full house professional bull riders returning indoors with full capacity in south dakota. fox news correspondent ashley strohmier is in sioux falls along with professional bull riders dakota lewis and ashley. >> good morning, ainsley i'm standing in front of a bull right now. we were feeding him a little breakfast a second ago.
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i want to get down to it, matt. how long have you been doing this? >> 10 years professionally. >> 10 years. has there ever been a time you thought you were in a really sticky situation how am i going to get out of this. >> there has been a lot. with bull riding it's a dangerous sport. but something we crave each and every day and we love getting on these awesome animal athletes and suspecting it that we just love doing so we keep on doing it. >> okay. how do you feel about this being the first professional sport since covid to open back up inside an arena at 100 percent capacity? >> i can't wait. i love riding in front of the fans. that's what motivates me and so i'm pretty pumped to be able to do that and excited we get to ride in front of fans for the first time again. >> so speaking of riding bulls, we have got this mechanical bull and i have got my spotter matt. this is dakota. we are going to attempt this, ainsley. >> you got it. >> this is what they do for a living. i will tell you what, tv is a
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lot easier. did i this a couple of times earlier. >> pull it up tight. >> okay. >> get ahold of your rope right there. >> dakota do you get on these things before you get on the bull. >> sometimes when they're available to warm up. >> okay. >> and just try staying right there in the middle and hang on tight with each leg. >> do you have one of these at home. >> i don't, actually. >> do you have one of these at home. >> i do. >> i go to my buddy's matt's and ride his. >> we will try it. guys, i did it twice before. i will hope this thing goes back. so when i tell you to stop it though i need to you stop. >> i got you. >> i only made it 8 second. all right. let's go. ready? >> oh. [laughter] oh. >> oh my god. >> there you go. >> you got it. yeah. okay. good. oh, man, you should have seen the videos before, guys, it was not pretty. so, yeah, dakota, your favorite part about bull riding?
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>> oh, i mean i love all of it. you get to meet so many awesome people and get to go to so many awesome places and do awesome things. >> awesome. dakota, matt, guys, thank you so much. send it back to you, ainsley. ainsley: they are so brave to do it. did you a great job ashley, you stayed on. >> congratulations. that was the third time. you don't want to see the first two. ainsley: we have done it out here on the fox square before and janice and i had a coalition. had a collision. my head hurt all day. >> oh no. luckily we didn't have that. ainsley: tell them thank you. i love watching them. still ahead democrats want a supreme court justice to step down and hint it is not a trump appointee. stick around. ♪
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steve: shocking new numbers showing more than 569,000 border encounter just this year alone. >> we absolutely have a crisis. we had more illegal immigrants cross our southern border last month than ever before in history. >> the president received a lot of backlash when he talked about the closing of this so-called gun show loophole. >> if you go to a gun show, youu can buy whatever you want and no background check. >> is it the president's belief that you do not have to undergo a background check when you are at a gun show. >> no it's not his belief. >> the youtube video featuring florida governor ron desantis where the myth of having chirp
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wear masks. >> florida is the epitome of the other model that they don't like and that is successful. they are very selective in their censorship. >> all right. thank you lee, gary and jack the 2021 masters is now officially underway. ♪ ♪ ♪ steve: new york city. and as you can see right there miami, florida 72 degrees going for a high of 80. i just got a text from my friend ken who is down there says it's going to be a nice day in south florida. it's a nice day, we hope, wherever you are and thanks for making us the world's number one cable morning news show thanks to folks like you. ainsley: yeah, we really appreciate it. thank you i hope you had a great night's sleep. glad you are waking up with us. it is friday so we are rolling into the weekend, brian. brian: it's pretty amazing, too. you mentioned miami. that who is being recruited
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heavily out of new york to miami. they are raising taxes here because governor cuomo is giving in to the left to try to keep his job. it won't work. more major corporations being recruited and going down there, many aren't come to work anyway. now, if you make $5, you have to give $5 -- $4.80 -- excuse me, if you have to give almost half your money, over half your money to the federal government between the state taxes and the federal government 52%. ainsley: we give more to the government than we are taking home. see all those buildings down there in miami. can we put up a shot again? do you think fox news could move into one of those? steve: wouldn't that be great? although, i was talking to the guy who crunched the numbers about a half an hour ago regarding how many jobs would be lost if joe biden does jack up the corporate tax rate, and just got a call from somebody and they said who lives down in florida says tell steve don't tell people to move to florida because they don't need more
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people there. brian: right. jetblue is the latest company which is located in long island city to say we think we are going to leave. good luck with that keep on jacking up the tacks, fantastic. ainsley: a lot of my friend that live in new york are able to work from florida. they're working virtually and they still don't know. their bosses are still saying stay down there because we are not sure when we are coming back if we are coming back. we might be able to do the zoom thing cheaper than renting out one of these egg buildings. steve: i have two people in my immediate family working from florida because they can. ainsley: lucky. steve: lucky kids. ainsley: begin with shocking new numbers showing 569,000 border encounters just this year alone. brian: on top of that unaccompanied minors are reportedly costing taxpayers $60 million a week. steve: griff jenkins joins us right now from washington to break down the numbers. so, griff, they are spending $60 million on minors but, also, they -- we are, the taxpayers, are paying to house family units
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as well. so that would be a number on top of that number. griff: that's right it would be a number of 87 million the contract that ice has to house those family units. i will get to that in a minute. let's just remember that the administration says that the border is, quote, closed. these march numbers tell a very different story and illustrate just the magnitude of the crisis. look at that 172,331 migrants encountered. up 71% from february. and the one number standing out 18890 unaccompanied children. the highest ever ever recorded in a single month. got border state democrats like veronica escobar decrying it. >> this is an unsustainable situation no doubt about it. it's unsustainable for the migrants. it's unsustainable for the agency. griff: cbp incident cripple commissioner troy miller putting out a tweet saying we continue to see a increase in monthly
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illegal immigration along our southwest border. we are committed to balancing the need to maintain border security, care for those in our custody, and keep the american people and our workforce safe. speaking of custody, it's the center of the criticize, the more than 20,000 children currently in dhs's custody and care. "the washington post" reporting that taxpayers are spending 60 million a week to shelter them, which, hhs's spokesman said comes to about 775 bucks per kid per day. and that's in the more than 10 emergency facilities with that one in san antonio under investigation for sexual abuse allegations. texas governor abbott wants it closed and now governor of iowa, kim rendell says she is going to refuse to take these kids. listen here. >> we don't have the facilities. we are not set up to do that. this is not our problem. this is the president's problem. he is the one that's opened the borders. he needs to be responsible for this. and he needs to stop it. griff: this as dh is secretary
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mayorkas visited the border for a third time hold nothing public events or press access but meeting behind closed doors with border chief the agreed to meet once a week with border sheriffs whether by zoom conference call or in person. we will see if that happens. i think really once you look at the taxpayer bill that you have got, steve, where you started this introduction, the family units, which are 52,904 for march, they are the largest increase for the group. so, you can expect expenditures to grow not only on the unaccompanied children but left of center on the family units. steve, ainsley, brian? steve: all right, griff, thank you very much. ainsley: thank you, griff. it is with deep sorrow we announce this morning that prince philip has died at the age of 99. the royal family tweeted this out. it is with deep sorrow that her majesty the queen has announced the death of her beloved husband the royal highness the prince
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philip the duke of edinburgh her royal highness passed away this morning at windsor castle. join mourning his loss. brian: he served in world war ii it looks like when he was 18. he started writing letters to then princess elizabeth. he got permission to marry her in 1947. they have four kids together. royalty. he came from royalty, got rid of the royalty where he was born in greece, educated in france and germany. he goes to the u.k. fights for them. joins the navy. and then he lived a very public life. steve: he did, indeed. you know, during this global pandemic regarding covid, the royal family until they were vaccinated for the most part were isolating in different spots throughout great britain. and he was admitted to the hospital within the last two
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months and was there for a very long time. and people were worried about his condition. and this was about the time the meghan markle, harry interview was about to run with oprah winfrey and it was suggested that it was inappropriate that they run that particular, you know, tell-all, which invariably, you know, ultimately did accuse the royal family of racism. it was inappropriate to run that while he was in the hospital. and so, you know, he was released from the hospital just within the last week or two. and now the news that at the age of 99 prince philip, the husband of queen elizabeth the ii has passed away. ainsley: he retired from his royal duties in 2017 and there have been so many reports that he has been saying at windsor castle and throughout the pandemic as well they love windsor castle that's where william and got.
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i wonder if meghan and harry will be able to go. i wonder what their reactions will be if they will come out and say anything publicly or go over for the funeral. the castle is about an hour outside of london, we were there for the wedding and were able to visit the town. i'm sure people will be camped out there around the castle. the beloved family and just like at the wedding there were miles and miles of all along the streets hoping to get a glimpse of meghan and harry which they did because they drove through the town in their car. and i know that the folks there are just devastated. they love this family. we love this family and did you all watch the crown? steve: yeah. ainsley: i know it's fictional but based obviously on this true story and just to watch their ups and downs throughout that and the fact that they stuck together 99 years old. brian: right. they also married 37 years pretty amazing. also, if you factor in this, interest are reports that he was enraged after the interview in the fallout from the interview with oprah winfrey. so here he is trying to recover
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afternoon then he gets hit with that he also is reportedly very transparent about his distaste for fergie when she was married to prince andrew for a while. she was a little bit different. for the royal family's taste, i guess. so, 99 years old, he passed away. this is going to be a very public funeral. how do you as the grandson, not come back for your grandfather's funeral. ainsley: i'm sure he will. brian: that will be a bigger story than the funeral. steve: well, prince philip was the longest serving consort of any british monarch. when you look at his levee and ainsley, a lot of people are now familiar with the royal family because of shows like the crown, flip spent over six decades like 65 years supporting the queen for the most part he retired from public service, a public role a couple of years ago in 2017. and stayed largely out of view
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since. and when he was active, he helped set a new course for the monarchy under, you know, queue 2 championing britain itself. and just as his son, prince charles. he was a leader in environment causes. also science and technology. ainsley: you realize, too when you watch the shows about their lice, the duties, the dedication that they have. when you marry into the royal family, you are signing up for a lifelong commitment. and, you know. brian: not everybody. ainsley: right? in our country you are president for four years, maybe 8 years. but there it is a lifelong commitment if you are a part of that family. and you see the ted occasion that they have. they go and they visit all the different countries that support the monarchy. and years and years away from their kids or away from home or months away from their home. our heart breaks for them.
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brian: just think about this. one thing that piers morgan was saying on his morning show which he famously walked off of. really? your grandfather is in the hospital. you know he is not doing well. is this really the time tough put out this interview and evidently definitely added to his stress. ainsley: he was in the hospital at the time so he died at windsor castle so they allowed him to go home. steve: you know, they were married so long their 50th wedding anniversary was in 1997. and the queen acknowledged philip's deep influence on her calling him her strength and stay when she did deliver a speech regarding that. philip also helped bring the royal family to life on tv, rather than through radio reports. you know, during the war it was all about the radio. he was the first member of the royal family to do a televised interview and he presented a show on royal tour of the
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commonwealth, which, ainsley, exactly what you are talking about. he is also said to have had a hand in televising the queen's coronation in 1953 napped 195 an organizing a groundbreaking 1969 tv documentary. ainsley: remember the coronation in the show he had to bow to her and he didn't want to do that. he said, you know, i'm your husband, i don't want to bow to you. and she required it. and he actually did it. brian: can you imagine this? imagine meeting your future wife when you are 18 and she is 13. and you are in the military. wrote a letter, i guess, guess it must have worked. he outlasted so did the merriman, 5 prime ministers. obviously war. of course all the friction with northern ireland for the longest time that was one of the big stories all the explosions and all the violence there in both those continents. so enough to he is somebody that's been outfront and he has been willing to represent the u.k. even though he was born in greece, educated in germany,
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educated in france before going to the united kingdom, signing up for the military and they say served with distinction in world war ii. steve: speaking of the military, when he was 18, he joined the royal navy and he graduated from the britannia royal naval academy as a top cadet and he saw active duty from the i understand yap ocean to the mediterranean and in 1945, at the end of world war ii, he was actually in tokyo bay when the japanese surrendered. you know, and then -- there you can see them years later. philip's military career was truly central to his career and his character unlike prance other royal cording to ashley jackson a professor of imperial and military history at kings college in london. ainsley: oh, really? okay. he was a member of 780 organizations. he was a big sports enthusiast. and according to this site i'm reading now. he helped develop the equestrian
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event carriage driving. brian: big sportsman, big athlete, belonged to over 700 different organizations. he said at one time he never really aspired to be in royalty, even though he was pretty much born into it. and then he married into it. he said he would have looed to have just stayed in the royal navy and had a career in the military. steve: well, you know, and, brian, talking about how he was born in greece, but then became obviously part of the royal family of great britain, philip renounced his greek royal title and became british citizen, elizabeth's father king george the sixth also gave him a title the duke of edinboro. ainsley: i believe because his parents were exiled from the country. steve: his last name mount batten. before the wedding to qe 2, it queen elizabeth that's the e in qe ii.
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given the chance to rest and readjust myself to fall in love completely and unreservedly makes one's personal and even the world's troubles seem small and petty. the man knew how to write a lo letter. ainsley: beautiful. he left greece as a baby he does not speak greek. he has four sisters, last child only son to his parents. he came from roilings greek and royal. brian: longest consort in british history. the queen also, you have waiting in the wings prince philip and a lot of sense that prince william would be preferable to be the next head of the royal family. but along the way you would see prince flip a guy with great pride and accomplishment taking a pack seat to the queen for almost his entire adult life. that takes a different mindset. especially for someone hot queen describes doesn't like to take compliment but he has been my
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rock throughout the entire life. steve, as you mentioned she said that on the 50th anniversary of their marriage. they had 73 years together. steve: right. married more than seven decades. a towering figure in british public life. he has died. he was 99. the duke died at windsor castle a little over three weeks after he was discharged from a london hospital for treatment of infection to have a heart procedure. the cause of his death has not been disclosed. but now to recount the life and legacy of prince philip here is our correspondent greg palkot. ♪ >> he was best known as a man behind the woman literally a pace or two behind her according to official protocol. he was prince philip duke of he had continue buyer row husband of queen elizabeth the second. >> i think we owe him enormous gratitude of for the great help he gave the queen. >> born no a family with danish
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and german ties also a great great grandson of britain's queen victoria. came to england and went on to serve in the british royal navy world war ii. he married elizabeth the daughter of then king george the sixth in 1947 in westminster abby. five years later in 1952 the king died. elizabeth became queen. prince philip traveled the world carrying out on average of 300 engagements a year. he was active in a variety of fields important to britain including business, the environment, the military, and sports. especially polo. he was a strict but loving father to prince charles, princess anne and princess andrew and edward. >> my father was a wonderful man. he was very brilliant man. >> in an age of increasing political correctness he was a man of good humor and a prince of plain speaking. he is best known to americans as the person who reportedly encouraged prince charles to make a decision about marrying princess diana in 1981. at diana's funeral the prince
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walked alongside his grandsons william and harry. >> he has received very little credit. i think his understanding of the problems was much teacher and more shrewd and, indeed, much more gentle than he has been given credit for. >> in 2011 there was a happier occasion the wedding of his grandson william to kate middleton at that event as always he was at the side of his wife queen elizabeth. >> a solid supporter. they worked very well together. >> in 2012 he was also by the queen's side for her i do mondad jubilee. great grandson and future king prince george. in 2016 after marking the queen's ninthth birthday soon making her the longest reigning monarch he 95. longest living consort or spouse of a reigning british monarch. in 2017 at the age of 96, the prince bowed out of public life
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putting in just solo engagements including attending the wedding of his grandson prince harry to american meghan markle. they gave him another great grandson archie in 2019. also in 2019 he got into a car accident. the prince was shaken up and turned over his car keys. then in february of 2021, he was admitted to london hospital for infection and heart treatment. the next month hey and meghan gave the interview to oprah which shook up the monarchy again. happily released from hospital after just under a month. in june, philip was set to mark his 100th birthday. as he summed up his life in one interview, i reckon i have done my best. in london, greg palkot, fox news. steve: he passed away peacefully we understand. the cause of death at this point is not known. we do expect that later today, perhaps. as early as then. and we are obviously this is just broke less than 10 minutes ago, we lining up some guests to
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talk about the life and times of this man. afternoon at 99, such an historical figure there are plenty of people who he have plenty of things to talk about. ainsley: we saw this morning the royal family tweeted this out it says it is with deep sorrow that her majesty the queen has announced the death of her beloved husband the royal heinous duke of edinburgh. he passed away this morning at windsor castle. they go on to say the royal family will join with people around the world in mourning his loss, further announcements will be made in due course. brian: get this: prince philip one of the hardest working royals since 1922, he attended 22219 solo engagements, 637 overseas tours in his career. let's bring in greg palkot who just did that retrospective of his life. and let's talk about partnerships flip. you know, he didn't do a lot of interviews, greg, right? greg, are you there? yeah, we had him.
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i'm willing to put up with a delay but not when you actually hang up. so we are trying to get him back. i was just amazed, too. it takes a mindset. if you read his bioand you understand his background, this guy was in the forefront. he is a leader in the military and then to have to take a step back really the rest of your life and be the second person at the most of anybody's mind must have been tough. ainsley: they have this life, you know, in london but about an hour outside of london is windsor, and that's where we were, fox news went there for the royal wedding for meghan and harry's wedding. and you learn so much about that town and why they loved it so much out there. it's very -- it's remote, it's beautiful, the town is small. they would walk through the town or visit the town and they're just belod there. they are beloved, of course, all over the u.k. just in one town, every shop that you go to has memorabilia about the royal family. we all got christmas ornaments and things just to take home to bring as gifts for our family.
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you saw that's the inside of windsor. they have, obviously, the chapel there and you can hear the bells ringing when you are in the town. it was just such a magical experience to be there. there were so many people on the streets. trying to get a glimpse at the bride and the groom and just any member of the royal family. brian: yeah, let's give it another shot. greg palkot is over in london. greg, it's not a stunning situation because we knew he has been sick. what's the reaction been? >> brian, not stunning but still quite sad. i was watching some of the bbc anchors presenting the news literally just in the last 20 manipulates. we saw tears in the eyes of these -- you know, these hardened television folks. the whole country now taking this. in you are right. not a big surprise. 99 years old. just shy of 100 years old. he just came out of several, several weeks in the hospital. i think a lot of people were preparing for this moment.
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but when we go out on the street, which we will very shortly, i am sure we will hear some very heart felt, deep emotions for this man. he was the guy behind the throne. behind queen elizabeth. he was the one that was always there, hundreds and hundreds of royal engagements, every year on his own with all of his interest, science, sports, and activities internationally. but his most important role everybody will say it is as what they call consort to the queen. basically spouse to the queen. and, in fact, at the age of 99 he had reached the point where he weighs the longest serving consort to the queen ever. people liked him, brian. people liked him because, yes, he did the formalities but he was rather informal. he would say well, the darndest things from time to time way before political correctness
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became a fashion. he was deviating from the norm but a real funny man. and a great father and a grandfather. i mean, as we have reported over the years, he has played key roles counseling prince charles whether to marry diana and counseling again troubles with the grand chimplet and now as your viewers know, he has been living through this latest dramas inside the royal family household. in fact, even when he was in the hospital, there was the whole meghan-harry thing going on. deep, deep sadness and emotion. i'm just watching boris johnson right now. prime minister has just come out of number 10 downing street and he is giving his first public words on prince flip. steve: we will turn those around and bring those to our audience as quickly as possible. a note to mark the director,
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mark, could you put up the statement that was just issued and posted to the royal.u.k. website? we put that unjust a moment ago i got a text and somebody said hey, what does that say? i will read it. it's quite short. it says: it is with deep sorrow that her majesty, the queen, announces the death of her beloved husband. his royal highness, prince philip the duke of edinboro his royal highness passed away peacefully this morning at windsor castle. let's go to number 10 downing street. >> hopes, encouraged, their ambitions. we remember the duke for all of this and above all for his steadfast support for her majesty, the queen. not just her consult by her side every day of her reign but as her husband, her strength and stay of more than 70 years. and it is to her majesty and her
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family that our nation's thowtsd must turn today. because they have lost not just a much loved and highly respected public figure but a devoted husband, and a proud and loving father, grandfather and in recent years great grandfather. speaking on the golden wedding anniversary, her majesty said that our country owed her husband a greater debt than he would ever claim or we shall ever know. and i'm sure that estimate is correct. so we mourn today with her majesty, the queen. we offer our condolences to her and to all her family. and we give thanks as a nation and the kingdom for the extraordinary life and work of prince flip duke of he had edinburrough.
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>> do you have an understanding of when prince philip actually passed away? was it last night. >> it sounds like it was peacefully, according to the queen. the passing overnight. remember, he was in the hospital for about four weeks. he has had heart problems in the past. he had a heart operation, he also went in for infection. frankly, there was a time to time during that period when we thought that something untoward would happen at that point. he did emerge and the very fact that the queen, well prince charles visited him in the hospital the fact that the queen did not visit him in the hospital thought that well, maybe he is going to pull through this too. remember his birthday is coming up. he very much wanted that 100th birthday.
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he likes these big events in life. but just falling short of that. i think the solemnity that boris johnson regarded regarding prince flip speaks of the feelings of this entire country. a lot of people, to be honest on the sidelines, have a lot of different opinions about a lot of different members of the royal family. but i think there is unanimity not just about the queen but her very royal husband. he was there and frankly he satisfied a lot of people. whether he was riding a polo pony and he loved that, or whether he was in the service. he served during world war ii, very nobly. or whether he was just joking around with some people that he might find on one of his royal walk abouts as he called them here. again, one of the most active up until the last couple of years when he formally retired one of the most active royal family members as we were preparing
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that tribute to him that your viewers might have seen just a short time ago. some years he was hitting 300 events a year. these guys work. i know your viewers and myself watch the crown, so you see all the soap opera and the relaxing and everything else but this is a very hard job. this is a man that did a very good job of that. i think that was the last line that we used in our tribute to him that how would you like to sum up your life? and he basically just said well, that i did a good job. i think there is total unanimity on that right here right now in the u.k., brian. brian: thanks so much, greg. we will check in with you again. ainsley: there is so much beauty in knowing that heir relationship lasted so long more than seven decades what was the number. brian: 3. ainsley: 73 years four children commitment to country and to one another. they were a team. they did it together. our hearts go out to the queen this morning. i wonder if meghan and harry
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will go? i wonder what will happen in the u.k. today? will they shut down businesses? how will, you know, how will the community respond to this? brian: charlie lancasterston is with us now. she is with the daily mail. charlie, not unexpected how is everything being received in britain? he has been a staple for generations. >> absolutely. i mean i think the general feeling in britain is one of incredible sadness. everyone feels a huge amount of sympathy towards the queen and the other members of the royal family no matter how you feel about prince philip he has had his share of controversies he was a very well known character known for cheesy kirk telling jokes and wonderful support to the queen. for her to lose that after more than seven decades it's incredibly sorrowful and that's the only emotion that anyone is feeling right now.
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ainsley: charlie, how do you think the community or country will react to this? will businesses close down? a know a lot of people will go to the castle and be putting flowers down. >> yes, i think we can expect to see a huge presence outside of all of the royal residences, particularly buckingham palace. you know, a lot of businesses will fly their flags at half mast. we will also likely see people leaving work. you know, i think what's very difficult to necessarily understand outside of britain is just how impactful these major royal losses are when princess diana passed away. i remember seeing people in the street openly crying about it. and i don't think that this will be any different. i think it will really impact people in a really upsetting way. and i do think, you know, while businesses might not shut down all together, people will certainly need to take the day in order to process exactly what's happened. steve: charlie lankston is the
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female editor at daily charlie, talk a little bit if you will because the last major story out of the u.k. was meghan markle and prince harry interview with oprah winfrey that they did out in california. there was some suggestion that while prince philip who just according to the royal family passed away this morning at windsor castle, you know, whether or not they should run that while he was in the hospital. and there was quite a bit of back and forth. >> yes. absolutely. and there was a huge amount of controversy. i mean, prince harry particularly was facing a lot of anger in the u.k. over the idea that he would allow this interview to air while his grandfather was so seriously ill in hospital. not only because it was doing a disservice to prince philip but it was also putting up due stress on the queen while she was at home worrying about her husband of more than seven decades and whether he was going to survive. what was, you know, a very serious procedure.
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any heart procedure is always serious and that's what prince philip went through. now, i think it was probably out of prince hey and meghan's hands at that point whether or not they would have been able to stop the interview. we do understand that had prince philip passed away prior to the interview's air date they likely would have delayed it, however, prince philip was said to have been incredibly angry and upset over the things that was said during that prime time sitdown with oprah. you know, sources have told daily mail that he was incredibly defensive of his family. that he felt very betrayed by harry. so, that was not the best thing for him to have to deal with during what ended up being the final weeks of his life. steve: right. and, you know, charlie, what you are alluding to is the fact that harry and mel began suggested that the royal family was racist by some of the things that they had said to harry and harry would not name which member of the royal family and some had
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suggested well, maybe it was prince philip and then the next day here on american television it was clarified that prince harry said it was not the queen. it was not prince philip. >> yes, he told oprah specifically i will not name the person who said these remarks, but i will confirm it was not my grandmother or my grandfather that was incredibly important because, you know, the queen is the monarch. she is the head of the royal family and to suggest that either her or her consort, prince philip had made those remarks would have been even more damaging than it has been with us not knowing who it was who said those things. brian: when you look at the royal family right now, they have had ups and downs, what about during the princess diana times? his role there because wasn't he the one behind that marriage kind of maybe pushing for that marriage and then when it hit the skids, what was his role?
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>> prince philip duty first and foremost above everything. we have talked so much about what a wonderful job he has done in the role that he has had to play through these seven decades as the queen's, you know, supportive partner. when it came to prince charles, he very much encouraged his son to settle down, to start a family, knowing that charles was one day going to be on the throne himself. prince philip looked at his marriage to the queen saw what a supportive role he had played and he really did guide his son and kind of give him the boost that he needed to really kind of step up and look at what he wanted to do with his life. we also know that prince philip and diana initially had quite a good relationship. they had quite a good rapport. they are both quite funny, they both love telling stories and things like that. he did kind of play a role in helping his son just come back to knowing what he needed to do in his duty as a future monarch and, also, you know, in his role as a future father and husband
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and so on and so forth. when princess diana and prince charles divorced, prince philip's main role was really offering support to the queen. that was a really difficult time for the royal family in general, obviously when princess diana tragically died that also threw the royal family into a lot of turmoil and uprooted status. once again prince philip was by the queen's side offering guidance, offering advice, offering support but never throwing himself into the spotlight. he has always allowed himself to be behind the scenes to be by her side. he has never tried to push the queen out of the way and take any of the attention for himself. and that's one of the most important elements of what he has done throughout these seven decades and why he has been such a reliable figure for the queen to kind of lean on throughout all of these years. ainsley: charlie, do you expect harry and meghan to come -- to go over to the u.k. and, if so, what will be -- what will the crowd's reaction be to that?
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>> i would absolutely expect prince harry to be there you know, given that the pandemic is still going on and restrictions in the u.k. are quite serious, we don't know exactly what that will look like, but i do think that he will move heaven and earth in order to make sure that he will be there, certainly for the funeral. now, meghan is, of course, pregnant. you know, we expect that her due date is sometime in the early summer. so she may not be able to travel. it may not be safe for her. she will obviously need to take guidance from her doctors, from her medical experts in order to know whether she can go with harry. when it comes to prince harry's arrival, honestly i think that the royals will do everything in their power to prevent anything from taking away from what will be an incredibly solemn but hopefully celebratory remembrance of this incredible life that prince philip led. we knew that prince harry was planning to travel back to the u.k. unveiling of a statue in honor of his mother and he and
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william were more than willing to put their differences aside in order to put on a brave face for that event. i think the exact same thing will happen here. when it comes down to it, all of the tension, any of the rift that we talked about, those all need to be pushed aside and the important thing is that the royal family is able to come together, support one another, and collectively mourn the loss of their patriarch. brian: interesting to see how it will play out very few public events in the world what would it normally be for a funeral for a royal figure like this and what does your gut tell you will happen? will they use this as an opportunity to maybe keep it low key? maybe use the pandemic as a shield because the pomp and circumstance that goes along with all of this sometimes can be taxing, correct? >> correct. and prince philip did not want that. he has made very clear throughout his life specifically
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when it comes to his funeral arrangements that he did not want that same level of pomp and circumstance that would normally be afforded to a member of the royal family when they pass away. he was incredibly low key guy which i know sounds ridiculous given his status within the world, but behind closed doors, he was very low key. he didn't like all of the fuss and all of the this and that and the regalia. when it came to his funeral, he wanted things to be intimate. he wanted them to be about his family. and he didn't want there to be a big huge affair constructed. so, actually, you know, in a kind of twisted way, the facts that the funeral will take place at a time when huge gatherings are still not possible, will actually probably afford prince philip more of the kind of the event that he actually wanted. steve: it's interesting. i was reading an item in morning in sky news about how united kingdom is set to reach herd immunity milestone within just a couple of days.
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so, you know, i think that is a positive for the number of people who are getting the coronavirus vaccine over there and everything else. charlie lankston from -- she is the femail editor at daily mail did the come. charlie, talk a little bit about the last year for the queen and prince philip? you know, they are beloved worldwide figures. how has the castle and the firm as it's known, kept them safe from getting coronavirus? i would imagine they bent over backwards to try to make sure that those two never got close to anybody who might make them sick. >> absolutely. they took, you know, kind of great and essential steps to ensure that both of them were protected. they did not stay at bucking ham palace moved to one of their other residences which was much smaller and able to run with a
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much smaller staff. limited the number of people who surrounded them. obviously prince philip retired some years ago. so he wasn't, you know, out and about and doing things like that. but whether it came to the queen, she was no longer stepping out in public. she was no longer greeting people. she wasn't doing those public events that we are used to seeing. however, she really did step up her kind of digital game as it were we know she was having regular zoom calls with harry and meghan in the u.s. regular zoom speeches being done whenever she needed to peek to e public. by no means did she allow it to prevent her. the two very much did withdraw from that big london lifestyle that was, you know, that saw them surrounded by a lot of staff members in order to ensure that they stayed as safe as possible. steve: all right. charlie lankston, female editor at daily charlie, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. steve: all right. we are going to step aside once
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again. if you are just waking up. at the age of 99. prince philip has passed away at windsor castle. god rest his soul. ♪ i suffered with psoriasis for so long. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. i'm still clear, five years now. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i look and feel so much better. see me. ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis.
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does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity and gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. ♪ jillian: good morning and welcome back. we have quick headlines for you starting with this. a chicago man pleads guilty to setting a police vehicle on fire. jacob admitted in court he threw a lit fire work into the vehicle during a protest in may of last year. this is surveillance video of him walking away from the scene. this is according to police. he is facing up to five years in federal prison. he will be sentenced in july. overnight the d.c. medical examiner reveals fallen capitol police officer billy evans died of multiple blunt force head injuries. rule his death homicide. hit by a car in this year's second capitol attack. evans body will lie in honor in
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the capitol rotunda next week. medical experts take the stand during former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin's trial. the doctors testified that george floyd died from lack of oxygen, not from drugs or health problems. they said four factors led to floyd's death including chauvin keeping his knee on floyd's neck while being handcuffed face down on the ground. the medical examiner who performed the initial autopsy on floyd is expected to testify today. and the controversial satan shoes released by rapper linnaz recalled striking a deal to refund customers and take the sneakers out of circulation. this after nike sued the brand for copyright infringement for using their air max 97s as the base for the red and black devil themed kicks. that is a look at your headlines. send it back to you. ainsley: good. get those things off the market. that's crazy. thanks so much, jillian. the numbers are shocking. border patrol agents encountering more than 172,000
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migrants trying to enter the u.s. illegally last month. brian: that's up 71% from february and five times as much from march of last year. steve: well, our next guest got a firsthand look at a crowded border physician in houston, texas. republican congressman and former sheriff troy nells joins us now. sheriff, congressman, good morning to you. >> good morning. good morning, steve, brian and ainsley. steve: okay. so we know how this works. when they do -- when the administration does allow members of congress in, or the rare time they allow the press in, they show you guys absolutely the best, most aspirational facilities, don't they? >> well, this facility in houston and north houston, it's been open for a week, so it opened last friday. i showed up on monday, and tried to get a tour and have some questions answered, and they told me i have to get online and fill out some paperwork. but i was allowed to come bang on wednesday afternoon.
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i went back wednesday afternoon and, of course, they were very courteous, very nice. they rolled out the red carpet. they gave me an opportunity to look at this big warehouse that is housing 450 or so children, girls, between the ages of 13 and 17. and it's a big warehouse, military cots side by side. they showed me the dining facilities, food service prep. they showed me the area where they are treating them for medical issues. as well as covid testing. so, yeah, they showed me the places that they were interested that they wanted me to see. they were good at answering several questions. but they were reluctant in answering other questions. steve: like what? >> and the one question that i had was that where are these children coming from? what countries? where are they from? i found those numbers shocking, quite honestly. brian: what did they say? >> they said he can dog, 11, el salvador 39 girls, guatemala 25.
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honduras 153, nicaragua 6. and there were only five of them, only five of them from the country of mexico. ainsley: what were the conditions like and what were the girls -- were any of them crying? they are not with their parents. >> well, yes. and so i said okay, so, the process, what kind of questions do you ask them and they refused to give me the sheet of questions. i just wanted a blank questionnaire. what do you ask them? because the question i wanted to ask was the number of girls that are here, they are traveling from these countries, thousands of miles away. what are they experiencing? they are beholden to the human traffickers? have they experienced sexual assault or sexual trauma on their way up? they were reluctant with that but what i did discover is that there are girls in this facility that have been transported by ambulance to local hospitals here in houston because some of them are pregnant. and so the -- this is a human
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catastrophe, that's what's happening. and the american people, if you have children, you should be outraged. yes, they are receiving great care there but you should be outraged the fact that our president has invited these girls, these unaccompanied minors into our country and the numbers are flooding our southern border. and now we're going to have a humanitarian crisis. and it's going to continue for months if we don't change course. steve: you know, congressman, the administration would allow you to take a picture on the outside of the facility but you couldn't take a picture inside this warehouse where you said the beds are right next to each other. clearly if people saw that during a global pandemic, people start to do the math and it's like that is not safe. it just takes one to infect you know 50 other people. >> well, of course, the cots were side by side in this big bay. and i thought, you know, they
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were providing really some adequate housing. i said to them i don't know if you have a clue what the weather is going to be like in houston, texas in august and september, but it's going to be 100 and something degrees. i don't know how they are going to cool the facility. but so they rolled out the red carpet. and this is what is from us stating frustrating for a guy like me. travel and see the homeless population i wish this administration would have that same type of passion and care for our homelessness. brian: right. >> the homeless population across the country. many of them are veterans and they are americans. we forget about those individuals. brian: we have foster kids that need homes. we have kids that need to be adopted. why are we adopting kids and placing them in homes that could be american kids? there is nothing wrong with making american kids your priority instead of spending $83 million a week on kids from other countries who have come here illegally. i have got to ask you, today i understand mayorkas, the hhs
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secretary is meeting with local sheriffs over in co-cheese county. and various areas over in arizona and texas. you are a former sheriff. what do you think -- what will they tell him that might be able to change the policy, get his attention? >> they are going to tell him that there is a crisis at the southern border. but, i don't know if he's going to really truly listen or is this just going to be nothing but a photo op.? that's what this seems ton. we have been talking about this for weeks now. and this administration is not changing course. mayorkas knows there is a crisis down there. but he may not be able to convince his boss that there is a crisis down there at the southern border. but i believe the sheriffs are going to be honest with him and tell him that we have got to get a handle on this. the county government, these local county sheriffs not only at the southern border but across the 254 counties in texas are going to be left cleaning up this mess. dealing with this illegal immigration. dealing with the crime, the
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human trafficking. and the drugs and everything else that comes along with it. ainsley: congressman, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, god bless. ainsley: god bless you, too. 7:54 on the east coast. a fox news alert breaking just moments ago prince flip passing away at the age of 99. we have continuing coverage at the top of the hour. , like a home and auto-bundle discount. (man) i'm phoning it in and just saved twenty percent. (burke) get your policy perks by calling 1-800-farmers. go ahead, phone it in. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! don't settle for products that give you a sort of white smile. try new crest whitening emulsions. for 100% whiter teeth.
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visit child mind dot org. steve: this is a fox news alert breaking within the last hour, windsor palace notified the world that prince phillip has died at the palace, at the age of 99. ainsley: he was just in the hospital not too long ago in march. he was sick in february, and in march he was in the hospital, but thankfully, the doctors i guess let him go home so he could be at the castle with his family. you're looking live at buckingham palace in london where the british flag is flying at half staff. brian: benjamin hall joins us live from london with a look back at prince philip's life and legacy. reporter: brian, steve and ainsley good morning what a sad morning it is here in the uk. that news breaking at about 10 minutes past 12 local, with all of the media here, cutting at once to that message, from buckingham palace announcing at the same time as they had planned to do in this , first of all, the first we heard was this
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message, from buckingham palace. we read it is with deep sorrow that her majesty the queen announces the death of her beloved husband, prince philip. he passed away peacefully this morning at windsor castle. the royal family joined with people around the world in mourn ing his loss and already, there is an outpouring of grief, not only from the people here in the uk, but also politicians, we're hearing from politicians from all different sides of the political divide at the moment because frankly, prince p hilip was someone who surpassed politics. the person that many people have known for all their lives, he has been in that role, he has been the husband of the queen, a steadfast and at the age of 99, just a few months before his 100th birthday we learned today he has sadly passed away. he was born in 1921. he's one of the last remaining people who served in the second world war, and in his eyes, above all, he was a military man
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he gave great credit to everything that the military did and just a few year ago he remained the general commander of the royal marines, the air marshall of the air force, and that was something that he took great pride in. now, he was known over here i would say as someone who represented the old generation. the old monarchy. he often looked with perhaps dis dain at the woke political correctness of the modern era and as such he was beloved by many people. he was steadfast in that. he's disappeared somewhat from public life in 2017. he stepped back, he stopped doing royal engagements, but he was always by the queen's side whenever she would carry out major events and so it is a remarkably sad day here in the uk. of course he was ill. he spent a month in the hospital just recently. that was for an infection and he had small heart surgery and there was some talk at that time about whether or not he was returning to windsor perhaps so
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he could pass away with his family and certainly that the is what's happening and now we wait to see how the royal family will gather around him, come together and of course we'll be talking about prince harry a lot recently. it was rumored that he was very upset with how that turned out so it'll be all eyes on prince harry to see when he comes back to the uk for this but certainly today one of the most beloved characters in the uk has passed away, and the queen, no doubt, will be, well it's a tragic day for her as it is for the nation, this is a country that loves its royal family, while the other monarchies of the west have died away, over here the monarchy is still beloved because it stands above politics and that's exact ly what the prince managed to do and he wasn't always politically correct himself. he was known for his gafs but that en deared him to the public so a very sad day for the people of the uk, and now, we'll start to see all of the tributes coming out to him. we heard already from boris johnson, the prime minister here he came out to the steps of down ing street within the last half hour. i think we've got that sound
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bite. here is what he said. >> prince philip owned the affections of generations here in the united kingdom, across the commonwealth, and around the world. he was the longest-serving consolate in history, one of the last-surviving people in this country to have served in the second world war. reporter: we've also just in the last few minutes received a statement from president george w. bush, along with the queen met countless american presidents and world leaders. president bush saying laura and i are saddened to learn of the passing of for instance phil ip, throughout his long remarkable life he devoted himself to worthy causes and to others and he represented the unite kingdom with dignity and brought strength and support laura and i are fortunate to have enjoyed the charm of his company and we know how much he will be missed and we join those around the world offer heart-felt condolences to her
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majesty queen elizabeth ii, and the entire royal family and indeed the queen often spoke of him as her rock. he was always there and they spoke very fondly throughout their lives of the time just after the war where they were together as one of the peaceful moments of their life where they were away from the public eye, but they came back to the uk and for decades now, they have been steadfast in their leadership of the monarchy and i think that above all, prince philip put the monarchy first and understood the importance of it in the uk and so of course he would have been saddened to see recently some of the things that have happened with the royal family, but i think he will leave behind him a legacy which is endearing and enduring and certainly right now, the country remembering this great man, this great leader, and this great military leader as well. back to you. ainsley: benjamin, i've talked to you, we've all talked to you on air for years but i actually met you face to face in windsor, do you remember that when i came over for the royal wedding? do you think that's where they will have the services?
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reporter: well it's very interesting because the one thing we do know about the services is that prince phil ip didn't want a big state funeral. he never wanted to take the light from her majesty queen elizabeth ii, so we don't know exactly how the funeral is going to pan out, but whether it happens at windsor, we're not sure yet. it may be. ainsley: there is a special place those for that family. brian: and don't want to use the pandemic as an excuse to not do a big thing correct? reporter: well yeah that's right you can't have crowds gathering at the moment because of the pandemic, but certainly, it will be hard to keep people away from any kind of service or funeral that is held for prince philip, because that's how beloved he is and we'll already start to see people gathering at windsor and bucking hall palace, and you know when you've had a character like this , who has been a part of british life for so long, longer than most people who have been alive, that is and when you lose someone like this , that
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leaves a hole in the public psyche and certainly we'll see that outpouring today. steve: all right, benjamin hall live from our european newsroom thank you very much, let's bring in former uk brexit party leader who joins us as well. nigel, as benjamin just said, you know, he's been alive all of our lives, and for so much of great britain, he has been like that country, that commonwealth 's grandfather. >> yes, that's absolutely right i mean you've got to be over 70, well over 70, to remember a time when prince philip wasn't prominent in public life. remember the queen exceeded to the throne in 1952 and that's when he formed this incredible public role for nearly 70 years. i mean, it's unbelievable just to think about it, indeed. the first prime minister when
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the queen came to the throne was indeed winston churchill so this history from a post second world war until today, is astonishing and i was privileged to meet him several times, and the human quality that he had was a tremendous sense of mischief, a tremendous sense, a sense of fun, i know when someone -- steve: what does that mischief thing mean, nigel? >> he was all about teasing people, he was very good at saying things, that were particularly correct. steve: you had a lot in common. >> well, i'll tell you a story. i'll tell you a story. so, the monarchy, of course has to be above politics and that's very important. a few months before, he was elected as an mep, so we were invited to that so you line up and you know, you bow and do
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your stuff and i was introduced and he said to me oh, yes! you're my mep chap, aren't you? steve: [laughter] >> i said but i have to be honest with you and tell you, that the european parliament, i'm not a fan of the european union institution and he looked at me and said hmmm, i quite understand. steve: [laughter] >> so that sort of summed up that he played within the rules and he served, i mean, duty, for his entire career indeed, his life, and yet, it was always that slightly human side and that's why people loved him, and you know, he leaves behind people mourning, not just in united kingdom but those again, for nearly 70 years he and the queen relentlessly toured the commonwealth over 50
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countries, 2.5 billion people living within it, and there will be much mourning and sadness in australia, africa, many many others, india, all over the world. this man is going to be greatly missed. steve: so nigel what's your take , what is your take on the controversy with megan and harry? and the allegations of making those race-related comments and the ripple effect overseas? how do you think, there's some reports that he was very angry about it even though he was recovering from a hospital visit what do you hear? >> so i spoke to, just before the meghan and harry interview aired, i was in london when i met face to face one of the royal correspondents from one of our big broadcasters, okay? i said come on, off the record, what's the situation with philip he said look, we all know he's on his last legs, he isn't going
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to make it very long, it's very unlikely that he's going to get to june 10, which of course is his 100th birthday so it was well-known that philip only had a few weeks to live, and yet, despite that, despite the fact the queen and she would never show it in public but the queen must have been in a state of deep distress, despite all of that, they proceeded to do an interview at which they attacked effectively the older members of the royal family, indeed, did their best to threaten the very institution itself, and given that today is the day that philip has died i won't use the words about meghan and harry that i'd like to, i'll be gentle and say it was deeply disrespectful. ainsley: nigel how do you think the queen will fare. she's such a strong person and we may never know because she's so private but they were
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together for 73 years and every movie or every book we've read that portrays their love, she was madly in love with him, from day one. >> oh, i think that's right. i mean, she married a slightly older man. he was a world war ii hero, you know, a very handsome, i mean look at the pictures of the young prince philip, yeah, he was her hero and there he was , by her side, for all of those years, in public, in full public view for almost 70 years. it's going to be a terrible blow but i'll tell you something. our wartime leader, with church hill, he died very young and died at 56, and there she was, a young girl, suddenly thrust into this role and she dealt with the grief by getting on with public service, and you know, the queen, she is this most astonishing woman, and despite her personal hurt, i just know she will go on being
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our queen in the magnificent way that she's done. steve: yeah, you know, nigel, in the fallout after the oprah interview with meghan and harry there were a number of people in great britain who said you know, we really shouldn't be funding the royal family, maybe it's the end of the royal family. i think ultimately, that was a conversation a few weeks ago. i think now, given the retrospective of his life and everything else, i think there's going to be great nostal gia for this man and the family. >> oh, absolutely. i think when people see the tributes pouring in from all over the world, especially from our commonwealth, which the queen is the head of and which philip played such a big role in people realize what a big deal the british monarchy is and the other thing that will happen and i'm going to predict this , is that when people realize what i've just said to you that it was known for the last many weeks that he was at death's door, when people
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realize that meghan and harry went ahead with that interview regardless throwing around unjustified allegations, i have a feeling, the public opinion in terms of meghan and harry is going to go down very very fast. brian: does harry show up? >> well i think he has to, because it's his grandfather, and i think it be wrong for him not to. i expect they will be there. i suspect it'll be very difficult. as for the funeral itself, well, when the queen's mother died back in 2001, the service in westminster abbey went out to windsor for a private burial, and a million people, 1 million people lined that route and paid their respects, and this is a real problem for government, for boris johnson and the royal household, because i know the huge numbers of people, because it isn't just the older generation.
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there is a thing that millions of school children do, and he connects with all generations and i think that the country will want somehow to show its respects so whether we're able to have a socially-distanced 25- mile journey where people can line the route, these are very big decisions that need taken in the next few days but certainly the country will want to show its respects. ainsley: nigel thanks for being with us. brian: appreciate it, meanwhile let's bring in geraldo rivera. geraldo: hi, brian, ainsley. brian: i'd never ask anybody else this but just be looking at your life and your career, have you had a chance to meet him? geraldo: i did not meet him, brian, but i did investigate him it was a dark chapter in the royal family's history, if you'd like me to recount it i will. brian: sure. geraldo: if not stop me right now. i was sailing my boat around the world, went to the british
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island of minorka, and there, saw the british union jack flag at half staff. i thought the queen had died, and it turned out that it was princess diana, since i was in french waters, i immediately went to paris. i luckily, i stayed at the ritz, luckily my driver was an associate of andre paul, the man who drove princess diana to her death, with her lover, do de alfayed, investigat ed it and came to the conclusion, my conclusion, that her death, princess diana's death, was a result of her being pursued ruthlessly by those crazy paparazzi. several years later i was contacted by mohammed alfayed, the father of dode, the lover of princess diana and called me and said that he had proof positive that prince philip had led a conspiracy to kill princess diana because he did not want
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the mother of the future king of england to marry a muslim so that was mohammed alfayed's obsession and for a year, i investigated it, came up with nothing other than the fact it was a terrible car crash caused by the paparazzi, as i said, of prince philip has been a controversial figure, he's often been accused in the shadowy conspiracies, but the bottom line is he has served nobely, the word steadfast has been used a lot and i found no, nothing negative about him other than his aloofne ss, but i remember very clearly that story, the royal family of the united kingdom certainly provides a lot of fodder for programs like the crown and so forth. steve: they sure do. i wonder now, you know, because they were married for 73 years, and he was her rock. the man behind the woman in charge. i wonder where we go with the monarchy from here.
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i wonder if queen elizabeth ii actually says do you know what? i've been queen long enough. it's time for the next generation and she steps aside and then just retires to windsor which she loves, because she can do her walkabouts and go hunting brian: like the pope did. steve: and do all sorts of things. geraldo: i don't see that happening. she seems very firmly as the monarch of the united kingdom. i don't anticipate she'll step down, other than to go to the royal heaven, wherever or whatever happens to royals when they pass. she's done such a magnificent job, i don't think she's going to bow out at the end. prince charles is waiting around and waiting around. i think he's got a little bit more to wait. queen elizabeth can match her husband, she's got five years to go. i think that, you know, this whole thing with harry and with his wife meghan.
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brian: it's front and center now. geraldo: it shows the enormous interest that the whole world has. we have no relationship with the royal family other than our history, and it ended that history ended in a war, two wars , and yet, we love them, we followed them, they are celebrities in every regard, and now, the passing of the senior member of the royal family, prince philip is something marked by many many millions of americans as well as the brits obviously, and i do think there will be an outpouring of emotion for him as they make this funeral caravan to windsor castle. ainsley: i hope harry is able to go. i don't know if meghan will. i don't know if she will be able to travel her doctor might tell her she can't because she's delivering a baby this summer. steve: that be a good out for her. geraldo: i doubt it. she will be there. ainsley: all right let's talk about immigration, geraldo. joe biden and his administration announced sky high border number s. we just got the numbers for
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march they are more than what we thought, 172000 encounters in march that's a 71% increase from february. number of unaccompanied minors reaches a record high and it's costing the taxpayers $60 million per week. steve: just for the kids. ainsley: yeah. geraldo: this is a catastrophe of joe biden's making, through his incompetence i don't think he planned this. nobody would plan this chaos at the border that we're seeing now , but i think that through his, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. joe biden said i will not deport children and all of a sudden you have caravan after caravan of children crossing the border. it's a terrible dilemma. the kids must be disbursed as soon as they can be, away from these crowded shelters. i heard brian earlier in his
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typical draconian fashion saying wait a second why should we be compassionate to these kids we've got plenty of our own kids brian: exactly. we can't raise everybody's children. geraldo: but these children are on our territory now, brian, and i think that -- brian: whose fault is that. geraldo: we as americans, because we are americans, have to reach out and help these children to the extent we can. brian: we are helping them, but it doesn't mean our kids have to take a back seat again. we have 500,000 homeless people around the country. geraldo: why do you characterize it that way? zero-sum game that our children suffer because we help the migrant children. i don't buy that at all. brian: are all our kids adopted are all the foster families -- geraldo: i think there are thousands of foster parents watching right now who would accept reasonably compensated would accept some of these children in decent homes. brian: and geraldo you can tell the american kids that they move
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to the back of the line. geraldo: i am not saying that, brian. brian: that's what you're saying. geraldo: this is a country of 335 million people, the wealthiest country on earth. we can find a way. i'm sorry this happened it happened because of joe biden, he should recommence construction of the border wall right now, and ask for a summit meeting with lopez the mexican president and say where the hell is the mexican army that during the trump adminitration -- brian: he blew up the agreement they is pride too. he blew up the agreement that was in place. geraldo: well we have to reestablish it immediately. ainsley: geraldo i think what's hard for the american people they are working their tails off some people are working three jobs. brian: yeah. ainsley: we find out taxes are being raised, we find out more money is going here in new york to illegal immigrants and going to the small business. brian: over 2 billion. ainsley: yesterday, she's $1 million in the hole, because she owns a rest rant in brooklyn , a single mom, four kids and her husband passed away last fall when we talked to her
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she was thinking about closing up shop so that's what's hard for the american people. it's not we don't have compassion. these kids are precious we would love to adopt them all i'd love to take care of every child around the world that is hurting but the problem is when you're asking americans you're taking money out of someone's pocket book that can't even afford their own business to go pay for these other kids and they aren't contributing, their parents are not taxpayers it's just hard to wrap your head around that when you get up every day and you're 60 years old and you're tired of working but you're paying for people who are not contributing. geraldo: you know, you're one of the most loving and compassionate people i know, ainsley. ainsley: thank you. geraldo: you're a saint and i mean that for all sincerity, i mean that. ainsley: thank you, geraldo. geraldo: but there are, in new york city alone, 1 million undocumented immigrants. 1 million in new york city. brian: they are about to get a big payout, $16,000. geraldo: but they are part in parcel, brian, of the economy, they are interwoven now. brian: and the 70,000 homeless?
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what do we do with them? geraldo: there are actions being taken to alleviate the homeless problem. brian: okay we're 30 trillion in debt. geraldo: it's very difficult in the homeless situation if you want me to go into substance abuse and mental health. brian: they are coming through the border. ainsley: i want your explanation s for my questions, please. geraldo: i think that we are big enough and rich enough that the person that you describe, who is a salt of the earth, who is "the rock" of america, that that person can be helped to weather this storm. this storm is passing. there's boom times ahead, at least temporarily. this summer is going to be a great summer for that. you're describing queens and others similarly-situated. i pray the best for them but we have a situation now on the border where because we are america, we can't take a crying 5-year-old, turn them around, give them a shove, and say find
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your way back through mexico to your home in guatemala 1,500 miles away. brian: no we can put them in a crowded tent and then stop the press from coming into see what's happening. geraldo: believe me that crowded tent that you see and as horrible as it is that's an upgrade for many of these children in terms of the reality brian: and geraldo you mentioned these triangle countries got to go and got to control their border. do you know that our envoy went down to meet with the president and the president said i'm not meeting with you. i was just in washington to meet with the president, the president wouldn't meet with me, so i'm not going to meet with you and we don't like the comments from this administration. so el salvador, honeywell, guatemala, they have pride too. so, somehow, he is ticked off every one of these nations, blew up every agreement and is blaming trump. that's what people watching are outraged about. geraldo: i am not here to support president biden. i supported president trump. he lost. joe biden is the president of
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the united states. he created through ineptitude this situation on the border. we all now must join and suggest ideas that could work, first among them, how about this? the democrats agree that we're going to restart the construction of the border wall and we get the dreamers, the republicans give the dreamer s a pathway to citizenship. the children who came through no fault of their own. that's what's called a compromise. that's why joe manchin is so important, because joe manchin can insist on the bipartisan solution to this problem by breaking the tie in the united states senate, getting a place where you have some kind of consensus. this is a problem for all americans. not just for joe biden all of us steve: indeed. we all agree on that it is a mess and they've got to figure out how to fix it. geraldo thank you very much for joining us. ainsley: thank you, geraldo. geraldo: thank you, steve,
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ainsley. brian? ainsley: [laughter] they are actually good friends, they just debate. brian: we were! ainsley: coming up an illinois mother and school board candidate says her district's social justice lesson plans are harmful to her children. we're going to hear from her coming up next and stay tuned for our continuing coverage remembering prince philip. he died at 99 years old this morning. introducing voltaren arthritis pain gel. the first full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel... available over the counter. voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement. not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ stay restless with the icon that does the same. the rx crafted by lexus.
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steve: well it is the first pro- sport welcoming fans back to a full house. professional bull riders returning indoors with full capacity in south dakota. ainsley: yes it's a lot of fun if you haven't gone you should go. let's head out where our fox news correspondent ashley strohmier meyer is joined by the professional bull rider's commissioner shawn gleason. good morning. reporter: hey guys good morning, yeah, ainsley as you said i'm here with shawn gleason, the ceo and commissioner of pbr, and we are what do we call these? >> the back pens. reporter: this one here is a little more, it seems, yeah, there you go. show off over here. [laughter] anyway, let's get right to it. you know, they were mentioning in this pitch here, this is the first professional sport that has the capability of
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having 100% capacity indoors. what did it take to get to that? >> well it all started a year ago in march when everything shutdown, we're the last sport in north america to have an event, had it without fans in duluth, georgia, first sport back in guhtrie oklahoma, for television only and the first sport with fans actually here in july in sioux falls and now this year , we're having 100% capacity and we're excited to take the next step and return to normalcy. reporter: now even though not all of the tickets are sold out, there's still that option. what has been the feedback from the fans with that? >> you know, our fans are extremely passionate and we believe they are going to make their own responsible choices whether they should come to this event or not, and we've been selling tickets to events since last july, and its been a positive experience for us and our fans, and the protocols we've developed are designed to keep them as safes and
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responsible while they're here. >> let's talk about these pods that's what interests me because i was at the rockies game last weekend and they are talking about the pods but the cowboys are the ones that came up with the idea with the safety protocols. >> yeah, we took the information that was available. we decided we could either heighten fear or learn how to live with this danger of this pandemic, and so we learned everything that we could to get back to work, get our industry back to work and one of those things is we could hold an event indoors and keep people six feet apart so we started scaling this building and put them six feet apart and held an event safely. >> if you want to pan around a little bit, all of these seats have the capability and possibility of being firmed we'll see if that happens, tickets are still available but shawn, i just want to thank you for joining us this morning, sending it back to you guys in the studio. steve: ashley, thank you very much. looks like fun. meanwhile, let's switch gears, a school board candidate in illinois slamming her own school district's curriculum as harmful
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to her children. endona mubuyagi is telling atlantic that parts of the evanston, illinois curriculum teach black children they can't get ahead due to white supremacy and she joins us right now from evanston, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: i know that you grew up in evanston and you moved your family back a couple of years ago, and what did you discover about what they were teaching the kids in the schools? >> well, upon my return to evanston i learned quickly that the curriculum had changed drastically. no longer were they teaching children basically about history of the world, including the history of african americans and people of the african but they had added something that they called black lives matter curriculum and within that curriculum, it speaks about, it's only during one week long,
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and it speaks about white supremacy and it speaks about white privilege and a number of negative things that have happened to african americans within this country, but it doesn't speak about when african americans have fought against wit or fought against oppression so it was very much speaking about the one side, a very negative side, and nothing really about the things that black people have accomplished in this country. steve: and you alluded to this , we've got a still frame of part of the curriculum for third graders on black lives matter, and one of the slides says today i'm going to teach you what the black lives matter means and why it is necessary. what do you think about that? >> well i do teaching about the ideal of black lives matters , but i also believe that
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it leaves a lot out. they attempt to cram thousands of years of history of the people into five weeks and within that five week period, they tend to focus mainly on atr ocities. very briefly do they touch on when black people marched or , you know, attempted to fight against injustices but it speaks mainly about police brutality, just there is no balance. steve: right and ndona, i know that you are not happy about the fact that you say that they aren't your kids in school, are not caught about black people who accomplish things in spite of what you were detailing there >> absolutely. you know, i definitely do understand the many negative things that have happened throughout the history of black people being in this nation but
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they do not speak about the numerous times that african american people have fought against what was them being oppressed whether it was through the times of slavery, attempting free themselves or even the times where there were many revolts throughout the united states, such as the rebellion that took place down in south carolina, so stories such as that are not told to balance out the narrative that black people in this country have constantly been beaten down, but never risen up. steve: right and that is one of the reasons why you would like to be on the school board and you are fighting for your children each and everyday. and ndona muboyayi, we thank you very much for joining us from evanston. >> thank you for having me. steve: by the way we did reach out to the evanston skokie school district for a statement but they have not yet gotten back to us. 24 minutes before the top of the hour, and our top story within the last two hours, the
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royal family has announced the death of prince philip who passed away this morning at 99. more coverage straight ahead. out here, you're a landowner, a gardener, a landscaper and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment. [sfx: psst psst] allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good
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away from your body. so you feel cool... night after night. experience the mattress ranked number one in customer satisfaction by jd power, two years in a row. ainsley: back with a fox news alert breaking just this morning , prince philip has died at the age of 99. steve: benjamin hall joins us live from london with a look back at the prince's life and legacy. benjamin? reporter: what a remarkable life it was, you know, we're reading more about it learning more about it, and yes, the tributes are pouring in and the mourning has started, but you look back to how it all started. he was born in greece in 1921 at the age of 18 months he was smuggled out of that country in a fruit crate because he had to flee when the royal family there fell. since then, he moved around the world, a fair amount before marrying the queen they were married for 73 years and apparently when he came to buckingham palace he was quite a maverick in fact he was the first royal who insisted on answering the phone by himself.
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he happened to be the great great grandson of squeek victoria so too by the way is the koala en so they are actually third cousins but the morning has started and we're seeing flowers begin to arrive at windsor castle and buckingham palace. the funeral arrangements have had to change because of covid but in nine days he will be buried and the funeral service will take place in windsor and there will be a begun salute tomorrow but how exactly the public will celebrate and mourn and pay tribute we just don't know but they will want to he was such a constant in this ever-changing world and when politicians came and went he and the queen were always there, preaching duty above all else, and certainly, you get a feeling that it is the end of an era, and the queen certainly will be mourning his loss and frankly, missing life without him, as she always referred to him as her rock, and we wait to hear from her majesty herself but there's outpouring of grief and tributes coming in from both the public as well as world leaders, president george w.
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bush as well as boris johnson. back to you. brian: benjamin hall thank you very much. great perspective there. talk about great perspective, martha mccallum has that, and she's most of the story at 3:00, but you see her all over the channel, martha, this is not a surprise, as you join us now, at 99 years old we knew his health was not great. could you put his life in perspective at how he's viewed in the uk? >> well, i think, brian, this morning when you reflect on the life of prince philip you'd think of this amazing partnership between these two individuals, queen elizabeth once said, he is my strength and my stay, and he spoke at their 50th wedding anniversary about the importance of tolerance in a marriage which i think some people might listen to and say that's an odd word, perhaps not the most romantic word, but it is, because what he was saying was, he said she's so incredibly tolerant, and she's put up with me all of these years but they
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had such a partnership, and he was 26, she was 21 when they were married but this is also a great love story. elizabeth fell madly in love with his young dashing naval cadet, a prince of greece, he was fifth in line to the greek throne, before his family was forced into ex pile in france. philip is so beloved by the rest of the family, and i can't help but think, i think i've been listening to your great coverage this morning, and you sort of inevitably go to that comparison and thoughts about harry and meghan, because that's in the forefront of people's minds and they had a tough time in their earlier marriage, him adjusting to this very sort of strict royal life and the palace, and being sort of second in command to his wife, so, these are adjustments that they went through when they were young in their marriage,
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very different choices made obviously by harry and meghan who are not in the line of succession in a very significant way, so phillip had different challenges but the comparisons are going to be made now and for the next nine days until this public funeral, whatever shape it takes, takes place as well. ainsley: martha what will the reception be if harry and me ghan do go to the funeral? >> i think it's going to be difficult, ainsley. harry and meghan have accused this family of racism, and that is a very difficult thing for anyone to sustain that charge, to sustain that accusation. on the other hand, i think that harry is a beloved member of the family. queen elizabeth said it many times. no matter what happens he will always be a beloved member of the family and i think that it will be interesting to see if me ghan goes. i think there's no doubt harry will go. he was very close to his grandfather and his grandfather
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played a very important role when they lost their mother, and in many ways, this might be a good time for harry to spend sometime with his family on his own, and to perhaps find a way to reconnect with them. i think it's interesting that me ghan is expecting a baby in the summer, maybe that will be a reason not to go. i looked back, he attended a baby shower in new york, a lot of fanfare when she was over six months pregnant with her first child, and made that trip, so, this is going to be diplomatic ally a question that they are going to have to struggle with and answer but there's no county my mind that harry will be there. steve: all right, martha mccallu m joining us on the line, martha thank you very much we'll be watching six hours from now with the story. thank you. steve: let's bring in miranda devine, fox news contributor new york post columnist as well good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you, steve? steve: doing okay although very sad news, because you know, prince philip has been alive our entire lives, he's been like the
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uk's grandfather, but martha was just talking about harry and meghan, and they have in b in the news ever since that blockbuster interview with oprah where they accused the royal family of being racist. they, according to nigel faragh on earlier this hour, they knew in the royal family for a very long time, that he was at the end, and so they went, but they went ahead and did the interview any way and you say this makes harry and meghan look even worse >> yes, it really does, steve, because they know what a rock that he is in the royal family. he was in the hospital for a month with a heart problem and an infection. that's serious at the age of 99 and they knew that the queen had enough on her plate. she and prince philip had been living in a bubble at windsor castle because of covid, and she
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did not need this drama to happen. one of the worst dramas of her reign, really, to accuse the royal family of being racist , and in fact, a lot of people just immediately assumed that meghan and harry when they accused the royal family of such a heinous crime that they were talking about prince philip to such an extent that harry the next day had to come out and admit that no it wasn't the queen and it wasn't prince philip so that was really a terribly destructive and selfish thing. there's no reason why they had to do the interview then. they could have easily done it months from now, and it just made no sense, and it was a cruel thing to do, and look, they are family and they all, obviously, love harry, and would tolerate his wife no matter what it's like any family with in laws that don't quite get on with the family but i think it
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probably be wiser if meghan t stay behind and let harry go by himself but she be loathed to do that in case his family got to him, but yeah, very historic day, very sad for the queen. she'll be all alone now in windsor castle. brian: miranda devine thanks so much for the perspective we appreciate it, this sad news happened about two hours ago, so , putting at 99 years in perspective not easy, thank you. >> thanks, brian. brian: all right am coming up straight ahead in the last 11 minutes, a little bit of a change, country rock super star tim montana joins us to celebrate his brand new album with the performance live on fox & friends, but first, a woman without any discernible musical talent we know of, dana perino will not perform live on her show, but will speak a lot on your show. right? >> dana: very discernible taste in country music so i'm definitely watching your next guest thank you, guys, we're monitoring the news from britain of course, plus a record number of kids left at the border, our
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reporter got an exclusive ride along. president biden says no amendment is absolute senator mike lee will respond and we have marc siegel, charlie gasparino and brett gerard. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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ainsley: well he's known for music that celebrates the fabric of america, and his new album, it's called "long shots" is no different. it's a nod to his roots growing up in the state of montana. country rock singer and songwriter tim montana joins us now good morning to you, tim. >> good morning thanks for having me. ainsley: you're welcome so good to see you again tell us about this new album. >> this is the record i've been waiting to make my whole life, teamed up my producer of broken bow records and co-wrote 12 songs about my life growing up in montana and i did a couple ba llod-type things for my wife and the ladies out there and the musical journey where we go everywhere from country to rock and americana stuff and my most favorite work i've ever done. ainsley: that's wonderful i can't wait to get this album. i no one of the songs on the album is called river kid. why did you name that song river kid? >> i grew up on the rivers of montana and every summer we'd go
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out and float and now i get to bring my kids out to float and we had a baby and i named her river and now i have my own river kid to go with the song river kid. ainsley: is she there with you? >> she is. ainsley: we would love to see her. >> there she is. ainsley: how precious is she sleeping yet, sleeping through the night? >> ask my wife that i'm a pretty hard sleeper. ainsley: she is beautiful this is your fourth child right? >> fourth, yes we are very busy around here. ainsley: so today you're going to sing river kid, how did you come up with this? what led you to that song? >> just looking back and missing simpler times when lov ing life was simple. ainsley: you grew up in a trailer, no electricity right? >> yup, completely off the grid , my mom is still up there, 72 years old, so i pretty
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much go every summer and get to see a piece of my childhood. ainsley: that's awesome what do they say about your success? >> man they are enjoying it and they get to go out and with all of my friends so they are happy. ainsley: we can't wait to hear the song will you play it for us "river kids"? >> yes. ainsley: okay, here we go. >> ♪ a little two lane, a little map dot, a little spray paint, a little bird shot, just down down down that road ♪ ♪ there's a first beer, and a first kiss, where my first truck hit a first ditch, where boys like me call home ♪ ♪ times like these you line them up, and yourself for growing up, and finding out what's on the other
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side ♪ ♪ take me back, take me back, back when we were river kids, and didn't have a care in this whole world, take me back, take me back, underneath that big sky bridge, when love and life were simple back when we were river kids. ♪ ♪ turned 18 said i had enough threw a middle finger and a lot of dust, and i left this nowhere town, now sun sets on concrete, and it don't feel like home to me, this life just got too loud ♪ ♪ times like these, you line them up, and damn yourself for growing up, and finding out what's on the other side, take
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me back, take me back, back where we were river kids, and didn't have a care in this whole world, take me back, take me back, underneath that big sky bridge, when love and life were simple back when we were river kids ♪ ♪ ♪ take me back, take me back, back when we were river kids, and didn't have a care in this whole world, take me back, take me back, underneath that big sky bridge, when love and life were simple back when we
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were river kids ♪ ♪ take me back , take me back, back when we were river kids, and didn't have a care in this whole world, take me back, take me back, underneath that big sky bridge, when love and life were simple back when we were river kids ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ take me back, take me back, back when we were river kids, and didn't have a care in this ol world ♪ >> [applause] steve: how great is that i just downloaded it. you can do the same thing. long shots is out today, tim montana we love you thank you
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very much for joining us. ainsley: what a great message. isn't that a great message though? brian: yeah, absolutely. i can not believe how quick he put that baby down and just queued this bandit was amazing. ainsley: have a great weekend, everyone see you monday.


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