tv Hannity FOX News April 9, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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it's all on b have the best weekend with the ones you love. we'll see you monday. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity." still zero solutions for joe biden despite the unmitigated disaster, all out humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border. with the complete neglect, child abuse, new allegations of rape. sara carter just ahead. zero experience hunter biden is continuing to lie even further and spend even more about his laptop from hell.
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tonight, joe biden's radically extreme socialist agenda is taking another step to the left as the weak, frail, ever struggling cognitively joe biden a commission to study the effects of judicial reform. you got to remember, he wants to distract all of us, his team far less socialist democrats want to pack the court, want to stack it with a radical left activists. they want to overhaul one of the most sacred institutions of our country, turn it into yet another arm of the democratic party and more power for them. that is the only way they will actually be able to implement what is their destructive economy killing socialist agenda and maintain power. under biden's order 8:30 six member commission will have 180 days to hold hearings, evaluate various courtroom measures in efwhat is just the latest exampe of biden surrendering to the fa
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left fringe socialist friends, the d.c. civil war swamp on steroids human growth hormone. we told you that this was coming, should not be a surprise but now they are hoping to make this a reality. court packing is nothing but a corrupt scheme where the numberncreases of justices giving him an opportunity to nominate endless judges that would rule in his favor. and likely support his radical socialist agenda. it would be the biggest and most destabilizing power grab in 150 years in this country if actually implemented. the supreme court would noal longer function as a coequal branch of government. it would no longer be the checko and balance of the executive branch and legislative branch. it would simply serve as an extension of this new extreme democratic party. but remember, biden didn't always support the idea of court packing. thank goodness were videotaped. you can listen to biden all the
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way back in 1983 calling it "a boneheaded idea." by the way, joe, if you're still awake, likely not, it still is. take a look. r >> president roosevelt clearly had a right to send to the united states congress a proposal to pack the court. it was totally within his right to do that. he violated no law, he would legalistic lee absolutely correct. but it was a bonehead idea. it was a terrible, terrible mistake to make and it put in question for an entire decade the independence of the most significant body, including the congress, in my, view, the most significant body in this country, the supreme court of the united states of america. >> we know that once he decided to run for president decades later, decided to be totally controlled by the extreme left, he didn't even really know, now everything is changed. here he is on fake news 60 minutes peered by the way,
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more corrupt than ever after last weekend with governor ron desantis, but here is biden saying the courts were getting out of whack. joe, do you even remember, what day it is?ke take a look. >> if elected what i will do is put together a national commission of bipartisan commission of scholars, constitutional scholars, democrats, republicans, liberal, conservative, and i will ask them in over 180 days come back to me with recommendations as to how to to reform the court system because it is getting oui of whack. the way in which it's getting handled. it's not about court packing. there is a number of other things that constitutional scholars have debated and i look to see what recommendations that commission mightht make. >> you're telling us you'll study this idea of whether tos pack the court? >> whether there is a number of alternatives that go well beyond packing. >> biden and the candidate
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campaign protection boat program, the media mob protected him the whole time, didn't ask him tough questions? remember, biden refused to directly answer if eat supported court packing. we knew better. tonight likely with and telling you, the answer is a resounding yes because democrats are always looking for ways to get power, rule this country, and they want power in perpetuity. they do not like checks and balances, they do not value our constitution. our constitutional republic. they do not value equal justice. they certainly don't give a damn about any of your rights. don't forget about biden, he put out these parlor promises. he wrote them down. the biden-bernie manifesto, they released it last summer? we were one of the few programs in the country to actually proffer it and tell you what was inct it. everything biden is doing, open borders, amnesty, yes, let's kill off the entire energy sector and his policies of being
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energy dependent, tax hikes, all in writing for everyone to see. the unity tag force recommendations. on next week's docket, it doesn't end. d.c. statehood and reparations. we will be debating all of that. but let's look at biden's new budget proposal, packed with an increase of federal spending, packed with far left climate measures that in reality he will little to nothing to improve the environment but it will increase government control over every single aspect of your day-to-day life. i'm tellingu, you, when these fr left radical socialist tell you what they are plotting and planning and scheming, you need to believe them. we are seeing it all play out day after day. i can tell you right now, the midterm election in 2022 is more important than any other election in our lifetime and24 2024 after that. this b26 relief bill, they lied to you, it wasn't about covert emergency
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this covid relief bill, they lied to you. this infrastructure bill, it's about everything other than infrastructure. hr 1, sr one trend, no symmetry verification, that will surrender total control of our elections to democrats. d.c. puerto rico statehood? democrats see that as four new democratic senators in perpetuity. biden's gun orders had nothing to do with security and safety, everything to do with undermining the second amendment. ask yourself, democrats are actually proposing that will improve the quality of your life? energy costs through the roof, you are all paying more, we are all paying more. taxes are going up. corporations don't pay taxes. they will pass that on to you. the cost of running a business, that'll go up. crime going up the roof.
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borders wide open, costing us a fortune. our country is becoming less safe, lessr secure by the hour and the democrats, their solution is to disarm you and tdefund the police. all while these far left policies are failing across the country all the way from new york to los angeles and pretty much every other democratic run city in between. look at all these cities run by liberal democrats for decades. every time they take control, an absolute nightmare. no law and order, no safety security, the worst schools, i do not think that obamacare thing worked out either. l that is not stopping the leftist in washington from trying to turn the entire country into new york and california. you like what's happening in new york? you like california? keep supporting joe biden. if you value this constitutional republic, our system, limited government, capitalism, prosperity, coequal branches of
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government, private property, our very way of life, you better pay attention. because these unhinged left-wing radical extremists, they have an insatiable appetite for a quest of power at all costs. now it's more undeniable than ever. joiningwa us now with the reaction, harvard law professor alan dershowitz along with "outnumbered" cohost and former white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany. professor dershowitz, i wonder how you feel about court packing and d.c. statehood, and puerto rico statehood, and the wholee i idea of ruling by executive fiat. my understanding, i'm not a harvard professor like yourself is that we are supposed to have a legislative branch of government. they are supposed to pass the laws, and joe doesn't get to write his name on everything and say done and forget that branch. >> as far as court packing i'm unequivocally opposed to it. it's the beginning of the slide toward the end of the
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supreme court as a neutral institution applying the rule of law. it would just mean that every time one party gets control of both houses and the presidency, they add justices to the supreme court but we'll get up to 25-35, who knows, maybe 100. the president has appointed a commission, some of the moderates, some of them quite good, but some of them are extremists. my former colleague professor laren's tribe. he is not a neutral objective constitutional scholar. he's a result oriented constant constitutional manipulator for who they always come out according to his own political preferences. if his views were to prevail, he's ready announced he favors court packing, he already announced that he wants more judges appointed now so that the democrats can appoint these judges, and these are judges i generally would favor. i'm a liberal democrat. i do not want to see the
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supreme court manipulatedre into an institution that supports my politics anymore than i want to see it manipulated into an institution that supports politics that are different from my own. it's about the institution and the institution is in great danger. >> sean: if republicans get in power they would put an equal number of new justices on the court and this game never ends, professor. it's not going to be good for the country. and it politicize as the court. justice pryor made that point, i thought he was very articulate. kayleigh, it's not about this agenda and the power grab, i also see this in part as a distraction. we now have legitimate allegations of child sexual abuse inside these centers they are keeping child protective services in texas out of and the gag order on the media and the gag order of border patrol, and we have the
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images. if any day care center in america look like the cages that biden is putting these kids in, people would be closing them down immediately and probably be arrested for child abuse. i think in part they do this on a friday to distract from what has been a disaster now that these pictures have leaked. >> i think that's exactly right. look, sean, this infrastructure package distracting the media has something to talk about other than what's going on at the southern border when you look at the donna facility, they call them pods but they are not pods, they are cages. they are still cages today. they are still containers for illegal immigrant children are supposed to hold 32, instead they are running 400. imagine 400 people, that's the facility that they are in. let's get back to court packing to say what a wrongheaded idea this is.
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>> it's about power. democrats change institutions when they don't get their way. get rid of it, they have total and complete one party control of the legislature. let's pack the courts. since 1869, it's been a nine sjustice supreme court, let's gt rid of that so we control the courts. finally let's get rid of the electoral college so that we once and for all can have one party rule and win elections in perpetuity. you are right to say that they are distracting from this with infrastructure and the like. >> those who win the legislative filibuster, those who support court packing, d.c., puerto rico statehood, you put it all together and too me what we are looking at is a raw illuminating look at the college, we are looking at a power grab. i've been doing this for 33 years, professor. t
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as radical as this in my>> lifetime. thoughts? >> we are seeing a lack of respect for institutions. it's in the constitution. this filibuster has been with us for a long time. introduced largely by but in democrats, southern democrats. it doesn't always get its way simply via a majority vote. if i could change things, i would require two-thirds votes, i would want consensus appeared but you need a constitutional amended for that. you have to respect institutions. our institutions have served us well for 200 something years, and the idea of radically changing them just to achieve short-term results is exactly what people like professor tribe have advocated years, and we cannot let them get their way. t
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we have to stand up for institutions to make sure the institutions that were endowed to us by our constitution which was the longest lasting constitution in the history of the world, let them be changed by appropriate constitutional amendments. >> i appreciate you both being with us. professor dershowitz, thank you. now joe biden's support of catastrophe is worsening by the hour. migrant facilities are overwhelmed, the allegations inside the facility's an investigation inside, imagine democrats, imagine if this crisis was happening underer president trump, these w kids in cages, or donald trump's changes. we are learning that biden's borders czar stepping down. i thought kamala harris the
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czar. our own sara carter spoke to migrant families about their journey to the u.s. and the southern border. take a look. >> very ill right now. he says he's not feeling well, he's coming in, obviously you can tell that they've been through as lot. border control is taking care of this. apparently there were two large groups. there are children as young as three years old, and adults, i think this group had a really rough time. i would not be surprised that they have been through a lot. smugglers, coyotes, the elements. they are out here with the children. >> sean: sara carter joins us
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now. number one, number two, this cache of weapons we see is just beyond a level of absolute lawlessness, human cartel drug traffickers. >> it was devastating. into the early morning hours, roughly 2:00 a.m. we wrapped up when people were pouring across the border. the tragedy that the father was very ill, oxygen levels dropped 82%. chris cabrera to the facility, he could've had covid covid, we don't know. was very ill and immediately taken to an emergency facility.w we saw other children sick that
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were dehydrated, little girl that was crying, only six years old, i'm so scared, i'm so scared. when you see this type of humanitarian crisis, much different when he was there, he nearly was there, that's cool for crossing, that law enforcement official and you say that you mention the stash of weapons that lara logan broke, i was talking to the texas department of public safety officer, they were talking about a stash of ar-15 rifles that they intercepted as well, moving towards mexico, moving crisscross, the drug cartels are at their height right now, they are fighting each other, levelheaded, fighting, guess what they are
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fighting for? f they are fighting for the territory. fighting for the people in themiddle are these cd migrants, the law-enforcement officers. talk to the delegation, congressman devon unions, the member of the house the house with who ledthe delegr where we are at, take a listen to what they just had to say. what is your biggest concern in terms of rational security issues related to the border consideringaw we saw two men frm yemen on the terror watch list? >> thisa particular area, the rio grande valley, this is where children are coming, the families are coming. the danger is they are overloading the border patrol from doing their job. the texas governor has created some national guards, local
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law enforcement, state law enforcement to piece that up. but if you overload the border patrol, it makes it easier for the bad guy to sneak through. these families who come across with young children, we don't know who is sneaking through the rest of these areas. >> do you have a message foram president biden and vice president kamala harris? >> we are waiting for harris to get here. she told her she's in charge oft this and i don't think she's been here. >> would you call this a crisis? >> this is more than a crisis. it's a catastrophe. >> what are you going to demand of the biden administration? >> we are demanding that the biden demonstration reversesiv this failed policy. this was a crisis exquisitely created by joe biden's actions and he could reverse it tomorrow. this isn't a law that congress passed, this is something that joe diedth and did the day he became president and was telegraphing it when hee took te oath of office, but you can see the s result of it. >> governor greg abbott as well as members of the
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law-enforcement immunity here in texas, even talking about the texas marshals, want access to the people who are crossing the river. the federal government, washington, d.c., the administration is prohibiting them from speaking to these folks. very important they say that they have access to the children especially with the accusations inside some of the camps, especially when they deal with cartel members and smugglers pray they know that these lengths are making millions of dollars perac day and the people of texs are suffering. this is the taxpayer dollars being dunked into all these policies and projects as well as safety in the united states and they are expecting this to be in the millions. they are looking at $120,000 at0 children plus this year alone. >> the total numbers for march, last year, 31,000, this year
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almost 200,000.. that's how dramatic theel difference is. the cartels, the cache of weapons on top of the allegations of child rape, child abuse. they are tone-deaf. hear no evil, see no evil. he is invited kamala harris to visit the border. what's his answer? come next. why we need to bring back biden's border policies immediately straight ahead.
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queen elizabeth is considering funeral arrangements which have been codenamed operation fourth bridge. prince philip married to the queen 473 years and the longest-serving royal consort in british history. his death will be marked with a 31 gun salute across england later today. prince philip was 99 years old. president joe biden ordering a study to overhaul the supreme court. the bipartisan commission will be examining several controversial issues including increasing the number of justices and putting in place term limits. the 36 member commission will spend the next six months studying the proposed changes holding public meetings and completing a report. president biden had not said whether he support adding seeds to the court. i'm in need of vogel. now back to "hannity." >> sean: everyone in america knows what the democrats, the america last agenda looks like. it's on full display tonight as the socialist estate in new york
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is establishing, get this, a $2 billion fund exclusively for illegal immigrants to provide direct payments and so-called stimulus. house republicans are calling for a full investigation into the specifics of this fund saying we need to put american families first. one time payments of over 15 grand. meanwhile kamala harris in the recent weeks, she supposed to be the border czar? she has yet to make a visit, hold press conference, a meeting that we've been able to find addressing the issues of the border. this situation is unfolding across our very eyes. the arizona attorney general mark byrne of h invited kamala harris to tour the border with him. he said he's yet to receive a response be joining us now,sp arizona attorney general joining is now along with former sr. trump advisor stephen miller.
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i'm looking at this. now we've got allegations of child rape, we've got caches of weapons. we've got the resources now, the full energy and focus of borderi patrol, that frees the rest of the board to the cartels, the human traffickers, ms-13 members crossing the border that we've caught. why doesn't she answer your letter? >> sean, i'm a former gang prosecutor, former federal prosecutor. what's happening in t arizona wl affect this entire country. the biden administration is decriminalizing and incentivizing border crossings and as a result of that there is a five year high in sex offenders being apprehended. we know that the cartels make about $4,009,000 for border crossing. we are literally talking about a
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billion dollars to put in their pockets. they are enriching themselves, you've got felons coming into this country as you alluded to. it is very depressing and make no mistake, this is going to affect all of us. how democrats, heretical the democratic party has become. in the 1960s, jfk put a man on the moon and in the 21st century joe biden is going to put a felon in everyone's neighborhood. >> sean: it's simple, the border policies of donald trump a year ago, 30,000. nell 200,000 in the month of march and will have the biggest ever at the border with undocumented and unaccompanied minors. also looking at two and a half million people this year, the biggest number in 25 years. stay in mexico policy work, building the border wall worked, getting rid of catch and release, that worked too.e there are answers that we know
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work. >> what you are seeing on the border right now, sean, is the worst border crisis in u.s. history. it is not just, sean, they numbers have been the highest they've been in 20 years, you have the highest number of illegal immigrant youth and traffic the children ever. you have catch and release. 20 years ago you didn't have catche. and release. the people being apprehended ar. being resettled in u.s. communities at taxpayer expense. but it gets worse. border control reports that including the thousands being caught and released, 1,000 a day are getting into the country without getting caught at all because the border agents are being pulled off the line, that means criminals getting in, drugs getting income of weapons getting in, contraband getting in. sex offenders getting in. there is a very important lawsuit, the attorney general has filed this and i applaud him for it.n in addition to this on the border, joe biden has shut down
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i.c.e. i.c.e. is disabled from removing most criminally convicted illegal immigrants that they were moving under the trump administration so you have an open save at the border and unfettered criminal contact inside the country. republicans should talk about this every single day. >> sean: mr. attorney general, your job is to deal with law and order. isn't the biden administration aiding and abetting while facilitating lawbreaking? >> sean, mr. miller alluded to our lawsuits. wet allege that he's violating federalla law. it says you shall be deported when there is an order. 1.2 million people in this country with deportation orders that they refuse to deport. that means already convicted of
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crimes b like assault, robbery, drug addiction. >> if i aided somebody to enter this country illegally in your state of arizona, could you prosecute me or would that be a federal offense? >>ua there was actually a case here last year when the u.s. attorney's office try to do that. they decided not to refile that case. at the end of the day, you consider all of our options, sent a letter to the secretary becerra to meet us, he's another former ag. we need to talk about these issues with what is not only happening here with the children but literally the long-term impact that's going to have in our communities. right now this is a catastrophe, let's make no mistake, it's an unmitigated disaster. it is going to be a tragedy. people are going to die as a result of the chauvin
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administration bidenadministration. >> sean: we've got 8300 border patrol agents and workers now covid positive, nearly 30 of them have already died. it is directly to this? i would say probably, these cases with these kinds of numbers directly related because of the high positive rates of those entering illegally. border control people now contracting coronavirus. >> the single greatest super spreader event in the entire country and a voluntary choice by this administration. under the trump administration you don't see a single new story about these people and six outbreak in our facilities because we had record low numbers in custody and
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agreements that worked. joe biden ended all of that and put the health and safety and sovereignty of this country under siege. >> scary times. thank you very much. mr. ag, thank you. coming up, more disturbing details regarding zero experience hunter biden coming tonight, continues to deny any wrongdoing on "the jimmy kimmel show." lara trump joins us next.
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last night hunter again trying to dismiss all these issues and a softball interview. take a look. >> i really don't know. it's a red herring. it's an absolute red herring. but i am absolutely i think within my rights to question anything that comes from the desk of rudy giuliani. and so i don't know. is the answer. >> sean: why did your lawyers go to the repair shop owner and asked for their computers back, giving your track record, hunter, you want to believe that you instead, not the only one >> does it make you crazy when you hear like donald trump jr. say that the only reason he does this is because he is a biden and because of his last name and how wildly comical that is?
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>> that is wildly comical. that's putting it lightly. >> i don't spend too much time thinking about it. >> i do. i think about it all the time. i will think about it for you. >> i have other people to think about it for me. >> do you know donald trump jr.? >> never met him. >> may be you went to a school together or something like that, you never met the guy? >> not that i know of. i've been to pretty rough places. >> sean: with her reaction, a full time fox news contributor lara trump is. i think of eric, i think of you, i think of the bunker, i think of don jr. if any of you lied on a gun permit, a gun purchase questionnaire, i do not see any
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scenario, if any of you also made millions and millions of dollars cashing in while your father-in-law as a vice president, got millions of dollars from no experience and energy from ukraine, three and a half million dollar wire transfer from the russian oligarchs, got money from a kazakhstan oligarch, and a $1.5 billion deal with the bank of china, why do i think, you would all end up in jail? i don't even think that's a s laughing matter. that double standard exists, doesn't it? >> yes. honestly, there is nothing that's funny about this, i think the whole situation with hunter biden is actually very sad. he is obviously a very troubledt person. but to hear them laughing about all this and, sean, no questione
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that this was his laptop. we all know it's his laptop. the fact you can't fully deny its his laptop, we know it's hayes, forensic reports on it, so the reality is that the things he jokes about, he was joking about photos of his pants, hiski photos of him doing drugs with prostitutes. we took it really seriously because you are a representation of every american citizen. this is not funny. this is shameful. this is sad. but i think you're bigger point is exactly right and it is spot aon. we talk about this often. ween actually went above and beyond anything we needed to do as a family, got out of any foreign business deals, father-in-laww, we felt that was
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the right thing to do. photographic evidence of it, federal papers that he has lied on, you are darn right that we would be locked up and they owwould throw away the key. not only for us, to see the way that america called holes if you are all their chosen party and it's not the republican party. >> you think of the election, laura, i call it the media mob big tech candidate prediction program, they enabled him to hide in his basement bunker, entire campaign, never ask any tough questions, now you have real issues about huge sums of money. with no experience, gun laws, trying to put on all of us. as jonathan turley put out in
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his column today, just the gun issue alone lying on the purchase application to purchase a weapon, no conservative i know would ever do it because it is dumb. >> exactly right. allhi of this stuff is crazy, lunacy, and i think it's becoming increasingly frustrating for the american people. this executive order, the gun executive this order, it's a huge mistake for the biden administration and i think you are going to see we get to a point where americans are not going to stand for it. you cannot trample all over the constitution of united states and think that our citizens are going to sit back and take it. we are not going to allow that to happen. some of this stuff is so crazy. so i hope that joe biden keep that in mind. i hope the biden family
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including hunter keeps that in mind next time he's laughing about it with jimmy kimmel on national television. >> how do you like the new gig?e it was an easy transition because you were really a good guest all these years. now you are part of the family. i don't know. maybe one day we wille have "trump" hosted by lara trump. >> i won't be so bold as to say that. it's truly incredible to be part of the family and i'm happy to be part of the fox team. >> sean: grateful to have you and all the best. discussing urban crime, violence, leo terrel 2.0, geraldo got in a heated exchange, we'llee see if things cool down since yesterday. straight ahead. all three,in just one bag. i like that. scotts turf builder triple action. it's lawn season.
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>> sean: newly >> sean: newly elected far left st. louis mayor to sharon jones said in recent debate that white people don't "don't have the lived experiences to lead a majority-minority city." two friends of this program geraldo rivera and leo 2.0 terrel joined the media newsroom to talk about the mayorra elect comments and crime in inner cities and things got pretty heated. take a look. >> i reject that argument -- >> when was the last time you were in the ghetto? >> how dare you say that, sir? i live right near the coliseum. >> i'm from -- that knowledge i have -- >> how dare you say that! >> apologized that he didn't mean any of that personally. joining is now, fox news
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correspondent at large geraldo rivera, fox news contributor civil rights attorney leo 2.0 terrel. all right, guys. you are both friends of mine. both friends of this program. are we all good? everything smoothed over? >>t well, i want to apologize at again. i'm sorry that i personally smeared him by suggesting -- >> sean: you didn't smear him. >> disconnected him from his roots. i do not like personal attacks. i want to debate leo -- >> sean: the issue was he has been in inner cities, i'm saying in the way i interpreted it, he hasn't been where real problems are. both of you, iu, must say, bothf your defense, both of you actually have been. he spent a big part of your life, geraldo, being a street reporter in new york. leo, you've been out in the streets of los angeles.'v
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in many ways you live parallelt lives. leo? >> first of all, geraldo is my friend. knownn him for 25 years. we were in a heated debate. apology accepted. it's all good. everything is good. i welcome a good discussion of the facts and as far as i'm concerned, that discussion is gone, let's look forward to the next discussion. >> sean: for the record come up back in day when it was leo 1.0 -- >> hey, hey, hey! you can say anything about him. >> sean: he would rip out his earpiece come rip out the microphone, the next time i'd be talking to an empty chair pair that happened a few times. i'm not allowed to air it. here is thee key things. one thing all of us agree with is there are cities in this country where there is no law and order, no safety and security, and the schools are atrocious. we are failing our national
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treasure. can we all agree on that, geraldo? >> yes, that's absolutely true. in the case of the st. louis mayor, why can't w she say that her lived experience will enhance her ability to do the job as chief executive of a crime riddled city of st. louis where she says that children have no hope? >> no, no, let me explain that. let's be honest. she didn't say her experiment, he said her color, her color. that disqualifies anyone else regardless of their qualifications. she played the race card. for that, we've got to stop. never in my life before and 30 years has the issue of race been attached to everything. now important, it's attached to creed. it's gotten out of hand. >> sean: i'm going to need to get a hat. it's going to be "hannity 2.0." a time earlier in my career i would just fuel the fire. blessed are the peacemakers for
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auctions going on right now, so what are you waiting for? >> sean: all right, so twice-fail ♪ ♪ >> sean: twice failed presidential candidate and longtime d.c. swamp monster hillary clinton is at it again taking to twitter claiming that we cannot possibly preserve the filibuster without sacrificing the voting rights of people of color. obviously, this claim is 1000% faults. she knows that and the filibuster is a tool that encourages members of congress to work together. general unity like joe wants, unity, unity, unity walk across
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the aisle but we haven't seen much of that. that is all the time we have this evening. please set your dvr so you neve miss an episode. now i hope you have a great weekend and let not your hearts be troubled. pete has filmic and for laura, we will see you back here. ♪ ♪ >> good friday pete: good morning, everybody in this is a special edition of the ingraham angle, declaring racism a serious public health threat. a michigan college reeling from another hate crime hoax. we expose the most egregious examples of bogus so-called journalism this week, the return of worst in the media.
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