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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 13, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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veterans in california. gladys klein peter turning 100 years old. she held the highest rank attainable by a woman as a chief in the union. she passed away one of the last surviving members of the eagles. peterson celebrating are 100th birthdayoth for your service. carley: and "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> jillian: more mayhem in minnesota. >> all this after brook lynn center police chief called the shooting accidental discharge. >> rarkd tlaib says it wasn't an accident. policing in our country is racist. >> let her be the first to dismiss the capitol police. >> there has been a series of bilateral discussions honduras guatemala. >> can you no longer come across the border would you tell consequence. >> are does say it absolutely is open to negotiating with republicans on the
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infrastructure bill. >> we had 1 hour and 40 minute lively discussion. >> there is a lot of space between us. >> dr. anthony fauci still advising vaccinated americans to dine endorse. still not okay the level of infection still disturbing. >> this is insanity. everybody followed the mob. they didn't look at the actual facts. ainsley: straight to a fox news alert. overnight a as in minnesota as 40 protester are arrested and police used tear gas and rubber bullets. the dollar general store there, one of many, that has been looted and vandalized. you can see it there in that video. steve: you can. what a mess. protests erupting all across the country. a riot declared in portland, oregon. thousands of miles away. after bottles, rocks and large fireworks were thrown at officers there meanwhile, businesses in seattle, washington, were also damaged while protesters here in new
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york had to be confronted by police after blocking the george washington bridge approaches. brian: this all comes as officer kim potter is placed on administrative leave after police say she accidentally grabbed her gun instead of her taser which led to her shooting and killing dante wright during a traffic stop. griff jenkins is live at the city, one city leader is fired after calling for due process for the officer. griff? >> that's right, brian, ainsley and steve, good morning. the shooting adding political fog in brooklyn center. vowed to give his office authority over policing and firing of that city manage his or her called for due process at a press conference calling for due process for all involved in the investigation. watch. >> all employees working for the city of brooklyn center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline. this employee will receive due process and that's really all
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that i can say. griff: the mayor tweeting out the firing saying effectively immediately our city manage has been relieved of his duties and deputy city manager will be assuming his duties moving forward. i will continue to work my hardest to ensure good leadership at all levels of our city government. back here at the white house president biden waying in on what's happening and unfolding in minnesota. >> the anger, pain, and trauma that exists in the black community in that environment is real. it's serious and it's consequential. but it will not justify violence and/or looting. we're calling for peace and calm. griff: vice president harris tweeting prayers are not enough. donte wright should still be with us. while investigation is under way, our nation needs justice and healing and daunte's family knees to know why their child is dead. they deserve answers. protesters in the street getting support from one member of
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conditioning. rashida tlaib says it wasn't an accident. policing in our country is intentionally and inherently racist. daunte wright was met with agretion and violence. i'm done with those who condone government funded murder. no more policing, incarceration, and military. it can't be reformed. >> families of daunte wright and george floyd. we will see what happens at that meanwhile, a lot more happening in streets not only in minnesota but also in other states, brian, ainsley, steve? it. steve: all right, griff. thank you very much. a lot happening there in brooklyn center as well. griff was just telling us about how the mayor fired the long-time city manager after the city manager, as you just heard right there, said that city employees were guaranteed due process. the mayor today is going to decide whether or not to fire the police chief because the police chief said that the use of the gun, rather than the taser was an accidental
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discharge. so, it sound as if not only has he fired the city manager but he may fire the police chief in the fallout. ainsley: the police chief was so emotional yesterday during the press conference. he said he did say accidentally fired her hand gun instead of her taser. we train with handguns on the dominant side and the taser goes on your weaker side. if you are right handed you carry your firearm on your right side and terrorize on left. he said she accidently pulled out the taser instead of the handgun and shot the 20-year-old man. brian: they have the two. ainsley: i'm sorry pulled out the gun not the taser. brian: right. the "new york post" they do look different. but, look, something that life and death situation. you are in a crunch time and you came out and made that decision. she has been on this force for over 20 years. she is not somebody new. on the force 22 years. nothing the city manager says and i watched the police chief speak that was illogical,
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irrational, and not thoughtful. and by the way, the police chief was called out twice. he was -- he answered a bunch of questions. we come out again and answer for questions. it didn't even sound like he was taking questions from the press. sounded like he was taking questions from activists and at which time tough give everyone due process. since when is this even an issue to give someone due process as unfortunate and tragic as it turned out to be? lawrence jones put it into perspective last night. >> the incident comes at a bad time. the trial of officer derek chauvin already has the stiff minneapolis on edge. people will be quick to equate the deaths of george floyd and daunte wright. when you look at the fact, the only thing they have in common is their location. that's not what's stopping the leaders to go out of their way to make these deaths seem the same. i know this firsthand from being an advocate in the juvenile
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justice courts or my stent as a private investigator. every case is different, no matter how we feel about this. because this is america and due process still matters. we will have a full investigation. brian: i think if you listen to that tape does anyone think that wasn't a mistake? does anyone think -- she said it. ainsley: i wholly blank just shot him. steve: at first she said taser, taser, that's what you say, that's how they are trained because you want the other officers to know that she is going to shoot that. but there was something that just went haywire. ainsley: you feel for the mom, too. you see the interviews with katy wright, his mom just heart-breaking definitely a tragedy any way you look at it. steve: more on that throughout the day and a live report coming up on the hour. meanwhile, let's talk a little bit about this. you know there is a crisis at our southern border. and so many people have said why don't we do something with the triangle countries like they did during the trump administration? well, as it turns out.
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ainsley: they worked then. steve: it worked and turned it all off on january 21st. so, yesterday, it was revealed that apparently we have got a deal and we have had a deal for a couple of weeks? ultimately it's not working very well. but jen psaki was asked about something they had heard about and it turns out it's happening. listen. >> there have been a series of bilateral discussions between our leadership and the regional governments of mexico, honduras and guatemala. through those discussions, there was a commitment as you mentioned, to increase border security. mexico made the decision to maintain 10,000 troops at its southern border resulting in twice as many it interdictions. guatemala surged 500 police and military personnel with southern border with honduras and agreed to set up 12 check point along the migratory troops. honduras surged 7,000 to disperse a large continent of
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migrants. you have to speak with these countries how they will be implementing. the objective make it more difficult to make the journey and crossing the borders more difficult. steve: it's not that difficult now. she just said that mexico has got 10,000 people at their southern border. and she was comparing that to what they did during the trump years, you know, ultimately. but what donald trump did was he got mexico to have 25,000 troops at the southern border. now it's just 10,000. ainsley: more than double. steve: i've got news for you it worked before and it's not working now. ainsley: they said if they implement this and work with other countries they are hoping it will prevent the traffickers and smugglers and cartels that are taking advantage of the children that are coming across the border. brian: yeah. the problem is a couple of things. el salvador is not that mix. he was totally respected when he went to washington. asked to meet with the president they said basically we will get back to you and never did.
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the person in charge of border patrol, she resigned. she is just packing up and getting bubble wrap ready she will be out in april. that went well, didn't it? if you look at what is happening in a area, you wonder what would all of a sudden compel them to provide security to keep them in other own own countries. there might have been payoffs. where is the mope going the government are 00 people that caused the unrest and disdisillusionment and violence packing up and taking the long journey out let alone the money the cartels are going to entice them forward. are they taking down the ads on social media and television that say come to america now is the time? are they cracking down on that? i'm just amazed. ainsley: or go to new york where you get a check for $15,000. brian: yeah, 5, $16,000 or you get free healthcare and teaching you have $60 million minimum being laid out for unaccompanied minors where you get teachers and get accommodations. people say i would rather come
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here. these are all the things that were in place, but there is no acknowledgement. it. steve: we have seen what's going on on the border since then it's simply not working. ainsley: joe biden has tapped. you mentioned the cpp lady has resigned. he has tapped tucson, arizona police chief chris magness is he going to head u.s. customs and beard protection. evidence previously worked in will police departments you beeh dakota and it. he has resisted it he once called for cbp funding to be paused under the trump administration that earned him a lot of criticism from the tucson police officers. arizona sheriff mark daniel danielles he is questioning joe biden's pick, listen. >> i know chief magness i have
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worked with him on a couple things but not worked with him on any border-related issues. he has not been working with sheriffs and others. i don't know. i don't know. like i said this was a curve pal coming at you on this one. we hope he works collective with us and relationship with us. there is a lot of issues. this border is in a crisis right now. we need somebody that can lead with sheriffs, lead with communities and we are hoping he can do that rain brian hoping he changes all his beliefs on a dime. seems like the exact wrong person for the job but that's par for the course for the biden administration. meanwhile, talk about something else that president biden won't do. that is pressure teachers unions to get their teachers back in school and stop with the prolonged negotiations because these kids lives passing. complete year without in classroom study. one of the things that made
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major news in the last 48 hours has been the eruption of this video that has emerged even though it was taped about three months ago, mom finally posted this video of this teacher alissa piro san marcos high school unloaded on a student. the student brought up the fact that there was an asian student group forming. said what about a white student group forming? listen to her. my question is where is the white student union. >> you don't need a white student europe, jake. you get everything. your parents wants to talk to me about their profession and their opinion on their profession? i would love to hear that. however, if your parent wants to come talk to me about how i'm not doing a good enough job in distance learning based on what you need as an individual, just dare them to come at me.
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because i'm so sick to my stomach of parents trying to tell educators how to do their job. brian: just two examples of her showing temper tantrum and condescending arrogant attitude towards students. steve: it hit the fan yesterday when most of america saw that, it did go viral. she has since been placed on suspended leave it, sounds like she is getting paid but. brian: just to stay home. steve: well, she was home anyway. ainsley: good point. steve: it's not really that big of deal. jace jonas who was in that first soundbite who questioned, you know, the asian group she also according to him called him a moron. he showed up. ainsley: and used gd full word. steve: she did, and it's heart breaking to see that it's a public forum. even though we can't see it, it was public to that entire class.
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he was on "fox & friends" this morning. and had this observation. ainsley: with his dad. steve: yeah, jim. listen. >> i was just initially just in awe or shocked that a teacher would shout the god's name in vain, make racist remarks and then call her student a moron, me. >> i was surprised and very concerned that we have educator, somebody who can influence our kids' lives like this and it was very disturbing. steve: very disturbing. here's the thing. because there is so little in person learning, so much happens. the kid is in their room just watching the zoom by themselves. the parents don't really know what's going on there they don't note forum and don't note dialogue. when you see that you go is that going on with my kid? i hope not. ainsley: so jace and his father went to the principal and vice
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principal and complained along with other parents. three other parents that complained as well. and they sat down in a room with the leadership from the school and with this teacher and he did say she apologized. but his dad says is he a straight a student makes a in this school and he got a b in her class. and so they called out the teacher why is he getting a b now? and she said it was just an error and she fixed it. look, these teachers are under a lot of pressure, i understand that. i come from a family, a long line of teachers. everyone is frustrated. everyone is heated right now. our country is going through so much. i don't want teachers to talk to kids this way. to use profanities to children, there is no reason to do it. and it's inexexcusable because you have to be a leader. you are supposed to be a good example to these kids. and if you don't like teaching, maybe it's time to look for another profession. i do feel sorry for everyone involved in this because these students -- these teacher unions are causing everyone to stay at home and these kids are losing an expire year to your point.
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brian: yeah, i have no sympathy for the teachers union. ainsley: i have no sympathy for the teachers unions at all. most of the teachers are good people and they want to get back in the classroom. we all know those that zoomed with our kids and know last year how hard these teachers work and what they have to go through. we are not trained to be teachers. that's why i wanted my daughter to be back in school i don't want her to lose a year early age when brains are still forming. brian: here is the san marcos. i love to see teachers call a press conference and buck their union and say after nine months they're not in our best interest. that's happened
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before. i would like to see it happen. it's got to be embarrassing to see every teacher in florida back in school and most of the country in california they find different ways not to teach when you could even be outdoors if you want 90% of the time. ainsley: first it was we don't want to be there because of covid. now we can't be there because of child care. okay so bring your kids work. now we are doing that now we want you to pay for our child care at home. brian: unbelievable. steve: now the teacher get due process. brian: carley shimkus you were working this weekend too. out there in arkansas talking to the pipeliners now we need you to work again. carley: got some more news stories to get to right here. we have new details on a deadly shootout at tennessee high school, a student is killed and a police officer hurt after the shooting yesterday at austin east high school in knoxville. police say an armed student opened fire after refusing to come out of the school bathroom. the injured officer is in serious condition. the student was killed when police shot back. just hours from now a memorial
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service for fallen capitol police officer billy evans will begin. he will lie in honor in the capitol rotunda so family, friends, fellow officers, and members of congress can pay respects. evans died earlier this month after being hit by a car while guarding the capitol grounds. he was an 8-year veteran of the force and least behind two children. listen to this: georgia senator raphael warnock nits to signing off on false information about the georgia voting law. "the washington post" flagging an email the democrat signed claiming it restricted weekend early voting and ended no excuse mail voting. a spokesperson says the email was written while those were still provisions in the bill even though the email went out after it was signed into law. yikes. a man of service, honor and great humor. prince harry releases his eulogy ahead of his grand physical therapist funeral.
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saturday prince philip's hears hearse will be one of his old cars similar to this one we are about to show you. there it is. originally built to transport hunting groups around royal grounds. the whole royal family back together, guys. ainsley: interesting. such a formal family chose thats at hearse but going back to his roots, he loaves being out there on the farm. steve: probably was in it a million times. ainsley: i know. steve: carley, thank you. carley: see you. steve: house speaker nancy pelosi upcoming biography features her disdain for aoc and the squad. her unique message to the progressive group. we're going to tell you about that coming up next. you are watching "fox & friends" live from new york and washington, d.c. ♪ ♪
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♪ steve: good morning to the east coast of florida looks like it's going to be a nice sunshiny day down there. welcome aboard, folks. coming up in exactly two hours. john boehner, former speaker of the house is going to be with us. and he has an explosive new book. he's a gay who was at a point in his life where he does not care anymore. and he names names. once ains attacks within the party. brian: he has a lot of respect for nancy pelosi for the way she leads. steve: exactly. his book is called on the house. he says one of the first chapter that when he was speaker of the house he looked, you know, he had a unique perspective.
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he regards nancy pelosi as, perhaps, not only the strongest speaker in the history of his life but perhaps in the history of the house, now there is a new book coming out about her. ainsley: come out on april 20th. it's called madam speaker, susan page u.s. today's washington bureau chief she sat down with nancy pelosi. she interviewed her 10 times. and she encouraged family and friends, even her husband paul to be interviewed. and axios has gont a copy of the book, which is really -- when is april 0th, next tuesday? and in the book they say pelosi unloads on the squad at one point adopt ago child like voice when discussing congresswoman aoc and offers the squad this blunt advice. you're not a one-person show. this is the congress of the united states. brian: by the way, you should follow that up with she thinks she is a one-person show. you never hear from anybody because she decides what everyone is doing.
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you don't even hear those dissenting voices. ainsley: are you saying aoc is a threat. brian: i think she is a threat. i don't see aoc ever leading. she is basically on the outskirts and likes to heck. but, what has she ever led or done when can she console indicate. when has she reached a compromise. shea sits on the outside and criticizes. so, just real quick. she also takes on mitch mcconnell. she says he is not a force in the country. enabler of some of the worst stuff and instigator of some her own. unbelievable republican. it not being able to deliver his home state when it came to obamacare. the speaker said she learned the art of politics from her dad the mayor of parliamentary, quote: what i learned from my father was everything. i breathed it in politics every minute of every day. it's a part of you. of course she had two stints as speaker. steve: so, we were going to are
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we going to play the soundbite the flashback soundbite. steve: we're going to play the soundbite. when she is dismissive of aoc where she essentially uses the miss nancy voice from romper room. we have seen ms. nancy in the past to skirt around exactly the relationship with aoc. in fact, if you get in the way back machine and go to "60 minutes" in january she said this to lesley stahl. >> why does aoc complain that you have not been groomer younger people for leadership. >> i don't know. you will have to ask her because we are. >> that was kind of sharp. kind of dismissing her. >> i'm not dismissing her. i respect her. i think she is very effective as are many other members in our caucus that the press doesn't pay attention to but they're there and they are building support for what comes next.
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steve: i think ultimately we have discussed this on the program before, the reason she has a problem with aoc. aoc is not in lock step with her. because nancy pelosi, you know, she wants everybody to be exactly on the straight and narrow with her. ainsley: she is used to everybody doing what she says. steve: exactly. brian: meanwhile straight ahead dr. anthony fauci moves the goal post on indoor dining why he says it's still not okay. incredible. as restaurants across the country try to cover from the pandemic. does he get vaccinated or not? you created your own style. and you - yes, you! turned a sourdough starter. into a sourdough finisher. so when you learn your chronic dry eye is actually caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation take it on by talking to your eyecare professional about restasis®... ...which may help you make more of your own tears with continued use twice a day, every day. restasis® helps increase your eye's natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation
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carley: good morning. we are back with quick headlines, a 12-time convicted felon is facing murder charges in florida. antonio ferguson is accused of shooting at a group of people at an apartment in palm beach in west palm beach last month. one man was killed. the shooting may have been over a stolen gold watch. ferguson's cell phone record reportedly linked him to the scene. overnight the oakland city council vote to reallocate $10 million to restore community services for the fire and police departments, this comes after the city's police chief called for more resources for the department amid a serious spike in crime. the money comes from a lawsuit the city won against the golden state warriors in the oakland al mate that county coliseum after the team moved to san francisco. bit coin hits an all-time high.
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the price reaching above $62,000 today for the first time ever. the crypt co-turn is i has seen a huge gain over the last year writing more than 800 percent. reported the adoption by tesla and master card have added to the legitimacy of bit coin the company celebrated with the creative use of emojis on social media. bit coin and emojis, brian. brian: let's talk about the pandemic according to dr. fauci never gets better. cautioning vaccinated americans against indoor dining. >> if you are drinking indoors and restaurants and bars, is that okay now? >> no, it's still not okay for the simple reason that the level of infection, the dynamics of infection in the community are still really disturbingly high and if you are vaccinated, please remember that you still
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have to be careful and not get involved in crowded situations, particularly indoors where people are not wearing masks. brian: it's exasperating. how will the mixed message impact businesses just trying to recover? is that a responsible statement? let's bring in fox news contributor dr. marty makary. dr. makary we were told last week by the cdc if you are vaccinated you can't transfer the virus. we are told you can't transfer the virus from inanimate it objects. wiping down groceries for so reason. not have to wear masks let alone not to go indoors. was that totally irresponsible. >> good morning, brian, you are hearing mixed messaging, as a result of the lot of the medical professionals are seeing infection spread young people. a lot of the guidance has lost credibility. the israeli study is in now our own nih dr. fauci's nih did not fund these study looking at transmission now we don't have
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to guess. the data is in and risk of transmission from that israeli study is negligible. i can tell you, brian, as a cochran, you have got to give people something to look forward. to say if you just tell them they can't do stuff, it's not right. you have got to tell them how to do things safely and be in step with what they're going to do. brian: dr. makary, whether you have a medical doctor on you should have a psychologist on, too. look at anyone studying behavior if i'm going to the bar and leave at 11:00 the virus only spreads after 11:00 i go home where we have been told that in home spread is the bigger problem, correct? do people wants to ever game plan this out? >> we're about to enter a big national argument. that is when the hospitals have basically no covid patients but the virus continues to circulate young people asymptomatic or mild symptoms is that a health emergency or not? you will see a national argument break out over the month of may other that because that's probably what's going to happen
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over may. so there is tradeoffs. it's not a matter of we're being overly cautious caution is good. there is tradeoffs and let me know if you ever hear dr. fauci or dr. wolenski ever talk about suicide from kids getting shut out from. businesses being starved or from the harm of profound isolation. they don't talk about that. brian: let me throw a stat at you in march employment in eating and drinking establishments restaurant, bars, 1.8 million jobs below pre-pandemic levels. 74 million people fully vaccinated. 22% of the population, over i think on saturday or sunday, we got 4 million in one day. yet, we still have our medical officials walking around with two masks. what kind of incentive is that to get people who are on the fence to get vaccinated? what changes? i still have to go home and sit alone with a double mask make it simple get vaccine wait a month for that kick in and have a
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normal life. if some businesses want to have mask policy indoor public gathering respect that for a few more weeks until we get to a better spot. live a normal life. that's why people should get vaccinated and deal with vaccine liberate people. brian: don't tell us that you cannot shed the virus once you are vaccinated and then tell us don't go anywhere, don't go to an establishment. do you know how many restaurants are losing somewhere else of dollars because of this arbitrary 11:00 american doctor a doll of himself out there circulating which he thinks is hysterical tell us not to go to those places? do you know people have leases due. restaurants want to hire employees. they order food and then dr. fauci telling people to stay home? that's totally irresponsible. >> well, i will tell you, brian, i don't think it's representative of how everyday doctors think. a small group of people are making all the decisions here. brian: unbelievable. >> they may be very good at
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virology but they don't know anything about implementation science about public policy poverty vaccination. we haven't done a great job rationing the scarce resources. brian: dr. makary, thank you very much. >> thanks, brian. brian: deadly mistake claims the life of a 20-year-old in minnesota. calls for due process are falling on deaf ears with community on edge, we ask our police panel about what comes inflation rising and currencies falling. but i've seen centuries of rises and falls. i had a love affair with tulips once. lived through the crash of '29 and early dot-com hype. watched mortgages play the villain beside a true greek tragedy. and now here i am,
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steve: fox news alert for you. violent protests raging in minneapolis after police say an officer confused apparently her taser for her gun and accidentally shot and killed daunte wright. the mayor calling for firing this officer and firing the city manager their commitment to due process in brooklyn center.
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>> all employees working for the city of brooklyn center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline, this employee will receive due process. and that's really all that i can say. steve: and ever he said that the mayor fired him. joining us right now our police panel retired dallas police zero cmingo and dr. oscar odom. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> smong, let's start with you, when you see that point of view body cam video what do you see happening. >> good morning, steve, thank you for having me on. i think wow what a huge mistake. you know we are all strained to
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wear our service weapon on our strong side and our taser on our non-strong side. so when that officer of 20 years reaches for a weapon and she reaches for her taser but mistakingly reaches for her gun i said there is something wrong with her training. i say that there is something wrong with her as far as her thought process. what made her grab her gun instead of her taser but you could clearly hear her saying taser, taser in her mind mentally that's what she was doing. there is was no way. that was a huge mistake and i feel for that family because they have lost a young son. and so in this instance, this was a call for training. what caused her to do that? steve: sergeant, when you look at that video and then the city manager got fired because he said they need to have due process. now the mayor is going to decide
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today whether or not to fire the police chief because he referred to as an accidental discharge. >> well, that's what we call it an accidental discharge, an unintentional discharge. this was a huge, huge mistake. and, of course, it's life altering on both sides. but we don't know if it's a training issue. flip and capture when we talk about motor programming. and this taser to firearm and back transition situation can be a problem. this has happened about 16 times in the last 10 years where these mistakes are made most famously the oscar grant case out in california several years ago. this was obviously a motor programmerrer of some. we don't see on the video where she made that transition from taser to firearm. but she clearly thought she had that taser.
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but here's the thing, steve, there is no racial animus in this situation. there were no racial things said. this is not a racial issue. this is not a bad policing issue. this is a horrible, horrible mistake and this officer is -- she is going to pay the price both criminally, civilly and emotionally and, yes, she does deserve due process and i hope she gets it. steve: interest odom when you see that video, we have never gone to arrest somebody before. we don't know what it's like when you are right there at a vehicle with a situation like that. what do you see? what do you feel? what does your gut tell you. >> well, first of all, car stops in itself is a very dangerous situation. you have to evaluate it that and at times you have to make split second decisions on what's going to happen?
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what's going to be the next move. you can't be in the officer's mind that's actually there. you can only monday morning quarterback. and hopefully now he with monday morning quarterbacking you can begin to evaluate the situation and see what took place. it was a split second decision and as stated earlier, you know, you heard her say taser, taser, taser, so she thought she was pulling her taser. i know when people evaluate this, they will go over the whole thing of the whole car stop procedure. what happened, registration, expired, what were the protocols to put in place when something like that happens. so this definitely was a tragic mistake but given the climate that we are in, people definitely are going to be upset. steve: c'mone, real quick an answer from each of you, c'mone, do you think she will wind up losing her job as well? >> absolutely, steve, without a doubt. she is going to lose her job. she is going to be tried in a court of law and she is more than likely going to go to jail for this. steve: bete, i saw you shaking
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your head yes. >> yeah, i mean, absolutely. there is a process to follow with this. and, again, there will be civil consequences for her, for the agency, and, yeah, she will probably be charged criminally but, again, obviously she didn't have the intent to kill him but she did make a horrible, horrible mistake and she will definitely pay the price. steve: dr. odom? >> yes. criminally and civilly. definitely civilly, of course because of the death and also criminally they will analyze what happened. they will look at the footage of the car stop procedure and the argument can be made on the other side of whether the proper tactics took place because when you rook at the footage, also, one officer cuffing him and then when it dime -- that will be evaluated also. steve: it is a tragedy that it happened the way it did. thank you all for joining us live. >> thank you, steve. >> thanks for having me. >> thank you. steve: all right.
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coming up, will smith, the movie star, says is he moving his apple tv film production out of georgia. it's the latest woke boycott against the state's voting law. and georgia native joey jones has got a reaction. you will hear from him coming up next. unormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world
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ainsley: the will smith the late toast move his film production studio out of the state. we cannot in good conscience provide economic support to a government that enacts aggressive voting laws designed to it restrict voter access. here to react is georgia native and fox news contributor joey jones. >> good morning. ainsley: what did you think when you heard this. >> you know. evidence the pleasure of getting to note movie industry in georgia. i worked in it for a few years when i first moved back to georgia. let me tell you imagine film out of state of georgia today costs them money before it costs us a problem with the industry. there is a tremendous amount of content creation and extreming platform episodes being filmed in georgia and that's not going to change any time soon. when hollywood came here, we gave them a tax refuge but that was just the beginning. they have towns welcoming them,
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opening their doors, shutting the streets down to film. they have thousands of people that we have trained through the georgia film academy to work on their sets and at the end of the day, georgia is the better people here. and if they don't want to being a knowledge that they can take their hypocrisy and bigotry and go back to l.a. and new york and pay crippling taxes and deal with the regulation. as long as georgia is filled with good people and taxes we will bring industry into the state of georgia. ainsley: it's all based on false information. the narrative they are spreading about voting laws are false. they are actually more restrictive in colorado where mlb moved their game. all of the community lost money and revenue. and thousands of people, you are saying, in the movie industry are now going to be out of work are not going to get paid during this movie. >> republicans mess thund. they didn't control the narrative. they should have went out a month before this bill passed and explained the problems that happened just counting votes, which is why the dates were changed. they should have explained that drop boxes were never
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institutionalized before 2020. they should have explained that the 70,000 voters in northwest georgia alone that didn't show up in january their voices deserved to be heard, too. they didn't trust our elections anymore. this was a reaction to the people of georgia and the voters of georgia demanding some change so they know the standard moving forward. that's what this bill is about. it's not about suppressing votes. as a matter of fact, this bill means that the g.o.p. is going to have to work harder to get votes in. hollywood doesn't care about that's things. but, let me tell you, the country is divided but it's divided 50/50. the people who pay for these movies are conservatives. i have big name actors send me green shots all the time and eventually they're going to speak up. ainsley: joey, thank you so much for coming on with us. >> absolutely. ainsley: still ahead dr. saphier, jason chaffetz, leo terrell, nancy grace and john
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carley: unrest in minneapolis following the shooting of daunte wright. jillian: police say the shooting may have been an accident. >> this is not a racial issue. this is not a bad policing issue. this is a horrible, horrible mistake and this officer is -- she is going to pay the price. >> infrastructure. not just roads, bridges, highways. i'm prepared to negotiate. >> what the president doesn't seem to want to negotiate is this total redefining of the word infrastructure. >> as michigan continues to report a far higher rate of
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covid cases than anywhere else in the country. >> the answer to that is to shut them down, go back to where we were last spring. >> florida governor ron desantis censorship. >> i think what we are really witnessing is orwellian, a big tech corporate media collusion. brian: straight to a fox news alert. chaos in men society as 40 protesters are arrested. the two night before. police used tear gas and rubber bullets you can hear it. the dollar tree store one of many looted and vandalized. ainsley: protests also erupting across the country. auto riot so declared in portland after bottles and rocks and fireworks are thrown at some of the officers. businesses in seattle also were damaged while protests in new york had to be confronted by police after blocking the george washington bridge. steve: this all comes as officer kim potter is placed on administrative leave after police say she accidentally grabbed her gun instead of her
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taser, which led to her shooting and killing daunte wright during that traffic stop. steve harrigan is live in brooklyn center where an officer just got pfizer for supporting due process, good morning, to you, steve. >> steve, when you look around here, you see bottles and cans everywhere. that's what hundreds of people were hurling at police officers overnight. state police and national guard pushing back a crowd of several hundred. they had to use tear gas on multiple occasions, 40 arrests made overnight. some of the stores in this area, looking at a dollar tree with smashed windows, a mobile phone store also looted and dispute over that officer that fired the single shot that killed daunte wright. the mayor said publicly chief should be fired. city manager pushing back saying there should be due process. here is the city manager. >> all employees working for the city of brooklyn center are entitled to due process with
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respect to discipline. this employee will receive due process and that's really all that i can say. >> instead, what happened is the city manager himself was fired after an emergency meeting of the city council. pinsd has been commenting on the situation saying only peaceful protests would be aloud here is the president. >> the anger pain and trauma that exists in the black community in that environment is real. it's serious and it's consequential. but it will not justify violence and/or looting. we're calling for peace and calm. >> vice president harris also tweeting prayers are not enough. daunte wright should still be with us while an investigation is under way our nation needs justice and healing and daunte's feeling needs to know why their child is dead. they deserve answers. weigh expect a news conference from barack lynn center officials later this morning. back to you guys.
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steve: all right, sir. thank you very much. brian: you know what's amazing too the whole thing seems to be totally caught on camera you hear the police chief came out and said i push back on other people came out as soon as i saw this video i wanted to show to you right away. you will hear and find out the whole situation. as you hear the video, they showed a completely on america reports. since then we have edited just a little bit because, obviously, it's brutal to see somebody shot. but, this woman comes out, who is a 22 year veteran and instead of grabbed a gun grabbed a taser. as i see in the "new york post" they look dramatically different, one is on the right side and one is on the left side. she grabbed the wrong one. we want to hear her story. the resisting arrest the whole thing doesn't happen if there is no resisting arrest. that's part of it. i hear police officers say listen the thing we are trained to do in that full-time someone is arrested put them on the ground. they are concerned about putting hands on anybody in this climate. they question the own tactics
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that they have gone to the academy for let alone people making mistakes. one of the craziest things ever is for that manager to get fired for giving due process in the same city watch video why do you need a trial? it's called due process. why does derek chauvin get due process and this guy doesn't. it makes no sense. steve: sure, and this city brooklyn city is 15 minutes away from the trial so that's why everything is so tense right there. brian, the mayor is going to decide later today whether or not to fire the chief of police because he referred to it as an accidental discharge. then you see these hundreds of people out in the streets, they wants the officer fired but they also want the chief fired because they say that his response to the sunday night protest was too overboard. it was too muscular. but the chief defended the use of gas and flash bangs and
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rubber bullets because cops were being hit boo w. concrete blocks and frozen cans of soda pop and at least one person was taken to the hospital. woe had a police panel on of experts who have dedicated their lives to law enforcement just about 20 minutes ago, all three of them said that this particular officer given what happened is going to lose her job. going to be prosecuted, probably going to be found guilty. ainsley: yeah. they said she will be punished because it was a life-altering mistake. they said it was a huge mistake and many of them said -- several of them said it was a call for training. they said she has been on the force for so long she should have known the difference between her gun and her taser. you put your gun on your dominant side. so if you are right handed that's where your gun goes, the taser would go on the other side. she did say if you watch that video. the video tells a lot. because it does sound like she was planning on tasing him. brian: no question. steve: taser, taser. ainsley: she says taser, taser. officers i was listening last night to our broadcasts and
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officers on our late night shows that's our training tough announce taser, taser, then she thought she was pulling out the taser, it appears, and then when she realizes that she had shot him she said holy blank. steve: i just shot him. ainsley: tells most of us i didn't mean to do that. brian: can we hear her side of the story? why is that so crazy to hear her side of the story? ainsley: cuomo, all the media outlets are saying there is due process. is he innocent until he is proven guilty. brian: only got 9 accusers. ainsley: you say that in any situation that's one of the beauty of being in america. brian: if you are going to fire the police chief two arrests on sunday. there was wild looting going on. i don't think can you blame the police chief. take the keys, you got it. good luck. they have already defunded the police. ainsley: the police chief was emotional yesterday. brian: of course. ainsley: these are my men and women out there fighting on the streets. he said this is tragic. and then we hear from the mom
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katie wright, it's awful. you hear the mother's interview she said i just want my son to come home. steve: joe biden looking at that dollar store said there is absolutely no reason there should be looting going on. ainsley: correct. steve: speaking of joe biden. he did sit down, it was bipartisan there in the oval office with republicans and democrats to talk about infrastructure. he said, look, this is not -- you are not here. this is not going to be window dressing even though the last bipartisan meeting he had with republicans and democrats over the coronavirus thing the republicans talked for like an hour and a half and he said great used. he immediately discounted it and just rammed through what they were going to do anyway. so, anyway. as we have been detailing this $2.2 trillion infrastructure bill is not just about bridges and tunnels. as you hear the president himself, notice how he talks about bridges and tunnels, everybody needs and everybody in that room is for that it's when they get into care, care
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infrastructure. here is the president. >> it's not just roads and bridges. we're investing in water systems so americans can have clean water infrastructure. we're investing in high speed rail infrastructure. we're building charging stations for america's electric vehicle investing in that infrastructure. and building out american supply chain investing as well in an asbestos-free school for our kids. that's investing in infrastructure. building support systems to take care of our elderly parents and our kids with disabilities at home. so that people can go to work. that's investing in infrastructure. so, look, we need to build the infrastructure of today not repair the one of yesterday. brian: excuse me, it's not infrastructure on any definition it's not infrastructure. put together a healthcare or another cares act and then we can take a look at that and then if you think politically to your
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advantage to have elderrer care, child care woven into a bill that includes all this neil, if you are that proud of the green new deal why do you mask it and hide it? it makes no sense. if you are so proud of it and you think the american people wanting to embrace it and should embrace it. sell it. don't hide in a bill that has at most 20% of traditional infrastructure. larry kudlow put it perfect. "the washington post" writes today last month the third highest deficit in the history of our country, $660 billion we're overdrawn on our account. two highest. other two happened during the pandemic when she shut the expire country down and that made logical sense. do you know the main reason? because we passed his $1.9 trillion aid package after passing 990 billion a month before he actually took office. larry kudlow says i did the math, i know the project. this is how much it should cost. >> well, what the president doesn't seem to want to negotiate is his total redefining of the word infrastructure.
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i don't think we should be redefining infrastructure. i will give you roads, bridges and tunnels. i will give you replacing the lead pipes for clean water in the schools. i will even include mass transit which is bad policy but i know both parties always cave in on it every cycle. aim not going to give you new electricity grid unless you include natural gas and nuclear because i know what you're gonna do end fossil fuels. frankly i think infrastructure could be done with $650 billion or so. less than 20% of that total package. ainsley: well, when you see the majority of it is going to healthcare, is it really infrastructure? if you look up the definition of infrastructure the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or an enterprise. for instance, buildings, roads, and power supplies. steve: yeah. do you know what? and yesterday the white house put out a state by state breakdown that showed the dire straits that a lot of states,
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infrastructure is in. they showed the terrible decaying bridges and tunnels. >> americans are okay with that americans are fine with that it's the other stuff. larry kudlow is essentially saying what the republicans are saying. if you are closer to $600 billion, we are all on board. but when you hit 2.2 trillion, bing, bing, bing, that's overboard. ainsley: someone has to pay for this. it's you, the taxpayer, you are working so hard. steve: how old is hayden. >> 5 years old. steve: hayden is paying for it. ainsley: wouldn't rather have that money on a college fund or vacation for your family you have eciousd because you work three jobs? brian: senator manchin says i'm not going along with it. 50 you can't do anything without the vice president. how do you think this is going to be paid for? well, they are going to be hiking taxes, especially the corporate tax from 28 to 21. >> ainsley: 21 to 28. brian bruin it's at 21. it's going to go up to 28.
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they surveyed and they said had -- they said hiking the corporate tax 28% from 21% would have moderately very significant adverse effect on competitiveness. 71 percent said it would hurt their ability to hire employ yeses, of course it would. it goes above the eu and goes above china. i thought we were trying to compete here. says he doesn't want to do the gas tax and what the senator said and the republican said is do you know what you are saying to us, president biden, our signature issue and accomplishment in 2017 was the years of putting together tax reform. we finally pulled it off. and now you want to just throw it on its head and you think it should be no big deal. it is a really big deal. ainsley: down in florida, ron desantis sat down to have this discussion, should our children be wearing masks? are they effective? and youtube, google, was not happy with the message that all these experts were saying and so they took it down. listen to what they took down, this have from march 18th. >> dr. gupta mentioned about,
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you know, not putting masks on kids, that's not effective. not necessary, you agree in schools there is no need for them to be wearing face masks. >> children should not wear face masks, no. they don't need it for their own protection and don't need it for protecting other people either. >> jake? >> i think schools, how do you teach a child to read with face masks on zoom or, you know, i think -- children develop by watching other people and i think it's [inaudible] inappropriate and just doesn't help on the disease spread. it's not the right thing to do. steve: google's youtube took it down because they said it's disinformation. how did they come up with that? because when you look at what they were doing, they were having a discussion, which we love to hear both sides of everything. ainsley: of course. steve: these are some of the brightest minds about this in the world, and here's the thing, the cdc does not recommend masks
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for quds so essentially they were saying the same thing as the cdc says but it's an uncomfortable narrative for google and youtube. the governor yesterday blasted them. here he is. >> some of our biggest media conglomerates who claim to be "avatars" of the first amendment and free exchange of ideas they really become cheerleaders for censorship. if something doesn't fit the overriding narrative, then, in their view, it's better that it get left on the cutting room floor. it's best that you edit it out of existence rather than actually tell people the truth. so, i think what we're really witnessing is orwellian, it's a big tech corporate media collusion and the end result is that the knauerive is always right. brian: then you factor in senator josh hawley saying we have got to start pug this stuff down and breaking up major
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companies if they control the cloud and youtube and facebook together and then they collude with amazon like they did to take down the president, that's not the american process. why can't we see that? should we take dr. fauci's comments down in february when he said this pandemic is not really going to hit our shores and then when he said that weigh should not be wearing masks? is that detrimental? should would he be taking that down? or is a successful republican governor in a thriving state like florida that's accepting more new residents than any other state in the union try to be marginalized by companies that want to kiss up to the party in power? the headline of the "new york times" calls governor ron desantis polarizing leader with mixed covid record. i think it's a pretty strong record. and polarizing, successful republican leader that might be one. steve: youtube did put out a statement. they said we removed this video because it included content that contradicts the consensus of local and global health authorities regarding the efficacy of masks to prevent the spread of covid.
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we allow videos that are -- that otherwise violate our policies to remain on the platform if they contain sufficient educational documentary, scientific or artistic context, blah blah blah blah blah. here is the thick, youtube and google are private companies. they can do whatever they want. unfortunately for all of us qui look at them as neutral. they are not. they are revealing their hand. they are so far to the left. ainsley: any time i put a picture up on social media of me wearing a mask, my child wearing a mask. i get so many comments why the heck are you all wearing masks? take them off. the reason if you are riding in an uber in new york. tough wear a of course that. that's the rule. if you go to disney world you have to wear the a mask that's the rule. steve: in publix in florida have to wear a mask. ainsley: i only wear it when i have to. i walk in my front door it is off. you have to wear it walking through the lobby of the building. i am trying to keep everyone
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safe who. brian: bottom line don't need to wear a mask if you have -- i thought we question science how we make advancement or else we all would believe the world is flat. you question that a lot of times they would kill you. i thought would he see got over that. ainsley: we have to work out at our gym with the mask on. i go to one of those hot gyms. brian: great looking people? ounce ains oh, no. steve: hot yoga. ainsley: it's not yoga. tough wear a mask. can you barely breathe. i'm trying to stay in shape and stay healthy. steve: ainsley, you go to a gym that doesn't have air conditioning. brian: i will tell you what, i bet you there will be a report out too when we exhale supposed to be getting rid of it. i bet you that is not great. reverse to exhaling and breathing in your own. steve: learning more every day. brian: i can't wait to learn more if we are allowed to. up to youtube, really. where is kamala. the vice president still not addressing the border crisis even though it's been 20 days
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without a news conference or stop down south. she won't even go to the border. suspects the silence part of the administration less is more strategy? i'm trying to make sense of it. joe concha will react next ♪ ♪
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concha. trying to grasp at a reason why she seems disinterested in the assignment she was given from the president. what day come up with. >> i see that kamala harris, brian, in the last eight months remember eight month ago she was chosen as joe biden's running mate. she has not done one press conference. before you say vice presidents tonight do press conferences i'm old enough to remember 2020 when vice president pence did dozens of them as the leader of the coronavirus task force. he was out there taking questions from the press on a daily basis. so there goes that excuse. look, when you have a vice president that's been tapped to fix the problem that she has no interest in solving, that's an issue. when she compared ice to the k can k as a senator. as a candidate she would have to answer that i would think during a press conference if a doocy or fisher asked that question. she would also have to explain why she thinks illegal border crossings which we are seeing now by the hundreds of thousands is considered legal in her mind and that's an argument she made as a senator and a candidate. so, here we have a chronic complainer it appears and not a doer based on her actions
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because, again, if she had answered questions around why are facilities filled at 17 times the amount at the border. hearing reports of abuse sexual assault. don't know the positivity rate and a lot of these folks are released into general population. this is supposed to be honest and transparent instead acting like pyongyang which would never be accepted under the previous administration. brian: seems like a couple years ago when kamala harris had great rollout. then when she was asked about issues like healthcare and border security. she said one ridiculous thing after another. she couldn't last a primary ill prepared as if somebody gave her a test and she forgot to study. nothings that changed. i laugh when people say she was handed a hand grenade. not really, do you think mike pence loved getting the pandemic portfolio? no, but he embraced because you have got to do big things if you are the second most powerful
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person in the country. biden defends harris this way when i served as v.p. i asked to be the last person before a big decisions were made and vp provided the same counsel to me. she is the last voice in the room and never fails to speak the truth as we work to build our nation back better. then where is her policy? we heard some policies put into place with mexico, honduras and guatemala about handling the illegal immigration coming from their country kamala harris should have been heading that up. >> yeah, brian, she is the last one in the room because she is not at the border. she isn't visiting a border that she was put in charge of. what are we talking about now. three weeks ago? then we hear an excuse a couple days later from the white house press secretary no actually the vice president is in charge of diplomacy. again, that means getting out and seeing these people. not doing phone calls. why haven't you traveled to guatemala or nicaragua or mexico in terms of solving this problem and how do you solve a problem at the border when you can't grasp it by talking to border
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officials, by talking to these people running these migrant fittings if you are not there and you don't see it, you can't fix it. so, look, this is a team biden strategy that seems to be playing not to lose. it was risk adverse during the campaign. it's now the risk adverse presidency. that only works for so long because at some point you are going to be judged on your actions and to this point the biden administration has been about a lot of words and spending a lot of money but not a lot about actual action when it comes to fixing crises like we are seeing at the border. brian: politico writes barack obama between two ferns late night television and did a lot more interviews and joe biden is we are not doing that a lot of people question whether it's ron klain running the country or is susan rice running the country because she is head of domestic policy it. doesn't look like any one of them are taking the lead or hiding it well. joe concha, thanks so much. >> good to see you, brian have. a good one. brian: you got it. straight ahead a california teach berates students after their parents push for in person learning. i'll pause.
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>> just dare them to come at me because i am so sick to my stomach of parents trying to tell educators how to do their job. brian: we will have reaction from a parent in a nearby district who calls the remarks disgusting. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. it is the only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more starry nights. more sparkly days. more sunny mornings. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea;
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jillian: carley: we are back with a fox news alert. he pausing johnson and johnson covid-19 after six women developed a rare disorder involving blood clots. this happened within two weeks of receiving the shot. the fda and cdc will stop using the sing quell dose at federal sites and urging states to follow suit. almost 7 million americans have already received will johnson and johnson vaccine. today the attorneys for derek chauvin are expected to make their case to jurors. the former minneapolis police officer faces 40 years in prison for the death of george floyd. his brother giving emotional testimony telling jurors floyd took their mom's death extremely hard. >> i don't know who can talk that when you watch your mother, somebody who loves and cherishes
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you and nourishes you for your entire life and then they have to lee you. woe all had to go through it it's difficult and george, he was just in pain the entire time. carley: meanwhile the judge denied a request to sequester the jury amid nearby riots over the deadly police involved shooting of daunte wright. the son of kansas city chief coach andy reed is facing felony dwi charges after a crash that left a little girl unable to speak or walk. the wreck happening near the teen's training complex just days before the the super bowl. bret reeves surrendered to police and posted hundred thousand dollars bond on monday. he faces the possibility of seven years in prison. devastating. ainsley? ainsley: thank you so much, carley. well, it's a story that we told you about yesterday. a california teacher caught ranting at high school students curing a leaked zoom lesson about parents pushing for in person learning.
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>> your parents wants to talk to me about their profession and their opinion on their profession? i would love to hear that however, if your parent wants to come talk to me about how i am not doing a good enough job in distance learning based on what you need as an individual, just dare them to come at me. i am so sick to my stunel of parents trying to tell educators how to do their job. ainsley: our next guest is a mother of two. she works in special education in a neighboring district jennifer martin and she joins us now. hi, jennifer. >> hi. how are you. ainsley: i'm doing well. what was your reaction when you saw this. >> i was astonished and disgusted and scared for my children to see an educator speaking this way. i value education deeply. many of the parents in san marcos value education. and our kids are failing right now in distance learning.
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they are failing in a hybrid model the district released data on that 25% of seventh and eighth grade students are getting d's and f's. it's hard as a parent and educator in a neighboring district to watch our children struggle and it really feels like it's unnecessary at this point. ainsley: paint the picture for us, what's happening in california? are all the districts closed or just certain ones? >> certain ones are closed. it sounds like gavin newsom gave money to the districts. he managed to secure funding so the districts could purchase whatever ppe they needed to open. the parents filed a lawsuit so that we could force our hand to get the district opened and this was after several emails, speaking the at poured meetings, you name it. the neighboring surrounding districts have followed the judge's orders and opened. however, san marcos is just taking their time and it really is at the expense of the students at this point. and their learning.
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ainsley: what would you do if that teacher talked to your children that way? >> i would be mortified. i would call the principle pal of the school. i would ask for her to give some kind of an apology to students and parents. this group of parents, our district is special. we always rally around our teachers and our district. we are always helping our teachers fight for what's right and i think we need the same support right now. >> and i'm hoping that this woman, this teacher is an anomaly and she is not a representation of the wonderful teachers in our district. ainsley: um-huh the san marcos unified school district released a statement to us. they say we are deeply concerned about the recent videos surfaced regarding our employees matter we take seriously and this highest scrutiny. due process and privacy rights. obviously, not appropriate the way she talked to the kids. she used gd except she really
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said the word. one student says that she called him a moron. those parents complained and they had meetings with the principal. three other parents also complained. i'm sure there have been more since then. are you okay with her being on administrative leave? what do you think the next step is? >> i think the next step is for the district to do what they should rightfully do. follow the investigative process, whatever they need to do. i would love to see some student first language starting to appear. i would love to see the district really take parents seriously and move towards the five day a week learning model and really listen to us and start getting our kids back on track. i think this video is just a symptom of what an ongoing problem at this time is and it's the fact that we're struggling, our kids need to be learning. they need to be in school five days a week. ainsley: i know working in special ed that has to present different challenges, more challenges. thank you for that. you are an angel to those
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parents. god bless you. >> thank you for having me. ainsley: you are welcome. 7:37 on the east coast. second night of looting and rioting in minnesota after police say officer confused her taser for her gun and accidentally shot and killed an unarmed man. we will talk to unarmed officials about what went wrong. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? sure, it's wireless. pick something we all like. ok. hold on. what's your buick's wi-fi password? buickenvision2021. oh, you should pick something stronger. that's really predictable. that's a really tight spot. don't worry. i used to hate parallel parking. (all together) me too. hey. you really outdid yourself. yes, we did. the all-new buick envision. an suv built around you... all of you. at aspen dental, today is the day to take back your smile. why wait? we're here nights, weekends and right now, to give you exceptional care and 20% off your treatment plan.
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do you see? >> as a police officer, when you make the determination that you are going to use some type of force, as the police officer deploying the force, you must be in control at all times. you must slow down and process the scene, that's whether it's deadly force or less lethal in this case. when you are training with a less lay that weapon, most agencies require to you carry the less lethal weapon to your weak side. meaning you can cross draw and deploy with your weak hand as opposed to strong hand dominant, which is usually reserved for your firearm. and so the officer should be in control at all times, it's the equivalent of a colleague flying a plane. you cannot have any error when you are deploying any type of force, especially deadly force. ainsley: i know it's a fast situation. but she has been on the job for
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26 years. how easy is it to make that mistake? >> well, so, training goes back to training and muscle memory. if you practice deploying the taser all the time. you are knowing that you are drawing the taser from across your body. the movement fluid, almost luke an athlete or sport player basketball player who continues to shoot the same free throw jump shot when you are deploying a less than lethal weapon you should know you are drawing from across your body or weak hand. brian: whether they feel the same or not they do look pretty different. i'm not judging. i do believe she deserves due process. do you believe that do you believe that officer should have within fired for say she go deserves due process. >> i believe the city manager was terminated and i think when you have city government coming out with a statement, the statement from the police chief, the statement from the city
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manager and the mayor should all be the same. it appears to me watching the press conference yesterday that they didn't huddle, they had different takes on what they saw. yes, do everyone deserve due process but, you know, our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of daunte wright because he deserved due process as well. steve: sure, it sounds like today, clyde, the mayor is going to decide whether or not to fire the police chief because he said it was an accidental discharge. and also, the protesters want the chief fired because they say he overreacted with flash bangs and rubber bullets and gas and things like on sunday night. but he said, look, they were pelting us with all sorts of things, bricks and concrete blocks and stuff like that. we had to fight back. >> as a police chief, your responsibility is to protect your community and also your responsibility is to protect your police officers. in a city that's 10 miles
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outside of minneapolis, they have seen civil unrest before. and there should have been -- if you are trying to, in the middle of a crisis, trying to get credibility from your community, you have already lost. so, we have had over a year sips the george floyd incident happened. that chief should have had credibility within the community and i think that the training of his police officers and the decisions that he made ultimately is what caused this young man his life and i think that we need to focus more on the leadership of police departments and less about the actions of our officers because if you have a better trained and a police department being led by the right leader our police officers will make better decisions ounce ains clyde boatwright, thank you for being with us and thank you for your service. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. hand it over to janice for our forecast today. hey, j.d. >> good morning. yeah. we have a lot going on. we have heavy rain across the sowvment we have very cold temperatures across the northern plains. plenty of snow from many states
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as well. so let's take a look at it. there is the radar. potential for heavy rain over texas and louisiana today. perhaps some severe storms. and the north of that from the great basin through the rockies, toward the northern plains, upper midwest, measurable snow, a foot or more of snow as we take a look at the forecast precipitation and heavier rainfall along the gulf coast. that's going to cause some flash flooding. wildfire danger, we are going to have gusty winds as well as high temperatures and dry conditions for the southwest. meanwhile, heading across the northeast later this week, measurable snow, heavy snow. heavy wet snow for the mountains of upstate new york in toward new england. a lot of weather for much of the country throughout the workweek continue to monitor it. also mention we have very warm temperatures across the south. and that's going to bring the potential for some severe storms across the gulf coast, we will continue to monitor it throughout the day. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. steve: weather, weather everywhere. all right, j.d., thank you very much. ainsley: we have it every day.
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we have weatherer day. brian: seems like it. ainsley: it's a given. steve: the weather for the most part is always great down in florida. meanwhile, there is a video of florida governor ron desantis, been pulled for youtube, a round table of experts discuss whether kids should be required to wear masks. the censorship claiming to follow the science but what about the data that shows kid aren't high risk? dr. nicole saphier and former congressman jason chaffetz on that coming up next. ♪ ♪ out here, you're more than just a landowner. you're a gardener. a landscaper. a hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary. same goes for your equipment.
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steve steve fox news alert on this tuesday morning. the fda and idea pausing johnson and johnson at federal site and urging statutes to follow suit after six women developed a rare blood clot disorder of a receiving the shot. let's talk about that and so much more with fox news medical contributor dr. nicole saphier. she joins us along with jason chaffetz. we will talk to them all about censorship. first, doctor, what do you think about j and j pausing that shot at federal sites?
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>> well, you know, steve, this is obviously very concerning and actually something jedediah and i spoke about on sunday before the -- so now we have six women who have developed clots of the 6.8 million people in the united states who have received the johnson and johnson vaccine. one woman has died. one woman is in critical condition in nebraska. and so right now the cdc and fda are going to convene tomorrow to really look at this. we have to know, steve, that blood clots do happen and about three to four per million happen every single year. what they need to determine is were these blood clots directly linked to the vaccine and if so is it more than you would expect in the population? and this jumps on the heels of what we saw with astrazeneca where there have been dozens of cases of blood clots throughout europe and sense astrazeneca and johnson and johnson have similar mode of actions they will be looking at them together. steve: all right. we will follow this throughout the day so, jason, we were
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talking about this throughout the top of the hour, as it turns out governor ron desantis had a round table where they were discussing, you know, among other things, should kids wear masks. currently the w.h.o. recommendation, the cdc recommendations are kids don't need to wear masks. and they said that during this particular round table. youtube saw that took it down, said it's misinformation. you see it as censorship. >> i do. the self-appointed gods there at youtube decided that they were smarter than professors from stanford, harvard, oxford. you have the governor of one of the largest states in the union. remember, congress gave special limitations and liability to the youtube, but the youtube gods decided oh no, we are going to go with the narrative on the democratic side of the aisle, which they always do, as opposed to allowing this free discussion because the science, in this case, what they are talking
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about largely lines up with actually what the cdc is doing. but, heaven forbid that ron desantis get credit for bringing together experts and having a serious discussion. steve: you know, dr. saphier, youtube and google are private companies. they can do whatever they want. when you hit that terms of service thing and you agree to it, they can do it. but, you know, a lot of people think, you know, you are getting all the news there. you are not. you are getting their filtered version and it seems they have a political bent to it. >> well, steve in researching my forthcoming book "panic attack" found big tech censorship and social media censorship had to be allaned a little bit more with left wing policies. unfortunately, while there is some misinformation which i would like to get off the internet a lot of what is being censored is not misinformation it's contrarian opinion. you are undermining the process of science and making people skeptical. steve: well, there you go.
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i will give you a quick final word, jason. >> well, that is the point is that it always seems to go one direction. it harms science, it harms the ability of the public to actually trust when these information comes out. it's just wrong the way they do it. steve: the two of them have put together a great op-ed. you can read it right now if you go to all right. doctor, jason, thank you very much. >> thank you, steve. >> thank you. steve: you bet. still ahead on this tuesday telecast former house speaker john boehner has a new book and he names names. leo terrell, nancy grace, katie pavlich and you. put down that remote. "fox & friends" rolls on from new york city in just a couple minutes. ♪ ♪
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go to ainsley: chaos in minnesota as 40 priests are arrested following the police shooting death of daunte wright. >> after police say the shooting may have been an accident. >> the biden administration reportedly considering cash payments to central american countries to stop the surge. >> we've reached the bottomless depths of absurdi ty. brian: where is kamala? the vice president is still not addressing the border crisis. this is supposed to be the honest and transparent administration. he said it's more acting like media blackouts. >> drinking indoors, is that
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okay now? >> no it's still not okay. steve: you've got to give people something to look forward to. >> you get your vaccine, wait a month for that immunity to kick in and live a normal life. >> the first big movie pulls out of georgia. >> at the end of the day, georgia is the better people and if they don't want to acknowledge that they can take their hypocrisy and go back to la and new york. ainsley: straight to a fox news alert overnight chaos in minnesota as 40 protesters are arrested and police have to use tear gas and rubber bullets. this dollar general store, one of the many shops looted and vandalized. steve: protests also erupting elsewhere in the country, a riot was declared in portland, oregon after, as you can see , bottle, rocks and fireworks, aimed at the officers. meanwhile, seattle, washington businesses there, also damaged while protesters as you can see , in new york city, had to be confronted by police after
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blocking the george washington bridge. brian: this all comes as officer kim potter is placed on administrative leave after police say and the tape reveals, she accidentally grabbed her gun instead of her tazer which led her to shooting and killing daun te wright during a traffic stop he would drive away steve harrigan is live in brooklyn center where an official just got fired for supporting due process, steve. >> brian i'm looking around here at the street at the lawns here, these are all the projecti les, all of the things people used last night to hurl at police. i'm looking at bottle, can, bricks, fireworks and the police and national guard pushed several hundred people back overnight away from this police station. there was some looting in nearby stores, a dollar general store was looted as well as a mobile phone store and you mentioned that dispute over the officer who fired that single shot that killed daunte wright. the mayor said the officer should be fired immediately but
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the city manager said hold on a minute there, we have due process here. here is the city manager. >> all employees working for the city of brooklyn center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline. this employee will receive due process and that's really all that i can say. reporter: for that comment, publicly, bucking the mayor, that city manager himself was fired immediately after an emergency meeting of the city council. we heard from president biden who said that the protests here need to remain peaceful. here is the president. >> the anger, pain, and trauma that exists in the black community in that environment is real. it's serious, and it's consequential, but it will not justify violence and/or looting , and we're calling for peace and calm. reporter: vice president harris also weighing in tweeting prayer s are not enough.
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daunte wright should still be with us our nation needs justice and healing and daunte's family needs to know why their child is dead. they deserve answers. we expect a press conference in the next coming hours from officials here. brian, ainsley, steve, back to you. brian: the actions still continuing steve thanks so much. i can't believe people are upset about the way the police are trying to contend the violence that are taking place on sunday and on monday. i don't understand where people can judge law enforcement for trying to stop businesses from being looted that have nothing to do with any of the what happened with daunte wright. steve: well and joe made it very clear yesterday, there's no reason to do any looting regarding any of this. ainsley: doesn't make sense. steve: no but protesters want the chief fired for essentially having this muscular response,
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because these officers were being hit with a cinder blocks and bricks and frozen soda cans and so one of them wound up going to the hospital and so he said all right, we're going to respond with gas, with flash ban gs, with rubber bullets , and now, he's under fire, because he did this. ainsley: last night i was watching our broadcast, and mike tobin was there and you saw they would send out the tear gas and mike tobin could barely get through his report but that's what the police have to do to make sure more of these stores aren't vandalized. brian: i think they lost a third of their police force and they have been defunded and people wonder and say the trainings not good. how do they get the training and this guy seems to have gotten totally screwed former brooklyn center city manager for saying as much as he feels we probably felt one way, and a press conference he was obvious. i don't know what the our last guest said well, they should have been on the same page.
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what on the same page? due process? you don't need a pre-game meeting to know that you deserve due process in america. ainsley: uh-huh let's talk about what's happening at the border with immigration. joe biden seeing now there's a huge problem down there, and they have struck a deal with mexico, honduras, guatemala to step up military presence down there at the border, very similar to what president trump did too by making deals with mexico and now they are talking about possibly sending cash payments down to these countries and tom homan -- steve: why not? ainsley: the former acting i.c.e. director said this is the dumbest idea he's ever heard in his entire career and steven miller former senior advisor to president trump and founder of america first legal, he weighed in on this on fox news, watch this. >> we have reached the bottom less depths of absurdi ty, and it will most certainly not work, and i will tell you why. illegal immigrant or illegal immigrant family thinking of coming to the united states is
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very well aware of the financial benefits for them of doing so if they are able to get here and maintain a long term residence here. you're talking about free healthcare. you're talking about free education, free american education. you're talking about massively higher wages relative to what you were making in your home country. steve: so the way it's being described is it's being described as the administration is considering conditional cash transfers. it is unclear who it would go to or how it would work, but the government has said we're not going to just write checks to different people down there. that's not how it's going to work. they have not been forthcoming though with any other details, but, and this is curious, the u.s. agency for international development has told reuters that the united states has already been sending cash transfers to central america countries to help with them meeting their basic needs
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for the very root causes that we keep hearing the administration say we need to address the root causes, the hurricanes and the poverty and things like that that's exactly why we've already been sending the money so it sounds like we've been doing this for a while. it has been revealed, and now, combined with what you reported, ainsley, just a little while ago , where the administration has struck a deal with mexico and guatemala, it sounds like it's like we will continue the money going to you, but you've got to help us out a little bit. brian: yeah, so what are you going to do? you going to just use physical force to keep people there in hurricane ravaged areas? also i think the american people should have a say on the amount of checks we're writing to other countries in a time in which we got 500,000 homeless living on the streets. it seems as though we are $680 billion in overdraft last month alone, and we're writing checks to countries who were emptying out their population into our country that's costing us just the unaccompanied minors 60 million a week. loser loser loser, and there's
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no strategy there, and where they don't talk about it, behind the scenes, the chief of staff is making those decisions and susan rice, because the president seems indifferent and kamala harris is invisible, even though she was given that portfolio. ainsley: before we get to where she has been, tom homan also made a good point. he said all of that money if we give them individual checks what will they use that money for , to hire these alien smugglers to bring them into our country. you'll be paying twice. steve: at least it's heading our way. all right, so, to the point about kamala harris in charge of the root causes, which we're already given cash for apparently, where's she been over the last three weeks because she has not been giving speeches, so she went to washington d.c. i wonder what she was doing there. ainsley: she was moving into the naval observatory after the renovation and after complaining of living in her suitcase. steve: oh, that makes sense she went to connecticut. ainsley: boys and girls club visits one of those facilities steve: well she's from california. she was the a.g. there what was
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she doing? ainsley: the daily mail is reporting she had easter at her brentwood home and baked a beautiful roast pork. steve: she went up the coast. ainsley: to meet with gavin newsom. steve: what was she doing in chicago some ainsley: she visit ed the brown sugar bakery on chicago's south side. steve: i understand their business is now booming. ainsley: that's right but didn't have time to go visit the nearby border when she was in california or she hasn't, what has been three week since she's had a press conference? steve: yes. ainsley: people are wondering where she is. she needs to go down there and see the situation she's in charge of. steve: or just make, you know, she's got the press following her everywhere she could say hey , before we go to this bakery , i'd like to say a few words about the root causes of the problems in the triangle. brian: if i'm pence is going to end up being president he will say he will run on the fact how did he handle the and and being the wing man for the president he has a series of things he did
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correctly had his hands-on. if kamala harris wants to be president, she's going to be asked this. the president three months into office, not even three months into office, gave you a charge to settle things down in the border. you didn't even go. you didn't even show interest. you made one phone call and that phone call is to the mexican president and you haven't done anything since the weekend. joe concha weighed in and tried to make sense of it. >> she isn't this is a border she was put in charge of what are we talking about now three weeks ago and then we hear an excuse a couple days later from the white house press secretary saying no actually the vice president is in charge of diplomacy. again that means getting out and seeing people, not doing phone calls. why haven't you traveled to guatemala or mexico in terms of solving this problem and how do you solve a problem at the border when you can't grasp it by talking to border officials, by talking to these people, running these migrant facilities if you're not there, and you don't see it, you can't fix it. the biden administration has been about a lot of words and spending a lot of money, but not
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a lot about actual action when it comes to fixing crisis like we're seeing at the border. steve: and so the one thing brian to your point is she did talk to the president of mexico and what did she say during that phone call? hey, mexico thank you so much for the great cooperation. anybody whose looking at what is happening on our southern border is thinking mexico is not helping us at all. if they were helping us, they would move if they got 10,000 people at their southern border, why don't they have 30,000 at their northern border to stop the flow into this country. brian: all right so you know we're in the middle of a pandemic and we're in the process of doing better than anybody else when it comes to vaccination outside of israel. ainsley: you talk to people from other countries they are still shutdown. no vaccine. steve: our government way ahead. brian: and the uk did great and the smartest thing ever was brexit because they were able to peel off from the european union whose paralyzed with the in decision. but we made it pretty clear after you came up with operation warp speed up to the states to implement it. obviously michigan with their
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struggling governor is having trouble doing that but for the most part our country is getting on top of it opening up especially in texas. 13 states have got rid of their mask mandates and now we're waiting for the curfew to lift in places like new york, so people can actually make a living and not be at home where you tell us the virus spreads so dr. anthony fauci, knowing a third of the country is fully vaccinated was asked about eating indoors. listen to his response. >> drinking indoors in restaurantses and bars is that okay now? >> no, it's still not okay for the simple reason that the level of infection, the dynamics of infection in the community is still really disturbingly high. if you're not vaccinated, please get vaccinated as soon as vaccine becomes available to you and if you are vaccinated, please remember, that you still have to be careful and not get involved in crowded
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situations, particularly indoors where people are not wearing masks. brian: why? you're vaccinated. you can't transfer the virus unless you want to just dispute anything the cdc says, then just tell us what is it the about the cdc you don't like so we know what to pay attention to or does he like anything? dr. marty makary weighed in. >> we're hearing a lot of mixed messaging and as a result a lot of the medical officials are losing credibility and we're seeing infection right now spread in five states among young people and i think that's because a lot of the guidance has lost credibility. look, you got to give people something to look forward to. if you just tell them they can't do stuff, it's not right. you got to tell them how to do things safely, and be in step with what they are going to do and let me know if you ever hear dr. fauci or dr. wolenski ever talk about suicide from kids getting shut out or from businesses being staved or the harm of profound isolation they don't talk about that. steve: that's a really good point, and a good observation.
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that's why he's a fox news contributor. ultimately people decide whether or not they want to be in those crowded situations that he was talking about. the good news for people throughout the northeast is after a very cold winter, we're getting closer to outdoor dining ainsley: so nice. steve: everybody feels much better about eating out. ainsley: so nice and i know so many people that have been vaccinated here in new york. our restaurants are not open at full capacity but you can eat in doors in new york and obviously all of the restaurants are putting tables out on the sidewalk if they have the space for it. talked to a friend yesterday and she said she got on the website to sign up for the vaccine, and through and she set her alarm for 6:00 a.m. and you sign up between 6:00 and 7:00 you'll get an appointment after 7:00, it shuts down because it's gone all of the vaccines are gone. brian: you need an alarm to get up at 6:00 i wonder what that's like. that's called getting up naturally. that's sleeping in and called saturday. but no, i think that it's amazing. you should not, you shouldn't be
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questioned about eating indoors. those people in restaurants probably collapse. you should be able to do it. i don't know if you know it but there was 50,000 people at a texas stadium to watch the ranger game. there hasn't been a rash of positive cases and the thing called natural immunity is never factored in with dr. fauci. steve: all right 8:15 now here in new york city. carlie just out of curiosity, what time did your alarm clock ring? >> 11:50 p.m. steve: she came to work last night. brian: right. >> that's okay. i am fueled by lots and lots of coffee and i'm ready to smile for you guys. ainsley: but didn't you do fox & friends first? >> there's a whole scheduling thing i'll tell you in the green room, later on. ainsley: god bless you. >> we're going to begin your headlines with this , classes are canceled today and tomorrow at a tennessee high school following a deadly shootout. police say an armed student opened fire after refusing to come out of the restroom. officers returning fire, killing
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the teen. it's not clear what led up to the exchange. the injured officer underwent surgery overnight and is listed in serious condition. >> a memorial service for a fallen capital police officer billy evans will begin in just over two hours. he will lie in honor, in the capital rotunda, so family, friends, fellow officers, and members of congress can pay respects. evans died earlier this month after being hit by a car while guarding the capitol grounds and he was an 18 year veteran of the force, and leaves behind two children. >> well, it's a bird, it's a plane, no, could it be a ufo? this clip was recorded by personnel aboard the uss russel you can see three orbs hovering above the warship. the clip was leaked to filmmaker jeremy corbel. he told the u.s. pentagon officials confirmed the footage was shot by the navy but would not describe the contents,
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creepy stuff, guys. send it over to you. brian: all right thanks so much , ainsley: it could be a drone. steve: it could be anything. brian: or it could be something from another planet not on mars because we're looking at that right now. we just put a chopper there meanwhile back to our top story a minnesota mayor is calling to fire the officer in the shooting of daunte wright so what happens to due process, civil rights attorney leo terrell joins us live next and president biden now pushing for a bipartisan infrastructure plan, but the democrats are refusing to cave on the massive price tag. we're going to talk to a former house speaker john boehner about that and his brand new book. the ups and downs of frequent mood swings can take you to deep, depressive lows. or, give you unusually high energy, even when depressed. overwhelmed by bipolar i? ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar effectively treats depression,
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wanna help kids get their homework done? well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. over the next 10 years, comcast is committing $1 billion to reach 50 million low-income americans with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. i hope you're ready. 'cause we are. brian: fox news alert now you got violent protests raging in minneapolis last night after police say an officer confused
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her taser for a gun, actually shooting and killing daunte wright. it look like the tape says too, the mayor calling to fire the officer immediately and firing the city manager immediately himself, who reminded them of their commitment to due process. listen. >> all employees working for the city of brooklyn center are entitled to due process, with respect to discipline. this employee will receive due process, and that's really all that i can say. brian: that's kurt bogany, and he was fired for saying that here to react fox news contributor leo terrell. leo, does this guy have a good case, should he have been fired? >> that was a profile moment, brian for the city manager. he was following the law. what you saw this mayor when he terminated the city manager, you saw vigilante justice because i saw the mayor's press conference and he was just feeding red meat to the crowd and so what he did was absolutely wrong and insults
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the rule of law and that city manager has a viable lawsuit, simply for following the law. brian: police chief is next. police chief, because he came out and didn't want to get rid of the officer right away, and i guess they said that they used excessive force on sunday. i don't know how they know that. what's your thought about that if you're the police chief today >> well let me be very clear. those democratic mayors, this is a democratic town and where all of the systemic discrimination is taking place and these democratic mayors are pretending like they're not in charge, so, for this mayor to even contemplate firing the police chief, he pulled the trigger and he's following the law but brian it's red meat time. these mayors who happen to be minorities are trying to blame someone, and i think they should look in the mirror. they are in charge of the city, and if you're talking about police training, they have the opportunity and the control to run the city, but they're trying to blame somebody and that somebody does not exist. brian: what is your thought about what happened, where she
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seems to have reached for her gun, instead of her taser, and i'm looking at pictures of both of them and they look dramatically different but i'm not in a life and death situation with someone whose going to, she's not a life and death situation but someone whose going to drive away. >> well let me explain something to you right now. there is no question about this police officer was a veteran police officer, and there is no question in my mind however we want the facts to play out. this was an accidental discharge you can listen to the audio, but the problem is it doesn't matter brian, every case of the george floyd case, every case of the rodney king case, and that's how the left will spin this. you have to look at each case separately. this case has nothing absolutely nothing to do with george floyd, but if you listen to those politicians yesterday, every time they talk about the daunte case, george floyd was mentioned. people make money. there are profiteers out there who want to combine the george
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floyd case with this case, and that's what creates the chaos and the rioting last night. brian: so what do you think about the jury that was probably watching all of this? >> oh, i'll say right now the judge made a big mistake. the judge should have sequester ed that jury from the outset, brian. now more than ever, that judge should sequester the jury. why? because you got the al sharptons , the benjamin krump, the democratic leadership. every time they mention this case, george floyd, and those jurors are going to hear this and those jurors are going to be under tremendous amount of pressure because they saw what happened the last two nights and they're thinking, they're thinking oh, we are now obligated to do something. i think this was a tragedy, this is a mistake that jury should be sequestered. judge if you're listening to me right now sequester that jury right now. brian: yeah, and they wanted the day off yesterday, but they said no, you got to keep going a lot of baseball teams in minnesota timberwolves and twins did not play, leo terrell thanks
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so much. thank you brian very much. brian: coming up straight ahead crews arer is .ing for a college freshman reported missing last week after her car was found totaled and abandoned. nancy grace joins us live the latest on that case. to ws and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hi, i'm debra.
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news alert. u.s. agents are pausing johnson & johnson covid-19 vaccinations after six women develop a rare disorder involving blood clots. this happening within two weeks of receiving the shot. doctor nicole saphier joined us last hour to weigh in. >> what they need to determine is were these blood clots directly related to the vaccine and if so, is it more than you would expect in the population? reporter: johnson & johnson says no clear causal relationship has been established. 7 million people have received the shot so far. >> the florida teen electrocuted after stepping on a live wire has been identified. valentita tomashoski was attempting escape her burning car and she was weeks away from graduating as well as a member of the junior rotc program. sunday's strong storm bringing down a tree that collapsed the
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line near her car. >> special counsel john durham subpoenaing a liberal think tank as he investigates the origins of the 2016 russia probe. the new york times reporting the brookings institution gave durham documents related to a russian researcher who was the primary source of the steele dossier and the researcher worked for brookings from 2005- 2010 and was the subject of an fbi counter intelligence investigation during that time. those are your headlines, ainsley? ainsley: thank you so much, carlie. >> a search is underway in the disappearance of a louisiana state university freshman. her name is corey gochey, reported missing last week, after her car was left totaled, found on a mississippi river bridge, with no one inside. police say they do not suspect foul play, as the navy rallies volunteers to join in on that search and nancy grace is the host of crime stories on fox nation and she joins us now with the latest good morning to you, nancy. >> good morning.
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thank you for inviting me. you know, i think it's way too early in the game to say no foul play. at this juncture she has not been found and she went missing under very very unusual circumstances. i spoke at length with the commander of the cajun navy, tony wait, who told me right now they are focusing on one part of the mississippi. it was on the wilkinson bridge where her car was found, she was en route on her dorm caught on security surveillance leaving her dorm, that we've been told, on her way to her aunt's home, and interestingly, she goes toward the bridge, goes away, and then back. was somebody in the car with her was there some kind of struggle? her car is found, in park, still running with the airbag deployed , that usually happens when you're hit from the front, not the back of your car. her cell phone, her wallet in the car. the cars still running, and then guys coming along and rear ends her car, gets out to check and finds out there's nobody there. that's when it's reported.
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ainsley: that's so strange and then these cadaver dogs i'm reading that they alerted twice in the same area? >> yes, two different dogs alert in the same stretch on the mississippi. there are big concrete cement fillaments there attached by cable in that part of the mississippi and it's very heart to dredge on do sonar right there but they are trying, but what concerns me is that the series of snafoos. no body, investigated when the car was found on the bridge. the car was towed but they did not, according to procedure, call the registered owner, her dad. the family only finds out when they use a phone app, and finds her car in a tow lot. the car was not taken to be processed, especially the dna that could be on those airbags just so many unanswered questions. ainsley: they have opened the command center for that search anyone with information on this , college freshman she has her whole life ahead of her,
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is asked to call 225-578-0807. okay, nancy i know you have i was just on fox nation, you have your crime stories if you scroll down all the way to crime you'll see nancy grace's crime stories and also see america's most wanted overtime. what's on the next episode? >> well we've got a lot coming up on the next episode but can i just tell you one big success story for us? we just covered a woman, her name was amy roads, goes on one of those scuba cruises down at the tip of florida. you can't learn to scuba in one hour but while she's there, even though they have been warned, the boat began to go down and she died with all of that scuba equipment on her leaving behind her husband, and their brand new baby girl, and i spoke with him at length about what he has gone through, what he lived through after not going with her that day, and then she died. these two people have been apprehended in madrid, living
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the high life, they have been on the run for 10 years, christopher joan, allison gracey , they knew there was something wrong with the boat. they let this woman die. four days after it appeared on america's most wanted overtime on fox nation, and america's most wanted, they are apprehended. they are in the pokey. ainsley: good for you nancy putting criminals away. thank you so much. you can watch the latest episode of america's most wanted overtime with nancy grace on fox nation sign up for fox nation now to see this plus get exclusive access to other original content events and your favorite personalities on any device. >> still ahead katie pavlich is back from the border joining us live as the migrant search brings trash and crime to local communities, plus house speaker nancy pelosi reportedly has some choice words for aoc in a brand new book, her former colleague john boehner will react to her advice to the so-called squad, next. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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feel real relief. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. >> it's not just roads and bridges. we're investing in water systems so americans can have clean water infrastructure. we're investing in high speed rail infrastructure. we're building charging stations and investing as well in asbestos-free schools for our kids that's investing in infrastructure. building support system to take care of our elderly parents and our kids with disabilities at home, we need to build the infrastructure today, not repair the one of yesterday. brian: all right let's bring in john boehner former speaker of the house, on this , worked his way up from a lawmaker in ohio all the way up to the most powerful position in congress. his book is out today, it's called "on the house, a washington memoire etiquette is
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number one on amazon. mr. speaker, welcome. >> well good morning, boys nice to be with you. brian: i want to get into details of the book so does steve but i want to ask you about this new definition of infrastructure. i know you've been out of this for a while, but is elder care and healthcare and child care part of infrastructure? >> well, this is apparently a new word for the green new deal, because if you look at the bill that they've put forward, it covers everything that the far left has ever wanted. listen if we're going to do infrastructure, why don't we talk about traditional infrastructure? roads, bridges, dam, locks, transit systems those are the things that were typically in an infrastructure bill. steve: exactly, but then again, now they are trying to use what's going on, as you know, mr. speaker, right now, to pay for and fund this gigantic $2.2 trillion infrastructure thing that is not completely infrastructure as you point out,
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but then again, at the same time the administration says we're going to do it in a bipartisan way, and anita dunn is quoted saying if you look up the word bipartisan in the dictionary it would say support from republicans and democrats. it doesn't say the republicans have to be in congress, which is a new way to describe it, because usually, when you're talking about bipartisanship in congress, you're talking about people from both parties in congress, not just a person on the street is a republican who likes your policy. >> well there's been a lot of talk and a lot written about the republican party, but what you haven't seen a whole lot written about is this giant skis m in the democrat party, joe biden being a traditional democrat and he's got these far left wing progressives that he's catered to ever since he was sworn in, and at the expense, frankly, of working in a bipartisan manner. steve: yeah. >> but this little fight
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between the traditional democrat s and the far left is about to come into full view for all americans, because when it comes to this infrastructure bill and the so-called pay force , increasing taxes, they're going to have a long road to hoe because what bernie sanders and elizabeth warren want is not what joe manchin and the democrat senators from arizona want. now, it's going to be interesting to see this play out , frankly, i think you have the same problem in the house. speaker pelosi and the very narrow majority, and they are going to have their challenges as well. brian: are they, republicans going to win back the house, is that almost, i've been cast that being that they have so many -- >> well i don't know that the dye has been cast but i expect republicans will gain seats as a result of redistrict ing, historically after the president of one party is in there two years, the next
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election, the party out of power gains seats. so it's pretty clear to me that republicans have a very good shot at winning the majority. steve: in the beginning of your book, you talk about how in 2010 , barack obama took a sha lacking, that's he's word, from the voters because of his policies and whatnot, and then a bunch of republicans wound up in the house. you were the speaker of the house, and in the beginning because the incoming class didn't know how to govern so you tried to show them how to do it, but they weren't really interested in that, you write. they were interested in essentially blowing up washington. they felt like they were sent to washington to just completely change it, and they saw you as a sellout, a liberal collaborate or , you write. >> well, it was really pretty interesting when all of a sudden i was the establishment. i mean, i had spent my whole career working outside of the
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establishment and here i was , the establishment it was really quite a shock. now most of those members who got elected in 2010 turned out to be good solid republicans but there are a handful of knuckle heads in that class, but you could talk to them day in and day out, and never make any sense with them. brian: you kind of feel as though you want to get things done, and ideology doesn't have a place, you got to be more pragmatic, more practical. you talk about compromise and common ground. you felt as though the incoming class of republicans, they gave you the speakership, did not have that concept in mind, but without them you probably aren't the speaker, don't you agree? >> i agree. i agree but if you can get 75% of what you're looking for from the other side finding common ground, that's a pretty good deal, but with this crowd it was either all or nothing. 100% of what they wanted or nothing. steve: yeah. >> i never saw so many people vote no so many times in my life
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steve: mr. speaker, i have not quite finished the book either, but it is, it's a great read. you're a good writer or dictated or , however you might have dictated it to somebody and they typed it out, but what is interesting about it is you're not afraid to name names. you are very honest with your feelings about what different people did, and you explained the back story, and a lot of people have not heard, for instance about the time you're given a speech on the floor of the house about earmarks and afterwards, a guy who had sent a lot of earmarks back to his state, he came up to you and you didn't know he was going to pull a knife on you, did you? >> i sure didn't but next thing i know there was a 10-inch knife right at my throat and trust me it was sharp because i felt it, and i looked at him and i went screw you!
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25 years later that same member, i was the best man at his wedding. steve: [laughter] >> you can't make this stuff up brian: you know what i was surprised at mr. speaker you call out shawn hannity and mark levin, you said too many lawmakers be on hannity rather than vote the way you wanted them to. is that shawn's fault, mark levi n's fault? >> listen those are the guys that started with all of the outbreaks. the louder the noise, the craz ier of the story, the more audience they picked up and frankly, they were trying to grow their audience. listen, i have my differences with hannity over the years. his style does not lead to governing, and the one-time, hannity and i were frankly pretty close. we had a lot of time on the air together but the outrage isn't governing and frankly, i'm trying to govern and get things done on behalf "country. brian: understood and that
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comes across in your book, but shawn hannity is not trying to govern, mark levin is not trying to govern and they are saying what they think and if their audience comes it comes and what makes you think they are saying things they don't believe just to get audience? >> well all i can tell you is i watched some of this and some of the people they put on there. they put lewis gomer on tv, it maybe great for tv but everybody in the congress is shaking their heads wondering why he be on tv because the guy never made any sense when he was in the congress. or at least when we were in the majority, and so listen, they can say anything they want to say. my point is is that i'm trying to govern. i'm trying to get things done on these guys are making it more difficult. steve: sure. brian: right but what i don't understand is why is it their fault? they have a show. that's like me blaming broad way , i don't see that as like to reach out and take shots at them , i think that it diminishes
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the yet ability of your book. focus on what you're doing, not somebody behind the microphone. >> i only point is what they were doing is making governing far more difficult. simple as that. brian: it's not their fault. steve: and that is how you layout the beginning of the book ultimately you do talk about how you were sent to washington. you felt to govern and to serve. you also say that you wrote the book to show people, during this time of polarization, to be hopeful, because there are ways to get stuff done in washington, although you'd never know it from today's headlines. >> well there's a whole list of boehnerisms in there, one is real simple. you do the right things, for the right reasons, and the right things are likely to happen. so don't worry about it. another one i've got in there is it doesn't cost anything to be nice. lastly, i would say this. people in washington need to
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learn, the art of being able to disagree without being disagreeable. something i learned growing up on with my dad. brian: right and great personal story. i love the jerry faust role in it, the notre dame coach where he shaped you as a football player and as a person. thank you, mr. speaker. >> thanks, boys. steve: all right the book is called "on the house" and it comes out today. brian: katie pavlich is next. steve: she is indeed in fact it's nine minutes before the top of the hourment ainsley: the incoming surge of migrants at our southern border is reek ing havoc on local communities and in arizona officials are reporting environmental concerns as smugglers are dumping trash, leaving behind piles of clothing on the journey to their next location, brian. brian: fox news contributor, editor katie pavlic h joins us now who just returned from that area. katie, is there any end in sight here, what did you gather? >> well first of all, good
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morning, everybody. based on the people that i talked to, the sheriff's department and chief deputy matthew thomas who took us out and the head of the anti-smuggl ing unit there is no end in sight and they talk about how they felt like they were not just felt like, they pushed smugglers back over the past four years and really gained ground against them, and now, as a result of policies being shifted, this faucet has been turned back on, and they feel like they've lost a lot of ground and they are going to have to fight twice as hard to get it backl are a few things that stood out where we were is not on the border. it's 70 miles north of the border, and all of the trash that you're seeing is a smuggl ing dumping area for when the people who don't want to be caught smuggled into the united states they wear multiple layers of clothing the top layer being camouflage so they aren't caught when crossing the desert and once they get to a drop point where they get picked up and taken to phoenix they shed their clothing so she look like civilians should they get pulled over by another law enforcement
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agency or police, for example, and so they are dumping all of this trash in the desert. these photos were taken steps away from a working farm near stanfield, arizona, so this is happening, and they are very very bad people doing this , and the deputies are worried about rip crews and the violence that can come, because these people now are a more lucrative commodities than drugs, so it is more expensive and the cartels make more money by smuggling people into the united states now. they do drugs in arizona. steve: do you know what, katie, you framed that perfectly, because we see the families. we see the children, we see the women as well. we don't see the people you referred to as the bad people. the smugglers, the coyotes and people working for the cartel, but you've got to wonder, how is mexico cooperating with, you know, us. they have told, they told kamala harris the other day, the president of mexico, she said thank you very much for
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your cooperation. if they were helping us, they would have a bunch of people on our southern border so they don't come in unless there's some sort of, there's something going on between the government and they want the people to come through. how do you try to figure out what's going on? >> well when you referred to what's going on in texas it's interesting to watch boatloads of people coming over from the texas side. well where is mexican law enforcement stopping those boats from coming across the rio grande? where i was in arizona the problem isn't necessarily mexico. it's with the tahona odem nation because the border for the united states in terms of sovereignty actually starts 70 miles north of the actual border with mexico, which dumps all of these border issues on to local law enforcement, and when there are things like people getting their cars stolen, on i-8 or when people are held at gunpoint which has happened along that american united states freeway, the people get the 911 call
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aren't border patrol. it's the sheriff's departments and they are the ones who are responding to the smuggling and the violence and the people who were involved here and american citizens get caught up in it, so the issue of mexico is one thing , but there's another issue in arizona where the border doesn't start at the u.s. mexico border. it starts at i-8 where tahona odem nation starts very far into the united states, and once you get to that point, phoenix is just 40 minutes away. ainsley: katie, on the weekend show i heard the guys talking about on fox & friends, i heard them talking about if you flood your kitchen, you first turn off the faucet, right, before you clean-up all of the water. what, after being down there, what do you think needs to be the first steps? >> well just talking to these guys, they say look, take the names out of it. take the name off of the last administration, take the name off of this administration. you have to have the same policies of the remain in mexico policy, harsh consequences for not acting to stop smuggling on the mexican side of the
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border. you know, president trump held up funding for the -- brian: tariffs. >> the tray ankle countries to stop the flow, threatened tariff s for consequences for actions for not responding for the flow before it got to the united states and they say look we understand we can't enforce our way out of this and we can't arrest everybody. there's tons of people who were coming into the country undetect ed but you have to stop it at its source because that is where the policy has been changed and it's very obvious to see that when you're on the ground in places like texas and arizona. brian: katie pavlich, always insightful to have you on more fox & friends. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ it's a new dawn... ♪ if you've been taking copd sitting down, it's time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy.
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>> make sure you download the fox news app. open up the camera on your phone, scan the qr code on the bottom of the screen. there? put it up quick. have a good one. >> sl it is. >> dana: a second night of violent protests in minnesota. protestors took to the streets coast to coast after police in minnesota said an officer accidentally shot and killed a black man during a traffic stop. grabbing her gun when she meant to grab her taser. good morning, i'm dana perino. >> trace: i'm trace gallagher. this is "america's newsroom." police arrested dozens of protestors after a crowd
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