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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 13, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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told related to. pfizer said it would fill the gap and get more supplies of its vaccine and indications is motor and is doing the same. they said they would be no collective loss of available magazines as a result. if you want to vaccine coming will be able to have a vexing even if it's not coming from johnson & johnson right away. that will do it. >> hello, everybody, i'm jesse watters along with katie pavlich, greg gutfeld, and richard fowler. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. minnesota bracing for a third night of unrest over the police shooting of 20-year-old dante right and brooklyn center is going to have to manage the chaos without its police chief, the city's top cop resigning today along with the female
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officer to kim potter who fatally shot him. fox news just learning that charges could come as soon as tomorrow. the mayor says the police chief for stepping aside is a good thing and is trying to satisfy activists in the community. >> i'm hoping that this will help bring some calm the community although i think ultimately if people want justice, they want full accountability. i don't believe that officers need to necessarily have weapons every time they are making a traffic stop. >> jesse: and a radical squad member facing blowback for adding fuel to the fire with an unhinged tweet demanding we abolish the police. rashida tlaib saying it was in an accident. "police in our country is inherently and intentionally racist. daunte wright was met with aggression and violence.
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i am done with those who condone government-funded murder. no more policing, incarceration, and militarization. it can't be reformed." but the white house is refusing to condemn her comments. >> do you disavow your calls for less policing? >> there are necessary outdated reforms that should be put in place, accountability that needs to happen. the loss of life is far too high. >> jesse: it seems like all she has to do is say no, do you not support abolishing police in the united states of america but she can say whatever she wants. why is that so difficult for her? >> dana: remember, she is speaking for somebody else, speaking for the president so always remember in my opinion, these things come from the top and i'm assuming that the message that came down from the
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president or the chief of staff said tap the brakes on it, so she's a spokesperson, that might not be her personal view but what happened in november of 2020, president trump lost nearly but many republicans come all the incumbent republicans held their seats in congress and there was a conference call with democrats, those who held on just barely machines from central virginia. she got on the phone on this conference call that was leaked to the media and said it is these very comments, these defund the police comments that nearly cost us the house and the majority, i would've lost my seat over it and they continue to not want to push back and so apparently, they want to learn this lesson over and over again. >> jesse: we covered this for a year and everything that we've reported shows the black community does not want to abolish or defund the police. in fact, they want more police
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but more respect and better training, so where does she come off saying to end policing in america? >> greg: the keyword is where? wherever she is, she's safe. she doesn't have to worry about it, she's got security, she's a politician, member of the elite and has elite status and shall always be able to have some sort of security to protect her from her own idiocy so i want to return to the boring part of this story because it's the one thing the media will not address and how does society survive when 99.99% of daily positive interactions are ignored but there is a tiny fraction of ugly and tragic events that are amplified from then warp our perception that somehow this is hunting season for blacks and this is a truly racist society. we know for a fact, i'm pretty sure we know this for a fact, it was an accident.
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it's an obvious accident, yet the narrative acts as though it is in and impresses on manufacturing at different in intension of malice. does it matter that she screwed up and thought it was a taser. we cannot keep applying this logic to endeavors that have a small but deadly risk because we as a society cannot move forward and if you want evidence of this, you've got to ask how these communities have gotten any better since the rise of what i would call the skeptical journalism. no cities, and these are democrat run cities, have gotten better since these events, why are these prominent black leaders resigning? because they realize that within this construct, it is hopeless for them to do anything. what does that tell you when a black police leadership who are there to fix this say it's impossible. so after each one of these
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spectacles happen, businesses are destroyed, black leadership decimated, the majority and minority police forces, the morale suffers. you see the ferguson effect. we know this happens at we've been watching this forever yet you watch this on tv a few times a year and we know that it creates permanent damage and yet nobody bothers to question the amplification of these events as it occurs. we know where this is going and where it will end, we know it doesn't get better and yet we do it every time and we act as though it's the first time. i can't believe this is happening. >> jesse: and a lot of the same stories last summer in minneapolis and throughout that state are being looted all over again. let's address the tweet by rashida tlaib here, do you believe this was intentional murder motivated by racism by this police officer who
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accidentally used a firearm instead of a taser? >> richard: i think this was negligent and i think this negligence was perpetuated by the fact that the other person on the other end of it was an african-american man. anyone who picks of a gun and a taser and has 15 seconds and tell you the difference. i'm a gun owner and my gun is ten times heavier than a taser which is made of plastic and what is made of metal. >> jesse: where does race play into that? >> richard: there's a lot of reasons why a mother fact that she decided to pull out a taser or pull out a gun on somebody. allow me to finish, what they are asking for is not to abolish or defund the police, but asking them to protect and serve communities. what happens oftentimes coming to the community is they are terrorizing our community just like you saw in the video that came out a couple of days ago
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from windsor virginia where this military individual was harassed for no reason besides the fact they had temporary, he was maced for asking simple questions like why are you stopping me? this type of behavior is why when we have interactions with police, we are scared and fearful for our lives and that's what we are asking for reform. so let's deal with the base root of the problem, how do we reform policing so that everybody feels the same way when they have interactions with police. >> jesse: woody is scared of a black officer was there? >> richard: whether it's a black officer or a white officer, it's people's interactions are the same. >> jesse: you heard richard say the woman pulled intentionally, made a decision to pull the firearm instead of the taser because the suspect was black. i don't see any evidence for that, do you?
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>> katie: the video shows the opposite of that exact thing but first of all, i want to point out that there was a harvard study done by a professor named roland fryer jr. who was a black professor that found police are more likely to fatally shoot and kill and use lethal force against white suspects than they are against black suspects. in fact, the study showed that police are less likely to use lethal force against black suspects. the other thing is richard keeps talking about wanting reform in these communities. guess who was trying to push through police reform last year? senator tim scott also a black man who has been racially profiled in washington, d.c., and democrats blocked it for political reasons because they couldn't have a black republican. >> richard: that's not why it was blocked. >> katie: made it sure that democrats were the only ones who got any kind of credit for whatever kind of police reform that they wanted and in the words of the squad member. >> richard: that's not true.
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>> katie: i did not interrupt you. >> richard: the reason that tim scott. >> katie: richard, stop. richard, richard. richard, stop. i didn't i didn't interrupt you. don't come on the show and interrupt me. the bottom line is rashida tlaib of the world are the ones pushing the democratic party to the left, she said abolish the police. who does that hurt? it hurts the very communities who want more policing, who need the police, the communities where police have left and are not doing their jobs, seeing the crime rate turned a homicide, sexual assault, abuse, violent assault, all of these hate crimes that we've seen go through the roof. if you want to talk about reform, should've gone on the board with tim scott. want to talk about the facts, look at the harvard study. >> jesse: the debate come everybody. coming up next, the biden administration causing a vaccine panic after pausing the johnson & johnson shot.
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>> dana: due to six women in developing where blood clots days after getting their shots on one of them did die. nearly 7 million people have received that shot. dr. fauci defending this
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decision earlier. >> we are totally aware of this is a very rare event. we want to get this worked out as quickly as we possibly can and that's why you see the word because, in other words you want to hold off for a bit and very well may go back to that, maybe with some conditions or maybe not but we want to leave that up to this fda and the cdc to investigate this. so i don't think it was. >> dana: let's start with you on this, unwelcome news for a lot of people hoping they could get their vaccine shots today actually knows the appointments were canceled immediately. >> i think it's definitely creating more anxiety and fear for those who have vaccine hesitancy. it's worth pointing out what dr. fauci said in his press conference there that it really works out to about one in a million folks are affected by this so far so i think doing the right thing following the science make sure no one is
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getting more investigating with the problem is and it's a reminder that we are not actually out of this pandemic. while we are close to the end of this tunnel, we still have more ways to go. keep socially distanced and abide by all the guidelines because we are close to the end but still have some more bumps in the road. >> dana: i imagine you might have done the math on this in terms of the risk. >> greg: i did and i did a little arithmetic, little division and then i took it out. i'm going to sound exactly like i sounded in the previous block, we cannot depend on the mathematics deficient media to give us the news properly so you have 6 out of 7000000, that's statistically significant, i don't know because i don't know what the numbers were in a noninjected comparison group. astrazeneca back in march when they first saw instances among
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17 million vaccines in europe, they found that the incidence of these rare clots were lower than what you would see occurring naturally in the general population of a similar size so they were looking at millions, that's important to know. i don't know if that hasn't changed since then and i think you should always be looking at this but we also have to understand it it's very easy for people to be risk-averse while they still have jobs when they can get up and go to work and they have no problems and everything for them, we have to factor in the cost risk benefit for a country under lockdown and what it is doing to so many people who need to work, need to put food on the table and be educated, so i would not take any advice from anybody on tv about this because they have no skin in the game. if >> dana: don't forget the people who want to go on dates. >> greg: not me. >> dana: anthony fauci also talking about this is about eating indoors at restaurants.
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>> drinking indoors at restaurants and bars, is that okay now? >> no, it's still not okay for the simple reason that the level of infection, the dynamics of infection in the community are still really disturbingly high. >> dana: people are getting a lot of mixed messages here. >> jesse: he's gone mad, dana. he has a lot of power and he can use that power for good or for evil and if i were dr. fauci, an elderly guy who has been vaccinated, i think it would be a powerful message to send to the rest of the united states if he would go inside of a restaurant, bring an associated press cameraman with him, snap a few shots of him scarfing down some rigatoni and show the american people that if you get vaccinated, science says life can go back to normal. is it that hard to do?
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no. saying you can get vaccinated but you still have to -- that's a crock and no one is buying that. cases are way down, hospitalizations are way down, deaths are way down, the winter surges over in the united states is crushing it along with britain and israel in terms of the vaccination rates because we bet big on these companies and we preordered a gazillion of them and i got johnson & johnson and i do it again. and i did the math, one death out of 6.8 million shots, so if you take it, that is a 0.00001% chance you could pass away. and that's even if there is a conversation between the shot and the blood clot. may be us for a few weeks but the rest of the world, they need that single dose that only takes
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a little refrigeration, that's going to hurt the rest of the country not having this out there. >> dana: seems like it's gotten pretty high marks, the honeymoon might be over now because while cases are down in many places including mostly in the south like florida and texas, they are up in michigan and a couple of other places and now you have this issue and they can continue to blame vaccine hesitancy only on white trump voters, there might be now women of childbearing age who say i don't know if this is for me. so governing is hard. >> katie: first on the math, i saw today that you were twice as likely to get struck by lightning than you are to suffer blood clots due to this vaccine. based on the messaging and what they've been trying to claim, when you have people like dr. anthony fauci and members of the media on other networks, members of the fight
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administration including president biden himself who continues to wear a mask even though he's been vaccinated, that is the biggest anti-vaccine message you could come up with because they are saying the vaccine doesn't protect you from anything and therefore you can't go back to work or go back to hanging out with your family members and instead focused on things like yesterday the white house press secretary saying the deadliest catch in nascar and country tv to try to figure out how to reach white conservatives who are vaccine hesitant when their own behavior and example is showing that if you can't go back to normal life, the vaccine might not be as effective as they say it is. >> dana: i'm sure we will talk about this again but ahead, what nancy pelosi really thinks about aoc and the squad and it's not very nice.
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linda? no one lays a finger on your butterfinger. >> katie: apparently was all pretend when nancy pelosi played nice with the squad. a new book revealing how the speaker truly feels about the band of radical lawmakers, unloading on the book for always trying to grab attention and saying "you're not a one-person show, this is the congress of the united states. hannah pelosi used of mocking the childlike voice when discussing the socialist congresswoman aoc so maybe when discussing the squad. in she's an institutionalist, not surprised that she would be frustrating with this left wing of her party. >> dana: the very first day that aoc was in congress, she
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led a protest and said in an nancy pelosi's office to talk about climate change. i think this whole dynamic is interesting, we are living through this, pretty interesting to see and you're right, nancy pelosi has been there for a long time and says that's not how we are going to be able to get things done but she's been able to actually hold onto power and has a pretty good grip on her caucus. however, if you remember, there are many times she has basically given aoc on the squad what they want and one of the covid relief bills, the one that got so huge and ridiculous and they added all this prenew deal stuff to it including making airlines report their emissions and this is supposed to be the covid relief bill, and the very beginning there is all that panic and worry so i think in a way, she has only herself to blame that the squad continues to get a little more strong than the other thing is, she also needs that. they are the grassroots -- i
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should ask richard to talk about this but to me, they really energize the grassroots. when you're talking about fund-raising about where does all that small dollar donation come from? the grassroots and she has that in spades, aoc does. >> katie: doesn't the squad really only agenda we are seeing including in the white house? >> jesse: if you look at what's coming out of the white house, yes. but i'd have to ask aoc, are you going to take that? are you going to let nancy get away with that? i don't think she's going to take that laying down i will be delighted when this erupts into a huge brawl. in all seriousness, i think aoc actually listen to nancy and dialed it back a little bit and now working coalitions, has people and committees that are not trying to just blow things up and hold bill's hostage and make people pay ransoms to my
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she is to strategically move things in the left direction without blowing them up. so that's mature there is someone who has also matured in their professional career, i tip my hat to aoc but i don't think it's going to last because once the midterms rolled around, she's not going to be able to help herself, she will start bomb throwing and that will just delight me and i can't wait to cover it. >> katie: isn't this the perfect inside view of how d.c. works? they all get along on the outside but behind the scenes, they hate each other? >> greg: it reminds me of a really bad superhero movie in which you find the heroes and the villains equally annoying. i don't know who to back in this fight. i don't like anything -- the story -- this is more evidence of the trump size hole. it's like you need this weird part of that whole that trump
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left, it's safe to say that all politicians suck because the variables of importance have changed, now they employ people to help politicians so i have no sympathy for any of these people and honestly, i find them reprehensible, i have no good feelings for any of them. i don't have any good feelings for jesse either. >> katie: that's not very nice. last word to you. >> richard: really i find myself agreeing with jesse on this, has learned a lot from speaker pelosi that i know a lot of folks are not the biggest fans but just a very effective speaker when it comes to moving legislation and keeping it
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together and saying nancy pelosi is the way to go an effective leader that was more effective than previous speakers of the house. up next, climate confessions, has a new plan to shame companies into complying with the radical agenda. you need a financial plan that can help grow and protect your money. an annuity can help cover essential expenses in retirement. have the right financial professional show you how... this is what an annuity can do. it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪
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>> richard: president biden considering a new controversial executive order that would force them to report help much they pollute. climate envoy is going to have a
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major impact on financial corporations and the fossil fuel industry. let's take a listen. >> it's going to change the allocation of capital. suddenly, people will be making evaluations considering long-term risks of the investment based on the climate crisis. >> richard: i want to start with you. john kerry is making this point around why corporations need to report their fossil fuel and at the same time wall street is saying that they are encouraging their investors to make less climate risk decisions so how does that square with the fossil fuel industry who says you should invest in us? >> dana: the fossil fuel industry will probably have the last laugh when everyone comes running to them saying can you please supply us because we can't turn the lights on. >> greg: data, they were kids watching. >> dana: i know you're watching, greg. i'm not worried about you.
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i think they did this in europe because it feels like this whole climate pieces morning to make us more like europe but here's what happened, europe doesn't meet its obligations, they don't and they say sorry, we can't do that. china is not meeting any of its obligations and no one is going to force them to do it. i actually don't mind the fact that there are ideas in the venture capital foreign financial management that have said we are going to be looking for clean energy investments and that's what we are going to fund, that's a market signal to me. this basically is just more penalizing these companies but who are these companies going to turn to? at this point, they need republicans to help them deal with the coming corporate tax hikes, something like this, increased regulation, but they might not have too many friends at the end of this so when john kerry goes to china and says we are going to hold your feet to the fire, that's what i think american companies can
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think about doing this as well. >> richard: my next question goes to you. in a world where we don't want to use regulations to encourage companies to not admit as much carbon, how to be incentivized companies to think about the environment when they're making their corporate decisions? >> john kerry could lead by example and maybe not fly private and reduce his own carbon footprint, going to lecture everybody else about their carbon footprint but for him, it hasn't changed his behavior at all even though he is blaming that climate change is the greatest threat to the entire world when it comes to the challenges that we face in the bottom line is okay, you can tax companies and force them to admit to their so-called pollution but what they're going to do if this is a cost of them and simply deposit down to the consumer which is a costly airplane tickets which only hurts people who were of middle-class or poor people as
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these governments top-down policies always do so companies have an incentive to compete and to be clean and they don't want to believe especially in the united states but china is not telling their companies that they can't pollute and that's who we are competing against and punishing the little guy in america having to go through with this. >> richard: oh same question to you, how do we provide incentives to companies to do this and we don't have to put regulations on them and push that down to the consumer? >> jesse: i think natural gas is the issue, behind clean abundant domestic natural gas, the shell revolution reduced to u.s. admissions, not solar panels and tesla's so why are the democrats backing natural gas? that's right, because they want to control the private sector and dominate your life, that's the real reason. are some of these companies going to sign up for the shame
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game, sure, they will write it off as good p.r. if they are woken green, it will get the politicians off their backs and they will look the other way and get rich off of chinese slave labor, that's a whole other story but i don't even believe the climate science anyway. they've been wrong for decades. all these climate scientists said that we were going to be underwater, be a worldwide famine, all the arctic ice caps are going to melt and i was going to be sunburned for the rest of my life but it just hasn't happened. i have a great tan and people are obese, so why do we keep listening to people that are so wrong over and over again? would you listen to a financial advisor that was wrong every single day? no, you go broke and bankrupt. >> richard: we will agree to disagree on that for greg, you get the final word. >> greg: climate alarmism is joe's fossil fuel. we were fed a big lie that he
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was this centrist and unifier but he is just greta jacked up on insurer and he doesn't even care. i will return to the earlier point where she was very cogent. we are going to have to go -- there's a realignment going on in the realignment is also hitting the idea of energy. i think we are going to start looking at seeing democrats and progressives because a lot of progressives are changing their mind about nuclear energy and you were seeing it, even aoc has warmed to that but right now, this is another issue where it becomes a moral crusade and it's like the church of the almighty apocalypse. if you don't report your sins, then you are evil and corporations will report it because it's easier to do that than be humidity aided on twitter.
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>> richard: we will report it in the fastest coming up next. ♪ ♪ in a recent clinical study, patients using salonpas patch reported reductions in pain severity, using less or a lot less oral pain medicines. and improved quality of life. that's why we recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. i'm draymond green with my subway sub with tender steak and melty cheese. my sub is gonna dunk all over your sub. excuse me? my sub has bacon. choose better be better and now save when you order in the app. subway eat fresh. but not jayson's sub.
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>> greg: welcome back. time for the fastest. i ate some nuts on the break and now i have an itchy throat. but anyway, dana's fear comes true. are you okay? to met one man almost became fish food after getting knocked off a boat by a whale pair luckily he was rescued. why does it scare you so much? >> dana: i've always been scared to go whale watching because i'm afraid of this very
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thing. how does the whale know not to come up and knock the boat over and then peter will say this never happens and then six weeks later it happens and he could have been like jonah in the bible. >> greg: there you go. good that you brought the bible into this. why blame the whales? we are in their territory. what if a whale came to your house and said i can't believe jesse is here? >> jesse: i'm with you on that, i have no time to watch whales, may be uncouth but i'd rather do that on youtube or do a thousand other things that actually go about. you see some will go up, shoots up some seawater, that supposed to be that entertaining? no. and find me back on land having a drink. >> greg: should we defund the whales? why are we watching the whales? what have they done for us? >> richard: i'm not sure we
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should defund the whales, have been whale watching before and it's a beautiful thing in the good news is in jonah's case, he comes out of the whale in the end so you'll survive, i promise. >> dana: in my illustrated children's bible, he was in there with a campfire, i recall. >> richard: only for a couple of days. >> greg: any thoughts on this? a >> katie: unsurprising to the panel, i have never been this close to them but it is kind of scary when they get that close to the boat but you are in their territory and i guess being swallowed by a whale is better than getting ripped up by a shark. >> greg: that is true, that's a silver lining here. next up, let the strange robot pummel you until you're back straightens out, check this out. >> a chance of getting hit on the head by a robot, i will until you can sit properly.
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>> greg: this is not a robot, whoever is telling the story, that is not a robot, that's a stick that is hitting a button, the stick is hitting his head. >> jesse: it was like a ruler attached to an electric razor. a but i think the violence is underrated when it comes to changing human behavior, i would definitely respond to a ruler hitting me on the head to correct my posture. call me old-fashioned that this will work. >> greg: what i was a kid, my parents made this for me but for an entirely different reason. [laughter] >> richard: and look how you turned out, turned out great. >> greg: exactly. i don't even know what to say at this point. what do you make of this,
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richard? a hack, a glove? >> richard: i don't even think -- it looks like a two by four so that would be pretty painful as well past on the posture robot. >> greg: i know you love this story because you are a posture freak. >> dana: i am, it's very important if you want to get a good job or a promotion or raise, you have to have good posture and everything in our life is pulling us in this direction, get to work on it, lots of other devices, you don't have to get this little two by four over the head. if >> greg: could this apply to other behaviors? >> katie: it can but i will not discuss them until i am on your show one of these days to talk about it then but this guy is going to be of billionaire. >> dana: lobbying to be on got fouled. >> katie: i'm on next week, we can talk about it then. this guy is going to be rich because of this invention, tune
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it up a little bit and make it a little easier on the eyes and on the head. >> greg: it would be different iterations as they say in the inventing world. one more thing is up next.
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>> jesse: time now for one more thing. jesse watters would like to issue a clarification about spanking. as a child, my pediatrician apparently recommended my parents give me a firm s.w.a.t. on the behind when i was out of line. that's not what happened.
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i turned out great. if i respect authority, i understand the rules of the game. i have never my children. i wanted to, but i never have and i never will because they listen. because i'm such a strong authority figure and that is why i gave clarification, there is this big lobby that's crazy. >> dana: as if they are for oregon state it? >> greg: who knows anymore. >> jesse: go ahead. >> greg: the spanking lobby sounds like a really cool motel. i would never my kids, but i certainly would other people's kids and love every minute of it. let's do this. what dana's dreams look like. over at the got fouled institute, we attached electrodes to date has had while she was sleeping to find out this is what she dreams of all
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night, not one dog or two dogs, but thousands frolicking in the beaches of new zealand off to the sound of some benign classical music. >> dana: is on that gorgeous? that the german shepherd. and you also have a rainbow. if you have a rainbow. if >> dana: that's beautiful scene. >> greg: there you go. >> dana: is the place to be. >> jesse: is that soros funded? >> greg: i'll take anybody's money. >> dana: i go up in denver. if you're from denver, probably went to some amazing restaurant, the place all the kids want to go. if south park did a show on this in 2003 because one of them grew
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up in colorado but they have filed for bankruptcy, covid has taken its toll and there is a save casa web site, a rally to keep it. this is a place where they had cliff divers, you could go into the cave, there was an arcade in the best part was if you wanted more, you just raise the little flag from your table and they brought as many as you wanted. if so save casa bonita, everybody. >> jesse: raising the flag right now. >> dana: so my good friend jack carr is out with his fourth novel today called the devil'sih book in his theories which has been so popular that chris pratt is actually turning into a series on amazon, there he is with the three other books that he's written, those of the previous books and there he is signing for the book that is out today. if that is the devil's hand on
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amazon, barnes & noble and most importantly, your local bookstore so congratulations to him. >> 20 seconds, go for it. >> richard: if you're a fan of prince, five years after his death, coming out with a new album coming out on july 30th, welcome to america, check it out at a record store near you. i'll be getting it. >> richards doing it, so everyone will do it. that's it for us, special report up next with brett. >> bret: i'll get it, i like purple reign. thank you, jessie. good evening and welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. working tonight, following several major stories. officials in the twin cities bracing for another evening of violence as prosecutors in the minneapolis trial of the former police officer and george floyd's case rest their case but there is no rest tonight for a nearby community devastated by another police involved fetal incident but have a


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