tv Gutfeld FOX News April 17, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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thanks for watching. i'm jeanine pierrot, advocating for truth, justice and the american way and i'll see you next saturday night. ♪♪ >> i haven't said the last president's name and five months. why would i? >> a so-called champion for freedom award over the weekend. an annual award that stretches all the way back to three days ago because they made up to sue the eagle of the kueng. look how tiny the trophy is, i believe that's the saucer to serve rick scott is breakfast. >> donald trump is gone and we have a new president in case you haven't heard, not for you to make fun of. her name is kamala harris. [laughter] [applause]
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[applause] greg: as chaos continues, werd finally heard from the people who really matter most, noted criminologist and social scientist, ben & jerry's. [laughter] they tweeted the murder of dante right is rooted in white supremacy and results from the intentional criminalization of black and brown communities. the system can't be reformed, it must be dismantled in a real system of public safety rebuild from the ground up. # defund the police. meanwhile, signs silence is deafening. [laughter] was a good cackle. anyway. mr. wright, according to d.n.j. was killed because of bigotry despite evidence it was a terrible error by the police
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officer. from there, you conclude the system must beha destroyed and e leftism in a nutshell. the whole things got to go and we have no clue what to do next. the combination catch braising is so bad it's given me an ice cream headache. now i'm patiently waiting for baskin-robbins to announce that 31 flavors of white privilege. [laughter] it's got to be great to be ben & jerry's, everyone loves ice cream so they get a pass every time they shoot them off off about something they know nothing about. nevermind they are based in vermont, a state so white it t makes racial look like malcolm x. [laughter] but really, who's worse for the world? law enforcement or ice cream? eating lots of ice cream, high risk for diseases from heart disease, type two diabetes and cancer. one of the biggest risk factors for secure cases of covid is obesity. maybe ben & jerry's should come
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with a mask. 2.8 million people each year die from over weight and sorry, it'c not cost making them back. ben & jerry's ice cream bread hit the store sales mid to late 1970s between then and now, obesity has nearly tripled. airlines introduced to the seatbelt extended for the larger passengers. [laughter] coincidence, i'm sure but so is smoking and getting lung disease or dating davidson and getting everything. [laughter] i'm not sayingw, ben & jerry's caused the fat pandemic but public health experts call them the menendez brothers of obesity. [laughter] just like nike, if your business hurts people, just repeat far left talking b points it begs te bottom line, tens of millions of traffic stops are made a year end among them, a few doesn't get involved the death of an unarmed suspect. compare that to 3 million dead due to obesity and according to in 2019, roughly
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40% of all black adults are designated as obese, not hard o see a product for chris christie's swim trunks is enduring black americans any favors. is it time toie cancel ben & jerry's, defund the scoops? should they develop laborers more honest about their t contribution to society? like say strawberry coronary. [laughter] or triple bypass sludge or blueberry eulogy. [laughter] or banana split iota. [laughter] that actually sounds pretty good. finally, let's compare two locations, making ice cream and law enforcement, protect and ctserve versus protect softserv. in one arena, you make everyone loves but it's bad for your health and the other is something so many elite eight, but it keeps them safe from harm. don't you think the people with the easy job of making people fat might want to understand the professions slightly more risky
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than theirs? if your biggest on the job hazards are brain freeze and muffin top, how about respect for people who get shot for living and not with cool whip? [cheering] let us welcome tonight's guests. he's more seventh-inning chicken fried chicken. dagen mcdowell. [cheering and applauding] and he's to smart to have hair that gorgeous, robbery so robby soave. [cheering and applauding] imagine what he wears when he's not on tv, thousands of people have left, sometimes with his jokes. writer, comedian, michael loftus live. [applause]
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finally, toxic in-your-face and has a i lot of bands over 50. [laughter] fox nation, kat timpf. [cheering and applauding] welcome to the program. always a pleasure to see you. >> i'm nervous. greg: here's the thing, let's say a ben & jerry's was robbed, should their employees call the lipolice or would they be worrid it would upset the owners?f that's what you call a brain twister. >> yes. [laughter] >> i live in new york city, which you know, not very far from each other. greg: can i look in your window? [laughter] >> i see you. [laughter] the epicenter of the anti-crime movement, the new york post calls it. it's the no bail for you if you
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get arrested, get out of jail free, good luckd getting to wok without being punched in the face by a lunatic so if i cross the street to the drugstore to buy ben & jerry's, it's locked in the freezer. [laughter] greg: yes, it is. >> you have to go to the manager to get the key to get some crack tactics sale ben & jerry's because people aren't going to wait there so it's like pretzels and the chubby hubby scale so walk away like the deodorant, same --ai >> yes. >> same satisfaction, same flavor. i thought that was -- >> you are right, they understand they are criminals, they are not caught stealing thn ice cream. you are a libertarian, you understand statistics but also hit the cops. [laughter] >> i just hate being told what to do by anyone especially after
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this year. i support a lot of criminal reform and what the police did confusing a gun for taser is terrible and should suffer punishment but if every interaction between every police officer and every person of color automatically are they a racist? this is obviously white supremacy and we are a white supremacist country, you could say that without any reason to think that. greg: exactly and are they doing that because under all of this they realize their product is harmful to people's health so the politics, is a buffer zone to keep people from saying you're making everybody fat? >> i think it simply, they are making a commercial for global woke young liberals to get them interested in ice cream instead of vegan whatever, we have the right politics, the right views, by our product. greg: and got you are refusing to get dressed up for the show. [laughter]
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greg: for the seventh appearance, you're going to be shirtless with like daisy duke. >> i'll have overalls, one nipple out. [laughter] when you're so lazy with overalls, you can't even do about. greg: stay seated. [laughter] >> even though i find this idiotic, ben & jerry's is an amazing product for one reason, it overrides your own necessity for survival, when you get a tub of ben & jerry's, every kind of message in your brain that says only eat a little, is like 2 pounds of fat, it all goes out the window. you are eating a drug, that's what it is. they are like drug dealers and it's the worst kind because they are already high. [laughter] fever had to go through that
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experience y, it takes forever. [laughter] now these guys have like opinions on politics, we are going to be here all night. [laughter] bring up there is up in albums, defund the police. [laughter] it's all going to end up with ancient aliens out all really got started, screw these guys and they are triple ripple double vanilla white guilt flavor. [laughter] boycott these losers. greg: i don't know if i'm ready to boycott, i am lactose intolerant with this racist. >> it is offensive. [laughter] greg: lactose intolerant things i don't like white people which makes me anti- racist so i am on the right side of all of this, captain. where you stand on this? >> on ice cream, i do like empty calories that don'tik alter myt perception of the universe.
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[laughter] , i am obviously also libertarian, huge on criminal justice reform but platitude # not solutions and it's obvious, it's clear how little sense they make, even according to their own name. cool, you don't want cops? someone doesn't pay their taxes. what if somebody doesn't take the tax bills for these programs you want? they don't really think itwa through. greg: but also, i would be okay. if - it were me and i was in the position to defund the police, i have a second part to the. [laughter] here's the second part and i w know you will agree with me, yoa would privatize security. >> i didn't even know but i was going to agree. [laughter] greg: and be okay with that.op
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option, public option, get rid of the public option, do you think people can afford the private option and go okay, fine? no, they moved out of the city and have -- what the security company, do you remember the name? >> i love that show, i don't. greg: you had private security everywhere because you could be killed on the road and now we are going to go back to that and think that's better than having a public option. >> absolutely. #at, it's a lot easier than thinking self through. t greg: that's true. next, nor more virtual signaling in corporate america. [cheering and applauding]
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these companies better because they sent a letter? wednesday, a day of the week, the new york times, a letter signed by hundreds of company executives posing voter id law. the times wrote not one but two articles pointing out companiess that didn't signed the letter. how great is that, making a list of those who don't obey? i remember when girls were against this sort of thing. now the one notable companies that didn't signed is hope. you remember, coke was extremely critical of the georgialy law at first but when asked why didn't signed, coke softened its tone, we believe the best way to make progress is for everyone to come together so listen respectfully, share concerns and collaborate on a pathnd forward. translation, these don't stop drinking our sugar water. [laughter]
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it true. when a company dives into politics, it's hitting off half its customers and were georgia is concerns republican customers. the poll shows cu lb favorabiliy among were hogan's is not at 12-point, dropping 35% mid march. major league baseball hasn't seen numbers since home run hitters stopped taking steroids. [laughter] all right, robby. [laughter] we are supposed to be all about the free market corporation to do what they want, i feel like i hate operations now, they suck, i want high tax rate, they are turning me into wall street. what say you kat here plus? [laughter] >> i don't how to respond to that. [laughter] all the corporate tax breaks and special advantages, i was against those all along, republicans want to take them
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away now that they have made were hogan's, fine, i do like anywhere. t it would be nice if there was some area of our lives not consumed by politics and i think it sucks that's becoming harder and harderr but i am not going o bring the government into break them up, and for that reason, i would oppose it, walk a middle ground. greg: and trying to figure outin the next area where politics will be infectious. it's infected many circles. >> meeting circles, the webcam on on every night. [laughter] >> talking about your nipples. [laughter] greg: that's why you crochet. kat, i pretty much lost control of my brain but how do you feel about the fact that coke walked back?
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you think they felt in their sales? are probably. i also think with this whole situation in general, it's a lot raof people who i don't think understood were probably most and even read the bill and what's happening is a larger issue of anything we see, we talk about these changes, a lott of people are just a parade to be canceled, that's motivating the action, afraid to be canceled so anyone has progress is understanding, misunderstanding what's going on. if we want progress on any issue, you have to talk about it the fear of being canceled, there's no real progress going on at all. greg: michael, when you drive your semi across the country. [laughter] they still do not, by the way. do they really? [laughter] thank you for that. you talk about boycotting, do e
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really boycott -- we are not boycott or's. >> are we? give into the pleasure of boycott. >> i want to boycott everybody's assignment. who does the new york times think they are? to organize something like this, they like to the america people for like four years straight about our president being a russian spy and collision, they tried to change the way the country was going, they didn't respect the election so i want to like to be a month-long boycott, let's do it, and economic revolution. >> i'm going wild in july, no. >> don't drink coke, go doctor peppers. levi jeans, trying to take away your gun rights. we will go barbecue instead of baseball. the world will be texas. [laughter]
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greg: dagen, you do a lot of economico reporting, is it wishful thinking to think this type of political -- politicalization for her companies or are they just playing the long game, virtue signaling so they don't have to deal with other crab like pr nightmares? >> they are virtually singling because the people in charge have become incredibly literal and we saw that with the head of coke but they are worried about people like you turning againstp them because if voters become anti- corporation and anti- business, that down the road could bite them but if they should take the new york times calling out some of the companies like walmart that didn'tpa sign that letter, they should turn that into marketing gold. if they have customers across the country, they are like you
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read the new york times? soda week, come do business with us. are you deplorable, you've got it in your club department, a shotgun behind your head, your dinner is dead in the back? shop with us. >> i'm so turned on by now. [laughter] >> was yelling? greg: i finally realize, michael, you should boycott goodwill. [laughter] >> i love goodwill. greg: even the audience is applauding your poor fashion choices. >> you have a lot going on, is the jean jacket and the branches. greg: a but dagen, to your ideaf boycotting, you're talking about a reverse boycott. look at the new york times list they called out so it's like a reverse boycott, that's what you
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♪♪ there blowing their top over a robot. this week, remote control robot dog like the one seen here accompanied nypd officers on a service call about the but only went in-and-out of the lobby, like me without actively assisting the operation but lawmakers are turning in the pretty much the same message, his use of public dollars just like them. mayor bill de blasio in any way is unsettling in any way, we should rethink the equation. with that logic, you would never have been mayor. [laughter] the robot isn't cheap, starting price is 74 grand, more than i
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spend on pennies on the year. nypd started to use the but some crime scenes including after home invasions when no one was t still inside, tested by the emergency service unit and bomb squad. in other words, it could save lives. only known him for ten years, the streets of new york, to learn more, or people scared of the robot dog? >> we did a robot dog story last week. it was raining. [laughter] we will never going to be inside, not with that attitude. greg: definitely an outside dog and not a robot one. [laughter] is this a solution for defunding police? a replacement cob, a robot dog? >> i did read because i can do
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that but i still don't fully know what the dog does, what does it do? if i'm getting murdered in this dog shows up, then i'm really going to be upset.'m [laughter] greg: [laughter] >> tamagotchi with legs shows up, that would push me over the line on an already tough day. greg: it's like a robot version of the automatic, keep yelling at and it says i'm sorry, i didn't get that. they never get it and you are going to be screaming for your life and the robot was say i'm sorry, i didn't get that. >> absolutely, that's definitely going to's happen. greg: who are dying from a gunshot wound, bleeding from a side wound. >> i p feel my tax money should pay for something, i should at least figure out what it does.ul greg: that's true. >> what if the dog makes fewer
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mistakes or confuse it done gun for the taser? greg: just you wait. >> i agree because there's research on judges, judges decisions affected by the time of mia so you can be denied parole because he didn't have breakfast. that would never happen with a robot. my problem, it's not really a robot. mo controlled robot is ate toy. >> we need to give it artificial intelligence, to value the suspect and value his life more than its own, what could go wrong? greg: oh, nothing. >> prepare us to be fearful of this. greg: i am so excited for robot overloads. i've been talking about a lot. is this a good sign oron bad si? >> they've used these robot for hazmat spills or situations, for
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decades. quite frankly, i've got real dogs with very pronounced chronic gastrointestinal issues so i would take one of these in a heartbeat, rabbit and memory foam, i could cuddle with it ant i don't have those other problems. greg: also, you get around that nasty crime if you do get hot and heavy because it's not really alive, i learned that in the counseling session. [laughter] just a toy. michael. [laughter] i don't even know what that means. [laughter] we shouldn't even dwell on it much longer than i already have. >> you want to know what it means because it all goes away. [laughter] greg: your city shoveled $800 million into the mayor de blasio's wife's mental health -- do you remember this?
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never saw a dime of it so why does he complain about 70 grand. >> the guy obviously has no idea the value of money. his wife bought it and it's like. [laughter] he's a moron but robot dog, we've got to stop this in its tracks. greg: why? >> science fiction, every single piece, do these people not watch anything in the future? they are going to put guns on the back one of those things. >> then i'm done with it. [laughter] greg: i don't think there has been are single movie that's ben right. i watched soil and green about two months ago and it 119. [laughter] i think jam was $300. >> skateboards. >> how much does damn cost? greg: $80. the jam i have is $80, not the
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the next draft more like shaft. chief diversity officer said the lead character in the great bbc drama luther played by black actor, not as she put it black enough to be real because he doesn't have any black friends, doesn't eat caribbean foods. [laughter] on him "in recognition by the naacp but the officer ran beside the character didn't feel authentic. the writer, a white guy named we'll cross that it would have been tremendous arrogance to write a book character and would take the role only if race was a
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key part of thera character so e lead actor who took on the role, the writer didn't see color, the audience didn't go because one snotty human resource busy body can't get over her own racial stereotypes, it's not authentic. find playing characters, he played a north got in a markle movie and i didn't complain because it was meant for me after all. [laughter] he might also play james bond. ♪♪ back on. [background noises]
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greg: the budget for these movies has really gone downhill for these pandemic. off the charts. greg: michael, you write scripts for a living, hard to believe given his wardrobe. [laughter] get ready. [laughter] according to this logic, what t characters would you be able to write? >> you can't and it's idiotic. the worst thing -- one of the worst things when you are writing is the network, they always -- not black enough, doesn't eat caribbean food, what else can we do? what other changes?e i didn't see any barbecue. [laughter] many moons ago. greg: can you do the accent forever? >> get down, degen. >> many moons ago, i wrote for abc george was, speaking out of-
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school here but someone at abc wanted george to have arg tortia maker and they are like so where do you get your tortillas, george? he's like i get them from the grocery store. [laughter] well, we want -- we think a tortilla maker and it was like a really big issue, he wasn't like latino enough. it's the same thing. justify her existence and salary, i think.ry >> how is it conversation, actually, there's not enough stereotypes in this movie to make it offensive. a few years ago we had this conversation about a block aerial, of course we have a black ariel and i think that's great but what she jumped in and aerial doesn't eat enough caribbean food so we can't do that? is that somehow not offensive? i don't understand. greg: none of us can actually say -- none of us here can say
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what she gets to say because she saying she were in charge of james bond she saw drinking tea knees, she would say that not what -- well, i can't say that. [laughter] but she would she would say that's not a black spy would drink and then you would say what do you drink? and she would be able to telll you and she would be racist. one of world where somebody of the ethnicity can only concoct a fictional character about exact ethnicity and for everyone scenario types? and that's better? [laughter] i want the right notes for daniel craig. [laughter] [inaudible] greg: i read somewhere today, iw don't read that often but i can still remember it. [laughter] i think it was disney and other
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places having problems with good scripts because good scripts can't be airbrushed fitting this diversity model. >> i read that, they said they turned down a bunch of great scripts because it didn't it into the mold but we are going to use the word authentic when it applies luther luther is like soil and romantic partner in the series which i watched as a woman named alice who killed her parents and her dog. [laughter] had a phd in astrophysics and also the psychopath and malignant narcissist he has a romantic connection with. white girl but nonetheless, we are going to have a debate about authenticity? leave it alone, just thinking
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about. [laughter] >> when we scrambled these things, shakespeare, it's now set in the future or in space or something, it's fun to mess with convention and bring in different cultural traditions and we think, that's cool, everybody is done with that except a woke angry -- >> you watch tv not because you want something authentic but you could just sit on a park bench and watch people walk into work then. >> think about the roles he's played before, when he was bell and the wife, the reason was so is amazing, he was such a different character, right? he was a free-market capitalist as a drug dealer and in the office, he became friends with what's his name? not jim but the other dude what am i doing here? he was in the office. >> oh yeah.
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greg: he rather sat rise and apologize. took to twitter recently, a white guy who apologized for his role voicing the indian character on the classic show, the symptoms. writing, nothing left behind, i'd like to apologize on behalf of monty python for all the many sketches we did making fun of white english people. you know it's sarcastic because he apologized to white people. [laughter] it's always been an outspoken critic of correctness, pretty shocking for its time. many of the things that make them level bars would be considered cancel for the by today's woke losers. the only thing john makes me feel sorry about is that there aren't more people like him. we live in a world where john has more fake apologies than andrew cuomo has real once.
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[laughter] any monty python fans here? we are the old people. yes.>> [laughter] monty pythonon was super shockig but their target were religion, banks, people who thought too much of themselves, snooty people, people with too much money, equal opportunity offenders and fantastic but if they were around now, what would their target speak? >> everyone. people like hank. i'm not going to do that voice anymore, he can give up the paycheck. he gets paid for character. he's got like 25 of the paycheck coming and in the story, what it he -- what is he apologizing for? where's the offense, he's a great guy, a hard-working guy, a family man, like one, got offended. >> you do you know what it is? outrage, it doesn't matter how
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many, if there's just one voice, people freak out so you know over at the symptoms, they had meetings about this. what are we going to do? i looked on twitter and under these apologies, it's like indian people saying they love the character, don't apologize and this is the thing with my progression, specific minority groups but we pulled the minority groups and majority every time are not offended by the a thing white people are asserting is racist. >> and if he's not going to do the voice, do you make a pan asian guy do it? you have to do it and also, is this one of those things where they will have to look at all these episodes and start removing them like they have been doing with joein rogan's podcast? >> that's [bleep]p] >> you need to own what you did and w the and by the way, all of
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these people have money, so to speak. which enough and comedy, nothing should be off limits. dave chapelle, look what he did and not special. it was one of the funniest, he went after every untouchable group. monty python still stands the test of time. did i even mention this, it's so funny, i watched all the time. upper-class, you are talking about taking down the upper and they are still just a snooty today. [laughter] but i have to watch most of the comedy i love by myself in part because i don't want to get canceled, i don't want to get fired and my nose tends to run like i'm an open spigot. [laughter] greg: in the closet with a
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kleenex. [laughter] kat, i guess the issue here is that okay, so these doing an excellent, you cannot do accidents anymore? meryl streep coming up the ring, they couldn't work, that's all they did. >> i'm a little nervous to even talk about people doing accidents because you know how bad things are in weird thingsng are? you said is apology was satire, the very first thing below the tweet was somebody seriously saying this warms my heart to read thisy because jokes about other people are the funniest jokes or jokes about difficult things and it's like yes they are, plenty of jokes of other people are hilarious, what you're talking about? that's how far we haveat gone. an apology meant to mock an apology it doesn't register with them, it's great they finally feel that.
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greg: i just want other comics to do this, you know? people come out and say stuff, they're all british, it's like the most outspoken person. fear is a comedy killer, you just got to go for it and the poor writing staff on thehe simpsons now, you've got both hands tied. >> and they are so poor. [laughter] >> south park is like all we have left. [laughter] greg: don't forget, i'll be live at the columbia speedway and cal south carolina sunday my special guest, tom flu. the rumor him. ticket information, g got, don't go anywhere. [applause]
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the shelf. [laughter] there he is. is that him? i can't see, my eyes are so bad. we pulled into followers, michael loftis, does he have good style? thousand people voted. 76% said yes but 24% said no which means over 1000 people think michael loftus dresses terribly. [laughter] 1 you can't argue with 1000 people, michael. what you have to say to them? >> hit all the other people. >> it cost me a pretty penny i'm going will bongino on this. [laughter] leaned forward on your knees. >> thank you, america, i love you back. greg: i love it when he does that. you know it's got to go off. start shaking. [laughter] scares the crab out of me. check your dvr every night.
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watch every episode. thanks for watching. that's it. [cheering and applauding] [cheering and applauding] [♪♪♪] jesse: welcome to "watters' world" with i'm jesse watters. break them up. that's the subject of tonight's watters words. the digital revolution and age of the internet was supposed to give us access to anything we wanted to know and communicate whenever we wanted to to anybody we wanted to. information was he supposed to be democratized. but in the last few years powerful interests have re-consolidated control over
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