tv Hannity FOX News April 23, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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and every few weeks. our goal in this is to bring you accurate and honest reporting, but above all to create stories that we are stomach ourselves will watch in our free time. we hope you will enjoy them. we will see you again soon. have a great night. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity." we began with a fox news alert this friday night, a cdc advisory committee now recommends that the suspension of the johnson & johnson johnson & johnson covid-19 vaccine be lifted. we will have a lot more information straight ahead tonight. but first we begin with so much to cover, including more from my exclusive interview with president trump that we have not been able to air yet and also tonight new details and the police involved shooting of ma'khia bryant and coming up we will show you what triggered the 911 call in the first place and new footage of violent riots across the country even tonight.
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it is now obvious many on the left believe that america is an evil, racist country. the only way to fix it, i guess burn the entire system to the ground. the greatest country god gave man. our founders gave us something a path to right wrongs and correct injustices. we have a history of doing so. that is ignored. of course this egregious light is spoon-fed to the masses by democrats and the media mob for decades. i tell you every two years, every four years, it is the democratic party playbook. now any opposition to the democrats radical socialist power grab now they are calling that racist. for example, democrats are now attempting to make washington, d.c., the 51st state. they are doing this because nearly 100% of washington residents are democrats. if d.c. becomes a state, democrats would pick up two new senate seats in perpetuity, that is what they believe, and that
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is likely true. the only problem is d.c. statehood is barred by the stock given, oh, that is right the constitution. the framers, the founders, they want to limit the power of our nation's capital. according to democrats, anyone who opposes d.c. statehood is now a racist. take a look. >> i have had enough of my colleagues racist insinuations that somehow the people of washington, d.c., are incapable or even unworthy of our democracy. in senate republican said that d.c. would not be a "well-rounded working-class date." i had no idea there was so many syllables in the word white. one of my house republican said d.c. should not be a state because the district doesn't have a landfill. my goodness, with all the racist trash my colleagues have brought to this debate come i can see why they are worried about having a place to put it. snow and of course, the media mob press wing and the
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democratic party is backing up these idiotic claims. "washington post" has a line that reads "the battle against d.c. statehood is rooted in antiblack racism. that is real" d.c. news reporting opposition to the democrats plan is "part of an ugly effort to disenfranchise black and brown people" "new york magazine" accusing congressman steve scalise of being an ignorant racist for arguing against d.c. statehood. and that is not all. apparently now legislative filibuster is suddenly racist. remember 2019-2020 president trump was in office. republicans controlled the senate. guess what? those democrats used by their definition that racist filibuster, 270 times i know democrats they have control of the filibuster and magically it has become a tool of oppression and bigotry and racism. senator elizabeth warren, you know the same senator that faked
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her ethnicity for years said it has deep roots in racism. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez,'s dome at congresswoman ilhan omar says it's tied to white supremacy. dick durbin, will we had this to say about the filibuster's evil history, take a look. >> there was a statement made by senator mcconnell, republican leader yesterday nothing short of amazing and at a press conference can be said of the filibuster and i quote, "it has no racial history at all, none x-pac. amazing that he would say that. certainly senator mcconnell who is working at the senate at that time as an intern, if i'm not mistaken must remember the filibuster being used against the civil rights bill and to say that the filibuster has no racial history at all, none, is to ignore the obvious. >> sean: same civil rights act and voting rights act 64-65 that
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joe biden's partner, the former klansman tried to stop to stop integration of schools, oh, interesting. this is not what the democrats were saying when the republicans had control. you might want to take a trip down memory lane. let's go back a whopping year ago. take a look. >> look at give it to mike doing away with the filibuster? that would be the end of this and as originally advised to go back to the founding fathers. >> let's not do the supreme court, we should have 60 votes, which we still do because we should get bipartisan support. >> the point is we still left the 60 votes emplaced for support and mitch mcconnell change that. i would prefer to bring it back. >> sean: how much can change in a few months. welcome apparently according to democrats, now the filibuster that they used 270 times is racist. also opposition to d.c. statehood, that is racist too. don't forget the new georgia voting bill that requires voting
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i.d. just like delaware and expands early voting in person voting to 17 days, that is racist as well. joe biden referred to it numerous times as jim crow 2.0. you look at joe biden's home state whereas joe referred to it as his date being the state, it has far more restrictive voting laws than georgia and joe is represented delaware what come i think about 500 years now? never lifted a finger in over 50 years to bring reform, openness and greater accessibility to the people of delaware as it relates to voting. so, by joe's definition, he is a racist, and he supports jim crow 2.0 and long, boring, dork political career. and of course securing the southern border is also racist. and congressman omar said a monumental racism, national
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climate change also racist. so if you pose the safe socialist green new deal, that pretends to climate change, that is about socialism and you are also a racist. take a look. >> the climate crisis is a crisis born of injustice. it is a crisis born of the pursuit of profit of all ecological cost. which means that we must recognize in legislation that the trampling of indigenous rights is a cause of climate change. the trampling of racist justice is a cause of climate change because we are allowing people and we are allowing ourselves to make sure -- we are allowing folks to deny ourselves human rights and deny people the right to health care and the right to education. >> sean: make no mistake, everything democrats disagree with is racist. the founding fathers, the
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constitution, first amendment, second amendment, christopher columbus, law enforcement last night in new york city, new york, city blm rioters, they combined two at the favorite villains and one demonstration. they vandalized a monument in columbus circle by spray painting it with anti-police slogans. meanwhile, columbus, ohio, where a 15-year-old ma'khia bryant stabbed an unarmed girl and a chest and pinned to the car before getting shot. by a responding officer and blm activist chanting "you shoot us, we shoot you." watch this. [indistinct] 's because they shoot us, we shoot them! >> sean: based on all the evidence they have, ma'khia bryant she was a second left from a stabbing and
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likely killing unarmed girl with a knife pinned against a car. fox news has learned the police called to the scene because of an altercation that had erupted between bryant and the other girl over the cleanliness of the house. it is it tragic, yes, is it sad, yes but every life matters. with ma'khia with a knife in, loaded screamed "i will stab you [bleep]" and pinned the girl to the car, ready to thrust that blade and strike in the neck or chest and could have killed her. but the facts don't seem to matter to the left. the narrative is the most important thing. lebron james saying to the police officer, tweeting out his photo with a threatening message 250 million followers. by the way come i wonder if a conservative did it at jacket twitter, with a cancel their account forever? james put an officer's life at risk in last night
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president trump responded writing "lebron james, racist rants are divisive, they are nasty, they are insulting, and they are demeaning. he may be a great basketball player but he is doing nothing to bring our country together." meanwhile if you days ago maxine waters called for confrontation. what happened to the party of compassion? what happened to the unity joe promised us? don't worry maxine waters claimed she is totally nonviolent and never calls for violence here and on the radical left, up is down, down is up, backs no longer matter of pure truth does not matter. think about the russia hoax and the dirty dossier and the phis application to spy on the president. maybe that is why people who claim to care so deeply about racism and minorities and about poverty well, they have displayed a sign the special instructions for "any white
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people who visit the george floyd memorial in minnesota." here with reaction the host of candidates on the daily wire, candace owens with fox news contributor leo 2.0 terrell terrel, welcome back both of you. candace, this was something i pointed out for years on this program come every two years, every four years every conservative, every republican, racist, sexist misogynists is enough moment, transform it and you want to air dirty water and the republic will take your grandma and grandma in the wheelchair with an advertisemen. it is predictable but now it's every issue, your reaction. >> it is every issue and obviously name-calling. it seems to me to be completely foolish and people are not awake to the democratic strategy. false prophets like lebron james to propagate a lot of these lies especially black lives matter life. that is the race lie.
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permeating throughout every element of culture. yet lebron james lived amongst white people in $100 million bill air mansion who is protected by white people, protected by presumably undercover officers and things of that nature everywhere he goes to his games back and forth. police officers constantly surrounding him and yet he puts out the slide. the president is correct to call him my president trump is correct to say lebron james is racist and not only that he doesn't care about black people. if he cared about black people he would point to the truth. you have to stop black on black crime. of course, 95% of black homicide victims are killed by other black people. what he actually cares about is that situated as a king while peasants call himself the king, and the peasants beneath him that follow him all invest in this light, destroyed the air to make their own communities and yes, killed each other if the police officer had not intervened. >> sean: every single weekend command this goes back to the biden/obama years, leo. i can come on this program every
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monday and tell you how many people shot in the city of chicago. i can tell you how many people shot and killed in the city of chicago, and a lot of other big cities. every single weekend. murder rates are skyrocketing all over the country. this deep fund the police, dismantled the please come it's not working. why don't we ever hear the names of all the people shot every weekend? why is it only a case that can be used politically? why is it we always hear about those lies? >> it is very simple, it is all about power. what you are describing is what has been going on in democratic cities for years! listen, they talk about racism. i'm a civil rights attorney. i know what systemic racism is. it does not exist in chicago, and l.a., in baltimore. when the people writing the show of black people, brown people,
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chief of police, they only play the white officer card against a black victim. candace pointed out all the numbers but they play the race game and guess what might the democrats drink that kool-aid. there is a disconnect, sean, between the democratic hierarchy that live like kings and they brainwash the democratic voters who live like peasants. i want to make one other point. that white sign that you made reference to, that sign is very, very insulting. basically, the extreme left has declared war on white americans and white police officers. and the democratic leadership will not say a word because there is bad with extreme left. that is what is going on in america. it happens not to years or four years, but it is going on 24/7, sean hannity. >> sean: leo 2.0 terrell terrel, candace, by the way congratulations on the baby. we are very happy for you, thank you.
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all right, tonight, so the disgraceful behavior, so much of it in the aftermath of ma'khia bryant in that shooting from the media mob, nbc news, "new york times" tried their best to hide the fact that ma'khia was armed with that knife and that is the top of the iceberg. take a look. >> shoot the gun in the air, tase a person, shoot them in the leg, shoot them in the behind. stop them somehow. >> it goes from 0 to execution very, very quickly when there is a black or brown person involved. >> if you can't figure out how to de-escalate a 60-year-old with a gun, you should not be a. >> sean: we will define a bad day as thrusting a knife into an innocent unarmed person? should in the air, hay, joyless shoot them in the air and it's over, shoot them in the back
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side, the media mob does not seem to care about common sense or facts. one more example, "new york times" columnist paul krugman reporting to the far left riots, looting and cities across america were just a figment of our imaginations. i guess my eyes lied to me. here with more fox news contributor joe concha, miranda devine, miranda we will start with you. your reaction to the media. and this insanity. >> well, obviously, they are making themselves look like idiots. they are people that don't live in the real world. they obviously have never shot a gun. they have never even done as i have done and a journalist has done, one of those simulator programs that the police do. when i did it come i was completely hopeless. i would have been shot, and i accidentally shot a victim. so it is not easy. and it took immense presence of mind and skill.
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so that officer to save the life of the girl in pink, who was a split second away from being stabbed with a gigantic butcher's knife. and of course, it is tragic that the 16-year-old ma'khia bryant has died, but i think what perhaps is more tragic is her life. why did she end up the way she did? why was she in and out of foster care? and i want to look at the background that creates this kind of rage that the police have dropped into because they are invited in the peer they are asked to come in to save lives. they do that and then they get vilified anyway. there is just a complete lack of, as you said, common sense but in a sense of responsibility to the right of public with civil discourse from these media commentators. they should keep their mouth shut. it is ridiculous to say that the police will be able to shoot at a leg or shoot a warning shot in
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the air. if you don't understand what you are talking about, stop shooting your mouth off because people's lives are being lost because of the recklessness and the lies of the media. >> sean: joe concha, you study the media. this is what you do and you are good at your job. why does the media ignore the weekly violence, the shootings, the deaths every single week, names that people will never hear where the names of the 103 cops that are already killed in the line of duty this year? why aren't they passionately leaning to protect innocent people, fellow americans and the cities they report on? why? >> it doesn't fit the narrative. the narrative that divides the country that they think clicks to ratings, sean. in this case with this columbus shooting, this is media malfeasance in broad daylight,
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dangerous media malfeasance. let me show you the way this was covered. i will walk through this quick. "new york times" had when this story broke "a teenage girl fatally shot by the police in columbus, ohio, they shall say, shortly before a jury reached and a guilty verdict in the murder trial of police officer derek chauvin." in other words they are connecting in one headline what happened with derek chauvin and george floyd with what happened with the columbus police officer without having any facts whatsoever. that headline doesn't even mention that a knife was involved in an attacker had a knife as miranda was mentioning that was about to stab a girl. "washington post" echoes the same thing in their headlines. ohio state police shoots black girl before chauvin verdict. in other words, trying to connect the dots with these two things not mentioning 911 call by the two girls being attacked "she is trying to stab us" a 911 call nbc left out of their coverage. remember how americans consume their news these days and we'll
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do it, you scroll through feeds whether twitter, with her facebook and you see the headlines the caption reading the stories takes exception to rule and an image paper trail it and let me show you how this connects to police officers and law enforcement and how it is impacting the way that they are seen by the american public. gallup's latest poll, do you have confidence in the police? 48% less than half have confidence in the police. four years ago that number was 57% have confidence in the police. 2004, 64% so when you vilify the police officers and paint them to be inherently bad and racist, after a while it has an impact how the public sees them peer that is a tragedy, particularly when you look the way this columbus story was carried out. it was one of the worst examples of journalism if you want to call it that that you will ever see in modern history. >> sean: all right, great job, great analysis. miranda, you are great at your
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job too. it wasn't just giving joe credit. you both deserve credit. >> she is infinitely better. please. >> sean: you can fight it out after the show. thank you both, the left pushes their dangerous radical agenda while using climate change to hide what they don't make their true recent gnomic redistribution whole social intentions are pure tammy bruce, ric grenell later. more exclusive interview with new video we haven't aired yet with [boos] with president trump coming upst exclusively right here tonight on "hannity." hisamitsu. scotts turf builder triple action kills weeds, prevents crab grass and feeds your lawn. all three,in just one bag. i like that. scotts turf builder triple action. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. ♪ ♪
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learning is hard work. hard work requires character. learning begins in faith. it must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning - god. and freedom is essential to learning. its principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college.
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lift it today. the vaccination stopped over a rare blood clotting disorders of six women who received the vaccine. nine more cases have been discovered since them. all women under the age of 50. and seven remain hospitalized. the benefits outweigh the risk and the warning label about the blood clotting risk will be added to. an area where naval submarine with 53 people on board went missing. this is the oxygen supply running dangerously low. that vessel disappeared on wednesday, 60 miles north of bali, the u.s. military sending a aircraft to assist in the search. i'm jonathan hunt, now back to "hannity." ♪ ♪ >> sean: just like we have been telling you, joe biden the extreme socialist democrats climate agenda has little to do with actually saving the planet. it has everything to do with
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overhauling and controlling every aspect of your day-to-day life. joe biden's plan is to cut emissions by 50% over the next decade. that will impact how you eat including red meat, whether or not you can have a gas powered car and how often you are allowed to drive. the text, the miles you drive and how you heat your home and pool your home. and guess what these increasing energy costs, yep, you have to pay for that too. don't worry chuck schumer says everything will be fine. trust us, like on social security, medicare, obamacare promises. how does that work out? as long as democrats get to stay in charge and as long as he keeps to keep riding his bike along the river, take a look. >> saturdays, i'm new york and i write my bike on the brooklyn waterfront. i am not going 40 miles an hour. i ride slow. i take in the beauty and i wonder if this waterfront will be around when my grandson grows
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up. if we don't take action on climate change now, it will change the shape of our city for the worst. we don't have any time to waste. with democrats in charge commences and is treating climate change like the crisis it is, and i will fight for the future. >> sean: and on republicans on dirty air and dirty water like obama said. and just when you think you can't get any more embarrassing for democrats, right there, the screen shows that zoom climate summit. joe biden the only leader wearing a mask during a zoom call where he doesn't have anyone else around him, sitting there by himself. it is bizarre, baffling, bewildering, and then again, exactly what we have come to expect from the biden white house. the same biden who wanted us to believe that yes, his team told us wow he tripped three times
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going onto air force one because the wind blew him over. here with reaction fox news contributor tammy bruce with former acting director of national intelligence ric grenell. all right, caitlyn jenner, ric grenell in california. not to put you on the spot or anything. >> shawn, i'm used to it. you were always putting me on the spot. we have time. we have until august or september until we have to decide if there will be a recall. we have lots of time. i promised you and whenever i decide to come i come here first. >> sean: even one of obama's top scientists said "no i'm after reading and researching since 2014, no, we don't have the science, it isn't complete. it isn't decided. it isn't in." tammy, as it relates to this, the paris claimant accord, okay, we are paying the bulk of money and china and india for bigger polluters than we are. they get to be classified as
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developing nations. tammy, how about that? >> well, it's not in this kind of plan is the same as the other democratic plans, including joe biden's $1 trillion stimulus package. it is the redistribution as well. this global climate change dynamic and the paris accord is an international redistribution of american wealth to those nations. there is no expectation of china whatsoever. and if you are going to get serious about climate change, which we all love the environment, china is the issue at hand. once again, strangely enough, something joe biden like spirit something the democrats like. does a great job for china and give them all kinds of opportunities while crushing the american citizen. while crushing american business. and you think the american people in this nation in some way is like an engine for everyone else as though we are, well, kind of the throwaway economy and the american people
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are throwaway people. this is unacceptable. it is an observed dynamic. we are leading the world when it comes to the issue of carbon, co2, and all of that. we care about these things. but we have to recognize what the paris claimant accord was, which again, was about us taking other nations being like the world's atm and that is not what this country is and not what immigrants what this country to be and certainly not what american families want this country to be. >> sean: you know, tammy is 1000% right and this is about redistributionism, loan forgiveness, guaranteed government job, guaranteed government health care retirement, healthy food, et cetera so everything will be free. i look at the track record, social security and medicare and they are headed towards this and obviously going bankrupt. we didn't get to keep our doctors plans and paying 200%
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more peer they broke that promise. if you look at every other promise they have made, i don't see on law and order, democratic states are not safe and secure on the issues of schools. we pay more per capita per student with the worst results. why would we trust the government and believe everything is going to be free? >> well, first of all we can't. this is all for show. let's be honest, what we saw from truck stomach chuck schumer is wildly on authentic. what you have been showing and what tammy is talking about is political theater is all about in washington, d.c. look this is a diplomatic failure for the biden administration peer they sent john kerry to china in order to convince the chinese to participate in this kind of new paris accord, the lowering of co2 and trying to be carbon neutral. the reality under the trump administration we lowered co2
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and we greatly increased through fracking, fracking is safe, our ability to get off middle east oil. we were well on our way there. we have gone from having to import energy to being an energy exporter. and that is all because we looked at the science, not the emotions, and we made decisions going forward. what the paris claimant treaty does is it ask other countries to rely on the united states money in order to make the political decisions that they need to make. i want to know why we just can't have these other countries put up or shut up. either lower your co2 on your own or stop asking us for money to pretend like you are lowering it. because they are not pure look at china. look at we have a long record of these countries not doing what they are pushed to do and what they point the finger at others
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to do. >> sean: we will be watching. ric grenell and tammy bruce. when we come back, biden pushing his dangerous america last immigration agenda despite the ongoing crisis at the border. devin nunes, stephen miller but the latest and later part 2 unseen footage with president trump discussing the future of social media and elections and election reform, part 2 coming up straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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federal law enforcement is speaking out as a dhs whistle-blower spoke to sara carter and exposed just how out of touch joe biden and kamala harris really are. you saw him criticize the biden administration last night. here is a new clip. because what would be your worst fears? >> my worst fears is that we have too many people to process and not enough people to do our jobs. >> because what can happen? >> oh, anything can happen, but it certainly just makes it more for the bad players to have success and become stronger. >> sean: of course the mob, the media doing everything they can to help the democrats downplay and dismiss what is undeniable border disaster. for example, politico following associated press apparently permitting reporters from using
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the word "crisis" when writing about the crisis at the border. here now with reacts and joining us republican congressman devin nunes and white house senior advisor stephen miller. i will start with you. we see the conditions, texas is suing rightly and the biden administration because they are allowing all of these kids, biden's cage is overflowing and living on top of each other with high rate of positive rate of covid. and the covid protocols they put on everybody else's not not being practiced here. >> sean, i was actually just found there a couple of weeks ago and i will be out there ten days on the california border. what is happening here has nothing to do with anything but it is their own fault. this is very clearly instead of having to file for asylum in your own country like the trump
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administration was having them do, it is a free-for-all. it is almost like there is a deal between the biden administration and the drug cartels who are moving these people. this is why the border patrol and the post border patrol, why they want to be undercover. they are doing very difficult work having to process all these people and they were completely overrun. when i was there, they were not only 100 kids that you see that were without parents, this was in one day. there were thousands of others. 3500 people went over and just the small region that i was in on in the texas border. >> you know, steve and if you look at the whistle-blower and by the way i thought we praise to anonymous hearsay whistle-blower, we applaud that when peer this guy is risking his career because of the gag order imposed on border patrol workers and officers. in you know, here we have a situation at the border that is
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unfolding. now, as i look at this whole thing and what this guy is saying, the cartels, the human traffickers, the drug traffickers and the kings, they now have carte blanche. all the resources are dealing with this massive influx of illegal immigrants! >> yes, sean, the cartels and the traffickers use the families and minors they push across the borders by the tens of thousands to create lanes and diversions to get criminals, drugs, contraband, weapons into the country. that is deliberate, plan and purposeful. i talk to agents and homeland security officials at dhs and they are terrified by the fact that over 1,000 people a day or sneaking across without ever being apprehended. that is in addition to the people caught and released. these people are never even caught in the first place. and i will note that my
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organization come america first legal, is joining the state of texas to sue the biden administration for illegal policy of massive releasing covid positive immigrants during a pandemic. i will say one more thing. kamala harris' refusal to address this issue is one of the greatest dereliction of duty that i have ever seen in my entire life! >> sean: let me ask you because we are watching this unfold in real time. we are supposed to be a nation of laws, congressman. you are a lawmaker. they are ignoring the laws of the land, you know, your state is aiding and abetting by being a sanctuary state. lawbreaking joe biden is aiding and abetting lawbreaking. how come there is no check and balance, i don't know if i aided and abetted somebody jaywalking, why would i end up in jail? >> sean from i think it is the key to what stephen miller said.
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his organization is trying to get the judicial branch of government to get involved. as we know this two-tiered justice system on a whole host and range of issues, but this is another example whenever the left breaks up in the court, it gets resolved. whenever republicans bring something to court it takes forever and go slow. that is why we have to have a legal strategy to actually get the courts to get involved. it is the only way that we have the whole biden/harris accountable. until 2023, that is the soonest republicans can get gavels back in the house and senate. in the meantime we have to count in the judicial system to enforce the laws. >> sean: we have 30 seconds. >> that is exactly right. joe biden is violating congressionally passed laws, passed over a series of decades and perhaps more importantly, by
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refusing to uphold our laws, joe biden is violating the constitution. his obligation to take care of the laws he faithfully executed. the courts can and should join his lawless conduct and order him to enforce our borders. >> sean: all right stephen miller, congressman devin nunes thank you. when we come back more interview come exclusive sit down with president trump. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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write down phone numbers for your parents, siblings and neighbors. pick a place to meet your family if you are not together and can't go home. remind your parents to pack an emergency supply kit. making a plan might feel like homework, but it will help you and your family stay safe during an emergency.
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more of my exclusive interview p from mar-a-lago where we discuss all of this, including censorship and cancel culture as well as election reform. take a look. >> former president trump: we have to get good governors and governors that will fight for voter integrity because again, i said it before and i say it all the time, the number one question i get after the horrible, horrible, it is not the result, the cheating and all of the things that went on. the lack of waiting and getting legislative approval. and the supreme court that was afraid to act. they knew they were wrong. a supreme court that had no guts. the number one question i got was, will my vote count? >> i mention for things that i think are important from a chain of custody, and should be able to watch the entire vote count, signature and picture i.d. >> those are the main things. >> sean: simple. >> former president trump: there is something else.
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you have poll watchers, vote watchers. >> sean: partisan observers. >> former president trump: they were viciously thrown out. >> sean: 100 feet away. >> former president trump: forget about 100 feet, they couldn't get near the building. in georgia, in pennsylvania so bad, detroit was so horrible. the supervision of these elections, these people were physically thrown out in many cases. so they didn't have republican poll watchers in those areas. now, ken, florida was run propey come ohio was run properly and o numbers. >> sean: i want to talk about something that matters and you might be a solution to this, that is cancel culture. you work canceled off of twitter. you are canceled off social media platforms. now, you put out your presidential statements and they go viral. you know who misses you the most, the media, the mob. they hardly ever see joe so
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there is nothing to cover there except covering when he falls down climbing the stairs. but what is the answer? is the answer antitrust? is it ending section 230? is the answer donald trump starts his own twitter, facebook, instagram? is that something you are considering question work >> former president trump: i think all of that but i'm getting the word out because we are doing releases. every time i do a release, it's all over the place. it is better than twitter. much more elegant than twitter and twitter is really boring. a lot of people are leaving twitter. it has become very, very boring. when i started with twitter years ago, it was like a fail concept, a platform, fail. and it became exciting. and i think i had a lot to do with it to be honest with you, it became exciting. now it is boring. it is no good anymore. the people were telling me. >> sean: last week, by the
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way, did you see the undercover video? >> former president trump: i did and i think it is incredible. >> sean: they said their agenda is to destroy you. >> former president trump: that is a campaign violation. with a are doing is a massive campaign violation. when you look at what they did -- >> sean: "the new york post." >> former president trump: zuckerberg dominic zuckerberg, you can't do that. you are allowed to give $5,600, how can a person put out $500 million of lockboxes and in georgia, by the way, they are still allowing lockboxes. you can have those lockboxes. there is nobody to watch it. >> sean: but are you considering and there is speculation that you might start your own social media platforms. are you considering that? >> former president trump: i am. i'm looking at it. there is a lot of people that want to come on existing platforms. they have to be strong and can't be dominated by amazon, google and people that could take them off the air right away. you need antitrust. you have to do something about
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it. with all of the things you said, look, the democrats lie, cheat, steal. they are vicious, vicious. think about it five years of investigation from the day i came down the escalator, and you beat them here and there is another went there. you beat them there and another when there >> sean: i spent three years and peeling the onions of the deep state. everything reported ended up being right. they told lies for three years. everything they said was a lie. and they got pulitzer prizes. >> sean: from a political standpoint how do you monetize that in terms of free publicity promotion outward advocacy for one party over a sitting president? >> former president trump: i was just going to say that so we get the highest number of votes ever got in by a sitting president. we get the biggest increase margin from the previous 16-20
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after, you can name them. and nobody's got 12 million votes and think of everybody is against the fake media 95%, 90%, so the media, big tech, everything, it is also unfair. and we got 75 million votes. it is pretty amazing. you know why? the public is really smart. they get it. >> sean: coming up today, "the villain of the day" jamie harrison, we will explain why next. ♪ ♪ my garden is my therapy. find more ways to grow at hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen
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think? ouch. good job, senator scott. that's all the time we have left. thanks for being with us. set your dvr so you never miss an episode. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham takes over. >> laura: i'm laura ingram and this is "the ingraham angle" on a busy friday night. a shocking admission in the derek chauvin trial. and biden and kamala's rough public appearances and bizarre documentary from cher? raymond arroyo explains in friday's follies. first, biden's insurrectionist. that's the focus of the angle. much to the dismay of top military brass when president biden announced he will end the war in a
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