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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 24, 2021 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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a, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. for real protection ask your doctor about breztri. arthel: frustration and grief in north carolina following the shooting death of 42-year-old andrew brown jr., an african-american man who authorities say fled his home when deputies showed up with a warrant. the community and the governor calling for the release of body cam video and demanding accountability. hello, everyone, welcome to "fox news live." i'm arthel neville. hi, eric. eric: hi, arthel. i'm eric shawn. we have two other big stories we're watching at this hour. let's go to the southern border, agents are still trying to deal with the surge of migrants who are crossing into our country, but the crisis we're toll now extending beyond that border
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influx of those who want to come here with authorities cracking down on alleged human trafficking and seize ising millions of dollars in illegal drugs. president biden in washington getting to roll out the second phase of his spending plan at a joint session of congress next week. it comes with a hefty $1.5 trillion price tag, expect president is -- and the president is hoping to pay for all of this agenda by raising the taxes on the wealthiest americans. we have live team fox news coverage on all of these stories. chris city steigel is in laredo, texas, mark meredith standing by at the white house. let's begin in griff jenkins in north carolina. seven deputies placed on administrative leave following this latest controversial shooting. griff? >> reporter: that's right, eric, and good afternoon. the demands here in elizabeth city are growing louder for the release of the body cam footage. let me show you what we know about what happened. this is the home of andrew brown
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jr. on wednesday morning the sheriff's deputies showed up to serve a warrant, puck and see from the splatter on the house and the tire tracks in the yard that mr. brown was trying to get away quickly. deputies fired upon him, ultimately killing him. the car crashing into a tree there. the demands are growing louder, eric, because here in north carolina any law enforcement agencies cannot just at will release body cam video. it's pursuant to a court order, and the sheriff here, tommy wooten ii, says that he's working to get a release but hasn't done so just yet because the matter is under investigation by the north carolina state bureau of investigation. we talked to him one-on-one about it. he said he is going to ultimate i will release the -- ultimately release the footage. i asked him how the seven deputies are doing, here's what he said. >> i can tell you that i briefly have spoken with them due to the circumstances, and they're all completely devastated. they are completely devastated.
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they're horrified that this happened. thank you. >> reporter: and every night for the last three nights we have seen hundreds taking to the streets here from one side of elizabeth city to the other, stopping and blocking intersections. but it has been entirely peaceful, there have been no arrests. we did speak to one of andrew brown's family members, a cousin, about what she would like to see and her frustration level. here's what she told us. listen. >> i'm frustrated. i'm not mad, i'm frustrated because we're not getting announcements until the fbi finish their investigation. so and until then, call y'all now, y'all shut up. that's how i feel about it. >> reporter: and, eric, we expect the brown family to hold a press conference in the next hour, the 3:00 hour, at a nearby church, and we had a press conference earlier this morning held by elizabeth city's mayor, city manager and police chief where they indicated on monday
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morning they will legally pursue to have that body cam worn footage released. eric? eric: we'll know more when that is released potentially. griff, thank you. arthel? arthel: president biden getting ready to roll out the second phase of his spending plan at a joint session of congress next week. and it comes with an additional price tag of $1.5 trillion. the president planning to pay for his wish list of new items by raising taxes on the wealthiest americans. mark meredith live at the white house with more. mark. >> arthel, good afternoon. next week president biden is expected to unveil phase two of his economic agenda. the president is expected to propose increasing taxes on wealthier americans who make their money off the stock market, but some lawmakers say this could slow if not kill post-pandemic economic growth. we should get some more details when the president heads up to the hill next week. it's expected to cost some $3.5 trillion, and it's -- 1.5 trillion, and it's going to be
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called the american families plan, money going to childcare, education and social programs. fox is told the capital gains tax for wealthier americans could nearly double to some 39.6%. the white house was asked about who's going to be targeted. this is what they had to say on friday. >> what i can say is that it'll only affect people making more than $1 million a year. that's .3% of taxpayers or 3 out of every 1 is ,000 taxpayers that's even at the top 1%, saw their net worth rise by $4 trillion in the middle of a historic pandemic. >> reporter: as for president biden, he is spending the weekend at his home in wilmington, delaware, arriving there earlier this morning. he chose not to speak to reporters on his way out of town, but plenty of republicans are warning the white house to think twice about a push to raise taxes. >> what biden is suggesting here is massive increases to capital
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gains. it's exactly the wrong thing to do if you want to keep job growth occurring and wages increasing. >> reporter: now, the white house says it's still considering all of its options, and after the president goes to talk to congress on wednesday with, on thursday, arthel, he's going to be going to atlanta to peek to supporters there. speak to supporters there. arthel? arthel: we love atlanta. mark meredith, thank you. eric? eric: meanwhile, down at the border there's some more trouble, we're told. illegal crossings continuing in the rio grande valley, but ore places also under finish other places also under pressure. authorities shutting down what they say are multiple stash houses on the border in laredo, texas. those houses packed with large groups of people, they say, and they found more than $11 million in drugs. this as a group of bipartisan lawmakers have introduced a bill aimed at streamlining migrant asylum claims more quickly. casey stegall is lye on the border in laredo, texas, with
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more on all of this. hey, casey. >> reporter: hey, eric. good to be with you. across the board really apprehensions just keep going up and up and up, and just as you said, that includes the number of those so-called stash houses that are being busted or raided. that's a place that's used on either the u.s. side or on the mexico side to stash large groups of migrants until their fees are paid or to further evade border patrol. here in laredo, look at this, more than 87 from mexico, guatemala and el salvador arrested at a dilapidated home this week. over in the rio grande valley sector, more than 3800 migrants have been found at stash the houses so far this year. this as a bipartisan group of lawmakers hope to introduce a plan to open four regional centers along the southern border that would be staffed with judges who could decide
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asylum claims quickly. >> i mean, even some of the folks are not even being put in the immigration system. they're not given notice to appear. i think as of a couple days ago over 15,300 people had just been released on what i call the honor system. >> reporter: and not just people flooding across, the feds say drugs are also pouring into the united states. in less than a week, more than $1 million worth of methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and fentanyl were seized, and that was just here in this one area of laredo, just a very small snapshot of what's going on along most of the southern border. eric? eric: yeah, a lot of people now realizing there are criminal networks behind a lot of this. casey, thank you. >> reporter: yeah. arthel: well, there are new developments as the justice department investigates new york
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governor andrew cuomo's handling of covid outbreaks in nursing homes. cuomo's office sending data on nursing home deaths to federal authorities, but as the investigation continues, the governor's office is not making the information public. officials say in part that doing so would be an invasion of personal privacy. senior correspondent laura ingle is in nassau county, new york, where nursing homes were hit particularly hard by covid. laura. >> reporter: hi, arthel. yes, this is really one of the epicenters that has happened during the covid-19 nursing home deaths, and it has been another very frustrating pushback for both the press and for the family members of those who lost loved ones in nursing homes. with this latest pushback from governor cuomo's office, it is going to be a very long fight ahead. now, as we look forward to the story, now, all of this is in response to a request from the associated press to governor cuomo's office in a freedom of
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information act with governor quo me's -- cuomo's office denying the review regarding the covid-19 nursing home death toll n. a letter dated april 15th, the governor's office records access officer stated it won't publicly disclose covid-19 nursing home data that it gave to the federal government stating releasing the information would, quote: constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, adding that the documents were compiled for law enforcement purposes and that their public disclosure would interfere with law enforcement investigations. while will barkley told us this morning he believes the cuomo administration should make the information public. >> i think some of the stuff should be released to the public. it doesn't have to be, you know, held back. i think that would be important. but at the very least, it should be released to those who are investigating. >> reporter: it has been a long haul fight for these
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records. after the justice department requested that new york and other states share their day in regards to covid-19 nursing home deaths, the u.s. attorney's office in brooklyn and the state assembly judiciary committee also looking into claims that the cuomo administration purposely undercounted the numbers. even governor cuomo himself has said that this information should have been released sooner, but it's not because they've been trying to hide anything. it's because they needed to get an accurate count. arthel? arthel: laura ingle, thank you very much for that live report. eric. eric: arthel, overseas the search and rescue operation at sea comes to a tragic end after indonesia's navy says that debris from that missing submarine has been found off the coast of bali indicating, they say, the vessel had sunk and it cracked open with its 53 crew members onboard and that there's no hope in finding any of the survivors. kitty logan following this story the in our london bureau. kitty? >> reporter: hi, eric. and, yes, with this discovery
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this, sadly, becomes a recovery operation and a very difficult one too in extremely deep waters. officials suspect the submarine may have broken apart after it passed its maximum depth. it would also are have run out of ox yen by now been oxygen, but no bodies have been found yet, to the search continues. the is assisting with -- the u.s. is assisting with the effort, support, the indonesian navy. twenty ships involved in the operation so far with more joining soon from other countries. the depth of the sea in the area is close to 3,000 feet, making this extremely challenging. the submarine lost contact in those waters around 60 miles north of the island of bali. it went missing after a dive during a training exercise last wednesday. and it's not clear what happened, a although authorities have ruled out an explosion aboard that submarine with over
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40 years old. and now the families' worst fears have been realized. the wait continues to see if some of those bodies can at least be recovered. back to you, eric. eric: all right, kitty, thanks so much. arthel? arthel: well, president biden considering some changes to the tax code that could cause big increases for some. we'll explain the changes and how it might impact you. ♪ ♪ i suffered with psoriasis for so long. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. i'm still clear, five years now. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur.
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♪ arthel: voters in louisiana today picking which democratic state senator to send to capitol hill as a representative from new orleans. troy carter and karen carter peterson both vying for louisiana's 2nd district congressional seat. today's runoff is to fill a vacancy that became open after richmond stepped down to take a role as special adviser to president biden. eric: well, get ready to dig deeper in your walletting if you make big bucks. president biden preparing to unveil the second phase of his spending plan in the coming week, and that plan comes with a price tag of $1.5 trillion. the proposal is setting up a big fite on capitol hill -- fight on
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capitol hill. the president is seeking new taxes on the wealthy including nearly doubling the capital gains tax on americans who make more than $1 million a year. steve hayes, editor-in-chief of the dis. patch, also a fox -- dispatch, also a fox news contributor. the rich benefits from president trump's tax plan, now it's time to pay the piper. do you think this will be passed and what will be the impact? >> yeah, it's hard to say. even the biden administration is still figure out the details of this proposal, but there's no question they're going after with think americans and using the exact argument you just suggested. i think it's interesting to note that the tax policy center finds that those tax increases are likely to go down further the income quintiles to affect middle americans, people making between $50-95,000 as well. their increases will be smaller, but that's a violation of the pledge that joe biden made to not increase taxes on anybody
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making under $400,000. he said that last may, he said we're not going to do it, mark it down, by go, period. bingo, period. and the tax policy center, among others, believes that's going to happen. eric: and how would that happen? as you just pointed out, you know, they want to protect the middle class and go after the people who they say aren't paying their fair share. at the same time, you've got iras, 401ks, you have corporations and you have investors saying now this is one in the financial times says it's, quote, insanity. it might kill the golden goose that is america because there'll be a trickle-down effect. can you explain that? >> yeah, i think there are some direct taxes likely to be paid by those middle income families. the tax policy center says $260 per year, so a modest increase. i think the rest of the effects will be seen just as you suggest. you're looking at pretty significant increases in corporate taxes, the dramatic increase in the capital gains
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taxes. those tax increases don't stay where they're targeted. wealthy americans often do a lot of hiring in the country, corporations pay taxes if you look at the kinds of tax hikes on corporations that are being discussed, it would make the united states one of the places where corporate wealth is taxed at the highest levels in the world or among the highest levels in the world. e corporations aren't going to just swallow those tax increases. they will pass them on to their business partners, to consumers, some might consider leaving for more tax-friendly locations. there are downstream effects, without a doubt, that will affect the broad american economy as a result of these. eric: steve daines, senator, was on earlier with neil cavuto. listen to what he had to say about this. >> we're going to have higher tax rates than china. i just wonder if biden -- maybe
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his new motto is making china great again. we've got to be thinking about this. this is a big mistake. it's a big fight we've got right now in washington. eric: that's quite a view, higher taxes than china. but as you point out, it can potentially trickle down. i mean, these extra taxes on corporations, someone pays them. and at the end it could potentially be us. >> yeah. i'd like to see the details on that comparison senator daines offered and, certainly, there are other things about the chinese government and system of tax confiscation that make that a far worse place to do business for the average person than the united states. but, look, i think if you're joe biden and you say one of my main jobs here is to continue the economic growth that we've seen after a year of a pandemic, the job of the federal government in many respects is to get out of the way, not to cause additional problems. you look at the $1.9 trillion in spending on covid relief or
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covid relief plus, you look at the proposed $2.2 trillion in spending on infrastructure or infrastructure plus on top of the $5 .3 trillion in spending that we had before on covid relief, and you're talking about massive amounts of new spending. i think taxpayers would be -- and maybe some republicans -- would be more sympathetic to the kinds of tax proposals that joe biden is offering if this were tackling our debt or taking on existing obligations and paying for those. instead what you're seeing is new spending piled on new spending piled on new spending. i think that's a tougher sell. eric: yeah. let's finally take a look at that. we don't hear very much about reining in some of the spending and the deaf9 sit that's ballooned, obviously -- deficit. let's look at the debt clock. i mean, it seems to go up and up and up. bill clinton was able to balance the budget but, man, oh, man, this is going to add on to that even more. and some democrats are aghast.
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here's the chairman of the blue dog conservative group of democrats who are calling for fiscal responsibility. he says, quote: it is irresponsible to ignore our nation's fiscal state and even more critical that our budget face up to these realities. we do not have to implement immediate draconian and counterproductive spending cuts and/or tax increases to do so. we can take balanced, preferably bipartisan steps to reinstitute fiscal responsibility and accountability as long as we coso now. he said that a couple of weeks ago. what's the chances of fiscal responsibility occurring in washington and under the atmosphere right now in this proposal? >> yeah. i mean, would that he were in charge. we could use more of that kind of thinking. look, neither party has been good on spending. if you look at a what -- [audio difficulty] administration, we saw spending escalate in dramatic fashion. mick mulvaney in a recent interview that he did with "the dispatch" said that the trump
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administration spent more in its first two years than the obama administration did in its last two years. and there was no attempt at trying to rein in the into entitlement spending that drives our national debt, drives these deficits. this is mandatory spending, it takes place year after year after year. republicans from 2011-2016 in congress included in their budgets proposals to reform these entitlements and try to get ahead of this or at least deal with it in some way. what what you have in washington right now is both parties sort of burying their hate in the sand about the long-term -- head in the sand about the long-term effects. we really are in uncharted territory here. nobody knows how long this is sustainable. we've had warnings about a coming debt crisis for years and things, instead of improving, are getting significantly worse. at some point this is going to really matter to everybody in a way that it doesn't seem to right now. eric: and it seems like we're passing it on to our children and grandchildren. we'll hear more from the
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president this week. steve hayes, always good to see you, thank you. >> thanks, everything. arthel: eric and steve, the d. of justice set to take a closer look at the minneapolis police department, announcing a comprehensive review. how this could impact the effort for police reform, coming up next. ♪ ♪ dollars on your auto insurance. (man) phone it in? way ahead of you. daddy's saving money. (burke) go ahead, phone it in. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ it's a wishlist on wheels. a choice that requires no explanation. it's where safe and daring seamlessly intersect. it's understated, yet over-delivers. it is truly the mercedes-benz of sports sedans. lease the 2021 c 300 sedan for just $449 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.
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girls, she's been in brooklyn since charged in july. and congressman dan crenshaw says he's unable to see much more lights and shadows after he underwent emergency eye surgery, but he says he's hopeful his sight will return to what it was before. congressman crenshaw, a u.s. navy seal veteran, lost his right eye during deployment in afghanistan when he was wounded by an ied in 2012. his left eye was damaged in that blast. we, of course, wish him the very best in his recovery. arthel: well, one day after former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin was found guilty of murdering mr. george floyd, the department of justice announced that it is launching an investigation into whether the city's police department has a pattern or practice of unconstitutional or unlawful policing. let's bring in now former assistant u.s. attorney alex
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little. you also know, alec, that the doj is reportedly reviewing whether to charge derek chauvin for an incident in 2017 in which he allegedly violently handled a 14-year-old boy, used his knee to hold this black teenager down for nearly 17 minutes. would you expect separate charges or could this kind of pass misconduct -- past misconduct factor into chauvin's sentencing for killing mr. floyd, or is that not allowed? all right. alex has to unmute his microphone. why don't we go -- can you tell him to unmute his microphone, please? alex? all right. okay. we're going to come back to alex little in a moment. right now we're going to move on to another story that our christina coleman is working on, and she is now in our l.a.
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bureau with more on what it is that you are talking about, in fact, that is caitlin jenner running for governor. tell us more, christina. [laughter] >> reporter: hi, arthel. yeah, there's a lot of reaction to caitlin jenner throwing her hat in the ring. the longtime republican already getting some backlash. a campaign spokesman for governor gavin newsom said, quote, we always knew the republican recall would be a ludicrous circus full of trump supporters. this kind of rhetoric isn't going to help newsom stay in office. >> the political silly season every day. i mean, this man's got more air time than, you know, an inflatable mattress. tried to tie everybody to donald trump. i guess that's just their talking point. that's their entire talking point, that's the best they can do. i don't think it's very effective. >> reporter: former san diego
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mayor kevin faulkner, another gop contend for governor, didn't outright mention jenner or her announcement, but he did say this yesterday -- >> i think we're having a lot of candidates that will enter this race. i think that's a reflection on the dissatisfaction of the job that governor newsom is doing. i think i'm uniquelyied in terms -- positioned in terms of somebody who's won elections and knows how to get results. >> reporter: jenna ellis who was a senior legal adviser and attorney for president donald trump says, quote: if the gop says caitlin jenner represents the republican party, i'm done with the republican party. our country is build on recognition of self-evident truth, not big tent politics. also everyone is paying a close eye on who else could possibly enter this race. the last time there was a recall election for governor here in california was back in 2003 and more than 130 candidates
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qualified for the ballot. and a celebrity, who was also a republican, arnold schwarzenegger, won. arthel? arthel: live in los angeles, chris tone that coleman, thanks, christina. eric. eric: as we work to get alex little back, we'll tell you about some gunfire in the gaza strip overnight after militants launched dozens of rockets into israel. the fresh violence comes after two nights of clashes between palestinians and israelis in jerusalem. all that happening on the streets. trey yingst in jerusalem with the very latest on these new tensions. hi, trey. >> reporter: eric, good afternoon. we're here outside of damascus gate in jerusalem, and what's happening right now is what police feared would happen. dozens of people gathering in the streets following ramadan prayers, and you can see behind me police have lined up in rye to yacht gear, and they are preparing for -- riot gear and
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they are preparing for clashes that they see as inevitable. clashes have been taking place for the past week, and now we are seeing factions inside gaza getting involved. on thursday a hundred palestinians were injured in these clashes, and members of the israeli security -- 20 members of the israeli security forces also facing injuries. part of the concern here is it could erupt into a much larger conflict. we already saw a rocket fired earlier this hour, following 36 rockets fired yesterday. i want to show you the scene of where one of them hit along the gaza border. we spoke with one of the residents this morning. >> it happened next to a house. so wanted to know, first of all, that everyone's safe, everyone's all right. once you know that, everything relaxes. >> reporter: it was just before 6 a.m. in the community when sirens went off. residents say they didn't even have time to get to shelters like this one before they heard a loud bang.
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a rocket slamming into the ground of this animal sanctuary in the small community along the border with gaza. israeli security analysts fear that this is a message from hamas the group plans to get involved in ongoing clashes in the city of jerusalem. [inaudible conversations] prime minister benjamin netanyahu held security consultations with his defense minister today. he urged for calm here in east jerusalem, but said the israeli military is preparing for the possibility of escalation. and as you can hear behind me, some of those clashes that we talked about have already started in jerusalem, and the prime minister along with his security cabinet are concerned gaza will once again get involved and this could unraffle into a much -- unravel into a much larger situation. eric? eric: you can feel it what's going on in the streets as you see the soldiers behind you. trey, thanks so much. arthel? arthel: all right. we're going to brick back former
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u.s. assistant attorney alex little. >> good afternoon. arthel: fantastic. i was asking you this earlier, the doj is investigating the can conduct of the minneapolis police department as a whole. it's also reportedly reviewing a 2017 incident involving derek chauvin during which he allegedly violently handled a 14-year-old boy, used his knee to hold the black teenager down for merely 17 minutes. -- nearly 17 minutes. would you expect charges or old could this kind of past misconduct factor into chauvin's sentencing for the killing of mr. george floyd, or would that be -- >> sure. i think some of that's going to depend on what he ultimately gets for the murder. those prosecutors absolutely will include that prior incident of force and any record of unlawful uses of force by mr. chauvin in their sentencing memorandum, in their
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presentation to the judge to get a lengthy sentence. if the sentence is long, i don't expect prosecutors to add extra charges, but if it's lenient, you might see them do that. arthel: got it. now i want to go the to the fatal shooting of 42-year-old andrew brown jr. shot and killed wednesday morning by county sheriff's deputies when they attempted to serve a search warrant and arrest warrant as well. you've got the community asking for the release of the body cam footage. state law down there, you know this too but setting up for our viewers, state law prevents this without a court order. meanwhile, the sheriff wants to wait, he says, until the investigation is finished. so can i ask you, alec, should public -- alex, should public interest and transparency be factored in? >> i think you have to think about each circumstance individually, and there are going to be things which happen in any particular case which
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will determine whether the timing is important at the very beginning or later. if there is an indication that maybe the officers used excessive force, it might actually make sense to hold on to that video longer and allow the prosecutors to do what they need to do in terms of investigating the cases. we had an incident just last night in nashville where i'm based where there was a shooting that led to a death. the police released it in next morning because it showed clearly why the police felt the need to use deadly force. a lot depends on what the next step is going to be, and if it's going to involve a prosecution potentially like minneapolis, they may hold on to that longer. arthel: so you would say to the community and the family, wait if you can hold on, it doesn't mean that there's something untoward happening, it means that this could actually work in the fair of what it is that -- in the favor of what it is the that you are aiming for, which is justice -- >> absolutely. these cases are very hard, and if there was a crime committed,
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you may see a little longer delay in those videos going public. arthel: okay. now i want to go to portland for the last couple minutes while i have you. the mayor there has extended the state of emergency there in the city through the weekend over possible continued unrest. this seems to be a group of an around keyses intent on -- anarchists intent on being violent and sowing division, not really attached to any real noble cause. what do you make of the situation in portland? how should it be handled? >> well, i think it shows you how difficult it can be when you're dealing with anonymous violence or violence without really much of a political purpose to sort of put that down, because these are folks who can sort of disappear, regroup, disappear again. so it's very, very difficult to stop that in any sort of concert ised way going forward. i think you're seeing an attempt by law enforcement to do that, but a lot of the tactics, they're reactive, they have to respond to what's happening. so these sorts of circumstances are often going to be dictated
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by what the individuals who are willing to commit violence willing to do. arthel: they can't let them take over the city or a portion of the city, to you're saying officers there should just go in and get these -- clear these people out of there. >> well, you know, when you have the indication that there's no real political purpose here, that's a very different circumstance than peaceful protest on both sides of the political aisle. when you have a group of folks who are absolutely set on violence, there's only a few responses you can have as law enforcement and just responding to it is probably the best you can do. arthel: alex little, i'm so glad we were able to get you back on because we liked hearing what you have to say. take care, alex. erik. eric: always good to see and hear alex, this is true. well, the federal government giving the go ahead to resume the johnson & johnson vaccine. what should you do if they have it for you? what about wearing masks out in public? we'll have the very latest on what the cdc says. dr. marty makary is here with us
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eric: well, the centers for disease control and the fda both lifting their recommended pause on the use of johnson & johnson's covid vaccine saying it will now label the vaccine to warn of those possible blood clot risks. you know, that pause lasted 11 days after there were 15 cases of blood clots out of nearly 8 million doses given. all of the clots occurred in women between the ages of 8-59 years old. three of those women did die, seven remain in the hospital. fox news medical contributor dr. marty makary joins us now. doctor, let's just say you got the j&j vaccine. how worried should you be about this in. >> at this point i wouldn't be worried, eric. in general with vaccines complications are front-loaded. you see them in the first few days or weeks. so the idea that you're going to develop a complication down the
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road is so unlikely that we can pretty much get a feel for the safety profile based on the immediate consequences. it's been off the market for 12 days, so if you don't have a complication already, you you'vt nothing to worry about. eric: do they know if these blood clots are actually related to the vaccine or other health issues? >> well, given the background rate of blood clots, good point, eric, you don't know necessarily. here they know if clots -- the clots formed shortly after the vaccination, so that tells you they are likely related. so people need to make their own individual assessment. if you've got a race of 1 in 2.5 million of a fatal complication, people need to make their own decision. eric: they gave me a card, you know, some people have the moderna, other people have the pfizer, you can get the j&j. do you have much of a choice, or does it depend upon where you live? can you refuse the j&j if they
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want to give it to you? >> you can always refuse anything, and that's important. if you show up and you don't know what vaccine you're going to get and they say, hey, this is the one we've got, you always have the right to do what you feel. you're not forced to fake any advantage seen. but i think if you're -- any vaccine. if you're outside of that group and you're around the infection, i think it'd be reasonable to get the j&j vaccine. eric: so your sense is that it's okay, it's basically safe, you can get the j&j one shot. >> yeah. if i were a younger woman, i would avoid it, but for folks over age 59, i still am recommending it. eric: there's the doctor's advice. and let's get some advice on mask wearing. there's controversy around the country, you know, everyone wants to take the mask off when you walk outside as long as you keep 6 feet distanced. what's the latest on wearing your mask outdoors? >> well, this is settled science, erik, but it's come d
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eric, but -- but it's coming bap because the cdc director was asked about it. there was a slate article last week that ignited this national conversation, can we all agree that we don't need masks outside, and, in fact, the data are clear and have been around for a long time. the cdc is saying they're going to go out and do a review and get the latest guidance, but the data's been around, it's incredibly safe. when we told people to stay at home, we should have told them to get outside. eric: certainly, if you're inside though, they say wear a mask especially if people are vaccinated. >> that's right. unvaccinated people, kong regant setting, please continue to wear masses. -- masks. eric there's a spike in hospitalizations in some places in younger, unvaccinated people. that's been going up too. it is still out there, it is still deadly are. please, folks, take care and,
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dr. marty, thank you for your insights. >> thanks, eric. eric: of course. arthel? arthel: well, do you have a need for speed? nascar set to hit the track inial talladega, the largest oval on the nascar circuit. a preview of the big race coming up next. ♪ ♪
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♪♪ arthel: well, the countdown is on for nas a car's geico 500 at talladega super speedway happening tomorrow. fans will be in attendance for this year's race. some already have spent a few nights camping in the track's infield. let's go to charles watson, he's there live with a preview. hi, charles. >> reporter: hi or, arthel. well, it's the excitement from the fans here today. the fans that will be here tomorrow for the geico 500 are in for a lot of fun. obviously, because of covid-19 and the pandemic, there will be a lot less fans here at the super speedway. you can see it here, it's not as full as we would normally see at one of these events, but there are still people here. now, capacity is capped at about 35%, so a little less than 30,000 the people will be able to watch the geico 500 here live
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tomorrow. the positive though the, fans will have plenty of room to set back, relax and root for their favorite drivers to win tomorrow. but you talk to a lot of fans out here, and they say they're just excited to be at a live sporting event again. take a listen to this. >> nothing in the world that compares to just when you pull in this place and you see everything and you know the history. it's just incredible. >> reporter: and, arthel, i knew nascar was big, but i didn't realize it was this big. we've got folks who have come from all over the place. we've talked to folks who have come from montana, washington, louisiana, and, you know, these -- this is what this track at 35% capacity, it's sold out right now, but this isn't even half of what this super speedway can hold. you can imagine a lot of folks
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are excited for the action on the track today and certainly for the geico 500 go down here at the talladega super speedway tomorrow, arthel? arthel: okay. so i have the must-see streaming for you, mr. watson. al tech georgia nights. -- talladega nights. check it out. >> reporter: any will ferrell movie, i'm down for it. >> arkansas arkansas i'm glad the fans are there and following covid protocol. charles watson, thank you. [laughter] so, eric, yeah, you know, he's got to watch talladega nights. i'm just saying. eric: yeah, got the -- great race. ♪ ♪
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paul: yesterday's verdict in the state criminal trial does not address potentially systemic policing issues in minneapolis. today, i am announcing that the justice department has opened a civil investigation to determine whether the minneapolis police department engages in a pattern or practice of unconstitutional or unlawful policing. paul: welcome to "journal editorial report". imt 11. attorney general announcing a justice department probe into the entire any apppo


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