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tv   Watters World  FOX News  April 24, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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episode. thanks to our studio audience, fox news, shannon bream is next. i'm greg gutfeld, i love you, america. [♪♪♪] jesse: welcome to "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. perception is reality. that's the subject of tonight's watters words. there is a big problem america we want to address. the gap between reality and people's perception of reality has become dangerously wide. so much so that people are seeing things that just aren't there. the nation is nearing mass psychosis. we are living in an alternative universe. buff this is by design -- buff butthis is by design.
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we explained last week how the media lies to you for profit. they use fear to control you. many of americans believe a pro-trump mob stormed the capitol on january 6 and murdered a capitol police officer named brian sicknick. >> a capitol police officer was killed by the mob withal fire extinguisher. >> they have beat a capitol police officer to death with a fire extinguisher. >> the officer brian sick pick? died after being hit in the head with with a fire extinguisher. >> the truth of who murdered brian sicknick, trump supporters. jesse: the "new york times" ran this headline. he dreamed of being a police officer, then was killed by a
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pro-trump mob. the pro-trump mob didn't kill anybody. brian sick pick? -- wine sicknick died of natural causes. he suffered a stroke a day after the riot. he was never struck in the head by a fire extinguisher. the the initial autopsy found no blunt trauma to the head. sicknick *'s only family begged the press to stop running the story because he called them the night of january 6 and told them he was fine. but the democrat media needed the lie to scare you about a murderous mob of trump supporters. without the capitol hill police officer, the only ones killed that day were four trump supporters. the media faked the murder of a
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capitol hill police officer and used it in president trump's impeachment trial. joe biden got? on the lie. >> let me begin by expressing my deep sympathy to the family of capitol officer sicknick who died in the line of duty. the people responsible should be held accountable, and they will be. jesse: we all recall what happened afterward. washington, d.c. became a militarized zone. trump was impeached. and social media dragnet cracks down on free speech across america. i'm not excusing what happened on january 6. but the democrats hung a murder on the republican party. the media won't pay a price for it because it was good for business. when the truth is bad for
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business, the media goes silent. the men who killed a capitol hill police officer was a follower of farrakhan. noah green rammed his car into police officers. and was put down after charging them with a knife. green was a nation of islam acolyte. maxine waters, james clyburn, all photographed getting chummy with farrakhan. the media didn't hang a murder on farrakhan and make the democrats accessories. the media humanized the killer with a soft profile on his personal struggles. and the nation of islam a designated hate group still stands tall on twitter while
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president trump is banned. this brings touts issue of racism. a concept that is so disfigured, if you turn on the tv it's like we are living in the pre-civil war south. >> policing in this country is rooted in racist presuppositions. >> modern policing has directly age to the slaich patrols. >> we live under siege in black america. jesse: i'm not going to sit up here as a white guy and say race isn't an issue and doesn't exist. of course, it does. but there is a misperception that racism is everywhere. even as the facts tell a different story. america has never been less racist than it is today. attitudes about housing, equality, mixed marriages, discrimination, hiring, language
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itself. these attitudes have never been more open minded than they are in 2021. blacks and whites saying they are good. that is until 2014 when the personception of race reeve laces started to decline. this is when social media exploded. black lives matter came on to the scene and the ferguson effect took hold. police officers pulling back and inner city crime spiking. the democrat media plays a massive -- a massive role. so and so who is white, and so and so who is black.
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they spiked in 2014, further undermining race relations. when you hear the media sell a story about racist white police hunting down and murdering unarmed black men, it's important to look at the facts. last year there were 50 million interactions between police and suspects, and 10 million arrests. out of all of that. 18 unarmed black americans were fatally shot by police. and 24 unarmed white americans. police have killed more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks. and that's true in 2021 as well. .000036% chance of being fatally shot. the majority of black americans
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and white liberals believe young black men are more likely to be shot dead by police than die in a traffic accidents. that couldn't be further from the truth. they are much more likely to die in a traffic accidents. how did our perception of reality get so off base? the media uses racism to sell fear. a scared population can be controlled. the more the democrat media can make black americans fear whites, police and republicans, the more likely it is for black americans to vote democrat. when police, republicans and white americans are constantly being called racist for no reason whatsoever. that's scary. nobody wants to be called racist. it's the worst thing you can be called in america. that freezes you with fear, you shut your mouth, and you give in. that's how democrats divide and
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conquer. make blacks afraid of whites and whites afraid of being called racist. ' the biggest lie the media told about joe biden was that he's a moderate. >> biden is who he is. a doddering moderate senator from the state of delaware. >> i think biden is moderate enough. >> there is often a disconnect between biden's moth moderate approach and the progressive part of the party. jesse: nothing to fear about bidenning quiet unifier. president biden shattered spending records. proposed the biggest tax nuke defend kids.
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opened the border. he's calling to nuke the filibuster. but the made yea says biden -- they say biden is to the right of the squad. everybody is right of the squad. being right of the squad doesn't make you moderate. it just makes you less crazy. the media re. trump's coverage was 89% negative. corporate media is branding biden as a moderate. he's taking and lose stand on
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the border and infrastructure projects going green. >> ron desantis has consistently downplayed the coronavirus. residents throughout the state took to the beaches to celebrate the holiday weekend. >> you can see people are shoulder to shoulder. >> i'm upset with governor desantis for not waiting until after spring break. not wait to start opening it up. jesse: but the media is having a hard time reconciling the science with the politics. "the washington post" forced to admit a year into the pandemic it's even more clear it's safer to be outside. dozens of studies show the
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coronavirus is killed by sunlight. they force americans indoors so they keep ordering packages from amazon. it keeps big business going but the mom and pop businesses are closed. gallup found liberals are incredibly misinformed about the dangers of coronavirus. a huge chunk believing large numbers of children are dying and hospitals are overrun which is why they have kept schools closed. that misperception allow politicians to send billions to the teachers unions. now that people are being vaccinated, fauci is still telling us to double mask and not eat at restaurants.
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the chance of catching covid after being vaccinated is degre1 percent. >> celebrate the 4th of july, we still have more to do in the months of may and june. we need to mask up until the number of cases goes down so everyone has a chance to get their shot. jesse: the media produced a simulation. an american horror story. out of touch with reality. hooked on lies. and requiring the democrat party to save them from racists and death. ladies and gentlemen. it's just a movie. none of it is real. joining us to react. former arkansas governor and fox news contributor, mike huckabee.
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none of this is true. children aren't dying of covid. police aren't hunting down and killing unarmed blacks at record numbers. joe biden is not a moderate. the mob at the capitol was not a:murderous mob. we are living in a world that assumes it's real. >> maybe we ought to start speaking in the positive. there is a bigger clafnlings winning the publisher's clearing house sweep of stakes nanl dying of covid after being vaccinated. there is a good chance you are the winner of the sweepstakes. go on line and make a list of what you want to buy as soon as that guy shows up at your door
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with a check. it's coming. this is such -- such a ridiculous world we are living in, we have a totally in the tank media that wants to perpetuate the lie, and that makes them truly the enemy of the people. jesse: if you are someone who speaks out and just lays out the facts or challenges their narrative, you are branded a racist. you are a renegade. they come after you with everything. boycotts, smears, personal attacks, they will do a deep dive on your personal life. that's just for points out what they are selling isn't true. it's an all-out war on truth tellers and fearless americans. i'm afraid a lot of people don't really have what it takes. you have to have what they call
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black money to go out there and stay whatever you want. if you don't have that kind of backing, then they are going to crush you. >> that's part of it. i'm happy to see there are new social media platforms coming forth. i hope members of congress and others will start pushing hard against the big tech companies. i would love to see people with deep pockets go after them in civil suits. they need to be broken up. buff what we have is a monopoly that is destroying the freedoms of basic americans. but it single most important thing, we have got to fight back. don't just sit there and let ourselves be called race yiforts yifort -- racists and not punch back. when you are falsely accused of
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something, fight back, don't take it, don't roll over, get in a fetal position and crawl under your bed and stay there for the next three years. these are most live bullies, and bullies can handle about anything except a response. jesse: he was one of the only republicans that wasn't scared. that's yes was such a threat to the democrat party. thank you for your insight. the media defending knife fights in order to handcuff the police.
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can your internet do that? this is work! this is hard! now xfinity delivers wifi speed faster than a gig. that means you'll have gig speed over wifi to power a house full of devices. learn more about gig speed today. jesse: the 911 call setting off a series of events that ended in the police saving a teen's life. a police officer ran to stop an imminent attack where a 16-year-old had pinned one girl against the car, about to stab her to death with a knife.
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cops releasing the body cam footage hours after the incidents. that didn't stop the media and the democrats and even the white house from purchasing a dishonest narrative. >> what if it was your family, your neighbor in essentially a teenage fight. a schoolyard fight. >> i remember fights in high school and younger than that where a kid brought a penn knife to school and the teacher was able to and hat. jesse: they left out the part where the caller says the girl is trying to stab us, and they didn't show the knife. former senior adviser to president obama said this on twitter. a black teenaged girl was killed because a police officer
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immediately decided to shoot her multiple times in order to break up a knife fight. >> she was a child. we are thinking of her friends and family and the community grieving her loss. we know police violence disproportionately affects black men and women a. jesse: the white house. in chicago they are considering a proposal to require cop to the call their supervisor before pursuing someone on foot. in l.a. they want to send therapists instead of cops to certain calls. while more than 20 major cities cut this budgets, shootings have
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spiked. so how are police supposed to do their jobs? joining me to discuss, nick gerace. i don't know what you are supposed to do. the media saying he should have fired a warning shot and let them fight it out, i guess. what's the thinking behind letting people fight it out with knives. >> come on, jesse. you don't remember, schoolyard fights, knife fights, mostly peaceful stabbing? it's irresponsible just like the president of the united states saying shoot them the leg. police officers do not shoot people to kill them. they shoot to stop the threat. the headline should have read a young black woman was saved by a
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police officer from being stabbed to death. instead you have the defund the police crap. they don't like victims. the criminal is the victim. the defund the police crowd wants you to believe the person doing the stabbing is the actual victim. it's extremely unfortunate that that woman had to lose her life. but what led her to grab a knife. there are a lot of questions to be answered. where are they are parents. >> regardless that he saved a life. people saying de-escalation. that's a tool police officers use. the threat of death was imminent. that girl could have stabbed and killed multiple people if he had grabbed his taser. what would the headlines have been, racist cop lets black girl
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die instead of intervening. this a heart behind these badges. police officers are in one of the hardest jobs in the country. substance abuse, suicides are skyrocketing. they are under a microscope, and actions where this cop should be praised and take as a hero, and he's being vilified. you have multi million dollar athletes going on twitter and threatening him. how are you going to hire police officers? look at baltimore. half their force is missing. that's extremely dangerous. "philadelphia" is going to hit a shortfall. any place where these lunatics are with the defund the police crowd. 95% of the shootings this year are people of color. they are the victims. the defund the police crowd is
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doing the exact opposite. they are hurting people of color. jesse: the police departments are responding to 911 calls seeking help to stop the violence. that's why they are there, to save lives. all right, nick, i couldn't put it better myself. thanks for coming on "watters' world." i appreciate your insight. joe biden caught bribing auto companies with 6:00 p.m.
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eastern. now we take you back to "watters' world." jesse: we love infrastructure. but joe biden's green new deal infrastructure isn't about infrastructure. and it isn't about global warming. it's corporate welfare. tucked into his $2 trillion is $174 billion for electric car production. biden is taking tax dollars to the american work -- from the share can workers and giving it to the big three auto companies. they put up no money.
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manufacture a fleet of electric cars, some have already moved production to mexico. and they take home the profit. it's as transfer of wealth from workers to corporations. a few thousand electric cars on the road aren't going to change the earth temperature at all. even john kerry admits that. if democrats were serious about emissions they have would support clean natural gals made in america instead of attacking fracking. he won't pay a political price for the pain infliblghtd on americans. recent studies suggest a lot would need to be changed by 2030 to veatch joe's green goal.
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every other american shopping for a new car would have to buy an electric one. you don't like what they look like or how they handle, you have to get one. the average electric car costs $55,000. it's hard to save when you are going to get walloped by new taxes, and you will have to refit your home with new electric. so you are already in the hole 10 grand. the democrats always said they want government to stay out of the bedroom. but it looks like the government walked downstairs into your kitchen. americans will have to cut their red meat consumption by 90% in order to reach biden's emissions target. that add uo a burger a month.
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let's bring in the architect karl rove who relishes running against this nonsense. you have got to be licking your chops. i feel like this guy is in over his head. doesn't know what he's doing. >> before we get into the politics of it. let's talk about the science of it. this is an administration that keeps reminding us of science. greenhouse gas emissions between 2005 and 2019, they are down 12%. that means we are leading the world. we are doing better than anybody else in the world. the emissions mind yeah, china and russia are going up. it beats the goal of cutting 50%. that means biden's goal next 9 years is three times the pace we have been doing it.
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we have been leading the world. who thinks the technology exists to achieve these goals? it doesn't. in the meantime there will and lot of costs to our economy. jesse: so he's making a lot of mistakes. he's blowing up the border. gas prices over $3 a gallon in long island. summer hasn't even started yet. you will see food inflation. raise taxes and probably hurt the recover roy. what do you have think the trump cans chances are of taking back the house in two years? >> i think pretty good. since world war ii the average for an administration in the first mid-term is an average loss of 28 seats. we are down 5 today. if the republicans were to pick up 28 seats they would be as the 241 and the democrats at 193.
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a good republican majority. it's a long time until the election. the republicans have to do three things. they have to make a principled case of opposition to the bad things that biden is attempting to do. if he's doing something good, try to find some forward progress. but make a principled case against what he's doing. paints the picture that you want the future to look like. share an optimistic and positive agenda of what we can achieve by relying on conservative principles. and do what you can to deal with an increasingly diverse electorate. i don't think it's an accident that the republicans elected a record number of women to the house. in california, for the first time since it became a state in 1850, they flipped you five
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congressional seats. there is a lesson in that. jesse: i do what my wife says. >> happy wife, happy life, they go together. >> what critical race theory does to our children's developing
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[♪♪♪] jesse: if you haven't heard of critical race theory, pay close attention. it's taking over our schools and permanently damaging your child's brain. instead of pushing a class revolution, it's pushing a racial revolution. the same goal, to overthrow america and capitalism. instead of training them how to think, they are training them what to think.
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the head of this? president biden himself. they are trying to incentive youize woke lessons for students and teachers. and guess whose money he's using? yours. the curriculum is teaching kids to hate america. and hate being white is popping up across the country. in california a school is forcing first graders to rank themselves based on their power and privilege. the seattle public schools were told they were guilty of spirit murdering, killing their souls every day in the classroom and they must make up for their guilt by rejecting their whiteness. they were told they had to bankrupt their privilege and acknowledgment of their
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inheritance. the cherokee middle school, teachers had top rank themselves. kp the william kelly school in philly is teaching fifth grade toirls celebrate rad calculation angela davis, accused of murder and kidnapping. they had the kids simulated a black power rally to free her. what kind of effect is this having only young minds? here to discuss, chris rufo. their brains are sponges,er in dealing with a lot of pressure. sports. it's a very tender age. and you are going to jam into their little brains that they have to feel bad about how they were born and how their father
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made money. and telling black kids, everything is stacked begins an everybody just sees the schorl of your skin when they look at you. how does that damaging a young brain? >> it damages the brain in a number of ways. they are turning education into activism. at that philadelphia elementary school where they are teaching children how to have black fourth rallies. 87% of those students don't know how to read and write by the time they graduate from middle school. we have seem a fail ural of the education system to put children on the path cords academic success. so they are shifortding the blame toll white supremacy and systemic racism to channel the anger and rage and frustration of students into the american
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system. >> so this is coming at the expense much reading, writing and arithmetic. it doesn't help students who have to pass their sates and gone it a good school when they are just woke. and then they are broke because they can't the read and write at the same proficiency. if the parents knew the details of what we are talking about would be down at the principal's office immediately. >> luckily we are starting see some parents fighting back. veri' grass roots groups that emerged. especiallyization american parents in california and virginia rallying together to fight for academic excellence and education instead of indoctrination. chain tease american parents
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told me what's happening in american schools reminds them of what happened during chairman mao's cultural ref pollution china. they want to put a stop to it. for the three rs, reading, writing and arithmetic are being replaced by racism, racism, racism. jesse: all parents need to wake up and see what's going on in the classroom. former major leaguer curt schilling warming
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jesse: le bron james urged his 50 million followers on twitter to shoot a police officer. the 16-year-old was about to stab a girl before county ohio officer fatally shot her, saving the girl's life. but the l.a. laker targeted the police officer. tweeting, you're next, act built.
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-- accountability. >> he said i took the these down because it's being used to create more hate. this isn't about one officer, it's about the whole system. twitter refuses to say whether le bron violated their policies. the nba remains silent. >> if you saw le bron in a restaurant would you say anything to him? >> no, i don't have any interest in talking to dumb people. i don't. you managed to make your way out of the dumb category. not the liberals. it's sad where we are at now, jesse. i don't use the term double
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standard anymore. there are two sets of rules. they are clearly delineated. somebody that sells kids sweat pants at foot locker will tell me as a professional baseball player to shut up and play baseball. but if you are a liberal you can ask comment on anything. some of the most ignorant tweets on the planet have come from le bron james' twitter account. jesse: he was adamant about cozying up to china. he didn't want anybody criticizing them because nike has a lot of money invested there. they are down about $4 million a season since the nfl started the
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kneeling nonsense. i don't see a lot of people coming back from something like this. nba ratings are down. but they weren't high to begin with. you talk to people. i don't see people getting that worked up about watching games that anymore. >> they are really not. as someone who -- i ate, slept and breathed baseball. i haven't watched an innings in a year and a half. not you boston red sox have le bron james as an owner -- part owner. so apparently based on the left's rules, everything you say or do represents the entire organization you work with and work for. so le bron james is speaking about the boston red sox what their consent and approval. and itch heard nothing different.
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as he goes so goes the nba. no one is watching the nba for all the right reasons. the most woke and publicly ignorant sport on the planet is continuing to shoot itself in the foot. >> people love police you have in boston. >> people love police everywhere. >> it's double standard. and supreme to speak up. what you were talking about in the last segment. you are not afraid. i can tell. up
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hey chat, why do i wear a mask? because when i'm not behind the screen, my mask is my cheat code. and when we stop the spread, we level up. what's the next level? hanging with friends again. you're right! masks have always been a part of our community. i miss you guys too. being face to face is truly the next level. here's the cheat code. stop the spread of corona. mask up america.
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jesse: everybody has to start watching "the five." last wednesday we were number one in all of cable. but this coming wednesday you have got to watch. i have and very special announcement while be making towards the ends of the' show as
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my one more thing. very special. very big. personal. don't miss it. that's all for tonight. be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember i'm watters and this is my world. [♪♪♪] judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. let's get right to my open. the jury returns a verdict of guilt in the case of the people versus derek chauvin. murderer 2, murder 3, and manslaughter. there was total agreement. united, unanimous. 7 women, five men, differing generations, black, brown and white. they spoke clearly that this


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