tv FOX and Friends FOX News April 30, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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we are doing it. todd: j.d., it's a scene that looks right on your tv the way it is supposed to be. j.d. in kentucky for the derby. jillian: thank you, have fun. cheers. jillian: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> that's why i proposed american jobs plan the once in a generation investment in the america. >> this is the european model where work is not rewarded and government attempts to attack care of everything cradle to grave. >> twitter was allowing the racial slur uncle tim to trend. >> can't push in america and believe americans are unbelievable. you must even believe the black good night is a white supremacist. >> left has lost it mind today. >> rudy giuliani saw his apartment raided. >> don't you want these? >> i said those are hunter biden's hard drives and they said no, no, no. >> facing a staffing crisis with more than 200 officers in the past year.
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>> countries rural areas as well. >> 2021 nfl draft the jackson jaguars select trevor lawrence, quarterback, clemson. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ ainsley: happy friday you made it through the week. congratulations to all of those guys drafted last night. exciting. steve: a whole bunch of people just became millionaires. brian: kind of expected. my favorite phrase i'm ready to groove tonight. ainsley: are you going to groove tonight? brian: i think so. ainsley: groove outside without a mask. brian: mayor and governor don't talk to each other.
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steve: grooving but wheezing pause you are wearing the mask. brian: exactly. steve: joe biden hopped on board air force one. he flew down to georgia. he saw jimmy carter because jimmy carter was unable to go to the inauguration. then he went over to duluth in georgia where he had one of his now famous drive-in rallies. and essentially what he did was he thanked the people of georgia for delivering a senate majority, which made possible this gigantic ambitious economic plan where he is spending a lot of money, ainsley. ainsley: a lot of money, y'all. and he is taxing individuals. is he increasing the capital gains tax. actually doubling it. the income tax rate is going to go from 37% to 39.6. brian: nothing is green lighted yet. ainsley: eliminating loopholes for corporate tax codes and increasing taxes on corporations from 21% to 28%. many are scared corporations will leave our country and with
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that jobs will be gone. brian? brian: yeah, i mean, that's what he wants. i don't know what he is going to get. joe manchin among others saying i don't really -- i'm not going to spend all this. here's what he said yesterday. >> that's why i proposed the american jobs plan. it's a once in a generation up vestment in america. it's the biggest jobs plan in this country since world war ii. and here's what it does. it creates jobs rebuilding modernizing our roads. our highways, our bridges, our ports, our airports. it will provide clean drinking water for every american. i promise you, no one making under $400,000 a year is going to pay a single additional penny in tax. it's time for the richest 1% of americans and corporate america to start to do its part.
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brian: so amazing is he talking about this. if you look at his own tax returns where he and his wife made $13 million. he is forming these corporations all legal to avoid paying taxes. everything he is accusing corporate america on a grand schedule -- on a grandstand scale of doing it. the economy is recovering. we are not in a crisis. we have forced our economy to stop. it is now starting. the numbers are extraordinary. without these proposals. and most of the money that he passed the 1.9 trillion, it's hard to keep my trillions straight is not even out the door yet and he is saying we need more emergency spending. steve: so the one you are talking about, brian, is the top one, american rescue plan. that was passed that was passed with not a single republican. then is he talking about the other $4 trillion. is he talking about spending essentially getting the green light for $6 trillion in his first 100 days. ainsley: a little bit more than that. steve: yesterday marked of the
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end of the first 100 days in congress. it's interesting though, because while he presented himself and got elected as a moderate, thought progressives love him. representative ilhan omar tweeted this out: key policies that have been progressive-sponsored bills for more than a decade are now being pushed by the president include free pre-k and community college. tax the rich and corporations. paid family leave, child care, school meals. that's the power of organizing. let's keep going. do you know what? she is not giving ivanka trump though any credit. remember, ivanka trump was working very hard on paid family leave and affordable child care because those are things that are, you know, of interest to everybody. ainsley: so it's interesting that her last line is let's keep going. they want to do more. and that must have been their talking point. they must have passed that out to all of them because aoc said the same thing, crediting all the activists and organizers help pass this. they are saying
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a major victory for them let's keep going. matt berger the director of outreach for elizabeth warren he said what we all know. we all know that president biden ran as a moderate, right, and promised he wasn't going to do all these things. now he is doing them and started doing them on day one, max berger elizabeth warren's guy said progressives are winning the battle of ideas. we are setting the agenda for the democratic party and the country as a whole. let's keep going. he also used that same line. brian: yeah, democrats knew they couldn't get bernie sanders elected. they panicked and put joe biden up there. and because america didn't want to elect a socialist. he is the grandfather of the squad. the squad is now their principles that have no basis in success or fact. they are now in control. their ideas are the ones america has got to digest. former secretary of state and cia director and congressman. ainsley: great point. brian: mike pompeo said this about the model that we seem to be following now.
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brian: we have seen this model. in fact, america for the last four years crushed there model. it's in europe. it's the european model. it's a model with bigger social welfare state. a bigger network that -- a safety net but really it's a trap. this is the european model where work is not rewarded and the government attempts to take care of everything from literally cradle to grave that you compete with china by adding a couple years of education? i mean, these are in they fantasy ideas to head back in this direction feels very much like something we know all too well and hearkens back to the countries we saw collapse because their government got too big and socialist model payment too deeply engrained in their culture. ainsley: it really is the european models. if have you been to europe and italy, i wanted to buy something at a store. i went to lunch and wanted to go back and buy something for the family member. of the store was closed in the middle of the day. steve: lunch time. ainsley: we close for a few
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hours during the middle of the day. how does anyone make any money. america, in europe is known as the hardest working country. americans work, work, work. and american is so wealthy as a result, she said. she said in our country we get everything for free and people don't work as hard. that's what i believe these socialists, these progressives really want for our country. steve: so when you look at these many proposals that joe biden has got out there. you are thinking is that stuff going to pass? right now got a math problem. you got to get to 60 in the senate, and he would need 10 republicans, and he has got some squishy democrats like joe manchin who has said that he is very uncomfortable with the costs. brian: steve, can i just add to this? i think joe manchin is not comfortable with reconciliation even though it would fall under that because these are economic issues. steve: so it's not going to happen by reconciliation. so the only way to pass this stuff would be with 60. he can't get to it. but, at the same time, going back to the progressives, they say look, we are going. we got this thing going, let's
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continue to get bigger. and what they're talking about now is for him to go bigger and bolder on climate change and healthcare and they would like joe biden to go ahead and expand medicare by lowers the eligibility age which would put millions more on it. the white house at this point has said no, but at what point do they say okay, let's try. ainsley: next few days biden is going to pennsylvania and virginia. and when he was in georgia. he was thanking them for putting those two democratic senators? congress and electing him. brian: right, it's amazing. he says jim crow on steroids. thanks for giving me a senate seat. unbelievable. ainsley: two senate seats. brian: race in america one of the most discordant things i have seen it's so late and we have to get up early to do our show. i never looked at what everyone thought about tim scott's speech. when i watched it i said that was a home run. the content of it, the biography of it. ainsley: the stories. brian: the sense of we are not a
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perfect country. i experienced things my life that are negative. look what i have done in my life and where we are at. what a great message. it was insane when i watch other channels assess something totally different that i believe they heard of the same exact thing. and tim scott saw the ugliness for 18 hours on twitter when #uncle tim was it trending when twitter was not monitoring hate speech. that is indeed hate speech. that stayed up there. senator tim scott came up and said at night after he started digesting this at night in the morning to sean this is unbelievable what the left is doing and he seems befuddled by the reaction. but not dissuaded. listen. >> the left has lost their mind today. it's really saddening to see that. what the left is doing is fighting bigotry with bigotry and they exposed their hypocrisy and their true motivation. it has nothing to do with ending
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prejudice it has everything to do with claiming or getting more power. i have never seen such power grab in using people in such despicable way. it is really disheartening to see the left's response. and, frankly, even twitter's response to racism and racial slurs, if it comes from the left, it must be okay according to twitter's response 12 hours later. steve: right. so it was allowed to stay up for 12 hours. have you got to figure. keep in mind this was one of the two biggest speeches in america that night. had something been said about joe biden, you got to figure twit we're have taken that down lickety split. but it took them 12 hours. here's the thing. twitter is blaming an algorithm for allowing uncle tim to trend. they always blame an algorithm. it's not a person it's a computer program. hey, attention twitter, isn't there one person awake with like a big button in front of them
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that they can push the button when something is inappropriate that was over the line and twitter admits it was over the line but the algorithm did it. ainsley: those who speak ending discrimination want to end it with more discrimination. they don't care that they don't like my policies that's not what he they're talking about. they are talking about the color of my skin. joe biden said you ain't black if you don't vote democratically, if you don't vote for me. he said you know, in our country, you can't step out of your lane according to the radical liberal left. he said they expect me to be a democrat. but, you know, we all vote. steve: he said that on our program yesterday. ainsley: we all vote according to what is important to us and our families. steve: bread and butter issues. ainsley: maybe your salary maybe you don't want high taxes because you make a lot of money. maybe you don't care about that because you do want the government to take care of you. we should look at people and not judge them because they are a democrat or republican or expect them to be a certain way. we should love one another and respect one another and we should have respectful debates
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and go on offense. don't go on defense. you are entitled to vote the way that you want to vote. you don't have to be put into a corner. you don't have to be told how to vote. he loves god. his story is remarkable. and he praised god. he praised his mother and grandparents. steve the guy at chick-fil-a. ainsley: we can all relate to that you might not like his policies or the way he vote and expect him to vote a certain way, don't go after him because he stunt agree with you. brian: i can't relate to the chick-fil-a but can i relate to benagains. greg gutfeld had this to say to put this in perspective last night. >> everything that was said was positive and unifying and it was despised by the media and the democrats. why is that? because they need an enemy and that enemy is us. they hate redemption because
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it's what prevents the one gets from division. also something the left condemns from the man who has the audacity to be black and say such things. you can't push revolution in america if you believe americans are actually redeemable. instead you must believe that even the black guy is a white supremacist. dr. king, please pick up the white courtesy phone or whatever color courtesy phone you prefer. we need you more than ever. steve: don't blame twitter, blame the algorithm. do you believe that? ainsley: let's talk about policing. because, in seattle, and we knew this was going to happen with all this anti-police rhetoric. people are retiring at record numbers, record paces. and in seattle, 246 police officers have retired. have gone into the private sector. his move to different cities and the police chief says they are in dire straits. is he calling it a staffing crisis. he said this is the lowest he has seen in his department. and he said when i interview them at their exit interviews he says the city council's threat
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pushing defunding or wanting to cut $5.0 billion in the department is the reason it's pushing these police officers out. brian: i'm surprised it's not even higher numbers than that and looking to cut the budget even further. here is marco the from a trnl order of police representative that state. watch. >> some of our stakeholders in not only in washington but throughout this country, frankly, are pushing this narrative of defund the police. and refusing to meet with law enforcement personnel on a collaborative balanced approach to police reform. and like i said, this is all over the country we are seeing this and also rural areas as well. and when we see, this the results the officers are leaving and only the citizens in those communities are suffering. we are seeing violent crime rates go up drastically in all major cities in this country and instead of using their platform to bring unity between communities and law enforcement on a collaborative approach to police reform they are fostering
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division. steve: at the same time in seattle they are talking about cutting the budget $5.4 million. which, of course means fewer cops. meanwhile, let's take you to southern california at cypress college they were having a zoom lesson. it was a communications class. and a student by the name of brandon ellis was giving a presentation about will court cl culture and telling everybody gathered how it was tearing america apart. he mentioned how activists tried to cancel the tv show for kids paw patrol because it reinforces ideas that present law enforcement in a positive light. his professor did not like the fact that he did called police heroes. they had a back and forth. and listen to how this ends. it is very surprising. >> i think cops are heroes and they have to have a difficult job. >> all of them?
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>> i mean i would say a good majority of them. i do support our police. we have bad people and the people that do bad things should be brought to justice. i agree with that. you are saying police officers should be revered? viewed as heros? tv shows with children? >> i think they are heros in a sense because they come when you need and come to help you. >> they are actually supposed to protect and serve the people not help. >> we call when you are in trouble and someone has a knife or gun. >> why wouldn't you call police. >> i don't u. don't trust them. my life is in more danger when. >> professor who would you call. >> i wouldn't call anybody. brian: yeah, right. i'm sure you wouldn't call anyone. steve: someone is knocking on the door you are not going to call the police hide behind the couch. steve: daily wire did a story and tried to get cypress college to respond to that interplay and the college did not call them back. brian: in california though she will probably get a raise and become a dean.
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that's exactly why you hire people in california. that student is tremendous. look how calm he was. ainsley: he was calm her face and her voice was not calm at all. it was a debate. but it wasn't calm. and she was really upset. i wonder what his grade will be and i wonder if he is worried about that. steve: started 'paw patrol. brian: only show i was glad to see go was cop rock. it was a musical series. i don't think cops should be singing unless it was on their free time. steve: that's why it was canceled one season. ainsley: can i sing paw patrol. steve: here the first line. ainsley: paw patrol, paw patrol, call me on the double. at this will call them when i'm in trouble. brian: ainsley will sing her introductions to. ainsley: i can't sing. don't sit near me in church. steve: here's the news, here's the news with jillian.
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jillian: i request you sing my introduction every time now. ainsley: okay, okay, take it away jillian. jillian: all right. we do have some serious news though and so we begin with this fox news alert. because a man is killed after an out-of-control driver hit his scooter in new york city. police say the driver slammed into a dining area hit a curb and took down a tree all while driving the man underneath her car. a woman, who was eating at the restaurant was also hurt. investigator say the driver, a 60-year-old woman was trying to pass a slow moving car by driving into a by sickle lane when she lost control. unclear if she will face charges. the sheriff identifies the three deputies who opened fire in the deadly shooting of andrew brown jr. meanwhile in d.c., relatives of george floyd, eric garner, brown and others killed by police met with white house officials and lawmakers in a push to pass police reform. the envelope draft in cleveland where trevor lawrence went number one for the jags no
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surprise there. zac wilson going number to to the jets and niners taking tray lance number three. it wasn't about the young gunslingers as rumors swirled of a potential trade for aaron rogers. espn reporting the reigning mvp doesn't want to return. the big trade that did happen the eagles moving up swapping picks with get alabama wide receiver devonta smith. that's a look at your headlines. back to you. steve: thank you, thad matta thank you, ma'am. thank you for the newscast. [laughter] brian: and by the way live pd was the number one syndicated show in the country number one and they canceled it because they didn't want cops to look good. how can you cancel it. ainsley: are we allowed to pay the paw patrol song right now? brian: no. steve: 16 second before the next
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♪ paw patrol ♪ paw patrol ♪ get here on the double. will. brian: fbi raided his new york city home over his ukraine dealings perhaps. former mayor slamming the feds for his double standard. we are going to break it down. ♪ with emergen-c. are you managing your diabetes... ...using fingersticks? with the new freestyle libre 2 system, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose with a painless, one-second scan. and now with optional alarms,
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steve: former mayor rudy giuliani is speaking out after the fbi raided his home and office here in new york city. brian: he told our own tucker carlson there was no justification for the search warrant. ainsley: todd piro joins us live with more as president biden says he had no idea that the raid was underway. hey, todd. >> steve, ainsley and brian good morning. seizing electronic devices from the president trump's former
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attorney. determining whether he violated the law by lobbying the trump administration on behalf of ukrainian officials. rudy giuliani conditions any wrongdoing. the search warrant is purportedly based on one single failure to file for representing a ukraine national or official that i never represented. there is no justification for that warrant. todd: giuliani claims agents refused to take hunter biden's hard drives when he offered them. meantime the president says he was not aware of the fbi raid. >> i made a pledge i would not interfere in any way. i learned about that last night when the rest of the world learned about it. my word. i had no idea this was underway. todd: rudy's son andrew tells fox news the whole ordeal is making him consider running for
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governor. for more of the interview check out steve, ainsley, and brian back to you. brian: "the washington post's" reporting that they gave rudy giuliani a heads up before saying you are being used as a russian agent for disinformation and that he went ahead and did it anyway. ainsley: went through his icloud emails text messages and everything. when i said here is hunter biden's information hard drive they said no, no, no, no. we don't want that. brian: that's bizarre. the warrant says you have to take all electronics. steve: they were just trusting him this is the hunter biden hard drive, you know, he said it could have been pretty much anything. it could have been a donald trump hard drive. according to everything we have heard, the u.s. attorney for southern district of new york is investigating his dealings with ukraine. feds reportedly examining whether rude illegally lobby idea entrepreneurship on behalf of officials and oligarchs in ukraine helping him dig up dirt on trump's political rivals including, of course, joe biden
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and infamously hunter biden. going on reports times and the post on rudy giuliani. it just shows a thirst, it seems to get at trump it seems like they are just trying to get to trump unsuccessful in the mueller investigation. i believe they are going to try to get that through rudy. we will see where this goes. ainsley: we will keep following andrew's story to see if he will run for governor. steve: a lot of giuliani news this morning. 6:28 in the east. meanwhile out west outrage in oregon after the governor there imposes yet another ban on indoor dining. restaurants and bar owners feel this is the last straw for their businesses. one of those business owners joins us next. ♪
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among my patients i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity and gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. jillian: we are back with a fox news alert. multiple officers from dozens of agencies have investigating a situation car dealership. little is known at this point. police officers were seen helping a injured police officer into a patrol car this. is a developing story and we will continue with updates throughout the morning as the news warrants. meantime another fox news alert. at least 44 people are dead and over 100 hurt after a massive stampede at festival in israel.
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police say this all started after a large number of people tried entering a small passage way during a jewish celebration on an israeli mountain side. 10,000 people were allowed to enter the site. organizers say over 30,000 showed up. caitlyn jenner dismissing a report that she'll not get support from hollywood in her bid for california governor. the republican will try to unseat current governor gavin newsom in upcoming recall election. jenner tweeting in part, quote: my campaign will be powered by everyday californians not from those in hollywood who are in his back pocket. jenner will sit down with fox news' sean hannity on wednesday for her first national interview since announcing her candidacy. and fast food restaurants say they are running short on fried chicken. popularity has exploded since
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popeyes k. if c and others have gotten into the so-called chicken sandwich wars. kfc says it's struggling to keep one soaring demand for its sandwich. while bow jiang gels says it's out of tenders across 750 locations. i would personally like to receive say steve, you are welcome. i'm vegetarian i'm hoping everyone out there who demands their chicken. steve: there is a chick-fil-a across the street i think i'm covered. thank you, jillian. meanwhile, speaking of food, a major blow to oregon restaurants and bars as the state enters a third shutdown. it's going to take effect today. and it will be the third indoor dining ban for some major cities like portland and salem and bend and eugene forcing recovering students shut their doors yet again to indoor diners. jen jacobson is the mother of three and owner of beloved cheesecakes and she joins us right now from out in oregon. good morning to you, jen. >> good morning, thank you for having me.
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steve: when you heard the news you must have thought you have got to be kidding me. i already had to let all my employees go, it's just me and my three kids running this operation. what are you going to do? >> well, i am going to keep going and doing what i can with the to go orders and trying to survive that way. i mean, that is what it is just like surviving right now. i do feel like for small businesses, you know, governor brown talked about being the under representative population of people that she cares for. i mean, we have that in common. i care for under represented people myself. and i think she over saw small business owners and especially in the restaurant industry. and we're being under represented right now. steve: yeah. there is a picture of you with your three children helping you run your operation. by the way, we have got your website. we are going to give the website in a moment so people if they would like to get -- in fact,
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there it is right there. people who would like to help her and her family out beloved cheese where can you go to see what she is selling and she will ship it to you just like that. >> yes. steve: 1200 oregon restaurants have already permanently gone out of business. i know you are just hanging by a thread. as you look at what the governor is doing to people in the same boat as you, you say she does not have the authority to do what she is doing. >> no not at all she doesn't have the authority. it goes against our constitutional rights. i'm essential. i'm a mom. i'm providing for my family, i don't know why there is a target on small businesses and restaurants when i can go to costco and get my groceries for the week for the shop and be shoulder to shoulder with people. it's not right. i don't know -- i feel like we are being scapegoat for the
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covid spread. and it's not right. steve: think about it. what kind of businesses have to get licensed and approved by the health department every year? it's restaurants. so, people in your business know how to keep people safe. >> oh, absolutely. we sanitize everything. i said that the other day. we sanitize tables, chairs, dishes silverware, everything every time you have a new customer. when you are at costco i'm touching things all the time and that's not getting sanitized. steve: well, you don't have any diners there, but people watching right now are going to order a cheesecake from beloved by the way i'm going to buy one during the commercial. what is your favorite, best cheesecake? >> the signature one is our salted caramel. i used to donate to a lot of auctions that we had and it's gone from $600 to $904 at auctions. steve: that's amazing. it sounds delicious. i'm going to buy one right now.
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good luck to you jen jacobson and your boys running that operation beloved cheesecake out in oregon. thank you. >> thank you. steve: and the phone just rang. coming back in august, our next guest gave this chilling warning about the modern democratic party. >> free education, free healthcare, defund the police, they swallow the communist poison pill. steve: find out why he max mow fears his prediction is coming true and is he going to join us after the break. meanwhile, take a break and download the fox bet super 6 app. do you know why? because you could win $10,000 this weekend. all you need to do is predict the outcomes in six different categories in the fox bet super 6 quiz show. we're actually going to give you the exact question at the end of today's program and you can go ahead and do it. it's free to play.
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♪ hello my name is mo's. i live in florida. not far from the 90-mile wide blue street. divides freedom from fear. it divides the past from the future. i know all about the past. i will never forget my own. my family fled totalitarianism, communism. brian: yep. i remember that speech it was one of the really impactful moments rnc back in august he
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made headlines warning that the u.s. would be turning into cuba under biden presidency. months later, how does he feel about his prediction? maximo joins us now. are your greatest fears coming true what you left in the 60's what your dad left in spain, is it coming true here? >> i many i am afraid to say so. it's very sad. but ever since the election right after january 0th, you have seen what's happened in this country with the signature of our new president it seems to me that everything that we are experiencing today i never thought i would experience again. but it's happening rapidly. brian: so have you $6.2 trillion of spending there for social programs. it looks like joe biden is
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portraying himself as somebody with a big heart. what's wrong with that? >> i heard it before. the false, empty promises. i thought i would never hear them again. the social injustice. the propaganda diversity, equity and inclusion. and they keep repeating over and over again the same things up to the point like any pathological liar would believe their own lies. they always tell you about things that are not true but they repeat it enough. brian: you say academia kids being indoctrinated that's a fight we are seeing here in new york especially. on gun control gun control remind you what's happened in cuba. and that whole fight against
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race against race against race. that is similar formula from what you left in the 1960s with fidel castro. >> listen, they continue to try to tell our kids our students that america, the united states is about country. that we are a racist. that we abuse people. that we don't like immigration. if any of that was true, i wouldn't be here today. this had this is the most generous country in the world. only country where 60 years ago i arrived with the clothes i was wearing on mine back and thanks to the generosity of this country, thanks to the freedom of this country, thanks to the opportunities that this country offers to everybody the same, i was able to experience the so-called american dream, which is just not a term.
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it's a reality. my family back thousands of families and we try to give back some of what was given to us before. i said this before many times. i want to continue to say it until i die. brian: i just want to put this up for a second. somebody else who came here from another country fleeing for various reasons, ilhan omar said this. and key policies have been progressively sponsored bills for more than a decade are now being pushed by potus are basically her ideas. frey pre-free pre-k, tax the corporations paid family leave and school meals. that's the power of organizing. she and the squad, who are way to the left are running, it seems, most of the programs that the white house is putting forward. does that scare you? final thought. >> very scary. and why does she not go back to
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her country to try to push that? because she came to this country to run away from totalitarianism. she came to this country for freedom. now people like that incomprehensible betraying the very country that accepted us just like our children, just like we were born here. brian: unlike you, who is thrilled to be here and happy to be in the best country in the world, she seems to feel just the opposite and, yet, she has a lot of power in the party. unbelievably. thanks so much max mow for telling your story and concerns. thank you very much. >> as a kid my dad said it many times, if you lose this country, you have no place to go. brian: absolutely. we are the best hope. thank you, sir. up next, what is the kentucky derby without iconic hats? janice dean who is also iconic she is at churchill downs with
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one woman behind that derby tradition and janice endorse was it all. ♪ before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?
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♪ ainsley: we are just one day away from the 147th kentucky derby. as fans return to churchill downs this weekend so do their iconic hats from the traditional to the show stopping, many are made by small businesses right here in the united states. here to tell us all about it, live from louisville, kentucky is one of our very own cat scan miss dean along with one of the featured milliners for the derby kristin a. moore. good morning, guys. janice: you look beautiful, ainsley in your pretty hat. janice: you do too with all those gorgeous hats in front of you. janice: all done with our beautiful chrissy moore who i are have known for many years since we have been doing the derby together. >> glad to know you. janice: you made this for me, didn't you. >> i made it specifically for you. you sent me a picture of your dress and you. >> bret: me do what i do. janice: how long have you been doing this for. >> 25 years i have been doing it
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for a while. as far as working with th the dy like maybe 50 years and official -- i'm sorry featured milliner for four years. janice: when did you know that you wanted to this? >> well, it was just in my heart as i wanted to go -- create and i wanted to edify women. it was just naturally that i would make hats. janice: let's talk about small business obviously the pandemic last year affected everyone, including the kentucky derby. what did you do. >> i went into making masks like a lot of people did and we were donating and just trying to help the situation so we would get over this faster. so i could go back to what i love. so, now we are back. and i love it i mean, and the business is coming in. and there has been so many people who have supported small american businesses like yourself and fox. it's been great. it's really coming back now and i'm excited for the year. janice: me too. >> 2022 i think it's really going to be amazing. janice: what is it about a hat
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that just makes things better? >> it's the smiles i say i'm in the business of smiles. everybody who wears a hat is usually smiling especially at the derby. like the beauty and how it frames your face. because it really is about your face. face book, you know. so it just enhances. i mean, and people smile and they are happy. janice: if i could wear a hat every kay i would. >> i do. janice: i adore you. i'm so glad the derby is back this year. do you feel like the excitement. more than ever. >> yeah, i okay you know, people are going all out. go big or go home. it's bright colors. they want to live. they want to live. and so, yeah. it's going to be amazing. people who are actually are able to attend for however they are attending, they are so happy and so thankful. we are all thankful. janice: we're grateful and thankful and grateful for you steve ainsley and brian. thank you for sending knee this amazing trip. ainsley: janice, would you ask her a question for me?
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i was told that the hats need to come right above the eyebrows. i have to lift mine a little. janice: do the hats need to come right above the eyebrows. >> the lowest part of your hat whether it's a fascinator or hat goes right at the eyebrow. and that -- your face and outfit and shoes. that's the perfect look. not too far back. you end don't want to see your hair line. hat etiquette i love it. janice: thank you, ainsley. you are beautiful. ainsley: works of art. they are gorgeous. thank you so much. tell her thanks for providing all these hats for us. christine a. moore. she is a milliner she has a shop in new york if you are interested in buying one. we'll be right back.
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there is no treason scare. >> what vaccine certificates. >> to say they can't participate in society. are particularly given younger people are simply at very little risk. >> in the 2021 nfl draft the jacksonville jaguars select trevor lawrence, quarterback, clemson. [cheers and applause] had ♪ listen to the music. brian: welcome to the late rest hour. one more after this and that's good news. it's all live and new and unrehearsed of "fox & friends." good news is, also, as we bring up something probably not going to cover, space x's crew dragon resilience from the international space station will soon leave and splash down tomorrow when it leaves, doesn't it land on a platform and no
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longer. steve: no. brian: doesn't it land in a platform because it doesn't want to waste any capsules? steve: that's not the capsule those are the rocket boosters that send it up into space and rather than those just winding up in the drink, they land those down. this is the very tippy top that has been going up and around and now it splashes down just kind of like old school space. ainsley: how do they control when it goes up so far where it's going to land? steve: science, kids, this is why you get good grades in math. brian: right. we didn't have to go to kazakhstan and pay russia $100 million that's the best news. ainsley: or borat. brian: who is a fictional character, i will talk about that in the break. steve: we think. you know you have seen with your own two eyes there has been a crisis at the southern border. however, the white house has been reluctant. they have never on purpose referred to it as a crisis.
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now, they are managing it to the point where the white house communications director kate bettingfield says, you know what? what's going on down there is so much better now than it was a little while ago. watch this, here she is over on one of those other channels. >> >> i think there has been tremendous progress at the border and i think it's important for people to hear. so what we have seen is that the number of kids who are in border patrol custody, which is the thing a lot of the media was focused on in february and march. the number of kids in border facilities number of kids mid march at about 5,000, now as of this week it's under 1,000. the biden administration has hooved quickly to move these kids out of border patrol facilities down dr. that the
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lick. working to reunite those kids with family members in the united states. with sponsors in the united states. brian: do you realize what she just did? she just sent thousands upon thousands of minors to our border. what she is trying to say a good news story we move to you facilities, we give you everything you need and then we put you into the interior of the country so now you are legalizing illegal immigration as did you go and find your family or your relative in our country where you immediately go on our welfare system directly or indirectly and go into our overcrowded schools because they don't go to beverly hills or that rich area in your country, they go to working class areas in your country and often under serviced school districts. so they are saying the good news is they are coming and we're getting them out quick into the interior of our country. ainsley: listen last night to laura ingraham's show she interviewed governors, a fabulous hour. she was talking to these governors that live in these border states, they said this is not at all how we see it i love people in washington who refuse to come down here and see it
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firsthand are in washington saying there has been progress. kamala harris hasn't even been down there. they are saying that's not at all how they see it listen to governor greg abbott. >> the biden's first 100 days has been very successful for the cartels, for the drug smugglers for the human traffickers who are profiteering off all the migrants who come across the border illegally. the border patrol officers are fully occupying processing all these migrants and that leaves open miles of border that the cartels can come across that's why i launched what's called operation lone star. we have deployed 1,000 department of public safety troops as well as national guard to our border to secure our border from the people coming across. [cheers and applause] the deal i want to cut is texas will secure their border and the biden administration will pay for it. steve: you do you know what? that seems fair. if the biden administration is going to have a policy where we
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are looking the other way come on. the states that interface with mexico incur, go ahead and reimburse them. when kate bettingfield says process them faster. some are going to family members but for the most part they're going to hhs facilities where we don't know how long they are there. and how many stories have we done about they are spending 86 million to rent out hotel rooms or motel rooms and they're opening, you know, air force bases in places like that. they are taking them quickly from the border and putting them somewhere else to hold them until they can sort it all out. ainsley: move from one facility another facility say that they're making progress. steve: is she going to say we are taking them from the southern border and moving them 300 miles that way. she did not say that. and it would be interesting to
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get the clarity from her. but the people who are down along the border know that this is a problem. and harris faulkner yesterday on her program had a great round table with sheriffs talking about how this bind border policy is impacting them and all of us. >> this presidency doesn't care about what's happening here. the sheriffs do. we will continue to stand up for the people and for america. >> it's absolutely ludicrous that we have an administration that refuses to do anything. we see that we're putting lives at risk, citizens at risk. border patrol agents at risk. it's just a risk for everybody. >> the. >> morgan: real, the border patrol agents i have spoken to all the way up to senior leadership. speech by the president. brian: also an insult to mark kelly and kyrsten sinema who are
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in what was a red state or certainly a purple state of arizona. they said they cannot believe it's not acceptable that the president is not addressing this border issue. he won't call it a crisis. this is one of the biggest insults i have ever seen this. is a spokesperson quite experienced and skilled telling you it's okay for any person to come unaccompanied minor who aren't accompanied by drug cartel agents, human traffickers who are getting tons of money. they end up buying drugs and bringing it into our country in many cases and hooking them up with sponsor families and they're telling you this is a win? this is a win? this is a guatemala, honduras, el salvador, brazil, cuba, come to our border, we wring you in and give you services. if you don't have a family member here, we eventually get you a sponsor. in the meantime you have a beautiful hotel room and wonderful facilities in san diego to get teachers to volunteer to acquaint you with our country. can you imagine the families
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waiting to get in here and find out people at the southern border getting glide pass to citizenship? this is unbelievable. ainsley: one of them says that the president doesn't care that was sheriff mark lamb, those are all sheriffs from arizona. brian: he doesn't. ainsley: that's what it appears. don't talk about it he waited an hour to address it in his speech on wednesday night and didn't even talk about the problems there, just talked about a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. ainsley: if we don't address it. brian: we meaning fox. nobody else is addressing this problem. unbelievable. all the other networks joe biden doesn't look good here because othey will ignore it we are not going to ignore it. ainsley: care about vaccines and everyone social distancing. down there kids getting covid because they are sandwiched in these facilities sleeping right next to each other. brian: i think the human traffickers have rapid test. get a second source on that.
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steve: greg abbott saying the cartels making a bunch of money. we had a guest on a week or two ago say they make 12 to $15 million a day. that is the gravy train. brian: do they put into 401(k)s or buy meth? steve: i don't know exactly. we should do more research on that. ainsley: joe biden was at the drive-in yesterday. he had a drive-in rally or press conference. steve: it was a political rally. ainsley: in duluth, georgia. i think of duluth trading company. steve: minnesota. ainsley: different duluth. about 30 minutes outside of atlanta. people were honking their horns when they agreed with something that he said. brian: car full of the three stooges the marks brothers. he wouldn't talk he would honk his horn. we will show footage next hour. ainsley: they were on stage. jill biden introduces her husband. there were hecklers in the crowd. steve: really close to the stage. ainsley: they're interrupting
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his speech. they are not for privately run prisons. listen to this. >> 100 days ago today when i was inaugurated. [shouting] >> on the steps of the united states capitol to be your president. i was looking forward to coming back and seeing these guys. [shouting] >> detention centers now. >> i agree with you. i'm workings on it, man, give me another five days. there should be no private prisons, period. none, period. [cheers and applause] that's what they're talking about, private detention centers. they should not exist. and we are working to close all of them. steve: see, that fits in with what we are talking about with kate bedingfield talking about how quickly they are processing people. there are a number of people that the federal government houses at these private prisons. and if you notice, those hecklers were also talking about abolishing ice. you can see exactly what their
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agenda is. one of the reasons historically the federal government and state governments have used private detention facilities and private prisons and whatnot, is because they are cheaper. plus, they have got profit motives to reduce recidivism and make them -- better conditions and poor performing operators can be removed and replaced. that's why the government has done that according to joe biden, he just needs five more days and is he going to fix it. sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday. by wednesday it's going to be fixed. brian: if you want to attract hecklers keep answering and ad-libbing. can you imagine the next car rally what other heretic is going to show up. steve: i love that he answered them he gave talking point. brian: i'm talking about our show but i'm talking about america. ainsley: remember when gretchen whitmer left michigan she went to florida and telling people please don't lee warning them.
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brian: never left before 18 months ago. ainsley: criticized in the beginning her husband tried to get the boat out do you know who my wife is? so now she has a plan to open up michigan, it's called the back-to-normal plan. she is trying to get 70% of the folks to live in michigan that are 16 and above to be vaccinated. right now, 48.8% are vaccinated. so, look, there is step 1, step 2, step 3 and step 4. step 1 once gets to 55% can you go back to offices. once you get to step 2, 60% vaccinated. gyms at 50%. indoor sports go up to 25%. curfews lifted. 65% all indoor capacity limits lifted and 70%, face masks and all restrictions lifted. steve: in announcing thisback to normal yesterday the governor said the michigan back-to-normal challenges outline steps we can take to emerge from this pandemic as we hit our vaccination targets together on our path to vaccinating 70% of
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michiganders 16 and up, we can take steps to gradually get back to normal while keeping people safe. right now, you know, they are having one of the worst outbreaks in the country in michigan. and she is doing that. but one of the things ultimately, it's back to the future because how many times are they actually going to be closing things down? i have friends who are down in florida right now who normally after easter go back home to michigan and they are wondering when are we going to go back? florida is wide open but michigan is locked down. so the question becomes what kind of a state opportunity to live in? one where ron desantis said things are wide open or gretchen whitmer who said things will be wide open as soon as 70% of you get the shot. brian: between you and ainsley i have to get more friends. ainsley: a lot of friends. brian: cases are down 30%. they did not know why there was a surge in the you were midwest and now don't know why it's
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dropping. they don't study why the numbers go down in texas. even though you got rit of the mask mandate because of the knee an thrall thinking. surge after terms and conditions rangers sell out stadium nor is there a spike in jacksonville after they sold out 14,000 mostly without masks. look at the positive things. governor ron desantis says you cannot get in people's face and make them take a vaccine, watch. >> we worked very hard seniors first. never required it but offered it. millions of people. you have the opportunity to take it it's there for you. take it if you want to take it protect yourself but, you know, we are not going to condition this. this is not going to be like hey you are part of the club you are not. there are some people that have valid reasons for not doing it some people have just decided not to. to say they can't participate in society, based off that decision, particularly given younger people are just simply at very little risk for this.
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and so we can't go down that road and just give them an inch, they will take a mile. steve: we heard new york is going to be open very, very shortly. brian: july. steve: meanwhile, if you want to go and be fully open in michigan, 70% of you are going to have to get your shot. brian: right. get those little cards which anyone can grab and just fill out by the way. they're everywhere. it's like the 1964 technology. steve: right. that is a problem. if people start lying about getting the vaccine that is a problem because they are putting people in peril. brian: by the way. ainsley: i need laminate mine. brian: the mayor told the governor to resign. the governor when the mayor makes the announcement that july we are going to reopen he goes i don't know where that came from. we should open up sooner. no one is critiquing the fact that these democrats can't get along and the mixed messages have made this whole pandemic worse. but they get a total pass on
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this. ainsley: have you noticed the traffic gone up in florida because so many people have moved down there to your point and they're not coming back. i have a lot of friend, brian that have moved down there and they are not coming back and a lot of them are in the process of moving this summer. steve: a lot of people in new york thinking about relocating their business going forward. the problem is they can't find a house to buy. ainsley: true. steve: or to rent down there so it's like i'm stuck in new york. as soon as somebody sells their house in coral gables or boca. ainsley: my up at has a house she is going to tell sees as an opportunity to i can mahoney. brian: if you want to take in a family volunteer instead of making people get houses make families take in other families from other non-free states. steve: get a winnebago and park in front. ainsley: do not give brian a winnebago. brian: it's nice it's just big. steve: they are big and it's
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great way to see america. ainsley: actually, i do want to do it. steve: it's fun. brian: take some of your friends. steve: rv u.s.a. was one of our big sponsors. brian: by the way it's a lot of fun. ainsley: jillian we are taking up too much of your time. jillian: someone told me not to laminate your card yet if you need to get a booster they need to fill it out. ainsley: i did the j and j. can i laminate mind jill jail if you need a booster? i don't know, i'm not a doctor i was just told that. brian: if you are in line at staples about to laminate get off the line. jillian: do what you want. i guess. i don't know. headlines we are following. gunman in north carolina killed four people including two deputies had a large stash of weapons. the sheriff's office says they fear isaac barnes was contemplating a larger public attack and that family members had expressed concern about the weapons in his possession. barnes shot and killed the two deputies. his mother, stepfather and himself during a 13-hour
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standoff with law enforcement. a man is fined $12 million for helping start a fire at a minnesota police station. dillon robinson is accused of lighting a molotov cocktail that another person threw at the headquarters it happened during a protest last summer in the wake of george floyd's death. robinson pleaded guilty and now faces four years in jail in addition to the fine. congressman dan crenshaw making first public appearance since having emergency eye surgery earlier this month. he appeared at a virtual house energy hearing. the texas republican also posted a recovery update on twitter. here's what he said. >> i'm still alive. i'm still doing okay. still can't see very well. we're hopeful i will return to some sense of normalcy in the next 12 months which means can i correct my vision basically back to normal again. jillian: crenshaw was effectively blind for a month after the surgery for a detached retina in his left eye. good to hear he is doing well.
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steve: that's right. even though he can't really -- his vision is not back yet. he had a hearing yesterday. he said you don't have to be able to see to have a hearing. ainsley: he did all of that for you and me for our country. brian: detached retina was already damaged. hopefully things will come back. steve: our prayers are with dan crenshaw. ainsley: absolutely. steve: thank you very much, jillian. after missouri parents voice concerns over critical race theory in their school strict. officials responded by urging principals to hide the race-based curriculum. a mom in that school district sounds off on it. she is coming up next. introducing voltaren arthritis pain gel. the first full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel... available over the counter. voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement.
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one educator in missouri because parents can actually see what their children are being taught after covid. after parents in the rock wood county school district complained that their students were being indoctrinated with critical race theory one official urged principals to hide the online materials being used in class. janet dedrick is the mother of a ninth gradener that school district and she joins us now. good morning, janet. >> hi, how are you? ainsley: i'm doing well. thank you. first of all, what's happening in your school district. y'all are back in the classroom now? it's the third largest school district in the county. ainsley: students were zooming online for a time period they were placing the lesson plans and tests on this program called canvas; is that right. >> right. >> and parents could see it? >> exactly. a lot of elementary schools use google classroom.
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canvas is thought to a little better for high school application. and, yes, we could see it if we were looking at our child's chromebook. if you look at the parent version, it's very sanitized. very locked out. partially because they don't want the parents to do the child's work, of course. ainsley: daily wire found this email that was sent out. this is from the literacy speech coordinator in the district. sent it out to the middle school and high school principals and it says this doesn't mean throw out the lesson and find a new one, just pull the resource off canvas so parents cannot see it. keep teaching. just don't make everything visible on canvas this. is not being deceitful. this is just doing what have you done for years. prior to the pandemic, you didn't see everything at home or have it available. you taught in your classroom and things were peachy keen. we are going old school. so, basically they are saying there are two sets of curriculums. how do you feel about that? >> yes. well, obviously pretty upset.
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this was our first year in public school. we had made the switch from private because we thought that was better for him for high school. and we weren't used to that in private school accountable -- accountability between the school and parents. the whole thing started in the email parents are upset about the book dear martin that was one of the books parents had problems with. that was the book my child had in language arts. when i had a chance to really go through the book because i knew it was in their cultural identity unit in language arts and that kind of set off some wells for me because why are you doing that? that belongs in a college anthropology course to me? so i started looking through the book and i was shocked what i saw. apparently approved by the district ya, young adult 13-must book. no one has a right to read stuff like that to anyone's child,
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minor child without their parent's permission. it's full of foul language the racial stereotypes are done for a reason they're offensive. the author had a reason for doing that and i understand that. they are taught hate and there are several students in my son's class that are law enforcement family and we are a law enforcement family alcohol use. girls talked about like they're just simply pieces of meat. ainsley: wow. >> and the foul language. my son's teacher did a fantastic job of presenting this difficult book i think very gracefully and very respectfully. i in no way want to impugn the teacher that we have encountered at rock wood school district. they have been fantastic. nor than we would imagine to be for my son first time in public school and mainstreaming his special ed needs it's been fantastic but that book is inappropriate for children. ainsley: hopefully. >> and even teenagers.
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ainsley: they will prevent two sets of curriculum and just stay on the straight and narrow. thank you so much for being on with us. i wish you all the best. >> thank you so much. ainsley: you are welcome. rockwood school district sent a statement email sent to teachers encouraging them to hide or alter content visible to parents was not reviewed or approved by anyone before it was disseminated by an individual staff member it does not reflect the mission, vision, and values of the district and it's dowrnt all the goals set forth in our strategic plan. the rockwood school district encourages transparency and recognizes open communication. it is vital between parents and our staff. still ahead, president biden is taking a page out of president trump's playbook. listen. >> american tax dollars are going to be used to buy american products made in america to create american jobs. ainsley: politico disagrees calling it just a goods theory. two owners of 100 percent of
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american made business also react. ♪ ath. you created your own style. and you - yes, you! turned a sourdough starter. into a sourdough finisher. so when you learn your chronic dry eye is actually caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation take it on by talking to your eyecare professional about restasis®... ...which may help you make more of your own tears with continued use twice a day, every day. restasis® helps increase your eye's natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis® did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. ask your eye care professional about restasis®. now to trick out these lights.
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from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. jillian: good morning back with headlines a suspected antifa member makes a veiled detective
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threat against ted wheeler if he does not resign. the chilling video was posted online. >> blood is already on your hands, ted. next time it may just be your own. jillian: wow. the masked individual threatening wheeler after the mayor announced an aggressive crackdown on rioters in the city. police are investigating that is chilling. jillane maxwell is behind bars. photo shows maxwell with a bruise. the attorney says the apparent injury has caused friction between her and guards at the detention center in brooklyn. maxwell's attorney also says the bruise could be from covering her eyes every night because guards shine lights in her cell every 15 minutes. maxwell awaiting trial for sex trafficking and other charges related to alleged abuse by jeffrey epstein. how about this? tim tebow could be making be a nfl comeback according to espn. the 3-year-old heisman trophy winner who played for the broncos, eagles and jets reached out to the jacksonville jaguars to try out.
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the head coach meyer was tebow's head coach. he has now switched his position to tight end. tebow retired from baseball in february after a five-year run in the new york mets minor league system that is a look at your headlines. steve, i will send it to you. steve: all right. thank you, jillian. president biden taking a page out of the donald trump playbook by touting joe biden's buy america agenda. you heard that a couple of nights ago in congress. >> american tax dollars are going to be used to buy american products made in america to create american jobs that's the way it's supposed to be and it will be in this administration. steve: that sounds good, right? but a new politico piece, a news story argues that while the initiative sounds good in theory, the policies, quote: don't add jobs to the economy and actually it limits growth. okay. here to react are two army vets and owners of 100 percent
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american made businesses owner of redline steel collin wayne joins us today from huntsville, alabama, he is screen left and ceo of nine line apparel screen right tyler who is in savanna. good morning, guys. >> good morning, thanks for having me. >> good morning. steve: tyler, let's start with you this politico news story not an op-ed news story says sounds good in theory but it's going to be hard and hard to do. sounds like they are trying to talk joe biden out of doing that why would that be? >> i don't know all the intentions but i do know that the policies are what i'm really interested in. you know, you have lip service of wanting to buy american, to hire american, but, you know, what he is really talking about is trying to take taxpayer money and funnel it through government purchasing systems, which is not very efficient and usually goes to the same organizations. during the pandemic, we actually pivoted and created masks. and people said that we had to rely on foreign independence and
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china. we at nine line decided to pitt with our manufacturers and start creating personal protective equipment. so we can do it. we have done it. but we can't compete with the labor rates of china. so when my mask cost 50 cents and theirs cost 5 cents due to the fact that they don't pay an actual living wage, it's hard for us to truly compete. steve: collin, what about you and your business? >> you know, hearing him say you know buy american and hire american, that's exactly why i started the company red line, i'm proud of this nation i served for several years just like tyler at nine line and you know, i want to manufacture but it is challenging. it's very challenging. the steel cru index hire than it's ever been in the history of at least my company. there is massive concerns that i have, i guess, just with the supply chain in general. when i hear -- i'm just looking
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at the numbers, peterson institute estimates $250,000, president biden was talking about, you know, taxpayer money to cover these 5 million estimated jobs that he wants to pledge to 2024, that's $1.25 billion in taxpayer money. that's a lot of money to create these jobs. i think there is a lot easier solution that could take place that's advantageous to entrepreneurs that could fast track this and actually turn it to reality. i think looking also at the numbers, you know, we haven't hit 17 million total factory worker jobs since 2001. and so that's going to be a very, very big challenge. and it's going to be interesting to see what happens. steve: absolutely. you are right about things costing more. i was talking to somebody who was rebuilding their deck yesterday. a year ago you could buy a two-by-four for 2 bucks and
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change. right now in the new york area a two-by-four is close to $8 apiece. so, the prices are through the roof. tyler, what's interesting though is goes to show you that joe biden is looking at what donald trump did and what donald trump did that was very effective and had a positive message and he is saying, you know, donald trump was right about that message about buy american. i'm not going to say he was right. but clearly by endorsing the same idea he thinks it's a good idea. >> the overall policy is playbook in the previous generation. taking the people's money and paying government agencies to ineffectively utilize it a lot of the policies that trump was combining to enact and already enacted was to encourage free trade. you know, i have been business partners like johnnie morris from bass pro. he cares about buying american made products from us.
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our partners at red con a supplement company u.s. based they spend that extra money on u.s.a. made products there is a price elasticity. unless you are incentivizing manufacturers or disinvent sizing the use of foreign labor that is arguably something that i can't compete with, i pay a living wage, above a living wage here in savannah, georgia. and i bring it back to that competitive nature of a bad actor. you know, china, for instance. they are away to get away. those who utilize them to manufacture goods they will go and talk about how virtuous they are. why don't you put your money where your mouth is? why don't you buy american and that's where we will have to challenge people. steve all right, guys, thank you very much for spending part of your friday with us. >> absolutely. thank you for having me. steve: you bet. 20 minutes before the top of the
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hour, straight ahead, two university professors caught on a zoom bragging about teaching marxist concepts to their classes. what? "fox & friends weekend" co-host pete, jed, will on deck. and, from our friends at fox bet download today the fox bet super 6 app. and play for a chance to win 10,000 bucks. all you need to do is predict six outcomes in the fox bet super 6 quiz show. topics range from entertainment to sports. we will play it in an hour so you will see the exact questions for this week. it's free to download so do that today. the fox bet super 6 app. ♪ ♪ st psst] allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good (vo) jamaica. (woman) best decision ever.
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country to come to new york and it will be a free city again in july and be able to see the empire state building. i don't know if we will be able to go inside. steve: you are saying new york will soon be like florida? brian: that's what i'm thinking in july. the governor, of course, says open up sooner the mayor says i thought july was good. ainsley: we want broadway back. we want tourists back in our city. brian: i want people to sing on stage again. steve: i want to talk to the weekend co-hosts, pete, jed and will. good morning to you. ainsley: good morning. >> good morning. steve: the way we have this right now kind of like a tv zoom call. we are going to show you some roosevelt university professors on a zoom call where they admit to a lecture hall full of people that they're teaching social justice and they love it. watch this. >> i mean, it's all social justice all day every day. >> yeah, i always flip out the kids that take my masters class on fiscal policy and public budgets when the first three or
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four classes are devoted to philosophy of social justice and how do you organize society. we don't talk about one, you know, budgetary item they are like oh, man, professor martire this is a really weird way to teach a budget. [laughter] >> you know, it's part of everything, right? what a foundation. >> just so you guys know you are on the mic in the auditorium. >> okay. >> we're cool with that. steve: oops. brian: pete? what do you think? >> one of the silver linings of covid-19 is getting inside the classroom, of course. here is the dangerous part why parents can't dismiss this. this is a university but these are also members of a board of a public of a high school, this woman who is speaking also gina harris is also the liaison officer for the national education association. this is across the spectrum. what does she season in she is adjunct education professor and teaches the theory of middle
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school. okay? what it is -- what the left has is a mafia on education. they teach the teachers who aren't aloud to leaf the teacher's college unless they absorb the social justice and willing to take it into their middle school and elementary school. this should surprise nobody but, again, we are tempted to feel like this is contained in the university? no, this is a cartel that controls every aspects of how kids learn. ainsley: jedediah, were you surprised at the reaction at the end? normally when people get caught on zoom they panic a little they say i'm sorry but they are cool with it. jedediah: yeah, i actually wasn't surprised because they ar getting away with it and they know it. and it's become a new normal and a lot of people feel like they have no recourse including a lot of parents. remember, not only did this start -- we used to talk about this in college. pete is right. now this is elementary school problem. we used to talk about public school system. now this is embedded in public schools and catholic schools as
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well. parents feel like they have nowhere to go. if you wealthy enough maybe start home school pod. parents need to work in many cases to put food on the table for their families. i will bring up quickly, ainsley, this is just not just about content this. is about the way teachers approach students there was a video that came out. i saw it on twitter yesterday, i don't know when it originated it was recent from a school in california cypress i believe it was called cypress college. people should watch that exchange i don't know if you covered that today. there was a confrontational approach. we need to deal with this as something that is in every grade level, something that is in every type of school and now something that is beyond just the content of the material and inching its way into the way teachers are interacting with students this. is activism in the classroom plain and simple. steve: mr. kaine. >> one more thing i would say eye opener revelation if not surprising. yes it's in every school private
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and public yes at every grade level. let's not overlook the fact these were classes in best of luck budgets. classes in fiscal policy. there is no subject matter safe from social justice and systemic chris who is great on this state sponsored racism. this is what is making its way into mathatics. it's in every subject. i don't know if this is surprising everyone at home should for this. wow math and social justice. brian: will, do you know what's eye opening for pete when we tell him the guest list because he usually has no idea who is come up jedediah on your show. jason chaffetz, tammy bruce, steve doocy. jack nicklaus, mike huckabee, lawrence jones. pete: i study deed this morning and a performance by mercy me. brian: good job. ainsley: i guess i will watch now. [laughter] thanks, guys.
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brian: steve wasn't enough for you? steve: ainsley sees me every day of the week. ainsley: i watch every weekend. brian: janice dean live at churchill downs with the trainer who is favored to win this year's race. >> there is discomfort. we try to sooth it get comfortable with it. still lots of room. just more to view. still the big move. just more moving. still singing. just more in tune. still hard to find a spot.
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jillian: good friday morning, back with headlines, at least 22 new covid-19 cases in minnesota are linked to protests over the fatal police shooting of daunte wright. state health officials say 11 officers working the protest and 11 protesters have tested positive. they're urging anyone who attended to get tested. the cdc telling cruz cruise lines to prepare to set sail. cruises could resume as soon as mid july. sending industry stocks up on hopes that the more than a year long suspension could be ending soon. the cdc says ships can begin limited sailing as long as 98% of its crew and 95% of its passengers are fully vaccinated. brian? brian: all right. jillian, thanks. just one more day until the 147th run for the roses churchill downs and essential quality is the current favorite with 2 to 1 odds. 3-year-old undefeated five year starts and if is he victorious on saturday the trainer will
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become the first louisville born train tore win the kentucky derby. here with more the current favorite our own favorite janice dean along with brad cox. janice, take it away. janice: that was very well done, brian. brian: thank you. janice: have you done this before. yes, here we go 147. this is it. tomorrow will be the kentucky derby. today is the kentucky oaks. brad, look at this -- this is the actual kentucky oaks trophy which brad has won twice and are you going to do it again today. >> we're very hopeful. i think we have two big shots. janice: tell about the choice. >> collin two time great winner. very accomplished filly, think a lot of her. coach, she has a good record here at churchill. she won a race and third in the great, too. both of them have experience over the track and i think we will have a good day. janice: okay, kentucky derby, tell me about your horses there. >> good spot the morning favorite very good colt earned the right to be the favorite.
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doesn't mean he will win. good spot. wouldn't trade spots with anyone. mandalune. draw a line through it and get him back on track tomorrow. janice: you are a louisville boy. and if you win the kentucky derby that will be like history. >> yeah, for sure. it would be amazing just to win it. it would be, you know, it's the biggest race in our industry by far. and it would be an amazing accomplishment to say the least. janice: how did you get into this. >> my dad just brought me to the track at very early age and i fell in love with it probably when i was 11 or 12 years old. i wanted to be a basketball player and there was no shot of that hang or making money doing that i thought, you know, i love the horse racing industry. i thought, you know, i'm going to try to make a living doing this and it's been very good for me. janice: your boys have doing well too. >> they do love it they have a passion for it. it's a lot of work and traveling, but, you know, if you put in the effort and the time and the work it, will pay off and it's been very good to our family. janice: you were here last year.
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what was it like? >> very different to say the least obviously with september and, you know, i'm very glad we are back and things are turning around and starting to got right way. so it was definitely different last year and hopefully we don't have to go through that again. janice: you told me your mom doesn't come to the track very often when there is a race. what's happening today? >> she is going to be here today and tomorrow. she was fortunate enough to be here for 2018 for our first kentucky oaks. it was a great moment. hopefully make more great moments this weekend. janice: how does it feel right now just being back? >> it's great. you know, as far as just things back the way they should be. you know, pretty much all of our preparation, our races leading up to the kentucky derby and kentucky objection we are on schedule. that was huge and it's definitely returning to normal. janice: what's the secret to being a good trainer. >> a lot of work. no secret. a lot of dedication and hard work and once again a lot of travel. so, you know, you miss a lot of time with your family but they know that you are just trying to provide for them and it's, you
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know, it's a great industry it really is. janice: we thank the kentucky derby museum for lending this trophy. apparently we can't touch it. but you have seen it before. and i mean your horse is on here. >> yeah. actually did get to hold it right after monamoy won the 2018 they didn't let me hold it long. >> can you put champagne. >> find out later today. janice: thank you so much my friend. we are live at the kentucky derby. i love this place so much. back to you, steve, ainsley, and brian. brian: janice, we got to get you a horse. you are really enjoying that industry and get you racing and so we will be interviewing you. thanks so much, guys. meanwhile, let me also mention that kristin a. moore milliary millinery.she provided the hats. according to my watch, "fox & friends" final hour unless
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>> you could be the winningest trainer of all time if it is a win. >> i prepare myself. >> it is the same ♪♪ >> good morning, louisville, kentucky, in new york city. louisville on pins and needles, the running of the kentucky derby, looks like sunny skies, 75 degrees and something they did not have it in september, fans in the stands. 45,000 people just happy to be. >> celebrities filling of the center circle, fantastic even if you don't watch the race. i went to see polo one time.
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- >> hold on a second. i knew brian kilmeade close to 20 years and first i heard of you going to a polo match. brian: you meet a lot of people but no one talks about what is happening. so far away. jillian: i went to the same place, it is called a blueberry muffin with blueberry vodka, club soda and lime. delicious. on the south side you put that in your next couple. brian: you just remember what you drank. and wife and children love the sport of polo. the famous writer by the name of nacho. ainsley: a polo model.
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brian: will cain is my favorite player. steve: let's bring in larry kudlow, a great show on fox business. good morning to you. >> great to be here. i can see ainsley at a polo match absolutely. regarding brian, a little bit of a stretch. you got to wear white. ainsley: is that a compliment? brian: we know you have been thinking about joe biden's spending spree, $6 trillion suggesting the first 100 days, he was out in georgia yesterday
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we have to spend this money, he appeared on the today show and a really good question, watch this clip. >> tax and spend when the economy is still recovering? >> that is the reason is recovering. we are investing. look out rapidly as a recovering but the past legislation, the legislation is $1.9 trillion. if you don't invest in this country we are going to fall behind. >> the economy, recovering. it recovers more. jillian: is any of that money spent yet? >> know. the economy started recovering last summer. the gdp was up, fourth quarter
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was up 4%. i grant you the stimulus checks did go out in march, there hasn't been any new investment. the idea we needed $6 trillion in additional spending, the worst part of it is $4 trillion in higher taxes we are going to blitz investments, capital formation, damage family incomes, wages will go down and smash the gdp, the idea we will end fossil fuel energy and have a new great society and social programs without any work incentives at all. i understand mister biden's new left-wing ideology. he wasn't always that way but i get that but i am telling you we tried this before, it hasn't worked. was we need to do is keep the tax cut incentives which help
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the middle class, keep the deregulation, keep energy independence. my motto is if it ain't broke don't fix it and the numbers this week, 6.4% gdp show clearly it ain't broke so the fix is to make the patient worse. jillian: why can't people see the big picture, they are going to be taxed, what are these companies going to do. they close up shop to move to a new country or they want to make the money they were making before. they are going to fire people, people aren't going to get raises. >> exactly correct, hold those thoughts forever. 70% of the corporate tax burden is borne by the middle-class, the blue-collar middle-class. that is the ceo congressional budget office.
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that is why the trump tax cuts were so good. 70% of them not just blue-collar middle-class were lower. to your point if you tax investments, you get less investment and fewer businesses, fewer jobs and lower wages, it is a double and triple tax, business income tax goes up, it is doubled on taxes from 10.5% to 21. second capital gains taxes are going to double so that is a second tax and third, we are not sure but the estate tax may go up, that would be another tax burden. we are killing the geese that laid the golden egg. if you want this economy to grow and recover post pandemic, why would you take $4 trillion out
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of the economy and give it to a bunch of social planners who will expand the great society to the third of fourth power without a single work incentives. the total opposite of what we need to do. >> the economy is going to recover to a certain degree on its own and because we sidelined it because of the pandemic and people get the wrong impression that it was the biden proposal the data when the biden proposals cause inflation and slow it down which we saw eight years prior to getting the job. we know this guy that i had on earlier, he left cuba in the 1960s, arriving in america and sees a lot of things here. when castro took over cuba. >> i heard it before, empty promises.
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the social injustice, the propaganda diversity, equity and inclusion, this is the most generous country in the world, where 60 years ago i arrived with the clothes on my back. this country offers to everybody the same, i was able to experience the american dream. >> is that an unjust fear that he has. >> >> warn of socialism and that is an important road sign for all americans to look at. we love free enterprise.
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and technology innovation. and had to be paid for it, reward success. this is a good paying job. in order to have a good paying job you had to have a healthy business and to have a healthy business you have to have someone to finance it, a wealthier personal family and friends taking risks, there has to be an after-tax rate of return. you penalize business or penalize investment, you are going to penalize jobs and wages and family income. it doesn't work in socialist countries, didn't work in this country when we went hogwild on
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welfare in the 70s, it did work, the clinton/gingrich welfare deal in the 90s, it put in high school education type requirements. why abandon that, if it ain't broke don't fix it. for heaven's take the economy in the next 3, 4, 5, 6 years, best in the world, free pandemic, don't mess with it, don't throw up roadblocks. brian: our final topic, we know you are a big fan of the tv show for children called todd patrol. college professor doing the zoom call, a student named braden ellis talking about how cancel culture is ruining the country,
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people tried to cancel the tv show pop patrol because it shows police in a good light. if you got into a document with this professor listen to this interchange and at the end we will ask whether or not you believe the professor. cypress college, california. >> a difficult job. >> all of them? >> i would say a good majority of them. i support our police, people who do bad things should be brought to justice. >> police officers should be revered as heroes? >> they are heroes. >> they are supposed to protect
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and serve the people. >> who do we call when we are in trouble when someone has a knife or gun? >> i wouldn't call the police. >> why wouldn't you call the police? >> i don't trust them. my life is in more danger in their presence. >> who would you call? >> i wouldn't call anybody. steve: he is talking how cops are heroes and if someone is going to menace her she would not call the police. >> i do believe it. these are the nutty crazy people stuff that we have been hearing in the last couple years. i don't know cypress college. the teacher is loony left. loony left stuff that is going around and passing, a little optimistic, rebelling against the cancel culture left-wing garbage in high school and fantasy press school and colleges now. the teacher does not represent
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america, does not represent beliefs and values of america and the minority communities, good policing and we must never forget that and that is why cops are so important and we see it here in new york city big time and it has got to change. brian: thank you for getting up early to talk to us. jillian: we haven't seen you but i will be looking for you. brian: turning now -- ainsley: the polo match. ainsley: big sky, in montana, now it is booming housing market. ainsley not reading the prompter but reacting instinctively. grady trimble from foxbusiness
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on the big sky, with a home buying frenzy. >> the rental income potential but the year-round activities make it so attractive. and with 700,$000, $2 million, and not this year. >> that is ringing true. we see multiple situations on the market. it is a feeding frenzy. >> reporter: we met a bond trader from new york who bought his home a few years ago and planning to use it as a second home but the pandemic hit and found himself without a job. he moved his family out west and
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impressed with the big sky lifestyle compared to the big apple. >> fly fishing, tube estrogen, cross-country skiing, is wonderful. >> second home markets across the -- cape had a press, the poconos in pennsylvania, and smoky mountains. home prices in the seasonal towns are up 19% year over year. >> in big sky, montana, there is still snow, a lot of it. >> they don't want to let go of windsor. people do this thing called quality of life. chili in is upstairs talking
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about the news. jillian: fox news alert, a story we have been following, a suspect driving a stolen car in arizona, and the chandler police department, and they responded to the scene at an arizona car dealership. the family of the man killed in seattle last summer filed a wrongful death suit against the city, the city failed to protect her son, after seattle police abandoned the precinct inside the anonymous zone. accuses the city of enabling violence by providing portable toilets, lighting and other supplies. andrew cuomo defense blocking the release of the true number of nursing home death in his state while blaming the trump administration. >> we didn't want an inaccurate number, it is inaccurate.
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all politics and political football that morphed into an investigation. jillian: cuomo insists the team is taking time to make sure the statistics were correct. political investigations and former attorney general william barr was a political operative. the nfl draft in cleveland where trevor lawrence went number one for the jags, wilson went number 2 to the jets and the niners at number 3. the first 7 players were on the offensive side, the young gunslingers as rumors swirl with a potential trade for aaron rodgers. espn reporting the reigning mvp doesn't want to return to the packers after 16 seasons in green bay. the eagles with pics with
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divisional rivals, and devonta smith. there is always time on eagles bandwagon. brian: never got on that stepladder and never will. steve: there will be people, the jags, holy cow. ainsley: i went to the rival college. went to usc. brian: tim teboww was a tight end. let's open up the phones and take some calls. coming up straight ahead hillary clinton and condoleezza rice sounding the alarm over pulling troops out of afghanistan, secretary of state at odds with one of joe biden's most significant foreign-policy moves to date, general vaccine will referee this. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, general jack keane will referee
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>> american leadership means ending the forever war in afghanistan and after 20 years of valor and sacrifice it is time to bring those troops home. >> doubling down on the pledge to pull troops out of afghanistan. they will put 650 troops in to get them out. allies speaking against it. hillary clinton and condoleezza rice took to zoom to raise concerns over the move with members of congress. general jack keane, both said there's an excellent chance we could end up having to go back in again. is this a good move? >> certainly it is not and it is
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something i have disagreed with publicly. under the trump administration when donald trump started talking about an afghanistan withdrawal and making a final decision to do something like that. the commitment is very modest. the commitment in syria, iraq, yemen and east of africa, the troops are only involved because there's a thread in those countries against the united states of america. we are not involved in the 40 or 50 islamic movements. there is a recognition the radical islamic ideology, and a generational issue. and al qaeda and isis, it is not
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about nation building in afghanistan but the protection of the american people. >> i'm going to leave the empty there if the taliban and take over? and you last two years, the vietnamese fell within 2 years of us leaving, will last two years this afghanistan government? >> i don't know how long it will take, the government will likely fracture, afghan security forces will be pulled apart by tribal leaders to organize themselves to protect their own interests in the region of the country against the taliban so there will be a fracturing and it will take some time but the end results is somewhat predictable tragically and sadly. this is a potentially dangerous situation for the united states which is avoidable and that is why you have secretary clinton and secretary rice speaking out publicly. >> this part of the president's
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speech about china, listen. >> my discussion with president xi i told him we welcome the competition, we are not looking for conflict that i made absolutely clear we will defend america's interest across the board. i president xi to maintain a strong military presence in indo pacific not to start a conflict but to prevent one. brian: what do you think of the fact that military growth, china adding 7% to their military spending, we are adding what do you think of that stat? >> the message president biden delivered was generally acceptable but a lost opportunity. we had their a public and international audience to be able to declare ourselves in
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terms of what china is doing, china is driven by policy actions and visions that dominate and control the indo pacific region by bullying, military intimidation and economic coercion and we should call him out for that in a very specific statement and make reference to the south china sea, they do not have a claim in the south china sea as they stated many times. the hague tribunal said they have no legal rights, could stand behind our allies and be willing to confront china, to stop them from this coercion and we should mention taiwan, we will not commit taiwan to stand defenseless against this aggression. and make sure the reason is not destabilized, china should understand the united states is
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not willing to just compete with them but to confront the negative ambition they have. brian: india, australia, japan, and south korea are willing to be read and that came into the head of the chinese government, they have a fight on their hands should they try to take over the region and that was the swing and the miss two nights ago. >> no doubt about that. he mentioned work with the allies and i give the biden administration some credits. they agree with most of these policies but not all. the fact of the matter is working with our allies and making sure our allies understand they are making unequivocal public statements against china said that kind of
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the message, brian: if you show any weakness hong kong takes it. thank you very much. >> good talking to you. brian: off to the races ahead of tomorrow's kentucky derby. bob baffert trying to win another exclamation point. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel... available over the counter. voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started.
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steve: talking about a camera video shows a gunman opening fire on four nypd officers you see officers falling down the stairs as they returned fire. two officers were shot in two others hurt. all expected to recover. police responded after the gunmen opened fire. the cdc pools world renowned effort off of an advisory committee after he publicly opposed the positive the johnson & johnson vaccine. that scientist, a harvard medical school professor jointly on "fox and friends first" earlier to explain why he disagreed.
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>> reporter: less affluent people are treated two doses. ainsley: six women reported rare blood clots following the shot. in 19-year-old from oklahoma goes viral on tick-tock for accidentally moving into retirement community. she moved to the small town in arkansas, the teen admitting it took her a week to realize the mistake and went on to explain equal opportunity housing so it doesn't discriminate by is that despite being the only teenager insight, she considers her neighbors an extra set of grandparents. steve: read the fine print. it is big hat weekend. we are off to the races with one day before the running of the kentucky derby. the legendary trainer behind
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american pharaoh is hoping to bring home his seventh kentucky derby winner with this week's horse, medina spirit. janice dean has a big hat on from kentucky derby and joins us with more. >> reporter: we have been talking to her, one of the official ones at the kentucky derby. if you are a racing fan, you know the name, one of the greatest if not the greatest trainers of all time, he has a horse in the kentucky derby and if he wins he will be the winningest trainer of all time for the kentucky derby, he won two triple crowns which i have seen as well. we met him yesterday and he took us to see the beautiful stable that kentucky. take a look. ♪♪
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>> i am so excited. we are here. how are you? >> great, the weather here. >> reporter: good luck that it rains because it has rained on every kentucky derby i have been to. >> it is not putting a damper on our spirits. >> it will be 72 degrees, partly cloudy. >> today it is raining but friday and saturday perfect blue skies. this has been a crazy year, the pandemic, last year they did it backwards. had it at belmont, the preakness, you won, you were very emotional. >> didn't feel like the derby but when it was open it felt like the derby. >> reporter: in a pandemic. >> winning the race, can't wait to greet your horse, going to
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the winner circle and he bowled me down too. it was worth it all, beautiful horse, so excited, sounded like my first derby because of everything. >> i heard an interview where you said you were not expecting to win that race and here we are years later and you could be the winningest trainer of all time if medina wins. >> i prepare myself, one of those things where we prepare for months and months for two minutes, it is over, you have to have a good horse. i won all these horses. >> reporter: can i meet medina? >> here. >> reporter: you bring them treats when you visit them? >> you have to.
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>> reporter: like the weather anchor i like treats too. >> they love their carrots. he accompanies the horse to the track. she is a champion, the fastest mayor in the world. this is roadster. he will run on friday. he ran in the kentucky derby a couple years ago. medina. funky cold medina. he is a really sweet well mannered horse. he doesn't know he only cost 35,$000. >> reporter: that is okay, good price for a horse. so sweet and beautiful. are you going to win for me tomorrow? reach >> we have american pharaoh. and all these great horses, so spoiled. >> reporter: can i show you something?
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i was hear from the very beginning, justify, came to the derby, he won and won the preakness and we were there for the triple crown win and it was amazing. >> you bring me luck. >> reporter: on behalf of a real race fan thank you for this interview. >> i loved having you here. >> reporter: i am really emotional, really glad i am here today. thank you for bringing us this meeting, you know how much i love this race, so glad i am here today so back to you. todd: it is great to see you out and about out of the basement, fully vaccinated, your his good luck charm and today you found out the secret to accord triple crown winner is baby carrots. >> reporter: you are right, thank you for bringing me here, see you tomorrow for derby day.
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steve: a 14 year police sentence tragically killed by a drunk driver, tunnel for towers stepping up to help his family. we will tell you how you can help coming up next on "fox and friends". you think! banks can loan you some of it. newday can loan you all of it! the newday100 va cash out loan. i need a lawn. quick. the fast way to bring it up to speed... is scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows two times faster than seed alone for full, green grass. everything else just seems... slow. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes! over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. ha! these drops probably won't touch me.
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and lower your payments by $600 a month. the newday 100 va loan. only from newday usa. ainsley: the shocking death of this veteran nypd officer who was struck and killed by an alleged drunk driver on tuesday morning. tunnels to towers is stepping in to make sure they are supportive during this time of tragedy. frank stiller and the brother of the officer who was killed, good morning to all of you. tell us about your brother.
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>> an amazing guy, don't know what to say. he was an amazing guy. it is hard. ainsley: do you want to say anything about your uncle? >> miss him very much. ainsley: so sorry for your loss. talked to the wife, sister-in-law, what were her concerns about paying for their mortgage? >> on the news from charlotte and came to the house she was a rack and one of the things she told me was what are we going to do, and i didn't know what to say. it was like a godsend, he asked for me.
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our kids are going to grow up. ainsley: you have a 6-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son. you are just an angel, used up in during the stories and tragedies. >> police officers are risking their lives every day for us so we can live in the communities that are safe and this, when everybody else was sleeping and pat lynch, police officers protecting your communities. another drunken driver that killed somebody whose life was taken that night as protecting people to crash into this scene.
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somebody went on a rant earlier about police officers and ended up plowing into it, tunnels for towers foundation, you know first responders in the military we are going to make sure the mortgage is paid off so we ask everyone to go to t, tunnels to towers, make sure we get the mortgage paid off. 's widow is concerned, where my going to go? there is a practical side of it. the other side is to go. >> thank you for doing this. so sorry for your loss. your uncle was a hero and so are you, you do this for so many families. tunnels to towers, go to their
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website at starbucks. more "fox and friends" coming up. let's check up with dana perino for what is coming up at the top of the hour. >> reporter: republicans taking critical race theory head on, trying to stop the 1619 project from getting into american schools, breaking details on their efforts. today marks biden's 100 full day in office, dan heninger and chris wallace are here plus operation warp speed, howie kurtz and tyrus at the top of the hour. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?
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>> looking for a chance to win the super 6 apps, chance to win 10,$000 this weekend with a little game show. jillian: answer 6 questions correctly on a wide variety of topics. >> he is the host for fox nation. here with more episodes streaming now to get exclusive access to other content like that. >> i'm ready to test myself. question number one, who is in the best position at the kentucky derby? essential quality, known agenda or rock your world.
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ainsley: it essential quality. brian: i am going to go f. >> the best position doesn't matter who wins or who is in best positioned according to the cdc by population percentage who has the most second dose vaccinations administered by 6 am saturday? alaska, and mexico, maine, hawaii, connecticut or south dakota? steve: i'm going with be because the blue bar, most people think. we should also point out these are the exact questions to play and win this weekend. >> they have a lot of first dose is too. okay. most strikeouts on saturday which team? astros, mets, wheels, stocks, nationals or white sox? steve: i'm going with the mets.
5:55 am
brian: will jacob be pitching this weekend? do you know? he doesn't know. checking in with your crew. ainsley: the best pitcher out of the scenes. brian: we don't know who is pitching. i will go nationals. ainsley: put up the bars everyone else has chosen so i can shoes. picking them up. >> who will have the best position and last 100 and the bushy mc bush 100, denny hamlin, chase elliott, kevin hardwick, kyle larson, steve: i'm going with joey. >> kevin harvey seems to be hot. >> we have questions here, do your research. you can't always go by above favorite.
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the way you ask the crew. steve: our phone a friend and a couple weeks ago a guy who didn't know some answers. he won, you can do, download the fox super 6 apps and play for a chance to win 10,$000, predict the outcomes of those 6 questions, we ask you to download that so thank you very much. wherever he is. we will step aside, back in a minute. is the 21st century way to do all three. everyday. preparation h. get comfortable with it.
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6:00 am
>> i got bad news, i have to host -- not host but be a guest at greg gutfeld's show tonight. >> bill: 9:00. a tale of two visions for america's future. president biden pushing a massive expansion of government as senator tim scott leads the republican pushback. you have almost made it and so have we. >> dana: did you go out last night? >> bill: i did. which is a rare occasion. and did you go out last night? >> dana: i did and had a good time. new york is coming back a little bit. >> bill: we call them green chutes. >> dana: president biden will hit the road again today to push the $2 trillion spending plan as republicans warn he is trying to change america as we know it.
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