tv Hannity FOX News April 30, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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we hope you have a great weekend, we are completely out of time this week. we will see you monday, 8:00 p.m., every week -- good night. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" this friday night and we are tracking multiple major stories including new information surrounding new york city mayor, former mayor rudy giuliani and america's two-tiered system of g justice, then we will have moe from the crisis at the southern border, it is real, it is very much a crisis, joe biden wants to pretend it's not, but it is. also tonight former new jersey governor chris christie, indications he might be thinking about another presidential run, we will ask him. remember this idaho police officer who had this viral tick-tock that went out, a video mocking lebron james?
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he's been suspended from the department. the point he made was quite important. he will join us tonight. joe biden went to philadelphia, not far from home, they don't want to push joe too much. f once again struggled mightily, take a look. >> if you think about it when i was vice president with barack he allowed me to put together a budget for amtrak and it had money for high-speed rail at 200 miles per hour. from charlotte, another line going from florida down to tampa, another line -- we would've had that tunnel fixed in new york now, the money was there to get it done. >> sean: sorry.
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it's not totally clear what joe is trying to say but rest assured he definitely brought along his trusty face mask. where's my mask? it's in your pocket. he now has this weird cult like obsession with his face mask. thanks to president trump's operation warp speed, joe biden is fully vaccinated. he was so way before ever getting into office. he is refusing to stop with the masking even outdoors where his own cdc just announced no risk of transmission. in fact, he recently said that americans now need to cancel -- they might need to cancel their outdoor fourth of july fourth of july celebrations because of covid concerns. even canceling the fireworks display at mount rushmore and kristi noem is suing him over that. while walking outside with his wife the first lady, she's also vaccinated -- they still wear the masks. he broke into a panic as he was frantically searchingon for his lost mask, i can't find it and he found it in his pockets. today during an interview on nbc he claimed he continue to wear a mask at all times indefinitely because it is his patriotic duty
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to do so. take a look. >> you and i took our masks off because look at the distance we are, if we were talking to one another close, i would have my mass gone even though we have both been vaccinated. it's a small precaution to take that has a profound impact. ldit's a patriotic responsibili, for god sake. it's making sure your wife, your children if they haven't been vaccinated, making sure they are not going to get sick. >> sean: all of government has been telling america, all of you
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out there to get vaccinated and guess what. a couple hundred million americans vaccinated now. want we promised life would then return to normal? told by joe, get the vaccine, get the vaccine for god's sakes as he always says. overwhelming evidence is the vaccine's work keeps telling us. our question is, why is mr. follow the science wearing a mask and what kind of message is he sending here? does he want americans to think vaccines may be have suspicious -- are not as effective as they have been telling us? does he want mask mandates, social distancing inou perpetuiy forever? how is any of this getting us back to normal life? today after admitting there's not overwhelming evidence that kids transmit covid-19, joe said "america's schools should probably all be open by next fall. "why probably?
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why not now? schools in florida just as a point, they have been open since last august. clearly, joe isn't following the science.e. masks, lockdowns, living in fear, that has now become a new political identity of the left. now biden is considering a measure to force all members of our military, the u.s. military to get the vaccine. mandating they get the vaccine whether they wanted or not. i'm sorry, but i would think that needs to be a decision made between a patientg and a doctor. because dr. joe knows nothing about the medical condition of every person in the military. if the military has this mandate, the next logical question is are we going to mandate this for everybody? i'll say it again, i'm not in any way -- letar me be very cle,
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i'm not at all antiscience, i love science. i'm not anti-vaccine at all, i'm grateful that scientists, medical experts were able to develop one in record time. but i'm not a doctor either and i'm not going to play one on tv and tell you what you should do. that would be your individual choice and you got to make that decision for yourself. i suggest in consultation with your doctor or doctors that your know and respect, i would urge all of you to read as much information as you can, then you and your doctor get to decide. your decision, you should have the right to medical privacy. any government mandate would be an abuse of power. make no mistake, the radical socialist left they don't seem to care. they crave power over all of our daily lives, that'soc what they seem to want above all else. that's what d.c. statehood is about, that's what court packing is about. if that is what hr one is about.
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as a means to an end, they seem perfectly happy to divide americans along racial, socioeconomic liens. rich versus poor, black versus white, men versus women. on the campaign trail, candidate biden called president trump's covid-19 -- number he called the travel ban,, he called it hysterical, xenophobic and a fearmongering. banning all travel from any part of the world will not stop covid-19 -- take a look at your screen because biden is now set to become spherical, xenophobic and racist because he wants the travel ban to india to limit the spread of covid-19. is it now suddenly not racist, not, not xenophobic and hysterical was mike why, because a democrat is in office? get the same loud criticism from the media mob?
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what about the left's reaction to senator tim scott to? after his g.o.p. response that was beyond impressive to biden'? joint address, there are a lot of racial slurs about senator scott that trended on twitter for 12 long hours. you would have suspended a conservative or permanently ban them, why did it take so long, jack? on tv the racially charged rhetoric from the left about tim scott was absolutely repulsive, despicable and downright racist, take a look. >> why was he chosen to give this rebuttal? he was chosen because he is the only black republican senator. he is that person, he is that person that republicans want to put out front because of the problem of racism in this country and he knows that. so i was disappointed that he was used in this way.e >> this was standard republican pablum that could have been delivered by tom cotton -- america is not a racist country, there is no racism here.
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i'm not sure what the purpose of this was. >> sean: he agreed with senator scott's remarks and said yes what? he doesn't think the american people are racist. okay, what about people in your own party? are you going to hold them accountable for the vicious, vile, hateful things that they said? repulsive epithets that were thrown at senator scott? the democrats smearing senator scott, they get a free pass? just like you did for decades when you tried to stop school integration or coauthored the 94 crime bill, use the word predators or maybe we can all agree on a set of facts that institutional racism doesn't exist, the vast majority of people on both sides of the aisle are not racist. there are ignorant, racist people, we all know them.
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nobody that is intelligent that has half a brain wants anything to do with them but the left will never agree to these terms. because the politics of race, the politics of division, it's critical for the democrats and their quest for power. here with reaction fox news contributor lara trump along with fox news contributor joe concha, let's start your reaction to senator tim scott which i found repulsive. >> it's absolutely ridiculous. some of the commentary you heard there is in and of itself racist. how about the fact that the republican party chose tim scott to deliver this message because he was well-equipped to do so. he's an intelligent individual, well respected senator within our party, of course they defer immediately to race because that is all p they know. joe biden, if you say you don't believe this is a racist country, then i guess will not be hearing you condemning black lives matter, i guess you're going to come out and say you
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know longer believe in critical race theory being taught in our school 1619 project. critical race theory teaches our people and our children to judgl one another not based on the content their character but solely on the color of their skin. growing up in hating this country and hating one another because they do not look alike. it is absolutely disgusting but this is again part of what the democrats do. they always turn what they are doing and they try to say republicans are doing it, what a disgusting display that was. >> sean: i've complimented you before, i think you are probably the best informed student and columnist on the media, you deserve your own media show on fox, you did such a good job. you have been watching the media all these years, have you ever seen anything quite this bad? in this day and age of
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cancel culture, woke america that you can say the things that were said about senator scott? >> thanks for the kind words, clearly you have venmo and you got that payment i sent you earlier. i don't take compliments well, i'm sorry. i want to go to that the biden interview and i'll answer your question by just giving a small example as far as what we saw with him on nbc. how to push back when the president makes such a ridiculous claim. biden said if he was closer than 6 feet during that interview, he would put his mask back on. i would say okay, you're vaccinated, correct? unvaccinated, right? the vaccines work, right? yes. why do you have to put a mask back on if all of those things are true? i want to hear the president answer that question because we sought during the joint session of congress where you have the president walk in with a mask on, get to the podium and take a mask off and everybody else includingcc? the house speaker d the vice president behind him t
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are both wearing masks despite everybody being vaccinated. what you're not seeing in media reports is vaccinations whilein they were going up for months, rising steadily in the past two weeks we are seeing a drop now in terms of the numbers of vaccinations that are being administered and i wonder if it's because of the optics you are seeing on the screen where lawmakers who swear the vaccine work since where they should go out and get it continue to wear masks. to your point earlier, the cdc says it's perfectly i safe and indoor settings if everybody is vaccinated -- optics matter and this president and vice president speaker of the house and do get it. >> sean: joe concha, good look on that show -- you deserve it. now we turn to america's
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mayor rudy giuliani facing a federal investigation over potential fair violations. most involve in america not registering, appropriately with u.s. federal government. there are guidelines you have to do the registration -- that's what it usually means. the question tonight is when is zero experience hunter biden, will he be held accountable? he made millions from russian oligarchs, kazakhstan oligarchs, we know about ukraine -- no experience that we could find whatsoever. by his own admission, no experience. then of course china and a sketchy foreign entities. all seem to have one common denominator, connection to his father. mayor giuliani has a copy of hunter's hard drive that we are told -- yes we actually have sources of our own, independent sources have confirmed to me that has loads of evidence of lots of potential, not only misconduct but lawbreaking. the feds didn't want those electronic devices, they didn't seem interested -- take a look.
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>> at the end of the search when they had taken out seven or eight electronic items of mine which is what they took and two of someone else's, they were taking the three hard drives which of course our electronic devices, they mimic the computer. i say will don't you want these? they said what are they, and they said those are hunter biden's hard drives, they saidce eyno. i said are you sure you don't want them? the law to require them to take it and they said no! >> sean: more and more i am concerned for this country, do we have a two-tiered system of justice? it looks like it's in full effect. we don't have equal justice and equal application of our laws, guess what, we really don't have a justice system. it seems to only be getting worse under biden. one of the administration's recent dojua nominees a woman
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named kristen clarke once called for defunding of the police, last year in an op-ed entitled "defund the police but be strategic" she referred to defunding the police as a unifying call from the black lives matter movement. but on capitol hill, she seemed to have selective amnesia about her own op-ed, take a look. >> you just said you don't support cutting funds from police. i find that astonishing and not credible because i'm holding the article you wrote and i pulled out a highlighter and highlight the beginning of each paragraph going through and about midway through you have a paragraph that says "we must invest less than police and more and social workers. the next is we must invest less than police and warned social support to our schools for the next paragraph begins we must invest less than police and more
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mental health aide. three paragraphs you begin with the words "we must invest less than police." you just told this committee under oath you don't support invest in less and police? how to use where those? >> sean: we also know she reported a conference the speakers who referred to convicted cop killers as political prisoners. that included a murder philadelphia police officer and someone convicted of murdering a new jersey state trooper. senator cruz question her about that, take a look. >> did you organize the conference and do you support those who murder police officers as heroes? >> that conference you referring to was organized by a noted historian who lived the
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institute for research of african-americans studies, i was a student working on a range of projects. to the second question, i do not celebrate the loss of life. >> if you say you didn't organize the conference why did they think you by name for inviting you to speak at the conference?ze >> i was a hardworking student that made sure people were fed,i mailed out invitations, provided the agenda. >> sean: can a person who praises the idiotic defund movement to be part of a conference like that, be qualified to serve in the doj? tonight her nomination is pending, now might be a good time to contact your senator and let them know what you think. here with reaction author of "the case against new censorship" harvard professor, law professor alan dershowitz who was also advising giuliani's legal team is to along with fox news legal analyst dvgregg jarrett, someone who participates in such a conference as ted cruz described
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and she admitted to me would be disqualified from such a position of professor. >> i agree, i don't think she's qualified to be an assistant secretary of the justice i think both defunding the police and participating in a conference of that kind, i very much worry about the justice department now. i was encouraged when president biden appointed the attorney general of the idea of him allowing a search warrant to be directed at a lawyer who could easily have just responded to a subpoena -- imagine if a search warrant went to your doctor or your priest and theth government answers don't worry, we will get the information but only some of us will see it, only a team will see it and if it's privileged we won't turn it over to other prosecutors. w would any of us tolerate that? that's the same with a lawyer,
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you don't go after a lawyers cell phone and computer with a broad-based search warrant and to say we're only giving it the sum prosecutors and not other prosecutors. i have been arguing this for 50 years and i would've thought this justice department would have more sensitivity, not onlys to the rights of giuliani but the rights of the client and the rights of clients as patients all over the country who are subject now to having their privileged information read. >> sean: thank you both, chilling time for everybody. when we come back, chris christie will join us for an exclusive interview covering a wide range of topics -- one of them is he contemplating a run for the presidency? much more, u straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ahead.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome to fox news fox news alert i'm ashley strohmier, disneyland opening the gates for the first time in over a year, the park is open to it in that state to visitors operating in % capacity and it's a powerful syl that the country is recovering. this comes on the same day the u.s. hit the major milestone in the pandemic with more than 100 million americans fully vaccinated against covid-19. the army taking disciplinary action against with one officers over the death of specialist vanessa. 16 commanders were fired while others were given smaller formal letters of reprimand. found dead last year after missing for two months and investigations concluded that dylan was sexually harassed by
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another soldier. a charge commanders denied for months and no charges filed. i'm ashley strohmier, now back to "hannity." ♪ ♪ >> sean: jill biden's speech on wednesday was nothing more than a stream of reckless spending, more taxes, more taxes, higher taxes, more debt, more amnesty and more questions about how you will pay for all of this. it was unimpressive, impractical, totally divorced from reality and even democrats are asking tough questions like west virginia senator joe manchin, he says he's uncomfortable with the cost of this massive agenda. according to former new jersey republican governor chris christie, biden's address sounded like a 15-year-old if you gave them a credit card with no limit. get this, according to a new report from axios tonight, friends close to christie believe he's going to run for president in 2024. here to respond to all of this, former new jersey governor chris christie.
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are you think about running fors president? will not get that one out of the way first. >> i'm not ruling it out, a long way that go yet, i'm not going to rule it out but i think i have a lot to say and a lot toin do for the country and the future. we'll see how the next few years ago. >> sean: would you challenge donald trump in a primary? >> i would not make him a decision based on anyone else who was running, i believe i'm the right person and if my family supports it those of the two things that are most important to me. >> sean: you have been at times critical to donald trump come on the other hand the agenda is pretty clear. he believes in liberty, freedom, low taxes, less bureaucracy, he wants constitutionalists on the bench, law and order, signature trump, right? safety and security in our cities. he fights for school choice, secure borders, energy independence, free and fair trade, peace through strength, protecting pre-existing
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concessions but free market solutions for health care, do you disagree with any of that agenda? >> no, i agree with that entire agenda, something i fought for my entire political career. but i don't think any of these decisions should be based on what other people are doing, they have to be based on what you believe in your mind and your heart is best for the country. it's a long way, we have no way of predicting what this is going to look like. if we were sitting here in 2013, no one was predicting that donald trump was going to run for president in 2016, let's wait to seeoi what happens. >> sean: overall, how do you grade trump as president? >> overall, i give the president and the fact of the matter is there was things that happen specifically at the end of the presidency that i think clouded his accomplishments and that's why we as a party need to emphasize the issues you just talked about and be talking about those because i think those are incredibly popular with the american people and that election was much more about personality than it was about our issues and the proof
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of that is you got 15 members, republican members of the house that are new. you flipped aul governorship, flipped two legislative chambers, the river lukens had a great night up and down the ticket and we've got to remember, that's because of issues we stand for and what we are willing to fight for. like fighting against the craziness that's in this joe biden bill. for instance like a new provision that would pay someone 75% of their salary in unemployment insurance if they quit their job. you don't have to get fired or laid off, you get unemployment forir quitting for what they cal good cause -- if to mike in this administration a good cause might be if someone's feeling are hurt, the american people are going to stand for this. that's why i'm speaking out and saying president biden is not telling the truth about these plans and he needs to be called
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out as a liar.g the liberal media was more than happy to use that word ono president trump over and over again but for some reason we can't use it on joe biden. i'm not going to hesitate using it because a lie is a live. >> sean: he has liedo a lot and i agree with your comments on all of those things. let me ask you about for example i think every state should have voter i.d., signature verification, we have to have monitoring chain of custody by both parties,, i think partisan observers must be able to watch the vote count, that is in the statutory language of mostav states. cleaning up voter rolls should be done every year before every election. a lot of that didn't happen. do you believe as i do that should be mandatory in every state, all of those things or anything you would add orror subtract? >> there is nothing you just talked about that i disagree with. when i was governor of new jersey we cleaned up the voter rolls in a way that have never been done before and you know our state has such a history of voterhe fraud that oe
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of my democratic predecessors said he made his wife promise he would be buried in new jersey city new jersey so he could stal active in politics. we did those kind of things when i was governor. more importantly, on the i.d. issue, we see recent polls that show nearly 80% of all american support that. i don't understand if i go into an office building in new york city i have to show my i.d., i don't have to show my i.d. if i vote? that makes no sense to me at all. >> sean: joe biden is saying even vaccinated people need to be wearing masks for god's sakes -- his words. my understanding was if you got the vaccine that life would return to normal and life at normal was not what we saw at the joint of congress this week and he's on a zoom call.
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if he is the only world leader wearing a mask. i find that part odd, do you believe the vaccinations as we have been told, that once vaccinated it protects you with a high rate of efficacy from contracting the coronavirus and it should -- where's the promise to return to normal life is my question. >> not only that, the science not only shows it protects you from getting the virus and getting sick yourself, it protects you from transmitting the virus to someone else. look, we should have been back in school in september all across this country in september of 2020. we still only have 43% of the kids back in school. we should be allowing people who have taken both doses of their vaccine to be able to go back to doing what they do. businesses should all be open. a ballpark should all be open, 4 arenas should all be open. this is something when people are vaccinated should be able to participate as if this had not happened. i don't understand why the delay
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in that, i don't understand what the president continues to urge it when his own cdc is saying something completelyva differen. >> sean: they change their mind. >> because of politics. >> sean: $6 trillion in spending, we know the numbers don't add up, biden said he could do it did not add to the deficit. you don't need to be an mit graduate to figure it out but then it's court packing, d.c. puerto rico statehood, then it's ending the legislative filibuster, then it's open borders, amnesty, ignoring the laws that are currently in placa like sanctuary cities and the states. why do i believe that if i ever aided and abetted lawbreaking like is now institutionalized in states and the situation at our southern border, why do i think i would get arrested and put in jail for the rest of my life? >> because you're right, you twould be. here is the fact here. all of those things should focus
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republicans like a laser on 20202.d elections have consequences, us losing those two seats in thee georgia senate races have made all of this possible. we need to be loud and proud about what we stand up for. i said the president was lying about the georgia voting lawse because he wasn't lying and is lying about the georgia voting law. i said he's not telling the truth about an infrastructure package that only spends about 24% of the total on what we know as infrastructure, i said he was lying about the $1.9 trillion covert relief bill that spent only 10% on health care. we can't allow ourselves to sit back and wait for something to happen, we have to alert the american people to the fact these things are happening right now because that is what is going to stop court packing, that is going to stop the legislative filibuster, we are calling him out to someone who doesn't tell the truth. >> sean: rudy giuliani was the person who first introduced me to you, i don't know if you remember. >> i t sure do.
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>> we know there are referrals in inspector general horowitz's report, we still don't have a durham report, we have premeditated fraud on the fisa court with the phony dossier that hillary paid for. you watch what happened, he had offered this apparently to the prosecutors. i really believe at this point in american history i'm concerned we don't have equal justice and application of our laws, do you see what i see? >> i'm very concerned about the fact that there would be a search warrant executed on the home and office of a lawyer without regards to attorney-client privilege. when i was u.s. attorney we were very reluctant to do things like that. i'm concerned about that i'm going to tell you something as you know. i was a victim of thee
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obama-biden justice department, the supreme court had toto revee them 9-0. we've got to be vigilant about this and i'm a supporter of rudy, i've been that for 15 years. >> sean: thank you for being with us, appreciate it. when we come back on this friday night, biden can to continues to push his dangerous america last agenda. marc marinovic joins us straight ahead. ♪ ♪ arden brings us together. my garden is my therapy. find more ways to grow at
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♪ ♪ >> sean: some democrats are beginning to collect biden for his massive order failure and security crisis at the border, is complete border neglect. even arizona democratic senators mark kelly and kyrsten sinema both pushed back on the biden administration downplaying what is utter chaos and unmitigated disaster.
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at senator kelly in reaction to wednesday's speech said in a statement "what i didn't hear tonight was a plan to address the immediate crisis at the border." shortly after, senator sinema's office echoed state similar statements. joe biden didn't seem to care because he's surrendered to the new extreme left. just look at how he reacted to abolish i.c.e. protesters at yesterday's tiny, barely attended to become a waste of time event minor pep rally in georgia, take a look. >> most of all, i want to thank you, the people of georgia. [shouting] >> i agree with you, i'm working on it, give me another five days.
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>> sean: here with reaction attorney general mark burn a bench along with the american conservative union chairman, matt schlapp. i've got to be blunt here, i don't believe senator kelly for one second. he's up for reelection in 2022. he's been one of the most reliable sycophantic socialist advocates in the u.s. senate. i think this is a show statement for him because he knows arizonans know there is chaos of the border, am i wrong, or am i right? >> you are 100% right, think aboutvo this. senator kelly was able to vote for a bloated covid relief bill and he hasn't said jack about the border until just now. think about it, on his first day joe biden stopped construction of the wall, we sued him over the policy of deportation, he said nothing. at 2 million people illegally crossed our borders this year, that's like the entire state of nebraska and mark kelly said nothing. this is the way these guys work in d.c. committed to a pole and they figure oh, my gosh, that's what i need to say.
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the biden administration has told people like me that want to enforce the rule to pound sand and we need to keep doing everything we can to hold him thcountable. >> sean: matt schlapp -- to me it's raw politics and i believe that because he's in a stateig that'sld a purple state, can voe republican. i think any number of people at including the attorney general would run a good race and have a great potential to win out there, so i think these comments are not genuine because he's not mentioned or uttered a word prior to this. >> i agree with that but i'm good to disagree a little bit. i think the center of gravity is changing on politics. i think you're going to see more democrats like democrat henry
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cuellar from texas who is starting to be a lot more critical over the last two weeks. >> sean: i think it's sincere. >> i do too but i also think mark kelly is being up complete politician who is following the winds but guess what? those winds demonstrate more democrats are going to realize you cannot defend what is going on at that border and i think this is going to change our politics going into the midterm elections, things we haven't really seen before. democrats cannot continue to say look at what is happening in the democratic party. joe biden goes to georgia and those protesters who interrupted his pathetic event as you described it, they are going to win a this argument. i know by talking to reporters who are talking to biden's top officials of the administration, they are panicked because it is a big magnet of amnesty.
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if you come to the border, joe biden is going to let you come into this country, you're going to come here illegally and they know if that happens like it happened throughout the firsc 100 days, there is end insight. it would be nebraska, kansas, oklahoma, you can rack up states that will equal the population of the illegals that are going to come in to this country and that will create chaos that we never seen. >> sean: when we come back idaho police officer nate sylvester, the guy who did the tiktok video who said there's a staffing occurring what you think we ought to do? he's been disciplined and suspended for putting that on tick-tock. excuse me, for calling out lebron james for going after the guy that was a hero in an incident that saved an unarmed woman'soc life, he's next. it's time to end this attack on law enforcement.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: it's time to end this attack on law enforcement. in this climate, nobody will want to defend anybody. it's time to end the irresponsible rhetoric being fueled like figures like lebron james and prominent democrats in the media mob as we showed you earlier in the week. a police officer in idahoo released this bible video marketing lebron james reckless and irresponsible remarks about police following the ma'kiah bryant shooting. he put up a video, your next of the police officer that seemed an unarmed innocent woman's life, take a look.
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>> have lebron call my cell phone right away. excuse me, can you put the knife down please?fe don't stab -- stop stabbing. hold on, it's lebron. lebron, it's me again. i'm out here, a service call this a guy trying to step another guy with the knife, what do you think i should do? why does that matter? they are both black. you don't care if a black person tells another black person butha you care if a white cop kills a black person even if he's doing it to save the life of another black person? it doesn't make a whole a lot of sense but then again you are really good at basketball so i guess i'll take your word for it. >> sean: in response, the office is apparently investigating the matter and addressing it internally. really? for i a viral video totally on e market?. here now exclusively to explain idaho deputy nate sylvester who you saw in that video along with
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civil rights attorney fox news contributor leo 2.0 terrel. i watch that video number one it was funny but more important it was impactful. we've all watched the video. the young woman, the woman in pink in the ma'kiah bryant case pinned against the car, a knife clearly, you could see the knife loaded up, a lethal weapon within a fraction of a second, that knife is going to be thrus, into the heart, the neck, wherever of this unarmed woman. that police officer likely saved a girl's life. o you pointed that out in this tiktok video just how hard your job is and your suspended for it? you're getting in trouble because of that? >> yeah, i don't know if anybody can watch that video from columbus, ohio, and not believe that officer was justified in his actions. you're correct, i am in a predicament because that tiktok video. >> sean: what is your
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predicament, what can you tell us? >> basically what you just mentioned it's all correct. i have been suspended and the issue is being handled internally in my department. >> sean: this is now happening, new york city -- a billion-dollar cut to the police, people are retiring, leaving the force in droves. i've never seen anything like it.. 200 officers in seattle, they left. i had to governor kristi noem on my radio show today and she had put out a tweet saying "come to south dakota, we appreciate your hard work, we respect your hard work, we will not defund you." would you consider moving, taking governor noem on her offer? >> i've had similar offers over the past week or so and i have considered it, nothing is off the table just yet.
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for now, i do still have a job with my department, i will have to wait and see what happens. >> sean: i think you're being unfairly treated.. leo terrel, i believe in that video, anha innocent woman's lie was saved and i think the actions in a fraction of a second, that officer prevented what could've been a tragedy. what would lebron james say if it was his daughter about to be stabbed? >> let me first of all say this, officer i would like to go to your state and shake your hand and give you one of my hats frot sean hannity, you are a great american. let me be very clear, we should go do a go fund page for this officer who's losing wages. at that officer has been saying the same thing i have been saying.. lebron james put a bull's-eye on that officer's back when he tweeted out and subsequently deleted. secondly, the officer's conduct
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was justified. you cannot please the left. you're either going to allow a black girl to kill another black girl or you are going to save a black girl's life by shooting and defending that black girl by using deadly force. you cannot would match with the left and that's what it is. g they look at the race card as a profitable business, you can never please them no matter if the officer did everything right.t' anyone involved in law enforcement knows darn well that officer had to make a split-second decision and he made the correct decision. >> sean: more "hannity" next. ♪ ♪ my garden brings us together.
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honest candidacy she has going very, but that's all the time w have left for this evening. hope you set your dvr and never miss an episode. we will never be the media mob your hearts be troubled, laura ingraham takes it home tonight very. >> i'm more a ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." we have a fun laura: i am a laura ingraham. we have a very fun show for you. the press must have watched a completely different biden address earlier in the week. you will be shocked by the reaction to it, the most extreme and the most in a in plus the return of our mystery guest series. this particular person just recently received a star on the hollywood walk of fame. the big reveal later in the hour and an update on the white
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