tv FOX and Friends FOX News May 4, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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trickle down effect we talk about. todd: fox news app. amazing thing it works. jillian: scan the qr on the bottom of your screen. have a good day. "fox & friends" starts right now. bret: the president is lifting the nation's refugee cap from 15,000 per year 62,500. >> make them we bring them into our state as quickly as possible. >> frustrated students telling president biden how they feel about remote learning >> safely reopen the majority of k through 8 schools is one of my top priorities. >> i pulled you over. >> because you are a murderer. >> you can't be on your cell phone while you are driving. >> i was on my phone you are a murderer. here you go mexican racist. >> shows you how abusive people can be when we are just trying to do our job. >> the mayor of baker city in eastern oregon declared her town
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a common sense sanctuary. >> we are saying that these lockdowns and these mandates are hurting our people more than the virus. >> folks that are saying that they need to be policing people at this point, if you are saying that you really are saying you don't believe in the vaccine. [applause] ♪ ♪ and you go, go, are go. ♪ until you hear a bad. brian: attention all broadway actors, time to get back to work. put on your costumes and wear your makeup and be prepared to entertain us from now until the end of time overpriced tickets theaters way too small and seats no longer fit us because we have gotten to be way too big people. ainsley: what are you talking about. brian: broadway is back. ainsley: so excited. brian: a bit of a rush to open up the state and city quicker so
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we will forget about all of his troubles. ainsley: traffic is already back. new york is coming back. brian: little by little just in case you don't know while everyone was at home, they painted bike lanes right on the -- where we used to park. so now they are zooming down where people are walking and then you now park in the middle of the street and they took another lane away from the bidsiest city in america. that's what happens when you have a flower child as mayor of new york city. ainsley: how many times have you almost been taken out? brian: unbelievable. steve: when the taxi drops us off in front of the building you open the door and you think okay, the curb is right over there about 10 feet but that's where the bike lane guys go. ainsley: not just bikes what are these things. ainsley: electric scooters those things are fast. brian: not getting exercise hopping on electric scooter and pretending that's exercise. it's not exercise. get a bike. ainsley: most of america can't relate to this, brian. brian has almost been taken out
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by electric scooter. brian: that's last time i will be allowed to say hello. ainsley: exactly. steve: welcome to our tuesday telecast. big news yesterday because he got so much blowback from his progressive left wing yesterday joe biden did a complete 180 when it comes to the annual refugee admission camps. when you look at what they have been over the last year or so, touring the trump administration, he had lowered them to 15,000 and keep in mind, refugees are people -- we're not talking about migrants. we are talking about people who flee their country because they are forced from their home armed conflict if persecution. under trump 15,000 allowed. biden came out couple weeks ago it's going to be 15,000. there was such blowback yesterday he raised it to 6 thousand and vows by the end of '22 it looks as if they are going to have 125,000 which he says would be hard to actually get. to say.
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ainsley: i will tell you why he can this. he is bowing down to these progressives. as you said, steve, the democrats were slamming him for his decision to cap it at 15,000. ainsley: you have aoc she said completely and utterly unacceptable. unyouhave jayapal. president biden has broken his promise to restore our humanity and it senator dick durbin said say it ain't so, president joe. brian: 6 now, east asia, 5 now, latin america, 4,000 from europe and central arab. asia. there was no pandemic i would are very little problem with this. they are screened and going through 9 process the right way. if you want to change those rules, go ahead and do it and debate it and come out of committee and we will take a look at it if you do this properly, through the refugee system, i wonder the big picture why the president is so afraid
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of far left extreme by definition. in the big picture, if you have an organized process, america welcomes refugees in the big picture. steve: right. brian: what i'm worried about is what is happening on our southern border is the chaos and the administration doesn't seem to have any interest in caring. ainsley: brian, you are right, this is a free country, we want people to come in here they want them to do it the right way so they are paying taxes. what's hard is when you see the keystone pipeline and people out of work when you know taxes are going up. brian: good point. ainsley: people aren't going back to work because they are getting paid money from the government and restaurants now saying we cannot open full time because we can't get employees back. in it's disheartening to know so many people out of work or struggling to get people back to work and they can't pay their bills then be they now have to pay for other individuals who aren't doing it the right way. if they are a refugee and you
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are in dire straits and being persecuted, come in but do the right way so have you on the books and you can help contribute to this amazing country. steve: we are not talking about a lot of people so far. while the trump number was 15,000 according to the latest data as of march only 2,000 refugees had been admitted to the united states. only 2,000. the problem is this. when joe biden looked at the number and he said let's make it 15,000, i know, i know, i know, donald trump had 15,000. and then the blowback because all of these progressives were saying joe, come on, have you got to go big. have you got to be bold, joe. and essentially the president went against the advice of the top foreign policy advisers including the secretary of state anthony blinken did not want him to change the number but he did. what is going on behind the scenes is the fact that the people in the government who operate and handle this is the office of refugee resettlement. they are responsible for the refugees. and do you know who else they
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are responsible for? the children on our southern border. do you know what? they are kind of busy right now. that is a big part of the problem why the number was going to be so small in year. brian: distraction it should all be about the southern border. you have 2200 a day come on the rio grande sector. 1600 over in arizona some places in arizona. this is a crisis, a catastrophe, 41 plus days you can't get the vice president down there. the vice president has no interest in going. is he pretending like it's not a catastrophe. it is. meanwhile, this is an example of an immigrant at work. ainsley: did it the right way. brian: born in communist albania shared his personal experience about an hour ago. >> we had to escape albania because it was a communist country and settled in a refugee camp. after that we were subjected to that so make sure that we proved our identity we didn't commit
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any crimes. we were not wanted. then we had to undergo medical examinations and interviewed by u.s. embassy and eventually came to the united states. anyone who doesn't go through that process doesn't understand the importance and the significance of being an american because when you come to the united states as a refugee, you come here for the americanism. you don't come here because of the benefits that they would offer you. we have diluted that significance of coming to the united states. steve: so, ultimately, what is going on behind the scenes is while his advisers said that number, 15,000, is appropriate for this year there was such blow back it goes to show what a political animal joe biden is. there was so much blowback from his left flank he caved and now it's a much bigger number. ainsley: trump's historical low numbers did not reflect the values of this nation. these new admission caps will expand the nation's capacity to
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admit refugees. brian: if you want to take one word that doesn't belong with leadership, definitive leadership. it's probably, probably. if you say should something happen? probably. should it not happen? probably not. that is showing no leadership, no spine. that's exactly the phrase that joe biden is using when it comes to reopening our schools which he claimed when he was a candidate and a few appearances he made from his basement and from parking lots that he would make it a priority. get our kids back in school. and yesterday, showing a total tone deafness, he actually went to a school, then talked about the need to open up schools. yet, if he really wanted to show a spine, he would have stood up to the teachers union who represents millions of teachers around the country who said we are not quite ready yet. biden 78 years old having been through what he has been through you should say no, there is right and wrong despite the millions have you given the democratic party and me specifically, the right thing to do is open up schools. here he is yesterday in a
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grammar school talking about the need to believe it or not open up schools and you can't even guarantee they will open up in september. >> safely reopen a majority of the k through 8 schools was one of my top priorities in my first 100 days. because there is so much that happens when they don't have the certitude and the companionship and familiarity to be with their friends. they are all our children and they're the kite strings that lift our -- we have to invest in them. invest in the children invest in the future. ainsley: he went to work town and community college with dr. biden. this elementary school he visited open four days a week. they clean the school on wednesday so kids don't go there the president asked the children what do you think about virtual learning and and based on their answers he might have regretted asking that out of the mouths of babes. listen.
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>> when we're really tired we take a little nap. >> sometimes paying attention, can you eat; steve: no, it was terrible. those kids are brilliant. next time we have something we don't want to talk, about let's pretend the mic doesn't work just like that. that's what the kids were revealing about how they were able to use this virtual setting to their benefit during these pandemic times. ainsley, you mentioned he was at the tide water community college where he was talking about the $100 billion proposal to give everybody who wants it free community college for two years. and he joked he was advocating for community college because he was married to a community college professor. jill biden is an english will
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professor at novad, northern virginia community college. he says i have to admit if i didn't have these positions i would be sleeping in the lincoln bedroom. ainsley: do you think anyone raised their hands we should group out of school until you implement this? steve: give my parents money. brian: if he cared about the kids he would demand they open up the schools set. more concerned about the 2. million and the. 3.7 million in 2020. for joe biden, if you want to know why has caved to the teachers union because he cares about. 2 million to a pro-biden super pac and it teachers union liberal groups to 2019 and 2020. the communication revealed that the cdc was consulting with teachers unions on what they should say about opening up schools. we're losing a generation of kids and is he pretending like he cares about those kids. he doesn't. it's all words it no action. it is -- it's sinful that these kids aren't back in school like
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they have proven to be effective in places like florida and texas and will south carolina and most of north carolina and long island new york they go back to school they make adjustment and plexiglass. others have to sit there some in a class while their teachers are on zoom because their teachers union is shielding for them. they said here is all this money to get your school ready, they took the money, they are not getting their schools ready 3 feet apart is not good enough for them. even though the cdc came out with that they want 6 feet apart. you can't do that in a lot of these inner city schools. the kids that need it the most are forced to stay at home. the parents who can least afford it can are forced to stay at home with their kids. they cared about the kids and parents. he would stop demanding higher taxes and stop demanding all these things and instead put the process back to, would. he wrote a check for money on an account where there is no money to get these schools back up and running. and they are not up and running. and he sat there in front of those kids and acted like he was
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working on their best behalf. he has left kids in america at their doorstep because he cares more about the union. ainsley: he plays both sides. apieces the teachers union and says i'm ready to get you back. in 30% hybrid or virtual still. 67% in person daily. brian: guaranteed in september. you future infrastructure three years down the line. all this spending he asks for in the future. can't guarantee september. he should have guaranteed september of 2020. steve: here is the problem for him messaging wise. all the networks showed him at a school. some schools are letting out in may. so if he want to get the message out, that's what they did yesterday. if you tuned in and watched the mainstream media coverage, it was very positive about what joe biden is doing. brian: by the way if you are a democratic parent and your kid is not in school you are not buying that anybody who has a
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grand kid correctly or indirectly family member or cousin you are not buying that york town appearance yesterday. ainsley: people are upset about that. upset how law enforcement is being treated. bill mellugan. we just hired him. brian: i know you signed his paperwork this morning. ainsley: i approved it he obtained this video pretty compelling. it shows this driver calling a deputy who pulls this person over for being on phone while she was driving. routine traffic stop. she calls him a murderer, mexican and racist. listen to this. he got it on video. >> the speed limit is 40 and i was going 38. the why are you harassing me. >> you are correct because i pulled you over. >> because you are a murderer. >> you were on your cell phone. >> i was recording you so you are giving me a cell phone ticket? is that why you are harassing me?
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>> it's not harassment i am enforcing the law, ma'am. >> i have a right to record the police when they're harassing me. >> by all means you can't do it while you are driving. >> i'm perfectly legal and i'm a teacher, so there. >> congratulations. >> you are a murderer. >> it cite you for using your cell phone while you are driving, that's it? >> for him being a mexicoist. racist? what is that had name? here did you go mexican racist. you will always be a mexican. you will never be white. do you know that right? steve: that is just terrible. brian: as bad as it gets. steve: not only do the county deputies have county issued body cams but he actually had his own personal one. that is video. bill mellugin. fox news knows the identity of that woman in the car and we have asked her for a statement she has not responded. what's interesting will that
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woman according to the sheriff's department, that woman has called in to internal affairs right after that and made a complaint against him. but the department says the woman has a history of making false claims against the department the sheriff out there had this to say about by being able to see the video, we know what these officers encounter every day. here's the sheriff out there. >> if she represents her profession, is that an indictment on her profession, the caliber of people? because you have george floyd some people want to label the entire profession as if everyone was a derek chauvin. this shows you that it racism comes in all colors and all ages. and proof of that right there. if you want to call all of the deputies murderers, unfortunately, you are doing exact same thing which you are accusing other people of doing against your own. brian: do you want to know why they can't fill up the academies across the country and retirements are through the roof
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or homicides are beyond your imagination. all those things can be captured right there. who want to put up with that type of abuse on a daily basis when you are factor in those risks? steve: crazy. and she said she was a teacher. and that's why the sheriff is talking about her profession right at the top. ainsley: i hate that people think that about police officers. and i hate that police officers some of them have to go on the job by themselves. this is just an example. if that were my husband out there or if that were me, i would want to have a partner with me at all times. brian: carley shimkus will not have a partner with her. she is committed to anchoring the news herself, right, carley? carley: with the three of you. brian: going to watch. ainsley: there is no i in team, brian. brian: that's right, yet. carley: 20 people are dead after a train derails in mexico city. the overnight wreck also injuring at least 70 people. officials say a support beam
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gave way causing the concrete overpass to crumble. the train plunging over the side on to a busy street below. the cause is under investigation. on to extreme weather now. at least three people are dead as tornadoes and strong storms roar across the united states in texas at least one person was killed after semi-truck flipped on a highway. there have been more than 50 reports of tornado since sunday from the south to the midwest. and watch this, the lights go out at busch stadium in the ninth inning of the mets cardinal game. luckily it only took second for the lights to come back on. kids as young as 12 may soon be able to get vaccinated for covid-19. the fda is expected to approve pfizer's emergency reduce authorization next week. this would allow for many children to be vaccinated before goings back to school in the fall. right now the shot is only available for those 16 and
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older. the fda may approve the pfizer vaccine for children even younger some time this fall. and listen to this. an out-of-control chinese rocket is now heading towards earth after launching just last week. experts fear the 21-ton rocket could land on populated areas. but most of it would burn up in the atmosphere. the 100-foot long rocket is traveling at speeds of more than 4 miles per second. that is terrifying. how do we fix that, guys? somebody call bruce willis. brian: haven't the chinese done enough problem with the virus now their rockets are falling from the sky? yikes. carley: scary stuff. steve: not only do you have to worry when you get out of your taxi in the morning you will be run over by a bike but a portion of a rocket could fall on your head maybe later today. brian: i'm sure we all have it coming to us, i guess. do you know what america really needs?
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brian: florida governor ron desantis lifts all remaining covid-19 restrictions. the executive order prohibits schools, local governments and businesses from requiring people to show proof of vaccination as well. ainsley: this as new york, new jersey, and connecticut are set to lift most of the covid-19 restrictions on may 19th. offices and restaurants, museums, the theaters no longer going to be subject to capacity limits. steve: in new jersey, when you
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show that you have gotten the shot, you are going to get a shot beer. you get an actual beer if you get vaccinated however in new york state governor cuomo says if they don't show proof of vaccination will still have to maintain 6 feet of social distancing. in oregon we told you the governor out there, kate brown has reimposed severe limits, 15 of oregon's counties are extreme risk of controversies. she has banned indoor dining, reduced capacity at gyms and entertainment venues and for a lot of business people had t. just not make sense it flies in the face of common sense. that is why out in baker city, oregon, they listened to the business people there and they say you know, the governor just doesn't make sense. let's make our town a common sense sanctuary and that, ainsley and brian is what they are doing in baker city, oregon. a common sense sanctuary.
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sounds like a nice place to visit. ainsley: over the oppressive covid lockdowns listen to this. this is the mayor of baker city. >> we are declaring a safety emergency. we are saying that these lockdowns and these mandates are hurting our people more than the virus. hopefully, if this resolution spreads like wildfire across oregon, which it seems to be doing, the people who realize that the power has always been with them. i mean, if you think about it, if all of these businesses that are facing lockdowns open up at once, there is no physical way for osha to be able to police that system. these businesses either have to just go out with a whimper and shut their doors or they have to fight back. and we have been backed into a corner by the governor. we have a legislature that has done nothing all year. they need to look at her powers and take them back. and as a result, we have a governor who keeps giving herself more and more power. ainsley: so ron desantis down in florida he said, you know, i don't understand these states, these individuals washington, for instance, that is saying get vaccinated but you still have to
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social distancing and you still have to wear your mask. he says that's sending the wrong message telling people what's the point of sticking something in your arm if you still have to follow the same rules that you did before? brian: right, for example, the governor every day in new york proves that he has no idea about business because he has been on the political doll his entire life. ainsley: governor of new york? brian: governor of new york would be governor cuomo, still as of now. he lifted restrictions okay you can go to bars and restaurants. he has not limited the 6 feet. he said it's not fully reopen. doesn't help restaurants you can't have 6 feet distancing and comply 100 percent occupancy until social distancing requirements are lifted the vast majority of restaurants won't have 100 percent indoor capacity. on top of that, when you go to -- when you go to open up if you don't allow people to be able to go up and walk around, and you be able to put people in their proper seats, in other words, if you can't put your tables in there, the place will look packed but they are not going to have their capacity.
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and the other things they have a problem with is because they give so much money here is to get people to actually work in these restaurants. steve: brian, you are absolutely right. we had a restaurant owner on yesterday who said essentially it's a math problem. because if they lift the capacity 25% to 50%, because everything is 6 feet apart you only have a certain amount of square footage in a restaurant. things are already maxed out at 25% they have got it it's impossible for them to get more people in because have you got to be 6 feet apart. ainsley: doesn't make sense. if you have a restaurant that only holds 10 tables. those tables can't move. you can't add on 6 feet here and there. brian: right. ainsley: doesn't matter if they raise the percent tapping of people that can come in your restaurant because you still have the same amount of space. brian: cdc told us not everyone pays attention to the cdc. said it's only 3 feet. couple months ago only 3 feet. let's digress.
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ainsley: depends on where you are and who your governor is. 6:29 east coast. suspect back on the street thanks to it new york's controversial bail reform. how many criminals will be released before leaders realize these laws too not work? stick around. that's next. ♪ all about. it's what the united states postal service has always been about. so as your business changes, we're changing with it. with e-commerce that runs at the speed of now. next day and two-day shipping nationwide. same day shipping across town. returns right from the doorstep, and deliveries seven days a week. it's a whole new world out there. let's not keep it waiting. cell phone repair. did you knowole new world liberty mutualthere. customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote.
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it. carley: good morning, back with headlines. philadelphia staffing crisis as recruitment plunges and skyrocket. 26 8 vacancies with more on the way. at least 79 officers have entered the deferred retirement program which puts them on track to leave within four years. that's up from just 13 last year. police and union officials blame anti-cop sentiment beings the pandemic and new policy requiring officers live in the city. a heroic rescue after a toddler is thrown from a car over a bridge during a crash. you can see one of the cars dangling off the side of the maryland bridge, ocean city officials say the unidentified person jumped over the guardrail into the water below to rescue the 23 month old. the toddler was taken to the hospital. seven other people were hurt in that crash, my goodness. oh boy, lil' and melinda gaetz are divorcing after 27 years of
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marriage, the co-founder and former ceo of microsoft saying they, quote can no longer grow together as a cup permanent the pair reportedly did not have a prenup and will have to split their estimated $130 billion fortune. the couple does plan to continue their work with the bill and melinda gaetz foundation. gates foundation. those are your headlines. steve: that was the story everybody was talking about yesterday. controversial it will bail laws allowed a man to walk free despite 29-year-old burnett facing 42 charges for his alleged 11-day crime spree which included vandalizing multiple synagogues in the bronx. none were severe enough to warrant bail under state law. with more, new york city councilman joe borrelli. joe, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> people here in new york are outraged by this story because they look at what happened and
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they saw clearly as the banner says we are talking about somebody involved in hate crimes. and they are going what exactly do you have to do in new york state to get arrested and stay in jail? >> that's the big question, steve. it's very easy to get caught up in hate crime target ago synagogue or community. we have to remember this person is free not because of some quirk in the system or the luck of the draw or a bad judge or bad prosecutor. this guy is free today and will be out on the streets by design. he is free because of the bail reform law put in place by governor andrew cuomo and the radical democrats who took over albany. and, unfortunately, this is the kind of thing that democrats that are aligned with the far left will do in every municipality in every state where they control power. steve: yeah. joe, we should point out the first judge in this case actually set bail for him, which is great. because, you know, all those
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crimes, alleged crimes, second judge came in and said you know, you can't really do that under the new laws we have got let him go and sprang him. >> right. you know, here you have a lone wolf judge, crazy to thing that this is a bad guy who tried to person this person who was accused of 4 separate hate crime incidents away behind bars. it's just so hypocritical in general how much lip service the democrats pay to hate crimes. they like to say they stand with the community. they like to say they are tough. but they had one opportunity. when they made this law, they chose deliberately not to have hate crimes included in this statute. so the judges have no discretion. the judges have no choice. and the reason we have judges to use that discretion doesn't exist in new york state for this. steve: the lead editorial this morning at the "new york post" is give back new york judges power to require bail for clear threat to public safety. there has got to be some discretion on the part of the judge. because, after all, they are a judge. they can figure out what's right
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and wrong. >> sure, exactly. it's that discretion which makes it so important. look, we are talking about hate crimes right now but we could just as easily be talking about violent crimes. 88% of people arrested for gun crimes in new york city let out without bail. 55% of those people arrested who actually pulled the trigger during a crime were released without bail. we can't be surprised there is more gun crimes. steve: joe borrelli new york city councilman, thank you very much for joining us. >> sure. steve: the biden administration moving the goal post on when they are going to reopen the all the schools. while kids are forced to stay home, parents struggle struggle to go out and find work. how is that fair? panel of moms next. ♪ we got get right back where we started from ♪ ♪ advanced non-small cell lung cancer can change everything.
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♪ >> given the science, if the vaccination program in this country prorksdz if people do go get their vaccines, there -- he does believe that schools should be able to reopen in september and reopen safely following the cdc guidelines. but he said probably. he said did not say absolutely because we have all seen this since, unfortunately, january of 2020. it's an unpredictable virus. ainsley: employment rates for working moms are still far below their pre-pandemic levels. many had to quit their jobs to stay at home with their kids. how is this fair to the children and how is it fair to the parents? let's bring in a panel of working moms, emily an economic professor at brown university and mother of two. jacqueline staff the founder of charm and mother of three and we have cindy lee, a working mother of four, a single mom.
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i don't know how do you it, cindy, you are a hero. >> thank you. ainsley: thank you all for being with us. >> thank you, ainsley. ainsley: i are welcome. emily, i will start with you. what is your reaction to what anita dunn just said might not open in september? .>> i spent most of the pandemic studying this problem and part of what is troubling about this messaging is we have increasingly seen that schools can reopen safely that was true enemy cases even before widespread vaccination, after widespread vaccination that will be even more true. i think we really need keep pushing this because we are seeing that for working parents, for working moms in particular, this has been devastating. not only for them but also for their kids. we know that in person learning dominating virtual learning for kids both learning and mental health. i think this is a crisis. ainsley: jacqueline, how has it affected your family? mom of three, have you been staying at home with them or
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have you been helping them through this situation? >> yes. definitely been a challenge. and i have to tell you i have such a deep appreciation for our tennessee teachers and what they do because it was very challenging. for a child to sit in front of a screen for hours is not easy. and, you know, really broke my heart to hear my 10-year-old say i want to see my friends. personally i have a toddler that you know, has challenges set back because he didn't have that social interaction. you know, ainsley, the bottom line is we have to start prioritizing our children and we have to, you know, make them a priority and not politicize, you know, these schools reopening for one personal agenda. we are really hurting them with their social development and, you know, advancing. we have got to make a change. ainsley: cindy, how about you? gosh, i don't know how you are doing it what line of work are you in? >> i'm in human resources and i'm an essential employee so i have been working during this
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entire pandemic and also raising four boys and when i found out early on that their public schools weren't going to be resuming full time i withdrew them and put them in private school that returned to regular operations. that begs the question. can reopen and schools can't and the reason is because of the teachers unions. the teachers unions are dictating the terms of reopening such as what we are seeing with the cdc story that they're cdc what to write in final guidance and the cdc is incorporating it the teachers union donate a large sum of money to joe biden and the democrats which is why the blue states have been slower to reopen. so as the leader of this country, joe biden needs to prioritize our children. he needs to tell teachers to get back to work. if they want to take the vaccine they can take the vaccine but schools need to open now and to ensure that our child's education are in the hands of the parents and this never happens again, parents need to get involved by contacting their
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state legislators to pass a school choice bill where the taxpayer money follows the student. ainsley: god bless you all saying prayers for your kids if they get pack in school if they're not in school right now all the kids around the country do. jacqueline, you are married to scott who in creed, his music has gotten us through all of in this. i hope he gets back and able to do concerts in the future. >> thank you. ainsley: god bless you all. thank you. >> thank you, ainsley. ainsley: you are welcome. janice has the forecast for us. hey, j.d., how are you? janice: i'm good, ainsley. talking about severe weather. over 50 reports of tornadoes over the last couple of days. still very active over parts of the deep south. back through the southern plains, up into the ohio river valley. we have a couple of severe thunderstorm watches in effect including nashville, tennessee where we had an earlier tornado warn storm northwest of the city there is the forecast for today.
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potential for large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes for all of the areas here that you see in the yellow and then we do have a slight risk for severe storms all the way up towards the northeast and the mid-atlantic. that's going to happen not only this afternoon but through the overnight. so know what to do if you are going to get a watch or warning, especially in the overnight hours where a lot of people are sleeping and can't get their warnings. also, the potential for very heavy rainfall with some of these storms over saturated ground so flash flooding is going to be a concern. ainsley, we will keep you up to date my friend. back to you. ainsley: i know you will. thank you, janice. do you know what america really needs? more woke spies, right? listen. >> i am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. ainsley: we're going to talk to former cia officer about the agency's new recruitment approach. ♪
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propaganda campaign, watch. >> i'm a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder. my existence is not a box checking exercise. >> i used to struggling with imposture syndrome at 36 i confused patriarchal ideas what a woman can or should be. brian: does that make you want to sign up for the cia. former cia officer bryan dean wright. brian, is this the cia ad you expect to roll out today? >> no. no. in fact, just a few years ago i would never have made it out of the front office. i started after 9/11, our focus, if you asked us, if we were to starin recruitment video we woud have talked about the mission, about country. what did we hear cisgender millennial against the patriot prarky, nothing in that 2-minute video was focused on the
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country, so how did we get to here? let's talk about that. i think that the rank and file guys like john brennan at the cia and, of course, james comey at the fbi bring their personal politics and they were rewarded for it james comey is teaching now and we have got the cia brennan off writing books and starring on his own tv series. brian: network contributor. >> yes, absolutely. so, the first question is what happens when cia is deeply political, not just at the senior levels but in fact the rank and file. that's a nightmare situation. we saw this propagandist garbage and that's exactly what it is. that is frightening for the country which actually then gets to the second piece practically speaking what happens when you hire a bunch of folks who are wokesters going out into a world that is not woke? the rest of the world, china, for instance, deeply racist and bigoted are you going to go out with your marxist blm signs no,
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don't do that that's bad. come on as an analyst as awokester are they going to bring nuances to their analysis? are they going to bring any degree of unbiasedness to their job? , not. they are activists now. intersectional, i mean, come on. brian: do you know what scary too, brian, it didn't just stop there something very similar is happening with the navy. they created a task force in february to combat discrimination which recommends that sailors take a flowage acknowledge all lived experiences and intersectional i'ds. how does that help keep america safe? >> it doesn't. and it's not just navy by the way. we have seen it actually coming out of the marine corps. people with their active twitter accounts attacking people like tucker carlson for his view. right? so this is now endemic. we have had a media in this country and leadership at the department of defense, the cia, the fbi,nsa, all bringing their lived experiences, talking about this -- their own political
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partisan agendas. brian: right. >> people start to take note of that. i have been on this program with you and many others this is what happens when senior leadership says bring your politics to work. people will do it. and they will see what happens when you actually get great things if you bring your politics to work. you get your space, yes. but if you are comey and clapper, you get book deals and things. so it is a horrific, expected outcome. brian: you say that as a democrat, right, brian? that's right? >> i will tell you, brother, about two months ago i jet jed is on the democratic party. brian: did i not know. by ran, thank you so much. more "fox & friends" next.
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so, ask your doctor the first full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel... available over the counter. voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement. .>> nation's largest media outlets issuing corrections made by rudy giuliani. >> they have been trying to make me a russian agent for about three years. >> how is it there are three different outlet that reported the same false story because they are not really reporting. they are going to the same people. >> hate crime suspect back on the street thanks to new york's controversial bail reform. >> 42 charges. how is it possible the guy walked? >> when they made this law, they chose deliberately not to have hate crimes included in this statute. >> bill and melinda gates are getting a divorce.
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>> bill gates is worth $124 billion. a couple reportedly did not have a prenup in place. >> i am tired of every time i wake up in the morning there is someone else the fact that maybe law enforcement is just not a good thing. ♪ ♪ ♪ steve: i just got a note from my friend ken who lives down in miami "fox & friends" good first hour. i want to currently 81 degrees. going for a high of 88. and do you know what, brian and ainsley, do you know what today is. today is "star wars" day. do you know why they call it "star wars"? ainsley: why? steve: the say something may the fourth be with you. may the 4th.
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ainsley: tomorrow is cinco de mayo. steve: today is also teacher appreciation day. brian: are people celebrating cinco de mayo? can you celebrate "star wars" day. steve: brian, may the 4th be with you. ainsley: i got an email about a cinco de mayo celebration tomorrow. brian: are you invited? ainsley: i am. brian: okay. are you going? ainsley: there is a wait list. i'm on the wait list. [laughter] brian: wielding some of that anchor power. ainsley: i guess there are so many people. yeah, i didn't tell them do you know who my best friend is, brian kilmeade. let me in. brian: that would help. gets everybody everywhere especially the clubs. steve: thank you very much for joining us on this may 4th, 2021. ainsley: mate force with you and the 4th. peter doocy is at the white house as the president biden bows to pressure and quadrupled
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refugee cap. >> president says the sad truth is even though he is raising the refugee cap to 62,500 per year that number is not going to be reached this year. and he made an announcement where he said in part this erases the historically low numbers set by the previous administration of 15,000 which did not reflect america's values as a nation that welcomes and supports refugees. biden is blaming trump for the low number but initially resisted raising that cap himself. and he had progressives all over him last month. alexandria ocasio-cortez said it was completely and utterly unacceptable of biden at the time. jayapal of washington says president biden has broken his promise to restore our humanity and senator dick durbin said "say it ain't so president joe." we are well passed president biden's 100 days in office and the dhs secretary mayorkas
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saying they still need more time to rebuild the immigration system. >> the president has been committed to the refugee program and to rebuilding it. we had to start a humanitarian process while we rebuilt the system in its entirety. we know how to do this. and it takes time. here we are on may 3rd in a dramatically different situation. >> as they try to figure out how they want things to work with the immigration system, officials here had teased last month a cash transfer program where u.s. taxpayer dollars would go down to central america to encourage central americans to stay there. but now there is a group of republicans in congress who wrote a letter to the white house demanding answers and they want assurances that that u.s. cash is not going to go to corrupt gang leaders. back to you. brian: right. that's usually the deals you cut tell the gang leaders don't take any cash, that usually works, thanks, peter.
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we are looking at dramatically different situation. what planet is our homeland security secretary on? are you kidding me? it's absolute chaos at the border, if they went down there they would understand that but they wouldn't. here is an example in huma. they apprehended 1600 migrants over the weekend. they had 13 growches 30 illegally crossed into the u.s. from mexico is that under control? the sector chief christie clem says this. huma sector. 13 groups of 30 plus that illegally crossed into u.s. from mexico. the migrants crossed in areas where there is no infrastructure to deter people from illegally crossing the border on foot. doesn't get any better in the rio grande sector. things so much better there were 2200 illegally bused a day. sounds so much better down there. sounds calm. ainsley: they said on friday agents found in hotel led throw-to-three pursuits and all ended in crashes.
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steve: yeah. it's a dire situation. they -- but, you know, they are not going to call it a crisis down there. and they say they are managing it because the numbers for april a fraction of what they were in march. and march pretty much broke all the records. so, are once again, the administration is moving the goal post not only on migration. but as we told you as peter just told you they have moved the goal post when it comes to refugees. >> opening up schools. brian: they said probably by the beginning of next year and now the president when he was town in portsmouth in the commonwealth of virginia. he had a prediction that has a lot of people going hey, wait a minute. that's not what you said before. remember about a month ago the president said you know by the 4th of july we would be able to have small gatherings together. well, now, listen to this. it's not so much 4th of july. maybe you should think labor day.
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watch. >> i think by the end of the summer we will be in a very different position than we are now. as you know i have worked very hard to make sure we have over 600 million doses of vaccine. we're going to continue to make sure that's available when i got elected i said in the first 100 days we would get 100 million people vaccinated i was wrong. we got 230 million vaccinated. >> [applause] the point is that by the end of the summer -- right now every single person 16 years or older doesn't have to wait in line. can show up and get a vaccination now. my plea to everyone, get vaccinated now. please. steve: okay. where is the fact checker. ainsley: they left of center changed the goal posts when it comes to masks. first, you don't need a mask, then do you need a mask, then you need two masks. teachers need to get vaccinated. they keep changing. brian: 80% of all teachers are vaccinated by the way that
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number he got a nice round of applause for maybe they were surprised by the answer because it wasn't true. he overstated how many americans are immunized he said and he had to walk this back. he said 230 million. no he misstated both his promise and the results accord together a.p. fact checker. biden confused the number of shots administered with the number of people vaccinated. 148 million people. received. 160 have been fully vaccinated not 230. just keep in mind, too. if he should carry marry the governor of alabama's press conferences or mississippi, or perhaps ron desantis over in florida, he would know we're not waiting until the end of the summer, if he even carried governor cuomo and all his pomposity and his press conferences may 19th. we are not waiting until the end of the summer. my question is he pushing the
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goal post down or did he just get confused again? steve: well, you know, brian to that point. you just read the a.p. fact check that's quite a brush back. brian: huge. steve: you would think they wouldn't like to do that when he said 230 million people had been vaccinated when it's closer to 106 million fully vaccinated. he also made the mistake when he said yesterday that anyone making less than $400,000 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes. he meant to say not a single penny more in taxes. so, maybe having an off day. it's interesting though, axios this morning is talking a little bit about where we're going to go next when it comes to the vaccination program. because right now if you watch the news yesterday, there were a number of stories about how because there is such vaccine hesitancy, we may never get to herd immunity. what that means is that the coronavirus is just going to be out there with variants forever, maybe, unless more people get
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shots. so now apparently the next phase is to lean on employers and churches and organized groups to try to get people who work at places or go to church to get the shot there. because, according to the polls, nearly a quarter of americans are more likely to get the vaccine if it's at work. and why would that be? well, because it's handy. it's right there. going to work? i'm going to get a shot it's like the flu shot we all get. ainsley: exactly. president biden went toe a school yesterday, actually two. he went to an elementary school down in virginia answered went to a community college and he said even though his administration is saying we probably will open in the summer but we are not really sure, he did say reopening schools his top priority. listen. >> safely reopen a majority of the k through 8 schools was one of my top priorities in my first 100 days. because there is so much that
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happens when they don't have the certitude and the companionship and familiarity of being with their friends. they're our children and kite strings that lift our [inaudible] so we have continue to vest in our children to invest in the future. brian: right. is he more -- he cares that the teachers union invests in the democratic party. those kite strings they don't work on zoom and by the way kids use other toys except kites. i don't remember the last time a kid had a cited. kite. i think kid and kites work. 380% of student attending hybrid schools. 3.3 k through 12 students attending virtual only schools. there is -- in california. ainsley: that's a third is either hybrid or virtual. brian: right. it in california they have kids in school and no teachers there. that's happening in places in new york, especially in manhattan here. so you have got the president of the united states saying that
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maybe, probably, in the fall, kids will go back in school. when they should have been back in school in september. and he pledged for that to happen. when he finally takes over. he has no urgency to get there jen psaki is doing all types of back flips in order not to say it. if a kid goes to school once a week it counts. explosive story over the weekend in the "new york post" and freedom of information request of the cdc communicating with the teachers union on the language to use about reopening schools so they don't look bad. and they actually take verbatim what the union is telling the cdc and put it in the science report on when it's safe to go back to school which just goes to show you how corrupt the situation is. and how subservient the democratic party is to a group of people, the teachers unions that represents 1.8 million teachers minimum. so some of the major cities, they are giving in to the unions because they gave over 40 million to democratic causes.
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you would think the president of the united states at 78 years old. after everything he has been through. who is supposed to be the leader of the free world would be able to stand up to a group of teachers because he cares about kids. don't go a grammar school and say you care about those kids because you don't because your actions don't reveal you don't have the courtroom to stand up to unions and those letters are not opinion. these are exchanges. check it out on the "new york post." the actual letters and interactions between the union and the cdc to give us the science report. it is sickening. ainsley: the teachers unions are steering the science. steve: follow the science. follow the union is what they are really cooking. meanwhile, you know, as ainsley said, they went to two schools, one a community college and then they also went to a fifth grade class. when it comes to message control. because they are very careful about what they want to talk about every day and they are very careful about who says it
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and things like that. okay, so you have got a fifth grade class there, right? everybody is enclosed in plexiglass. and then the president and first lady did an ad-lib and asked the kids what liked and didn't like about virtual learning. when they weren't in the classroom. and you know, this was supposed to be positive. but ultimately, it backfired a bit. here's some of the kids telling the president and first lady about what it is like when they're at home on zoom. >> when we are really tired then we can take a little nap. [laughter] >> yeah. >> sometimes it will you could eat. ainsley: out of the mouths of babes. they probably regretted asking
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them. should have prescreened and picked out the ones they liked their answers. steve: what are you going to say? and write it down for the kids to say. brian: 10,000 public school districts with strong teachers unions substantially less likely to reopen because of these unions, those kids are speaking the truth. do you know they could actually tell the truth in greater numbers how i don't see my friends, depression going to show and lack of cognitive ability that will be revealed and hurt our economy in the future and then individually right away? they have to have a plan b to get these kid some extra school to make up the distance but after this story, i'm not convinced there is even a willingness to do that. and for president biden not to commit to september saying i can't see the future he saw the future and asked for $4 trillion for infrastructure. if the vaccine works which i believe you told us it does. september should be free and clear. the kids don't carry the virus.
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80% of teachers have gotten the vaccine. what is the problem? take your mask off and answer the question. steve: i cannot imagine the lost year. i can not imagine what it would be like in my third or fourth year of grade school missing a year of fractions. brian: yeah. now two years. it. steve: remember how hard fractions were when you had a teacher and in person but doing it as those kid you know sometimes i take a nap. ainsley: they are not learning it the way they would. steve: it's so sad. the sooner they get back, the better. we all know that 7:16 now here in the east. ainsley: let's hand it other to carley. carley: that's right. good morning. a bring story to bring you here. five illegal immigrant are now facing federal charges for heir alleged role in a suspected human smuggling operation in texas. nearly 100 people were found trapped inside this houston home on friday. at least five of them testing positive for covid-19.
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officials say that number could go up as more test results come back. embattled new york governor andrew cuomo maintains his innocence when pressed on the two probes into his office. the democrat deflecting and encouraging people to get vaccinated instead of admitting guilt to hiding thousands of covid-19 deaths. >> did you go home and kiss your grandmother, and wind up killing your grandmother. >> well, our new special "the collapse of cuomo" is available to stream right now on fox nation. most suspects charged in connection with portland's riots last summer will not be prosecuted. a u.s. attorney revealing out of 97 cases, 58 have been dismissed or deferred. 32 cases are still pending; however, many of those will also likely end in dismissal. seven people have entered guilty pleas but only one is facing time behind bars.
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imagine that. well, fans white castle wait in long lines to be the first to dine at largest location in orlando. some showing up at the restaurant as early as sunday morning. guests were only allowed to order a maximum of 60 sliders on monday. the new location will feature both indoor and outdoor seating. two drive-thru lanes and a tower. eat up. and, guys, i just have to tell you this story reminded me of my -- one of my greatest high school achievements, my friends bet me $1,100 said i bet you can't eat 20 while castle burgers. steve: 60 is the limit. that's just getting started. carley: i got to go three times to get that much. 20 white castle burgers are nothing. ainsley: 5 bucks a are burger. brian: overwhelmed by the bun.
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carley: you don't like the meat bun ratio? brian: i don't. carley: i don't have a problem. steve: delicious steam grilled and unique taste. ainsley: they are so little. steve: that's the idea. ainsley: i want to see a video of carley shimkus eating any junk food period. carley: onions on top. brian: congratulations, carley. ainsley: thank you, carley. still to come, we will introduce to you a parent who was just elected to a prominent texas school board so she could take a stand against wokeness in the classroom. steve: she is next. emotional plea from an officer goes viral calling for an end to the polarization of police. that officer shares his message with us live straight ahead. >> i am tired of every time i wake up in the morning there is someone else polarizing the maybe law enforcement is just not a good thing. i'm so damn tired. tired, tired
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spruced the suggestion that they're going to have diversity training after a video went viral showing some high school students laughing as they shouted the "n" word. then what happened? >> well, our school district convened a district diversity council comprised of 60 parents and community members. and they met together to talk about ideas about how our school district could respond to this issue. and, in theory, it was a really great idea. unfortunately we had a handful of administrators in the school district that decided to push down into the plan some really radical ideas and that's when parents really revolted and said we don't want this kind of radical divisive policy taught to our kids. steve: in fact, this comes at the same time where all across the country as you know, hannah, people are talking about, you know, they are teaching critical race theory in my kid's school and i don't like it but what can i do? obviously down in south lake, they had something they could do. they installed you and another member who are against it.
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>> exactly. you know, it's really important for parents around the country to know they are not alone. when we started this battle last august, we paired up with like-minded parents around the country. i was on conference calls with parents from all over america who are fighting the same thing. so it's important for people to know that they can ban together and they can make change. we really educated our community about what critical race theory was, why it's so bad for our kids and why we don't want it in our district. then we started doing a lot of investigative work. we asked for open records requests from the district. we used foia to really find out what our district was doing and that empowered us with information that we could then use to fight against it. steve: one of the reasons we were, hannah and i were talking during the commercial, one of the reasons some people, i think three times more people showed up for the polls on saturday than in the last election, is because people in your town, you told me, were tired of hearing
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in the mainstream media oh, you know, people down in that town they are racist, right? >> that's exactly right. you know, south lake is an amazing city. people move here from all over the country because it's such a great place to raise their kids. we have award-winning schools. we have the same mascot for all of our schools so we are all dragons. people love that unity and that's what draws us here. and so when mainstream media was saying that we are an awful town, people are racist, our kids are racist. our schools are systemically racist. it just wasn't right. people turned out to the polls in record numbers. usually municipal elections turn out 3,000 voters. we had over 10,000 voters in some of these races. it was a radical response by our community saying we will not stand for this. false narrative anymore. steve: well, people all across the country are talking about your school board election. congratulations for winning, hannah smith. thank you very much for joining us today from the dallas area. >> thank you so much. steve: you bet. good luck. all right.
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come up on this tuesday. help want wanted. our next guest says businesses are competing for workers unemployment benefits too good. they don't want to leave home. the business owner joins us on her staffing shortage and why you should work for her coming up next. ♪ ♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes! over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. ha! these drops probably won't touch me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what is that? xiidra, noooo! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid treatment specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease.
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♪ carley: good morning, back with headlines here. fbi agents shoot an armed intruder outside the cia headquarters fog an hours long standoff. the man tried entering the langley compound but confronted by armed guards. the fbi says agents opened fire only after the man emerged from his car holding a weapon. he went to the hospital but not clear how serious he is hurt. a conservative newspaper attacked at unc chapel hill. vandals defacing this newspaper box for the carolina review using the r to spell out racist. the paper's website was also hit. the hacker calling the editor in chief quote nazi scum. the school condemning the incident tweeting in part unc
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strifs to foster an environment where everyone, regardless of identity, background or perspective can enjoy their right to free expression. police are investigating. britney spears is slamming documentaries about her life as hypocritical. the pop star saying in instagram post these documentaries criticize the media then do the same thing. spears suggesting films like the ones produced by the "new york times" and the bbc brought up tough times and only focused on the negative. she has a good point there those are your headlines. ainsley? ainsley: good deal. thank you so much, carley. business owners already hit by the pandemic are now struggling to hire employees as they compete with unemployment benefits. our next guest is a small business owner in johnson, tennessee and she says that she is struggling to hire even after raising her pay and her benefits. joining me now is the owner of johnson city heating and air kelly ritzco.
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sorry brian's phone is going off. [laughter] >> thanks for having me. ainsley: why is it so difficult to find these skilled workers? >> that, i do not know the answer to. we can only attribute it to the increase in unemployment benefits, possibly even the fact that people are so used to working from home there are so many jobs now remotely where people can work that they don't want to work in person due to the fear of the pandemic we really walsh we could find the answer to that. ainsley: i worry about your customers, too how this can going to affect your business. if you can't find skilled workers how are you going to fix sheeting heating and air conditioning units especially in the summer when people need their air? >> you are right, ainsley that's one of the things my husband and i fear the most our customers are going to end up having to wait longer. we have been voted here in johnson city the best in johnson city the past two years. that's a great honor but we want to be able to continue that good
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customer service that has to then us to where we are. and the inability to find employees is pushing that back. not allowing us to get the customers as quickly as we have in the past. that is definitely a detriment to our customers. ainsley: before covid how many worked for you. >> we are a small company before covid we had six employees, now we have three. ainsley: wow, so 50%. i was reading in your state, in tennessee, the state will pay individuals who are not working $275. then, because of covid relief money they are getting $300 in federal money every week. so that's a total of 500 and 75. is that more than what some of your employees would make? >> no it is not. it is our employees right now unskilled laborers that come straight off the street and we like to start work we will pay
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them anywhere from $11 to $15 an hour. skilled laborers. ainsley: $11 an hour times 40 is 440. >> correct, that's for unskilled. however hvac is extremely skilled labor. so for those skilled laborers with at least two years experience we will bring them in anywhere from $16 an hour up to $20 an hour based on their experience. ainsley: did i add that right. $11 an hour times 40. yeah, 440. my gosh, well, i hate that you are going through this. what are you going to do about it? >> we are not the only ones going through, this ainsley. it is a problem in our area i drive past 10 local businesses five national chains such as walgreen's, pizza hut, all those that are franchise national chains that have now hiring signs out in our office complex alone, we have three other
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businesses that are actively hiring people right now. and we have done everything from putting the large flags out on the road saying now hiring. we have considered the group of us, four of us to have a job fair in our parking lot to ensure that people will come and interview with us. because that's where we are seeing the problem. people apply but when you call them for an interview to come in or you -- they do come in for the interview and you call them to offer them employment, they either withdraw their application or they don't show up for the interview. ainsley: if someone lives in johns hopkins city and they're watching and they know thousand work in your industry heating and air call kelli ritsko johnson city heating and air. thank you for joining us. >> thank you fog having us. ainsley: calling for the end of toll larrization of police and that police officer is going to
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share his message with us live straight ahead. you do not want to miss this. >> i am tired of every time i wake up in the morning there is someone else polarizing the it best that maybe law enforcement is not a good thing. i'm so damn tired. tired. tired. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. ask about ubrelvy. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma.
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tired. tired. steve as you can see an atlanta police officer passionately venting his frustration with the national conversation about policing and this is going viral on the platform tiktok. ainsley: the post racking up 1.7 million views in just three days with the message that he hopes viewers that you at home will take to heart. brian: do you know what? he joins us now with more on this. operation commander for the more house school of medicine department of public safety major kelvin dingell. major, thanks for joining us, what brought you to that point? >> oh, wow. really, actually, it's just fullness of everything. it seems like now every morning we wake up or every night we go to sleep there is always something negatively that is portrayed by law enforcement. law enforcement is not a good thing. law enforcement is not actually,
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my story is simply this. i was riding home and thinking in regards to everything towp it's just different, drive next to people and people are frowning at me. people are purposefully doing things to get my attention. they are flipping me off. again, it was not that way. duop this is something new. it's a new attitude and i don't know where it's coming from. can i see where it's coming from but all of us are not bad. all of us are not bad at all. steve: officer dingle, they are frowning at you, they are flipping you off as you said, it's not because you cut them off in traffic, it's because you are a police officer. you are wearing a uniform you are driving are a canchts that is correct. that is the only reason why. >> it's really heart breaking to me when i got in law enforcement 20 years ago. it was not that way. last few years or so law enforcement has really been put
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out there as something negative. and we're not. we actually took an toyota protect and serve. don't get me wrong it is it what it is. some people make bad decisions. the majority of us that put the badge on every day. the majority of us that want to protect and serve not just the community but in transits to the community we do police. we are truly good hearted people that want to make a difference, we do. that's just my standpoint. that day i justen honestly had enough. my heart was broken because of the things that i saw in just traveling home to my family and it wasn't always that way. it used to be hi. it used to be waves and smiles. used to be somebody saluting you. the last time i saw a salute and i have a military background, that means the world to me. it's not happening now it need to change. ainsley: major dingle i know we can all give you a salute. we are not on camera now.
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i salute you and steve and brian do. we love you for everything have you done for us. do make my daughter walk up to police officers and we both together thank them because when we are an emergency situation, you are the ones we are going to call that are going to come to our defense and possibly save our lives. we did want to get your reaction from in one video l.a. county sheriff deputies put this out because this police officer says not only does he have his body camera i have video that he wears but he also has personal footage that he wears to protect himself just because of the. steve: liability. ainsley: liability of everything that's happening in our country. he pulls this lady over. he says for using her phone while she was driving. and this is the reaction that he got. listen to this. >> the speed limit is 40 and i was going 38 so why are you harassing me. >> you are correct i pulled you over. >> because you are a murderer. >> driving. >> i was recording you because you scared me. i'm perfectly legal. and i'm a teacher.
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so there. >> congratulations. >> you are a murderer. >> i'm going to cite you for using your cell phone while you are driving, that's it? >> for him being a mexican racist? what is that name? here did you go mexican racist. you are always going to be a mexican. you will never be white. you know that, right? ainsley: major beginning del, what's your reaction? >> wow. wow. you see, this is my reaction to that. the truth of the matter is, simply this: is that that is more common than y'all could imagine. the fact of the matter is that is it not the reverse if you are telling me that i'm a racist simply because i made a pullover legally a good pullover because you are on your phone and breaking the law versus what you are telling me i'm racist but no you are racist for calling me a racist? this has to stop. it really does. that officer did and he kept his
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composure which is a good thing because that is what we are taught to be professional in all scenarios in all cases. >> we don't deserve that. brian: i 100 percent agree. what's going to change it? what can begin to change it? this is going to be one of those periods where police officers aren't respected and it will just boomerang and go back to the way it was? what will change? >> no. no. i don't see this going back to the way that it was without a conversation. the truth of the matter is that we have two sides. and two sides need to be heard. but people need to listen not to respond but listen to understand. that's the difference. if i'm just listening to a conversation from the other side of the fence with the communities of america and people of america how they feel about police officers and all i'm doing is waiting for my turn to speak i just wait for my turn to subpoenaing, no. you need to listen to understand that side. and if you can do that, i promise you there is a solution out there. it is we just have to communicate which to fight it.
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steve: nobody knows more than what it's like out there on the frontlines than you do. major kelvin dingle we thank you for your service and for joining us from atlanta. ainsley: my god bless you out there. >> thank you. steve: all right. 11 minutes now before the top of the hour on this tuesday. hello, janice d. janice: hi, good morning. god bless him officer dingle. we love you. let's take a look at the tornadoes, okay? because we had a really volatile evening last night and also over the weekend. over 50 reports of tornadoes in the last 48 hours and it's not over yet. unfortunately we have a tornado warn storm just north of nashville right now. doppler radar indicating rotation here. severe thunderstorm watches in effect we have to get through the next 12 to 24 hours. damaging hail tornadoes across this area not only that but flooding rainfall. just keep that in mind and may is typically the busiest month when it comes to tornadoes
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already very active so we will have to watch out for that. this storm system is going to move eastward and sweep across the east coast next 24 hours allowing cooler drier air behind it and then we will get a couple days of reprieve here. for enough to potential for severe storms the deep south, the mid-atlantic so, we will keep you up to date. know how to get your watches and warnings throughout the day today and tomorrow as well. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. brian: all right. thanks so much, janice, appreciate it 10 minutes now before the top of the hour. leo terrell up next plus former acting dhs secretary chad wolf and senator josh hawley all coming your way if you are smart enough to keep it right here on "fox & friends." you can make the music louder ♪ ♪ never grow old ♪ living in the great wide open ♪
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♪ ♪ brian: all right. the 1619 project creator defending her racial curriculum against the push to stop it from being taught in our kids' schools. >> the state legislators all across the country that are trying to get bills passed to prohibit the teaching of the 1619 project. it's not about the facts of history. it's about trying to prohibit the teaching of ideas that they don't like. it is a project trying to teach
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children the truth about what our country was based upon. slavery was foundational to the united states. brian: wow, but the backlash not stopping a prominent university from hiring her university of north carolina adding nikole hannah jones to journalism department. civil rights attorney leo terrell. the 1619 project fundamentally based on something not true we didn't fight the revolutionary war in order to preserve slavery. what's your take on this. >> i want to be very clear to the fox viewers. implementation of the critical race theory would be government sponsored racism. you stated it already. it's not fact. it is a lie. i just heard that clip where the proponent of the critical race theory is lying about the implementation and the truthfulness. it's not grounded in fact. this country was not motivated to have a revolution based on
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slavery. that is a lie. brian: all right. she came back and said this after she got hired. i'm grateful for the opportunity to give back by helping students pursue their dreams and learn how to practice the type of journalism that is truly reflective of our multiracial nation. do you have to make a it choice between it 1676 and 1619? >> even as a former school teacher as a civil rights attorney, we are making an assumption that the 1619 theory is equivalent to fact as far as what led to this country. i don't see critical race theory in our declaration of independence, constitution, in the articles of federation or the constitutional convention this. is a lie. they are trying to equate critical race theory unfounded by any fact with what facts we have known for hundreds of years. this is the problem. one other point, brian, clean-up is very important. you are pushing down critical
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race theory to our young people. you are teaching them how to hate each other based on skin color, not content, not qualifications, not skill. this is a threat to american society because it effects our young people. brian: slavery is on every continent at that point sadly 1772 the british stopped slavery made it illegal. but they left it in all their caribbean provinces. so it didn't really change much in our hemisphere. let's move on and something else that got you passion. you have a teaching background. how about email come from freedom of information request that showed the cdc director consulting with the teachers union in order to come up with policies that helps lead to tens of thousands of kids not being in school even though the science says they should be in school? >> how do i feel about those those s males and how i feel about teachers unions how they wrecked the public schools especially in people of color, communities of color? i hate it i hate it because it is very clear to me that the
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teachers unions, joe biden do not care about educating young people who have already lost a year and probably two years. and let me be clear about this, it's all about money. it's all about power. and, brian, there is a disconnect between the hierarchy of these teacher unions and teachers. i believe that teachers want to go back to school. i think that teachers unions are out for power and control. here's the sad part about it they are getting the control. they are implementing their procedure and policy with the cdc. what do teachers have to do with the cdc guidelines, nothing. but it's a power grab by the biden administration. brian: leo, the world revolves around money. here we go the american federation of teachers gave 2 million to u.s.a. actions. the democratic group. while that went to 14 million to the american federation of teachers union gave more to 14 million between 2019 and 2020. the national education
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association another teachers union gave more than $23 million to liberal groups so what do you think they are going to do? they are going to find a way to keep their teachers hostage and keep them out of the classroom because they say it's not safe. >> that is a lie. i i'm not going to mix any words. i really -- what i really want to -- what i'm telling you right now is that they have found a profitable situation of keeping teachers at home because they get an easy paycheck. guess who is suffering? the young kids and there is not a threat of covid-19 for 2-year-olds, 5-year-olds, 10-year-olds, 1-year-olds. that's a big lie and they are selling it unfortunately we have joe biden in charge of leading this chaos. brian: right. leo terrell, thanks so much. appreciate both topics and by the way, 80% of all teachers are vaccinated. meanwhile, according to my watch, the final hour of "fox &
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friends" starts now. ♪ ♪ >> frustrated students telling president biden how they feel about remote learning. >> i didn't like virtual. >> i think this is a crisis. >> schools need to open now. we have to start prioritizing our children. >> the president bows to progressive pressure and quadruples his refugee cap. >> in part, this erases the historic low numbers of previous administrations. >> the video is getting slammed as woke propaganda. >> what happens when you hire a bunch of folks who are wokesters going out into the world? >> it's better for america. not democrat, republican, what's going to grow america more? >> i am tired of -- i wake up in the morning there's someone else in law enforcement -- >> this is heartbreaking. the majority of us who put the badge on every day want to make
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a difference. ♪♪ ainsley: such a great song. that is a beautiful picture of dayton, ohio. that is the home to the air force national museum. look at all that greenery, brian and steve. brian: whio is one of my coveted affiliates, a great place to go, and that's the number one pick of the new york knicks came from the university of dayton. steve: i went there a couple of years ago because that is where they have the erma bombeck writing workshop, and it's a beautiful school and beautiful folks out there. welcome aboard, folks, out in ohio and everywhere. "fox & friends," hour three. brian: aren't you surprised the name erma isn't a more popular name? steve: no.
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but she was one of those older names. ainsley: ruth is a family name for us. brian: i think gladys is going to make acom back. steve: -- a comeback. steve: when is the united states going to make a comeback? yesterday joe biden and the first lady went to yorktown, and among other things, she appeared at that elementary school in that fifth grade room and talked a little bit to the children behind the plexiglas. you'll hear what they had to say about virtual learning in a moment. nonetheless, the administration did what they've been doing, they moved the goalpost. you know, earlier today we talked to you about they have moved the goalpost regarding refugee caps, now they're moved the goalpost when it comes to school reopening. remember, he said you elect me, and i will reopen the schools, a majority, within the first 100
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days. that did not happen. and now they're talking about when exactly everything's going to reopen. and you know what, ainsley and brian? it was very telling because it's impossible to script children. because even if you scripted the children, they would not follow the script because they're children. ainsley: children are so honest, out of the mouths of babes. it reminds me of that commercial when the kid tells his mom, why are your kids yellow? i don't think joe biden and dr. biden were expecting these answers. i think they wanted it to be more positive. but the majority of the kids were either telling why they loved virtual learning for reasons that they shouldn't get away with, for things they shouldn't be doing, or they said they didn't like it. listen to this. >> when you're really tired, you can take a nap. [laughter] >> sometimes you could eat -- [laughter]
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>> cent like virtual. >> you didn't? >> no. >> i liked it. brian: so you got one person who said they liked it. ainsley: they can eat, they can nap, they can tell their teachers the microphone's not working. brian: we're talking about a decision by school districts not to put kids in school when others have proved it's totally effective, and there's a huge downside because. kids are forced to go on to zoom and learn, and they just can't do it. i know i have a direct relationship with high school kids, and they say it's a joke. you basically do whatever you want. there were kids who just sit there with the textbook in their lap and they just take the test while they're pretending the look down, they're getting all the answers. on average, kids are losing five months of learning when you go a whole year when you do vir hull learning. and why? 10,000 public school districts
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across the country, places with strong teachers unions, were statistically and substantially less likely to reopen their doors x. why would that be? because the democratic party, and there's a democratic administration, has increased the political spending, what they're taking from unions from 4.3 million in 2004 to 43 until 2020. so if someone gives you $43 million and says i think it's, air quotes, too dangerous to send my teachers back to school even though you know that's not true and the cdc says it's not true, there's 43 million reasons why they say we'll keep them closed. and guess what? the problem is before rochelle walensky realizes her cdc directorship was a political position, she said that schools can safely reopen. and when jen psaki heard that last month, oh, she was just speaking for herself. ainsley: yeah. 67% of the schools are in person, but 33% of them are
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either hybrid or virtual. that's a third of our kids. steve: well, and dr. fauci said the same thing. you know, we don't need to vaccinate all of the teachers. and what did, what have we heard for the last year? follow the science. and it all started with two weeks of flatten the curve, and that turned out to be a year as it all turned out. well, now, you know, over the last year we've heard the schools, the unions say things like they're not going back until they all get vaccinated. now fast forward, there seems to be an abundance of vaccine. if you want the shot, you pretty much can get it. and to your point, 80% of the teachers have gotten it, but now they're saying, you know, it's just not safe. social instancing, we need a new heating and air-conditioning system here in the school. so just like as we set it this hour up, they've moved the goalpost again. so what exactly will get all the teachers back?
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we don't know. ainsley: we interview ared a panel of moms, and this is what they had to say. >> part of what's frustrating about this messaging is that we have increasingly seen that schools can be open safely. we know that in-person learning is dominating virtual learning for kids both learning and mental health. i think this is a crisis. >> in front of a screen for hours is not easy. bottom line is we have to start prioritizing our children, and we have to, you know, make them a priority and not politicize, you know, these schools reopening for one's personal agenda. >> as the leader of this country, joe biden needs to prioritize our children, he needs to tell teachers to get back to work with. if they want to talk the vaccine, they can take the vaccine. but schools need to open now. brian: i bet 90% of the teachers are held hostage by the teachers union. they can't keep their jobs if they go against it, they've got
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to pay their fees and sit there and do something twice as hard, teach on zoom. sometimes watching your kids in the classroom while you teach from your home. and if you're a second grade teacher, trying to keep the kids all engaged on laptop or while you're on laptop? it is agonizing. and this randy wine gartner, whatever her name is, she is personally responsible for the lack of education for millions of kids in america because the other million have showed you they can go back to school safely. and how joe biden could sit in front of a classroom and pretend that he cares about those kids when his actions say something totally different and will not even commit to a fall reopening? i find that nauseating. ainsley: teachers got into the business because they love these kids. brian: absolutely. steve: the teachers union, i want to say in california, first they said they all have to get the vaccine, then they said they've got to change the air-conditioning x then they said, you know what? you wants us to go back to work,
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we're going to need childcare. wait a minute, that's what all the other people -- brian: remember the big checks? we already gave them in the rescue package of $1.8 trillion. the schools are getting zillions of dollars. and, by the way, we no longer need 6 feet of distance, we need 3 feet of distance. so now the 3-foot rule, and you've got plexiglas. steve: maybe this is something the teachers unions out in california will use to make sure going forward after the pandemic teachers get free childcare if they're going to teach the kids. ainsley: we interviewed a wonderful man, he's a police officer, and he posted this video on tiktok. i think it has, what, almost 2 million views over a three-day period, and he is a public safety officer at morehouse school of medicine down in georgia. and he has just had enough of this temperature with police
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officers and people retaliating against police officers. said people used to come up to him and say thank you so much for your service, and now they're shaking their head at him, flipping him off,he said he's just had enough of it. he is fed up. so he posted this video that got everyone's anticipation. watch this. >> i wake up every morning and kiss my family good-bye knowing that there's a possibility i won't come home. i am tired of every time i wake up in the morning there's someone else polarizing the fact that maybe law enforcement is just not a good thing. all of us is not bad. most of us are not. there are bad people in every career! i'm so damn tired, tired! brian: wow. that was very moving and probably a lot of officers watching this right now, retired or active, are saying i know
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exactly what he means. and then he tells us he was a marine. so he's been helping people out, defending communities all his life. he also said that his rich with his community is fractured -- his relationship with his community. he was on to join us 25 minutes ago and said this about where this is heading. >> it seems like now that every morning we wake up or every night that we go to sleep there's always something negatively portray thed about law enforcement. it's different. people are frowning at me, people are purposely doing things to get my attention. they're flipping me off of and, again, it was not that way. it's really heartbreaking to me. when i got in law enforcement 20 years ago, it was not that way. i just, honestly, have had enough. my heart was broken because of the things that i saw in just traveling home to my family. and it wasn't always that way. it used to be hi, it used to be
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waves, you know, it used to be smiles, somebody saluting you. steve: it used to be, and we also had him react to that video out of l.a. county where the sheriff's deputy goes up and the person just absolutely berates him. he said, look, that happens more often than i care to admit. it's what they face out on the streets. ainsley: sorry to interrupt you, but their jobs were already so tough and so dangerous just dealing with criminals out on the street, and now they have to deem with this? steve: it is, it's terrible. but it is where we are right now. meanwhile, let's talk about this down in washington d.c. the cia is looking for some good people to work for them. and yesterday out on twitter they put out a recruitment video that is being, it is being referred to by critics who are pan being it as woke -- panning it as woke propaganda. here's a little snippet of it. watch. >> i'm a woman of color, i am a mom, i am a fifth gender
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millennial who's been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. i am intersectional, but my existence is not a box-checking exercise. i stand here today a proud first generation latina and officer at the cia. i am unapologetically me. i want you to be unapologetically you, whoever you are. know your worth, command your space. brian: look out, russia and china, we're ready for you. is that going to help us fight hacking, cyber attacks, find out where the next threat is going to be, give us the top intelligence? is that the criteria to be a cia agent? this is a first for me. ainsley: i love the fact that she's latina, she's working for the cia, she's a woman, a mother, all of that is admirable, but many are saying online this is just too far, this woke mentality is too much. and i think, bruin, you were the one who interviewed brian dean wright, former cia officer. listen to what he said earlier with brian. >> look, you know, i started
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after 9/11, and our focus if you asked us if we were to star in a recruitment video, we would have talked about mission, about the country, right? what did we hear? i'm fifth gender millennial against the patriarch key. nothing in that two minute video was focused on the country. so -- [laughter] how did we get here this this is now endemic. we have had a media in this country and leadership at the department of defense, the cia, the fbi, nsa all bringing their lived experiences talking about this, their own political partisan agendas, and people start to take note of that. it is a horrific, expected outcome. steve: so just like so many industries we've been talking about whether it's the trucking industry or whether it's the restaurant industry, the cia is hiring. brian: you know the navy's got something very similar out there. i mean, i hate to say it, but they're going to have to --
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every day we wake up and there's another cyber attack that we had no idea about. we've got to worry that the taliban's going to take over afghanistan. i'm not sure those are the characteristics of somebody that's going to have the best interests of american intention or have the experience and background. i mean, that doesn't seem to be the profile of the cia agents that are going to keep us safe. steve: well, you can check out the whole video, ciaen on twitter. cia on twitter. ainsley: leapt us know what you think, steve: carly is running to her news location. i'm going to imagine a little out of breath. >> i am not. brian: carly, were you in a white castle? [laughter] >> i was not, but i am here now, and we're going to start your headlines with a fox news alert. 23 people are dead after a train derailed in mexico city.
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officials say the concrete overpass crumbled, the train plunge over the side onto a busy street below. the cause is under investigation. on to extreme weather now, you're looking live at the damage in north texas from a possible tornado. strong storms sweeping the country late monday causing at least two deaths. one of the victims dying after powerful winds flipped semiing my trucks on a dallas highway overnight. there have been more than 50 reports of tornadoes since sunday from the south to the midwest. hunter biden is considering writing a sequel to his autobiography. the president's son telling "the daily telegraph" it would focus on how his wife saved him from his crack addiction. this after his first book, "beautiful things," sold less than 11,000 copies in its first week bedespite heavy media promotion. hunter biden was reportedly paid
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a $2 million advance. wow. caitlyn jenner is blasting california leadership in her first campaign ad. take a look. >> california was once the envy of the world. we had what everyone else wanted. the american dream group -- grew up here. yet career politicians and their politics are have destroyed that dream. >> jenner entered the governor's race last month amid efforts to recall democratic governor gavin newsom. she will speak exclusively to sean hannity tomorrow night. stay tuned for that. those are your headlines, guys. ainsley: that will get good ratings. brian: and brad passscale who helped -- paskale is helping her out. ainsley: 17 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, it is a move straight from the movie of footloose, the mayor of d.c. banning dancing from weddings because of
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covid-19. we're going to talk to event plannerrers who are blindsided as many couples are canceling their receptions. plus, house minority leader kevin mccarthy. eve steve he better not be dancing. ♪♪ before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? veteran homeowners, home values are at all-time highs. you could have much more equity than you think! for all-day, all-night protection. banks can loan you some of it. newday can loan you all of it! the newday100 va cash out loan.
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but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. over the next 10 years, comcast is committing $1 billion to reach 50 million low-income americans with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. i hope you're ready. 'cause we are. act now. ♪♪ steve: major league baseball still facing backlash after pulling their all-star game out of georgia over its voting reform move, moving it to colorado. the move is estimated to cost cobb county in georgia more than $100 million alone. house minority leader kevin mccarthy is in atlanta meeting with business owners hurt by this, and he joins us now live.
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good morning, leader. >> good morning. thanks for having maine i'm down here start -- me. i'm down here starting my first small business when with i was 20. it's not to cobb county, it's these restaurant, these security companies. the nurse company i ran into this -- first company i ran into this morning said they lost $20,000. and think about what they just struggled for the last year going through covid. and this was an uninformed decision by major league baseball, a bunch of woke companies driven by the president. think how much impact this president's made, and it's the places he won't go. what has he done to our border by making it insecure? he won't tour there. he comes to georgia, but he doesn't go see small business. he doesn't understand the struggle that they're going through and the damage that he just did to them and their ability to even survive. steve: well, and you look at joe biden, he was actually down in georgia last week, but, you
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know, over the last couple of weeks he's referred to their voting reform bill in law as jim crow on steroids. but at the same time, when you look at it and if anybody reads the bill as a number of people from georgia have said, look, the bill makes it harder to cheat and easier to vote. and the people who say it's racist have not read it. >> that is so true. these are uninformed decisions. i just think joe biden, especially the damage that he's done by making accusations that are not true, that here we have the states' rights to deal with their laws, but they opened more time for people to vote, they made security. and remember, republicans, democrats and independents overwhelmingly support the concept of an id because they want to be able to trust their elections. they want their elections to be honest, open, transparent. that's what happened here. but not with joe biden and not with these woke companies. moving ap all-star game away
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from the small businesses that have struggled for the last year, the damage that they have done. steve: and the republican party in the house, you are the number one republican in leadership, steve scalise is number two, liz cheney is number three. there are a number of reports out right now, leader mccarthy, some of your allies are saying we're unhappy with her in leadership because she voted to impeach president trump, and now they're vowing a vote to get rid of her. what can you tell us about that? >> no, there's no concern about how she voted on impeachment. that decision has been made. i have heard from members concerned about her ability to carry out the job as conference chair, to carry out the message. we all need to be working as one if we're able to win the majority. remember, majorities are not given, they are earned. and that's about the message about going forward. combating joe biden, what he's done to this border by making it unsecure and what's coming across, just what he's doing here about small businesses, not
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opening schools, not getting us back to work, back to health, back to normal. that's the message we should be talking about. i haven't heard members concerned about her vote on impeachment, it's more concerned about the job ability to do and what's our best step forward that we can all work together instead of attacking one another. steve: i don't know if your ears were burning last night in the 8:00 hour, but tucker carlson said he'd received a tip that you have been living with pollster and corporate consultant frank luntz. what's up with that in. >> i didn't know this was controversy. frank has been a friend of mine for more than 30 years. i met him with newt gingrich back when they were working on the contract for america. as the democrats took over, they started changing the house around so, yeah, i rented a room from frank for a couple of months, but i'm going back to on my couch in my office. he seems upset. i think he and tucker must
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dislike each other, and they need to get together and solve whatever difficulties, because we've got to make sure that we put this country back on the right track. we were so successful under president trump. and what president biden is doing today the, the last thing we want to do is be fighting among ourselves. steve steve i think, leader mccarthy, i think tucker was questioning whether it was conflict that the top republican in the house had a roommate situation with a top corporate consultant and lobbyist, as he referred to him. >> well, frank's not a lobbyist. frank's a friend, and i just rented a room for a few months there. so i don't see that there's any problem along that line. but i'd like to see everybody stay together. let's work to make sure we put people back to work, back to health, back to school, stop this woke movement that's going on. that's what i'm doing in atlanta today meeting with small
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businesses. just as i struggled when i started mine. and the three lessons i always learned in my small businesses, you were the first to work, last to leave and last to be paid. and now we've got a government trying to hurt your business. i'mgoing to fight for them to keep it local. steve: all right. leader kevin mccarthy, good luck talking to those small business owners in thrap. >> thank you. steve: all right. 8:28 now here in the east. still ea held, former acting dhs secretary chad wolf's going to join as president biden caves to pressure and quadruples the number of refugees accepted into america. that's coming up next. dry eye symptoms again? inflammation might be to blame. time for ache and burn!
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♪♪ brian: all right. president biden is bowing to progressive pressure by quadrupling the refugee cap as house republicans question the biden administration's plan to send $4 billion to central america. really? peter doocy joins us live from the white house. >> reporter: good morning. president biden says the sad truth is that even though he has ordered the number of refugees allowed in to quadruple up to 62,50 per year, that number is not going to be reached this year. but with this announcement he, quote, erases the historically low number set by the previous
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administration of 15,000 which did not reflect america's values as a nation that welcomes and supports refugees. so the president is blaming donald trump, but he initially resisted raising the refugee cap himself, and what he did, he had progressives all over him last month. alexandria ocasio-cortez said that was completely and utterly unacceptable, pramila jayapal said he had broken his promise to restore our humanity,, and dick durbin said say it ain't about so, president joe. the dhs secretary says they still need more time to rebuild the system. >> the president has been committed to the refugee program and to rebuilding it. we had to start a humanitarian process while we rebuilt a system in its entirety. we know how to do this, and it takes time. here we are on may 3rd in a dramatically different situation. >> reporter: and as they try
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to figure out how to address the root causes of migration from central america, officials here teased last month a cash transfer program where u.s. tax dollars would be sent down to central america to try to encourage people to stay there. but now there are republicans on capitol hill who have written a letter to the president, they want assurances that that cash is not going to corrupt drug dealers. brian? brian: peter, i appreciate it. let's bring in chad wolf. he was basically called out, former acting dh, secretary, heritage foundation visiting fellow. they had to rebuild it from the bottom up, things are dramatically better. do you have a response? >> well, brian, thanks for having me on, and i'll just say the facts don't support that ludicrous claim. ofofobviously, we handed them a secure board, and the numbers across the board show the system
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was not broken. now they're going back to the system under the obama administration where catch and release is prevalent, they're allowing individuals to come into the united states even though they don't qualify for asylum, and then they are blocking i.c.e., law enforcement officials' ability to remove these individuals. in fact, the biden administration is, again, going back and they are reinstituting a broken immigration system, and they're trying to put that back into place. it's the wrong approach, and i don't believe that the american people support that. brian brian you know what? the mention president doesn't believe that either. he said expectations were created with the government of president biden there would be a better treatment of migrants, and that has a caused migrants thinking it is easier to cross the border. what you guys did was with link trade with migration. you told mexico escalating tariffs unless you crack down, and then you had mutual respect for each other, and you began to crack down,, and things slowed down. that has been dramatically
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reversed. and that's what we're witnessing now. and if you could tell me about a system that actually allowed 1600 ill illegals the come through the yuma section and 2200 to come through the rio grande valley over the weekend, please tell me how that is better. to me, it is to not better. they're just building additional housing for these illegals who believe school's out. >> absolutely. the men and women of border patrol see this, and when they see their leadership at the department or leadership in the white house say the border is closed and the border secure and then the numbers, brian, you just anticipated, they know that's a lie. they know that's not what's happening on the ground. so it doesn't matter what type of messaging that the biden administration wants to say to the american people, the facts on the ground matter, and they're telling us the truth. brian: right. >> that border continues to be open because of the policies that have been put in place. but you're exactly right, we worked with mexico and the
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northern triangle to sign over a dozen agreements to address that security, that prosperity issue. brian: right. and real quick, kids and teachers in houston are overwhelmed because these kids are coming in, english is a second language, and now they're overcrowding all these classrooms. you know these chain of events are happening across the country now, right? >> well, absolutely. and, again, you know, as we say, the border, border towns are not just along the border, they're everywhere, and they're across america. as three kids and families come into the united states, they don't just stay along the border. they go into major metropolitan areas, and you're putting strain on american schools across the country, and that's something we certainly need to be concerned about. brian: chad, you've got to keep fighting, because they keep calling you out. we want to give you that opportunity. thank you. coming up, president biden says he has bipartisan support from voters as he takes his spending push to the road, but can he get republicans in
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congress onboard? missouri senator josh hawley next. ♪ ♪ my nunormal? fewer asthma attacks with nucala. a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. obsession has many names, this is ours. the lexus is.
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♪♪ >> think about in terms of what's better for america. not democrat, republican, what's going to grow america more. what's going to grow america more what's going to make us more competitive, stronger, better educated? the good news is i think there's overwhelming bipartisan support for this when you hook at the polling data. republican voters overwhelmingly support it. now i've just got to get some of my republican colleagues to support it. steve: let's bring in republican senator from missouri josh hawley, brand new book that comes out today, it's called the tyranny of big tech. good morning, senator. >> good morning. steve: overwhelming support,
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bipartisan support, republicans across the country support it, but he needs some of you republicans in the senate to support it. mitch mcconnell said yesterday there's not one senator on the republican side going to support it. >> yeah. i certainly hope that's right. i don't know what republicans that president biden is talking to across the country, but it's nobody who lives in missouri. i mean, will be, i can't imagine that the there's republican support for bringing socialism to america which is a basically what his plan is. and he's proposed now $4 trillion in new big government spending just in the last month. this is on top of the $2 trillion he's already spent this year. he's mortgage everybody's future in order to do a what? fund a bunch of liberal pet projects, cancel energy jobs, let china run away with the global competition. it's crazy stuff that he's proposing to do, and i don't think there's any broad-based support for it certainly not among republicans or independents. ainsley: we've been talking about your book for a while now because i know after the insurrection, what happened at
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the capitol and your response to that, simon & schuster, right across the street from us, they canceled your book. regnery picked it up. we think the book is going to be the even more of a success because folks who love you and support you are going to want to buy it and support you for supporting president trump. tell us more about your book. >> well, it's about the power that these big tech monopolies have in our society over our politics, over our government. it's an incredible, unprecedented amount of power, and we see what they want to do with it. big tech tried to suppress the stories about hunter biden and joe biden, we saw it in january when they kicked donald trump off of twitter and facebooking when they kicked numerous conservatives off those platforms, they try to suppress speech they don't like. these companies want to tell us what we can think, what we can say, and they ultimately want to run the country, and we can't let them. we've got to reclaim our democracy for the american
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people, and the book is about how we can do that. brian: with your book, with the attention you've gotten, do you think with donald trump suspended from twitter and everything else, do you think facebook reinstates tomorrowsome. >> you know, i don't know what they're going to do. here's the curious thing to me, brian, free speech in america, think about this, free speech in america or now depends on the whims of a monopoly corporation. that's how much power these people are is. i mean, they're going to decide and, by the way, we have no idea how they make their decisions, facebook and their facebook court and all of this nonsense. this is ridiculous. we ought to be able to say what we want to say within the bounds of the law, of course, in this country, and the idea that these corporations would decide what we can say and can't say, who can speak and can't speak, it's crazy. steve: but as you know, they're private companies. they can do whatever they want. however, you know, joe biden's talking about bipartisan support, there seems to be bipartisan support in congress for getting rid of section 230 which gives these monopolistic
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big tech companies all of the protections they've got. you know, a lot of people looking in se, you know, it's probably time to pull that back. >> yeah, i certainly think it is, and i'd go a step further. i think it's time to break them up. and i talk about this in the book as well. i think facebook, twitter, google, they're huge companies, they own not only so much of the internet, they now own the cloud. they're buying up other industries. there is no reason why these companies should be such monopolies and be able to control so much power, so much of our economy, so much of our lives. we need to break 'em up. that's the real solution here. we've done this before in mesh history -- american history. when the railroads tried to control our politics a century ago, we broke them up. republicans did that the, by the way. brian: right. and you're the leading voice when it comes to getting the social media companies under wraps, and your book lays the template on how to do it. senator, thanks so much for withing standing all the pressure, tension and stress and putting it out. >> thank you.
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thanks so much for having me. ainsley: congratulations. and we'll find out tomorrow, approximately 9 a.m., if trump's facebook and instagram accounts will continue to be suspended. sue steve well, janice dean is on social media and she joins us right now on television. janice: i'm actually seeing a lot of damage reports out of the nashville, tennessee, area where we had an earlier tornado-warned storm, and look at all the tornadoes we have seen over the last 48 hours. over 50 reports. may is typically the busiest month when it comes to severe weather, and, look, we till have a tornado-warned storm east of the nashville area and watches and warnings in and around central tennessee. forecast radar, this is going to be the situation, unfortunately, for the next several hours. heavy rainfall with some of these storms, so flash flooding is going to be a concern. know what to do if there's a watch or warning in your area. we're not out of the woods just yet. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you with. steve: keep an eye on the sky.
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brian: all right. thanks, janice. the latest restrictions on d.c. drawing a comparison to movie "footloose," you remember that. two wedding planners who say the city's ban on dancing during the wedding reception is costing them business. ainsley: plus, let's check in with bill hemmer. bill: nice to see you, good morning. finally, what the kids think about learning through a computer screen. small business owners are getting slammed, you know that already, but when does it end? and that is not a good picture, by the way. what the media got so wrong on the giuliani raid in reporting, what they're saying about it. tom homan, bill bennett and for with dana and me in 12 minutes. see you then, guys, top of the hour. s sensodyne sensitivity and gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something
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♪♪ ainsley: it's a plot straight out of the movie footloose, and it's coming the life in our nation's capital. the mayor of washington, d.c. banning dancing and standing at wedding reception es as a layer of protection from covid-19. but the news has blindsided event about planners like our next guests at what should be the start of their busiest season. joinings now are lynn stout and
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president of vogue design and creative, jeanette savares. thank you, ladies, for being with us. >> thank you. ainsley: you're welcome. lynn, i'll start with you. explain the mayor's thinking here. i could understand maybe at the beginning of all of this, but here we are where things are getting a hot better. >> yeah, i can't help you there. it's really disturbing for us. we have tried to work with the mayor several times and reached out with guidelines sort of as an industry, tried to help them sort of ease this transition back into business, but they have refused to work with us and have surprised us with these, the ban. ainsley: jeanette, how is it affecting your business? >> honestly, a lot of these couples have now rescheduled upwards of four tiles. several of these couples has plans to get married in spring of 2020, fall of 2020 and spring of 2021, and now it's breaking
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us. we're seeing a fourth round of cancellations in our market. it's not only hurting the client because they're not able to celebrate, but it's also hurting our industry drastically. ainsley: leadership, how about you? how is it affecting your business? >> yeah, it's been awful. we had a lot of people who waited from march to april and pushed to may thinking it was going to get better based on our conversations with the mayor's office, and now they can't have any standing resenses or dancing which really -- receptions or dancing which really impacts what a special event should be. ainsley: jeanette, i was reading some were critical because they said why is it fair that sports teamses can play but yet you can't dance with your spouse that you've been living with at a wedding. >> exactly. i feel like they're guidelines that were recently distributed that really don't make too much sense. also welcome to the events industry. we're some of the most organized people out there, and so many
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couples and vendors willing to offer covid testing on site, vaccine requirements, family-only events, yet these restrictions still don't allow them to celebrate the way they wanted to celebrate. and that's a huge problem that we have. it just feels like a very big double standard that we can't dine and have cocktail hour or even music in the background for that point. ainsley: i miss them. so much, and i know you ladies do. lynn, any word on when these restrictions will be lifted? >> they say they're going to make another decision sort of mid may. so we're, we keep waiting weekly with their updates. but, you know, we'll see. we were blindsided by this one, and we certainly hope that it changes soon. i believe she said when people dance and stand next to each other, their behavior changes. so it feels like a judgment at this point. ainsley: well, i wish you both the best. i hope these restrictions will be lifted soon. we did reach out to d.c.'s mayor, muriel bowser's office,
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we did not hear back. thanks, ladies. >> thank you. ainsley: you're welcome. more "fox & friends" on the way. ♪♪ my husband and i have never eaten healthier. shingles doesn't care. i logged 10,000 steps today. shingles doesn't care. i get as much fresh air as possible. good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but no matter how healthy you feel your immune system declines as you age, increasing your risk for getting shingles. so what can protect you? shingrix protects. for the first time ever, you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose.
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that's right. may the fourth be with you on this "star wars" day. >> get your chips and salsa today. tomorrow is cinco de mayo. >> have a good day. >> bill: good morning. get ready for the unfiltered truth. a class of brutally honest graders pulling back the curtain on remote learning for them and the bidens. >> it was difficult with all the glitches. i definitely prefer in person. >> good morning, everybody. bill hemmer welcome to new york. >> dana: kids say the most interesting things. reaction coming in powerful teachers clue over
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