tv Outnumbered FOX News May 4, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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>> harris: hello. look at your screen right now! look. i'm harris faulkner. this is "outnumbered." we're back in studio, socially distanced in our new york city head quarters for the first time since the covid lockdown. i'm joined by my brand new co host, which i get to see in person, emily compagno and kayleigh mcenany . god bless you both for traveling. >> thank you. so good to be here. >> harris: it won't be permanent right now. we're still waiting for everybody to move to new york area and all of that stuff.
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when the girls can get together -- >> emily: back on the couch. >> harris: yes. the women will ride. >> kayleigh: it's enough to fill the gas tank for a while. being here in this magic moment, i feel so full. this is so great. >> emily: it's been a year and we're back together. love it. >> harris: we have new band instruments. the band is back together. kayleigh will sing. all right. let's get to it. also joining us, syndicated radio host and fox news contributor, leslie marshall. and our virtual man in the middle of the couch that we really sit on now, "fox and friends" will cain. thanks for joining us. a big news days. let's get to it. law enforcement is facing growing hostility on the job nationwide. shocking new video shows a woman unleashing a racist tirade against a los angeles county sheriff deputy calling him a murderer during a standard
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traffic stop. all of it captured on his body cam. >> i was going 38 in a 40. why are you harassing me? >> you're correct. >> you're a murderer. i started to record because you're a murderer -- >> you can't be on your cell phone while you're driving. >> can you call your supervisor? >> i did. >> you're a murderer. is that why you're harassing me? >> i'm enforcing the law. >> i have a right to record the police when they're harassing me. >> but you can't do it when you're driving. >> i wasn't texting or none of that. >> do you have a picture? >> you made me think you're going to murder me. >> sorry you feel that way. >> it's not a feeling. you're a murderer. >> okay. you doing this because it's part of your little game? >> can you zoom in on that me? >> sure. >> thank you.
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i'm perfectly legal and i'm a teacher. so there. >> congratulations. >> you're a murderer. >> hold that still for me. >> okay, murderer. >> bring that back up there. >> here you go, murderer, [bleep], [bleep], [bleep]. i can't way to [bleep]. let you [bleep] know that you're a murdering freak. >> pull that back up for me. >> okay, murderer. >> what is your last name? i can't see that. >> here you go, murderer. >> zoom in on that. >> you're scaring me. you're threatening to kill me and my son. >> citing you for using your cell phone while driving. that's it. >> for him being a mexican racist? what is that name? >> sign the citation, ma'am. >> here you go, mexican racist. you'll never be white. you know that, right? you'll never be white, which is what you want to be. >> here you go. have a good day. >> which is what you really want to be.
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will cain, your reaction. >> this is such a great illustration and example of the poison that is floating around in our society. i'd love to say this is a one off because it's not. it's a thought process. the scariest part is that woman is a teaching. there's her son in the car learning that poison that she's spewing out. the obvious one, she's vilified an entire profession. she's lost her mind and vilifying police officers. there's more to it. i'm glad you played the whole clip, by the way. there's an idea out there, harris, that only black people and white people exist in america and only white people are racist. what you see there is race i in play. anyone, any individual can be guilty of it. she's committing it horrendously against a mexican american, this is poison that is like a flower growing out of our society right now. we planted this soil. we watered this. >> harris: leslie?
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>> well, there's two things here. although will, rarely you and i agree. in front of her son and she's a teacher and it's horrific. i'm not going to say she lost her mind. that gives her a pass. what this exemplifies, some people are very negative and have very negative attitudes toward the police and some people in our society are racist. racism is still sadly a live and well in this nation. what we do know is the overwhelming majority of people are good and not racist. what we know is the overwhelming majority of police officers as president biden said and maxine waters applauded the comment, the majority of police officers are good people. this certainly doesn't make the police officer's job any easier. but before all of this, i'm sure police officers have plenty of stories of people saying terrible things or saying anything that they can to get out of a violation if they were in fact guilty, which seems
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was. >> harris: kayleigh? >> kayleigh: i saw this video last night. it was jarring. i watched it in its entirety multiple times. harris, the thing that stood out to me -- i did research on this. this woman pointed out to the -- going to the police department, reporting the police of harassment and she was the harasser. i love what the l.a. county sheriff in the area said. he said she claims to be a teacher. i'm not sure what she's teaching. is this an indictment of her profession? he turned it on its head. the problem is demonizing an entire profession, that is police officers. he turned it on its head. is this a demonization of teachers at large? very clever. this woman has no clue what inches talking about. 95% of police officers don't shoot their guns. they're not murderers. most of our police officers are
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good. on that point we can agree. >> harris: i think you're talking about the sheriff villanueva. >> kayleigh: that's right. >> harris: he went on to talk about the unifying things among us. i would ask him why anywhere, whether it's in his employ or somebody adjacent to him, anybody would need to buy their own body cam. can you imagine what we wouldn't know about that scene if that officer hadn't been wearing the body cam that he purchased for himself? >> and she filed a suit alleging harassment. >> harris: it was all there. we can clearly see which person of color was being harassed. >> emily: exactly. >> harris: it was the cop. >> emily: on its face, people would see that complaint and make an assumption today and now given the video, what a nauseating encounter. i think about the relentless verbal abuse that these officers are subjected to. not to mention the physical assaults, the ambushes. the provocation at every interaction. they're expected to manage it,
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to handle it with a polite decorum and restraint. also that their mental health is supposed to be unaffected. meanwhile -- >> harris: they're human. >> emily: exactly. they're twice as likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty. what does that say about the trend and the fact that it's being ignored and celebrated by the left? it's despicable. it's reckless. >> harris: you know, will, we talk about how the role of the cop is to deescalate. did you see his skills? >> oh, my gosh. >> harris: they were on full display. >> right. i don't know if they're trained to be that calm under pressure and he's naturally a calm, cool, collected guy. you and i talked about this the other day, harris. i want to re-visit. there's this idea that only an oppressor can be racist. no racism is an individual sin. it's requiring that we see each other through the prism of -- not just our skin color but our
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grips. political affiliations. we want to tribalize either other. it's a shortcut of learn whoing we are as individualing and seeing each other for our character. i come back to this lady was committing the sin that she thinks she's the good guy in this interaction. she thinks she's the one that she is good and he's bad. she's everything he thinks is bad. >> harris: if we want to try to infer what she's thinking further and of course we would have to talk with her to fully know, but she also thinks that whoever looks like her apparently thinks like her. we have so got to break the bonds of that. like you cannot assume anything about any of us based on what we look like. my children are biracial. i get quizzed at the market. are those your kids? you know, yes, i'm the mom. people have given me their
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business cards thinking they would like to hire me as a nanny. it's a great profession. but these are my children. people assume all sorts of things. i wrote down what you said though. you said we have to get away from tribalizing each other. kayleigh? >> kayleigh: that's right. will hits on a key point. he talks about the tribalization of society. it's the vulcanization of society. there's a group of people, i'd argue it's the left that wants to separate us in different groups and pit one another against each other. we see with it the demonization of police officers. when i drove through the streets of washington d.c. after those riots and you see acab, all capps are -- pigs drawn, graffiti calling for cops to be killed. we have it in this vulcanization of society. look at one another for me as a christian. men and women in christ and look at each other for our spirit, heart and character and not allow this pitting against one
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another. >> and as americans. >> emily: and it's even more devastating to the law enforcement is the void of support by the elected democratic officials. the total lack of messaging from these mayors and city council members all the way up to the white house. they're being isolated and that is devastating. >> harris: quickly, leslie -- >> can i jump in? >> harris: do you have something to say? why is that? >> the president of the united states has repeatedly applauded police officers and said the majority are good. >> emily: i know he would abolish ice though. >> as a liberal a person on the left, i'd have to say january 6, i saw a lot of people on the right saying and doing very ugly things to police officers. so i think that the anti-police are hatred toward police comes from extreme elements on both sides. it's rooted in hate and rooted in ignorance and i don't think it is a representation of the
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majority of either side left or right. >> harris: so what you're talking about were crimes that were being committed at the u.s. capitol. to my knowledge, you're an attorney. you're an attorney. they're going after people. they have arrested hundreds of people. they're going after them. when rasheeda talib, an elected member of congress though, goes after police in a way that we should just dismantle all of them and leave society lawless, i would guess because i don't know who she thinks is going to police the spike in crime that is happening now, that is -- it feels like a crime against our country. apparently you can't adjudicate that crime. so i hear you trying to compare what people may have done to police, and obviously it all creates a morale problem. but one we can move on and the other we have to be preached at by congress people that feel that way. all right. we'll move on. a new cia recruitment video is riling up social media on all
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sides. next, why it's being blasted as woke propaganda gone too far and whether it shows we're actually left-based now. >> i'm a woman of color. i'm a mom. i'm a fifth gender millennial who was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. if you have obstructive sleep apnea and you're often tired during the day, you could be missing out on amazing things. sunosi can help you stay awake for them. once daily sunosi improves wakefulness in adults with excessive daytime sleepiness due to obstructive sleep apnea. sunosi worked for up to nine hours at 12 weeks in a clinical study. sunosi does not treat the cause of osa or take the place of your cpap.
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pandering for progressives. take a listen and judge for yourself. >> nothing about me was or is tragic. i am perfectly made. i can wax eloquent on complex legal issues in english while also belting it in spanish. i can change a diaper with one hand and console a crying toddler with the other. i'm a woman of color, i am a mom, i am a fifth gender millennial diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. i'm enter sectional but my existence is not a box-checking exercise. i'm a woman whose inflection does not rise at the end of her sentences suggesting a question have asked. i did not speak into the cia. i'm not a fluke or slip through the cracks. i used to struggle with imposter syndrome. at 36, i refuse to misuse ideas
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of what a woman can or should be. i'm proud of me full stop. >> kayleigh: that's the cia delving into issues that seem to be distant from their central mission. you know, i want to right off the bat instead of getting my opinion, pull up a tweet on brian dean that responded this way. he took issue with the video. the cia was about mission to country. i speak from experience. now it's about demanding and getting accommodation to fix an emotional wound or advance a personal agenda. america is less safe with this new cia and dangerously more political. leslie, what is your respond to officer dean? >> leslie: with all due respect, i'm not in the cia and i never would be. i'd be too chicken. i'll be honest. but the cia was all white at one time and all male. i don't have a problem with this video. i don't know about woke. i woke up this morning. i'm not into that woke thing.
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you can call me james carville. when you look at what this is doing, people say no, your audience. i think the cia is trying to target women, targeting minorities, people of color, targeting individuals that may say i can't be in the cia because i suffered with depression or i've taken anti-depressants. targeting people that say i i don't think i can be in the cia because i'm a single mom, i have kids. i don't know if i can balance it. so i think this is what it specifically is trying to do, broaden its group of people that it can recruit from and specifically targeting people that might be concerned because the working moms, they have the anxiety and even more so targeting women and women of color. i think that's what they're trying to do. i think it might be effective. >> kayleigh: leslie. that's a noble mission. will, here's my problem with this. the biden administration seems to have a habit of apologizing for america. we saw it when they sat across
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from the chinese delegation. chinese delegation accused our country of racism and talked about our problems despite the fact that they're waging genocide against an entire people group. we apologize for those action. that plays into the notion that something in america is broken and we have to fix it through promotional videos like this. what do you think russian and china see when they see a video like that? >> that's a serious question. i want to give you a serious answer. it's hard for me. this is a bad "saturday night live" skit. it's funny. if you want a definition of wokism, this is the woke salad all dumped into one bowl here. incredibly, the cia bowl. i can't get out of my head, i'm a fifth gender woman diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. this is funny. honestly, it's funny. here's the thing that we have to take it seriously. to your point, look at this. we know for years the soviet union did their best to tribalize us.
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that's what they wanted to do. turn us in on each other based on our superficial differences. now here we have the entity tasked with protecting our country embracing that. that serves china, russia, all of our enemies and makes us weaker. the left has defined themselves as the counter culture for quite some time. please, that's over. you have every corporate board room. you're coke, you're delta. guess what? now you're the cia. you are the man, the left. >> kayleigh: that's right, will. we have a response from the cia. they offered this response. "in 2019, we started our ongoing social media series humans of the cia where we shared stories about real officers and their roles advancing the agency's national security mission. our goal is to humanize cia through the instagram, twitter and facebook accounts so follows can see themselves here and apply. harris, your thoughts. >> harris: so it's necessary for
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them to respond to the backlash. i sometimes wonder when corporations respond if they don't dig a deeper hole for themselves. whose decision was it to the representatives of diversity? that would be a question. why? we talked about this last hour. why wasn't the one unifying things which humanizes all of us -- maybe there's 50 of these. we're americans. that's what we are. wouldn't you want to know that from the cia? shouldn't that be -- we're doing this for america. we're in this together. the other thing is, do they have one with a single mom that says hey, girl, i could change a diaper and work a toddler's play situation at the same time. my girls are two years apart. i had to do that at some point. i guess it fits my job
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description. i don't know. i never thought to put it down next to the color of my skin. i don't really know how they choose categories that felt right to highlight and who got to put them in order that they're in. those are fair questions. >> emily: it's a great point. great questions. i wish you asked them of the cia. your thoughts? >> emily: you'd never see mitch making that video. to your point, it's dangerous for a recruitment strategy to be based on what sets you apart rather than what unifies you in a law enforcement agency like that where you have to be plug and play. every agent knows they have to stand up and won't check out and have a divisiveness thing that would set them apart. i think from a management perspective, it's obviously a failure in that when you invite in these divisive topics or politics to come in, that create as monster you cannot kill. i also think it's a bit to your
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point about china's response, a bit odd that we would advertise the fact that we're stuffing the cia with anxious characters. >> kayleigh: a very good point, emily. well said. up next, republicans are questioning the plan to send cash to central america to stop migration. the plan on sending billions to central america is the way to go. if these beautiful idaho potato recipes are just side dishes, then i'm not a real idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore. always look for the grown in idaho seal.
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refugees entering the country. will, you just came back from the southern border. what are your thoughts on this? >> so many. emily, this is not a solution to the crisis. this is a long-term as they acknowledge that is a root cause problem. a long-term potential salve to this problem. you plant trees. they help whatever environment you're trying to foster. it's notsiving the crisis now. think about the message it sends to the american worker. bottom line, you don't enforce border enforcement here. lower income, bottom of the ladder jobs are taken at below market wages by illegal aliens. meanwhile, we're going to take money, taxpayer dollars and pour that to other countries. every which way, you're hurting the american worker, the lower ends of the american economic ladder. i don't know -- it's just a
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complete -- it's divorcing yourself from ever caring about them. it's really sad. >> emily: kayleigh, now we have the president doing this. he did it as vice president and infused cash payments down there. wouldn't you say that this repeated pattern by his white house of this cash pez dispenser payments down there to the northern triangle countries, all it done is indicate that its the last entity that should be addressing this problem because they're unsuccessful and route it straight to the cartels? >> kayleigh: you hit the nail on the med. this happened during his time as vice president. that's right. president obama tried this. he sent $1.6 billion to central america. we still have a crisis on the southern border. you're right about the cartels. there's so much corruption. the president of honduras is being accused, an accusation, yes, of a co-conspiracy where he
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accepted bribes for cocaine coming into the united states. this is the president of the country that is having to answer for this allegation. my point is, it's been tried before. it doesn't work. makes the same mistake twice. >> harris: i have a follow up for you, kayleigh. you touched on the deals that would be done with these other countries previous. former president trump did some. if you're leaving mexico and you felt the pressure of the trade agreements that he was -- look, i don't have to do everything. i can do some things that could hurt. i'm paraphrasing. why does it feel like the pressure isn't there or maybe we're not made aware of it? there's no transparency with it. >> kayleigh: no transparency. you're right. it was the diametric opposite response from president trump. he didn't say i'm going to flood the zone with billions of dollars. he did the opposite. he said i'm going to withhold
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funds. i'm going to threaten tariffs on mexico. what happened with the threat of tariffs on mexico? we got the migrant protection protocols which stopped the flow of illegal immigrants. he did the opposite and it worked and i wish president biden was humble enough to change that. it's sad and tragic what is happening and we have to care about the migrants coming across. >> emily: leslie, your response to that. >> leslie: this is a problem that is multifaceted but 17 years in the making. i don't want to sound like the opposite but as a realist, there's not one administration or even one four-year term that will solve this problem. this money won't solve the problem and the administration is clear on that. a study by the center for global development that shows this conditional way of sending money to these countries actually is better than specifically better with regard to migration than
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the humanitarian aid and the way we set up and distributed aid in the past. is this going to be a band aid to an issue that needs mayor reconstructive surgery? no. but this is one of the pieces that this administration and experts have looked at to address things like poverty in these triangle countries to help individuals in those countries have that offset and have work that will stop them from coming to this country for the carrot that they see is a job in order to have a better life. >> emily: nothing will address the root causes of poverty unless the cartels are taken under control. that is the single most and biggest reason by all of the failures. ahead, a group of fifth graders didn't hold back when telling the president and the first lady what remote learning is like. watch. >> when we're tired, we can take a nap.
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that are known to cause changes in heart rhythm. tell your doctor about any changes in medicines you're taking. the most common side effects are swelling of te arms and legs and confusion. we spoke up and it made all the difference. ask your healthcare provider about nuplazid. >> harris: president biden and first lady jill biden dropped in on a virginia classroom. the fifth graders were honest. what they said may help explain why more than half of teachers in recent surveys reported "significant loss of academic learning." another 44% agreed there was some loss. watch those students and what they told the president and first lady. >> difficult with all the glitches. >> i didn't like virtual.
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>> you didn't? >> no. >> terrible. >> when i'm tired, i can take a nap. >> sometimes i wasn't paying attention. you could eat and have a good time. >> harris: you know what? kayleigh and emily, i'll come to you first together. wouldn't it be amazing if we could see our elected leaders come together and say, you know what? there's a gap. let's make it really cool to go to summer school in 2021. let's put our backbone in that and fly to a different school or whatever, a different zone where you can get kids together so you're servicing many industries. they have the pent up stuff. we all need to travel. can we make our kids this summer the focus to fill in the gap? 90 days might not do it all but look at what we could do? >> that's right. first, i love the child that said he likes to nap during virtual learning.
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his parents will say you told the president you nap. it's right. it would be nice to see elected leaders support the science. anita dunn said oh, i can't commit to opening schools. jill biden said it depends. president biden said probably. the science says definitely. kids are suffering. 22 million kids depend on meals and nutrition at schools. 1/5 of child abuse cases are identified in school. we're leaving american's children behind. let's come together around science. >> emily: i love kids honesty. the best answer, it was terrible. there wasn't a union in the room. there wasn't somebody vying for legislation or donations. it was just kids saying, you know what? this was bad. i agree with you. i wish every one could see that as the first and foremost priority and put kids well-being as a priority other than everything else that has clouded
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everything including cdc director that could not or would not provide scientific explanation why kids could not come back to school. >> harris: i don't know which one is worse. could not or would not. i mean, incompetence or no will to do it? no will to fix it. i don't know which is worse. leslie marshall is one of the best marketers i know. i wonder if we shouldn't print t-shirts with books on them that say "fill the gap." let's all get going on it. >> leslie: harris, my kids love you. but they're not going to like the two words you said, which are dirty to them, summer school. >> harris: i love them anyway. >> leslie: i have two 13-year-olds that are in school. i have to tell you that they did suffer with online. so did i. they were fighting and we're all in the house and i'm trying to do tv and the dog is barking. but my daughter was a straight a student when the online class started. she went down to a d.
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she's back to an a. i did not blame who the majority of the lock down was under, donald trump and the trump administration nor should joe biden be blamed in this. we had a pandemic. whether you close the school or not is up to the individual states and within those states the individual schools districts or district. here in california, we're hopefully going for day 3, 72 hours in a row without one covid case. our kids are back in school. a lot of people obviously with the recall effort wanted to blame our governor. but at the end of the day, i think we did the right thing. even though it was frustrating, that is in our rear view mirror and i agree with harris. our kids have to be first and foremost. they're our life and future. >> harris: what i hear left out in all of that are the teacher's unions. i don't think anybody can agree or disagree on this. they didn't have our best interests at heart as parents. you're in a state, leslie, where they were going back and forth over billions. oh, no, no, i want a
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vaccination. cdc didn't say you needed one. are they ever going to open the schools was the question. didn't have anything to do with the science that leslie is talking about, will. >> will: hey, i have a 13-year-old and a 10-year-old that are still staring in zoom cameras all day. they're in remote learning. they look like will ferrell in "wedding crashers." they're yelling for moat loaf for mom. they were straight a students. you don't blame a president perhaps and they can influence things like the teacher's unions, that's what this is about. harris, i'll say this. summer school isn't going to solve the problem. the problem is deeper. this is a broken education system beyond making up for it in summer school. >> harris: all right. we'll move on. just ahead, we're less than 24 hours away from facebook's decision on whether to overturn its trump ban. it comes as some republicans are pushing to reign in big tech.
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morning whether to allow former president trump back on facebook and instagram. he was suspended following the u.s. capitol riot in january and has not been allowed to communicate with his tens of millions of followers since. regardless of the outcome, some republicans are pushing in legislation reigning in big tech's power. kayleigh, i'd like to start with you. the early decisions from the facebook committee says that they basically are in favor of freedom of speech, even in cases where facebook had taken down content that they deemed hateful or injurious to public safety. so the trend is likely that president trump, former president trump will be restored to the platform. so what happens then? >> kayleigh: we'll see if they put their money where they mouth is. when you have angela merkel, the chancellor of germany saying he shouldn't be banned, bernie sanders, can't get much further left saying he shouldn't be band, he shouldn't be banned. he should be allowed to speak as the former leader of the free
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world. it's common sense. in twitter where you have the ayatollah saying death to israel and he stays but president trump is band? even a discrepancy that far liftists like bernie sanders can understand. it will be a critical test for big tech. >> emily: will, let's talk about the bill. not only would it deem them common carriers but repeal section 230 and provide transparency to these moderations, the facebook supreme court. what say you? >> will: i think they're common carriers. you're a lawyer, kayleigh. maybe be more lawyers. i'm one. too many of us. >> harris: i'm a lawyer. >> will: justice clarence thomas said this. the telephone company can't hang up your call because they don't like what you're saying. they're a common carrier. the tech companies are being asked to be treated as common
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carriers but you're making publisher decisions. so we need to fix that. they're acting like publishers but want to be treated like the common carriers. treat them like it. >> emily: do you agree, leslie, of that bill that has been suggested, you see the moderation in content has been skewed for president trump? >> leslie: it's interesting that kayleigh said let's see if they put their money where their mouth is. it is about money. that decision tomorrow will be about money. do they make more money with donald trump being on facebook? probably. there's millions of people that follow the former president and that left facebook once facebook banned donald trump. you don't need facebook to get on a soap box and to utilize and exercise your first amendment right. you can have a blog, do this, do that. as a private company, facebook doesn't need to adhere to the first amendment via our
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constitution. i personally like everybody having an opinion. kayleigh, no offense to your former boss. i enjoyed the break. from a business perspective, it's probably smart to have him on there, quite frankly. although with regard to the legislation, the legislation cannot just protect censorship of those on the right. it has to protect censorship of all. those on the right want to protect those on the left from being censored as well. >> harris: i would add to that protection note about the left and the right and making sure censorship is transparent. if they're going to do it, we have to need to know why they're doing it and why and who is making the decisions. we know from here recently it's might not be an algorithm for twitter. they used human beings to make the racial secure against senator scott trend. we need the processes for anything that looks like censorship. that requires regulation.
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i don't know that they will capitulate to that. >> emily: if we do know that as in the free market, we can choose not to associate with a platform that would -- >> harris: former president trump could say thanks for having me back. i'm not coming. can you imagine? >> emily: stay tuned. coming up, what is a wedding without dancing? the fierce reaction to a major city's new covid rule. ♪♪ ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. veteran homeowners. 27 vitamins and minerals, while mortgage rates are still near all time lows,
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>> i love line dancing. this sounds like something out of foot loose but it's win. cities across the country are easing covid restrictions washington, d.c.'s democratic mayor banned standing and dancing at weddings. what do you do at a wedding? that's where you can meet your mate. you can't show them your skills or stand next to them. >> there is a saying i will dance at your wedding and that means you will celebrate. that's a fundamental thing. i love line dancing and i loved foot loose. just go across county and state lines. >> i will have to take dance lessons from you guys. >> let's go. >> i am confused with the covid restrictions. if you ask your guests are you
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vaccinated, can't they shake like it's 1999? >> i think dr. fauci said no dancing. >> i know you have moves, girl. >> the more i drink the better they are. emily, my mother is sicilian. you can have this number of people and only vaccinated people. the wedding party can request that. the venue can ask for that. no dancing a wedding? there is no wedding! what about the father and daughter dance and the bride and groom's first dance. i don't like this. i love dancing. >> i don't want to hear about the number of people vaccinated or social distancing. wake up. we have to wake up. this is insanity. put masks on your kids. no dancing. wake up. we are being too complacent. we are out of control. >> i only heard 2 words.
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appetizers and drinks. >> wow, i don't think he will be asked to come party at a wedding with his atituted. "america reports" is now. >> john: the foot loose rule. harris. kevin mccarthy said republicans are concerned that liz cheney is not able to carry out the party's message after she slammed former president trump on monday. we will speak to the republican senator on what her future in congress might look like. >> sandra: we will talk to a doctor and bret baier about mixed messages from the white house on covid restrictions and more coming up. >> ♪ ♪ >> john: a big show starting
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