tv Hannity FOX News May 4, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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just reminder a long conversation, you've heard a lot about her, but you haven't heard wefrom her but unfiltered on ths show. we will be back tomorrow 8:00 p.m. until then, join me on facebook. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" this tuesday night and tonight the left's radical hyperpartisan new green deal that is not only infiltrating every part of your life, from social media, big tech, large corporations, now it is professional sports. it's our educational system, judicial system, even now juries. in fact, we now know tonight that one juror in the derek chauvin case of the george floyd incident, before the trial actually attended a rally with
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the relatives of george floyd was featured speakers. blm, black lives matter t-shirt. now the sixth amendment guarantees an impartial jury to every american, right? so what is going on here? will this verdict now be thrown out? i would argue the laws may be higher than you would think. more on this coming up. leo 20 terrel. plus we will have a closer look at how the widespread vilification of police is now impacting law enforcement, including disturbing scenes like this. buckle up. >> i pulled you over -- >> because you are a murderer. >> you can't be on your cell phone while you are driving. >> i was recording you because you are -- >> sean: we are won't to play the full video coming up. believe it or not, it gets way worse from there. also tonight, a very important update on the upcoming midterm election in 2022 and the presidential election in 2024. eric trump, he will be here with a straight ahead.
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but first, let's take a closer look at how the radical left is now tainting america's most important and most revered institutions. let's start with the fbi. now, for years this program has detailed high ranking members of the fbi who abused the fisa court system. i told you many times, premeditated fraud on the court to spy on presidential candidate. just last week, a newly declassified report from a fisa court judge cooperated everything that we have been telling you all along. they found widespread violations in the process. now congressman jim jordan, andy, they are demanding rightly so answers and specifically what is the borough doingng to prevet the warrantless surveillance of american citizens and protecting our civil liberties? by the way, fbi director, where
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are you? do you even care to comment? are you doing anything at all to prevent the further abuse of power andr, corruption? 99% of good agents, they deserve for you to clean it up. we are now years now, we have been telling you about carter is in the hillary clinton bought and paid for dirty russian misinformation, unverifiable clinton dossier. and yet, no one has been held accountable. nothing appears to have changed at all. john durham, anybody? john durham, where are you? tonight it's not just the bureau's fisa abuse that is concerning top lawmakers. in the senate, johnson is now demanding a meeting after a classified security briefing was partially leaked to "the washington post" in a deceptive way in order to make republican lawmakers look like unwitting russian stooges. in other words, they haven't changed.
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apparently, meanwhile over at the cia, political correctness, far left, woke cancel politics appears to be of top concern of america's spy agency.e take a look at their cringeworthy new recruiting video. take a look. >> i'm a woman of color. i am a mom. i am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized w anxiety disorder. i am an intersectional but my existence is not a box checking exercise. i am a walking declaration, a woman whose inflection does not rise at the end of her sentence suggesting that a question has been asked. i did not sneak into cia. i amee unapologetically me. i want you to be unapologetically you. no your worth. command your space. realize you are worth it. >> sean: the cia's out there defending the video claiming that it is helping attract qualified candidates. but the ad is getting marked
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pretty much along both political sides of the aisle, including one comic who made a very own cia recruiting video. take a look. >> i have never been like other girls. i have never done with theheta patriarchy wanted me to do. i would always find the communists. just think like that. in college, when other girls -- i was the one giving them the -- i would psychologically torture them for information. i've always just been a little bit different. that is why i joined the cia. >> sean: all jokes aside, you, the american people must demand better, our own elected woke bureaucrats, especially those in really important positions in law enforcement and the cia. yeah, let's make sure everybody is nonpartisan because their jobs are very tough. they are very dangerous. we need them to do a tough job. the safety and security of
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americans, that is not a partisan issue. combating threats, foreign, domestic, that is not a issue. politicians are willing to hold these massive institutions accountable. these institutions will continue to deteriorate and we will all be less safe, less secure, less here with the reaction a ranking member of the house judiciary committee, jim jordan along with wisconsin senator ron johnson.on good to see you both. let me go to your side of the house first, jim jordan them and let's get these new developments that we found out today. pretty revealing. f they are acknowledging everything. people like you and i were staying for three years about what happened. >> widespread abuse. we need to put it all in context. ten years ago, the irs was pardoning people. 5 yearson ago, as you pointed o,
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they target a president trump's campaign to spy on president trump and his campaign. and now we find out there is widespread abuse in the fisa process. no change. remember it was just a year and a half ago that mr. horowitz said that 29 random applications, four of them they couldn't even find the underlying documentation which is required. it looks like nothing has changed. when you couple all that with what they did to senator johnson from what they did to the president's lawyer when they raided his apartment, this is frightening. >> sean: when confidential information is leaked, doesn't that put everybody at risk? sources, methods, operatives in the field? >> i believe so. i referred to the obama administration as a lawless administration, claiming there wasn't a proof of any scandal in this in administration. it simply false. but it is just a continuation.
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when you see the unequal administration application of justice and the law, that should frighten every american and we will continue to see. my latest episode had to do with a briefing i received. apparently they were looking at giving rudy giuliani a similar briefing. it was a complete set up. again, trying to destroy me politically, but this is what the left does and that is how the press cooperates with democratic parties. >> sean: let me go back to jim jordan. okay, we now know that the dirty clinton bought and paid for russian misinformation dossier, we know a lot about it. we know that christopher himself didn't stand behind it and that was before january of s 2017.
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we know that the main source of the dossier, no, this was all bartok. in other words, it was lies. unverifiable lies. last time i checked, i've been told i haven't seen one, but it says at the top of the fisa application, verified. but now knowing all we know, it is unverified. all three of them have said while knowing what we know now, we wouldn't have signed off on it. well, if it was verified, unverifiable, why did you sign off on it? and when you found out the truth, as a matter of law, you are supposed to go back and tell the courts we gave you information we believed to be true. it turns out not to be true. but they just continue to apply every three months for another warrant. now, jim jordan, tell me if i'm wrong. i will hand it to you. if i lied to a fisa court, where would i be right now? >> you would be in jail. and again, you are exactly right. never forget, we deposed him after he had been fired.
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he told us in the deposition after ten months ofr investigating president trump, his fake russia trunk allusion efforts, his whole ordeal. after ten months, they still didn't have anything. but he didn't tell us that. in fact, he pushed for the special counsel and we had to live through another two years of that. and now we find out that the abuse is still going on. i always remind people, remember, this is spying on americans, what they are doing here is foreign intelligence surveillance act. it is a foreign intelligence surveillance court. what are they doing spying on americans? that is the thing that troubled us so much and this is why we should have hearings. he has yet to have a committee hearing this entire congress. i bet he is probably not going to be only one on this issue. >> sean: let me move to a different issue with you, senator johnson. you and your colleagues, you put together a report on hunter biden.u last night on this program, we showed joe biden leveraging a billion taxpayer
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telling ukraine at the time he was vice president, either you fire a prosecutor or you are not getting the billion. you've got six hours. bragging that he got him to fire the prosecutor. the prosecutor was looking into an investigation. burisma andd zero experience hunter, his 50-year-old son admits that he had no experience in oil, gas, energy, or ukraine. and then your report went further about a cause askedai kazakhstan oligarch and monies that were transferred to his company. the first lady of moscow, three and a half million dollars. $100,000 shopping spree with the chinese national. then of course the $1.5 billion deal with the bank of china with seemingly no experience in that field either. so my question is, how come nobody ever got to the bottom of that? because i suspect senator johnson if i did that too, i think i would be in jail with him.
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jim jordan. >> but you are republican so they are going to go after you with everything they've got. hunter biden and joe biden, they are democrats. they could just get home free. john kerry lies about the fact that he apparently knew nothing about the fact that hunter biden got a board position. now he is lying about not revealing classifiedid information. they will cover for them. they will explain problems away. and then unfortunately, they are equally biased and not administering justice equally. and that should concern every american. >> sean: last time, senator, you were on this program, i kind of was probing.e, you would be up for reelection in 2022.
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are you planning to run, because democrats have already put a target, a political target, be clear, on you and your seat. they want to defeat you more than any other republican. in this current cycle going into 2022. are you planning on running? i think a lot of the country would like to support you and i think the people of wisconsin will also. just like they would support jim jordan if he had the courage to stepunun up and run for sena. >> i'm going to do everything i can to make sure it stays in the hands of republicans. if you want to donate to ron johnson for i won't goat that far. i guess i did. i am going to do everything i can to make sure that this seat stays in the hands of republicans. that will be part of my decision factor. >> sean: we will look forwardd to that. what you think about senator jordan? do you like that name?
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senator johnson? it rolls off of the tongue really well. all right, we will just keep the pressure on. he is a wrestler. he's tough to pin down. thank you both, senator and congressman. all right, tonight the 2022 midterm elections. they are just a little bit more than one year away. democrats are starting t to wory that the razor-thin margins in the house in the senate will be soon gone. on saturday, a special election in the texas congressional district that trump carried, only three points in november was a massive win for the g.o.p. they will not even be eligible to run and according to a fox news report, the g.o.p. is now expanding their list of democratic districts that they think that they can win. needless to say, joe biden not exactly helping his party's popularity. with each day, the struggling,
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the frail come of the week the cognitively weak joe biden seems to get worse and worse. here is the latest. take aoe look. to go visit or text to, text your zip code to 438829. 438829. that is why i am asking people to continue to follow the ccd, cdc guidelines as we work to get more people vaccinated. >> sean: so can you imagine a scenario in 2024 where that guy faces off against president trump? well, that could soon be a reality. in ann interview with candace owens that will air tonight on the daily wire, president trump said his supporters will be very happy with his 2024 decision. here to react with all of this from the trump organization, his son, eric trump is with us. you are shaking your head likef please, don't drag me through this one more time. >> honestly when i see a
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president that can't say the cdc, that worries me, sean. it worries me tremendously. he can't get out a website. he doesn't know the difference these are pretty basic things that the commander in chief should have that vocabulary, should be able to get something off of a teleprompter. he can't. why they v want to let him out, obviously during the campaign, it is why you know longer see him. he has no appointment scheduled during the day. he's got no energy. he's got no charisma. you have a country right now, sean where lumber is going through the roof. it used to be $3. now it is $9, $10. that person wants to go out and build a deck on the back of their house and it cost him $4,000 when it never did before. gas prices are doubling. there is a disaster at the southern border. we are not respected. china is laughing at us.t
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russia is laughing at us. the whole world is laughing at us. the guy is wearing a mask up to a virtual joint session of world leaders. he is the only guy to be doing it. i could go on, and on, and on. i love this country. i've spent the last 6 years of my life, as has my father, as has my entire family fighting for the country. frankly, what you see in the white house right now is anan embarrassment. >> sean: there are number of things that states are working on in terms of fixing election problems that we hadn't 120. for example, i have identified 5 things. every state must have voter i.d. just like the state of delaware. i would say signature verification is critical. that needs to be added to the georgia bill. chain of custody needs to be respected. both sides should be able to keep an eye on the ballots when they come in. i think they should be cleaned up and verified in every election so t that they are freh
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and partisan observers as a matter of statutory law wasn't followed in 2020 has to be followed in the future. is there anything else you would add to that? >> well i would add ballot harvesting. i think that is one of the big ones, right? i can't tell you how many people did this. but it certainly happened in georgia. but went all over the place collecting ballots. harvesting ballots, right? there was a real effort behind that. there was real money behind that effort. make no mistake about it. those people should be prosecuted. those people should be thrown in jail..ight sean, how about how many duplicate ballots. you have one person that moves from one state to the other. all of a sudden, they are getting four ballots in one state and four ballots in the other. that is not accessible. every person in this country should get one ballot. they can't just be mailed out a random list. states need to do a substantially better job. the voting system in this country, there were a lot of problems with it. i don't think after seeing the joint session of congress the other night where biden gets 11 million viewers.
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my father had 50 million viewers, biden gets 11 million and you are going to tell me that he got 14 million more votes than barack obama? give me a break, sean. no one buys that. >> sean: 24 total. i think your dad's loss was 36 million. the high 40s, his highest. almost double. you mentioned a lot, you mentioned immigration. you mentioned the economy and all of these things are very important. energy is another part of it. but you forgot one big important part. that is the power grab. that is h.r. 1. that would be court packing. that would be ending the legislative filibuster. d.c. puerto rico statehood. and thatat is only the start of what would be an attempt to stay in power in perpetuity. >> that's exactly what they want. they have aoc coming out and saying i am very pleased with the very progressive agenda. i could not be more pleased.
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it's very scary. they do want to pack the supreme court. they do want to expand the number of senators they have in congressionalem districts. we've had a lot of great wins and people aren't even talking about it. you obviously see that florida and texas and a couple other states are picking up congressional seats. that is a wonderful thing for republicans. you see states like california, new york, illinois, they are losing congressional feeds. -- seats. i think 2022 is going to be an absolute bloodbath for the democrats. i reallyal believe that. there is no enthusiasm surrounding the administration. there is no enthusiasm surrounding the current president. they are not out there fightingo love him or not, the one thing that no american will ever say is that donald trump, he didn't go to war for this country was in the day. go fight for this country against our adversaries and around the world. you are not seeing that. you are seeing a very, very sleepy quiet, rather boring administration. i think 22 is going to be a bloodbath for them. i really, really do, sean.
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i think 2024, very excited.he my father put out some words the other day, as you mentioned at the top of the show. i don't think it is going to be the last of him and he cares deeply about this he is ready to fight for it. >> sean: all right, eric trump, great to have you back. thank you for being with us. when we come back, shocking revelations around the derek chauvin murder trial coming to light. including some that may jeopardize the guilty verdict. we will check in with alan dershowitz and also leo 2.0 terrell. you won't believe where joe biden forgot to wear a mask. wow. mixed message ♪ ♪ , s straight ahead. they drove to safelite autoglass for a guaranteed, same-day, in-shop repair.
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>> president biden is revamping his vaccination close hoping to inoculate 70% of adult americans by the fourth of july. the new objective coming as they leap vaccinations hit a plateau and half of the country has received one dose but hesitancy among the remaining population which may prevent the country from reaching herd immunity. severe weather ravaging across the south for a third straight day. dramatic video coming in from birmingham, alabama, where intense flooding has washed out the major roads. the storms already blamed for at least three deaths this week and numerous injuries. more than 350,000 customers remain without power from texas to maryland. i am marianne rafferty, now back to "hannity." ♪ ♪
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>> sean: an explosive development tonight in the convention of derek chauvin, remember in the george floyd case. one juror may have jeopardized the guilty verdict by attending a rally last year wearing a "get your knee off our next" blmlt t-shirt. bdiur brandon mitchell reportedly answered no when asked during jury selection if he had attended any protest for george floyd, raising serious questions about impartiality and whether or not derek chauvin got a fair trial and whether or not an appeal could render this verdict, reverse the verdict actually. meanwhile, out in los angeles county. if you want to be a police officer these days, look at one deputy had to deal with during a recent traffic stop. it's pretty disgusting. take a look. >> i pulled you over because -- >> because you are a murder. i started record because -- >> you can't be on your cell phone while you are driving. the guy was recording you
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because you scared me. you are giving me a cell phone ticket? that why you are harassing me? i am a teacher, so there. >> congratulations. >> for him being a mexican racist? what is that? here you go, mexican racist. you are always going to be a mexican. you will never be white, you know that? >> sean: wow. everything is routine, right? a routine traffic stop. here with reaction, civil rights attorney and fox news contributor, leo 2.0 terrell terrel along with harvard law professor, alan dershowitz. professor, you have now had an opportunity. this onepr juror actually attend that event that had george floyd, a family member speaking. he didn't say that on the jury questionea form that he was giv. will that guilty verdict be
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vacated? >> it should be without a doubt. this was not a juror. this was an advocate. if it had not been in an -- when you combine that with the threats of the jurors, what you think this juror came out now and publicized himself customer because he voted to convict. he would never have disclosed himself because he knows he would be attacked. that is not the way the jury system should operate in america. >> sean:keno your take, leo. >> i agree with the professor. i think the key here is this. the defendant has definitely earned the right to have a hearing. to see if the jury questionnaire, if he did lie, it would guarantee a reversal. more importantly, the maxine waters, the al sharpton who was trying to influence a jury pool,
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this just might be one of several other jurors whom may have beenn influenced outside te courtroom. >> sean: this raises a lot of questions now. does the country have to go through all this again? with the prosecutor's likely try to make a deal with the defense knowing that the other 11 jurors went in the same direction, professor? >> they are going to have to go through it again because we have the trial of the other three other defendants. we are going to see many of these trials with threats to jurors. that is why we have sequestered jurors in all of these cases. that is why the supreme court should take this case and lay down and unqualified rule. sequestered jurors so that maxine waters doesn't get into the jury room even though she has not selected as a juror. she was in the jury room telling those juries that if they vote to acquit, there is going to be hell to pay.
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it will affect their own businesses. >> sean: let me go to this videotape. we keep hearing about all of these traffic stops, leo. just routine. some real geniuses out there saying that police shouldn't have any ability to protect themselves during a routine traffic stop. i don't think that is going to end well for a lot of people, if god forbid that ever happen. you are a mexican racist. you are a murderer. you will never be white. i think it shows how hard that job of being a police officer is for every cop out there today. >> well let me tell you first of all, that represents the ugly american. t she is capitalizing on what i call for a half follow some of iceffect. the george floyd effect. she is going to use that to attack anyct cop over a cell phe ticket. she ramped up the anger and her hatred toward police by calling
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him a murderer. that is the george floyd effect. it is a war. it is an attack. it is a hatred towards police. and you can expect more later on. coming from that lady, that is a sad state of affairs of how the public perceive law enforcement. >> sean: the woman actually, professor in the video called internal affairs,, filed a harassment complaint against the deputy immediatelyeo after the incident. the department also said that the woman has a history of making false claims against deputies. now we have people, democrats in particular, the defund or dismantle the police crowd, they are also talking about removing representation foror police officers. if police officers are sued and they now have to pay for their own attorneys, they certainly will never be able to afford you.u. i can't afford you. leo can't afford you. in all seriousness, every criminal will file a lawsuit.
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it will make their job impossible if identification is taken away. >> well, first of all, i represent policeman and people who have served our country, helped us and protected and defended us p are entitled to a defense. i will continue to do that. but the problem is that policeman, some of them will be so deterred by that. judges have immunity. prosecutors have immunity. they want to take away immunity for policeman. they are the ones who need it most. the idea of disarming police. look, this person was stopped because she was on her cell phone while she was driving. that endangers all of us. i want to see the policeman enforce those laws and other laws that protect the public safety. >> sean: but why am i thinking this woman ought to be charged? because what she claimed by -- i would argue that she filed a
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false complaint. >> she is in the same position as the woman who was in central parkam who complained against a black man. she complained against a policeman. i don'tag see any big difference there.ed she filed a false complaint and she should be treated as somebody who filed a false complaint. >> sean: last word. alyou agree, leo? >> i agree completely. i hope it serves as a deterrent for those people were going to attack police officers simply because they are a police this ugly american got caught lying on a police officer who did a professional job. he was perfect in executing his duties. >> sean: who wants that job? nobody is going to want this job. and we are all going to suffer eaas a result. not good. all right, thank you both. when we come back, big tech continues. they have tyrannical censorship of all things conservative. every conservative voice, zero experience hunter planning another book after the biggest
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kill weeds not the lawn with roundup for lawns products. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: and breaking tonight, we are learning more about president trump's new communications platform from the desk of donald j. trump. the announcement, he just of facebook's decision tomorrow about whether to reinstate the pages of president trump who was sponsored by the platform earlier this year. it is just one of many acts of tech tyranny in recent months, like how twitter censored "the new york post" story about hunter biden's laptop before the election and falsely claimed it was obtained by hacking. get this. speaking for mr. zero experience hunter biden, apparently he is doubling down on failure because
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after histe memoir, "beautiful things" flopped in sales. he sold 10,000 his first week. hunter says he is writing a sequel. may bes in this book you can explain how you inked a deal h after deal with ukraine, oligarchs and because asked on, russia, china, and shopping sprees. maybe you could tell us where that experience of yours got us. or did you have any qualifications whatsoever on any of these issues? and did you lie on a gun application form about your record on the issue of substance abuse? but of course just like we havee been telling you, the media mob, bigg tech, they are now acting s an arm of the biden and the new green deal democratic socialists, and as josh hawley, the senator warns in his new book, if republicans don't take action now, america will be transformed forever and will silence our speech and upend our
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system of government. here to explain more, missouri senator, josh hawley. you have been through a lot. i know will ultimately publish your book. it was actually the same publisher that s originally planned to publish your book. they are the ones tryingth to silence vice president pence's book. heard about that as well. >> yeah, this is a pattern, sean, where you look at these corporate, these big woke corporations at simon & schuster's, the publisher you are referring to, who canceled my book. under pressure to cancel a lot more conservative. the left is not going to rest until theyoo get every major corporation in america to do their bidding. big tech is the worst. big tech has more power than any monopoly in our history. the left wants to use the monopoly power to censor our shut i us down, to run our government. we can't let it happen. >> sean: you know, counsel
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-- cancel culture is nothing nw to me or to any conservative radio talk show host. in all 33 years of me being on the radio, i've had to deal with this. 25 years, believe it or not here at fox, i've had to deal with us. d people that want to shut you down, silence you. but now it has even gotten worse because as far as i am concerned, by censoring, for example "the new york post" story, as big tech did, isn't that in in-kind donation for joe biden? >> i sure thought so. that is one of the reasons that i asked the federal election commission to look into that very question. how is it that these big tech companies seem to be the bidenng with campaign and doing them a lot of good by arbitrarily shutting down that story, stopping the circulation? i think twitter had the post lockdown for like two weeks. from their platform, their own twitter account, and then in january we saw these same companies get together, cancel parlor,ua a conservative competitor, throwing donald trump off of social media.
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throw a bunch of other conservatives off these companies are monopolies sean. they have too much power. the liberals want to have this liberal bigdioo government, big business alliance. we need to break it up. >> sean: i've said for years the only antidote to liberal media, and actually set it on this program in 2007. journalism is dead. i was right. i was more right than i knew. to me, and i used to say we've got to become the media. so conservatives found an outlet. talk radio. fox news is now in its 25th year. there wasas never a fox news before. isn't it a real antidote? i know parlor tried it to compete with twitter. maybe that will work. maybe it won't work. i don't know. but to create their own social media platforms to bypass these other companies. in other words, their own twitter, their own facebook, their own youtube, their own instagram.
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i know their efforts to do this but that to me seems like the only answer. >> yeah, you are talking about competition, sean, and you are exactly right. what we need is real competition. why do these companies get by with ignoring 75 million americans and trying to censor them? it's because they don't have any real competition. this is what we have monopolies for. to open up space for competition. i'm not a big fan of trying to regulate these companies and tell them what they can't and can't say. that's what the democrats want to do pair what we need to do is we need to bust up these and get real competition in social media, real competition in technology. take away the power that these people have amassed. by the way, it's because of the big government handouts that these big tech companies have gotten so powerful. so we need to stop the gravy train. we need to break up the monopoly and we need to get real competition backee in the marke. >> sean: all right, congrats on your new book here that takes joe, tammy bruce, they join us ,next when we return.
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>> sean: tomorrow we will be out in california. caitlyn jenner will join us on the program, exclusively since her challenge to gavin newsom and after the recall. earlier today she released her first campaign video calling herself a "compassionate disruptor." take a look at this. >> this past year has redefined career politicians as elitists and the people of california as the warriors, the kings, and the angels.eo it's time to reopen our school so i don't if you are a
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republican, democrat. i'm running to be governor for all californians. together we will be strong and renew the california dream. >> sean: here with reaction, fox news contributor's, tammy bruce, joe concha. by the way, there is not a single media reporter in the country that is not radical left except you. you are the only one. that is why you should have your own show and tammy also. called joe and tammy or tammy, it's true. there is not one honest media reporter in the country except you. you are the only one. all right, so i'm actually really looking forward to this. i have known caitlyn jenner for manynt years. tammy, i will start with you. funny story. diane sawyer interview takes place. talking about the interview on my radio show. i get a phone call. it's caitlyn jenner. we start talking about, you know, everything that had gone on, the interview with diane
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sawyer. and that she was to me, sean, you are not going to believe this. i said what? she goes, diane sawyer, the thing that shocked me the most is when i said i am a republican and a conservative. she couldn't believe it. what is s your reaction to that? >> well, that's the problem of course. identity politics is the height and racism and homophobia, transphobia, sexism. because it presents this idea that all of us think the same. if you are a minority, you must think the same way as though viindividuals do not exist. that is stereotypically bigotry. that you don't even see the individual. you become invisible, if you will in the mix of this whole big mob. i think that america is dealingi with that. but that is what the left now represents as well. caitlyn jenner getting in trouble for not conforming. and really, sean, that is the height of irony considering what
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the civil rights movements were about, right? allowing individuals to not be treated as though they were a group of people that should be treated in one way, a bad way, and allowing individuals to thrive in this country based on opportunity of what their individual talent was. so now you've got on the left punishing people for not conforming. it is outrageous. >> sean: you know, i'm watching this very closely. now caitlyn could have done the interview with anybody. anybody would want this interview. i think you would agree with that. we just spoke briefly and what i heard in that brief conversation, i'm not talking about the questions, obviously. somebody that is committed too winning and somebody that is committed to dealing with substance and ideas. and i find this compassionate disruptor line interesting.
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i am assuming i am a disruptor like donald trump, but i may be not going to tweet as much if that is a quick interpretation. >> it's interesting. you saw that campaign ad. that is one of the best that you will see. this is a rookie politician. but whoever she is hiring in terms of doing those ads and the messaging, she is doing very well out of the gate right now because that ad, it was meticulous in laying out all oft the problems, crisis these quite frankly that california has in terms of high taxation, in terms of skyrocketing homelessness. in termsgh of an exodus, people leaving california. more than any other state outside of new york. that is according to -- united van lines. the question is can jenner win? remember how recall works. first question is should he be removed?al if so, would you think should replace governor newsom? from there, it's a crapshoot. it's basically who gets the most votes. with the current democratic leadership, it'sal easy to drawa contrast when you are dealing with new some, feinstein, and
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pelosi and adam schiff. so, arnold schwarzenegger won in 2003. a recall election, someone from the entertainment field. why can't she do the same in 2021? >> sean: one word answer. i will ask you both the same. can caitlyn win? tammy. >> i don't think so. there needs to be big plans, not just commercials and name recognition. i don't think so. >> sean: joe. >> maybe? >> sean: you said one word. >> i don't know. i got to see more, sean. i've got to see more. >> sean: i think it's very possible. could shock the we will know a lot more after the interview tomorrow. thank you both.. when we come back, more "hannity" after the break. you will never guess where joe biden forgot to wear his mask. not a good idea either. take a look, coming up. ♪ ♪
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>> sean: before we go tonight let's take a look at what happened last week when the bidens went to visit former president jimmy carter, now 96 years old in georgia, here they are vaccinated but still wearing their masks. take a look at this picture inside. yes, next to the elderly carters, 96, 93 respectively, no social distancing, no mask whatsoever, exactly the opposite of current cdc guidelines and how hypocritical is all of that? i thought we were told we've got to protect the older population, which i agree with. joe and jill forgot, i guess. tomorrow, please join us in sunny, beautiful southern california. we will interview caitlyn jenner and talk to her about the failures of gavin newsom, whether she supports the trump
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america first agenda, how to solve the problems and the mass exodus of the golden state. in her first interview since announcing her run for governor. set your dvr, never miss an episode. in the meantime, let not y trou. laura ingraham takes you home. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. >> this is the ingraham angle from washington. fauci and his friend in the media treating americans don't want to treat the vaccine is modern-day lepers but who are these people and what are their objections? to make the speak to a young woman taking a stand about why she is saying no to the needle. don't think the fight against critical race. is only happening in red states. we speak tonight to a school board candidate in the ultraliberal confines of been, oregon about the dangerous encroachment on education
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