tv FOX and Friends FOX News May 6, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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stuart hunter. amos and benjamin we appreciate you so much coming on the most patriotic day in the most patriotic state, texas. god bless you all. thank you so much for joining us. todd: and, with that, never miss a minute of "fox & friends" first by dvring us. carley: that's right. and "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> ice deportations fell in april to the lowest monthly numn record. >> the message they're selling if people can get to this country clearly they are allowing them to stay. >> caitlyn jenner is allowing a new path for the people of california. >> the state has done so much for me. i watched it crumble. you have got to stand up. >> he is not afraid to back the blue. >> we need to do bonuses for law enforcement. someone to defund the police. we are funding the police and then some. >> a total disgrace, former
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president trump blasting social media after facebook upholds his ban. >> these platforms have gotten to be monopolies. >> the only way to get this straight properly regulate them or break them up. >> first pitch swinging, he has done it john means has no hit. the mariners the first complete game no hitter. orioles jim palmer did it 52 years ago. ♪ ainsley: this is very exciting first time year and a half we are back on some sem plans of the curvey couch. we are 6 feet apart and vaccinated. steve: up deed. it couch occasional tables. part of the couch. brian: gradually get people back in studio as things get back to normal. finally i might go back to broadway september 14th. i might be working at night for
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a while. september 14th audience. steve: brian, when is the last time you went to a broadway play. brian: i actually went to hamilton. this is how crazy it is. i actually liked hamilton so much and first time i'm admitting this. i bought the sound track. i mean, can you believe this? i bought a broadway sound track. ainsley: tell them the story of driving the car counsel to florida. brian: i was starting to get tired and the only thing that woke me up was hamilton. ainsley: king song. brian: the king stole the show. ainsley: did you see it? steve: no. ainsley: the king of england did not understand why anyone would want to come to america. steve: that would be king george. ainsley: he sang these two great songs and he stole the show. i don't know what his name is. at least the play i saw. brian: i don't know his real name but he played the role of king george the dictator. steve: there you go. ainsley: sound track is fabulous. steve: we are back in the studio. we are back almost on the old
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curvey couch and it is good to be here. brian: can i make a confession? i was standing a lot of people did not know i was standing for a year and a half. this is going to be a problem. posture is going to be an issue. i'm willing to give up posture. ainsley: did you all watch the caitlin interview last night with sean? steve: it was terrific and wide ranging. if you missed it, would he will show you some of the clips throughout the morning. brian: i feel kind of weird looking this way like eavesdropping. steve: or continue looking at your camera. ainsley: catty cornered there you go. is that better? steve: favor the camera a little bit. brian: right. i'm like this at home, too. steve: do you have a three part couch at home. brian: yeah we sit 6 feet apart. everyone has a tape measure. steve: today, dhs is planning a walk through of that empty migrant facility we saw in the images from donna, texas that not too long ago that was absolutely cram packed.
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ainsley: they just moved them. steve: 20 feet. ainsley: visit comes as ice tells fox news deportations fell below 3,000 just last month despite the surge of migrants. brian: griff jenkins knows all of this. is he going to expand on this. he joins us live from washington with more. griff? griff: that's right. as illegal crossings surge to 20 year high deportations are plunging to record lows. while president biden resisted the dual abolish ice he has substantially sidelined their enforcement fox news confirms as first reported by "the washington post" that only 2962 illegal immigrant were removed in april. a 20% decline from march where just thousand 716 were expelled. this after new guidelines in february narrowed enforcement priorities for the administration. now, for comparison, the total removals in 2019 were 267,258 of
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which 68% were convicted criminals. now matt basset says this is sending a bad signal. >> the message they're sending to the southern hemisphere if we will can get to this country clearly they are allowing them stay. griff: meanwhile as you mentioned testing a walk through of that donna facility suggesting things are under control. even congressman henry cuellar a border democrat said that's misleading all they are doing is moving kids from one tent to the other tent. they are just next door in hhs. cuellar is right. hhs reported 20,000 kids in it hhs custody. it meanwhile vice president kamala harris is traveling south next month. >> currently the plan is for me to travel to mexico and guatemala june 7th and 8th. if this issue were easy, it would have been solved a long time ago. griff: san diego's board of supervisors is weighing into the
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border crisis. they approved a one year pilot program providing cost-free attorneys to illegal crossers costing taxpayers $5 million. brian, ainsley, steve? steve: griff, when they do this walk through of that facility that is now empty, i know they are going to bus people, in members of the press and whatnot. are they going to be able to look around and say hey, what's in that tent over there because according to cuellar, they took them from one tent that was operated by border patrol and put them over in the hhs tent and that's where the kids are. griff: that's a great question, steve. i hope someone does that and get the access. i remember in recent travels when donna was one tent. then i remember passing it the most recent time i was down there seeing three with space for construction. if you look at the aerial photos that you can find on and elsewhere, we have showed them. can you see that they have expanded to many tents. to say things are under control with one tent being empty while
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others are jam-packed is clearly not the case. the telling number is dhs continues to put out that daily unaccompanied child report and as we showed it's 22176 right now. that is a record number and while the administration says it's hhs care, they are in custody of the government. they are not free to move around. brian: thanks, griff. we will see when griff will go down there to the border and see for himselves. numbers are going down. they are not leaving. right now on target to have less than 100,000 deportations for the first time in over a decade. right now, if things continue with 37,000 deportations we will be at 55,000 at the end of the year. and this is an all-time low. is it because of less illegals are here? ainsley: no, there are more. brian: ice has been totally hamstrung and now if you think your local police formsst force members leaving is disturbing, can you imagine, ainsley, what it's like being an
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ice official -- excuse me, you don't want to give me any power you? want to condemn me and protest outside my office like i'm the bad guy or lady? i'm done. ainsley: biden becomes president the end of january when we had more than 5,000 deportations that month. and then the beginning of february he says there are new guidelines for ice. you can only arrest people if they -- if they're national security threat or if they have been convicted of an ago grey vacated felony. if you want to arrest them for something else or deport them for another reason, you have to get permission from your boss. and what's interesting. steve: crazy. ainsley: at first they weren't letting reporters in these facilities in the one in donna, texas. then they let lawmakers go there. ted cruz took some video. others took some video. we got to see what it really looked like. in washington they are freaking out. oh my gosh these are gotten into the press now we have got to clear out that facility. moving them to hhs facilities, even henry cuellar the democrat in texas said they are just moving them next cure. brian: thank goodness for henry
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cuellar. is he a democrat that cares more about what is happening at the border than his party. steve: when you look at the number of deportations down okay, it's a hassle to arrest somebody and deport them so, perhaps, perhaps because it is such a hassle, they are simply saying, you know what? i'm not going to arrest that person because i don't want to call washington to ask if it's okay. ainsley: sound familiar? sounds like the police officers we don't want to do it and get involved and lose our careers and lives. steve: so complicated a freshman congresswoman has been on this program she is from florida a republican. she has been down to the southern border. and she talked to some of the migrants and what she was told is jaw-dropping. she said that something we have known in the past. and this is that the cartels and the smugglers, the coyotes, are using facebook, they are placing paid ads on facebook and, for instance, she said i talked to one migrant who said yeah, i'm here because i saw an ad on
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facebook and it said how would you like to get into the united states by way of san antonio? just click on this. and she, was on her phone and she went into it and she did a facebook search of the term crews for tara eua border crossing united states of america. she tapped 1 and a whole bunch of other pages came up. she has written a letter to mark zuckerberg saying hey, you are supporting a criminal testimony organization. ainsley: it came to our attention she tweeted this out. instead of censorships conservatives let's take on cartels. i attached screen shots of ads i personally found with a simple search for passage to the united states. their role in the crisis at the border is urgent and must be addressed immediately. she says she takes issue with them silencing conservatives with them shadow banning different people, you, who might like someone's page that's a conservative. this is affecting every single person. she takes issue with them doing
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that yet, allowing these cartels and allowing these human smugglers to talk to kids, talk to parents and say i will get your child across. i will get your family across. and she are allow to arrange payment through facebook as well. steve: that's the important part. keep in mind facebook is profiting off of this. not only is it an illegal operation but facebook is making money at it. brian: that's the problem when you ban the president and you say i have standards and then when the board that you appointed says we have standards but have you not told us those standards. people are going to be pointing out some of the crazy things that are on their social page at which time they say well, we are just a bulletin board. here is an it example kat cammack stated this and wrote a letter here is what mark zuckerberg's group wrote back facebook's role at the border is urgent and must be addressed immediately. ainsley: that's her letter, brian. brian: american company to allow a criminal enterprise to allow your platform to freely
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encourage and facilitate a criminal ebb at this time. it facebook provided the additional post and pages. facebook wrote this back to fox news. we prohibit content that offers or assists with human smuggling and remove it from our platform whenever we find it we are reviewing the content that was highlighted to us. but but why does anyone need to highlight this stuff to facebook? they have -- evidently have algorithms pick up illegal activity. why does someone on the outside have to tell facebook what's happening on their platform. steve: last month according to the same letter that cat cammack wall street to zuckerberg last month they had a hearing in congress and buddy carter asked zuckerberg issue and zuckerberg said it was against facebook's policies to have those things. so now facebook apparently now that it's hit the fan, facebook is looking into it but, nonetheless, we do not know
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whether or not those pages are still up or been taken down. facebook has not really told us anything about it. other than they are making money off the coyotes. brian: this isn't the only problem facebook has. the former president is a problem which many other world leaders have a problem with the fact that you have taken him down and continue to take him down and leave him frozen on the outside. but if you are going to go ahead and say that's overstepping my standard, nobody knows what your standards are, including the board you put there in place what about the other will world leaders around issues going on how about burrma. you like all those posts? ainsley: when we announced two days ago maybe they were considering to allow donald trump back on the platform i knew that wasn't going to happen. the only reason they were considering it is some of his folks were asking to rehear the issue and to revisit the issue. and he might be running for president again. do you really think they want
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him on their platform? they don't. last night i stayed up really late and watched it again this morning. i watched half of it this morning and the other half this morning the caitlyn jenner interview sean flew out to california to talk with her. it was just a remarkable interview all of her policies i completely agree with her 100 percent on so much what she said. i have such a heart. and everything she has gone through. no more secret this is exactly who i am i can finally be a voice and example to other children going through this. the suicide rate is skyrocketing. steve: nine times. ainsley: amongst transgenders. she said i want to be a voice for them. she said i am a republican. i'm running on the republican ticket. so gavin newsom, she is not happy with him. a lot of californians aren't because they have shut down schools and shut down restaurants. and they are not back at work yet. so, she talked about the fact that they had to get 1.5 million signatures for him to have this recall to recall the election. they got 2.5. and she made an
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interesting point. she said isn't it fascinating that the democrats went through every signature to verify those signatures. steve: right. ainsley: i knew where she was going with that meaning they didn't do that in the georgia election and other elections. brian: right. and here's a little from that interview. caitlyn jenner. a republican who seems very conservative trying to win in a very democratic state. watch. >> it was not an easy decision. it took an awfully long time. i want to take that same fight, that same spirit, go to sacramento, surround myself with some of the smartest people out there. i am an outsider, i understand that. smartest people out there because now i'm in a race for solutions. i need to find solutions to be able to turn this state around. i love this country. i'm a patriot: i love this state. the state has done so much for me over the years. i have watched it crumble right
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in front of my eyes. and you have got to stand up. you know, and so i knew it would not be easy. i knew it would be tough. but, you know what? california is worth fighting for. what i see in gavin newsom is a politician up special interest and hypocrisy that is going on right now. it's like there is one set of rules for sacramento and there is another set of rules for everybody else. steve: all right. >> so, she also talk as little bit about why she liked donald trump as president if and weighed in as well on joe biden and we are going to play that soundbite coming up very shortly. absolutely right, ainsley, it was wide ranging and a lot of people who were unfamiliar with her remember her from the
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kardashian show, saw a completely different kind of persona yesterday. very political. brian: gavin newsom went to bat and said i totally disagree with caitlyn jenner when it comes to girls and transgenders playing in the same sports leagues. same. ainsley: caitlyn is against it. brian: not against it, it's not equal. it's not fair to the girls. ainsley: she did say when she had to make this major decision in her life, she talked to her children first, and then she talked to her pastor. she said when i get to the peerly gates i want to make sure i that can look at god and he allows me in and he says you have done a good job. brian: right. steve: here what she has to say about trump and biden come up. in the meantime let's go up to the mezzanine level carley shimkus joins us now with headlines. carley: that's right, good morning to you on the couch. headlines to bring you. new york's embattled governor andrew cuomo defend his nursing home order blaming republicans for the outrage over his
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administration's cover-up of nursing home deaths. listen. >> which was from a medical point of view smart. they wanted to blame nursing home deaths on that order. carley: the top democrat says trump and republicans have politicized covid-19 since the beginning. well, weeks after exercise company company pell con now reversing course. the company recalling over 125,000 of tread plus and tread machines this after one child died and 70 other customers reported injuries stemming from peloton treadmill accidents. the company's ceo apologizing saying quote peloton made a mistake in our initial response. the moment a train slams into the back of an 18-wheeler is caught on camera. watch this.
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you have got to be kidding me there. the train splitting the semi-truck from its trailer after it got stuck on the tracks, thankfully and amazingly, no one was hurt. the truck was carrying thousands of water bottles which spilled all over the road. that's what you saw coming out of the truck. true crews say cleanup took several hours. buffalo bills general manager players if covid-19 restrictions were lifted and in person meetings were allowed. gm brandon beam telling the one bills live broadcast quote we have three and four meetings going on and sometimes you are talking over each other, but it was the only way to pull it off and be social distancing. so it would be an advantage to cut a player and fall under that umbrella. well beane expects the league to losen restrictions.
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that's what the' sports teams facing in the months ahead. brian: it be mets going to have vaccinated and unvaccinated. steve: they have to prove they won't take people's word have to show vaccine card i got both shots. okay. you can sit over there with everybody else and everybody else is requesting to be over there 6 feet apart. carley: two sections kind of like what's going on today. you guys on the couch. brian: more than 6 feet apart. ainsley: don't lose your vaccinating card. brian: evidently we will have like a q.r. code evidently. ainsley: really? are. steve: carley, thank you. ainsley: thanks, carley. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. come up as businesses struggle to hire staff, end participation in the government's endless unemployment program because the benefits are doing more harm than good. charles payne is on deck ♪ rock the
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steve: pretty day in washington, d.c. in the district of columbia. high today of 65. and as you look at the white house, the phi who would like to -- when you take at a look at people who have lived there, you know, from joe biden backwards, there are a lot of people who have opinions on the kinds of jobs they did and now we have
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got some interesting ones about the current occupant. ainsley: caitlyn jenner was on with sean last night and it was the majority of his show. it was a beautiful interview. indicate leadership had some interesting points to make. she said she is supporting legal immigration, pro-wall. she is pro-border protection, pro-law enforcement, pro-ice, brian. britain brian i agree with almost everything that she stands for. i just don't know how many people in california do. especially when it comes to trump and the job trump did as opposed to one joe biden is trying to do. let's listen to her take. >> what i liked about donald trump as he was a disrupter, you know? he came in and shook the system up, okay? a lot of people didn't like that in washington, d.c. but he and shook the system up. i think he did some things that
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i agreed with, some things i didn't agree with on the other hand, biden, i don't think i have agreed with anything. i don't think since he has been in there he has done anything for the american worker. maybe other ones. so, it is a -- it is a 180-degree turn in our country going the other direction and it scares me. steve: there she is talking about how, you know, a lot of people were attracted to donald trump, the disrupter. and now fast forward to the new person who is in the white house, joe biden, she does not like any of that stuff. she would like to be in the state house in sacramento and to do that she has got to unseat gavin newsom, the recall election presumably would be in the fall and regarding the coronavirus and the restrictions in california, she said yesterday he, gavin newsom, has destroyed businesses, thousands of businesses.
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and obviously she is trying to tap into that anger to propel herself from malibu where she was yesterday talking to sean to the state house in sacramento. ainsley: she said what's good for these lawmakers is they will tell everyone else in the state not to do certain things and yet they will go out and do it. she referenced gavin newsom going to french laundry to the restaurant when he was telling everyone else to stay at home and closing all these restaurants. brian: i thought the campaign ad they rolled out i guess it's a minute ad was unbelievable. what about the decision to show caitlyn as bruce jenner winning olympic gold medals and fully embracing the whole past, present and this is where we are at today from 1976 man have things changed. ainsley: i did like that. she was very transparent. this is my life, like it or not. i hope that you will, the question is california ready for a republican governor? brian: no, they are not. ask arnold schwarz he governorred as a republican six months couldn't get anything done and had to give up whole agenda and compromise the rest
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of the way. steve: this would test the depth of the anger and frustration with the coronavirus in california perhaps more than any other state. ainsley: that's right. brian: we will see about the depth of the anger and hostility. still ahead, a washington state school district is pulling all state resource officers off its campus. the reason? quote the current climate closed quote, two parents in the district call out the decision. please get the snare drum ready thanks, joel. download the fox bet super 6 app. and play for a chance to win $10,000. all you need to do is protect six outcomes in the fox bet super 6 quiz show. topics range from entertainment to sports. it's free to play download the fox bet super 6 app. right now. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon,
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with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. ♪ carley: good morning, back with head lanes, police arrest the husband of missing colorado mom she is presumed dead after vanishing nearly one year ago. barry is charged with the connection withthe disappearanc. she was reported missing on mother's day last year after she went on a week ride and never returned. her body has not been found. two california men are convicted of killing a police officer in italy. the jury deliberated for 12 hours before finding the men guilty on charges of homicide,
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attempted extortion and assault. the incident happened back in 019 after a drug deal went bad. prosecutor say one man stabbed the officer 11 times and the other helped him hide the knife. they now face life in prison. well, a man working outside a massachusetts home is counting himself lucky after this life-saving leap. watch. [shouting] >> holy cow unloading concrete mix off the back of a pickup when a van plowed into the truck. he jumped off the pickup with just moments spare, one person was taken to the hospital with minor injuries, d.c. mayor muriel bowser is considering allowing dancing for fully vaccinated people at wedding receptions. weddings and other events were allowed to resume on may 1st
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at 25% capacity. but she says standing and dancing at those events would not be allowed. bowser declined to say whether or not she would reconsider if people wore masks. you cannot make it up. ainsley, over to you. ainsley: thank you, carley, 34 minutes after the top of the hour. playing politics with school safety. the bellevue school district in washington state, just outside of seattle, pulling all school resource officers off its campuses but providing no reason other than citing the quote overall public safety and the current climate. parents in the district are demanding answers and two of them are joining us now. we have dan glass with us and we have gina wink, good morning to both of you. >> good morning, thank you for having us. ainsley: you are welcome, thank you for being here both of you. gina, how do you feel about this. >> i feel that it was not a good decision. it was not based in any transparency at all. we didn't have any communication
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about this until it was done. ainsley: how many kids, you have four kids, how many in the district? >> i have two in the district right now. ainsley: dan, how about you how many in the districts. >> two graduates and two currently in the district. ainsley: tough be worried to death about this, right? >> i am worried about safety and i'm worried about the superintendent making a biased decision without informing the community. ainsley: gina, you don't want to play monday morning quarterback with this kind of a thing, we have seen what's happened in other high schools and we don't that to happen anywhere else. this is such public story now do you think they are putting your children's lives at risk. >> yes. and also teachers and staff, we don't want them to be responsible for the safety of our children. that's not their job and that's not what they are paid for we are going to lose good teachers because of this policy also.
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>> there are six resource officers in the middle school and high schools that will lose their jobs. dan, are people starting to think about leaving the district? there is massive outflux of student out of the district because of coronavirus and this is one more issue for people to leave. ainsley: do they mean overall safety and the current climate? >> that's all we know. he hasn't gotten into any explanation about that. ainsley: so we don't know. what do you think it is? is it climate? is it the environment or is it climate with the anti-place rhetoric that we have heard? >> yeah. i believe it's the anti-police rhetoric which we really do not need any more of in our society right now. ainsley: dan, is there anyone on the board that was opposing this? >> that's the problem. we know who is on the board but we don't know what their opinions are, what their findings are, there is no way to communicate with the board and the superintendent himself and pick the people he wanted on the board so we have no idea to know
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what's going on with the board. ainsley: i hope they will reconsider for your kids' sake. thank you both for being on. god bless those schools. >> thank you. thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. we did reach out to the bellevue school district for comment but we did not hear back. still ahead, with many businesses struggling to find workers. montana naps governor has a plan to get people working again by offering a big pay boost to anybody willing to get off unplymouth. somebody who knows about making money is charles payne and is he going to break it down for us coming up next. ♪ go on, take the money, and run ♪ go on, take the money, and run ♪ but shingles doesn't care.
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before voltaren arthritis pain gel, my husband would have been on the sidelines. but not anymore! an alternative to pills voltaren is the first full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel to target pain directly at the source for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren. the joy of movement. brian: here we go president biden includes $2 trillion
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american family plan which a new study now reveals they miscounted. it's actually $700 billion more than we thought. everyone once this a while forgets to include six zeros. here to react fox business' own making money host charles payne. charles, if you didn't think it was high enough, $700 billion. what did they forget to count, the irs money? >> no, i don't know. i'm not sure if it was the $80 billion to create an army of irs agents out there. far more than they are putting toward restaurant owners. i think, brian, they just sort of' accidently make these assumptions. so, you have other folks take a look at these plans and, yeah, 700 billion more. let's look out to the future. we're talking about by 2050 is going to increase government the debt by 5%. if you don't think that's a large number, remember, you know, we are heading toward an astronomical number like $30 trillion in debt it will
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also reduce g.d.p. by 0.4%. four tenths of a percent. that's magnificently huge number. these are the hard economic facts of it i think societally it's going to be a much more destructive plan than each those numbers suggest. a lot of young women out there. aup lot of poor young women out there will have to make a choice between taking large government payments, monthly checks for having children, so to be incentivized to have a lot more children, perhaps not get married or enter the workforce and make actually less money. if you don't think that's a tough struggle, a big deal, put yourself in that position. i can have a few kids, make a whole lot of money from the government, and not have to work. or i could go to work and still live in the same building i'm living in any way. it's going to create a moral dilemma that we saw in the 60's and 70 in particular and it did not help people at all. brian: also with the irs, they will start giving it super
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powers no one is going to be safe get $480 billion into the system. good luck with that the last thing this country needs is the irs on steroids. by the way, no doubt about it small businesses suffering, 42% of which cannot fill openings that they have right now. so what is montana doing to attack this? the governor in particular decided when it comes to federal benefits, you can keep them, joe. >> yeah, no, okay. are we waiting for a soundbite? brian: let's listen to the governor. >> okay. >> montana is open for business. as we have opened up, employers can't find workers. it's across all industries. so, we made the decision yesterday these supplemental unemployment benefits honestly we got what we incented.
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we were incenting people not to work. so we made the decision to opt out of the federal supplemental unemployment benefits. and we place it with a back-to-work bonus. brian: what do you think about this? >> it's a much needed move, honestly. i was in kansas on monday, gave a speech to the kansas chamber in topeka. i have got to tell you this was the central theme of my speech. this is something that businesses have been begging for. brian, i want to read you a few quotes from the manufacturers in the kansas city area in the last two month. unemployed workers have nittany lion sennive to return to work given the code bonus payments. here is my favorite. having a very difficult time getting applicants, even bad ones for open positions. extra federal unemployment payments are keeping people at home and out of the workforce. imagine you are the employer, you got these positions open. someone comes. in i smoke a lot of weed. i come to work every now and
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then and sometimes i have to leave early and the employer looks across at the person and says when can you start? that's how desperate they are right now. i'm telling you, it's a crazy situation. and the government has created this monster. and it's going to backfire because the longer you are out of the workforce, the worse your skills get and the harder it is to get back into the workforce and be productive. brian: going to last until at least september and want to extend it further it's incredible unless they do want to keep the economy for some reason not going up to full force. watcher charles today on making money on fox business. you can see him every single day at 2:00. thanks, charles. >> thanks, brian. brian: meanwhile, let's go up to janice dean who has got the weather. hey, janice. janice: good morning, yes. we are dealing with calmer forecast, which we like. but we did have the potential yesterday for the large hail, damaging winds, luckily no tornadoes. we have had several days of tornadoes. very active beginning to the month of may. forecast radar we have a weak
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system across the ohio valley moving into the northeast on friday. saturday still kind of the same. we are into this trough situation across the east. so cooler weather. some wet weather into the weekend. and then we are also dealing with a weaker system moving into the northwest. the next chance for strong to severe storms will be on saturday for the central plains. so we'll watch for that for a couple of days of calmer weather which we will take. may typically this is where we see the most tornadoes across tornado alley and again we will start to look for that on saturday into sunday. the forecast today not too bad. look at phoenix 100 degrees for you. very warm across the southwest, we will deal with that system across the ohio valley and northeast we will see cooler temperatures but mostly sunny skies. all right, brian my friend back to you. brian: thanks so much, janice. still ahead on this show former president trump will not be getting his facebook account back so how are these decisions actually made in the former chief privacy officer for our facebook who was once behind
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those decisions like the one we just witnessed weighs in next. ♪ ♪ [sfx: psst psst] allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the ups and downs of frequent mood swings can take you to deep, depressive lows. or, give you
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♪ ♪ steve: well, facebook's independent oversight board upholding former president trump's ban from facebook even as the board admits the indefinite ban violates its own rules. this comes as news from the "wall street journal" reporting that users of the secret rules facebook used to get -- you could get kicked off as well because the rules are secret. here to react is the man who once upon a time was behind those policies, facebook's former chief privacy officer and head of global public policy chris kelly joins us from california. chris, good morning to you. >> thanks so much for having me, steve. and welcome back to the couches. steve: thank you very much. it will be great when we can have people back in the studio and you certainly will be invited. you know, one of the things that people are puzzled by is just --
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it seems like every time we hear about some sort of action from facebook, they cite something that we have never heard of before because they have got all these crazy secret rules. >> and i think the setting up of the oversight board is designed to address some of those problems and this isn't the first ruling that they have delivered but it's obviously the most prominent. and i think the process from here hopefully will demonstrate for the company and for everyone else that they are taupe review of a number of these decisions and to more transparency in the process going forward. so, the oversight board has upheld the company's decision to bar former president trump from the platform based on some of the statements made around the insurrection but from there they said an indefinite ban is not justified or the company has not yet justified it. so they have to do that within six months. i expect that the company will act faster than that but we will see for sure.
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steve: here in the "new york post" this morning an op-ed on the opinion pages says that independent board not really. it is stocked with a bunch of trump haters, that's what the op-ed says. do you feel that this board can be fair? >> so one of the things that the company wanted to do in its design is to just appoint the co-chairs, including a comer conservative ninth circuit judge who teaches at stanford now and let them select the other 20 members of the board. so that process went on. steve: sure. >> the variety of people around the globe including the former prime minister of denmark and a number of folks, i suspect the number of them may have hostile opinions towards president trump but i also think a number of them probably don't. i think there is definitely a free speech tradition reflected. one of the things you saw in the ruling is a skepticism about the ability of the company or the right -- whether it's the right thing for the company to be able
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to bar somebody indefinitely. steve: chris, quick exit question, do you understand the frustration, 74 million people voted for donald trump. and facebook has so much power to silence political speech. >> i think there is a desire to have as much wide open political speech on facebook as possible. i think that there are policies that are now the company is going to have to better articulate that allow the restriction of that speech in certain circumstances as this one was. steve: well, let's see what they do. chris kelly, we thank you very much for joining us live today. >> thanks, steve. steve: meanwhile, speaking of outrage, parents in utah outraged after the school district votes to keep the mask mandate in place despite the governor repealing the mask mandate across the state except in will school. the backlash coming up next. ♪ l lung cancer can change everything. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer.
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eat crunchy foods. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. are you kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette [shouting] [chanting no more masks] >> all in favor say aye. >> president biden is hitting the road to sell his second big spending bill in louisiana. >> we are heading toward astronomical number like $30 million in debt. >> i don't care if you are a republican a democrat, a libertarian a vegetarian i want solutions and to give this state back to the people. >> playing politics with school safety. >> a washington state school district is pulling all resource officers off its campus.
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>> i'm worried about safety and i'm worried about the superintendent making a biased decision without informing the community. >> combine for two goals three assists. faceoff. three fights simultaneously. one second in. ♪ life is a highway ♪ i want to ride it all night long ♪ brian: sorry, go ahead. steve: good morning, tampa, 7:01. this is your 7 a.m. wake-up call 81 degrees going to go for a high of 88. speaking of beautiful days, look, we are back on the couch. we have all been vaccinated and we are 6 feet apart. ainsley demanded to see my vaccination card. here it is right here. ainsley: that's the only way i would sit next to you. i needed to see that. brian: we had tape measures out. although just three feet now.
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ainsley: 3 feet in schools. brian: we're going to talk about it the craziness what's going on. how great is it? everyone i know who goes to a hockey game loves to see a fight. how about three in the first minute? that's fantastic. you don't even need to see a goal after that. ainsley: that is the reason guy for the beer and the fight. brian: right. steve: you can always count on a fight at a good hockey game and as it turns out you can count on a fight at a school board meeting. ainsley: yeah, these days. steve: out in salt lake city. the granite school board had their weekly meeting, monthly meeting on tuesday night and the parents came and they wanted to talk because as it turns out, the governor had lifted the mask mandate and all the restrictions out in utah. but, the school board continued to say okay, that's one thing. but, inside the schools, kids between the ages of kindergarten and 12th great they are still going to have to wear the mask.
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brian: that's a joke. steve: that's why there was a big fight. ainsley: they reached the threshold. that's why the governor said no more masks in our state this one school district? salt lake city as steve said, whoa, chaos erupted that the meeting, parents are furious. watch this. >> you let a senator come up here and speak in the name of my children who you guys are abusing? are you serious? [shouting] >> nope. we have had our citizen participation. all right. [chanting no more masks] >> order. i move that we adjourn this meeting. >> i will second. >> we have a motion to adjourn and a second. i'll in favor say aye. >> they are going to leave? ing. [shouting] >> the board kept trying regain
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control the parents weren't having it. brian: i think those people speak for most of america. we have had it. you are making up the rules as did you go along. we know the danger to kids is kids have been are stay at home or get a substitute teacher in. and when you see idiocy things like this when the governor comes out and makes his rules and they try to make subrules and then you see the vice president kiss her husband goodbye outdoors with a mask on and if joe biden sitting there without a mask with jimmy carter and goes outside and puts his mask on again. people have had it. they know when they're being led by people who are total hypocrites or total ignorant of the new rules that they pass. steve: right. you heard at the very beginning before the melee started you let a state senator speak but you wouldn't let us speak. they had a state senator get up by the name of kathleen reasony. she got up. former member of the state board of education, and she thanked
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the teachers for everything they had done and talked about teacher appreciation day. and then as soon as she sat down. they said okay, all the public comments are closed for right now. and people were outraged. they said look, we have got stuff to talk about. and, you know, they tried to regain control and it went back and forth and back and forth. did you hear them say okay, let's adjourn. and then do you know what they did? do you know what they did to the parents? they called the police. they called the police on the parents who simply wanted to have their voices heard. spokesperson for the school district said this. granite district fundamentally believes and encourages a diversity of opinions when shared in respectful and civil manner and will continue to encourage civil discourse as a model for the children which we have stewardship over. look, they did not allow the parents to speak. and so, of course, they're going to be a little loud. ainsley: you know when this all started a year and a half ago
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woo we were all so scared. we all these people tying we needed to wear the mask. brian: first they told us not to wear the mask make things worse a false sense of security. ainsley: but then everyone was required to wear a mask and i get that when you reach the threshold and everyone has done what they were supposed to do. when you tell people to get vaccinated and they go and do it and tell them to wear mavericks and they do it. you say as a leadership you can take off the mask as soon as x amount get vaccinated. you can take off the mask when we reach a threshold. that's what they have donna state. everyone in that state worked so hard to keep everyone safe, they should be rewarded for it. brian: right. ainsley: these children are less at risk than the adults are the adults don't have to wear masks but the kids in school do. it doesn't make sense. brian: then start giving infants vaccine that will be another debate. the freedom of information act request was granted and we found out the cdc was working hand in hand with the teacher's union in
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order to pass policies. in fact, they were cut and pasted, some of these verbiage in cdc rules. remember follow the science? follow the teachers union who asked them to put $40 million into the coffers of the democrats that's called following the science, appears, excuse me, that's called following the money. kristin fisher has been relentless in the pressroom and she asked jen psaki about this and about the engagement and are you going to cut it off between the teachers union and the cdc instead jen psaki says no we have a lot of different relationships going on. listen. >> yesterday you said that the cdc engaged with around 50 stakeholders on coming up with guidelines for reopening schools? >> yeah. >> in addition to the teachers union the american federation of teachers, who are these roughly 50 stakeholders. >> um, you know, they're include the ymca. they include council of state chief school officers. the national school nurses the national governors association. big cities health coalition.
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autism speaks. council of great city schools. so there is a range of organizations and the objective is to have a better understanding of implementation. >> but can you just explain a little bit more you know why the cdc needs all of this input from so many outside entities? >> they do so to ensure that the recommendations are feasible to implement and that they adequately address the safety and well-being of individuals, the find dance it aims to protect. steve: and as it turns out, we now know that just before the cdc came out with their guidance, they talked, i believe the director, spoke to the union and essentially coordinated okay, this is what we are going to say, what do you think about what we are going to say? republicans are demanding answers. house republicans led by kathy mcmorris-rodgers, top republican on the house energy and commerce committee says we need to know the relationship between these decisions when it comes to the teachers unions and this government entity the cdc
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she says it lacks like they are putting their politics, the democratic party politics ahead of the science. brian: do you think so? steve: look, we have asked for the names of the stack holders that they have conferred with you about the cdc was not forthcoming. so you have got to figure what she is talking about is we asked who they talked to, and they did not mention the union. ainsley: i thought cdc based everything on science in they need 50 different agencies and different unions to weigh in and get their recommendations before they tell us what is scientific? brian: it is b.s., total horse crap. it is so out of control that these people control our lives and we are supposed to follow the science with this administration. and then it gets worse. look at the summer camps. your kid can go to camp this year except for there are a few rules and they're all ridiculous. it's very rare to see all the columns, every single one of their recommendations be something that should be tossed in the garbage but the cdc
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stripped itself again. here is an example of the advice they are giving to kids when he they're outside when it comes to sports, listen. >> what we are really trying to avoid in this camp guidance is what we saw in outbreaks in camps last summer. so if you have five 10-year-olds who are on the soccer field all in front of the same soccer ball, we are trying to make sure that they are not a lot of heavy breathing around a singular soccer ball with five kids around it at the same time. brian: play sports heavy breathing you are outdoors and we have been doing this for almost six or seven months now in states like florida and texas. people breathe out when they exhale. when they run. and they don't just breathe on the ball and sit around. they move. there is no danger. they want kids to wear masks all the time including when they are napping and only hang out with one cohort. that's everybody's goal to go to camp and meet one person and stay with them the whole time. steve: well, those can be the
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guidelines but they are just guidelines. brian: if you are a camp counselor you want to get sued the cdc guidelines are out there. steve: it's up to the camp. brian: they are terrible. steve: the summer camp my daughter used to work at as a counselor last summer they had sports teams and nobody was wearing masks and this year they plan on nobody wearing masks. so i think it is still up to the camps but when it comes to the federal government, they can put out what they want to put out but those, remember, are simply guidelines. ainsley: we haven't gotten our guidelines that i know of yet that i know of when i checked my email for the day camps that hayden signed up for. brian: the cdc puts out guidelines, you are not going to get insurance if you ignore all those guidelines unless every parent is going to sign a waiver. ainsley: let's hand it over to peter doocy he is outside of the white house this morning as a new study reveals the america's family plan will actually cost $700 billion more than previously estimated. how did that happen, peter? >> it happened, ainsley, because
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the white house pitches some of the programs in there as being necessary to recover from the pandemic. but because officials here want some of those programs like free preschool, like free community college tuition for all to be made permanent, the cost goes way up. so the white house says that the american families plan should cost $1.8 trillion. the actual cost is about 2.5 trillion over the next decade. that is roughly $700 billion more than estimated according to the penn wharton budget model at the university of pennsylvania where joe biden was recently a professor. this program is separate from the $2 trillion american rescue plan that already passed with checks for separate chan the jobs plan white house pitching right now and some republicans are complaining the government is creating too many incentives for people not to work so people aren't like in montana where there is a shortage of workers
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so the governor there is going to cut 300 adds week in extra unemployment benefits. bonuses to those who help that state fill 14,000 job openings. >> we need unemployment as a safety net for folks that find themselves in a rough spot. but it shouldn't be a permanent status. >> the reason the economy is recovering is because the federal government is spending money, investing taxpayer money. it is unclear how if or how this higher than advertised estimate would deter plans to push forward. back to you. steve: all right, peter on the north lawn, thank you very much. you know, the jobs numbers the experts say would be higher if there were simply more people they could hire. but so many people don't want to go to work supplemental benefits at this point are so lucrative.
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they are justice couches than they going to work. charles payne was interviewed by brian just an hour ago and had this observation about how desperate businesses are to find somebody who will show up and in some cases they will take almost anybody. >> you are an employer, you have got these positions open. someone comes, in you are interviewing them they say well yeah, you know what? i smoke a lot of weed. i come to work every now and then and sometimes i have to leave early and the employer looks across at the person and says when can you start? that's how desperate they are right now. i'm telling you. it's a crazy situation and the government has created this monster and it's going to backfire because the longer you are out of the workforce, the worse your skills get and the harder it is really to get back into the workforce and be productive. ainsley: i mean, even if you make a little bit less, let's say with the government's help you make 500 a week and maybe if you worked in the restaurant you made 600 a week, some people are saying i would rather getting by on the 500.
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i would rather stay at home and watch tv and netflix and get free money. steve: numbers say that's what's happening. brian: or do you this you collect your unemployment and go get a cash job where you work at a bar back or something else and get the cash and get your other money. 14 minutes after the hour. other issue transgender athletes for some reason president biden has made that a mandate and made that one of his priorities. caitlyn jenner a transadult who was once the number one athlete in the world as a decathalon olympic champion had a clear -- everyone was saying i wonder what she thinks about transathletes playing with girls who become women at any age. here is what created some controversy and what governor newsom vehemently opposes, listen. >> this is a question of fairness. that's why i oppose best of my
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knowledge boys who were transcompeting in girls sports in school. it just isn't fair. and we have to protect girls sports in our schools. steve: so she said best of my biological boysshould not partis sport. that's what the tmz camera caught her saying she sat down for an hour with sean hannity. sean flew out to malibu and talked with her yesterday and made it very clear how she feels regarding the integrity of girls sports. listen to this. >> i stick with my statements that i made. i think we have to make sure that the integrity of girls sports is there. i think that's extremely important. but it's -- there is more to it than just what i said because i just said biological boys in sports. there is more to it than that i
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think in the future i will explain more of that. ainsley: when i watched that interview and heard her say that i thought well, she was an olympic athlete in 1976 she won the gold. imagine if she competed. steve: decathalon they do everything. ainsley: right. what if she had to compete against a group of women now then she would -- she would crush them. brian: the numbers are much better on men on everything if you take the top 50 tennis players, top men 50 tennis player beat the number one tennis player in the world. it's not sexist. that's just a fact. ainsley: just the way we were created? brian: i can't get into biology, i don't have the molds to bring out. i will say this it's pretty clear. i don't think anyone argues about that they just talk about fairness. steve: also what is clear she is now running for governor of california because gavin newsom is being recalled. they got enough signatures. governor newsom's spokesperson
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said this regarding that issue. governor gavin newsom has made a stance on these issues clear the 14th amendment equal protection clause applies to all americans regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. california state law already allows students to participate in activities consistent with their gender identity. so, no, california is not going backwards on these issues. according to governor newsom. brian: if that's backwards. ainsley: 18 minutes after the top of the hour hand it over to carley. carley: good morning. listen to this. the american captain of a suspected human smuggling boat is charged in the deadly crash. the boat was carrying immigrants who were trying to enter the u.s. illegally when it capsized off san diego's coast earlier this week killing three people on board. investigators say captain antonio kneed a border agent in the head during his arrest. is he charged with assault and human smuggling. the agent was not seriously
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hurt. the idaho deputy who was suspended after mocking lebron james in a viral tiktok video will return to work today. >> lebron, hey, yeah, it's me again. listen i'm out here at this disturbance call and there is a guy trying to try another guy with a knife. what should i do? it doesn't make a lot of sense. but yet again you are really good at basketball so i will take your word for it. >> mocking over the nba star's deleted tweet showing a photo of the officer who shot and killed an ohio teen with the caption you're next. sylvester has reportedly signed a book deal with d'angelo publications, the working title of his book is "never off duty." congresswoman liz cheney says the g.o.p. is at a turning point outspoken in her criticism of former president trump, cheney is facing a threat to her leadership role but she is continuing her stance in an op-ed for "the washington post." cheney writing, quote: church is seeking to unravel critical
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elements of our constitutional structure that make democracy work. confidence in the result of elections and the rule of law. no other american president has ever done this. new york congresswoman elise stefanik is emerging as the favorite to replace cheney even gathering an endorsement from trump. those are your headlines. guys, over to you. steve: it looks as if they could have a vote on her status in the leadership committee as early as wednesday. brian: a little bit of tension amongst republicans right now on that. meanwhile,. steve: just a little. brian: first it was the keystone pipeline and thousands of union jobs on the chopping block in the president's home state of pennsylvania. remember, he lived there why won't scranton joe step in and governor desantis shows he is not afraid to back the blue. joins us on the new payout for first responders coming up. >> some want to defund the police. we're funding the police and then some. and that's what we're here today
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♪ steve: well, u.s. steel has canceled $1.5 billion upgrade project to pennsylvania plant and with it the chance to bring thousands of middle class jobs to the region, according to the company quote in the wake of the 2020 pandemic and the increased urgency of the climate crisis, we are reviewing all projects in fittings with an even greater focus on their implications for our carbon footprint. pennsylvania officials including our next guest are outraged. they blame democrats, the environmental lobby and calling out president joe biden who once upon a time was known as
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scranton joe. pennsylvania state senator and majority leader kim ward joins us right now from pennsylvania. kim, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: okay. so why does u.s. steel say you know what? we're not going to do that. >> so, they were ready to do this two years ago when they applied for the permit. it's a $1.5 billion investment in their plant in pittsburgh. pittsburgh built america, right? they built it. our steel has -- that's what we are, we are the steel city. and the plant would have decreased their footprint by, i think close to 60%. but, yet, here we are two years later, you know, time kills permits. it just does. administrations change. you know, this administration, the biden administration has a very big target on decarbonization. although this plant would have decreased its footprint, it would have provided at least 1,000 blue collar jobs, and 3700 people work at the plant now. yet, here we are.
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here we are because they couldn't get the permits and things changed. >> steve: so you blame the environment lobby and the biden administration. wait a minute, kim, joe biden, famously, blue collar joe from pennsylvania. you are telling me his administration is partially responsible for the fact that 1,000 or 2,000 jobs just poof went away? >> i think his administration is partially responsible because of their focus on, you know, only green energy. you heard him in his speech saying why can't wind mills be made in pittsburgh? steve: right. >> it's an epic disaster, i believe, because here we are with all of these blue collar jobs and we have these really elitist environmentalists meddling in this stuff we are not getting our permits to do this work. these people, the environmentalists if they lose their job they can still their
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bills, right? they can still keep their kids in their private schools and still fly their jets. steve: you know, kim though, after they canceled the keystone pipeline during the first week of the administration, they said oh, don't worry, people will -- those people are going to wind up with jobs. you know, i'm sure the administration feels exactly the same way. well, don't worry, those thousand people who just lost their jobs with that u.s. steel expansion they can get jobs in the new care infrastructure. you know, taking care of children or taking care of seniors or doing something else. but i have a feeling you're going to tell me that the people who were going to take those steel jobs not interested in care infrastructure. >> correct. the people that are going to take these jobs are trained trade union members. steve: yeah. they would have to retrain them in something else and that's
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not -- that's complicated for a variety of reasons. >> it's unnecessary. there's work here. steve: no kidding. all right. well, they changed their mind and now those thousand people no jobs. kin ward, pennsylvania state senate majority leader, kim, thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: you bet. still ahead on this thursday, patriotism with a purpose. barbecue joint one of our favorites is on a mission to serve our nation's heroes and put a lot of country at the top of the menu they will join us live coming up next as they sale the flag every day at noon. there is our flag. avenue of the americas ♪ this is how we roll ♪ ♪ ♪ well, well, well. look at you. you mastered the master bath. you created your own style. and you - yes, you!
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but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor ♪ ainsley: dedicated to celebrating our great country mission barbecue is known for more than just its all-american food. the restaurant opened its doors on the 10th anniversary of september 11th and has been completely committed to helping our heroes ever since. from hiring veterans to standing for the anthem every day at noon
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mission about. bq keeps patriotism at the top of its menu joining us now are the founders bill cross and steve newton and the uso president lisa m.r.i. wiggins. good to see all three of you again. >> good morning. ainsley: i love this. we're back on the curvey couch and i'm getting to see you. i think it was a little more than a year ago you were all here presenting a big check to the uso. it feels good to be back. how are the restaurants dealing during this pandemic? we ever thriving and opening new six new mission bbqs over the past five weeks and so exhilarating to be able to gather again and welcome people back into our restaurants. ainsley: that's great. i know you share a love of barbecue and share a love of country and you always help out the uso and our military.
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it's remarkable to see. what's going on today? >> so today is a continuum of what we have done by serving, we step forward, we give back. we just try to do our parts in every community that we get the privilege of doing business in to hopefully better our country in some small way. and so through that hard work of our teammates, and the support of our customers, and the sale of our american heroes cups, we are proud to present the uso with a check today in the amount of $1,019,000.730. ainsley: that's amazing. that's all from the sale of the cups that you buy at the restaurants? >> that's correct. in just some small way we feel like we are trying to do our part to support the wonderful work that the uso does. ainsley: gosh, i would say it's a big way. lisa marie, i knew you were expecting a check because we have done this a few times but
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for that amount, were you expecting that? >> no. i was not. so i'm going to try and maintain my composure. i was not. when you get into these types of figures it's overwhelming. ainsley: how will you use the money? >> well, we use the money to feed our troops. and, you know. >> i am the president of just one of our 260 usos globally, so i get to work here locally in fort myer and have the opportunity to travel to all of our installations and national capital of district region i get to see firsthand the troops come in from training out of their barracks, even the troops coming from the funerals in arlington and line up for mission bbq food on a regular basis. so, i know how impactful this has been and in spite of this pandemic for mission bbq to come through like this is overwhelming. ainsley: wow. how did you all decide to open up these restaurants and support
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the uso and have that american flag flying outside of each of these restaurants and you play the national anthem at noon and everyone stands up? >> you know, ainsley, it is a very simple story of just steve and i. we are a couple of best friends love of barbecue and love of country. fun to building is that meant something. so as was mentioned, we opened our first mission bbq intentionally on september 11th of 2011. 10 years after this world changed as we all knew it, in some small way we were just trying to change it back. >> trying to remind people we do live in a great country because what bhax this country so great are our heroes and their families. and we just simply define a hero as anybody that will stand in a line and raise their hand and swear to protect, serve and save the rest of us. they do it in their community, as a fireman, as a policeman or if they put on the cloth of our nation to fight to keep us safe.
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and here at mission bbq we couldn't be any more proud of our 4,000 teammates, our 106 locations slowly but surely we think in every community that we're doing good maybe it's making our country a little bit better place. at a time that i don't think anybody could argue we desperately need this. ainsley: you all are helping in mighty ways. thank you so much. bill, steve and lisa marie, you all are wonderful and thanks for coming on our show and encouraging people to go and help the troops. please stop by one of their restaurants, they have them all over the country. interest are 106 locations in 16 different states. look up mission bbq online and the website comes up and can you put in your state and see where the locations are. of in my home state there is one in north myrtle beach. if you fiscal cliff south carolina please go and support those restaurant. thanks to all of those. michigan governor gretchen whitmer is being award for her pandemic response despite her
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republican senate candidate john. good to see you again. >> hey, brian, thank you for having me back on. how is this, from the outside perspective, i can't believe caroline kennedy and slawsenberg her husband are making grandiose statements about her performance. it's ridiculous. how is it viewed from the inside. >> i understand this is one of many awards our governor has been winning recently. i heard she recently won two job creator job awards in ohio and indiana and number one real estate developer in florida. joking aside, this is a very serious matter and when you talk about profiles in courage, people who will put themselves in harms way to do the right thing versus a politician who may be is under a draconian orders that have sacrificed livelihoods and their lives. it looks politically motivated at worse and tone deaf at best. steve: maybe it's courageous
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they feel to lock people down when you don't have. to say john, there is a very prominent family in michigan and i know you know them, i was talking to them a couple of days ago, they are down in florida, they -- during the cold months they are down there. they don't know when they are going to go back, if they are going to go back to michigan because florida is wide open and michigan is locked down. >> well, you know, there interest a lot of people who are struggling around michigan. and i think that's that's why we need leaders who have the tested leadership experience like governor ron desantis. governor ron desantis is a military veteran. he understands what it's like to make life and death decisions. is he not one of these other politicians who move through this covid crisis through polling and panic. i believe that we need more leaders like this and i think that that's how you prevent these from happening. in fact, if you want a great recipient candidate for one of these personal courage awards, governor ron desantis would be on top of minnesota people's list. democrat or republican.
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is he being acknowledged for his outstanding leadership and his results, which is stark contrast in michigan being among the worst recovering states due to this covid crisis. ainsley: what would you say about -- what grade would you give her about her job that she has done and what would you say to the people watching that don't live in michigan? it's easy for us to sit on this curvey couch and talk to you about this because we can read the stories about her and the facts. steve: we have our own new york lockdown. ainsley: wean can tell you all about cuomo. >> people the more they hear about this are going to recognize how ill prepared she was and how out of touch d.c. is. when you have people who as a result of these orders that have not worked, were forced to say goodbye to their spouses 50 years on zoom and face time, people who have lost their farms, people who have lost their jobs, i think they are going to look at this and every time they are reminded going into 2022 they are going to be reminded of job performance and that they deserve better.
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brian: yeah, meanwhile she wanted to lock down again but the legislature has forbidden it. you had a little bit of a surge. it's now going down again and she didn't lock anybody down. maybe she could learn something by her lack of action. john, thanks so much. i look forward to seeing you on outnumbered today. are you wearing the same outfit? >> we will see. my wife approves my outfits. brian: this your morning wardrobe you might have an afternoon one. steve: i'm john james and my wife approved this necktie. >> that's right. ainsley: thank you. janice has the forecast for us. hey, janice. janice: hi, good morning. a little cooler across the east coast as that cold front moved offshore and that's what was partly responsible for all of the severe storm reports that we saw over the last couple of days. so as you can see, there is a couple of 30's on this map across cincinnati and minneapolis, so we have got cooler, drier air behind that cold front. we are still going to see the potential for some showers pop up thunderstorms across the ohio
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river valley as we have this weak system that's going to move. in and then push towards the northeast on friday. kind of a trough is going to settle in across the east coast for the weekend for mother's day weekend with cooler cloudier conditions and then we also have a storm system moving into the northwest. but the bottom line is quieter weather. not too much severe weather on the horizon. we could see the potential for some stronger storms on saturday across the central u.s. but, otherwise, not too bad a forecast. 89 in miami. we could see the potential for some pop-up thunderstorms there and 100 degrees in phoenix. back to you steve, ainsley and brian. ainsley: but it's a dry heat. steve exactly. janice: that's what they say. steve: straight ahead, caitlin jenner throws her support behind keeping and building the border wall. her pitch for stronger security coming up. plus, clay travis has a new future with fox. he's here to share the big news coming up next.
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♪ brian: exciting announcement from our parent company. fox corps acquiring sports and cultural media platform outkick founded by our next guest clay travis who will stay on as president. congratulations on this deal. we are excited. always excited to have you on. now you are part of the family. can you tell us about this deal and what key with expect. >> well, first of all, thanks for having me on. you guys do great work. i'm incredibly excited about this. i know like a lot of our audience i'm a big time sports fan. and used to be sports was an escape. now when you put on your television sports has become politics lie any other name and we are praising the wokest athletes as if they are incredible heroes. outkick is an anti dote to that. and i believe that with the growth and expansion and jet fuel that fox is going to add to the company that we have created, we are going to be able to win a lot of these battles and return sports to a place that brings us together as opposed to another divisive
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battle of culture wars which, to me, this major league baseball decision when they pulled the all-star game, i think many people threw up their hands and said no more. i think one of them was fox. enough to you have got us and we are going to be an incredible team and i'm excited to be part of this team. brian: how right you are only 30% of georgians they went blue said it was a good move to move out the all-star game. they are trying to reverse it clay, you were ahead of the curve on that. you found your niche, because espn left it, correct? >> yes. you know, i used to start off my morning like a lot of kids out there listening to the highlights of whatever happened the day before eating cereal watching sportscenter. and somewhere along the way what used to be, i think, the great union fire, because sports in an era when we need things to bring us together, if your team scores a winning touchdown and makes a basket by the way and you are able to go a game which is a big battle we have been fighting a lot on outkick unlike other people in the sports media who
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said it wasn't safe to play sports during covid we fought for sport to be played. when your team scores you turn and high five the people around you. you don't care about the race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexuality of anybody else. you are just celebrating together i think we have lost that connective tissue over the divisiveness of spores. and it's time to fight battles and say this isn't right. we shouldn't allow sports to become politics by any other name. let's win some of these big contests and start to bring everybody back together again. that's what outkick is doing. and i know that's what fox is going to be a big part of as well. brian: getting to the christmas party say we have one. between the fox sports and fox news where do you see outkick in this family? >> we are a bridge to help unite fox news and fox sports, right? we are going to cover things -- we cover pop culture, we cover sports, which sour framework and our foundation. we are going to cover everything in a perspective that i think your audience is going to love.
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i say every day what we try to be at outkick, smart, original, funny and authentic, if we can manage all four of those things, then we are going to continue to have a lot of success. to me, fox is just adding jet fuel and i can't wait to see where we are able to take this. brian: right. of you already worked out a wardrobe deal, you don't have to wear a tie. i'm jealous of you already, clay. congratulations, glad you are going to be here. we'll be bothering you a lot in the morning. >> i'm ready. thank you, my friend. all the fun we will have. brian: congratulations on the purchase. now part of fox. outkick is in. ron desantis is live. he is afraid he is not afraid to back the blue. he did that yesterday. expand on it today. giving bonuses to fawrpdz. he will join a jam-packed show. we have head shots of all of them.. part of the reason they were booked. they have pictures. ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. ♪
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[sfx: psst psst] allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good muck. >> i.c.e. tells fox news deportations fell below 3,000, the lowest monthly level on record. >> the message that they're sending is that if people can get to this country, clearly, they're allowing them to stay. >> caitlyn jenner is running against california above gavin newsom. >> we can't have a state or a country without a wall. >> the governor has lifted the mask mandate, but the school board continues, and that's why there was a big fight. >> at first it was the keystone
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pipeline, and now thousands of jobs on the chopping block in the president's home state of pennsylvania. >> it's a disaster. >> governor ron desantis shows he's not afraid to black the blue. >> we need to do bonuses for law enforcement. we're funding the police and then some. and that's what we're here today to say. [applause] ♪ brian: every day that goes by these days it's getting closer and closer to normal. we're almost upstairs on a normal couch. we're at a couch that we use for live shows, used for "outnumbered." we have paid a lease fee to harris faulkner, so we're allowed to see here for three hours, but the good news is we're sitting together roughly 6 feet apart. we're vaccinated, and i have a
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question for america, have you ever kissed your spouse or significant other in a mask and, if so is, what's it like? steve: i have. brian: you have? steve: absolutely. it was at halloween, different kind of mask -- [laughter] how bizarre was it to see the vice president kiss her his mask to mask, both vaccinated? ainsley: you're saying it's not necessary. brian: totally unnecessary. wrong message. why am i getting vaccinated again? honey, i guess i'm going to avoid going, because nothing's going to change. a. ainsley: interesting. brian brian i'm going to be kissing sty proare foam. steve: it's okay when you're -- brian: actually the, you can do anything you want outside. ainsley: your mask is made of styrofoam? brian yeah. steve: that would explain a lot. [laughter] ainsley: go ahead, steve.
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steve: i was beginning to say so many people are outraged about masks, and the sooner we can stop wearing them, the better. out in salt lake city, apparently the entire state they have lifted the mask mandate except at the schools in the granite school district. and on tuesday they had a meeting, and all the parents wanted to say, are you kidding? outside throughout the state you don't have to wear a mask, but you do in the school. so they had this state senator by the name of kathleen, she got up, and she was allowed to speak. she's a former state senator, but she was booed by the parents as she was thanking the teachers and acknowledged teacher appreciation day. and as soon as the state senator sat down, they said, okay, we're done with the public comment. and the group were outraged and erupted because it's like are we came here to talk, you're going to let us talk. ainsley: as soon as they said that the citizen comment section was over, another mom got up and started, you know, saying her piece. and then they said, okay, the
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comment -- they tried to regain control again. another man stood up and said you will listen to us. remember this day, remember this day. but watch this chaos erupting during the school board meeting. steve: over masks. >> if you let a senator come up here and speak in the name of my children who you guys are abusing, are you serious? [inaudible conversations] >> we've had our citizen participation -- >> no more masks! no more masks! no more masks! >> [inaudible] >> motion to adjourn and a second is. all in favor say aye. [inaudible conversations] finish. brian: i 100% agree with the people, the parents, the kids.
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to give their opinion, to go against your sitting, your represented officials who you put into office, and to sit there and torture these kids as they have to walk around, not talk, have that mask over their face, it is totally -- i think it actually does psychological damage on people. they just don't talk. if you have a mask on, you're walking around, you know you're totally safe and you're given the green light and you don't have a chance to get your life back over a year later, it's out of control. in fact, here's what ben horsley, the granite school spokesperson said, the district believes in diversity of opinions when shared in a respectful, civil matter and as a model for the children which we have stewardship over. it was civil until you shut 'em out. ainsley: well, you can't tell people to do all of these things so that we can get to the threshold criteria that we need -- brian: which they did. ainsley: -- which they did in the state of utah x then tell
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people, oh, you know what? we're going to change our mind. now everyone else can take off their masks except for the kids, except for the students when they're not even at risk? brian: they're not. ainsley: as much as their folks are. steve: in utah they reached -- they worked together, they got to the point where they could take down the masks everywhere except in the schools. ainsley: one school district. steve: you're going to have to wear your masks. so they did that. there was outrage. they go to this meeting to be heard, they won't let are 'em talk, and then at the end, do you know what they did? the school board called the police, and the police showed up. so if you were a parent -- ainsley: without their masks. steve: probably, right. if you were at that meeting, how furious would you be in your elected officials on the school board? number one, they're not listening to the state and, number two, they're not listening to the people who put them in power. ainsley: yeah, well, elections have consequences, steve. they'll remember this. brian: right. we're supposed to follow the
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science. the science field everybody up, and no one's listening to the science. unbelievable. steve: and, ainsley, to your point elections have consequences, remember what happened in south lake which is a suburb of dallas. you know, the school board had the election over this past week, and cancel culture came up and talking about critical race theory, expect two people who were anti-critical race theory were elected by a landslide. brian: right. democrats thought they'd steal that seat, they didn't. they're not even in the runoff. dhs is planning a walk-through on that empty center down in texas. steve: this comes as deportations fell below 3,000 just month, and that is an improvement. ainsley: peter doocy joins us live from outside the white house as vice president harris finally picks a date for her trip to address the border. >> reporter: good morning. it has been 43 days since the president put the vice president in charge of addressing the root causes of migration, and she has
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picked a time next month to go visit central america. >> currently, the plan is for me to travel to mexico and guatemala june 7th and 8th. if this issue were easy, it would have been solved a long time ago ago. >> reporter: and new figures from i.c.e. reveal a 20% drop in deportations in a month from 3700 in march to fewer than 3000 in april. >> so the message that they're sending to the southern hemisphere is that if people can get to this country, clearly, they're allowing them to stay. >> reporter: and new video shows the once-packed emergency intake center for migrants in donna, texas, is now mostly empty as lawmakers expressed concern about another problem, gang leaders using facebook to arrange human trafficking operations. a republican congresswoman wrote a letter to say facebook has no problem monitoring and censoring conservative voices, so i am
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confident your company has the resources to protect and prevent criminal enterprises from posting content that facilitates ill lis sent activity. and she says she was told during a recent trip to the region that gang leaders are advertising human beings, accessibly, in facebook's posts. back to you. steve: now, peter, just to clarify, so the vice president's going to go to mexico, i believe, on june 7th and guatemala on june 8th, but she is not going to go to the border. >> reporter: not that we know of. steve: all right. very good, but it could be one of those thicks where, for security reasons, they don't tell us. peter, thank you very much. brian: no, there's no reason not to tell us, it's america. ainsley: senator bill hagerty from tennessee is visiting both mexico and guatemala, guess when? this week. brian: still worried about covid protocols like the president who said that's the reason she's not been there in 44 days?
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steve: and for the administration to come out and say deportations are way down, keep in mind henry cuellar, who is a democrat from texas and has been very critical of the biden administration and their response to the border crisis, he has said, look, he's got a problem9 with the fact that the government released those images from donna, texas, that showed those plastic pods were empty because he said, okay, nobody's in that tent, but the dirty little secret about what they're doing, the federal government; is they're taking them from that tent in donna, texas, that's the one they released. look, it's empty, this is fantastic. and then they take them next door to another tent because those the tents that the you're looking at right there are run by the border patrol. and the law is you've got to get kids out of there quickly. now they're moving them over to another tent operated by health and human services because they don't want images like that that came out a while ago to circulate. they want to be able to say, hey, look, things are open and
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nobody's jammed up like they were before, and that's why they're having -- ainsley: well, we're not stupid. they've already told us the thousands have been moved to hhs -- brian: 22. ainsley: so the kids are still in facilities, they just moved them for optics. steve: right, and they object tell us where the -- won't tell us where the kids are. where are they? well, we can't tell you with. brian: security reasons, right? sponsor families on our welfare system, crowding our schools. illegal immigrant children are more important than your kids. that's who you put into office. meanwhile, caitlyn jenner wants to be the next governor of california, sat sat down with sean for almost his entire show yesterday. and no doubt about it, she is a conservative. case in point, nothing's hotter in california than illegal immigration. they love it. it's a sanctuary city. you get there, you stay, you get benefits, life's great. not if she's governor.
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listen. >> i am all for the wall. i would -- [laughter] secure the wall. we can't have have a state, we can't have a country without a secure wall. you have twos questions here. one is stopping people from coming in illegally into the state, and then the second question is what do we do with the people who are here. we are a compassionate country, okay? we are a compassionate state. some help, i mean, some people we're going to send back, okay? no question about that. ainsley: i was getting text messages all night because all my friends were watching it, and one of them wrote me, several of them, actually, about the immigration issue. i love her stands on immigration. stance. my friend completely agrees with her on that. she also is pro-law enforcement. she talked about the wildfires and all of the measures that need to be made to make sure these houses are not burning and all the wildfires in california are not spreading. she compared disney world to
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disneyland, talked about how florida's doing such a great job. disney world opened nine months ago, but disneyland opened six days ago i think she said and just comparing the different statements. she wants to open up california. she is so tired of -- she said businesses are hurting, and gavin newsom has done a poor job on covid. brian: no question. she should run in texas or florida. about 33% of the people in california, unless they have a total change of heart, have no interest in any of those policies. when governor schwarzenegger went in with similar philosophies, he had his whole agenda upended -- ainsley: yeah, but we're in a different season now. after covid -- brian: has california changed that much? steve: we're going to find out. ainsley: she's friends with so many people in hollywood, you saw how that worked -- steve: and to your point, ainsley, things have changed. look at where we are a year after covid hit, and out in california it has been, there have been such onerous
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restrictions, and that is why the governor is up for a recall. the big question is -- brian: do you think they really will elect a conservative in california? steve: i was about to say the big question is, are people sick enough of the governor out there, newsom, to bring in a different democrat or try something else like a republican, which they did with arnold schwarzenegger -- ainsley: the policies are very conservative. she is so loving. you could tell this that in the interview. she loves everyone, she sports the trans community which will help her in california, i believe. she also, she talked the about her relationship with her children, her relationship with god and how she had to make this decision and she doesn't have anything else to hide. we'll see. brian: i don't think it gets you elected. george bush is as religious and loving as everybody, he only got 26% of the vote in california. steve: if they do have the recall election in november, it will be interesting to see what is the hot button topic, because by the grace of god, we're going to be the over this covid thing
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where things are more normal even in california can, to will people remember, oh, that newsom guy, he was out at a fancy friend of restaurant, and i was not available to even go to around but's. arby's. brian: shipbuilding is facing what's called a silver tsunami. steve: well, the problem is too many people are retiring. that's the silver part. and there aren't enough education appearanced workers to fill their -- experienced workers to fill their positions. ainsley: jeff flock from our sister network, fox business, joins us live from a shipyard in philadelphia with more. hey, jeff. >> reporter: the philly shipyard this morning, incredible place as maybe you see, surrounded by tremendous shipbuilding. i'll tell you, u.s. operates with its hands tied behind its back because so many other countries subsidize their shipbuilding. mike is in charge of making sure you've got enough people. have you got enough? >> we do not. we need hundreds of people from
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welders to shipbuilders, crane operators. >> reporter: show me what you guys are doing. you're working on a big, major product. >> right. you'll see guys welding profiles to the flat plate. those -- >> reporter: these are jobs that a pay good money. i know you don't want to tell me exactly how much, but you can make a lot more than collecting unemployment, right? >> sure can. pensions, benefits, the whole 9 yards with. >> reporter: it's tough because china, japan, south korea subsidize their shipbuilding industry. the u.s. does not. you're working just the old-fashioned way. >> that is correct. but, you know, we're hard working union members, and we are america so we'll do fine. >> reporter: yeah, no doubt. no doubt. but you're still having trouble finding people. >> we are. anybody that's looking for a job, go on our web site, philly, and you'll see plenty of jobs. >> reporter: if the tv thing doesn't work out on "fox &
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friends," they need welders. steve: you know, jeff, in high school i learned to weld, so i could probably do that. but for people who are interested in the jobs, will they help retrain them? >> reporter: are you training people? >> we are. we just started an apprenticeship program, and that's a three-year apprenticeship program where people come in with no skills, and when they leave, they'll be a journey person. >> reporter: wonderful. that's great news. doesn't surprise me that you were a welder, steve. that does not surprise me. [laughter] steve: you always need a backup plan. jeff, thank you very much. ainsley: okay. carly is upstairs with some headlines for us. >> reporter: that's so cool. imagine being able to say that you build ships for a living. i absolutely love that. we're going to start with this, josh duggar is set to be released on ball today. a federal judge granted the release as the former reality star awaits a july trial on child pornography charges. while out on bail, the judge says duggar must stay at a
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family friend's home. he is allowed contact with his children but only with his wife present. he cannot be around any other minors and is banned from using the internet. tragedy on the baseball field, a michigan high school junior dies nearly two weeks after being knocked unconscious in a freak accident on second base. cooper gardener was kneed in the head in a collision while trying to tag a runner. he suffered a traumatic brain injury as well as heart and lung complications. a gofundme for his hospital expenses has reached over $44,000. d.c. mayor muriel bowser is considering allowing dancing for fully vaccinated people at wedding receptions. we had guests earlier to discuss the hardships. >> we're seeing a third or fourth wave of cancellations in
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our market. it's not only hurting the clients, but it's also hurting our industry drastically. >> reporter: weddings and other events were allowed to resume on may 1st at 25% capacity. a dad coach with a tough day of -- copes with a tough day of parenting by filming a funny tiktok. here's his take on a dad's press conference. >> could you sum up the day? honestly just felt like we got behind early after the milk spill. you called a timeout did it change after of that? yeah, it felt like we were losing our heads. did you ever find your keys? >> not. >> reporter: the dad says it's all part of a day's work. those are your headlines. brian: that is absolutely hysterical. ainsley: very relatable. steve: if you don't wind up laughing, you're going to wind up crying. brian: found the keys. ainsley: coming up, the white house doubles down on their defense of the cdc consulting teachers unions before issuing
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their back to school guidance. why our next guest says this could be a winning issue for the gop in the next election, right after of the break. ♪ ♪ before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? you're strong. you power through chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, ...each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. so, if you haven't tried botox® for your chronic migraine, ...check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, ...speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness... ...can be signs of a life- threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions...
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daphne, let's switch. from live tv to sports on the go. felix at the finish! you can even watch your dvr from anywhere. okay, that's just showing off. you get all of this on x1. so go on, get really into your shows. you need a breath mint. xfinity. it's a way better way to watch. brian: welcome back. the white house doubling down on their defense of the cdc after e-mails show the agency took word for word recommendations from one of america's largest teachers unions. our next guest argues this could be a winning issue for the gop in 2022. here to explain, "wall street journal" columnist jason riley. jason, if the republican stands for anything, it's for putting the kids first, and it's for school choice. both these things line up to the actions of democrats. how? >> well, we know, brian, that
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unions exist for the benefit of their members whether we're talking about autoworkers or hotel workers or prison guards. the difference with the teachers unions is that for years they pretend that their interests line up perfectly with those of our children. and the. pandemic really exposed what a lie that is. you know, the teachers unions were looking out for their own interests. our kids suffered academically from these lockdowns, mentally, physically and so forth, and the teacher unions could care less. they're simply using it as leverage to get more pay, more benefits and is forth. -- so government. and i think -- so forth. i think the republican party should remind the public of it constantly until the midterm elections, take this message into the community and explain to them why the teacher unions are looking out for themselves and not for our children. brian: and, jason, you have the e-mails and say don't just say make these announcements and talk to your con stitch wents, go out to places that didn't
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vote for you. go on black radio, black television, minority communities, explain how you are different and explain what unions have left your kids behind. for example, teachers unions received -- excuse me, gave it $40 million to the biden coffers specifically. and this is their payback. where are kids in this picture? republicans need to explain that. >> absolutely. and as you said, they need to take this message directly to these communities. don't go through the activists, don't go through the civil rights organizations like the naacp and so forth, go directly to the people, go to the barbershops, the community centers and advertise, yes, op on black radio, television and social media outlets. take this message directly to the people, and i think they will find a very receptive audience here. blacks and hispanics in particular favor school choice. they long have favored school choice in polls. and what the republican party needs to explain to them is how
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school choice is the best response to what, how the teachers unions treated their children this past year. brian: and, jason, that's what vouchers are about. i'm going to give you this voucher. go to the school that's best for you. democrats say, no, we'll tell you where to go. by the way, that school for the last 14 months has been closed. when you go to school, your teacher's on remote. that's what they chose to do over -- and allow your kids to lose more ground in this marketplace. >> yes, exactly. they have not been following the science. you know, the irony here, brian, is that the children themselves have held up well against the virus. the most damage to our kids has been from the so-called experts and their ridiculous mandates. they've done much more harm to the kids than the actual virus. and, again, republicans need to take this message directly to these communities. and, again, this isn't an identity politics issue like the
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left uses to go after minority voters, this is a principled stands on education. if you -- stance on education. if you want to do something about violent crime, about drug abuse, teen pregnancy and all of that, get kids a decent education. and that's what this is about. and the unions are not interested in that. they are interested in doing what is best for their members, and that is not what these families need. brian: yeah. this is one of those things where every -- sometimes you have an issue and say it's good for me, and sometimes you're about that issue, and it happened. and that's what it is. this is about schools, education, putting kids first over unions. teachers are great, the unions aren't, and that's where the message has to go. republicans have to stop trying to maximize the votes they have and try to get the votes they don't have, and that's what your column's about. jason riley, thanks so much. >> thank you, brian. brian: you got it. meanwhile, it's known as the most patriotic day in texas. joey jones is live, the tenth annual booten and shooting fundraiser.
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most patriotic day in the state of texas. today is the tenth annual booting and shooting. it's a fundraiser or in celebration -- in support of our veterans. joey swroans is live from the dallas gun club in louisville, texas. he joins us now, and he's got some special guests today for booting and shooting. hi, joey. >> yeah, this is the most patriotic day in texas. we've got hundreds of patriots here. they've getting ready to raise money for a great cause. there are a bunch of vet a irans, but aye got three good friends with me today, granger smith, texas born and bred singer/song writer out of nashville, chad fleming and stuart hunter. these are the people that make this event happen. granger, ten years ago you were here, your amazing superstar career was just getting started, and this event was just getting started. why'd you come back ten years later? >> i mean, this event means a
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lott to me. this is my hometown. i was here at the very first one, and it just felt like there was something special then, and now to see it especially coming after what the world's been through and people are still excited to be here and support this cause, it's an amazing thing. >> everybody's excited you're here, i do know that. you know, chad, you're a service member. you're a veteran, you're with an army special operator. then you get out of the service, continue serving in other ways. and then you become someone who creates or helps create a nonprofit to end help veterans, and now this event funds that nonprofit. how does it feel for you to see all these people show up to help your brothers and sisters, guys like you, and to invest in you and third option? >> you know, it's great, joey, that we can do that and give back, because it's a way for the general public and those who don't serve -- which is a freedom that wen enjoy, serve or not serve. so to be able to continue to help, it's just amazing.
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this event's gone from, you know, infancy to now it's what you see in the background, a full-blown, amazing event. it's awesome. >> you know, we've got hundreds of people here. if it weren't for covid, we would have almost twice as many. stuart, you work your tail off to get this many people here. this is going to be a heck of a day, a good time for all of us. how hard is it to make something like this happen for ten years in a row? >> yeah. we weren't able to do boot shoot last year, so this year we've got to double time it. you know, i'm excited about the attendance that we have. but, you know, it's not as hard as you might think just because everybody loves boot shoot so much. so it's actually pretty easy to get this very well attended. >> so what can people do at home to support this event todaysome. >> yeah, thanks. we have an amazing team that's actually behind me. totally brand new, tricked out, and that would go a long way. by texting 474747 and text the word jeep, you could sign up, get a raffle ticket, and you
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could probably win that. that would be 100% donation, and it would absolutely help us today. >> it's great if you're at home and help out with this jeep, but the people that are here are going to have a fantastic time. we've got a live auction, a silent auction, we've got a concert. this event is amazing, and it's my tenth time being here, and i promise you i'll never miss one. it is such an amazing time. steve: joey, if you text that number for the jeep, how much does it cost, by the way? >> how much does it cost when you text that number for the jeep? >> it's $10. sue steve okay. well worth it. also we should point out their web site is you can go there, purchase a sponsorship or at shooting team. you can do it all if all like to help the guys out there. all right. joey, thank you very much. best to all of you today. >> absolutely. thank you guys.
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steve: you bet. all right. 24 minutes before the top of the hour. it's officially been a year since florida began to reopen its economy. governor desantis has not slowed down getting florida back to work. the governor himself is going to join us live. you're watching "fox & friends" live from new york and florida and texas and your house. ♪♪ i just can't wait til tomorrow. ♪ you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. veteran homeowners, home values are at all-time highs. you could have much more equity than you think!
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coordinated with those people. i would have called them, what's working for you, what's not working for you? it becomes -- and i look at the successful ones, they've all been a collaboration between private business and government. steve: the successful ones, she says. ainsley: that's right. and let's bring in florida's governor, ron desantis. good morning to you, governor. >> good morning. ainsley: good morning. did you watch the interview? what'd you think of that response, her praising your state and what you've done there for the people? >> well, look, i mean, i appreciate it. obviously, there's quite a contrast in florida. we've been open, our schools have been open for in-person instruction, our unemployment rate is significantly less than the national average and much less than lockdown states like california and new york. again, we've done that all with having senior mortality rates for covid that's less than 40 other statements because we focused on protecting our
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elderly population rather than locking everybody down. florida's doing very well right now. ainsley, we never touched one penny from our rainy day fund, and now we've just done the budget, and we're doubling our rapeny day fund. we have -- rainy day fund. we have the strongest we've knews, so the economy's performing well, and as you know, there are the people moving here because they want a whiff of freedom. brian: with governor -- [cheers and applause] i guess you have the backing, i'm able to read between the lines, you have the backing of your supporters there. but in the big picture, you actually got less federal money than all the other states because you didn't lock down. they rewarded bad behavior. >> oh, for sure. so they did aid to states. they've always done that on a population basis. this time with the biden stimulus, they took statements like florida, took -- state thes like florida, took money from
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florida and gave with it to the lockdown states with high unemployment like california and new york, so those states got a windfall, and we ended up getting the short end of the stick. ainsley: yeah, but you kind of made up for it, because many people left those lockdown states to come to florida. >> no, for sure, and we're happy with what we're doing. but the fact is they are rewarding bad policy. they rewarded the states who locked down far beyond when it would have been reasonable to do and in particular like the fall and the winter when a lot of those lockdown states had very poor covid performances and economic performances. that's just some of the perverse incentives we see coming out of washington on seems like a daily basis now. steve: one of the most famous that we've been talking about the is the fact that because there are some people who are having trouble finding work during a covid pandemic even though we're on the back side of it, it does appear. but the government has extended the up employment supplement to people -- unemployment supplement, so there are a lot
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of people who are doing the math problem. they're saying, you know what? i can actually make more money if i sit op on my curvy couch at home. that's across the country. but you yesterday were at satellite beach where you were giving people bonuses for working during the pandemic, particularly the people who war uniforms. >> yeah. we did bonuses for all of our sworn law enforcement, firefighters, emts. there's people around the country that are trying to defund police, we're funding police and then some with $1,000 bonuses for all the folks -- [cheers and applause] and who have protected us during this very difficult year. and, obviously, covid was a big challenge. they don't have the luxury of doing police work on zoom. you have to show up, you've got to be on the scream. [laughter] but it's also the way the police were treated throughout our cup. they've never been treated more poorly in some parts of our country, and i said from the very beginning that is not going
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to stand in florida. we're backing the blue -- [cheers and applause] we're going to back the law enforcement. this is a token of our appreciation. steve: i know police officers here in new york who have put in their retirement papers. they want to move to florida and find a law enforcement job there. ainsley: you support them. >> yeah, no, look, we're a great -- we welcome folks who have taken the rotation to -- vocation to protect us, and this'll be a welcoming environment for anybody who wears the group form, who feels they're not appreciated. you come to florida, we got your back. [cheers and applause] brian: governor, a lot of people loosened up the rules, a lot of people didn't want to come out of the house. there were drop boxes, no-excuse mail-in balloting. after years of struggling on election day and maybe extending it too long most family in 2000, you guys pretty much -- famously in 2000, you pretty much pulled it off flawlesslessly, now it's time for people to rein in and
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have a non-pandemic election. in over 30 states, they've made reforms. what's going to be different about florida's election in 2022? what are you about to sign? >> so right now i have what we think is the strongest election integrity measures in the country. i'm actually going to sign it right here. it's going to take effect -- [cheers and applause] brian: there you go. >> the bill is signed. here's what it does. [applause] look, here's what it does, we're making sure we're enforcing voter id. hook, you have to show a picture idea to do all these other things. we're also banning ballot harvesting. we're not going to let political operatives go and get satchels of votes and dump them in some drop box. we're also prohibiting mass mailing of -- we've had ab accept see voting for a long time. you request a ballot, you get it, and you can mail it in. but just to indiscriminately
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send them out is not a recipe for success. in florida we track the votes coming in in realtime. not the results, but we know who's voting, what your registration is, and we follow the turnout so that when the election's over, we know the universe of votes that have been cast, and it makes it so someone can't dump 100,000 votes two or three days later. then finally, we're prohibiting private money from running the elections like the zucker bucks that they were doing in all these different parts of the country. [applause] this keeps us ahead of the curve. of we put a lot of effort into last election, and we wanted to make sure we did it well. we had 11 million votes counted by midnight, 99%. we think this'll make it even better as we go forward, so we're proud of the strides that we've made. we're not resting on our laurels, and we signing this bill says, florida, your vote counts. your vote is going to be cast with integrity and transparency, and this is a great place -- brian: real quick question, governor -- [cheers and applause]
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will you allow drop boxes and cut back hours for voting? >> so what, so the drop boxes were, look, i'm not a fan of them at all, to be honest with you, but the legislature wanted to keep them. but they need to be monitored. you can't just leave these boxes out where there's no supervision at all hours of the night. so the drop boxes will be available only when they're monitored and during regular voting hours. and i think that's the appropriate way to do it. [applause] steve: all right. joining us from palm beach county, governor ron desantis. sir, thank you very much for joining us live with a very boisterous crowd happy to be up and on tv with you. thank you, sir. >> a lot of great folks down here in palm beach county. thanks, guys. [cheers and applause] ainsley: carley shimkus is with us. i understand we have some breaking news on big tech censorship. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, this news is breaking right now. twitter suspends the account of
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congresswoman elise stefanik the's communications director. caroline leavitt tells fox news she has no idea why her account was since pended. -- suspended. leavitt writes: this is a perfect example of their tyrannical censorship as they fundamentally believe conservatives do not belong in the public square. congresswoman stefanik calling the suspension, quote: an unconstitutional overreach, silencing our voices and freedom of speech. so the latest on that news. back to you guys on the couch. steve: okay. more details later. carly, thank you. coming up, mother's day just a couple of days away, and to get you ready to celebrate, paula deen is here with a recipe for your mom. but first, bill hemmer -- bill: nice to see you. it's a good look, guys. good morning to you. take care of mom this weekend with. in a moment you will get the first look at the special request that your lawmakers are pursuing, take your pick from
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billions of dollars. we'll show you the list. good news on the recovery economy, what that means for the biden agenda. caitlyn jenner wants to be governor, she makes her case here on fox, and what the facebook decision really means for campaigns of the future. karl rove, ari fleischer and richard petty join dana and me in moments. see you then.
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♪♪ ainsley: we love our mamas, and mother's day is just three days away. and to help you prepare this perfect dish for your mom this weekend, paula dean is taking -- paula deen is taking you to her hometown of albany, georgia. watch. >> y'all can see, i'm not in my kitchen. i'm in my aunt peggy's kitchen to cook her a special mother's day brunch. since you could not come back to savannah for this mother's day, i thought it would just be wonderful for me to come to you. because you've been like a mother to me, and i'm so lucky of to have you. ♪ ♪ ainsley: and paula deen joins us now. good morning, paula. >> good morning, ainsley. happy mother 's day to you, dear. ainsley: you too, honey. we love you, and that is so
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cute. steve and i are watching, brian had to go, but steve and i were watching that cute video with you in the car with aunt peggy. tell us about it. >> yes. well, she's 91 years old. i don't know if she likes me telling her age, but she inspires me so much, ainsley, at that age to be so with it. ainsley: well, she is precious. >> i mean -- thank you. and i'm so fortunate. her sister, my mother, passed away in 1970. so aunt peggy, for the last 50 years, you know, has really been comforting for me to have. ainsley: i'm sure. >> we have a wonderful relationship. it was so good to go back to albany. and my best friend, bubbles -- [laughter] i was able to cook for her as well. and then bobby surprised me by popping in to help me. because he knew i was on my own in the kitchen. awps eaps that is so cute.
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>> ainsley, it was great to see y'all on the sofa again. even if you did need binoculars to see each other. [laughter] ainsley: that's the rule, 6 feet. >> listen -- ainsley: better than nothing. >> a sight for sore eyes. ainsley: what are you cooking today, paula? looks like muffins. >> well, i have some really wonderful dishes for mother's day, but i want to share this recipe with everybody. it's in my baking cookbook, and it is blueberry muffins with almond strudel. and once you make this blueberry muffin, ainsley, i promise you will never want to make another one. so we've got to our regular batter. but this is the part that a makes it so good, and this is flour, brown sugar and slivereddal mondays. and you just -- slivered almonds. and you just want to top that batter with your strewing.
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ainsley: that does make them so good. >> it does. and i have some ready for you right here, if you can see what they look like. ainsley: that is delicious. >> oh, they are so good. ainsley: i think we even put the recipe on our web site, paula, to if people want to see it, they can go to fox&, or you can buy your book. what is the name of your baking cookbook? >> excuse me, i think i got the same shirt -- ainsley: i repeat too, nothing wrong with that. [laughter] >> it's paula deen's southern baking, and it is a fabulous book. each recipe has a picture, ainsley, which i think is so very helpful. ainsley: i do too. steve's cookbook does too. that's wonderful. >> absolutely. i love steve's cookbook as well. ainsley: well, thank you for my
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air fryer. last time you were here, i use it every day. all right, paula -- >> you are so welcome. ainsley: -- thank you so much. happy mother's day. you have the beautiful sons and all the grandchildren now, i wish you all the best. god bless you -- >> 11 grandsons -- 11 grandchildren now, and happy mother's day to you, darling. ainsley: thank you. she's the love of my life. of she's amazing. all right, paula, we'll talk to you soon. at moment paula deen mother's day available now, fox nation, you get exclusive access to other original content and your favorite personalities on any device. steve: and when you said she's the love of your life, you're talking about hayden -- [laughter] brian: i'm like, wow, you really hit it off. steve: but paula deen is out. check her out on -- is great. ainsley: happy mother's day. brian: she looks fantastic. she looks ready for a tria at
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