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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 8, 2021 9:00am-11:00am PDT

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so you want to make the best burger ever? then make it! that means cooking day and night until... [ ding ] success! that means... best burger ever. intuit quickbooks helps small businesses be more successful with payments, payroll, and banking. >> one of america's largest oil pipelines forced to shut down after being targeted by a cyber attack. hello and welcome to fox news line, i'm gillian. >> i'm mike emanuel, good to see you. >> good to see you, mike. >> and this is typically moving about 2.5 million barrels each day. lucas tomlinson is live with everything we know about the attack so far. good afternoon, lucas. >> good afternoon, mike. the cyber attack shut down the largest pipeline in the united states.
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and the attack is still ongoing. the colonial pipeline jichs more than 5,000 miles from texas to new york. it's responsible for roughly half of the fuel on the east coast. and they described the impact of the hack. >> this is an attack on u.s. energy infrastructure which shows the vulnerability of our system not only impacting us on the wallet immediately by raising gasoline prices, but raising the cost of transporting gasoline and diesel because they have to take more stringent security measures. >> in a statement, colonial pipeline says we proactively took systems off line to contain the threat which halted pipeline operations and affected some of our i.t. systems. a leading cyber security firm was engaged and we've launched an investigation. the reports this was ransomware attack using encrypted files to shut it down and demanding
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ransom to turn it back on. and after the winds attack on russia, and an attack on china. and at super bowl was blamed on aran. and it could impact the u.s. military, the largest consumer of fuel in the world and the pentagon has not responded for comment, mike. >> lucas tomlinson starting us live in washington. an alarming story, thanks. >> president joe biden defending the latest jobs report saying that even though the latest numbers fell short of expectations, the u.s. is on the road to recovery. mark meredith is at the white house with more. mark, afternoon. >> good afternoon to you. economists predicted close to 1 million new jobs last month and the reality is they ticked up slightly. they were talking more than a million jobs and instead we saw 266,000 added last month, the
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biggest gains in leisure and hospitality. restaurants making up more than half the gains. both temporary jobs in moving saw losses. the president insist the jobs report is that they need a jolt from the federal government. they are looking at two bills he says will catapult past the pandemic. >> and we've got work to do, to state the obvious, we have work to do. >> republicans and some business owners say the biggest issue is finding workers. you may remember earlier this year, the federal government extended that enhanced unemployment benefit, that extra $300 a week until early september. some argue those incentives are keeping people from going back to work. >> we've got eight million people working a year ago that are not working today. we need those folks in the marketplace, we need them to
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build this economy back up again. >> now, the president was asked on friday whether or not he thinks that extra $300 a week on top of state benefits is encouraging people not to go back to work. he says it's not having any measurable impact, but as you can imagine we've heard a lot of pushback from that. next week the president's going to have a chance to sit down with lawmakers from both parties, republicans, congressional leadership as well as senate republicans as they try to hammer out the next steps of an economic agenda, but you can imagine there will be a lot of focus on this jobs report and what it will mean for the economy overall. >> yeah, mark, i imagine that the white house is going to have something to say about the jobs report, but i'm curious if they have anything to say so far. >> we have reached out to the white house to see if there's any comments that you and lucas talked about regarding the hack and so far no reaction from them. and the president is due back tonight and we'll let you know if he weighs in. >> a lot of news for them
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tomatic to, mark meredith live. thank you. >> joining us now is tennessee member of the science and transportation committee. marsha blackburn. >> thank you. >> first your reaction to the news of the cyber attack to shut down a major u.s. pipeline operator? >> we know that this is going to be well investigated. we also know that russia and china are beginning to function in what i would call that gray zone, mike. and we have had a department of cyber security project at oakridge labs and i've been pushing to bring all of our national labs into a consortium to work on this because securing our nation's critical infrastructure is going to be an imperative because of these bad actors that are out there that would like to shut these down. so, and the other thing, too,
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our national guard has some tremendous talent in the cyber area. we even have in tennessee a full-time intel and cyber unit. this is an area, that the guard can help our military in responding to these attempted attacks. >> are you confident that federal authorities will get to the bottom of who is responsible and then what should be the response? >> i do feel that federal authorities will push forward quickly to get to the bottom of this. and one of the things we know is finding out what is the genesis of these attacks. there's something they're going to have to do more quickly over time. they've been picking up their pace, not quick enough yet, but indeed, beginning to pinpoint these more accurately, more quickly, it's something that the intelligence community is going to have know focus on.
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>> okay. to jobs and the economy, the latest jobs report out, 266,000 jobs created during the month of april. the white house describing it as continued progress. it did not meet expectations. your thoughts, senator? >> well, they fell 700,000 jobs short of what they had anticipated they were going to have. and really, it's quite simple. socialist policies do not give you a better environment for creating jobs. we know that there is a good, consistent formula for creating jobs. it's less taxation, less litigation, less regulation will lead you always to more innovation and job creation. and the biden administration is doing the opposite. they're going to raise taxes. they're going to increase regulation, they want to be friendly to the trial bar and
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give them more opportunities to take employers to court. we also know that these benefits, weekly benefit-- some of our states are beginning to push back on this. when you have the up in unemployment berths, people are not going to work and every county in our state has "we're hiring" signs out. people are paying bonuses, signing bonuses if people will come to work. so change the policies, get the right environment, and jobs growth will take place. >> do you feel like the spending is giving people incentive to stay home and not go back to work? >> oh, sure. we hear it regularly. from employers, from our county and state officials. the state of tennessee has a great general assembly, they just finished their addressing the amount of time someone can stay on unemployment.
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they're addressing what the plus-up in unemployment can be. we want everyone who is in desperate need to be helped through this pandemic. for those that need those resources, yes, indeed. but we also know that there are jobs in our state that are going unfilled and many times people will say, well, we're going to stay with unemployment. >> right, okay. senator, sorry to interrupt, we have to leave it there. senator marsha blackburn from the great state of tennessee. thank you. >> yes. >> now, let's turn to democratic missouri congressman and member of the house financial services and house homeland security committees, emanuel cleaver. sir, thank you for beinger hoo. i appreciate it. >> good morning. >> i want to start off with the latest news, the cyber attack shutting down colonial pipeline, 5500 miles of this pipeline which carries 45% of
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the east coast fuel supplies. in your estimation, what's the biggest concern and the biggest question right now? >> i'm on the homeland security committee. i think we're going to get a briefing on next week, so i don't have any, any of the latest information. i'm sure that the chairman does, however, i do think that there may be a good idea of where this is coming from. i don't think that a discovery should go with just a simple, we know you did it. i think you're going to find, i hope, republicans and democrats alike, outraged at the audacity of a foreign actor trying to disrupt our economy, our system of functioning with oil and so
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forth. so this is a big deal. i don't think anybody should, and i don't think anybody will receive it lightly. >> okay. we'll certainly stay on top of that. in the meantime, i want your reaction to the jobs report and you heard senator blackburn talking about it. and what she said all of this spending has given people the incentive to stay home. do you agree with that? >> no, i don't. there may be some cases, you know, i don't want to say that there aren't some, but i think, look, one of my closest friends on the planet owns four, owns five restaurants here in my congressional district and he has told me he's having difficulty getting workers and i think that's for a number of reasons. one there may be a few people who think that $300 a week is fine and they will take it, but i think they're the minority. i think there are some people
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still afraid of the coronavirus. i think a lot of women in particular are not able to go back to work because the kids can't go to school so they're staying home, trying to take care of their kids and given the choice between which one, they're going to take care of the kids. so i mean, there are a number of reasons. it's disappointing. you know, i'm not going to say oh, this is great, but i'm not sure i'm ready to judge our recovery by this one jobs report. i mean, we-- >> but it does speak volumes though, correct is this that's a low number and that's a lot lower than people expected and raise a good point about schools and that was actually in my notes of questions to get to you. because i know republicans, specifically, and some democrats, but majority of republicans have been pushing to get kids back into schools for months now and so many kids aren't. and so, you know, on one hand, you do have parents who are forced to stay home still because their kids aren't able to get in school and we're
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still in the calendar school year in may at this point in most locations. but on the other hand, i've interviewed many restaurant owners to say i'm trying -- i'm raising the amount i'm willing to pay people to come back to work and they won't. they're just staying home. so, sure, i don't think that necessarily they think there's one answer to this, but when you look at the overall picture. do you think we need to speed up recovery somehow? >> absolutely, and i think that that's what the administration is trying to do. there is no such thing as a flawless way in which we are able to solve this pandemic induced calamity. i think that we've got-- the schools have got to open and they've got to open as quickly as it's safe to do so because i have a daughter with two little kids and i can tell you, you know, it's difficult for her to go to work and the schools are closed and the kids
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are sitting at home. so she's home schooling. so, this is not a democratic or a republican issue, it's an issue that we've got to deal with and i think that we can deal be. we're $8 million -- eight million jobs that we've got to create and it's going to be a very tough deal. i think that the american jobs bill is going to be helped immensely because we'll have all of these new construction jobs and i'm hoping that, you know, that we're close to going back to school. now that they're-- i have a little 15-year-old granddaughter who is now excited because she's getting ready to get the vaccine or will be able to get it shortly. so kids getting back to school, we'll get there. it's know the fun right now. >> it's not fun for a lot of people. thank you for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> mike. >> let's go to our southern
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border, the rio grande valley where they've been especially hard hit by the serge. and bill, a look at the situation on the ground. hello. >> mike, good afternoon to you. here in del rio, this has been a sector that's had a lot of activity lately. take a look at what we witnessed, a group of venezuelans that crossed in front of us here. and i asked each of them where they were from and they said venezuela. that's what we've seen happening, they present themselves to local sheriff's deputies. this is not border patrol. >> the border patrol has been overwhelmed and stretched thin and the sheriff's deputies, they're having to process the migrants as they come across and in some cases they have to wait more than two hours for border patrol to show up here and pick them up. these are people who are going to be claiming asylum. typically from cuba, haiti,
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wentz, they're presenting themselves to the deputies and crossing the rio because they want to escape their home country and the situation going on in venezuela. you're seeing the local sheriff's deputies. this is a small department here, they're doing the job of federal authorities. it's not border patrol's fault. they can't be here at once. this is a large group in front of us, thankfully for them, the rio is shallow. if we can pan, when we were here yesterday you can't see that gravel or that grass. and it was, you know, flowing swiftly and it could have been dangerous. literally just before this happened. if we can pull up video. this is an hour ago, this was another family unit, 10 from venezuela that came across, the exact situation as they were climbing the bank i asked where they're from, they said venezuela, they fear their government and coming here to claim asylum and we've got video from earlier than that, we saw another group of people show up here, on this dirt road
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where we're at. this was a group from cuba. a family of three. one was a little girl aged six and that family told me they're headed to miami area and two showed up from cuba and headed to the kansas city area the same as the venezuelans, they want away from their home government. take a listen to what representative tony gonzalez of texas had to say and we were talking how the sheriff's deputies have to handle the burden, it's not fair to them and the situation in del rio sector is getting hotter. take a listen to what the representatives had to say. >> the sheriff's are the ones doing a lot of the heavy lifting and guess what? they have very small forces and limited resources. >> and what you're seeing right here, this is not unique, this isn't happening at every day at this rate, it's every single hour. they're going to wait for border patrol to show up and told you, local deputies are telling us at this rate it's
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taking border patrol more than two hours to show up. the deputies having to do all of this processing, they're not able to do their local responsibility. say there's burglary on the other side of the county, they can't respond to that. it's a very small department. their deputies are tied up processing migrants. this is a situation getting busier and busier and people crossing the rio as we're waiting here. >> very compelling. live in del rio, texas, many thanks. >> a lot of activity. >> governor andrew cuomo's communications director officially resigning as the new york attorney general's office expands its investigation into the governor. alex hogan is following the story from new york. good afternoon. >> good afternoon, this new report coming out today, worsening the make for the governor in terms of the legal battles that he already faces. this is a report by the wall street journal today claiming
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that the state attorney general's office has expanded the sexual harassment investigation against andrew cuomo to claim that one of his advisors linked vaccine access to support for the governor. as criticism. governor crew in march, larry schwartz made calls asking if they would demand cuomo's resignation, the executive said at that time mr. schwartz's calls they were typically speaking with mimm about the allocation of vaccine supplies-- schwartz says he never tied that conversation with vaccine distribution. the vaccine czar stepped down the end of last month and reaction to this latest report is already coming in. congressman lee zelldun saying that andrew cuomo is a disgrace, the nursing home coverup is one, but others keep piling. something that cuomo this week commented on once again. >> i've already told new
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yorkers where i am. i did nothing wrong and period. and i'm not resigning and i'm doing my job every day. >> meanwhile, the governor's communications director has stepped down and he will be replaced by one of cuomo's senior advisors, someone a part of the administration for the last nine years. >> all right, alex hogan live for us, thank you, alex and still to come an enormous chinese rocket expected to fall to earth this weekend. oh, boy. what we know about where the debris falls. how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein,
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27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health.
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>> good saturday afternoon, and welcome back. how about this? a 22 ton chinese rocket is expected to come crashing down to earth at some point this weekend. and officials say they still aren't quite sure where the debris will fall. christina coleman is live with the latest. should we be concerned, christina? >> well, officials say it's concerning that we don't know exactly where this is going to land. i mean, you've heard the saying, what goes up must come down. again, we don't know where it's going to come down at. now, this enormous rocket blasted off on april 29th from south china, and it's huge
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compared to the others. it's 100 feet long. 16 feet wide and weighs 22 tons. normally in space launches, rocket bodies attached and planned a path into the ocean. this chinese rocket somehow ended up in orbit around the earth and no one knows exactly where huge chunks will end up. and this covers a large portion of the planet from the eastern coast of canada to new zealand in the south pacific. so there's the threat that it could hit an inhabited area. here is u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin on the matter. >> i think it speaks to the fact that for those of us who operate in the space domain, that it is a requirement, there should be a requirement to operate in a safe and thoughtful mode and make sure that we take those kinds of things into consideration, as we plan and conduct operations. >> secretary austin says the
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u.s. has no plans to shoot the rocket down. aerospace tracking the out of control rocket, they forecast it will re-enter the earth's atmosphere sometime early tomorrow morning, just after midnight and hit the pacific ocean, somewhere near the equator. since most of our planet is water, the parts of the rocket that don't burn up in space are likely going to splash down somewhere and f.a.a. officials say they're working with norad to track possible impact this could have on commercial flights as far as delays and cancellations are concerned. >> cristina coleman, wow. if no one can contact me this weekend, i'm underground. >> and preparing for the agency's first ever asteroid sample return mission, will turn on monday. chief scientists for goddard
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nasa space flight center. >> great to be here. >> how alarmed are you about the falling chinese rocket? >> in all fairness, nasa doesn't track reentry, especially of nasa hardware and it's really not in our agency's domain and you heard from our experts in defense talk about it. so we're watching our space station and mars and asteroids and all the other stuff that we do. >> okay. to the acyrus rex, critical mission coming back from the as strayed. what needs to happen for it to have a flawless return to earth? >> so we're going to fire our rockets on this robotic spacecraft, mike, for about seven minutes and that will change its velocity and then for the next two years, 1 point something million miles, the spacecraft will go around the sun twice and return to the vicinity of earth and release
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the sample capsule. the science that we collected back october and the spacecraft, that spacecraft will re-enter and land in the utah desert and scientists will clear excitedly about this incredible return. >> what will nasa do with the asteroid sample and what do you hope to learn? >> mike, these asteroids, they're like the archeology of the solar system and how we got here. we're bringing back maybe a hockey about you can to a baseball's return or more. and why we have oceans, how organic molecules could have become life. we'll look at samples, a gift that keeps giving for future generations so our kids' kids' kids will have the building blocks how our planet, how our great life presence came to be. >> i'll confess i'm an old
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space geek, and can we show that cool helicopter flying around mars? i'm curious what you guys think of that technology flying through the atmosphere of mars? >> well, ingenuity is attributed to the great women and men engineers, you know, at nasa, nasa's jpl. to sitting still on the planet to roving we've been doing marvelously with spirit and opportunity and we can move in different ways on mars, we'll be flying in titan in about a decade and those are the techniques that people use on earth and applying them to explore places like mars. this is just more fun than you can imagine. >> our audience if you can hear that low hum, that's the sound of the helicopter actually flying around mars. listen to that.
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that's really cool. are your experts learning a whole lot about mars from this helicopter tooling around? >> well, absolutely. and now that we've tested it, mike, we're getting ready to go into a mode where we'll be able to operate it, more than what we'd like to use for future missions. possibly when women and men go to mars and they will have their own drone-based systems to touch things and observe and we may be able to use it and as the teams we're looking to see it over the horizon and better plan our roving traverses as we collect the sample as we return it to earth. what a great time. >> fascinating. jim garvin, thanks so much for your time. >> thanks for having me, mike. >> calling foul on big tech companies targeting conservative voices. that's next. [♪♪] when you have diabetes, managing your blood sugar is crucial. try boost glucose control. the patented blend is clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels. boost glucose control products contain high quality protein and key nutrients to support immune health.
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>> good saturday to you. let's talk about big tech right now. they're facing renewed backlash
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as the facebook oversight board extends the ban on trump for six months. and another account associated with trump, here is talk about the political fallout is ren season editor, and why we shouldn't fear facebook and the future. >> thanks for having me. jillian: can you make sense of the decision? >> it's kind of odd. they're handling the moderation decisions and take the decisions out of facebook's hands and the court essentially said no, this isn't our job, it's yours. they kicked it back to facebook. i think ultimately, there's a solid chance that they end up allowing trump back on. essentially what the board said was that an indefinite suspension doesn't make sense because facebook doesn't usually use that. it either bans you entirely or gives you a time limit and then you can come back on. so they gave six months to facebook to figure it out and i
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think they very well might let him back on then. jillian: if they do let him back on. let's go with your theory. do you think that happens before the next six months? let's face it, having six months, that's a lot of time and we've seen republicans across the board fired up about big tech and a lot of them tweeting about this this week and we can pull up tweets for you here and steve scalise roads, the left cancel culture is out of control and facebook's ban of trump is proof big tech has a choice. have the same standards for all or we look at anti-trust laws and he says if they can do this to a president imagine what they can do to you. josh hawley who has been pushing this says here an a real example of tyranny of big tech. that's what monopolies do, break them up. and if you have more of a push from republicans. >> there are criticisms of
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individual moderation decisions. the most appalling decision was the treatment. new york post hunter biden story some months ago, so bad the platforms apologized and said they got it wrong. breaking up the companies is what senator hawley wants. why would it be the case if you have a bunch of smaller facebook, they would have better speech policies? mark zuckerberg, mistakes and all, sounds more committed when he speaks in front of congress, he sounds more committed to free speech than the employees of his own company. i'm skeptical that breaking up the company would -- that might not fix it at all. jillian: what do you think some of the big tech companies look like, what do you think they look like and what should they look like in the next, say, five years? do you think there are regulations or do you think that they are going to be operating in a different way? >> there has always been
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tremendous change in the tech sector. some of these companies look like they're in predominating position and my space looked like a dominating position when i was a teenager. and i think the public, the blowback, the criticism of these companies will probably lead to them, hopefully, adopting more same speech policies. twitter, for instance, is moving into doing less sort of fact checking on its own. it has a different thing now where users are going to be able to fact check tweets rather than the platform itself. i think people reject the kind of heavy-handed, the platform telling you what to thing and what's true. that sort of thing is annoying to the users and so i suspect, i hope at least they're going to move away from that in the future without the need for regulation which doesn't really solve the problem.
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>> people say let me make the decision for myself and for my family so i think you've got a point there. robbie soave, thank you. >> thank you. jillian: we'll have more, chris wallace will have an exclusive interview with facebook oversight co-chair michael mcconnell. check your local listings for time and channel. plus, howard kurtz has how the media is handling the facebook decision, that's tomorrow on media buzz 11 a.m. eastern. mike: one of the world's richest people is hosting "saturday night live" tonight. is he funny? some of the cast members are not happy about it. that's next. >> this weekend, sunday morning futures, we connect the dots from joe biden's open borders to your neighborhood, the account of illicit narcotics due to the open border policy sunday on fox news 10 a.m. live, sunday morning futures. yum yum yum m yum yum ♪ ♪ yum yum yum yum yum yum ♪
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>> elon musk set to host "saturday night live" tonight. despite the controversy surrounding the decision. some of the show's cast lashing out against musk on twit inear instagram and the cast has been given the option not to take part if they object to the host, mike. mike: experts say elon musk's appearance on snl might be why cryptocurrency, tesla owns 2.5 billion worth of bitcoin. joining us now is the author of "cryptocurrency investing for dummies", welcome. >> thank you for having me. mike: cryptocurrency values surging. how do you explain the boom in cryptocurrency investment? >> so there's tangible value in some of the products right now, but because elon musk is one of
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the creators, but right now looks like the crypto market at a whole is rising mainly because of the hype and the market sentiment. so this is similar to what happened in 2017 and the bubble kind of surged and burst and similar to the dot-com bubble in early 2000. mike: elon musk on twitter writing a little bit of a warning. cryptocurrency is promising, but please invest with caution. crypto seems to be volatile. there it is. so, is a little caution wise here? >> finally, he already created a massive wave and i'm an elon musk fan to be honest, but when he started this doing this i was kind of irritated, it was irresponsible to push coin to
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be a joke and then so he could purchase at a lower price and then he sold his bitcoin. i'm irritated by that and i'm assuming that lawyers, hey, you may actually get soon in the bubble bursts and say something on twitter. mike: and is some of this due to debt and more on the horizon devaluing the dollar? >> yes, one of the reasons i invest in cryptocurrency, and bitcoin, there are only coins, and the u.s. dollar are inflationary, you can print as many as you want so one of the reasons why i invest in bitcoin is because of that and other investments as well. mike: i'm here in washington d.c. is it time for regulation? should congress get involved?
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>> for bitcoins and cryptocurren cryptocurrencies? >> yeah, cryptos. >> there's been involved -- there's been a lot of talk, we've seen states more involved than others. i don't think they can actually stop the cryptocurrency market because this is a new technology and there are regulations and they -- here is the thing, it's like a double-edged sword. people are investing because they want their money sit in a decentralized nongovernment based asset. it's decentralized and nobody owns it. you can grab it and no government can have ownership on it. while we do want more regulations because there are also some scams, i mean, it's kind of defeats the person. so it's a tricky question, to be honest with you. mike: we're nearly out of time, but does all of this desen talization, do we know the i am fact by taking this money out
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and putting it in a central investment adventure? >> so, the impact of that, on a personal level, i'm going to tell my personal story the reason why i think this is impactful is because okay, i'm from iran, jewish, before the 1979 revolution, my dad's assets, he had a bunch of assets. the government, the iran government took over all of that. mike: right. >> if he had his assets in crypto the government wouldn't have been able to do that. that was a personal aspect, but of course some environmental issues because of mining and energy consumption. so it's a very, very vast industry that remains to be evolved and really researched on. mike: thank you so much for your time and your analysis. great to have you. >> thank you. mike: jillian. jillian: fascinating conversation, mike, thank you.
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welcome back, officials are bracing for more unrest after palestinians were injured in clashes for israeli police. trey is on the ground. >> jillian, good afternoon. the sunset here minutes ago and they're breaking the ramadan fast. officials are concerned this could be the time before the storm of another clash. 200 people were injured 88 hospitalized and you can see from this video, police fired
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tear class and flash bangs at palestinians who were throwing rocks and debris. israelis were criticized after tear gas was fired inside the mosque compound. tonight thousands ever expected to gather for prayers. an upcoming court decision over the neighborhood whether or not palestinians were be forcefully removed from their homes. the u.s. department of state calling for the palestinians and the israelis to step back from the brink and deescalate the situation. benjamin netanyahu held a meeting over concerns. and they've threatened to fire rockets to rights to palestinians in jerusalem are not respected. a senior official described the situation was very serious and explosive, that official making an interesting point though saying since israeli security forces on the al aixa compound,
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the israelis are taking a conflict historically and primarily about land making it one about religion, making it a very dangerous gamble. trey, thank you. mike: brand new details on the cyber attack on one of america's biggest pipelines. that's next. at's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. e
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mike: investigateing a cyber attack td one of the largest u.s. oil pipe lines to shut down. i'm mike emmanuel -- jillian: and i'm jillian neely. good to spend this hour with you, mike. mike: one more to go. jillian: that attack is impacting 5,500 miles of pipeline as the operator works to secure its computer systems. lucas tomlinson's live with the very latest. good afternoon. >> reporter: the last hour a missouri lawmaker on the homeland security committee indicated the cyber attack came from overseas and should not be treated lightly. >> i think you're going to the find, i hope, republicans and democrats alike outraged at the audacity of a foreign actor trying to disrupt our economy, our system of functioning with oil and so forth. so this is a big deal.
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>> reporter: the company, colonial pipeline, ships gasoline and jet fuel from the east coast -- to the east coast from texas. reports are this was a ransomware attack. the attack comes two months after the solarwinds hack and the microsoft hack blamed on china. the track the of a water treatment plant in tampa two days before the super bowl was blamed on iran. senator ben sasse released the following statement: this is a play that will be run again. we're not adequately prepared. if congress is serious about an infrastructure package, front and center should be the hardening of these critical sectors rather than progressive wish lists masquerading as infrastructure. analysts say this halt in operations is not expected to have a significant impact on fuel markets unless the pipeline remains shut down for several more days. jillian? jillian: lucas tom lynnson,
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okay -- tomlinson, okay, keep us updated. mike? mike: governor andrew cuomo's communications director officially leaving his post as the new york attorney general's office is now expanding its investigation into the governor. alex hogan is live in new york city with the latest. good afternoon, alex. >> reporter: good afternoon, mike. the governor's chief communications director stepping down, and he will be replaced by a chief adviser to the governor. he's been a member of the administration for nine years and, again, he previously served as a senior adviser to the governor. meanwhile, a new report by the "wall street journal" claims that the state attorney general's office has expanded the investigation into the sexual harassment allegations against governor andrew cuomo to now include claims that one of cuomo's advisers linked vaccine access to support for the governor. adviser larry schwartz called
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officials asking them the about their view of cuomo, some of them which reportedly say it came at a time as there were discussions of vaccine accessibility. schwartz, however, contends that he never linked those calls with vaccine distribution. still, there's reaction already like from lindsay boylan who tweeted: larry schwartz is not a public servant. he is an enforcer who represents the worst of new york governor cuomo's corrupt administration, linking life-saving vaccine access to support for the governor is a criminal abuse of power. boylan was the first woman to accuse the governor of sexual harassment. cuomo also faces a scandal involving his administration reportedly underreporting the death toll of nursing home residents during the pandemic, something he continues to deny. >> nursing home is being looked at by the eastern district. that was a political investigation started by donald
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trump who politicized not just covid, but then politicized nursing homes and policies towards nursing homes and wanted to blame democratic governors like myself. >> reporter: now, we heard something from the governor that he has long said since the tart of these investigations -- start of these investigations and scandals reaffirming he will not under any circumstance resign. mike? mike: alex hogan live in new york city, thanks a lot. former republican wisconsin congressman and fox news contributor sean duffy and democratic strategist kevin walling, welcome. >> good to be with you. mike mike kevin, a communications insider resigns. your thoughts. >> yeah, there's certainly a lot of turmoil in albany with governor cuomo. a month ago on harris faulkner's show, i called for the governor to resign. there's no excuse not just in terms of the sexual harassment and the kind of culture he's promulgated in albany, but also
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the nursing home scandal. the governor should step down. mike: sean, from your experience when an insider like that resigns, is there more trouble ahead? >> it was also the press secretary previously and his spokesperson have also resigned, so the whole coms shop is bailing. the wheels are coming off the bus. so i think this is a greater sign of some the internal problems the governor has. to think that a governor would actually tie covid relief to county executives supporting him for governor, that's absolutely outrageous. i was a former republican congressman. you do things for people that may not like you, that may not support you, but that's your job as a public official, to support everybody that you represent. and to hold covid hostage for democrats supporting these counties is absolutely outrageous. cuomo needs to go. mike: all right. your reaction, kevin, to news that the new york attorney general may be expanding his probe. >> yeah, it's certainly going to be interesting and, of course,
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the attorney general is no fan of the governor. and i actually have a lot of faith and confidence in her abilities to handle an independent investigation into the governor because families in new york want justice when it comes to not just the nursing home scandal, but the entirety of the governor's covid plans. as sean said, you know, this is not something that you should play politics with when it comes to relief and management of the covid crisis in new york. mike: sean, obviously the cuomo name is legendary in new york. does he survive this trouble? >> i don't think he does. what happens if the democrat party, democrats join hands and actually make sure that cuomo leaves, and if they do, a democratic-leaning state will remain democratic in the next election. however, if they don't -- by the way, the clip that you aired, what an arrogant man. i looked a guys like lee zeldin, democrat -- sorry, republican congressman from new york who's running for governor, i think he has a great shot at being a republican governor in a
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democrat state because of all of these scandals and the fact that cuomo's going to stay, and he doesn't take responsibility whether it's the sexual assault scandal on the nursing home or now holding hostage covid relief in regard to support from county executives. mike: okay, gents, let's switch gear cans to the monthly jobs report. 266,000 jobs created in april, far short of expectations. kevin, concerns? >> yeah, mike, certainly it was a disappointment. but as the president said in his press conference yesterday that over the course of the hundred days you saw 1.5 million new jobs, is so you've got to take, you know, these job reports as a whole. you saw, actually, the stock market bounce up in regards to that jobs, dismal jobs report because they believe that as the economy reopens, as people go back to work, as we kind of rejigger this economy and figure out where are there weaknesses with regards to unemployment insurance, with regards to health care coverage, for
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example, for women, i think one of the more interesting things to come out of that report is that the vast majority of new jobs were taken by men. so, clearly, we have a deficit when it comes to women getting back into the employment field because -- and i think you're going the see the president talk more about his american families plan that will provide childcare coverage, for example. mike: sean, have the democrats in congress given people incentive to stay on to couch? is that the problem? >> it is. a lot of women are staying home with their children who can't get back in school because democrat unions have held schools closed. that's one problem. then some people are afraid of covid and don't want to come back into the work force. but when you make a mass if i amount of money onen employment, in my state of wisconsin, you get roughly $16 an hour to stay home on unemployment. if i'm offered an $18 an hour job, i'm really only making $2. i've got 16 in my pocket from employment, that's only a $2
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increase, so i'm not coming back to work. that's why we see more people not coming back into the work force because of democrat-related problems. mike: sean, kevin, have an awesome day. >> good to be with you, mike. ♪ jillian: all right, live down south right now, this is a live picture from our drone above the rio grande valley, one of the sectors hit the hardest by the surge at the southern border. a closer look at the situation on the ground from del rio, texas, bill, i know you've been down there for just a day or two, but you've already seen a ton of activity. >> reporter: good afternoon to you. the activity has been picking up all day long. just since midnight, border patrol reporting they've already apprehended 219 groups. not people, groups of people, 219 already just within the last week they say they've been averaging 740 a apprehensions every single day. is so the activity has been
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really picking up here in del rio sector. the rio is right behind us, and let's pull up video to show you what just happened about 45 minutes to an hour ago. this was a group of venezuelans that crossed the rio directly behind us. we've seen multiple groups who have made this crossing in the last couple of hours. typically venezuelans, haitians and cubans are coming across the rio and presenting themselves to local deputies because they're claiming asylum, i think fear what's going on back in their local governments. and these local deputies, they're not a big sheriff's department here, they're having to process these migrants because border patrol is stretched so thin right now. that's the situation we've been seeing here all morning long so far. if we can pull up some video from donna, texas, that is that border patrol facility in donna, it was infamous in march and early april because it was so overrun, so overcrowded back then. it was at 1600% overcapacity in march. there was about 4300 migrants
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there. better news to report, they've been able to process a lot of the folks out of that facility, it has dropped down to about 800 migrants, that's about an 80% drop. thankfully, those people have gone into the custody of hhs instead. homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas actually toured that facility yesterday and kind of touted some of the good news. he claims that the border is not just open season. take a listen to what he says. >> the border remains closed. we are not only addressing the needs of the unaccompanied children pursuant to the law, but we are also addressing every other element of that challenge including the smuggling organizations that exploit vulnerable children, vulnerable families and individuals and who prioritize profit over people. >> reporter: and local law enforcement here in valverde county here in the del rio
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sector, they will contrast those comments by saying, no, the border is not closed. you just saw the video a moment ago here. people are streaming in by the dozens ott every day, but every hour. there's activity miles up the road in every direction from where we're at right now. the local sheriff telling us in his entire life hes has never seen the immigration situation this bad. send it a back to you guys. jillian: hey, bill, real quick, i'm curious the ratio of kids to adults that you've seen anyway since you've been there. >> reporter: so from what we've seen, like there was just a big group of 26 that came across, there was, i think the, maybe 2 or 3 kids in that group. before then there was a group of 10, and it looked like there were 2 infants in that group. and earlier this morning there were some cubans, it was two parents and a 6-year-old girl. most of the groups have been those family units, a mixture of adults as well as young children, most of them have been very friendly, some of them are giving us thumbs up and smiling and waving. they're happy to be here, and
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they say they just had to get out of what was going on in their home countries. jillian: so devastating some of those images, especially the young kids. bill melugin, thank you. and joining us now, mayor of imperial beach in san diego county, serge medina. surges in his region have been costly. >> good morning from san diego. jillian: good morning. finish so those numbers were released by the san diego association of government's board committee, and this was a report that just looked at the calendar year of 2016. it just makes you wonder what those numbers would actually look like if we knew them today. >> yeah. so if we continue on this track of not investing in border crossing infrastructure and not making the border more secure in terms of making sure people can legally cross a lot quicker in
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those trucks that are going all over the country from the san diego border crossing, you know, we're going to lose an additional $5 billion in economic loss and 97,000 jobs. so, you know, what i've seen my entire lifetime of being on the border the more that we invest in border crossing infrastructure, the more cbp or border progress agents we bring to the border, the more secure we make it, and the more we create economic prosperity on both sides of the border. that's critical at this time in which obviously people are fleeing poverty in mexico and latin america. jillian: i don't know this from the experience of being there, but how do long wait times equate to job losses and money lost for an area? >> well, you know, think of what we're dealing with right now with these bottlenecks and the supply chain so people can't sell things because they're not in the stores. when trucks are lined up for miles on the border, that just means that their products aren't getting to market. that means those folks aren't,
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you know, we're not seeing economic activity. here in san diego people can't cross the border or decide not to cross the border because the crossings are so long. that means that folks that are in stores, etc., shopping centers that are largely fueled in the southern part of san diego county by folks from mexico who legally cross to shop, they're not selling things. its has a huge impact in my town where a lot of tourism, legal tourism on the weekends for folks from mexico coming up to enjoy our beautiful beaches and restaurants. it just behooves us all to insure the usmca that was bipartisan can move a lot quicker and we get products to market a lot quicker. jl you really make that easy to understand, that's for sure. okay, let's put up some numbers, and these show the population in california falling by more than 182,000 people in 2020. now, you look at what, you know, everyone in this country went through in 2020, a lot of
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people, you know, weren't working, they were working from homeing a lot of people were moving. they were moving in some areas out of blue states into red states where they could find work easier. that in itself, i think, tells you a lot. what do those numbers say to you? what do you take away from that? >> people are fleeing lost opportunity, right? so the economy was faltering, but also, you know, my own -- i have 23 and 25-year-old kids in california, they're paying exorbitant amounts for housing. we've got to supercharge the economy with infrastructure, with housing and, you know, in terms of the border, reducing air and water pollution so people are healthier, happier and have good work and place to live and they're not paying exorbitant the amounts to live here. jillian: i was just having a conversation with one of my friends a few days ago who lives in the san diego area talking about how expensive it is to live out there. it is such an expensive state when it comes to living, taxes, everything. so, you know, i guess i'm not
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surprised to see those numbers. your final word before we have to run. >> california's a great state, it's a beautiful state. i walked on the beach this morning, people were surfing. we've gotted to do a lot more to invest in our infrastructure and housing. it's the same thing across the country. let's supercharge the economy, put people to work with, create housing and have a healthy environment. that helps everybody. jillian: it is beautiful, that's for sure. mayor, thank you for joining us. have a good day. >> thank you so much. ♪♪ mike: mixed signals causing confusion whether or not folks need to max up outside. the white house encouraging mask wearing even around others who are fully vaccinated as medical experts say it's time to relax those rickses. >> why am i wearing the mass? because when inside, it's still good policy to wear the max. that's why. when i'm outside -- and the problem is lots of times i walk away from the podium, you'll notice i forget to put my mask
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back on. >> i think we should start lifting these restrictions as aggressively as we put them in. mike mike cdc guidelines state that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks while outdoors, quote, except in certain crowded settings. jillian? jillian: people looking skyward this weekend hoping to catch a glimpse of the giant chinese rocket debris falling to earth. that story next. ♪ ♪
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♪ mike: a 22-ton chinese rocket's expected to come barreling down to earth this weekend, oh dear. and exactly where it will land remains a mystery. christina coleman is live with what we do know. >> reporter: hi, mike. we do know that the latest projections show that huge pieces of this rocket are expected to land sometime tonight or tomorrow morning and hit somewhere in the south pacific. now, most of our planet is water, 70% of it, so it is likely to splash down somewhere. here's u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin. >> we don't have a plan to shoot the rocket down. we're hopeful that it will land
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in a place where it won't, won't harm anyone, hopefully in the ocean or someplace like that. >> reporter: the enormous chinese long 5b rocket launched on april 29th, one of ten more china has planned with ambitions to build it own space station. this rocket somehow ended up in orbit around the earth, and no one knows exactly where it could end up. it's still a mystery. its orbit coffers a large portion of -- covers a large portion of the planet, so there is a threat it could hit an inhabited area. chinese authorities say most of the rocket will likely burn up in space, but concern is mounting over this out of control rocket. former nasa administrator jim bridenstine says china should take responsibility for any damage related to this. >> certainly, this is not good behavior, and it needs to be
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changed. ultimately what's going to have to happen is if there are damages from this, whatever nation-state where the damages happen to take place, they need to be challenging, you know, china to make sure that they're paying, you know, the damages for, ultimately, what happened. >> reporter: and faa officials are tracking any possible impact this could have on commercial travel in regards to cancellation or delays. mike? mike: christina coleman live on the west coast, thanks so much. jillian: you're welcome in advance, i will not be singing this. however, fans may be singing take me out to the ball game a little bit louder this weekend in atlanta. that's because officials there have given the green light to pack fans into the stands, and they'll have a special incentive to help folks get vaccinated at the game. charles watson is live outside the ballpark in atlanta with more on that, and i'm sure people are stoked about this,
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charles. >> reporter: you bet, jillian. they're back in business here at truist park. it's pretty empty right now, but the crowds are coming because the atlanta braves have opened the ballpark up at full capacity this weekend for the first time in 19 months, more than nearly 40,000 fans got to come watch the ball game friday and a sign that life may be slowly shifting back to normal. smiles were abundant as a full house of fans were welcomed back clad in their favorite braves gear. one family came up from pensacola, florida. they tell me they're looking forward to that good ballpark food. >> getting ballparked open -- ballparks opened 100% again where capable sends out a huge message to the economy, or to fans, to citizens that
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baseball's back, yeah. and when baseball's back, that means our country can open back up nice and safely. >> we're really excited to watch it, especially cotton candy. >> reporter: while fans enjoy the cotton candy and hot dogs this weekend, they'll also have the opportunity to get vaccinated. the braves, in partnership with emory health, are offering willing adulters the johnson & johnson vaccine and pfizer for those 16 and older. and to make it a bit more interesting, the braves are giving two free tickets to those fans who do get the shot. i guess the only thing that would make this weekend better for fans is to see a braves win. unfortunately for the fans, that didn't happen. fortunately for this philly guy, that did work out.
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jillian: how did i not know you're a philly guy? i'm a philly girl. >> reporter: come on, i know. that's why i said that to you. jillian: wow, my mind is blown. i do need to bring in mike, if i can, to just give him a little reminder, mike, that my phillies are so far ahead of your yankees and your nationals, if i did the math -- mike: basically, i'm surrounded by philly people. i'm a jersey guy but raised new york football giants, new york yankees and now living in washington i've taken on the nationals as my second team. but it's great to get back to the ballpark, isn't it, jillian? jillian: yes, it is. i can't wait to go to a game. at some point this season, i will be there. maybe charles and i can go together. you can come too, mike. mike: i won't root against the philliess too much. [laughter] jillian, speak of baseball, house speaker nancy pelosi making a major goof on twitter this week when she tried to post in celebration of willie mays'
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90th birthday. the house speaker tweeted then deleted a photo of the wrong african-american baseball legend posting a picture of herself with willie mccovey first. she later posted a photo of the correct player. the team addressed this tweet in a statement saying, in part, quote: a staffer inadvertently selected the wrong photo for the tweet. awkward moment for that staffer. an update on the cyber attack targeting one of america's biggest pipelines, that's next. ♪ ♪
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mike: an upadmit on our top story, lawmakers weighing in as authorities investigate a cyber attack with some like nebraska senator ben sasse saying cyber funding should be part of any infrastructure package. colonial pipeline saying we
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proactively took certain systems offline to contain the threat whichs has temporarily halted all pipeline operations and affected some of our i.t. systems. at this time our primary focus is the safe and efficient restoration of our service and our efforts to return normal operations. jillian? jillian: all right. meantime, the biden administration is looking to revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal. this as iran's presidential election is just over a month away. for more insight on what we might see, let's bring in former u.s. ambassador to iraq and turkey and chair of the middle east program at the wilson center, james jeffrey. he also served as the special representative for syria engagement. ambassador, thanks for being here. appreciate your time. >> thank you very much for having me. scrl jl so do you think it's the right move to reenter the iran nuclear deal? >> it's almost a coin toss. president biden ran his campaign on rejoining, and it's always generally good to do what you promise in a campaign. there's a plus and a minus.
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this will freeze or push iran's ability to get a nuclear weapon quickly back to about a year of time for something like five, six years. that isn't great, but it's better than having them on the threshold of it all the time. the downside is we pay iran, we don't pay iran anything, but iran will be able to have many sanctions lifted and sell oil again. we crushed the iranian economy in the trump administration when we left the deal, and this will be a benefit to it. so it's got both pluses and minuses. jillian: and you don't have a concern about any development or i any information that iran may have gained or done over the course of the last few years, correct? >> iran has the knowledge all the way with up to developing a nuclear warhead. that is hard wired into their system. the israelis have, in 2018, obtained all of the documentations. there's no doubt about that. so they have the capability, and i think the intention, to eventually develop a nuclear weapon. but for the moment, if we go
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into the deal, they will be restrict as they were back in 2015, '16, '17. jillian: okay. the head of the iranian delegation tweeted both iran and u.s. refrain from pessimistic conclusions. this seems to be not a bad sign. what is your reaction to that message? >> they're getting close. the problem is how many concessions the biden administration will make. iran doesn't want the biden administration to simply go back to 2018 with our lifting of sanctions and other things. it wants us to undo some of the things that were done in the trump administration that at least officially had nothing to do with the agreement and were allowed by the agreement such as sanctions on iran for its terrorist activities, playing with the assad regime in syria, missile systems, money laundering and such. iran wants these lifted as well. it would be a mistake if the biden administration did it. that gets into an area that i'm very concerned about, is stopping iran's march through the region.
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this is what all of our allies -- israel, the arab states -- are all concerned about. jillian: i want to get your to the cyber attack that we are following that forced the shutdown of the cloning y'all pipeline, and, you know, i'm curious your opinion on that because, look, we don't know the source of this yet. we are waiting to gather more information, but, you know, does it put you on high alert not just within this country, but with everything we're doing overseas when you hear news like this in. >> first, we have to find out the details. but russia and iran have both conducted cyber attacks inside and outside the united states against infrastructure. i worked on this on the defense science board in 2017, '18. i know the vulnerabilities we have. the good news is other countries are equally vulnerable to us. we have extraordinary capabilities. what we don't have is the ability to easily defend against this other than threatening retaliation, and we're very reluctant9 to retaliate. this sproabl a test of our
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system to see how quickly we can react and how quickly we can find out who did it. it still is very dangerous, and we need to take retaliatory measures of one or another sort, political, economic, whatever, if we can pin down who did it. jillian: great information. ambassador jeffrey, thank you for your time. >> thank you. mike: at least 30 people are dead, dozens wounded following a bomb explosion near a school in afghanistan, appearing to be targeting civilians with many of the victims between 11 and 15 years old. the taliban is condemning the blast which comes just days after u.s. troops began to withdraw from the region. so far no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. jl swrl we'll continue to follow that. meantime, one family never giving up on finding their missing sister. that story next. ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein.
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♪ jillian: welcome back. now an update on the search a missing california -- for a missing california mother. exactly four months from her disappearance, police served a search warrant at her home. they were seen removing boxes from the residence. earlier this week i sat down with her family as they pressed police to push the case forward and get answers. ♪ ♪ >> so heart broken, you know in very heart broken. still hiving in a nightmare. -- living in a nightmare. jillian: the last time maya was seen was at home with her his and three kids. that night a neighbor's surveillance camera captured a series of loud bangs. now, we can't show you the video because the neighbor doesn't want their home identified, but we can play the audio. [background sounds] jillian: police haven't
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confirmed the sound in the surveillance video. what do you think it is? >> we took the video and audio to the forensic people that the federal government uses, right, usa forensics. they confirmed, first of all, that it's gunshots, that they were inside gunshots. jillian: that's not the only sound captured, right in. >> there was an argument about a divorce, there were gunshots, and all of a sudden the children were outside alone playing in cold 42-degree weather school night, 10:30 at night. jillian: what is your understanding of the events that happened that night leading up to this? >> we were all together, we were out camping. that's what we love to do. and during that weekend, she did warn us that she's going to file for divorce. she said it's going to be a nasty divorce. >> we know she contacted the divorce attorney, we have the intake form. there was an argument after that. she talked about his desperation to keep the marriage together.
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jillian: is her husband cooperating with the investigation? >> he stopped. he spoke to me when i went to the house, he's spoken to the to the police, today media -- to the media at times, at least early oranges then he shut down. -- on, then he shut down. jillian: one of the last developments was on april 1st when police served a search warrant at the home behind me where larry's uncle lives. in video, you can see a massive police presence. now, since then neighbors tell us things have been quiet, but when you look on the street corners, you see a lot of missing persons signs. >> right now we're focused on finding my sister. >> it's almost like a full-time job just to put things together. jillian: separate from the police investigation, people from both near and far who didn't even know the family
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prior have formed groups where on a regular basis they come out to remote areas like this to search for any sign of maya. earlier this week they got together to rally support in their search efforts. >> bring maya home! >> we've now done 11 searches, we currently have about 1,000 members. >> i have so much love for her family. we are going to continue searching until we find her, until we have justice for her. jillian: police have remained tight-lipped as to not compromise the investigation, but we spoke with someone from the cold case foundation acting as a are liaison between police and family. >> 23 search warrants executed. what does that in itself tell you in. >> that they're doing a lot of work. the case has gone national, so you can imagine with a missing person people are calling in from everywhere. watching fox or any other news and saying, hey, i think i saw her here at the grand canyon, or i saw her here in texas, new york. jillian: what do you think happened to your sister? >> i pray to god it's not larry. because i don't want the kids to have no parent at all.
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>> i'd just like to tell larry if your kids are going to grow up and ask questions, how come you weren't looking for mom? did you have something to do with her disappearance? jillian: a few things to note here, i did call larry and left a voicemail earlier this week when i was in california, wanted to get a comment on the story. i also knocked on their door, did not get a response. police say so far there is no suspect, there is no person of interest in this case, and also that surveillance video that we talked about and that you heard that audio in the story there, that is currently being analyzed by the fbi at quantico, mike. but the reason i wanted to air the story again today is because of that new development yesterday afternoon, that a search warrant was issued for the home of the family, and local news reporters were out there. and you can see in video just taking boxes and boxes. so i'll be interested to see when police finally do give more details about this case, but so far they have been very careful
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with what they have released. mike: great job with your reporting, jillian. really doing a thorough job out there. thinking ahead to mother's day tomorrow, i just hope that family gets answers soon. jillian: i know. and the three kids that she had, you know, with her husband, they want to know where their mom is. mike: well done. thank you, jillian. severe thunderstorms on the weather radar this weekend. we'll tell you where next. ♪ ♪
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mike: wicked weather coming to some ps of the u.s. with a chance of severe weather in the plains. it is the season for that, and fire danger in the west. meteorologist adam cloths is track it all, hey, adam. adam: yeah, mike, severe storms
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may with one of the bigger stories as we head boo this weekend. you typically see it when you look at the temperature map, let's begin with what's happening right there along that frontal boundary. you see those 70s and 80s just off to the east of that, a whole lot cooler, and it's along that frontal boundary where we're going to see some potentially severe weather in the next couple of hours. first, what's happening in the northeast. it's been a soggy start to the morning, but this is the cooler, back end of the system. the next system is sweeping through the middle of the country. an area where we're beginning to see those storms really come together back farther to the north, snowfall in some of the higher elevations. it just continues to feel like it's winter. but i take you in the future forecast, and you see this come together there in the middle of the country here in the next couple of hours. this is where we're tracking severe weather kind of right there in the heartland, kansas area. of course we will be watching it, mike. back out to you.
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mike: adam, thanks so much. jillian: as we approach mother's day tomorrow, we remember and honor all gold star moms, next. ♪ ♪ you oughta customize your car insurance with liberty mutual, so you only pay for what you need. oh um, doug can we talk about something other than work, it's the weekend. yeah, yeah. [ squawk ] hot dog or... chicken? [ squawk ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na... ♪ hey hey hey. ♪ goodbye. ♪ na na na na... ♪ hey hey hey. ♪ goodbye.
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gold star mothers' national president cindy tatum. cindy, welcome. >> thank you for having meed today. mike: what are the emotions of you and other gold star mothers as we look ahead to mother's day just hours away? >> well, i think for all of gold star mothers across the country, i think there's always the empty seat at the table. and so there's probably not too many holidays more so than mother's day. mike: cindy, as you know, the past 20 years or so for our military has been a particularly heavy lift between afghanistan and iraq. i'm curious what your advice is to some of the newer gold star mothers. >> well, i think that probably the key is to give yourself some
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time to heal from the loss of your child. we are a membership organization that focuses on service for the military community. but before you can get to that point to help with the service component, you have to be able to do a little bit of inner healing first. mike: i see a picture of your son behind you. can you tell us about your son? >> i sure can. daniel joined the marine corps after he found out that his older brother was going to be deployed to iraq and came home and said, hey, mom, i've joined the marine corps. and i kind of thought, well, maybe you should have asked me first, but that was not the way that he was.
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he was a joy to everybody that knew him. just a big old burly guy. and a great big, great big hugs and great big laugh all the time. mike: cindy, what can the rest of us do for gold star mothers like you and your community to express our appreciation and our love for you? >> well, you know, we -- i think education about the gold star community is key. being able to recognize if you go into your grocery store parking lot and you see a gold star license tag and that person happens to get out of the car, just let them know that you appreciate the sacrifice that that family has made. and i think that's a lot of it. mike: american gold star
10:59 am is the web site, we have it there at the bottom of the screen. cindy, god bless you and the gold star moms in this country. we thank you for your service and sacrifice and happy mother's day. >> thank you very much. it's been a pleasure to be here today. mike: pleasure having you. thank you so much. jillian? touching interview there. jillian: i know. mike: incredible sacrifice. she lost her son on a christmas eve. thank god for these families that have given so much for our great country. jillian: i know. gave me chills listening to that interview and tears in my eyes a little bit because you know that every day they miss them, but especially on days like mother's day, birthdays, holidays, i can't imagine what they go through. thank you to all of them for the sacrifice that their families have made, because it truly is incredible and something that, you know, just can't go unrecognized. mike: amen. so i've admired your work from afar. we finally got to do two hours
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together. it's been a blast. can we do it again sometime? jillian: i would love it. and maybe at some point we'll go to a baseball game, but we do have to take a moment to say happy mother's day to all of the moms. mike: "fox news live" continues with griff jenkins and molly line. i'm mike emmanuel. jillian: have a great day. griff: more bad news for new york governor andrew cuomo as the state attorney general's office reportedly expands its investigation of sexual harassment allegations according to "the wall street journal." the focus now whether cuomo's top aide linked access to covid-19 vaccines to political support for the governor. hello, everyone, welcome to a brand new hour of "fox news live," i'm griff jenkins. molly: i am molly line. two other big stories we're also watching this hour, a cyber attack forces a major u.s


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