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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 11, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> no mother, no father, no nothing. this is one of our workers wife's right here taking care of this tiny one. no one with these children. >> harris: a new video from a texas farmer after she discovered five migrant children abandoned on her ranch. heartbreaking but video of those unaccompanied minors ranging from 11 months old to seven
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years old. that 11-month-old can't walk yet. underscoring just how chaotic the border crisis has become. you're watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here mike cohost, kayleigh mcenany, kennedy herself, host of "no interruption" tomi lahren, and lawrence jones. brand-new video coming as we await new numbers on border apprehensions in april. a texas farmer and his wife say the children were crying and hungry, covered in dirt, the youngest so tiny she hasn't learned to walk yet, and was naked, didn't have a diaper on. an emotional reaction as she showed the area where the little ones were discovered. >> this is where these children were brought across and dumped here alone, five little girls.
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this is where they slept last night, got out on the side of the river here on our farm. if this doesn't make you man if this doesn't make you mad, i don't know what will. >> harris: lawrence jones, you have lived in a border state, texas. i know you have covered a lot. what do you make of that video? >> lawrence: it's heartbreaking, and sad because you would think the people that have been talking about compassion for all these years and how much they care and they staged photo ops at the cages, would be outraged by this, but they are not. the more and more i look at this story back in the trump administration -- i was reporting on it. there was absolute coverage on the border. i'm afraid that this is becoming normalized. it's much like i don't like when
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i report from chicago, baltimore, philly, the residents are screaming for help. you see the people on border states scream for help, but there's no outrage, because there's no coverage of what's happening. until the media steps up -- i cannot just be fox news that is covering what's happening live on the border. i know people see who's crossing on the border and say "that's shallow water." people drown in the undercurrents all the time. we've seen it on camera. 11:00 central time, this happens every day, said that border agent had no backup. this is a typical day on the border. until the biden administration starts allowing the press to cover this story -- we have not been able to get into these facilities. they decided to play a game of ring around the rosie, transferring kids to haf's
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facilities, pretending they were gone. it's disgusting what's happening on this border. it's nonsense. >> harris: every day so far this week, and it's only tuesday, we check in at that 11:00-10:00 a.m. eastern point, because we know what we are going to find. vilma nguyen, vilma people are coming as far away from venezuela, trying to enter our country illegally, and the outnumbered border agents there have now moved their perimeter back. i had asked bill to go to this spot, because it's further away from the water's edge. we could see groups of people last hour going somewhere. we didn't know where. border agents are having to intercept them and pull away from the water's edge so they can process them better. when they swamp you at the water, it's hard to keep contact
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and number and categorize all the people coming in. kayleigh, i come to you. that cameraman is smart. he's showing us those bracelets. we don't know if that's one from the mexican cartels that we've heard about, but we do know they are coming in with bracelets on them. they have traveled to get here, so maybe that is the transportation bracelets, but we know that cartels are marking them. >> kayleigh: exactly. permanent marker on their arms and hands with the numbers of their parents. you make an important point, that once these kids come into custody, they are into the facility, but be moved to hhs. to lawrence's request for more coverage, he's right. i want to draw attention to one extremely eye-opening article that came out today by the
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associated press. i wanted to read directly from it. they say "tens of thousands of asylum seeking children are being put in an opaque network of some 200 facilities spanning two dozen states, and including five shelters with more than 1,000 children in them. these opaque facilities are hhs facilities called emergency intake facilities. they are not subject to the same legal standards. our human rights attorney said that the children are coming out with lights, covid, and it would not surprise me if we saw children dying." this is in the associated press, a legitimate wire that is doing investigative reporting here, drawing attention to these concerning numbers. they talk specifically about a man named jose -- who has tried to get his daughter back to no avail until finally, finally, they said "if you paid $1,300, we will get her on a plane and reunite you in the united states with your daughter."
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this is called family separation. it's happening every day. where is aoc and ilhan omar and where's the left? >> harris: as we watch this live video from del rio, texas, you see people have crossed the rio grande river. lawrence made an important point. the water suddenly becomes hip deep, looks more shallow, but those undercurrents are vicious. we saw, yesterday, people scooping up little ones because it was quickly over their heads. we have seen children perish in these areas along the border. it can get deadly quickly. tomi lahren, you spend time gathering the news of everything that's happening down there. nothing speaks to anyone's soul to visit that you've made and then live pictures of reality, yet we hear nothing from the white house. >> tomi: it's disturbing. going back to talking about that
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water and those undercurrents, it's true. it's getting much hotter not only in texas, but arizona, all parts of the border. in the summer months that are quickly approaching, it's going to be so hot in that brush. i was there in the winter and it was almost unbearable. that brush gets so thick, like 115 degrees. inside that brush, it's so hot that people can't see in front of them, the brush is so thick. it's about to get worse. talking about these children that were abandoned, discovered by these good samaritans, these farmers in these border towns. thank god for them, but i have to wonder about the other children that weren't discovered, put in the hands of coyotes and smugglers, the young women and female children put in harm's way. i've seen it. border patrol agents have horrifying stories of what they've encountered, what these children are being put through. not only do we have to ask where is the biden administration, where is the media, we have to ask where are these kids
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parents? why are they not being prosecuted? why are they not being held to account? they are using these children to get into this country to get themselves over. that's why these kids have their names of these parents, because they know that is their ticket in. the biden administration is encouraging it. we have to ask, where are these parents? thank god for border patrol agents acting like parents. they do it every day and don't get the appreciation they deserve. >> harris: i can tell you, from this group and yesterday, bill mnuchin, who was speaking with to with people who are coming, they said that these group almost exclusively from venezuela and are meeting family in the united states, and are being told about what their journey will be about those open doors they are seeing at our border, and the fact that no matter what the administration has said, the border is open.
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tomi, you mentioned those children blessed enough to be found and cared for, border patrol was there. the farmers who found those unaccompanied migrant girls are speaking out. watch. >> needs to stop right now. they're going to be thousands. this is just 5 miles up the rio grande! that's a huge border. this is happening all up and down. but it can't go on. it's going to be too hot. there's a lot of suffering this summer. the first time in 30 years we've felt insecure here. it was working well. >> harris: kennedy. >> kennedy: i know the vice president is concerned, but she has to see firsthand the effects. i think she should be talking with some of these families and
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children and diss incentivizing this. that woman is at absolutely right. thank god they found them. we don't know what kids didn't make it. if you are sending your 11-month-old alone, imagine how many others are doing the same. i don't understand the thought process. thank god i live in a place where i don't have that level of desperation. i can only imagine what's going on there, but talking about root causes doesn't fix that. having a zoom call here and there with a northern triangle leader doesn't seem to be doing anything about it anyway! you get the kids were suffering and just moving them around. this is some soviet-style propaganda that should not be happening in this country. we need to reform the immigration system. we also need of more sunlight on this.
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we need to see what's happening to kids in these places, instead of just listening to the vocal gymnastics that this administration is putting up. they have not stuck the landing. >> harris: warrants, i wasn't going to go there, but it seems obvious to go there, right, lawrence? we have our nation's first vice president who is a woman of color, multiracial. we have a situation with brown people at the border, with children dying, many of them black and brown and america's growing league, increasingly dangerous cities under many democrats led governments in those cities. which brown and black kids does the white house care about? they can get to certain areas of the country but can't get to the southern border. >> lawrence: it's a fair question. i don't like judging people by their identity, but they made it
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a talking point. it's not just at the border, as you articulated. it's across america. i go to the sounds, the border, and i talk with these people in desperation, asking for help based on campaign promises that this current administration said they would do! they are not helping these people, yet as you correctly said, they are playing the shell game. we have seen what's happening in american cities, and yes, there has not been a response. why won't they go to the border? the moment they do, all the press cameras come with them, and it becomes the top story of the week. >> harris: 100%. how about the border in chicago? children of color, of every ethnicity, american children, are being shot and dying. weekend by weekend! >> lawrence: there is not a national headline. >> harris: crime in poor neighborhoods. all right.
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we will move on. just ahead, a stunning report showing that there are more open jobs in america than at any point in 20 years. why does the biden administration insist on pushing for more federal spending on unemployment benefits. is that a good idea? ♪ ♪ my psoriatic arthritis pain? i had enough! it's not getting in my way. joint pain, swelling, tenderness...much better. my psoriasis, clearer... cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis look and feel better with cosentyx. cosentyx works fast for results that can last. it treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, like joint pain and tenderness, back pain, and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis.
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>>fox news alert: a new report from the labor of -- statistics show there are more jobs opening in america right now than at any point in 20 years, 8.1 million job openings added at the end of march. republicans have long warned that the $300 boost in federal unemployment discourages people from actually finding a job. experts say someone who made $32,000 for the pandemic could
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earn more from benefits alone. south carolina governor henry mcmaster's now taking matters into his own hands. he's not the only governor acting out of enhanced benefits. >> gov. mcmasters: we get calls, letters, texts from people from all sorts of businesses all across the state. looking down like they are looking for people to work. people are getting as much money or more, in some cases, by staying home. despite an proposal is counterproductive. it's going to cost trillions of dollars. it's killing incentive, and it was right on the road, i hate to say it, to socialism. we've got to stand up and fight against this. >> kayleigh: lawrence, to me, this seems like using the end of a pandemic to create massive government. when president trump did the stimulus checks of $600, we saw job applications fall, but an
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important distinction there, there were no vaccines, cases were rising, we were in the middle of a global pandemic fighting the invisible enemy, but now this seems unnecessary and more as part of biden's attempt to make himself fdr 2.0. >> lawrence: this was when we were still closed. i think there's something interesting here. i've been working my whole life. i put candy in my backpack until the principal shut me down, selling candy to my classmates. as an american, i've been told that working hard is the way out. what happens when the government pays you more, and you are in this desperate situation? we know for a fact that it's not a matter of jobs being there. there's over 7 million jobs available. the problem is when you take taxes out, government is just paying people more. you would think that government would remove that barrier, unless they want you drunk on
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government. i've seen this story, where citizens never want to get off of being drunk on government. i think that's what the democratic party's up to. they have an opportunity, because people are in this vulnerable state. they have been shut down. we know that these checks they are passing out, people aren't really using them for rent. a lot of that money is going into the stock market. that's not helping people at the end of the day! if they want to help the people, they would take advice from rhonda sanchez, the south carolina governor, and let people go back to work by removing that money. >> kayleigh: you use the word "drunk." speaking of that, businesses are so desperate that this dogfish ipa facility is literally offering people 12 vintage ipa beers -- this is in "the new york times" this morning -- as a bonus to come on and work.
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that's how desperate these companies are, kennedy. how bad is the situation question xp one mcdonald's in florida is offering $50 if you show up for an interview. >> kennedy: you have to show up and get $50. you don't have to work. so desperate they are. the industry that said hardest by the extended unemployment benefits, hospitality, people are making 33% more staying at home than they would at their jobs. it's going to have a crushing effect on some of these smaller and midsized businesses. politicians like to play lip service and to say "small business is the backbone of the economy." it's true. what happens if you remove the backbone? the body collapses. that's what's going to happen to the economy. they don't have a fix. they will not have enough tax revenue to prop up all of the necessary government programs when everything starts to collapse. the fact that the biden administration -- it's not just
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the president. it's janet yellen, nancy pelosi. they are all saying the same thing, which is "we don't see a correlation between people getting unemployment benefits and not taking jobs." that's what's happening. all they have to do is talk to these businesses. >> kayleigh: tomi, have no fear, president biden has insurance rest. >> president biden: we will make it clear that anyone collecting unemployment who was offered a suitable job must take the job or lose their unemployment benefits. i know there's not a lot of discussion since friday's report, that people are being paid to stay home rather than go to work. we don't see much evidence of that. >> kayleigh: tomi, what is a "suitable job," and how will he ensure that these individuals take these jobs? >> tomi: exactly.
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his words do not match his policies. let's think about this: the government created this problem. a shutdown businesses, made people feel selfish for exercising their rights, told people they couldn't go go to work because it was in the interest of health and safety. then they started sending checks to people, getting them more reliant on government. now, they are a full-blown incentivizing laziness and stepping back saying "we wonder why this happened." they knew exactly why. why do they push coronavirus? if there's a solution to the problem, vaccinations, cases going down, the country coming back, if that's a solution the money dries up. when the money dries up, people have to be self reliance, not on the government. that's the nail in the coffin to the democratic party. they have to have dependents, people looking to the government as their messiah. otherwise, they can't be in control. they created a problem, and now they are using more government to solve a problem. the biden administration knows
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exactly what it's doing. now, they want to say "no." it's plain as day what you are doing. it's the california model nationalized. this has been happening in california for years, and now the rest of the country is just starting to see it. we hope it ends, but i don't see him end insight. >> kayleigh: exactly right. coming up next, show down in the senate over a sweeping election. a push to change the way we vote. what the g.o.p. is doing to stop what it is: "the democrats power grab." aging is a journey. you can't always know what's ahead. since 1995, seniors have opened their doors to right at home for personalized care. to be their guide. to steer them through uncharted territory. and when it comes right down to it, to keep them safe at home. after all, home is the best place to be. right at home. navigating what's to come. ♪ ♪
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parties are laying out what's at stake. let's watch together. >> here in the 21st century, we are witnessing an attempt at the greatest contraction of voting rights since the end of reconstruction and the beginning of jim crow. >> this is a partisan effort to take over how you conduct elections. >> harris: lawrence, last hour, trey gowdy described this as a federalization of our collection system. >> lawrence: i think that's the only conclusion you can come from. the most insulting part of this bill is the fact that they plan on matching contributions with taxpayer funds. i've never given to any politician, because i don't like any politician. anybody that watches fox knows that if there is a politician on the program, i need answers from
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them, i'm not here to be their friend. the fact that my tax funds are people that i may even like some of the time, that's concerning to me. i would caution republicans on this. we saw this in georgia. you see the big guns. whenever you see the majority leader and a committee hearing, they don't go to those. they are all hands on deck on this. you've got to get out front, win the people, talk with black voters. they are making a racial piece of legislation. it's georgia 2.0, except they have the power and weight of the federal government. >> harris: how does that work, kayleigh? if everything comes down to those things that divide us, how do you do anything together, or is that not the goal forget fort democrats? this could be a bill to get away from the filibuster.
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>> kayleigh: they would have to do to pass this. they can't pass this through budget reconciliations. they would have to get rid of the filibuster. i don't put it past them not to. when nancy pelosi got the gavel 2-3 years ago, hr one was this bill, the same bill, a blatant, naked power grab to ensure that democrats win elections for the next 100 years. then, she tried to shove it in covid relief. now, here it is again, hr one, senate priority number one. why is it so important to democrats? you automatically enroll illegal immigrants, giving voter registration to anyone on a government database, getting rid of ballot harvesting -- allowing it, i should say, in 33 states. you are getting rid of voter i.d., which 73% of black americans support. we have increased turnout for black and hispanic voters.
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it's a sham, a power grab, and it's divisive. >> harris: kayleigh, i want to double down. look at what's happening at the border. all the pictures we started this hour off with, people coming across. what you are saying is they automatically enroll illegal immigrants. look: i never liked to tie things that don't go together, but do those go together? >> kayleigh: absolutely. that's part of the grand scheme of democrats. if you are in a government database, we know that if you are an illegal immigrant, you can still get a license. he will become a united states voter. i think the majority of the public stand against these. it's why mcconnell's allies are sitting seven figures on the airwaves putting against this bill. >> harris: ken d. >> kennedy: that reminds me, i have to get my real i.d. [laughter] here's what i don't like about any of this.
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the idea of how you secure elections is different to republicans and democrats, and that's a big problem. the government has gotten so big and powerful and consumed so much money and retained so much power, and that's critical to both sides. if you have that much power, you will do whatever you can to hold onto it. whatever your enemy, whatever position they take, you take the opposite. things like voting and elections should be a little more objective than this. if they get rid of the filibuster, all that means is if get a 50/50 senate where republicans get the gavel. they will unring the bell and it's going to be nauseating and stupid. >> harris: wow. tomi, we know we love you. you are up next. a white house ally and refers to president biden as "the most liberal one we've ever had." an ally! the public still sees him as
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moderate. how his communications team is making that happen. ♪ ♪ mm. [ clicks tongue ] i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth. uh, they are a little tight. like, too tight? might just need to break 'em in a little bit. you don't want 'em too loose. for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. -okay. think i'm gonna wear these home. -excellent choice.
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>> president biden: i'm sorry, this is the last question i will take. i'm in trouble. >> kayleigh: that's president biden last month, where he seemed to acknowledge the tightly controlled media strategy of his own communications team. they not only closely guarded him. they also, reportedly, police the language in washington. that's why we don't have a crisis at the border. they say this approach helps disguise the administration's true agenda, telling "new york magazine" "one real possibility is that this strategy works. they make a criticism and think
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pieces, but at its 100 day mark, biden is the most liberal president we've had, and the public thinks he's a moderate. that is a winning strategy to me. they are willing to accept that you were going to write this piece as long as they know that swing voters in colorado aren't going to read about it." tomi, to me, this is incredible. i read this last night, and from the perspective of someone who's been in communications, it was jaw-dropping, the idea that you have a white house ally saying "this is the most liberal president ever, but we've disguised him as a moderate by using words like the american rescue plan, american rescue act, a quality act, for the people act." do you think it's working? >> tomi: if anyone had been paying attention, they could have told you that. i think we've all been saying it, at least i was, during the democratic debates. i talked about that on this show before during the democratic debates. it seems so long ago because of coronavirus, but during the debates, you had a bunch of wannabe socialists, from
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pete buttigieg to kamala harris to bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, arguing about how many more free things they would give dan the other one. they wanted medicare for all, open borders, the green new deal, tax the rich. the american people listens to those and said "that's a little too socialist to me, too extreme." joe biden, they are in outer space most of the time, seemed like a moderate, so the american people said "we will give him a chance. we don't like donald trump and think joe might be a moderate." it worked. now, they tightly control him. he is a puppet, a shadow president for the far left, and they are laughing about it. they duped half of the country. shame on those moderate democrats and never trump-ers who couldn't see the writing on the wall. we know he's pushing a far left agenda.
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about the last topic, the push to nationalize our election process, as you mentioned, that goes hand-in-hand with open borders. they will. how do i know? i lived in california. that's what they've done. they are taking, once again, the california model, nationalizing it, and using a puppet-president to get away with it, and laughing at those that are dumb enough to fall for it. shameless democrats, through and through. >> kayleigh: harris, i want you to ask you a question from a journalist's perspective. they say they are not only controlling the president, but washington and the media. they gave the example of when biden said the word "crisis," he was rebuked the next day they might have been so disciplined in their messaging and not calling what is happening on the border a "crisis," which called the associated press, which voters in colorado are undoubtedly reading, to not use the word "crisis." >> harris: i would like to ask
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the president "how is it to have independent thought wiped away from those who would have you canceled and speak your own words?" i don't want these people near historians when they write about this white house and administration. it's one thing to get the president to change his words, and may be in the vernacular, get things not said in the mainstream media as often as possible "call it a matter, not an investigation." it's not new what they are doing, but if they are going to be effective at it, i don't want them then painting history books "it never was a crisis." it's important our children in the future know at this moment was. that's why it's important to tell the truth at every turn, every chance we get, whatever your platform is. tell it widely. as you said, we started with the word "journalism." that's my passion. that's our job. >> kayleigh: you do a good job of it. lawrence, kennedy, we will get to you in the next block. hollywood now canceling itself?
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>> kayleigh: gas drying up at stations in the southeast united states, as the pipeline scrambles to restore services. job openings hitting a 20 year high nationwide. why aren't workers willing to take on those roles? did the cdc inflate the truth when it comes to transmissions of the coronavirus outdoors? on deck, senators john kennedy and -- more join john and me as "america reports," top of the hour. >> kayleigh: we will be there. nbc says it will not be airing to golden globes next year, due to concerns from the hollywood foreign press association's diversity issue. critics not buying nbc's official line, seeing that the award show was plunged into a 13 year low in viewership this year.
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lawrence, is nbc trying to cancel it because it's a losing proposition for them, with ratings down 63% from last year? are they just using this as an excuse to pull out of the entire venture, even though they signed on $60 million a year to broadcast the golden globes through 2026? >> lawrence: damn, you just took all my talking points. >> kennedy: is those, you will be much smarter. [laughter] >> lawrence: i wish i had great political analysis on this. they have had a diversity issue, many of these hollywood folks have a diversity issue. the only thing that changes the ratings. i think they made a business decision. >> kennedy: ratings have changed. harris, we've known about this for so long. we've known about the lack of diversity, we've known that the hollywood foreign press association can be bought and sold. all you have to do is throw them some junkets and trips, and boom, your movie has a
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nomination. >> harris: a swag-bag. >> kennedy: they had a hideous association with harvey weinstein that actors have known about for years. why now? >> harris: money, ratings! lawrence is right. by laurence, i mean kennedy. [laughter] i love that. look, if they cared about diversity, if they -- what's not just make this about race and ethnicity, hollywood has struggled in every category. then, when you get to the rights of women and hollywood, yes, you get to the #metoo movement. harvey weinstein and others, let's not just stop with him. it went away like a hollywood movie. no one is talking about it. you don't think they exist anymore? they won't just go away with him. i guess it's been persistent. what changed?
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what state on what date on the calendar became magical, the one that was less than 7 million viewers for the golden globes? that's the date. >> kennedy: it's sad to see this awards show go. of all of the awards shows, this is the least self-important. at least this is not provide right employees host who relentlessly make fun of it. ricky gervais' was taking pot shots at the collective iq of the audience and nominees last year. it was the only award show where people actively drink before they take the stage and accept their globes! >> kayleigh: to me, they are all bad. i can't watch any of these. if you look at the ratings, they speak for themselves. 63% decline from 2020-2021 in that key 18-49 demographic.
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no one wants to watch self congratulating hollywood elite lecture is about politics from a stage where they accept rewards, drinking or not. i don't want to watch it. >> kennedy: if you are watching at home, drinking helps. [laughter] >> lawrence: i will take that. [laughter] >> kennedy: i will make you one. you know i like to mix. [laughter] tomi, is this going to be the way of other awards shows? are we know longer going to see broadcasts of the emmys and the oscars and the grammys? >> tomi: we could only hope so. i hope this is a new trend, hollywood canceling itself so we don't have to be surrounded by it, don't have to hear about it. that would be excellent. at the end of the day, they are canceling themselves. they state or diversity. it's because no one is watching. they should take note. instead of having metrics, they
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should realize that their audience, the american people from places like i'm from, the midwest, who used to like watching these because it was an escape, we don't want to hear your political opinions. we want you to nominate movies we've seen. when i want to watch you grandstand with your empty virtue signaling. take it back to the art and films people go to the movie theaters to watch. maybe you will get us back again, diversity of thought might be great for them to employee. >> harris: what she said. >> kennedy: well said one and all. up next, dancing off limits at weddings. it's okay at strip clubs. have your wedding at a strip club! a lawsuit over d.c.'s inconsistent covid restrictions. that's next. ♪ ♪ cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out.
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♪ ♪ >> my days in minnesota make this relevant, a washington, d.c., woman is suing over dancing at weddings due to the pandemic. the bride-to-be who is a big day who's june 6th as it violates her amendment rights. d.c. allows dancing and exercise classes like zumba and at strip clubs! the attorney? >> look, i think she can succeed on this. this reminds me of the churches that were shuttered while the strip club stayed open, but amy coney barrett offered an opinion, you get to go to church if you dance in a strip club. >> my mom had one rule, don't twerk at church. >> my problem is not the strippers, they deserve love
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too. that is my issue with this. my bennion from the beginning, it never should have been implemented. it's all oppositional. >> i agree with lauren, the only way we will and these ridiculous infringements, the democrats are trying to tell you you cannot dance a your own wedding! effect that the american people aren't waking up to see how ridiculous this is, but we do have a lot of sheep in this country. dance if you want to dance, have a great time. i want to school in las vegas and there were brides that had their weddings there in the strip club. it makes it easier. do what you want to do. dance, strip, have an american time. you're an american in a free country. >> kennedy? >> we just danced at a wedding
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and for that the couple is blessed. dance your hearts out. we are not living in footloose. party people, take it to the supreme court. >> party people! i love that. you didn't get married to each other, did you? that's another show. >> not yet! thank you for watching. "america reports" is right now. >> sandra: fox news alert, the head of the largest teachers union squaring off with martha maccallum one confronted over the decision in classrooms across the country. martha will join us live later on that to talk about why it's important to hold these teachers accountable on that issue. >> john: john kennedy on the democrats move to overhaul election laws, republicans calling it a pure power grab. nancy grace will join us to discuss f


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