tv Hannity FOX News May 11, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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i hope we can talk for a much longer. max, for an hour. there is a lot there. appreciate you coming onto my comic and argillaceous on the book. >> thanks tucker. >> tucker: we sent an hour with dave portnoy on "tucker carlson today," it is on hope you will check it out. and now, the man who controls 9:00 p.m. in america, the great sean hannity. >> sean: where is he? i can't find him anywhere. all right, tucker, thank you. welcome to "hannity." buckle up tonight. multiple crisis emerging in the middle east, our southern border, our energy come out in multiple states declaring states of emergency. a crisis at the gas pump, gasoline shortages, lines to fill up your gas tanks, and the price of everything you purchased is going up, and the u.s. dollar is losing value, inflation, rising interest rates all percolating, unemployment on
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the rise, and workers are making more to stay home and they don't want jobs, oh, and you're going to need to wear a face mask apparently into all of eternity, straight to heaven. congratulations to all the idiots who voted for the weak, frail, cognitive mess that is all things joe biden and his entourage of woke, emotionally unstable, social justice warriors, who also are quite frankly hurting the country and the world in the process. it was just a few months ago that the biden administration, through the stroke of a pen, reinstated hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to palestine, and now, over the past two days, what we witnessed? hamas, now newly funded, and their terrorists, again, their charter calls for the destruction of israel, they have lobbed nearly 500 plus rockets into israel, and all-out war could be breaking out before our eyes in the middle east, and as you can see here, many of the rockets were intercepted mid air
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by israel's sophisticated iron dome missile defense system, thank god, but sadly, some came crashing down at random into neighborhoods and towns and cities all across israel, killing three civilians. in response, rightly so, israel launched targeted air strikes over gaza, reportedly killing four commanders from hamas and the islamic jihad, as well as dozens of others. prime minister netanyahu vowing to defend his country and warning that militants will pay a very heavy price for these rockets. an intense counterterrorism campaign inside of gaza is now imminent, and of course, if washington, d.c., or new york or los angeles was ever attacked by a terrorist organization with, oh, hundreds of rockets, the u.s. would defend its people with overwhelming force. as would any other country on earth. but right on cue, we have two of the democratic party's top
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leaders, known and anti-semites based on past statements, cumbersome until they become a congressman omar accusing israel of terrorism. hey, nancy, joe, chuck, are you accepting this? the squad rules over pelosi, biden, and schumer, of course, they remain silent instead of condemning the all powerful new deal radical socialist leadership because they cower in fear, and unfortunately tonight, joe biden has said absolutely nothing, as our biggest ally in the middle east has been facing this barrage of rockets, joe has likely had his sippy cup of milk, this hour, 9:03 on the east coast, and our closest ally fighting for their very survival. survival. here with the latest on the ground in israel, at the israel-gaza border is our own trey yingst. trey? >> sean, good evening.
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a massive escalation tonight by the factions inside gaza, who fired dozens of rockets towards israel's second-largest city, tel aviv, just before we came on with you here, sean, there were more rockets fired from the gaza strip, and we saw different barrages from different areas of gaza. israel's missile defense system, the iron dome, was able to intercept a number of these rockets that were fired, but unfortunately, according to israeli media, there has been another fatality. they are looking into other injuries after certain rockets impacted areas in central israel. this all comes amid a day of fighting, the past 24 hours, we have seen more than 500 rockets fired from gaza into southern and central israel. it all started yesterday around 6:00 p.m. when hamas, the group in control of gaza, threatened to fire rockets toward jerusalem. they kept their promise and did just that. israel has been responding across the gaza strip with air strikes and drone strikes.
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we know at least 30 people are dead, some of them children. on the gazan side, we have also noticed islamist has launched targeted strikes by the israelis and 13 story building also destroyed, as the factions there say if any more towers are hit, they will fire more rockets toward tel aviv. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said he will use all the force he can to restore security to the area. one area of note and off in the distance we can hear explosions inside gaza, the other fighter jets targeting more positions in response to the rocket fire that just happened a few moments ago. sean? >> sean: all right, trey, great reporting. stay safe. we turn our attention back to the u.s. were 17 states as of today and washington, d.c., they have now all issued emergency declarations as their supply of oil and gas, it is now drying up, colonial pipeline system, which is the largest in america,
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has now been off-line for five consecutive days, after this cyber attack, we believe from russia-based hackers, the fbi iw who did it. this pipeline is responsible for nearly half of all the oil and gas that is used on the east coast of the u.s., including jet fuel at airports and military bases. now, more than a thousand gas stations in the southeast, they have already run out of gas. other stations experiencing very long lines, spiking prices everywhere, eerily similar to what the united states experienced under jimmy carter in the '70s. american airlines, they are not adding stops just to refuel their planes at airports away from the east coast. this is a serious situation, a full-blown crisis. biden energy secretary is more worried about semantics, how appropriate, take a look. >> this is why we are -- we know we have gasoline, we just have to get it to the right places. and that's why these next couple
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of days, i think, will be challenging, and we want to encourage people, it's not that we have a gasoline shortage, it's that we have this supply crunch, and that things will be back to normal soon, and that we are asking people not to hoard and know that we are all over this. >> sean: don't worry, the white house is monitoring the fuel shortages very closely. what the hell does that mean? and of course, even before the hack, gas prices were already spiking. why? because the biden administration, they killed off, stroke of a pen, keystone pipeline, but new restrictions on fracking, sought to artificially reduce oil and gas supply come reduce supply, supply-demand crisscross equals the price, limited supply, higher prices. all in the name of socialist climate change and the new definition of infrastructure. and now, americans, you will come of the american people, you will pay the price. gas prices are at a seven year high and they are climbing fast,
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and the u.s. is likely now more reliant on russian oil than ever before, putin, the mullahs in iran, china, countries in the middle east that hate us, they are doing laps over all of this. russia, china, and iran have funded combined to fight a proxy war against yemen in the middle east, how is that for an unholy alliance? now we are a victim of cyber attack against the u.s., and joe, i don't know, maybe you can enlist hunter, and he can help out. i mean, he has all these contacts in the russian government, you know, like the russian oligarchs, the first lady of moscow, you know, that wired $3.5 million to his company, or maybe talk to the chinese communist party officials he is in business with, or the chinese officials that took him and his family on a $100,000 international shopping spree for the biden family, or his contact in the chinese military, and of course,
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the $1.5 million deal with the bank of china, i say it is time to enlist hunter, and by the way, hunter has got to be an energy expert by now after making millions serving on the board of burisma in ukraine with ukrainian oligarchs. wright, joe? where is hunter when we need him. maybe you should call him up. he can help us with russia, he can help us with iran, china. i mean, the gas stations without gas, he is the expert, and maybe probably make a few more million dollars with such expertise. but i digress. out on sara carter was in virginia today at a gas station, experiencing long lines as drivers rushed to get whatever fuel they could. i can't wait to wait online this weekend. here with more, fox news contributor sara carter. sara, tell us what you saw today. >> sean, it was incredible. if anything, you talked about how a frightening situation across the country, it really frightened residents here in virginia. i visited three gas stations,
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one that was completely shut down by early morning, two others which had multiple people come a long, people waiting to get gas, people waiting to fill up their tanks, as well as build up extra tanks to take home with them. i want you to take a listen to this. people say this cyber attack, they put it right into the blame of the biden administration, said they want someone to rectify this and they are concerned about something more in the future. listen to what the residents had to say. >> are you concerned by what is happening here today? >> it's crazy. i was told last night that gas was going to go up $0.20 a gallon so i filled all my vehicles up and all of my gas cans. now today, there is no gas. >> my mother-in-law actually texted me and said, watch out, there's going to be a gas shortage, and i was like, that sounds crazy, but that is in fact what is happening. >> are you surprised, seeing what is happening here today, after the cyber attacks? >> not at all. it's going to happen a lot more with the way people voted.
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>> who do you blame for all this? >> president of the united states. >> are you worried that this is a sign of worse things to come? >> yeah, it's going to be the atms, debit cards, all of that is not going to work. >> everyone i spoken to is concerned about the cyber attack. do you see it as a warning to something far worse i could happen? >> oh, absolutely. i think the whole utility, the power grid, is probably even more at risk, a more severe problem. once that goes down, that will be way more impact than this pipeline going down. >> how long do you think you have left here? >> the way this is going, we will run out of gas tonight. >> any message for president biden? >> he wouldn't understand what i'm talking about. >> who do you blame for all this? >> [laughs] biden. sorry. >> sean, americans are paying
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very close attention, and they are saying this is a wake-up call and that president biden and the administration better pay attention to what's going on here. >> sean: he already had his more milky and sippy cup and a sound of asleep right now. sara carter, investigative reporter, thank you. now it's address the anti-trump speech from congressman liz cheney. liz, i know you love all your liberal media friends that are now so appreciative of you and heaping praise on you. i hope you enjoy your 15 minutes of sanctimonious worship from the left and the mob, because they will soon go back to calling you and your father murderers soon enough. mark my words, you are being used by them. i hope you're enjoying the limelight. we will have more than a moment. first, tonight, we are monitoring another concerning issue. this is a serious one. hr 1 in the house, sr 1 in the u.s. senate, what is a huge, massive attempted power grab by the radical democratic socialist
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party. this would destroy the credibility of all future elections. or, as 120 retired generals and admirals wrote, 120 retired generals and admirals, in case you missed it, in an open letter, "hr 1, sr 1, if passed, that would destroy election fairness, while democrats to forever remain in power, violating our constitution, and ending our representative republic. this bill would give washington, d.c., as democrats control over every aspect of our elections, and it removes, you know, important, simple checks and balances like voter i.d. if you want to get a jewel pot like i have come or a pack of cigarettes, or a six-pack of beer, or visit joe or your elected congressman or woman or senator. or to get into a dnc convention. in other words, as "the new york times" rightly said, it invites fraud, it invites abuse. simply put, the bill must be
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defeated. that means lisa murkowski, mitt romney, ben sasse, and company, they actually need to do their job for once. unless, of course, you want your state to turn into the socialist utopia of california. you will love this tonight. gavin newsom, yep, is now planning to give direct $500 payments to all of the states' illegal immigrants. i think they gave a previous payment. new york is following suit, new jersey is now following suit, this might well be a pretty costly venture for newsom. sounds like a vote buying to me. get this, according to u.s. customs and border patrol and protection, there were over 178,000 apprehensions in april! well, that's up just 17,000 from april of 2020, which represents what would be a 944% increase of illegal crossings thanks to joe's open border crisis, unmitigated disaster, that he
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created in the middle of a pandemic, where he had to build out the cages for children that are now living on top of each other in the middle of covid. but according to the biden administration, there is no crisis at all. you just can't believe your lying eyes. here with reaction from a former acting director of national intelligence, ric grenell, former acting dhs secretary chad wolf, ric, got to first ask youe you getting into this race in california? >> well, have until about august or september to figure that out. we are considering it. my criteria is just looking at the long term. how do you fix this for the long-term? how do you make sure that it is not just a flash in the pan? i want to do to california what stacey abrams did to georgia. and i think it's going to take about four years, and so we have launched this thing called fix california. it's a pac that is focused on every single county in california. you can go to and check out all the details.
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>> sean: all right, chad, you look at the numbers, i just laid them out. your reaction? because they are saying it is not a crisis. >> well, sean, i would say the numbers speak for themselves. it is absolutely a crisis and the fact you have over 178,000 illegal apprehensions in one month alone is just outstanding. it's, i mean, it's beyond words. and for the administration to continue to say that the border is closed and the border is secure when thousands and thousands of folks are coming, and these are just the ones you we apprehend, you have to remember, there are thousands and thousands a month of gott-aways. we have no idea who is coming over the border. the inauguration and shortly after election day, brought this on the american people, on top of the covert crisis, there is a humanitarian and border crisis. under the trump administration, we had policies in place that
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worked. >> sean: like stay in mexico. be eliminated catch and release. that is now back. border wall construction is back. i don't know, california, your state, ric grenell, is a sanctuary state. you have sent you a cities on top of it. they won't follow the law of the land. why do i believe sean hannity? i'm not particularly loved by liberals. if i spit on the sidewalk, which i wouldn't do, or jaywalk, which i might do, why do i believe i would probably go to jail if i am aiding and abetting lawbreaking and not following the laws, rather than change them, they just ignore them. the people that did not respect our borders, laws, sovereignty, they are getting paid by the likes of gavin newsom and andrew cuomo and governor murphy and other governors, as well. how is it that we have now institutionalized lawbreaking, aiding and abetting, and nobody seems to bat an eyelash?
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>> yeah, it's really outrageous. it starts from washington all the way to sacramento. we've got political prosecutions. you look at what happened to rudy giuliani versus the durham report, you can send you a there is a protection around certain people to ignore the law, advocate for ignoring the law, the duplicity is outrageous, and i say this -- we don't have a fight between republicans and democrats anymore, we have a fight between washington, d.c., and the rest of america. just take the pipeline, sean. that was an intelligence failure the biden administration. a total intelligence failure that has now impacted millions f people in the pocketbook. they've got to get it together. they've got to be held to account for the washington media. there should be no more double standards. the american people see it. >> sean: all right, ric grenell, chad wallach, thank you for being with us.
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joining us for more on the financial applications of all of this chaos, former director of national economic -- host of "kudlow," larry kudlow. let's start with the price of fuel and the price at the pump, already rising, i would say that means that is a tax, if you will come into the american people, only four short months ago, we were energy independent for the first time in 75 years. big transformation. and now, prices go up, that means everything pretty much we buy in every store, doesn't that mean we are going to pay more because the cost of trucking and transportation goes up? the price of lumber has been going up, corn is going up, soybeans are going up, janet yellen is talking about inflation and rising interest rates. tell me what i am missing. >> well, look, gasoline prices are up about $0.12 in the last week. that is according to aaa. they are the best on that.
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i think the big issue here with continental's this is the ransomware, they were the ones who were cyber hacked. if continental can't get back into business by friday, experts tell me all bloody hell is going to break loose. you are talking about the electric grid. you are talking about no supplies in the gasoline stations. you could also be talking about schools and banks and law firms and office buildings. they basically have until friday. we don't know much from colonial. it's kind of an old-style utility, in pipeline country, and they ain't saying much, but this is not an easy thing, sean, and i want to step back for one second here. you've got this ransomware, okay, this is a russian-backed operation. make no mistake about it. listen to general jack keane,
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for example. these are cyber hackers in russia, and if they are not working directly for the government, they are moonlighting, but it is the same thing because russia calls the tune. and i want to link this to the middle east. i think this is terribly important. they are testing the biden administration, and the biden administration, so far, is failing. iran does not have any money, but russia, iran's ally, has lots of money, so they are triggering hamas to start some new holy jihad against israel, a test. let me read what president trump said today, i don't know if you saw this, very important. he said he was the peace president because israel's adversaries knew that the united states strongly -- stood strongly with israel and they would be swift retaliation if israel was ever attacked.
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well, there is no swift retaliation, and president trump goes on, hunter biden, the world is getting more violent and more unstable, because biden's weakness and lack of support for israel is leading to new attacks on our allies. this also has to do with john kerry, the climate czar in a state department, for heaven's sake, all he wants to do is make a new terrible deal with iran. we are not backing israel. russia is promoting a war against israel. and meanwhile, russian cyber hackers are going to ruin our gasoline, our transportation, and our electricity grid. this is a terrible position for biden to be in, and so far, he and his folks have said nothing, absolutely nothing. they are in over their heads. >> sean: yep, and when you add the attack by the russians, the alliance between china, russia,
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and iran, fighting a proxy war, not sticking up for our ally in israel, you think prices are bad now, they will get worse. larry kudlow, thank you. coming up, dr. fauci exposed by senator rand paul today. daughter marty makary is going to join us. stephen miller, they react, straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ i want to see you stand up ♪ ♪ i want to feel you be proud ♪ ♪ i want to hear your beating heart ♪ ♪ live out loud ♪ ♪ you can do it on your own ♪ ♪ stand up now ♪ ♪ be proud, yeah ♪ ♪ stand up now ♪ ♪ live out loud, oh ♪♪
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♪ ♪ >> sean: earlier today, senator rand paul pressed dr. fauci on evidence that a u.s. virologist was working with the wuhan lab on controversial, what's called a gain-of-function research, and that it was partly funded by the nih. well, fauci denies, you decide. take a look. >> we have 11 labs doing it and you have allowed it here, we have a committee to do it but
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the committee has granted every exemption. you are fooling with mother nature here. you are allowing super viruses to be created with a 15% mortality. it is very dangerous, and it was a huge mistake to share this with china. >> again, we have not funded gain-of-function research on this virus in the wuhan institute of virology -- >> you are parsing words. there was research done, they have collaborated on gain-of-function research, where they enhanced the sars virus to infect human airway cells, and they did it by merging a new spike protein on it. that is gain-of-function. that was joint research between the wuhan institute and dr. barrett. you can't deny it. >> sean: remember over the last year, doom and gloom, dr. flip-flop fauci has continued to evolve his stances on vax masks, vaccines, everythg in between, here is a small
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sample of that and now. you decide also. >> people right now should not be worried, no reason to be walking around with a mask. >> now is not the time to pull back. >> you have to wait a few weeks before you see the effect of what you are doing right now. >> there is an end to this, we just have to hang in there event. i think one of the rescuing elements is going to be a vaccine. >> i hope the next mother's day we are going to see a dramatic difference than what we are seeing right now. i believe that we will be about as close to back to normal as we can. >> sean: okay, keeps changing day by day. get this, an explosive report from "the new york times" finds that the cdc grossly exaggerated the risk of outdoor transmission, wrongly claiming that there was roughly a 10% chance of transmission when, in reality, yeah, the number was less than 1%. here with reaction, former white house senior advisor steve miller and professor at john
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hopkins school of medicine, fox news contributor, marty makary is with us. marty, we will start with you,, and your take. they have been wrong. the only thing they seem to really have gotten right, the scientists, and the medical researchers, the people that were right where the doctors on the front lines, you know, killing themselves every day's, putting their own lives at risk, but they were right about regeneron. they did develop therapeutics, we did get three vaccines in a year. which was historic. they broke down the sequence of the virus in record time. this had never happened before. but on the other hand, everything else pretty much they got wrong except for, yeah, this greatly impacts over older people with comorbidities, pre-existing conditions. >> if you look at the track record of the cdc and our public officials, they have been incredibly wrong consistently. they were wrong on warning about the pandemic, they were wrong on the testing system, on the mask
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guidance, on vaccine allocation strategy, on schools, now even summer camps. if you look at the guidance on summer camps, look at that to be 6 feet apart out-of-doors with the masks, unless they are in bunks from head to toe sleeping in nonparallel fashion, in which case they can be 3 feet apart. dr. fauci is smart, they know the absurdity of all of this and they are complicit in these strategies that are keeping things shut down and keeping the restrictions going. on the nih thing, why are we funding research characterizing bat viruses? even if there was no gain-of-function research, which they're very well may have been, there's a million viruses in the world. why are we trying to characterize them in a lab when we know respiratory viruses have lab accidents frequently, and that is what i really believed happen here. >> sean: well, the whole point is they got everything wrong. now the question is, even "the new york times," stephen miller, they don't get very much right at all, and fake news cnn, and msdnc, even
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they are asking the question, okay, why is joe biden, goes to visit a 96-year-old former president, 93-year-old first lady, they are outside, they are socially distant, jill and joe vaccinated, they have their masks on outside vehicle to enter the home of the carters, they are right on top of them with no mask on. these are older people, i thought to protect older people, that is what they said. and then, vaccine works, why are they wearing the mask when they leave the carter residence? can you explain that to me? because that makes no sense to me. >> if you think you were trying to protect the elderly, somebody, a former president close to 100 years old, you would think would top that list, if that is what you are trying to do. but what this gets down to is virtue signaling versus science. closing schools, it's virtue signaling. wearing a mask outside, alone, in the woods, in the park, while you are running, while you are jogging, that is virtue signaling. that is not science.
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in this administration's decision to tell people that even after you get vaccinated, you still have to lock down, you still have to live in fear, is an anti-vaccination push. they are keeping people from getting vaccinated by spreading that message. it is self-defeating. i'll say one other thing. about the origins of this virus that you've been talking about, sean, three of the people that i trust the most on this issue, secretary of state mike pompeo, china expert, debbie national security advisor, cdc director under trump robert redfield, they all believe the preponderance of the evidence shows that i did in fact originate in a chinese lab, which means that what china did makes the soviets disaster in chernobyl looks like child's play. >> sean: you know, doctor, let me ask a question. my advice to my audience, everyone seems to be obsessed with sean hannity needs to tell people what to do. now, i don't practice medicine,
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doctor, without a license. you are the professional. now, i interview people of varying points of view, some that i agree with, some that i don't agree with, especially early on, we were all trying to figure this thing out there go some people had ideas i agreed with. some had ideas i didn't disagree with but let them decide. my advice to people as they need to protect older people, those with pre-existing conditions, comorbidities, compromised immune system, protect mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, where the mask around them, et cetera, all for that. the idea is you've got to research, it's all available, it's called google, it is not difficult to do, research the difference between pfizer, moderna, johnson & johnson vaccine, but let's say i'm telling people to get the j&j vaccine, which i personally happen to like the best, and a woman 18-48 takes my advice, and she happens to be one of the women that ended up getting a blood clot. i wouldn't like to have that on my conscience because i am not a
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professional and i don't know what existing conditions they have come about after the studies, people should consult the doctors and medical professionals they trust. do you think everybody should be telling everyone else what to do when they don't know anything about the medical condition of other people? >> a very low community risk of coronavirus, and they are correct. they are hearing public health officials send a completely wrong message, a message that is based on a policy that by nature policy as they get entrenched, they going to place indefinitely. what we are seeing right now is a remnant policy from days, months ago, and the reality is that 8 out of 10 people walking around have immunity. about 6 out of 10 adults have immunity from vaccination, and about half of those on vaccinated have natural immunity, so when the public perceives that the daily cases and the case fatality rate and the new hospitalizations today are well below that of a mild flu season in the middle of that
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flu season, they are correct, and what we have right now is a loss of the credibility of public health officials, the longer that they are out of step with the general public -- >> sean: i don't think dr. steve miller or dr. sean hannity have a right to tell people what to do. now what i am urging, i do believe in science, and i believe in vaccinations. particularly, after i study everything, i leaned on the j&j shopped. my own personal, after reading everything for a variety of reasons, but is it wrong for people without any medical background or any knowledge of somebody's medical condition to be offering and demanding medical conformity like this? >> well, look, whatever happened to taking care of your own body? go ahead. >> sean: oh, you mean the freedom -- you should not be told what people can and cannot do to their own body? steve, last word. >> i think at the end of the day, what this really comes down to is government experts who want to be in emergency mode
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forever. lockdowns forever. masks forever. i want science. vaccines, treatments, therapy, and normal life. >> sean: be smart, protect the people you love. follow the science. read, talk to your doctor or doctors. you don't need to talk to people on tv and radio. that aren't doctors. when we come back, the left continues its assault on election integrity and all police vehicle governor ron desantis of florida, he is next, he will outline florida's new election law and much more straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ comfort in the extreme. ♪♪ the lincoln family of luxury suvs. ♪♪
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florida for in person learning since august. restaurants, they have been open since the fall. florida safely reopened while protecting seniors the entire time. big blue states failed, suffered under disastrous lockdown policies that were pushed by, let's see, cuomo, murphy, whitmer, wolf, gavin newsom, and it does not stop there. florida is also prioritizing election integrity, the governor signing into law a bill that bans ballot harvesting and forces voter i.d., limits the uses of drop boxes, addresses the concern of unsolicited mail-in ballots, and that is not all, florida also cracking down on rioting, enforcing law and order, supporting our brave men and women in law enforcement, governor desantis announcing a $1,000 pandemic bonus for all of florida's first responders. meanwhile, in new york, they are defunding the police, $1 billion in new york city, launching vicious attacks on cops on a daily basis, shooting, you know,
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shootings have skyrocketed a whopping 86% compared to 2020. a record year. that was double the number of 2019. here to explain more, florida governor ron desantis. let's start with the state of emergency and the oil and gas shortage, governor. >> well, sean, this is something that is a very serious attack on critical infrastructure in our country. this pipeline actually doesn't touch florida, but it does feed into many of our gas stations, so we declared a state of emergency, lifting strict restrictions to get more fuel io pumps, but the biden administration needs to take this seriously. their initial response, oh, this is a private pipeline and shrug your shoulders, this is important infrastructure for our country and it could impact our economy greatly if they don't respond. >> sean: five things i think are needed for voter integrity and confidence: voter i.d., common sense, signature verification, i think that is common sense, chain of custody, it's got to be sacrosanct, and we keep an eye on it, leaning up
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voter rolls, and the law of statutes says partisan observers can observe, both sides, i think that ought to be maintained and respected. it wasn't in 2020. your thoughts? >> well, sean, we are very proud of what we did in florida in 2020. you and i talked about it, counted 11 million votes by midnight, very transparent, and people had confidence in the results. at the same time, i don't believe in standing proud. we go on offense. we look forward to heading off problems. the fact is we can't have ballot harvesting. it is prone to fraud. we've got to have voter i.d. enforced, strictly. we are doing that in the state of florida. another thing we did which is very important, we band these third-party private groups from spending millions of dollars tor elections, like zuckerberg did. they call him zucker bucks, we have banned that in the state of florida. we are proud of what we did in 2020. we believe the strength of this package is such that we will
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also be strong in '22 and '24. >> sean: how come you're schools in florida -- i remember interviewing you early on when the pandemic struck. used every state agency, and you instructed them to protect the elderly, which you have a very high elderly population in florida. that turned out to be the wisest decision of any governor in the country. and there were a few others, to their credit, that did the same thing. we saw what happened when they didn't do that. you were able to get schools opened in august. you were able to keep restaurants open. why couldn't these other governors follow your lead? >> well, i think they embraced failed policies, sean, which last march and april, okay, this is a new thing, but man, the data came in by the end of april and they should have reversed course. they didn't. we have had schools in person, as you said, we have a successful school year, it is coming to a conclusion over the next couple of weeks, and we
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are proud of that, but just think of all the millions of kids who were locked out of school for over a year in places like california. that is going to have ramifications for our society for years and years, and i can't tell you, sean, every time i go out, someone will come up to me and say "thank you for keeping us open. you save my job or you saved my business. we know if we were in other states like california and new york, i know my job would be gone, or i know my business would be gone, so we are proud s that we've had. we obviously have more to do going forward, but the damage of those lockdowns are going to reverberate in this country for a long time. >> sean: your support for the police. you know, it was kind of refreshing to see one state at least recognize the hard work that they do every day. something you can afford. how is that all these states have, you know, less population, even, than your state, but you have half the budget size that they do and better
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infrastructure? just trying to figure out the math with new york state income tax. >> new york has over twice the budget we do, and we have millions of more people than they do, and so we are proud of the way we have managed it. it has given us an ability to do something like provide law enforcement bonuses. sean, they have a tough job. they were treated horribly in many parts of the country for the entire year. we stood by them in florida 100%, but we also recognized, this was a very challenging year, so this is one way for us to say thank you, and another way, the bill you mentioned, the anti-rioting bill, provides additional support for the police, and it says very simply, the local government tries to defund law enforcement, the state of florida will veto that, we will make sure law enforcement is funded, and if people are rioting, they are damaging property, attacking police, they are going to go to jail and we are going to stand by the men and women in uniform. >> sean: you might be seeing me more often in florida, in case you've been reading the news. just saying. >> well, sean, i told you, the
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driver's license can be minted very quickly. you just got to give me a call. we will get that done, and we will also -- >> sean: they are going to accuse me of getting special favoritism treatment. i will go the hard ground and fight that dmv. thank you, governor. breaking news, israeli defense forces saying tonight they have struck a building used by hamas as its intelligence headquarters. we are awaiting confirmation that that building was destroyed. this is big news. we will get it to you as soon as possible. when we come back, we have a lot more news straight ahead, including critical race theory and much more. ♪ ♪ >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple loves camping adventures and their suv is always there with them. so when their windshield got a chip, they wanted it fixed fast. they drove to safelite autoglass for a guaranteed, same-day, in-shop repair. we repaired the chip before it could crack. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them.
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emergency planning for kids. we can't predict when an emergency will happen. so that's why it's important to make a plan with your parents. here are a few tips to stay safe. know how to get in touch with your family. write down phone numbers for your parents, siblings and neighbors. pick a place to meet your family if you are not together and can't go home. remind your parents to pack an emergency supply kit. making a plan might feel like homework, but it will help you and your family stay safe during an emergency.
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it's beauty, - [macaw vo] pretty boy. - or the beast. but it will help you and your family stay safe - the beauty, - [macaw vo] pretty boy. has failed. the beast, john cox, will open schools, get our economy roaring. learn about california's nicest, smartest beast at ♪ ♪ >> sean: earlier this week, aft teachers union president
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randi weingarten defended the 6019 projects, and she further went on to make the case on other issues. it comes as g.o.p.-controlled legislature is in at least half a dozen states are taking up proposals that would ban or limit the teaching of what is called critical race theory. states like idaho, tennessee have outright banned it. text is expected to soon follow. here to explain more, fox news contributor, leo 20 toronto, cindy syndicated radio host dana loesch. you are very angry about this theory, why? >> yes, because i was a former history teacher and government teacher, and i still have my license, and i want to be very clear to your viewers, critical race theory should not be in education because it is a lie about the history and the foundation of this country, and that union president made those outrageous, slanderous statements, solely because he does not want to be canceled by the people that support her, the
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democratic left. critical race theory is racist. it's racist. and it's a lie. if people went to public schools and private schools were never taught that this country was motivated to declare its independence because it wanted slavery, if they live. >> sean: dana? >> i feel everything leo says except the part about being a history teacher. kudos to you for that, leo. but it is true. why is this even being taught in our schools? because we have had a number of black-and-white academic scholars, historians, members of the general public, who have come out and fact-checked this project, and even -- admitted herself she took liberty with the truth, so to speak, in this thing. "the new york times" had to walk it back. when you are lying and rewriting history with these bad-faith gestures in these initiatives like this, that is not education, that is propaganda. their teaching, as leo said, they are teaching bigotry and
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division. this is hateful. >> sean: you know what is sad, dana? why don't they teach reading, writing, math? 13 public high schools in baltimore, they don't have one child proficient in reading and math. can you imagine a bigger failure than that? >> that's awful. that is what we are focusing on, fabrication, fairy tales like race theory, and not those important subjects. and sean, i will have you know, my town, we have a big old battle over the scoreboard and city council and those candidates are being sworn in tl ceremony, and kudos to them, parents can push back on this. >> sean: by the way, leo, when you get larry's 1.0 had come i think you need to get a dana 1.0 had, just saying. >> i love dana. >> sean: that's going to be your biggest -- all right, our video of the day next. ♪ ♪
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or call 1-877-866-8555. at aspen dental, today is the day to take back your smile. why wait? we're here nights, weekends and right now, to give you exceptional care and 20% off your treatment plan. new patients, take the first step with a complete exam and x-rays that are free without insurance. because our nationwide network of over 1,500 doctors at 900 locations all have one goal — to make you smile, today. start now. call 1-800-aspendental or book online at >> sean: before we go couldlook.
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a big reaction from attorney general paxton. it started last week when blm protesters shut down traffic. one man got out of his cart. if our left mob disturbed him. he was the only one arrested. paxton is sounding off on the demonstrators in the police guessing i will never allow our texas cities and neighborhoods to become portland. let not your heart be troubled. laura, hi. >> laura: , texas is the place to be, other than florida, tennessee, south carolina. >> sean: i'm making a proposal tonight. i would like to negotiate that the fox news channel lead new york city in news headquarters. >> laura: i'm sure we will have a lot of takers on that, sean. i mean, come on. cuomo makes it -- >> sean: what do i think nobody is going to care what i think. i don't know. i'm just. >> laura: florida is looking pretty good
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