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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  May 13, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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we have the benefit of having been liberated and having equal citizenship in the richest country on the planet, so it's our country. >> brian: got you. professor lowry, thank you so much. it is a privilege to have you on the show. thank you for watching "prime time." i'm brian kilmeade. i will see you next time. coming up now, tucker. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening, and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." loudoun county virginia right outside washington, d.c., was for a very long time, for generations, a reasonable place. it was orderly and calm, well-maintained. loudoun county famously worked, certainly in contrast to the city nearby. and then to go things happened to loudoun county. first, lots of federal money flowed in. all those government contracts
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in washington made loudoun county rich beard in fact, loudoun county is now the single richest county in the entire united states. and that has been a problem because any place you find easy money, you will also inevitably find large numbers of unhappy white liberals, those brittle neurotics with the masks on screaming at everyone else to get in line. loudoun county has a whole bunch of those people now. it also has a huge number of immigrants. one out of every four people of loudoun county was born in another country. now in general, most immigrants are not very liberal, at all, actually. in fact, many of them have what would now be described as extreme right wing positions social issues. if you ever have a chance, ask a salvadoran what he thinks of transgender is on. it'll make you laugh, probably nervously, look around to see if anyone heard it. as a practical matter, it does not matter at all what immigrants, what salvadorans or pakistanis think of social issues or how they organize their own families.
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immigrants vote overwhelmingly for the democratic party, and those votes give more power not to them, but to those unhappy white liberals who want to blow everything up. and that's why, mystery solved, in a lot of places with high level of recent immigrants tend to be far more liberal than those immigrants themselves. it's interesting. and that is definitely true in loudoun county, virginia. take a look at the schools if you don't believe it. loudoun county used to have famously good schools. people wanted to send their kids to those schools. now those schools are run by lunatics who hate the country. it happened fast. it always does. here's a video from a county school board meeting just two days ago. the first person you're going to see in this video is a middle school teacher called andrea weiss cough. now come as you watch this, keep in mind that andrea weiss cough is actually a middle school teacher, not a paid actor. we did not make her up to prove a point. she is entirely real, down to the ostentatiously displayed pronouns in her twitter bio.
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here it she is explaining how the book "to kill a mockingbird" about the rest of us assumed abt why racism is bad how isitself t causes something called racial trauma due to the fact there are white people in it. >> it's funny how they are so afraid of their children seeing another view of sexuality, gender, or religion. if you want to talk about books that are assigned, let's read "to kill a mockingbird" together. if you aren't willing to consider the racial trauma this assigned book causes black children with its white saviorism, then you have no business discussing any books. >> tucker: oh, so if you don't consider "to kill a mockingbird" racist, says andrea weiskopf, then "you have no business discussing any books." can you imagine what this lady's personal life must be like?
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miserable does not even begin to describe it. desperate. "tucker carlson today" fourish. if she somehow looks familiar, there is a reason for that. you have heard a lot of lectures like this recently from people like andrea weiskopf. stupid people telling you what you are allowed to say and read. that is essentially 2021 summed up in a single sentence. the scariest part is there telling your kid the exact same thing, all day, every day, in school. so what effect is that having on your kids, on all of our kids, on the country itself? well, over time, the effect is unimaginable. for the last year, most parents have put up with this. either they did not know it was happening where they felt powerless to stop it from happening. they were afraid to object, to speak up, as lunatics like andrea weiskopf hurt their children. but that is changing, finally. some parents have had enough of this. watch this mother at this week's loudoun county school board meeting. >> a tactic used by hitler and the ku klux klan very many years
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ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves. crp is racist, abusive, discriminates against one color. let me educate you, and honest dialogue does not oppress. and honest dialogue does not have hatred or injustice. it is to communicate without deceiving people. today, we don't need your agreement. we want action for what we ask for today, to ban crp. i do come down here today to tell you to your face that we are coming together and we are strong. this will not be the last. >> tucker: oh, yeah! the woman you just saw is called chantel cooper, and she deserves an award. someone please give her an award. critical race theory is racist, says chantel cooper, and she is absolutely right. it certainly is racist. it is obviously aggressively, flamboyantly racist. hurting people because of their skin color is the entire point
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of critical race theory. there is no other point of it. and yet, it is now federal policy. last month, the department of education proposed a regulation x tax dollars to the race hustlers who traffic in this poison. the administration cited the work of the remix candy, real name henry rogers, and the 1619 project headed by nicole hannah jones. what are these people like? well, we are going to show you. the show has obtained a clip of an event held a few days ago by the department of education in oregon, a portland professor ethan johnson who supposedly chairs the schools black studies department. according to this ethan johnson, and you may be surprised to learn this, slavery is still going. >> one of the things that is really important, i think, is
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to -- as it is still here. suggest it is over, and i would suggest that slavery is still here. the idea of slavery is still here. and we are living that. >> tucker: okay. so the civil war never happened. turns out that your ancestors weren't killed or maimed trying to end slavery. abraham lincoln never signed the emancipation proclamation. slavery is still underway. that is the view of some guy who is literally claiming to be a college professor. but he's not alone. people like that are in charge of the schools now. low iq vandals wrecking what they did not build, from the very bottom to the very top, they are everywhere. we can give you endless examples. here is just one because it happened just hours ago. the state of california announced its new mathematics framework for students across the state, our biggest state. one of the authors of this
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framework is a stanford professor called joe boler. here is how she explained the plan, these are her words, "i am very pleased to announce the new mathematics framework for california." some highlights? a strong social justice orientation. all students should take the same courses, kindergarten through tenth grade, viva la math revolution. numbers are racist, kill them. it is lunacy. it is the french revolution. this stuff is everywhere. are you taking a look at the books your kids are being assigned in school? have you actually read them? parents of loudoun county actually did read them and one mother had the temerity to read portions of those books aloud at the loudoun county school board meeting. watch. >> jasper wasn't even my boyfriend, just this dude i did some hacking with once in a while. he was pretty basic library system, low security [bleep], not in my leak at all, but he had a big [bleep] and sometimes a girl just needs a big [bleep].
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>> her top lip curled up. wait a minute, is that what is really going on? she didou ate her [bleep]? is that why you are crying? it's okay. it's cool. this is what girls do at parties, i told myself, and kept dancing with the boy. i couldn't see, the alcohol making -- if this is inappropriate for me to read to you, this is inappropriate for our children. >> how much did the billion-dollar porn industry contribute? my question is are you going to use the whole language approach to coincide with this bible reading and teach pole dancing in p/e? >> tucker: no, that was not "to kill a mockingbird" with scout and boo radley. that is racist. what you just heard were excerpts from antiracist books that have been officially approved by loudoun county teachers. here is a man called brandon me sean, trying to read more from those books.
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daring to read aloud from the books that loudoun county children are told to read. watch how they try and shut him up as he does. >> i'm going to read an expert from a freshman honors english class in stonebridge. "she is a -- [bleep] every dude on the court." it is time for lc ps to get their act in order. the curtain has been pulled back and people can now see the deficient leadership. my five euros being peddled transgender books in her library, teenagers are being served pornography under the guise of young adult literature. do something! be a leader! the citizens of this county deserve better and if you are not willing to do it -- >> please cover your nose with your mask? >> what the freak? give me ten seconds back. >> sarah, you know the rules. thank you.
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>> tucker: where your mask when you criticize us! it's a pandemic! in the end, they just cut off his mic. on this show, we are happy to hear what he has to say, so that man, brandon michon, joins us right now. brandon, thanks so much for coming on. you were told to wear your obedience mask when you speak to your elders, and then in the end, they just shut off the p.a. system and would not let you talk at all. so finish her sentence, if you would come on the show. we are not going to cut your mike. what were you trying to tell the school board of speed 21? >> the message to the school board's parents are fed up and the curtain has been pulled back, across the u.s., in the education system, and what we are seeing and what you saw in the videos you posted before, the children are being shown material that hollywood can't even make into a movie that they can watch, so i'm just asking for them to step up and be
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leaders, and if you're not willing to do it, step aside, or if you're not willing to do it, find a way for others to you know find a solution for you. >> tucker: one thing i noticed about all of the different revolutionary changes they are inflicting on our kids as they are all dumb. and the standards have been completely debased so we can't teach math because it is racist, can't teach real books because they are racist, but the things that replace math in the literature are dumb. they are not well written. they are not smart. we are making the kids dumb. are they aware of this? >> i don't know. i think every time we ask for answers, there is no response. you are seeing local officials looking to state officials who are looking to the national government who is looking backwards to state and local. what we need is our school boards to bring back to education. we need our school boards to put each other accountable. we need them to say enough's enough.
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if you have an administration who has put in material that isn't appropriate, make a change, but if you are not willing to do that, then listen to the parents because they are the ones who are having to deal with us on a daily basis. >> tucker: this is at least the second time that you have told the school board what you think. how have people in your community reacted to those widely shared videos of you telling the truth in the school board meeting? >> it's been overall positive. i have heard from people all across the country say thanks for speaking up, thanks for being an advocate for the students, but what we are trying to do at least locally is trying to get the school board members out of there. this last weekend, we got 1500 signatures to try to remove six of the board members who are actively not trying to participate and put the education first. they care more about themselves and what they post on facebook than they do about the better education of young students. >> tucker: i can't say this strongly enough. bless you for not being passive
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and for trying to fix it. really quick, do you think you can get school board members bounced? soon? >> i would hope so. we built a lot of momentum. the thing is come all across the u.s., parents are becoming vocal and what -- teachers have unions, but students don't have a union. what they have his parents who care for them and parents who want to see their best education, and what we can continue to do is fight for that. the best education for our families and our children. >> tucker: that's right. stay and fight. brandon michon, thank you so much for what you're doing and joining us tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> tucker: so all across the country, you are seeing signs, as we said a minute ago, that parents have decided this is too much. it is hurting their children. it is destroying the schools that they build, and they are not going to put up with it. one of the groups that has arisen as part of this movement is called parents defending education. erika stands he is the director of outreach at parents defending education and we are happy to have her on tonight.
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erika, thanks for coming on. tell us what you are trying to do with this group. >> tucker, thanks for having me. we at the group are doing a variety of things. essentially, we are trying to address what we see as an alarming increase in activism in the classroom, in reducing children and staff, actually, to their immutable traits, to focusing on social identities, such as their race and their gender, and forcing children now to see one another as either oppressors or as oppressed. but we are also -- we are here as a resource, and we are here to help parents gain the confidence to know they are not crazy when they feel that something is wrong and their gut is telling them something is wrong. we are here to help them. we are here to help them know what to ask, to teach them, what are these words that they are suddenly hearing constantly, what do they mean, and how do they pin the administration down on defining terms.
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we are here to teach people how to file freedom of information act requests so that they can see and connect the dots between what they are suddenly getting in emails from their schools, what their children are bringing home, and what money is being spent on that. so we are really here as a resource for lots of things. a really important point to make about this is we are inundated every single day with reports and submissions and documents and screenshots and emails from parents across the political spectrum, from every single racial group, from every single, you know, socioeconomic class. i have not seen much of anything bipartisan recently as this is a bipartisan phenomenon that almost feels like a tidal wave. >> tucker: that's exactly -- that's exactly right. i'm not even going to ask you why it has been a year of this
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before people started to fight back, but i'm just glad it is happening. really grateful it is happening. last question to you, erica. have you seen pushback from schools, and how are they responding to this? >> oh, absolutely, we see pushback from schools all the time. we see them refused to respond to questions and emails. we see them telling parents that they don't even have the right to look at their children's online assignments. we see them refusing to respond -- we see them refusing to respond to emails. and then we see them kind of, you know, again, shifting the definitions on making people feel like they are going crazy because suddenly, on the definition that they are using is shown to be toxic and damaging to children, they will quickly shift, so, yeah, we are seeing pushback. now, are there some success stories? yes, i would point to southlake, texas, as a place where we just
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recently saw some success in the community pushing back, that it takes courage, and the people that are pushing this in the schools, they are relying on parents feeling intimidated. they are relying on parents staying silent because they don't want to be called the ugly names like a racist and a trance fold and a bigot. but you have to plow through the name-calling because reducing children to their immutable traits, shaming them, is never acceptable, even when we are talking about really, really complex problems. >> tucker: that's right. it's totally immoral. you have the moral high ground. they can't do this to your children. don't put up with it. not for one second. no matter what they call you. thank you for that reminder. erica, thank to migrate to see you tonight. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: if you days ago the cdc was telling us to triple mask, which of course we did, because they told us to. now we have some brand-new guidance, that sent a lot a public health experts into a
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panic. we will tell you what it is next. ♪ ♪ (vo) jamaica. (woman) best decision ever. (vo) feel the sand between your toes, and the gentle waves of the sea on your skin. feel the warm jamaican breeze lift your spirits and nourish your soul. escape to exactly what makes your heart beat. you will love every moment.
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jamaica. heartbeat of the world. let's go.
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- hello, friends. michael youssef here. you know, the right says that christ was conservative. the left says christ was radical, but christ is the creator, god in human flesh, and he's the only one who can give you peace, and he wants to give you that peace, eternal peace. will you come to him? - [woman] are you looking for peace that can withstand any hardship that life can bring? visit to find answers. that's
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it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours?
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...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: so, the burning man festival was canceled last month because of covid-19, and then when it was, we suggested a new event take place called burning mask, five days of free breathing in the desert, open your mouth and air come in totally unimpleaded by cotton clinging to your face. today, the cdc which obviously watches the show came around to our idea and announced we actually don't need masks anymore. >> anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing a mask for physical distancing.
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>> tucker: that was rochelle walensky, the cdc director who has clearly had a kind of road to damascus conversion, just a few ago, in this very same rochelle walensky, that is her real name, was telling us she would not let her vaccinated son go to summer camp, it was that dangerous. the cdc of course was telling us all to triple mask, which we did. and turned blue from oxygen loss. they were telling people to wear masks outdoors at sporting events and concerts come on your bicycle while jogging. that is all gone now! now we don't need to wear masks. the white house has also caught onto this. they are now admitting you are allowed to ask questions about the coronavirus vaccine. whoa! >> while vaccines are great and having a massive impact, all questions that people have are reasonable, whether it is for themselves or their children. >> tucker: oh, so you are allowed to ask questions about the coronavirus vaccine. that does not make you an anti-vaxxer, but you are not
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allowed to refuse it. ask all the questions you want but in the end you will take it. if you don't, joe biden declared today, you will wear your mask forever. >> but if you have not been vaccinated, or if you are getting a 2-shot vaccine, and you have not gotten, you only had your first shot but not your second, or you are not weighted the full two weeks after your second shot, you still need to wear a mask. get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. >> tucker: president of the united states announcing that he somehow has the power to decide what you wear. hmm that has never happened before. miranda devine is not from this country but watches carefully, a columnist with "the new york post." miranda, thank you for coming on. i have just one question and it is a totally sincere question, as most questions on the show are. if you have been vaccinated, and more power to you, not against it at all, why are you worried about whether or not other
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people wear masks? how are mask less people or any people regardless of infection status a threat to you if you have been fully vaccinated? honestly? >> well, honestly, i do think it is because of this conduct of herd immunity, that the more people who get vaccinated, the more the virus receives, and eventually would be stabbed out like mumps and polio and so on. the fact is that this government, this administration, has done a terrible job of selling the vaccine. you have -- the science has not changed for this miraculous, hollow blue today where suddenly we are told the bleeding obvious, which is if ye vaccinated you do not need to wear a mask, but joe biden was one of the first people in the country to get vaccinated back in december, and he has been clinging to his mask like a
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security blanket ever since. a couple weeks ago, he came outside and gave a press conference because of the cdc had announced you did not need to wear a mask outside if you had been vaccinated. and he wore a mask to the podium outside to announce that. and, you know, he just sends the message with everything he has done that he does not believe that the vaccines work. >> tucker: well right. that is exactly right. >> people are going to be skeptical. >> tucker: you make the the point so clearly. he and his ridiculous vice president kissing her husband while both wearing masks outside after they have been vaccinated, displays like that have done more than any anti-vaxxer or for a offer but in figures like robert kennedy jr., whoever and i guess is required to hate for some reason. way more than any of those people, kamala and joe biden have undermined confidence in the vaccine.
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>> they did it from day one. remember when they were saying that they did entrust a vaccine that donald trump had anything to do with? andrew cuomo in new york was going to set up his own little test lab to figure out if the vaccine actually worked, and then he got desperate because new yorkers were saying we don't want it. you know, it's a very delicate thing. when they had the pause after the johnson & johnson vaccine had a few blood clot issues, coupled with their sort of mixed messages on the vaccine, of course vaccine take up went down the tube. they don't believe in the vaccine, and yet, they are forcing everybody to wear masks. it makes no sense. >> tucker: if she was kissing her husband wearing a mask outside after being vaccinated, that does not inspire confidence at all. that's weird, too.
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miranda, thank you. weird. really weird. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: so, the ar-15 is the most popular rifle in america. most people who buy ar-15s are law-abiding, very few crimes are committed with an ar-15. may be for this reason it is also the target of a a lot of heat from the left. it is the most hated rifle in america, it is a weapon of war. but what is it exactly? we decided it would be worth taking an honest look at the ar-15. what is it? and that forms the basis of our latest episode of "tucker carlson originals," our new documentary series, out today on fox nation. really interesting. straight ahead. ♪ ♪ our retirement plan with voya, keeps us moving forward. hey, kevin! hey, guys! they have customized solutions to help our family's special needs... hey, graduation selfie! well done! and voya stays by our side, keeping us on track for retirement... us confidence in our future... ...and in kevin's. you ready for your first day on the job?
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i was born ready. go get 'em, kev. well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement.
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>> tucker: so, lawyers for one of the cops in the george floyd case are tonight making a major allegation against the hennepin county medical examiner. fascinating twist in that story. trace gallagher has the newest
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forest and i. hate, trace. >> hey, tucker. these were filed. they claim in may of last year, hennepin county medical examiner dr. andrew baker met with prosecutors and told them his autopsy showed no physical evidence that george floyd died of asphyxiation. the attorneys allege that a few days later, former d.c. medical examiner dr. roger mitchell called dr. baker to complain about his findings, saying, quoting here, next compression has to be in the diagnosis, adding, quoting again, "you do not want to see the medical examiner who tells everyone they did not see what they saw it. you don't want to be the smartest person in the room and be wrong." dr. mitchell then allegedly threatened to write an op-ed in "the washington post" critical of dr. baker's finding. shortly after the conversation, defense attorneys say dr. baker released his final autopsy, and sure enough, it said next compression did contribute to george floyd's death. the attorneys also claim that
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when a former medical -- maryland medical examiner testified that the cause of death was undetermined, dr. mitchell also targeted that medical examiner, wanting his license investigated. the minnesota ag's office called the allegations bizarre and says it will respond within a week. tucker. >> tucker: trace gallagher for us tonight. thank you. if that is true. hm. if so, the latest episode in our new documentary series "tucker carlson originals" is out today at it is a look at the ar-15. everyone talks about the ar-15, the most popular rifle in america. it is a weapon of war according to democratic officeholders, but what is it, exactly? you never hear anybody tell you or take an honest look at it. we did our best to do that. here is part of the latest episode. >> [bleep].
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>> as the country becomes more volatile and dangerous, many americans are buying the ar-15 for personal protection. to get a sense of how useful the gun can be for self-defense, our producers met firearms expert. >> defend your home, you can always use a pistol. or an ar-15. my name is jeff, we teach people how to stay alive. >> one of the things about pistols that a lot of people don't understand, you have to be extremely fundamentally accurate with it. your stance matters. your trigger control matters. whereas you can pick up an ar platform. this is where my pistol grip is. my hand is generally going to go here. it is a much more intuitive platform. >> there is more room.
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[gun shots] [indistinct shouting] >> tucker: we are standing, as i know some of our viewers know, on the most, the single most famous gun range in the united states is where we are right now, and it is your range. if you have an internet connection, the internet is a large appliance, basically, that brings information into your home, you are familiar with this range, if we can just get a shot of this. i swear, most of our viewers have seen this many times before. will you show us how this works on your ranch? >> what was your name again? >> tucker: sean hannity.
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>> tucker: for years, you've heard about this weapon of war, the ar-15. it's worth finding out what it really is. that episode is up tonight in the latest episode of "tucker carlson originals." of course, episode 2 on the green energy scam is already up, destroying the environment to save the environment. that is on fox nation, as well. so, some people are choosing not to take the coronavirus vaccine, and that is bothering the politicians in charge of getting them to get it. the new plan is to bribe them. rather than explaining why the vaccine is good -- probably an easy case to make -- they have decided you are so dumb that only by paying you can they get you to take the medicine. bill de blasio of course has the single dumbest idea. it's amazing, if you haven't seen it. stay tuned. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: if something is obviously an improvement, you usually don't have to bribe people to do it. you don't have to pay anyone extra to move from newark to
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naples because it is an obvious upgrade. and yet come across the country, rather than explaining why the coronavirus vaccine might be a good idea, its merits, you are seeing politicians decide they will bribe the dummies they govern to take their medicine. in ohio, for example, the governor, mike dewine, has started a million dollar lottery that is only open to people who have been vaccinated. oh! that's not patronizing or ridiculous. we asked mike to wind if he would come on tonight and explain, but he was busy, he couldn't. a new york city come of course, they are doing it. bill de blasio runs new york city, he smokes a ton of weed so he sees everything from a stoners point of view. "i'm bill de blasio come i'm so high i can't think straight, what would i want?" he has teamed up with shake shack to give free fries to anyone who has been vaccinated. we read the fine print, the maximum savings or $3.09, but when you are high, the
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details go over your head. we can prove it. >> if you say free fries and you get vaccinated, i got vaccinated. you are saying i can get this. just think of this when you think of vaccination. mmm, vaccination. >> tucker: the worst part about hosting a tv show is you have to wear an ear piece so when oafish stoners eat fries, the mouth sounds go right into your ear, and it's disgusting. we are not the only ones who feel that way. went to the archives today. this in dallas 2016 certainly applies to the filthy and stoned mayor of new york. >> look at k-6, i don't think -? he has the news conference all the time when he is eating. i've never seen a human being eat in such a disgusting
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fashion. i'm always telling my young son, baron, always with my kids, all of them, i'd say, children, small, little bites. small. this guy takes a pancake and he's shoving it in his mouth. it's disgusting. do you want that for your president? i don't think so! >> tucker: [laughs] i mean, it doesn't matter what you think of trump, you look at that, you've got to kind of miss him, because that's true. john kasich teeth like a pig. i mean, you may agree with him or not, but trump told the truth there. and so does bill de blasio. chadwick moore tells the truth, a columnist for "the spectator," and we're happy to have him on. chadwick moore, thanks so much. i just heard, mostly heard in my earpiece, bill de blasio eating fries, in a very moist way. [laughs] it made me never want to take in and fill.
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advil. >> we all had that stoner roommate in college who ate fast food for breakfast and now he just happens to be the chief executive of the nation's largest city. he's a very busy guy. that's what he's got to eat. i do think it is sort of concerning and really hypocritical, i remember president trump hosted a football team at the white house, and -- excuse me. he served mcdonald's, and the media was saying that was classist and racist. i don't know who de blasio is think he is trying with the fast food, but it seems a little bizarre. i mean come all of the people, the rich white people with their "i got vaccinated" stickers, i don't think they are eating at stakes at any time soon. >> tucker: i don't think they are. the vaccine is a serious medicine, a serious decision whether to take it, obviously idea for a lot of people to take
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it. but to encourage everyone to take it, including people who don't want to, rather than just explain why they should and make a reasonable case as you would with adults, but they are treating people like plebs, like they have total contempt for the people who they govern, not including mike dewine alike this. why are they treating the public like this? >> you know, they think they are too stupid. first of all, they said you've got to do it, and he is sort of totalitarian, they get really mad and you do not do the things you tell them to. maybe they will try to pass a law, who knows. another thing that is weird as all of these freebies with the vaccine, they are all fast food places and doughnut joints, and they are 78% according to the cdc of people who were hospitalized with covid were obese. so, why are they encouraging -- i don't think that population should really be eating more fast food. i'm not a doctor, but you know, the cdc is not really talking about that. instead, they are talking about how racism is a public health
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crisis, so i don't really know. >> tucker: that is such a good point. obesity was, i think, other than age, the biggest risk factor for diane, but they closed the gyms, and they are giving you free fast food. i don't think they care about us, chadwick moore. enjoy your fast food. great to see you tonight. >> thank you. you too. >> tucker: so, the official story is hackers -- of course, russian hackers, shutdown a a pipeline supplying most of the gasoline and diesel and jet fuel to the eastern seaboard. so, how should we respond to this, and how can we make certain that it never happens again? one ceo has an idea, and we are going to talk to him after the break. ♪ ♪
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- tommie supports my back and my life. - [narrator] go to right now and save 25%. life hurts, feel better. (vo) jamaica. (woman) best decision ever. (vo) feel the sand between your toes, and the gentle waves of the sea on your skin. feel the warm jamaican breeze lift your spirits and nourish your soul. escape to exactly what makes your heart beat. you will love every moment. jamaica. heartbeat of the world. let's go. >> tucker: they are telling us atlanta does not have gasoline because hackers shut down a pipeline. one ceo is suggesting a way to prevent that from happening again. his name is john katzman tedious, head of the united
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refining company, a subsidiary of red apple. he runs over 400 quick field and country gasoline stations on the east coast. he has a reason to think a lot about the subject. he joins us tonight. john, thanks for joining us. how do we prevent this from happening again? >> we need more agents, more technicians who do i.t. a few senators before, i suggested starting a west point type situation where we train experts, cyber people, call it the new cyber force. this is the 21st century. weird fighting different types of wars. we have space for us now. we need cyber force to fight the wars with cyber attacks. last year, our companies paid $7 billion in bitcoins to get
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the codes back to reopen up the computers. right now, i don't understand bitcoins and cryptocurrency. it seems that could be the thing of criminals and terrorists because that's how they conduct themselves. this week, it happened with the colonial pipeline. next week, it might happen with the electric grid, but we have better technicians, start a university like we have west point for the army or annapolis for the navy, train our people, and they stay with us for five years in a government job because we are losing trained people that are going off -- if our government is paying them $100,000 a year, $150,000 a year, google or facebook or twitter is gobbling them up for $300,000 a year. our companies are lacking proper people to run the companies, and
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a hacker with colonial pipeline, after three or four days, they realize they couldn't break the codes, so what do they do? well, you've got to get it moving again because the whole east coast needed gasoline, they were running out of gasoline, so you have to bite the bullet, pay the $2, catch the crooks later. you've got to go on. the company has to go on. the city has to go on. our country has to go on. >> tucker: and if you can shut down a pipeline, you can shutdown commercial air travel, the public markets, hospitals, electricity grid, shut down the entire country, there is nothing that is not vulnerable to that kind of attack. you make a really strong point. >> it's the warfare of the 21st century. we have space force. now we need cyber force. that has to happen this year, as soon as possible. >> tucker: as long as they don't use it against american citizens, i am for it.
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john, thanks so much for coming on tonight. appreciate it. >> thank you, tucker, for having me. >> tucker: thanks. as we said, our new documentary on the ar-15 is out on, and we will be back, 8:00 p.m. come every weeknight, the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. all increasing, you may have noticed. have the best night with the ones you love. sean hannity takes over 9:00 p.m. hey, sean. >> sean: tucker, thank you. welcome to "hannity." tonight the bite and administer him is in a full on paddock mode after watching one major crisis after another. desperately in search of some good news, so today, lo and behold, wow, the scientist at the cdc suddenly, they have decided that you come of the american people, can finally ditch your mask if you're fully vaccinated. once a coincidence. joe even took a walk outside, without his precious mask on.


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