tv FOX and Friends FOX News May 14, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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minutes before an explosion. officials said if not for the quick thinking of the three officers, those people would likely not have survived. officer tells suffered from smoke inhalation but will be okay. jillian: great to highlight the good things they do in our community especially this week. todd: go out there and do some good stuff on your own. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> the cdc finally coming out and saying that fully vaccinated americans do not need to wear masks. >> it should have been done weeks ago. >> followed the science. >> about damn time that we should be following the science and not playing politics. >> colonial pipeline paid nearly $5 million ransom to get it systems back online. >> this is all the result of joe biden's failed policies and chickens coming home to roost. >> we can and we must reopen schools in the fall. >> these children should be back in schools in september there was all the science in the world back then. >> parent rose up to challenge the obscene critical race theory
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that's poisoning their kids' curriculum. >> we are recalling six of the school board members. we accept this kind of behavior. >> think of this when you think of vaccination, ummmm vaccination, i'm getting a very good feeling. >> this is going to be the best day of my life ♪ my life, my life. ainsley: this is such a great day because it's friday and the cdc just announced yesterday that you don't have to wear a mask indoors or outdoors if you are fully vaccinated. every state has to come on board and announcements will be made. but we are a step in the right direction. this is amazing. steve: it we showed the capitol building in the house of representatives nancy pelosi said you are still going to have to wear a mask. and we are sitting in new york city where the governor still hasn't decided whether or not he
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is going to drop the mask mandate because, right now, the mask mandate is still in effect for new york. ainsley: said no more physically distancing and large and small gatherings. because the governor has not made the announcement yet here we are still 6 feet apart. will: new york follows the cdc i mean in follow i mean trails the cdc. the cdc trails common sense. americans out there didn't need the cdc's permission. really quickly we saw bill de blasio eating a burger. i think that was shake shack. steve: it was. will: i would put shake shack third in the power rankings. steve: what's number one. will: in and out number two. and whataburger number one. chick-fil-a is chicken. steve: i would rather have the million dollars from ohio.
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just saying. ainsley: i think we all would. free fries or a million dollars. griff jenkins joins us right now. griff, free fries or a million dollars? ainsley: easy. griff: i will take a million dollars. that would put shake shack up at the top of the list, i think behind what a burger. steve: they have good sauce. griff: messaging depend on which state you are referring to or even what businesses. but, make no mistake, this is a major milestone and return to normalcy from the pandemic from the 35 million americans are ho are fully vaccinated. visually such a stark contrast president biden wearing no mask walking up with vice president harris to the microphone and making this announcement. watch. >> the rule is very simple. get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. griff: this after the cdc issues those new guidelines from those who have gotten the shot saying you no longer have to wear a
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mask outdoors or indoors in most settings and lifting social distancing in most gatherings. while still advising people wear a mask in crowded indoor settings like public transportation or if you are feeling covid-19 symptoms. don't throw away the masks. the cdc' director also had a warning. >> this virus can be unpredictable. so if things get worse, there is always a chance we may need to make change to these recommendations. griff: as you point out, steve, on capitol hill, speaker pelosi says don't ditch the maverick instructing house members that they must still wear their mask when they are in the chamber except for when they are speaking. representative nancy mace has had reaction on "fox & friends first." >> this is a time to lead our country through this crisis and instead she is doubling down on this. we need to be encouraging vaccinations and show what that post vax life looks like. griff: now several states like new york and california have
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received these new guidelines they say they're reviewing them before unmasking anyone. and you better check with businesses before you walk in with a naked face. major chains are taking different approaches. if you are headed starbucks, kroger or home depot it appears you better be wearing a mask, cvs, walgreen's or macy's they are still reviewing their policies. if you are heading to disney world you may be likely to enjoy a mask-free vacation. this summer the v. ceo call the white house's announcement good news. will: griff is well-traveled so i respect his input on the best burger but we will have to agree to disagree. i like the phrase naked face. it's about time we can embrace the naked face. i don't know if that puts it in its proper context but how about breathing freely without a diaper over your mouth. steve: i have been wearing one of those as for a year and never thought of it as a diaper. let's bring in dr. marc siegel.
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dr. siegel, good morning to you. >> good morning i'm voting for that naked face and i also vote for shake shack by the way, will. because that's new york. shake shack is number one in new york. you've got to say it. steve: speaking of new york, governor cuomo hasn't decided whether or not he is going to listen to the cdc. you know, doctor, when you look at the mistakes that this particular governor has made, particularly regarding the nursing homes, and now the cdc is saying you don't have to wear a mask inside if you have been vaccinated, what's taking cuomo so long? >> well, look, steve, cuomo, as you know, i mean, he was readmitting patients to nursing homes that were covid-19 positive. no nursing home was ready for any covid-19 positive patients. so now is he grandstanding again. remember when he said i'm going to wait and see if i give the vaccine before i test it myself. now suddenly he is delaying this when these guidelines themselves were delayed. we have known for weeks now already that if you are
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vaccinated the transes of you transmitting covid-19 in multiple studies is way less than 1%. even testing positive, less than 1%, a study in mayo clinic looking at 35,000 people. studies in israel. actually cdc is behind the science here and as usual, the governor is way behind that. i think the mayor in this case is ahead with his french fries than the governor as usual. ainsley: dr. siegel there is confusion about this. i know businesses have a right to choose if they want their patrons to wear masks or not like kroger and home depot and starbucks you still have to wear a mask. equinox big gym in new york out in california too, they sent a in the yesterday saying you have to wear a mask we will update it. in gyms hard sweating wear a mask and hot indoors. what do you think about children in schools? because the kids, the little ones can't get vaccinated yet and many parents are going to opt out of that anyway. do they still need to wear of the masks at school? >> well, ainsley, i have always
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said about schools it has to do with your particular child. the rate of transmission is extremely low in schools. especially now with those at risk getting vaccinated like teachers and staff. and the children are not transmitting it. so i would say if your child is not going for it, no, the answer is no. they don't necessarily need to wear the mask. and the schools should be open despite that as far as businesses are concerned, here's the key. we are changing masks over to ventilation. let's work on making the ventilation good and the masks much less necessary. and, another thing that's come up by the way, i don't want the police out there saying who has got vaccines and who isn't? we are already becoming a left wing police state, aren't we? forget about enforcing this. this is the honor system. people should want to protect each other. get vaccinated and you are not going to spread covid. todd: dr. siegel let's come back to that in just a moment how do we move who is vaccinated or not. i want to follow up on something you said which i agree with. this is long past due.
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this could have happened not just weeks ago but month ago this. is science trailing common sense. that begs the question is it really science that's guiding the cdc or is it politics? i want you to listen to the cdc director dr. rochelle row ren ski. we will talk on the other side of this but here she is why they made the decision now. >> i want to be clear we followed the science here. while this may serve as some people to get vaccinated. that's not the purpose here. the purpose as a public health agency to follow the science of course this guidance is really just for individuals who are vaccinated and when they can safely do we have work ahead 6 us updating guidance as far as settings schools and camps that will be the work we have ahead of us. will: dr. siegel, it was a week ago or two weeks ago dr. wolenski said children need
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to wear a mask at summer camp unless they're swimming or something ridiculous about that. why the quick change? science couldn't have changed in the past week. >> no. science was there for weeks, will. you are making a great point. i think they were succumbing to political pressure before and now the republicans in congress are putting a lot of pressure on this. we have put a spotlight ton here and they are succumbing to the political pressure now in the right direction. so, hooray for that hooray for for the guidelines but they definitely should have been before it was politics getting in the way. i want to add one group we are not looking at yet. what about people who have gotten over covid-19 who have immunity from that? we have got studies that show they are not spreading it either, will. and how about people that had the monoclonal anti-boats. i can't give the vaccine yet. waiting weeks for the vaccine they are also not spreading it nobody is talking about that. that's an important group, too.
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steve: some in washington talking about maybe they changed the rules yesterday because the president was taking a lot of heat. there were gas lines across the country. people see an unstoppable flow of migrants across our southern border. kids can't go school. and so they change the subject. ainsley: inflation, no jobs. will: war in israel. steve: people don't want to go to work because of the so much money. looks as if the administration political. we will won't ask you to weigh in on that. the cdc should not have removed restrictions without requiring proof of vaccination. and i know you don't like a police state, doctor, but they go ton say this announcement would be very welcomed if not for one big problem. there is no concurrent requirement for proof of vaccination. without it, the cdc announcement could end up creating confusion, removing incentives for those yet to be inoculated and delaying the eventual golf herd
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immunity that would truly get society back to normal. you know what you are doing but you have no way of trusting everyone else. there is one of the story this s apparently a 21-year-old employee of that place had in his pocket 50 of the vaccination cards completely filled out. all they had to fill out were the names and going to give them to his friends and family members. so, you know, we know what we have done. you just got to trust that the person, you know, 10 feet away from you, 5 feet away from you, 2 feet away from you if they have the mask off they actually have been vaccinated. >> steve, i think this whole discussion here and this has been in the media overnight is completely crazy. by the way, i'm happy to see the president not wearing a mask on a zoom call now. you made a grate point there. we want the leader of the free world not to be contradicting himself in terms of what the guidelines are. but this idea, let's remember that we're talking about
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guidelines. this isn't a law. steve: suggestion. >> where if you violate it somebody hauls you away. hey, you over there, you are speeding. we are pulling you over. speeding 75 miles per hour not pulling you over, checking to see if you have a vaccine card and if you don't hauled away to jail for not wearing a mask? i mean, how crazy are we becoming as a society? will: very crazy. >> guidelines are meant to guide you. and smart to say. will: if i could jump. in we are getting very crearksz tiptoeing to ask americans to wear arm bands on whether or not they have been vaccinated. scientifically how does it make any sense, dr. siegel. if i'm vaccinated why do i care whether or not you are vaccinated. i shouldn't care whether or not you are wearing a mask or vaccinated. i'm protected. >> yeah. that's a great point. will, that is where the science is right now. if you are vaccinated and someone near you isn't, the science is showing you are not
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going to get covid. you are not going to carry covid. you are not going to transmit covid. so you are protected if you are vaccinated, period. that's a really good point. you don't need to check the vaccine card of the person next to you. maybe you need to give a hug at this point. ainsley: if i'm vaccinated do you need to see my card? steve: tough trust people. ainsley: the guy who stole 100 of whatever and giving to his friends there are people who make fake ids and close down colleges. that doesn't mean you need to close all the bars because there are a lot of 21-year-olds that are going to be honest about it. steve: dr. siegel, there is a story this morning, bill maher, the comedian, apparently has been fully vaccinated and yesterday he tested positive. and here in new york, a bunch of the yankee coaches tested positive. ainsley: it's not 100 percent. steve: it's not 100 percent. but it's close. >> because it's close to 100 percent, steve, and because the numbers of cases have gone
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down dramatically over the past few weeks. and because the death rate is the lowest it's been in nine months. all of that is the reason that we have to open up and we have to get rid of the mask mandates everywhere. it's all happening at the same time. it's not 100 percent but it's close enough. ainsley: we hope bill maher is going to be okay. we wish him all the best. dr. siegel, thank you so much for coming on with us. >> i vote for the mushroom veggie burger at shake shack by the way. steve: is there meat on that? will: you had a compelling argument when you made it now throwing mushrooms and vengey on your burger? credibility lost. ainsley: thanks, dr. can siegel. we will pass that information ton jillian. do you agree? jillian: milk shake and fries. ainsley: she is vegetarian not vegan. she can have the milk shake. dr. siegel, great to see you this morning. >> great to see you. ainsley: now to the preakness
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stakes. janice dean joins us from baltimore as medina spirit it results expected to be released today. steve: nice hat. janice: christine moore milliary and amanda moore beautiful dress. we are in baltimore for the second in the triple crown races. medina spirit is going to be sort of a cloud over this race because the horse tested positive for a substance after the kentucky derby. and, of course, you guys know i was in there in the barn and in bob baffert's barn. they are heart broken. they are not going to be at the preakness today. they don't want to be a distraction. me dean into spirit passed one of his drug tests yesterday. he has two more today to go through today to get to the preakness tomorrow. he is the favored horse to win if he does race tomorrow. the race time is 6:50.
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ladder to believe two weeks ago we were talking about the kentucky derby. but i have to say, you know what? the weather is going to be gorgeous. people are excited. all eyes are going to be on this race, obviously, because of the controversy. and, you know, bob baffert is a good friend of mine. and we have been in touch. they are not going to do any media but he did say he might issue a statement for us on "fox & friends" and that we would be the first show that he would come on and do after the race. so, there's the good news and, of course, we are going to be talking to d. wayne lucas. he is also a trainer of one of the horse was in the preakness tomorrow. the horse is named ram. it's actually not favored to win it is the son of american pharaoh which is of course triple crown winner. we will bring you that next hour. it's a beautiful day in baltimore. back to you will, steve and ainsley. will: horses and trainers that janice talks to. at least she is in the last one race one for one.
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anybody that janice has a special interview with they are winning. thanks so much. ainsley: thanks, jillian. jillian: that means the three of you are winning. good morning. let's go ahead and take a look at your headlines. we start off with a serious story. texas constable shot two times while chasing suspects. he is being throated at the hospital. his injuries are not life threatening. nypd officer leaves the hospital to a cheering crowd after getting shot earlier this week. [cheers and applause] jillian: how great is that? he was shot three times. once in his bullet proof vest likely saving his life it comes as a national police week vigil honors the fallen affidavitting 394 names to the national memorial wall. a manhunt is underway for the gunman who injured 9 people. >> three criticalfully providence rhode island. police believe it is the largest shooting in the city's history it started with shots fired from a vehicle into a home.
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dozens of rounds were fired by as many as four or five guns from two different groups known to authorities. no arrests have been made. today texas representative chip roy will challenge new york representative elise stefanik for the open house republican conference chair post. this after liz cheney was removed from the job over her feud with former president donald trump. house republicans are set to select cheney's replacement in a closed door vote later this morning. producer james golden if -- previewing new podcast tribute to long time friend rush limbaugh. >> the guy that was behind the golden eib mic who presented an amazing show that continued to grow for 33 years. jillian: golden will recount the friendship and the. limbaugh died of lung cancer in february. send is it back to you. steve: all right, jillian, thank you very much.
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still ahead on friday's telecast the nation's fuel crisis is expected to last another week as president biden clears the kremlin of responsibility. how convenient. the latest on the panic at the pump coming up. you are watching "fox & friends" and it's friday. ♪ ♪ my nunormal? fewer asthma attacks with nucala. a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. this is wealth.
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ainsley: they paid it in crypto currency, reportedly. steve: bit coin. ainsley: don't expect the fuel crisis. todd: i whop der if they were disappointed after crypto businn dropped after paying the money. ashley strohmier myer joins us. ashley: the majority of places they service should be reaching full operational capacity but those effects into the be immediate. this comes as fuel shortages across the east coast have gotten even worse. one source says as of thursday, gas stations in places like d.c., the carolinas, as well as virginia and georgia saw gas stations anywhere from 49 to 72% of those our nation's capital being the highest report the without gas at the pump. as far as the hacking of the system, bloomberg reported throne paid a ransom to hackers of nearly $5 million as you guys said. the fbi is investigating the hack but bind says he doesn't
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think the russian government was involved, listen. >> we do not believe the russian government was involved in this attack. we do have strong reason to believe that the criminals who did the attack are living in russia. ashley: now lawmakers are demanding answers. >> we need more answers. very little happened in russia or in russia's orbit of influence, especially with products or persons who are afilling united stated with or been affiliated with russian intelligence. ashley: weighed in on the this can't be open season on hackers who can make money off threats. back to you guys. ainsley: thank you, ashley. 70% of the gas stations totally dry last night. half of the ones in virginia and south carolina last night completely empty. no gas. todd: joe biden saying that the russian government, vladimir putin likely weren't behind this
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but that the hackers came from russia. it's my understanding and we'll talk to general jack keane a little bit about this later in the show but if there is hacking going on in russia, it is not happening without the knowledge of the russian government. steve: of course, absolutely. while the fbi said don't pay. apparently they paid hours after the hackers hacked into their system. people are surprised because $5 million apparently is low for a pipeline. ainsley: they demanded 100 million according to one article. steve: according to whatever i was reading this morning "the washington post," usually it's on par with like 25 or $35 million. but there was such a response, a whole of government response, i don't think darkside realized who they were dealing with because now joe biden yesterday announced that the department of justice has a task force to go after them. and then the question why did they shut down the pipeline so quickly? it had nothing to do with safety but apparently something called
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their flow computer was compromised. and they couldn't figure out how much to charge people, couldn't figure out how much of the fuel people were getting so they turned it off. not because of safety, but because of money. ainsley: why couldn't we get somebody really smart in america to go back on line and not pay the ransom. steve: they got the decryption key but it was so slow they started to use their backup files. will: a, would we have to have better cybersecurity in america to avoid these types of attacks. attacks we have senile entertainment industry they hacked into sony and gathered all that personal information. you know, ainsley, the principle is we do not negotiate with tastes. if you pay out the ransom you encourage more of this. ainsley: exactly. will: private companies do pay these ransoms we have seen it in
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the privacy and private business does pay these ransoms and we continue to have therefore these hacks. steve: if bit coin or block chain thing did not exist, do you know what? i don't think we would be seeing as much of this stuff it's invisible. all happening on the dark web and the federal government can't figure out who the people are. frustrating. ainsley: 6:29 here on the east coast. coming up infuriating virginia parents fed up after school board employees reportedly tried silencing their fight against critical race theory. now those parents have a new ad campaign calling out employees. two moms taking a stand to join us live next. ♪ ♪
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jillian: good morning, welcome back. baltimore is taking steps to beef up police funding after slashing it last summer. the city's spending board approving a proposed budget $28 million increase. it cut millions among nationwide calls to defund police. the proposal will now head to the city coup sill for consideration. critics quick to pounce on this comment by governor cuomo. take a listen. >> if i just played you feel uncomfortable, that's not harassment. that's you feeling uncomfortable. okay? thank you all very much. jillian: the governor cutting his covid-19 briefing short after a heated exchange with a reporter. the lawyer for charlotte bennett, one of the women accusing cuomo of sexual harassment saying in a statement, quote: governor cuomo continues to show alarming degree of ignorance about what
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constitutes sexual harassment. and how about this? shocking video shows a padre fan punching out another man at coors field in denver. watch is at second. jillian: isn't clear what exactly led up to that knockout blow. the video appears to show the man in the padres jersey being yelled at by rockies fan. he walks up and delivers a chilling right hook before being tackled. the victim is not pressing charges. wow, not something you want to see happen at a baseball game. steve: there is goes one more time, boom. >> we haven't been in games in forever, let's just watch. >> they weren't wearing masks. that's progress. ainsley: that's true. steve: thank you, jillian. go down to loudoun county, virginia where parents have launched a new ad campaign calling out critical race theory in classrooms aiming to oust six
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school board members who they say tried to target and silence them. >> infecting our schools with critical race theory. training teachers that christians are oppressors. one school board member even endorsed an official committee to, quote, silence the opposition. parents and teachers are fighting back. they are recalling the six school board members who stood by and did nothing while parents were targeted. steve: well, that's part of the ad. two loudoun county moms join us now alicia brandy mother of three who actually pulled her kids out of the public schools in loudoun county this year and cheryl mother of three of and a member of loudoun's parents for education. ladies, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. steve: all right, so alicia, ultimately this all started you don't want critical race theory taught in your schools to your children is that why you want to
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recall these six school board members? >> well, i really believe that our school board has really lost their way. for this reason and for adding the parents it our kids go back to school too hit list, one of the reasons but, also, yes, i don't want critical theater not just critical race theory but critical theory taught in our classrooms. steve: right. >> our schools are not for ideology. our schools are for education. and when you lower education you lower positive outcomes for everyone. that is not what we stand for. and loudoun county parents will not stand for lowering education. and this is a u.s. issue. it's not just a virginia issue. steve: elicia, what are you talking about regarding you are on an enemy's list or a hit
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list? >> yes. we started going to school board meetings last summer wanting our children to return to school. all children, not just our children. all children. and when we start peeking about that and about critical theory, one of our school board members called for the parents against anti-racism to rise up and help her. they decided to put together a hit list which called for calling us racist and doxxing us. steve: okay. >> and, steve, that's what she did. and she put me out there and where we worked and our children went to school and put our names on a hit list. and actually. steve: it's terrible. and i understand law enforcement is now looking into it.
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cheryl, you know, over the last year, so many parents have been trying so hard to get their kids back into the classroom and, yet, you say that instead, at your public schools, the teachers and the school board's more worried about, you know, social justice than actual in-person learning. >> you are absolutely right. it's been beyond frustrating. i am a part of the group, like elicia who started this grassroots kind of movement last summer to really try to lobby the school board and to come with solutions and, you know, they have time to do all kinds of social justice projects when, in my opinion there should be one item on their agenda every week until my kids are back in school five days a week. i want the school to get the politics out of the classroom. we need to get back to basics. you know, the u.s. is falling
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behind, you know, countries like china. i mean, we are dumbing down the math curriculum in virginia. we need to get back to educating kids and to, you know, academic excellence and out of the sjw business. steve: i will tell you what a the school district did sandy statement to "fox & friends." they say critical race theory is not part of the curriculum being taught in the schools in explaining lcp equity priorities it might be helpful to state what they are not. they are not an effort to indoctrinate students and staff. no particular philosophy or theory. what they're is an effort to provide a welcoming, inclusive, affirming environment for all students. cheryl, would you agree with that? >> i do not agree with that i think it is word salad and, you know, when you hear words like phrases like equitable outcomes and, you know, equity thrown into, you know, every single policy that your school board
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puts out, it's, you know, if it walks like a duck and acts like a duck, it's a duck, quack quack. steve: well, there you go. >> absolutely. you are seeing me laugh a little bit over here. we also have foiaed documents we have physical evidence where we have bills that actually have a line item that say $650 per hour for critical race theory training from the equity collaborative. we have presentations from teachers that were sent to us that say critical race theory training. books by ebrim x. kinde rerequired flooding one of our high schools. there is a lot of misinformation coming from our leadership. but the recall effort is strong, we have parents 1,000
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volunteers. we have 1800 signatures. we're going to be collecting signatures through the entire summer and going to court leading up to the november election. steve: all right. we completely understand the frustration. we have been talking about what's going on in the schools and the two of you and others are trying to do something about it ladies,or joining us from loudoun county, virginia. all right. 18 minutes now before the top of the hour. unmasking america. president biden touting the cdc's new guidance for fully vaccinated americans. of course, there are a few exceptions. former coronavirus testing czar admiral george going to shed some lights on the new guidelines. plus today is a perfect day to download the fox bet super 6 app. because you could win 10,000 bucks by monday. all you have got do is predict the outcomes of six topics in our quiz show and we will have the actual questions at the conclusion of today's show. so, download and play the fox
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for supple, bouncy skin. neutrogena®. ♪ ♪ will: after months of mixed messaging, the cdc finally says fully vaccinated americans can ditch their mask and they don't have to social distancing in almost all indoor places. admiral brett giroir assistant secretary of health and human services. admiral, thank you for being with us. what took the cdc so long and why the about face so quickly? >> so, thanks for having me on. who knows what took the cdc so long it probably could have been done a month ago. look at the whirlwind of what happened. wolenski was entrance yent in her position. yesterday morning dr. fauci said you still need to wear a mask indoors and each outdoors if you are in a crowd and by the
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afternoon it was all other. i assume the inflexion point hit. they probably got some political direction and they made the change. i welcome the change. we should all welcome the change. it's supported by the science and good thing for our country. will: supported by the science makes you wonder whether science was the guide. political wind blowing in the biden administration's face from the crisis in israel. the crisis at the border. schools still being closed to mixed cdc guidance from here on out to inflation, to gas shortages. everywhere you turned there was a crisis for the biden administration. do you think this decision was somehow meant to offset or to change the conversation away from all of those crises? >> so, i can't even imagine or speculate if it's meant to offset against those crisis. i can tell you that these decisions are not pure science and we shouldn't look at it that way. it's not just about infection control. it's about opening up america. it's about liberties. it's about how we run our country. there was no scientific
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knowledge manifestation that happened yesterday. in fact, when you look at the cdc website and they say what's the science behind it? it goes back to an april 2nd website there was nothing new. somebody just had it-to-have the political will. >> this is the right thing to do stop the inertia at the cdc. you have got to get america open again. get off of the masks and restore confidence in the vaccine. will: admiral you are making incredibly important point that i want to highlight and come back to with you here. it wasn't science it guiding the decision science backed that up months ago. what brings to you what is guiding the decision i already asked that you question. does that not put us in a position when we should look at all of the guidance come from previously trusted bureaucracies, ache critical condition nipples, the cdc, the fda, whatever guidance they are offering us and accept it as apolitical science or are these bureaucracies now something akin to party apparatuses? >> so.
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it's a very good question and important one. and the way we really approached it in the trump administration, which got us warp speed and got us to where we were is data there. the data are subject to interpretation and decisions, right? nobody at the cdc ever got elected. the cdc director isn't even a senate confirmed position. why should they make all the decisions that are based on data but not exactly data in pure science. you are exactly right. all these things need to be looked at from an overall perspective and lens. you know, just saying the science says this or that, it never is pure. it is never 100 percent correct. they all need to be evaluated critically. that's what they are in this country. will: looking at it critically. wanting purity in your science. might be important when we are being advised to inoculate and vaccinate our 12-year-olds and soon-to-be 2-year-olds perhaps some very important questions are warranted in these situations. admiral, thank you very much for being here this morning. >> my pleasure.
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will: better up. defying businesses in the face of the pandemic. their story next.♪ (burke) phone it in to 1-800-farmers and you could get all sorts of home policy perks like the claim-free discount. go three years without a claim and get a discount. (neighbor) just by phoning it in? (burke) just phone it in. (painter 1) yeah, just phone it in and save money for being claim-free. (neighbor) even if i switch to farmers today?! (painter 2) yep, three years claim-free with any home insurance. (painter 3) i'm phoning it in and saving money for literally doing nothing. (burke) get your policy perks by calling 1-800-farmers. go ahead, phone it in. (grandpa) phone it in, why don't ya?! ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ i order my groceries online now. shingles doesn't care. i keep my social distance. shingles doesn't care. i stay within my family bubble. shingles doesn't care. because if you've had chicken pox, you're already carrying the virus that causes shingles. in fact, about 1 in 3 people will develop shingles, and the risk only increases as you age.
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so what can protect you against shingles? shingrix protects. now you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after vaccination with shingrix. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. talk to your pharmacist or doctor about protecting yourself with shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but we do.
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steve: programming note for you latest episode of tucker originals. he goes to the famous gun range in tennessee for a lesson on america's rifle and here, ladies and gentlemen, a preview. ♪ >> tucker: when you hear people talk about gun control, they are probably talking about the ar-15. >> we are requesting to take your ar-15s. >> tucker: it's the most popular rifle in america. >> this is what democracy looks like. >> tucker: the most targeted gun of gun activists. how does it work and why do people buy it. we begin hick congress 45 one of the most popular gun reviewers on youtube. >> pop that cowboy. steve: for more check out tucker carlson originals available today on fox nation. all right, tucker, thank you. ainsley, hello. ainsley: thank you, steve. hello to you, too. the veteran co-owners of force
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coffee have more than 70 years of combined service to our country. despite the pandemic, they are experiencing small business success. expanding to a second location now thanks to a strong support from their local community and sales from online coffee fans. joining me now are the co-owners of pail horse coffee, navy veteran don wengerd coast guard veteran mike and air force veteran gray livingston who i understand is celebrating a birthday today. hey, gray, happy birthday to you. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. guys, i'm so glad to have you all on. this is a positive story. we are seeing stores close down and sees stores they can't hire people because of these free checks that are going out to employees they would rather stay at home. you are expanding and opening a second store. tell us why. don, i will start with you. >> yes, so, you know, when code hit, i think it hit a lot of businesses hard. we had a lot of people that we knew that closed down because of it. but, people love their coffee and the community we're in here
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chesapeake they rallied around us. our sales never dropped. they always made sure to get by and get coffee even when they couldn't stay inside. our online sales picked up. our online sales soared. because the community wanted to make sure the little guys made it through the times we feel blessed on that we have been able to expand and hired more people now and taking off pretty quick. ainsley: that's great. mike, what makes your coffee different. >> our coffee is air roasted. we use fluid technology. all only 2% of the coffee in the industry leads to that it leads to a much smoother coffee. ainsley: tell us about your sales. sales went up touring the pandemic and ended up hiring additional employees and half of your staff are veterans? >> yes, ma'am. sales continued to increase throughout the year. we kept hiring more staff. we have several prior service folks that work for independent of active duty and prior
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service. ainsley: tell me how you came up with the name pale horse coffee. >> based on a political rice death rides a interest pale horse. when you are tired maybe you are hung over. you feel like death. you need a cup of coffee. that's where we went you need coffee when you feel like death. ainsley: from the book of revelations. mike, tell me how your military service between the three of you have helped with success? >> well, with mine in the coast guard i spent a lot of time in central and south america. i really picked up a love of coffee there my own business i started using pale horse coffee as an actual vendor and don was running the company then and he was supplying me the coffee and we became really good friends. it made me network gray's
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network. ship mates supported the unit have bought our coffee and serve it at the unit. i just think all of us being from different services and having different networks everybody has rallied together with that. ainsley: representing the navy, the coast guard and the air force. god bless all three of you. thank you so much. we are going to tell our viewers where they can find the coffee, 20% off if you are a "fox & friends" fan if you are watching this morning on pale horse use the code ff as in "fox & friends" ffusa and you get 20% off. guys, thanks for offering that to our viewers. we appreciate everything you are doing. god bless you. >> thanks, ainsley. appreciate it. ainsley: 6:59 on the east coast and second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪ >> the cdc says fully vaccinated americans can ditch the mask. >> get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. >> if you're vaccinated and
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someone near you isn't the science shows you are protected period. steve: some people in washington are talking about maybe they changed the rules because the president was taking loot of heat. >> an economy that is about to face incredible inflation. got a pipeline disaster. and then we have got a border that's in a mess. >> what does the president think about republican governors reducing unemployment benefits. >> frankly we find that to be a bit off. >> i think it's important for us to acknowledge we have a labor crisis that a government program is exacerbated. >> virginia parents are fed up after school board employees reportedly tried to silence their fight against critical race theory. >> schools are not for ideology. our schools it education. >> think of this when you think of vaccinations, yum, vaccinations, i'm getting a very good feeling. ♪ everybody, oh, oh.
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♪ i wonder if the mayor's mother ever told him not to talk with your mouth full. you are look at the track in baltimore, maryland, where today it is a gorgeous day and tomorrow, janice dean tells us because she is right there. track side. going to be 75 and sunny. it's going to be a perfect day for the preakness it? >> will be nice when the show hits the road again we can do it live from a horse track. actually just last weekend we did it live from a racetrack. ainsley: what was the response i'm sure everyone knew you guys, right? big nascar following. >> there were some fox fans there at talladega where we were. will cain in for brian kilmeade. steve: good to have you. will: along with pete hegseth
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and it rach chem campos-duffy we took a trip. played bowling games, beverages involved. corn hole. steve: a few beverages. ainsley: infield is the place for the party. will: absolutely. it was a good time. ainsley: we are glad you are here. steve: tgif thank goodness it's fox. yesterday afternoon about 2:08, did you feel it because america changed if you are inside you don't have to wear the mask anymore if you are vaccinated. the cdc tweeted this out the rule is simple get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do the choice is yours. he is putting it right out there. and essentially the cdc's point as well. if you have not yet been vaccinated, get vaccinated so you can take off these dumb masks. ainsley: i was so excited when i got that fox news alert on my
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phone yesterday that is thrill news. if you are vaccinated. are didn't have covid. we have all been wondering why can't we take these masks off so we can breathe? still up to the businesses to decide if they are going to be able to, you know, allow the patrons to take them off. i know kroger, the grocery store chain has still said you have to wear a mask. right now home depot is saying the same thing and so is starbucks. some businesses say you can take it off state by state business will can't take it off yet. will: i don't mean to feel like a stuck in the mud. where have you been. cdc trailing common sense. we didn't need permission from the government to tell us what is right when it came to mask-wearing. it didn't feel like some finish line to me. it makes me wonder and skeptical when joe biden says get a vaccine or continue to wear the mask. it makes that sound like not
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advice, not a request, but a demand from your government. a government that is increasingly earning -- ainsley: what do they do in texas where you are from don't have to wear a mask right will i will living a normal life as numbers came down. that came when the texas rangers passed a full stadium for baseball fans that came as joe biden called that kind of thing neanderthal thinks and gaving you dire warnings and yet numbers continued to go down. ainsley: that's for everyone. can you take it off if you have been vaccinated or not vaccinated. will: you can't really force people to prove anyway. there is no arm band. there is no show me your papers when it comes to the vaccine. thank goodness in the united states of america. steve: well, you are still going to, if you are traveling, you still have to wear a mask when you are inside a vehicle of transportation. an airplane, a train, a bus. when you are at the airport or a train station as well. the cdc is also saying that if you have got a pre-existing
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condition, and certain people who have -- are susceptible to autoimmune problems that they need to talk to their doctors. they may have been vaccinated but for some reason they may still have to take precaution. nonetheless, the president was very clear when he said this yesterday about how far we have come. >> i think it's the great milestone. a great day. you know, some people said we couldn't do this that we had this many people vaccinated we proved the doubters wrong when we asked to you get vaccinated you did. the american people stepped up. it you what i consider to be your patriotic duty. as president, i can say i'm pleased but i'm sure the vice president agrees with me, we are not surprised. the american people have never ever ever ever ever let their country down. there is nothing we are unable to do when we put our minds, our
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hearts and our souls into it. steve: yeah, but what happened yesterday at 2:08? yesterday morning dr. fauci said you have still got to wear a of course that. dr. wolenski said you still have to wear a mask. 2:08 the government changes everything? it looks political to a lot of people because you have got gas lines. you have got people streaming across our southern border. you have inflation going through the roof higher than it's been for a long time. small businesses can't get anybody to work for them and i think it reached critical mass and the administration, which has been very good about message control realized we have got to change the subject. so let's give somebody something good to cheer about. take off the mask. ainsley: if you are just joining us we showed you mayor de blasio the mayor of new york city eating the burger. he is eating that because shake shack is saying we will give you free french fries if you proof. steve: not a burger, a fry. ainsley: exactly. the city of new york is giving you, i think it's seven day metro card if you are riding the subway and go get vaccinated
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down in the subway. grand central penn station, coney island. at those various subway stops can you go in and get vaccinated and then you get a 7-day free metro card. will: this kind of bribery is required when you do not have a strong argument on your side. i don't like the republican governor of ohio offering a million dollars just make your case. and the point is, americans are now seeing and the government is earning the american population's skepticism because they are seeing the reality here. this -- these decisions this guidance not being guided by science. being guided by something else. ainsley: they feel like i know you are about to -- soundbite. i'm sorry to interrupt you at the wrong time. i think they are doing this because some people have already gotten vaccinated and now they have to reach that middle group. will: i think that's what they would have us believe. i don't think we have crossed any major threshold in the past as you pointed out 24 hours. they woke up yesterday telling us that we needed to wear a mask indoors. by late afternoon they changed
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their mind. did we cross a magical threshold at noon? ainsley: i'm one of those whatever it takes. let's get these masks out of here. will: then do it. steve: ainsley, you are using common sense, to will's point, in ohio they have taken some of the money that the federal government gave the state of ohio to advertise get the coronavirus vaccine and they are taking 5 million bucks and going to bribe people and you watch, it's going to work. ultimately could save lives. ainsley: if we get to 70% we can take the masks off in the gym. that is so hard to work out with a mask on. so i'm like do whatever it takes i'm in favor of it. steve: work out outside. ainsley: that's a whole other discussion. will: science is not guiding it something else is guiding it. ainsley: politics. will: that's what i asked admiral brett giroir about earlier. >> these decisions are not pure science and we shouldn't look at
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it that way. it's not just about infection control. it's about opening america and liberties and how we run our country. there was no scientific knowledge manifestation that happened yesterday. in fact, when you look at the cdc website and they say what's the science behind it? it goes back to an april 2nd website there was nothing new. i think somebody just had to have the political will and say this is the right thing to do stop the inertia at the cdc. you have got to get america open again. get off of the mask, restore confidence in the vaccine. steve: okay. let's bring in joe concha, fox news contributor and media opinion columnist for the hill. joe, good morning. >> good morning. happy friday. steve: thank goodness. and we are maskless although we are in new york so we still have to wear a mask because the governor has why county administration out of nowhere say happy days are here again take off the mask if you have
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been vaccinated? >> look at the metrics i went back and watched an interview that dr. fauci just did a couple of days ago on cnn he said restrictions shouldn't be lifted until the u.s. is below 10,000 cases per day. seven day rolling average as of yesterday is about 36,000 new cases per kay. so if we are having more than three times the cases and we're not at what dr. fauci, he only runs the coronavirus task force in terms of his own metrics why was this done? as you said a very good question and you wonder about the political aspect of this when you consider the gas lines in south carolina majority of gas stations are closed outright. pipeline supplies all those gas stations suddenly gets hacked and perhaps a ransom some reports say was paid in order to turn it back on. when you consider the middle east is on fire in israel and
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gaza. consider the border catastrophe when we had a record number of migrants encountered in april. the highest number in 20 years and when you look at inflation and the impact that's having on every american, you wonder about old saying about a dog and wagon and tail at this point. ainsley: full media meltdown. here is some of the doctors on other networks and what they had to say about this. >> frankly, i was shocked by this announcement. i think they went to one extreme to the other. the major step that's missing here is how do we know that people are telling the truth? >> this is not a free for all. i agree with dr. wen. >> i'm befuddled where this guidance came from. i think there are a lot of steps we are missing. >> people who never wanted a vaccine how do i get them to wear a mask? >> that is a great question.
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>> fear is the greatest motivator and maybe fear is the greatest motivator in terms of reasons to watch tv or reasons to click on a certain sort of online publication, for example, that talks about covid and tries to fear monger people and that was dr. lean. in a wen that you saw on cnn. she also said this what's to stop the unvaccinated from endangering everyone. here are the stats for you as recently as a week ago nearly 85% of seniors in this country had been vaccinated. 95% of cody death in this country occurred with people 50 and older this. is all according to the cdc. that's obviously because of chronic conditions or because you have an aging immune system. when she says oh my god the unvaccinated are going going to kill everyone. the numbers say that simply is not the case. >> you don't need the numbers,
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joe, by the way to back up common sense which said if you get vaccinated i don't why do i need to worry but. why do i need to care about what you are doing. i can't believe those people have a d or r before their name. here is what i want to get to with you, joe, here is why it is important to know whether or not science is guiding decision-making. these same agency also continue to give us guidance specifically when it documents who needs to be vaccinated children, for example. they will continue to give us guidance that we shall not question and harangue us if we ask questions about it now we are looking in retrospect at the guidance over masks wait, what was guiding you there if not science? i heard the cdc director not five month ago, not last year, last week talking about how a 2-year-old might have to wear a mask if they go to a summer camp outdoors and everybody outdoors
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at that camp whether they are vaccinated or not, whether they are under five years old or not has to wear a mask. we went from that to now hey, if you are vaccinated everything is okay. but i still have questions. i want to know if my 7-year-old girl has to wear a mask at girl still if all the teachers are vaccinated. why does she have to do that? it's completely unfair and starting to get a little warm around here. are going to get uncomfortable as well. more questions than answers right now. dr. fauci who never met a microphone he didn't like needs to start doing interviews today and people need to start challenging dr. fauci and not be so afraid to do it and ask just basic questions that inform americans, particularly parents, of what happens next. ainsley: joe, i did do some research on that because if you have a 5-year-old obviously she can't get vaccinate sod she will probably still have to wear a mask at school if the school requires it. they say they will update guidance for schools and summer camps. >> looking forward to that ainsley. no question about it but here in new jersey, did you go into any business, i was in several yesterday, was aaron's day.
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i'm telling you not one person wasn't wearing a mask, and not one business was like okay, it's okay now. i have a feeling it's going to take a while for people to get out of this habit. steve: i know where you were yesterday. >> that's correct. ainsley: sorry to interrupt you. i heard again again, i heard in new jersey you all have a place where you have a home goods, tj maxx, marshals and target in one spot. that's like a dream for any woman. >> if you are pretentious it's marchshalls and tar get'. steve: your wife is an emergency room doctor and you mentioned the science as well. you mentioned dr. fauci. dr. fauci as of yesterday come fall schools will be wide open. everybody back five days a week. so, you know, and for him to make that change on the same day they made the mask mandate
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change. you have got figure the white house has been doing internal polling and the number one thing the president had been doing best on was coronavirus. people had it up here. polling going south. you know what? we have got to pull the plug on this steer the ship this way instead. >> so we went from follow the data, follow the science, listen to the doctors to listen to the polsters. that's very interesting. because they have been so accurate. particularly last year, right? probably not a good idea. and by the way the president of the united states again was completely misleading in his statement yesterday when he said that nobody thought that we would have this many people vaccinated by now. they thought we would get to this number by the fall. no, there is not one person in this country didn't think we would get to the numbers that we're at here in mid may given the trajectory we were already at when mr. biden took office. he keeps moving the goal post and no one bothers to fact check or challenge him on these things in shape or form. again hard to challenge someone who doesn't take questions.
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steve: joe concha can media review and a review of retail establishments. ainsley: our new pillows on the couch came from that shopping center. we appreciate new jersey. >> thank you. i want to go out and buy a jaguar now i have to call it a jaggy wire. ainsley: we are just regular folks on this curvey couch. can you call it jaguar. >> okay, thank you. appreciate that. bye. ainsley: bye. will: head over to jillian with a few more headlines. jillian: that's right. good morning. begin with this fox news alert. violence escalates near full scale war this. is a live look near the israel, gaza border as israeli troops prepare for a potential ground invasion. gaza and israel trading thousands of rocket strikes. more than 100 have been killed. the u.s. state department pulling more than 100 military personnel from the region as a precaution. coming up, retired four star general jack keane will join us live to weigh in. watch this. this is really unbelievable
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video. a lyft driver is robbed at beaten at gunpoint in los angeles it happened when the driver reportedly stopped for gas. the crook took his wallet and also asked if he was from china which, by the way, could lead to hate crime charges if he is caught. the suspect broke the driver's nose after refusing to hand over the keys. a go fund me for the victim topping $12,000. that is terrible. all right. let's go to extreme weather. ice bands in alaska wreaking havoc causing massive flooding and major disruption. prone to springtime flooding. residents said they were stunned by how quickly floodwaters rose. the northwest city was hit especially hard with some families forced to leave their home. and tiger king star carol bass kin is offering a $5,000 reward for the safe capture of a tiger missing in houston. she wants the safe return of the tiger to an accredited sanctuary. the tiger caught national attention when it was spotted last week. the alleged owner denied the animal was his but is known to
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have several big cats. that is a look at your headlines. send it back to you. steve: it always comes back to tiger king, does it? j i will jill i have still never seen it. steve: it's come peg. ainsley: did you watch it, will? will: i did. ainsley: did you like it. will: there is a cameo by my father's law office. can you see the tiger king go in that office. he was no longer the tenant of that office. steve: the state of ohio is joining a growing number of states cutting back on those federal unemployment supplement benefits. up next, buckeye state congressman jim jordan joins us live on the push to get people back to work. ♪ ♪ tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks?
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you need a breath mint. xfinity. it's a way better way to watch. ♪ steve as america faces a massive labor shortage some companies getting creative in incentives to entice workers. mcdonald's announced it's going to boost the pay of rank and file employees by 10% in an effort to add 10,000 workers. meanwhile states are pushing back against those federal $300 incentives to not work as ohio and arizona have joined 14 other states in rolling back federal unemployment supplement incentives. here with reaction ohio congressman jim jordan. congressman, good morning. >> good morning, steve. steve: you know, you were saying this months ago, you give people money not to work they are not going to work. we saw that in the jobs number that came out a week ago. >> 7 million jobs open and last
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month only 260 some thousand filled. doesn't take a genius to figure this out. when you pay people not to work you shouldn't be surprised when you can't find workers. every single employer across our district and across our state and frankly around our country i have had a chance to visit with. every single one says they can't find people to work. they are hiring anyone that they can find but they just can't find these people. i think this is just good common sense and telling the biden administration time to knock this stuff off. steve: plus, states have said if you are going to draw this extra money unemployment you have actually got to go out and look for work. if you are offered a be jo, you have got to take it you hadlinely in those states the number of people taking jobs is going up. >> imagine that when you incentivize work you get more work when you disinseptember advise you get less of it good old fashioned common sense something that seems to be in short supply with the biden administration. steve: speaking of the biden administration, congressman, why
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did they change the suggestion from the cdc yesterday at 2:08 in the afternoon why did that yesterday fauci and woe help ski said you still have to wear a mask. >> they always say trust the science we know what it's been trust the polls, trust the teachers union. remember a few weeks into the administration we got the emails where dr. wolenski was talking with the head of the af it about guidance for schools. basically taking what the teachers union said versus what the doctors and cdc were saying this has been all over the place and driven by politics, one mask and two masks and back to one mask and of course yesterday no mask again what will americans most troubled by the double standard the idea that gavin
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newsom can have go to a restaurant, five star restaurant with lobbyists and not wear a mask but we couldn't have thanksgiving with our family. all this bothers americans and they're done with it all. steve: what about the double standards in the house of representatives. the cdc says you don't have to wear a mask indoors but the speaker of the house nancy pelosi says it rule stands you need to wear a mask. >> she hasn't changed it at least there was some give this week at least now when you are speaking you can take a mask off. that's a step in the right direction. i hope we get back to normal and common sense as soon as possible. frankly, remember, for the past year, every single liberty you enjoy under the first amendment has been assaulted by government, starting with your right to assemble today people can't get into their capitol to address their grievances and a host of other issues that are real concerns about your fundamental liberties under the first amendment.
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steve: the republicans in congress are going to assemble later today to figure out who is going to be the new number three. liz cheney was voted out by your conference on wednesday. now, we have heard that elise stefanik obviously up for that number three spot. apparently, congressman chip roy is going to challenge her. what's sort of a prediction do you have about what's going to happen? >> well, both great members and friends of mine. but, elise is going to win. i think she is going to win in a strong way. look, elise is endorsed by president trump. endorsed by leader mccarthy, whip scalise, she has my support. she is in -- got appear a plus rating with the nra. endorsed by susan b. anthony list strong on the life issue and most importantly she is a effective communicator. we saw that with the impeachment a year and a half ago. that's what we need. someone who will speak for the party, who will speak for the 90% of the party who understands where we need to go and frankly someone who i think can help broaden the appeal of the
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republican party so elise is going to win and i think she is going to do a great job as the conference chair going forward. steve: all right. should be an election later today. we'll have the results later. all right, congressman, thank you. >> you bet, steve. thank you. steve: have a good weekend. meanwhile, one dad is silenced after speaking out against his 5-year-old's school curriculum. >> be a leader. >> will you please cover your nose with your mouth? >> you are all vaccinated what the -- 30 seconds back. >> you know the rules. steve: pete hegseth is going to sound off on that. are pete is coming up next.
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market has those looking for a vacation home in a grens. will: ashley joins us live from windemere, florida with what buyers need to know. ashley? >> well, good morning to you, guys. yes, not bad for a second home. 7200 square feet. 700-gallon aquarium behind me. people are living well but you are right there is a frenzy for second homes. let me talk about the pros of buying a second home in we can. we will certainly have record low mortgage rates right now. get away from the crowded cities and yes you potentially could get some rental income. but what are some of the cons? make sure you can afford it doubles your costs, of course, double everything, home insurance, utilities and so on. there are tax issues. can you game on some but lose on others. and then you have to ask yourself is it a good investment? well, right now it's a very good investment. let me bring in if i can lee goldberg very quickly coldwell banker, goldberg the relater you like to call yourself. how hot is a second house market
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right now. >> i have seen more area codes on my phone than i are ever seen before. people call me lee, i need to get a home here in orlando can you help me out. >> you have someone coming right now. >> literally picked up from detroit looking for a second home to come down and enjoy with the family maybe, just maybe live here in the future. >> just try it out so to speak. give it a go. there you have it what's interesting is the number of mortgages secured for second homes last month was up 17% from the same period the year before. so people wanting to get out of those cramped cities and saying hey why not buy our own vacation home or beautiful lake front home. back to you. steve: ashley, it's not too late. you could make an offer on it before the guy from detroit shows up. >> my second home is a tent, steve. steve: all right, ashley, thank you very much. that's an eye opener. meanwhile, turning now to another topic. as the fight against critical race theory in our schools continues in the commonwealth of
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virginia. will: this is where one dad who was silenced by the school board after pushing back against what is being taught in the classroom. watch. >> i'm fog read excerpt from a freshman honor's freshman class in bane the bridge she is a ho like her sister. my 5-year-old is being transgender book in library. teenagers served poog under the guise of adult literature. do something. be a leader. >> can you please cover your nose with your mask? >> you are all vaccinated. >> sir, you know the rules, thank you. >> talking in the middle. ainsley: they cut his mic. here to react is co-host of "fox & friends weekend" pete hegseth. good morning, pete. pete: good morning, guys. you remember this guy. i remember him, too. it was about, i don't know, a year ago at the beginning of covid-19. he was yelling about common sense and masks and reopening schools. here he is back again. and good for him. this is exactly what parents need to do.
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you don't go once, not get your way because the school board is so detached and leave. you stay persistent. look at the reaction of the school board. excuse me sir, put your mask up. he is like 1,000 yards away. okay? everyone in that room i'm sure has rushed to get the vaccine right away because they are arrogant. they are arrogant and they are detached and they know if the people actually find out what's in this curriculum and he can pose it and read it and talk about it, they are on the hook for it so hopefully him and parents like that go out and run for school boards to take away the positions of these detached bureaucrats. they hate public comments. they hate it. they don't want to do it. in fact i got a call from a superintendent in central minnesota here just yesterday who said my kids' school -- my neighboring school is totally being taken over by critical race theory in conservative middle america minnesota and there is not even public comment at the school board so parents don't know where to turn. if you still have the
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opportunity, go out and raise a ruckus, bring all your friends, this stuff cannot stand and they count on us not paying attention. will: you said it was arrogance. that was condescending pettiness make his mask pulled up they didn't like being criticized nothing to do with covid. let me ask you this, pete. israel ground forces in gaza conflict escalating overnight. pentagon remoose personnel out of israel out of an abundance of caution. what's your reaction? >> my reaction is israel should do whatever it needs to do to defend itself. to include an invasion of gaza. they don't want to do that. no one wants to be boots on the ground in gaza. but ultimately hamas needs to pay the highest price possible for what they are doing. this is driven boy the palestinians mahmoud abbas on 17th year of a four year term just canceled elections yet again. do you know why? because is he worried and believes and knows that hamas will win the elections because
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ultimately they are the real power base in gaza and throughout the palestinian authority. and they have been storing up rockets. they are shooting them now without the iron dome israel's population would be completely under siege. you can't let them learn the lesson that this kind of barrage is beneficial to them. that they got abbas over a barrel and israelis on their heels. don't listen to the international misinformation coming out that somehow these are war crimes with the israelis. they do everything they can to try to stay away from civilian casualties. it's the palestinians hamas fires indiscriminately with these missiles. good on israel. i hope they go hard and smack hamas this won't be over briefly unfortunately. steve: it is a mess. pete, before we cut your mic, i understand you have got a very busy show tomorrow. pete: that's true. i come on the show learn about what's on the show tomorrow. so will, i hope you can tell me. steve: oh, you don't know. will: that's great.
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let him flounder for just a moment. pete: you could. i know what it is it's armed forces day tomorrow. steve: exactly. pete: i know we will do it up big and right like we should honoring the military the way they deserve. it will be great weekend and will will fill me in on the topics after this segment. will: i will bring a scrunchy for you because you are a few weeks away from a ponytail. i can see it in the back. ainsley: the duck tail. they are cute. we will be watching. steve: can you go to a barber now. fauci is opening things up. can you go to the barber. pete: fauci told me i could, then i'm definitely not doing it. will: see you tomorrow, pete. ainsley: he doesn't shave during the week and apparently no more hair cut. steve: can we cut his mic? will: we pushed him off the screen, too. ainsley: meet ram the favorite of this year's preakness stakes
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could bring home a seventh victory for his hall of fame trainer. janice dean joins us live with dewayne lucas. download the fox bet super 6 app. and play for a chance to win $10,000. all you need to too is predict six outcomes in the fox bet super 6 quiz show. topics range from entertainment to sports. it's free to play. download the fox bet super 6 app. now. ♪ ♪
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property. they came right after me and handcuffed me and then the rest of them went inside. they were looking for connie and rebecca. will: that couple you saw on your screen was charged and ultimately acquitted and they join me now. non-ordained minister at pentecostal church of god robberson a long with his wife connie roberson as well. thank you for being here. i don't know what's more jaw dropping the accusations made against you, your family, and many members of your congregation heinous accusations that included child meteorologist, rape, in parent's bedroom in the church, at the altar, or the fact that it was all false and you were acquitted on these accusations. i don't know what is more stunning there, pastor roberson, but tell me how this went down for your family. >> it was totally chaotic. i had been ordained for over 25 years and pastor of this church
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for 35 years very involved in the community and the dshs we had children actually from a number of these parents who were actually placed into my church by the department of social and health services and child protective services because of my my reputation and my working with the state and the food bank we ran the largest food bank in eastern washington over 9,000 people a month. and then that morning people were here about 10:25 march 28th. talking with my volunteers and all of the sudden here come a bunch of police cars pulling in. and cops coming other the back of the fence of the church. they come down and grabbed me as i was talking to volunteer literally handcuffed me. drug me to the ground and drug me across the lot and into a police car. and that began the nightmare for us on march 28th, 19 it 75.
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>> their children placed into foster care. connie, take a quick look from the fox nation special and come back and talk on the other side. >> the worst nightmare of all is when we got the message that the cops came and arrested my little 4-year-old daughter and drug her from her grand that's arms and brought her back to wen that the economy. wenatchee. they were going to use her to testify against us. will: connie again be the accusations absolutely stunning and heinous. but the fact that you were acquitted that they were false accusations also stunning and needs to be reiterated. what was behind this? how could these horrible accusation goes forward to the point of everyone being arrested and children taken away? how did this happen? the reason they called this the
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witch-hunt it was so similar to what happened in salem, massachusetts centuries ago when two little girls that they were said they were witches. these little girls said we were child molesters. will: absolutely stunning again and they as you pointed out had children testifying. children manipulated into some of these accusations. can you see all of this by the way. it's unbelievable. the true story is in the valley of sin. it's on fox nation, available now. and on the fox news channel sunday night at 10:00 p.m. sign up for fox nation to see this. plus get exclusive access to other content from your favorite permanents. can you watch it on any device. it only got to talk to you for a short time this morning. my apologies for all have you been through. stunning story again. thank you for sharing it this morning. >> you are welcome. it's our pleasure, really. we appreciate all you folks have done to help get this story out to the nation. they need to see this. it may have happened 25 years ago but still happening today around our country.
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of. will: all the best. thank you so much. coming up, texas governor greg abbott joins us live on how he is helping local businesses bounce back from the pandemic. but, first, janice dean is live at the preakness with hall of fame trainer d. wayne lucas looking to add his seventh preakness victory ♪ note from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures
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♪ ainsley: despite the controversy surrounding kentucky derby winner medina spirit there is still a lot of excitement ahead of tomorrow's preakness stakes. one horse ram could bring home a record tying seventh victory for his hall of fame trainer. joining me now from the course in baltimore, maryland our overy own janice dean. hey, janice. janice: hi, good morning. and d. wayne lukas, my friend, how are you. >> i'm well you know, i was just thinking i think you get the preakness dress award. i think you are going to get the award. i love it. >> you are good luck for me, my friend. tell me about ram. >> you know, we are coming in here with a long shot. we have been here before and we have had a lot of luck here would be my guess. i thought last race was impressive i thought he did
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everything i would like to see in a young horse. i stepped back and thought, you know maybe take another shot and bring him in. janice: is he a long shot and have you had good luck with hong shots. >> the whole thing has been good to me. i'm the old man, the old statesman here but over the years i have had such good luck here and i enjoy it here. it's a good race. janice: tell me about your friendship with bob baffert. >> we go back to quarter horse days. back in arizona and, of course, down through texas and everything. and we became friends. we were rivals, obviously, but we would go along and the press with a so i they are bitter rivals would gold along with it and you and your colleagues and then go to dinner that night. but i admire him. i think he is the number one face of racing right now. i just feel like it's been injust what's happened.
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he is obviously innocent most people don't understand it. janice: what do you say to naysayers. >> what they don't understand is that we have gone from a basement chemistry testing system to a very, very sophisticated testing. very sophisticated. and we haven't changed the threshold levels. we vice president got it down to contamination and a topical salve like in the case of the derby winner will be tested. and so, we wake up and all of a sudden the testing is strong but the rules have not changed. we have got to adjust them. janice: thank you for speaking with us. good luck to ram. >> all right. thank you for that. janice: i hope i get to hang out with you during the race. >> you bet. you can come right by. ainsley: thank you so much. more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪
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>> the cdc says fully vaccinated americans can ditch the mask. >> i think it's a great milestone, a great day. >> we followed the science. >> who knows what took so long in fact when you look at the cdc website it goes back to an apri. >> what does the president think about republican governors we do think unemployment benefits. >> frankly that's a bit off. >> doesn't take a genius to figure this out if you pay people not to work. >> we have the secretary responsible for securing our border and our immigration system who doesn't recognize these charts as big a problem. >> we are addressing that
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challenge. >> israel deploying ground force as tensions escalate in the middle east. >> israel should do whatever it needs to do to defend itself. hamas needs to pay the highest price. >> just think of this , when you think of vaccination. i'm getting a very good feeling. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ will: good morning welcome to fox & friends there's a live look for you, in baltimore, maryland not just home of cal ripkin jr. , home of the wire, home of the ravens and lamar jackson. ainsley: and home of the
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preakness. that's where janice was just interviewing one of the trainers and we'll be watching that race saturday night just before 7:00 p.m. steve: why do they call them the ravens? will: for edgar allen poe. steve: the most famous anyway, thank you very much for joining us it's hour three. hey, the good news is you know longer have to wear a mask indoors, so you know what i'm going to do? i finally have a coaster. it's very handy. ainsley: we were jumping for joy when that announcement was made yesterday. i got it on my fox news stream thing, when you have breaking news that pops up on your phone, so excited. we're a step in the right direction. steve: closer to the end of something. ainsley: that's right. steve: griff jenkins is down in our nations capitol where he's not wearing a mask at the white house because they changed the rules at the white house, and in the briefing room yesterday, as well. griff: that's right steve, ainsley, will, good morning. no mask, no problem, but it's not that simple. i'm on my way here to the white
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house, i stopped at starbucks, where i still have to wear a mask, and here in d.c., where the mayor bowser is reviewing these new guidelines and has not yet lifted that mask but here on the white house grounds i can bear my naked face. now yesterday, the president was wearing a mask in the morning but then by the afternoon, he had done an about-face, took it off, walked to the mic and made this announcement. >> the rule is very simple. get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. griff: this after the new cdc guidelines for the vaccinated suggested no longer requiring masks to be worn outdoors or indoors in most settings and lifting social distancing in most gatherings, but they still advice masks for crowded indoor settings like public transportation or if you're feeling covid-19 symptoms abdomen don't throw away the masks because the cdc's director warns if things get worse the masks come back
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and on capitol hill speaker pelosi instructing her members they are still required to keep their mask on in the chamber except for when speaking which representative nancy mace blasted earlier this morning on fox & friends first. watch. >> this is a time to lead our country through this crisis and instead she's doubling down on this. we need to be encouraging vaccinations and show what that post life looks like. griff: guys, there in new york, don't get rid of your masks because several states like new york, california and here in d.c. got the new guidelines and they are reviewing them and you better check with businesses because the major chains have different approaches if you're going to target, walmart, starbucks, kroger, home depot, you got to wear a mask, and at c vs, walgreens or macy's they are still thinking about it but if you're headed to disney world this summer it maybe good news. yesterday, disney's ceo calling it a very big step so you maybe able to go mask-free if you have a vacation there later this
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summer. we'll find out, steve, ainsley, will? steve: the happiest place on earth. all right, congratulations. no mask at the white house today thanks, griff. ainsley: thank you, griff. disney world lost a lot of money i was reading this morning they lost like, let me see where is that article? you all keep talking so i can find it. $7 billion, they lost during covid, and because disneyland, they just reopened not too long ago like a little more than a week ago, two weeks ago. disney world has been open since last summer. steve: because disneyland is in anaheim, california and of course disney world takes up a big portion of florida near orlando. will: meanwhile, chris christie, former governor of new jersey, is saying finally, finally, the biden administration is following the science. watch. >> i'm glad that the biden administration is finally following the science. you don't have to wear your mask s anymore. you can start to conduct your life in the way that you used to prior to march of 2020, and i think that this is where the
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president himself wearing masks outside, wearing masks around vaccinated people, was sending exactly the wrong message. that you need to let people go back to their normal lives and i think some of the governments particularly the ones in some of the states like mine in new jersey have been much too controlling about this and not following the science. we need to follow the science, the masks were right then, but now, with this proof, not any more. will: but you know if science wasn't guiding decision-making before, before we were driven by politic, why do we trust it now we're following the science and not again? ainsley: why are our kids still in masks? if the science says they are so, it's very rare that children be affected by this. steve: but as , you know, as we have heard, and we're reminded, even after the administration said you don't have to wear a mask outside, we saw joe biden wearing a mask outside, because the imagery, if you wear a mask, you're reminded we're in a pandemic and it's easier to pass a couple of trillion dollar
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bills let's bring in geraldo rivera fox news correspondent at large. yup, an extra $300 for jobless ends next month. all right, that's our third topic, oh, look at that he's got the mask. will: geraldo get it off. geraldo: i will miss my mask, [laughter] and i like it when you close up my eye glasses. [laughter] ainsley: and you have a mustache on it, that's great. geraldo on it and under it. [laughter] steve: i want a geraldo mask. why did the administration change that? it looks like politics. it looks like everything is blowing up. geraldo: i think the administration has always been ambivalent about it, steve. i think they've gone through different incarnations of what the mandate should be. it wasn't really until april of 2020, after a lot of very conflicted advice that they finally mandated masks and just two weeks ago the guidance was
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that fully vaccinated people should be masked and still, still as you wear masks in subways and school buses, airplanes, hospitals, other crowded spaces, so i think they are trying to do their best. why do i wear a mask even though the science is so ambivalent? i always thought it was good man ners to put people at ease. how, after all, would i know that you're vaccinated? are you going to have a big v on your neck? will: why do you care though, geraldo if you're vaccinated? it doesn't matter if someone else is if you're vaccinated. geraldo: well, you know, i think , you basically are correct , but remember i was at school yesterday. she's 15 she got vaccinated the other day so i said isn't this great, isn't this great, schools going to get back to normal, now we're back together and she said wait a second, wait a second it's only 12-15- year-olds and older, what about the 11-year-olds and down into grade school, so you know,
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it's an abundance of caution, maybe. we definitely see the end of this creepy killer that has stalked all our lives now for this past dark year. i think it's almost over. i still, you know, counsel caution if it's up to me. i still wear them when i should or when i can. when i make other people feel comfortable is when i wear them. ainsley: for many of us that we've been vaccinated, but we still, like you, geraldo, have to wear the mask in my building, in the elevators, here at work because those restrictions haven't been lifted, but i do hope that they remove that, because it has been such a nuisance. the washington post though is questioning whether or not we can trust americans. they said the cdc should never move restrictions without requiring proof of vaccination and then the article goes on to say this announcement be very welcome if not for one big problem. there's no concurrent
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requirement for proof of vaccination. without it the cdc announcement could end up increasing confusion, removing incentives for those yet to be inoculated and delaying the eventual goal of herd immunity, that would get society truly back to normal the problem is this. you know what you're doing but you have no way to be confident of trusting everyone else. what's your reaction? geraldo: it's true. this is, you know, the whole debate over voter registration, i think everyone should have a national id card with a chip that says you're a registers republican, democrat whatever it is, you've been vaccinated here or there. i think that, remember, we used to have -- steve: geraldo hold on. you want big brother to have all of that information in some government database? do you trust the federal government with all that stuff? and what's to stop your health information from being in there too? geraldo: the privacy argument is an excellent one, steve, but remember not so long ago, in your passport you had that
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yellow fold-out that had your smallpox shots, measles shots, your other protective by regulations. i don't think it's that big a jump. if there was a regular way to do it, i think it be important and i have some confidence that you all are protected. otherwise, can i bring my six- year-old near you without knowing for sure that you are vaccinated? can i let you in my restaurant if i don't know for sure that you are vaccinated. should i sit next to you on the airplane if you don't have a mask on? there's still a lot of question marks. it's almost over. people get impair enter and wreckless and they smashup buildings and protest and so forth. i just think that it's a couple months this is all history. will: i think you've just illustrated one of migrate my greatest turns about something you said earlier and i understand what you said. you said i wear a mask because i
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want to have good manners. i know there are many people out there who feel similar to you. they are trying to "look out for their neighbor" by wearing a mask or getting vaccinated but what starts out as empathy so many times in our society not just on covid related issues what starts out as good manners turns into bullying, turns into demands turns into requirement, and within this span geraldo of two minutes you went from good manners to requiring me to show my papers. eeyou went from trying to be a good neighbor to asking to prove my vaccination, my voter registration to prove everything on a card and that's my concern. you start with empathy and end with a demand. geraldo: all right, will, what if this is the scenario. i'm seated at a restaurant with my wife and my children. you come in, you sit at the neighboring restaurant. shouldn't i have a reasonable expectation that you are vaccinated, that your family and those members that are appropriate are vaccinated? will: no. geraldo: don't you owe me as a fellow citizen the reassurance
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that you're not going to make my family sick? will: no. geraldo: i think that if you disagree with me -- will: the science suggests i do not present a threat. you are vaccinated, you'll have the choice of whether or not to vaccinate your children, the risk is minimal, the numbers backed by the data suggest your concerns and your paranoia does not get to impede upon my freedom. geraldo: well if you've ever taken a subway in new york, will , you know that your nose is in someone else's arm pit, they are breathing down the back of your neck, you're crammed in there like a sardine. don't you want to know whose vaccinated? or take a limousine. steve: speaking of new york, geraldo, here in new york, mayor deblasio yesterday was eating a great big burger from shake shack because shake shack is going to give you free fries if
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you get an innoculation and in your state of ohio, the governor has come out with a great idea and that is five different people in your state are going to win $1 million simply for getting a jab. is that a good investment of public dollars? geraldo: i'm all for it. mike dewine announced that with some of the stimulus money, five lucky winners already vaccinated , you don't have to apply for it. we'll be getting $1 million. now, i know some companies are giving out cases of beer. there are other incentives that are out there. this one, however, here in the buckeye state, i think wins the cake. $1 million to the random person selected and they say, steve, that your odds are better than they be in the normal state lottery because fewer people are i guess engaged so it's 1 million a week, five weeks, in ohio, if you're vaccinated, if you need any incentive to get a
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jab, $1 million might be just the ticket. steve: lottery ticket is $1. the jab is free. ainsley: and your state also, geraldo, is the latest to announce they are cutting the federal unemployment. there's $300 checks. geraldo: they have to. they absolutely have to. ainsley, there are help wanted signs throughout my area. this is a yours truly, it's a chain of coffee shops. it pays well, with tips. you get into the i don't know the specifics but you're into the certainly the teens, they can't find work, many of the stores are shut as a result. i stopped at one highway rest stop on the pennsylvania turnpike, six restaurants, i may have told you this six restaurants only the chick-fil-a was open, the other five all closed. why are they all closed? no help available. how are you going to get people to work when you get your unemployment insurance, plus $300 on top of that, indefinitely, well many of the republicans say it's like my
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own is i've put an , there's a day certain that will end in a month or so. will: chick-fil-a was open. we know you weren't out on a sunday. ainsley: i can't wait to see the results of this in these states so 16 states saying no more unemployment if they are going to start seeing more people back at work. steve: i bet you're right. geraldo: no doubt, i have no doubt. steve: all right. will: always fun to talk to you geraldo. geraldo: jobs or unemployment. steve: geraldo put your geraldo rivera mask back on and we'll see you back on this program next friday. geraldo: i'll be walking around then. will: i'll see you at the restaurant. you can wear that mask. ainsley: some people use it so they aren't recognized, but geraldo wants to be recognized. steve: i think it be funny if we all four had the geraldo masks. ainsley: i feel like i would look weird. jillian: also person dropping her phone here, sorry if you heard that loud noise and i distracted you guys good morning let's begin with this fox news alert now.
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an urgent manhunt is underway for the person who flashed three people on a new york city subway the three separate incidents happened on the same train earlier this morning, just 12 minutes apart. the victims are being treated for non-life threatening injuries. police are looking for two suspects. >> a georgia man is arrested and accused of drilling a hole in a u-haul gas tank to steal the fuel. police releasing those photos of the incident. authorities say he managed to steal five gallons of gas. this as a fuel shortage continues to affect parts of the country, after the colonial pipeline cyberattack. >> today, texas representative chip roy will challenge new york representative elise stefanik for the open house republican conference chair post. congressman jim jordan joined us earlier to weigh in. >> elise has gone away and i think she's going to win in a strong way. look, elise is endorsed by president trump. she has my support. jillian: house republicans will vote on liz cheney's replacement
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after she was removed over her feud with former president trump >> a military mom gives her son and brother the surprise of a lifetime. watch. >> mommy! >> i'm just so elated to be back with him today. jillian: how cute, reuniting with both of the first grade boy s at school. bailey was away on a six-month deployment with the air force. thank her for her service. send it back to you. steve: they have been waiting and yesterday was the day. ainsley: i don't know how they do that. they leave their families for so long. god bless them. steve: jillian, thank you very much. now, to a fox news alert actually. air strikes in gaza overnight, and now, the pentagon is pulling military personnel out of the region. general jack keane on the escalating violence over there, coming up, next. not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently.
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>> [shots fired] will: fox news alert the israeli military executes air strikes in gaza, reportedly targeting a hamas turn" network. as conflict escalates overnight pentagon mulling 120 military personnel being pulled out of that region, in a "abundance of caution." here to react fox news senior strategic analyst and retired four star general jack keane. general thanks so much for being here. i want your reaction to both what's going on in israel overnight and the united states response in out of an abundance of caution pulling personnel out >> well, i certainly understand getting our people out of harms way, and obviously, this is a very challenging situation that's taking place here in
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israel. the phase that we're in now that israel is facing is they clearly , in the words of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, he wants hamas and palestinian islamic jihad those are the two terrorist organizations that are firing the rockets and the missiles, he wants them to pay a price for this , much as they did back in 2014, when he not only conducted air strike s but also made a ground assault into gaza. he's moved those ground troops up closer to the gaza border, as you have indicated. he has not launched an attack in the gaza and he's using those ground forces to fire their own organic artillery and what he's trying to do in terms of pay a price, he's certainly not interested in killing any civilians and give civilians warnings before they conduct an attack on specific buildings , but obviously, given 2 million people living on top of one another, there will be civilian casualties, but he's after the leaders. he's after the fighters but most
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importantly, he's after the infrastructure. the launches of the rockets and missiles, the rockets and missiles themselves, the depo storage areas, the entire infrastructure as you mentioned of the tunnel network that supports all of this activity, they don't move around on the city streets. they move around in a complex tunnel network that some people have seen it referred to it as a city underneath a city, so this entire infrastructure that's supporting these rocket and missile attacks is the phase that we're in now and i think they'll stay in that phase until their intelligence services indicate that the prime minister , they've accomplished the goal they wanted and that is a huge consequential result for these terrorist organizations and doing it, and so it's a deterrence for them doing it again. will: meanwhile, general, a different kind of attack here in the united states. a cyberattack on the colonial pipeline. president biden has said it wasn't coordinated by the russian government but it did take place in russia.
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let's listen to president biden. >> we do not leave the russian government was involved in this attack, but we do have strong reason to believe that the criminals who did the attack are living in russia. that's where it came from. where from russia? will: you know, general, there are those who suggested if it's happening in russia, whether or not it's coordinated by the government, it's happening with the knowledge of the government. can we parse, should we parse between hackers in russia and hackers connected to the russian government? >> absolutely not. i mean, this is really disappointing by the president of the united states. i understand he doesn't have evidence, he's telling us that, that a russian government hacker pulled the trigger on this attack. let's take that at face value but here is the other evidence that we have and this is the part of the story that must be told. russia is sanctioning russian criminal hacking activity. why is that?
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one, because it significantly helps them in terms of the national interest. it's disrupting and undermining democratic societies, particularly in this case, the united states. they also benefit from the intelligence value, the attack on critical u.s. infrastructure would give them if the government wanted to do that if we were involved in conflict operations. so this should really stop. the other thing, it's well-known in our national security circles that russian government hackers moonlight and work part time in these criminal activities. that is an established fact, and an attack on a critical infrastructure and scale of this size, in russia's number one adversary, the united states , believe me, the russian government likely okay'd that attack because of the consequences of it, and russia wanted to make certain that they understood all the implications of that kind of an attack. and as a result of that here is
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what the president, the president's avoiding what you're going to ask me. what do we do about it? will: right. >> he's avoiding that consequence. one call out the russians for sanctioning this russian criminal activity. conduct offensive cyberattack against the criminal activity itself. i'm assuming we're already doing that because we have the capability and that's a classified operation. sanctions of the russian oil & gas industry and go after the companies that are building the russian pipeline to germany that so many in europe are opposed to and the united states is opposed to. let's hold the russians accountable for this behavior, or it's going to continue to explode. will: you know general that was the question i was going to suggest. i hope to go into it deeper with you in the future perhaps as soon as this weekend but what should we do about it? that's obviously the next conversation we need to have. i hope to talk to you soon, general, about that. thanks for your time this morning. >> yeah, great talking to you, will. will: you too, still ahead. the story of one of the country 's first korean
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american congresswoman, california representative young kim's inspirational message is next. you need a financial plan that can help grow and protect your money. an annuity can help cover essential expenses in retirement. have the right financial professional show you how... this is what an annuity can do. keeping your oysters business growing professional show you how... has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at
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linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms-belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be... about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yes to linzess. ♪♪ ainsley: this month recognizes asian american and native hawaiian pacific islander heritage, and we are celebrating the milestones that community has achieved.
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this week, fox business correspondent susan li is highlighting california's congresswoman young kim, one of the first korean-american women elected to congress. this is wonderful, hey, susan. >> yeah, that's right so this is our first profile for the asian american heritage month. a new face in the republican party, becomes with a history as all too familiar for those chasing the american dream. >> hi, i'm young kim, i represent california's 39th congressional district. >> one of the first korean- american women in congress and one of two republicans who unseated incumbent democrats from california. now we would like to recognize a new member of the house, representative young kim. >> first time that's happened in 27 years. >> i'm just so grateful to be able to serve in this community as one of the first korean- american women to serve and my story hopefully will be an inspiration to other immigrants, other young women and girls, especially. >> kim was born in war-torn south korea before immigrating
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to the united states in the 1970 s. >> looking back, we really had nothing we really had very very little but i never felt that we didn't have much. >> like many immigrants, kim and her sister arrived in california first without their parents, forced to learn the ropes in the new land on their own. >> now when you moved and immigrated to the u.s. in 1975 could you speak english? >> no not a word of english. i came here and i had to learn everything on my own. we have to assimilate into this country, you have to study hard, you may have to work twice as hard, but if you do that, you can achieve anything. >> after earning a degree at us c, young kim went to work in finance, and later, started her own clothing retail business , after getting married, kim became a working mother of four. >> don't ever think that because you are a woman, minority, immigrant, that you only belong in the kitchen. don't ever think that. just keep going and when the opportunity comes grab it. >> the chance at politics for
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young kim started when she met long time congressman ed roy she sent more than 20 years as director of asian affairs, only running for a seat herself, in california's state assembly in 2014. then, for the u.s. congress in 2018. >> no one knows the district like i do, because i fit the district, i look like the district, and i talk like the district. >> she lost that race, but finally, won her seat last year. >> representative young, i just wanted to ask you about ten as it about winning elections, because you didn't win the first time in the state assembly. you didn't win the first time running for that congressional seat, so what advice do you have for people when you don't win the first time out? >> don't give up. winners don't quit. quitters don't win. >> representative michael mccaul says he knew kim was meant to run for public office, and a great representative for the gop.
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>> she's a great diplomat on behalf of the republican party, and that's exactly what we need is better outreach with the min or it communities all across america, and she is a principal player, she is our star quarterback. >> young kim is up for re-election next year, and she has every intention to keep her seat. >> i'm here. i'm sitting down and my butt is going to be glued to this chair for a long time. >> so she's got a lot of personality, a lot of energy so she sits on three congressional committees while raising four kids, and i asked her if she sleeps and she said she wished there were 26 hours in a day instead of just 24, kind of familiar for all mothers out there right, ainsley? ainsley: we all need those extra two wouldn't that be nice? fascinating story. i'm so proud of her. that's great. thanks for bringing this all to light for us, susan. for more stories like this head to 36 after the top of the hour and coming up next, texas governor greg abbott joins us live.
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>> before we discontinue the blame game here how many children were processed over a three-year period through that program? >> be pleased to provide that data. >> i think it's about 5,000 children. steve: right, exactly. lawmakers, as you can see the senate grilling dhs secretary mayorkas offer the ongoing surge at our southern border and now state leaders are joining the cause as 20 republican governors have sent a letter to the white house urging them to take action on the border immediately. one of the governors is on the border, sign that letter, texas governor greg abbott joins us today from austin. governor, good morning. >> good morning, steve, how you doing? steve: i'm doing okay. you know, mitt romney had that graphic yesterday that showed how out of control the number of apprehensions and people crossing into the country, but according to secretary mayorkas, governor, the border is closed. that is not how it looks. >> so i don't know if secretary mayorkas and the biden
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administration either don't have a clue what's going on or they are purposefully misleading their fellow americans, because here are the numbers on the national level with regard to the border patrol, they apprehended this last month and the month of april, more than 170,000 people. that is a 10-fold increase over the prior april, where they apprehended about 17,000 people, but also, i can tell you what's going on on the ground with regard to the state of texas, because i have deployed the texas department of public safety as well as the national guard, and they have apprehended about 30,000 people who came across the border and they've arrested more than 900 people coming across the border but steve, there's something else, a new dynamic about what's going on on the border that americans into ed to know about and that is the increased apprehension of fentanyl coming across the border. yes there maybe people coming across the border but there's dangerous drugs coming across the border for your audience who may not know, 2 milligrams of
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fentanyl is a fatal dose, and so know this. we had over an 800% increase, april over april about the amount of fentanyl that has been apprehended by the texas department of public safety. we have obtained enough fentanyl coming across the border to kill every single person in the state of new york, and so this is a very deadly situation, happening on the border. the biden administration better wake up. however, steve, this is the deal , because of what texas is doing on the border if texas, that is securing the border, we want biden to pay for it. steve: it seems fair, absolutely fair, because you're doing the job that the federal government should be doing but they refuse to. governor, also, you've been busy i know you've just signed the alcohol-to-go bill, and that is going to really help struggl ing restaurants, because now, in addition to your take-
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out food you'll be able to get a cocktail or a beer or wine or something like that as well. >> well first, for the setting of where we are in texas right now, all of our restaurants are 100% fully open and they have been for a while. this alcohol-to-go was one of the measures that we put in place during the course of the pandemic when restaurants were not allowed to be open 100% , and so many restaurants owners have said that this alcohol-to-go program that we allow them to undertake during the course of the pandemic, that is what kept them open and operational and had it not been for that they may have had to shutdown, but the point is, that both restaurants as well as texans, liked alcohol to go so much, we decided to make it permanent law steve: well there you go and now it is. all right, governor thank you very much for joining us from austin. have a great weekend. >> you all too, thanks. steve: you bet. meanwhile this weekend, the preakness and janice dean is
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joining us live from baltimore as medina spirits final drug tests are expected to be released and janice has the big hat and the big question is will the horse be able to run? >> janice: well we'll find out today. there are two drug tests that will come in but for now the horse is racing in the preakness. won the kentucky derby but of course a cloud of controversy because of the drug test at the kentucky derby, after the race. i talked to d. wayne lukas, who is a trainer, a wonderful guy, and he told me about being a fellow trainer with bob baffert and their friendship earlier on. tell me about your friendship with bob baffert. >> we became friends, we were rivals, obviously, but we would go along and the press would say , you know, they are bitter rivals and then we would go along with it and with you and your colleagues and then go to dinner that night, but i just feel like its been injust what happened. we wake up and all of a sudden,
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the testing is strong, but the rules have not changed. we've got to adjust them. >> janice: that's what a lot of trainers are saying. standardized testing across-the-board for all of the races. we're going to find out today bob baffert and his family are not here. they want to keep the focus on the horse and not on them, and of course, it will run tomorrow. we hope the medina spirit will be in but we'll keep you up-to-date throughout the day today. it is a beautiful forecast for baltimore, i will tell you that sunshine 75 degrees a light wind that's why i'm holding on to my hat and you know, obviously, the controversy is going to bring eyeballs to the race, but it's still a wonderful event that i really enjoy cover ing, so thank you for bringing me here and we'll bring you the very latest from the preakness, back to you. steve: nobody has better coverage than you do, janice. thank you for making the trip down to baltimore today. >> janice: you got it. steve: we'll be watching. meanwhile still ahead how does
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10,000 free dollars in your bank account sound? could be yours with the fox bet super 6 quiz, coming up next, tom shillue will tell you the exact questions they are asking this week that could make you $10,000 richer. meanwhile, bill hemmer joins us right now. >> bill: have a little bon fire for the masks a little later today. are you going to join us? listen, the teacher's unions now full-go just in time for summer. we'll go through all of it and we'll talk to the white house point person on covid coming up plus michael an ton, the pipeline hack, what with putin know and our friday money team, we'll take on inflation and so much more so we'll see you in 10 minutes, special surprise for you, at 9:00 a.m. we'll see you then, top of the hour.
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steve: okay fox bet super 6 app is giving you another chance to win $10,000 in a quiz show with these exact questions. will: all you have to do is answer six questions correctly on a wide variety of topics. ainsley: fox nation host tom sanctuary lieu is here and he's the host of fox nation happy hour with episodes streaming now , sign up to get exclusive access to other original content , events and your
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favorite personalities on any device. good morning to you, tom. >> good morning, ainsley. i got my app open. i'm so excited. steve: excellent. >> for those watching at home i want new players this week so download the app and let's all play okay? here we go question number one, who, what will the national average of a gallon of gasoline be on saturday? under 3.02, 3.03-3.05, 3.06-2.08 , and 3.09-3.11 or over 3.15 what do you think? steve: i'm going with the most expensive 3.15. ainsley: i'm going with b, 3.03. will: i go $1 bob, i'll take the lowest. it's not about being accurate. it's offsetting there. ainsley: wait a minute but right now it's 3.1 right or 3.01? will: right now the national average? ainsley: i'll just stick with b. >> okay, the preakness what do you think question 2. which horse will finish in the
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best position at the preakness, look at the horses here. concert tour, midnight bourbon, risk taking, or terantino. steve: according to that graph people like midnight bourbon. ainsley: [laughter] who doesn't? >> question 3. what will win best fight scene at the mtv movie and tv awards birds of prey, the boys, wanda vision, or justice league. best fight team. steve: haven't seen any of them. will: i've seen one: >> come on. it's not even fair. it's basically, the whole thing is a fight scene. ainsley: what about that fight at the gas station why isn't that on here? >> you mean real life? will: it's all one big fight scene, tom, and it's all one big dose of nostalgia. that's what's great about it. >> stocks which tech stock is going to have the highest close percentage wise by 4:00 p.m. today?
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that google, facebook, apple, microsoft, amazon and twitter. ainsley: amazon, i'm going with amazon. >> you're talking percentage. will: whichever one takes the biggest control of our lives by the end of the day. ainsley: it's apple of amazon both of those control my life. steve: final question. >> okay, barstool founder dave portnoy, how many tweets on friday and saturday under four, five, six, seven, eight or more than nine? ainsley: more than nine. >> really? will: um, i'm going to go eight. four a day sounds right for the el presidente. steve: i'll go with c, right in the middle. >> there we go. steve: all right >> one more question you don't get to see it open the app to see it. steve: that's right and those are the exact questions that you could win $10,000 with over the weekend, we're able to put them out because they haven't been answered yet and they will reveal themselves over the weekend.
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tom, thank you very much. have a fantastic weekend and folks, download the fox bet super 6 app today. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ steve: stepping aside more "fox & friends" in just a couple. from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination.
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friends." i've enjoyed hanging out with you guys. download the will cain podcast at fox news i will be hosting fox news prime time monday through friday next week. >> you worked today, this weekend and prime time next week and the following weekend. you are a hard worker. >> 11 straight days. >> bill: good morning. america taking off the mask as cd updates guidance after months of mixed messages. saying if you're fully vaccinated you can take the mask off inside or outside. not everybody is on board. friday, we have a great show today. good morning. a big surprise today. >> dana: is this going to be fun? >> dana is out today and smitty is here today. >> nice to be back in studio j. where is the banana and
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