tv The Five FOX News May 18, 2021 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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work. we want the economy to thrive. thank you to all three of you for the debate. i appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> sandra: that will do it >> sandra: thank you for tuning in and watching. catch may with john each and every weekday eastern time monday through friday on america report. lo to see you back here tomorrow. "the five" starts right now. thank you for joining us. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody, i'm jess i can't waters along with greg gutfeld, dana perino, juan williams and dagen mcdowell. 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> mr. president? >> this sucker is quick. [laughter] >> jesse: mounting crisis cease be damned.
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president biden is more interested in driving electric vehicles and going pedal to metal on massive socialist agenda. gas prices are still rising. biden thinks it's best to tool around in the new electric f-150 and show off to reporters. the president in michigan today trying to sell his $4 trillion green new deal infrastructure plan. >> when i think of the climate crisis, beyond the devastation of lives and livelihoods and health of our very planet, i think jobs. i think jobs climate change, good paying union jobs. we're going to put americans to work modernizing our roads, our highways, our ports, airports, rails and transit systems. america is back. america is back. [applause] and the competition for the 2 st century, the future will be built right here in america.
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>> jesse: all right, juan williams, the electric ford 150. i want you to be honest here, juan, knowing what you know about the american people and truck drivers, do you think the electric f-150 will sell? yes or no? >> juan: yes. >> jesse: really? >> juan: i mean, it's the best-selling car in america. i think we all know that it's been that for a long time. >> jesse: the electric? not the electric. >> juan: no, i said the f-150 i think -- i'm pretty sure the ford f-150 is the best selling car in america. so i think that when you put something new on what is already a very successful product, people are attractived. people will flock to it. you know, the thing about this as you talk about gas prices, we didn't have a gas crisis. not like he is wasting time. we had a cyber crisis in terms of an oil pipeline being hacked.
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i mean, it could have been a hospital records. it could have been, you know, anything. we have a cybersecurity issue here and i'm sure we're going to pay attention and figure that out. but, when you talk about electric cars, you have got to realize it's not just biden taking this initiative but that the car companies, g.m., for example, ford, they have all said they are going to stop making gas-powered cars within the next 15, 20 years, jesse. that's the future. and i think what biden is saying is we don't want germany, we don't want japan, we don't want korea taking the lead. we want those jobs, the technology, and the profit stamped made in the good old u.s.a. >> jesse: all right. well, i will bet you 10 grand right now in 15 years detroit is still making gas powered cars. dagen mcdowell, here is the president playing around, having a little fun with the press and the car. roll the tape.
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>> mr. president, can i ask you a quick question. >> no, you can't. not unless you get in front of the car as i step on it. [laughter] i'm only teasing. [laughter] >> jesse: imagine if trump said that? it's actually funny. >> dagen: that's what i was going to say all those reporters would have been he is joking about people killed in the gaza -- the hamas, israel conflict and he is threatening to run over a member of the white house press corps. they would have been clutching their chess laid out on the asphalt, except for jim acosta standing in front of the tv reporting about how president trump is trying to basically kill members of the press. it's nice to see that joe biden has a little bit of giggle in his giddy up still left, so to speak i i don't know der if he knows ford f-150 owners at any time vote for him. certainly not people who have trailer hitches. but juan is talking about will
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people buy the electric f-150 if the government gives them a big enough bribe. the government has spent billions upon billions of dollars in subsidies to get people to buy electric vehicles. and every year, year after year, they still represent only 2% of all vehicles sold because the break through technology is not there. they don't go far enough. they are not cheap enough. you can't fill them up as easily as a gasoline powered car. and what's going to happen is the subsidies, 100 billion in bribes in this infrastructure plan, 74 billion in charging stations it will not be enough money for any of this to make sense so they're ultimately going to have to mandate that people buy these. kamala harris actually proposed that. no more gasoline powered cars. so you are going to have a bunch of old kooks reminiscing about getting some nooky in the back of a ford fair lane and they are going to be deciding what kind of car you have to drive.
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>> jesse: so, greg, this is interesting, when trump was president, ford announced they were going to build a big plant in ohio, $900 million investment. 1500 jobs created and the second joe biden got elected, they said, do you know what? we are going to build it in mexico instead. and now the union workers are just freaking out. it kind -- and they took the money for the subsidies for the electric. it shows you how they play the game. >> greg: i mean, first of all, if this were a country of rich liberals, the gas powered car would go away but it's not. right now the only people buying tesla are kind of rich lefties and some otherwise rich libertarians. by the way, if you want to make electric cars the choice for americans, you don't try to hit them with guilt and virtue signaling and tying to a climate crisis that does not exist. there is climate change, but to pretend that there is some kind of crisis, some of the things that joe biden said makes no
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sense. it's like he is reading off a scrabble board as opposed to a teleprompter. lives and livelihood can he be specific about that when he is talking about the climate crisis? it's not extreme weather because our own data says that is not actually happening, that is not due to the climate crisis. by the way, that's the only thing he could talk about in terms of crisis. he says that china is leading the race in electric cars? is that true? and if that's true? why. why would that be? is it because they are building coal plants so fast you can't count them? is it because they are using slave labor? i don't want to know. i don't think he should be comparing to us china in that regard. this is a man who is killing pipelines while he is like lifting sanctions on a russian pipeline what he called the north stream. so he is basically, i will give him this. he wrote -- he drove that truck in a straight line, which is more than i expected from him and so with that, i want to use an analogy. i'm going to use the analogy of
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a beautiful sleek car, okay. that's the economy. that is the american economy. it's often built by republicans and it's run on incentives and disincentives directly linked to human behavior. now, the democrats are like an idiot dim wit brother who hops into the car when the republicans are out of town doing work and then smashes the thing to bits. and then the republicans have to come home, wrestle the keys away from this punk, and then fix the car. that's what we're going through right now. we have four years of this. and then we're going to have to come back and fix this thing. but, if you make an electric car that is cool, like the way the iphone was designed so everybody wanted it, which i think elon musk is probably doing right now, people might buy a car because it's sweet-looking, that it's attractive. we don't have a lot of design competition anymore in cars. so the person that designs a really beautiful car, electric or not, could win.
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that's the way you look at it create an appealing car and not a car that is supposed to play on lies and guilt. >> jesse: greg brings up a good point, dana. i'm going to have johnny fact check in the break. have you ever heard of a chinese electric car on the market? i haven't. but we're going to look into see if biden is telling the truth. go ahead. >> dana: i'm not an expert on the chinese car market although i will do some research and get back with you and johnny and i will check that. obviously they are trying to do a lot of things. i think greg's point about letting the market decide means that actually the best will win. okay, so that's what we should do. that's what we have always done. and i appreciate that the administration wants to look ahead and, even at these car companies have said we're going to go in a different direction. we're going to go to electric. that's great. but, in the meantime, i'm not saying there is a gas shortage, necessarily, there definitely gas price increases.
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the president wants to pass a big, big infrastructure bill. wants to spend $2 trillion, and most americans are looking at this situation going, okay, in meantime can you do something it just cost me an extra $50 to fill up my tank. they don't necessarily think 15 to 20 years ahead. that's why i think the white house tonight, just recently put out a memo talking about their economic approach, economic outlook, what they are seeing and how they have been able to right the economy after covid. again, left to be seen. also my last point is, i brought this up before. i can't believe there aren't reporters that want to drive news on the fact that the secretary of energy, secretary granholm has all of this multimillions of stock in electric car company batteries. that's a story. it written right over it. nobody wants to touch it i don't get it. >> jesse: maybe "watters' world" will win the pulitzer when we discuss that this weekend.
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>> dana: very good. >> greg: jesse, who are you going to have on to talk about it? >> jesse: pete hegseth. [laughter] >> jesse: no offense to pete but is he great. up next, president biden called it neanderthal thinking but code cases and deaths in texas have dropped big time since. ♪ i want to know how the river feels ♪ i have been around the block a time or two
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>> the last thing we need is neanderthal thinking in the meantime everything is type, take off your mask, forget it. gut gut back in march the president scolded texas for getting rid of its mask mandate and opening up the state 100 percent. since then cases and hospitalizations have been plunging. texas reported zero covid deaths on sunday. governor greg abbott responding today. >> at this point in time, we will never declare victory; however, it is interesting. i still have not yet received a phone call or an apology from the president, all the liberals and all the media in the state of texas issued the same declaration.
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some people said i had issued a death warrant. the people on the democrat side, they want to push narratives where what i was looking at was both math and science. >> greg: you know, jesse, that was the most inif you areiating thing everybody in the media whom they attacked they often would bill as murderers or they had blood on their hands. they went after desantis falsely on a number of smears. anybody who talked about the viral leaks they were called racist. trump had blood on his hands. texans had blood on their hans. meanwhile, they were protecting people like cuomo. do you think that they will actually apologize, jesse? >> jesse: no, i do not, gregory gutfeld. and you can just say biden had blood on his hands, too, and you go back a year ago went against the travel ban. he was president. how many americans would have died from that. he wanted the lockdown longer. how many businesses would he have crushed. he was against school openings at the time, against sports reopening.
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he cast a lot of doubt on warp speed and raised a lot of suspicions which led to a lot of people hesitating. so, he was wrong on masks, too. almost every little quadrant of this last cycle he has been wrong on. but the media paints him as this guy that follows the science. i think is he looking for answers as he wanders blindly around. update on the electric car deal in china, we're going to say it's mostly true with some caveats. company neo has sold more cars that are electric than tesla but they cost 70 grand. they get huge subsidies from the communist chinese government and produced in a region known for unfair labor practices. >> greg: so slave labor. i was right. also, the coal plants that they are building, generating the electricity, i'm right again. i get to leave now while i'm ahead. i will see you guys later.
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dana, is governor abbott guilty of what i like to call neanderthal privilege? he is essentially flaunting texas' extraordinary simple common sense in our faces. and we have to suck it up. >> dana: yeah, it's actually interesting when he raised this morning that he hadn't received a phone call. actually the joe biden before the white house, he might have actually made that call. >> greg: yeah. >> dana: it would have been beneficial to him. he wants to get this infrastructure bill done. he has got democrats -- he doesn't have enough democrats. probably only has 45 democrats to pass it right now. he has to look for republican support. why not call somebody like greg abbott, you nailed it, man, congratulations on that. keep it up. we will be following suit. hey, while i have you on the phone, can i talk to you about this? just do a little politicking around here, greg. >> greg: dagen, i think that's why this is just me hypothesizing. since i was right in the previous block. i'm right right now.
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>> dagen: you are always right. >> greg: i am. i can't help it. this is the reason why president joey said that all 50 states are declaring a decline because he had to wait for the blues to catch up with the reds in his -- so he could blur the caping gulf its success. the whole country is doing well. he couldn't just say wow, the reds are doing way better. >> dagen: those neanderthals really knew what they were doing. as a southerner, i completely expect thvment because people will always under estimate you as think you're stupid, quite frankly, based on where you are from and the way that you speak. but then you get -- i'm kind of a sore winner. i wouldn't take it as nicely as governor abbott did. i would have been, you know, doing a little dance, but you get to step back and when you're right and you start winning, you can just watch their pomposity melt into horror. but, one more thing what jesse was saying, and to your point earlier, here is what joe biden
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said yesterday about masks. he is still saying thvment he said the science now shows thatr vaccination protects you as well as being masked. >> dana: what? >> dagen: or better than being masked. anyway, i will shut up. >> greg: it's okay. it's amazing, juan, i sense when i look at how great the republican governors have done, dewine, desantis, abbott, and you look at the democrats, gavin newsom, cuomo, they suck. this has got to just -- this is not going to be good for the democratic party in the long run. i just might pack it in, juan. [laughter] >> juan: yeah, just like you on the -- you and jesse on the chinese electric cars. we should all pack it in. i think you guys are spiking the football a little early here. of course, that's texas bravado, i love it you just have to look at the numbers and realize things are getting better nationwide and things are getting better in texas. but last week, according to the
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numbers, covid deaths dropped 11% nationally, but in texas they were up 7%. so you have to -- you know, had a one day with no deaths and god bless him, thank you, but let's not pretend like oh, yeah, you know, texas is doing so much better than everyone else. >> jesse: juan, 7%. 2 before. >> juan: jesse stop. i'm so tired of you doing that let me finish. biden made that neanderthal comment march 2nd. since then we have had 6767 deaths in texas from covid from covid. in new york, i know you love to beat up on cuomo. >> greg: we don't have. to say. >> juan: only 1500 fewer deaths with the mask mandate. also, right now, texas is near the bottom when it comes to vaccination rates. so, maybe we should put some needles in those neanderthal arms because i would love to
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♪ ♪ >> dagen: if you think that the crisis at the southern border is bad, just listen to this. a.o.c. and other far left democrats are demanding an end to targeted deportations of criminal illegal immigrants. that includes suspected gang members like people in ms-13. these lefty members of congress argue that america's immigration
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enforcement laws are racist. dana, can you explain this? >> dana: well, here is the thing i think about abigail spanberger a congresswoman from virginia a democratic swing district. she was on a conference call with all the other democrats and say let me tell you something right now all this far left progressivism is what nearly cost us the house. we barely held on to our house and kept nancy pelosi as speaker. and i think that the more somebody like aoc and others continue to say things like this, that they will pay a price for in 2022 because people are going to pay attention. they are giving the republicans huge openings and really a stiff wind to blow over this democratic majority. it's very slim right now. you are going to have redistricting. you take an issue like this where you are talking about safety and moms are paying attention more than ever to this election. they are upset still the kids aren't back in school and they are concerned about the defund the police movement and this
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adds to that. >> dagen: jesse, you read about agents near abrams, texas picked up a group of 10 migrants including one man who had been arrested in washington for the rape of a child later convicted and sentenced to 34 months. there were three apprehended. three convicted child sex offenders. so are a.o.c. and her ilks standing with the most wanted list. >> jesse: martinez wanted for sex trafficking. challenge very homicide. aggravated homicide. is a.o.c. saying that these guys should stay in america? is that what she wants? she is saying that ice shouldn't be arresting and deporting these people? does she want them in her district to prey on her constituents? i think someone needs to ask her that question. not to mention the amount of
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fentanyl that's pouring over. more fentanyl poured over in the first three months of biden administration than the whole of 2020. we are stretched so thin it's coming through the dessert. it's coming across ports of entry. we just can't keep up with it. and we are talking like pounds of it when like a microgram can kill you. that's how deadly it is. but i have got to go back and fact check, juan, because you cherry picked the information and it's actually false. texas, seven day average for deaths, the last three weeks these are updated numbers went from 50 to 49 to 44. that is a solid and consistent decrease in texas deaths. >> dagen: juan? >> juan: what i just said to you the percentages were up. i'm moving on to this topic. but i just want to say, you know, i think a.o.c. is saying that there are inconsistencies in terms of how we have to apply deportation. who gets targeted and who
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doesn't. i'm not going go into her argument, but i will say this, and i have been saying this all along. i think on immigration there is just too much political posturing. and in this case it would be too much posturing coming from the left and from the democrats. i mean, the republicans clearly posture when it comes to this. we talked about the tweets and the selfies and -- all of that. to my mind, we need comprehensive immigration reform that would speak to how we go about deportations. but, i mean, there is so much we agree on in terms of doing something about people who are already here, about doing something for the dreamers, about people who are here on temporary status, the farm workers. i don't understand why we can't, i mean, republicans agreed to a deal back in 2013. now they are running away from it and now you get people like a.o.c. putting a political agenda on top of it we will never get a solution. we need a solution. stop it politicians.
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>> dagen: i take people would take issue with being called racist if you agree with immigration laws and a border. and also that coddling criminals is bad. >> greg: jesse, they're using a new phrase called i was going to try to pronounce it right. carceral approach. have you heard that phrase? means jailing. you can't jail them or deport them. what's the non-carceral approach? when you are talking about inconsistencies in deportation. they're deporting gang members. so i have two solutions because, juan asked for solutions the problem with the democrats is they don't have any solutions except these ones. that's why everybody is pissed off so i came up with two. if you are a democrat and feel strongly about not deporting gang members, i have an adopt a gang banger charity for just 350 bucks a month you can adopt a gang banger, okay? each week you are going to get a
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photo and a handwritten letter from the gang banger telling you who he has assaulted and raped and murdered and in three months he could be yours to live at your house. i also have another idea. please don't call them an animal though because they are all god's creatures. now, another idea i call this the idiot thug exchange program and it works like this. we will keep one of your thugs as long as they are under 25 because there is a possibility rehabilitation in return you get two far left media academics who are over 25 because they aren't -- there is no ability to rehab them because the ideas are so poisoned in their brain they come up with really stupid ideas. i will take a gang banger over a gender studies professor in a heart beat. [laughter] maybe next door neighbor but, you know. deign. >> dagen: i could hear you talk about that actually for a couple hours. there is always gutfeld exclamation point tonight. >> greg: watch it.
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if you love it, spoon it. introducing colliders. your favorite candy flavors twisted, chopped or layered into a dessert that's made to spoon. new colliders desserts. find them near the refrigerated pudding. ♪ jump ♪ for my love ♪ jump in and feel my touch ♪ jump ♪ ♪ >> juan: welcome back. president biden under fire from republicans who say federal unemployment benefits are stopping people from getting back to work. connecticut now getting creative by offering $1,000 bonuses to long-term unemployed who find a job and keep it and senator bernie sanders says critics of the federal jobless benefits are cruel. >> but the republicans are saying by trying to do away with this supplement on top of unemployment is we are going to
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starve you back to work. whether you like it or not you are going to be forced to go back to work. >> juan: jesse, what do you think of this as a matter of creativity? you have connecticut using money to incentivize people to get back. ohio, i think, governor dewine was using money to incentivize people, million dollars lottery get vaccinated. what's wrong with these plans? >> jesse: sounds like politicians are signing people like the pros. connecticut governor can ned lamont t.j. resume includes some college and workings at his dad's landscaping company. catchphrase: whatever. we are really now paying people not to work and paying them to work, juan. come on? we're just going to go bankrupt now. i'm all for creativity but this is getting silly. >> juan: all right, so dana,
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what do you think? so should who have been long-term unemployed have time to decide what's the best job that they can get and look around a little bit? is that unreasonable? >> dana: it depends on how how long-i think some of these governors are talking to all their business owners and realizing that they need workers to get there so the economy can continue to grow so we can all benefit from that and the thing about this one, the connecticut governor is doing he only goes half a step. so the governor of montana said i'm going to end enhanced unemployment benefits so that's additional moneys that were coming from the government on top of unemployment. but i'm going to give you $1,200 so you can get right now if you take a job. i mean, it's the same amount of money that way. but what the governor in connecticut is doing is saying i'm going to give you $1,000 and then i will think about maybe the other part which is taking back the enhanced unemployment benefit. that doesn't make sense. it's not fair to taxpayers.
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>> juan: that was interesting. the economy though is starting up, we all agree. and the workforce is part of the economy. so the workforce has to get going. do you think that in a month or two the labor market and the work market will find their balance in a capitalistic system? >> greg: i certainly hope. so it's interesting why would you need to bribe people to come to work when the jobs are out there. i have talked to people in this city over and over again who are having issues. and i think it's pause we have created an environment, although it may be temporary, where not working is possible. we did that for a reason because we were going through a pandemic. but we actually talked about this, this phenomenon when we would talk about universal basic income. because that's kind of what you're experiencing now. it's analogous to it. when you create and deliver an income, no strings attached temporarily. we're seeing cause and effect, right? a powerful disincentive to work. it's probably not going to last very long.
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but it is making it hard for people who need workers to come and fill jobs. because they don't have to. we need urgency. in order to get this economy back up. people got to get to work. and just giving and right now, they don't see a reason to. >> juan: all right. so, dagen, when i look through the articles about this, there is a lot of talk about women child care schools not fully reopened, the need to find a way to get themselves back but they have got to get their families taken care of, first. what do you think? >> dagen: because the teachers unions screwed parents and have for the last year. so it's not about child care. it's about the teachers unions, holding parents across the country, particularly women, hostage number one. number two, you make on this extra unemployment, it's about $32,000 a year. if you factor it in. it's well more than $15 an hour. and you add more than 8 million job openings to this country and
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nearly 17 million people collecting unemployment. but this extra money from connecticut and idaho and montana and even arizona, it's really to help those smaller businesses like individual restaurant owners, the kind of people greg talks to, manufacturers and the like because they don't have the financial heft and size to compete with amazon or mcdonald's. the giant chains and companies are raising wages hiring people by thousands of people. amazon hiring 75,000 more workers offering $1,000 signing bonuses to somebody who owns a bar or restaurant, once again, is just back on their heels because they can't compete. for the last year these individual business owners have just gotten the shaft. and so at least this money from the states will help them hire people. >> juan: all right. ahead, accusations of, quote,
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ hey limu! [ squawks ] how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... [ laughter ] woops! [ laughter ] good evening! meow! nope. oh... what? i'm an emu! ah ha ha. no, buddy! buddy, it's a filter! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: andrew cuomo cashing in on book deal about pandemic leadership he called it republicans calling it blood money after tax returns show the governor could rake in more than $5 million. that's the book he wrote as thousands died in new york nursing homes and he is now being investigated for potentially covering up those deaths while he was writing the book. and here's the thing, greg, big payday sales. >> greg: this drives me nuts. >> dana: me too. >> greg: that's almost as much as i made on the plus. and i sold books. my god, i earned that yacht. i wish. this drives me crazy. i don't understand the economic of the book business. it's just based on somebody's name and influence and power. i think, you know, clinton donaa
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third to covid relief. he should donate the rest of it to nursing home victims. i will shut up. this guy has two scandals going at once and he is still there. it's incredible. he is uncancellable. >> dana: is he skating on through. juan? >> juan: well, you know, i think cuomo's plusing house, they made a big mistake, dana. they bought high and stock market turns they bought high and thought market has fallen out. they can't even sell it. the book is not selling. but, you know, this reminds me, i think few books written by politicians really are worth reading. i think, you know, even people like president trump said, you know, he didn't even read his own book, he didn't write it either. politicians do this all the time. and the big react now is they just, you know, have some of their supporters buy it in bulk sales and then it's like a back door contribution. to me, it becomes a react we can see it clearly now picking up on
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the idea that powerful people when they are hot get these exorbitant upfront, you know, deals, contracts from publishers. >> dana: dagen, i guess they just write it off? >> dagen: maybe. i don't know. i'm not a fan of lists but it sold 48,000 copies. i would like a list of people who actually paid money to be lied to by this murderous despot who when you were getting it for free for more than a year. by the way, let's not forget, this person who killed 16,000 elderly people lied and stonewalled and sicked his goons on the grievous families and hitting on women allegedly he wrote this in the middle of the pandemic while the entire state that he governed was suffering. but i haven't -- oh, i want to add one thing, greg, you will love this in terms of the idiots who work at these plusing plusig houses. this is from john levin, the
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book published by crown a division of random house. those staffers, random house staffers cried at the plans to plush jordan peterson. they were sobbing at work. what was the reaction to this. >> greg: little worm. >> dana: published great books. i don't know. any way, jesse, you have a book coming out. how do you feel about all of this? are you ready for this crazy book world? >> jesse: dana, he wrote a book how he saved new york. i saved the world. i should be entitled to a lot more than 5 million. >> dana: absolutely. >> jesse: 5 million. i'm not going to lie i'm with greg. i'm a little upset about this. juan is actually right. it's a grease job. think about last spring cuomo could have been the nominee or at least he was the 24 -- 2024 nominee. so you are looking at basically paying off a potential president. a democratic president. that's where his trajectory was.
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it let's get in good and maybe random house will get the memoirs. it was like an investment. >> dana: they don't realize that you are more likely to be president. [laughter] >> jesse: i am? [laughter] >> dana: trying to pump up those book sales. "how jesse saved the world." one more thing is up next. we'll be right back. ♪
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south home meadows, lee brice performed they danced to i don't dance which is very important for brian. kenny chesney was there along with other celebrities like dana perino who you see right there. a good time was had by all. thank you guys so for still steeling it. >> dana: jesse was looking rough sunday morning at the airport. >> greg: at the airport. >> dana: there were a lot of celebrities at this wedding. and there was one celebrity who wasn't there but this young woman thought she was. here is what happened. peter puts this young girl up for a challenge. shay hendrix, do us a favor. go over to that table there. you see that guy there jesse watters go and ask him if you think you can get a picture because you think friend. she does it and jesse doesn't tell her that he is not ross from friends.
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and there they are. they look a lot alike. i have a feeling wedding crashes letting people think he is david schwimmer. >> jesse: i had a feeling someone put her up to that that's why. it's happened before. go ahead, greg. >> greg: let's do this. greg's which one doesn't belong. i will show you video three golden doodles as jesse likes to call them pit bulls and you tell me which one doesn't belong. actually there is four golden doolgds in there golden doodle is half golden retriever and half cheese doodle. did you know that? strange looking doodle. it is very cute. very cute indeed. i'm going to shut up now. >> jesse: adorable. i was wondering when you were going to say that. go ahead, juan.
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>> juan: okay, guys, you know memorial day, 4th of july are just around the corner so how about a box full of chocolates with a patriotic theme. you are looking at philip ashley chocolates with every state in the union represented by distinctive flavor. in my home state of new york, the chocolate is flavored with junior's cheesecake. jesse, this one is for you. what do you think pennsylvania's chocolates are flavored with jesse? >> greg: homelessness. >> jesse: cheese steak. >> juan: how about salty pretzels and kettle chips. dagen, how about virginia what do you think? >> dagen: peanuts. >> juan: close, close. peanut butter and jelly, dagen. let's go around the country dana what's your bet? >> dana: pine nuts? >> juan: pretty close. choke bakary. and greg in your home state of california what are you thinking? >> greg: feces.
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[laughter] >> juan: oh, gosh. no, no; napa valley red wine. anyway, you can buy this red, white and blue chocolates beginning in july. >> dana: looks good. [laughter] >> jesse: i would recommend that maybe they send us a complimentary box. >> dana: that's how that works. sorry, dagen, we have got run. that's it for us. >> "special report" is up next for bret. >> bret: after the feces thing i don't think you are getting a complimentary box. rhetoric vs. action when it comes to russia. president biden and his administration tonight are waiving sanctions against the company overseeing construction of russia's energy pipeline into germany. a pipeline that russian president vladimir putin desperately wants to complete republican lawmakers say president biden's decision is a violation of u.s. law.
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