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tv   FOX News Primetime  FOX News  May 19, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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according to the latest polls in terms of her approval from voters and in terms of her approval from independents. she is not someone who is popular with the american people. >> bret: all right. panel. thank you. nice job. tomorrow on "special report" interview with virginia republican nominee glenn youngkin that's for inviting us into your home tonight fair balanced and unafraid. "fox news primetime" hosted by will cain is with us this week. >> will: i'm with ben domenech i don't know how i compete with bill bennett throwing out latin headlines he is a texas longhorn. welcome to "fox news primetime." ♪ >> will: i am will cain and tonight we're at a pivotal moment in history. a unique moment. it's a moment when the truth begins to come into focus, when it becomes truly undeniable and you know, it's hard to put an
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exact date on moments like this. what was the day, exactly when we realized that iraq did not in fact have weapons of mass destruction? whatever that day, we are close to the moment where liars for the past year are forced to admit the truth. that the coronavirus, likely, escaped from a chinese lab. today, "the washington post" quote, unquote, fact checker, glenn kessler, you remember him. he was the guy who basically called senator tim scott uppity for daring to think on his own and fact checked his life story that guy gave senator rand paul two pinocchios for his exchange with king fauci on the origins of covid. two. let me translate that for you. in "the washington post" fact checker lingo, that means it's the damn truth. now, you are probably saying will, why do i care what "the washington post" admits today? and it's for a couple of reasons, a, because you deserve the truth and nothing less. b, because we need to know if
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china is more an an economic adversary and, c, because for more than a year the covid origin story had been lumped in with stories like quamplet qanod pizza gate. here is tom cotton the senator from arkansas the truth seeker in this story. "the washington post" wrote tom cotton keeps repeating a coronavirus conspiracy theory that was already debunked. interesting. already debunked. what about the "new york times"? senator tom cotton repeats fringe theory on coronavirus origins. here is vanity fair inside the viral spread of coronavirus origin theory. see what you did there vanity fair. viral spread, cute. they wrap up the truth in a tin foil hat and compared it to the grassy knoll. and why were they allowed to do that? how could they have so easily checked their journalistic standards at the door? how could they call the truth conspiracy?
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well, that's right, because of peter daszak, the godfather of covid conspiracy. he is the head of ecohealth alliance. that's the nonprofit that the federal government used to launder u.s. taxpayer dollars into the wuhan institute of virology. now, remember, at the outset of this pandemic, daszak was very vocal about how the lab leak theory was, quote, total bologna. and, guess what? despite all the new evidence to the contrary today, today is also the day where daszak is still crying conspiracy. this is his quote: it's a good conspiracy theory. foreigners designing a vice in mysterious lab in nefarious activity and cloak of secrecy around china. to say attack scientists is not only shooting the messenger but shooting the people conduit where the next could happen. look, accusations like conspiracy theories, words like disinformation and misinformation these aren't words that are meant to guide you as to how much trust you
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should place in the story. these are weapons used to destroy opposition and you already know that when it comes to debate, disagreement or even election outcomes we saw hawnd tore misinformation and totally obliterated off of tech platforms. easy to understand why that was con. it was done to protect the desired outcome of a presidential election. but here is the truth. the truth is, it is more probable that the coronavirus escaped from a chinese lab that was known to both be tinkering and souping up viruses and also had reports known of lax security that is more probable than someone in wuhan killing 3 million people by eating a bat. placing auto right beside sandy
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hook triewrtism. the left big tech they shut down honest questions and good journalism and in the process they shut down the truth. the only question left is why? brent weinstein is someone who has been all over this story. is he an independent thinker and i like independent theirs on this program. he also by the way has a ph.d. in biology have the university of michigan and is he a visiting fellow at the james madison program at princeton. have you probably heard of brent weinstein when it came to his cancellation at evergreen college for refusing to participate in racial segregation also hear of him on his podcast called the dark horse podcast. bret, thank you so much for being here today. i have to put that direct question to you why. why call this story conspiracy theory? why kill the pursuit of truth? >> well, that's an interesting question. i think there are an awful lot of people who had a substantial conflict of interest here people pushed the idea the only way to pandemic gain of research to
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study what a truly dangerous virus would look like. at the point that this virus emerged in wuhan, were it to have come from that lab, that would imply that not only were they incorrect about the most likely source but that they may have corrected a pathogen much more dangerous than what we would likely have encountered from nature. one answer to the question is this may simply be an exercise in people who messed up covering their ass. >> so it was cya main source people like peter a daszak the question is why did they accept that version of events so readily and why are they changing course now, rhett? >> well, the reason they are changing course now, i believe, is that those of us who understood this story to be unlikely and recognized that there was, in fact, a great deal of evidence pointing toward the wuhan institute of virology have been relentless in unething it
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and advancing it in a sober scientific way. at some point it became impossible for them to sustain the story that this virus couldn't have come from that lab which then raises the question are we supposed to accept the emergence of this virus in wuhan as a simple coincidence? >> will: right. if it's not a coincidence, bret, then what it what is it? >> well, there are a number of answers to that i think the best evidence so far suggests that there was an honest attempt to study potentially pathogen nic viruses that in order to do that research, viruses were enhanced in their capacity to infect people and as has often been the case historically, one of these research subject viruses seems to have escaped. now, i should be clear, we do not know that that happened. there is no conclusive proof. but, as time goes on, and the intermediate host is not discovered and there is no
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population of humans in which this virus could have learned the tricks it seems to know, that answer becomes ever more probable. >> will: one more question for you, bret. i have asked you why call this a conspiracy in the first place? i have asked you why the about face now. the last question is why should we then listen to the people that for more than a year have called it a conspiracy theory with their new version of events today? >> we have been absolutely not be listening to those theme. there have been attempts to draft fictional history of the epiphany that has finally arrived. the people that we should be listening to are the people who had it right early and have withstood that terrible stigma. the fact is they weren't what they were being accused of. and, if anyone is an authority on what is taking place and what it means for our future, it is the people who got it right. not the people who missed the story.
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>> will: absolutely. bret weinstein, as i said an independent and interesting voice. thank you for being on with me tonight. >> thank you. >> will: also here tonight victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the hoover institute. victor, i love having you on the program as well. i want to back up if i can with you just a moment. i want to go back to this idea of disinformation. calling things you disagree with or the truth, in fact, disinformation. i described it a moment ago as a weapon directed at your political opposition. this is not new but, victor, it seems to be a tool that is increasingly being used in the left's toolbox. >> i think it's a result that when you have the media think tank said was 93% biased in its coverage that is most outlets the trump administration, then you have a problem and you lose deterrence. so journalists know there is no repercussions for factual inaccuracies, the candidates that they favor are closely
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embedded with them and they become more and more emboldened. and you have a distortion of the entire phenomenon. we don't have a media anymore. we have a fusion progressive media phenomenon. it's sort of like i don't want to be hysterical but it's like praagh and then we have these fact checker politifact or fact checker or snopes, and that's the old ancient paradox who police the police. who is going to check the checkers. they have started out well-meaning by 2015 or '16 they were clearly biased. you saw that in reference to your question. you saw this in two or three cases. the so-called armed insurrection of januaryth. the hunter biden laptop of russian disinformation campaign and prior guest just mentioned the wuhan virus controversy.
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all three of those did the media not only report something as false, not only did they accuse their critics of being conspiracists but they never recontracted the correct me if i am wrong things they said and the fact checkers never did either. >> will: they are calling their political opponents conspiracists while indulging in that exact sin. i can't help but notice, victor, when it crosses all of the ad hominem attacks, calling people names, for example, those that yell racist to others most often indulge in racist behavior. it's inescapable. those who yield science fashion item double mask after being vaccinated the ones that don't believe in science. in the case of disinformation, the ones that yell disinformation or conspiracy are the ones who are peddling in lies. the accusation seems to be a cover for the exact sin you are committing. >> yeah, i'm not a big freudian but i think freud over a century ago called that development
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projectionism or to project. that means when you sore familiar with something and you are a afraid maybe other people will catch on to how you operate, then you project that on to other people. i think the left understands that they and themselves engage in racism, they do the our superficial appearance is essential not, you know, incidental to who we are in the mind of the left. and they believe that is -- they believe that donald trump or a racist is under every american bed. and so they project that on to their opponents that way of thinking. and, yet, they have been wrong again. but, again, there is nobody to check these stories. the fact checkers are part of the problem. there is no fact checker checkers. and so and it's really had deleterious effects. when you see the biden administration they say and do things that are just incredible. joe biden will say things during the campaign, you know, you ain't black or he will joke about something that he shouldn't, but he does that because there is no deterrence.
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there is no media person there that he fears will say, you know what? this will be on the cover the "new york times" magazine or this will be a front page story in the "the washington post." when you remove from human nature the fear and we call that deterrence, then you end up -- you end up with nemesis and disaster. that's what's happened to the left. it's kind of a self-created paradox. it's really hurting them. because they don't -- they are not afraid of lying and not afraid of fabrication because they know they control the axis of information and they become emboldened and now becoming almost ridiculous the idea that anthony fauci and other doctors had a conflict of interest would be warning us to not even talk about the possibility of the viral engineered virus or maybe bill gaetz or mike bloomberg lecturing us about china when they had billions of dollars of investments is an suffered. absurdity based on the idea there is no deterrence.
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>> will: idea to deterrence. reveal the truth here tonight with you victor davis hanson. thank you for being with me. >> thank you. >> will: every stretch the way, every dot connected to the origins of the pandemic has been laughed off as a conspiracy theory from taxpayer dollars being used to fund the wuhan lab to that lab's continued tinkering with the coronavirus. now there is one more dot to connect in all of this. it's a dot that we will not laugh off on this program. it's a logical next dot that any journalist, any curious person would begin to explore. and lara logan has and she is going to connect those dots for us next. ♪ >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ so then i said to him, you oughta customize your car insurance with liberty mutual, so you only pay for what you need.
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>> will: fox news alert. just seconds ago the g.o.p. house intel committee released a
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brand new report citing, quote: overwhelming circumstantial evidence pointing to the lab in wuhan china as the source of the covid-19 virus. on the list of evidence they provided one bullet point caught our attention. look at this. look, involvement in the wuhan lab of the chinese military, which documented biological weapons programs. here now lara logan host of lara logan has no agenda on fox nation. lara, last friday night i was set to appear on this program with my friend pete hegseth and you were on the show just moments before me and you said something that night that caught my attention. you brought up something that very few were willing to bring up. you know, the line of admission has moved, lara. time and again, people have crept closer and closer to admitting this virus came and originated out of a chinese lab. what you said on friday night was that lab was known to be a biological weapons center for the chinese military. here we see the g.o.p. house intel committee saying the same
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thing. please connect this dot for me. >> well, it's very simple. from the day the chinese built that lab it was a virology lab. it was never an immunology lab. right? it wasn't to create vaccines and to cure illnesses. and if you look at the chinese, your people, if you look at the way the chinese communist party run their country which is something that intel operatives when they make their they take these things into account. china doesn't develop vaccines and try to save its people. it doesn't have that kind of culture from. day one u.s. intelligence identified this as a bioweapons facility. and it has been monitored from day one. and, you know, when you speak to intelligence operatives, they will tell you what they know from working on this issue. that there are two ways to basically engineer bioweapons. and one is very, very difficult. and that is genetic engineering and the other way is much simpler which is to cultivate a virus inside a host. and whether that host is a bat or a mouse or all the other
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kinds of animals that are used in these experiments, that's exactly how they do it. you know, if you look at agriculture, for example, we do it all the time with plants. and so this is not, you know, a concept that is foreign to us. it's not even something that we didn't know from the very, very beginning. i'm not surprised to see this coming out. and really what you are seeing all across, you know, the media spectrum here with doctors and scientists finally speaking out, do you know what that is, will? that's called cya. and i don't think i can say that word on this program in prime time but every one of your viewers knows what i'm talking about. you know, when it comes down to something like this that is scientific, they are not going to be able to prevent the truth from coming out. because of it's very obvious when you look at this virus, you know, are what has happened to it and doctors and scientists are going to figure it out and it's going to be exbodied. exexposed rightnow you are seeif people cover their butts.
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>> will: incredible species idea this arrived to the population out of a wet market that a human being ate an animal like a bat and that transmitted to the coronavirus to 3 million people dying from this disease that idea needs to be supported at some point by finding the virus in the animal population. we should point out that in 2003 the sars epidemic they found that within the animal population within months of the human breakout. here we are, lara, 17 months later, and no one has been able to identify the coronavirus in any bat or other animal population. that idea has less evidence than what you just provided for us moments ago on the lab theory. >> yes. and i will say that w.h.o., who, you know, certainly haven't been the most upunderstanding in this process to date. they went to the market and they tested, you know, many, many, many different samples of meats in that market. they didn't find the virus anywhere there. but, you know, i do know with ebola, for example, that's another, you know, virus, that
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it can be very difficult to find the host. it can take years and years. and in this case it's a little bit different because have you identified the wet market and you have the samples that you can turn to so you would expect it to be there. so certainly the fact that it isn't, you know, isn't definitive but it is a significant indicator according to the intelligence operatives and doctors and scientists that i have been speaking. to say the one part that -- you know, we don't know, the reality is we just don't -- we know less -- there is more that we don't know than what we actually do know at this point. and there are people who know a whole lot more about it than we do. >> will: and that's really important, lara. i want to nail this down with you. you have been clear about this. you are not saying that the coronavirus was a bioweapon. rather, we are going step-by-step. >> that's right. >> will: acknowledging facts and the truth. and acknowledging circumstantial evidence and following probability. and where the evidence is leading us is that it's more likely to have spilled out of this virology lab in wuhan, china. and that lab, what you are telling us now, as we continue
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to lay dots down on the map which we can connect once the evidence backs it up. but one of the dots you are laying down with us tonight is that wuhan virology lab was a known, according to your sources, a known owe weapons chinese facility, that's the final dot that does not lead to the conclusion it's bioweapon but another piece of evidence that we have to add into the equation. >> and also raises the questions, will, why did the obama administration 11 days before the inauguration and trump taking office, why did they at that point, say that gain of function research was so dangerous that it should not be attempted in the u.s.? and that we shouldn't be doing that? why did the trump administration in early 2017 suddenly stop the grant funding to the wuhan lab? what did they know at that time? why did dr. fauci in 2012 write and talk about the dangers of gain of function research but has kept silent about it all of
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this time? you know, and what did dr. fauci know who is now coming out and saying we need to look at the origins of this? he has been dealing with the wuhan lab for years. he knows it's a bioweapons facility. why were all these people silent, you know? and what about the ambulatory protocols and different treatments. when you know this much about something you have to ask what else did they know that they didn't share with the american people from the very beginning that could potentially have saved lives? those are valid questions to ask. >> will: they are absolutely valid questions. they are necessary questions. lara logan, thank you for pursuing answers and thank you for being with us tonight. >> thank you and thank you that we can have this conversation now without going to jail for life, right? cancel. >> will: absolutely. thank you, lara, take care. one more question i want to hammer the question on why is this important? a? because we need to know if the people who created this virus are the ones trying to save us, b, is china more than just an economic adversary? we know the answer to that is becoming increasingly clear.
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c, those who have been lying to us for years should not be allowed to act like they're the truth tellers and d you, because you always deserve the truth. next chicago's mayor so upset about the overwhelming whiteness in her city that she is only granting interviews to journalists of color. ♪
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you've been looking for germ proof your car with armor all disinfectant. kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. ♪ >> will: this is a stunning story democratic chicago mayor lori lightfoot catching heat apparently deciding to only grant interviews to black or brown journalists. several local chicago reporters are raising the issue and now mayor lightfoot herself is stating in a series of tweets, quote it's a shame in 2021 the city hall press corps is overwhelmingly white in a city where more than half of the city identifies as black, latino, aapi or native american? diversity and inclusion is imperative across all
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institutions including media in order to progress we must change. this is exactly why i am being intentional about prioritizing media request. joining us is wilfred reilly. thanks for being here. i don't know whether to ask you whether this constitutional or immoral? what is this? this is something we have never seen. >> well, i think it's obviously very unusual for a powerful elected official to say openly that they are only taking media interviews from reporters with one racial background. i mean, and a lot of stuff that's being billed as light foot is billing this as anti-racist actually seems very disturbingly neo racist. it seems like we are returning to a focus on race almost everywhere. obviously unusual, can't see this as a good thing. i also have some practical questions allah i'm from chicago. that's a very diverse city. what counts as white?
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would an armenian guy? arab american person? italian chicago guy? questions remain but i'm surprised by the move and hope she moves on from it. >> will: really, really good question. i like how you phrase that this is neo racism. i want to g.e.d. to a second story. where is this heading wilfred? where is this taking us this neo racism? it appears to be taking us back to a time where we are inherently supposed to embrace tribes based on our very shallow differences and based on our skin color. is that what we are doing is going back to a time of tribalism? >> frankly, i think a lot of this is going to be taking us to court. the huge majority of white and black americans are fans of that civil rights act of 1964 which prohibits almost all discrimination on the basis of race. so i don't see how once they are out in the light of day things like this from white or from black or officials of any other color can survive. i really don't. >> will: i actually might have the perfect story to transition then that might put that to a little bit of a challenge
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wilfred. this is from google doc, they're offering pc alternatives for noninclusive words. let me give you examples. mailman will now be mail person. crazy baffling, dummy variable equals place holder variable. they are essentially taking political correctness and wokism into auto correct. into google docs, no more gendered language making everything as absolutely bland generic and honestly non-understandable. completely vegas as can possibly be. here is what i wanted to ask you about this idea as you said it will ultimately not be embraced you are absolutely right. when you look at polls, this woke craziness, it's not popular. these are kind of propositions adopted by something like 5% of the population. but they are also the 5% that's absolutely driving public discourse. >> yeah, i think that's correct. substantial overlook between
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that and something i recently read which is that only 20% of the u.s. population or so is on twitter. about a tenth of those people produce almost all of the viral tweets. this is a niche subset of society. the problem is it's a niche subset exposed in large part of the techies, the elite i don't think this optional package are going to add woke auto correct to microsoft word. all i can say is i think when this reaches out to the 47 state beyond the beltway, bose any wash, i lope what we see is. [laughter] instead of an extremely intense backlash which some in my field worry about. >> will: i don't know if laughter will do it but there has to be backlash to insanity that is sweeping the nation. wilfred, i appreciate your time with us tonight. >> your use of insanity though was very triggering. >> will: you are absolutely right. how dare i? thank you so much. i can only hope and i anticipate my bosses will not bend to this
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wild minority of voices, this radical minority of voices because that's other hand that fits into this glove absolute cowardice inside corporate board rooms to bend to radically unpopular ideas. all right. coming up, a stunning confirmation from amazon tonight exclusively for us here at "fox news primetime." this is after employees told us the tech giant is demanding they share their vaccine status and get this? forcing those who are vaccinated to wear green stickers. so that you always see who is not vaccinated. shaming them, smoking them out of the workplace. congressman jim jordan is ready to go, next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> will: well, take a look at these headlines, complete celebration for amazon today because amazon decided to allow fully vaccinated employees to go back to work maskless beginning next week. but how did they pull that off? if you actually read the policy, which right here, exclusively on "fox news primetime" was september to us by several amazon employees, it's pretty humiliating for people who haven't gotten the shot. here is how it works. phase 2 of the newly implemented plan says, quote: we'll provide a badge sticker to employees with a green checkmark signifying you are vaccinated. this sticker will enable you to enter and work without wearing a face covering. so, without it, you are going to be clearly labeled as unvaccinated and, of course, as unsafe. people avoid you and, of course, you will be forced to wear mask.
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so you better get the shot or be shamed. joining me now to react republican congressman of ohio jim jordan. congressman jordan, so great to talk to you tonight. it's quite an arm band but a green sticker or people that have been vaccinated. >> yeah. >> will: quite a story. >> i mean, yeah, my first thought is same company that's going to require to you wear a sticker to work opposed to having people show i.d. to vote. that's one of the first take away. but why not just trust the science, trust the common sense of the american people and trust and embrace the constitution? what's wrong with that approach versus this idea you have got to wear a sticker to work? >> will: you know another way to frame this story as well, congressman. that is the richest man in the world creating two classes of people within the walls of his company. i'm not sure what the standard sets for other companies out there. it schuyler is an attack on the privacy t surely is an attempt to shame those who have chosen or will choose not to get the vaccine. >> right.
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it's an attack on americans' privacy after a year of having liberty assaulted. every single right we enjoy under the first amendment has been assaulted under the last year. your right to practice your faith. there are still congregations meeting where they can't have the full congregation there on a sunday morning. your right to assemble. last week, will, -- last weekend i spoke to the new mexico republican party in amarillo, texas because they couldn't assemble in new mexico. they had to go to another state to exercise their liberty. of course as you and i speak, you can't go -- people watching, people viewing this can't go to their capitol to redress -- to petition their member of congress to redress their grievances because nancy pelosi won't let americans in their own capitol. so, every single liberty, your right to freedom of the press and freedom of speech they have been attacked as the well. this is what this is as well an attack on your freedom of speech. that is what so so frightening.
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invasion of your privacy. i'm troubled by this as many americans are. >> will: i believe you were a violater of one of those rules this week i know several of your colleagues were at the very least. several congress men and women fined for not wearing mask on the house floor where it remains to be a rule. nancy pelosi came down on you guys. there it is on your screen some pictures of some of your colleagues that got fined for not wearing their mask. what's your reaction to nancy pelosi coming down on republican colleagues? >> i mean, yeah, i wasn't a violater, i wasn't fined. but this is just the democrats today. i mean, everyone knows go back to the trust. they told us for a year trust the science but they won't do that they are not willing to look at the science. they are not willing to look at the evidence on a lot of things. you had lara on earlier we raised this issue in a committee today, will, where did this virus come from? was it from an animal or did it come from the wuhan lab? all the evidence seems to be suggesting that it was a leak from the lab. and, yet, no, select committee
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on coronavirus, i raised this today in the committee, the only select committee in congress, they are not willing to investigate it. republicans want to look at it the secretary of state for president biden has said this is a problem with what the world health organization has done. why don't they want to look at the science? why don't they want to look at the evidence? i think this applies across the board with democrats today. >> will: hey, i want to come back to amazon in one second. but to follow up on what you just brought up. we spoke to lara logan earlier on the origins of the coronavirus. she pointed out her sources indicated the wuhan virology lab was a military installation that was working on bioweapons. you in the republican letter tonight asking for an investigation, that possibility, that probability, perhaps, was also mentioned. what do you know, what can you share with us about what the purpose of that lab was? >> all i know is it deserves investigation. have you mainstream journalists now saying the evidence seems to strongly suggest it started in a lab. a lab that got a $3 million grant that went to ecohealth and
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ecohealth gave $600,000 of american tax money to the wuhan lab. sort of raises an obvious question. why are we giving money to a lab in wuhan, china, in the first place, particularly this kind of lab? i think there are lot of questions that need answered. everything seems to be pointed in the direction the leak came from the lab. it's something we need to investigate. i raised the issue today in front of the select committee. i hope we do it. >> will: one last question i want to circle back to amazon. i don't know if we have screen shots. these were images sent to me today how amazon is announcing this to employees hr documents announcing the idea of a green sticker. they also are asking their employees when they log in to a weekly check-in whether or not they have been vaccinated. i don't know if we have that image now. we had it earlier. there is a list of choices. for amazon employees to say whether or not they have been vaccinated. whether or not they are just have received their first shot, not yet their second shot. whether or not they are going to get vaccinated or a fourth choice whether or not they choose not to be vaccinated. how is this not a hipaa violation for a company to be
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asking their employees their vaccination status? >> yeah, i don't know. it's something that we need to look at. but, we also need to push back on this. i know governor desantis is pushing back on this kind of maneuver and action in his state. we in elective office need to push back on this. it's about your fundamental liberties and respecting the constitution, respecting the common sense and most importantly like we said several times respecting the science, for goodness sake. >> will: all right, congressman jim jordan of ohio. thank you so much for your time tonight. >> you bet, thank you. >> will: all right. next, several people, many people out there in the media sports and news media alike are upset. do you know why? tim tebow, he has got a chance to return to the nfl. is this privilege? is it white privilege? is it christian male privilege? is it tim tebow privilege? what is it? or does tebow generally deserve another shot?
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collin coward of fox sports is here to weigh in straight ahead. ♪ ♪ [sfx: fire truck siren] onstar, we see them. okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. thank you, onstar. ♪ my son, is he okay? your son's fine. thank you. there was something in the road... it's okay. you're safe now. advanced non-small cell lung cancer can change everything. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is the only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies
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>> for whatever reason, tim tebow is a lightning rod. the reasons are fascinating. you may have heard this story that he's getting another shot at returning to the nfl. this time with the jacksonville jaguars. that has led to controversy. most of those that are colin kaepernick supporters who think this is a privilege on tim tebow's behalf that has not been extended to capperer nick. and the host of the herd on fs1, i'm not going to say someone that necessarily modeled myself after in sports but certainly a guy that is worth being modeled after. absolute leading voice of sports, collin is here.
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why is tim getting a shot? >> it's more marketing than merit at this point. he's very close with urban meyer. he won national championships. in my person, he's the most popular college football player of my lifetime. a completely compelling story. he put his faith out there. you know, he's just -- he still feeling to some degree like, you know, a great high school college player. this feels very much about marketing, not merit. he tried out for the new york mets. sandy alderson acknowledged about his celebrity, a gimmick. i liked him, the person. i met him. i told him how i feel. he's not an nfl player. i met his brother. they're very good people. when people push back, i'm one of them. it's not about a privilege. people as you know, will, you get opportunities in all sorts of businesses because you know somebody. that happens all over the place. this feels like this is gimmicky
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and hokey. that's how it comes across to me. >> collin, i listen to your program more than your fair share. you understand that sports is entertainment. about putting butts in seats. you talked about merit. there's those that will say this is white privilege. his religion is always wrapped up in tim tebow's love or hate. ultimately sports is an entertainment product. we've seen other players like michael jordan getting a chance to play baseball that were given these opportunities for other than their ability on the field. what makes tim tebow different? >> michael jordan is the world's best basketball player. he retired, tried out and failed like tim did in baseball. moved back. i also think michael was in his athletic prime. tim tebow was not a good quarterback. cut twice, left the sport for
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eight years. now i want to come back and play a different position. even if you were a jeter, left baseball, said i'm going to come back later and i want to be a catcher, you would be mocked. you would be subject to criticism. jordan was in his prime. he ran a 4.740. that's not close to a lamar jackson, a steve young, a russell wilson, a kyler murray. >> one of my colleagues here at fox news, jesse waters, he owns the idea that if there's special treatment to be given, he wants to be in line to get it. i don't know about you, collin, but i'm going to presume that you might be in the same category. it's a businessman in china that bought a soccer team. by buying that team, he made sure that his son, his 273-pound son was on the roster.
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i can see my colleague going why not? if my dad buys the team, i get to play. where are you on this? >> it happens all over the world. boosters in college. we've seen kids get scholarships because dad is a big booster. we see this in high school sports where the dad thinks he's the better coach than the coach. i think this is endemic in sports. it's the ugly side of sports where dads are screaming at umpires and bullying coaches. i don't like it at any level. what worries me is the child. i remember once going to a soccer game for my son. yelling support. i humiliated my son. he's like dad, i'm never going to play a sport. you totally -- we never take the kids response. most kids want to earn their spot. >> one famous son that got to play professional soccer because of his dad?
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moammar qaddafi's son. love talking to you, collin. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> thanks for watching "fox news prime time." if you want more monologues, check out the will cain podcast. i'll be back tomorrow night at 7:00. tucker carlson is next. >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." for months now privately, we've been searching for a meaningful definition of the word "equity." we've talk to linguists, scoured the fourth corners of god's own internet to see what equity is. we've done this not for pleasure. we have hobbies but because we feel it's our duty as a news


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