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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 20, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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look at that. so amazing and i love to see it but i'm terrified. how does the whale know not to knock the boat out of the water? sometimes it doesn't. >> dana: i always find an example where it happens. i would love to see that but on video. >> see you friday. >> dana: that would be tomorrow. here is harris with "the faulkner focus". >> harris: far left democrats have unleashed their anger. president bide to the israel/hamas battle. i'm harris faulkner. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says an emphatic know to president biden's call for de-escalation. netanyahu says the operation will, in fact, continue. quote, unquote, until its objective is achieved and
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president biden could be buckling to pressure from those in the left. the latest summary of his call with netanyahu left out previous mentions of israel's right to defend itself. now progressive house democrats have introduced a resolution to block a $735 million arms sale to israel. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez tweeted this. the united states should not be rubber stamping weapon sales to the israeli government as they deploy our resources to target international media outlets, schools, hospitals, humanitarian missions and civilian sites for bombing. we have a responsibility to protect human rights. karl rove calling out a stunning shift in how democrats are viewing israel. >> members of the far left of the democratic party criticize israel for this and say well, it's sad there are missiles
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being launched but it's the fault of the israelis that hamas feels obligated to rain down missiles on civilian targets. it's remarkable that's happening in our country. >> harris: more from the white house. >> the pressure to stop helping israel is coming from the president's party in the senate now. bernie sanders who caucuses with the democrats will move today to block the $735 million worth of arms that biden administration wants to send to israel next. he says in a statement at a moment when u.s. made bombs are devastating gaza and killing women and children, we cannot simply let another huge arms sale go through without even a congressional debate. but republicans say that is backwards and they are calling on biden not to buckle. >> joe biden and kamala harris ought to have the courage to
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stand up to the crazy left and instead of giving into their demand to cut off weapons to protect israel from terrorism. we ought to replenish today the munitions needed for iron dome to keep israeli citizens safe. when iron dome works effectively it keeps palestinians safe as well. >> the president used to brag on the campaign trail he has known netanyahu for a long time gave him a deadline to de-escalate by yesterday. and it didn't happen but so far the white house hasn't done anything about it. it's all part of what they're telling us is a strategy of quiet diplomacy. >> the president as you a all know has said he wants to make sure that we end the violence, right, the suffering that we're seeing with the palestinian and israeli people. and so the way we're going to continue to approach this is to
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have intense quiet diplomatic conversations. >> the president is set to sign the covid-19 hate crimes act into law within the next three hours or so. he does not have any calls or meetings on his public schedule about the violence in the middle east at this point. we believe he is in the oval office working on something right now. >> harris: keep us posted. the conflict making its way here. disturbing attack caught on camera in the united states. video appears to show a pro-palestinian group attacking jewish diners at a los angeles restaurant. police are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime. i will bring if dan gillerman, former israeli ambassador to the united nations and he will join us later in the hour from tel aviv. >> i think in this one day when we're looking at the 2 year anniversary of my inauguration as a woman of color, as a
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lesbian, it is important to me that diversity is put front and center. >> harris: chicago mayor lori lightfoot doubling down on her decision to only give one-on-one interviews to journalists of color and criticizing what she calls quote, unquote, the overwhelming whiteness and maleness in the chicago media. the move got plenty of backlash immediately including from tucker carlson. >> lori lightfoot is a monster. any society that allows politicians to talk like this has a very ugly future ahead. very ugly. what politicians cannot do under any circumstances is an attack an entire group of citizens on the basis of their skin color. again to restate the obvious, that is racism. it is immoral and also illegal under countless state and federal laws. >> harris: garrett tenney is live in chicago with more on the growing controversy with the mayor. garrett.
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>> yeah, harris, mayor lightfoot is using her two year mark to highlight what is an extreme lack of diversity in the city's media press corps and doing it by only granting one-on-one sit-down interviews to journalists who are black or brown. this week the mayor's office informed local media that for this one occasion reporters who are white would not be granted interviews. in a letter lightfoot said this is part of her effort to fight for diversity and inclusion and criticized outlets for the overwhelming whiteness of the city's news rooms and reporters. she wrote it is too heavy a burden to bear on top of the other massive challenges our city faces to take on the labor of educating white mostly male media of implicit bias. she didn't cite examples and not facing a lot of criticism for that decision and for her arguments defending it including claims that no female
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journalist of color coverings city hall. two of three reporters on that beat are women of color. one journalist from the "chicago tribune" granted an interview canceled in protest. i asked the mayor's office to lift its condition on others. when they said no we canceled. politicians don't get to choose who covers them. the national institution of black journalists says does not support excluding from journalist from one-on-one interviews even for one day and in support of activism. we have members from all races and background and inclusion must be universal. despite all of this blowback last night mayor lightfoot doubled down on her decision. >> if i as a black woman mayor, the first ever, don't challenge us, the collective us to do better, to really make sure that in every institution it reflects the diversity and nuance and texture of our city,
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shame on me. >> some critics are calling this decision a political move by the mayor both to distract from the lack of progress she has made on the campaign promises at her haif way point through the administration and try to build support within the black community in chicago two years ahead of the next election. >> harris: wow, garrett tenney thank you for teeing up the facts in this. tammy bruce is the president of women's independent voice. tammy, always good to see you. what is the goal in doing this by the mayor? if you look at the blowback on all of this it looks like she is trying to further divide us. >> there is no support for it. that's a great report by garrett. it highlights how -- this is how you change things. everybody must band together and say we won't participate in this. not only is it literally unconstitutional because you can't have a government make a decision to exclude or include
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people based exclusively on their race. but it really is a distraction. it is appalling this woman, who cites her race and then her lesbianism as for myself as a gay woman the embarrassment of this because she present sides over a bloodbath every weekend and into the week of primarily people of color being murdered because of gun violence, gang violence, ms-13. it is a constant bloodbath, a constant series of mass murder if you will when you add up the number of people shot and injured. it is a shocking situation in chicago. and she then presents this media thing frankly as a way maybe to win the news cycle. she doubles down because she would rather be speaking about this as opposed to the destruction of the lives of people of color whether they be gay or straight, people don't care. people want their futures. they want a job. they don't want to have to worry about their children
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walking to school in chicago in the urban area. that should be her foix. if she wants more women and people of color in journalism. set up a publicly funded environment for scholarships to journalism schools for people of color. you can achieve both goals without being a hypocrite and a fraud. >> harris: or you could open the door for any people of color. not just the ones she thinks will give her a pass based on what she assumes about us because of our skin color which is racist, by the way. i call that straight up what it is, right? if you are looking at a group of people and say they all think the same way, you've just done it by definition. by the way, you know, we have a president that went there, too. i forgot to say blacks aren't all monolithic when he was talking about people of color. it is not just latinos. i could go on for days. the one latino reporter we
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reached out to gregory pratt. he canceled the interview. he looks as this as being unfair. your last thoughts and we'll move on. >> yes, there is racialist politics where you pander in a certain arena and then there is racism. this is it. for that to be embraced especially for the american civil rights movements, all of them, were based on the fact and arguments for women, gays, blacks, other people of color is that we're individuals. we are not a monolith. we are not all the same. you can tell the difference between us about how we look and think etc. the left now, the democrats and lori lightfoot ran as a reformer. i had actually some optimism about what she could accomplish. my goodness, what a disappointment. it is the same across the board. there is a monolith. it is called the left and democrat party and you can be as racist as apparently you want regardless of your color.
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>> harris: my team and i were working the phones night. still waiting the hear back. if some of us are tan enough for her to consider. you know me well. lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle are calling out president biden for his decision to lift sanctions on a russian gas company which will allow it to compete and complete a pipeline into germany. critics accuse the president of the united states of handing vladimir putin a big geopolitical victory. republican senator tom cotton sits on the armed services and intelligence committee and had strong words yesterday. let's revisit. >> joe biden is shutting down american pipelines like the keystone xl pipeline but helping construct pipelines for russia. it goes to show you how joe biden is putting america last. shutting down american pipelines that are good paying
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american jobs but letting vladimir putin build a pipeline to western europe. >> harris: the president's decision to halt construction of the keystone pipeline in january, one of his first things that he did, cost 11,000 american jobs or more and more than 1.6 billion dollars in lost wages. tammy, your thoughts. >> well, you know, it is a geopolitical victory for putin. keep in mind, remember when he right now relies on moving a pipeline through ukraine. there are many stories people may forget when russia cut the gas off to ukraine and what that did to individual ukrainian citizens. the major worry here is that this, of course, then gives putin control over the energy effectively of the european union and of the leading economic decider, germany, of the european union. if that pipeline goes through germany will have an interest in pandering to russia, the
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bear with its bloody paws, because it will become reliant on its gas source by that menace. so we have an interest. it is not just because of jobs and that matters, but biden also decided to have our troops remain in germany, trump is going to pull them from that. but this creates a let's just say an unstable environment in general and a controlling of the european union that in fact could lead to at least as we have seen in ukraine, even a shooting war of sorts done by proxies. this is about safety of american troops, it is about international security, it is about russia which has been the gdp really of iceland with the exception of oil and gas. this then gives russia more money and more power and its funding of terrorism and other, of course, problems that surface around the world. >> harris: it muddies the messaging at home when you close one pipeline. you have the colonial pipeline
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being hacked. we're limping over here. through this policy the president is helping vladimir putin not limp but stand up. tammy bruce. >> especially when we think it was russia -- russia actors in russia that hacked the pipeline. millions paid to the hackers and now this. >> harris: can't wait to have you back. investigating the origins now of the coronavirus. >> certainly -- [inaudible] >> harris: did you hear what she said? certainly a lab-based origin is one possibility. republicans presenting a blockbuster report saying significant evidence points to that controversial laboratory in china and they are demanding answers. we're live at the pentagon. plus they've had it with the fines over not wearing the masks.
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the gop rebellion inside the house against house speaker pelosi's rules as more of the nation every day is dropping the mask. congressman andy biggs of arizona is in "the faulkner focus" next. >> a double standard. if it's good outside the chamber, to take it off, why can't we take it off inside? great reasons why you should o0 use your va home loan benefit to take cash out of your home. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% percent of your home's value. with today's rates near all-time lows and home values at record highs, you can take out $50,000 or more and lower your payments by $600 a month. the newday 100 va loan. only from newday usa.
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>> this is pure theater, nancy pelosi puts politics first and science last. the cdc says if you've been vaccinated you can go without your mask. we're trying to get more people in america vaccinated. congress continues to put on a show led by the democrats and require masks in front of the
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cameras. >> harris: they have had enough of those $500 fines. all house republicans now voting in favor of a resolution to end speaker nancy pelosi's house mask rules. democrats killed the measure along party lines. despite cdc guidelines that say fully vaccinated people don't have to mask up in most settings. the house has fined six republicans so far for going maskless on the floor. pelosi just now during her weekly news conference that she is having and we're watching for news, she just now said that all members are still not fully vaccinated. andy biggs republican congressman from arizona oversight committee member and co-chair of the border security caucus. great to see you on the program. i want to start with this. some of the members who were first fined, one of them on the show yesterday, congresswoman van dine said this is really all about the camera with nancy pelosi. how do you see it?
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>> i think she is exactly right. nancy pelosi has taken off all the rules so you can wear your mask anywhere else in the capitol complex. anywhere else in the capitol complex. anywhere where there are cameras they require masks in committee hearings and chamber. we are oef a good six to 10 feet apart from each other anyways but we have reach this point this is all optics for speaker pelosi and it is unfortunate. it is a control mechanism as well. >> harris: just one more question on this and we'll move on. what's the morale like. there is pressure to do stuff bipartisan and work together and all that and what does this do to morale when this is such a core issue for every american? every single one of us is dealing with are you vaccinated, now can you take your mask off, cdc is confusing? what kind of damage does this
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do on the hill? >> well, it really adds and exacerbates the division on the hill and some of the things we might be talking about later. they also add to that division that's here and we really should be working together. we find even though we may be very different in policy outlooks we'll typically find the places where there is accord and agreement and we'll go forward. this kind of exacerbates it. this is a mechanism used by the majority now along with the -- to keep us under the thumb of the speaker. that's really unfortunate and it is preventing some good work from getting done. >> harris: i would be curious to know where they put the fine money. jason chaffetz said you can't alter a congress member's salary. where are they putting that money? nancy needs to say. let's move to this. congressman biggs you wrote to
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homeland security mayorkas accusing his department of a clear violation of immigration law as it is releasing people who are here illegally into the interior of the united states without a court date. fox news is exclusively learning that house republican ashley henson will introduce a bill today that will bar taxpayer money from being used for the travel expenses of vice president kamala harris until she visits the southern border and issues a report on how to solve the crisis there. your top line thoughts on all of it. >> it's a very clever bill. i would support that. look, harris, i think what you are seeing here is this move to leave the border open unsecured. what secretary mayorkas admitted he is not following the law. when he testified before the senate last week he said no, we're not giving the notices to appear which are required. they are required to hold people in detention when somebody has claimed asylum or claimed they have imminent fear
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of persecution. they aren't doing that right now. we see people in this massive group of people every day coming over. they will be released into the interior of this country within eight hours and it is chaotic affair on the border and this secretary, the buck stops with him. he is not doing anything on the border. kamala harris is not doing anything on the border and president biden is not doing anything on the border. i have to believe this is deliberate. they campaigned on open boersd and apparently this is what an open border looks like. don't enforce the law. >> harris: ahead of the floor vote to have an independent commission to look at the january 6 riot. tim ryan screamed at republicans opposed to the idea. watch. >> we have people scaling the capitol hitting the capitol police with lead pipes across the head and we can't get bipartisanship. if we are going to take on
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china and rebuild the country and reverse climate change, we need two political parties in this country that are both living in reality and you ain't one of them. >> harris: i did notice he is not wearing a mask. i digress. the "wall street journal" editorial board points out speaker nancy pelosi has a record of using these commissions for partisanship and her goal is to drive her narrative that the riot was a planned attempted coup and to run on that theme to keep the house in 2022. congressman biggs. >> that's correct. they've timed this so the deadlines, for instance, will be about the time we're voting in the primaries for the general election. that's when the report will be released. they control all the staffing of this. when i say they the democrats control all the staffing of this committee. they've given broad subpoena power, think about this, to multiple federal agencies. things like the i.r.s. for pete
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sake, maybe the u.s. postal service who has an investigative arm we didn't even know about. this has the power to provide and be manipulated to give what the result is and the result is you've been watching, i know you know this. i have had multiple hearings on how conservatives are domestic terrorists. i think we've had five or six in the last two or three months. that's the narrative they want to craft. they aren't winning on policy but on this narrative. >> harris: would republicans quickly congressman come up with an idea to make the process more fair, to learn more about that date but to make it more fair away from those things that you say are happening to tilt it and turn it into a political advantage of a narrative for democrats? >> yeah, harris. i think we do. we would all want and welcome a fair, open investigation. don't forget multiple law enforcement agencies are investigating this and have
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arrested 400 or 500 people already. so it isn't like this is not being investigated. i think from a political standpoint it is really hard for me to conceive of a way to get this done because of what you and i have been talking about in a truly bipartisan, transparent manner that everybody walks away and says that was fair and good. >> harris: congressman andy biggs, thank you for being with me. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> harris: republicans on the house intelligence committee saying there is significant circumstantial evidence that the coronavirus came from the leak from the laboratory in wuhan. china. a new report saying china has been hindering the investigation as they demand the biden administration put more pressure on beijing. congressman devin nunes is the ranking republican here. >> we put together all the open source reporting that we could find and it begins to tell a
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very clear picture of overwhelming evidence, multiple reporters across multiple countries that talk about the origins of this virus. all signs point to the lab. that's all we really have to go on because our intelligence community once again has failed us. >> harris: critically important to know how this started. lucas tomlinson has more from the pentagon. >> on capitol hill president biden's cdc deck tore admitted it's possible the virus leaked from a labs sars, mers, generally come from an animal origin. >> any other possibilities? >> dana: certainly a lab-based origin is a possibility. >> they believe more and more the coronavirus came from a leak from the lab in wuhan and they want the biden administration to put more pressure on china to demand a full investigation and answers beginning at the end of the
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month. 18 top scientists writing in the magazine science say more investigation is still needed to determine the origin of this pandemic. theories of accidental release from a nap and pillover are viable. joni ernts says i've seen the intel reports and many questions that only communist china can answer. the world deserves answer. they refuse to cooperate with international efforts. tax dollars were being funneled to the wuhan institute for research on dangerous coronaviruss. >> every piece of evidence that we saw throughout the entire time i was this suggest it originated in the wuhan institute of virology. i haven't seen a shred of evidence to say anything to the contrary. >> tony blinken is also calling for a full investigation as well as the white house. harris. >> harris: thank you very much.
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lucas, witnesses say a pro-palestinian mob attacked jewish diners at a restaurant in a major american city. the video is shocking. and police are talking. they are investigating. plus new warnings about iran's influence on the hamas terrorists. as israel launches more air strikes today against hamas targets inside gaza defying president biden's call for de-escalation. former israeli ambassador to the u.n. dan gillerman joins me next in focus from tel aviv. veteran homeowners, this is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now, while mortgage rates are near all time lows. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out more than $50,000.
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>> dana: fox news alert. police investigating a possible hate crime in los angeles caught on camera. this is america, people. look at this. witnesses say a pro palestinian mob attacked a group of jewish men who were dining outside. dramatic cell phone footage showing part of that brutal
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confrontation. chief correspondent jonathan hunt is live in los angeles on this. jonathan. >> the deadly battle in the middle east between israel and hamas is now leading to tensions and violence right here on american streets. take another look at this. tuesday night in beverly hills and west hollywood pro-palestinian protestors drove around in a caravan of vehicles and as they passed a restaurant according to witnesses began shouting anti-israeli slogans and throwing either bottles or glasses towards some of those dining outside. a group of the protestors then appears to attack the diners. one man who seems to have been in the group initially attacked picks up a metal pole and swings it. that man pushed against a car, repeatedly punched and kicked. eric garcetti, the mayor of los angeles said on twitter yesterday quote, we as a city condemn last night's organized
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attack. jewish people like all residents should always feel safe in our city. lapd is investigating this assault as a hate crime and we will respond with the full force of the law. the lapd is studying the attack videos and others like this in which a man seems to be chased across the parking lot by people in vehicles flying what appear to be palestinian flags. the anti-defamation league says anti-semitic incidents have risen by 40% in california in the last five years and jewish people are among the most frequently targeted group in all hate crimes. while monitoring groups say violence between israel and palestinian groups in the middle east particularly when it is as intense as we have recently seen, often translate into hate crimes here in the u.s. i spoke, harris, to a jewish friend of mine yesterday who lives here not far from that restaurant where the attack
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took place. her response was, quote, it's very frightening. people are really hoping the police step up. but as yet, harris, no arrests have been made. >> harris: we'll watch it closely. important news, jonathan hunt, thank you very much. i want to bring in now ambassador dan gillerman, former israeli ambassador to the united nations and i will just preface this there is a little delay but we'll work through it. ambassador, i first want to get your reaction to learning about the escalation from a conflict that is so far away from the united states but we're seeing it play out potentially on the streets here. >> well, i think you touched it by saying it is far away from the united states and i think that's part of the problem because those hoodlums and hooligans in los angeles as well as many people around the world, don't really realize what we're fighting and who we
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are fighting. they think we're fighting gaza, we're fighting the palestinian people. we are not. we are fighting a monster. we are fighting hamas. most people don't know i'm sure those people in los angeles may not know the difference between hamas. hamas is a terror organization which has taken over gaza by force and hold its people hostage using them as human shields. and these are the people we are fighting. they are people dedicated to the destruction of the state of israel. people who don't care about human lives. in fact, you know, golda meir said there won't be peace until they love their children more than they hate us. it is not the case yet. every dead palestinian child is a horrible tragedy for us. for them every dead israeli child is a cause for celebration. and by way, these are the same
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people who mourned the death of bin laden. these are the people we're fighting. we're on forefront of the fight against terrorism. what you've seen, terrorism has reached you as well. i said many times this is a -- this is really a preview soon to be seen in a theater near you and this is what is happening. >> harris: i want to get to the bigger picture now working all of that important detail and experience in. warnings that iran is backing hamas terrorists. former president george w. bush exclusively told fox news quote, i think it's very difficult at this stage, i wish obviously all of us should hope there is not violence. but what i think you are seeing playing out is iranian influence targeted toward israel and trying to break up alliances that were formed in
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the previous administration called the abraham accords. your response to that. >> well, i think the president is very, very right, president bush was a great friend of israel. we're very grateful for his support and compassion for israel. i hit the nail on the head. it is true. this is really iran using its proxies both hamas in the south of israel in gaza and hezbollah in the north. nothing but the bloody tentacles of the twisted minds and horrible regime of the ayatollahs and mullahs in iran intent on destroying israel. israel is the only country in the world where a member of the united states. i served there for six years, publicly declares its intention is to destroy another member of the united states nations, namly israel.
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it is true. iran is stirring up terrorism and extremism in the arab world and syria and hezbollah and the south with hamas. in fact, our fight is not just against hamas, it is also iran. i know the iranians and hezbollah are watching it very carefully and we have to make sure when it's over, they will realize that whoever messes with israel pays a very, very high price. >> harris: real quickly i just want to know when it's over when you say those words. what brings this latest round of battle between israel and the terrorists that live next door to an end? and when? >> well, it looks as if a cease-fire is very near but frankly i don't think a cease-fire is the answer because it will just mean that we'll have another round in a year, two years, or three years. i think what we need is an agreement with the rest of the world including -- especially
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the united states but also europe and hopefully russia and even china, to totally recreate the situation in gaza, rebuild gaza but the main condition would be that hamas will be disarmed. hamas has to be disarmed and has to stop using its own people as human shields and holding them hostage. then we will be happy to participate and even lead a reconstruction of gaza and make it a better place for the palestinians and for the region. >> dana: ambassador all the way from tel aviv. appreciate your time today. wish you well. thank you. remember this headline making moment from the democratic debate? take a look. >> it's hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two united states senators who built their reputation and career on the segregation of race in this country.
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>> harris: oh, it was hurtful all right. according to a new book both the future president and the first lady were furious over the confrontation using words that we'll have to spell out with some bleeps and what not reportedly said in private. and there are a lot of that. plus a children's show about featuring drag queens. just how woke public television is getting. tyrus is here.
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>> you also worked with them to oppose busing and there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. and that little girl was me. >> harris: according to an upcoming book on the 2020 presidential race, the bidens were fuming at then candidate kamala harris after she confronted her future running mate on race then candidate joe biden leaned over to pete buttigieg and said quote, unquote, that was some fing b.s. while future first lady jill biden told campaign donors that
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kamala harris could go f herself. tyrus has some strong reaction to this. >> a lot of f bombs being thrown around. get some presidential bars of soap going on around here. this whole situation obviously was a political move and not a move of friendship. just the statement alone is if it's accurate, that would be something that you personally held a long time, that joe biden as v.p. joe biden at the time was one of the people responsible for you being bused. i grew up in california and i too had to deal with the busing situation. if i was to hold a grudge against someone like that it would be something that wouldn't go away. it was pretty damaging for president joe biden at the time. so i would imagine it is more out of the enemy and my enemy is my friend and trying to bring the party together and his campaign backed him in a corner with making the
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statement that the first it was the v.p. would be a woman and then as the narrative got pushed it would be a woman of color instead of picking the best candidate regardless of the skin tone or gender. this obviously -- i'm sure it is more of the latter. more photo ops and things like that. that type of thing wouldn't go away. not in my case, anyway. if i had that kind of grudge against somebody i don't think that would go away. i imagine it is all photo shop and just this is we got to work together to get what we want done more so than -- >> harris: the fact checkers at the publisher of the book tell us we'll have to see what happens if all of that nasty language really was used. you bring up some salient points about bad blood. imagine how difficult to pull her onto the ticket if you felt that way about each other. that far left has a lot of power inside, right? they're pressing him to do something like that. let's get to this. a new york city department of
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education produced show on pbs features drag queen and author singing and dancing and reading a book about drag queens to an audience of 3 to 8-year-olds addressing them as drag queens in training. here is a sample. >> i wrote this book because i wanted everyone to experience the magic of drag and get practice shaking their hips or shimmying their shoulders. to know how it feels fabulous inside of our own bodies. >> harris: before we even get going with just a few seconds to talk about this, it has nothing to do about how much we love the lgbtq members of our community. the talk about this is when do you have these conversations? with like a 6-year-old? >> this is where as i have to put on my parenting hat. it is a decision that needs to be made at home. obviously i'm more concerned about trying to get them to know their alphabet and math
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and things like that when it comes to social issues or gender issues, it is a case-by-case situation in my household. if we had a family member that chose to live the drag lifestyle or a teacher or something that was directly in contact with my children we would have this conversation. but as far as a tv show doing this for me, no thank you. i will change the channel on this one. i have no issue with it just in my particular household i choose to raise my kids my way. >> harris: tyrus, thank you very much. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus". "outnumbered" at the top of the hour after the commercial. member out there everye if you're thinking about buying a home if you're thinking about a cash out refi whatever you're thinking with a mortgage, you should come to newday usa first.
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>> harris: we begin with breaking news, anti-semitic attacks breaking out here in the united states and across the globe as israel's battle with the terrorist of hamas is escalating. witnesses say a pro-palestinian mob attacked jewish diners at a restaurant n. london, a pro-palestinn


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