tv FOX News Primetime FOX News May 20, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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they reclaim the majority than she is. >> shannon: too shae. panel thank you very much. thank you all. tomorrow on "special report," we talk with the washington examiner's national security reporter about ufos. thanks for watching "special report." i'm shannon bream. please join me for fox news at night. we will join you. "fox news primetime" hosted by will cain start right now. >> will: shannon bream, thank you very much. good evening and welcome to "fox news primetime." ♪ ♪ >> will: i am will cain and tonight we examine the rising tide of hate in america. earlier today joe biden signed the covid-19 anti-asian hate crime act into law. the president at one point growing furious in his speech earlier this afternoon. >> every time we're silent. every time we let hate flourish, you make a lot of who we are as
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a nation. i mean it literally. we cannot let the very foundation of this country continue to be eaten away. >> will: attacks on asian americans do seem to be more prevalent than ever and the videos are graphic. according to a study by uc san bernardino hate crimes in the u.s. are up 164% in the first quarter of this year compared to last year. and that's a startling number for sure. because when you consider 2020 numbers according to uc san bern teen know those were up 149% over the previous year. but, look, i wanted to get a fuller picture. so unlike most media members, i read the actual study. and i found something very interesting. the study cited tweets and statements from republican senator tom cotton and former president donald trump. and it tied those statements to
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the upticks in attacks on asian americans. the underlying theme attacks on asian americans are tied to calling covid-19 the wuhan virus or the china virus and more broadly they are a result of white supremacy, even joe biden tried to hammer that idea home today before signing the law he cited two examples of hate crimes. >> heather hire, a civil rights activist whose life was taken standing up to nazis marching from the shadows of vengeance in charlottesville and the family of can a laud gentleman brar are a, a proud son of a family who immigrated from lebanon in search of new beginnings was gunned down in front of their home. >> will: why did joe biden chose those two victims? it's not because they are asian or pacific islanders because they are obviously not. it's because they were killed by racist white men. heather hire in charlottesville
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and khalid gentleman brar rabbi a number who harassed his neighbors for year assuming they were muslim. i thought this was the covid-19 anti-asian hate crime act? why not invite, you know, a single victim of anti-asian violence? why not invite the asian woman beaten with a hammer just last month right here in new york? or the 53-year-old asian woman stabbed while waiting for a bus in san francisco? why not invite a single victim of anti-asian hate crime? because whether you are joe biden or kamala harris or the mainstream media at large, it's not really the victims that matter. it's the perpetrators. they want to hammer home the narrative that the most dangerous people in america are white men. but, as so often the case the reality just doesn't match up with the narrative. let's focus on anti-asian-american hate crimes they occur mostly in two or three cities, new york, los angeles and san francisco.
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not exactly fortresses of conservatism. not exactly full of people wearing maga hats and chanting donald trump's name. but, and i know this is going to sound crazy. we clicked even further into the studies, wild, right? if you look at the data from those three cities and look at hate crime, stats from the local police departments and, for example, the numbers released by the nypd found that perpetrators of the majority of the anti-violent hate crimes are largely black and latino. in fact, over 90% of the perpetrators of anti-asian hate crimes in new york city were black or latino. well, now, that's not exactly helpful to the mainstream media's narrative or joe biden's. let's drill drill down even deeper here because i have had this debate and wondered about this ever since i spent a few years in law school. what schoolly is a hate crime? what makes one murder more hateful than another?
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what would another crime be? what would another murder be? loving? i know, i know, i know what the fbi and doj say. i know how they define a hate crime. the fbi says it's a criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender or gender identity, but aren't all violent crimes hateful by their very nature? what about this? what about this horrendous story from dallas, texas. it's the kidnapping and brutal murder of cash gernan you can't tell me that the man who hufers over a toddler's crib and then be a ducts a 4-year-old boy and stabs him to death leaving his dead body on a sidewalk is not filled with hate in his heart. there is hate dripping through every detail of this story. you can see that video on your screen right now. tell me it doesn't define hatred. would this story be worse if the accused murderer was white and
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cash gernan were black. does it matter to the victim lying on the cold table at the morgue. dots it matter to cash's family whether or not his murderer held bias quite clearly held bias against the victim. whatever combination of race you want to cast in the roles of murder and victim, murder is hate. the truth is hate is rising in america and just for an example let's go to los angeles, take a look at this video. this have from last night. pro-palestinian protesters attacking diners outside a restaurant on tuesday night. several men beating another man and yelling anti-semitic slurs. and this, a jewish man beaten by pro-palestinian protesters in new york city last month. there are palestinian and jewish violent taking place on the streets in new york city as i speak outside the windows of this building in no, anti-met particular crime has remained on historic highs in america for years. there was so much concern that
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members of congress introduced an anti semitism awareness act in 2019. but, strangely, unlike the bill signed today, it didn't go anywhere. why? wrong villain? wrong perpetrator? at the end of the day some democrats and members of the media are doubling down on tribalism and focusing on our racial differences. look, the story of humanity is bruit violent force in a battle for tribal supremacy. it's our base nature. and the great exception to the humanitarian is the united states of america. we were and we still are a tribe of different people different religions different ethnicities around an idea the idea that all men are created equal and endowed by creator with unailennable rights and freedom. now, look, we haven't always lived up to that ideal. we have often failed and we have at times failed spectacularly but for too many the way to
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correct course is to double down on our differences to run to our tribes jettison ideals. direct path to the growth of grievance and hatred. joe biden though is right about one thing. we need to stand up to hate. all of it. not just the kind that is politically convenient and to do so will require, it will not require a hate crime bill. it will jetson those who ask to us jetson our ideals. it will require living up to american exceptionalism. joining me now chris rough foe, senior fellow at the manhattan institute. james, let me start with you. it does seem quite clear that hatred tribalism is on the rise in america. who is to blame? >> you know, it's really funny you frame this out in terms of the narrative and the narrative is to pull you will to pull a
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grord joe biden is malarkey. freuden slip there we have a narrative from something called critical race theory gaining a lot of prominence what you have is people stealing opportunity through systemic racism. and if you look at the schools in these cities that you mentioned, especially san francisco and new york city, specialized high school in new york city in particular, you have this situation that say only six, this is in the media, only six people that are african-american got in last year this is systemic racism. this is systemic racism. maybe joe biden thinks black people are too stupid to go check statistics they will say 70 some odd percent asian americans who are going to the specialized high school that admit them on merit only. so the people driving the device of narrow tises that might explain where these real hate crimes are coming from are critical race theorists want to use this of white privilege the asians are white adjacent to actually driving this violence. >> will: yeah that critical race theory, chris, something adopted
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by many on the left as their banner, their flag, their cause to rally around. and, yet, joe biden and kamala harris, for example, ran on the idea of unifying america. what have they done in your estimation to calm racial tension? >> well, nothing, and this act is largely symbolic, it's not going to address any of the fundamental drivers of these predominantly black on asian crimes. the relate is very simple. in a city like san francisco or los angeles, there are poor black neighborhoods adjacent to asian immigrant neighborhoods and the vast majority of these perpetrators are drug addicted homeless mentally ill and they are either living out a certain pathology or committing crimes because there a perception that asian americans are a soft target. and this is really on opportunistic and driven not by trump or national policy but driven by local leaders who have emptied out the jails and prisons. allowed people to camp in the streets and commit crimes and
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have done nothing restore urban in the core of these cities. this bill and the whole biden narrative is simply to deflect attention away from the somebody a sad and tragic but very simple fact. >> will: james, how do you explain joe biden bringing two victims onto the stable today but not a single victim of anti-asian hate crime onto the stage today. >> the victims of anti-asian hate crimes would be a inconvenient narrative as you were pointing out, will. the truth is like, you know, chris just mentioned talking about these cities, particularly we could focus on san francisco with the district attorney. letting people off when they commit violent crimes. these cities are being led by people who a louing for these crimes to continue to allowing these crimes to multiply and be extremely inconvenient to the narrative he is trying to push to bring up the victims actually beaten and traumatized by people who don't match the narrative that he wants. >> will: that's exactly right.
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really quickly, chris, i have very little time. i want to ask you this question. you heard me say in the setup to this conversation we are pushing back to the large arc of history one about tribalism and brutality. where do we go from here? where does this end, chris? >> a lot of ways we follow asian americans. asian americans have demonstrated excellent academic achievements. tight family structure. they are leading the way in building and reinforcing the meritocracy. we should celebrate this and celebrate everyone who comes in this country and adopts the principles of america. they are still the greatest hope on this earth. it's freedom equality, rights, democracy and that's the main story. >> will: i hope you are right. i hope that is the end of this story. i hope it's not one running off to our tribes and resulting in violence. i enjoy both of your perspectives, thank you very much for joining me. joining me now editor and host of sports watch newsletter. steve, always good to see you. while we talk about the media's
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attention to anti-asian hate crime one of the thing that sticks out how much little attention anti-met particular hate crimes are getting in the media right now, why? >> look, i don't think so it's because the media is anti-smem particular. i think it really goes to the perpetrator of this. look, in 2018, the tree of life, you know, synagogue massacre got a lot of confirm and that was because the perpetrator was a white nationalist or a white nationalist sympathizer in 2019 it was a convenient narrative there. we are not getting that now in some of that video you played earlier from los angeles. so, because of that, it doesn't fit the narrative and what incentive does a media that's already bleeding viewers make this a focus or story doesn't fit. that's part of the reason we are just not seeing it right now. >> will: wrong perpetrators. as i said, steve, there seems to be a rising tide of tribalism in this country. i think joe biden get that right. what role do you think the media has contributed to you this rising tide of texas among
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racists? >> yeah, look, i think the question proportion nalts. you look at how media can cover a story. all of the stories you mentioned the ones that joe biden was talking about today. stories are worthwhile to be covered. the question is what's the proportionality? how do you cover it. look at something like the january 6th riot. and it is wallpaper on certain cable news channels, it is in every headline when you go to the "the washington post" or other examples there what is that story trying to tell you? then you compare it to something like noah green attacking capitol police officer a couple months later and it gets covered a very main mall amount. i don't think that it's because there is some ideological reason that the media is doing this. increasing and inflaming the tribalism. i think it's a business decision. the media is so -- it's losing viewers not for any reason what already doing but because of how the structure is right now. so, when you just kind of dig in your heels, you try to keep the people already watching. try not to alienate them with stories that provide nuances and
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context and just try to ride this out and financially survive. i think that's much more than the ideological reasons that are happening. buff it's happening nonetheless, and it's really unfortunate because we need the media, we need the national media to provide nuances and context and to tell the bigger story here. >> will: violence and tension good for business. always good to see you, my friend. >> thanks, will. >> will: you don't want to miss this. coming up, experts now claiming the covid-19 vaccine will need booster shots. maybe, maybe on an annual basis and maybe as soon as this september. one has to ask what is driving this? is it science or is it giant profits for big pharma? we will dig in next. ♪ then i said to him, you oughta customize your car insurance with liberty mutual, so you only pay for what you need. oh um, doug can we talk about something
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>> will: well, the knead for vaccinated people to get a booster shot in the fall that has not yet been proven. that doesn't matter. we have already been told to gear up for the possibility, why? well, let's put following the science aside for a moment. and let's, instead, follow the money. if you do that you will find that the so-called experts within big pharma, they are the ones leading the booster shot discussion. with big pharma set to make beau coup bucks off of the vaccine they are the ones pushing it that's pretty interesting. how much have they made exactly so far and how much do they stand to make talk to jason rantz who joins me now with the numbers. hi, jason. >> hey, will. so the thinking is that the covid protection from this vaccine only lasts between 8 and 12 months and the infallible dr. anthony fauci has basically said this, too. and as a public health strategy the biden administration and the health departments in various
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straits basically framed our freedoms and a return to normalcy around our willingness to get the vaccine so the question then becomes is this really necessary. now, to be fair there is two things that are facts. number one, we don't know how long the protections last of these current vaccines. it's also true that there is no evidence that the vaccine protection is actually fading. we have no evidence of that yet. so, here's what we do know. there is a lot of money attached to the vaccines. in quarter one, in quarter one pfizer vaccine brought in $3.5 billion in revenue. moderna 1.7 billion. astrazeneca 275 million j and j $100 million. now, publicly, both j and j and astrazeneca have said lack, we are not going to profit from the vaccine during the pandemic. but, when we're talking about boosters, boosters are unlikely to be needed during a pandemic. so, this is likely to be profitable. it's expected to be profitable. how much we don't really know. but, when we are being told and we are very clearly going down this pathway of having mandates
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for vaccines if we are already doing mandates for vaccines to go back to certain colleges here in washington state, for example, to go a public college you have to be mandated. are we going to do that with boosters? that means a lot of money attached to this. and that means we have to be paying attention from had not just a public safety perspective but from a pharmaceutical perspective which has lots of lobbyists, who are giving lots of money to these politicians who are in positions of power making these policy decisions are they doing what's in our best interest from a health standard or are they being given lots of money on the back end to get us to get these booster shots? >> will: jason, stunning numbers there. thank you so much for sharing that with us tonight. >> thank you, will. >> will: also here nomiki congregation. you heard the numbers. i just did the tally while jason was speaking, $5.6 billion in revenue to big pharma so far through the covid-19 vaccine. i have read your twitter feed
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and seen a lot of your comments nomiki, you have been aggressive and said that anyone who has questions about the vaccine anti-vaxers. joe rogan called him anti-vaxer. is it wrong to have questions about the motivation of this vaccine? is it wrong right now to remain skeptical of big pharma? >> well, i love that you are skeptical of big pharma like katie porter was skeptical of big pharma jed a representative from california a democrat. just like bernie sanders has put forth three pieces of legislation to rein in on big pharma. and the fact that they are focused on profits. listen, pharmaceutical company spent $1.6 billion in five years on research and development, yet, $50 billion went to shareholders, 13 billion went to stock buy backs in that five year period. >> will: nomiki that backs up the point. the question isn't why i have grown skepticism towards big pharma the question is why those on the left, like yourself have
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become such blind followers of big pharma. why is it if you have questions. >> well,. >> will: no mickey call anyone who would question covid-19 anti-vaxer. in poem $5.6 billion in this vaccine? >> the definition of intelligence is being able to hold two thoughts in your head at the same time and big pharma makes a lot of money and not spending enough money on research and development which is where their priorities should be. >> will: twrused blindly on this issue. >> not blind the science is out about the vaccines. vaccines work. neither is joe rogan. joe rogan should not act like a scientist and telling people not to wear a mask and not to take the vaccine. he has the largest -- >> will: you are a big vaccine booster not because you believe the science backs it up because the vaccine has come to represent a political ideal. a political signature fire. a political fight on which you think you can win and claim the banner of science. but the wild thing about it,
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nomiki is it exposes hypocrisy so blatantly for anyone on the left right now. do you realize. >> i think that's absolutely no one -- put forth pharmaceutical that is a bernie sanders bill. >> will: do you realize. >> you are supporting the left right now. >> will: excuse me right now i'm supporting honest americans having independent free throughout to make a free choice about what they interject into their body. i think when the pharmaceutical companies have complete liability protection on the covid-19 vaccine you on the left have chosen a unique time, a really interesting time. >> republicans pushed for that liability protection. let's make it very clear. >> will: anti-vaxers. >> republicans pushed for the anti-liability protection not the democrats. bernie sanders and katie porter are the ones advocating to rein in on the pharmaceutical companies profits so they can put more money into research and development. do you think we shouldn't have pharmaceuticals? >> will: nomiki only begs the question why now did you do an about face and all of a sudden say that anyone that has questions is an anti-vaxer? why now? >> no, no, no, no.
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i think joe rogan is an antiscience person. difference between anti-vaxer and believing that cody didn't exist. he did not believe covid even existed until recently. >> will: i don't think that's fair nor i do think that's accurate. >> which why is pharmaceuticals should spend money on research and development and not their shareholders. that's the difference. the profit motive should be in science. >> will: i'm sorry, i think that's unfair characterization of what joe rogan said or what he believes. i think it's you on the left found a very unique time on emergency use application vaccine that has complete liability protection to switch to all of the sudden have an about face on your trust in big pharma and you i think you can it because you thought it was a win over republicans. that's all. nothing more, nothing less. >> no, no. the republicans want to keep their base. what's happening right now you guys want to prolong the pandemic is ending and you want to keep everybody at angry at covid and assault on freedom you have to wear masks. god forbid you have to keep your community and grandmother safe.
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you want to keep it going because it's working. >> will: thank you for coming on the program. >> yes. >> will: i always enjoy spirited idea of ideas. americans having the freedom of choice. very intimate decision of what they inject in their bodies. thank you, nomiki. all right, next, let's talk about la la land. los angeles, baby, the "l.a. times" in an op-ed today they published claims evidence proves california's extreme code lockdowns did not actually hurt the economy. we're going to look at the facts straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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lockdowns saved lives without harming knows. he argues that all that can be stayed about santonio holmes stay at home orders andghan dat. likely to foster a quicker restoration of confidence in socializing out in the world. they saved lives. so little did we know a business doesn't have to be open to do good business. at least according to many of them on the left. that's being so smart you become stupid. look, politics is often full of b.s. it's theoretical. it's ideological argument they are gobble see play out in realtime. how often do you really get to see the soviet union fall? it's even harder to see the effect of political choices in a short time frame. but for the past year after lockdowns plagued america we have seen play out in realtime we have collected let's compare lockdown states three free space. let's compare give to california
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and new york versus florida and texas. let's see who prospered and who did not. let's start with this. deaths per cap attachment new york has some of the most terrible results can you see on your screen right there. texas and florida doing better than new york and california quite honestly slightly less deaths than all three. but you have to thread a needle. you have to balance risks of covid-19 against shutting down economies. so what happened to these four states' economies, california's unemployment race has nearly doubled the same goes for new york while florida and texas they're still seeing an increase in employment. it's not nearly as drastic as the blue states are it did much better. i thought lockdowns didn't hurt local economies? but you have to balance every aspect of this pandemic including mental health, school closures, and obesity and the data doesn't lie. when that is balanced out nearly one year later, can you look back and give grades to these four governors, how did they do? how did they balance those
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concerns? here ron desantis of floridan a. greg abbott of texas a solid b. gavin newsom of california squeak just above failure with a d and andrew cuomo gets the well earned f but, look, those are my grades. those are will cain's grades. do you know what really matters? the people that live in those states? what could they think? no better way to grade a governor than to see what has happened to the population of those states. take a look at this. first of all, acknowledge that gavin newsom is up for recall election and now let's see how his constituents voted with their feet? california has lost almost 70,000 residents in the past year. new york 125,000 people fled, rab away from governor andrew cuomo. meanwhile, almost a quarter million people moved to florida and 374,000 people picked up u-hauls and went to texas.
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gtt. now, that says something. joining me now steven l. miller, host of the media broadcast spectator u.s.a. awesome follow on twitter at read steve. look at these numbers and grades and lockdowns would you ever have been smart enough to understand, steven, it actually doesn't hurt businesses to shut them down? >> yeah, thank god for the "l.a. times" who it doesn't appear like anybody at the "l.a. times" missed a paycheck over the last year. and then these are the same people who decry when they hit the unemployment line themselves that we are not supposed to cheer when a venture capital hedge fund decides what the rest of us has figured out long time ago we don't need them anymore. there were 22 million jobs that were lost over the course much the last year. 6 million of those were in service industry restaurant, hotel, another 2 million in other pars of just casual working business and retail. and about another 2.5 million that were lost in business.
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and when you add all of this up, i guess, you know, this is how you know that a democrat is president when we can come in 800,000 jobs short in april and you had the "l.a. times" writing pieces like no, it's fine. the economy, we are doing great. it didn't hurt anybody. the other thing they are not taking into account is the long-term damage this does to children who have been kept out of school. thanks to teachers unions and so, you know, it's cherry picking its data, of course, but that's what the "l.a. times" does. so. >> >> will: hey, stephen, here is one more example indictment of democratic leadership through this pandemic. the voters of pennsylvania just approved retracting emergency powers from the governor a year after covid. in other words, they shortened the length of time that an emergency declaration can be announced in the state of pennsylvania. and they allowed a simple majority to yank it away from the governor. in other words, what they said in pennsylvania is no more of this. no more of your emergencies, no more of your shutdowns.
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>> yeah. i mean they stripped governor whitmer in michigan of hers as well stripped governor cuomo of his in new york. again, you are figuring out you stole a little bit of my thunder there in the beginning showing just this mass exodus to the states in florida and texas. so, they are doing something right. and, again, you know, it's the "l.a. times" in california, california's unemployment rate in march was 8.3 where the "l.a. times" is headquartered, of course, in florida it was 4.7. so, again, they are cherry picking this to just say hey, actually, we are doing pretty good here in the media when you are not doing great. with ill will since i stole some of your thunder. i'm going to give you lightning here to respond to. is there all a big plus for democrats in this entire movement, this migration? msnbc's founder tom rogers says corporations that relocate their employees to swing states to turn them blue. move your employees to texas. move them to florida. keep them voting blue. is there a bigger game at play
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here? >> yeah, that was in a morning joe segment this morning. i think rogers is his name the co-founder of c. in bc an editor at "newsweek" who is hatching this grand scooby-doo plan for companies to move their employees to these kind of swing states to oust g.o.p. and republicans. let's see how that goes when companies that are wayed in southern california where it's 70 degrees year around tell people we are moving you up to wisconsin because we need to you vote in elections every couple of years and they go out. let's see how they are doing in february when they realize the ice scraper doesn't really work on the hood of a prius. >> will: that's a good point. i have got to run. you make a really good point. i can tell you as a resident of texas, there is concern that people bring their politics with them when they move to a place because they like the conditions that the politics create. stephen, always good talk to you. thank you. >> thanks, will. >> will: next, why are we hearing democrats trying so hard to sell the narrative that the
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republican party is in trouble? karl rove is going to join me to take a look at the truth. is the g.o.p. actually well positioned to win back congress in 2022? that's straight ahead. ♪ ♪ certified turbocharger, suspension and fuel injection. translation: certified goosebumps. certified from headlamp to tailpipe. that's certified head turns. and it's all backed by our unlimited mileage warranty. that means unlimited peace of mind.
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>> will: well, if you listen it the mainstream media and democrats the republican party is in complete shambles, weak. tonight be fooled by this disguise the rules of the 2020 election and the events that followed did not, in fact, break the republican party. but, perhaps, made it stronger. new data shows that the g.o.p. is positioned to win back control of congress in 2022 with democratic voter engagement nose diving. looks like a socialist agenda isn't working for the left after all and conservative americans very much in the fight. joining me now to react is fox news contributor karl rove. karl, i thought that the g.o.p. was in shambles. which is it shambles or ready to take over the house in 2022? >> well, we have only had in the modern era two instances 1994 and 2002 which the white house party gained seats in the house. so history is on the wrong side of the democrats. but this new swing state poll by stan greenberg, he's a democrat polster.
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he and james carville started a group called democracy corps and this poll of swing states. 8 state major senate races next year, four republicans, four democrat and three states major governor's races and in the case of maine there is also, you know, maine has only two congressional districts and one of them was won by trump represented by a democrat. and then they also did 13 districts and don't spell out which ones in california, new jersey, texas and virginia and we can probably tell which ones they are the ones closest races in all four of those states and here's what the poll showed. you are right it showed on engage the that the democrats have dropped a lot. even more importantly think about this generic ballot in all of those states and those 13 congressional districts is 35 d, 45 r. if republicans are within two or throw points of the democrat on the generic ballot they tend to have big victories and they are tied. among independence 17% democrat. 34% republican. two to one and 45% undecided at
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this point. among hispanics 51 did. , 38 r and 11 undecided. here you are right edge engagement democrats at the engagement 87 today it's 57, down 28. republicans showed 84% level of engagement, essentially flat with the democrats. 68 today it only down 16 that in and of itself is a big, big difference. >> will: karl, i love you are sitting in front of that pink granite capitol in austin, texas. i would have been sorely disappointed had you not broken out the white boards today. >> two. >> will: three would have been better but two will do, karl. if i can sum it up what you told us here, enthusiasm down for democrats up for republicans or at least even and independents bailing on joe biden and the democratic party. >> yeah. i put the engagement other way. democrats engagement has dropped off for the presidential level more than republicans has. you normally in a midterm have
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lower engagement among the two parties but the fact that they aren't dropping the same level but the democrats are going you know down 20-some odd republicans down 16, it's almost a two to one ratio drop twice as many democrats dropping off. i would say something else, too. we are only at the beginning of this pattern. i think that president biden had a bump with the covid relief bill. he got it done and got it done quickly. but it it was highly partisan and it's a big number. then he comes out with two other numbers. he hasn't prepared us for. $2 trillion for infrastructure. you know, 1.9 trillion american family plan. we didn't know anything about that during the election. i think that's simply going to drive the numbers for the republicans in a better direction as they get concerned about the big pending progressive agenda of joe biden. >> will: the senate, maybe the house in 2022 and then when you start talking about the presidency in 2024. we will do that next time, karl. always good to see you, thank you. >> thank you, will. >> will: all right. it's time. let's bring him in. look at him there he didn't
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shave. so he lived up to his standard. pete hegseth hang out with me. we're going on the clock and start with the ncaa's false threat to pull tournaments from states that did not allow transpeople to compete in women's sports. let's do this hegseth. i will see you in a minute. ♪ ♪. ♪ ♪♪ comfort in the extreme. ♪♪ the lincoln family of luxury suvs. i booked our hotel on kayak. it's flexible if we need to cancel. cancel. i haven't left the house in a year. nothing will stop me from vacation. no canceling. flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done.
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i'm really nervous. flexible cancellation. i don't know what i should wear. just wear something not too crazy, remember it's a business dinner not a costume party. on a spotty network this is what she heard... just wear something crazy, remember it's a costume party. a costume party!? yes! anybody want to split a turkey leg?
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♪ ♪ >> will: all right, let's bring him in, there he is. he was gallivanting on the country. i couldn't book it for three straight nights. you're in idaho or something. but he's finally back. i can put my buddy pete hegseth on the clock. >> you're crushing it, brother. i have been watching on a couple of flights. >> will: trying to live up to the bar you said a few weeks ago. four stories, 4 minutes, me, pete hegseth, let's do this. first up, it turns out the ncaa was all saber rattling, all bark, no bite when it came to threats against states who had trans athlete bands from competing in women's sports. they said they would pull any tournament out of those states
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who pass those laws, they are not. they just put the women's softball college regionals in tennessee, arkansas, and alabama and by the way, the finals in oklahoma, all states that pass these laws that limit women's sports to women. >> how principled of them. you mean you can't play all of your baseball is awful tournaments and some are cisco california and boston, massachusetts? i mean, there's other places where these sports are played. maybe they found religion, will. or maybe they're following the science. maybe some of these -- maybe the ncaa consulted with some of their schools and their biology departments and made the simple admission that, guess what, women are not men and men are not women. >> will: or maybe their customers or the voters of that state showed an ounce of spine and stood up against these crazy ideas that nobody supports and actually bent the ncaa to rationality and logic. maybe that happened, it could happen more. >> maybe. is that the buzzer? are we out already? minutes go fast. >> will: i thought we stuck
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the landing. governor cuomo has a new idea to get new yorkers vaccinated and maybe get rich -- how many governors have done this now, this one is called backs and scratch. get vaccinated and you can entered into -- i hate this. state-run vaccination sites, lottery. this time it's up to $5 million. bribe you to get the vaccine. you know i hate it. >> will: everybody's a winner, will, everybody's a winner because they get the shots and maybe look at -- one in nine win, minimum $5 -- minimum $20, maximum $5 million. i'll say this. i'll say this. better than a mandate. you have to concede that at the very least. >> will: how about just make a rational persuasive argument about why the vaccine is right for you? how about stick to doughnuts to decide and the mandates and the bribes, how about just do that. >> that would be too rational. >> will: topic number three. you know it's been one year, one year since this moment. >> this was the actual swab that
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was being used to fit up that double barrel shotgun that you have mounted on the front of your pretty face. >> will: one year, pete, one year -- what do we call it, notorious moment? >> notorious is probably right although nbc said it was a wonderful bit of comic relief at the time, exactly what the nation wanted was that amazing this until they lower them so they could allow mutual brotherly hero worship with each other at that very moment, ultimately they are about as objective as you and me, will, as two buddies -- >> will: what are you talking about! >> oh, yeah, because we are objective, you know. you know exactly what you're getting, it was a lovefest until it wasn't anymore for all the tragic reasons that we know, it's not fun anymore. >> will: i only have a few seconds, here's the point of objectivity, be honest with the audience about your point of
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view. be honest with the audience -- >> i'm honest with you. >> will: be honest with the audience and then they can compensate or agree with your own views. don't tell them you are objective when you're not like certain other media brands have built that falsehood. that's the sin, the live. >> that's it. >> will: this is important, only 30 seconds. across the pond, brits are being told they have to drink an extra 124 pints of beer this year to help struggling pups. whatever it takes to bring business back from lockdown. 124 pints this summer, pete. >> if they can't deliver on that, they've never earned its reputation as some beer drinking, you know, pub-filled state. that's easy. i do that in a weekend if necessary. if their reputation precedes them, they knock this out easily. >> will: i did the math. summer is roughly three months, right? so that means you need to drink one at a third, one and a half pubs a day every day all summer or if you just keep it to fridays and saturdays it's five a night on friday and saturday. >> may be have already done
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that. >> will: thursday night -- i will see you here tomorrow night, deal? >> thanks, will. >> will: thanks for watching fox news prime time. go download the will cain podcast if you enjoyed hanging out with me. you can never talk about politics, sports, news, my life, my dog, delmo that podcast, fox news podcast, apple spotify, where you get your podcast. i'll be back here tomorrow night. tucker next. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." here's a story for you. a mysterious letter appeared on capitol hill this week. it was addressed to every member of the u.s. congress. the letter arrived on the official letterhead of the united states capitol police, but it wasn't from the chief or from any individual officer. instead the letter was signed "proud members of the united states capitol police," so it was anonymous and that was
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