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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 20, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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female vice president. >> you have a staffer that crawled in the cart behind you and is the greatest thing i've ever seen. we know you are behind the desk. >> that happens to me every tim i earrings drop. we are going to the honor syste to find out whether or not people are vaccinated.
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one thing that i've learned watching the media is that it's like tequila don't do it on an empty stomach. my life is still trying to get the smell of vomit out of the throw pillows. it's amazing how fast they bury their own mistakes. reporting something that is false and for anybody has a chance to expose the lie before they are gone. like the hitchhiker a picked up last august the story is gone without a trace. it's a good thing there are people out there to show us these egregious takes. they won't get away with this just because they are wearing masks. think u2 and for exposing the following media meltdowns. like bernie sanders and that
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error it was everywhere. >> rebecca jones thank you for your invaluable work this is very important work you are doing and we appreciate this. it's difficult for you to be in the spotlight a lot of big accusations coming your way thank you for taking this opportunity to help us understand what this is about. >> the light is shining on her rebecca jones. as quickly as you can say the name the narrative falls apart crumbling and when it fell apar the president ignored this like a burning police station in minneapolis. after the department of health
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fired her last name she claimed it was for not helping to boost the statistics falsely. overnight she became a star. first she was awarded the perso of the year. he is a bit shorter than me. she raised00s of thousands of dollars and the followers on twitter exploded. the media loved her because she played the role that was needed. to bash republicans despite these full lockdowns. they just couldn't be right-thi happened the mayor of new york shoved a patient into gas chambers.
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even as per capita they've nearly doubled florida's numbers. the only thing higher than that number of deaths is their taxes. but what about this? the lady called a top scientist knows about as much as bill mine. in 2018 she was accused of sexual cyber harassment. stalking charges from an extramarital affair. the resume is more of a rap sheet although it sounds like something that hunter biden may be into. she's never invited doctor on t she gets her health advice from somebody at the vitamin shoppe. according to human invites she
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wrapped her former student before taking the photos to her family and lawyers. this sounds exactly what happened to me. may be this may have tipped the media off but no such luck. it seems they can easy fact check. but when the media seeks a hero they will overlook just about anything. 's story have more flaws then the diamond on her finger. >> looking ahead too 2020 i'm thinking of this person as a contender because of their presence and cable news. >> where can you go to get the best blueberry pancakes?
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does he ever get anything right? he does his best acting when being interviewed by the cops. when you hire two brothers to fake a hate crime don't pay wit a check. i've lost count of all the questionable sources that used in the russian hoax. the fact is if the media can mail you they will use any tool within reach. then they will stop covering it when they were wrong and preten the whole thing never happened. they use the enemy's reputation instead of admitting they are wrong. i wonder what the angry white male has to say?
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>> the whistleblower. i didn't pay much attention to the story when it happened that shows you what i think of the mainstream media. this begs the question if a fak whistle blower blows his whistl and you aren't around to hear i didn't even make a sound? >> there is definitely somethin wrong with that man. lets welcome tonight's guest. eb is better as a child then th mayor of new york does as an adult.
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the former defense department chief of staff. she's the kind of girl you brin home to your mother. welcome to the show andrew. >> it's great to be on the show. >> you are in the audio once night or on the show. >> considering what i've done a generally to me on the show. >> what do you make of the medi narrative you've been in the white house you seen how they shaped these things. >> you've said this absolutely right. you continue to push the story whether the narrative is right or not in the fax to the matter. >> you are a master at manipulating the media.
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nobody thinks you're a serial killer. i have to ask what that outfit you were wearing was in the las video. i go hiking in the woods. i thought you were doing this commercial. what is your take on this incredibly boring topic? >> almost everything we have to talk about on the show is a fak story. most stories you can count on i being fake. this type of story is special because it's not just a fake news story. what this is is that they neede a story to counter an actual story which was the florida's numbers were doing very well
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despite the fact that they didn't do a locked on. they basically put out a beacon. we need to refute the story anybody? she came calling and she was ready to go. this is the story they want the most. then need this to counter the story they don't want. >> i recall when this story cam out and this is why i always sa that i'm lazy. how do you verify a story when you have to ask questions about everything. do you think you actually needs to do this or has to do this. while this is going on they wer wondering about the giant q-tip
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his brother is talking about ho he's single and ready to talk. you have all of this flailing into the wind like a baby flailing fish. >> it's good to be home in new york. just follow the nipple rings. what is it obviously work in th white house. you see these narratives. which one is the worst? >> it's a continuation of the same thing. trump is elected and the world to up. we killed the world's worst terrorist cnn memorialized him. we bring hostages home. and they said how do you engage the government of syria?
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obama was the gold standard but they also wanted to swallow the fake headline that were created because nobody is going to call them up besides you and a few others. they don't want to buy into the narrative of truth that we did the right thing under present trump. >> you may be right i think i a the hero. i think you hit the nail on the head. the point is the fake news in these narratives exploded so much and so many interesting things were being done and they don't know how to deal with this. they were just writing more stories when this thing began. >> iran that investigation and as a staffer you are supposed t be free from the media.
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they came out after i started unearthing this thing and they got the staff to call me a genocidal dictator. it makes perfect sense. are you comparing him to the legendary insane comp off the? >> you came back with only four injections? that's all true thankfully. it's just something that keeps repeating itself. >> the media has the worst judgment when it comes to selecting their heroes. if this by accident or is this deliberate? >> it has to be something subconscious. going back to what tom was saying i do remember about a month ago when those florida numbers were looking great
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nobody could actually knowledge this. please tell me they are not continuing to champion economy crushing policies because they would rather do this then met a republican governor is a cold-blooded mass murder. it is somehow worse because the have the choice. they can either believe something that this republican governor was saying and it woul be good news or they can go wit a bad conspiracy theory which i bad for the entire country bein pushed by a career criminal and they said i'm going to go with rebecca at least she isn't a republican. you can't be thinking thoughts at all and have this be your reaction. >> you might be a lovable caree criminal low.
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a great topic coming up. he's taking trulicity for his type 2 diabetes and now, he's really on his game. once-weekly trulicity lowers your a1c by helping your body release the insulin it's already making. most people reached an a1c under 7%. plus, trulicity can lower your risk of cardiovascular events. it can also help you lose up to 10 pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea,
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which can lead to dehydration, and may worsen kidney problems. show your world what's truly inside. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. [lazer beam and sizzling sounds] ♪♪
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not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with sliberty mutual] — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal.
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they want to leave oregon. the new place to go is idaho. what on the go north? may be alaska. this week five counties which i one more than four voted in favor of seceding and joining idaho after two counties voted to do the same thing in november.
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they are jumping ship faster than a viewer of cnn. 's called citizens of greater idaho they believe to be better served in a more conservative states. aid for a voting block with like-minded neighbors. maybe it sounds far-fetched but don't you think people wish the could do this? a political divorce if you would. red and blue can go our separat ways. then we could both try to hit o mexico sorry canada we like you but only as a friend. chances are slim that would happen because it would require votes from state legislatures and the u.s. congress.
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i think this is the only solution. that then again i have to wonde if i'm being brainwashed by the media. i'm in this bubble and thinking that everybody hates each other. they are creating this conflict for a quick. what is happening me? you just have to live in this jungle. i would take it a step further. what if they just did geographically break apart. i think we would win california. >> here something that concerns and. the media would call you a conservative crazy person.
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they spent a decade pushing polarization so when people finally react then you were called treasonous. doesn't that bother you? no. whenever there is an election it's all about the party in power. >> i think it's the entire system and if they didn't have so much power we wouldn't worry about this so much. they weren't supposed to be so powerful. it shouldn't be that if this gu gets elected then you should be able to leave your house. it wasn't supposed to be like this. i think the government should make less decisions. >> we usually keep her at the children's table.
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>> am i wrong? you're running for governor but i really can't tell if you are telling the truth. >> why my doing this to you? >> dc and chemical divorce in the us in the future? >> i can come under show for th first time and say that you are smart. truly that is what's happening in a new york. you see a line of write-down 95. instead of rebuilding he's actually building a canal right on down the middle. and i'm sorry if there's a governor run off i'm going to have to say i love you but not appear in albany.
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>> it's going to be a challenge. >> it's about time. >> the big problem is domestic migration. people moving from one place to another. they bring their best ideas wit them. lets say something moves from california to texas or somebody from new york to florida they bring their craft with them. the great thing about a split i that a red state can create restrictions for blue state people when they move. if you move here from new york you can't ever vote. i would say that's okay take that away. the question is can they do this?
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people always want to secede an that hasn't happened yet. i'm looking at the map and i ca see the people that are on the edge of idaho may be let them sneak in but on the map first o all it's a weird cheap anyways. it looks like part of washingto is already in idaho. i'm also noticing is if you loo is counties do this good luck. oregon will look like a gun pointing at idaho. >> does oregon have potatoes as well? i don't think they have potatoe expects. >> i think this movement needs leader. this just came to me what tom was talking about this would yo
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do it? >> i would be the next whatever what do you call those guys? domestic migrator's. that sounds exciting. still ahead of new york defeat. bipolar depression. it's a dark, lonely place. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. emptiness. a hopeless struggle. the lows of bipolar depression can disrupt your life and be hard to manage.
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anti- asian hate crimes continu to plague new york city. nearly 50 percent of all suspects arrested are mentally ill.
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they thought reducing these would increase crime. many of these are accompanied b racial slurs and apparently the are so deep undercover day are the other racists. the latest happening on tuesday in broad daylight a man walking was attacked and had a piece of his finger bitten off. i'm sure liberal activists will say the attacker was just hungr and demand a program for finger food. things are getting out of hand literally and figuratively. even former criminals are calling for more policing. the victim of a subway slashing has called for a crackdown on the violence. may be that the mayor's strategy. make the city too dangerous for criminals. i feel like a lot of these guys are going to be held accountabl
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and they may just feel if they can go out and just harass and the technical. it's sad when the criminals demand more accountability than the governor. according to the new york times they are investigating whether he arranged priority testing fo his family early on in the pandemic. thankfully a different andrew i running for governor. this raises the question how ca he win if he doesn't have a famous father. >> i have to ask what does your father think about you running? >> in terms of the priority testing if i had somebody that was going to give me a $5 million book deal i would take that in a heartbeat. what my father thinks is that a
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we reference before i may have few different things that i did as a youngster. when i do get elected father is going to have a few seats at inauguration. >> what you think this city needs? >> we need three things. reduce crime and there was somebody also said this 30 year ago. the school choice. we need to increased charter schools. that's more of a blue policy than a red policy. if you don't have the means you are stuck. it's an economic furnace that i new york.
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>> you actually enjoy the risin crime. this is what the story is all about. earlier i made the point that they come up with a conquered story that they don't like. and the story that they don't like is that the crime is risin in democrat run cities. crimes against asians are up because crime itself is up. the reason the crime against asians is up is that trump said china virus. that's the classic story. they say how dare you say that in a locked on their own suit cities. we have to deal with this. the asian community is in front of this just like everybody else's. there's a lot of elderly asians
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that are literally being hammered. i do believe a lot of his attackers are mentally ill. i never drive in new york i'm too busy doing important things. we gave $800 million to his wif for this mental health initiative and we are seeing more mentally ill people on the streets literally insane. >> there is a narrative that people are overreacting. new york isn't that bad. but the number one issue for ne yorkers is crime. everybody that lives here said they don't want to get stabbed on the way to get coffee. anybody who lives here feels this way because we are seeing
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it. the fact that the governor did this again going to give priority testing for his family two days after the story came out calling him out for using this to get priority testing at this point it's all over the city. he doesn't care. >> you were born here and you live in queens. are you sad when you come back? >> this may be the only place that is worse. i am excited to hear them talking about how new yorkers should be coming back. we can also talk about asian hate crime. >> outside of the asian hate crime hoax i think it's just crime. it's simple. you have to send people to jail and not let them out.
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it's like the ultimate cancel. now there is a place for people are afraid to talk. especially in america. it's what people want. you have to make adjustments. >> spoken like a typical straight white male. view from about this a lot. it's the fact that what's funny and what's offensive overlap an if you keep broadening the definition there's fewer things that are allowed to be funny. >> this is something that is so important to me. something that you should take out of your vocabulary is that you can't joke about this. when my mother died house in my mid- 20s it was very sudden and the young.
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the only thing they got me through was to be able to work with humor. and nothing has the power of humor. and nobody needs healing power this is the least safe space yo are ever going to find.
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>> you've been doing this for what seems like that is. >> what's interesting is that although you are what we call a comic there are bits i'm sure they could be considered offensive. other than these things that yo can't do anymore. >> i do these things anyway. but you can go to other crowds and i used to go to so many clubs and we would perform before strangers. the guys that i came up with were very edgy. they all passed me by. >> but in the 90s they were vicious. it was a place where you could not be sensitive at all. not these things are completely useless. you can't do anything.
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you just can't do it i think it's terrible and that's why comedians like this talk about this issue because they know it is ruining comedy. i think people are becoming mor wise. this is where i get my information now. >> all of the cancel culture is about 20 people. i don't want to listen to these people anymore i'm dumb with a. >> i like hearing somebody like chris rock stepping up. but they just don't do anything about this. isn't there a way to actually take a risk and show you aren't afraid?
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these guys are quite wealthy. if they got canceled it would not be a big deal. >> they have millions of dollar in the audience that could reac across the country and all they want to do is make a statement. i think is a brown guy you can make fun of anybody. i think you've hit this and hav been trying to say this forever. these guys get a platform and a large social media following. all they do is try to get cnn t play there have been. frankly i'm quite busy and lazy. >> i won't disagree with you there.
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you are a great politician. >> i thought this was 2021. >> we have to stop figuring out ways to divide. i used to remember talking abou the yankees and the mets professional major league teams and the mets a minor league tea and we could joke about this. i'm sorry but please still vote for me. you can't even talk about sport either.
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>> it's a great way to bring people together. >> my favorite team back then was always whoever was playing against the yankees. >> up next he hates fashion wit a passion. ing you? breathe more freely with powerful claritin-d. claritin-d improves nasal airflow two times more than the leading allergy spray at hour one. [ deep inhale ] claritin-d. get more airflow. at visionworks, we want you to feel safe and we want you to see yourself in your new glasses and think, "ooh!" but if you get home and your "ooh" is more of a "hmm..." you have 100 days to change your mind. that's the visionworks difference. visionworks. see the difference. rene is not an influencer. she's more of a groundbreaker. just look at the way she's reshaping and reimagining her four-acre. slice of heaven. it's not hard to tell she's the real deal.
8:49 pm
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california's choice beauty? pretty boy. or a beast? john cox grew up with nothing; made himself a remarkable success. california's falling off a cliff. high taxes, unaffordable costs! even elon musk left! gavin's mismanagement of california is inexcusable. we need big beastly changes in sacramento. i'll make 'em. recall the beauty. meet the nicest, smartest beast in california. john cox.
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art's skintight pants going to lead to labor camps? in north korea don't forget there is some irony. banning skinny jeans in a country starving. apparently the fear is an invasion of the capitalistic lifestyle. that's why he previously banned having enough food. he doesn't want young people to influence and overthrow. history teaches us a crucial lesson that a country can collapse like a damp wall. if we don't hold on to our own lifestyle is a good point. living in manhattan it's nice t stay away from damp walls.
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as for his family that actually support this move saying that i you don't he will kill you. isn't it odd we don't even thin about north korea anymore? >> he created in the most significant challenge for trumpet and it's no longer on the table. this is the biggest thing in my lifetime. i think what you just covered i relation to north korea is more than the administration has given it during his entire presidency. he's got control over nuclear weapons and we have to watch what he does. instead of doing that they are quiet and they say when this goes south we are blaming the other guy.
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>> i get a very serious question. does he shop in hillary clinton closet or does she shop in his? >> i just want to know why they wear those things? why does the mullet take 40 years to get to north korea but the skinny jeans only took ten? it's like they took the skinny jeans if what they got in the carpool lane. they are just getting there the keep breaking hearts in the top 100. >> what are your thoughts on this? >> i did have that in high school. i think it's weird he decided t dance skinny jeans elite with guys they usually hate capitalism. i would have had a much better experience than the ones i have.
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especially if that weren't the case. they don't like me in brooklyn. did you say mullet like bullet? how do you pronounce a? i think it's a mullet. that mispronunciation is going to go all the way to north korea. >> look at that minnesota state ice hockey championship. if i had known about this in high school. i think i'm going to grow irreversible. i will have long hair down here and totally shaved in the back. dennis was my first crush. >> so lucky. don't go anywhere we are going
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to be right back. ... ...
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some days, you just don't have it. not my uncle, though. he's taking trulicity for his type 2 diabetes and now, he's really on his game. once-weekly trulicity lowers your a1c by helping your body release the insulin it's already making. most people reached an a1c under 7%. plus, trulicity can lower your risk of cardiovascular events. it can also help you lose up to 10 pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, and may worsen kidney problems. show your world what's truly inside. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity.
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>> we're out of time. set your dvr every night so you don't miss an episode. thank you to my panel and our studio audience is awesome. i love you, america. >> shannon: hello and welcome to fox news @ night, i'm shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight, the conflict between israel and hamas sparking a wave of attacks on jewish people here in america. why doesn't most of the mainstream media seem very interested? joe con shah is standing by to weigh in on is that story. 25 years later, bbc report finds one of the journalists used


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