tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News May 20, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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learn how you could pay as little as $0 at fox news podcast, apple spotify, where you get your podcast. i'll be back here tomorrow night. tucker next. ♪ >> tucker: it's welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." here's a story for you. a mysterious letter appeared on capitol hill addressed every member of the u.s. congress. the letter arrived on the official letterhead of the united states capitol police but it wasn't from the chief or any individual officer. instead, the letter was signed proud members of the united states capitol police.
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it was anonymous. let your first step it's not your average security bolton, it wasn't set up political to demand. the letter instructed nubs of congress to vote "yes" to an insurrection commission. vote a certain way on a specific piece of legislation? i haven't seen that before. most people have long assumed the capitol hill police department was a law enforcement agency. members of congress certainly believed that, they trusted their lives to the capitol hill police and that's why capitol hill police don't lobby congress. that would be a dangerous conflict of interest backed by an implied threat. do what we say, or watch your back. in this case that's exactly what they were saying to republicans. "we, members of the united states capitol hill police write this letter to express our profound disappointment with the recent comments from both chambers as minority leader is kevin mccarthy and mitch mcconnell expressing no need for a januar.
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we are expected to remain neutral and do our jobs with honor and integrity. it is unfortunate that our bosses, congress, are not held to the same standard that we, the u.s. cpr. that's a ransom note. imagine getting it from one of your own bodyguards. it might be enough to make you rethink your position which is of course the point. the capitol police are now effectively an armed political action committee so you have to ask, what other partisan demands will they make in the future? do capitol police have strong views on voter i.d. laws? what about taxpayer-funded abortion or the next trade deal with china? instead, they got the muscle to make their voices heard. this is setting a very bad precedent but it didn't bother to democrats, and help them in the short term. they immediately put that letter to use. congressman jamie raskin of a maryland pass the letter around. his chief of staff sent it to edit every other chief of staff.
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"he's hoping your boss reads this letter before the vote." cnn discovered who wrote the letter. who is it? they're not going to tell you because cnn agrees with the content of the letter, they decided to keep that information from the public. sorry, you can't know. it's not like the catholic school kids from covington come kentucky. they are allies of cnn and cnn has a obligation to protect them. senate majority leader chuck schumer reminded us yesterday that would have been on generally six of the capital is comparable to the american civil war. >> with the republicans are doing, bounce republicans, is beyond crazy. to be so far under the thumb of donald j. trump. letting the most dishonest president in american history dictate the prerogatives of the republican party will be its demise. we all know it needs to be a
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thorough and honest accounting of what took place on jamie six. january 6th. the greatest insurrection since the civil war. >> tucker: so how many of the participants have been charged with in selecting, sedition or treason? it is zero. the biden justice department said they have been charged with effectively, trespassing. but you can still see the similarities. during the civil war more than half a million people were shot to death and on january 6th 1 person was shot to death and she turned her to be alone ground down without explanation. but beyond that, basically the same thing. congressman of ohio made a sweeping point, he didn't mention gettysburg or ohio but he pointed out that anyone who votes against this commission is responsible for climate change. >> we have people scaling the capital, hitting the capitol police with lead pipes
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across the head and we can't get bipartisanship. if we are going to take on china, if we are going to rebuild the country, if we're going to reverse climate change, we need to political parties in this country who are both living in reality and you ain't one of them. >> tucker: i thought thug, a screamer, and hysterical. but apparently he made a compelling argument, 35 republicans in the house of representatives voted for that commission yesterday, they joined with tim ryan described a party that is living in reality, a party that works surgical masks outside. a party that thinks it's possible to change her biological sex. the reality party. one of the republicans who voted with them is adam kinzinger of illinois. i support a bipartisan commission, this should not be about party politics or becoming a partisan fight. well, of course not. and you wouldn't expect partisanship for party politics from democrats in the house of representatives.
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pretty funny. to be fair, adam kinzinger is widely understood to be among the slowest members of congress, so it's entirely possible he had no idea what he was saying when he wrote it. maybe he didn't even write it. it's harder to explain the republicans in the senate including bill cassidy of louisiana and susan collins of maine who have suggested that they, too, will support the commission. unlike adam kinzinger, collins and cassidy can read without moving their lips and they know what's in that red gestation. the buildup the past in the house yesterday was taken directly from the law that stops the 9/11 commission. that legislation instructed congress to "investigate and report to the president and congress on its findings, conclusions and recommendations for corrective measures that can be taken to prevent acts of terrorism. "that was the 9/11 lone. the new january 6 commission demands very same. congress must "investigate and report to the president and
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congress on its findings, conclusions for recommendations and corrective measures that could be taken to prevent future action, targeted violence and of domestic terrorism. virtually identical language. it's not accidental. this is the new war on terror but this war is and aimed at al qaeda or isis or any foreign power, this war is aimed at you and anyone's stance in the way. shawn davis is here, thanks so much for coming on. before we get to the things we would like to know about januara few of them, the two red flags in my mind are one, the fact that in adam kinzinger is mindlessly supporting them, but number two, the hysteria, the overheated rhetoric to the clearly disproportionate and almost lunatic descriptions of what happened on january 6. i'll tell you, this isn't really a bipartisan effort to get to
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the truth, is it? >> no, in fact it looks a lot to me like a mueller 2.0. just as the mueller probe in 2017 was based on the lie of russian collusion which didn't accessed. they based it on that because i wanted to get trump and have all the law enforcement powers with the special counsel to go after his people and go after him and accuse him of the obstruction of justice. this is no different, it's congress and once all the law enforcement powers that doj usually has, subpoenas to indict, maybe even in prison if congress doesn't do what they want them to. the whole thing is political nonsense, it's meant to give them something to hang on to for the next two years heading into 2022 that they can use to demonize their opposition and shut the opposition down and make sure that they have no one challenge them heading into the next selection.
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>> tucker: backup three sentences. this gives democrats in the congress, effectively, police powers, as they had during the molar probe. that seems like the essence of it. this empowers partisans to go after their political opponents. >> right. at least with the molar probe you had it somewhat outsourced to an agency that has rules and procedures, many of which were never followed which is how you end up with completely fabricated pfizer warrants. but they are taking on for themselves those powers and i think the most difficult one is really subpoena, who will they subpoena, what limits are there to their power to compel testimony? can they just call in any ma jay a grama and harangue her and the man she said before the inquisition? i don't think they are acknowledging any women in their power which is scary. if you care about democracy and the integrity of it, i don't know how you can possibly allow
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something to happen when we know how democrats handle things. just look at brett kavanaugh. >> tucker: a little confused even by the public claims of democrats, that we need more power to get to that bottom of this. as far as i understand we had the most vigorous law enforcement response to what happened on january 6 that i've seen really since 9/11. you have dozens of people sitting in solitary confinement for the crime of trespassing. the nsa, cia, fbi, u.s. attorneys across the country all mobilized in response to januar. so we haven't done enough? >> apparently not. and what's fascinating to me, i thought democrats have solved this when they impeach trump and blamed him for inciting it. what else is there to investigate? they told us it was all his fault so what are they doing now? >> tucker: this has nothing to do with donald trump by the way, donald trump is not in office
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anymore. it has to do the rest of us in the country and that's who they're going after. i appreciate your being with us tonight. so the pretext behind all of this is we just want to know more so when adam kinzinger sent his mindless tweet, bipartisan, we just want to know more. there's actually a lot that we should know that we don't that nancy pelosi could make public today if she wanted to. for example, ashley babbitt, an air force veteran who was shot and killed, unarmed, shot and killed on the capitol building on jane reese sixth apparently by a member of law enforcement. when she was killed, she was surrounded, and the video shows this, by law enforcement carrying rifles. here's what we don't know. we don't know who killed ashley babbitt and we don't know why. one has ever explained that. and that's not enough and in democracy, a civilized country. you can't just shoot unarmed women.
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julie kelly believes that, she's looked into this question and we are happy to have around tonight. it's a little much, and i don't want to belabor the point but maybe it can be said enough. people are calling for a 9/11 commission to get to the truth, how's the truth and are withholding it from the rest of us? >> that's right tucker, that's only one part of what we don't know, it was shot killed ashley babbitt. they close to the investigation that they had fun at this point you and i know, why do you have capitol police, the federal government and federal judges are refusing to release more than 14,000 hours of surveillance footage captured just between noon at 8:00 on january 8th? what are they hiding there? also tucker, we still don't know who planted the pipe bombs which also was a narrative that was planted by the u.s. capitol police that day. a lot of this actually is
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tracking back to the u.s. capitol police as they have sort of been this partisan entity in fostering the narrative about january 6th, and so a lot of unanswered questions, you are right. >> tucker: questions that could be answered by the very same people who are demanding subpoena power so we can know the full truth. they are the very same people, they're the ones who lied about russia, lied about george floyd staff and white about everything. in this specific case they are the ones withholding information from us. has any republican, adam kinzinger or dick cheney's daughter or any of these people push for answers to the most basic questions? >> actually fortunately we started to see some push back the last week or so from house republicans. representative louie gohmert gave about a half-hour speech on the house floor friday starting
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to raise questions about the shooting of ashley babbitt and also the fact that this wasn't an armed insurrection. it raises a very dangerous issue of pretrial detention, people who haven't been charged, keeping them in solitary confinement conditions for months or possibly even a year before their trials began. we are seeing a little pushback, chip roy and tom massey sent a letter to attorney general merrick garland asking questions especially about pretrial detention so we are starting to see some republicans pushback. but we need more of it. this is a constitutional how men like humanitarian crisis especially for the people who have been charged and held in solitary confinement. at the same time, the same justice department who has made public that they are releasing the same type of writers -- actually people charged with far more dangerous crimes, releasing
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them come expunging their records and, obviously encouraging more violence because they always get away with it. but if you are on the political right, you will be punished severely. >> tucker: you can't have this. and as god watches, would say exactly the same thing. if the trump administration were doing this to antifa or blm, it's not acceptable to treat people unequally under the law. it will destroy the country. julie, i appreciate you coming on. julie kelly has done the best reporting on this. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: so we don't want to do too many chris cuomo segments on the show, probably not a bad guy personally. but it's kind of irresistible because every month or two, more information about chris cuomo kind of bubbles to the surface. to the top of the bouillon base that is the capital. we just found out he's been hiding even more stuff and we will tell you what it is, after the break.
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: a couple >> tucker: a couple months ago we played recordings for you if chris cuomo of cnn deep in conversation with convicted felon sleaze ball lawyer michael cohen, they were planning a mafia hit. no, just kidding, they weren't. it sounded a little bit like they were but they weren't, we verified it. in one of those conversations though, chris cuomo did concede that reporters were bothering him asking them if had sexually harassed multiple women. >> i'm always careful when i talk to media. do you know how many [bleep] phone calls i've gotten from people at abc who said they are reporters and are calling a blank about things they heard about me to try to get stories about me when i was at abc?
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guys calling and saying, i heard he was the charlie rose of abc, still inviting women to the hotel and opened this in the bathroom. do i look like a guy who knows how to [bleep] do that? so one said i have a source that said he forced a woman, do you know any about that? some of these men come naming me with other guys, we've all done that to each other once in the elevator and he put his hand on my shoulder and mean really uncomfortable. i mean [bleep] the media is not your friend. >> tucker: i want frank bopp and zero day to come what his family dead. i'm just kidding. it's not a mafia hit, it was sexual harassment, and
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allegations according to that tape. he's used to that knowledge we have now learned to advise his brother, the governor of new york. the younger cuomo told his brother not to back down as multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct. now cnn knows about this, they have announced that chris cuomo will not face any discipline. but one of their media reporters, or two of them, the creepier one, did say today that in his scolding tone that everyone at the network was shocked by the revelation, "shocked." that -- has vexed staffers inside cnn. multiple cnn staffers have told me they were bothered by his conduct on the violation of traditional journalistic standards. i guess they didn't notice when chris cuomo had his brother on tv repeatedly. [laughs] and gave him advice on covid. joe borelli is a member of the city council of new york city. he knows a lot about governor cuomo and we are happy to have him.
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great to see you. as chris cuomo every called you and offered you political advice? just trying to get a sense of the scope of his backdoor advice giving. >> no. unlike his interviews with the governor he gave me tough questions when he appeared on his show occasionally and he wasn't always the most pleasant guy, to be honest. be one he wasn't. so what do you make of this, his brother andrew cuomo, your governor, the guy who is, i hate to say it, wrecking her estate, got advice and may even be in office today because of cnn anchor told him to hang tough in the face of all those crazy ladies accusing him of fake sexual harassment? >> look, tucker. why this should raise red flags as he has admitted to being part of the governor strategy session and by any objective measure, that's not to accept the investigations and even apologize to new york. instead it's actually doing out
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some of the women come in to lie about nursing homes, to cover up his own behavior and part of the strategy was apparently too weak confidential employment documents on one of his own accusers. that's the strategy that chris cuomo was advising? this is a far cry from a guy who told us we have to believe all women and chided us for not believing dr. mallozzi ford at the time at this is not the strategy that i think prime time anchor should be having with the governor. >> tucker: it you have to admit though, al franken is probably watching this thinking, man, these guys are much tougher. and they are pretty tough. the sentence, the second they get accused of doing something awful, it's all true. but the cuomo brothers hang tough, just kind of giving these women the finger. >> it's a double standard, it's
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a double standard for andrew cuomo and chris cuomo. these are the standards that they themselves set for other people back when governor cuomo had asked people to resign and chris cuomo had asked him like that people on television. i'm just glad that finally governor cuomo is being revealed to be this comic book villain rather than this hero that people like chris cuomo and cnn and so many other media outlets have made him out to be. he's just not that person. it's bendable whisper of albany for ten years and finally, the truth is coming out. >> tucker: i would be a lot happier if everyone could just drop the self-righteousness and chris cuomo said it, i'm exactly what i look like. of course i'm going to give him advice. rather than running around doing the holier-than-thou things all the time, that's what i find in unbearable. >> i agree. no one would fault chris cuomo for protecting his brother, but claim me in any way that you've
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been nonbiased and you covered your brother and you try to say you treated trump the same way or any other adversaries that andrew don't like cuomo would have had over time, i hope the audience sees it. >> tucker: dropped the falseness in self-righteousness and we can all get along. great to see you tonight, thank you for that. >> tucker: so you never hear the were to filth anymore. just going to say it, kind of satanic. and it's that bad. your tax dollars funding this for kids as young as three years old. we have the clips, next.
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do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have one hundred thousand dollars or more of life insurance you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without
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>> in its reporting propublica to identify the some 400 phony businesses that applied for paycheck protection loans worth $7 million. the applications went through an online lender called cabbage based in atlanta. in just the first round of ppp funding, cabbage depressed process to 300,000 applications of the second only to bank of america and the company acknowledges that between 75 and 90% of applications had zero human interaction because, may be they would have noticed that the phony businesses were farms in new jersey with names like seaweed deployment, and my favorite, beefy king. of course the fake farms also gave fake addresses but not in rural new jersey, mind you, they were in new jersey beach towns. the beefy king a cattle ranch turned out to be the home of joe mancini who is the mayor of long beach township who is said quoting here, there is no farming here, we are a sandbar,
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for sake. for the record he has no cows, three dogs. there was incentive for giving out this money for each loan, cabg got 5% between 350 and 2 million, got 3% and above 2 million, 1%. this is tip of the iceberg stuff. inspector general for the small business association estimates a nationwide, 50,000 loans unless they help several million dollars essentially ineligible businesses, tucker. >> tucker: trace gallagher, thank you. not speaking for fox news management here, only for myself but i could watch about six hours of the trace gallagher news read in a row for sure. well, just to make it absolutely perfectly clear that they hate you, your family and your children and everything you stand for, the new york city department of education has produced a new show called drag queens story hour. features a drag queen called little miss hot mess.
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the show isn't aimed at children at the ages of six, here's part of it. >> hi, everybody, i'm so excited to be here with you today. i'm a drag queen and a children's book author. you may be wondering to yourself, what on earth is a drag queen? well, don't worry, because i'm going to tell you. drag queens, we are everyday people. so today i'm going to read from my own book, "the hips on the drag queen go swish swish swish." i wrote this book because i wanted everyone to experience the magic of drag and get a little practice shaking their heads were shimmying their shoulders. >> tucker: at one point in the show the drag queen says, i think we might have some drag queens and training on her hands
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which is honestly the point. tammy bruce is the host of "get tammy bruce." what do you think of this? >> this is fascinating. because what you got here as you described in your opening is this effort i think to influence and was talking about it, not only in one place should parents could be concerned. taxpayer dollars were going for this but the gay community should be concerned, this is the opposite of what the gay community says they care about. they come out against the conversion therapy and the argument is, people are going to become who they are and we shouldn't be persuaded or moved or changed and here it is, arguably this is what they are doing people -- what do you
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think is happening when you're talking about this which is a and agenda issue 23-8-year-olds? if we are going to be taken seriously, we gained up a lot of goodwill with the american people, appropriately so. there's all kinds of friend lives in america, a majority dynamic, of course with heterosexuals, a minority dynamic with homosexuals. and it drag are fabulous. and americans, we embrace the underdog and the unusual. this is what you should do of course if you want to be taken seriously and be able to say that everybody grows up, whatever it is they might end up being, is to stop going after people's children. to stop trying to move an agenda that is both political and to america's children. and then that way, obviously, if we as i am as a gay woman, that
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we become who we are be through our experiences, i don't have to wonder if i was persuaded or cajoled or bullied or shaped by someone else? this is what none of us want to. we don't want it to be about the coming not or moving us into a certain kind of arena, that's also up to parents and how parents are going to raise their children. but for this to be taxpayer dollars, television, wait 15 years for those 3-year-olds to be 18 and then you can have a fascinating conversation and a great program. it might even be called at rupaul's race which of course, it gets all kinds of awards and i enjoy immensely but that's for adults. if not for 5-year-olds. we can with the children out of it end and move along in our lives and get the respect we deserve. >> tucker: it almost feels like they are saying, how much will you put up with?
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like this is basically saying to people who don't want their kids sexually propagandized, we can do everything we want and there's nothing you can do about it because you are passive and stupid. i wonder how long people will put up with that, not much longer, i hope. beco the conditioned to think that if you are a floor, you are home and homophobe. this doesn't speak well of the entire gay community, it's about basic standard and you are not big at for standing up against it. you care about your kids. gay people care about your kids. this is not about indoctrination, this is not what we do and i am personally getting tired with this militant framework presenting the gay community even though we are all wanted. >> tucker: great to see you tonight, thank you. >> thank you, tucker.
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>> asante cortez and dozens her democrats have written a letter demanding that we allow felon gang members, violent criminals, to stay in our country. you are a racist if -- if there's been a lot of announcements on our show, this one is special to a lot of people in our midst. a bizarre tradition on the show. i will let her play us out. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ if i could turn back time, if i could find a way ♪♪ ♪♪ i would take back those words that hurt you ♪♪
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california's choice beauty? pretty boy. or a beast? john cox grew up with nothing; made himself a remarkable success. california's falling off a cliff. high taxes, unaffordable costs! even elon musk left! gavin's mismanagement of california is inexcusable. we need big beastly changes in sacramento. i'll make 'em. recall the beauty. meet the nicest, smartest beast in california. john cox.
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least favorite singer ever. that tape has been an international prank for some time on the show, and i just read that cold. i apologize for inflicting that on you, it won't happen again. alexandria ocasio-cortez is finally found a problem with joe biden's immigration policy. she's not crying outside of offense but she's still pretty upset. she is upset that joe biden is not doing enough to help ms-13. he's doing a lot to help but not enough, she was 1 of 34 house democrats who sent a letter to the dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas urging that they deport. aim to end mass incarceration, criminalization and deportation of immigrants. anyone against us, needless to say, wait for it. jonathan fahey is the former director of ice and we are happy to have him join us tonight.
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so much for coming on. more violent gang members. other than destroying the united states, why would someone be for this? >> trying to get as many illegal aliens as possible, and i can't think of anything whatsoever. it clearly will harm public safety. if you think about it, it wasn't that long ago, might be on the stage with police officers and crime victims. house members are using timing, power and resources to advocate on behalf of of ms-13 members. it's truly astonishing and there's no consideration for the victims of these gang members. and if they leave them here they will commit even more crimes.
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why they didn't deport the ms-13 member, it's truly astonishing. this is on the heels of joe biden, the policy of what they are now deporting which is a very timid response which is basically enough to pass the laugh test. and they won't don't want to deport most criminals, and they deport sanctuary cities, hand it to say this is not even enough is truly astonishing. people truly wonder why we have this issue at the border? they send a message loud and clear that no matter what you do when you get here, you will never be deported. and when you get here, you can get everything american citizens got and then some because you clearly have a lot more representation in congress.
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this is like every single one of these things, the people that live in the neighborhoods that are in afflicted by the gang members and intimidated or terrorized, they are not the ones that are making these policies. they are not the ones that are going, driving through an parking there tesla, it's the people that are the forgotten people that absorb all of these costs. it is really, it's so harmful, one of the most cynical and dishonest policy debates we've ever had in this country and you look at the border crisis and we have the vice president -- and i don't want to say her name for fear of mispronouncing it but they put her in charge of this. anyone can come here because they put somebody in charge of the border that heeds law enforcement and is pro-open borders in the amnesty. so come on in, it's open
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borders, and if you are coming in, you are never getting kicked out. >> tucker: the messages we hate america. are they not capable enough to do that? they are trying to destroy it and there's no other explanation that i can see. i appreciate you coming on, thank you. >> tucker: so tony fauci now we know signed off on taxpayer funding, bizarre and highly dangerous experiments in chinese laboratories. and it's an amazing story, a gruesome story, next. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: the university ever pittsburgh has been using >> tucker: at the university of pittsburgh has been using taxpayer funds to perform experiments on aborted children. we can't show the images from those experiments because they are horrible but we do know that some of the funding for the so-called medical research came from the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases. the pro-life activist helping to uncover this and many other stories, we are happy to have him with us tonight. explain that the story to us. >> i just want to acknowledge for your viewers that this is a really hard subject to talk about. this is probably one of the most
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disturbing studies that i've ever reported on. you can't show the images on error, you can watch him in the video that is posted at center for medical at the university of pittsburgh they were doing a study where they were taking the scalps of 5-month-old aborted babies and crafting them onto lab rats and lab mice to see a much longer they could keep them growing. you can actually see the photographs in the published studies of a little baby scalps grafted onto the backs of lab rats a growing little baby hares, those would have been the little hairs growing on the heads of little infants in pittsburgh if they had been killed by abortion and then stitched onto lab rats for experimentation. the study was funded by a grants, by multiple grants from the niaid office which is run by dr. anthony fauci and when i was undercover planned parenthood providers were telling me that they were supplying baby body parts for experiments at the university of history.
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>> tucker: that's almost something i hesitated to do but it is so grotesque but it seemed like it was in the public interest to do. has dr. fauci accounted for this >> no. and dr. fauci owns every bit of this issue because of the head of the office, the buck stops with him in terms of how those grants were spent, they are being monitored and made sure they were ethically and legally unjust compliant as far as good stewardship of taxpayer money. the fact that they were using scalps from 5-month-old aborted babies, that means that the heads of those children needed to be intact to get the scalps which means those are either partial birth abortion or infants delivered alive and hole. did researchers ever ask, how are you getting those scalps from the heads of fetuses without a partial borscht, could
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birth? i think dr. fauci should be brought in front of the united states congress and asked those questions directly about what his office did to make sure these grants and barbaric experiments were in compliance with all of the applicable federal laws and regulations? >> tucker: do you see any hope of that happening? >> i just testified a couple of weeks ago with the house committee. i think every day americans justifiably disturbed and they want enforcement from their elected representatives, and we are talking about a set of government policies with fetal experimentation and they say i don't like basically that children are worth more dead than alive. it speaks to who we are as
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people and who we are as americans, so i think we should demand that there should be full transparency and accountability on it. >> tucker: is not about toys or reproductive health care, it's just awful and no country should put up with it for a second. thank you. that's it for us, we will be back tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. sean hannity takes over now. >> sean: tucker, thank you and welcome to the "hannity." fox news alert, democrats do not believe in science, the refuse to follow the science and clearly do not trust the experts and do not believe in the academic efficacy of vaccines. we now know that the cdc has made it official, official policy decisions to appease their teachers union and their pals that donate a fortune every election season helping democratic socialist to get elected. the unions
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