tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News May 21, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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made all of this hand sanitizer and we could -- all of us could shower with hand sanitizer. >> bill: i have a pile of stuff in my apartment. >> dana: we had a bowl with all of the things wipes and everything. the first maskless weekend in new york if you are vaccinated. >> bill: now you can pitch it. have a good weekend. >> dana: you, too. >> harris: let's begin with breaking news. that cease-fire between israel and hamas now back here at home a very disturbing spike in attacks against jewish americans. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is warning israel is still ready to hit back hard if hamas launches even one more rocket. >> if hamas thinks we'll tolerate a drip of rockets, it is wrong. we'll respond in a different power to any show of aggression against the communities
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surrounding gaza or anywhere else in the state of israel. what happened in the past will no longer take place. >> harris: middle east tensions are spilling over a world away in our nation. this is the middle of new york city's times square yesterday. pro-israel and pro-palestinian protestors were fighting on the street even after that cease-fire was announced. police say two firecrackers were thrown, one person suffered burns and this dramatic video in the center of your screen earlier in the week. two jewish residents in new york city say a pro-palestinian mob started attacking them outside a bagel shop. texas senator ted cruz is here with reaction to all of it coming up and how we go forward from this point. christina coleman live in los angeles where two other attacks are now being investigated. christina. >> that's right. no arrests have been made in the disturbing attacks. it is part of the drastic surge
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in anti-semitic hate including vandalism, harassment and a rise in online abuse on various social media platforms. this has some jewish communities on edge especially here in los angeles. a security camera captured video monday night of an orthodox jewish man running for his life as several cars flying palestinian flags tried to run him down. take a listen to his wife. >> they meant to get him and they didn't -- they were not saying any racial slurs, they said akbar which we know well means they would like to commit a terrorist attack, hurt someone, kill someone. >> her husband says he thought whoever was chasing him was going to kill him. a father of six who said he wanted to make it home to his family that night. he didn't want to show his face on camera but shared his reaction to the attack.
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>> there is no reason why america, which is a freedom of religion and freedom of speech country should think for one second at 9:00 at night you can't walk to synagogue. this is not okay and something needs to be done about this. >> the following night on tuesday video captured a caravan of cars flying palestinian flags. the protestors then were yelling anti-islamic slogans as they drove by a restaurant near beverly hills. eight jumped out. witnesses said some asked if the diners were jewish. when two men said yes they were attacked and beaten. one of the guys tried to protect himself with a pole. last night a rabbi expressed frustration information the local jewish community having to hire security for their own safety while the police department is slashed over social justice concerned. he called out george gascon during his remarks. >> we also know there are important people in the food
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chain of justice in los angeles who are absent today. he is not here. and we don't have any confidence in him. >> at this point in the criminal investigation authorities believe both of the anti-semitic attacks based on the suspects involved. >> harris: senator ted cruz from texas is with me now. senator, good to see you. first of all your top line reaction to what's playing out in our own country here. >> it's reprehensible the anti-semitic violence we're seeing and we've been seeing a rise of anti-semitic violence in america and europe and unfortunately it is encouraged by radical islamic terrorists and also encouraged by the angry left. the far left that regularly traffics in anti-israel rhetoric, anti-semitic rhetoric and it used to be that was just
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fringe and on the extremes. we now see some of the most prominent members of congress vocally and repeatedly trafficking in these anti-semitic tropes and attacking and denigrating and lying about israel. i think that's disgraceful. >> harris: i'm wondering what it is like to share space with those people. you are on capitol hill, not in the house but you are all together on this. it has to be a topic as these videos are ticking up and a number of them, unfortunately. >> look, fortunately the senate is a more mellow place than the house. by all appearances those passions are spilling out on the house side. most senators, even those who really disagree, have lived long enough to learn how to get along with people on the other side of the aisle. in the senate relations are cordial but that being said, the step that bernie sanders took in the senate is the same step that aoc took in the house.
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both of them, our friend and ally the state of israel is being attacked, facing rocket attacks and terrorist murdering innocent civilians. what we should be doing is standing up and saying unequivocally we stand with the nation of israel. instead both bernie sanders and aoc in the senates and house introduced resolution to block arms sale to israel to prevent israel from defending itself. >> harris: it goes to what you are saying. let's pop that up if we could. >> this has been a pattern of action from israel that frankly has taken away the idea of a two-state solution has led to increased hopelessness from the palestinian people. and i think what hamas has done is we condemn that but we have to look at the powerball answer here or imbalance as it were
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and we have to put more responsibility on israel in maintaining peace in the region. >> harris: why don't they put responsibility on the shoulders of the terrorists who put their own people in the way of things as they fire at israel? >> in the last two weeks we've seen something i didn't think i would ever see. multiple sitting members of congress basically acting as the press secretaries for hamas terrorists. repeatedly accusing israel of terrorism, which is a blatant lie. taking the sides of the enemies of america and israel, and israel is our strongest ally in the region. a liberal democracy. they protect human rights and a fundamental difference. what hume yas terrorists are doing fired 4,000 rockets to israel. target civilians. try to kill women and children's. they target schools and hospitals and try to kill the innocent. israel is a sovereign nation
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seeking to defend itself against the terrorists. they strike back at the terrorists when there are rocket attacks and try to take out the rocket launchers and hamas headquarters and major intelligence centers. here is what hamas does. they locate the rockets in the middle of palestinian citizens. they use palestinians, women and children, as human shields because they want the israelis to be in an impossible situation. either they don't strike back and stop the terrorists who are murdering civilians or if they do, they know there will be some civilian casualties. the israelis go to extraordinary steps to minimize those civilian casualties including if there is a bomb that has a terrorist headquarters the israelis if there is a building they'll drop a bomb that's a dud bomb that makes a noise in order to let people know to evacuate the building before they level the building. they will call people and say okay, where you are is also a terrorist location. get out. that is the action of a government trying to save lives
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and the civilians who are dying are the direct result of the hamas terrorists. >> harris: let's move to this. huge reaction on social media to this viral video comparing the woke u.s. army ads to a russian military ad. it hit more than 3 million views. >> it begins in california with a little girl raised by two moms. the march for equality. >> i like to think i've been defending freedom from an early age. >> i found it. a a way the prove my inner strength. >> harris: one users put it this way. we're so doomed. that was the tweet. another was russians are building a military focused on killing people and breaking things. we're building a military
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focused on -- senator cruz. >> it is ridiculous and the men and women of our military our soldiers, and sailors are the toughest and effective fighting force on the face of the planet. they are the reason we're free. the reason we have our rights. and what we're saying is we're saying democratic politicians and these woke lefty bureaucrats trying to destroy the american military and turn it into frankly a bunch of pansies. the job of the military is to kill the bad guys and strike fear in the enemies of america. people sign up to join the military because they want to keep us safe. they don't want to sit around a circle passing daisies back and forth. they want to train to defeat the enemies and protect america. that's what our military should be doing.
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the democrats and the media, what they are doing is profoundly dangerous and profoundly disrespectful. i view this ad hand in hand with the recruiting videos from the c.i.a. which likewise have people sharing with their therapist about their anxiety disorder. i don't need james bond or jason bourn to have action -- anxiety disorder. >> harris: how do you do both or should we try to? is the military in the middle here and we have to be fast. >> look, you protect the rights of people in the military. the military is a fantastic place for people to work and serve and have a career. but it is not the folk -- the focus should be on being effective in defending the nation and this woke cancer that the left is pushing, it is driven by an ideology that sees
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everything through identity politics. i don't care if you are a left handed lesbians who rides a unicycle. if you want to sign up to defend the nation sign up and defend the nation. that's what people want to do. these crazy leftist politicians are trying to turn it into a faculty lounge and a love-in instead of the finest fighting force on the face of the planet. >> harris: you are passionate on this issue and a lot of americans agree and disagree on it. security is the bottom line as you are pointing out. senator cruz, good to have you on the program today. thank you. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: chicago mayor lori lightfoot is not backing down from those controversial race-based media policies despite a mountain of criticism now. and there is this. >> i know where the line is. i can respect it and still be there for my family, which i must. i have to do that.
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i love my brother. i love my family. i love my job. >> harris: he knows where the line is. is he stepping over it? cnn's chris cuomo apologizing for advising his brother how to fight sexual harassment claims. now a top women's group is calling on the network to take action. will cain, "fox & friends" weekend co-host is here. veteran homeowners, i have 100 great reasons why you should use your va home loan benefit to take cash out of your home. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% percent of your home's value. with today's rates near all-time lows and home values at record highs, you can take out $50,000 or more and lower your payments by $600 a month. the newday 100 va loan. only from newday usa. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
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and customers safe by working from home... ...and using precautions in store. see what we're up to at >> my brother's situation became turbulent they looped into calls with other friends of his and advisors that did include some of his staff. i understand why that was a problem for cnn. it will not happen again. it was a mistake. because i put my colleagues here, who i believe are the
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best in the business, in a bad spot. >> harris: cnn anchor chris cuomo apologizing after reports he advised his brother, new york governor andrew cuomo, on sexual harassment allegations against him and urged him not to resign even his own co-workers are upset over this. olivia darcy -- oliver darcy tweeted the revelation that cuomo had advised his brother during strategy sessions. multiple cnn staffers said they were bothered by his conduct and the violation of traditional journalistic standards. "new york post" said -- tucker carlson with this. >> i would be happier if everyone could drop the self-righteousness and he said yeah, i'm exactly what i look like.
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my brother, i will give him advice rather than running around doing the holier than thou thing all the time. i find that unbearable. >> harris: will cain is co-host of "fox & friends" weekend. will, your reaction? >> my reaction is this is just one of chris cuomo's sins that violates any level of journalistic standards. we know that over the past year he has built up the false mythology the role his brother played through the covid pandemic. one exposed as time has gone on and put himself at the toronto of the line and took advantage of special privileges and now he is advising his brother. harris, really big takeaway here broader than chris cuomo is journalism is broken. this is just an illustration. i think that. the industry itself in so many ways is broken. all we're left with at the end of the day as consumers, viewers, and as journalists ourselves is individual
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integrity. is harris and will worthy of my time and trusts? for chris cuomo it is no on the question of individual integrity. >> harris: what should cnn do and next, what would the nurse anchor talk about his brother with the nursing home scandal? ultraviolet is telling cnn to suspend chris cuomo saying it is a major network news anchor advising new york governor to actively push back against sexual harassment allegations and denigrate them and call it cancel culture. after this advice governor cuomo instructed his surrogates to attack and defame those who came forward with their stories should not be lost on anyone and raises questions as to whether cuomo's position at the
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network could potentially intimidate or silence other reporters looking into the story. excellent questions. will cain. >> it is an easy call, harris. beyond the pale. beyond absurdity. should you and i would be presented with this. this is not something that you should be doing. you know, again to broaden this out a little bit, i think the past year and chris cuomo being a perfect illustration, within a certain ideology it is very clear there are rules for other people but not for me. as tucker carlson laid it out. drop the pretense, drop the big j journalist designation you awarded yourself. you are simply playing by different rules while preaching to those of us who see you on the other side of the camera a set of rules you think we should obey. >> harris: these are legal and criminal cases in the nursing
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home scandal if a crime was committed by the governor in any way or his office, surrogates, whatever. the question is was cnn complicit in anything that the brother and governor might have been cooking up? we don't know the answers. that's what an investigation would get you. move on. chicago mayor lori lightfoot standing firm amid criticism over her temporary policy that only grants one-on-one interviews to journalists of color. overwhelming whiteness and maleness for her decision. "media buzz" host says it's divisive. >> to do it by injecting the explosive elements of race and ethnicity seems to send precisely the wrong message. i just think for somebody elected to serve all the people, this was a heavy handed move that kind of smells like reverse discrimination. >> harris: you know, will, what if a white person said this?
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what if president biden or anybody in an influential position like the mayor said i'll only talk to white reporters. this country would be on fire. that's racist. >> that's why the thought experiment you asked me if we reverse the roles of race is important. it reveals the clear conclusion you have to arrive at. these are not race-based standards that the sick mayor is implementing. it doesn't mel like reverse racism. it is neoracism hidden under the guys of 2021 thought the only real way to be racist is to fall into the world of oppressor and oppressed. that ideology part of critical race theory only white people can be racist. that's not my definition of racism. it's any individual that judges another based on the shallow characteristic of their skin color and treats people differently by that judgment. by that estimation and
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definition chicago mayor lori lightfoot just revealed a racist policy. >> harris: will cain "fox & friends" weekend. we'll watch you starting tomorrow morning. good to see you. >> and tonight at 7:00 p.m. my final night fox news prime time tonight. >> harris: a double boost of will. agents busting dozens of people crossing into our country illegally dressed in camouflage after they crossed our southern border. as a tennessee lawmaker claims the biden administration is making every state a border state now. power panel on that. plus the mayor of kansas city, missouri defunding the police department after his city saw homicides hit an all-time high. i'll ask him why is he doing this? he joins me next. >> i'm totally against it and will not support it in any fashion at this point. i won't support talking about it or support where it is. because we're trying to ram something through that people haven't had a chance to see.
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>> harris: the murder rate in kansas city, missouri hit a record high in 2020. and even so, yesterday democrat mayor clinton lucas proposed and the city council passed major funding cuts to the city's police department. in a moment, i have a lot of questions for the mayor who joins me. he says moving millions from police to other efforts will improving community relations and make the city safer. a lot of people don't agree. some city council members are not on board. >> so that makes this city unsafe for our children and our families. so the next murder is on your heads. >> harris: garrett tenney is live in chicago. where would the money go under this proposal in kansas city? >> essentially takes $42 million from the police department budget that they have total control over and
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creates a new fund for policing that the city will control. kansas city is unique in that it is the only major city in the country that does not control its own police department overseen by a state appointed police board. the mayor and other supporters call it a groundbreaking move to give local elected leaders more of a say to what policing looks like in their city. >> the city council and mayor have the opportunity to insure that revenues are invested in root causes and meaningful measurable crime prevention strategies rather than just continuing to write a bigger check to the police department and get no meaningful outcomes. >> kansas city continues to face an epidemic of gun violence. the 176 homicides last year broke records and like a lot of police departments in major
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cities, k cpd has struggled to replace more than 100 officers who left the force over the past year. just last week chief rick smith called for additional funding and warned that response times would likely go up without it. so with all of the unknowns about the city's new plan and how it could play out, some folks in the community are concerned it could make things worse. >> where are the police at where the killing at? i'm still thinking defining it, would mess it up in that area because we barely got them now. >> a group of state lawmakers from the areas say the changes are dangerous and radical and they are calling on the governor to call a special session to stop them from going into effect. harris. >> harris: garrett tenney, thank you very much. quintin lucas, the mayor of kansas city, missouri is in "the faulkner focus" now. mayor lucas, good to have you on the program. i will start here. other places have tried defund and it has been a dismal
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response even more spike in crimes. your city saw a record number of crimes in 2020. if you take money from the police department how do you think it will affect things? >> well if that were an accurate description of it i guess that would be a khaej. the difference between kansas city's approach and other communities we're shifting funds, $45 million. more money, into a fund that will go exclusively to the kansas city police department. the only difference now is that first of all the city council will get some say in how that money might be spent and it will go to prevention and. we have hired mental health services and others, we can target that end and allows us to pay for a brand-new recruiting class. i understand that people are scared of change and i think a lot of folks have tried to use
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it for political divisiveness this is responsible funding of a police department with government accountability like you have in every other american city and work better for people of kansas city. we have had a homicide crisis not just in the last year for pretty much all of my life of 36 years. it is time for us to do something different. this something different funds the police but adds accountability. >> harris: it takes the power away from the state level and puts it in the city's hands. you are being accused of making a power grab in all of that. is that what this is or are you looking for more power here? because you are taking the budget down to the minimum 20% from the state now funded and taking away some programs. police are not by and large in favor of this. your own police chief not in favor of this. you have a current hiring freeze and the money gets squeezed during the hiring freeze. some are saying with this let's pop this up on the screen.
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homicides in kansas city 178 all time high. you mentioned in your 36 years it has been bad. it hasn't been as bad as it was recently, an all-time high up 18% in 2020 over the previous year. again you say reallocate. you can use the word reallocation certainly. if you take money away from something it's defunding. how exactly can you hire more cops if you now control a smaller pot? >> i will say this again first of all if you take money from something and put money back into that very same thing, then you actually haven't defunded or taken away from anything. >> harris: why police officers saying -- i want to go back and forth and have a real conversation. why is the police union in particular, why are they represented by them saying it is not the case. they have care and all these programs particularly aimed at working with diversity
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communities in your city. and their concern is this money doesn't go into those anymore. you heard from some of the constituents in your own city saying there aren't enough cops now. there was a time when you leaned on them so much you had to prepare for the protests that were going on. you and your chief of police, ricky smith. now i understand a group of at least seven organizations are asking you to fire him and they want to defund the police department. are you capitulateing to them? what kind of political pressure are you feeling from them? >> absolutely not. i continue to believe that adding -- >> harris: the letter they sent you is not pressure? >> look, i have disagreements with many people that are on my political left. many in this city and many on my political right. i do not think the fraternal order of police speaks for kansas city any more than some other activist groups on the left speak for kansas city. when you are may area you have
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to make a balanced decision. a super majority of the city council one, just having a trend line of increasing homicides year after year is actually not helpful for us and by the way, the record was in 1992 when i think you lived in kansas city. we've had this sort of thing as a generational challenge. time and again we have increased budgets without accountability. we are now increasing the budget but adding accountability. no one has explained to me why that hurts. nobody has explained to me why kansas city should be different than every city in america in terms of having some control over how police money is being spent. that money is going right back in. so i understand there are a lot of folks -- >> harris: i will ask my team to pop up the responses from some of the residents in his city and you are right. this isn't everybody. there is no way we could have put up all the ones that don't agree with you because it is only an hour show. on twitter one ever your residents control given to a group we wouldn't trust to run
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a popsicle stand. mayor lucas, you are on the clock. another person tweeted this. police resignations are at an all time high. kc had a record year of violent crime. the city is a powder keg ready to burst. you react which way? >> i don't think it is a powder keg ready to burst. i have lived in a neighborhood with a number of homicides. >> harris: why are they going up under your watch? >> who wants the see progress once and for all? i don't feel comfortable saying shrug my shoulders and say we passed a police budget and see what happens at the end of the year. this allows us to say how are we working with our police department? with increased funding. for things like prevention services, for social workers, at the police department itself. it is not taking money from the police department it is saying the city manager and police chief work on a way that we
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have more crime prevention in kansas city. it's the opposite of the defund movement. this is more collaboration, just asking the police department -- >> harris: that letter that the black rainbow, nacc, southern christian leadership called it release of a copy of a letter they submitted to the mayor and jackson county prosecuting attorney baker on a unified idea about defunding the chief of police's department. the kansas city, missouri police department's budget. they want you to slash it and even your own city council said we need to study this and need to look into it more. are you sure that you've explained this to the point you can scoop up some of the residents? they're in the neighborhoods that get most impacted. your last quick thought. >> first of all the city council vote was 9-4. the city council supports this move and i think all of us are
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interested in a few important things. making our community safer, getting a new police recruiting class and more police officers. focusing on intervention and enforcement. they need to work together. >> harris: are you lifting the hiring freeze? >> do i want -- all i will say is this. we need to make -- we're working together. i'm not speaking just on behalf of a bunch of organizations that criticize me every day. naccp and black rainbow have been critics for the last year and probably continue. we're doing a responsible approach which by the way gets us no more power than any other city in america does. village, town or suburb usually gets to have some role in saying we would like our police to focus on speeding or homicides or anything under the sun. this is what kansas city is doing now. i think it's responsible, fair and balanced and people will see that as time goes on. if they don't like it they can -- >> harris: we'll keep an eye on it. i do remember when things got
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so bad in your city that the former president trump sent in federal investigators and they didn't tip you they were coming. you learned about it on twitter. you have serious problems in that city. watch to see if this moves money around we'll see where the money goes and how it affects your police department. thank you for joining me today. i appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> harris: house speaker pelosi seen hugging and chatting with a maskless crowd at the white house after slapping multiple republicans with fines for violating her mask mandate. do the rules only go one way and in her favor? a queen of cancel culture sees her product line cancel. chrissy teagan is called out for cyberbullying. kat timpf is here to weigh in.
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in tennessee airlines going into the state overnight. the governor telling biden not to bring them there. senator blackburn with this. >> what they are doing is shifting the burden to the states. and once they do that they are making every state a border state. but they are shoving this cost for education, child services, housing, all of the healthcare onto the states. >> harris: power panel now. tomi lauren, leslie marshall. great to see you both. tomi, you have been to the border. what are your thoughts what's happening now coming across in camo and ending up in some places with the children in tennessee? >> i got a two-fer for you. i also live in nashville, tennessee and i've been to the border. them coming across in camo with booties is typical. they've been doing that for a long time. you see larger groups coming in.
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coming in shamelessly, some are sneaking in and some walking in. no doubt this is an open border cattle call. something impacting my home state and great senator nailed it on the head perfectly. they're shifting the focus and people into our red states. states that did not vote for this or open borders, did not stroet for a biden administration to open the border and they're pushing the problem to us in the interior. part of a plan. individuals that spoke on the condition of anonymity to local fox station said the bus drivers are saying they're given very little information. the planes are coming in in the middle of the night and now using planes because the buses were easier to capture on video. ask the biden administration is if you're proud of your open border policy what are you hiding and why flying these people into the middle of our state in the middle of the night and busing them around the country? why are you trying to hide it? and why are you bringing it into our states? keep it in california. keep it in the states that
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voted for this and keep it out of tennessee. >> harris: many of those states don't have the money to handle the burden. is that part of the problem leslie marshall? your reaction. >> part of the problem is they're not dumping them in any state based on red or blue. they are transporting the children by plane rather than bus because both democrats and republicans -- >> harris: why are they taking them to tennessee? >> i'm getting to that. >> harris: go for it. >> i'm getting to that. these children are either reunited with family members in different places, tennessee, chat naog yeah, knoxville, nashville, and other states or they are sponsored by a family in one of those states. the children were being transported by bus but what they found and complaints from the left and right these children were emotionally and physically -- it wasn't good for the children to have the bus. the planes are actually quicker. they aren't dumping kids on the streets or in centers in these
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states. they reuniting them. bus drivers on record talking about the passports and i.d.s checked by authorities and seeing the reunions which they found very heartwarming and tearful. >> in the middle of the night. live in your fantasy land. >> harris: house speaker nancy pelosi -- i'll move on now. pelosi not wearing a mask. hugging and chatting with people at a crowded white house gathering just hours after multiple republicans were given $500 fines for violating nancy pelosi's mask mandate in the house. critics are calling it hypocrisy. gop spokesperson tweeted this. if all members of congress can congregate in close quarters without a mask at the white house why the speaker pelosi fining people at the house floor? >> the devil is in the details.
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you know i always say a true leader leads by example. however, here is the detail. the wearing a mask if you are first of all cdc said if you're vaccinated one, two wearing the mask on the house floor. the function that she attended was not on the house floor. frankly the white house does seem to have different rules. you see the president and others not wearing the mask and following the latest guidance from the cdc. additionally more democrats are not just on the house floor but in the country being vaccinated when you look at the statistics in political party as to who is refusing to be vaccinated. >> harris: we have to be quick. the question. if you know science this is to be true. if anybody in that room hasn't been vaccinated and spreading covid it doesn't matter she goes back to the house and mandates everybody to wear a mask. somebody is taking it there already and she is at an event and not upholding the science. move to this. the queen of cancel culture is getting canceled.
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major retailers this week dropping chrissy teagan's cook ware line from their stores after revolutions the super model previously cyber bullied a 16-year-old even telling that person to kill herself. teagan has apologized. twitter took no action. i want to go to kat timpf, a fox nation host and gutfeld panelist. >> look, i am someone who is generally against canceling people for something that they said 10 years ago. the thing is though as you mentioned, chrissy teagan has made her entire brand canceling people and done it for two people who have a lot less money than she does and for reasons that are a far, far, far, far cry from telling a 16-year-old to kill themselves. recently alison roman said her website was a content farm. she led a twitter charge saying
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she was being racist in saying this and she left "the new york times" amid all this scandal. i know she apologized but i would like to see her acknowledge that hey, i know when i'm asking for forgiveness here i'm asking for something that i have continually not shown other people for much less. >> harris: content farm owner twitter certainly for these big retail corporations to see why they want to pull away from her cook ware. the white house partnering with dating apps to get more people vaccinated. they are giving special perks to people who get covid shots including premium content like boosts and super likes and creating ways for people to share vaccination status on their profiles. >> if it works, it works. i have no idea what a super boost or like is. if it is good enough to get people vaccinated it is great to have incentives to get
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people to get vaccinated. i'm married a month and i don't have to worry about a super boost or super like is anymore. >> wow, yeah. thank you and congratulations. >> thank you. >> harris: good seeing you today. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus". a fiery friday. i'll see you monday. "outnumbered" after the commercial. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, little things can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression
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♪ ♪ >> emily: critics are going after prince harry again after he fired off new attacks against the british royal family sang his father prince charles made him suffer as a child and accusing the family of total neglect when wife meghan markle was suicidal. royal experts say harry's latest truth bomb driving a huge gulf between him and the family. this is "outnumbered." i'm emily compagno coming here
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