tv FOX and Friends Saturday FOX News May 22, 2021 3:00am-7:00am PDT
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morning. and emily compagno. emily: you were so great all week. i have been following both of you doing the 7 p.m., it's an honor and pleasure to be here with you guys. i'm excited it's going to be great weekend. will: great to have you here. pete: great color. so bright. will: i didn't need coffee. pete: if you weren't awake glad you are. will: we start you off with this israeli hamas cease-fire still in place. officers firing tear gas as protesters pelted them with water bottles and rocks. greg palkot is live in tel aviv with where things stand right now. greg. >> hey, folks, that's right. it is day two of the cease-fire between israel and hamas. so far so good. no sign of any more rockets or airstrikes but on the ground in gaza, about 40 miles from where we are, our team on the ground there says that, in fact, there is a lot of trouble, local
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residents continue to pick through the rubble from israeli airstrikes. more bodies are being found. the death toll now reaching about 250. there are some new reports that the arrival of humanitarian aid to these people, they need everything food, water, medicine, fuel, shelter, you name it now, our team over in jerusalem says they are not seeing any signs today of any more clashes between the palestinians and police there there were services around the holy site. a secretary blinken said to be here wednesday to meet with officials. here is what president biden had to say last night. >> do you recognize that there has been a shift, an evolution in your party, mr. president, in the last 20 years on this issue? >> there is no shift in my commitment, commitment to the security of israel, period. my party still supports israel.
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>> now biden did offer support to all sides in this conflict except, notably, hamas, hamas still considered by washington and other entities as a terror group. egyptian diplomats, too are on the ground. they are integral to this deal. they will be dealing with hamas, faiz and israel trying to monitor the cease-fire and keep it together. a lot of people are hoping. back to you. will: greg palkot in tel aviv. we have cease-fire in the middle east but seem to have rising violence in the united states when it comes to anti-semitism. pete: the democrats want to support. we are not anti-semitic but we don't support the state of israel or the far left or hamas calculation of the democratic party today.
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your comrade cortez and ilhan omar and tlaib and cori bush. it equivalent to terrorism. joe biden another part he said at that podium yesterday i think you know my party still supports israel. when you are saying having to affirm time and time again this is our stance, it is -- it demonstrates in and of itself there is a split there has been a bipartisan cop census of the state of israel. when that starts to erode and let radical voices come to the top, emily, which is what happen. you start to see things like this on our own street which is unacceptable. >> rising probably inly and to your point about letting it fester. those members of the democrat party have gone unchecked with their comment for so long. we have had represented omar and tlaib and ocasio-cortez saying things it's all about the benjamins. reposting cartoons from it iranian holocaust deniers. tlaib said it was comforting or calming to talk about the
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holocaust. it went uncensored and unchecked and mixed with social media and the incitement the use of tiktok which is frankly a trifecta then it's absolutely spreading. we have had around 200 anti-semitic attacks in the last 10 days alone. will: 50% increase from where we were the previous week. i would add to that soup, emily that you laid out there that is making this a poisonous cocktail that we live in an environment where our superficial differences are -- tribalism, partisanship forcing the united states to look through the prism of race or whatever may be has all added to this idea that we run to our most base instinct. our most base tribes. when that happens you see things like what pete referenced you are seeing on your screen this morning. joseph b organ was one of the victims in those attacks and he told the "new york post" the following. he said i tried to get away. i think this is -- here it is.
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i tried to get away and the next thing i knew i was surrounded by a whole crowd of people to proceeded to kick me, punch me, beat me down. my face was on fire. i have been in new york my entire life i would never thought in a million years where i would have to second guess wearing a yamaka in public. that's what he told "the new york post." pete: amazing. some of the footage is the actual attack that happened to him in this scismt. will: this was on 47th street in midtown, manhattan. these are impanel ma'ams you would think would be emanating from tel aviv. these are fireworks going off. pretty powerful fireworks when you see video of that elm brazen attacks. >> against the landscape of not only defunding the police here. this emboldening things like
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this. when i brought up social media i did that to point out it is accelerant of conflict. it insights conflict. so easy to film and share. we know widespread throughout europe, actually there has been additional commentary that accompanies these videos encouraging others to film attacks. that level of wildfire is absolutely incendiary. you are seeing now here on our streets and city that has under funded the police budget that has provide nod unequivocal support for our ally israel against the landscape of the democrat party fisher okay to question our allyship with israel and a strong stance condemning this. pete: this sort of ultimately what's a red-green alliance. leftist, socialist islamist. come against the judeo west. larger perk of it when you come here it will take democratic leadership. the willingness to take chuck schumer. the senator of new york. he put out 'tweet about stopping
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asian hate. he hasn't come out in a full-throated way about the anti-semitic attack. he has likened himself his whole career as staunch supporter of israel. why would he not be outfront right now. maybe he is worried about comrade cortez in a primary in 2022. maybe he knows where the base of his party is. the light of the new political realities of the modern democratic party does not support the state of israel and equivocates. will: yeah, as you see these partisan conflict spill over on to our shores and you think about the continuing revelation revelations of the wuhan virus most likely came out of a lab in china. russian cyberattacks on our pipeline you wonder how exactly safe is the united states right now? representative michael waltz on the house armed services committee said not very safe. watch. >> our adversaries right now smell weakness in the white house. our adversaries when they smell
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weakness they push and they are emboldened. under president trump they were by strength. hamas launching rockets on israel. the iranians on the march across the middle east. the russians getting their pipeline completed for free and nothing in return. this country, you know, the number one job is the federal government is to keep us safe and that's the last thing joe biden is doing right now. pete: not happening. so from foreign policy to domestic policy and covid-19 has dominated the discussion for so long and the big question has been how do we get back to normal and when can our kids do so as a result? so many kids locked out of their classrooms for so long for all the wrong reasons, none of which have to do with science. we got an update from the organization that writes much of the cdc guidance which is the american federation of teachers, randy weingarten went on msnbc yesterday, talked about the mask-wearing of children in the fall for school. here's what our chief science
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director said. >> we want schools open and we want them to stay open. so we understood, you know, and we are really pleased that the cdc sees the effectiveness of the vaccines as so great that those of us who are vaccinated get to individually choose whether to wear a mask or not. in elementary schools, until we have the vaccines, it seems like, unfortunately, we're going to have to keep still wearing our mask and be physically distant so we don't have outbreaks. emily: that's interesting to use that language we are really pleased about that almost exactly marrying the emails between the white house and the cdc and the union heads that led to them actually drafting and then being accepted by the cdc guidance. for some reason the about face is eaten up by the mainstream media gas lighting the public. it seems to me that the only people that are really interested in actually the best interest of the child remain the parents and those teachers who
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refuse to be, frankly, tethered to the union that is making all of these decisions not based on science. will: we will call it what it is this is child abuse at some point. punishing the most vulnerable among us. interestingly not the most vulnerable when it comes to the coronavirus. the whole point is if you follow the science, children have such a minimal risk not only of being vulnerable to the coronavirus but transmitting it to anyone else. instead we are focusing on masks and vaccinations for those that don't need it. why? to keep moving the bar on this political fight. dr. scott atlas lays it out if you need to know one more time the science behind children, mask, and the coronavirus. >> the child that is unvaccinated is safer than a vaccinated adult. this has been known for a year so this kind of monopoly sense that kind of statement makes no sense. the only difference between a school and the outside community is the school is much safer.
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when we see vaccination and the cdc has said this. if the teacher, if an adult is vaccinated, it doesn't matter if anyone else is vaccinated. if you are vaccinated, you are protected. so i don't understand the concern here. pete: the line right there. if you are vaccinated you are protected. from randy weingarten to nancy pelosi on the house floor. what's your issue if you're good? then let everyone else make their choice, especially kids, will, as you said as far as the science, it's been settled for a long time. every goal post by teachers unions has been moved. every single one. and now it's going to kids mask-wearing and kids vaccines. emily: on those websites they go to the highlighted studies that apparently the science just emerged in the last three weeks. when you click on it actually takes you back from that science from over a year ago which says exactly that. will: just unacceptable. turning now to a few additional headlines for you. starting with this fox news
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alert. overnight, two people are kid and eight others hurt in a shooting in downtown, minneapolis. police say two men standing in a crowd got into a fight. pulled out guns and started shooting. five men and five women were shot. one man is in critical condition. seven others went to the hospital for non life-threatening injuries. no word on arrest. police say there is no active threat. the two corrections officers accused of failing to keep watch over jeffrey epstein the night of his death admit to falsifying records. how about that? guards were both willfully and lied about checking on epstein in his cell before he was dead. the guards admitted the falsifying documents as part of a plea deal to get out of jail. they will be required to complete 100 hours of community service and cooperate with the ongoing investigation. will tim tebow's nfl return is rolling in the dough.
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list of best selling jerseys top five spot. tebow attended first practice as a jacksonville jaguar one year deal on thursday. he will play as a tight end instead of as a quarterback. and those are your headlines. emily: tight end, quarterback, baseball player. pete: celebrity athlete for sure. good for for him. one third grader decides to dress like her hero, her school's resource officer. special bond between these two coming up. ♪ ♪ i was drowning in student loan debt. i was in the process of deferring them, paying them... then i discovered sofi. completely changed my life. lower interest rate.
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♪ pete: the conflict between israel and hamas leading a surge of steam attacks in the reasonable and in the united states apps like tiktok blamed. protesters clashing in new york. elizabeth is a jewish activist and author of finding my place. making my parents' american dream come true. elizabeth, thank you so much for being here. let me ask you a bigger question. why is this happening? >> look, i think you said it best just now. tiktoksome and news all to blame for these issues. it takes minutes if not seconds if you are younger to me to share one of these posts to view one of these posts and these posts which often share a lot of misinformation, dangerous threats on these apps which have hundreds of millions of users, many of which are minors who do
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not understand the severity obviously of the issue in the middle east, the severity of the posts they are sharing and the dangers it has caused across the united states of america. peter: peter. pete: certainly a starge not going to sense tiktoks attempts to use our platform to violence or spread misinformation is that true, elizabeth, the chinese owned company do they care? if it did come down, would it be in defense of jews who are being attacked? >> oh, i don't think any media company cares. i think people thrive on drama. people thrive on violence, anxiety. the stress that it's caused across the united states for jewish americans is horrific but that doesn't mean that people are not logging on every morning to these very app.s to watch these videos the same ones causing the misinformation and the ones you are showing right now. being harassed and terrorized across the country.
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pete: harassed and terrorized in the united states of america in the middle as that video is showing that video of times square. what is enabling this type of open anti-semitism on our streets? >> i honestly think it's silence. i think jewish americans, like other americans have seen politicians celebrities, national news outlets, every single day left and right condemning unjustice across our country as they said. we wake up enmorning now and we hear crickets. they think they are doing okay. don't realize it's not only frowned on but dangerous and in these videos shows it's illegal. pete: filming their own criminal act. i was talking to emily about it effective there becomes let me film the most dramatic situation possible to get likes and clicks on tiktok. real quick. >> yeah, likes, they are applauded across the globe.
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not one person i don't think stood very passionate against injustice last summer in our country or ever in our country has come out and said this is sick and disgusting and says this needs to stop. pete: celebrities and leadership among the modern democrat party. sad. elizabeth pipko thank you for what you do. >> thank you for having me. pete: straight ahead a massachusetts school district is under fire for their healing space. accused of excluding white students not allowed to heal here. one parent group is filing a civil rights complaint. next guest a part of it. schools shouldn't be separating students by race, period. the light. ♪ it comes from within. it drives you. and it guides you. to shine your brightest. ♪ as you charge ahead. illuminating the way forward. a light maker. recognizing that the impact you make
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for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. over the next 10 years, comcast is committing $1 billion to reach 50 million low-income americans with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. i hope you're ready. 'cause we are. do. emily: welcome back. we have a few quick headlines for you. overnight china's mars rover
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touches counsel on the red planet. the rover left its landing platform and now roving the planet. it it's searching for signs of ancient life on mars. the mission is expected to last three months. now back here on earth virgin galactic first test flight of the year. uss unity will fly for the first time after engine cut off due to a computer imlismt virgin is hoping to start doing passenger space flights by early next year. will, over to you. will: thank you, emily. a group of parents have filed a federal civil right complaint against a school district in massachusetts for banning white students from a virtual event on hate crimes. the invitation from wellesley public schools reads as follows this is a safe space for our asian and asian-american and students of color emphasize not for students who identify only as white. nicole mele is spear heading the complaint. she is president of the nonprofit parents defending education. thank you so much for being with
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we didn't mean it. because they got caught. we have a tip lipa where people will submit things to us all the time. wherer american. no matter if they have children in the public school system or not have a role to play. sunshine is the best disinfectant. shameful schools are trying to do this in 2021. we have to put a stop to this. will: how do they justify it to themselves? how do they rationalize that they have embraced segregation? >> this really all flows from
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critical race theory. pitting people against each other. valuing them on race and skin color and identity. this is a topic ideology this is unconstitutional. that's why we have to stop it. will: we will see if that's how it plays out in the court system. nicole neily thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. will: ahead it was a prime vacation spots. now residents of venice beach say it's become a hot spot for the homeless. lawrence jones got a firsthand look at the devastating reality in the california town. >> you don't realize sometimes what you are living in the middle of until you see some -- a video and you think, wait a minute, that's where i live. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. areof that's how you do it rig. usaa insurance is made just the way
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pete: welcome back. los angeles residents sounding the alarm surgeon of crime as the city's homeless population takes over the tourist hot spot of venice beach. >> spoke about the deteriorating conditions along the boardwalk. take a look. >> this is the famous venice beach where millions of visitors come each other year. it's the second largest tourist attraction in southern california. second to disney land. now the famous beach looks like this. tent city after tent estimate which i have noticed all the tents here before? >> not before.
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some but not like this. >> it was hidden but now it's starting to move closer and closer and closer to the beach. >> like this is venice beach like, are you kidding me? look what the beach is now. this is what has happened to venice beach. this is what i want people to see this isn't camping. these are homes. see fighting, guns, knives, fires. drug use day in and day out. >> you don't realize sometimes what you are living in the middle of until you see some -- a video and you think wait a minute, that's where i live. >> i live here in the building and i hear them all night long fighting. >> i have been in california my whole life. i honestly feel like this is not california anymore. >> is this safe out here for families just to roam. >> absolutely not. >> why aren't the police here enforcing the laws here? have they been told not to. >> the police were defunded. lapd will come. it could be a wait because they
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are dealing with so much. >> there was a clean up today. >> so how often do they do this clean up. >> this was the first one in months. >> months? >> months. this is not humane. this is not compassionate. >> it's okay to say that i don't want encampments in my front yard or backyard but i will support the idea of people getting mental health. getting drug rehab and getting job opportunities where they can get training. >> people who live in these tents, how did they get here? >> each story is different. >> she lost her son a couple years ago. he was two and a half. and she just had mental health issues. we have been trying to find her for the last couple months i'm her mom. i have been walking up and down the strip trying to find her. >> what age were you with when you went to your first group home. >> 146789 then i ended up sleeping on the streets, i guess. >> is there any desire to get off. >> of course.
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>> who what would it take to get you off the street today. >> i'm thinking about leaving because i have got some kind of job lined up. >> you said a lot of people are between places right now. >> yeah. they are transitioning. >> do you think some your friends that are out here that may have addictions have the desire to go through the treatment programs that the city is offering? >> no. >> do you mind telling me how you ended up here. >> i lost my kid and fiancee due to a drunk driver. >> how often do you shoot up. >> roughly around 32 times a day. >> 32 times a day. >> i do use clean ones. i go to the needle exchange. i don't share. >> are you afraid. >> am i afraid. >> that one time you shoot up will be the last time. >> no. i'm not afraid. because if it happens that i die, then maybe i can finally see my kid. >> how long have you been on the beach area right here? >> off and on like five years. i see people get comfortable.
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you know, the programs from our neighbors feeding us and giving us nice clothing and making sure we stay neat. people get comfortable i did. >> if i was a councilman i would be down here right now, man, talking to you, talking to these people saying what are we going to do about this, man? >> the city councilman has allowed them to not have a rock bottom. they are living in a secure situation. everything comes to them. >> a lot of people are leaving california. if this problem continues, will you be one of those folks? >> i'm not yesterday to go yet. i would rather fight it for a little while because i think this is a place worth fighting for. ♪ pete: powerful stuff to see good on lawrence jones. he will join us as well in the :00 a.m. hour. he made a trip to austin, texas. not just exclusive to the west coast. but you have got a lot of firsthand experience with this. emily: right. it's so troubling to see it absolutely skyrocket as well as the money being poured in.
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you know, then mayor gavin newsom of san francisco when i lived under his watch his care not cash didn't work. seeing it rampant. take up a case whether or not you could prosecute sleeping outside. like allows cities to enforce their bans on camping. and people arguing well there needs to be shelter beds and the like. there needs to be compassionate protocols that are not working either. by the supreme court not taking it up, it sort of leaves the cities hands tied as we are seeing on the west coast compassionate war policy trying to address homelessness that is not working. will: you are telling us in seattle league league games canceled because the entire field was covered up in tents and they won't leave. emily: correct. will: i went to school in southern california and there was always a homeless problem in southern california. neff like that. the images we saw from lawrence jones where essentially you have an entire line of homeless
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encampments and tents that you would have to walk through to make your way down to the water. that's stunning and as you pointed out, pete, seattle, austin, los angeles, san francisco. this is a growing problem. i think the interesting question. the one that really deserves a deep dive is why? why is this growing? here's what a council member in los angeles had to say, income inequality skyrocketing, housing costs, systemic racism and a failed healthcare system are creating a homelessness crisis that big cities like l.a. must deal with. it has created a situation on our streets unacceptable, unsafe, unsanitary and inhumane. i'm determined to move people into housing and provide appropriate services. that all may be. my suspicion there is something more there. and it's not just tolerance it's an invitation to this problem. emily: absolutely. what about the pull factors that nothing will happen to you if you sleep on the street and engage in petty crimes and have everything else -- sleep on little league streets and whatnot. no one will do anything.
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pete: hear the word compassion something people want to have. the line between compassion and enabling to your point is the line that's been far crossed. one of the gentlemen said it in the piece, they made it comfortable across the board to include drug use, which is rampant on these streets and communities and leadership is totally ill equipped to deal with it we also reached out to l.a. mayor eric garcetti and governor gasm, and they have not called us back yet unless it's inbox. we will check it. turning to headlines including this, the first week of the murder trial for the illegal immigrant accused killing mollie tibbetts comes to a close. allege mexican national christian rivera stabbed the iowa college student death while she was out for a jog. jurors were shown graphic images of tibet's body along with clothing found nearby. d.n.a. expert took the stand saying blood was found in the trunk of rivera's car.
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showing rivera falling asleep during interrogation in 2018. the trial will continue next week. president biden announcing two new partnerships between the u.s. and south korea. the two countries will work together to produce war vaccines and tech no like simi conductors comes as south korea struggles with a vaccine shortage and companies here in the u.s. have had to close factories due to a shortage of simi conductors. and an ohio third grader shows up to class in a special outfit to honor her role model. ken zi river view east academy in cincinnati showed up wearing a police officer uniform recently. she says the school resource officer carrie hollyfield has had such a positive influence on her that she wants to be a school resource officer when she grows up. and those are your headlines, precisely the kinds of role models we already have if we would just appreciate them and
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highlight them. clearly they do with this school and family in particular. will: i was walking around the building yesterday and for the first time in my life, i met adam klotz in person he is not in person with us right now. not face to face. is he rather at the intrepid museum for national maritime day. good morning, adam. adam: good morning, will. i know that was a huge treat for you. the treat for me today is getting to be out here for national maritime day. national maritime day is for work that happens around the water. and today that's me. it's going to be a beautiful day for it i'm going to dive right into the forecast to begin with the big story out there as we speak is this low pressure system that's spinning in the gulf of mexico. this could become a tropical storm, a low chance there but we are watching it. now, the next thing i want to talk about is these big temperature changes that we have seen here. really a massive warm-up here on this next graphic, temperatures up into the 80's and 90's across
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much of the eastern united states which includes where i am, which brings us to our final graphic, the weather here at the intrepid today is going to be a beautiful morning and it really is going to be a beautiful morning out here for the merchant marines. that's what we're going to be talking about all morning long. guys, get this, i have never been on the intrepid before. in the next hour we're going to get up there and going to get to check it out. i'm really looking forward to it. will: that's going to be cool. i have done that. emily: i haven't. i would love to. that looks amazing. pete: you are right. will was incredibly pleased to meet adam klotz. will: told my mom last night. pete: was it the other way around? adam: i was excited. pete: thank you, adam, appreciate it a massachusetts sheriff says the biden administration pulled a political hit job by ordering the release of illegal immigrants from his jail. that sheriff joins us live next. >> enough is enough. any may not want to uphold their
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tremfya®. emerge tremfyant™. janssen can help you explore cost support options. ♪ will: biden administration officials ordering ice to cut ties with the massachusetts sheriff's office and transfer all migrant detainees out of the jail unit that houses illegal immigrants facing deportation this amid an ongoing federal investigation into excessive force allegations. pete: our next guest who runs that facility says it's nothing more than a political hit job. emily: sheriff thomas hobson of bristol county, massachusetts joins us now. sheriff, good morning to you, most importantly, thank you for your service. tell us why you say this is a political hit job. >> good morning, emily, look, the people of my county and across this nation need to fasten their seat belts. this is the first step by the biden administration to do the roll back that they had planned on doing from the very
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beginning. we know this because "the washington post," for example, in just thursday's article said exactly that. and we have the sheriffs on the border had met with secretary mayorkas and this is about a month ago and he told them then that he was going to be get rid of the g 287 programs. pete: you mentioned dhs secretary mayorkas this is what he said specifically on bristol county that jacket being terminated we will not tolerate the mistreatment of individuals in detention. we have an obligation to make lasting improvements to our civil immigration detention system this marks an important first step to realizing that goal. so, sheriff, is he saying it's the particulars of this facility and there was mistreatment. what do you say to that? >> there is no other way for me to say this. he is a liar. first of all, my department has been running an ice facility which i built with state money for 15 -- almost 15 years now. and we are considered the model
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for the nation. we just had our ice inspection just about a week ago. and it was outstanding. they all have been. so this is all part of a facade on the part of him. look, people of this country know about the credibility of secretary mayorkas. he stood on television and looked people in the eye and said there is no crisis at the border. there is no crisis there. the border is closed. he is lying. he was lying then and he is lying now about our facility to advance what they know was this rollback. will: sheriff, to be clear, you are saying this was partisanship, this was political revenge, in essence, for your criticism of the administration. you and i met, by the way, and nice to see you again, on the arizona border. that type of criticism is at the heart of motivation of closing this facility. >> there's no question about it they constantly do this sort of wizard of oz scene like pay no attention to what's behind the curtain here and they lie to the american people.
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our audit, all my federal audits over 15 years the fact that we are the national model, what he is saying is all those auditors, those federal auditors are liars. that's what he is saying. and that's not true. and the people of my county and across this nation know it. they can see what's going on. i'm telling you, people need to fasten their seat belts, this is what is coming. you watch and see, they already said they are going to close these other 200 facilities in one way or another. that's why the sheriffs of this nation are coming together and asking the american people join with us. we are not going to turn our backs on you or our oath. go to protect america now and join with us because we are not going to stand down. we are going to uphold our oath. even if they don't want to uphold theirs. pete: amazing. sheriff thomas hodgeson, thank you for updating us. keep us posted as well. >> thanks so much pete, will and emily. will: help wanted ahead of memorial day weekend businesses are facing staffing short tants as they try to come back from covid.
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next guest wrote a letter pleading for help. he joins us next. ♪ help me if you can ♪ i'm feeling down ♪ and i do appreciate you being around ♪ help me get my feet back living with bipolar depression. emptiness. a hopeless struggle. the lows of bipolar depression can disrupt your life and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms, and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. now i'm feeling connected. empowered. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrollable muscle movements
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emily: ahead of memorial day many businesses are anticipating holiday weekend crowds but still can't find workers. one new jersey restaurant owner even sent out recruitment letters explaining his latest obstacle. quote, of the 100 job openings we have hired 7 people to date. i have two words to describe my current predicament: help wanted. welcome to you and tell us what's going on there. >> well, thank you for having me. you know, we got through covid and i wrote this letter we have
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about a 40,000 person email list from our 11 years in business. and we started writing letters early on in covid and kind of people gravitated to those and it helped them through these difficult times. this last letter that i wrote help wanted really kind of says it all. we made it, we are starting to see the restrictions listed in the restaurant business. people are getting vaccinated throughout the united states. however, there is many side effects of cody that people don't really say or some people don't say and small businesses like myself and those throughout america have to deal with everyday. so, for instance, we own five restaurants in new york and new jersey and currently i hire 100 people every aspect from chefs to cooks to pizza makers to bartenders, to servers, right down the line. and we have run ads on indeed
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and facebook, culinary -- anywhere you could run an ad to hire people. and out of the hundred people that we need, we have hired seven new people. i mean, this is tragic. in my 30 years in business i have never ever seen anything like this. emily: you have written 40 to 50 letter. 40,000 recipients each time. you have also spent thousand on these recruiting methods and this while you have had a decrease in revenue. tell us how worried are you for your future there? >> well, i mean, funerally, you know, we have a staff, a lot of our staff has been with us for a long time. but, as the economy reopens, everybody needs people. so, i know from for myself, the last few i have been busing tables, helping behind the bar. my brother helps with me. he has been on the line. he has been, you know, in the salad station doing is a lads. my cousin, everybody that works with me has gone the extra length. you know, without these people,
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i would be in big trouble, right? so everybody is working overtime and they need a break, you know. there is only so much you can do. and it's pretty apparent that small businesses need help and what the federal government is doing, giving basically paying people to stay home. you know, it's very difficult and, you know, it's summertime. if i had the choice to stay home and make $960 a week and go to the beach with my friends or go to work, make the same or maybe a little bit more. i'm staying home. they are paying people too much to stay home. emily: vic, we see you how old you are working and your family. all hands on deck there know we are rooting for you we will be visiting your restaurant. i will be enjoying it over the memorial day weekend. we wish you are the best. thank you for coming on today. >> thank you so much. emily: coming up from her controversial race based interview policy to crimes
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skyrocketing, chicago mayor lori lightfoot has had a terrible horrible very bad week. more on that top of the hour. ♪ ♪ [sfx: kids laughing] [sfx: bikes passing] [sfx: fire truck siren] onstar, we see them. okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. thank you, onstar. ♪ my son, is he okay? your son's fine. thank you. there was something in the road... it's okay. you're safe now.
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these days as you walk around. will: glad you are here. emily: smell of coffee, that's what you want to smell in the morning coffee. will: i'm sure by now you have have had as emily put it a little bit earlier a no good very bad terrible i can't remember all of the words in the famous children book. but a terrible week for mayor lori lightfoot. why? because she has put into place blatant racist policies where she granted interviews to only journalists of color. black or brown journalists, no
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white journalists can interview mayor lori lightfoot at least for the time being. former presidential candidate will tulsi gabbard said: racism including antiwhite racism and bravo to tulsi gabbard for calling it exactly what it is racist. emily: yeah, that's exactly right. keep in mind just last week there was a restraining order that was issued against the federal government for essentially doing the same thing with our taxpayer dollars with the american relief fund true the small business administration. she is in a position of public office and now she is doing this because we have constantly talked about her. consistently talked about the gas lighting happening. the narrative being pushed by the progressive left that somehow makes its way into accessibility in our communities, accessibility by left wing mainstream media that
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allows it to happen and pushing for things like this. pete: i like what said last night racism in one event or one time is no better because it's happening in one instance. and i think that's the differentiation, they are attempting to make. but it's not just the color of your skin determining whether or not you get to cover the mayor on any particular moment, it's the reality of what people are facing in chicago, violent crime. here are the stats that you cannot ignore. shooting are up 36%. homicides up 19%. at least 10244 people shot. at a minute 244 mom sides, all up and this comes in the environment of defund the police. more than dabbling with there. demoralizing a force that already had a crime issue which has only accelerated. we are focusing on the press corps of who covers who. and it seems small and silly compared to the plight of people
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in chicago. will: can you so he to your point, pete, when it comes to the issues that are actually affecting every day chicago ans, here are some of the protests that occurred outside of lori lightfoot's home on thursday evening. last night you mentioned we did talk about this story on "fox news primetime." we had horace cooper who is a project 21. is he a co-chair. this is what he had to say about light foot's racist policies. >> there appears to be political power to be gained by promoting racial separatism. we say today's historians there was never any justification for this behavior. i believe that's true. but the political advantage is real as well. and people like lori lightfoot, people like joe biden, they see there is a political advantage dividing americans along racial lines. pete: ultimately i see no way any of this stands up to the 1964 civil rights act which
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simply says -- which worked in one direction and now is coming back to protect people in another. >> and that was the argument in that case that i just described. emily: all about the equal protection clause. in its heart this is not legal and taking steps backwards for what people frankly fought and died for and institute. he talked about the political a advantages. i don't see how it's advantageous to have crime skyrocket in your town while divide us. will: to the point of horace cooper he says political division has played towards the democrats' left political power for years. it's been a tool that helps maintain power. there is a belief that is to their political advantage to continue to emphasize race. i think it's important to understand because this blows our mind, how can you as a party or an ideology reembrace the idea of segregation. it is a belief, pete, and i did talk about it last night that essentially white people are the only people capable of committing racism. racism is a necessary partner to
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power. and if you are a minority and not in power. then you really can't be a racist. it's absurd notion but popular notion on the left. racism as we know is an individual sin that any single human being can be guilty of. regardless of what color you are. if we have to hammer it home. that has to be understood. that's the only way in my mind to solve racism is to is look internally and individually. will: tool of modern day marxist class warfare is not the way to divide us in america. they believe race is the tool through which by dividing they can conquer and control. and that's been a tool, in increasingly powerful one dangerous one inside the modern left. we will have congresswoman maria salazar republican in florida former tv journalist to talk about some of this later on as well. well, let's move to the border as well where there is new video, the crisis continues there, whether or not they want to talk about it. and there is new video, are new drone footage that i believe that we have of a hundred
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migrants from el salvador, guatemala, honduras arriving in america. some of the images interest as we learn the biden administration has released -- released, get this stat, released more than 61,000 migrants in the u.s. many without court dates since february. not only is it a catch and release policy, it is a catch and release with no accountability whatsoever. no period of time when they are supposed to appear back for court. we have no idea where they're. emily: this is against the back drop of there being over 1.1 million pending legal immigration cases in a system that has less than 500 immigration judges. will: you know i did live in new york city for something like 5 years. i remember this as a kid visiting the city. do you remember the shell game go follow the ball, follow the ball. moved the ball under the shells moved so fast with his hands your eyes can't keep up. those numbers you just showed,
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pete, the 51,000 migrants that have been released into custody. that accompanies stories we heard about oh, the good news is there is fewer children in migrant detention facilities. we have reduced the children in migrant detention facilities. follow the ball underneath the shell at the same time some 61,000 people have been released into the united states. you have moved them out of detention facilities. where are they now? where is the ball? which shell is it under? pete: we had another mini clue in the interview we did earlier with thomas hodgson from bristol county, massachusetts they are closing my ice detention facility for illegals based on the pretense we are mistreating people which he claims is not true. the next question we wanted to ask and hopefully we get a chance to ask brandon judd about it next hour. where are these illegals who are detained going? no one really has an answer to that. there is not an answer. when you add it all up, it's a dismantling of our immigration system, which is based now on illegality. how quickly can you get here and where can we stash you as
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opposed to the staggering number you read off, emily, a million people trying to go through the legal immigration process, which is how it is supposed to work. emily: let's talk about the unaccompanied minors for a moment. when we talk about where are they all going? we know almost 23,000 have already been absorbed by all 50 states and puerto rico. to your point, as they were transitioning through that in the shell game, they were in these emergency facilities that don't require the same licensure. they are more expensive than the regular facilities. so to the tune of $775 per child that the taxpayers are paying. and then there is no background checks. and we don't know as well the requirements that are applied for those adults to whom they are going. so we are losing thousands of children and adults that are now being absorbed into our system and of course the burden applies to the taxpayer. will: right this as the numbers of migrant encounters on the border continues to go up month after month after month. can i see in april was up to
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178,600 encounters total for 2021. north of half a million border encounters. pete: those are just the encounter as you know, will, from being down. those are the ones we can count. get aways another situation. how much attention paid to unaccompanied minors. have you got to believe, over time, it these cartels know exactly what they can do in one direction to sneak people n another. and that's the type of video that we often don't see. emily: don't forget, our president just the other day said just give me five days man when a protester shouted abolish ice and he said i want to. it shows you the position our administration is taking at least publicly in terms of supporting those officers at the border and, of course, in ice. now, we have, as well for you. the attorney general of arizona spoke about biden's border crisis and how heart breaking and despicable it is on hannity this week. watch. >> it is absolutely heart breaking and despicable what the biden administration is doing.
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2 million, 2 million is the number estimated people that will cross just this year across our southern border. that's like the states of alaska, wyoming and vermont combined in one year. as a result of that, they are not picking up people that are being released from prison. so you have felons and arsonists and aggravated assault, sexual predators that ice is not picking up. they are not deporting. as you just said they are being released in our community. this ♪ an arizona problem. it's not a texas or a border problem. this will effect every person in the united states. you know, john f. kennedy put a man on the moon. biden is going to end up putting a felon in everyone's neighborhood. emily: that's a compelling statement. yeah, exactly. will: coming up a little bit later in the show brandon judd national border patrol council president he will address some of those issues. some of the questiouestions pets talking about were left unanswered. we will get them for you later in the show. pete: every once in a while you ask a question and realize one question you wanted to ask
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you didn't get to because you ran out of time. we will ask that of brandon judd, what is the overarching plan if you are closing all these ice facilities? where are you going to put illegals? or is the idea to not hold them at all? thanks for joining us this morning. stick around. we have almost three more hours on this saturday edition of "fox & friends." first we turn to some additional headlines. a kindergarten sitting inside his mother's car is shot and killed on his way to school in california. police believe the shooting was an act of road rage. aden was only 6 years old. his sister is demanding justice. >> someone pulled out a gun and shot my little brother in the stomach. and he said, mommy, my tummy hurts. pete: devastating. police are still searching for a suspect. and president biden promising aid for palestinians whose whoms were destroyed in the conflict with israel. the president said he would make sure the funds did not go to
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hamas. they all say that. and stressed the relief does not mean he has turned against israel. listen. >> there is no shift in my commitment, the commitment to the security of israel, period. my party still supports israel. pete: hamas controls gaza. when you provide aid, they usually turn it into tunnels or rockets. come stand with israel posters outside of their offices so that comrade alexandria ocasio-cortez would have to see them. the g.o.p. calling the squad the quote hamas caucus. comrade cortez condemned recent anti-semitic attacks in new york writing in part the recent surge in attacks is horrifying. we stand with our jewish communities in condemning this violence. and country singer justin moore's song hero shines a light on teachers, first responders and veterans. ♪ every day angel
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♪ here to help us need them most. pete: moore releasing the track in collaboration with the nonprofit create vets. join us in the 9:00 hour for more on the effort and throws your headlines. createivets cool. another modern warriors episode coming out for memorial day. he was part of it we filmed it in ohio. emily: i can't wait to watch. will: all right. still ahead, the first week of mollie tibbetts trial ends as illegal immigrant waits to hear if he is found guilty of her murder. ted williams was on the ground in 2018 covering the story and he joins us live next.
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emily: graphic images showingthf iowa college student mollie tibbetts revealed to the jury as a illegal immigrant stands trial for her murder. ted williams was on the ground during the investigation in 201. he joins us with what we can expect next. good morning, ted, what are your thoughts? what's going to happen? >> good morning, emily. i was on the ground in brooklyn, iowa in july of 2018 when mollie tibbetts a young 20-year-old college student went for a jog around 7:30. what happened and it's very interesting, emily, is there were videotape cameras in that neighborhood that actually saw a
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black chevy driven allegedly by christian rivera following mollie tibbetts as she jogged. this man has admitted that he got out of his car, that he started jogging with her. that mollie tibbetts told him that she would call the police, get away from her. the next thing he knows she is stabbed to death. he takes her. d.n.a. is found in the trunk of his car. he takes her to a cornfield where he dumps her. and in august of 2018 he actually led police officers to where her body was in that cornfield. emily: ted we have a confession and video and him leading them to her body. what do you see is the biggest challenge for the prosecution now. >> the confession. he confessed to blacking out. he didn't confess to actually killing her.
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i think what has happened is that the defense in this case is going to try to focus on mollie tibbetts boyfriend dalton jacks. they also want to focus on the confession -- to say it was coerced confession and going to try to get that confession thrown out. emily: ted, thank you for your analysis. we will stick with you as the trial continues to unfold. thank you and good morning to you. all right. still ahead. corporations are put on notice with a new ad campaign targeting companies for putting politics over their customers. the woke politics pushback is next. ♪ how do you like me now ♪ how do you like me now ♪ how do you like me now ♪ not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a little differently. hey, i'll take one, please!
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♪ pete: time for news by the numbers. .1 second how long it takes tesla's new roadster to go from zero to 60 according to elon musk. musk says it is possible with the car's cold air rocket thrusters which he calls not wise for those with a medical condition. that is fast. i'm going to need to see that next, $10,000. that's how much this sheep dog puppy sold for at an auction in england. the sale broke the record for the most expensive untrained puppy. the new owner says he was struck by her unusual color. he kept the original name lassie. looks kind of like a pig to me. i don't know. and finally, $515 million, that's the mega millions jackpot which is just had its winning numbers drawn. the lucky combination is
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6-9-17-18-48 with a gold mega ball of 8. this would be the third mega millions jackpot won so far this year. check your tickets, will over to you. will: why did you say 1, 7, 8, 17, 18, there could be somebody sitting on a $500 million ticket. pete: i wanted to mix it up. will: superman protection group pushing back on woke companies who put politics over customers. >> american airlines rated the worst. american requires passengers to show i.d. to fly but attacks texas' voter i.d. law. coca-cola getting political attacking georgia's popular voting law. why? to distract from years of dismal sales. nike is constantly political. why? cover. congressional reports suspect nike used forced labor in china. will: will hill director of research joins me now.
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what inspired this new ad campaign? >> well, at consumers' research we saw businesses trying to distract from their failures and mistreatment of their customers by taking distances on political issues that they had no expertise on and it -- we thought it was time that someone called them out for mistreating their customers and that's what the customers' research is all about. will: this isn't in service of their customers. not in service of shareholders. it would make sense comes to the bottom line to take these extreme radical political positions. what is it that is motivating these corporations, the ceos of these corporations to fall in library with woke politics? >> well, namely, it's to distract. let's take american airlines for example. "wall street journal" just rated them the nation's worst airline. they lose the most bags. they kick the most people off of flights. we reached out to them and they confirmed to us that during the covid pandemic they continued to decrease leg room on many of their flights.
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this at a time when their ceo doug parker secured a multibillion dollars taxpayer funded bailout for the company and still paid himself an 8 figure paycheck. they would rather talk about anything except their issues with mistreatment of customers and the taxpayer subsidy of their ceos 8 figure paycheck. will: the list of corporations who have gone woke is too long to mention. here are three companies up on your screen. can you see this ad campaign is targeting. one of them is coca-cola. here is what coca-cola had to say we respect everyone's right to concerns and views. the best way to progress now for us all to come together to listen respectfully. we also reached out to american airlines who redirected us to an april statement on the voting bill. so, will, really quickly, what do you think this ad campaign can accomplish? >> well, it has a very simple message. not just to these three companies but to all of corporate america. if you are going to try to distract from mistreatment of your customers by taking positions to appease radical left wing woke politicians, it's not going to work.
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we're going to come for you. we are going to call you out. this is phase one of an ongoing campaign and it's not going to end until we see this kind of mistreatment of the customer end. will: i think at the very least what you can accomplish is awareness so people can understand what's the corporate policies are. the politics these corporations have signed on for. and consumers make their choices as they should. will, thank you so much for your time this morning. >> thanks for having me. will: you bet. still ahead, dozens of migrants dressed in camo captured trying to make their way into the u.s. we will talk to the president of national border patrol council. that's coming up. plus, president biden is asked directly about the existence of ufos after former president barack obama says we may have footage of them. we do have footage of them. let's hear president biden's response after the break. >> the unidentified aerial phenomenon and he says we don't know exactly what they are. what do you think?
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♪ >> people of this country know about the credibility of secretary mayorkas. he is still on television and looked people in the eye and said there is no crisis at the border. there is no crisis there the border is closed. he is lying. he was lying then and he is lying now. this is the first step by the biden administration to retoo the roll back that they had planned on doing from the very
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beginning. and i'm telling you, people need to fasten their seat belts, this is what is coming. you watch and see they already said they are going to close these other 200 facilities in one way or another. pete: that was sheriff thomas honorableson of bristol county, massachusetts earlier in the program. now we want to bring in national border patrol council president brandon judd to help fill in some holes for us this morning. brandon, thank you so much for being here. you heard what sheriff hodgson said the idea that his facility has been closed but they are coming for more ice facilities. if they do that and illuminate whatever you can on that, where could you put illegals? where do you put people set for deportation? >> you release them into the united states. that's the only option that you have. and that's why we are seeing such -- these surges. that's why we are seeing an unprecedented number of people crossing the border illegally right now. it's not just the shear numbers that we are seeing. it's from the countries that we are seeing. over 106 countries. we have taken people into
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custody from over 106 countries this year alone. again, something that we have never seen before in my nearly 24-year career as a border patrol agent. emily: brandon, not only is the depth pred breadth of upping the game cartels preparing them for this. the border patrol nabbed 32 mexican nationals dressed in camo in arizona. talk about the structure and that level of organization that is now propelling these migrants forward over our border. >> so where these individuals were apprehended is actually the station that i'm assigned to. we umbrella right around the douglas station. so, that's where i put on a uniform and go and patrol the border. this is something -- this is how brazen the cartels are getting. right now we apprehend three or four people that are wearing camouflage. but the cartels have gotten so good at getting people away from us that they are now crossing
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larger groups of 32 and they are getting these groups away by the thousands. right now in the tucson sector alone, we have had over 45,000 people that have been able to cross the border illegally and evade apprehension. we don't know who they are, where they are coming from, what their intentions are. but the cartels have gotten so good and it's all based upon president biden's policy. if we continue to release people under the catch and release program, they're going to come in numbers that we just haven't seen before, and that's going to allow the cartels to flood our resources, take us out of the field to create these gaps and cross their more valuable product which are aliens from special interest countries, drugs and all of the other dangerous things that come into this country. will: yeah, brandon, i got see that firsthand in your sector. i saw those camouflage outfits both discarded and on a group of 13 migrants arrested right there in your sector. now the numbers creeping up to groups of 32.
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i want to go back to pete's question for just one moment. so, brandon, if we're watching migrants being released into the united states, talking about some of these facilities, those that have been outsourced sheriff's departments being shut down. we also see stories about children being flown around the country. migrants in general being flown around the country. where exactly are we talking about migrants being released. at love people at home aren't sitting in arizona or texas or the border. where exactly are these migrants being released? >> so, let's understand they are not being released in arizona, texas, california, the vast majority are going to be interior cities such as des moines, iowa, chicago, illinois. they're going to miami, florida. they are going to boston, massachusetts. they are going throughout the entire united states. that's where these people are being released to. where there is work. that's where the people are going to. so, you know, again, most people think that this is just a western states problem. it's not. these people are going throughout the entire united states. once they are there, they are
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never going away. when they cross the border illegally and we apprehend them and rerelease them with no release date we are giving them legal documents to be in the united states until court hearing. we reward people for crossing our orders illegally. they are violating the law and we are rewarding them. makes no sense. pete: feels like the plan is to intentionally allow them to stay here. do you feel like that's what the biden administration is doing? >> we do. and that's why we are seeing so many agents right now that are just -- the morale is lower than i have ever seen it before. and, again, when i put on the uniform and i go out and talk with the agents, when i patrol the border myself. it's very difficult to do the job right now because we know that we just don't have the support of the biden administration. pete: absolutely. it means everything. brandon judd, thank you so much for helping us out this morning. >> thank you. pete: turning now to a few
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additional headlines as well. 10 years since anthony casey was acquitted in the murder of her 2-year-old death of cailee. jurors deciding not enough evidence to prove her guilt yard. now a juror is speaking out telling "people" magazine in part my decision haunts me to this day. if i were to do it over again i would push harder to convict her of one of the lesser charges at least. and imagine seeing this right before takeoff. a southwest passenger showing part of the plane's wing clipped off. she captioned it, quote: well, i guess it's time for a cocktail. that's a good spirit. she also posted what a normal wing should look like. >> the airline said it was broken hitting another plane at neighboring gate in chicago. pass years were moved to a dinner plane before their flight. you feel like you would have caught that in routine check. now to will cane's favorite story. president biden dodges a question from our own peter doocy about ufos.
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listen. >> president obama says that there is footage and records of objects in the sky, these unidentified aerial phenomenon we don't know what they are. what do you think it is? >> i would ask him again. thank you. [laughter] pete: interest in ufos or will calls them uaps source to release of unclassified report of unidentified aerial phenomenon to come out next month. will: can i say something a block, b block, c block. in order how we put television show together. top of the hour. biggest story. am i the only one who feels like if we figured out aliens were amongst us or discovered an alien body we would put it in the a block? why is not a bigger deal?
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this should be an a story. emily: in part those of house are believers we have known forever now that this is coming out everyone is like i told you so. like it's not new that we have material, am i right, pete? will: those skeptical. pete: show me the money. scrap the a block. rewrite the show. emily: all right. adam klotz is live from the deck of the intrepid for national maritime day but, first, adam, are you a believer, too? most importantly an alien believer that is? adam: yeah i know what you are asking me the last few weeks all the stories have sold me. they are real and i can't wait for this report. i'm literally excited about it. [laughter] otherwise, talk about what we're doing out here. as i said we are on the intrepid in the hudson river. we have coast guard helicopters behind me because it is maritime day. we are honoring folks who work around the water and to do that i'm working on the water, also.
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i will begin with your forecast and actually tracking a little bit of what could become a tropical system in first graphic. that is now sitting in the western gulf of mexico. beginning to see some rain along the texas coast. this could become a tropical storm. something we will be paying attention. to say a low chance but still watching it otherwise, what are the temperatures going to be across the country. already warming up in a really big way. we see that here as temperatures will be up to 92 degrees in new york city. 888 degrees in chicago. back here on the intrepid though i do want to say we are highlighting the merchant marine. those are the civilian marines who have been out helping and we like to thank donald trump, president trump, he signed legislation that allowed these people to be honored back in world war ii. so it's just an important day to thank all these people who kind of supported the military on the water over the course of the last 60 or 70 years in all of our wars. guys, back to you. will: thanks so much. pete: good facts, adam.
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appreciate it. will: a top exec at netflix is giving $3 million to california governor gavin newsom to help him fend off his recall campaign. joe concha joins us live on that next. ♪ ♪ [sfx: kids laughing] [sfx: bikes passing] [sfx: fire truck siren] onstar, we see them. okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. thank you, onstar. ♪ my son, is he okay? your son's fine. thank you. there was something in the road... it's okay. you're safe now. people were afraid i was contagious. i felt gross. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. four years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx.
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records show netflix ceo hastings has donated $3 million to defend gavin newsom against recall effort making him the largest donor by far is this considered netflix and shill? i like that. here to react is fox news contributor and media opinion columnest for the hill and our friend joe concha. joe, i didn't come up with that line it was in the teleprompter
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and i think i stole it from you because you are a word smith and would have used it anyway. what does this mean $3 million from netflix to gavin newsom what is it telling us? >> what it tells us is these are unlimited donations, pete, as far as netflix is concerned. and what we have here is, in other words, if it's a campaign, you can only donate so much. if it's something along the lines of this, which is a ballot initiative, then these tech giants can donate as much as they would like here in this effort. but it's no surprise this is coming from reed hastings, he is from netflix. netflix is the same company that actually green lighted a series called cuties. and, i mean, you have got see this poster. it's incredible. they sexualize young girls as young as 11 years old. this is what netflix is, right? and it just tells us what the swamp is as well, right, pete? where you have the powerful giving money to keep other people in power and its ultimate
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quid pro quo. we saw it during the biden administration by the way where you actually had administration officials then actually take money from the googles i'm sorry the campaign from google, from amazon, from facebook and so on. and many top executives from google, amazon, facebook and twitter go to work for the biden administration revolving door. you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours. pete: emily enlightened me gavin newsom collect as much money as he needs to ballot initiative. opponent for the first time limited to a confined set of donations certainly a system set up for the incumbent. how should people view things like netflix, which some people are holding out and saying well, they make movies, yeah. maybe left of center. sure susan rice, sure, barack obama, but they really have become hand in glove, one in the same. effectively willing to advertise subtly or not so subtly for
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democratic politicians. >> and, pete, we see it across the board, right? not just netflix but we see hbo the john olivers of the world, right? talking about how israel basically is a terrorist state. and all the programming on hbo is just so far left. and then you watch late night comedy which was supposed to be escapism. i remember that i'm old enough remember watching letterman stupid pet tricks or carson when he was nearing his end. but now you see colbert meyers and kimmel every night arguing about how we have to blow up the filibuster. how we have to expand the supreme court and ted cruz is a horrible person. wait a minute, this is not comedy anymore. this is an extension of the democratic national committee. so, yeah, that's what entertainment has become. the good news is people are turning off more and more when you watch the oscars, for instance, 5 million people watched in 1998, less than 10 million last year. i know there weren't a lot of movies out but when you lose 47 million people, that's that's a problem, pete.
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pete: that's why our own greg gutfeld is beating these so-called late night comedians in ratings. forget about netflix and check out fox nation because it creates content that actually reinforces the values that so many americans share but can't get from a netflix. joe concha, thank you so much for your time. >> that was outstanding plug you threw in there impressive. pete: it just felt natural. >> one thing about gutfeld he has one/100th of the staff than the colberts and meyers. the fact that he is beating these people with no support compared to those shows. pete: i look and see about 8 staffers who haven't slept for a month and they create great content. thank you. >> you got it. pete: oregon county is ready to succeed to escape liberal policies. a fifth generation oregon resident leading the charge to get out. ♪ ♪
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will: back to quick headlines, the university of virginia becomes the latest school to require covid-19 vaccinations for all students this fall. critics questioning the legality of the mandate. students can seek a medical or religious exemption but they will have to be tested weekly. oregon becomes the latest state to launch a covid vaccine lotto the campaign dubbed take your shot, oregon, has a grand prize of $1 million. every resident with at least one dose could win a $10,000 prizes also up for grabs in each county. emily? over to you. emily: thanks, will. while oregon pushes to vaccinate
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its people. some are pushing to get out. five more counties just voted to discuss leaving the beaver state and join idaho because they are fed up with liberal policies. our next guest is leading the charge in grant county, fifth generation oregon resident sandy joins us now. good morning, sandy, thank you so much for joining us, and tell us what's going on there in oregon. maybe soon idaho. >> we are actually just tired of not being heard by the leadership in government in oregon. none of us out here in eastern oregon feel that our voice is heard or our concerns are listened to. emily: sandy, i have to tell you my father is a small business owner and operator actually in washington county in oregon. and during the extensive lockdown there in that state, he was doing everything himself and he could barely stay afloat. the plight of oregonians in preserves their lively hood and liberty and independence, it's a
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day-by-day basis. what are your thoughts on the growing support for this movement within the border of oregon? >> i think it will continue to grow. we have about 4 or 5 more counties ready to vote on this in the next election that will be coming up. we are waiting for an election to happen to have those other counties join us. emily: idaho governor brad little came out and made a statement he said i understand why many people want to be idahoans, looking strong economy, regulatory atmosphere and our values still the decision to change idaho and oregon's border would need to go through both state's lengths lay temperature and congress for approval. a lot needs to happen before the border is within the realm of possibility. sandy, how do you feel about your possibility? >> i think it's a long haul. i think it will be a long struggle to get to where we need to be. but i think it's going to take the people standing up and saying this is what we want.
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emily: we reached out to oregon governor kate brown's office and have yet to hear back. have you engaged with her? has her office in any way messaged with your campaign? >> not at all that i am aware of. we have not heard from any of the state people at my level. mike mccarter may be talking with some of them and i'm not aware of those issues going on. but, the oregon government and government officials do not come out to eastern oregon. they -- other than our local representatives are never here. emily: that's what we -- right, go ahead, sorry. >> we just tonight see anybody from the government other than our local officials who we all love and support. but know that they have no voice in salem. emily: that's unfortunate trend. all of the big cities get the attention. thank you for being here today and best of luck to you. >> thank you very much. emily: still ahead, president biden makes cuts to
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infrastructure deal targeting actual infrastructure like roads and bridges. republicans say they are further apart now than they were ever before. jason chaffetz on that top of the hour. ♪ how bizarre, how bizarre ♪ ♪ oh, baby ♪ oh, baby ♪ making me crazy ♪ making me crazy ♪ with e-commerce that runs at the speed of now. next day and two-day shipping nationwide, and returns right from the doorstep. it's a whole new world out there. let's not keep it waiting.
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♪ ♪ emily: that was sunshine babies bay justin moore. i can't wait to have him later. hello and welcome to "fox & friends weekend." we are live from avenue of americas in new york city. pete: great to be here. it feels nice. it's like when you walk off of an airplane in an airport you can finally take the diaper off your face? [laughter]
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pete: and you just breathe. oh, it feels that way to be outside. before we started, dave our stage manager, he told all of new york city quiet on the set. there were a lot of honking horns. emily: the city that never sleeps didn't listen. will: no the traffic is still blowing by here as we bring you this show from the streets, from the opportunity as pete said to be a bit more open and a bit more a part of the world like we should be here. pete: one of the most dangerous developments of covid in this city right over your shoulder, will, people can't really see it but the bike paths are next to the sidewalk because of the green initiative. you step onto the street think you are going to a car and i have been this close multiple times from getting smacked. emily: 100 percent. great to be outside and with you both this morning. a great morning and two more hours. so exciting. thank you all for joining us. [. will: we start with this. president biden said he and democrats still stand with israel despite repeated anti-israel rhetoric from the left. lucas tomlinson is live in washington with more on the president's remarks. lucas? >> good morning, guys.
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at a press conference at the white house alongside president moon of south korea, president biden was asked if he recognized a shift in his party's commitment to israel? >> there is no shift in my commitment, the commitment to the security of israel; period. and they need the help and i'm committed to get that done. and so, i don't -- and i think that -- you know, my party still supports israel. >> thursday night a jewish man was beaten by a mob in midtown manhattan just a few blocks from where you guys are sitting right now. spoke to our colleagues at the "new york post" about being knocked to the ground by five or six metropolitan making anti-semitic remarks. i have heard of waives of hate in the city. maybe i was new year's eve to nay eve toe think itwouldn't ha. i have been in new york my entire life. i never thought i would have to second guess wearing a yarmulke
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in public. cease-fire israel and hamas. satellite guided bombs to israel. alexandria ocasio-cortez and rashida tlaib similar measure in the house. emily, will, pete? pete: thank you very much. let's bring in jason chaffetz, fox news contributor and host of jason in the house. jason chaffetz podcast. thank you very much for being -- you heard what lucas was talking about there, jason. the ripple effect of an unwillingness of politicians to full-throated way to condemn anti-semitism and cop flight the idea that you can support israel without supporting their ability to defend themselves. look at what we are getting on the streets. your reaction? >> you don't hear the democrats having an outcry about the violence on the streets that you see playing out in los angeles and new york and i'm sure in other places. they are almost dead silent on that. i'm glad to hear the president reaffirm the commitment to israel, but it sounds like
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hollow words. what is fundamentally changed though from the white house is they are coddling up to iran. they are the disrupters. they are the ones that fund hezbollah. they the ones that fund hamas. they fund the state -- the terrorism that is going on in this country. so, you coddle up to iran. you give iran money. you want to have deals with iran. guess what? iran feels emboldened. they give money to hamas. hamas uses that money to bomb israel. so don't tell me that you haven't changed your policy when you coddle up to iran you did change your policy as it relates to israel. will: jason, back to what's going on in the streets of america, the democratic response for just one moment. the question i have for you is why? we see the democratic party jump up at any moment to describe the united states as systemically racist. we hear anti-asian hate crimes. when it comes to anti-semitic crimes. it's a bit of foot dragging
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that's a very fair characterization. while it may not be silence it is quiet. just above the whisper on condemnation of this particular form of racism and hate. >> will, i think you are absolutely right. it's the silence that is deafening. it's the silence that is problematic. because they are very vocal on other things. but they are almost dead silent on this. and you see it happen. and playing out on the screen that you -- right next to me right there. and it shouldn't happen. there should be a full-throttle condemnation of this. they should be shamed. but they are allowed to operate in this setting, they cut back on the police. they have no undercover police there in new york city. and then the consequence is this: emily: jason, in addition to the emboldenment of iran and the deafening and silence coming out of the hill. i see also an emboldenment of certain congressman who have been able to fester and able to sort of stoke the flames with their own rhetoric. we have comments like it's all about the benjamins.
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we have rasheda tlaib saying it's a calming effect to talk about the holocaust. reposting cartoons from holocaust deniers out of iran. they are questioning the support that this administration gives to israel, our friend and ally while also raising -- seeking to raise the money given to palestine. my question to you is as a former congressman, how has that happened? what do you see there from your insider information that has allowed these representatives, their statements to go unfettered, unchecked and without censor or condemnation on their side to thus embolden domestically these attacks even further? because frankly on the hate crime section, intimidation is prosecutable. it seems to me these guys are straight up intimidating those of jewish faith here and they're furthering anti-semitic statements. >> yeah, i think that's right. congressman waltz out of florida has sort of dubbed these people the hamas caucus. because they do, they express their support for these terrorist organizations. these are members of the united
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states congress. i saw it first with keith ellison who was from, pete, from minnesota. who came in and was very vocal on these types of things. but now more have been emboldened in this direction. and it's not called out. so, again, there is this democratic party where the president says a few things but you just wonder because the radical far left is taking a position that is much more supportive of some of these terrorist types of organizations and they want -- remember, these people, iran, hamas, hezbollah, they want death and destruction to the united states of america. they do not believe -- and to israel. they don't even believe israel has the right to exist. pete: right, jason, anti-semitic is mainstream in the left whipping of the modern democratic party come from the college campuses straight to the halls of capitol hill. stay there in washington where the white house has said they want an compromise on
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infrastructure. everybody wants infrastructure. the question is what the definition of infrastructure and the white house has a very broad one. they wanted a $2.3 trillion bill. now they say they have made a compromise to a $1.7 trillion bill, which is a mile apart from where the republicans on capitol hill are. here is what the g.o.p., the statement republicans made on the white house infrastructure counter offer, which was recently made, again, only 600 billion. the white house came back with a counter offer that is well above the range of what can pass congress with bipartisan support, based on today's meeting the groups seem further apart after two meetings with white house staff than they were after one meeting with president biden. so we are further from a compromise than ever before. do you think that the white house actually wants a compromise? and we are showing some of the figures there of where they slashed and where they slashed, jason, ironically, is from roads, bridges and major projects, which is what republicans are asking for. >> i was a freshman in the united states congress back in
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2009 when obama-biden tried to push a $787 billion infrastructure program, less than 5% of that actually went to roads, bridges and highways. it's that same formula. but nancy pelosi and others make that number so exorbitant. they make it so ridiculously high that it feels like oh, look how reasonable we are to take it down to $1.7 trillion. are you kidding me? they act as if we don't already have more than $4 trillion budget that's going out the door already plus all the stimulus dollars that are going out the door. but they don't want infrastructure. they want to grow government. that's what they did whether they did -- have the stimulus in 2009. that's when we had solyndra. that's when we had all these problems. this is typical for the democrats. they just want to spend, spend, spend. will: jason, we talked a lot about critical race theory. so many aspects of our culture education system. your home state of utah the
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legislature there is looking to hold a special session and pass a resolution banning critical race theory. i think it was last weekend here on "fox & friends" we had bob woodson on the show and he is opposed to critical race theory. his point to me was i'm not sure this is the right way to do it. i'm not sure it's right to ban it from a gubernatorial or legislature level at the statewide, rather parents and school districts should be the ones directly addressing this how do we directly address this state sponsored racism that's making its way into our schools? >> yeah, i think it's a great question. first and foremost, i don't believe there should be a federal department of education. there shouldn't even be that. i do think the legislature can pass a resolution. i think that's representation of the people of utah that resolution did pass suggesting that all people are created equal and they should be judged by their character, not the color of their skin. i think that's a very reasonable position to take. but, you are right, you know, in
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utah, we have 29 counties but 40 different school districts and they are going to have these debates. but, the way it's been defined, and it moves. it bobs, it weaves, but the way this critical race theory is defined i think is toxic. i don't think it's right. i don't think it's accurate. but it will permeate around the country. that's for sure. will: jason chaffetz. good to talk to you, jason, thank you for enlightening us. >> thanks for having me. will: turn now to more headlines for you this morning. starting with this. law enforcement from all over arizona mourn the loss of an 18-year police veteran. jeremy briton was off duty when he was killed. he was hit by a car while assisting with a freeway closure in nogales. the crash sunday investigation. the officials say the driver wasn't impaired. since briton's death a wave of tributes have flooded social media. he is survived by wife and four kids. mission complete, national guard troops in d.c. will be heading
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home this weekend after being in the nation's capitol since the january riot. officials confirming the end of their deployment saying service members are going back to normal operations at their home stations. 26,000 troops were deployed to protect washington and the capitol building. now about 2100 remain and they are all set to go home. phil mickelson heads into the weekend tied for the lead at the pga championship after a strong round 2. is he looking to become the oldest player to win a major title at 50. this as yang the man who defeated tiger woods in 2009 to win the championship is disqualified for handing in an incorrect score card. listed him as getting a 4 on the tenth hole when he actually shot a 5. and those are your headlines. emily: procedural error fatal. will: got to make sure it's not an ethical error.
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emily: still ahead, in 20% of the police force in my city of seattle quit the force amid protest and defund the police movement. the president of the washington state fraternal order of police joins us next. and country music singer justin moore is giving his song heroes a whole new meaning using his music to help our veterans. he joins us live on his new passion project come up. ♪ he don't know who jack daniels is ♪ ain't ever drove a truck ♪ knows how to bowl out of line ♪ but not the ♪ ♪ how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... [ laughter ] woops! [ laughter ] good evening! meow! nope. oh... what? i'm an emu! ah ha ha.
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destroyed and families lose their livelihood because of that destruction, and we can't do anything about it. we're not allowed to intercede. there needs to be an understanding of how things got to be the way they are. but defunding the police is that the way to do it? >> no, if anything, you need more funding. >> seattle's police department is sounding the alarm as they face a staffing crisis, losing almost 20% of their police force after a year plagued by nationwide protests and anti-police rhetoric. here to react the washington state fraternal order of police president marco. welcome to you. thank for joining me today. give us your thoughts on what is happening there in the seattle police department. >> first of all, thank you for having me and, you know, quite frankly it's tragic seeing seattle with officers leaving the profession that they love. i wish it was unique to just seattle. this is happening all over the country in many major cities,
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you know, throughout this country. and, you know,. [broken audio] this narrative where they are taking resources from police budgets and officers are feeling unappreciated leaving in droves whether they're leaving the profession all together or retiring early. some are moving to other areas where they feel that there is a better sense of people supporting public safety. now, one of the unfortunate results of all of this is that violent crime rates have gone up drastically throughout this country all major cities, homicides, robberies, rapes, all major crimes. these decisions are only hurting the very individuals that these elected stakeholders are trying to protect. and it's tragic because we are seeing the citizens, the communities that they love to go to areas where they think there
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is better public safety. now, we understand. [broken audio] and they oppose the defund narrative. start listening to your constituents and let's get together, all of us, to have a fact-based data driven discussion on what police reform should really look like. emily: right, marco, you said they should listen to their constituents. i will never forget when a seattle police officer told me the reach he was leaving because he knew he wasn't quote wanted anymore. who is speaking for me who is speaking for the majority of seattle residents who love their police department who feel that they are a part of their community and understand their need to serve and protect. we showed the footage of the -- we have such a unique waterfront city and all of those hours, the overtime hours that are required to maintain their licenses to operate those boats for scuba, for all of those really necessary and specific things that now because of defunding won't happen anymore? it's an absolute travesty and that vocal minority for some
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reason is allowed to speak for the majority and they are dead wrong. marco thank you so much for joining us today. thank you so much. we have some stats there that the staffing crisis in the seattle police department is facing. 180 officers quit in 2020. 260 quit in 2021. they are going like i said to where they are wanted. it's just a tragedy. still ahead, the conflict between israel and hamas leading to anti-semitic attacks right here in the u.s. how can we end the violence. ambassador to israel will join us live on set next. ♪io certified from headlamp to tailpipe. that's certified head turns. and it's all backed by our unlimited mileage warranty.
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will: new york city lincoln center honors an activist who praised usama bin laden after 9/11. in a 2003 interview civil rights activist yuri said she considers the terrorists among leaders she quote admired. this week the center hosted an event for what would be her 100th birthday. they explained the event was meant to highlight her life in civil rights act victim of amade snik hate crimes against asian americans. and students at a california high schooler calling out their district for conservative censorship. the turning point u.s.a. club at whitney high took the group photo which is on the left of your screen. it was altered by their school. that edit is on the right of your screen. the school confirms they blurred out tpusa stickers and saying it was in the spirit of inclusion. a lot of good word play there in
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both of those stories. over to you, pete. pete: always word play. thank you, will. we showed you these troubling videos as a rise of anti-semitic hate has led to attacks on the jewish community here in earthquake in. now the antidefamation league shows the extent of this hate as an analysis of twitter shows over 17,000 tweets. how are they allowed to get away with this using some variation of the phrase "hitler was right" in the seven days surrounding the start of the recent conflict in israel. here to react is israel's ambassador to the u.s. and u.n. mr. ambassador, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you for having me. pete: you are actually my first on set guest too since covid. quite an honor and fitting. before we talk about the anti-semitic attacks happening here in the united states. talk to me about this sort of -- the outcome of this conflict, hamas trying to declare victory, israel saying of course it was
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our victory. what's the status there. >> look, it's always the way of those terror organizations that are suppressing their own people to declare a victory because that's the way they continue to keep their, you know, regime alive. pete: yeah. >> but that's not the truth. we succeeded to hit and to hit them hard with significantly, you know, degraded their military and terrorist capabilities. we took out many of their militant commanders. we dismantled a huge part of their subterranean terror tunnels that they have built under the city of gaza. but, unfortunately, it's only a band-aid. it's not a cure. the cure for gaza will happen only after we -- after there will be a regime change and after the gaza strip will be demilitarized. because as long as they are allowed to produce missile and rockets and the international
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community basically gives them a pass to continue with it, so, they will use it towards this vicious method and will attack our civilians time and again. and we will have no other choice but to defend our own citizens. pete: absolutely. you know, there is was no doubt of the trump administration for the overwhelming support of the state of israel. how have you purr received the e support of the biden administration people rockets reining down on cities further into israel than ever before. has the biden administration been as supportive as you would like? >> yes. i don't intend to give -- to the president. pete: i won't ask you. >> to the president of the united states. i was encouraged because i was on the president and the prime minister calls. each time they spoke on the phone like six times. and i heard a strong commitment that came from the president to the state of israel and our right to defend our citizens, even said yesterday -- two days
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ago in his basement that he is committed to replenish the iron dome system, so, yeah, he supported us. we didn't agree on everything, i mean, the timing went to-end this operation exactly. pete: are you saying you would have liked more time to hit hamas? >> i'm not sure. because there is no specific formula when you need to end those military campaigns. you have to see that you already start -- succeeded, to restore your deterrence, and that is something that we will have to see and wait and see if that happened, but as i said, we succeeded to significantly degrade their capability. they didn't expect such a response from our side. and i hope it will bring us some calm and relative periods of time like we had after the it last operation that took place in 2014. >> prime minister netanyahu said if -- even a few rockets are
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launched to break a cease-fire there will be appear overwhelming response. >> definitely. we will never accept a terror organization indiscriminately firing missiles and rockets. pete: who could. >> no other country. that's what i asked member states here at the u.n. when i spoke here. i looked in their eyes and say say what would you do if those were your citizens, your children running to the shelters. pete: real quick the anti-semitic attacks we are seeing in the united states? what do you make of that and what should be done here. >> i think it's appalling. i saw one of the attacks took place took place -- pete: a couple of blocks from here. >> near my embassy on the israeli consulate on second avenue. it's appalling. it's not israel or the jewish problem. it's a worldwide phenomena. it's an american phenomena. oldest form of racism and this is something i expect all public figures here to condemn and to condemn strongly.
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and i also expect, you know, the governor, the mayor, the administration. pete: has there been strong enough condemnation? nothing from democrats? not to get partisan is it about. >> i expect everyone, all public figures to condemn it and demand the governors, the mayors, the administration to take all necessary steps to make those perpetrators to pay a heavy price for what they are doing now because it's appalling and it's appalling for the american society. pete: one thing i hope our viewers understand is the existential nature of your job of the people that live under siege in the state of israel fighting for very existence every single day surrounded by neighbors who have hated you although there has been more peace and by neighbors groups like hamas to fire missiles on your populations. mr. ambassador, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. pete: godspeed to everyone in israel and jews throughout the world. >> thank you for having me and we will continue to fight terrorists and terrorism.
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pete: amen. well said. thank you, sir. appreciate it. straight ahead, first it was gavin newsom, now the los angeles d.a. george gascon, supported by george soros. is facing possible recall. our next guest lost a family member just two weeks ago in part because of gascon's liberal policies. hear why they're supporting the latest effort to remove the district attorney after the break. ♪ good night syra. night, drive safe. i love you. drive safe. ok buh bye mommy. you guys ready? you sure you got everything? drive safe. we all say it; chevy can help you do it. with chevy safety assist standard on the new equinox and trailblazer part of the chevy family of suvs. drive safe. ♪ ♪ aging is a journey. you can't always know what's ahead.
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will: well the recall effort against los angeles county d.a. george gascon is officially underway at the l.a. county registrar approved petition for circulation and signature gathering less than six months since gas connie took office. pete: our next guest cheryl smith and jessica jordan are the mother and sister respectively of california woman michelle dorsey who was murdered at the hands of her estranged husband last month. under gas connie's policies the family says the idea that her killer could serve a near two decades for her death is no less than an insult. emily: they join us now with los angeles district attorney john who has been leading the charge for gascon's recall from within his own office. so michelle and cheryl we would like to start with you. first of all, our heart breaks for what have you both gone through. i can't imagine the unimaginable loss to you. so our condolences. tell us what's going on right now and how are you feeling? >> it's just a mere unjustice of
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not being able to add on the sentencing enhancement for this case. my sister was murdered. it was premeditated. he knew what he was doing. it's just unjustice that these things are not being added on. pete: cheryl, first of all, i'm sorry just as emily talked about, i mean, how tragic and speaking about it two weeks later. i can only imagine the grief. i lead with that completely. but, as you look at a justice system -- and there are pictures right there of your beautiful family. as you look at the justice system, what do we have if we don't have a justice system that we feel like will actually seek justice when necessary? >> we don't have a good justice system at all. it's not for the victim. it's more for the criminal right now. it's so unfair to have such a
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horrific crime and to have somebody not do life for it and it's not fair to the boys because they are going to have to deal with this when he gets out. will: what a poignant timeline you put on it the children of your daughter and your sister, both of you cheryl and jessica here. her children having to see potentially this killer see the streets within their lifetime. and that brings me to you, john. let's just lay out the details of this case and how it would unfold under gascon's new policies. i think any kind of horrendous murder everyone would have an expectation of at a minimum a life sentence. that's not what would happen here. >> the d.a. should be fighting for justice for michelle. and he's not doing that. the d.a. should be fighting for justice for those three little boys. michelle's three little boys. and the d.a. is failing to do that. not only is he not fighting for
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justice for those boys. those boys now have to worry that at some point the person who he did this to their mom is going to be released from custody. that is horrible. that is something that should not be happening. when you talk about a case a domestic violence case where a mom is murdered and she is murdered with her children being home and the d.a. is not seeking the ultimate charges and the ultimate punishment in that case, with a vulnerable victim, what type of d.a. do we have? he is a d.a. that cares more about murderers and cares more about their well-being than he does about three young boys who lost a mom than he does about the family of michelle who have to deal with this for the rest of their life. this is a d.a. who won't charge maximum charges and punishment for police killers, for child torturers and murders for people
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who kill mothers, for people who kill fathers, he just won't do it. he only cares about criminals and he cares about releasing criminals. and i'm so sorry that a family of michelle for what's happening. emily: jon, quickly with the remaining time we have left. article is underway of the d.a. gascon, you as deputy d.a. do you have any power whatsoever in your prosecutorial discretion to pursue more strong sentences or the like or are you just getting overridden each time? can you share with viewers where it stand right now as the recall is underway? >> you know, for me and for all the deputy d.a.s we don't have that much power. we basically have to do what the d.a. tells us to do. and so it's become such a difficult situation because it just -- to tell a d.a. -- for my boss to tell me i can't follow the law, for my boss to tell me that i can't fight for justice for vulnerable victims, it's
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such a difficult situation right now in my office. it's horrible. pete: jessica and cheryl, either or both of you real quick, what's your message to gascon if you could speak to him today? >> that he needs to add the sentencing enhancement to this case and that what he is doing in this city is just terrible. he is letting criminals get away with these crimes and the citizens are afraid and we need justice to be upheld and the law needs to be followed. emily: that's true. enhancement should be in the hands of a jury or a judge. not a d.a. that doesn't fight for victims such as yourself. we are so sorry for your loss. thank you to all three of you for joining us. jessica, cheryl, and john. will: thank you. >> thank you. pete: remember the memory of michelle dorsey and those boys as a result of this don't have their mother. thank you. turning now to a few additional headlines as well.
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louisiana police release body cam footage of a controversial and deadly arrest in 2019. ronald greene was arrested after a high-speed chase. the body cam footage shows state troopers used a stun gun on him and took him out of his car. an autopsy showed greene had cocaine and alcohol in his system. the doj has launched an investigation into his death. president biden announcing two new partnerships between the u.s. and south korea. the president said the two countries will work together to produce more vaccines and technology like simi conductors. it comes as it country stwruls vaccine shortage and companies have had to close due to a shortage of simi conductors. new jersey restaurant owners sounding the alarm short staffing a busy holiday. he joined us earlier. listen. >> we own five restaurants in new york and new jersey. and currently i could hire 100 people. i mean, this is tragic.
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in my 30 years in business i have never ever seen anything like it. pete: he could hire 100. he has only been able to hire seven people so far and those are your headlines. consequences of free money. will: so, when you are standing next to an aircraft carrier, i think the first thing that hits you is the scale. this is no boat. this is not even a ship. of this is a floating fortress. adam klotz is now on the deck of the intrepid museum. and, adam, i can only imagine the scale is hitting you even more as you make your way through the museum. >> yeah, you are absolutely right. kind of in between these hits i have got a chance to peek around the museum a little bit. it's really cool. the scale is insane. of course i'm out here because of maritime day which really celebrates folks who work in and around the water here in the country this holiday or this day was first recognized in 1933 because we traveled by sea from the united states to england and
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we were celebrating that. and, obviously, look how far we have come. really impressive to be up here and see what the intrepid has to offer. otherwise, in talking about the maritime, i have got dive into the forecast also. and we are beginning our forecast with a little bit of choppy where in the western gulf of mexico. there is a loch system that's beginning to see bands of rain hitting portions of eastern texas. this could become a tropical storm. there is still a low probability. either way a rainmaker and we will be watching it if you don't live in that area, you are might be noticing extremely warm temperatures across the rest of the country. take a look at the temperature maps getting up to 90 degrees in new york city today. 88 degrees in chicago. widespread, close to 90 degrees if you live to the east of the rockie mountains. and you know what? it's actually beginning to warm up here at the intrepid. i will leave with new york city forecast currently as i'm standing here it's only 72 degrees here? it's feeling warm but it's a
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good day to be up here, guys. it's beautiful and i'm going to keep continuing my tour as i wrap up and toss it back out to you. emily: awesome, adam. my dress matched the right half of the united states on that weather map. still ahead in the face of several controversies, michigan's governor could be in for a tough re-election fight. our next guest is throwing her hat in the ring, her plans to reopen, rebuild and restore her state next. ♪ finding new routes to reach your customers,
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california, in pennsylvania, the governor's emergency powers being stripped of people saying we don't like how you gorched over the past year. and you are hoping to see the same thing in michigan. tell us about it. >> right. absolutely. that's the definitely what we are seeing in michigan. we have a governor who campaigned on fixing the roads and being transparent. our roads are a mess and she hasn't been transparent at all. in fact just yesterday we are hearing a report from charlie leduff saying that there is a chance that our nursing home deaths could be underreported by as much as 70%. so we are not hearing about that because there will be no investigation. this has to stop in michigan. we have to understand what's going on in michigan. and i'm a mom. i'm a mom of four girls. i'm a cancer survivor. i worked in manufacturing for most of my career here in michigan. so i understand from a perspective that maybe some people wouldn't. when you look at the lockdowns i know what it's like to have four little kids in school and try to be working. when i look at the healthcare
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system i also know what it was like to miss my cancer appointments for a year because we couldn't get into our healthcare system. and i look at our manufacturing industry. i heard what pete was saying just before the break what free money does to a state. it's absolutely true. what's happening in the restaurant industry in new york and new jersey is the same thing that's happening in the restaurant industry in michigan but also in manufacturing, in farming in every aspect of michigan. we are struggling and we have a governor who is supported by president biden. he came out this week and he said she is honorable. this is time for people to help out and make sure gretchen whitmer gets out. we need help. go to do you door and help us. will: there are big names you might be running against on the republican side to potentially replace gretchen whitmer. nobody has officially announced their candidacy yet but you could potentially have destroy the police chief james craig. senatorial candidate john james and others in this race with
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you. what makes you different? i understand you did meet with president trump. >> i did meet with president trump. and i approve of all of the policies that president trump had. i think that he had a lot of things that we can mirror in michigan. and i have that ability to go to those folks and say the folks that were around the president, many of them i know. i can go to them and say help me mirror these programs in michigan. help me raise up our march jingle bellizeed communities. help me build our minority and woman-owned businesses. we can do that in michigan. will: all right. do you door dixon throwing her hat into the ring to replace gretchen whitmer in michigan. thank you for laying out your case. >> thank you, go to do you door will: coming up, memorial day weekend is almost here and plenty of people ready to travel. spiking gas prices and rental car shortage that's making it pretty difficult. kurt the cyberguy has the travel tips to make the most out of a long weekend. there he is on your screen
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♪ emily: welcome back the weather is heating up but so is. will: there is a shortage of reimbursement cars, gas spikes. pete: airports are packed. live at lax with travel tips ahead of the busy memorial day weekend. >> you are looking stharp morning with those socks. will, working overtime. a lot of people showing up at airports around the country starting now especially next weekend where last year we saw
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about 12 -- oh about 1.5 million travelers. this year expects to be over 12 million. really that bounceback to the travel industry that has caught them off guard causing a lot of hiccups when you are booking travel. i want to give you tools this morning that are absolutely going to save you when it comes to planning your future trip. that is when it comes to flights, for example, a great tool sky scanner. you set up a price drop alert. you book your ticket. you put it in there and if the price goes down with the relaxed airline rules, you may be able to rebook it and save money on that one. for motels, i want you to go to kayak, download their app. and set up as if you are searching for a hotel. you will see there price alerts that you can set up for the hotel you have already booked. if the price goes down, you are going to rebook the hotel and then you call back and san sell it make sure you didn't do the prepay thing. always check the rules. and then for vacation rentals, we are hearing a lot of complaints about fees being charged clean fees on sites like
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air b and b. vacation rentals allow to you save money. go to find a listing on air b and b or vrbo. finally there is a car rental shortage. auto slash is a place to find discount codes and also the ability to put in your existing car reservation. again, if that goes down in price that will let you know. at i have an entire list put together there. everything you need to know for post pandemic travel, plus, 12 ways to find a rental car when it says it's sold out. that's a winner, chicken dinner, right? [laughter] emily: looks like. will: the car shortage thing is a real problem. i mean it really is. >> by the way through september when you are here. pete: through september. emily: over memorial day i'm picking up my muscle car in north carolina and driving it to nashville. thankfully i won't need to rent a car but it looks like gas prices might affect our drive.
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ pete: we're back inside, but we are going back outside as well, it's a beautiful day here in new york city, hope it's beauty beautiful where you are, thanks for with joining us on this saturday morning may 22 joinedz by my friend will cain. >> you guys good morning, happy saturday its been such a fun morning and we have an awesome additional hour coming up country music star justin moore, i'm glad to be here with you guys. will: glad to have a little country music a little bit later in the show we'll start with
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this though, the israel hamas cease-fire in gaza still in place. this despite tensions flaring between palestinian protesters firing tear gas as they were pelted with water bottles and rocks, greg palkot is live with where things stand now, greg? reporter: hey, folks we are well into saturday afternoon here, day two of the cease-fire between israel and hamas and so far so good. no rockets, no air strikes, but frankly, not so good right in the heart of gaza, by 40 miles from where we are, and where our team tells us that local residents continue to pick through the rubble left from israeli bombings, more bodies are being found as the death toll reaches around 250. there are reports of the arrival of some humanitarian aid, the people there need food, water, medicine, fuel, shelter, our team in jerusalem is not see
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clashes between palestinians and police there and it's really a sign of simmering tensions here as this story not over by a long shot. secretary of state blinken is set to be in the region starting wednesday. he will be meeting with official s. here is how president biden responded a question at last night's press conference. take a listen. >> do you recognize that there's been a shift in evolution in your party, mr. president, in the last 20 years, on this issue? >> there is no shift in my commitment, the commitment to the security of israel, period. my party still supports israel. reporter: biden did offer support basically to all parties in this conference, in this situation, guys, except for hamas. hamas recognized by washington, and other countries, and entities, still as a terror group. also in the region, egyptian diplomats they played a big role in the cease-fire and they are
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going to be the ones monitoring on the ground in israel, in gaza , whether this thing pulls together. we're hoping, back to you. pete: greg palkot thank you so much really appreciate it. will, you like to build lists but it's what happened on the ground and israel is saying we decimated hamas, hamas is trying to declare victory which is entirely foolish but totally meant for propaganda, my brother spent time in cairo, egypt and he said there's a monument to the six-day war which declares victory for egypt when they were actually completely crushed by israel so it's all a propaganda battle ultimately hopefully the state of israel got the result they wanted and then you had the conversation here at home amongst the biden administration whether or not they pressured israel to a quicker cease-fire than they wanted and the fight inside their own party over anti-semitism and some of their members, the hamas caucus and others condemning israel and not condemning hamas for the in discriminate rocket fire and then the third item is
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the ramifications of those things in the u.s. , the rise in anti-semitism, which is very dangerous to see , extremely hateful and images like this are popping up on social media, on tiktok, and across the country, of jews being targeted by mobs of pro- palestinian rioters and criminals. the numbers are stark. 139 reports in the last week of anti-semitism, up 47% in just one week, guys, so when you see it manifesting in hatred toward jews on our streets we're at a very dangerous point where condemnation is needed. >> mem ill it: that's exactly right, the adl has a running blog, the center for extremism showing throughout the nation where the attacks and crimes are occurring it is mind boggling and tragic to see , that video we just saw a jewish man beaten during protest and he spoke out and the new york post, he said i tried to get away and next thing
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i knew i was surrounded by a whole crowd of people who proceeded to kick me and punch me and beat me down. i've been in new york for my entire life and i'd never in a million years thought it would get to this point where i'd second guess wearing a yamak as in public, and that's here in new york city, will. will: the videos those tell the story of what's happening literally one block away from where we're sitting we're looking at images happening in the united states of america. not in tel aviv and it does beg the question why isn't there more of a full-throated condemnation. pete: look at that. people out to eat in new york city. will: that's exactly right. so where is the outrage? where is the condemnation that you hear so often when it comes to systemic racism, or anti- asian hate, for example. this week the biden administration passed an anti- asian hate crime law, so where is the full-throated, full -throated condemnation of what we're seeing take place in los angeles and new york? here is why i think there is a
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difference, pete. it's not necessarily that the american left cares not about anti-semitism but rather that their focus is on the perpetrator of these crimes and not the victim. so when it comes to these anti-semetic crimes it doesn't fit the narrative of america being a systemically racist place. pete: sure. will: in other words not wrong victim, wrong perpetrator. if these were white men perpetrating this attack when it would fit their overall narrative and they would stand firmly on their soap box when the focus should be lesson the perpetrator and more on the victim if we're going to stamp out hate in this country why don't we try stamping out hate in whatever form it comes. pete: well said, and so true. we had the israeli ambassador to the u.s. and the u.n. on the program earlier and i asked him i wish i had one follow-up question because he said something off camera he be happy for me to share but this is what he said on the need for
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condemnation of these anti-semetic attacks, listen. >> it's noticer's problem or the jewish problem. it's a worldwide phenomenon, it's an american phenomenon. it's the oldest form of racism and this is something i expect all public figures here to condemn and to condemn strongly and to demand the governor, the mayor, the administration to take all necessary steps to make those perpetrators, to pay a heavy price for what they are doing now, because it's appalling and it's appalling not for israel, it's for the americal society. pete: so true, so the state of israel working with the biden administration, he was complementary in a general sense and i asked about the democrats, he's not going to want to get into politics, he said pete i be happy to talk about comrad cortez and the specific comments made which are manifesting in anti-semitism. those policy makers who say what's happening in gaza is terrorism from israel. when you make those types of policy statements it's masked anti-semitism which gives
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justification to crowds like that with a defunded police department in new york whose not as well positioned to deal with it, you get more mob rule. >> the messaging coming out of the white house biden says our stance on israel has not changed but certainly his decisions and his actions belie that. greg gave more credit to the egyptians than biden did. biden maintains his commitment to that two-state system and he has not condemned hamas or the palestinians for encouraging it, he continues to fund the palestinians and also iran, it took him a month to call netanyahu after he took office, it took trump three days. i mean it speaks volumes his actions more than his words. pete: you want a two-state solution with a terrain controlled by a terrorist organization? you want to endorse a terrorist state? it's just not possible. it's not grounded in reality. will: really quickly to just put a button on this , last night i spoke to dennis prager, he said if you have a problem with jews in israel, or jews in iran, jews on the streets of new york
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city your issue is not over land and not about israel. you might have a problem with anti-semitism. meanwhile in the united states, as well, we have an issue with, in my estimation, child abuse. randy winegarten is the head of the american federation of teachers and she's suggesting children need to be masked and stay masked until they receive an injection in their arm. listen. >> we want schools open, and we want them to stay open, so we understood, you know, and we're really pleased that the cdc sees the effectiveness of the vaccine s as so great that those of us who are vaccinated get to individually choose whether to wear a mask or not. in elementary schools, until we have the vaccine, it seems like, unfortunately, we're going to have to still keep wearing our mask and be physically distant so that we don't have outbreaks. pete: amazing. last time i checked, will, if all these teachers or anyone
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who wants access to a vaccine can get it, if you're a teacher going back into the classroom, you can choose to wear a mask or not. i can't imagine there's a single school in america which would tell you, you can't wear a mask so all the protocols all the demands that units have made this entire year have been met yet at every level the goal post s change and now they are looking at you and your kids and saying i got a call last night in my town. it's the vaccine drive. every kid in the town that come on out you get free tacos and you can vaccinate your teen so they can go back-to-school. that's where we're at. >> dr. marty makary said we need to stop living in fear. americans see the covid threat as binary acting as it's equally dire for everyone, and this distorted risk perception is blocking parents from watching their kids play sports, preventing families from being with their loved ones and depriving americans of the dignity of participating in milestone life events. he says we need to get over the fear, we need to get back to
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living, and you guys covered here as well, there's been multiple high school athletes that have collapsed due to the deprivation of oxygen during the sports. we so far passed any type of common sense approach to this. pete: absolutely. >> months ago and yet it continues for some reason, will. will: pete you brought up tacos, i've seen the bribery of million dollar lotto tickets, donuts, tacos, now children getting ice cream to come in and get vaccinated. they've taken the role of the ice cream man to distribute vaccines. let's do this really quickly. one more time let's see if the science can breakthrough. children are not at a high risk of dying from covid, nor transmitting covid. that might be a bit of science you want to breakthrough and one more breaking news item. if you have the vaccine you don't need to be worried about children. pete: why are you worried? will: that's how science works. pete: it's amazing. you have the vaccine, yet your job, and, but listen why would you really, you can't really criticize if nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house, is effectively saying you can't enter the chamber without a mask
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on, even though i'm vaccinated, and then there's a picture of me at the white house without a mask on face to face with other democrats. >> that's why it was such a joke when the aft president said we're so pleased with the american's belief in efficacy when everything demonstrated is not that because even though people in the administration like pelosi and the president were vaccinated, they still wore double masks and also officially were outside so there's actually no demonstration of efficacy whatsoever. pete: demonstration of efficacy. >> [laughter] will: fancy. >> 9:00 a.m. word. coffee is kicking in. pete: we're glad you're here stick with us for the rest of the hour. we have a few additional headlines to turn to. jurors are shown graphic images of mollie tibbetts body was the first week of her murder trial comes to a close, christina rivera an illegal immigrant is accused of stabbing the iowa college student to death. the dna testified that her blood was found on the trunk of the car. former homicide detective ted
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williams joined us to weigh in on a possible defense strategy. >> they also want to focus on the confession that they gave that they are going to say it it is of course confessions and they are going to try to get that confession thrown out. pete: the trial will continue next week. >> and imagine seeing this , right before takeoff. a southwest passenger posted this photo showing part of the plane's wing clipped off. she captioned it, "well, i guess it's time for a cocktail." i like that view. she also posted what a normal wing should look like, the airline says it was broken, hitting another plane at a neighboring gate in chicago. passengers were moved to a different plane for their flight to alabama. should ask for a discount. >> forget business in the front and party in the back. kim jong-un bans mullets. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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pete: the hair cut not mulling over well who says the styles promote non-socialized ideas and i know that's how i feel when i put my skinny jeans on. will: look at you. pete: why fight it though? there's me and griff rocking our own mullets made by our graphics department last year. that would not fly in north korea. will: i didn't realize that was griff. look at him. pete: that's almost a real photo there was a point where griff reached that level. will: good stuff. still ahead, georgia governor sends a warning to a state's board of education standing up against critical race theory governor brian kemp explains the danger, next. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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will: well another state is taking a stand against indoctrination in our classrooms , georgia, and their governor, brian kemp, has issued a letter to the board of education opposing critical race theory in the state's public schools, calling controversial curriculum anti-american. here now to react is the governor of georgia himself, brian kemp. governor, thank you so much for being with us. you sent a letter to your department of education. your board of education. is this something a that can be stamped out in georgia in schools for your students across that state and b, how is it that you do so? do you do it at the state level or through local school districts? >> well, thanks for having me on this morning. first of all, georgia is not a racist state in the united states of america is not a racist country and we don't need to be trying to rewrite history. georgians at the state and local
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level know how best to educate our children, we don't need a one-size-fits-all national approach which is really where this is coming from, the system in georgia, we have a constitutionally-mandated state school superintendent. we have a state school board that helps oversee that operation that the governor appoints which is why i wrote the letter, but this will allow for that process, like we do with everything in georgia, to continue to move forward and i know the board is looking forward to weighing in on this issue, and obviously, i made my views well-known. will: governor i want to get you in on this before i lose you this morning, because you were at the focal point of this issue of corporations adopting radical woke politics, voicing their opposition to the voting bill in georgia. it seemed to be the apex of this issue where you heard from delta, coca cola and other companies. now there's a new campaign targeting several of those companies like coke and american airlines and nike. what do you think about this idea of corporations getting involved and i know that delta was involved in your political process through the
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entire bill-drafting process , but what do you think about this idea of corporations getting so political and now, at least some level of backlash towards those corporations. >> well it's exactly what i warned against, and exactly what i told major league baseball when they made the decision to pull the all-star game. i said you're not getting yourself out of the controversy that's here that was manufactured by the left by the way because this bill makes it easy to vote and hard to cheat in georgia, but you're putting yourself right in the middle of it because now, everybody is mad at you. you could never do enough for these woke cancel culture groups that are out there, and by the way, they are the ones that are profiting from this while hard working georgians including a lot of minorities are getting hurt because major league baseball moved the game out and now you're seeing, you know, these a d campaigns targeting coca cola and other companies and that's it when you're in the
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middle of these debates, it's something that the state should be deciding and our state maybe different from other states and that's the way the constitution is setup. will: exactly right. georgia governor brian kemp good to talk to you this morning, thank you. >> thanks. will: coming up from her controversial race-based interview policy to crime skyrocketing chicago mayor lori lightfoot had a terrible, horrible, no-good very bad week. florida congresswoman maria salazar is a former tv journalist and she sounds off on the mayor's media mandate after the break. [sfx: kids laughing] [sfx: bikes passing] [sfx: fire truck siren] onstar, we see them. okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. thank you, onstar. ♪ my son, is he okay? your son's fine. thank you.
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condemning the violence as there is data released showing the extent of this anti-semetic hate and here to react is florida congresswoman maria salazar right here live and in the flesh. so great to have you. >> wonderful to be outside. to be in front of a body. pete: it's true. it's no miami but we'll take what we can get. >> almost a miami day, yes. pete: but there is the largest jewish population here in new york, but the second-largest is your district. talk to me about what you're sef anti-semitism. >> well, very bad and you know, the clear and perfect message that i want to send to everybody is that anti-semitism hate is completely not acceptable in south florida, and much less in district number 27 that composes , that has miami beach, which has the second-largest most important jewish community in country and i just want to share with you that a few days ago, there was a jewish family that was vacationing in south florida, and someone attacked them with extremely harsh
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anti-semetic words, and that's completely and absolutely unacceptable in south florida. pete: are your colleagues in the democrat party specifically some of the more radical ones doing enough to silence this because they are speaking out of both sides of their mouth saying what israel is doing in gaza is terrorism but we should condemn anti-semitism as well. >> absolutely not that's why we're seeing 500% increase in anti-semetic crimes and anti-semetic words and events and attacks, and we don't like that. pete: absolutely. well i want to get to another topic, because people may not know, in a previous career you were an award-winning journalist. >> i used to do this. pete: for people who do know, she's a pro but ultimately lori lightfoot, the mayor of chicago said because of the two year anniversary of her inauguration and she looks in the newsroom and press pool and doesn't see enough black or brown faces , too many white reporters she's only going to grant one on one interviews to black and
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brown reporters. your reaction? >> that is discrimination. do you know why? because she then, what the message she's sending is that she would give me, i'm a brown girl from the hood and i was 35 years in front of the camera working for uni vision, and do you know what she's saying? that i'm not good enough. that she's as a journalist that i can not prepare good questions , that i did not do my homework that she's only giving me that interview because i'm brown. that's an insult. i wanted to be in that press conference and i want to be called upon and asked those questions because i was good, i was a good journalist, regardless of my race. pete: because you probably saw plenty of good and bad white journalists over your years as well. >> absolutely, i covered el salvador and many of the white journalists, people from the very big news organizations, would not dare to go where i would go, because, you know, i knew the folks and i spoke the language and do you know what happened? abc and cbs would come to us to ask for the footage because we had this great, great pictures,
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so there was no discrimination. when you're good at your job, and you really know what you're doing, you get the interview, so i'm so sorry for the mayor, but she's sending the wrong, wrong message. pete: very well-said. i got to get your take on this as well because there was a vote yesterday on the forming of a january 6 commission. most republicans voted against it. you were one of 35 that voted for it. the concern most republicans had was this is a rigged look, a one -sided look ultimately. why did you vote for it? >> well you know, we've got to look at it from the other side. it's the first time that we're going to be able to really investigate with five dems and five republicans under oath, notable from both parties, that they were going to be able to ask questions to the sergeant of arms, to the chief of the capital police and ask them, under oath, not on television, what they knew, why did they not
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accept or accepted security reinforcements. more police, more people to come , because they knew that they were supposedly they were reports that some type of something that going to happen at the capital that day so this has nothing to do with the former president. this has to do with what did the democratic leadership knew at the time that was coming, and if they did or they did not accept those security requirements or reinforcements that were needed at the time in order to sustain any type of attack on the capitol. pete: you're right there haven't been many answers. real quick -- >> under oath with five republicans sitting at the table pete: ultimately the chair be a democrat and a lot be directed by that. >> then republicans will not accept any type of witch-hunt against the former president or any other member of the republican party, and otherwise, then, the democrats and leadership, the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, then she will be able to manipulate
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or move the information anyway the democrats want it. pete: we could not have scripted a better guest for all three of our topics this morning thank you so much, a total pro, come on! >> i paid my rent doing this. pete: [laughter] >> now i'm serving the people of district number 27 specifically my jewish community pete: now we're paying your rent appreciate it so much, representative. >> thank you. pete: all right, still ahead, it was a prime vacation spot, but now, residents of venice beach say its become a hotspot for the homeless. lawrence jones got a firsthand look at the devastating reality of california and he joins us live, next.
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otezla. show more of you. >> ♪ i love a country, i love a country ♪ pete: welcome to fox & friends live on the avenue of america, fifth avenue in new york city. glad to have you with us this morning, will cain, pete hegseth, emily campanio, welcom ing you in on this saturday and lawrence jones should be joining us as well. pete: i think so. do we got him? >> there he is. good morning. pete: we wish we had one more stool for you to join us. will: good to see you lawrence. i know you've been looking into los angeles' homeless population , the highest in the nation. >> now residents are sounding
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the alarm as the city's homeless population takes over the iconic tourist hotspot of venice beach. pete: what did you see when you were on the ground, lj. >> crazy stuff on the ground, guys, a heartbreaking story. we covered it from all angles. we talked to the residents. we talked to the homeless, and we also talked to the tourists that are visiting the city. take a look. this is the famous venice beach, where millions of visitors come each year. it's the second-largest tourist attraction in southern california. second to disneyland but now the famous beach looks like this tent city after tent city, which i've noticed all the tents here before? >> no not before. like some but not like this. >> now it's starting to move closer and closer to the beach. >> this is venice beach like are you kidding me? look what the beach is now. this is what's happened to venice beach. this is what i want people to see. >> this isn't campus.
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these are homes. >> see fighting, guns, knives, fires. >> drug use, day in and day out >> you don't realize sometimes what you're living in the middle of until you see some video and you think wait a minute, that's where i live. >> i live here in the building and i hear them all night long, fighting. >> i've been in california my whole life and i honestly feel like this is not california any more. >> is it safe here for families just to rome around? >> absolutely not. >> why aren't the police here enforcing the laws here? are they told not to? >> the police were defunded and lapd will come, it could be a wait, because they are dealing with so much. >> there was a cleanup today. >> so how often do they do this >> oh, this is the first one in months. >> months? >> months. this is not humane. this is not compassionate. >> it's okay okay to say that i don't want them indiana my front or backyard but i also support
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people getting mental health and drug rehab and job opportunities where they can get training. >> people that live in these tents, how did they get here? >> well each story is different >> she lost her son and she just had mental health issues. we've been trying to find her for the last couple months and her mom, you know, just walking up and down the streets. >> what age were you when you went to your first group home? >> about 14. >> of course. what would it take to get you off the streets today? >> oh, i'm about to leave. i'm thinking about moving. >> you said a lot of people are like between places right now? >> yeah, but they are transitioning. >> do you think the ones that some of your friends here that
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may have addictions have a desire to go through the treatment program that the city is offering? >> um, no. >> do you mind telling me how you ended up here? >> i lost my fiancee due to a drunk driver. >> how often do you shoot up? >> roughly around 32 times. >> a day? >> i don't share, i do the needle exchange. >> are you afraid? >> no, i'm not afraid. maybe i can finally see my kids. >> how long have you been on the beach area right here? >> off and on like five years. people get comfortable, you know , the programs and making sure we can make room for them. >> if i was a councilman i be down here right now talking
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to them, and what are they going to do about this? the city councilman allowed them not to have a rock bottom. they are living in such a secure , comfortable situation. everything comes to them. >> a lot of people are leaving california. if this problem continues, will you be one of those folks? >> i'm not ready to go yet. i'd rather fight it for a little while because i think this is a place worth fighting for. >> that councilman that he was referring to we finally have a statement from that, this is what he said, "income and equality, skyrocketing house costs, systematic racism and a failed mental healthcare system are creating the homeless crisis that big cities like los angeles must deal with, it has created a situation on our streets that is unacceptable, unsafe, unsanitary and in humane. i am determined to move people into housing and provide them appropriate services. we also reached out to the la mayor eric garsetti and governor gavin newsom and they did not return our requests for comment, guys. >> lawrence how do you square
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that away with the obvious factors in los angeles that draw in the homeless, that city council member talking about all of the sudden recent factors, skid row has been thriving for decades so i don't see any of this initiatives making any head way there. >> i have immense compassion for the people that are struggl ing with this addiction, but until you allow people to hit rock bottom, they cannot decide to get those services that they need, if you're giving them three meals a day and providing them the needles and the drugs when they overdose, then they're never going to learn from that situation, and that's what's happening there. will: that almost looks like more than enabling, it looks liken couraging the problem and lawrence you've been to seattle, philadelphia, la and you're also in austin where you're taking a look at the problems there. let's take a look at an upcoming situation in austin.
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>> we don't want anybody camp ing anywhere in our city. >> they are surrounding your of the, mayor. >> they are. >> that's illegal. that's breaking the law. >> that's true. >> currently but they are allowed to do this? >> well, and we're dealing with a tough challenge here. >> i'm over it, guys, it was embarrassing to go back to texas the producers make fun of me because i'm always talking about texas but to see texas look like california and have the elected officials make excuse after excuse, we're not going to put up with that anymore. this is why i'll continue to highlight these citizens that are asking the skis to clean-up their cities. these aren't republicans, these are democrats, they are independents and they just care about their communities. the kids are picking needles up as they are going to the playground. that is not america. pete: there's lawrence jones saying mayor, right there, in front of your office, don't tell me what you're going to do, show
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me. great work, you can catch the rest of that interview next week, on fox & friends, and then , catch him hosting fox news primetime will cain, lawrence jones, 7:00 p.m. eastern all next week. can't wait to watch it, lawrence will: go get em lawrence. more fox & friends, coming up. >> i appreciate that, guys. bipolar depression. it's a dark, lonely place. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. emptiness. a hopeless struggle. the lows of bipolar depression can disrupt your life and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms, and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. now i'm feeling connected. empowered. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults.
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>> social distancing and dating were always a bit of a challeng ing combination. we have finally found the one thing that makes us all more attractive. a vaccination. >> [laughter] sorry for laughing. pete: it's because, you know, might be looking for a shot at love. >> awe! pete: partnering with dating app s to encourage people to get vaccinated and of course, here is a screen shot of "i'm vaccinated" that maybe you could put on your dating profile.
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i don't see it, dave your arms in the way. oh, there it is right on the top that little needle, i'm vaccinated, they are working with dating apps like tinder and hinge, match, okay cupid, a lot of words i don't even know. will: i don't know those. why would i? pete: why would you. will: if i dated it be a problem , but i, as you would expect, pete, i have a problem with this. i'm just not down with hey, let's bribe everybody to get a vaccine and then let's everybody wear an arm band that shows your vaccinated even if it's voluntary. pete: it's all volunteer, will. i'm with you, private companies if they want to do this and people are foolish enough to give away their information, what can you say about it? you may not like it but when the moment is mandated from government we got a real problem but this could be a slope to it. >> and the irony of the white house's involvement with all of these dating apps is so many
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people sharon social media and overshare their vaccinations and you look at somebody's profile. will: what would we know. we're all married i know what to do. >> very true. adam klotz, what's going on over there? >> adam: hey, guys, well i'll tell you what. hamburgers and lottery tickets i'm here for all of those things so anyone who wants to give me stuff i'll take it but i'm out here for maritime day where the sun is really beating down on on on the intrepid, it's meant to celebrate people who work in and around the water, it was established in 1933. why because they wanted to celebrate the crossing of the atlantic ocean on a steam beat that happened back earlier in the 1800s. obviously, we have come a very long way, when you talk about where i'm standing now, the industry just continues to grow, merchant marine had also been here as part of history and just last year, president donald
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trump passing legislation that allowed them to get the gold star for the work they did in world war ii, so it's an ongoing thing here, but we're proud to be out here to celebrate them on this hot, humid, sticky saturday morning. guys? will: adam do you have your vaccination status on your bumble profile? >> [laughter] >> adam: i haven't put it on there, no. >> don't answer that, just don't answer that. >> he's really trying to get me in trouble there. >> i've never been on those sites i don't know what you're talking about. pete: love it, adam, thank you. don't reveal anything you don't want to. he will try to coerce you, adam klotz thank you very much. all right, up next, country music star just difference moore , joins us live, next. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ na na na na...
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learn about california's nicest, smartest beast at >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ pete: you are listening to country music singer justin moore's song "hero" which shines a light on the nation's everyday angels like teachers, first responders and veterans. will: he's now using the song to raise awareness for a non-profit that helps veterans heel with music and art. >> joining us live is country star justin moore and creative co-founder and executive director richard casper. welcome to you both, such a pleasure to have you here. tell us all about the program. >> yeah, thanks so much. creative, we started back but the main program we're talking about today is our songwriting program so we'll fly veterans from anywhere in the country to nashville, tennessee to write with pro and number one song writers and sometimes artists to tell their story for
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the very first time and what you hear on streaming platforms and all around the country are those songs that are helping bridge that gap between the military civilian divide and really just getting the words out that we've never been able to talk about before. pete: justin, thanks for being part of this , tell us about what motivates you to write songs like this and work with creative which is addressing so many important issues facing vets today. >> yeah, good morning, thank you for having me. you know, i had a grandfather who retired out of the navy and another who was in the air force and they, along with my parents really instilled in me at an early age the respect that we owe, those men and women, for all of the sacrifices that they make daily, to keep us free and safe in the greatest country in the world so anytime we have the opportunity to work with great organizations, such as
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this , and use our music as a platform to raise awareness or money or whatever it is that said organization needs it's always my pleasure, and the least that we can do, certainly. will: richard was just laying out the creative process this program helped. in in fact what was the process here for putting this song together? >> you know, i wrote this song a few years back, and we've used it, you know, in certain situation, such as this , and, you know, i don't know where these type of songs come from, but i've been fortunate to have a few of them kind of fall from the sky for me and my career, that i could use to help me, you know, do exactly what i just said which is show respect and honor these men and women. >> and richard tell us about the feedback and the impact that this program has on veterans and
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the causes about what you're raising awareness for? >> yeah the veterans who went through these programs who have been able to tell these stories, i mean the impact is huge, but when we're able to give them these songs for the very first time so they can share it with their family and friends is life changing even for their family to finally understand what that veteran went through, and when we started just releasing these songs as early as last year and we have about 18 that are available now and we keep releasing them and thank you all so much for keep on uplifting these songs but we'll release these every single month so that everyone feels like they have their song, but now that these songs are out, we're getting e-mails and we're getting letters from spouses and from siblings and people saying i never understood my veteran or my marine or my spouse or daughter or husband. it's just been so amazing to see that not, you don't have to be in the program to be healed by this music. it's absolutely amazing. pete: richard it was a pleasure to spend time with you a couple weeks ago in ohio as we filmed
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an episode of modern warriors. you're on the frontlines helping vets express a true understanding of so others can have a true understanding of what they went through and if people want to learn more about creative vets and hear the song "heros" you go to creativevets.o rg. richard casper, justin moore, thanks for lending your high profile to a cause like this makes all the difference. >> thank you, guys i appreciate it: pete: you got it. thank you both. >> bless you both: will: more "fox & friends" moments away. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ br 25% of your mouth.
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with the code fox patriot look at that shirt. this shirt is awesome you guys i love it so much. your code fox patriot is your ticket to a huge discount its been such a wonderful morning guys. will: glad to have you here. pete: great to have you here, fox & friends recess is now over will: i got the socks. >> i definitely won the game of life today. david: the irs saying "show me the money" in a big way, your bank statements, your venmo account and pay pal and other money-moving services may soon be subject to irs surveillance all without your knowledge or your permission this as the white house doubles down on its push for big spending and big tax hikes, does all of this just scream big brother? welcome, everyone. i'm david asman in for neil cavuto today and you're watching cavuto live. we begin at the white h
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