tv Watters World FOX News May 22, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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liberty & levin." [♪♪♪] jesse: welcome to "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. we have problems. the only thing democrats are good at is attacking us. it's all they do. instead of attacking problems, they attack us. to them, we are the biggest problem. but the real problems are starting to pile up. the media doesn't cover them because we didn't cow them. once we point -- because we didn't cause them.
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once we point it out, we get attacked. we try to get kid back in the classroom and teachers say we are white supremacist. harvey said he was disappointed to hear the structurally white supremacist hysteria over returning to school, and accused parents of bullying the school board into making schools less safe for the teachers. he wasn't punished. one student not vaccinated got screamed at by a masked maniac posing as a teacher. >> i don't care if you are vaccinated. i don't want to get sick and die. you are not a special person around here. you should hear how everybody talks about you.
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you are a jerk. you are a jerk. you need to have respect for other people. you are not a big man on campus. quit walking around here like you have a stick up your butt. jesse: after a year of our children falling behind in school, what does biden do? he sent he school extra to you towards and computers. of course, he didn't. instead he okayed teaching critical race theory which means if you are black you are oppressed by white racists. biden, you blew up the border and they just nabbed a convicted sex trafficker from guatemala. half a million illegals came
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across the border already this year. we are making progress they tell us. progress to where? but joe, more fentanyl got smuggles in the first few months of the year than all of 2020. 100,000 americans o.d.s. we have to stop it. i debate the border with juan williams all the time and he says the same thing every week. >> congress would stop with the selfies to create hysteria. we need congress to get involved. congress is not doing any kind of job. congress is sitting on its thumbs doing selfies. jesse: congress is controlled by whom? the democrats and they haven't moved on immigration. the democrat congress wants to set up a commission to
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investigate january 6. the same incidents that's been investigated by the fbi, the capitol hill police. 60 minutes, "the washington post." on and on. i could go out in the street with -- with a mic and more people would know about january 6 than about july 4. which we can't celebrate unless we are vaccinated. let's check in with the commander-in-chief. did that go backwards? new york is a nightmare. pro-palestinian mobs chucked a rice crispy into the diamond district. we are in the middle east or mid-town. that's right across the street from fox, by the way. the new york attorney general has everything under control.
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she is opening a criminal probe. but not into this. people shot in times square, broad daylight. slashed on the sidewalks, pools of blood. media dead silent. l.a. out of control where they defunded the police. more pro-palestinian mobs attacking jews on the street, all hate crimes. you never see these video anywhere. in minneapolis where they defunded the police, carjacking, broad daylight. less police on the streets, more carjackings. it's math. but math is racist now. they are teaching this in oregon. chicago is a shooting gallery. so mayor lightfoot needs a distraction. she decided not to sit down with
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interviews with whites. >> the facts are the fact. the fact is this press corps does not reflect the diversity of this city and it makes a difference in the kinds of conversation. we are having an important conversation about systemic racism in every institution. and the media can't be exempt from that conversation. jesse: it's a bloodbath on the west spiepped but look over here. reporters won't ask her what her plan is to stop the violence because she doesn't have one. but the man without a plan, joe biden is going to stumble america into a war in europe if he isn't careful. almost all our allies are against this except germany for the russian pipeline.
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but trump was tough on germany. the white house says we need to repair our alliance with germany. guys, who are we allies against? russia. russia gets paid billions by this pipeline because it's state owned. what does the kremlin do with the money? attack our pipeline so we pay them ransom. >> were you briefed on the ransom? >> i have no comment on that. jesse: biden making russia really rich and happy. must be a russian agent. oops, that was trump. construction was halted when trump slapped sanctions on the pipeline. but we don't hear traitor joe from the media.
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the nordstream pipeline goes through the baltic sea. sea. so putin is going to double up ask next door. biden can't connect the dots. he can't connect with a crowd either. here he is at coast guard graduation ceremony. >> i can only assume you will enjoy educating your family about how the coast guard is the hard nucleus around the navy forms in times of war. you are a really dull class. come on, man. jesse: here is ronald reagan. same age, same events, same
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line. >> my coast guard aides have been excellent. one of them taught me, and i quote, the coast guard is the hard nucleus purchase which the navy forms in time of war. jesse: that's how you do it. i shouldn't have compared the two. biden-carter a better comparison. inflation, high gas prices. >> this from donald trump. i see everyone is comparing bide onto jimmy carter. carter mishandled crisis after crisis, but biden created crisis after crisis. trump can't tweet that because they canceled him. joining us to react. former governor of arkansas and
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fox news contributor. mike huckabee. what is your reaction to watters words. >> it was one of your best. my favorite was somebody put on the meme. it said, honey, i shrunk the carters. because that's what it looked like. i thought one of the things maybe best. when you are talking about how the democrats, they are in charge of congress. our mutual pal juan williams keeps saying congress needs to do something. they should, they ought to go home and let some adults run the place. elections created these problems by putting democrats in power. the only thing that fixes it, the next elections will give the conservatives power. there are republicans who need to go home, too.
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liz cheney and others who wants to side with the other side more than their own. but that's what changes the trajectory of where this country is headed. jesse: they take our money, they spend it on their donors and voters. they create problems and ignore them. we try to help and they call us racist. that's how it goes every single time. how does that ever change, governor? >> we have to push back and fight back. too many people as soon as they are called a racist or nazi. they fold up in the fetal position and jump under a piece of furniture never to be seen or heard from again. they need to stand up and say i'm not a racist, i'm not a nazi. if you can't, leave the playing field, i'm advancing, i am not retreating.
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we are going to make sure the next generation of americans grow up with liberty and free speech, the things people lived, fought and died for. not a single person in our military died so kids would run and hide behind the teacher's skirt because they were afraid something like the voter bear wouldn't like them. jesse: broad daylight, sunny day, they are all masked up. we know the science. it's stupid. you have got to change this at the voting booth. but republicans are completely shut out of power for the next two years. what's the strategy? what do you tell them to do? right now it's looking bleak. >> organized at the precinct level all the way up, and monitor he bit of it and not
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wait until afterward and say can we see how that was done. do it in advance. crystallize a simple and effective message of what we'll do as republicans if we are in power. we'll seal the border, we'll deregulate. we won't pay people to sit at home and not work. we are going to make significant reforms in congress. i have got a bunch in mind. if the government ever shots down your business, the government official who shut it down doesn't get paid until your business opens back up. let that be a reform. put it into law. we would have a lot fewer opportunities for businesses to be closed by a government official who never missed his or her paycheck. jesse: i like it. the huckabee bill. i think it will sail right through. thanks for coming on "watters' world." joe biden could be the laziest
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president in our century. he didn't campaign, and now he's not leading. and he surrendered to russia less than 6 months in office. russia attacks the colonial pipeline. the company pays nearly $5 million in ransom. the president approves the pipeline from russia to germany. the pipeline bypasses ukraine, leaving them open to invasion. the biden team insisted they would stop it. >> the prect elect agrees with you that nord stream 2 is a bad idea. i am determined to do whatever we can to prevent that completion the last hundred
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yard. jesse: they said they would stop it and then dropped it. just a copout. where is the media in all this? silent. protecting biden at all costs. when the news broke, abs cbs, nbc, msnbc and cnn skipped it on their evening shows. joining us is morgan ortagus. >> it's a mystery. this goes against what secretary blink and others colleged in their confirmation hearings. the obamaed ministration when biden was vice president -- the obama administration when biden was vice president opposed this pipeline. this pipeline would give russia the ability to have learn over
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europe's energy resources. why would you want our allies to be beholding to russia. jesse: they talked for four years how they are so tough on russia and russia is the biggest threat to the world and we need to stand up to vladimir putin. but the minute they get in power they bow down. none of our other allies wants this. the french don't, the ukrainians don't. how good has germany been as an ally. they haven't been with us in a lot of stuff recently. this is about kissing germany's butt? why? >> actually nord stream 2, if you look at the polling in germany, it's unpopular. germany could import gas from
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america. it's not like this is their only option. as you mentioned, ukraine and many of our eastern european allies have been worried about this. having been with mike pompeo and the russians many times when he was secretary of state, they were very tough. they know when people are bluffing and when your words are backed by actions. they seem to think talking tough is the same thing as actually being tough. but when you cancel the keystone pipeline and do things that will lessen america's ability to be energy independent and export, yet you provide the russians the ability to do so. i don't see how from a geopolitical perspective that this is beneficial to the security of any our allies. jesse: the guy blinked.
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he got kicked out of the black a. we paid ransom to russian hackers. and now the pipeline slices up eastern europe. if this were trump, it would be traitor trump. i'm disgusted by it. we'll probably lose lives and treasure because we'll have to go mop up this mess. more began ortagus, thank you for coming on the show. adam corolla is here after the break. [sfx: kids laughing] [sfx: bikes passing] [sfx: fire truck siren] onstar, we see them.
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okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. thank you, onstar. ♪ my son, is he okay? your son's fine. thank you. there was something in the road... it's okay. you're safe now. feeling sluggish or weighed down? it's okay. it could be a sign that your digestive system isn't working at it's best taking metamucil everyday can help. metamucil psyllium fiber, gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down.
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it also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic metamucil. support your daily digestive health. and try metamucil fiber thins. a great tasting and easy way to start your day. welcome, today's discussion will be around sliced meat. moms want healthy... and affordable. land o' frost premium!!! no added hormones either. it's the only protein i've really melted with.
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white men aren't allowed to talk. it's your privilege to express yourself when others have been silenced in history. there are a lot of people taking advantage of this weirdness in our culture, then that becomes their thing. their thing is calling people out for their privilege, calling people out for their position. crazy times. jesse: joining me is comedian and author "your emotional support animal." adam corolla. i think we can agree it's ironic two straight males with their own shows are having a conversation about being silenced. by just wanted to have you on because i wanted to know if you agreed with joe rogan that
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eventually this is where this thing ends up. >> anyone who has been alive for the last five years has learned, it's called the progressive movement and it has progress and movement in the title. there are no signs of slowing down or pumping the brakes it goes from one thing to the next. stuff they are pitching today would have signed bizarre and science fiction and orwellian five years ago. and they are pitching that stuff with a straight face now. california is trying to do some curriculum with the kids where they are going to eliminate ap math up until the 11th grade to level the playing field. they are calling math racist. something that would have sounded patently insane a few
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years ago has become a conversation. i agree with joe. i don't think there are any signs of them slowing down. they haven't provided any evidence that they are contents. if you ever listen to aoc speak, she is never satisfied, she never pumps the brakes, she never stops, she is never satiated. jesse: they are always upset about something. and my thing is, it's note my fault. you have problems. right? you can't blame all of your problems on me. maybe those are just your problems. so comedian chris rock came along and he was on one of the morning shows, and he said people aren't even taking risks in comedy anymore because they are so scared of getting canceled, and nothing is funny. >> what happens is everybody gets safe.
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when everybody gets saves and nobody tries anything, things get boring. i see a lot of unfunny comedians, unfunny tv shows, unfunny awards shows, unfunny movies. everybody is scared to make a move. jesse: you are familiar with this. have you noticed that things are kind of less funny these days? have you picked up on that? >> yeah, obviously what you are going to have is people you never heard of attempting to go out and push the envelope. but people in the mainstream that want to keep their jobs who you sort of heard of are looking at hanging on to what they have. so you are not going to hear it from any of the traditional names out there. whoever your jerry seinfelds are out there. or household name comedians.
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you won't hear super edgy stuff from them. you will hear it from people you never heard of which is, you know, a little bit of a catch-22. we lived in a world where, you know, george carlin or richard prior. they were the mainstream guys pushing the envelope. not unknown people doing coffee houses during open mics at 4 in the morning on a tuesday. jesse: you used the word edgy, and that's what comedy is about. you find that edge and you play with it. if people move back from that edge, it's not fun are you. if we are not laughing we are not having a good time in america. everyone is laughing at adam control yeah. you are just uncancellable.
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so you should be proud of that. thanks for coming on the show. talking about all this stuff on prager the true history of race in america. some things you never heard of before. also, i hit the streets of new york to ask about masks. york to ask about masks. wait until you see this. ♪ ♪i've got the brains you've got the looks♪ ♪let's make lots of money♪ ♪you've got the brawn♪ ♪i've got the brains♪ ♪let's make lots of♪ ♪uh uh uh♪ ♪oohhh there's a lot of opportunities♪ with allstate, drivers who switched saved over $700. saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate click or call to switch today.
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fox news live, i'm ashley strohmier. the u.s. is turning the corner in the fight against the coronavirus, seven-day average new cases fell below 30,000 this week and the lowest since last june. the average number of deaths could drop to 562 over the last seven days, that's the lowest since last july. 40% of americans are fully vaccinated which is intruding to a decline in cases. the virus named the lives of more than 589,000 americans. resident biden plans to host george floyd's family is the white house tuesday to mark the first anniversary floyd's death and died after former
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minneapolis officer derek chauvin kneeled on his neck about nine minutes. his death fueled protests around the world. now back to "watters world". now back to "watters' world." jesse: the battle over critical race theory in classrooms raging across the country. 13 states have some type of ban on it to keep kid from being indoctrinated. but if biden had his way they wouldn't have a choice. >> we don't think educating the future leaders of the country on system i can racism is indoctrination. it's responsible. jesse: bob woodson has a new book out this week.
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"red, white and black." tell us in 30 seconds the problem with critical race theory being taught in class. >> critical race theory in the old days we cow it stereotyping. instead of saying all blacks have to live and eat and sleep and carry themselves in such a way, we are saying white people are stereotyped. they are guilty of supremacy and being privileged, and all white people are evil because of racism and all blacks are victims. that's simply put. it used to be called stereotyping. jesse: it's thought like that. it removes individualism. >> it used to be called stereotyping. jesse: i just started this book this morning and found a lot of great nuggets in here that i had no idea about. and i was a history major.
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it never trickled down to me, or maybe i missed that day in school. tell us about the things in your book that most people don't know about the history of race in the united states. the false history is the challenges facing large swaths of black americans today, out of wedlock births, the crime, violence, the lack of economic parity is a legacy of slavery and jim crow. it's not true. the real story of black america was never defined by slavery controls. we were denied access to hotels. we built our own. every major city. atlanta, miami, the st. theresa. i could go on. and schools, too. the education gap in the south
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in 1920 and 1940 was three years. 8 years for whites, look at the washington partners with the ceo of sears. he put $4 million. the black community matched it with $4.8. and they built 4,000 schools in the south. they closed the education gap between 1920 to 1940 within six months. we did that. >> you are talking about the danger of guilty white americans always trying to help black americans. sometimes that help does not materialize. >> i would rather confront the old-fashioned bigotry. they are hurting us with the helping hands. between 1930 and 1940 when racism was enshrined in law,
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black america had the highest marriage rate of knot iter group because of pour christian faith and self-determination. elderly people could walk safely in that community. in chicago, blacks had 731 black-owned businesses in 1929, and 100 million in real estate assets and an out of wedlock birth was under 9%. jesse: a lot of the money is pouring in to helping black america. it doesn't always get to where it's supposed to get. you say the race hustlers actually make money off of trying to help black america. >> we have had -- in one sense we had reparations for 60 years. it was call a after i program. 70 cents out of he dollar didn't go to the poor, it went to those
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who serve the poor. we created a commodity out of poor people where there is a perverse incentive for them to be uplifted. so what we have done in this essay is pull the covers off of this exploitation and begin to tell the real story of black america. one interesting -- in fact there are 0 slaves, born slaves who died millionaires. two of them went back and purchased the plantation on which they wear slaves. and one of them, robert small, took in the destitute family of the slave owner in an act of what i call radical grace. we want to erase critical race theory. jesse: rescuing the black
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community from revisionists and race hustlers. we are very preshive of you coming on the show. americans going bananas over bitcoin. the wolf of wall street is in "watters' world" to break it "watters' world" to break it do think of what peanuts have given humanity! fuel for vast migrations! sustenance for mountaineering expeditions and long journeys across the world! but most importantly? they give us something to eat when we drink beer. planters. a nut above. they give us something to eat when we drink beer. it would be cool to ride a horse on the moon.
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get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> bitcoin this morning stablized. >> bitcoin is nuts. up 33 percent. jesse: what is it? who is getting rich off of it, and why is elon musk making everyone nuts over it. with us is jordan belfort.
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>> you take out any bill, you will see a serial number on it. that serial number corresponds to some entry in a computer from the government. and bitcoin didn't. imagine if there was a code in the cloud somewhere. everybody's bitcoin has its own code. all these different computers around the world all running the same code. if enough of them say a transaction is real, it's deemed as being real. they are deciding this transaction is legitimate like the central bank. jesse: a computer code that people trade and invest. we had one of the producers pull
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up his account. he's ply producer and the guy is cleaning up. i went to the bathroom and i came back and he already made 5gs. am i missing something? am i late to the game? this 31-year-old kid is wearing gold now. >> here is the thing. no one really knows what's going to happen. i would be lying if i said i know where bitcoin is going. right now it's plummeting fast. there are major issues with governments like chain al saying they are not going to allow it. jesse: it started at 2 grand a coin, and it was 60 grand the other day. elon musk says something and he
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tanked bitcoin and everyone wants to storm the castle. >> bitcoin operates by whoever is the cutest girl in the school, that's where the money goes. he on was the cutest girl in the school. what happened was, is it a ponzi scheme? everyone knows there is no value. everyone decides to bite and i guess it's worth money. in. jesse: it's the hottest girl in school. it's all subjective. you know what? the hottest girl in school and the tiny numbers on the dollar bill, the best analogies i ever heard. wolf of wall street break it down for us. thanks, jordan, i appreciate it. new york cities reopening, and
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i'm back on the street. >> you are vaccinated. right? and you are wearing a mask outside. >> yep. >> yep. >> why are age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein.
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california's choice beauty? i thought this was a no b pretty boy.all? or a beast? john cox grew up with nothing; made himself a remarkable success. california's falling off a cliff. high taxes, unaffordable costs! even elon musk left! gavin's mismanagement of california is inexcusable. we need big beastly changes in sacramento. i'll make 'em.
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jesse: things are opening back up, especially here in new york. most americans are ready. some are nervous. i went out into the streets in new york city and asked people, what's going on? new york is back in business. you guys pumped up? >> very excited. i haven't seen this many people in a while. you can see we are happy. jesse: try to control yourself. how did you survive quarantine? >> lotion. sanitizer lotion. jesse: where did you get that face shield? >> i got this in mexico. >> are you vaccinated? >> no, i'm not vaccinated. i'm meditating on it. >> here is my karma on you. >> how was quarantine for you? >> it was pretty good.
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i escaped the city and went to mexico for a year. jesse: you are vaccinate, right? and you are wearing a mask outside. >> yep. jesse: why are you doing that? >> just for safety things. there are still people -- i could potentially carry covid even if i have the vaccine. jesse: dr. fauci said you can take the mask off. >> yeah. jesse: can i see the smile? you are vaccinated and you are double masking. i feel like now that's out of habit. i am also extremely paranoid. jesse: how do you know i'm anti-mask. i have a mask right here.
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do you love dr. fauci? >> i mean love is a strong word. jesse: do you strongly like fauci? >> who is that. >> if i love the guy personally i don't know him. >> maybe we will have a couple drinks and see how it goes. >> it will make you horny by the way. jesse: where did this virus come from? >> that's -- i'm not sure. >> china. >> i mean -- jesse: you have no idea. >> i don't want to say anything. you have got the microphone. i don't know. >> they come from animals. jesse: do you think someone did something with an even mall? >> you got it going on.
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>> it tups out -- it turns out covid -- i don't:believe covid, it is wait i. >> your whole family had covid and you don't believe in covid. do you plan on getting vaccinated. >> actually i got the johnson. >> me, too. single shot. i don't like needles. i am one and done. >> okay. so you have no idea who i am. >> no, i don't. jesse: there is a great book coming out called "how i save the world" by questions he waters. -- by jesse watters. by the way, why you are means joy. >> that's crazy.
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jesse: so you have no idea who i am. i'm watters and this is my world. world. up sure, about this? experience capability, crafted by lexus. we're good. the remarkable gx and lx. get 0.9% apr financing on the 2021 gx 460. experience amazing, at your lexus dealer. so you want to make the best burger ever? then make it! get 0.9% apr financing on the 2021 gx 460. that means selling everything. and eating nothing but cheese till you find the perfect slice... even if everyone asks you... another burger truck? don't listen to them!
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addicts, and me. don't an idiot and got get the book. that's all for tonight. be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next and remember i'm watters and this is my world. [♪♪♪] p. judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. this week joe biden and kamala harris have been running around the country delivering commencement speeches. tonight i would like to deliver one of my own. mine a far cry from what you have heard from our liberal leaders. to the class of 2021 i say congratulations. you
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