tv Fox News Live FOX News May 23, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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shooting at a house party in new jersey with at least a dozen people wounded. no arrests as of yet. hello, everyone, welcome to fox news live. i'm arthel neville. hi, eric. eric: hi, arthel. thank you for joining us. i'm eric sean. at this hour we still do not know the reason for massive shooting that occurred last night. it happened at 90's theme party in curvierland county, near philadelphia. we are told hundreds of guests were attending the party and new jersey governor phil murphy this morning confirms that people were killed tweeting, quote, at
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this time at least 2 people have lost their lives including several with injuries that are life threatening. we hope those who died and families in our prayers today and we pray per those -- for those recovery that are injured. >> in curvierland county, rural part of the state in south jersey, 50 miles west of atlantic city and south of philadelphia. reportedly hundreds of people were at this party when all of a sudden shots were fired. 14 people have been shot. two tragically died. a 30-year-old man and 25-year-old woman of the 12 wounded at least one is in critical condition. i just got off the phone with cooper university hospital. 6 adults were rushed to the hospital. this is a level 1 trauma center, the worst of the worst injuries
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are treated here. i'm told two have been released. the other four are being treated. i asked their condition, the hospital said, some are in surgery. initial report says this was a 90-themed party and one witness says there was gunshots from nearby woods and people running in chaos. one man got on the ground and crawled and stepped over to a dead body to get to safety. some apparently even drove themselves to local hospitals. police arrived at the scene at 11:50 last night. no arrests have been made. no motive has been given or any information yet on whether this was one shooter or multiple shooters. new jersey governor phil murphy tweeted in party, we urge anyone with information to step forward so those responsible can be brought to justice, this remains
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an active and submit tip anonymously. but obviously ongoing very active investigation and we probably do expect the police to speak at some point today, eric. eric: all right, bryan, we will get the latest as we have it. arthel. arthel: eric and bryan, for more on this we will bring steve rogers, lieutenant directive for the police department in new jersey and steve, of course, we don't know the circumstances behind the shooting as of yet but based on reporting from bryan llenas, what can you glean from this? >> new jersey state police has probably the best crime scene units and what they will do immediately upon arrival look
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for physical evidence. anything from footprints to bullet fragments. that's number 1. number 2, as you mentioned earlier, the police have to work on trying to find a motive so what i'm gleaning it's either gang related or bias related or lone actor or actors who had a personal reason. you know, a lot of times when the criminal elements they know who exactly their targets are and they could have just sent a message. the police will obtain a names of people at the party who weren't invited and did not show up as well. so right now a lot of investigation going on but they will get to the bottom of it. arthel: i'm sure they will. you raised interesting questions too in terms of who was on the guest list and who showed up and who didn't show up as well. bryan llenas also reporting that police at this point, they don't know if there's one shooter or multiple shooters.
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we do, however, two people unfortunately are dead. dead as a result, so where does that component take this investigation? >> well, they're going to look at the possible trajectory of the shots, where they were fired from and what targets they hit and where. so that will kind of reveal as -- if it was one or more actors. in addition to that, they will examine the bullet fragments and that again will tell them whether this was one or more actors. so, again, it's all a matter -- it's preliminary but they're going to find out or let's put it this way, they will have a lot of answers to the questions they have and step by step they will look at social media forms and talk to everyone who likely was at the party who did not show up and also obviously the type of weapons that were used. they got a lot of foot work to do but they will get it done. arthel: it's taking place at 11:50 p.m. saturday night and you have a party of 100 people or more according to neighbors and the folks who have been, you
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know, interviewed by police. you know, listen, steve, you're a veteran, but do you still have the reaction that many of us have when we see stories like this? why? it's a party. it's saturday night. you're trying to get past covid and a lockdown. you're supposed to have a good time. why bring a gun, why are guns at these parties? >> well, it's a good question and a lot of it has to do, you learn in the police academy, the criminal commits a crime because they think they will get rid of it. it's unnerving. can i have a party in my house but in this case and maybe some others, those who committed the act knew, knew of the host or knew someone at the party and want today send a message. remains to be seen. we certainly have to do a lot with regard to what we are seeing in the country and hopefully we will able to solve
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the problem down the road. arthel: retired lieutenant detective, steve rogers, thank you. bryan llenas reporting a number that authorities are asking if you have any information. that number again is (856)451-0101. eric. eric: arthel, increasing number of attacks against jewish americans in the country. these occurring allegedly at the hands of propalestinian protestors in the wake of the hamas-israeli hostilities. arresting a prime suspect they say in one of the attacks. police there say that the protestors targeted jewish diners at a restaurant and started attacking them. in new york city, the suspect in a similar attack says he would do it again after a jewish 29-year-old was pummeled in times square in the midst of
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propalestinian protest. christina coleman with the very latest on the increasing attacks and the attempts to try to get the perpetrators, christina. christina: yeah, eric, it's tragic. the hate crimes just yesterday orthodox jews reporting attacked in brooklyn and hate crime task force are investigating. there's reports of similar cases like this occurring during the sabbath. no remorse from the suspect accused of another attack. the man arrested for attacking a jewish man in midtown new york on thursday said from jail cell that he would do it again. former new york state assembly man who was founder of americans against anti-semitism says some democrats have sent out a terrible message during the surge in violence against jews. >> it seems like jewish blood is
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cheap. it seems that you can get away with beating up on people and you don't get the same reaction from the politicians especially the democrats, especially, you know, the extreme left. in fact, i would say, aoc, ilhan omar and bernie sanders, they have encouraged this behavior by their support, their support of hamas, by their criticism of israel for defending its population. christina: back here in los angeles a 30-year-old man was arrested late friday for an antisemitic attack. he's accused of being part of the mob of palestinian protestors that attacked several jewish men dining outside of beverly hills last tuesday. investigators believe that suspects in that assault are connected to monday night's attack of orthodox jewish man near west hollywood. he was chased down by a caravan
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of cars leading palestinian flags. he said he thought they were going to kill him. this answers the sharp surge of crimes across the world. 200 antisemitic crimes. >> when you hear the same language being used in cities on both sides of the atlantic, i think the common denominator here and what's the platform is social media. christina: los angeles says they are working diligently to identify the arrest the other suspect involved in attacks. eric: he's been on the front line fighting antijewish hatred for decades and two brooklyn teens were set by propalestinian
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thugs and slaved by a muslim uber driver and the muslim uber driver able to gear them to safety. arthel. arthel: eric in the middle east where ceasefire on friday appears to be holding. hamas fighters hit gaza for a military parade and the group's top leader appearing in public for the first time in defiant claim of victory in the 11-day war with israel. this as the focus shifts for military battles to humanitarian needs. trey yingst live in gaza city right now with the very latest, trey. trey: arthel, good afternoon, the united nations here in gaza today launched a coordinated effort to bring money, aid and support into the strip following this 11-day bloody conflict. we know the commissioner general was speaking about the plans. also the humanitarian
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coordinator for the palestinian territories says they lack access to current water. it did include a widespread air campaign. much greater than press wars. this coordinator adding that the lack of coordination and talking between the israelis and nonprofit and ngos made it extremely difficult to get aid in during this time. though, there appears to be promising steps made as we are starting to help the flow in. speaking to fox news today, the commissioner general said the biden administration's plan to partially refund unra is a promising step but doesn't go all the way. take a listen. >> reengagement of the u.s. administration highly welcome, we have a little bit more breathing space but we are far from being out of the water. we -- i would like to go back to the situation which prevailed before the decision of the former administration to defund
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unra. trey: today we visited civilian areas affected by conflict. really sad scenes because there are 2 million palestinians living in gaza and live among militants that you see. you see himmages from gaza cities there are civilians affected by the front lines of the conflict. we spoke to a father who lost 4 children in and is rally air strike and he says he's not hateful to israelis for what happened. >> i took a first aid training course. the supervisor asked me. you are called to rescue people from the borders. you arrive and find out that one is jew and palestinians and who will you help first. i said both. the jew as well? i said both, they are both human beings. >> the car insurance ceasefire is extremely delicate.
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today we saw closing border between gaza and israel and mock air raids over the gaza strip. the military and the leadership in jerusalem trying to send a clear message to the palestinians that they are no control of the situation and the factions here inside gaza continue with those military parades trying to have their own show of force. arthel. eric: he will be here to discuss jams and if there ever can be peace with that terrorist group. in washington, another top story we are following for you at this hour, congress struggling to find a compromise on police reform as president biden repairs to mark one year since the death of mr. george floyd. how lawmakers are working to change policing nationwide next here on fox news live.
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eric: president biden will mark one year since george floyd's death that on tuesday by meeting with members of the floyd family in the white house. the meeting not likely to include the signs of the promise police reform bill named in mr. floyd's memory. that legislation remains stalled in congress.
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but this also comes as new york state democratic latisha james introduced bill that would use law enforcement's deadly force in the state. >> the effort to amend the use of force law from one of simple necessity to one of absolute last resort. our goal today is to preserve lives by making sure that under the law lethal force is a last resort. eric: but new york's largest police union, though, slamming that move. pat lynch head of the association, pba, says, quote, this sweeping proposal would make it impossible for police officers to permit to use force in a given situation. the only way to avoid confrontation where force might become necessary. violent criminals aren't hesitate to go use force against police officers or our communities. the bottom line he says more
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cops and more regular new yorkers are going to get hurt. jonna goldberg, fox news contributor. jonna, let's start with the white house meeting with floyd's family but the reality is the president does not have the police federal legislation that he wanted yet. what is the status of that? >> yeah, i mean, look, great to be here. these kinds of symbolic deadlines come up in a lot of the -- the dresses to congress and states of the union. they sound great at the time and they very rarely hit the kinds of deadlines because it's not a natural forcing mechanism involved to do that. basically what's happening is that republicans and democrats are apparently in good faith in the senate having pretty intense negotiations about police reform and it's boiling down to for the most part how do you -- what do you do about qualified immunity which is basically the doctrine
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that says that if police -- police are somewhat immune to course of and you understand why you would have that kind of doctrine. tim scott, they want to lift immunities so people can sue departments but not individual officers. the democrats want to be able to sue individual officers and hold them accountable and they haven't been able to reconcile this and it's an important difference and particularly at a moment when we are seeing so many police quit or retire across the country because we are making it more difficult to be a police officer in this country. eric: yeah, they're afraid they will get sued even though the legislation would apparently not require an individual. look, qualified immunity goes back to 1871. what about the police position that says, look, if a police officer, there are laws in place that deal with bad apples and
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police officers who violate people's civil rights and they say that this would handcuff the police? >> yeah, look, i'm generally a pro-cop kind of guy but police unions often are a lot like teachers unions in the sense that they take the maximum position for their members. i tend to agree with tim scott that fixing some of qualified immunity. we've had cases in the last 5 years where police have shot people running away in the back who were unarmed and they were protected essentially by qualified immunity. that seems nuts to me. i think you can have reforms to qualified immunity without basically making it impossible to be a police officer and if you have it so that you can sue the police department rather than the individual cop, that would at least get management to implement reforms that might make these kinds of cases more rare. they are always going to happen but you want them to be as few as conceivably possible because they are terrible for everybody, they are terrible for cops, they are terrible for the public and
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they're terrible for public trust. but this is a very tough thorny issue and i'm -- it's kind of remarkable that the republicans and democrats are still negotiating at all given the politics of it. eric: you can always sue the municipalities. new york city shells out millions of dollars per year on these cases. jonah thank you. good to see you. >> thank you, eric. arthel: eric, thank you. up next with secretary of state antony blinken about to make first trip to the middle east, envoy jason will join us on the possibility of peace in the region. ♪ ♪ ♪
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[♪♪] saving is easy when you're in good hands. when you have diabetes, managing your blood sugar is crucial. try boost glucose control. the patented blend is clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels. boost glucose control products contain high quality protein and key nutrients to support immune health. try boost. arthel: with the israel-hamas cease fire holding for now keeping the peace in the middle east is top agenda for antony blinken as he prepares for his
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first trip to the region. >> president biden's focus on relentless determined but quiet diplomacy is what got us to where we needed to be which is to get the violence ended as quickly as possible, to stop more human suffering and to at least put ourselves in position to make a turn and make a pivot to building something more positive. arthel: mark meredith live in the white house with more, mark. mark: the big question is what next. the biden administration facing questions about its long-term strategy for the middle east. secretary of state, he's going to be heading to the region in the next few days meeting israeli and palestinian officials but the secretary on abc today once again doubled down on the u.s. call for a negotiated two-state solution. >> it's vitally important that palestinians feel hope and have opportunity and can live in security just as it is for israelis and there should be equal measures. and in a democratic society,
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that is, i think, an obligation of the -- of any government. >> but the secretary ducked questions about a divide among democrats on how much the u.s. should be supporting israel. we heard from a number of progressives like bernie sanders, rashida t lalib and the president insisted support for the jewish state remains firm. mean back here at home the white house is seeing if senate republicans would warm up to latest counterproposal when it comes to infrastructure spending. the biden administration originally want today spend $2.3 trillion, now they're offering a bill that would be 1.7 trillion overall. still address things like expanding broadband but spending less money on it and reducing funding on investments like bridges, roads and waterways and putting money toward it but cut research and development money. not spend as much on manufacturing investments but, however, it would still increase the corporate tax rate. senate republicans telling fox news time, though, is running
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out to reach a serious deal. >> our biggest gap is defining what infrastructure is and if we get to a definition of infrastructure that the country would have always accepted, that becomes much narrower space than it appears to be right now. mark: some democrats are urging the white house not to wait much longer and get a deal done no matter what it can take, even if it means going down party lines. we continue to watch that. president biden is at camp david and will be back later today with big police reform as well. arthel: mark meredith reporting from the white house, thank you, mark. mark: you bet. eric: we are joined by someone who has dealt with the volatile at the middle east in the highest levels and knows situation on the ground firsthand. former white house middle east envoy under president trump and seen as the chief architect of the landmark peace deals of
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abraham accords. welcome. you have sat down directly with with these leaders. what do you think the secretary of state can achieve if anything with the meetings next week? >> well, thanks for having me. well, i'm glad he's going to the region but the use of the word diplomacy is the wrong word. he should be going for two things. number one he should be going to show strong support for the jewish of israel and thank them and supporting them for defending citizens. president abas have no control in the gaza strip. it's controlled by the iran-funded, blood-thirsty terrorists. they are puppets of iran. what he should be asked president habas if you want the united states to help participate in helping gaza, give us concrete answer as to how you could help. if you can help, we don't want to waste time with you.
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we looked at the issues in the prior administration. president abas cannot be effective in gaza when it's subjecting 2 million palestinians in gaza and causing them to suffer. eric: abas wants billions of dollars of reconstruction and do you think he will build tunnels and reinforce the ability to attack israel again instead of helping out the people of gaza? >> right, president abas asked the money when we were in the administration and it's not going to be used for its intended purposes. even more so, what happens when those things get rebuilt? in two months or two years, unless hamas decides to recognize the jewish state of israel and look for a future for the palestinian people in gaza and the infrastructure that will be built with taxpayer money from the united states and elsewhere, hamas will shoot rockets again and israel will
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defend itself again and all of the infrastructure will be destroyed once again because of hamas. at what point do we draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough? eric: hamas is iranian-funded and supported terrorist group that wants to kill every single israeli across its border. is it correct to say do you think that it's held the people of gaza hostage? it's turned that into a launching pad for terror against israel building 250 miles of tunnels they say as well as putting all the weapons and missiles, you know, next to civilian targets, do you think for propaganda purposes that hamas relishes what the world see killing from the gaza people as israel tries to defend itself? >> yes, absolutely. this is part of their act, this is part of the show. they care nothing, nothing whatsoever about palestinian lives. israel tries to avoid possibly civilian lives. you see hamas and some elements
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within palestinian society in gaza celebrating what they call a victory. what's the victory, that they killed 12 israelis or people in israel, the victory that allowed palestinians in gaza to be killed because of collateral damage and gaza to go backwards in terms of any hopeful future? that is what they do. it is pure propaganda and it's going to lead to nothing. i find it remarkable that is talk about a two-state solution in the midst to have controversy. forget the expression putting the cart before the horse. you have no hart, you no horse and that's one important element of our peace plan. whether people liked it or didn't like it as we insisted that hamas is an enemy to peace and --
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>> why do you think they take a different standard? the charter was never mentioned in print when i was at the ap and observer might think hamas take years to construct infrastructure between gaza civilian infrastructure would be deems worthy but that's not the case. what was important was the israeli decision to attack them. so mr. greenblat having hamas completely, what would you advice the biden administration do or mr. blinken do and what type of new policies should the administration pursue in order the take down and destroy hams. >> first of all, they shouldn't demand anything of israel except
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unconditional support for israel to defend itself. they should stay away from any notion of peace talks. that's not only a waste of time but tries to instill hopefullness at the moment there's no hopefullness. i think they need to express to president hamas the dissatisfaction and they used money to pay palestinians and to kill israelis and demand the cease immediately and they should help with qatar that nothing would happen to better lives palestinians and other than lip service will ever happen unless and until hamas changes its ways. those are the core issues that we should be talking about and nothing else. eric: the young american who was savagely murdered and killers
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paid by the palestinian authority. finally, we are seeing antisemitic attacks on the country, your thoughts? >> well, what's happening over the last couple of days, the last week or so is atrocious. i expect the biden administration to step up to the plate as quickly as possible. not only to condemn it but to do something about it. i remember when we were in the administration. people wrongfully layed at president's trump feet anti-semitism which is completely false and used for political purposes. they demand within seconds that president trump condemn acts which he did and others and many others across the administration including myself did. i have yet to hear any meaningful comments from the administration. i've definitely heard some from the hill but i think they should lock arms together and control this and condemn it immediately before it gets out of hand even further. this is not the america that we respect. this is not the america that we love. eric: jason greenblat, former white house envoy.
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thank you for joining us and for your insight today. >> thank you so much for having me. arthel: now to the latest to the crisis at the southern border where migrants continue to cross illegally as local sheriffs blame the biden administration's immigration policies for driving surge. bill is live from the bored in rio grande valley, texas with more. >> good afternoon to you, it's been a remarkably busy morning in la joya, texas. we've got some crazy video we want to show you shot by team. shot down the road where we are right now. large group of migrants running away from border patrol as they cross illegally into the united states. they scatter into a field, almost all of them single adults, no children with them, many of them appearing to be young men. they are not giving themselves up. they are actively trying get
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away from border patrol. two of the guys appear to be handcuffed together already suggesting they had already been in custody at some point and had gotten away. you see a border patrol, pickup truck trying to chase them down. the border agent badly outnumbered as he's trying to swerve his vehicle and actively trying to get away from border patrol crossing a stream and you see the migrants running to the field and some fall into what appears to be a stream or standing water. most of the migrants continue running. one man appears to get stuck or lose the shoe in the water. he stays behind as the border agent tries to apprehend him but, again, the agents bedly outnumbered. the rest of the group continues running through the fields and none of these folks wanting to turn themselves in. eventually border agents did catch up with part of the group. our cameras in drone seen 15 or 20 taken into custody, but it
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did appear from what we saw the rest of the group got away in the brush and unclear what happened to them. we will show you video that we shot on the ground just a short time ago, same location in la joya, group of 53 migrants that took the opposite approach. they turned themselves in and gave themselves up to border patrol. border patrol telling us group of 53, many of them from romania, families from romania as well as the few from venezuela and also different family units from those triangle countries, honduras, guatemala and el salvador. now, texas governor greg abbott says this is a security crisis as well as humanitarian crisis because drugs continue to flow in across the border. take a listen. >> so there's been a dramatic increase in the amount of drugs coming across the border. it's very dangerous to people who cross the united states. they have seen 800% increase in
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the amount of fentanyl coming across the border. they seized this year enough fentanyl to kill every man, women and child in the entire state of new york. >> and just recently in this sector on wednesday, border patrol apprehended an active ms13 member with active warrant for sexual assault of a child out of harris county. the houston area. again, just highlighting the security concerns. you never know who is coming in when the groups cross the border. we will send it back to you. arthel: thanks, bill. eric. eric: well, that was amazing, the video of them running across, wow, that was just vividly shows exactly the situation there. well, meanwhile across the country mask rules are easing in some places but you know some vaccinated americans are still becoming infected with coronavirus. so what should you do to protect yourself, we will have that next as fox news live continues.
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arthel: as daily covid cases dropped since last june most states following cdc's guidelines on masks or set date to lift mask mandates while some vaccinated americans are choosing to continue to wear their masks as an added safety benefit, is it necessary? let's bring in dr. andrea, professor of ucla, department of epidemiology. to mask or not to mask, break it down when and who should mask? >> well, hi, arthel, so nice to be here. thanks for having me. so that's the big question of the day. who needs to mask, who doesn't need to mask? well the cdc guidelines were clear in that case, those people who are unvaccinated really can get back to life almost as it was previously. they can take off their masks indoors and outdoors.
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outdoors in all settings, indoors in most settings except in travel situations, doctors' offices, hospitals, certain places where it is still mandated. but the big question is, who -- why should unvaccinated people not be able to take their masks off when vaccinated people can, well, that's about the science. science is clear. listen, if you have vaccinated, then you are unlikely to get the virus but you're also unlikely to transmit to other people and that's the key. that's why we have the mandates. that's why we are still talking about this. arthel: is focusing on masking too much of a distraction from the vaccines? as a epidemiologist, how crucial is getting a larger percentage of americans vaccinated? doctor: the way we will control the pandemic, the way we will be able to keep going in the direction that we are going is by vaccination at this point. it really is going to keep us safe now and it's going to give us some buffer for the future. these vaccines are very
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effective against the variants that are circulating globally right now. that's great news and, again, this science of if you get vaccinated, it's not just about you, if there's data that shows now, pretty clearly that if you are vaccinated, you're not going to transmit it to other people very well and it's very unlikely you get infected at all. so, for example, if you have an elderly person at home, anybody vulnerable, you should definitely be vaccinated because that means that even if you get in the very, very minuscule chance that you can become infected, you're likely to spread to other people. the whole thing about vaccination is community intervention, you have to get the whole community to do it to really get the benefit. arthel: what is the impact of getting to herd immunity, various companies have disjointed rules on masking and vaccine requirements? i mean, can we get there with
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mixed messaging? doctor: well the mixed messaging is a problem and it's always a problem and i think we need to get back to the basics here. when the cdc made their guidelines, it was based on science but the issue is being able to get the information out there in a way that's digestible. everybody is not thinking like an epidemiologist and understanding the risk. but the bottom line here is that everyone will have to start thinking about their own risk and -- and really paying attention. here in california, for example, we still have mask mandates. if you're in other states where there aren't mask mandates, if you are at risk, if you have people around you at risk or if you're not vaccinated, you should still wear a mask. arthel: okay. well, i'm fully vaccinated and i'm wearing my mask when i go to the grocery still. you can't talk me out of it. i'm sorry, i'm going to do it. i appreciate your expertise. hope to see you again soon, thank you. eric. eric: well, arthel, you know,
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eric: one week before hurricane season officially begins in florida, guess what, 50,000 homeowners, they learned they no longer have home insurance. 3 major insurance companies are canceling or not renewing certain policies next month. they say the contracts are too risky. charles watson in southeast bureau. man, charles, it seems like these people are getting the rug pulled right under them. >> the state of florida allowing a few companies to pull over thousands of insurance properties. filed request for the florida office of insurance regulation to drop more than 50,000 policies right before the start of hurricane season and as homeowners start to get cancellation notices, another
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active year in the atlantic. >> our first piece of advice is don't panic. call your insurance agent as soon as possible and they should already be aware, hopefully they are already working on placing you with another insurance company. but ask them, you know, what are my options, are there other companies that will ensure me at the same level? charles: last year insurance companies in florida reported combined losses to millions of dollars. much of the damage caused by hurricane matthew in 2018 and hurricane irma in 2017. insurance experts point to increase of claims and fraud problems and the florida office of insurance regulation writes, quote, the florida insurance market is one of the most complex in the world and the
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property market is currently facing significant challenges as a frequency of claims increases and those claims become more expensive. so, eric, the state of florida is offering assistance to those homeowners so they can get new insurance but they will act quickly with hurricane season approaching very fast june 1st, eric. eric: not just in florida but other coastal areas have seen similar increases in home insurance because of climate change and hurricanes and all that. wow, charles, good to see you, thank you. arthel: i wonder if those people in florida can get help from fema. check out fema, just saying. that's important. we are back at 4:00 p.m. eastern. please join us then. enjoy your sunday afternoon. ♪ ♪ ♪ ly pay for what you need.
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♪ as you charge ahead. illuminating the way forward. a light maker. recognizing that the impact you make comes from the energy you create. introducing the all-electric lyriq. lighting the way. ♪ ♪ >> fox news alert, police now investigating a shooting at a party in new jersey that killed at least 2 people and wounded 12 others. welcome to "fox news live," i'm mike emmanuel. police are identifying the two victims as a 30-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman. they also say one of the 12 people ine injuredded is in critical condition. bryan llenas has the lawsuit-breaking details. >> reporter: at this hour we know 14 people were shot at a house party in south jersey last night in bridgeton in rural cumberland county about 50 miles sout
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