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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 24, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. if you've been financially impacted by covid-19, janssen may be able to help. >> harris: we begin "outnumbered" with a fox news alert, a deadly weekend and some major american cities, new york city, chicago, st. louis to name a couple and an outbreak of shootings as city leaders seemingly are unable to stop the carnage. and now crime experts are warning, this summer's violence could be worse than last year as the rise in shootings and
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murders has begun early. the spike in violent crime is a igniting renewed backlash at democrat policies and the defund of the police movement. this is "outnumbered," i'm harris faulkner. here today, my cohost emily compagno and kayleigh mcenany, fox nation host tomi lahren and in the virtual center seat, media columnist at the hill, joe concha. brand-new numbers on the weekend violence, in st. louis, missouri, 11 people were shot, to go of them were dead. in new york city 27 people shot, one fatally. that also comes as the new york state attorney general is proposing police officers use of force and taking a look at peeling that back and in chicago 47 people shot, nine of them fatalities. and that just days after chicago's fraternal order of police issued a vote of no confidence in mayor lori lightfoot citing poor
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work conditions, burnout and low morale among other issues. at democrat mayor is brushing off the criticism. >> getting a vote of no confidence from that guy is a badge of honor. so as i said there's always going to be critics, that goes with the territory. >> harris: that's more than brushing off, does that entice a very difficult road ahead knowing that's how the mayor feels? joe? >> joe: it's unbelievable that lori lightfoot would say it's a badge of honor to be criticized by a police union, intercity alone there were 1200 people shot this year so far, compare that to 886 last year. that is a tremendous increase, 25% and they already had horrific numbers. and lori lightfoot is talking about how she will only give interviews to journalists of brown and black color, not the hispanics, of course, asians or whites but this is the thing she's concentrating on what she has a catastrophe going on in her city and 18 of 20 cities
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overall with the highest murder rates are run by democratic mayors, that is a fact you don't hear very often on television in news reports because of the philosophy, honestly, i've taking away police funds or reallocating or however you want to spin it, that's the bottom line of what's going on in the cities. i spoke to a police officer in arizona, he made a very poignant point. he says look, i'm retiring, i'm up for my attention and i'm tired of being depicted in the media as a racist, as somebody working against the community. here's a result, me and all my other friends and all across the country where you are seeing these high retirement rates, they can't backfill the positions, they are having trouble with recruitment and what's going to happen as a consequence as they are going to lower the standards in terms of who can be a police officer and then you're going to see a drop in the quality of law enforcement and more situations or misunderstandings were bad things happen. >> harris: or they will cut the budgets to where they don't fill those positions at all or
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fill them very differently as you say. i don't know which would be worse but neither one of them serves the people. i don't think that's what voters in any of those municipalities are expecting. can we pop this up? i want to show this again, i didn't think it was on the screen long enough, 20 u.s. cities that have cut police budgets, this is worth taking a look at because you want to know whether or not defund have some examples where it hasn't worked. minneapolis, number one on that list. tomi lahren? >> tomi: well, this is what democrats do when they don't want to actually solve a problem, they find a scapegoat and in this case they have chosen the police and chosen to talk about race ad nauseam as if that is the biggest problem facing our nation when we have much bigger problems. what's going on in our cities right now is not one simple thing, is not just the defund the police movement, there are so many variables at play here but it's also a culture of lawlessness, not only do the defund the police blm movement but there are a lot of different policies that have been going on not just the last year but the last several years, in
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new york city we've got cashless bail, prison reform, all kinds of reform when it comes to not only your police department but how they look at crime and reclassify felonies as misdemeanors to get more people back out on the streets and that's looked as prison reform but what it's actually created as a culture of lawlessness and a culture of people not really understanding the consequences of their actions because there have been fewer consequences for these actions rate of the things you have in place, keep in mind, the american people have been living for a year and i have in his new normal, this covid world, people are getting checks in the mail, this only helps to increase the problems and a lot of the cities. he let the mayor of chicago and a lot of other democrat leaders again i don't want to focus on a problem that might not just be part of the police end of the defund the police movement but it was back to community issues, community problems, why are these police officers having to play parent, where the families of these individuals, who is fostering the upbringing of a lot of these kids that are growing up in bad ways, joining
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gangs and living in a culture of violence, there's a lot of things i need to be discussed here about simply looking at the defund the police movement or the blm movement is not looking at the totality of the problem and we all want to do better at that. >> harris: so, kayleigh, the former president was, and i have talked with him more than once about "law & order," was very focused, laser focused on this issue of keeping america's cities safe and of course we are just a day shy of the murder of george lloyd a year ago, may 25th. that will be tomorrow that we will of, year and this country has seen a lot as tomi and joe have pointed out, why do these mayors where they have the highest rates of murder in the country right now, why did they think that they can be different by defunding and moving resources away from the very people who work to keep us safe? b3 because they know they will never be held accountable for their policies. you're right and i'm so glad you brought up president trump's
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"law & order," as we come to air, i was reminding myself and looking back to some of the headlines it came out in the wake of president trump driving home this message, it was called to scepter that he called said law and order, they said it was racial undertones, is how npr described his call for law and order. why was he calling for law and order? could have anything to do with the historic increase in homicides in baton rouge and all across the country, chicago, we are seeing murder rates pick up in new york city, louisville, that's why he was calling for law and order. we saw buildings raised to the ground all across the country and violent riots, he supported our police, he called for law and order and you can track that. the last time you heard nancy pelosi bring up rising homicide rates, they don't bring it up and when police week comes they are deathly silent, there is no commendation of our officers, no leadership to rally
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behind our police. >> harris: i want to pause with you for one second because you bring up a good point that they don't bring it up, a lot of the reporters asked him about it. you've got mayor to share joan so i just brought up in st. louis, they look at defund. >> kayleigh: they don't bring it up and in fact the former head of the white house correspondents association wrote an article when i brought it up and said i was distracting by bringing up his issue. i was putting light on a problem, when you have a little girl who loses her life amid violent protests, amid homicides rising in the country, yeah, we are going to bring attention to that story. not a distraction, it's a real life that is no longer with us. >> harris: outside of that wendy's were her mom was in a car and it was dark from a late at night and they were protesting near there and look, she crossed over a line she didn't know even existed with those protesters and somebody
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fired into that car and kill that little girl, i remember that very well. you know, emily, i want to ask you a question that may seem a little odd legally but i'm curious about this, if i am living in a city and things are really going downhill and is getting more dangerous for me to utilize some of the services that my taxes are paid for, can i sue the city? >> emily: we saw that in seattle with citizens saying that effectively the local elected leadership had abdicated their duty to protect and serve their citizens, absolutely. you know the question is really whether the suit itself will be successful, i think a lot of it had to do with the messaging, these citizens are sick and tired of the city leaders and elected officials acting against their best interests. when you scroll that 20 cities list of those who had defunded the police, among them was berkeley, california, next to oakland, california, where i'm from and it struck me because berkeley also canceled their coffee with a cop thursdays that they used to have at this big
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famous coffee shop, so in addition to the defunding that's going on or mischaracterized as reallocation there is also a knee capping of all the programs that were set to foster community engagement with our police department. we covered the new orleans cancellation of the blue program at the zoo, how else do you foster community relationships and development? the question is, when is enough enough? how many months, how many years do we have to sit by and report on the horrors of the spiking trends with no one doing anything about it? it's a thin layer of ice on a really deep pool, joe concha mentioned the arizona police officer that talked about the generational ramifications we will see, the ripple effect we can look forward to with these police department as they retire, as they die, as they die by suicide and are absorbed by other communities where they say they are "wanted" and this
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weekend a federal prosecutor in new york was shot in the eye, she got a bullet fragment while she was sitting at an outdoor restaurant in brooklyn, how many of these stories do we have to go through and keep in mind, mayor de blasio, the result of the coronavirus as well as the paws of the criminal justice system. it is an absolute erosion. >> harris: yeah, i mean, you don't hear enough coverage of all those things and every time i think about it, say their names, the police officers who were trying to do their jobs just as we say of people that we are looking into whether or not justice was served in a shooting between a cop and a perpetrator. i mean, we have to treat all of it as if it were important because it is and i don't know if you caught, while emily was talking we popped up on the screen, portland, oregon, shoot up sand homicides, i don't me in
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the pond there, it literally is shooting up in homicides, that's unbelievable, yet these mayors think it's a good idea to take cash away from the cops, call it reallocation, let's see if it works differently in certain cities. coming up, shades of a double standard at cnn. the network boots republican rick santorum over controversial comments but let's chris, keep his prime time gig after his stunning admission and apology about his role in damage control for his brother. it says scandal but shouldn't we put an s behind that? because we don't know what advice he gave outside of keeping his brother out of trouble with sexual harassment allegations, maybe there's more we don't know yet, they going to investigate? that's a great question, we will be right back. ♪ ♪ y honorably. whether it's 2 years, 4 years, or 32 years like myself.
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>> emily: welcome back. critics are slamming a double standard that seems to be emerging at cnn after they fired rick santorum, republican from his role as senior political commentator over controversial comments he made over and eric hit me back native american culture but cnn is letting chris cuomo keep his prime time spot despite his recent admission that he join strategy calls over his brother's sexual harassment allegations. cuomo expends it away to his viewers in this manner, watch rates become a family means everything to me. and i am fiercely loyal to them. being looped into calls with other friends of his and advisors that did include some of his staff, i understand why that was a problem for cnn. it was a mistake because i put my colleagues here who i believe are the best in the business in
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a bad spot. >> emily: joe concha, take it away. >> joe: so this cuomo is fiercely loyal to his family, okay, go work for your brother then, you do already, you might as well get paid for that aspect. that's what's unbelievable about this, right? go work for the dnc or a run for yourself, get out of tv because not an anchor, chris cuomo is an activist and let's go through and aggregate exactly what chris cuomo has done in terms of ethical violations that anybody else not receiving his paycheck would've been fired from, he's getting criticized by the left, by the way, this isn't a right-wing or left-wing argument, it's a pragmatic argument, march of 2020, he receives covid testing before anybody else in new york and get it, having state troopers go out in his house in the hamptons to test him, he interviews his brother while he is covid positive, never brings up the
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nursing home scandal in any way, shape, or form that left 15,000 people dead in nursing homes. it was p.r., he works for his brother. april of 2020 he takes his own quarantine, gets into a confrontation with a 60-something-year-old man at the hamptons at another house he's building, putting that person at risk, that person filed a police report against him so he should've been gone then at that point. then tape emergence last year, tucker carlson was able to obtain it where he coaches michael cohen through an interview he's going to do, doesn't only given the questions were given the answer is how does that not get him fired and now he's giving his brother advice on how to avoid allegations around sexual harassment, if you are a woman and you appear on that show, shame on you because this is not somebody who believes all women as he so piously set over the last year and a half. >> emily: joe just teed that up perfectly, we have ethical issues, criminal issues, civil
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issues and this isn't just about a brother sitting in on his brother's strategy call, this is a prime time network anchor that is sitting in on strategy calls for the governor of new york on sexual harassment and abuse, fraud, and corruption allegations with other people present like staff members and the like, this goes so far beyond what this guy has been doing, it boggles my mind and he continues to gaslight. i am just a fierce loyalist to my family, what is next and do you ever see accountability happening? >> tomi: no because it's cnn and cnn is a joke, i think we all know that, the only way this is going to be solved as if actual cnn viewers take issue with it and i don't think it's going to happen anytime soon paid at the end of the day all we can do is not watch cnn, i have a feeling most of us don't watch cnn anyway. but at the end of the day they are going to die by their own sword here and they don't have donald trump to increase and boost their ratings, they can't talk about the wonderful job
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their president is doing because he's not doing a wonderful job and they would sure hate to cover the multiple scandals going on in the biden administration, look at the country, it's in shambles. cnn has nothing to talk about. there viewers have to make this decision, we know the game that they play, we know the double standard, i just hope there viewers wake up and maybe change the channel. >> emily: you have direct personal experience there, tell us your perspective. >> kayleigh: i went on multiple times and got neither questions and answers and just got insulted as a conservative and someone who worked for the president. rick santorum is a good person, i worked with him, we cross paths briefly, he was discarded conveniently after the election, they found no more use for him. same with jeffrey lord, good person, i did many panels with him.
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chris cuomo not discarded, jeffrey toobin, not discarded. chris cuomo is brilliantly listed out by our colleague here basically threatened to throw someone down the stairs, so this is unbelievable, it's one standard if you are a conservative, you are a utility player you are used and immediately discarded and they are just looking for a reason. >> emily: it seems like if we put it into the political boxes it's so clear but there are plenty of other networks that have had investigations and real legal and civil ramifications occur because a lot of allegations we are also seeing there so do you perceive -- at what point will these lines be crossed here and will cnn be sort of exposed in any way for the allegations circling around and for at least a simple transparency and acknowledgment of it there? >> kayleigh: when reporters start asking questions, as i
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noted at the bottom of that "washington post" article about these advisory calls chris cuomo is doing is a line saying that he also advised on covid at least once. was it when he was getting the free test, amid the nursing home scandal? we got to start asking questions and stop watching cnn but they don't have a lot of viewers now so i think a lot of people have already done that. >> emily: they are getting more coverage right now with us talking about. >> harris: that might very well be true but it's a worthy subject matter because i think anybody would look at a senior political analyst or contributor a lot different than they would look at a prime time news anchor which i think was's title up until now, he's listed as an american news journalist when you google him. if it weren't right he might jump up and correct that. i thought it was interesting, if you see the headline and you see their media guy talking about, you know, whether or not he
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ought to have a leave of absence over the weekend, it's got to come up as a topic inside that organization. these they do have real journalists over there and at some point they have to take a look at this and say, well, i don't have my brother on the air, i wasn't advising him on sex scandal, it's very much what you don't want intellivision, you don't wanted to become all about a single individual because of many networks will show you, they can pretty much replace anybody. >> emily: all right, great point. just ahead, vice president kamala harris accused of insulting south korea's president. critics say if a republican had done what she did we would never hear the end of it. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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immediately after shaking hands with president moon. many critics pointed out that there was no media outrage for r widespread condemnation. "this is that u.s. vice president? not only disrespectful but it would be racist if this was a republican. all over the news for sure, double standards on full display." another tweeted this, kamala does a hand wipe after shaking hands with president moon. that's so embarrassing. one australian tv host summed it up like this. >> a nice little shake of the hand and then wipe your hand... of course if it were donald trump, can you imagine the outrage? it would be the end of the world but be 16 harris, nobody batted an eyelid. >> kayleigh: these diplomatic protocols i know may seem like -- they certainly matter,
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we remember with president obama, the japan up at the time, they matter, they really do. >> joe: i try to picture if, say, mike pence did this, another vice president or even, i am old enough to remember this. he spelt potato wrong and it dominated the news for a good week so yeah, of course there's a double standard here, the soap box store as far as the lectures would be hearing if a republican did exactly what you're seeing on your screen was a vice president at but this is also a vice president that said during the campaign and this drove me crazy that she would never take a vaccine if it came from donald trump as if he was in a lab somewhere saying if i could just get the sequence right. no one ever called her out on that to say no, it's not coming from trump. she's almost never held to account, she never really takes questions, 60 days now, no press
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conferences as far as the u.s. southern border and it's never going to happen, quite frankly. >> kayleigh: is never going to happen because of her presidential ambitions. we do have evidence of what happens when a republican does something on the world stage, president george w. bush actually did the opposite, he held the hand of the saudi crown prince and was criticized for that really nice display of diplomacy and friendship. >> tomi: listen, everybody makes a mistake whether you are a republican or democrat, is just a double standard that if you are republican you get obliterated for it and called every name in the book for any mistake or misstep you having to make but if you're a democrat specifically or part of the biden administration you get a full pass. at the end of the day we've been in situations where we had to shake somebody's hand, it's clammy and sweaty, maybe you wipe your hand off. at the end of the day this is the least egregious thing we've seen from kamala harris and she's taken office, i'd like to see her go down to the border, shake the hands of our border
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patrol agents down there working night and day to deal with their open border administration and open border crisis, that's whose hand i'd like to see kamala go down and shake but i'm not going to hold my breath. >> kayleigh: she is blaming this, this is because of covid, she's fully vaccinated. >> emily: that's executive right and i do have to say that it's not just international diplomacy, its actual just common decency, anyone who has traveled internationally are interacted with humans knows that that is just really rude and when you are representing the united states of america in such a high-profile and elevated position i would think those things come into play as you participate in international diplomacy especially with someone who's international diplomacy is test as a major identifier for her role here and i have to point out, too, "u.s. news & world report"'s have an entire interactive map of "president trump's global gaffes where you can go around
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the whole globe and click on certain icons and videos and watch the whole article about them and to your point there is one in where the "gaffe" is the president saying we are not here to lecture, he was taking a position of global friendship, trying to work towards allied ship and a relationship and positivity again representing the position in such a wonderful way so yes, the hypocrisy is alive and well but yes, do your point, people will try to explain it away and give her some more credit than she's due. >> kayleigh: absolutely and harris, another issue here is kamala actually met with this leader ahead of president biden. i thought president biden, not president harris. >> harris: you would know more about the protocols in terms of who stands in line and gets to shake a hand first, look, if you're going to shake hands at least be human about it. who knows, maybe the clammy and
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i started with her, we don't know, we just saw the hand wipe and now people are focused on that. i don't think that we would necessarily be as focused on this if we had an opportunity to ask her about the things thatals will come up ended be quickly explained as oh, gosh, i shouldn't of done that, but was i thinking, i was in public and i did what i normally do when i shake hands, who knows, maybe that's a thing with her, we don't know, we don't know her. we want to know her, we want to ask her questions. make yourself available. i would start with the border but we can get other stuff. >> kayleigh: we'd all like to know the vice president a little bit better. coming up, a little boy shot dead in his booster seat in an apparent act of road rage. and as police hunt for the gunmen, his family reveals his heartbreaking final words. ♪ ♪ lows, and home values are at record highs. now's the time to use your va benefits to turn your home equity into cash.
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shot my little brother in the stomach and he says "mommy, my tummy hurts" so she went and she picked him up and he was bleeding on her, she has blood on her clothes, he started turning blue and that's when the ambulance took him and that was the last time that my mom saw him alive. >> harris: a little boy's sister that overlaying his heartbreaking final words what he was shot sitting in his booster seat. that's 6-year-old aiden and with the california highway patrol's apparent case of road rage on the freeway. when another driver cut him off in the carpool rain, shots rang out hitting little aided in the back, as he was in that booster. >> he was beautiful and he was
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kind. i want to find them and i want there to be justice to be served for my son. >> harris: joe concha, that mom also saying it feels like her life is over. >> joe: i can't even imagine, i see the video, the picture of aiden, my son turned six this summer, they look a lot alike. you don't know who you're dealing with on a highway, somebody cuts you off, you flip them off, they flip you back and that's the end of it. you're going to run into psychopaths like this, pull out a gun and fired indiscriminately at the back of the car, this mother, yeah, every day for the rest of her life, the first thing when she wakes up, every minute in between.
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the money doesn't bring aiden back but if he can bring the family is like a little more comfortable, please donate. if you have a kid, and kayleigh can relate to this as well, you have stories, before you have kids you feel numb to buy it but not feels real. >> harris: for all of us who are parents, i don't think we were ever numb but it's an awakening of the spirit. kayleigh? >> kayleigh: that beautiful little girl who lost her life the other week, i was talking to you guys about the 7-year-old killed in the line of mcdonald's and you go over, what is going on in this country? what kind of demon, demon targets a child, the most innocent among us are becoming the victim of these homicides, it is tragic, we've got to say
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their names and recognize these children. i will be praying for this family, if your life, as joe said, forever change. >> tomi: i echo what everybody on this panel has said, it's a reminder hearing stories like this, a split-second decision, you have a moment of road rage, can really impact your life and impact your family in a way you never thought was imaginable. it's a reminder for all of us to keep our cool, to have a little more understanding, not to be so quick to react because they can have tragic consequences and also, thank you to the officers out there trying to find justice for this little boy, night and day trying to make sure this family gets the justice they deserve, thank you to them as well. >> harris: i will speak for the mom right now to get her voice back in here, about this is not okay, whoever these people are and for whatever reason, this is not okay and should never happen again.
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so whatever helpless does, that's my intention is for my son." emily, there's a legal aspect of this. be true in most states there's not a different crime associated with road rage itself, assault with a deadly weapon, battery, reckless or aggressive driving and of course murder. i have to say has an attorney and a human, part of the issue is the justice system doesn't account for a lifetime of heartbreak, lifetime of grief and that's the problem. it only does so much, that's really the real tragedy, on a side note one of the worst instances of road rage i've ever seen was a car with a "coexist" sticker on the back bumper so to everyone's point, you can never predict really who the psychopaths are, who the violent ones are behind the wheel and it's terrifying. >> harris: we make no
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assumptions about what happened in those because they haven't caught this person you or those people as a mom is crying out, that's what has to happen next and maybe we will learn more. as you said, we have to give each other space and i say space to grieve. to be who we are in those tough times and remember, it may only happen for a split second but it can change somebody else's life. those gloves are off, senator ted cruz fired back at msnbc anchor brian williams after williams trashed him for the controversy over a "woke military recruitment video." stay tuned. ♪ ♪ if you have obstructive sleep apnea and you're often tired during the day, you could be missing out on amazing things. sunosi can help you stay awake for them. once daily sunosi improves wakefulness in adults with excessive daytime sleepiness due to obstructive sleep apnea.
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>> conductor anthony fauci now says he's not convinced of the . crime is off of the church america. and who is driving the democratic bus. nancy pelosi of the squad? and what effect let have have on the midterm?
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>> what we're saying is we are staying democratic politicians and lefty reporters are trying to destroy the american military and are trying to turn it into a bunch of pansies. >> senator ted cruz talking with harris on friday when he slammed a military recruitment video as woke liberal propaganda and comparing it with the russia propaganda video that shows members of its military. his criticism did not go over well. >> by all accounts, ted cruz did not like the nickname cancun cruise and he really will not like kremlin cruz after his stupid lapse in judgment. >> now firing back and tweeting this. "is there more pitiful and corrupt demonstration of
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social media? "i will call him lying brian. we've a sound bite from brian williams. >> to go over focal helicopters were hit by ground fire. i was instead in a following aircraft. >> harris, your thoughts? >> david letterman gave him a chance to cleanup on aisle seven. he didn't take it. and that's how we remember him but everybody is due their redemption and that's what i believe in. i know many people who believe in all of that because it's true. we deserve redemption. the question now becomes, can you recognize it when it is needed again or is it ever needed it with something that ted cruz said or is what ted
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cruz said simply true? those are questions i would follow up with. as brian williams as a journalist, maybe he would appreciate that. >> there have been follow-ups. any time a republican target the democrat or goes after woke culture, that republican is a member of the kremlin. i'm seeing a trend you're. >> absolutely. we know that that is what the mainstream media does. at the end of the day, i'm just so glad that we have some senators left like rand paul, ted cruz, who are willing to take the fight to the media and who are willing to call them out. we miss donald trump so much when we see that fire in the bellies of some of the senators and some of these representatives, it's refreshing to me. i hope they keep doing it and i will conclude that senator ted cruz is exactly right. the military is not a social experiment. >> and they are on a quest for russian assets, they may want to look to the white house where
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they have green-lighted this pipeline when senator ted cruz was someone who denied them and offering sanctions. >> while we shutdown the keystone pipeline here, a bang-up job every body. i'll make quick. they made it back have a host who is proud of himself. he said he saw dead bodies in the french quarter. we keep aborting these people instead of holding them accountable in these situations. >> emily, last thoughts? >> this is on the heel of john lemon saying that he lives in reality will calling the g.o.p.. these propagandists or brian williams case, pathological liars, are given jobs as journalists and platforms as
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activists. >> coming up next, did we declare covid over? the crowd swarming phil mickelson after his big win. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners. while mortgage rates are still near all time lows, home values just keep going up. now's the time to refi and take out cash. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out $50,000 or more, to pay down credit card debt and other expenses. and lower your payments $600 a month. the newday 100 va loan. only from newday usa.
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t-mobile. america's largest, fastest, most reliable 5g network. >> and a sure sign that people are ready to back to the prepandemic normal, a massive crowd followed very closely behind phil mickelson as he walked toward the 18th hole before winning the pga championship yesterday. this is we see bigger and bigger crowds in baker nba and nhl playoffs. you guys, i was rooting for him to close it out on sunday.
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he is the oldest golfer to win a major there and he has a fan favorite. to be able to see it in real time with those crowds following him was a sign that maybe we are getting back to normal and kaylee, you are part of huge crowds in florida at the tampa bay lightning game. tell us all about that. >> it was so fun. i believe we have some videos and pictures of me there with baby blake and my sister. there were such excitement in the room and you appreciate it after what we've been through. when woman saw me at the restaurant don't like to make a restaurant, she was in was in tears at how jubilant. we been through such a hard time and now is take off the masks and celebrate it. speak out the summer of joy. and you can see baby blake all caught up in the excitement. so much jubilation they are too. what do you say harris? >> i see a gorgeous family. i don't think i've ever seen you and ryan, your sister, that
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close together. and look at blake bringing in the next generation. if you are fully vaccinated, we've been told that you can get out do that stuff. i'm hopeful that when i come to florida i'll get an invitation. i'm not begging here, kaylee come up much. >> you're welcome anytime! and emily, and your filter on instagram live helps. >> i'm here for the tips and tommy, i'm so excited to see you in nashville next weekend. tell us what nashville is like right now. >> nationals back to the old normal. we never shut down like other places in country but nashville went back to normal after the cdc got its a couple weeks ago. tourism's coming back and people are happy. harris, come to nashville, tennessee. florida is great, i was just in florida, but nashville is better. i promise you.
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>> i'm coming to see you! >> it's all exciting. joe, bring its own. final thoughts? >> is a somewhat old guy, i like seeing the 50-year-old golfer when in the pga. tom brady, 43, he is winning super bowls. 40 -- 50 is the new 40 at this point. speak out thanks to walt and now here is "america reports." >> john: i was thinking 50 was the new 25. texas is now supposed to be the latest state banning critical race theory in schools. teaching critical race theory or in the 1619 project. coming up, south carolina congressman on how congress makers here in washington are using legislation to fight crt. >> gillian: and we also dr. marc


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