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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 25, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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that's a good news story. >> dana: that everybody is buying dee odd rant? you have a low bar for good news. i don't know if that's great news. the teeth whitening, all for it. everybody get back out there. >> bill: caitlyn jenner tomorrow. >> dana: we'll be here. >> bill: bye. >> harris: fox news alert. the city of minneapolis is at a breaking point. there is a crippling shortage of police officers and now city leaders were forced to turn to federal and state resources for help. and at the white house today we're just hours away from president biden meeting with the family of george floyd murdered one year ago today. protests and riots rocked minneapolis and the nation for months after his death. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". this weekend alone two people were killed, eight wounded in a
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mass shooting outside a downtown minneapolis nightclub. one of the victims, a college student, died hours before his graduation. and there is a $30,000 reward to help find those responsible for the recent shootings of three young children including a 6-year-old little girl who was killed by a stray bullet. a "wall street journal" op-ed calls it open season in minneapolis as the numbers appear to back that up. a 113% increase in murders over last year. violent crime up 15%. one minneapolis police officer says it was his time to leave. >> when police don't have any tools to use anymore, they feel pretty helpless out there. i loved my job in minneapolis. unfortunately i wasn't allowed to do it the way -- in a manner that i believed i should do it.
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which means bold, courageous, actually proactive. right now it is a tough place to work. you don't want to be proactive right now up there. if you stick your neck out, you will get your head cut off as a police officer. >> harris: raw honesty. garrett tenney live for us in minneapolis. >> that officer is by no means alone. the minneapolis police department is down more than 200 officers from a year ago. that has made it very difficult to respond to this surge of violent crime. this weekend mayor jacob frye said the police are overwhelmed and the city is asking for more manpower from state and federal agencies to fill in the gap and asking city council to approve additional funding for to police department a few months after $7 million was cut from the budget. the city council pledged to dismantle the police department last year is under pressure to take action. several communities group have
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sued the city for the lack of police presence but council members argue funding various social programs would stop the violence. this november voters will get their say and decide if the police department should be replaced with a new public safety division. today here in minneapolis and across the country groups are marking the anniversary of george floyd's death with rallies and events to call for greater accountability in policing. this afternoon the family of george flied will meet with president biden to discuss those efforts namely the george floyd justice and policing act which, of course, is under negotiation in the senate now. >> harris: thank you very much. i want to bring in texas governor greg abbott saying he will sign a bill passed by his state making it harder for cities to defund the police and that could put him at odds with democrat-run cities like austin, texas. police there took 16 minutes to respond to a 911 call of a
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shooting sunday morning. the president of the austin police association tweeted that no units were available until 12 minutes after the call came in. governor abbott responding this is what defunding the police looks like. austin is incapable of timely responding to a victim shot in the head. texas won't tolerate this. sanity and safety will return. governor abbott joins me now. good to have you on the program. those words that you spoke about sanity and safety returning, that is not just a promise from you, it sounds much stronger than that. >> the reason it's stronger is because as you pointed out, i'm about to sign a law that will insure that cities in the state of texas will not be able to defund police. first the context. you pointed out was going on in minneapolis where it is both a tragedy and a disaster what's going on for the residents of minneapolis because of the defunding of police and you've
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seen the same thing in portland, seattle, chicago, new york, etc. harris, unfortunately we had the same thing happen here in the state of texas where the city of austin defunded police. which is why you saw that tragic situation reported in austin, texas. and because austin defunded police we wanted to do two things in this session. one, we wanted to make sure that there were going to be consequences for the city of austin. second is we wanted to make sure that no other city in the state of texas would defund police. so here is what we're doing in the state of texas to put teeth into this law that provides constitution fences for cities that defund the police. one, we're going to dry up the revenue sources in a way that basically will put the city out of business. what happens is residents -- >> harris: you will defund the city. >> we will defund the city. we are going to prohibit cities from being able to annex in the future but also allow people
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who have been annexed for 30 years to be able to deannex because they were annexed and paying money into the city for the purpose of being able to receive police protection. then the last thing i'll add to you and that is the state of texas department of public safety will provide additional policing in the city of austin. however, it will be the city of austin sales tax revenue that will be paying for the state law enforcement to make sure that there will be safety and security in the city of austin. >> harris: it's fascinating what you have done quickly. i want to make sure i understand it right. if they move money or kansas city mayor explained he will reallocate funds. if they will move the cash, you'll move the cash. i see that as what's happening here. i want to bring this in. now the white house is in it. white house press secretary jen psaki was pressed on the issue yesterday. let's watch and i'll get your response. >> is there a crime problem in this country?
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>> i would say certainly there is a guns problem and something the president would say. there are communities where local violence and community violence is an issue. >> harris: your response. >> i missed part of that. she said there was a gun problem and not a crime problem? first one thing they like to talk about is guns without recognizing that most of the gun crimes occur in inner city situations like in chicago which is the murder capital of the united states it seems. but second once again the biden administration said there wasn't a crisis on the border in the state of texas, now they are standing up and saying there is a crisis regard to crime in our cities. there is a crisis with regard to crime and they think that the solution to it is depolicing or reimagining policing. the solution is doubling down and making sure we have more police officers, well trained, well equipped police officers which the state of texas is also doing. we're making sure they have better training, better equipment so they will be
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exercising the best policing practices to keep our communities safe. >> harris: a new analysis from the economist suggests when protests turn violent in like kenosha, wisconsin, over the shooting of jacob blake former president trump and republicans benefited at the ballot box noting that joe biden's vote share in kenosha was conspicuously low. you may remember both trump and biden made straight stops in that city. what do you say to that? >> listen, it's common sense every politician knows one of the most important issues at the ballot box in the public arena is safety. if you fail to insure safety in your communities you'll pay the price at the ballot box and what you saw in that one pick snippet. that replicated every election and why texas is stepping up to make sure we as a state provide safety for our communities but you will see consequences at
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the ballot box for the cities as well as communities and states that do not step up and provide the safety that their residents deserve. >> harris: i'm curious to know why some of these communities and i've asked leaders and i will ask my team to pop that up. portland, oregon, a spike in violent crime homicides 800%. why do these leaders seem to think they can be the exception of the rule by defunding? >> i have to tell you it really is an ideological issue. if you look at all these. you could call it democrat run but candidly it's social list particular run cities in portland. they wanted to turn the city over to the residents for the residents to be in control of what is happening in the city with no policing leadership whatsoever. you saw the same thing with regard to that particular zone in seattle and things like that. as well as what you've seen happen in new york city and if you do not have policing you will have greater danger, you
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will have greater crime. it just makes sense and that's why texas is stepping up to insure that we are going to be providing policing in our communities awell as the entire state. >> harris: all eyes in austin, texas and what this governor is trying to do in his home. some lawmakers and media are dismissing the possibility that the novel coronavirus was started in a wuhan laboratory. they called it back then a conspiracy theory. however, now it is being treated more seriously by virtually everybody. what has changed? we'll get into it. plus this. >> it is raw hate of the jewish people. you are not seeing that singular emphatic forceful condemnation of anti-semitism. >> harris: waking up democrats in their own party, calling out their own liberals for their weak or non-existent condemnation on attacks on jews.
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>> it was last february about a month or so after the coronavirus first reached the united states that i said it sure is a big coincidence this virus seems to have originated in wuhan which has a laboratory that researches deadly coronaviruss. i'm glad to see that democrats and all these public health bureaucrats and scientific so-called experts like dr. fauci are coming around to accept what basic common sense would tell most americans. >> harris: arkansas senator tom
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cotton getting heat that the coronavirus may have escaped from a lab in wuhan, china. now top house republicans are calling on democrats to agree to a full investigation. the liberal media in the past mocked senator cotton. now even the media are changing their tune. howie kurtz is live for us in washington, d.c. so howie, great to see you today. i would think that that new evidence played a role in this. why exactly is everybody coming on board to at least take a closer look? >> because the circumstantial evidence became impossible to ignore, harris. it has been more than a year with most of the mainstream media dismissing the argument that chinese scientists might have released covid-19 from that wuhan lab in part because president trump and some republicans kept promoting that possibility. in fact, some left wing commentators have blamed conservatives for promoting the theory. take a look. >> a lot of you on the right
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love the phrase escape from the lab. a manmade virus china was weaponizing that got out of control. >> tom cotton who you just showed said last february we ought to at least investigate given china's history of dishonesty. the headlines he was hit with this. tom cotton keeps repeating a coronavirus conspiracy theory already debunked. "new york times." senator tom cotton repeats fringe theory of coronavirus origins. now with more circumstantial evidence emerging many journalists are examining the theory they blew off especially in light of a "wall street journal" report citing three chinese researchers at the wuhan labor day developed covid-like symptoms and hospitalized back in november 2019 shortly before the first reported case of the virus. some exceptions. "new york magazine" and national review exploring these
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questions months ago. anthony fauci, president biden's chief medical advisor now tells cbs he is open to a thorough investigation of the laboratory theory back, you know, earlier he said it was very unlikely. josh rogan tweeted today if you are writing a piece defending yourself about the lab leak hypothesis by blaming everyone else you haven't learned a thing. >> harris: it is about curiosity, though, right? the communists were the bad guys in this and if they are telling you one thing, look deeper. we knew about the sicknesses of those people in the lab but never told the detailed, hospitalization, covid-like. those are the things that mattered and the american authorities and law enforcement we want our doctors and we weren't allowed on the ground in the early part of the pan dij. yet our media were not curious enough to ask more questions. >> it's a hard thing to
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investigate and prove. journalists needed to press harder for at least the possibility. it got tied up in politics because trump was talking about it. therefore it was a knee jerk reaction that can't possibly be true. >> harris: we're following what little drops and crumbs we can find from inside of a communist nation from the outside as the rest of the world is dying is what we're doing. howie kurtz, good to see you. thank you very much. joey jones retired marine bomb technician, fox news contributor and fox nation host now with more on all of this. joey, you heard me talking about what journalists needed to do and you hear senator cotton. was the communist country counting on getting us lost in the fog of war. you know about being focused in the fog of war. >> we've been through a little war at home. we haven't been at war with the coronavirus but with politics
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of coronavirus among ourselves. i think it's easy enough to say the coronavirus played a huge role in the outcomes of the presidential election and hasn't stopped being a politically divisive topic since. what happened with the truth, it had the unfortunate state of being carried by the wrong political party. so the wrong people were acknowledging this virus could have come from the lab. i think what gave journalists cover here and a lot of people are conflating is the idea the virus came from the labor that the virus was intentionally released from the lab. one of those is a conspiracy, the other is looking more and more like the truth. and when journalists can conflate those two to get political points to get tom cotton they'll do it apparently. >> harris: nih director was questioned about u.s. grants funding research at the wuhan lab. >> my understanding is we did send about $3.7 million in
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grants to ecohealth alliance, $600,000 went to the wuhan institute of virology to various studies there. is that true? >> that is correct. >> do we know whether the wuhan institute of virology does gain of function research? >> they were not approved by n.i.h. for doing gain of function research. we're not aware of other sources of funds or other activities they might have undertaken outside of what our approved grant allowed. >> harris: so u.s. dollars not involved in any gain of function and other nations since 2014, i believe. it wasn't our money but it could have been somebody's. >> that's the problem. i used to work in the nonprofit world. somebody would give you money for specific programs. okay, that person never paid for the other program but guess what did, all the money they saved us from spending on the program they did donate to got moved to the program they
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didn't donate to. they facilitated spending money on a different program. when you earmark money, the government does it all the time and it is probably what happened there. well, that is potentially what happened there. >> harris: we don't know. >> semantics, when dr. fauci sits in front of questioning saying we didn't pay for gain of function research that's a lot different when people interpret it to say the lab didn't do gain of function research or we didn't contribute for the lab to be able to. if we give that much money to a chinese lab, shouldn't we be able to know what they're doing? >> harris: we need to know what they're doing regardless. we depend on the w.h.o. to hell us -- help us out on that. lukewarm criticism from far left democrats at anti-semitic attacks are spreading. some of their fellow
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congressmen are speaking out. the silence has been deafening. a former surrogate for bernie sanders campaign and friend of tlaib are encouraging activists not to say a word. >> this is a message to all activists out there condemning terrorism now. stop it, stop. you are not helping, all right? you are playing their game. it is a distraction. we've been condemning anti-semitism for 20, 30, 40 years. if they didn't believe us by now, stop it. stop it. just stop it. it doesn't help. >> harris: your reaction? >> let me be very clear. we don't believe you. we do not believe you. we do not believe in members of congress who are taking this opportunity to exploit a domestic issue in israel in order to somehow legitimize a
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terrorist organization hamas. we don't believe you condemn anti-semitism. we don't believe it from the top to the bottom if you're a senator or represent irving trying to play both sides of the ball here and watch jewish americans get beat in the streets over it you are a villain and wrong and we don't believe you. let me be clear about that. that's one thing he said that was absolutely true. that doesn't mean that democrats are anti-semitic or progressives are or people who understand and identify are anti-semitic. it means the people utilizing this to play american politics are the ones that are wrong and we do not believe you condemn or really care about anti-semitism. you see, the problem with intersectional politics. this idea depending on your ancestry the amount of oppression heaped upon your ancestors means you have a certain amount of equity in the world or our country is what's happening now. they're saying that palestinians have more equity refund or return than israelis do or jewish people do.
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which is laughable to me considering the thing called the holocaust that went down. the idea we need to sit around and decide which one to support based on how oppressed they've been is just not the path we need to go down. >> harris: wow. what a point of view of it. thank you, joey. i'll brag on you a bit. you have a nation series coming up. they take a deeper dive into tattooing and the coolest thing about the series on the final episode you will reveal your brad of new at -- tat. stream those starting on friday. to show that we're a grateful nation. veterans and active military can get a free year of fox nation if they sign up now through memorial day at fox the "washington post" is getting shredded on social media for what critics are calling a fluff piece on
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president biden's daily habits. would it surprise you the same reporter used a different tone on president trump in 2016? governor cuomo -- the stunning claim about other journalists that is raising some new questions. the power panel is next. that can help grow and protect your money. an annuity can help cover essential expenses in retirement. have the right financial professional show you how... this is what an annuity can do. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health.
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talk to journalists about situations all the time and they tell me their advice. joe concha torched chris cuomo. >> he is fiercely loyal to his family, okay. go work for your brother then. you already do already. might as well get paid for that aspect. that's what's unbelievable about this or run for office yourself. he is getting criticized by the left. not a right or left wing argument. it is a pragmatic argument. >> harris: tammy bruce is here and richard fowler is here radio talk show host both fox news contributors. tammy, when i hear the governor saying he gets advice and talks to with other journalists, now i'm curious about why cnn isn't investigating and publicly saying that. were these other journalists at cnn? >> you know, i think harris
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this is not unusual. we have now grown used to this. it can't just be that network. we know it's the broadcast networks, msnbc has an issue and newspapers have issues and a distrust of legacy media. we see this resolving door as well whether it's jake tapper, who was a democrat operative on capitol hill. many people don't know that. of course, george stephanopolous and it becomes difficult because you see that they don't cover the news really. it really is an opinion network. they should just admit that they are an opinion network and then, of course, chris cuomo has other issues when he had covid, you know, telling people that he is buried in his basement and isolated and then we find out that was untrue as well. so americans are making their choice. they are not choosing that particular network. i think that's the message that americans can send about what information they consume, who
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they support. even liberals have stopped watching that network and as far as the governor, the smug, horrible attitude that continues that nothing matters except what affects him and what he thinks, the choices he makes under multiple federal and state investigations because of his attitude he feels so impeerous that none of it matters. of course he will have that attitude and fed in part by support from the media and he thinks that's going to protect him. >> harris: richard, is it going to protect him? is the governor defending his brother and himself, is that enough? >> i have two words for you. the name goes lat i shall yeah james, the attorney general in the state of new york investigating andrew quo*e. i don't think he is investigating for what happened in nursing homes across the state of new york as well as what happened to many of these sexual assault allegations.
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we should wait for her investigation to pan out before we make a judgment on that. when it comes to chris cuomo i do believe that he had the obligation -- it is his brother and of course you'll talk to your brother. i think that's fine. he does have an obligation to disclose that to his audience and should disclose it before he came out in news stories so we wouldn't be having this type of debate. >> harris: i want to reread maybe. they weren't alone having a cocktail. there were attorneys present. this is a case and getting advice in that case. we'll move on. readers are mocking the "washington post" for a piece on president biden's daily habits. the headline weight lifting, gatorade, birthday calls and inside biden's day. the piece by ashley parker detailing the president's eagerness to escape the d.c. bubble and listing some favorite treats.
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chocolate chip cookies, orange gatorade. jeff duncan tweeted this. democracy dice in darkness to weight lifting and birthday calls in four short years. tammy bruce. >> they are fan boys and girls. the media is supposed to play a key role in the democracy in keeping power honest. we saw them go overboard in a way with donald trump but even if they just did half of what they did with president trump in this case, america would be better off. information is what we need, not fan magazines. that's, of course, what jeff bezos blog seemed to have turned into. >> i do agree with tammy. we need -- the job of the media is to insure we have proper information. what we saw in the past with donald trump he did everything in his power to wall off the media and not allow them to cover his white house effectively. >> harris: wait a minute.
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we had so much access to him. every time the president got on and off a plane. >> that remark doesn't fly, richard. i appreciate your passion but the media admitted he was the most accessible president they ever covered. >> harris: we have to go. >> the justice department was looking for information from journalists when they were scrubbing records of journalists including some of our colleagues of the network. how is that different? >> harris: we have some breaking news we have to run. good to talk with both of you. thank you very much. the conversation there is more to come. you are are both smiling. violent crime on the rise. now it's happening during the hour. a police department struggling with a major loss of manpower one year after the death of george floyd. why our next guest says it is open season in minneapolis. calls for growing educators now to ban critical race theory in
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classrooms. why 20 state attorneys general are warning against approving federal agents who are teaching it. attorney general mark brnovich is one of them. stay close.
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>> harris: breaking news we're watching unfold this hour. multiple gunshots ringing out near the george floyd square on the one year anniversary of his murder. our reporter garrett tenney rejoins us this hour. he was last giving us the breakdown of crime spiking in the city. what are you seeing now? >> not too long after the live shot we were standing in front of our cameras when gunshots broke out just behind us on one of the corners of george floyd square. we ducked behind a car and heard two rounds of gunfire being exchanged and saw a green suburban that sped past. we're staying where we are out of an abundance of caution. down the road a lot of folks have shown up since and wouldn't know this ever happened. and one of the neighbors we ran and jumped inside of a backyard while gunshots were being fired. a neighbor told us this happens common enough that folks aren't too shaken by it.
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that really speaks to what has happened here over the last year. for a time this was known as the autonomous zone. you can see the roads leading to george floyd square continue to be blocked to prevent police presence. after the shots were fired police have not shown up. we're hearing reports that a vehicle that matched the description, a green s.u.v. suburban that drove past us. two individuals were dropped off at a hospital from a vehicle matching that description. we heard the bullets hitting metal as it went by. some kind of argument between a man and woman we had seen getting heated over an hour appears to be at least the source from what we saw. it really speaks to what the situation has become here at george floyd square over the last year and how a lot of folks are really concerned about safety going forward. they say something needs to give. we need to see change to get this area back.
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>> harris: garrett tenney breaking news as it was happening. glad you are safe. we'll continue to cover what's happened there. let's talk more about it. remember the piece in the "wall street journal" was talking about it's open season in minneapolis. the city, the country grieving for george floyd one year after his murder and people are also mourning the lives lost from senseless violence in minneapolis and other places. a "wall street journal" calling it open season in that city. pointing out the heartbreaking surge in violence and the number of children who lost their lives. listen to the pleas of one woman whose 10-year-old grandson was shot and is still in the hospital. >> my grandson is fighting for his life. this ain't doing nothing. why is this community not angry? you all tell me that. because it was a black kid, is that why? is that why? because a cop didn't shoot him? is that why? nobody angry? when is north minneapolis going to stand up.
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when is newfoundland? enough enough? >> harris: heather mcdonald is the author of that "wall street journal" piece and thanks for joining me today. i want to go deeper. the news is doing it for us today. people are so accustomed to breaking off and becoming a dangerous mess in minneapolis and it is happening around our reporter and you listen to the grieving grandmother and you get it. so many politics involved and this is about life in america. >> it's astonishing, harris, that we are continuing the phony narrative about police racism when what is happening in the black community because criminals have been embolden. we have trying to get the guns off the streets. and as a result they're backing off, the cops are demoralized and crime is through the roof. minneapolis is a war zone.
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so is practically every other big american city in this country. they are all experiencing record breaking homicide spikes. victims are overwhelmingly black. in minneapolis if you say in the last three weeks a 10-year-old boy, 9-year-old girl was shot in the head. their cin yums were destroyed and on life support. the same day we just heard that heartbroken grandmother pleaing for a response several hours later a 6-year-old girl was shot in her mother's car and died two hours later. this is what happens when you demonize cops with a phony wristism. you get more crime and more black lives are lost. >> harris: i'm speechless. i have lived in the city and lived in kansas city and you look at all the places they are trying to defund. you took a deeper look at these areas for your op-ed.
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what trend lines are you finding? >> the trend lines are disastrous. last year we saw the largest percentage increase in homicides in this nation's history. it has gotten worse this year. mainstream media will tell you it's because of the pandemic. that is completely false. no other country has this spike in violence, shootings and homicides. it happened exclusively after the george floyd riots. everywhere else, canada, europe, japan crime has plummeted. what is going on here is not the result of the pandemic. it is the result of the political attack on the police, the cops are backing off and criminals are bold. if we don't turn this around it will be a very bad summer. the fact of the matter is the mainstream media is profoundly racist. it does not give a damn about black lives. the 19 children shot in minneapolis this year have not been covered. if those were white children i can guarantee you there would be a national revolution. the coverage would be around
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the clock. the media only cares about black lives when they are killed by a cop, which is extraordinarily rare. the cops could end all fatal shootings tomorrow and have a negligible effect. >> harris: you heard from that grandmother and she said it. this is not about the cops. it is so fascinating how those on the far left have lost their narrative because of the spike in crime. they are losing their argument now, however phony it may be. they are losing it because the parents, grand parents of those people being killed see these are not cops doing this, these are other people who look like us doing this. we need the cops. your last quick word. >> you believe in the facts. i don't think that will matter. let's watch what happens in congress and in the biden administration. the narrative hasn't changed but it sure damn well better. >> harris: thank you. more and more states are
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opposing the biden administration's plan to use federal grant money to promote critical race theory in schools nationwide. at least 20 republican attorneys general have signed a letter to the education department arguing the curriculum supports the idea that america is a racist country. republican candidate for georgia governor vernon jones with his take. >> if you ask 10 different people what is critical race theory you get 10 different answers. we do know one thing. it's race based and if they teach it in school it's racism. the problem is you are taking young people who next to another young person and pitting one against the other and you are saying to even white children look, you are responsible for what happened hundreds of years ago and they don't have a clue. >> harris: arizona attorney general mark brnovich signed onto that letter. why did you sign onto the letter? >> it's as simple as this. you have the biden
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administration proposing rules that essentially will condition federal dollars on teaching critical race theory. the 1619 project that alters the way people perceive american history. with all due respect to the last quote you played really the project is about a marxist idea designed to undermine people's confidence in our system. america was a nation founded on the concept of liberty. the framers didn't create a monarchy or dictatorship. they created this unique form of government that said that government is here to protect our rights not give us our rights. so the neomarxists and critical race theory movement want to undermine what the constitution and declaration of liberty is about so that way they can alter american society whether undermining law enforcement or basically brainwashing our children. it is a serious issue. >> harris: wenting how you began to tie those things together. the heart of it all is a bunch
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of people who think knee -- they know about race more than anybody else. when i see attorney generals being involved. >> the federal government shouldn't be dictating to state or local school districts what to teach. they should teach how the american experiment. we're not a perfect union. the declaration of independence listed grievances none related to slavery. it was about giving power back to the people. a lot of framers of our constitution who were abolitionists. so there were framers of our constitution like jefferson that were slave owners but there were also people adamant abolitionists but they agree it's a nation forged in liberty. it was an experiment no other
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country at that point in the world had seen. an amazing radical concept and we should never forget the united states has brought more liberty and more freedom to more people in this world than any other country. we should be making sure people understand that not trying to undermine it to foment marxist revolution. >> harris: i want to get your thought on this. taking all that into account why can't we teach everybody everything? put all the facts together and let people make of it what they will. it is hard not to just look at the facts. >> i agree. there are ugly periods in our american history. kids should learn about voter suppression at times in the south and jim crow but how to appreciate how unique this country is. and it is something unique in world history and the largest constitutional republic. we can't lose that, harris. >> harris: it's always good to
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have you on the program. thank you very much. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus". a lot going on today. "outnumbered" is next right after the commercial break. keep it right here on fox. cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again! aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. - grammarly business helps my company ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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lighting the way. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the liberal media doing a 180 on the origins of covid as there are no longer dismissing the idea, it may have leaked from a chinese lab. this after more than a year of ridiculing that theory as well as former president trump and conservative outlets. this is "outnumbered." i am kayleigh mcenany, "new york post" columnist and fox news contributor miranda devine, and the virtual seed, town political editor, fox news contributor and radio host


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