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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  May 25, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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what's the #1 retinol brand used most by dermatologists? it's neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! neutrogena® >> ♪ ♪ >> tucker: >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." it was a condition so obscure that most people had never heard of it. that's changed. if you've got children in school you know how common that disorder has become. in some places 1/3 of girls in a given class identifies a gender other than the one on their birth certificates. most probably don't mean it. five years from now they will
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have moved on. they are going through what we used a call a phase but for an increasingly large number of children that phase will not end. therapists will steer those children to doctors who will almost immediately give them powerful sex hormones, drugs whose long term effects we can't know. in some cases those kids will be referred to surgeons who will mutilate or remove their sex organs permanently. that's happening across the country tonight. we rarely talk about the details of any of it. it's all good, we're told. it's part of a vital long overdue process and if you stand in the way or ask too many questions you're evil. okay. but before we accept in a version of the story it's fair to ask, what are the details of the process exactly? and what are the consequences of it? this weekend, to its great credit the news show "60 minutes" asked those questions in a surprisingly unflinching way. patients were interviewed and asked a simple question what happened next?
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here's a woman called grace lynn smith explain what she went through after she went to her doctor to treat her disorder. watch. >> she didn't really go into what my gender dysphoria might have been stemming from. we only did a few sessions. they asked me, why do you want to go on testosterone? i said being a woman just isn't working for me anymore. they said, okay. >> so that was that. you got your prescription for testosterone? >> yep. >> tucker: being a woman just isn't working for me anymore. here are some life altering drugs and then it kept going. within four months she was in the operating room having a double mastectomy. >> just four months after she started testosterone, she says she was approved for a mastectomy, what's called top surgery that she told us was traumatic. >> i had started to have a really disturbing sense that
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like, a part of my body was missing. almost a ghost limb feeling. about being like there is something that should be there and the feeling really surprised me but it was really hard to deny. >> and so, she de transitioned by going off testosterone. and then went back to the clinic, and she says complained to the doctor that the process didn't follow the path guidelines. >> i can't believe that i transitioned and de transitioned including hormones and surgery in the course of less than one year. completely crazy. >> tucker: it's completely crazy. yes, it is. it's completely crazy. it's also reckless and cruel and totally unethical. and yet in a newly politicized atmosphere for american medicine it's routine. another person who spoke to "60 minutes," a man identified as garrett, told leslie stahl that doctors rushed him into a sex change operation after just three months of taking female hormones, they castrated him.
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>> garrett from baton rouge, louisiana, went from taking hormones to getting his testicles removed, he says, in just three months. where as the current guidelines call for continuous use for a year. >> i had never really been suicidal before. until i had my breast augmentation, and about a week afterwards, i wanted to like actually kill myself, like i had a plan, and i was going to do it but i just kept thinking about like my family, to stop myself. it kind of felt like how am i ever going to feel normal again, like other guys now. >> tucker: three months to castration and then a week after the surgery he wanted to kill himself. that makes sense, and yet it is the precise opposite of what activists claim. the opposite of justification for these procedures in the first place. if you ask questions about the wisdom of gender reassignment
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service you'll be accused immediately of pushing the vulnerable towards self-harm but in fact there is quite a bit of evidence to the opposite. general reassignment surgery and chemical trasstration cause depression and exacerbate mental illness. this is known. just five years ago a study by the obama administration found no positive health benefits from the so-called treatment. in a 2016 document called a proposed decision memo for gender reassignment surgery, based on a thorough review of the clinical evidence available at this time there is not enough evidence to determine whether gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for beneficiaries with gender dysphoria. end quote. so why wasn't there enough evidence? the obama administration found that many sex change patients were "lost to follow up." why is that? many of those parents apparently had killed themselves. researchners sweden found the same thing. after 10 years of study the swedes concluded that people who underwent sex reassignment
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surgery were 19% more likely to commit suicide. the risk of psychiatric hospitalization was nearly three times greater. in other words, it was an utter disaster. it's striking that most americans are not wear of these numbers. they have never seen this research. they aren't allowed to see it. instead they see a daily barrage of propaganda made possible by google and facebook. that propaganda has a very specific effect as intended. watch. >> how many of you feel that you were blindly affirmed? >> i didn't get enough pushback on transitioning. i went for two appointments and after the second one, i had like my letter to go get on cross sex hormones. >> two visits. that's it? >> yes. >> all four tell us they learned about transitioning on the internet, where there are transformation videos on youtube, tran influencers and
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forums. >> tucker: we haven't said an awful lot of complementary things abouts willy stall on this show but sunday's night's piece was a remarkably brave piece of journalism. she didn't have to do it and good for her. she's being punished for it now. within minutes the usual liars were accusing leslie stahl and the people she interviewed of committing an act of violence. their crime, telling the truth. those kinds of attacks have a chilling effect on the rest of the population and that's, of course, the point of making them. watch this psychologist describe how many in medicine are simply too afraid to care for their patients. >> do you have conversations with your colleagues about this whole area of accepting what young people are saying too readily? >> yes. everyone is very scared to speak up because we're afraid of not being seen as being affirming or being supportive of these young people or doing something to hurt the transcommunity. but even some of the providers
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are trans-themselves, and share these concerns. >> tucker: we're afraid to speak up because we don't want to be seen as not affirming young people in their decision to have these surgeries and to take these life altering drugs. these young people, how young are we talking about? at what age do we have to respect their personal decision to say undergo chemical castration? last year joe biden anticipated that question. he suggested that children as young as eight can change their sex. >> the idea that an 8-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, you know, i decided, i want to be transgender, that's what i think i would like to be. it would make my life a lot easier, there should be zero discrimination. >> tucker: so as he said at the outset things are moving awfully fast and most people have no idea what the details are so it seems worth spending some time as "60 minutes" did over the weekend talking to people who have actually been through this process.
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billy is one of those people and we're glad to have him join us. thanks so much for coming on. so my understanding, as an outsider watching this, reading about it, is that no one goes into these transitions, these surgeries, particularly lightly. these are people who are very unhappy and they believe that the hormone treatment and or the surgery will make them happier. is that your experience and tell us the result? >> that's not my experience. that was my hope going into the surgery but not my experience. i had gender dysphoria as a child, and i've tried to deal with it but i had a breakdown when i was in college. when in college i sought help. i found a gender therapist. i actually spent five years in therapy trying to overcome, trying to sort through and figure out what's going on, why i had this thought that god made a mistake and that i was a girl. but the books i've read, journal articles i've read, they all
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said that i had to transform my body to match my mind for me to be happy. i was getting out of sorts and i wanted to find happiness so eventually i believed those articles told my therapist i wanted to transition, and i went through all of the procedures. the surgeries, the documentation changes, to be able to present as female. tucker, the first surgery i went through was a male to female surgery, where they did a penile inversion, and also a brow shave and an adam's apple shave. and that surgery was horrific. coming out of that surgery, i had a significant amount of bleeding and they tried to control the bleeding by shoving more gauze into my new manmade
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female genitalia, and put a sandbag on my abdomen. my two-week stay in the hospital turned into a three-week stay because of that. so my experience was really bad. along the way i tried to do more surgeries to get the connection between my mind and my body, to eventually connect, and it never did happen. all that i read, everything that i had learned, was a lie. and i eventually transitioned back to male. >> tucker: so what you found, i suppose you can tell a lie because it's always too simplistic to be true so the idea that you have this turmoil inside of you, clearly you did, a lot of people do, you can solve it with, you know, genitalia removal or some extensive cosmetic surgery, how long did it take for you to
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figure out that this didn't actually solve the turmoil within you? >> it took seven years. seven years of many surgeries and of trying really hard to make that connect. after seven years, i was falling back into that depression. people were talking about, where transgendered kids, people, are, before the transition, i hit that same thing, seven years later, because i did everything the books, therapists, the medical community, told me i needed to do to find this happiness. i didn't find it. i found depression. i was very distraught, and at that time, i actually called out to god for help because i did everything that i could think about doing, medically, everything, and i was so distraught, suicide was becoming an option again, but it wasn't an option, so i called out to god and asked for him to help and gave my life, gave all of me and my problems to him, and he
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helped me. he helped me find my way back. >> tucker: what would you say to parents who are bewildered and upset when their children came to them and say i think i'm in the wrong body, i want to chang my sex. how would you advise parents to handle that with their children? >> i would advise them, the parent and the children, to seek help. i was in therapy for seven years, and the going phrase that i hear is that we have to be sensitive and we have to give gender affirming therapy. the therapist failed me because i didn't need gender affirming. i needed to dig down to the root of my problems that i had when i was a kid. as a kid, i had a speech impediment, i was really skinny. i had a learning disability. i really didn't fit in with the boys at all.
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so this thought that i had that god made a mistake and i was a girl, my conditions, everything around me, was feeding into this thought and confirming it. so when i went through therapy, the therapist didn't ask why didn't i feel secure, significant, or accepted as a kid? they proceeded to affirm that i had gender dysphoria because that's what i was telling them. and i was convinced of it. and so, they didn't dive into the issues, to the root cause, and help me to figure out what was going on and to overcome my issues. i was okay as a boy. the road i went down was really, really bad, and, boy, i wish, i wish i had the help at that time to figure life out before all of that money i spent. >> tucker: yes. just take this drug, have this mastectomy, you're exactly right. that's a powerful statement.
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i appreciate you coming on tonight. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> tucker: you've got to wonder if the geniuses behind the current revolution -- let's say you start telling people, you were a boy, now you're a girl. all you have to do is say so when you tell people that, what are you really saying? you're telling them they are god. they are omnipotent with the power to alter reality. if you say that enough a lot of people will believe you so you shouldn't be surprised when they don't stop with gender transition. why would they stop? if you can control nature you would probably make a lot of oh improvements. if you can change your sex why can't you change your race? that's a serious question. that's a serious question. race is far less fundamental to human biology than sex and why can't you change your height or your eye color or your shoe size? for that matter why can't you change your vaccination status?
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that question has occurred to people in a county in the upper peninsula of michigan. a spokesman for the he department there says they have begun identifying as fully vaccinated, in order to finally take off their masks. that's not a crazy idea. the coronavirus has barely touched that county yet they have been suffering for more than a year under restrictions and for no good reason. in lansing, meanwhile, the governor, whitmer, was just caught in a dive bar with her friends violating her own mask order so why should the good people of the upper peninsula obey rules that their own governor ignores? in any case, what exactly can whitmer say to them? the people of this county in michigan have transitioned to vaccinated. it's their body, their choice. they know well behaved citizens -- good for them.
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there is no reason the liberals should be the only ones playing god. today is the one-year anniversary of the death of george floyd who, according to nancy pelosi, gave his life so that we be free from racism. tonight american embassies all over the globe are marking his passing. candace owens responds next. mag
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>> ♪ ♪ >> tucker: >> tucker: it was a year ago today that george floyd died in minneapolis, and america changed. well, today, the secretary of state tony blinken, the man who is supposed to make america's case to the world but at the same time hates america, marked the anniversary by declaring that george floyd died because you're racist. >> for the united states to be a credible force for human rights around the world we have to face the realities of racism and hatred here at home. we can't sweep our shortcomings under the rug or pretend they don't exist. we need to face them openly and honestly. even if that's ugly. even if that's painful. that's how we live up to our
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naturally american embassies all over the world followed suit. the american embassy in athens, greece, shot off a blm flag. we raise this banner in honor of george floyd. meanwhile, patrick murphy posted a photograph of a blm flag there. at the u.s. embassy in madrid, spain did the same. our embassy in -- tweeted their own banner, senseless killings spurred black lives matter protests. you've got to wonder, how is all this protesting helping the city of minneapolis? of course, it hasn't. but tony blinken doesn't care. one reporter with the a.p. ventured into george floyd square in minneapolis to find out and that's when he heard
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gunshots. >> gunshots. [gunshots] it sounds like gunshots. i don't know what this is. >> tucker: it's not a car backfiring. those are gunshots in george floyd square. candace owens is the host of candace and we're always grateful to have her on the air. it's great to see you tonight. what's the message of this, u.s. embassy showing the black lives matter flag? >> the consequence of the black lives matter movement and i cringe when people call it black lives matter protests, because it's black lives matter riots, city burned for six weeks straight following the death of george floyd, black neighborhoods were riot and it led to more black deaths. way more black americans died during the black lives matter riots than the one black american that was killed by a police officer, that allegedly started this entire spree and it makes you ask questions why, is america promoting this so much? why is america promoting black
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lives matter which is a corporation, right? so think of it as a corporation, black lives matter raises money and it's dark money because nobody knows where the money goes. so why would the u.s. government stand behind that? where is the due diligence here. if the u.s. state department is going to stand behind it, issue a memo to let us know where the money is going, since the biden wants to give billions more dollars to the irs so they can take billions more from american taxpayers, make help vest that money to look into black lives matter and tell us where the money is going. they don't want us to look into it. there is a reason they have been promoting black lives matter from the start and it's not because they want to save black lives. the movement and the incorporation leads to more black deaths. >> as far as i know, black lives matter stands as a matter of policy against nuclear family which speaking for myself, i think for you, too, and most
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people in this country is the center of our lives. the nuclear family is all that matters. why in our name as americans and u.s. taxpayers is the u.s. government promoting a group that opposes the nuclear family. why are we putting up with this exactly? >> the government wants to make sure that families are torn apart. you did a good job talking about even this transgender thing that's going on, telling kids to mutilate their bodies, i'm glad you covered that because that also leads to the breakdown of a family. they cannot have a productive, nuclear family unit intact. that is the goal and the goal is because if you believe in karl marxist ideology, you know it was crucial to his ideology, making sure that the nuclear family were broken down. why, tucker? because in order to replace mom and pop there can't be no mom and pop. they want no families, just government in the lives of every
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single american. this is marxism manifest. >> tucker: yes. maybe there is a point at which if you're trying to destroy the nuclear family, we say, i'm sorry, there is a loon you can't cross and that's kind of it, like, no, you're not allowed to do this. i hope people will start reaching that conclusion because this is too far, in my view. >> candace, i appreciate the clarity you always bring. thank you. >> tucker: so you keep hearing what a rich country it is and the market is doing great and recovery is in progress. then why are hundreds of thus of -- of thousands of people living on the sidewalk and relieving they were on the sidewalk and it's growing. people in one city have had enough. they are revolting. one of those residents joins us next.
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>> tucker: if you are intereste >> tucker: if you're interested in the state of the country, look around. what do you see? how does it look? is it cleaner and prettier and more orderly or is it less?
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that's a subject we've been focused on for a long time because it's a meaningful measurement. maybe more meaningful than the stupid numbers you get from wall street or washington which really tell you nothing. for the first episode of tucker carlson originals on fox nation we talked to resident of chicago who said prosecutors there have stopped unforcing the law and we found evidence of it. we've got thousands of hours never before seen surveillance footage that show what life in chicago is like outside the loop in the affluent areas, it's horrifying. people walking down the street naked, being shot execution style in broad daylight. in a five part series american dystopia we reported on the vagrancy and drug use throughout san francisco. we filmed drug dealers selling heroin in the middle of the day. we talked to a business owner who had been bitton by vagrants multiple times and his story was not uncommon. we know why this is happening. it's happening because of bad leadership and bad laws. california's proposition 47, for
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example, along with reckless rulings have allowed vagrants and drug addicts to take over entire cities. prosecutors only pursue a small number of arrests, and it's not just in san francisco. we went down to venice beach in los angeles that's now completely question over run by people living outside. >> these are homes. you see guns, knives, fires, drug use day in and day out. >> you don't realize sometimes what you're living in the middle of until you see a video and you think, wait a minute, that's where i live. >> there was a cleanup today. >> how often do they do this cleanup? >> this is the first one in months. >> months? >> months. this is not humane. this is not compassionate. >> if i was a councilman i would be down here right now, man, talking to you, talking to these people saying, what are we going to do about this, man?
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the city councilman has allowed them not to have a rock bottom. >> tucker: that's venice, california. it's a beautiful place. it was built as kind of a utopia with canals. now it's a disaster and that's true all through los angeles and yet one city council member of l.a. is trying to make it worse. more encampments for drug addicts and vagrants on the west side of the city. he wants to put homeless encampments at lax, at the airport, as well as down at the pacific palisades. this is the end of los angeles, of course, and some people understand that and they have had enough. a petition to stop this plan now has more than 19,000 signatures. john brown is the man behind it and we're happy to have him join us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. >> so it takes a lot, i assume you don't get petitions going as, you know, a profession, it takes a lot for someone to stand up and say i've had it. what drove to you this place? >> thanks, tucker for having me on.
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honestly, i want to tell you why i started the petition. i also just want to mention why i almost didn't do it. i'm not a professional petition maker, right? i woke up one morning, you know, about a month ago. i checked my email at like 6:00 in the morning, and i looked at it. the first thing i saw was something about a motion that a councilman was putting for the to potentially put homeless villages at the public beaches and parks. and, you know, i thought that i misread it. and to be honest, i know the the councilmen but i'm not really in politics. i don't pay too much attention to this stuff so i went on and went on to i knew it exited, i put this petition out there hoping to maybe we could get like a hundred or 200 people that would maybe voice their opinion about it and by the end of the day my wife and i are sitting there with my kids and i'm going, guys what number do you think it's at? it was like at 3,000. the next day 5,000.
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i just can't belief -- it's not that i can't believe it, i mean, it's just astounding that we're able to actually, you know, create a place that this many people can voice their opposition to something like this and i just wanted to mention, i almost didn't do it because, you know, my hesitancy about, oh, we'll be shamed, people will say, oh, you're like, all this stuff, and, you know, i feel like i have an obligation actually to my family, my kids, and my community to say this doesn't make any sense. what do you mean, you're putting this at public beaches and parks? i don't get it. and still, you know, now i've gotten, i've put my hat in the ring, and we still can't really figure out, like what the logic is behind bringing the homeless to the beaches, to some of the most valuable land in the country when there are tons of open land in california.
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and i know we have a tremendous homeless problem so it's not, you know, i don't think i'm not being compassionate. i think i'm actually saying, wait a second. this is a huge problem. why are we going to waste our time looking into the feasibility of putting, i don't know, a hundred tents in a parking lot at the beach where tens of thousands of people come, you know, from the inner cities and from all over l.a. to enjoy that space, why don't we find a place that's more appropriate that is going to be cheaper. we can create, you know, mental health support for them. drug addiction support. it just doesn't make any sense. i mean -- >> tucker: it's incredibly dark and your opposition to it, there is nothing partisan about it. you're a husband and a father and a resident and a taxpayer and i think all people no matter who they voted for would agree with you. we put your petition up on our facebook page and we hope it helps because you're doing a great thing and i hope many people join you. thank you.
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>> thank you so much. >> tucker: speaking of normal people who are not political, standing up and fighting against this dark wave of insanity that's engulfing the country, we told you a month ago of a concerned parent in new york who sent a letter to the entire parent list at a famous all girls school in new york that letter urged others to speak out against the racism being taught to their kids. that parent was vilified. he joins us after the break. ab. he was vilified. he joins us after the break.
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>> tucker: we've been through a lot. we're getting through it today. >> it was a challenge unprecedented.
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california's choice beauty? pretty boy. or a beast? john cox grew up with nothing; made himself a remarkable success. california's falling off a cliff. high taxes, unaffordable costs! even elon musk left! gavin's mismanagement of california is inexcusable.
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we need big beastly changes in sacramento. i'll make 'em. recall the beauty. meet the nicest, smartest beast in california. john cox.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> tucker: >> tucker: apparently one of the best schools in new york city and in the country and has been for a hundred years, it's an all girls school, very few people know what happens there but if you live on the upper eastside, you want your child to get in because it's a big deal if they do. what goes on there? in april we got a glimpse, a parent sent a letter to every other parent at the school. it was articulate and specific. in the letter he called on the other parents to fight back against what their girls were learning in school. if you haven't read it you should read it because it's a remarkable -- it's a remarkable essay. it stand alone actually. a new op ed he describes the reaction. i've received emails from parents expressing devastation that their kids as young as 5 are coming home from school after being taught to feel guilty solely because of the
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color of their skin. andrew joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. i've wanted to meet you, i thought that your letter was remarkable in how precise and well expressed it was, and how powerful it was. what kind of reaction did you get, i have to ask, socially? you live in new york, you sent your daughter to one of the premier schools. i have a daughter there, it's a big thing, and you go and basically kind of take the school down. how did people respond? >> yes, i think the response is polarizing clearly at the school. you find out quickly who your friends are and who they aren't. who avoids you and who finds you toxic but it was very polarizing. we got a lot of support privately. the school, as i know you reported on, wasn't so happy about it and the administration sent out what was a highly criticized letter, critical of my letter but it was really very criticized for calling, you know, the students -- it was a
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polarizing response and the response which i got which you alluded to more broadly, was very, very different. thousands of emails from parents and teachers and grandparents and concerned citizens from all over the country. overwhelmingly supportive, which is great but the flip side of that is, i had no idea how entrenched and how widespread this issue of critical race theory was across the country. all over. i knew it was in new york city schools. i knew it was in some california schools but i had no idea how quickly this has spread to schools, public, private, even religious schools, all over. this is an enormous problem and i think we have to fight this much harder and i appreciate that you've been one of the very few that have been talking about this and we need that but we really need to fight this. >> tucker: parents need to fight it. for people not familiar with new york getting a girl into this school is like getting your kid into harvard. you're impressed that your
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child -- so to do this was an act of -- it was a transgressive about, why did you do it and did anyone tell you not to do it? >> no one knew we were going to do it except my wife and daughter. i thought about doing it at the beginning of the year when we saw what was happening in the school. really, this critical race theory had been seeping into the school over the years, into a lot of these independent schools but it was since blm and george floyd that this accelerated to an enormous degree. i thought about doing it at the beginning of the year and we said, let's try to get parents to speak up. we'll talk to a lot of parents and di that and a lot of parents agreed that the direction of the school was one that they did not agree with. they were very unhappy with what was going on. but, as you know, there is -- people are terrified of speaking up on this issue but we couldn't get speak to speak of and we said, when we decided not to re-enroll our daughter for next year i said i've got to send
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this letter and the idea of the letter was not to change anybody's mind. it was not to educate anybody on anti-racism training what was going on in the school, it was really to help people to speak up, to give them some cover, a little bit of ammunition but cover to say, we need to speak up on this issue. >> tucker: the school is so deeply unimpressive and stupid. the head mistress couldn't even respond to you just in one sentence. were you surprised that they didn't even try and justify what they were doing? were you surprised by how dumb they are? i was. >> well, no, i mean, this is the way they play. every time something comes up they double down. they sent a letter just the day, and by the way, i'm excommunicated from the schools, i no longer get email, my wife gets them but these institutions are there for the institutions. public school is there for the teachers unions. the private school is there for the institutions. they are not here for education and for the kids, so no, i
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wasn't very surprised. >> tucker: i think your letter will be one of those documents that we preserve from this moment. i hope so it deserves it. i appreciate you coming on. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> tucker: so throughout the coronavirus pandemic, silicon valley has censored information. the amazing thing is most of the information they have censored has been accurate. factual. based on science. project verizon -- veritas has obtained documents from facebook and how they do. this they prevent you from saying things that are true. we'll show you some of these documents for the first time next. true. we will show you those for the first time next. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional.
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>> tucker: so sense the coronavirus began the big media monopolies have told you they
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are going to control misinformation that might mislead you about the truth of science. in fact, they have consistently deleted and censored things that were true precisely because they were true. for example, facebook deleted our interview with the chinese virologist. she said coronavirus originated in a laboratory in wuhan and she would mo since she worked on it from the very beginning. it turns out what she said appears to be true but that's not the full extent of it. not even close. the project veritas says two whistleblowers from facebook have turned over to them internal documents from facebook. according to the documents facebook has implemented anning a gore rhythm that ranks its users with a vaccine hesitancy score without telling them. the documents offer an example of a post that would negatively affect someone's vaccine hesitancy, if the vaccines are so useful then why do we still
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need to we are a mask or social distance afterwards? that's a reasonable question. by the way, what's the answer? we don't know. but if you dare ask the question your vh score might change and you could be banned. facebook has also suppressed comments on the vaccine that raised liberty-based objections or skepticism as well as rankings-based objections or skepticism. you're not allowed to care about liberty or faith. you're not allowed to question vaccines in any way. does that make you more or less skeptical of the vaccines? this could be counterproductive. i'm just suggesting it. we reached out to facebook for comment. they didn't deny any of the project veritas's reporting meaning it's true. one person almost certainly has a bad vh score on facebook is a journalist called john tierney, one of the most rational people we've met. a few weeks ago he wrote a piece about the risk of wearing kids to wear face masks and censor i
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did as partly false information. john being rational defended those independent fact checkers. he found out who they are and he writes about it. he joins us now. it's great to see you. >> who are these independent fact checkers who are independently checking your facts? >> they are basically spreading misinformation in the guise of fighting it. they are actually fact blockers, not fact checkers. dr. fauci can make any evidence chaim he wants. if you support lockdowns and mask mandates that's fine. we don't need evidence for that but when the contrary evidence shows up about the harms of masks, they find some excuse so censor even good solid pere -- peer review research. it's like with smoking, no matter what they said they would find some detail that didn't meet their standards and that's what these fact blockers do.
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>> tucker: but at least they admitted it was about selling cigarettes. facebook doesn't say we support big pharma. they dress it up self-righteously in misinformation honest. why not be honest about it. >> because it sounds -- they claim to be following the science and that's what they hide behind. what they are actually doing is they don't want a scientific debate because there is a lot of scientific evidence that suggests these policies have been mistakes and they don't want to admit they are wrong or debate the science so they just try to make up these excuses to do it. it's scary because they control so much of the information that goes out there. they are censoring information much more effectively than the government could under the guise of fact checking when in fact they are fact blocking. >> tucker: is this making everyone more or less likely to believe them going forward, do you think? >> i think now it's just dividing us into these camps where you can't trust what you see on facebook because you know they are censoring one side.
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you can't trust the cdc because they are not really allowing a debate about it and they are -- evidence that makes you doubt anything and you've got to become your own searcher for truth. >> tucker: we're becoming pakistan in that way. thank you, john. >> that's it for us tonight. three new episodes on fox nation. worth checking out. now here's sean hannity. >> sean: i got your chicken. ** i like kentucky fried chicken myself, but that's a different issue. welcome to hannity. the world is a complex and very dangerous place. tensions are high in the middle east. iran, we know they are funding all their proxy wars all over the region and the world. russia is ramping up hostile maneuvers in eastern europe and wee witnessing the emergence of an extremely disturbin


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