tv Hannity FOX News May 26, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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that's it for us. tune in every night at 8 p.m. the sworn enemy of of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. sean hannity is in nashville with a special hour starting right now. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." we are in music city nashville, tennessee. the sight of the republican governors association and their spring conference. we will have an open discussion with six of the nation's top governors about the state of our country. we will take on immigration and talk about the southern border and taxes and law and order.
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what policies work for the conservative movement. it's simple. liberty and 1st and 2nd amendment. low taxes. choice for our kids in school. we need integrity in elections. signature verification and partisan observers and secure borders. we believe in free market solution for healthcare while protecting people with preexisting conditions. we believe in law and order. without it, you can't pursue happiness. free and fair trade and peace through strength. for me that sums it up. hopefully the governors will talk about what has been working in their states. we are against cancel culture.
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defunding the police. the bail reform where you get arrested and they let you out the same day. high regulations. covid-19 shutdowns that are still affecting people. democrats in alliance with the teachers union. if sippy cup is awake which he is likely not, the fastest grow state is utah. the fastest growing state in sheer numbers is texas. millions of americans flocked to florida. and other states lost in the 2020 census.
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safety and security. key issues related to your prosperity. if republicans want to take back power in washington, the america first needs to be articulated by anybody and everybody running for office. without further ado joining us for the hour the new hampshire governor and iowa governor. arizona governor is here. florida governor ron desantis. south dakota governor and the governor of the great state of tennessee that is hosting all of us is governor bill lee. we are joined by a live audience. you are free to yell anything you want. >> [cheering]. >> [applauding].
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>> tucker: with all of that said, i will be blunt and honest. i want to get the hell out of new york. i want to see which of you will offer me the best deal. >> [laughing]. >> sean: oh. >> we talked about this. i have my dmv on stand by. you will get a driver's license and we will register your vote quickly. >> sean: i also like mount rushmore and country music. i want to be a farmer. the only one who might lose out is arizona because the dry heat is awful. thank you all. governor, let's start with you. we have this mass migration from blue states with high taxes and
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regulation, draconian shutdowns and we have the republican governors that have very different models. let's talk about it generally. >> our model you can see out on broadway. it's open. our businesses are open. people are going into restaurants and bars. there are not any masks. this pandemic has been a distraction for all of america to say the least. the health crisis is over. the emergency is over. we have fully opened up and we are moving our state forward. the reason is because we follow the science. the left likes to say follow the science until they don't. >> sean: with the vaccination joe outdoors walking into jimmy carter's house with a mask on and taking it off in front of the old people.
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that was brilliant. >> they can't say follow the science and wear a mask after you are vaccinated. they can't put covid patients back in nursing homes home if you follow the science. >> sean: thank you. none of you did that. >> [applauding]. >> sean: governor, south dakota never shut down? >> never. we did not close a singe business ever. we didn't even define an essential business. the u.s. constitution, i didn't believe i had the authority to tell their business was not essential. i told people i would trust them and i would let them use personal responsibility to take care of their families and keep their doors and provide for their employees and customers. the people appreciated it.
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we never mandated masks and we have the fastest growing gdp in the fourth quarter. unemployment is 2.8%. the least amount of jobs lost and wages lost from any employee in the country. we used conservative principles we talk about. we talked about them for year. we did them. we are proving it worked. that's the story they think we need to tell about 2020. leadership has consequences. you look at democrat and republican states. they are growing and thriving what all of these leader dis. how it works for the american people. we talk about statistics and facts. but those stories will be powerful when we change the majority in washington, d.c. and change who is in the white house. >> sean: early on you said i trust the people of my state and i believe in them. it paid off well for you.
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governor ron desantis, so funny. you have a row with your buddy andrew cuomo in new york. i am looking at these other states, kids are still not in school. florida schools have been open since august. how is it possible they are watching you do this it successfully and they still don't learn from it? >> well, it's probably the biggest mistake, strategy is locking these kids out of school. they are not following science. this is politics. it's a disgrace. i was in baker county, florida. they celebrated the 108th day of being open. they finished the full school year today from the beginning. every parent from the beginning had the right to send their kid to school in person. there are other policies that mattered. we prevented covid patients from being sent to nursing homes. i think that mattered. but locking kids out of school
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for over a year that will have ramifications for our country and those states. it won't be days, weeks, months. it will be years and some kids won't have a future as a result of this bad policy. >> sean: the first interview we did, you told me that you mobilized every single state agency if florida to protect the elderly, the older population in your state which is significant. >> yes, the results are 40 states have higher percapita mortality for age 65 and up compared to florida. we prioritize our seniors for vaccinations. the cdc said do political considerations. i said no way. you are 65 and up, we are getting you the vaccine. we have done like 4 million seniors. >> sean: and places were free of
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charge to take care of their community. >> that would not have happened had president trump had not said come up with this vaccine. if biden was president this would take 4 years. we started vaccinatinging seniors in december. those were lives saved. >> sean: president biden and warp speed, they are direct opposites. >> [laughing]. >> sean: the governors won't be responsible for anything i say as a talk show host. a disclaimer. senator, unrelenting. you had a state model. live free or die. this was a great book that came out before the election. >> i read it cover to cover.
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>> sean: thank you. in all seriousness, you made a lot of the same choices that these governors made. the mistakes were made in new york and new jersey and peninsula and michigan and california. how is it they got everything so wrong and nobody got it perfect because it was imperfect. >> we were writing the playbook. in new england we have all of these states that are tight together. we are like counties. we had to work together as governors. we had to contend with new york and boston was in tough shape. charlie baker was trying to do the best he could with the death rate in boston. we were in the middle. we led the charge on the flexibility and the opportunity and now the economy.
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you have 2.eight. i think we have 2.7. >> [laughing]. >> every governor had to write the playbook. you had to earn public trust in the crisis early on. do you that with transparency and communication. when you earn that public trust, they trust to you make the right decisions. >> sean: i didn't notice of you writing any books talking about how great leaders you were and making $5 million. just saying. they want me out of new york. this matters. though. if you are going to be a leader the decisions you make for the people in your state under these circumstances are hard. governor, i remember in iowa, there was a moment, a meat packing facility and the same thing in south dakota. i watched how you handled that.
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it was spectacular. you went right in. full court press and surrounded the area. tell us about it. >> my farmers and producers produced over 10% of the nation's food supplies. it was imperative to keep our food processing plants open and grocery stores full. we did testing so we could not only keep the processing plants open, but we could ensure the employees they were working in a safe environment. we provided the ppe and able to test. those positive were quarantined and we kept our processing plants up and going. we were looking at horrific numbers because processing plants were impacted from covid. we made testing available. we implemented a robust data
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program that allowed to us break down it by zip code and identify the positive cases and act. >> sean: when new york was at it worst, i said on radio and tv if the medical manufacturers and food suppliers, if the packers didn't pack and the truckers didn't truck, new york would have died. >> that's right. >> sean: you were a lifeline for people in significant trouble. >> and we were able to do it in a responsible manner. we kept the economy open. all of us were able to do. that we are reaping benitis today. we are coming back stronger than ever. the number 1 state for opportunity is iowa.
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>> sean: isn't this wonderful? >> we all have our statistics, right? >> sean: compared to any democrats it's much better. governor doocy. arizona a large population of older people. you had certain challenges throughout the pandemic. you were able to overcome it. how? >> we focussed on the vulnerable right from the beginning. we knew that was the older folks. when governor lee said follow the science, it was 65 years and older and people with underlying health conditions. a conference call we would hold as governors we prioritized lives and livelihoods and errored on the side of limited government. we would trust our citizens. believe arizonans have common
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sense. it was a tough year. there is no winner in the covid year but you want to do the right thing to come out of it healthier and stronger. that's where arizona is. leading the country in personal income growth. if you don't like the dry heat check out flagstaff, arizona. >> sean: that's a good point. i was there one summer and i walked out and said i can't breathe. all of you have the problem that people from new york, new jersey and california and michigan, they are leaving their states and going to your states. you are seeing a huge impact of migration out of the blue states. my fear for all of you is that they may bring their liberal policies with them. >> with florida.
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the media at the beginning said florida was bad. they wanted to damage trump and me. last april they were saying florida is doing worse than new york. new york was 10 times worse. the people that buy those phoney narratives from the media, they probably are not coming to florida. most people see through it and think like us. i think these people are coming. they are registering as republicans and i have come across a lot of people who were democrats and lockdowns turned them into republicans. they said i am in california and they are locking my kids out of school. i come to florida they are in school and people are free and happy. i think process caused people to reevaluate prior commitments. if you have a political party that puts the interest of
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teacher's unions over kids accessing an education, that tells you all you need to know about the modern democrat party. >> sean: well said. the ads you were running said come on to south dakota. we openly welcome you and specifically you did the same thing with law enforcement. this is an opportunity for the state of south dakota to grow. you are enticing people to come. >> yes. i ran for governor on the fact that i was going to bring the next big industry to the state and grow the state. we wanted it to be a place where our kids got out of school and wanted to raise their families there. surrounded by the people they love. what was interesting is i ran on south dakota being an example to the nation. what happened during this pandemic t, it allowed us to tell our story.
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thousands are moving to our state and they want to live somewhere where the government respects them and somewhere where they can be free. south dakota was not on their radar a year ago to move to, but it is now. they wanted to live to have a quality of life and be respected. we did one week of a national advertising campaign to law enforcement officers and said if you want to live somewhere where you are supported and people respect you and we will help you take care of your families, come to south dakota. in one week we had hundreds of applications from 41 different states of law enforcement officers saying i want to live there. they respect law enforcement and they will appreciate my service. >> sean: and you gave an incentive. a bonus to everybody. tennessee, i love nashville because i loved 90 miles south in huntsville, alabama. i see the growth.
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the property prices soaring want opportunities are soaring. music city. usa. >> cranes out there everywhere. a lot happening. >> sean: it's florida, texas and the south. i don't want to single them all out here. they are all growing and benefiting. what the key component, freedom, low taxes, a nomination? >> i think people across the country are looking around unsatisfied in many states with life in particular. life in the last year. they have been looking for a long time, but suddenly the differences between our states and those blue states are stark. their kids have been out of school for a year. in tennessee all of kids are in school. in fact we have a strong school -- >> sean: are they wearing masks?
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>> they are not. in a couple of district they are. the law allows districts to make that decision. i don't think any kid ought to wear a mask. if you follow the science you don't have kids wearing masks when kids don't get sick from covid-19. that's science. school choices in states like our, parents get to choose. tennessee is the third lowest tax per capita state. we announced 2 major moves companies moving from california and michigan to put their locations in this state. our regulation in this state is really different than in these states that increased regulations. our taxes were reduced. we cut taxes. those states -- >> sean: wait a minute. joe said you can't take money
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and cut taxes. really? >> because we offer tax cuts to our citizens. >> [laughing]. >> there is a combination -- >> sean: this is like the chamber of commerce. >> it is. but i am describing a lot of republicans. >> sean: i agree with you. >> there are a lot of republicans right here who cut taxes and have lower regulation who have choices for parents, who have a business environment attractive to business. that's why every one of these states and mine, u-haul measure trucks going in that don't go out and tennessee is number 1. we all have our satish kalpoes. -- statistics. there is a stark difference that we see now. >> sean: veto take a break. -- we have to take a break. in california if you rented a u-haul to go to texas you pay
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association. in music city, usa. nashville, tennessee. what is the future of the republican agenda? can red states fight back against the green new deal and stand up the dangerous effort to defund police? we turned to our republican governors right here in nashville. i won't bother you, governor, but in all seriousness, all off can say to the people in your states you have lowered taxes. you have ended burdens from regulation. you created business friendly environments for everybody. we are seeing the benefits of your policies in place. now all of a sudden, you are fistically responsible and balance your budget and fund your pensions and in comes joe biden with a blue states bail
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out and california and gavin newsom he is giving them $4 billion taxpayer dollars from your states. i might be ticked off. governor sununu? >> absolutely. they changed the rules to fit their agenda. you are seeing republican governors as the last line of defense against true socialism. that's what is happening with the executive orders. the biggest thing hitting america is inflation. we are on the verge of hyper-inflation supply chain issues. there is no greater tax on the american people than inflation. every low-income family pays more for gas or wood or a gallon of milk. their policies are reversed and
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they hurt those they claim to help the most. >> exactly. we are paying the price. in iowa we are cutting taxes and reducing regulations. we had our kids? school. we are open for business. he thinks we are just starting on covid. the emergency is over. i sent back 95 million dollars. they sent 95 million dollars to get our kids back in the classroom. i said they have been back since august. this is ridiculous. here, you can take the 95 million dollars back. we don't need. it we need to do more of that. it's unconscionable. >> sean: this is -->>
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[overlapping talking]. >> joe biden tries to have strings attached if you take the money you can't taxes? >> we are cutting taxes. >> sean: wow. >> joe biden needs to stop trying to rescue us. we don't need to be rescued. this money is a blue states bail out for their failures in the past. i said i would be remiss if i didn't think my partner in growing arizona's economy and that was then california governor jerry brown. gavin newsom is more helpful. reagan said if the pilgrims landed in california they would have never discovered the rest of the country. nobody leaves california because they want to. it's too painful for lack of opportunities.
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>> sean: the first time in 171 years they lost population. >> it's a result of leadership, policy and lack of quality of life and economic opportunities. >> sean: what is even more ironic, gavin newsom will take your money and checks will go out to two-thirds of the people in california just prior to the recall. where i grew up in new york we have different words for that. it's from your taxpayers. you look at the tax policies and you look at washington, when donald trump became president and he put his tax plan in place. he got rid of reductions or deductions for state and local income taxes. personally, that hurt me. was it the right thing to do? yes, because red states they are being punished. they didn't get the same benefit i was getting. now joe is rewarding blue states
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friends with that deduction. that would hurt every one of you. >> it takes from our state and subsidizes wealthy taxpayers in those states. it's a terrible policy. new york, you have millions of people, fewer than florida your budget is over twice the size. >> sean: and their infrastructure is a disaster. >> our infrastructure is better. we do better in k-through 12. they crafted the budget before everything hit the fan. we have to make tough decisions. i didn't have to do that because there is so much money.
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they are rewarding states that made bad decisions or not been willing to make tough decisions. >> the reason i ran for office is because of bad tax policys. we lost my dad and paid death taxes that it took me 10 years to pay off. that's why i ran for office. in congress i was on the ways and means and the final conference committee that worked with president trump to fix a lot of bad parts of our tax policy in the country. to watch president biden destroy that -- >> sean: you said o-biden. you sound like a talk show host. >> i'm sorry. >> sean: don't apologize. >> to watch him undo this is tragic. we are not making decisions for ourses. we are making it for our kids.
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we won't pay off this debt. >> sean: we are robbing them blind. >> you mentioned it being the people's money. it's really easy, the federal government is shovelling out money. it's easy to spend somebody else's money. they forget this is the people's money. they like to tell states what to do. they don't like it when we talk back. we have talked back and said we want to do want to offer tax cuts. we had a billion dollars surplus in our state in spite of this economic down turn. we don't want to be told what to do with federal dollars and what our kids should learn in school. we don't want to be told by the federal government what to do. that's why states and what you are seeing here are beginning to
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come together and work together to push back. >> sean: we will take a break. a lot more to talk about. we will discuss the issue of law and order and election integrity. what the republican party needs to do to win in 2022 and 2024. we continue on this "hannity" town hall in nashville, tennessee. thanks for being with us.
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republican governors laying out the future for the american first movement. how to fight back against this destructive democratic agenda and power grab and how to deliver prosperity to you the american people that work hard every day. we continue with our governors. governor sununu, we have -- i always felt if i broke the law, they would be arrested. and pre-dawn raids with cnn cameras. we have laws about immigration not being obeyed and i would argue that the biden administration is aiding law breaking. after the kids get out of the cages that joe built these illegal immigrants are dispersed to your states. you have to pay for housing and
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education and healthcare? >> this is not a southern border crisis. it's a humanitarian crisis. those videos are real. you see what is happening to the kids and the families. it has an impact across the country. everyone has to be part of the solution. >> what is frustrating is they created this crisis and could stop it tomorrow. it is impacting every state across the country. he was so determined to remove all of the trump policies protecting united states citizens. for them not to even go to the border. we would be laid out if we were that irresponsible and didn't show up. >> sean: arizona, you are right in the middle. >> it hits us first and the biden administration is not only anti-wall. they are awol.
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absent without wool. -- leave. president biden and kamala harris have not been been to the border. >> sean: do you pay the burden of housing and healthcare and educationine though people didn't respect our laws and our sovereignty? >> we will. the interesting thing is this is happening in the middle of the night in which the tennessee, as you know, private planes flew in, only discovered because news reporters saw that. human traffickers are paid to move children into this country across the border. your government is facilitating the last leg of that journ. journey. they are doing it in secret.
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>> sean: is there any recourse? any of you want to jump in? there is any recourse when they transport illegal immigrants into your states and you have to pay for everything? >> we will demanding transparency. if you bring them here, we want to know about it. if you do something in secret, you are doing it because you know the people won't want it. when we have a government that is disregarding the will of the people. >> sean: is there any recourse for all of you to not facilitate law breaking and have to bear the burden of the financial costs? >> we were bold telling them don't end us unaccompanied children and we don't want to participate in what they are doing to threaten our national security. they don't have to get our
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approval to put refugees in our states. i can communicate with the people who run those programs in my state. they receive state dollars. they need to know those are threatened if they are threatening people of south dakota. it's my job to put the people of south dakota first. i will do it with every tool i have. >> one thing they are also doing, no more i.c.e. detainers. somebody convicted of a crime the trump administration would send them back. the biden administration releases them back into the community. these are convicted criminal aliens. we are suing the biden administration on that policy. that's a dereliction of duty and responsibility to take care that the laws are faithfully executed. >> sean: for the benefit of time, you see defunding the police and no bail laws.
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i think it's madness. i see what is happening in portland, new york and los angeles. murder rates going through the roof. how do you counter that? why would anybody do these things? >> well, you don't do them in the first place. you set a tone and you are an example for others. it's hard. no doubt about it. as a governor the beauty of being governor is our job is to be selfish. i care about anyone in the granite state. by setting that example hopefully more will follow. >> we support the men and women who serve in law enforcement. we put additional funding in the department of safety and passed back to blue. we have their backs and we are grateful for what they do keeping our community safe. >> [applauding]. >> what we have done in arizona is deploy the national guard to
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the border. we are doing it with state funds. it only works if you have new mexico and texas. >> sean: are you allowed to prevent people from entering illegally? >> we are there so the border patrol can be on the border. >> sean: but they are still allowed in? >> but we are slowing the migration. it's the cartels shaping the border policy and the biden administration is the marking arm. >> we passed the strongest pro-police law in the country. we don't let local government defund the police. if you riot you are going to jail. we are funding the police. $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer. >> [applauding]. >> hundreds of law enforcement
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who left everything behind. the people of israel need your help, they need you. please, pray to god, and ask him what he would have you do today. your gift of $45 is needed right now. it's beauty, - [macaw vo] pretty boy. - or the beast. - the beauty, - [macaw vo] pretty boy. has failed. the beast, john cox, will shake up sacramento, cut taxes. learn about california's nicest, smartest beast at
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it's beauty, - [macaw vo] pretty boy. - or the beast. - the beauty, - [macaw vo] pretty boy. has failed. the beast, john cox, will open schools, get our economy roaring. learn about california's nicest, smartest beast at ♪ ♪ >> sean: we continue from nashville, our exclusive governors town hall. we are going to get two topics in really quick here, election integrity and is the future of the republican party the make america great again agenda. i say we need five things. voter i.d., cigna verification, chain of custody control, partisan observers observing and
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cleanup the voter rolls, am i missing anything? >> as you are a member we counted 11 million votes on election night in florida very transparent. we didn't do great in the past with it but the bill i signed their band ballot harvesting. all the stuff you talked about. but we also banned the zucker box where zuckerberg was spending all that money to run the election in these areas. >> sean: the future of the republican party, america first, make america great again or would you add and subtract from any of that? >> i think that's the core of it. i think president trump got the basics right. as times change you have to look and see what new issues come along. reagan's agenda was right for that time, people will talk about it but you've got to look to see what's coming down the pipe. >> sean: governor buried >> election integrity, those five things you mention, we do them all in south dakota and we have honest, fair, transparent elections. no problems in south dakota. people in south dakota understand america-first, they believe in it and if anything, what 2020 has taught them for
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2021 is how much more important it is. >> sean: clearly establishment republicans don't like donald trump. i would argue donald trump as the base of the republican party. >> absolutely. >> sean: said do they have a chance of unseating him? >> of unseating... >> sean: to take the trump agenda or if the president chooses to run in 2024 to make >> the trump agenda lifted everybody up. the minority in this country lifted them up, anybody who says that was the wrong agenda for this country, there wrong themselves. they are not truly conservative. >> sean: really quick, governor. >> your words about election integrity, the things you listed out, that will make it easier to vote and harder to cheat and that is how we are going to have election integrity across this country. the republican party, its agenda, what we are seeing -- we saw it in the last election when we got more votes in hispanic
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boats and african-american votes and we had gotten in 60 years. the left has scared regular people and we are not a party that's attracting less people and we are attracting them because we are the party of people who work for a living. >> right. >> sean: what will we find in this? anything? >> this is our fourth audit. this argument three audits, this is the fourth one. the first three came out clean. it let's see what this fourth one says but i think if you look at arizona and what's happening in other republican states, we really have a compendium of best practices. >> sean: real quick, yes or no, it's donald trump still the leader of the republican partner? >> his of our present, the largest voice. >> sean: is he the leader? >> a party of addition. >> sean: is he the leader? is he the leader? >> i don't think anyone defines the leadership of the party. it's defined by principal. >> sean: is a defined by america-first, make america
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♪ ♪ >> sean: all right, as as we wrap things up, music city usa, want to give our governors a big hand? [cheers and applause] unfortunately that's all the time we have the slip this evening, set your dvr so you never miss an episode. let not your heart be troubled. laura is next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. we have a lot to get to, senator tom cotton, lindsey graham are here along with newt gingrich, announcement there, and candace owens. plus, why some people will not get rid of their masks no matter what and arroyo drops his mask and a big way. he has that in "seen and unseen." but first, redefining and disarming america. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, the hard-core left that now basically owns the democrat
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