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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 28, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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broadcast. >> dana: do you have a barbecue this weekend? what's your favorite barbecue food? >> bill: i do a great ribeye. really good. medium rare. it's so good. >> dana: if i ask for it medium well what would you do? >> bill: i would try. >> dana: nice being with you. >> bill: you are out next week. enjoy it. see you soon. >> dana: "the faulkner focus" next. >> harris: fox news alert. president biden is plowing ahead with next level spending to reshape america. biden is about to drop a new $6 trillion budget proposal. i'm harris faulkner. you are in "the faulkner focus". analysts say biden has abandoned any signs of moderate politics as he wants to tax you and spend epic amounts of cash and drive up the federal
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deficit to critical numbers. the president's plan would ramp up government spending to a quarter of the entire u.s. economy. taxpayer overload as we look at just some of the funding requests from washington the plan also does not include $3 trillion additional dollars in mandatory spending for social security and servicing the debt. if we can even do that at this point. the proposal runs a nearly $2 trillion deficit even with a raft of new tax increases. house minority leader kevin mccarthy is warning that spending would rise to the level of communist countries. >> this is too extreme and too expensive. think about what we're saying here. this is what everyone has ever warned us about. your debt becomes so large more than 100% of your gdp. there is no coming back from that.
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it sounds like venezuela or cuba. you create inflation. rewarding people not to work. in a short five months he has put us in a place we haven't seen since jimmy carter. if he simply did nothing he would make america stronger. >> harris: the "new york post" cover today, look at the center of your screen. showing president biden riding a pig with the headline hog wild. let's begin the news. mark meredith live at the white house with the very latest. mark. >> later today president biden will unveil how he would like to see the federal government spend some $6 trillion and while his budget will be reviewed, if not championed by democrats there is no guarantee the president will get everything he wants. still the white house wants it to be the largest amount of federal spending since world war ii and how departments usda, hud, homeland security are adapting to the president's economic, social and political
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agenda. now separately the white house will -- one sen erd around repairing and expanding infrastructure. the other boosting government social programs. while those negotiations are still ongoing the president wants americans to be patient with a post pandemic economic recovery. >> president biden: you can't reboot a global economy like flipping on a light switch. there will be ups and jobs and economic report. and supply issues and back to a steady and stable growth. >> bill: republicans are arguing the balloon federal deficit. inflation may be rising faster than some expected. republicans are putting the blame squarely on the new administration. >> this is not going to work for our country. we're already seeing the ill effects with prices going up and people not at work. we're seeing it today. we cannot continue down this path. what president biden is putting
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forward is reckless, it is crazy, it makes no sense. >> the "wall street journal" summing up saying the emerging picture of the biden economic agenda is a larger bite and more tax complexity and more i.r.s. audits for those at higher incomes. a lot of talk what the i.r.s. will look like down the road. the white house says it can offset so much of this spending by taxing both wealthy americans and corporate america. that where we see the pushback. it is not the right time now to raise taxes. the debate will go on after the president releases the budget later today. >> president >> harris: oh, you think? you can win this one. you get the money. i want to bring in now marc thiessen "washington post" columnist and fox news contributor. i have been reading a little bit about what you write. you're prolific. why is it that you say, marc,
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this is even worse than what we've already seen reported about biden's budget? >> first of all $6 trillion would be the largest level of spending since world war ii as a share of the economy. as you pointed out it doesn't include the $3 trillion for mandatory spending for social security and other things. but the other thing it doesn't include that's nowhere in this budget biden's public option. during the campaign he proposed $1.4 trillion plan to create a public option in healthcare. the main thing he campaigned on in terms of social spending. it is not in the budget. we have another 1.4 trillion coming for the public option and if you look at his campaign pledges, he promised during the campaign $11 trillion in spending. this is only 6. we have another 5 trillion to come down the pike. >> harris: whoa. you are keeping score. there might be a number of people who went oh my gosh. he said 11, we're seeing 6. really 9 when you add in the 3
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trillion going to social security and other programs that they have on the side right now. so did we scoot by with an extra 2? what you're saying is hang on, katie bar the door, there is more to come >> there is more to come and then the tax side of this. this plan right now would have -- the largest spending since world war ii. the largest tax collection as a share of the economy in a century, right? and so what does the plan include? it includes a middle class tax increase, right? remember joe biden promised during the campaign nobody making $400,000 a year or less is going to get a tax increase on his watch. but his budget assumes that he is going to let the trump tax cuts expire, all of the tax cuts including the middle class tax cut. letting a tax cut expire is a tax increase. he is going to raise taxes so there is either two things are possible. either his budget is a lie and he won't raise the taxes, all
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his revenue taxes are a lie. or he lied to the people when he said he wouldn't raise taxes. >> harris: you can have both of those things unfortunately in succession, right? you don't have to do them both on the same day which is really what is troubling about what you're saying. you can't have it both ways but you can have more bad news in succession. talk to me about this. when you say the middle class, people don't always understand what that means. the ball keeps moving on who falls in that. we come out of a situation where people have not been in the workforce, some of them still aren't in it. what does that actually mean? >> well, so the trump tax cuts gave a tax cut to 65% of the american people. so if you let all the trump tax cuts expire, which is what his budget projects. you'll raise taxes on 65% of the american people. significant part of the population that doesn't pay taxes and that's true. they probably won't get their
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taxes increased but anybody who got a tax cut under donald trump if your taxes went down. 65% majority of the american people you get a tax increase. i guarantee 65% of the country are not millionaires and billionaires. >> harris: i just want to remember that fresh number from you. you've been writing about this so much. 65% of the american people who pay taxes and got a tax break from the trump era now will see a tax hike. as you said, don't let them shine it up. that's really what it is. house lawmakers are set to introduce a new set of bills that would establish a 9/11 style bipartisan commission to investigate how the coronavirus pandemic started and would allow victims' families to sue china. all of it comes as a former state department official now says a government probe last year did not back up widespread reports that the virus likely was originated in a wild animal
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market. watch. >> we were finding that despite the claims of our scientific community, there was almost no evidence that supported a natural evolution or source of covid-19. the data stacked up as we investigation it was coming out of a labor some supernatural source. >> harris: and marc, you just wrote a fresh op-ed in the "washington post" ripping the media for largely dismissing the wuhan lab theory initially calling the press actions a shameful dereliction of duty. why? >> because they did it because basically it was trump and tom cotton and conservatives saying these things and back then the democratic playbook and their media allies was to blame donald trump for the pandemic.
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any effort to cast blame on china was a distraction from the effort to blame donald trump. now donald trump is out of office. can we finally blame china? apparently now it's okay and safe to do so. the reality is of course it came from the lab. there is zero evidence to show that it came naturally. look at the evidence in the lab, okay? it happened in wuhan which just happens to be the home of china's premier lab studying bat coronavirus. we know in 2018 u.s. diplomats warned about lacks safety prax practices and they were doing gain of function experiments on coronavirus and doing it at biosafety two levels. the level of safety at your dentists office instead of biosafety level four with the space suits. those are facts. there is a long history of viruses escaping from chinese labs.
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sars 1 escaped four times and we know three lab workers at the wuhan lab got sick with covid-like symptoms in november just as the pandemic was starting. you don't have to -- bob dylan said you don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. >> harris: so many details there. we learned yesterday from jack keane who said that they even -- that situation that you just described early on outside the wuhan lab was so disturbing they put a general outside that lab. we were clearly -- china was clearly interested and worried. we were clearly interested and worried and should still be from everything that you've just said. so it sounds like simply did some powerful democrats choose china over the former president if what finger pointing they were doing? your thoughts on that. >> absolutely they did. and look, the reality is we need to get to the bottom of this because of the legislation you just mentioned which would
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allow americans to sue china. right now if china -- if they can still point to this as an act of nature they can say we're not responsible. who can control an act of nature? if this came from a chinese government lab that was because of lax safety practices it is no longer an act of god, it is an act of state. the chinese government is responsible for the release of the pandemic that killed 3 million people around the world including half a million americans and they can be sued for their negligence and for their irresponsible behavior. this is really important to get as much information as we can pointing to this as what is the obvious outcome. this came from a lab. >> harris: called delayed accountability. let's see if the american people can get any of it. marc thiessen, thank you very much. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: we're awaiting a verdict in the molly tibbetts murder trial. a jury is deliberating for a second day and we're watching
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this closely. cristhian rivera, an illegal immigrant here in the united states, is accused of killing 20-year-old university of iowa student in july of 2018. he faces life in prison if convicted of first degree murder. matt finn is live for us in davenport, iowa, with more. >> the jury deliberated yesterday for three hours and today 2 1/2 hours so far this morning. the disappearance and death of molly tibbetts made nationwide headlines. police say illegal immigrant 24-year-old cristhian rivera stabbed her to death and dumped her body in a cornfield and a month later confessed and led them to the body. the big shock in the murder trial rivera chose to take the stand and under oath gave stunning details claiming two masked armed men forced him to follow tibbetts, killed her, they drove to a cornfield and they left tibbetts body in his
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trunk. the prosecution says there is overwhelming evidence pointing toward rivera and the two masked men are figments of rivera's imagination. >> they vanished out of thin air. walked away in a cornfield after killing the young woman and they leave him with transportation and a cell phone. that makes no sense at all. >> rivera's defense says the state cut corners. felt pressure to pin this case on rivera and did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that rivera is the person that actually stabbed tibbetts to death. >> then they have no scientific evidence that connects him to the -- they want to talk about the trunk and the corn field. both of which we admit. but having her in the trunk and putting her in the corn field
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does not mean he killed her. >> the jury is made of seven men, five women. they identify nine wife, three hispanic, we could have a verdict at some point today, harris. >> harris: we're watching it. matt finn, thank you very much. the co-founder of black lives matter, the organization, just quit. critics are wondering how a self-described marxist was able to buy herself $3 million in real estate. is that organization losing credibility? and there is this. >> we're turning the tide from a global pandemic. every city has gone through something like this. we'll turn things around. i believe recovery itself will make us safer. recovery equals safety. safety equals recovery. >> harris: he is not a doctor. mayor deblasio this week promising a safer summer in new
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york city. however, new video tells a very different story. a gun fight broke out in broad daylight again, violence during the day. so is recovery enough to make things safer or does more need to be done? veteran homeowners, i have 100 great reasons why you should use your va home loan benefit to take cash out of your home. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% percent of your home's value. with today's rates near all-time lows and home values at record highs, you can take out $50,000 or more and lower your payments by $600 a month. the newday 100 va loan. only from newday usa. still fresh... unstopables in-wash scent booster.
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>> harris: new york city's crime epidemic spilled out into the open. security cameras are capturing a full on gun fight breaking out on the upper west side of manhattan. two men opened fire on each other in broad daylight. police are asking the public to help find suspect. democrats' push to reimagine public safety is backfiring.
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>> in our country stupid malicious people took full control. the democratic party took full control of the country and their policies resulted in a huge number of killings. that is not speculation. they bragged about it. >> harris: power panel now. we welcome kevin walling a former biden campaign surrogate and rachel campos-duffy, the brand-new co-host of "fox & friends" weekend. and co-host of the podcast from the kitchen table with her husband, sean duffy. great to see you both and congratulations, my friend rachel. all right, let's start here. you've got crime on the streets. it is new york city. it is still a pandemic. the mayor says oh, the pandemic will make it all better. you've been in the process of defunding and now you want to refund. how would you describe it all that's happening, rachel? >> well, we see crime on the street, we see that mayor deblasio is trying to say that
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quarantine had something to do with it. i think tucker's report last night was very interesting. it could be that petty crime is up because a lot of kids aren't in school anymore because of democrat mayors and governors and teachers union. that doesn't explain the increase in crime not just in new york city but in so many other democrat cities. we have a 600% increase in portland, 56% increase in minneapolis. 40% in philadelphia, 27% in l.a. it goes on and on. the quarantine cannot explain all of that. it is exactly what you say. the reimagining police. if you have private security it is easy to talk about reimagining policing. but yes, we've seen defund the police measures, many of these cities are places where they are defunding and letting people out on bail. so there is a lot of factors going on here. >> harris: so on the democrat side of this i have to ask with
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the word reimagine, what it really means. >> i fundamentally reject notion of defunding police as a democrat on this panel and one of the reasons why i supported president biden in the primary was he rejected that as well. in the 90s he wrote landmark legislation to increase resources for police for training and community policing and recruitment and one of the things we need now more than ever with the spikes as rachel is talking about not just in the cities we're seeing. we're seeing it across the board but also in suburban areas. the violent crime rate is suburban america is higher than urban centers. it is concentrated in the cities because that's where the population centers are. administration and republicans need to come together and work on this issue. >> harris: so people don't get confused by which side of the aisle you sit on. that answer was really polished up. you started with biden.
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you know he has the most power in terms of all these politicians. why the heck doesn't he speak up? yeah, he did sort of straddle the line of no defund but there were a lot of democrats watching it was doing in their cities like henry cuellar in texas and joe manchin in west virginia. manchin saying this isn't going to work out. where is biden? in kansas city i remind everybody when things were popping off and breaking to the point where peaceful protestors had insurgents and rioters among them. feds called in by former president trump and the mayor of the city didn't find out until he checked his twitter. sometimes the president will take action. rachel. >> right. don't forget our vice president and candidate kamala harris was asking people to bail out the
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protestors causing a lot of trouble in these cities. the message is wrong. our guest talked about recruitment. if you know police officers as i do, they are completely demoralized and it comes from the top down. it comes from the message that joe biden and the democrat party have about our police officers. many of them are retiring early and sadly telling their sons and daughters not to go into this line of work because the reputation that they have, the things that they are facing, the violence that they are facing and the lack of respect for law enforcement that we've seen has come out in the last few years has been on overdrive. you can see why people don't want to go into the field anymore. one more thing. culture. our families are breaking down and n faith and morals. there are lots of factors going on. i think our country, this is a moment for us to look at ourselves and think where do we
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want to go, not just law enforcement. we have to look at this holistically. our culture is in denial. >> harris: they're having gun fights in the streets of new york city. the mayor and governor of new york don't see it the same way. cuomo says you need more cops, cops, cops. no, you need more and the mayor says no, we just need to come out of the pandemic. whatever it is, they have guns in the streets. let's move on. meanwhile black lives matter co-founder, the organization, patrice cullors has quit as executive director of the group's global foundation. she says the decision has been in the works since last year. it comes as the self-described marxist faces criticism over her 3.2 million real estate portfolio now. lawrence jones says the organization is losing credibility. >> a lot of the families, rice and taylor are upset with the movement because they've been given all this money. they want justice but they
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don't necessarily support the group. the group really isn't advocating for black life. they have their own agenda. >> harris: kevin, as i come to you the movement, the organization are very different things. inside the organization they were going to take a look at where some of her money was going. remember who she says she is and now what she is doing. she had a lot of stuff going on to further her career. >> it is always a problem when a person becomes the center of attention as opposed to the movement. clearly we need more transparency and reporting. calls from within the movement to see these kinds of records. 501c3. they have to file paperwork with the government in terms of these distributions but it is the right thing for her to step down. she has become a distracted from the important work of the movement when it comes to racial equality in this country. >> harris: the associated press
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reports black lives matter global foundation took in $90 million last year. our cities literally were on fire you saw blm movement but didn't necessarily see the organization in the streets. you certainly didn't see patrice cullors. is she on the streets of chicago, seattle, minneapolis, anywith pulling people together i would love to see it. the foundation disclosed cullors took home $120,000 in yearly compensation from 2013 to 2019. however, in the past cullors has said she didn't receive a salary. i guess you could argue that one way or the other. she got paid. last quick thought, rachel. >> blm is a corporation. a marxist corporation, clearly she is stepping down where there is smoke there is fire. as she steps down she is playing the victim oppressed card that she is getting booted out because of right wing
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activists going after her. no, she is getting booted out because she has corruption in the organization and support for blm has been dropping. >> harris: to give you a taste of what she has been working on. she is leaving to focus on her new book and the release of a program that she is working on with warner brothers. good for her. all right. good to see you. thank you. new fallout after a big city mayor says she will only grant interviews to people of color. remember that. the legal action she is now facing. boy, this story has legs now. did you see this? >> chocolate chocolate chip. >> harris: yeah, we want the reporters to get the scoop but not that kind. what does it say about the media when the most pressing issue in the president's taste is in ice cream? how about finding out what
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happened in the origins of wuhan lab. he gets the ice cream question. ari fleischer joins "the faulkner focus".
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>> harris: despite a raging border crisis, surging crime and mounting calls to get to the bottom of the origins of the killer coronavirus, the media found it important to grill president biden on something else yesterday. >> mr. president, -- >> chocolate chocolate chip. [inaudible] >> chocolate chocolate chip. >> harris: so that one reporter as tried as best they could. they wanted to know about the
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chocolate chocolate chip. real clear politics tom bevan tweeted this. our media is so embarrassing. joe morris, a politics editor for the "new york post" with this. the post reported yesterday that joe biden had dinner with hunter biden's eastern europey an oligarch business partners while he was vice president but the corporate media would rather ask him about ice cream. that isn't untrue. it is the facts. ari fleischer former press secretary under george w. bush. great to have you on the program. >> i'm shaking my head. i'm so used to the press dishing it out and being tough on presidents because that's what they do when there is a republican president. then you see this? i get it there are sometimes occasional light hearted moments between the white house press corps and the ps. this is a habit between the press and joe biden. it is embarrassing, it's true.
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>> harris: you say dishing it out. they were interested in a little dishing it out. just ice cream and not tough questions. there is a reason why this is really problematic, though, it is a tick up in this. we have seen this before. vice president kamala harris asked if she is on the tarmac a few weeks ago are you going to the border crisis? she is laughing. he is laughing. he is laughing recently as he is test driving an electric ford, i don't want to answer that question on israel. it would have been better if he said that. he said why don't you get in front of this vehicle and let me run you over to the media and they all laugh. it is not funny. >> it would be one thing if these were occasionally little bursts of humor and part of daily life in the mix of tough, ongoing, regular coverage but it is not. a survey was completed of the first 100 days and going back to bill clinton. no one has gotten more
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favorable press coverage than joe biden going back to bill clinton's first 100 days. the easiest press coverage according to pew. where is the press and asking hard in your face questions regularly? that's their job. they certainly don't seem to want to do it when joe biden is the president not according to pew, that's pretty scientific. >> harris: and the president is figuring something out about them. if you just flash a tasty object like ice cream they will follow. new fallout after chicago mayor lori lightfoot when she said she would only grant interviews to reporters of color. to mark the two-year anniversary of her inauguration. the daily caller news foundation and judicial watch are suing the big city democrat after saying she refused to grant an interview to a white reporter. that reporter is speaking out. >> i think that we shouldn't live in a country where anyone
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is treated worse than anyone else or given an opportunity that anyone else is otherwise given solely because of race. and so at first just seeing the policy before any of this i think, like a lot of people out there, i was really surprised that an elected official would do something like this. >> harris: ari, this seems to have a second chapter. your thoughts. >> every chapter to this is terribly sad and distressing. is there anybody no society who would teach their children treat somebody, react to somebody because of the color of their skin? i sure hope the answer is no. but when it comes to an elected official from one of the largest cities in the united states? shouldn't they be immediately and thoroughly held to a higher standard to treat people equally? when she did this. this is what is so sad about it. she got away with it because
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the networks never covered it. "the new york times," which fights for civil rights and justice one sentence is all they gave it and it wasn't even a critical sentence. it was a passive mention in an otherwise unrelated story. this is why she and democrats can get away with this reverse discrimination because the mainstream media doesn't hold them to account for it. they let it go as if they're in favor of it. nothing was done wrong and nothing to cover. >> harris: i've had guests on this very program like will cain co-host of weekend "fox & friends" say it is not even reverse discrimination. it is flat-out racism. think about it in the reverse. what if there were a white mayor who said they would only have an interview with a white reporter. is racial equality and love for everybody, if that's where we're going, is that what it will look like? you'll still not like people who don't look like you?
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>> if a white person did that to a black reporter it would be front page "new york times." it would lead the network news and be an uproar from the press to make sure it's stopped and nobody else ever does it again. here they look the other way because it's acceptable. no, this is not acceptable, not in america and certainly shouldn't be happening in chicago. >> harris: i challenge people to go look at some of those other networks and look at the news people across all those channels and find how many people look like me and how eye -- ironic it is they gave the mayor of chicago a pass. they don't agree with her apparently. they're not doing a ton of minority hiring in front of the camera that we can see. ari fleischer, thank you, good to see you on this friday. the deadly shooting -- have a great memorial day. the deadly shooting at a california rail yard breaking during this hour yesterday.
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it has sparked a new debate over that state's very strict gun laws. among the toughest in the nation. while authorities say the gunman legally obtained three semi automatic pistols that he used to gun down nine co-workers. he legally did. the magazines he used held well over the legal limit, though, in california. a leading gun rights activist writes this. california's no gun policies were completely ignored by the killer. did that stop the mass murderer? no. did it leave law abiding citizens defenseless? yes. claudia cohen is live for us. we're learning more now about the gunman. >> that's right, harris,. the emerging details paint a picture of disgruntled employee in hot water at work. the morning he opened fire at the light lail yard in san jose he was scheduled to have a
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disciplinary hearing. sam cassidy had worked for the vta for nine years but did not like his jobs and colleagues did not like him. vta employees had filed complaints he had made inappropriate and racist comments and bragged about having firearms. early wednesday morning the 57-year-old showed up during a shift change with three semi automatic handguns and more than 30 high capacity magazines. chilling security footage shows him in the middle of his attack walking from one building to another gunning down nine co-workers before killing himself. he targeted some, but not all. >> what we do know is that there were a lot of employees in a certain area. he said to one person who was not an employee i'm not going to shoot you and shot others. this is one of our witnesses. our witnesses are having a difficult time. >> a neighbor's surveillance
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camera captured the moment he left for work with a duffel back filled with weapons and house rigged to catch fire later. it was filled with bomb making materials and molotov cocktails. he had a history with the feds. after returning from an overseas trip in 2016 he was questioned after border agents found writings about terrorism and notes detailing his hatred of his job. the notes, however, were never passed along to local police. last night thousands gathered at san jose city hall to honor the victims and their families. some waited 12 hours to learn whether their loved ones were alive or dead. the vta trains have stopped temporarily to give these employees time to process what happened here and to grieve. harris. >> harris: i can't imagine waiting 12 hours to find out if your loved one was alive or
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dead. what a day, what a week. claudia, thank you. president biden's nominee for the atf has pledged to ban assault weapons in america. but he is having a hard time explaining what exactly assault weapons are. take a look. >> what is an assault weapon? >> senator, no way i could define assault weapon. >> you can't answer my question. i was going to vote for you. >> harris: he will lead the atf? kat timpf is here to weigh in. she is already shaking her head. my psoriasis. cosentyx works on all of this. cosentyx can help you look and feel better by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine, or plan to.
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>> what's an assault weapon? >> the bill to ban assault weapons is -- >> what is your definition? >> no way i can define a assault weapon. >> it's a particularly lethal weapon and regulating it as other particularly lethal weapons i have advocated for. >> you want to ban the most popular rifle in america. >> those firearms could be treated -- >> harris: wow, under that definition a hatchet is a particularly lethal weapon. we'll move on.
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the gop grilling president biden's atf nominee yesterday on capitol hill after senator john kennedy spared with david shipman over define exactly what is an assault weapon. the ken tensionous confirmation hearing comes as he pushes to ban assault weapons from americans. the latest push is a leftward mood by the biden administration. >> the people that president biden has appointed to make policy for him are the most radical folks i've ever seen. these are people that have contempt for america. >> harris: fox nation host kat timpf joins me now and thinking a lot about this. we'll tap in with you. >> the worst thing about this it's not new. it comes up all the time. there are so many people out there we want to ban ar-15s and think it stands for assault rifle 15. the definition of an assault
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weapon is whatever politicians say it is. it's arbitrary, it is totally illogical as you pointed out a hatchet could have fit into that definition. >> harris: you know, this kind of brings forth a bigger point. i remember a time when former president trump would put people up for different positions and some weren't the right people for the positions. he would put them up. they would get a grilling and it would be all over the news and media every channel. this by and large is one of the most important agencies this nation's facing violent crime. the atf is important. >> i disagree. i don't think we need atf. most of what it focuses on is regulation and taxation. very little that actually goes to prosecuting and investigating violent crimes which other agencies can handle
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and should handle. but again having somebody -- it is also that is reiff with abuses. you could see how the abuse could continue if he doesn't have a basic understanding of weapons. you can't have somebody up there that doesn't believe in the right to the second amendment, right? >> harris: wow. thank you for that point on where the atf really is still not really hearing much about the guy who doesn't know what an assault weapon is. i want to get to this quickly. a woman in michigan got nearly a $400 ticket for talking too loud on her phone walking down the sidewalk. her neighbor asked her to be quiet and she refused. 30 seconds tell me what you think. >> that's a government money grab obviously. as a fellow detroiter and fellow loud woman i feel awful that this happened to her and
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she should maybe start looking into the way that the government just takes money wherever it can. a bike ticket for not signaling to know one, $200. it's crazy. >> harris: i'm another loud female. let's grab lunch. thanks for joining "the faulkner focus". "outnumbered" after the commercial break.
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