tv Hannity FOX News May 28, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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scientists. w >> what you said sounds like science to me and i wish we had more of it. thank you. >> tucker: thanks for having me, tucker. >> tucker: thanks for having me. let's episode out on fox nation. we are back monday. have a great weekend with the ones you love. see you soon. ♪ ♪ >> jason: welcome to the joe biden and the extreme democrats tonight are failing at thee border, failing to deliver for working-class americans all across this great country. the worst part is that they are doubling down on this reckless, radical, ridiculous, irresponsible socialist agenda every single chance they get. for example, joe biden is unveiling a whopping $6 trilliof
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budget proposal, the largest in u.s. history, that would vastly expand the size and scope of the already bloated in that federal government, i washington's role in managing your everyday life. according to estimates, it's actually enacted, it would put the deficit at 1.3 trillion per year for the next decade. and the highest ever national debt as a proportion of the economy, do not be fooled by the democrats' political platitudes, they are cheap nonsense talking points, and they are far less fantasies. what joe biden is doing is mortgaging out your future, creating a perfect storm for fiscal chaos for current and future generations. for joe biden, what he's doing right now, it's not smart. it's insane. certainly not sustainable. it's a big government binge of more taxes, more debt, more spending, and guaranteed turmoil. do not buy make the democrats' lies that trillions and
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trillions will be paid by the so-called rich, do the math. it's common sense. in the p end this will be paid r by you, working-class dirt under the fingernails middle-class americans who work for a living all across the country. and what about inflation? rising costs at the gas pump and your grocery store? you are going to have to pay for that too. but the destructive democratic agenda does not stop there. despite an intensifying crisis at t our southern border, bidens budget leaves the homeland secured a budget flat. the one thing we should be devoting more resources to is the one item he decided to leave out. but the fake newsers continue to play defense for joe. they continue to act for the democratic party, instead ofhi focusing on his total complete inability to lead. don't believe me?is look at this embarrassing fiasco this week when they ask sleepy about his ice cream. take a look.
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>> chocolate chocolate chip. spherical nice work, fellas. it's hard hitting theorists c1 economics professor. thanks, guys. really appreciate it. i'll go to you first. we are going bankrupt, buddy. trillions of dollars in debt, 2,022,000,000,000,000? we owe more than the country produces and everybody is whistling dixie. what do you say? vehicle first of all we went through this pandemic. we have all this emergency spending. we've never spent so much as a country and now it looks like we aren't going to go back to normal levels. just going to stay there and annie up. this is just a slice of biden's
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socialist agenda. this only funds pieces of it. we aren't even to the point of free college and loan forgiveness in nebraska. there is the obnoxious parts to it. joe biden, the devout catholic who lectures us constantly about his faith literally making christian voters in the catholic, c voters of faith save for abortions. this is the kind of things, dan, that she is never going to unify thee country. if we can't understand and respect somebody's deeply held principles of faith. >> certainly isn't the lunch bucket joe. i appreciate you joiningci us for -- i have a serious question for you. what's the level percentage of debt to gdp were economics professorge like yourself is generally worried about a potential national bankruptcy
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defect or does your. what's the number? >> all the economists will tell you that it's not a single number. depends how fast your economy is growing. what level that can sustain, depends on what the interest rates are. it's well above where we are now. what i can't understand, dan, besides the disinformation campaign against ice cream, is where were you guys when donald trump was running -- >> dan: it's 40% lower! >> i'm not having that! timeout, going under the hood for a view. i have been a critic of debt under george w. bush, obama, trump. austan, that's nonsense. >> all right. >> dan: it's what i have you on. it's not -- >> let me ask you a question ans follow. can we agree on this, me and you both? can we both agree that excessive
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government debt and spending is a problem regardless of who does it? >> if it's not an investment, yes. we can agree -- >> dan: why are we going with this payoff? >> we want agree. >> dan: always a caveat. i love debating with you but there is always an out for you. we'll do another round here. but again, it's clear at this point we are never going to repay this debt that we can monetize it, but we are borrowing observe amounts of money. is there ever going to be an end to this if we don't take a stand? some, republicans wanted a trillion dollar infrastructure bill at some point. eit is insane. >> >> i think austin would agree to. it's a political document and what it does is it tells you about.ese guys are all in that budget, it's also
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calling for $3.4 trillion in new taxes. the university of pennsylvania a did a study and they said that even if you increased taxes at the upper ate all the way to 70% and increase in every other tax by 25%, you couldn't balance the budget. i think you remember ronald reagan, not so much at the american people are overtaxed, it's that the government in washington is overfed and in wisconsin where i come from, this is like a scandinavians smorgasbord when it comes to being overfed. make no mistake, this is a thought progressives think that growing the government can actually spur economic growth. it's a political document, they know it doesn't work. but this is what it's about and this is a wake-up call -- even a wake-up call to some of the things that austan said, the
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spending eventually is going to kill us and the only one in the end that are going to have money are the people doling it out. >> it's not like we haven't tried this before. remember the jimmy carter malaise? >> we've tried this before. we had this incredible thing called stagflation where unemployment was people didn't have money and inflation was high too. jimmy carter managed to screw something up that nobody thought was even possible where was still going up. >> no matter what party they come from, they know that the number one question of whether or not they get reelected is whether or not people feel optimistic about their personal role in the economy. we both are pocketbook in joe biden underneath his approvals of the economy and coronavirus, incredibly toxic unpopular policies. look at what he's doing with
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iran, look at this open southern border, look at critical race theory and his embrace of these radical policies, his encroach on immigration is only at 34 or 35%. that issue is going to drive these midterm elections. underneath some kind of faux numbers, his numbers are a realh danger on the policy front. going to spend and spend to keep the economy going. i don't think it's going to work. >> quite a grip. in the first part of my question i asked you before, you don't know the number, the percentage of gdp where it will go bankrupt and you are a trained economist, why should we trust a bunch of e buffoons in washington, d.c.,- don't you think that if they do not know the red line, maybe we should avoid the redline? go ahead. >> first part first. then the second part? >> not a redline here was a second part. >> dan: the second part is this, they are talking about
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dumping the trump tax cut despite liberal protests, he cut the brackets from 25-22% to 15%. isn't that a tax height on the middle class? >> it would be but they aren't talking about getting rid of that. the thing that you guys, what i can't understand is your guys' approach. joe biden ran for president andd publicly got up and said, if you vote for me, i will invest in infrastructure. i will subsidize education, health care, child care, and he got 7 million more votes than donald trump got. he won! >> dan: come on... vehicle now he's going to do what he said he was going to do. >> he's getting ready to lose. >> i think is going to cost you guys serious seats in the
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midterm. he ran as the luncht bucket guy and on that note he also said that he was going to dump the trump tax cuts, he said it repeatedly. this claim that he's only going to do it for the upper echelon of taxpayers is absurd. austan, you are a trainer because the a trained economist.are you sugt the real money in america is not with the middle class and he's going to magically take all this money from rich people? you don't really believe that? come on, man. >>th what tax rates would go up? is the highest for people and big corporations -- >> dan: you are switching the topic! the money is not there. >> what do you mean? >> dan: the money to pay for 6 trillion? come on! that is total nonsense! you cannot raise $6 trillion in taxes 6 solely from the 1% of te
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population. that is total bunk and you know it. but we agreed, a friday night. i've got to run, guys. it's great to see you. everyone enjoy your memorial day. we appreciate it. good spirited debate. also developing come of the biden administration continues to grow soft in china despite increasing evidence supporting the lab leak theory warned about the whole time in the coronavirus origin. when asked yesterday if they would seek tof punish china or their coverups, the press or terry replied, "we aren't going to go there just yet." the new house bills allows victims families to sue beijing. that's not all because we are also learning that the was reportedly had unexamined intelligence on where exactly the virus started. get this, former trump official which was part of the former secretary of state mike i'm pale
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for the virus come he said the investigation found almost no evidence. that's a big zero, supporting natural origin theory. look. >> we are finding that despite claims of our scientific community in the national institute of health and dr. fauci,fa there was a most no evidence that supported the natural zoonotic, you know, evolution. the date of this promotion at least stacked up as we investigated that it was coming out of a lab or some supernatural -- >> at the team didn't want to entertain thatry theory and they shut down the probe in the spring. i do not want to hear anymore nonsense or hope about so-called conspiracy theories ever again from this point on. thank you very much. the media, big tech have been caught with their pants down
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again censoring and trying to suppress information that goes against their political agenda. joining me now with reactions is former acting director of national intelligence ric grenell, republican congressman darrell issa. thank you so much. i'll go to you first. i mean, this was obviously common sense that the lab leak theory should at least be we had a lab that had been cited for security problems in the past. and, by the way, we found that we had intelligence that three workers in the lab got sick with a coronavirus type illness. is this not the most obvious thing to look at us and we were called ase a text and conspiracy theories for daring to bring it upup. >> dan, my late father always said that if someone looked could be because they are guilty. when you have those kind of indications, the important thing to do is to follow the facts and
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as you said, the media has told us not to follow the facts. the biden administration has denied them but the pressure for real submission we had 3,000 plus people die on 9/11. we w kind of knew some of the facts but we still had this commission that felt see please to make sure it didn't happen again. we now have 600,000 people said. trillions of thousands of dollars in our economy, the entire world, of course we have to look into it and we have to look at all possibilities and probabilities. theri one you've been an absolue warrior for the truth. i enjoy you on your social media read and you have no problem going back and forth on these media -- when are they going to get a story right? we have be a hoax, the tape thing, are they ever going to get a story right where they spent four years wasting time
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with bob mueller on that? we had this monster is disgusting tragic global pandemic, wiped out economies. and they blew that story too. is anybody going to have faith on these guys again? >> i think outside of washington no one has faith, no one has faith in them. they look at washington and they say,hi everything that goes on, they talk amongst themselves and what newsrooms believe is not what the american people believe.en let me defend the intelligence community here for a minute. if you go back and look at aprit from the intelligence community, the wide agreements is that covid-19 started in china, and that it was either the wet market or the lab and that we would begin to look at information over time and we f would only bring forward information. the media and the democrats are the ones who never understood
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what the intelligence community was saying. there is no evidence that is unexamined here. the intelligence community every single day avoided every piece that they have and they bubbles sell my followed it up. if anybody is confused at to what the evidence and showing, it's joe biden and the media. i'd like to ask why joe biden is suddenly asking for a review, a 90 day review of the evidence? we don't hold back evidence in the intelligence community. if he hasn't seen evidence, it's because he has not embraced and it's a real problem. >> dan: excellent point. congressman on your side from the house, these three workers, employees in this wuhan coronavirus lab when they were studying these bad coronaviruses were sickk with an illness. they were obviously, blood samples were taken. had to be. how can we as a government, our government,to release those, we
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should have a pretty definitive answer. if it was an early infection from that lab of these three lab employees, i think we can pretty much isolate the lab leak theory and say that's the likely one at this point. >> absolutely. that's the reason why the senate, and i give them credit, unanimously voted to declassify this information, to get it out there, it's the only way to get out of the spin. i'm not a conspiracy theorist, but understand that the president of the united states is the leader of the free world but china is the leader of the unfreeor world. they are using vast amounts of money and influence, including with the media, to stifle the kind off information that ric sw when he was the director that we need to have the american people understand to get to the truth. we aren't going to get to the truth as long as i china has influence, perhaps including the
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what a deal. at the cost of $3.2 million. socialism is great living over there. blm is supposed to be a nonprofit organization! was the real reason she's leaving the group. you decide. meanwhile chicago mayor lori lightweight is being sued for allegedly denying a white reporter's interviewee request. shehe said she'd only grant exclusive interviews to journalists of color. with reaction, fox news contributorea charlie hurt and o 2.0 terrel. i do not know the rules with the hat when sean is not in. i do not want to get kicked off the show. there is very specific -- i noticed your hat tonight, i'm not even going there. i can think of no one better on this topic because it infuriates me as much as it infuriates you. how is it possible that a woman who claims to be, sell a self-possessed marxist
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organizer. her words, not mine. from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs, she better have some amazing abilities to need a couple of three million-dollar homes or $3.2 million portfolios. am i wrong? >> you are absolutely right. let me tell you what, black lives matter at last summer after the george floyd case participated in rioting in democratic, burning down to a critic cities and demanded to come into him they did corporations to pay them and create a $90 million trust fund. show me the money. where is that $90 million gone to, dan? has it gone to minority schools? has it gone to helping people recover from sell their businesses that were burned down? i want to see the paper trail on how she was able to finance $3.2 million worth of a home separate and apart from the money collectedrt from black lis matter. i'm asking people, where is the
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$90 million? there needs to be an investigation by the irs into black lives matter and how this woman had collected funds to finance and bankroll privately four homes. >> dan: listen. i'm a capitalist, man. good for you. that's some grip you've got going. however you want to sell your services, great speeches, people want to pay you millions, god bless you. but she's not, charlie. she said, i'm quote, i am a trained marxist organizer. are these not the biggest frauds? socialism is some grip. > sounds like something we nd to get into. that's the problem. the problem isro that she hasn't created anything, she hasn't built anything for it hasn't done the hard work that millions of americans across the country have done to do something that's unique or offers some unique service for people where it's
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justified to make this kind of money. but in a lot of ways, it is kind of like how these operations work in washington where they raise all thisis kind of money d they skim off some embarrassing amount of money for themselves theorists i think washington standards, heard script is a pretty rich one. the real question i have is what about these minority owned businesses in minority neighborhoods that were burned to the ground? what about those people? what about those l who lost ther lives? what about people whose homes were burned to the ground by all of this stuff? did they get a cut of this? it seems to me that would make a whole lot more sense than this woman getting the massive cut of it that she's gotten. >> dan: on this second storyse we discussed with lori lightfoot, what's really
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sad and tragic here, someone set up my radio h show today, i had sean davis on from "federalist," he's great, got up a greatat point. we are probably only aoi year or two go away with martin luther king being canceled, suggesting we should judge people by the content of their character is now heresy. it's sad. >> this is horrific and it bothers me more than anything else because i'm a civil rights attorney. charlie is a more qualified reporter than i am. i'm not a reporter. charlie can interview her because of his skin color? so embarrassing for a black person to discriminate, knowing the history that we hate discrimination and you know what it is? it boils down to her playing a game, a game where she's trying to deflect the black on black crime, her total ignorance towards helping the community and playing the race card, guess who's going to defend this frivolous lawsuit that is being filed against her?
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it's the taxpayers are going to have to pay for this. outrageous, insulting, she is a racist, a racist. >> dan: leo, it wasn't like she n was warned that she's beig sued. the taxpayers are on the hook for this obvious stupidity. guys, thanks a lot. i really appreciate it. i hope you have a really good weekend. stephen miller and congress when andy biggs will be here. don't go anywhere. stay with us coming upe, back.
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isabella: hey guys, it's me isabella gomez, filling in for smokey bear because he's got more to say than just: smokey bear: only you can prevent wildfires. isabella: like if you're outside enjoying a barbeque, don't let a hamburger distract you from fire safety! make sure you aren't dumping your hot coals or ashes onto the ground, because that could start a wildfire. so, take wildfire prevention seriously and let's save the world one day at a time! juntos con smokey bear podemos hacerlo! go to to learn more about wildfire prevention. >> dan: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." president biden and vice president harris continued to ignore the growing crisis on the southern border. what unfortunately appears to be
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a wide open border, along with astounding quantities of illegar drugs and all this going on during a pandemic. border patrol agents are often exposed to the virus. here to tell us the tragic story of border patrol agent invest get reporter and fox news contributor sara carter. >> a lot of times we forget that many sacrifices that are longhorns officials make when they are out on the front lines, one of those is actually covid-19. border patrols, cbp, had more than 8800 people that had become infected with covid-19 and 31 died. one of them was freddy vasquez, a border patrol agent beloved by everybody in his hometown of el paso. his wife and his four beautiful children have survived him. and his wonderful canine partner. i want you to see what his friends andis border patrol ages have to say about what's
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enhappening along the u.s.-mexio border. take a look at this. >> is there something you like the american peopleom to know, when agents are out there putting their lives on the line? >> as tragic as his story is, he would do it again tomorrow. if he knew that he could save someone else byin sacrificing hs life, he would do it. we saw that with brian terry. we've seen that with multiple agents. again, freddie vasquez was allowed to because everybody knew l how much he cared about other people prayed he put other people above self. that's why he lofts. >> look at freddie. he gave his life for the job. >> i know freddie enough that if you do it over again, he wouldn't hesitate. knowing the risk, he loves it. >> the american people who don't understand the sacrifices that
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you all make every day, how do you express to them what a family like a vasquez family is going through? young children without a father question marks vehicle politicians or just don't care, such a strong word to say. if you aren't doing anything about it, and you know there is a problem, you don't care. that's what it comes down to. it's very upsetting because not only is it a slap in the face oe the families we losing now, the agents who are losing their life now, i smack in the face to all the other agents who paid the ultimate sacrifice. >> sean, freddie vasquez did make the ultimate sacrifice and so did the family. they have a huge support system. they have a huge support system from all the border patrol agents that are their own family and they retired many early, that was his canine partner, so his daughter and his son isaac
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would have a little bit of freddie to remember him by. i got to tell you, the family is extraordinarily grateful and so were the border patrol agents. let's not forget them this memorialt day. >> dan: sara, thanks. doing really important work there. we've just seen the bidenk administration to enforce the law the border but they're actually doing the same thing in our nation as well. immigration and customs enforcement has been completely handcuffed by the biden administration. for example, i supported fewer than 3,000 people last month, the lowest level on record according to "the washington post" which calls i.c.e. under biden u.s. citizenship and immigration services said late today a statement that they've made no final decisions about that form and any proposed changes would
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go through appropriate procedures. as we've mentioned earlier, biden's budget just released today requests only a 0.1% funding increase for the torrent of homee land security which includes the justice department which gets a 5.6% increase while every other department except for defense and veterans affairs gets double digit increase. announcing the budget today,t biden called it a statement of value. should've called it a statement of bankruptcy. border security and law enforcement aren't the things he values at all. here with reaction, andy biggs informed your, former senior advisor stephen miller. you know, i'll go to you first. i was listening to sarah's report in one of the things that disturb me about this, you remember when president trump recovered from coronavirus and secret service agents who i knew and worked there volunteered to get him into kara so he could show the american people and waived, they were all in protective assets and protective garb and said, my gosh, he's putting them in danger ofn
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coronavirus? we have all these border patrol agents now, documented cases of coronavirus, people could be killed by this, and the media all of a sudden, you heard anything about that, stephen, not a thief. >> when the thousands of immigrants do so not wearing masks, will face shields, not wearing ppe have been in some of the most unsanitary and unhygienic environments imaginable, it's an epidemiological disaster. these border agents that passed away, those are line of duty deaths, they put their bodies on the line to keep this country safe during a pandemic. my organization, america first legal, along with the state of texas, issuing the biden administration for violating their own parler six rules on our southwest border putting our committees at risk for the benefit of illegal aliens. in respect to the i.c.e. issue, i want to be very clear about this. these are criminals that are being set free.
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92% of illegal aliens deported by i.c.e. last year under donald trump had criminal charges or convictions. when they are flashing deportations flashingdeportations, that's ba, guilty of sex crimes going free. on top of that, you have u.s. cis actively planning to get rid of gang screening for green cards? something we were working on? by the way, i've seen the draft documents showing them, trying to get rid of that screening question? that's outrageous. s>> congressman, when stephen ws in the trump white house and you follow this as well being an active congressman on an issue, we had largely -- i mean, the problem was never solved at the border but the trump administration had done yeoman's work in getting a hold of that southern border. really, you have to be a
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democrat to create a problem or a solution. p this problem was being fixed. remain in mexico, the asylums rules, and they screwed this thing up. this is absurd! >> that's exactly right, dan. they inherited a problem and solved in the biden the administration inherited a solution and totally botched it up and it's everything you say. everything from stopping defense to providing dollars to illegal aliens who come across to stopping the mexico city remain in mexico policy, the agreement with horrifying those come up this not surprising that they are talking about emasculating i.c.e. even further. stephen exactly right, criminals that i.c.e. go after. the oness we need to be removed from the country more than anybody else to keep this country safe. the biden administration, theyti won't even acknowledge this. do not forget, secretary just
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said that the border is closed. i was down on the border a couple of days ago, there was a steady stream of people coming in across and surrendering and eothat was in the human sector. that's everywhere along the border appear they aren't doing enough. they aren't doing anything d n because they do truly believe that you can't be this incompetent, they have to desire this. they wanted and campaigned for open borders. this is what this looks like. >> dan: you said something on appearance in this network the other nights i was watching, i don't remember the show but you said something that really got into my skin. you said, it's amazing. these hotels, we are spending tens and millions to house people in the country illegally. not legally, illegally. you brought up a point. we have homeless veterans out there who bought for this country. we have american citizens with psychological problems on the street and we are spending tens of millions of dollars to shield people who could've come here legally and said, no, we are going to disregard the law.
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>> when president trump ran for office, he used to say, we treat illegal aliens in this country better than veterans. when he got elected, he switch that to veterans first and secured our border. we are now literally living in a time -- it is not hyperbole, it is fact that we have homeless veterans and we have a president who is using taxpayer dollars to howells' -- next time you see a veteran on the street who needs help, who needs a path forward, pops path upwards, just a member that your tax dollars are going to help somebody whodo has beenn this country for hours in a violation of our laws to take american jobs and american benefits.ef it is a thunderous violation of the social contract. >> dan: thanks, guys. really appreciate it. great commentary. coming up next to him a big tech is suing florida over a new state law that protects free speech on social media. of course they are.
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>> dan: welcome back to this "hannity" special.l. florida governor ron desantis o took on big tech tyranny that signed a bill that would allow florida to penalize tech companies that penalized political candidates. one reporter said if he was doing it all for president trump. here is his excellent response. >> he was the platform. is this for him. >> explore every day. it allows anyda flitter in to be able to provide what they are doing. i do think that is another's issue that has been brought to bear. when you do platform the president of the united states,
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when ayatollah khomeini talked about killing jews, that is wrong. >> dan: i love this guy. trade groups resenting tech giants facebook, twitter, and google have sued florida over that state law. also this week, project veritas revealed documents shown that facebook has an algorithm that can be used to target in silence speech that facebook does not like. shocker. one of the facebook technicians that released the documents has gone public following his suspension from the company. fox news has not verified any claims from this video. take a look. >> any facts that escape a particular narrative are demoted, the boosted, band. >> is it getting worse from here? >> yes.
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>> how so? >> they see people like twitter, facebook, google, it isn't accepted by the public and they go, that's a green light. we can go ahead and do this more. >> joining us now is fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett and cohost of "from the kitchen table," former wisconsin congressman sean duffy. i'm looking forward to stats. ii used to watch you from the kitchen table on social media. i told you that those would mostly be -- i want credit for that. i want royalties on that show. >> you guys are very talented. obviously great chemistry. >> dan: these big tech guys come off >> good chemistry.ou you guys get the gold medal. m good job. so youyo have the governments ot there probably about these big tech pirates, at least you have
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some recourse against the government. you are a congressman. if you are to advance certain -- like lori lightfoot ratio group, you could be sued. you could be sued for violent peoples space six -- three trees squelch servers, nothing ever seems toyr have been. they are more powerful than governments, i'd argue. >> they are not governments. they applied this lawsuit and said, you are violating our first mimicked rights and freedom of speech and you are infringing on our ability to mitigate harmful material. these guys, these social media platforms are an affront to all of our political speech, right? and all free-speech. shadow banding, the platforming all conservatives across their platforms and we don't have use of it in the public square. what i think what's interesting about what's happening here,
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look at the old republican party. republicans sit back and say we believe in free enterprise, we don't want to engage. but after donald trump and ron desantis, you have republicans leading this by using government to fight back for freedom for the public square. so we can have free debate. i think it's going to work -- my wife loves twitter and i tell her to get off, but i think conservatives have to get off the social media platforms. they makes billions of dollars and they try to use it to change how we vote. find different avenues for your search engines, for your mail, for your social media, because they aren't our friends! they hate f us! >> dan: i am an investor in parler and rumbl, i have knowledge of the space. how is this not an in-kind
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donation if gregg jarrett was running for congress whenat your opponents are allowed to post on one of the biggest social media platforms, twitter, and you are banned. how did he continue to get away with this? >> i'm glad to see the lawsuits happen. that was his intent. let's bring out this politically ledriven discriminatory censorsp out of the open, let's litigate it. allows them to punish their political adversaries and to protect their partisan allies. they are engaging through censorship suppression and course of thought. they are thought. if you dare to disagree with them, you will bell banned or yu will be slapped with -- i've long argued that these tech platforms need to be regulated by the federal government and treated as common carriers,
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public utilities. we contend that government has every right to regulate good behavior, prohibit bad behavior. the second thing that should happen is no more community. repeal section 230 of the communications decency act. no reason in the world why these tech giants with their unlimited wealth shouldn't be held responsible through lawsuits. and finally they should be broken up of lawful monopolies. the tyrannical behavior, make them all lawful monopolies under liany anti-trump analysis, the corporate overlords that run these companies like twitter and facebook are more powerful than our government. >> i appreciate your commentary, but i am consistently stunned at what they get away with.
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when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope.
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by bringing them a little bit of food. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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♪ ♪ >> dan: welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." but before we go if you haven't already please check out the dan bongino show on fox nation beyond. here's a video fox put together, check it out. speak of the dan bongino show live every day. >> my job is to tell you what matters while others are silencing free voice and free thought. and here, nobody tells us what to do. if who's looking out for the people who do the real work in this country? expressing political hypocrisy. >> the dan bongino show streaming on fox nation and listen any time on local
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radio station. >> dan: i promise you'll love it. check out every episode on fox nation. unfortunately, that's all the time we have tonight, shawn will be back next week. have a really wonderful memorial day weekend and don't forget, those who have served and are currently serving to protect the wonderful country we all share. be safe and time. ♪ ♪ >> i'm tammy bruce and further laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." if as an invited has pretty much destroyed all of trump's economic gains and the design tammy bruce and for lori andgraham, this is the into the gray mingle, president biden has destroyed trump's economic gains, inflation is spiking it is plain to save us is to spend a ton of money that we don't have. ben carson is here on that plus some stanford students not only want cops off the campus off the earth. we will show you the shocking video and colleges
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