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tv   The Big Sunday Show  FOX News  May 30, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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to support immune health. ♪♪ >> hello, everyone. i'm alicia acuna along with joe concha, dr. nicole saphier and leo terrell, and welcome to "the big sunday show." here's what's on tap tonight. concha. >> cue the media conniption, the texas state legislature just passed a new voting bill, and wees what in those jim crow 2.0 claims, well, they're back. >> dr. saphier. >> well, i predicted memorial day weekend would be a great
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e-mask-ipation, now the cdc director is throwing out the first pitch in fenway park and without a mask. so did the science change? >> hmm. and leo. >> republicans in congress are -- in the military. how the veterans will expose what's happening in our country. >> but first, a major memorial day messaging mistake. instead of marking the weekend by honoring our servicemen and women who pay the ultimate sacrifice, vice president kamala harris tweeting yesterday: enjoy the long weekend with a picture of her. inch instantly -- instantly, many americans responded with outrage. then today she tweeted: throughout our history our servicemen and women have risked everything to defend our freedoms and our country. as we prepare to honor them on memorial day, we remember their service and their sacrifice. memorial day weekend is especially hard for gold star
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families, those who lost loved ones in the line of duty of military service. the parents of charles keating, christopher horton and aaron vaughn joined "fox & friends" earlier to react to harris' tweet and talk about the true meaning of memorial day. >> it just shows, for lack of a better word, you know, stupidity is not the same thing as ignorance. ing ignorance is a person who doesn't understand something, who never knew, and clearly cm la never -- kamala never understood -- >> i don't know if she understands that he gave his entire life to fighting and going to iraq and dying in iraq. >> this weekend is about those who have laid it all down on the battlefield. they left it all there so we could have hot dogs and hamburgers. president coolidge said a nation who forgets its warriors will soon be forgotten, and, you
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know, i pray we not become that nation. >> president joe biden also didn't mention our fallen military members in a tweet on saturday saying stay cool this weekend, folks. today biden visited his late son beau's grave who served in iraq, then he gave a memorial day address in delaware. >> the nation -- as a nation, we must always remember, always remember. we must if remember the price that was paid for our liberties and also remember the debt we owe those who have paid it, the families left behind. >> so, leo, i want to go to you first because, you know, we know that president biden does support the troops. he mentions it at the end of every speech. however, having said that, when we look at the administration as a whole and the way that they have behaved this weekend, do you feel like there was a moment that has been missed here? >> yes. let me be very clear.
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kamala harris, the biden administration does not look at the military as a priority for this country. the number one obligation of every civilized society is to protect our country, and this is the weekend where we say thank you for that protection. kamala harris is the most self-centered vice president ever. that picture, that first picture was about her. it was a pr picture about her. and the second one, the follow-up tweet, i discount that. that was a correction. but the first photograph was about her. the bottom line is this: this administration is trying to tear down american values. the american military, the educational system. this is the socialist platform. they do not honor, they do not value the military, and you saw it in the initial tweet from kamala harris and joe biden. final point, i know kamala harris.
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she, unfortunately, she is my senator. she went to the willie brown cool of politics, it's all about kamala. >> and, nicole, i want to get to you next, i want you and concha to both listen to this bit of sound today from representative brian mast of florida. take a listen. >> i think they see a lot of the culture just as pawns, and that's a really painful thing to say. i think this white house sees many of those in service, and they'd rather see an army of the woke than an army of the imperfect bad asses that we served alongside. and i would take one of them over the army of the woke, and i think there's a resent9ment in that. >> nicole, congressman mast is an army veteran, and he says he feels like they're being used as pawns. your response. >> well, you know, alicia, first of all, when i saw the follow-up tweet by kamala harris' campaign this morning, it felt a little bit like that modern day walk of
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shame. she put out the tweet yesterday, that's one they really wanted, and because there was such pushback, they had to quickly try and save it. but it's really been a disturbing trend that you see these prominent figures who are really beginning to trivialize the sacrifices that these men and women have truly done for our country for us to have the ability to have gluttonous weekends of eating hot dogs and hamburg hamburgers. we also need to remember that kamala harris was not elected. he he rode on -- she rode on joe biden's ticket. it was nice that president biden visited his son's gravestone. but we have to remember beau was military personnel, but he didn't die in the line of duty. he died from brain cancer. again, when we're talking about the lives of our fallen soldiers, i think they really missed the mark on their
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messaging. >> yeah. and, concha, you know, these gold star families, they really have, they have grit, right? they're been through so much. but right now some of this is hurting them. >> oh, yeah. because it just looks so tone deaf. so insensitive. for the president, excuse me, in joe biden to say stay cool this weekend, a, you might want to visit jersey. it's 42 with the wind chill. just saying. but also with kamala harris, just to have a picture of herself instead of a service person, let's put it this way, governor ron bedesantis -- ron desantis sent out a tweet on may 29th, and this is what he had to say x he gets it right. no better way to start memorial day weekend than a salute to america's heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice, and it shows desantis making a speech with this national salute to america's heros. he understands who we're honoring here, and in my case
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personally, in our family my grandfather's brother, domingo concha, he served in world war ii, and he was lost at sea in the north atlantic november 2, 1944. i don't think i was adopted because i'm pretty sure there's a resemblance there. [laughter] but, again -- yeah, we spend every memorial day honoring his service and his sacrifice instead of thinking about the long weekend, staying cool. yeah, we'll have a burger, yeah, it's nice for a three-day weekend, but that's what memorial day is about. >> that actually takes us to this next thing, rolling to remember. this is something that folks will know as rolling thunder in past years. it goes back three decades plus. this is a tradition where motorcycle riders will collect in our nation's capital to honor those who were missing in action. and this is something that presidents are have participated year after year. and something that the biden
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administration chose not to participate in this year. we have photos of president obama who invited the organizers to the white house to honor them. you can see the smiles there. it means a great deal. and president trump in 2016 met with them. he showed up at their vent. and then also in -- at their event. in may of 2020 when the pandemic was fully going, people were at home, terrified, he still managed to figure out a way to meet with them. it was from the balcony of the white house. he waved at them, he had them come through because he didn't want to miss this opportunity. and, nicole, let me go to you on this because this really was something that could have been avoided here. >> well, and, you know, alicia, i'm going to -- i'm sure i can't expect the media's actually going to ask him why he's not doing it, why he's stopping this bipartisan transition, because they don't have him those hard questions. wouldn't you like to know in i would like to know.
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especially since his campaign now -- or his administration have not done a good job at demonstrating what the meaning of memorial day weekend is, i hope someone actually asks him why did you decide not to do this, and i hope they don't let him off easy with this one. >> concha, can i get a quick one from you? this is honoring the likes of your uncle. >> of course. if you look at president bidening's schedule day after day, it's not like he has something more important to do. it's always a very limited schedule. half the time it's bankers' hours, things are over in the early afternoon. so, yeah, why aren't you doing this, to nicole's point, a bipartisan tradition. what else can possibly be more important than honoring those who sacrificed their lives for this country and just don't get it, alicia. >> yeah, and, leo -- >> give me an ice cream cone. >> right. what's wrong with -- >> i'm sorry. i, i jumped in because he had
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something more important to do, get double chocolate check up ice cream. that's more important than meeting with these individuals. >> yeah. these folks won't forget. thanks, guys. still ahead, the media and the left teaming up again to slam another state's voting law by invoking the jim crow rally cry. this time texas is the target. that's next. ♪ ♪ we've got you taken care of, sgt. houston. thank you. that was fast! one call to usaa got her a tow, her claim paid... ...and even her grandpa's dog tags back. get a quote. hey, mom. i'll never say this but... - thanks for telling me everyone 12 and older is eligible for the covid-19 vaccine.
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♪ -- it's raining on monday, storming like crazy ♪♪ >> san antonio, texas. 30 degrees warmer thans it is here in jersey. god, i hate everything. welcome back to "the big sunday show." a new elections bill passed by the texas state senate just hours ago already getting attacked by the left are. go figure. the authors say it will protect voters and prevent future election crimes, okay. but many in the media not wasting any precious seconds in railing against it. take a listen. >> it's expected to eliminate drive-through voting and cut back on voting on sundays when
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many black churchgoers also vote. >> you've got what's happening in texas with voting rights, now that blocked january 6th commission. is it your sense that we are at the point where it's beyond what happens legislatively on capitol hill and is related to sort of the re-election push. >> >> the president called the proposed law an assault on democracy that is wrong and un-american while blasting similar measures in and florida. in georgia and florida. >> all right. l.t., going to go to you first as far as this new voting law is concerned. do you as an african-american feel that this discriminates against your voting rights based on what you've read in the bill? >> no! i say that not only as an african-american, i say it as an american, as a civil rights attorney. i want to be very clear, this is too critical. the democrats play the race card. there is no specific racism in
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there. this jim crow analogy is a lie. joe biden is playing the race card. this is a game the democrats are plaguing, and i'm sick of it -- playing. as a civil is rights attorney for 30 years, so even make the argument that this targets black people is a lie. this law is on tent-neutral -- content-neutral. this has to be brought up over and over again by republicans and people who believe in fair play. this is nothing more than a race card tactic by the democrats every time there is election integrity. we want everyone to vote. we don't want people to cheat, and that's what this is. election integrity. >> and, nicole -- >> did i say enough? >> -- i think you answered that pretty definitively, leo. you've got to work on your confidence and candor a little bit more if you want to survive in this business. [laughter] thank you, appreciate that. hey, look, nicole, let's do the a little lightning round,
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around? let's say you wanted to celebrate doing "the big sunday show," it's a holiday weekend, and you went into a liquor store, do you have to present if you want to buy that bottle of pro se? of rose? >> i certainly haven't been carded in a while, joe, but thank you. yes, of course you to do. >> we could have sold that. you just had to go along, you would have been fine. [laughter] let's say you -- you don't have to do this, but food stamps or welfare or medicare or social security or unemployment or a mortgage, let's say you want to get married or let's say you want to get on an airplane or purchase a gun, or let's say you have to pick up a prescription at the cvs. i'm pretty sure you need an id for all those things, so why do we keep hearing this argument that it's somehow racist to ask for an id? because if that's the case for voting, therefore, all those things i just mentioned also must be deemed racist, nicole. >> you know, joe, i do find it very upsetting to see that
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everything that the republicans try to do in certain ways, now it always comes back to race. everything they do is racist. i hate to break it to people, democrats and republicans, but right now in our country we have an election integrity problem. there's a large portion of americans that do not trust the voting process, and that is the first thing that needs to be fixed because if you don't trust the elections, then your democracy really is going to go out the window. but the best part about these voting bills that are being put forth in all of these different states, that's democracy. people are actually voting. they're voting for the people in office, they're voting on the bills, and isn't that what the whole point was? i'll tell you, i find it appalling that people are throwing around terms like jim crowe. i bet most -- jim crow. i bet most people who actually say that, someone calling it jerusalem crow e 2.0 or -- jim crow 2.0 or something like that, i bet they don't even know where that came from, because if you actually know the origin of that term and what really led to that and then you're equating that to
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voting laws, it's disgusting and ignorant, and it just shows you people are trying to come up with this, again, group think popular opinion. they don't know what they're talking about. >> and, nicole, exactly to your point around jim crow 2.0, here's jamie harrison, head of the dnc, doing just that. >> republicans are intent on taking away your freedom to vote. this is jim crow 2.0, plain and simple. >> well, let's also look, by the way, exactly what's in this bill, guys, as far as what exactly is going on as far as all of these restrictions. well, drive-through voting, for instance, is banned. 4-hour voting is banned -- 24-hour voting is banned. it also curtails the use of drop boxes. early voting hours set for 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. so, alicia, as this compares to, say, delaware or connecticut,
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they seem to have just as or even more restrictive voting measures, if you want the call this restrictive given all the options you still have, then texas or georgia which we've heard a lot about lately. >> yeah. but details can be very inconvenient, especially when it comes to the campaign trail which is exactly where these talking points are going to end up. we're going to hear jim crow 2.0 over and over and over again. i was, as i was reading this, i was thinking about stacey abrams and her get out the vote machine. i mean, she's very effective that way and especially in her messaging. the problem that a lot of times she and many like her treat their constituency like victims, like you are victims of the new legislation. you are victims. you are not smart enough to read it, you are not smart enough to understand, you are not smart enough to just show up and vote with your id in the way that the law says you should. and that's what we're going to see. i spent a lot of time on the campaign trail -- not as much as
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peter doocy, not even close, but a lot. and enough to know these are the talking points. they just start to jump out at folks who are covering this. yeah, people aren't going to pay attention to the details because they're going to pay attention to the dream ising. screaming. >> very interesting. and julian castro, i literally checked my inbox right before we went on the air, he's already sending out fundraising e-mails. i have a feeling that many democrats will follow suit. to leo's point, there is very much a political angle to all of this. anyway, that's all the time we have here. straight ahead, combating wokeness in the military. republican lawmakers who also served our country have a plan to expose woke ideology in the military. stick around, that's next. ♪ ♪
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♪♪ >> welcome back to "the big sunday show." republicans doing something to stop woke ideology from spreading in the military. >> military's supposed to create warriors, not social justice warriors, not a woke progress i agenda. okay, we're not complaining about it, we're going to do something about it. we're going to expose this for the whole country, and we're going to fight back. >> senator tom cotton and congressman dan crenshaw, who are both veterans, are teaming up to release a whistle blower forum for military members if they spot any woke training effort. the duo will then publish, submit a complaint anonymously with the permission of the
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whistleblower. you know, there needs to be an outlet, joe, on this because, apparently all of a sudden, we need the critical race theory and the military that defends our nation needs to be woken up. but here's my concern, i want to get your thoughts. a anonymous page to list complaints. they won't have the whistleblower protection, and i want to get your feeling on it. they need an outlet, but is this the right mechanism? >> this seems to be the right mechanism as far as i can tell. but you know what? you know who isn't woke, l.t.? the chinese, the russians, the iranians, the north koreans definitely aren't woke, isis isn't woke. and dan crenshaw knows all about this because he had his eye blown off by an ied while serving in the afghanistan. i'm pretty sure the that'll a ban that was fighting him -- taliban also not woke. so we have to take politics out of our military and focus on the mission of protecting this country instead of all these
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ridiculous programs that we're now seeing. the military is still highly, highly trusted in polls when everything else seems to be going down in terms of do you trust government, do you trust x, y and z, along with doctors like dr. nicole saphier. but the point is that we need to protect that still by not going down this road of that becoming politicized too, that being the military, leo. >> you know, i'll tell you, alicia, my biggest concern with the military right now is that military members who might be republicans, who might be in opposition to the critical race theory and all these so-called woke ideas are now going to be reluctant to speak out and express opinions in their -- for fear of reprisal. do you think this biden administration is hostile to the military? >> you know, i don't know that they're hostile to the military, but i do think there's a feeling of hostility in general in this country to expressing an opinion
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that is contrary to some of the people around you. one of the things, leo, when i heard about this ors, that they were going to do this, one of the criticisms of the woke culture is that when the line is crossed, the line that's always moving, the response is, you know, to shame and to cancel. and my concern about this particular thing that the senator and the congressman are doing is that they might get themselves into a position where they're doing the same thing, and they don't intend to do the that. but on the other hand, they're hearing from members of the military themselves about people who are concerned about their own beliefs, and right now what they really need to worry about is safety and protection, to concha's point. they're not in there to talk about their feelings, not in there to talk about their politics, you know in they're in there to protect the country and to protect the other men and women who serve in the military. >> exactly. and you know what? they do a great job of protecting our country. i want to go to nicole.
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dr. nicole, let me tell you, there's a suggest involving -- segment involving colonel low meyer where he spoke about military members who don't like what's happening in this country. here's that sound piece. >> yes, they joined in a free country in a voluntary force to serve their country to take the oath to defend the constitution, to put on the uniform. i don't care what their politics are. they don't like what they're seeing and hearing right now. because to hear they're oppressed because of their race, let's say, and that the country is systemically racist, why would you want to serve, lay your life on the line potentially to preserve that? on the other hand, if you're a white male and you're told you're an oppressor or an extremist because you're a conservative and voted for donald trump, let's say, if you start to talk like that, i don't care what people's politics are, they're going to ask themselves hard questions, do i have the desire to serve in the military? >> that was on tucker carlson
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today. dr. nicole, does that type of injection of the critical race theory expect whole issue of race -- and the whole issue of race where one group of people are oppressed and the other ones are taking advantage, does that play well in the military? is that necessary? >> well, leo, you know, as a mother raising three boys in today's world, i can tell you i agree with the colonel. i think they have to tread very lightly here, they have to be quite careful. look what's going on across our country with police reform. all of a sudden they allowed the misforces to be disrespected, they even called for funding to be removed, and now we have anarchy in many places across the country with increased crime everywhere, and they need those police members. and when with it came to people not standing up when the american flag was raised and the national anthem, no one pushed back at that. where's the cultural sensitivity for our military when people are not standing for that flag? we're so concerned about this wokeness, but they're not actually taking into account what the feelings are, if they
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want to talk about feelings, of those military personnel with what they're not pushing back against that's going on in the country. they have to be careful or all of a sudden they're going to find that recruitment is going to be way down, and our military going to truly suffer. >> why mess with the greatest military on the planet? i agree with you 100%. america's back. travelers are already breaking records this memorial day weekend, but now there's a new divide, the vaccinated and unvaccinated. that's next. ♪ ♪ how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein.
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♪ school's out for summer. ♪ school's out forever ♪♪ >> all right. well, america is back.
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more than 40 million people are expected to travel this weekend marking the loosening of covid restrictions this memorial day weekend. and i predicted the e-mask-ipation would happen this weekend in april, but back then ebb the cdc director wasn't as optimistic. >> i'm going to lose the script, and i'm going the reflect on the recurring feeling i have have of impending doom. we have so much to look forward to, so much promise and potential of where we are and so much reason for hope, but right now i'm scared. >> so, concha, i have to come to you because three days after the cdc director said impending doom, it was coming, i decided to write a piece that said, you know what? e-mask-ipation, memorial day weekend. things are going to be great, we're going to be taking off the
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masks, and here we are. but, joe, when i was researching for my book, "panic attack," it was the astonishing to me to find out how many people actually wanted to stay in this perpetual state of fear, lockdowns, restrictions. what do you think about the messaging? >> the messaging has been as poor as it possibly could be from the cdc, from nih, particularly dr. anthony fauci and even from the white house where you had a president months after being vaccinated, a vice president months after being vaccinated still continuing to wear masks while outdoors, for example. but look, next time i go to vegas, nicole, do i bet red or black? because your predictions seemed to come -- [laughter] but, look, by way, let me do my rochelle walensky impression here. she said, i'm going to lose the script. i see impending -- she didn't lose the script, she was
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literally reading from a telefronter. impending -- teleprompter. impending doom. texas and mississippi with their gop governors lifted their mask mandates in march to which the president said that was neanderthal thinking, this is going to result in exploding cases and deaths, and instead you saw the opposite. deaths, hospitalizations, cases going down 80, 90, 95% in those states. they got it right, the president got it wrong, the cdc got it wrong. the messaging has been impossibly inconsistent, and that's why you still see people wearing masks alone while driving in their cars. >> but, alicia, we just saw her, she was out throwing a pitch. she was fully vaccinated when she was talking about impending doom and all the others, and now she's not wearing a mask. what happened? >> yeah, i know. can we just put mixed minuting on a bumper sticker -- messaging, because that's really the final message in all of this. one thing i will tell you is when we were locked in our homes, i read the great influenza, this is the history
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of the 1918 pandemic which is probably not the best idea at the time of a pandemic, but whatever. i learned my lesson, and i'm going to have to read your book, dr. saphier. what i did learn was that folks will listen if you have something to say and you're consistent. but when politics gets involved -- and this happened in 1918 -- the messaging started to change. the public stopped listening because they didn't know where to turn, they didn't know who to believe. and we're seeing this on repeat all of these decades later. >> well, and, leo, one thing that i talk about a lot in my book is the hypocrisy of hysteria that was created by the media, but one thing that i'm not understanding right now is the reason masks are off. it's not because we've now reached herd immunity based solely on vaccinations, though i can tell you these successful and safe vaccines have truly been incredible and have helped get us here. but it is the combination between natural immunity and the
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vaccine-induced immunity. yet, leo, there's this new form of discrimination happening right now that only those who are vaccinated are allowed to be liberated despite the fact that there's ample reliable data showing natural immunity is also protecting people. so what do you say to that? >> well, i'll tell you why, because the democrats used this entire pandemic, and they try to continue to use it as a form of dependency and control. it was part of their 2020 playbook dr. nicole, and it's part of their playbook right now. they don't want to let it go. and i'm begging you, dr. nicole saphier, to please send your book the gavin newsom. we're still locked down here in california. the soon to be recalled governor has kept the economy closed until june 15th. send him a copy of your book. here's a perfect example of what worked well in florida and texas, they didn't follow the message here in california because we're still shut down. and i'll tell you right now it's a form of control, it's a form
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of power, and the people in california, hopefully, will show their anger by recalling our governor. >> well, i can tell you, leo, governor newsom makes a few cameos in the book. i can guarantee you that. [laughter] all right. well, moving on, a little bit of hard work never killed anyone. or has it? "the new york times" claims working too much may be deadly, but what message does that send to americans who pride themselves on hard work? that's coming up next. ♪♪ i don't want to work, i don't want to bang on his drum all day. ♪ i just want to bang on me drum all day ♪♪ ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® works differently than any other diabetes pill to lower blood sugar in all 3 of these ways... increases insulin...
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♪♪ work hard, play hard, work hard, play hard. ♪ we work hard -- >> welcome back to "the big sunday show." new proof that enhanced unemployment benefits are keeping people out of work. go figure. there are now 24 states that are opting out of enhanced unemployment benefits, and data from employment web site indeed shows job searches rising by 5% immediately following the end of these benefits in some states. go figure. but "the new york times"es is worried about those working too
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hard claiming, quote: working less is a matter of life and death. unquote. let's go to nicole saphier on this one fist because i'm curious -- first because i'm curious, i've always been told that people that work longer tend to have routines. when you have a routine, therefore, you have something to look forward to, so to speak, every day when you get up. you feel like you have a purpose, and those people tend to live longer. is my data wrong or that anecdote that i was told wrong or what's going on here? >> well, you can ask your wife who's also a physician, but first of all, the longer hours you work, especially the later hours into the night you work is actually associated with a shortened life span. that's some new research that came out this year. anyway -- [laughter] but i do love routine, and i will say as a physician, you know, i'm no stranger to working long hours. i think we have an interesting
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dichotomy happening right now because throughout the course of this pandemic, a lot of people got very comfortable. they were home in their yoga pants, they weren't necessarily going through that i routine, and people found it hard. you had increased alcohol consumption, disrupted sleep patterns, a lot of negative consequences came from some of those relaxed workplace environments. but i was talking to my brother-in-law who owns a company, he employs a lot of people, and they're hiring right now, and one of the prerequisites is he only wanted people who were applying before their state benefits ran out because he believed if the people were on benefits if they only waited until they ran out to apply for a job, that's probably not the work ethic that he wants to hire. so i think people need to take a hard look at that to make sure we are not breeding a new generation of those who are not wanting to work as hard being lazy. >> you've got to want the job, not oh, now i absolutely need the job.
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and to your point earlier, i'm actually wearing the aloe yoga pants, and i'll stand up before the show to let everybody know that. [laughter] let me go to leo next. leo, what has happened during this pandemic to nicole's point somewhat is that people have learned or at least companies have learned that you can work from anywhere anytime. in other words, you had to live near new york city and deal with these ridiculous property taxes because you had to get to the city. now you can do these jobs anywhere because you don't need the conference room anymore, you don't need there to be able to fetch something, and you can do zoom meatings, and -- meetings, and i believe that will lead to people working longer. you take that aspect out, you're giving people back a 15-20 hours a week, they could be more productive and work longer. maybe that's an actual positive that's come out of this pandemic. >> oh, i think you're absolutely right.
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i think we have learned creative ways to conduct our work, and i think what you just articulated, zoom meeting, how people adjusted and still maintain a job, i think those are the benefits of the pandemic. people like work. if i can use a page from joe biden, a job give you dignity, a job gives you respect. that's what joe biden said. but my point is that there are benefits that have developed from the pandemic and working more, working longer, being more efficient, taking that 20, 35, 45 minutes of drive time and working from home is more productive. i think employers and employees are going to find a mutual common ground to expand the workplace from home and not in the building. >> yeah, alicia, i wonder if this is the wussification of this country when you have the paper of record talking about how working hard could be deadly. it's based on, i believe, a study in the japan.
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and in japan they are overworked there in terms of their work ethic, but here in the tates -- look, all i want to know, alicia, people don't retire in television now, do they? you work until you absolutely basically have one foot in the grave. is that your plan at this point? >> yes, absolutely. ooh i'm not leaving. i'm going to be right here maybe in this dress. yes -- [laughter] no. full disclosure, my husband is a maul business owner, he has -- small business own ore. he has a restaurant he and his partners are having the hardest time getting employees. they have been advertising for positions that no one answers, and we're in a state where the democratic governor who is not canceling this extended federal pay. and he wishes they would because right now we have high schoolers who are making bank because nobody else wants these jobs. [laughter] and all of these places have to pay a lot of money. they have to be competitive, but right now there's no incentive.
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if you're just getting a check without leaving your house. >> that's the thing, it's a wash, or right? i mean, in new jersey you get nearly $40,000 in unemployment benefits, but if i go to work at that restaurant you just described, maybe i clear 45, 5,000 more and i can rest and watch captain kangaroo every day -- >> that's still on? >> up next -- [laughter] there's a new item on the men you at your memorial day barbecue, and it's bugging me out. the details next. ♪ ♪ hi sabrina! hi jen! hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? it's true jen. really?! this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive! aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.
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♪ sometimes you wanna go ♪ ♪ where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪♪ ♪ and they're always glad you came ♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. i booked our hotel on kayak. it's flexible if we need to cancel. cancel. i haven't left the house in a year. nothing will stop me from vacation. no canceling. flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done.
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♪♪ ♪♪ will come back to "the big sunday show". just in time for the memorial day weekend. a new item on the menu. cicadas. out with a cookbook full of recipes like air fried buffalo cicada wings and a cicada mary and cicada corndogs. a shop in maryland is selling chocolate covered cicadas.
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you look like you are ready for the spicy cicada mary. look at you. >> exactly what i have. [laughter] >> i finally have a day off tomorrow so i have asked bases cicada mary. it is tremendous. as it goes down. this is awesome. cheers. >> and you have to go to the scientist but bugs have quite a bit of protein? >> i will put on my doctor cap and this is my disclaimer for this segment if you can get past the grossness and the crunchy exoskeleton they are high in antacid and some protein and low in fat the people that should stay away from it and those who have a shellfish allergy so there could be crossover so if you will experiment, be careful.
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>> what about you leo could be made with chicken or shrimp. >> after seeing that promo , your family restaurant can i get a job there? i am just bugged out. [laughter] and i would like to eat there as well. >> you will not get any cicadas they are for sure. we do have protein but not the bug sort. blanched cicadas cream cheese, ranch dressing and blue cheese crumbles and frank's red hot sauce that goes with your buddy mary. >> people think i cannot eat the cicada think about one of the most expensive things you could eat it is called
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caviar. and then snails. that is. >> that is escargot. get it down. [laughter] >> thank you everybody "the fox report" with jon scott starts right now. ♪♪ >> a major political shakeup in the middle east could be days away is really opposition party announcing a deal as they look to and by minister netanyahu 12 year rule. good evening i am jon scott this is "the fox report". jon: struggling to hold onto the power after the inconclusive elections the past two years despite being a dominant figure in israeli politics over the past t


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