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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 1, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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philadelphia 76ers, the fan was handcuffed and led off the court. did he not interact with any players. latest string of fan misdemeanor including one throwing a water bottle and another westbrook. todd: no matter the sport can you be an adult and enjoy the game. jillian: enjoy the game. "fox & friends" starts right now. have a good day. ♪ ♪ >> democracy itself is imperil. >> it's true it's in payroll people in charge with serious important issues has mishandled those it has led down a break down in trust. >> serious questions how the pandemic began. some lawmakers say china must be held accountable. >> to the very least we will find out that china covered up what they knew and china is going to have to be held accountable from a monetary standpoint. >> texas governor greg abbott making it clear he will not political stunts. >> no pay for those who abandon their responsibilities.
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>> new york city detective union commanding amazon immediately stop selling anti-police apparel. >> amazon is providing a platform for plate and that's very disgusting. >> restaurants across the country being forced to raise prices. a soaring inflation triple. >> unreal at the moment. every day is like an adventure. i go to the market and wait to see what i'm facing. ♪ ♪ ainsley: that is north myrtle beach, south carolina. y'all, that place is about to start hopping because in the summer it is so busy. there are so many beautiful golf courses there and lots of people go there for all the rides. they have amusement ride there gri up going there. it's a lot of fun. y'all will have to try it this is will and we have lawrence i'm such lucky girl today. filling in for steve and brian. will: a native south korea south south carolinian the.i don't kne
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beginning of memorial day or the end. we are now officially in summer. ainsley: we are feeling it. the official day is june 21st. will: not for me. ainsley: it's june 1 can you believe that? where has the year gone. getting back to normal. lawrence: you are going to here a lot of y'all south carolina and texas. the south is taking over fox news. >> no sugar june no. processed foods. i'm going to clean my body out. ainsley: do you eat a lot of sugar what's your favorite. >> donuts. will: you will be miserable the next week and go through and be full of energy. ainsley: look great in your bathing suit. lawrence: that's right. ainsley: i'm happy to be working with both of you today. will: me too. president biden want to make it easier for migrants to entered the country.
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ainsley: radical reform to the immigration system. lawrence: griff jenkins is live in washington as we learned it will undo most of former president trump's legacy. griff, a lot of craziness going none washington. >> that's exactly right. the white house is not commenting on this. according to a 46-page document obtained by the "new york times" they plan to fast track the immigration process like never before. obama official cast to remake it some of the plan includes expanding virtual interviews and electronic filing. limiting requests for evidence from migrants applying. lowering wait times. slashing fees and simplifying paperwork. this is an about face from the previous administration's efforts. the "new york times" writes this: if mr. biden abolishes everything in the documents, he have gone further than just reversing the downward trend. he will have significantly increased opportunities for foreigners around the globe come to the united states, embrace robust immigration even as the
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divisive political debate continues to rage over such a policy. this comes as secretary blinken travels today to costa rica to meet with sal american leaders about root causes for mile congratulation and the flow of illegal crossings on our southern border. meanwhile, speaking of that in laredo, texas, look at this more than 100 migrants including 8 kids found crammed in the back of a big rig after a driver jumped out and tried to escape. he highway but was later arrested. agents there say they have will rescued 500 migrants in trailers in a sector to the last 10 days. roma, texas, showing 41 men, 11 women and 3 children sitting on the ground in what is a cartel stash house that was busted over the weekend. all of this will, lawrence and ainsley, comes ahead of vice president harris' trip to mexico and guatemala next week. we hope to learn more about this plan from the white house in the
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coming days. will, ainsley and lawrence. had to think about it. ainsley: thanks, griff. will: making way into this country country told or missed the message stemly racist country oppresses anyone of any minority status this clearly hasn't gotten the message down to the root cause countries of central america and mexico. there are people who this day today will be trying to make their way into this country because they know that the united states of america, despite its challenges, still remains the greatest country on the face of the earth. ainsley: it is. yesterday we were reminded of that memorial day. if you read that article in the "new york times" what they found is 46-page blueprint. they are saying he wants shorter lines, shorter simpler forms, fewer fees. he wants to reduce the paperwork for illegal immigrants. fewer security hoops. better opportunities to join family members here in the u.s. and more chances to get work
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visas. citizen applications up 80% since 2014. lawrence: you know, i commend them for trying to get something done but they still don't get the problem. you have got to stop the traffic at the border first before you start trying to overhaul our immigration system. things like we continue to go to the same old trap and over and over again. they are creating more incentive, actually, in the middle of a surge at the border for people to continue to come across the border because they are essentially saying we are going to make everything all right. now, if they were securing the border and then talking about fixing the broken immigration system, okay, we could have that conversation, but they are not doing that right now. what's going to happen is you are going to see another surge across the border. they are not strong on the border. they don't care about the people coming across that are children that are being aided and abetted by the cartel to get across the border. you would think our politician
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who has been in politics over 40 years would understand the consequences for doing such. ainsance when you see the images and see the children that's my biggest concern. what did you find because you went down and met with the sheriffs on the border. will: i did. state officials are looking to handle it on their open. they are not getting the help they deserve from the federal government whose responsibility it is to pay for it. ainsley: they will pay for it. lawrence: we should send them the bill. will: take a look at they had line. this have from the sunday times in the united kingdom it reads covid, wuhan lab leak is, quote feasible say abercrombie and fitch spies. what jumps out to me there is not necessarily the headline but where it appeared. this is in a newspaper in the united kingdom. a couple of takes a. ways there. we know well that the majority of the american media is a propaganda hack machine who is designed to carry the water for certain political pears. what's fascinating about this
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come from the the entire world dismissed the lab leak theory as a conspiracy which tells you there is even something deeper. that is the control that the communist chinese party has over group think across the globe. many people, too many people, no matter where you are from are told what to think by the all powerful chinese dollar and chinese communist party behind that dollar. ainsley: one source says the chinese will lie either way. i don't think we will ever know. nikki haley said that last week. she said it's been too long. how are we going to go in this lab. first of all, probably won't let us in if we did press them to let us in. what are we going to find? it's been cleaned up? lawrence: interesting thing, ainsley, there is no curiosity on the issue. it is very clear that this should be a world issue. why isn't the world united on the issue of holding them accountable? they are not. the world is not.
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the american media is not on one path on holding them accountable. they brought the whole world to our knees. if there was any moment to take the chinese communist party down. it was now. we can all unite and say do you know what? no more money to china until they tell us what is going on. we will make it any other country but china. ainsley: last six outbreaks of sars came from china that has been proven the fda commissioner was on and said lab leaks happen all the time. i don't want this to happen again. no one wants this to happen again. we saw so many people in new york all over the world die because of this. and if this happens again, we just need to make sure if they are going to have research in the lab, it's done properly, so we can't afford to have this type of a leak. lawrence: that's why i disagree with the notion, we saw this doctors going on airways yesterday and on the sunday shows talking about these leaks happen all the time. just because it happens all the time doesn't mean we should just
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step. ainsley: get a pass. lawrence: can we stop the leak from happening in the first place? there doesn't seem to be, again, curiosity to get to the bottom of this which means and i hate to say this. something tragic like this can happen again, ainsley, because the people that are entrusted to get to the bottom of it seem to be. ainsley: we are not learning from our mistakes. lawrence: do you know what it is, the conversation that shifted from normalcy and getting back to normal and everybody is driving in new york city the businesses are opening back up. we forgot what got us to this point. what happened before the storm. will: lawrence you, you said everyone should be able to come together on this issue and pulling the same direction. unfortunately for too long everyone was pulling the same direction. they were pulling toward dismissing this story as a conspiracy theory. now that it's quote unquote feasible. we need to see international community and american politicians come together to try to find these origins.
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it's time to hold china accountable. ainsley: do we have that soundbite. will: looks like we dropped out of that soundbite. he did call on both party to come together to find a answer. ainsley: now the united states is trying to push the w.h.o. to look into this and the u.k. is piggy backing on that, too. lawrence: our intelligence community the only things we are getting so far is leaks so far there has been no transparency on this story. everything that we have discovered, even this report that's come out of the u.k. came from a leak. everything that we're hearing from our elected officials on the republican side are leaks because they are getting them from briefings and they have been declassified and we are learning from that way. this should be a transparent process, especially since it's a world issue. not just an american issue as i alluded to earlier. it's a world issue. it brought us all to our knees. ainsley: so this morning the
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"new york post" editorial board is calling out the media for not reporting the hunter biden scandal. the laptop scandal, the dinners that he went to with his dad at cafe milano and another dinner. businessmen from ukraine, from russia, from kazakhstan and burisma. no one is reporting on it. so the editorial board is calling out the media. they say this is what -- first of all, let's show you a flashback of how the media is reporting it. >> he talks about hunter biden's hard drive. he talks about conspiracy theories. >> this whole smear on joe biden comes from the kremlin. >> most of those charges unverified. >> are just so heinous. i'm not even going to say them. >> what are they talking about, i don't know, some laptop. >> he is in the midst of a scandal. >> he's not. >> yes he sncht no, come on. >> baseless conspiracy theories about joe biden and his son hunter. >> you ever wish you had apple
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care? [laughter] ainsance you see the media just down playing this major story. will: really stunning to watch those clips over and over again. this is more information coming out about hunter biden's laptop. take a look at this by the way a headline from the new york most. hunter biden's laptop keeps joe biden but most media ignore it they go on to say the follow the biden family has been trading on joe biden's high offices for decades making millions off presumed access and somehow news about it is all never quote fit to print how the "new york times" bills itself even though democracy dies in the dark. i believe that's "the washington post." lawrence: that's the motto. does rudy have the laptop. the fbi came and raided his place. he said the atlanta right there. back to the curiosity, getting to the truth this guy just came off a media blitz because he just gave a book, wrote a book out and there were some questions asked about his involvement with burisma.
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but where are the questions for the president of the united states? there are things like there is another report every week that essentially says the "new york post" was right on the reporting and there has been not a question from the mainstream media. ainsley: remember he said he told steve doocy's son, peter, he was asked about it. he said no, we don't talk about our -- my son's business. i don't know any parent that would not have questions for their child about what they're doing. especially if they're making millions. he did go dinner at this cafe, this swanky place in georgetown, and there is proof of that because there was an email that was allegedly sent by this burisma executive thanking him. i loved meeting your dad, basically. thanks for introducing me to him. the article the "new york post" it goes on to say without a doubt, if donald trump jr., jared kushner or so on had been caught playing such games, it would get nonstop coverage on msnbc "the washington post" and "the washington times" would have full investigative teams following it up for months. will: that's why we are talking
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about in this morning new information as you pointed out, ainsley is, coming out about what those emails contain. they contain these messages you are talking about which show ability or a desire on hunt's part to hide fact that his dad, then vice president joe biden would be coming to dinner and then they took pictures as you mentioned as well, ainsley, with russian diplomat, burisma board members. and then the final detail that is fascinating is that hunter biden went from making $84,000 a month to sitting on -- for sitting on the burisma board to cut in half to $42,000 a month just after joe biden left office as vice president. interesting timing. that's the real story. media criticism is important. but we already know the nature of the american media are for the most part. this shows and needs to be explored a deeper corruption with the man had who now sits as president of the united states. lawrence: will, there is another component to that.
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the story from the white house is that hunter biden is drug addicted. he has had a struggling life. okay. i will take that story. a lot of the americans are struggling with addiction. they need help with. okay. so if he is struggle bring in with addiction and all of this tragedy that is going on. how the hell is he running this company? what value is he. will: zero experience. lawrence: zero experience and going through this doubled past. pick the lie. let us know which route you want us to go. they haven't been able to answer that question. ainsley: jillian has more headlines for us. >> let's begin with a fox news alert. california deputy died from his injuries after being shot during a high-speed chase. the 17 year veteran. deputies were attempting to pull over a motorcyclist without a license plate when they took off. at deputies later approached the abandoned bike the suspect started shooting at them. the suspect was killed.
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turning to extreme weather now. mother nature takes aim at texas. pelting the city of odessa. the national weather service says flooding and hail at least the size of a quarter was reported there yesterday. residents were urged to seek shelter away from windows. you can see just how hard the rain and hail is coming down here. no word on any injuries. the nba playoffs seeing an nfl-style tackle. a security guard tackling a fan who ran on a court during a game between the washington wizards and philadelphia 76ers. the fan was handcuffed and led off the court. did he not interact with any players. it's the latest string of fan misbehavior chawgd one dumping popcorn on actor westbrook. fallen service members tribute on social media for memorial day. pratt posted photos of people mourning friends and family killed in ax. he wrote in part, quote, no pain and suffering we never will. they gave us the most free and
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decent society planet earth has ever seen. may god give their souls rest. send it back to you. will: here here chris pratt. he is so fashionable to say easel. he said they are the good guy. ainsley: loving this guy. so patriotic. really strong christian. lawrence: very transparent. ainsley: i know. he is in hollywood. it is :18 on the east coast. come up, eating the costs, small businesses are taking mits. meet the cookie creator protecting her bottom line from crumbling. will: plus, protecting passenger privacy the showdown between florida's governor and cruise lines that calls to show vaccine growth grow.
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♪ ainsley: this summer prices are expected to keep going up. eateries across our country are raising their prices as soaring inflation and supply shortages cans ingredient prices to triple. next guest a small business owner in alabama in birmingham who says she has been paying out of pocket to cover the rise in costs. she doesn't want to pass it onto the customer. the owner of ashley's famous cookies and mother of three ashley brown joins us now. hey, ashley. >> hey, how are you? ainsley: i'm doing well. welcome to "fox & friends." we hope you sell some cookies.
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>> thank you. ainsley: tell me what you will be going through? >> so basically the pandemic switched up everything. during the pandemic we had to stop baking february to march february to may really. after the pandemic surge, flour, sugar, eggs, any of the essential goods. so we literally everything has come to a halt. after that, we got back in business but we couldn't really sell everything because supplies was not on the shelves anymore. so twist ties all the things that you need to package were gone. and if you did find them, they were usually in stores [inaudible] off the shelves you didn't know when they were going to be there again. ainsley: so interesting. things we don't even think about but we need. they are necessary to run a
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business. how are you staying afloat with three children being a single mother? >> i'm really just relying on family support at this point. and i'm just taking birmingham hoping that at some point things will still be down and i will be able to gain the money back elsewhere. shipping costs have went up a lot. and customers are expecting it good to them overnight. they are expecting them kick. they are expecting the efficiency. and you still want the quality. so, we still just have to keep up pricing as close to the old prices that we can. ainsley: ashley, tell us your story. how did you decide to open up this business? >> after i had my son, my first son at 16. i recently had twins at 2020. ainsley: we are seeing their
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pictures so, cute. >> and craving cookies all the time. i got tired of buying store bought. i might as well try to make some myself. after i made them myself my mom was like i'm not eating any other cookies. ainsley: a sweet mom. what's your website so we can buy some cookies. >> so the website is ashley's famous if you want to support, you can order the cookies on there. [inaudible] also follow us on our social media page. ainsley: which one should i buy? what's your top seller? >> my top seller would probably have to be the strawberry crack or chocolate chip pecan or step on the wild side do you fruity pebble cookie. ainsley: you ship so if i wanted to get some for my father on
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father's day? >> we ship to anywhere in the country. cookies are super soft. they are premium cookies. they last a long time. you don't have to worry about [inaudible] ainsley: everyone go support ashley's business. she is a single mom. those are precious kid. we wish you all the best. god bless you, ashley. >> thank you so much. ainsley: you are welcome. coming up, bashing the blue, a retired police lieutenant reacts to amazon selling these anti-cop merchandise, these t-shirts, coming up next. ♪ what you need? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ it's a new dawn... ♪
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jillian: good morning. we are back now with your headlines. miami-dade police find the suv used in a mass shooting that left two people dead and more than 20 hurt. look at this. the vehicle was submerged in a canal. a grieving father of one of the victims interrupted a news conference with a message to the shooters. >> you are kill my kid. you must burn: you killed -- >> police released surveillance video of the gunman they believed the shooting was gang-related. a $130,000 reward is being offered. meantime another attack on an asian-american in new york city. the disturbing video shared by a state assembly member shows a man walking up to a woman and punching her in the face in chinatown. the blow knocked her right to the ground. police say the 55-year-old will be okay. the suspect is in custody.
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the hate crimes task force is reportedly investigating. mobile payment app. venmo is changing privacy settings after president biden's account was found by buzzfeed earlier this month. the discovery revealing a network of his private social connections which is a potential national security issue. the "new york times" reports the president sent his grandchildren money on the app. venmo confirming to buzzfeed it's now adding a feature that will let users set their friends list to private or visible only to friends. mlb player getting a beer beer . watch. this one has aens that. meyers back and good. >> a chicago cubs fan dropping his drink on the padres right fielder will meyers while trying to catch a home run. he didn't seem bothered and changed his uniform between innings. the cubs won 7-2 that's a look at your headlines, send it back
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to you, lawrence. >> thanks, jillian, a police union calling on amazon with the phrase blue lives murder. a detective endowment association is demanding the company take down the anti-cop items writing in part, quote. continue to hawk products emblazened the phrase put the least of police and all law enforcement nationwide at peril and risk. here to discuss this the founder of wounded blue retired police lieutenant randy sutton. lieutenant, what is your reaction to this being displayed on amazon? , lawrence, thanks for having me. there were real world consequences to abhorrent action like this. there is -- the real world consequences are there. the law enforcement officers across this country are being injured and disabled every single day. we suffered the loss just this morning of a deputy sergeant in
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intern who was murdered in the line of duty yesterday. the other part of this is that the left has chosen a strategy i call it the triple d strategy. defunding, demoralizing and dehumanizing the police. and what happens here is and believe me, my organization deals with injured and disabled officers all over the country. those injuries are often psychological and emotional the suicide rate among officers, lawrence, i don't know if you are aware of it three five times the number of officers die in duty take their own lives. bedehumanizing and demoralizing is exactly what they are saying here. they are saying to law enforcement officers all across this country. we don't care but. we only care about an agenda on the left. i'm seeing this first hand what this is doing to our officers across -- lawrence: lieutenant we reached out to amazon and they got us a statement. as retailers we provide our customers with access to a
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variety of viewpoints across books, videos and products. we strive to provide our customers with the widest possible selection. we do not endorse the content of any book, video or product. we understand some customers may find some products being objectionable and engage and express their views including product reviews. here's the problem, lieutenant. they have taken down other things. if this was just an open marketplace cool we would support that. that's not taken down hateful things before, why not this? >> because it doesn't go along with their agenda. here is what i find so disturbing, lawrence, listen. i know amazon is a huge company. and i understand that a company does not have a soul. i get that. but, companies are made of people and just bezos is a human being is, a person. i believe somewhere in there is maybe someone that has humanity. what he is demonstrating here is
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either he is so engaged in profit or he is simply is tone deaf to what is happening across america. and the plight of american law enforcement officers who literally are being demonized and dehumanized by the left. and -- lawrence: randy, it can't just be about process because they pick and choose ha what they allow on the platform. your organization has asked them to take it down. other companies have asked them to take it down. hopefully they dual the right thing here since they have taken other hateful things down. thank you for joining us on the program. >> thank you for having me, i appreciate it. lawrence: president biden to talks with republicans. overhouse committee chairman jason chaffetz joins us next ♪ ♪
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and it relieves my symptoms fast for real migraine relief. ainsley: democrats and the g.o.p. still at odds over joe biden's massive infrastructure bill but attempt at bipartisan not sitting so well with some in his own party as the progressives are calling to drop the negotiations all together. lawrence: that's right, ainsley. bernie sanders tweeting the american people want action not never ending negotiation and objectionism. they will not come out and vote for a party does not deliver if not now, when? lawrence: here to react fox news contributor and former house committee chairman jason chaffetz. jason so good to see you this morning. i don't know how to read this any other way than the democratic party and i don't think it's a partisan point to make. but the track party has shown increasing antagonism towards all the checks and balances built into the governmental
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system, the filibuster, the supreme court of the united states. now essentially the essence of bypass. bipartisan. the unite the country that he had worked in the senate decades upon decades bring people together and find bipartisan solutions they barely try. i think shelley moore capito republican in west virginia saying look we are trying in earnest coming one solution. using unspent covid funds. democrats have enizationable desire to tax and spend. and they are spiegel a lie which is hey this infrastructure plan it's totally paid for, ladies and gentlemen. and in 15 years way for it we don't pay for anything in government right now in totality. we're nearly $30 trillion in debt so don't kid anybody.
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they think they have the numbers. they don't care. they just want to ram it through. it doesn't matter what republicans think. ainsley: hows to this play out then? do the democrats? do the progressives get their way and they ram it through or will they work with the republicans? >> i think they will have some photo ops to say we tried with republicans. they will use the budget process called reconciliation. they will not go through the regular budget process where they have hearings and they bring people in and there is testimony and debate. they will say hey we can get to the 50 plus 1 and slam it through pelosi has the majority in the house and then they can get to it. but, it's kind of scary because the number of dollars they are spending is just astronomical. lawrence: jason, switch gears to this op-ed that you just penned on covid funeral payments commit
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fraud and hear is how. tell us about this. what do you see coming from this legislation? >> well, it passed through, this is now law. whether they democrats with not a single republican vote slammed through this funeral program, i give a lot of credit to senator braun of indiana and senator grassley of iowa. they have pointed out that there is now a funeral benefit of up to $35,500 per person for those that died from covid. and the concern is that fema has put out guidance. they are telling people and teaching people how to alter death certificates so that if it doesn't say cody hey maybe you should make it say code. you don't now according to the biden administration, you don't even need to be a citizen of the united states of america in order to take advantage of this program. they had on the first day of the hotline more than a million people call to try to take
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advantage of this program. but $35,000 plus. we don't take care of veterans like that. think of how many veterans struggle like this and yet they are giving $350,500 per person if you died from code how do we afford that? will: so you can alter and fema is helping guide the process. can you alter the cause of death on the death certificate in order to qualify for this program? >> according to senator braun and senator grassley, there is an faq section there on the website that fema has been administering sailing this is how you update and provide the information, in essence, alter the death certificate to take advantage of this program. that's why they asked the inspector general michael horowitz from the department of justice who has this pandemic website and his responsibility to go and investigate this.
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they have asked for an investigation by the inspector general. lawrence: people are just going to commit fraud. the government is showing them how to commit fraud go. to the faq section and we will tell you how to do it anyway. ainsley: your hard earned tax dollars. listen to jason in the house the jason chaffetz podcast at fox news thank you for coming on with us and writing that op-ed. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. will: let's check in with janice dean for the "foxcast." janice: it is a beautiful day in new york city. i apologize for the weekend we had. it was pretty cold. temperatures in the 50's across the northeast. big story today will be over the northwest with heat moving in to much of the west. the temps right now in the 50 and 60's. a row freshing 58 here in new york city. we are going to look potential for showers and thunderstorms and even severe thunderstorms for parts of south
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texas, oklahoma missouri and arkansas. we have flood advisories in effect. looks like a flash flood warning for lufkin, texas. that's the potential for heavy rainfall the next 12 to 24 hours. just a slight risk today. marginal risk for large hail and damaging winds, i don't think we will see a tornado outbreak. the heat is going to be building over parts of the west in towards the great basin. that's going to be a huge story. also, hello tropical season in the pacifics. 50 minor sustained winds. we don't expect it to become a hurricane and move away from land. not too bad. heat build across the west and showers and thunderstorms for the mississippi river valley. all right. back inside to lawrence and ainsley and will. ainsley: thank you, janice. january january you got it. ainsley: senator lindsey graham is going to join us live from israel after meeting with the benjamin netanyahu. will: state of california
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challenging the cruise industry to it show proof of vaccination. coming up ♪
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jillian: good morning and welcome back. we have quick headlines for you. crypto currency bitcoin recovery after biggest monthly drop on record in may. set to finish the month 36,000s for coin. prices were under pressure when over concerns the market could face increased scrutiny from regulators. and krispy kreme is giving vaccinated americans a free doughnut for the rest of the year. just show your vaccination card. it has given away more than 1.5 million since march 22nd on national doughnut day friday krispy kreme is offering an even sweeter deal americans who have at least one shot can get two free donuts. will? will: jillian, thank you. florida governor ron desantis vowing to fine cruise lines $5,000 per passenger if they require customers to show proof of vaccination. >> we are going to enforce florida law. we have florida law. we have laws that protect the people and privacy of our
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citizens and we are going to enforce it joining us with her take former florida attorney general pam bondi. pam, good morning, thank you for being with us. what do you think about this burgeoning fight between the federal government and cdc imlins, the crews industry and the state of florida and the laws that ron desantis has passed? >> well, will, what do you think? i think our governor has done a pretty good job for our state, don't you? he has done an incredible job. florida is wide open. we are open for business. you wouldn't even know covid has happened here. the majority of our state they are being vaccinated but people have a right to privacy. i should not in florida have to walk in a business and tell them whether or not i have been vaccinated. i have been vaccinated that was my choice but no one should have to give up their right to privacy and that's medical information. florida has been strong on that. our businesses are open. our restaurants are open. our bars are open. our theme parks are open. our airlines are going strong.
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yet now they are trying to penalize our cruise lines. that's super important to florida because that employs over 159,000 floridians, not only that it brings billions of dollars into our economy and we're not going to let them punish our airlines. will: since you asked, pam, i think florida has been meal are to the nation and governor ron desantis has shown true leadership very difficult time. that can't stop me from asking you more difficult questions include this cruise industry is a private industry. theriot ones going it ask for vaccine passports and proof. governor desantis' law says a private business cannot then enforce the rules that they may be following based upon centers for disease control guidance but that they're the ones enforcing. should the state of florida be dictating what private businesses should do? >> well, when they are in our state, again, our theme parks don't have to do it. other businesses don't have to do it. we are operating fine. are the cruise lines stuck in the middle?
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absolutely. and general ashley moody. attorney general ashley moody did a great job. she siewfd the cdc over this issue because it is penalizing floridians and penalizing our cruise industry. that's going to mediation this week. we are hoping for a good resolution. you know, will, you have got to remember. cruise lines have been operating already in asia, in europe, and they are doing well. you know, we shouldn't have to have a test cruise line because it's in our state. we love our cruise industry. we want it work. truly caught in the middle of this. will: what do you think about the theme parks being excepted exceptexempted from. we are talking about the disney in the city of orlando. what about disney being exempted from this through governor desantis passed? >> disney are doing all kinds of great protocols. it's safe. it's been established that it's safe. our numbers in florida have
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plummeted. again, most floridians have been vaccinated. others coming from out of state are following the protocols. disney is clean, safe, they have done such a good job. all of our theme parks. we are so proud of all of our florida businesses. will: disney excepted from having to oral still allowed to require showing vaccine passports. it does as you point out very appropriately involve the privacy and health decisions of your citizens as well. i don't think anybody wants vaccine passports. we very details going forward from a state shown very good leadership. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> coming up, the major league lawsuit that would award $100 million to georgia small businesses. ♪ ♪ ♪
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but difficult for us to cheat. >> a police union calling on amazon for selling merchandise with the phrase blue lives murder. >> they're saying to law enforcement officers we don't care but. we only care about an agenda on the left. >> serious questions about how the pandemic began. the reality is that many of us have long suspected that the lab leak hypothesis was false conclusion until proven otherwise. ♪ ♪ ♪ lawrence: great state of florida. i'm lawrence jones here with ainsley and will. a southern takeover of "fox & friends." ainsley: it is. lawrence: two texans and a south carolinian here. great show yesterday honoring our veterans. we will continue talking about things happening in our country. ainsley: thank you for working on veterans day. did you a beautiful job honoring our veterans and all the men and
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women who -- i mean memorial day. thank you. great to have you with us on the curvey couch. will: great to be here. difficult day a solemn day. a day of celebration for what many have given and what they have sacrificed. at the same time honor what they did and celebrate the lives that they lived a ton of news in the cycle. lawrence: we honor them today by holding government accountable and there is a lot of news out of washington, ainsley. ainsley: exactly right. the biden administration revealing plans to invest in communities of color. lawrence: comes before the president pace oklahoma it race massacre. will: jackie heindrick is in washington with the president's proposal. >> good morning to you guys. ahead of the president's trip, the white house released new details about the administration's plans to help communities of color. it's outlined in the infrastructure package that is being hashed out on capitol hill
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right now with these new details just out this morning include $10 billion to revitalize black communities, 15 billion for transportation. 5 billion for affordable housing, 31 billion for small business programs and a tax credit to attract private investment in affordable housing. and president biden's visit follows a memorial service where lawmakers and civil rights leaders prayer wall outside a church destroyed by a white mob 300 years ago jerks of wealth destroyed in that black neighborhood. >> what happened in this community, what happened to my people is unacceptable. >> we will say to america that we, too, are america. we, too, should be repaired. restored. >> reparations is required today. today, today. >> today's visit will be the first time the president takes
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part in the remembrance. yesterday president biden proclaimed may 31st a day of remembrance for tulsa. i call on the american to reflect on the deep roots of racial nra our nation and work on routing outside systemic racism across our country adding that local and federal government made recovery almost impossible that area after the massacre. in his memorial day remarks president biden gave a stark warning for the future. listen. >> the democracy itself is in peril. here at home and around the world. what we do now, what we do now, how we honor the memories of the fallen will determine whether or not democracy will long endure. >> vice president kamala harris who was in arlington with the president yesterday is not expected to be in tulsa today. back to you guys. lawrence: thanks, jackie. ainsley: i'm curious to hear
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your thoughts on reparations. >> so excited we are talking about this story because so often this was. they are open. we call it a massacre. >> all b.a. back in the day 1921 they called it a riot. that's part of the reason how we got here. starts off as dispute between manned am woman. conflicting black man and white woman and as you know, lawlessness disseminates there they started to bomb the town. you have world war i veterans that try to shield the man and say we just want a fair trial. this area was known for the black businesses, even after the civil war. black folks were out there, you know, making millionaires, doctors, lawyers, businesses and people from all over came to greenwood to buy from this area and the government that's who owned the planes dropped bombs on greenwood. ainsley: everything burned.
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hundreds of people died. lawrence: a lot of people in greenwood, will, don't even know the story of their heritage it wasn't taught in their schools. obviously this is going back to reparations now and that's where the conflict starts to happen. you know, government creates these generalities, and government did this problem. part of the reason why the people didn't get their insurance money because government declared it a riot instead of how we alluded to it being a massacre. we need to go to the history and go back and figure out how much every -- see how much every family member is owed in that city. some of the family members there don't have he the remains in loved ones. just buried in buildings built over it the mayor has been trying to do research on this. is he a republican. his name is bynum. he has been leading the charge. they say look, a lot of the people in this town so behind because of their heritage where they came from and because we have not paid that debt. do we need generalities of
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saying everybody needs reparations i don't think that's the best solution. figure out what government said they owed, yeah, they need to pay that back. that's the american way. ainsley: alive. suffered through that. will: there is a needle the has to thread race relations. we need to be able to reckon sail ourselves. acknowledge our past and acknowledge the sins that we have created as a country at the same time not undercut the underlying principles of what made america a unique experiment on the fails of this earth. the principles of the united states of america are not at fault but the northern day movement of race relations to undercut the idea of america. i'm not overstating that undercut often the ideas of western civilization, reason, objectivity, not to live my truth but to live the truth. as we move forward into history and into the future. we need to reconcile.
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acknowledge it we can't sacrifice the very founding principles of the united states of america and individuality. they deny individuals and assign you to groups and make you guilty for the sins of your forefathers and make you beneficiary for the victimhood of your forefathers. when the real way to look look through our eyes and character as individuals i'm afraid this country is looking to make up for the sins of the past by sacrificing our principles and our future. lawrence: i think where the conversation is going to go now, ainsley is, whether you agree or disagree with reparations, when government makes a commitment to do something and doesn't do that, should they be held accountable? that's where the conversation is. ainsley: i was reading about their stories and it does break my heart everything they went through. this is such acommunity area they worked so hard to build this up community. in a few days it was all wiped away and you see their faces and they were presented flowers. john legend was supposed to
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speak. because they are not getting reparations they decided to cancel the event. let's talk about infrastructure. bernie sanders is saying why are we talking to the republicans? let's abandon that let's go at it alone. this is what he said the american people want action, not never ending negotiations objectionism. they will not come out and vote for a party that does not deliver. if not now, then when? will: bipartisan becomes objection obstructionism. no filibuster or party standing in the way. we talked to jason chaffetz little bit earlier about this idea nothing shall stand in the way of a democratic agenda. >> the promise of joe biden in his election was the idea that he was going to unite the country that he had worked in the senate for decades upon decades and that he could bring people together and find bipartisan solutions they barely try or give it to lip service.
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democrats have a desire to tax and spend. and a lie this infrastructure plan is totally paid for, ladies and gentlemen. and in 15 years we pay for it we don't pay for anything in government right now in totality. we are nearly $30 trillion in debt so don't kid anybody. they think they have the numbers. they don't care. they just want to ram it through. doesn't matter what republicans think. will: you both asked this question how does it end in the way it ends $6 trillion budget being passed through the budget reconciliation process. where they only need 51 votes. that's how this end. if you do not need republican support. if did you go past it if you let go of negotiations you can do it with 51 through rec son sillation. lawrence: i think the republicans, ainsley are kind of naive the ones trying to do this negotiation, they will go along with this anyway. we have seen the negotiations in the past bills that went up. they did all the meeting at the white house and then the republicans got nothing that they asked for in there.
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so i know that they want to work and i think they may have good intentions but it seems like a lot of these negotiations just end up being photo op.s. ainsley: i wish they would compromise though. everyone wants infrastructure. we want our roads and bridges. we travel on them constantly we want them repaired or new avenues built or whatever. we like infrastructure. we need it. but it's so expensive. so if they could just come together and come in the middle, then everyone will get something and hopefully overall we will generally be happy. i know the american public would be. elections have consequences. lawrence: no longer about one guy get something and the other side get something lanes lanes not about compromise anymore. lawrence: they will take their candy and leave. they left the legislature when it was time to vote. i will veto articles 106 the budget passed by the legislature articles 10 fund the legislative branch no.
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pay for those who abandon their responsibilities. stay tuned. the governor is saying, will, if you decided to just leave the capitol instead of voting on the bill yea or nay no pay for you. i think it's fair. be. will: in sherman texas it was take your ball and leave so it was take your candy and leave? >> attempting to pass a bill. maintains election integrity. they have to lawrence's point taken their candy and left the state capital. ainsley: is he giving up sweet for the month that is why he has that on his brain. will: they won't vote on the bill. they think they can stop it from passing. democratic state rep punishing working class office staff and maintenance and other support services because he didn't get every single one of his demands is very on brand for texas
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republicans. ainsley: if you read about this, there are so many different -- everyone is weighing in on this say would he go don't like it. they are making it controversial. we saw what happened in georgia when they tried to beef up their georgia voting bill. and so many people left that state, including the nba. no, baseball. mlb. so here are some facts. the facts about this bill, the bill generally requires early voting for at least nine hours per day between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. the bill continues to allow voting by mail though with new restrictions on unsolicited applications. the bill requires poll watchers to swear they will not disrupt the voting process or harass voters. disabled voters can still vote by mail as long as they are not capable of appearing at a polling place in person. lastly the bill addresses cybersecurity weaknesses, ballot storage, verification and processing and transparency issues. those all seem like wonderful
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things that would be beneficial for integrity. lawrence: bottom line is a lot of this was already implemented in some counties in texas. what this bill does is unified across the state. remember, the state has control of elections but, of course, democrats are saying this is all about race. wesley hunt, we had him on yesterday, this is what he had to say. >> and the whole objective of these laws is to ensure that we make it easier for us to vote but difficult for us to cheat. simply requiring an i.d., restricting this mass mail in ballots and restricting ballot harvest something actually a pretty low bar achieve a free and fair election. as a black person, the insinuation that we can't i.d. to vote is actually ridiculous. we have to have an i.d. to do anything basic in this country and the sanctity of our ballot box should be paramount on our objective to make sure that we have a free and fair election. ains ain't the governor says he is going to bring them back for a special vote.
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he is going to force it. lawrence: special election and he has the authority to get state troopers involved and get them back there to do their job. legislature is only in session four months. they're wasting time. they are going to be hauled back there to do their job. it's all posturing. that's the democratic party. will: even less of a job for -- we did see -- over to jillian who has few additional headlines this morning. jillian: that's right. we begin with a fox news alert. a california deputy has died from his injuries after being shot during a high-speed chase. sergeant dominic is a 17-year veteran with a the intern county sheriff's department. deputies were attempting to pull over a motorcyclist without a license plate when they took off. as deputies later approached the abandoned bike. the suspect started shooting at them. the suspect was killed. an off duty michigan firefighter
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on vacation jumped into action when historic building caught on fire. he can be seen with the hose line helping out until more first responders arrived on mackinaw island. the unnamed firefighter then hooked up the hydrant to get the inferno under control. no injuries were reported and the cause of the fire is under investigation. how about this? several u.s. flags are stolen from a veterans cemetery in los angeles including a giant 25-by 30-foot flag. the theft happening during closing hours over memorial day weekend. the staff says at least three people are needed to handle the massive flag. authorities are currently reviewing whether there is any security footage that can help identify the suspects. i hope they find them. tennis stars are hoping for get well after she abruptly withdrew sight struggles with anxiety and depression. >> everyone is different and everyone handles things differently. so you know you just have to let
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her handle it the way she wants to the best way that she thinks she can. >> it comes afers she was fined $15,000 after refusing to take part in post match press conferences. certainly wish her well. send it back to you. ainsley: that's so sad. anxiety she said? is that right? lawrence: yeah. ainsley: we do wish her well. will: still trying to sort out take your candy and go home ask him about it during the break. are you at a candy party? lawrence: kids have candy they take their candy and go home. are you the guy that didn't bring candy? you are the guy? will: i amount guy. ainsley: is that actually a thing or do you do what i do sometimes you mess it up? lawrence: no. it's really a thing. will: we are going to take our candy and do a commercial break. ainsley: halloween. will: one time a year that phrase works. senator lindsey graham joins us live from israel. >> the media finally admits they were wrong to dismiss the wouldn
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lab leak theory. k.t. mcfarlandsays their mistak. we will talk about that come up. ♪
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>> a lot of people on the political left and a lot of people in the media made this mistake they say wow if tom cotton is saying something it can't be true or they assumed that and that's not right. we need to know how it started and yes, i think a lot of people have egg on their face. look, some things may be true even if donald trump said them. lawrence: some in the media finally admitting they were wrong to dismiss the wuhan lab
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leak theory as covid-19 origins come under more scrutiny. former trump deputy national security adviser and author of the revolution trump washington and we the people k.t. mcfarland was one of the first to question china's cover-up and she joins us now. k.t. are you feeling vindicated? >> sure, but it doesn't really matter at this point, lawrence, because the damage has been done. you know, by the mainstream media, social media, the tech titans, the democrat, by all of those people refusing to allow the stories to come out about china, the damage has been done. china has gotten away with it you know, we may have investigations now into the origins, but do you think the chinese are going to let us in that lab? absolutely not. they have had a year to cover their tracks. they have had a year to push their agenda. and their agenda is to take over the world, to replace the united states as the dominant world power and to be seen as deserving to do it. they are not going to take the wrap for what they have done
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which i think is unleash perhaps unwittingly unleash a pandemic on the world that has caused more devastation than a world war has done. lawrence: k.t. it, seems like the media has taken partisan politics. this is "new york times" february 2020 versus may 2021. look at this headline on february 17th. senator tom cotton repeat fringe theory of the coronavirus origin swing over to may 139, 2021. scientists call for inquiry into the origins of coronavirus. >> hair hatred of donald trump and anybody around donald trump and all conservatives and republicans meant that they were censor and far rather believe china's feeble excuses about this than they would their own people. it's the blame america first lobby. as a result of that the world
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has suffered far worse than it ever needed to suffer. china may be a totalitarian state and total surveillance state and crush any surveillance at home. what this did was crush dissent abroad. china does care about its image in the world. and when you have have the media clamors to blame donald trump for everything and give china a free ride, china in effect, they allowed china to get away with it. i think that's a far more serious condemnation of american media and technology media and the big tech titans and social media chief domes than just about anything they have ever done. lawrence: speaking of tech, we have been talking about the hacking that's been happening and we know russia is behind it tell expect signals ahead of the putin summit this month this a quote from russia's message ahead of the summit. americans must assume a number of signals from moscow will be uncomfortable for them including
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in the coming days. k.t., that should they respond? what should they do to respond? >> i think we shouldn't have the summit in the first place. what have the russians done? hacked the colonial pipeline and their excuse well it wasn't really russian government people russians somewhere in moscow. don't believe that the russians have hacked into the u.s. government tweets last several month. the russians have told the american vessels stay out of the international waters of the plaque sea or else. and they have massed troops iraqen border. what has our stance been give them the prestige of a presidential summit. i would cancel that summit. the problem is, lawrence, when foreign countries our adversaries see weakness in the water they go for the shark. lawrence: as i said on friday when i had you on, they are taking the cold war and moving it online. we cannot be weak on this. we know where it goes at the end of the day.
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k.t. mcfarland, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks very much, lawrence. lawrence: you bet. small businesses filing a major league lawsuit for pulling the all star game out of atlanta. how one group is calling on the mlb to pay 100-million-dollar in damages. that's next. ♪ lisa here, has had many jobs. and all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults. apply today. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high you know how i feel ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel ♪ [man: coughing] ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day... ♪ no matter how you got copd it's time to make a stand.
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♪ jillian: good morning, welcome back. we have your headlines now a british billionaire's daughter-in-law is accused of shooting and killing a top can a cop in belize. jazmine is facing manslaughter by negligence charges. she is married to u.k. businessman lord michael ashcroft's youngest son. police say harten and police superintendent were socializing on a pier. the cop's body was found in the water with a bullet in the head. told service accidently went off while giving him a massage. targeting 14 people including two men face doing poor station. the department will allow these two men to keep their green
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cards. the men spent two decades in prison for crimes they submitted while teens. while incarcerated both men fought firefighters. living a quote upright life. how about this? a small plane makes emergency landing on california freeway. just watch. >> holy cow. >> oh [bleep], [bleep]. did you see that? it happened just north of los angeles. thankfully no one was hurt. the plane did not hit any cars. the california highway patrol says pilot and trainee on board unclear why they needed to make the emergency landing but wow that is freightening. actor matt leblanc is taking friends reunion irish fans online quick to say he looks like irish uncle played retired ladies man. he possessed certain granddad characteristics including wise cracks, sunday roasts and
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frequent pints at the local cub. who doesn't like the frequent pints at the local pub, ainsley? ainsley: no comment. okay. thank you so much, jillian. major league baseball striking out again as a group representing small businesses sues the organization for taking the all-star game out of atlanta over the new election laws there. with the move reportedly costing local businesses up to $100 million in lost revenue. the job creators network is demanding that the mlb bring the game back or pay damages. here with more is georgia business leader and ceo of the job creators network alfredo ortiz. good morning to you. >> good morning, ainsley, thank you for having me. ainsley: you are welcome, thanks for coming on. tell us about this lawsuit why it your group decide to sue. >> first of all, let me tell you we tried everything to get commissioner man ford's attention. we sprung in action four days after that move actually
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happened we put up two billboards in new york's times square right down from his offices and nothing. we took a full page ad out "new york times" trying to address this issue and nothing. you know, we sent letters to his offices, nothing. sent protesters outside of his headquarters in new york and absolutely nothing, zero,ed in a darks ainsley. here we are today, we filed a lawsuit yesterday in federal court in new york and basically making that request or demand really that they bring the games back to atlanta where rightfully belongs and never should have been moved to begin with or set up a relief fund of $100 million to local businesses to our georgia. ainsley: any luck? think this is going to be successful. >> we will keep on trying. he has no choice now ainsley but to actually pay attention. this is what we need to do. this from this perspective, petitioner manfred just believed that he knew better when georgian laws should be in terms
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of voting laws and he made the decision to move the game from atlanta to denver which by the way if you look at the black population, for example of georgia about 51%, colorado 9%. nine times as many black owned small businesses in atlanta than there are in denver. so the very group that supposedly him and others wanted to try to protect because of the supposed issues with the voting laws that the legislators passed. he is actually hurting them. and that's why we took action. we tried, like i said everything possible. we frankly didn't want to end up in court but we're going to da this because it's the right thing to do and we are here to right a very, very bad wrong. ainsley: i feel sorry for the mom and pop restaurant across the street from the stadium that was going to benefit from this or the person that owns that small hotel where people are going to stay especially after the pandemic they lost so much money. thank you so much.
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let us know how it turns out, okay? >> we will. ainsley: thank you. we did reach out to the mlb for statements but we did not here back. coming up how about president biden attempt to take away trump's legacy immigration. lindsey graham seen the border crisis under biden and going to join us live. meet the air force bound terrible who grew his hair for years to help kids battling cancer. ♪ ♪
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defenses, our security, on iran, you have been a tremendous friend. tremendous ally. >> but nobody does more to protect america from radical islam than our friends in israel. i just want you to know the sign says all you need to know about my trip, to every american what happens with iran matters to not only to america but to the world so what can you expect my friend in israel in the next coming days and weeks and month. ainsley: south carolina senator lindsey graham meeting with the prime minister of israel netanyahu that happened yesterday, reaffirming his support for america's strongest ally in the middle east. will: here with an update live from the military base in israel senator lindsey graham. senator, great to talk to you this morning all the way from israel. tell us a little bit about what you have seen. have you toured around the country over this latest war. what have you seen? what does israel need?
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>> okay. there are going to be a request made tomorrow, i think or thursday by the israelis to the pentagon for a billion dollars in aid to replenish the iron dome batteries that were used to protect israel. i have seen houses destroyed. i have seen a lot of young people 18 to 21 serving their country in israel with a lot of enthusiasm. so, this is what i'm going to do whether it comes to israel. if hamas tries to destroy israel as iran threatens the existence of the jewish state, i will keep coming back here and saying more for israel. every time someone tries to destroy israel, our response is going to be more aid. it starts with replenishing the iron dome, a billion dollars investment would be a good investment for the american people. >> you just met with the prime minister. we heard about his relationship with the current president joe biden. what do you know? what did you learn. >> well, a good relationship. it you like politics, come to
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israel. they have an election about every 60 days. the government may change in the next couple of days quite frankly. one thing that won't change is the relationship between israel and the united states. there has been no better friend to the united states than israel and b.b. has been one of the strongest leaders in the world for the last 15 years. the biden administration has been helpful. they stood by israel in the last conflict with gaza, with hamas, which is about two miles that way. they are worried to death about the iran nuclear agreement. i met with the foreign minister, the prime minister, the defense minister the opposition leader. regardless of the differences on the ground in israel, they have two messages. thank you, america, we need your support and please don't let the iranians get a nuclear weapon because that can destroy the stability in the world. so, everybody in israel is united behind the idea if the iranian nuclear agreement is a bad idea. i want to thank the biden administration for being receptive to more aid for
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israel. i think the request will be coming from the pentagon soon. aged will do my part to lead the effort in the senate to make sure israel get the money but i want to thank the biden administration for standing by in israel. ainsley: senator, if the government does change there, how did that affect our relationship with israel and what does that mean for the united states? >> i don't think it's going to change anything in terms of our relationship with israel. again, all parties agree that the iran nuclear agreement being envisioned by the biden administration is too dangerous. i don't trust the iranians with enrichment. i have alternative you can have nuclear power but you can't make your own fuel. do away with the enrichment program and let the world provide the spent rods for-that way they can't make a bomb. i don't know hot prime minister will be next week. buy but i know america will have no better friend in the world than israel.
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next week radical islam is trying to hurt us back at home. the relationship is enduring. >> it's not based on a personality. it's based on shared value. democracy very vibrant democracy and the idea is the best in the business we're lucky to have them as a partner. ainsley: what's going on with the election in i was reading about it last night. tell the folks at home what's happening there? >> okay. i don't know how to describe this organized chaos. you need 61 votes to rule the country there are about two vote away. it looks like lapid and bennett may form a coalition to get to 61. israel is a vibrant democracy. have you arabs in the israeli parliament. you have an arab on the israeli supreme court. they play politics really hard over here. never count b.b. out. my message is as much and i love
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and admire b.b. your relationship is well founded our common values and shared interest survive changes in government. so you may have this time next week a completely new government how long it lasts i don't know. i do know this, the relationship between the united states and israel is the best we have on the planet in terms of our national security and i hope every american watching and listening to "fox & friends" understands that the people trying to destroy the state of israel would kill you if they could. the iron dome behind me saved thousands of lives and quite frankly palestinian lives. it's one of the most marvelous technologies in the history of warfare. will: the place iran occupies is right behind those that would destroy israel. senator lindsey graham live from israel. thank you for jumping on "fox & friends" this morning. >> more for israel, thank you. ainsley: thank you, senator. will: let's check in with janice
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dean who has our fox weather forecast outside. janice: it is a beautiful day in new york city. we had a wet, cold weekend. i think one of the coldest memorial day weekends on record. let's take a look at the temperatures across the country. 50's and 60's for the northeast. down towards the mid-atlantic. denver 46. heat is going to start to build across the west. we are going to flirt with record highs for portions of washington state and oregon in towards idaho which is quite rare for this time of year. showers, thu and flash flooding. that's going to be a concern for texas in towards louisiana, oklahoma, and arkansas we have an area of low pressure all this moisture working its way in from the gulf of mexico in towards the mississippi valley and the ohio valley tomorrow and there is your forecast rainfall. flash flooding concerns especially for texas where we have flash flood watches and warnings in effect and as i said. we're going to see really warm temperatures across the west for the northwest as well. and interior sections as we get into thursday and friday where temperatures are going to be
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well over 100 degrees for the southwest. that's going to be a big story we are going to be following as well. will and ainsley and lawrence, my friends back to you. do you know how i remember that when we have different host i think the first initial of their names law spells law. lawrence, ainsley and will. ainsley: very good. janice: i'm so smart. ainsley: you are. janice: bye. ainsley: coming up reading writing and inciting. a dad just sent a cease and desist letter joins us live next. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good i was drowning in student loan debt. i was in the process of deferring them, paying them...
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♪ will: virginia parents against critical race theory now facing backlash from their woke counterparts. one parent receiving a cease and desist letter from another trying to silence him by threatening legal action for speaking out against this controversial movement. joining us now is the man who received that letter. fight for schools founder ian prior along with scott minuteio who runs parents against critical race theory. gentlemen, thank you so much for being here. so, ian, tell me about the background fight. it seems as though the fight which prior may have existed in the school board room spilled
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over into social media, spilled out amongst the parents turning parents on one another. what's going on? >> yeah, that's right. you go back to march of this year, where you had had private facebook group that included a quorm of lou continue county, loudoun county. campaign against three posts content speaking out over the past year at school board meetings. so obviously that got a lot of press. but it galvanized parents and republicans, independence, democrats all to come back, start an organization, and recall this school barred because they violated open meetings law. they violated the virginia and united states constitution. they violated their own code of conduct. new, what happened is i ended up getting a cease and desist letter. i initially said i'm going to ignore this. this is no longer my fight. my fight is with the school board. now they are sending it out to media organizations that i talk to about this stuff. i have talked to half a dozen constitutional high profile lawyers that will be more than happy to step in and defend me
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and the first amendment. they would be more than happy to do it. but there is a better approach. let's have a debate. let's have an open debate. will: here is an example, an excerpt from that cease and desist letter. the post was meant to compile information to assist the group researching what the anti-crt group was disseminating no goal to harass anyone but rather understand the narrative. here is what is going on, scott. you have now got this fight going on facebook and other social media platforms and can you correct me if i get any of thissenning wrote, but, they are saying -- they are looking into the background of guys like ian and yourself. they are trying to compile a list to better understand your point of view, i guess, instead of dox and come after you. this is turning it really ugly over a fight on how to educate your children. >> absolutely. i would like to add to that if that's their friendly approach why is the head of chardonnay antifa and the loud done
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commonwealth attorney were out collude against our kids via social media? will: that's an interesting question what do they say we are trying to understand our political opponents a little more well. we are trying to understand their point of view. what do you think they are trying to do? >> well, that's interesting. because i didn't know that my area of residence that they posted was going to help them understand my point of view. i have have also actually never seen any of these folks come to a school board meeting. look, ultimately this started as you have the parents that wanted to open schools. then you had the parents that were speaking out against the curriculum. they joined together and galvanized by this list. now you have these folks going after the biggest church in loun county, political allies made up democrats, independents and republicans fighting to recall the school board. this is now turned into a bigger battle. this is literally for the soul of the constitution in loudoun county, virginia. and we are absolutely not going
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to back down. will: soul for the constitution. battle for the soul of the constitution and children as well how they're educated and view individuality. will: scott, ian, thank you for getting on with us and tell us what's going on in loudoun county. >> sure, thank you. will: all right, coming up, gun sales are on the rice with first-time buyers lining up to get their firearms. leo terrell says thanks to the left's policies americans are taking safety in heir own hands. we will talk to them about that in the next hour. ♪ big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion,
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♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ >> new york times is reporting the administration is working a radical reform to the to the immigration system. >> according to a document, they plan to fast track the immigration process like never before. >> some in the media finally admitting they were wrong to dismiss the wuhan lab theory. >> their hatred of donald trump, they'd rather believe china than their own people. >> texas governor greg abbott is clear he will not tolerate political stunts. >> no pay for those who abandon their responsibilities. >> governor desantis vowing to fine cruise lines if they require customers to show proof of vaccination. >> you should not in florida have to walk into a business and tell them whether or not i've been vaccinated. >> -- file a lawsuit alleging major league baseball's decision to move the all-star game injured the business community.
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>> we're going to do this, and we are here to right a very, very bad wrong. ♪ ♪ no matter where we go -- will: cloudy morning over houston, texas. here in the northeast it's bright and sunny. we welcome you in to "fox & friends," will cain, lawrence jones and ainsley earhart with you this morning. i want to lodge a complaint, i don't know that fox can handle this, but earlier ainsley said the first official day of summer is june 21st, but we need to change that. summer is clearly june, july and august. ainsley: memorial day should kick off -- will: memorial day is the official beginning of summer, along with honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, but i think everyone can acknowledge that june 1st is summertime.
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lawrence: it is true. you know what was exciting yesterday? i went to target, and i didn't need my mask in new york city. the lady said, you don't need that. i haven't had that happen in almost over a year, and i was so grateful to target! ainsley: that's great. lawrence: and i'm a walmart guy. ainsley: really? see, i like them both. how many times have you walked out of your apartment and said, oh, my gosh, i have to go get my mask. you would think i would have learned, but, no, i had to do that all the time -- lawrence: my building would be right on my back the moment i -- ainsley: mine would too too, but this is in the hallway. lawrence: anyway, president biden wants to make it easier for migrants to enter our country. will: "the new york times" reporting the administration is working on radical reforms to the immigration system.
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ainsley: griff jenkins is live in washington as we learn it will undo most of what former president trump did, right, griff? >> reporter: that's right. it's going to undo more than trump era policies. the white house is not commenting on it, but "the new york times" says they've obtained a 46-page document outlining plans to fast track the immigration process in unprecedented ways. that includes expanding virtual interviews and electronic filings, limiting request for evidence from migrants applying, lowering wait times, slashing fees and simplifying paperwork. it's an about face from the previous administration's efforts to shift to a merit-based system. the new york times writes, quote: if mr. biden accomplishes everything in the document, he will have gone further than just reversing the downward trend. he will have significantly increased opportunities for foreigners around the globe to come to the united states, embracing robust immigration even as a divisive decades-long
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political debate continues to rage over such a policy. this as secretary of state blinken travels to costa rica today, meeting with central american leaders about root causes for migration. meanwhile, the crisis at our southern border continues. in laredo, texas, more than a hundred migrants are found crammed in the back of a big rig after the driver jumped out trying to escape but was later nabbed. and in roma, texas, fox news obtaining these exclusive photos showing 41 men, 11 women and 3 children sitting on the ground in a cartel stashhouse busted over the weekend. this comes ahead of vice president harris' trip in guatemala and mexico next week. now, as for the immigration overhaul, "the new york times" also reporting that the white house has tapped former obama official cass sunstein to remake the system. it's a very interesting development because as you'll remember from the trump administration, that job belonged to senior adviser
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stephen miller who i've been talking to a little bit today. he is saying that this is definitely going to be challenged at the very least, getting a statement from him later in this hour. will, lawrence, ainsley? will: thank you, griff. ainsley: i was reading this morning that citizen applications up 80% since 2014. approval for the use of the program has gone from 5 months to 5 years, and the average time to get an employer-sponsored grebe card has doubled -- green card. republicans are complaining because he's reversing everything trump did, many of them liked what trump did at the border. many of them are concerned it'll hurt americans when it comes to jobs. lawrence lawrence they talk about root causes, yet they're keeping the border open. you really can't deal with a broken immigration system until you shut down the border and get it under control. will, there's been a lot of talk about undoing trump's legacy,
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but what about obama's legacy and undoing it? he wasn't open borders. he was known as deporter in chief. jeh johnson has been very critical of the current administration saying this is not what we did in the obama days. there's an attempt to go after trump the, but undoing what they did in the prior administration as well. will: undoing and underlying ideology in this country which is you should have a nation with borders. ainsley, you began this conversation, and it's an important one. so much of the conversation around immigration centers around illegal immigration. and that's appropriate. but when you're talking about the biden administration undoing trump era immigration policies, you're also talking about the legal immigration process. and, ainsley, you bring up so many people are concerned because this can mean an effect on americans looking for a job. we need to have a robust, healthy debate about our legal immigration process as well, because at a time when with work is being disincentivized, fewer and fewer people looking for
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available jobs out there, we need to talk about what the appropriate level of legal immigration is in this country as well. ainsley: yeah, you -- you're absolutely right. and to your point about president obama, president obama was more moderate on this. joe biden was his vice president, he was moderate. so people thought when they were voting for joe biden, he was going to have more moderate beliefs. but he came in there, and he's allowed progressives to change his mind on so many different issues including immigration. and when you see the wall, the wall's not being built anymore, you see all these um ma'ams that you're only going -- images that you're only going to see pretty much on fox news, we all need to thought talk about that. look at all the kids that were in the back of the 18 wheeler -- lawrence: and the technology as well. they didn't just get rid of the technology and see all the stuff that was piled up, part of that was the technology that was going to be installed right after they put that worder barrier -- border barrier. we always talk about semantics,
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wall versus fencing in at the end of the day it's a border wall system. ainsley: where do these children go? to a sponsor? will: right now they're spread out across america. this is a headline from the sunday times in the united kingdom can. it reads: covid, wuhan lab leak is feasible, say british spies. i think that reveals what we all know, it's not just feasible, but perhaps probable that this disease emanated not from a seafood market, not from a human being eating a bat but, rather, from the lab right across the street that was experimenting with bat coronaviruses. this is also interesting to me, lawrence, that it came from the u.k., because it shows the group think that overtook the entire world who dismissed that idea as a spoors. lawrence: -- a conspiracy. it came through a leak. this is not official channels. it's not like all these government agencies are being transparent with us. certain reporters are getting leaks, but again, kt mcfarland
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said we wouldn't be at this point if the american media would have held these folks accountable. they decided to go after trump. watch this. >> the mainstream media, social media, the tech titans, the democrats, by all of those people refusing to allow the stories to come out about china, the damage has been done. china's gotten away with it. you know, we may have investigations now into the origins, but do you think the chinese are going to let us in that lab? absolutely not. their agenda is to take over the world, to replace the united states as the dominant world power and to be seen as deserving to do it. they're not going to take the rap for what they've done which, i think, is to unleash -- perhaps unwittingly, but to unleash a pandemic on the world and cause more devastation than a world war has done. ainsley: one of the sources from this article in the sunday times of london where they're saying it is feasible, they said the chinese will lie either way. i don't think we will ever know.
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to kt's point, we're not going to get in that lab. we want to do everything we can to prevent this from happening again. this is not a democrat or republican, conservative -- whatever you are, hover you vote -- however you vote, we should all want these answers. so many people died. lawrence: the world should want the answers. ainsley: food and drug administration said there are accidental leaks that all the time. he said in china the last six outbreaks of sars-1 have been from lab leaks. so if this is happening so many times, we need to button up these labs and figure out how we can make them safer. will: and also showing the absurdity of calling it a conspiracy, showing it's not just feasible, but it's probable. ainsley: donald trump said it forever, and it was conspiracy theory, and now other people are jumping onboard and having questions. lawrence: a group of small businesses announced they are taking the mlb to court for
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pulling the all-star game out of atlanta. we were talking about this during the commercial, if they have standing in court. it is a major issue. during the 7:00 hour we talked about black wall street. this is the modern day black wall street in atlanta. they're not expecting government to save them. many of the rappers and celebrities there have bought back their own block to corrupt to the community, and the m -- to contribute to the community, and the mlb is hurting the black businesses that are currently in place. will: yeah. $100 million, that's the cost of major league baseball taking their game out of atlanta. ainsley, you spoke to alfredo ortiz, looking to sue major league baseball for pulling this huge boost to their economy out of that city. listen. >> we filed a lawsuit yesterday in federal court in new york, basically making that request or demand really that they bring
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the game back to atlanta where it rightfully belongs and should have never been moved to begin with, or quite frankly, set up a relief fund of $100 million to our local businesses across georgia. there are nine times as many black-owned small businesses in atlanta than in denver. so the very group that supposedly him and others wanted to try to protect, he's actually hurting them. and that's why we took action. ainsley: he went on to say that it's robbing the small businesses of atlanta. he says that it is illegal for them to do this because they had valid contracts relating to the all-star the game -- we were talking about this in the commercial, do they have grounds for a lawsuit. he said this is a result of two years of planning and that all that was ripped away. so if they have a valid account contract and they were changing, outfitting their restaurant or their hotel because they wanted to fit all these people in there, do they have a lawsuit? could they win? will: i'm going to profess just enough knowledge to be ignorant
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on this topic e. [laughter] that's what law school provides you, just enough knowledge to sound ignorant on an issue. if those, if those small businesses had a direct contract with major league baseball, i can understand, i could see they would have standing to sue major league baseball, but only if they had a direct contract. i don't think they can simply be the beneficiaries of an economic boost. i think anyone who might have had a contract at the stadium, any vendor, any concessionary at the stadium might have a contract, but i also think the story's a tad bit too narrow. major league baseball waded into politics ignorantly knowing nothing about what this law did, not capable of raising a single complaint articulating it, what is your problem with this law. tim scott showed us that. the bigger story, lawrence, major league baseball hurting
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the very people they suggest they're there to help. lawrence: yep. and we also reached out to the mlb and the players' association for a statement but, of course, we did not receive a response from them. jillian has some headlines. jillian: that's right. fox news alert, a california deputy has died from his injuries after being shot during the a high-speed chase. sergeant dominic vaca was a 7-year veteran. deputies were attempting to pull over a motorcyclist without a license plate when they took off. as deputies later approached the abandoned bike, the suspect started shooting at them. the suspect was killed. the reward for information in the deadly road rage shooting of a 6-year-old california boy is raised to $400,000. orange county, california, district attorney todd spitzer joined me earlier on "fox & friends" first with a message to the shooters. take a listen. >> i want these people to turn themself in.
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i'm demanding they turn themselves in, but i'm really running out of patience. jillian:-shot to while his mom drove him to school last month. look at this, a security guard tackling a fan who ran to the field, the fan was handcuffed and led off the court. he did not interact with any players, but it's the latest in a string of fan misbehavior including one dumping popcorn on russell russell westbrook. and one teenager woke up with a little more than a hangover after stumbling into the wrong house. >> dude broke into the house in the middle of the night. >> this silly guy found the one airbnb loaded with cops. he woke up in handcuffs. jillian: oh, man. the deputies say the teen won't see any jail time, they just wanted to make sure he got home safely. they were in town for training. [laughter]
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learned a pretty big lesson though. ainsley: so all these cops were staying at the airbnb, he happened to stumble in? [laughter] will: hey, on the popcorn and the fans running onto the court, that's a growing story -- jillian: yeah, there was a water bottle thrown on one, popcorn -- will: this is my theory quickly here, we're giving it too much attention. i do believe people copycat each other, it's like why we don't show streakers on a soccer field, not because it's inappropriate, but because it encourages others. so we're encouraging this -- lawrence: will, i told you this yesterday, i think the players should be able to handle it. if they go out there and throw stuff at the players, they should be able to -- jillian: okay, popcorn is not going to hurt you. but something like a full water bolt could. that could cause injury with, so -- lawrence: i don't like it. ainsley: everyone just needs to chill out. lawrence: chill out. it's summertime.
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jillian: and, look, we haven't been able to go to games for so long. enjoy being there, right? will: okay, jillian. thanks so much. ainsley: getting so angry, gosh. [laughter] will: all right. coming up, gun sales are on the rise with first-time buyers lining up. leo terrell says americans are taking safety into their own hands, he's next. ainsley: and an air force-bounce teenager gets his first haircut in six years. he's raising money for kids battling cancer. you're going to hear his incredible story coming up. ♪ and i know when i need it, i can count on you like 4, 3, 2. ♪ you'll be there, 'cuz that's what friends are supposed to do ♪♪ n, i am a mom, and a real estate agent. after having a kid, everything that you used to do for yourself goes out the window. the lines that i was seeing in my forehead
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♪♪ ainsley: gun sales, which surged in the early months of the pandemic, are still on the rise, believe it or not. and about a fifth of all americans who bought guns last year were reportedly first-time gun owners. half of those buyers were women, a fifth were black, and a fifth were hispanic. leo terrell says the growing push for self-protection ties back to the defund police movement and liberal policies, and he joins us now. good morning, leo. >> hi, ainsley. happy to be on the show. ainsley: we love having you on. so why do you think this is? >> very simple, ainsley, this te is a vote of no confidence in democratic leadership. everyone in this country saw what happened last summer. everyone is witnessing the rise in crime in democratic cities. people are afraid. they cannot expect the biden administration, democratic leadership in chicago, l.a.,
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washington, d.c. to protect them. and people, all americans, are buying guns, black, brown, women, because they're afraid of the lack of support by the government regarding law enforcement. it's very simple. a vote of no confidence. ainsley: yeah. they want to defund the police with fewer police officers out on the street, we worry about our children and our own safety and not being able to call 911 and having someone respond. does this surprise you? >> no. i think people, i think the democratic playbook is take guns away, the kamala harris, the joe biden, take guns away. how can you take americans' right to protect themselves when they see all this crime? and, ainsley, here's the biggest concern, there's an expectation of riots this summer. people are looking at what's going on every day in these democratic cities, and the government wants to take your guns away. people are afraid. people want to protect their
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family. and when they can't call 911, as you articulate, they have no other choice but to protect themselves. and i applaud them because government is abandoning its number one obligation, to protect citizens. ainsley: can you believe half of them are women? >> bravo. bravo. because women, just like men, just like anyone in this country, want to protect their family. and they feel if they cannot rely on law enforcement, they have no other person to depend on other than than themself. i think it's, i think it makes a perfect strategy and makes perfect sense. ainsley: when you look at the numbers, in april of 2020 2.9 million background checks. this past april, 3.4 million for firearm background checks. the numbers are staggering. people are scared, it looks
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like, and they want to protect themselves. leo, i'll give you the final word. >> thank you v.. i hope democrats look at this. people of color, people who they represent, they're saying we don't trust you, we're buying guns. hispanics, blacks in democratic cities are buying guns because they reject the democratic playbook that you don't need guns to protect yourself. it's a lie, they need the gun. ainsley: leo terrell, thank you for coming on. >> thank you. ainsley: you're welcome. "the new york post" is calling out the media for ignoring hunter biden's scandal. dan bongino says the media silence speaks volumes. he joins us coming up. ♪ ♪
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gunman. they believe the shooting was gang-related. a $130,000 reward is being offered. the world's largest meat-a packing company crippled by a cyber attack, scrambling to get operations back online after the hack shut down servers in australia and north america. it is unclear who was behind the attack, but this comes just weeks after the cyber attack on the colonial gas pipeline on the east coast. a chicago bar is implementing a strict new covid-19 policy requiring all patrons to show proof of vaccination. the owner made the requirement so the bar could expand to 100% capacity. employees say the bar has been packed. and two illinois men experienced life in color for the first time. watch as andrew and his grandfather roger put on the special glasses. they selectively filter out
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wavelengths of light to help them see vibrant colors. previously, they could only see shades of gray, and many colors were indistinguishable. the glasses were a special gift from andrew's wife and kids. that is beautiful. will: thanks, jillian. millions of americans hit the road in full force, but were businesses able to keep up? ainsley: edward lawrence from fox business joins us live from annapolis, in maryland. hey, edward. >> reporter: hey, ainsley, lawrence, will, how you doing? the short answer to the question is, no, they weren't really able to catch up. we're talking about 37 million people were hitting the road this weekend according to aaa. now, of that number those people would like to spend money, they're ready to get out. the coronavirus is over in a lot of those people's minds, but sort of things are opening up here. again, 37 million people. the problem is companies couldn't get those employees to come off the sidelines and come back to work.
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many of them making more because of the extra unemployment insurance. now, i'm in annapolis, maryland, and the commencement ceremony for the naval academy was this weekend. it's a huge weekend for bars and restaurants specifically in this area. joining me now is the owner of one of those, dry 85, brian volter. you were automobile to get the customers to come -- able to get the customers to come back, but you couldn't get the employees. >> no. we are struggling to fill all jobs that we have in this building from back of the house to front of the house, and it impacts customer service. people see open tables because we can't seat them, they're on a two hour wait. customer experience is terrible, it's harder on our employees because we cannot get people to come back to work. >> reporter: you had to slow down the food. >> exactly. we're working twice as hard in the back and in the front, guests are, like, why with are we waiting when i see empty tables? >> reporter: some would say just pay more. >> we're paying $35,000 a year
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for people to take the summer off. guess what, we have jobs that pay that and they're not taking that, and we have jobs that pay much more than that. if you're going to give an incentive for people to stay home and enjoy the summer, they're going to take it. >> reporter: three restaurants and bars in maryland, and all three had the same exact problem. 24 states have gotten rid of that the the exunemployment insurance and -- extra unemployment insurance and indeed found job searches spiked in those states. will: really good report, edward. ainsley: we're talking about how slow the service is now because there are two, three people working in one entire facility. will: and the supply chain action grinding to a halt. so long to get lumber, bicycles, rental cars. you're looking at an economy that's not performing, obviously, at capacity. lawrence lawrence as you know, will and ainsley, some of the governors in these republican states have said they're going to take some of these benefits
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away, actually hurting -- there's jobs there. we saw the numbers, i think it was over 6 million jobs that are available right now. it's not a matter of not having a job, it's the fact that the government is paying them more. will: speaking of taking away incentives, texas governor greg abbott is going to take away pay from democrats who fled the capitol to avoid voting on a voter integrity bill that's called a voter suppression bill by the left. ainsley: the democrats walked out. he said, all right, i'm going to make y'all come back. he tweeted: i will see e doe article x -- veto article x, no pay for those who abandon their responsibility. stay tuned. lawrence lawrence so the democrats, of course, when this came up, they didn't think about the consequences of this. now, i think the governor should have had the state troopers drag their tails back in to do their job. but when he decided to repeal this law that funds the
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legislative branch, it's also going to impact their staffers. well, this is what happens when leaders don't lead it. affects the little people as well. you have this state representative, democratic state representative saying punishing office maintenance and other support services because he didn't get every single one of his demands is very on brand for the texas republican party. this is just nonsense because it's not a matter of being for the bill, just vote on the bill. they decided they want want to will kill the bill, they didn't show up to have a quorum to actually proceed with the vote. this has to do with them not voting for the bill to kill the bill. it's a legislative tactic, it's been done four other times as well. ainsley: they should -- can you're right. i love what you're saying. if they don't show up and do the job, they don't get paid. we don't get paid if they don't show up. lawrence: they could easily change this, will, just show up
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for work. ainsley: i wonder if this will make the residents upset, because when you vote someone in office, you expect them to do the job. not walk out on it. will: i think people across this country have come to expect pretty dirty tactics. we saw it play out in georgia, you had an interview this morning about corporations yanking their business away while not understanding the bill, now we see texas democrats unwilling to participate in the democratic process while mischaracterizing what these bills represent -- ainsley: and you need to know the facts. the texas voting bill is pretty straightforward. requires early voting for at least nine -- they're going to say there's no early voting, well, there is for at least nine hours per day between 6-9, continues to allow voting by mail, people are up in the arms about that, new restrictions -- lawrence: for people that are suck. the only reason why they implementing it before was because of the pandemic, and they wanted to keep the standard
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in place. ainsley: if you're ott not capable of going to the polling place in person, you can still vote by mail. that still exists. the pollen watchers, they -- poll watchers, they can't harass voters, that sounds great. will: pandemic-era measures that did create an election that was highly irregular. many are saying, great, we did that for one pandemic year. now we need to return to the normal voting process, and in response they're being called voter suppression activists, racists to simply avoid returning to normal. coming up, dan bongino joins us live as "the new york post" calls out the media for ignoring the hunter biden scandals. ♪ ♪ irds flyin' high you know how i feel ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel ♪ [man: coughing] ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day... ♪
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theories. >> whole smear on joe biden comes from the kremlin. >> most of those charges unverified -- >> are just so heinous, i'm not even going to say them. >> i don't know -- >> and he's in the midst of a scandal -- >> he's not. >> and he's taking -- of course he is, leslie. >> no, come on. >> facebook conspiracy theories about joe biden and his son hunter e. >> do you ever wish you had apple care? [laughter] will: charges so heinous, yet they continue to come out as there's new details of what may be on hunter biden's lap tom there's content that suggests joe biden may have gone to some lunches with executives from burisma. let's bring in dan bongino, host of the dan bongino show streaming live daily on fox nation. dan, we're just going to laugh this off, right? come on, he's not, he's not. that's how you do it.
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>> you know, will, the media's worse than pravda. at least pravda in the old soviet on union, everybody understood it was a big scam. it's one of the biggest embarrassments and jokes of our time, and the joke, apparently, i guess, is on us. there are, shockingly, some people left, stunningly, who still believe the media is still doing media stuff and not full-time propaganda. don't you find it odd that the three biggest scandals of our time are all media scandals? the wuhan virus media theory, the hunter biden laptop, i don't want to miss anything, and spygate, the biggest political scandal of all time which the media covered up. does anybody else find that odd in that the media -- lawrence, i see you laughing, i got a return on this one today. [laughter] anyone find this odd? anyone? am i missing something?
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the media's supposed to tell the truth -- lawrence -- lawrence: her wizzing something. -- we are missing something. what does it take to collect that laptop and figure out what's going on? >> i put "fox & friends" on, you asked this question earlier, didn't you? it's a brilliant question. lawrence, you aren't even a federal agent, you just a smart guy. you just use common sense. hey, wait, there was an fbi case number, right? meaning it was logged in as evidence, meaning they have it somewhere, and lawrence is like, you know, i've got a triple-digit iq, where's the -- i almost slipped there for the first time on tv. [laughter] don't worry, fox, you won't have to fire me today. just to help you guys, here's the photo. i had my producer -- here's the photo. oh, my gosh, guys, stand by, that's owe biden. sharpie time.
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that's joe, i even circled it for you. ainsley: that's from that fancy restaurant in d.c.? >> yeah. café milano with the oligarchs and the moscow mayor. wait, wait, hold on, here's the receipt from a laptop. here it is right here. you want to zoom in? there's hunter biden's signature. [inaudible conversations] will: pull up the e-mail. is that printed out where he says -- you blew it. [laughter] >> that's why you're host of the show. you're smarter than me, and i'm not. i missed the darn e-mail. can you print -- will: i'm hire you'll have it by noon today on fox nation. >> yes, i will. ainsley: an e-mail thank you note? will hey, keep this on the dl -- ainsley: dan, "the new york post" writes: without a doubt if donald jump jr., jared kushner or so on had been caught playing
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such games, it'd get nonstop coverage. full investigative teams would be following it up for months. we've seen that that with russia, we see what's happening with kazahkstan and russia and these oligarchs and burisma, and nothing's being done. >> i actually -- you're right, "the new york post" is correct. but i want to take it to the next level. that's easy. of course if it was don j., ivanka, eric, there'd be front page stories from now until eternity. i get that. if it was don jr.'s friends, cousins, uncle who one time seven years ago took a shot of russian vodka -- [laughter] that's the easy one. that's a layup, a bunt for you baseball fans out there. this is how corrupt the media is, it doesn't even need a connection to someone with the last name trump. if someone knew trump who knew trump who stayed in a trump hotel seven years ago, this
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would be a story. lawrence: dan, dan -- [inaudible conversations] you've got to do something for fox nation. thanks, brother. >> yeah, i know, that's true. i've got a full notebook of material. this is one thing i never run out of, is stuff to talk about. i can talk all day, it drives people crazy. ainsley: you get paid for it. lawrence lawrence thanks, brother. >> thanks, guys. lawrence: i want to go running today, so let's check in with janice dean, our fox news weather forecast. what we got? janice: it's a beautiful day here in new york city. i know we had kind of a yucky memorial day weekend where it was cold and rainy, and my son and husband went camping and it was crazy, but more about that later. temperatures across the northeast, in the 50s and 60s. you know what? it's going to warm up a little bit, but the warmth is going to be contained towards the west where we're going to flirt with
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record highs today and the potential for showers, thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, even some severe storms from texas all the way up towards arkansas and oklahoma. there's your severe threats tonight. and you know what? i've got to tell you this is not a big deal, typically around this time of year we sometimes see severe weather, and we're not getting it, which is great. heat advisories for parts of california in towards the northwest where we're going to go up towards 90, even 100 degrees this week, so that's going to be an issue. really dangerous for folks who get heat-related illness, and then, of course, the rain and the thunderstorms moving across the mississippi and the tennessee river valley. they went camping this weekend, it was pouring rain. white water rafting, it was crazy, and i know a lot of folks were a little bit bummed by this weekend. but today is beautiful. ainsley: we know what that means for mom, you got sleep. janice: oh, i was sleeping,
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bonbons, there was wine -- [laughter] ainsley: we can all relate. we can all relate. all right. thank you, janice. an air force-bound teenager gets his first haircut in six years to raise money for kids battling cancer. but first, let's check in with bill hemmer for what'sen on at the top of the hour. bill: great show, nice to see you all. so now they tell us, a new momento to this lab release surrounding covid. the white house puts the focus on racism in america, we'll explore if it's pick winners and losers in the process. there's a manhunt in florida as random crime leaves few major cities untouched, and has putin put biden on notice? what we're learning today from moscow. see you in a few on that coming up shortly, top to have of the hour -- top of the hour. trients.'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look.
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wanna help kids get their homework done? well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. over the next 10 years, comcast is committing $1 billion to reach 50 million low-income americans with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. i hope you're ready. 'cause we are.
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♪♪ will: an alabama teen just got his first haircut in six years. that may not be news, but this is: he did it for a very special cause. he knew he'd have to cut his hair before joining the air force academy this fall. so far he's raised more than $20,000. kieran joins us now with more on his mission. let's talk about how you got to
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20,000. from what i understand, it was a dollar an inch. the afro was getting to, what, 20 inches tall? >> yeah. well, originally i only had a 19-inch curl, and i was trying to get 1,000 inches per curl. so the original goal was $19,000, but with extra donations, we got over $20,000. will: when it originally started, you were just growing your hair out, i'm sure. when did you start growing your hair? >> i just didn't cut it after -- starting in middle school, and the past two years when i knew i was going to the air force academy, i went to this event where people were shaving off their heads, and i knew i wanted to do something like that. will: tell me more about that. what made you decide to -- of course you were going to cut it for the air force academy. what made you decide to do this to raise money for cancer research, st. jude's?
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>> i had a friend that passed away in eighth grade, josh, and i knew st. jude's helped his family, and that, you know, i thought it was a good charity to support, so i wanted to give back to the community before i left. so i had to come up with something on my own. will: how different do you feel today than you have for the past six years? i know today's not the first day you cut it off, but as you reach up there and touch your head, it's got to be a bit of a novel feeling. >> my head feels cold now. [laughter] will: you know what i suspect? i suspect the air force academy's going to help you out with that. i bet there'll be some burpees and push-ups to keep you warm. what made you decide to go to the air force academy in. >> a good engineering school, and the service. i really want to be there for the guys on the ground, i want to be their guardian angel. i want to provide close air support and keep them safe. will: that's really cool, kieran. we appreciate what you're ready to do for this country, also
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appreciate what you've already done for helping those who are suffering from cancer. and, by the way, you can donate to kieran's fundraiser, it's at fox& right now. kieran, thank you for everything including getting up with us this morning. >> thank you, will. will: you bet. more "fox & friends" just moments away. ♪ ♪ you know that i could need somebody ♪♪ car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b.
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although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination.
5:58 am
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>> you did an excellent job today. thank you for coming on with us. you'll be back tomorrow, right? >> only a partial southern takeover tomorrow. >> you are heading back to texas. have a good day, everyone. >> bill: good morning. 9:00 here no new york. president biden saying our democracy is in peril and defended at all costs. what does that mean as we say good morning on a tuesday? i'm bill hemmer. welcome back to you. >> how are you? >> bill: pretty good. bit of a wash-out here. i can't remember 43 degrees for three days. >> i know. >> back-to-back to back. >> crowded bars. i went to a movie theater. >> bill: we call it progress. >> progress. good to be with you.


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