tv FOX News Primetime FOX News June 7, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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all right, panel. thank you very much. tomorrow on "special report," vice president harris visits mexico. we will take you there. she is talking about the immigration crisis again. we are there live with bryan llenas on the ground. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair balanced and still unafraid. "fox news primetime" hosted this week by tammy bruce starts right now. hi, tammy. >> tammy: hi, bret, thank you very much. sir. good evening and welcome to "fox news primetime." ♪ >> tammy: i'm tammy bruce. and for the week we are exposing fear incorporated the left machine meant to quell you and exposing the scam-filled ways they want to make us more divided how they fuel perpetual outrage and abuse all the silence you and profit and enrich themselves. they obsess about all of this while standing in the way of real progress and real solutions to improve the quality of life for every day americans. and for the week we are going to bring you voices you don't often
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hear from. you will hear from those who have decided they are not going to be afraid to speak out and from those who already frighten the supposed masters of the universe. we have an exclusive interview with james golden also known as long-time rush limbaugh producer mosley, the one man who can truly explain russia's importance, how his impact continues and now why all of us are now rush. two of the best tom cotton and bill gurets join us also to unravel while our own government focusing on demonizing real americans while successfully attacking our infrastructure. exclusive with producer and actor alon stuart both sides of the aisle clear the machine wants to frighten all of us from speaking out about all the important issues. i promise you do not want to miss this one. first tonight, we put the left on trial and indict every facet of their far left agenda as nothing more than a fear machine. a machine can be defeated once
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you know the fraud behind it ultimate goal isn't to fix problems or build bridges or unify but to create an activist machine that fuels outrage, anxiety and rage every second of every hour of every day while also raking in fundraising dollars nonstop. and it's all fueled by fear. it's that fear and the left's never ending aggression towards those whom they disagree will keep people from asking important questions and to standing up to power. tonight, for the week. we will take you through the left's agenda step-by-step, griffith by griffith, stand by scam and give you more tools to defend yourself against this battle for your mind the left uses shiny objects to create fain fear. one of our favorites miranda devine will be here to react to the latest developments on the flipper front. same issue where we see the same
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scheme played out. u.s. embassies last month flew the black lives matter marxist group flags outside their facilities as a giant virtue signal. the liberal machine continues to ignore the rising urban violence plaguing democrat one cities. relentlessly attack police officers even when the officers are defending the neighborhoods and lice of people of color as the anti-cop narrative rakes in tens of millions of fundraising dollars for blm and aligned groups. what about the suffering of working poor families and you crippling nanny state policy he is. for example, welfare programs may provide enough to survive and that's perhaps exactly just the point. just enough to survive. they do not provide a pathway to really excel and get out fund the grip of the failed big government. in fact, every government program binds you more to bureaucrats who see you as a budget item. is it all designed to keep people comfortably aggrieved and foster dependence and reliable
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voting patterns? think about that. they want people in fear which makes controlling you even easier. just consider the never ending threat theater surrounding the u.s. capitol linking every day americans to potential terrorists despite no known or active credible threat. because while democrats constantly use january 6th as a shadowy boogie man it comes as our enemies ramp up very real attacks. the colonial pipeline hack last month led to shortages at gas pumps all along the eastern seaboard and contributed to rising gas prices. and the recent jbs meat supplier hack impacted our food supply. sergeant at arms saying cyberattacks worry her more than any imagined new attack on the capitol. take a look. >> i worry a lot more about cybersecurity than i do another mob attack in the capitol. cyberattack for me is a greater concern than the prospects of thousands of people storming the
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west terrace. >> tammy: if that's not a sharp enough warning jennifer granholm warning our national power grid is to return cyberattack. >> do you think that adversaries of the united states have the capability right now to shut down the power grid? >> yeah, i do. i think there are very maligned actors who are trying even as we speak there are thousands of attacks on the energy sector and private sector generally the meat packs for example. it's happening all the time. tammy taken again, i will ask what has nancy pelosi been publicly obsessed with a nonexistent threat to the capitol or real everyday threats to our infrastructure. always the threat that democrat agenda down playing the real one staring us at our face the fear machine infects every single
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corner of policy agenda. take education. hundreds of billions of federal dollars flow into the public school system even as literacy rates in our inner cities sink. don't worry, they will be sure to spend time spewing so-called equity and critical race theory initiatives teaching kids to self-segregate and to hate each other and fueling fear of the other teaching children to see skin color first. the complete antithesis of dr. king's vision and the goal of the black cill rights movement. the political reaction to covid and public health tells as much. remember all last year the message from the left was don't worry about where the virus came from. don't be a racist. don't talk about a lab leak unless you are a conspiracy those, sit down and shut up and put on a second mask. and the grifters have morphed into attacking some of our most sacred rights like the issue of free speech. once held sacred by all americans especially liberals what's the new line from the left we may push censorship.
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we may push to deplatform. but, don't worry, it's only the bad people you don't like and it's all for your own good until, of course, it isn't. it comes for you and anyone who dare to stand up against the silicon valley media democrat establishment. journalist glenn greenwald explain the real extent. not anything to do with the famous everything to do with us, the normals and the middle class. so what do all these things have in common? they are fueled by fear and desire to keep the left per pet tweet outraymond and everyone else huddled and silenced. think about it. socialism and far left extremism destroys families. it destroys dignities. it destroys lives. it divides us. all while the organizers activists and politicians wreak the financial and political treasure. they must think we are crows. always pointing us to something shiny, look over there. don't look over here. distraction after distraction. to frighten and exhaust you. don't ask about democrat policies destroying your lives
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in cities. blame the police. it's trump's fault. it's the global warming victimhood, oppression and entitlement political currency that benefits those already in power and those that are already the most privileged. quite frankly, it's a form of domestic violence at large fear, coercion, manipulation, message thawing are nothing without them and reinforcing a lack of self-worth. look up to the wrong person, believe the wrong thing, and face punishment. face cancellation. and the reality is it's entirely contrived. working class people aren't nearly as divided as they want us to be. think about your own life, how often do you experience real hate, real division with people who may be different from you? you know what happens less than twitter and facebook bosses want you to think in reality, most people get along. but the left wants to fuel as much division as they can through the manipulation and exploitation of fear. as if it's one big giant slight
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of hand magic trick. tonight fall for the cheap political ploys or never ending hysteria or never ending direction. democrats can't solve their problems because frankly they don't want to solve them. they want chaos. they want dysfunction because it gives them a pretext to keep doing what they do. spreading fear and grabbing power. joining me now republican senator from arkansas tom cotton. senator, thank you very much for being with me. i appreciate it as you could tell, i'm a little charged up there seems to be a lot of things that are pretty obvious in the midst of our world. you clearly now have a reputation for seeing things early for being willing to stand up to them. can you start by explaining when we hear now the arguments about we saw the hacks of the oil pipeline of the meat supplier, the warnings about the power grid. how is congress because we don't see it how is it that they spend their time demonizing americans as the enemy when these things are happening in realtime and a
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affecting our lives today? >> well, it's happening because democrats realized the conditions they are creating in the country and the results of their policies are not going to help them at the ballot box next year. you know, we just spent a week back in our home states out of session in the congress. and i didn't hear once comments about the past or about nancy pelosi's obsession with this commission or anything else. i heard lots of comments about how our border is still wide open and kamala harris hasn't even visited the border or how everything from gas to food to lumber is skyrocketing in price. we have a crime wave across our nation and cities. that's what i heard about because that's what normal americans, normal arkansans care about. that's what decides elections that the democrats know that their policies in no small part are responsible for higher crime and higher prices and the border crisis. so they want to focus on the past and what matters to them personally as opposed to what matters to voters. i think they are going to pay a real prize to that.
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>> tammy: there seems to be. a recent election that the border around texas where republican won that they seem to be concerned about how minorities are going to be voting. at least it's heartening, i think you would agree with me, that with all of the media perpetuating the democrat line, your constituents, americans across the country, still get what's important. they are not being distracted by that. do you find that surprising considering its legacy media and big tech coming at them with the same messages? >> i don't find it surprising though because some are a cansians learn not to trust everything they readen in the "new york times" and cnn. and the lab leak theory of the origin of the coronavirus pandemic is a good example of that i was pointing out at the beginning of last year and the very first days of this pandemic when most of washington was obsessed with the impeachment trial, you know, this virus didn't start up in some remote mountain village next to a cave full of bats. it happened in a city that's larger than new york right down
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the street from the lab where they research these coronavirus. surely anyone with an ounce of common sense would say well, gosh, maybe we should take a look at that the media and the democrats because they saw the coronavirus as a way to attack president trump and hopefully undermine his re-election. dismiss what i was saying as a fringe conspiracy theories as something that had been debunked when obviously it hadn't been. every bit of evidence we had pointed toward that lab. that's still the case to this day. now that donald trump is no longer in the white house though, they are willing to look at the facts as the facts and not exactly admit they made a mistake but acknowledge the reality of it. and when normal are a can sans see that kind of duplicity from the media, then they understand that they can't take everything the media reports at face value. >> tammy: and that's what's key. it's fascinating to me because you are dealing with the pandemic. the potential as we have h millions dead. and that didn't even stop the democrats from using that to compound the fear pointing at donald trump the one person who
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has delivered the element now that it's freeing us from horrible experience the vaccine. he continued to be berated and vilified. you have a group of people i always wondered about someone like yourself that you go to work with these people. you deal with them. it's got to be remarkable. you worry about the kinds of people who are willing to run for office. how, with what have you experienced, i know you are punitive country thank goodness. how is it that you put up with this when it comes to the seriousness of the outcomes that we're dealing with life and death here? >> well, i love our country and i love serving our country i do it in uniform and i'm very happy to be doing it again in the united states senate on the behalf of the people of arkansas. i understand slings and arrows come with that especially when you stand up and unpopular truths at least truths unpopular with the media and democratic party so they can use all the
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names and slanders they want. but that's not going to stop me from doing what's right representing the common sense views of arkansans and improve lives for americans. this is exactly what we need more of this congress. >> tammy: your position as a single senator for a state has national and international impact whether you do things for the right reasons. when i was on the left, the work was designed to try to push good people away to get people to not want to do certain things and that, i'm happy to say, continues to fail because of senators and patriots like you, sir. thank you, senator cotton, for joining me tonight. i appreciate. >> it thank you. >> tammy: all righty. now also here tonight "washington times" national security correspondent bill bill gurets. you are very busy on what's going on. pick up dynamic as as we have been picking up the wuhan lab
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dynamic and fauci emails and other issues national security issues like cybersecurity. these are immediate things that are happening, we assign them and know like the jbs attack. russians speaking after nothing hans it's fair to say out of china or russia without those governments knowing. what is your sense of what is the most urgent situation here now and if we are responding properly? how do things look to you? >> well, things are fairly dire. i would say greatest national security threat facing the united states is the genocidal communist nuclear armed communist dictatorship in beijing. i think this overshadows all of the other states we are facing. there are threats you mentioned cyber and other things dealing with the threat from china is our number one priority. china is on the march around the world. chinese supreme leader xi
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jinping announced the china dream which i call the china nightmare it's basically to take over the world that china will become the dominant power. in order to do that. they have to defeat the united states. and ultimately they are working behind the scenes to divide our divide our country, to corrupt every segment of scioto. chinese money has infiltrated every segment from academia to government to the business community to the daytime entertainment industry. >> tammy: this is my point to senator cotton is that congress doesn't seem to be and of course there are things happening behind the scenes that we don't know every single thing that's happening. but this has been going on. it's been apparent. we now have, of course we had a president who china was respectful of and afraid of, which is where you want china is to be afraid of the american president and now we have one who seems to be doing things to assist them in a certain sense at least to placate them. do you think joe biden is a part of the problem? are the democrats deliberately stepping away from this?
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do they just not see it for some reason? >> well, as you mentioned, the trump administration made a revolutionary shift in policy towards china. it was basically saying the emperor has no clothes and we have this major threat stealing our jobs, undermining our country that policy is still in effect in kind of an auto pilot right now. but the biden administration has many of the officials who have been corrupted by chinese money, whether that's at the highest levels of the white house, even the dni has been infiltrated with this chinese money. we have got decouple from china. i think that's the first step. we have got to take a look at this threat. and we have got to be realistic about how to address it. >> tammy: those are great points because this is about the impact of money as we have seen in this country. can you find people who do whatever it is you want them to do. and this -- people think oh, china, that's like, who wants to really take over the world?
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that's impossible. no, they think that they really can and they have been biz in the midst of the pandemic. they have landed on mars. they have done that continuing on with the rest of the work. they don't seem to be worried about a thing. the china weapons threat is one of the greatest threats. china has developed several different types of antisatellite weapons. they have the ability right now to knock out satellites at almost every orbit that sick critical condition news satellites, medium and lower to orbit. u.s. is catching up with its space defenses. >> tammy: thank goodness for the -- for trump starting up the space force. we know that was needed. sir, thank you very much. your work at the "washington times," bill gertz thanks for being with me. up next the media's cozy relationship with the biden administration on full display as kamala harris gifts reporters with bizarre cookies depicting herself.
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we need this bath. yes. yes you do. a kohler walk-in bath provides independence with peace of mind. call... to receive fifty percent off installation. and take advantage of our special offer of no payments for eighteen months. ♪ >> tammy: vice president kamala harris visited guatemala in an year due attempt to address the immigration crisis. she still hasn't visited the border though. don't expect the press to give her a hard time about it, why? because she is paying them off with kamala cookies. the vice president slipping members of the media flying on air force 2 some of those it looks like a sweet treat hard to say. this is a fossed cookie of herself; however, there is clearly no face. i don't understand that. it's just the latest example of the biden administration's cozy relationship i give you a cookie you sugar coat how i'm doing. here now james golden also known as bo of the rush limbaugh show
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and weekly host of new york radio. well, sir, it is an honor and pleasure to like talk with you. we know each other virtually on social media millions of americans know you obviously for radio and rush and social media. i have admired you for so long and it is an honor to have you sitting here today. welcome aboard. >> thank you. and do you know what? it's my pleasure and my honor to be with you. i have admired your work. you are a legend in our industry. so i'm glad to have to be with you today. >> tammy: thank you. do you know what i love about this pairing, i want to get into some of the faux pas and lack of judgment with the cookies and small things that actually give us a larger story. but i think that the two of us are not what people expect and what the left does not want americans to know is the kind of people that are attracted to the conservative ideal that have contributed to the conservative ideal. i'm a gay woman. a lot of people don't know that i bring it up when it's relevant
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to the topic at hand. when it comes to minorities it's conservative ideal i think you would agree that especially is important in our lives in our lives to be free to direct our lives. >> absolutely. i want to talk about those cookies for a minute. >> tammy: yes. >> now, if i offered you a faceless kamala cookie would you eat it? >> tammy: that's the weird thing she is expecting the members of the press to eat other head. when you are thinkings about and this seems like a small thing people making fun of. isn't this an issue about judgment and somebody along the line this had to go through many people that thought it was a good idea. >> how narcissist do you have to be if you are going to hand out cookies, to hand out cookies that are clearly supposed to be of yourself. >> tammy: that's right. >> with no face. with no face. and, you know, this is the same media that finds this
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amoussaouiing that went full bore trying to call donald trump such a horrible person because he had two scoops of ice cream when he was served in the ice cream and the guests why they only got one scoop and that was a big scandal. meanwhile, as you pointed out, she has never been to the southern border. we have an emergency at the border. we have human suffering in proportions that are who are horridhappening every single da. we have american agents risking their lives every single moment. we have more fentanyl coming in through the biden border, which is wide open than we have had in decades. we have enough fentanyl coming in i understand from mr. homan, that to kill every single american twice over. and nothing is being done about this. nothing is being done about the sex traffics at the borders and how that's hurting minority
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women. nothing is being done at all toward our national security. there could be all sorts of terrorists come in. we are supposed to be connecting the dots. we're not connecting anything in the borders except release and now from the latest move is that donald trump's policy of keeping people in mexico while their asylum status is being checked no longer being checked at all. bring them into the united states, release people. no court date. just release them. >> tammy: that's over now. >> yeah. and so and what do we do? we hand out kamala cookies. >> tammy: for a party that says they are the champions of people of color. that they are here to save people of color from the evil conservative. here you have chicago with the bloodbath. you have got the drug issues now with the border more open going to become more serious. these are the lives that are
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being destroyed. black lives and brown lives and they move along lightly as though no one is going to notice. but now we know people of color are not voting for democrats. the democrats have realized with certain research do you think that's going to show up more had in 2022 when it comes to who people of color vote for and what they realized in this framework? >> i think that if republicans do what they are supposed to do, which is to embrace the trump agenda, that you will see more black, hispanic women, asian, votes moving toward the republican party. let's face facts, it wasn't the established republicans, the establishment republicans that made these moves happen. >> tammy: yeah. >> it was donald trump directly addressing people in these various communities. >> tammy: yeah. >> in some cases asking what the hell do you have to lose? and the other cases keeping the
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promises. >> tammy: exactly. >> i'm going to bring prosperity he said answered brought prosperity. i'm going to open up entrepreneurs and he did it. >> tammy: very good point and very good reminder. americans remember democrats think maybe we will forget. we will. your work tips of course weekends wabc radio is that right? >> that's absolutely. >> tammy: and saturday morning and also through your twitter account which they can find on my twitter account as well great chapter a pleasure to finally meet you. thanks for being here tonight. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> tammy: there you go, still to come, the biden media love affair continues over at cnn. wait until you see the network's press watchdog ask jen psaki on advice on how he can do better. >> what is the press get wrong when covering biden's agenda? when you watch the news, when you read the news, what do you think we get wrong? ♪ ♪ occur.
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♪ >> tammy: quickly dismissing the lab leak theory at the start of the pandemic it turns out dr. fauci has been suspicious of it all along. on an interview on face the nation former fda commissioner scott gottlieb warned fauci warned world leaders of a potential lab leak over a year ago. >> i was told at that time back in the spring that dr. fauci had gone over to a meeting of world health leaders in europe around the world health assembly and briefed them on the information that they were looking at that this could be a lab leak that this string looked. i reconfirmed that happened at the time concentration camps co. >> tammy: dr. fauci was on with kelly and ryan live this morning which would have been a perfect time to ask about this information. they had more important things to discuss. >> is it good to be back in new york city. >> dr. fauci i realize we he
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could not be related ever because i understand that throughout life you have had dinner at 9:9:30 at night? that is just crazy. talk to you about that. >> dr. fauci and i totally could have been married because, to me, i'm usually 9:00 p.m. is my first meal of the day. like a pregnant shark. >> tammy: wow, like a pregnant shark. joining me now "new york post" columnist and fox news contributor miranda devine. our audience loves you miranda because you are a straight shooter. and, yet, we see it's so surreal to watch something like that after so many deaths, 15,000 seniors dead in new york nursing homes, hundreds of thousands dead here in the united states, millions around the world and he is going on the-that kind of a show and having a good laugh. what is -- we have the gottlieb statement. we have of course, the emails combined with that. what is your take on this
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surreal nature of what's unfolding with this man? >> tammy, it really is surreal, isn't it? that clip you just showed is typical of the sort of media adulation that dr. fauci has had throughout this pandemic. and he craves the adulation. he loves being in the media limelight and he was sainted because he was sort of the anti-trump and he let it be known behind the scenes that he was just as appalled by donald trump as they were. he is a washington bureaucrat. he has flipped and flopped. it's really shocking and two faced to find out that he was telling people overseas that he thought the lab leak theory was plausible while at home he was really poo pooing it and down playing it. but it j just par for the course with anthony fauci. he is basically lied his way
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through the pandemic. and he is shameless about it i mean, he has admitted at least on two occasions that he did tell lies but he judge gorsuchs judgegorsuch -- justifies it bee he says they were for the public. >> tammy: announcement of this book. we know that andrew cuomo, the governor of new york, the reports are that for his book he was getting about a $5 million advance, two men profiting obscenely on this shocking event in the world that has destroyed families for generations to come. people died who did not have to die. the lying, the system, unelected bureaucrat controlling the nature of all of our lives, destroying businesses. families in general grandparents, parents, none of us knowing really what to do. mental health issues increasing, drug abuse, suicide, destruction of children's lives. and he is out there with a book
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deal and i was wondering, let me know your thought on this. he seemed obsessed with the television coverage as you noted. couldn't we say that i because he had a book deal and that in order for books to sell you have got to be on tv and in order to be on tv you have to say something new each time. and it started to become his gut instincts and his conventional wisdom. it stopped if it was ever about science from the beginning. is that who this guy is the ultimate grifter? >> well, look, it's exactly the way that andrew cuomo behaved. and we know that andrew cuomo and dr. fauci are close personal friends because chris cuomo from cnn told us that the other day and you know, andrew cuomo was the governor with probably the worst record for protecting people in this state, particularly the elderly who not only were not actively protected by him but were actively endangered by him. he was following the advice of
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dr. fauci at that time whereas ron desantis in florida who knew very early on that you couldn't trust what dr. fauci was saying and decided he would ignore him and his record of looking after the elderly and opening up his state and protecting the economy is superior. so, and, you know, i think unfortunately, for donald trump, it was the worst mistake of his presidency was to sort of empower dr. fauci as being the authority in the pandemic. >> tammy: miranda, your work has been key on this. the "new york post" has been great in dealing with this. donald trump, you know, this guy has been in for decades and saved the world anyway despite this dynamic but woe certainly can't let this happen again. and there must be repercussions for tony fauci. miranda, thanks for joining me tonight. i appreciate it. >> thanks. >> tammy: we will see you next time. up next, the questionnairive face suspension big tech free
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speech crack down continues. more "fox news primetime" after the break. ♪ use i know of you so many who have served our country honorably. whether it's 2 years, 4 years, or 32 years like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. try one a day 50+ multivitamin gummies. with vitamins c, d & zinc for immunity support. plus 8 b-vitamins for brain support. one a day and done. >> jess: when you have auto glass damage... schedule safelite's new drop and go service. just drop off your keys and go enjoy your day.
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>> tammy: big tech continues mission to silence voices one by one. this time naomi wolfe was the latest victim twitter for sharing opinions about the coronavirus. called out the free speech crack down tweeting quote there is a virtual industry of operatives funded by the atlanta counsel is funded by gulf state despot nato governments whose purposes is to in and the internet be purged of anyone dissenting from their orthodoxy. joining me now is pulitzer prize winning journalist and author of security democracy glenn greenwald. glenn, thank you very much for coming on. you are very much in demand because you tell it like it is and your experience speaks for itself. but when we deal with people like the president of the united states donald trump being banned from social media to naomi wolfe who gets bumped and youtube videos disappear and go into the
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memory hall. i contend it's not even about them. that is a message to everyone else. that if we can do it to them. and it's convenient to do it to them because they might be irritating to people, but it's also a message to the average person that you had better in everything you do, watch what you are doing because the new rules mean that you're going to be canceled if you say something that is unapproved of. what do you think of that? what's your take? >> yeah, absolutely agree. i think that sometimes this gets cast as an ideological war against the right and i don't really think that's quite correct. obviously conservatives do bear the brunt in the united states of online censorship. i think it's much more about barring anybody from questioning the pieties of rule class elites. naomi wolf is no conservative at all and really interesting thing, tammy, that i think is worth noting is that when donald trump was banned by facebook and twitter a lot of world leaders, including ones who don't feel very positive about trump like
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angela merkel and emmanuel macron and left wing president of mexico condemned that banning and warned that if tech giants work with the government to ban whoever they want, democracy is imperiled. i think that's the right message that lots of people around the world see except for journalists in the united states. >> tammy: you know, it's interesting with your tweet going through the global establishment, having an interest in this foundation, this platform, several platforms that give average people a voice, which, of course, is irritating for them. and, yet, we had, i think it was nigeria where twitter had taken off its leaders, a tweet by its leader and they banned twitter from their country. it's as though twitter is being treated like a separate sovereign nation because of its impact across so many boards and governments having to respond to what is an american company, a publicly held american company but needing to deal with it like it's a country.
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do you see it that way because there is a point where this -- the only solution seems to be to make this a utility in a way here in america to stop the nature of this octopus from developing -- from involving everything. envelope -- envelope --ing everything. i'm against censorship in all cases. you have a government that censors democratically accountable you can vote those people out of office and influence what they're doing. with tech corporations they have no democratic accountability they can do whatever they want. because they are monopolistic entities they are starting to control and police our public discourse. the other act that i think is very alarming is it's oftentimes not even these corporations like facebook and twitter and google that are doing it at the are doing it at the pee hess of governments. they there are now democratic party hearings all the time demanding they censor more. other governments around the world insisting that dissidence in their country be silented. it's really like a union between
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state and corporate power trying to police and control the internet which was supposed to be this innovation that liberated us all from centralized control. >> tammy: that was the threat in and of itself and it worked. it this is clearly when we talk about threats to not just the united states but the world this is one of them. we don't have an administration now, i think it's safe to say that will stand up to it but we will soon. thank you, glenn, for joining me. great stuff. >> good to be with you. >> tammy: thank you, dear. we talk to a hollywood actress about how she survived as conservative in overwhelming leftist industry straight ahead. ♪ ♪ o cancel. cancel. i haven't left the house in a year. nothing will stop me from vacation. no canceling. flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done.
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everyday americans. alana stewart joins me. normally see you in person but here you are on tv. thanks for coming over tonight. we had a conversation i'd like you to start with the story that you told me over lunch you are having with marianne williamson. people remember her as being a presidential candidate and a guru of sorts. tell us that story when it comes to how you interact with your liberal friends and what you found out. >> interesting a there's not a lot of conservatives in hollywood. most of my friends are liberals. if we can respect each other and have tolerance then we can have open conversations. we should be able to do that. it's all about respect. i was telling you yesterday a friend of mine, very close friend of mine is marianne williamson and she stays at my house often when she's in los angeles and she was here the other day. we were talking about some of the issues going on in the world
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today, big tech, social media, censorship, critical race theory. a lot of different topics and we found that on nearly every one, we were in agreement. i think if you're open, if you're open to talking to your friends and having an open conversation, you can do that. i loved your last segment because what's happened i think is that social media is such a negative force in our country today. everything is so divided. social media started out as a great way to connect with people, find people you hadn't seen in years. it's turn into something totally different. it's now, like, controlling our lives. >> tammy: here are the strangers dictating what you can see or what opinion you can hear. this is not what we voted for. it's not what we thought foreign civil rights or even as liberals, as i was one wants as
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well. >> no, absolutely. i identify with you because i used to be a democrat some time ago before i switched parties. i want to hear both sides. i don't want to hear a young person at facebook or twitter or wherever deciding what i can see and what i can say. i heard that naomi wolf was just suspended from twitter. while i probably don't agree with all her political views, i will fight for her right to have them and to speak freely about them. that's what this country was built on. when you start censoring what people can say and what they can see, that's a problem. the other thing is i want to see both sides. i want to see pro-vaccine, anti-vaccine. somebody wants to talk about election fraud, i want to hear it. it's important. i'm a grown up. >> tammy: and when it comes to the political divide, maybe there isn't so much of a divide after all. you're great.
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thank you for being here. thank you so much for joining me tonight. you're a doll. thank you for watching "fox news prime time." i'm tammy bruce. find out more about me on the new social media platform i'll be here all week with you. tucker carlson is up next. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." happy monday. joe biden may have lost a step along the way but his handlers work fast. within hours of the inauguration in january, biden's white house opened america's borders to the world not sibling to job seekers and gang members from mexico and central america but to varieties of illegal migrants from all over the globe, africa and asia, the middle east. virtually anyone who could get to mexico wa
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