tv Gutfeld FOX News June 8, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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univision. >> of thank you, it is an honor. i got to vote for the first time as a citizen and i voted for you. >> laura: they can't locked on the border or the press conferences. >> do you have any plans to visit the border? >> at some point. we are going to the border, we've been to the border, so this whole thing about the border -- we've been to the border. we've been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. >> greg: maybe you should get out there princess pants. it's funny because she laughs and she's wearing pants. ♪ ♪ [applause]
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♪ ♪ >> greg: well, that didn't end well. and speaking of cats night out last night... [indistinct] >> greg: she leaves a wake of damaged furniture. i also think of actress ellie kemper fold into the welcome. here's a recap from the most handsome man on television. ellie kemper, star of the office, is under attack after all nine idiots declared she was a racist. her crime? in 1999 a st. louis business group named her their queen of love and beauty p of the group used to be a whites only, but integrated 20 years before she
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won her crown. 20 years. >> it's hard to absorb the news when it's coming from someone that's gorgeous. now, when we did the segment, we saluted her for not responding to the twitter mob calling for her scalp. no offense, elizabeth warren. but that's how you beat council culture purity realize it's just a dozen losers screaming for attention from a the media. you let them scream until they scream themselves out, that's what my mom did to me in the woods. without kemper come out it would've been like katie plath which going through a hangover. but sadly just days later, kemper gravel to the woke police offering not just an apology, but a confession. it embarrassed john cena. i know, i know. it had all the woke catchphrases, and i quote, i deplore and denounce white supremacy. at the same time may recognize that because of my race and
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privilege i am the beneficiary of a system that dispenses unequal justice and unequal rewards. pows pick more off-the-cuff than that. but she follows the script. as a very natural temptation when you become the subject to tell yourself that they are getting it all wrong. but i realize that a lot of the forces behind the criticism are forces that have spent my life supporting and agreeing with. did jane fonda write this? she then said she was grateful for her humiliation and tells us that she will use or privilege and support of a better society i think we are capable of becoming. well how a nauseating of her. so what if we all followed her lead. every single person playing pro baseball has to apologize for participating in a league that once segregated blacks. that also includes baseball fans, baseball cap wearers, and anybody has tried to get to second base on a date. also every democrat must
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apologize and demand a name change for the political party, it was the party of slavery and jim crow after all britt they fought a war to keep bid they even gave a eulogy for a democrat leader who was a kkk grand -- whatever they call each other. so think about this, kemper was a debutante. when she didn't know was racist before she was even born. but every single democrat became a democrat knowing that they were once the party of slavery. as people often say to me in the sauna, wow, that can't be right. [laughter] i never know what gets a laugh these days. i understand kemper, she's terrified of being ostracized like most actors they desperately want to be liked and they can't speak unless they have a script and a consultant. without that, they are vulnerable to the worst type of
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groupthink. i wonder what the angry white male has to say. ♪ ♪ >> i'm not worried, i can't be canceled. my mainstream career was destroyed years ago when i met a guy named greg gutfeld. thanks, greg. ♪ ♪ >> you are welcome. how about the angry black male? ♪ ♪ >> what's up? so somebody has to apologize for something that happened long before they were born? and when they join, they don't
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deserve it anymore? so i guess that kind of thinking... i guess democrats are all in the clan? ♪ ♪ >> greg: that was kemper's time in the barrel. it began with an old photo and became a twitter trend. in fact, if you look at any mob action commit always starts that way. with something called twitter trends barely show you what people are clicking on which then becomes an attention generator, much like chris cuomo. remember uncle tim? without twitter trend, no one would've heard of it. manipulated by the legacy media promoted with a dishonestly edited clips and then there's trump feeding the fish, mike pence loading empty boxes, trump wearing his pants backwards. twitter trends created these
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fake stories. it is hub for electives. and like the wuhan lab, all you need to do is create one source and then unleash it. twitter trends do the rest. because that is the media's trough. trends are the easiest stories to write, and they play upon outrage addicts who have no lives bid my theory is that eliminated -- the world would instantly become another place. subject, it's not hours of fasting and medication or that stupid amish chin that's going to make you a better person. it's removing the part of your site that destroys lives. until you do that, we shall sit by and watch the endless parade of coward is just up as a light meant as twitter feeds on the cadaver of careers. and the contrition will all be an act. sadly, it's the best acting some of the celebrities do. welcome tonight's guests. he is so sharp, former director
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of the national economic -- larry carlo. when she left arizona the temperature dropped 20 degrees, fox news contributor katie pliable her. she is like a praying mantis, fox news contributor cat. and finally, my massive sidekick, tyrus. [applause] >> greg: lawrence come you've been a white guy for a while. >> what? [laughter] >> greg: what do you think of all this woke stuff? do you think it was right for her to apologize? >> no, i don't that she should have apologized britt out of it she had any idea when she was 19
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years old in st. louis what, when, where, and how. no idea. just being woked by the twitter mob. >> greg: when i was a debutante i had no idea. i didn't look up the past racist abuses of the people that may be a debutante. >> the biggest problem was the dress you decided to wear. >> greg: [laughs] speak of the fashion choices you decided, those pictures will hopefully never come out. >> greg: speaking of pictures that never come out, have you ever done anything on instagram? >> on instagram? that's public. >> greg: do we have anything from her instagram we can show? [laughter] what is that? you are letting a dog eat a baby. you are letting a dog eat a baby. ed filled me that!
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>> this is fake news, he's actually saving the baby. he was alerting us that the baby may need saving for your thoughts what he was doing was doing. >> greg: boy do i have egg on my face. >> he's too cute to counsel. >> greg: is he now say from cancellation? >> she safe because she's a democrat, and if you are a democrat you can give eulogies at funerals for kkk members and fellow democrats. you can do whatever you want as long as you acknowledge and say you have white privilege and try to move on. she will be fine. >> greg: when we did this original story, you are so proud of her. you said that because she wasn't going to respond, and then what did she do? she betrayed you. >> before we go there, i warned you. but you are just a big man, aren't you? you are just a big man. for the show was over tonight i'm going to show you how big he
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really is, but i digress. i am going to channel my inner white woman and i'm going to give white america some advice. the next time someone tells you you have white privilege or you should be ashamed, do what we do. i'm here because i worked hard, i started, i went to college, i auditioned. if you want my spot, come get it. i'm not just going to come give it to you. the color of my skin has nothing to do with it. every time -- you only got this job because you are black, i'm like, black -- i did that. so start fighting back with facts and not apologizing for something you have absolutely nothing to deal with. >> i really love that. i just love that. but i'm sitting here, it's the
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first time we've been on stage together, and basically scared to death. >> greg: don't worry, he's going to kill me. >> not quite there yet america. [laughter] >> when i'm in the alley, you go there. [laughter] >> it's hard on my chest. i promise. >> greg: you have a big heart on your chest. >> i told you. [laughter] >> greg: what if i didn't write that joke? what if i blame it on one of my writers. >> i know tom, i know kat. i know you did it. >> greg: so kat, here's an interesting fact i learned today. did you know twitter trends are based on really small numbers? over a six hour period and get twitter trendy. that is nothing. >> it makes my brain scramble. that is why i got married.
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he can do the taxes. i have a huge problem with her apology, i will say that. the part where she said she did not know that it was elitist like bro, it was a ball. normal 19-year-olds -- we didn't go to balls. we went to dollar picture night and hope they didn't check ids. it's not like she just realized oh, i was rich. she grew up incredibly rich. her great-grandfather started what has been called a dynasty of bankers. this is what i was googling. she was super rich prethere was a museum named after her grandma. don't act like you had no idea -- you never got strep throat in the mcdonald's play place like the rest of us. >> that's true. >> how dare she be born into a rich family. what was she thinking? >> she said she didn't know the rich lady ball she went to was elitist.
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>> there's a museum now thanks to you, let them know. >> greg: how can she possibly know that some 19-year-old kid is going to this deb party -- how could she know anything about this? and why, 30 years later, does she -- >> greg: this is an ex-boyfriend. this is my theory. he's been holding on this picture forever. that's what i would do. >> if this is the worst guilt trip i've ever seen. you are so right about that. be proud of it, have a good time. [laughter] you know what i mean, just go out there and dance and go to balls and have debutante parties. big deal. >> you are making progress, larry, larry. >> i didn't know i was poor until i got to college. i didn't know. be one i didn't know i was short until i got to high school. [laughter] >> i'll remind you later tonight. >> greg: everybody is mean tonight. still to come, don stafford is
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going to join us. but first, trump is still causing stress in our nation's pathetic traps. [sfx: rainstorm] ♪♪ comfort in the extreme. ♪♪ the lincoln family of luxury suvs. tex-mex. tex-mex. ♪ termites. ♪ don't mess up your deck with tex-mex. terminix. here to help. so, you have diabetes, here are some easy rules. no sugar. no pizza. no foods you love.
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advil dual action fights pain 2 ways. it's the first and only fda approved ♪♪ combination of advil plus acetaminophen. advil targets pain. acetaminophen blocks it. advil dual action. fast pain relief that lasts 8 hours. ♪ welcome back ♪ ♪ to that same old place that you laughed about ♪ ♪ well, the names have all changed ♪ ♪ since you hung around ♪ ♪ but those dreams have remained ♪ ♪ and they've turned around ♪ ♪ who'd have thought they'd lead you ♪ ♪ (who'd have thought they'd lead you) ♪ ♪ back here where we need you ♪ ♪ (back here where we need you) ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: does post trump trauma have the media crying for mama? yes, the american press is still an embarrassing mess. this week president biden heads to europe in his first overseas trip as commander in chief. i hope they brought plenty of ice cream. it's what they pack his body into keep it fresh. sorry, larry. [laughter] sorry. so what does the white house press corps want to know? if they will tell american
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allies to disregard his time in office. just an evil anomaly. here's the evil lady from pbs. >> we need to talk about how president biden's plan to convince, especially our european allies, that former president trump was an anomaly and some ways. all of the things he did calling into question the need for nato -- what is the plan there? are we concerned about those cars are going to be deeper than his ability to address them in this one trip? >> greg: i haven't heard something that loaded -- that is for making fun of my impersonation. so let's call that what it is. a journalist tried to dictate policy britt heaven forbid we traumatize european leaders by suggesting they defend themselves where they had a great track record there in the previous century. later that sweaty left over from playboy followed up. speak of the biggest concern of some of our allies has been over the last four years in a rapid
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swing back and forth of our foreign policy. now, you can't assure anyone what's going to happen after we leave, but despite what we've seen the past that we have returned to normal. speak i think the best way to answer that question -- >> greg: stopper there, i'll answer it for him. no, we want to that. because that would be stupid. i censored that for the children. so they are literally asking biden, a man who copied the past, to predict the future britt the media has more drama queens that a high school production of rent. and speaking of things that make no sense, "new york times" editorial board member has huge news. now even the american flag is problematic. >> i was on long island this weekend visiting a really dear friend and i was really disturbed. i saw dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with expletives against joe biden on the back of
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them. trump flags. and in some cases just dozens of american flags, which is also just as domain, because essentially the message was clear, it was this is my country, this is not your country. i own this. if we don't take that threat seriously, that i think we are all in really bad shape. >> totally agree totally agree. >> greg: totally agree, says the weirdo. the threat of the red, white, and blue. somebody better tell her about fourth of july it, it's coming up. i'm sure there won't be any flags there. find a bunker. all right, oh, jeez. katie. >> mara and her editorial people are the same people who have the "hate has no home here" sign in the front yard. actually, hate does live here. so everybody is aware of who the neighborhood big it is, right? but the european thing -- are we
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supposed to coddle these european leaders? i mean, this idea that we are supposed to take care of them more than we are do you do -- the reason why we don't have a month long vacation in italy is because we are paying for all of their defense. so we are working while the europeans are vacationing. and yet we are not supposed to be mean to the europeans. >> greg: and now we have a treasury secretary who is gone over there to negotiate higher taxes on america. with the g7, g20, the world bank, and the united nations. everybody gets to vote on american taxes except for american taxpayers and american businesses. and donald trump, who was alive and well, is europe's worst nightmare. because trump is the guy who brought american flags back to europe, right? and they are going to stay there. joe biden -- usually you say, it's good to go and talk to
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pruden or other leaders. the trouble is by the matt kemp talk. >> greg: and they don't have a backup. they don't have a back up. speak of the backup hasn't gone to europe yet. because she's checking flights on zhivago. remember travail go? >> no, i don't. never shaved. nope. >> greg: think about this. do they expect biden to apologize for trump's foreign policy -- includes rationing down north korea. the abraham peace accord and the new trade deals -- they've done so much. >> i don't know, you are talking crazy right now. whenever i see over racism, it's usually in a 1950s movie, but when i'm out and there's guys in pickup trucks with flags and
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sometimes they have things i don't understand and i can look at it and say oh, i don't like that. and the story stops there. and then the trucks formed in a row and as they ran me down through lynch moms. none of that happen to they were out driving a truck with the flags on. guess what? it's not about you. you didn't buy a pickup truck with them. it's bigger than you. what you do on your weekend -- you are barbecuing and making beef ribs and steaks and hot dogs. the vegetarian two blocks down is -- it's not about you! my truck! >> my truck. >> i'm going to do it. [laughter] >> greg: kat?
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>> i didn't understand "the washington post" "washington post." >> "new york times." to speak of "the new york times" list. >> they are interchangeable. to speak of the business about american flags and it's your country -- let's go back to the fabulous speech that senator tim scott made a few weeks ago. that there is a role model. and he said basically note to critical race theory. he said yes to working really hard to get where you are, no matter the color of your skin. and if you asked me come everybody in the country -- but certainly everybody on the right side, should stand up behind what tim scott said. to make him a standard there, because he has the right ideas and to the right stuff. all of this constant racism means nothing to him. he just it up there and said, no. this is not a racist country. note to that "new york times" lady -- whoever she is -- note
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to all that stuff. >> i noticed -- >> no to the flag or yes to the fly? you have ten seconds. >> yes to the flag? what am i going to say no to the flag? i've never seen a truck that's disturbed me at all, although when i'm out and usually on my phone the entire time. >> i'm trying to think of ice cream trucks -- they disturbed me. >> because you can't reach up to get your ice cream coming up to jump up? >> is that a child? >> greg: unnecessary. >> people agree with that -- that is what the press is. relate supposed to be a check on the government, free speech, and the press. biden -- he so nice pretty so much better than the other guy. is he going to be up to the task of proving how much better he has? that's not a question. >> greg: up next, violent
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dreams are not as racist as they seem. ♪ ♪ if you have obstructive sleep apnea and you're often tired during the day, you could be missing out on amazing things. sunosi can help you stay awake for them. once daily sunosi improves wakefulness in adults with excessive daytime sleepiness due to obstructive sleep apnea. sunosi worked for up to nine hours at 12 weeks in a clinical study. sunosi does not treat the cause of osa or take the place of your cpap. continue to use any treatments or devices as prescribed by your doctor.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: did they not expect her to give a racist lecture? yes, she has a dream that would make martin luther king screamed. violent race-based fantasies being restricted by the university after it was made public. providing a safe space to promote racial violence. a psychiatrist based in new york city gave an online talk titled "the psychopathic problems of the white mind." in it, she spoke about wanting to kill other white people. take a listen. >> i have fantasies of unloading a revolver of any person who got in my way.
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[indistinct] >> greg: you liked it -- if she is your psychiatrist, consider switching to somebody more stable. like hannibal lector. yale had planned to release the lecture online, but has limited access to those with a school i.d. again, providing a safe space on campus to promote racial violence. now doctor says the words were taken out of context and she was merely speaking metaphorically to encourage engagement. speaking metaphorically? which is interesting, what is this fantasy of shooting someone and they had a metaphor for? it's a metaphor, tyrus, for shooting someone in the head. [laughter] >> so yell parents come as a bonus of $55,000 a year tuition includes death threats from a
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psychiatrist. imagine if you were her patient. >> yeah, i've just been having problems with work lately. >> god, i want to kill you. >> excuse me? >> nothing. so what are these problems that you are having with your work? >> well, i don't know, i can't find joy in it anymore. >> i want to blow your stupid head off. >> okay wait, did you say something? >> now, no. let's keep going with this. lean into it. when did you notice you are losing joy in your work? >> well, it just seems like i don't have an effect on the world. >> i could affect the world by dumping her corpse off a bridge. >> okay, i definitely heard that. >> i said, have you considered asking yourself what it is you'd like to do? >> oh, okay. i really want to help people. maybe i could go back to school and get a degree in some sort of
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therapy work. >> barbara, you know you are not allowed in here. it's time to take your medicine. [applause] >> greg: nicely done. see, the doctor is actually the patient. what a turn off the plot. >> just a regular, regular guide. >> greg: by the way, don't you just want to kill somebody and have it nothing to do with race? >> it's called forensic files. were all laughing about it, but this is some serious [bleep]. you have a bunch of children -- young teens, young impressionable minds, and you have a name, job title that long? and do you fantasize about not just killing him, but about the in your step? like, high five. let's just change her name to
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kat simmons. [applause] >> kat is a guest speaker at a children's home for orphans. trying to teach them about life and one of the greatest things that she dreams about every night is shooting vague light skin black men and dancing on the dead bodies. >> greg: you would be gone in a second. >> racist. should be on a watch list. she wouldn't be able to buy a gun. she wouldn't have a job. >> that's why you never go to the orphanage. >> by the way, that little girl that went to that deb party, she did say she was going to kill any white or black people. and she had to apologize for it. >> this woman -- where is the american psychiatric association? shouldn't they come -- shouldn't they be investigating here?
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>> we should thank the president of el. cutting the video off so people can't see it in order to hold down the yale murder rate. >> to be clear, he restricted it because he didn't want to be shot. >> you know i got scared, you know i get scared. >> i'm sorry. big dog looking at a bone. [laughter] >> he is honest about his hate, right? >> yes, but it was weird because she said it clearly thinking that it was something that was going to resonate with people. and i've been that person where mike, and i right guys? and most people never talk to me again. it's never been a violent, violent, violent fantasy, which is very specific. she didn't just stop that -- this is how i dispose of the bodies, i will probably have blood on my hands, very specific that she thought about quite a
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lot, although interesting defense that whenever you say something employable that you get in trouble for it. it's a metaphor. i plan to use that a lot in my marriage. >> greg: yes, she's saying she's going to do something and then she goes no, it's a metaphor. it's a metaphor for doing things. lots of very specific examples. that goes back to the standard, right? what is the standard western mark it does not fit when you ae talking to yale students were getting credit for listening to this that you want to blow the heads off of people, strictly because they are white? i mean, come on. >> that's the thing, why did she want to kill white people? she has a lot of options here. it's because she's a racist, obviously. >> obviously because that's the only group you could say that [bleep] to. i'm going to shoot the white people. [laughter]
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>> exactly. >> greg: all right, we've got to move on. don't go anywhere, we are going to talk about the pandemic. ♪ ♪ i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. then i realized something was missing... my symptoms were keeping me from being there for her. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with crohn's disease. the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief in as little as 4 weeks. and many achieved remission that can last. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them.
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or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine, or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me! get real relief with cosentyx. >> greg: he's got a knack for bringing bars and restaurants back. with covid restrictions waived, can they be saved? for the past year and a half, the u.s. bar and restaurant industry has been hit with one of the most challenging economies ever. reporting 110,000 restaurants closed temporarily or forever in 2020. how's it going to look like post pandemic? most of the great show bar rescue, which airs its 200th episode this sunday. i've seen all of them on the paramount network. john, i'm not lying. cyrus and i were both talking about it like we binge watched your show. usually on sundays with a hangover, you will be cradling me in his arms, anyway -- i've
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got a question for you. between those moments when you are yelling at someone, do you ever feel compelled to wink at them so they don't break down in tears? >> i probably have done that once or twice, i must say. a little pat on the back as i walk by or something. that wink can bring them back, if you know it i mean? >> you know who i really hated that i still remember the guy, is the guy who wanted to open a comedy club in arizona. do you remember him? >> yes, he was the one that said comedy doesn't need to be funny. >> yes! and i proved him right. >> the name of the episode was the [bleep] saga. because when you walked into his comedy club, it smelled like chard meat. >> greg: he took his parents money because he couldn't understand -- he bought a comedy club so we could on the club and hang out there and pretend he was a comedian. it's one of my favorite episodes. but i digress, how do you see
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the coming year for bars and restaurants? >> boom town. even new york, l.a., i'm here in vegas. vegas was sold out last week in. so we are really coming back. when you speak to every restaurant owner, the people are coming back. but we have two problems. both government pauses. the enhanced unemployment benefits. think about this, and larry does, if it's a two household person -- they are making hundred dollars each and unemployment benefits, that's about $83,000 a year. median household then only comes to 67,000 a year. he could stay home and accede to medium income, but right now the government is fronting us from getting our employees back. restaurants are open two days rather than seven days, it's killing us. the other things that killing us -- you know how those little ketchup packets that we have? those used to cost $0.07. they went up to $0.11. then $0.30. now it is $0.40 for ketchup
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packets. now i blame that on the government too. you know why? catch up. he's got to have something to do with it. [laughter] >> yes, yes! >> greg: he's dumping all of it off as he ought to keep the prices up. by the way, if you don't like somebody come up with the ketchup packets under the windshield wiper. >> i think it's supposed to be under the toilet bowl. >> greg: yes. one of my favorite bars in san francisco -- i'm a tiki bar freak. my favorite is out in san francisco. it's still not open. how many places just aren't going to open? >> a whole bunch, greg. the fact was i was making fun with the ketchup packets, but meat is twice the price. restaurants can't raise their prices to adjust to that. they are losing money.
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we are going to lose about 20% of the restaurant and bar is once we are done. >> how can the public health in the situation -- obviously my solution is always to drink heavily and over tip and it be thrown out. should everybody? >> part of me? >> perfect customer. >> greg: yes. >> you know, greg, we have to be conscious of communities. and it's not just bars and restaurants. at salons and other businesses as well. we have to keep our money local. if we don't keep our money local, these local businesses are going to disappear. they are the character of our communities. so my advice is keeping up and be prepared. prices are going to increase. it isn't the restaurant's choice, but they are going to go up big time. i blame it on john kerry. >> greg: i do too. everybody watch, it's on paramount, he's got his 200th episode. it's a fantastic show. thanks, john.
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anthony weiner's used to get crushed. ♪ ♪ lso write. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; it's important. we walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. - we've both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. after about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didn't notice before. - it's still helping me. i still notice a difference. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. some days, you just don't have it. not my uncle, though. he's taking trulicity for his type 2 diabetes and now, he's really on his game. once-weekly trulicity lowers your a1c by helping your body release the insulin it's already making. most people reached an a1c under 7%. plus, trulicity can lower your risk of cardiovascular events. it can also help you lose up to 10 pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes.
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he's back in the news and this time it involves profiting off of his sec. he's considering turning his famous shots, which we don't have to show you, because we didn't want it on our search history, he's going to turn it into a token, an nft is basically a digital asset of original media you can invest in if you think that's lust of a scam that the u.s. dollar. at least it's not hard currency. he's considering this ploy because it's hard for him to find work. "it's very narrow outcome of the places i can work without having "the new york post" make everyone's life miserable, may be potential employees are worried what he will do with the company's wi-fi." or that he will have to stand outside the building on bring your daughters to workday. fox does that for me, but we won't get into that. let's go around the horn. kat, i'm trying to -- i'm going to try to reach out to get him
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on the show. good move? >> yeah, well, okay, i think that -- yes, i'm uncomfortable. everyone out there who's not seen the picture should go out there and memorize it. it might be possible sunday that a guy will send it to you and he will think, you will not know what it is and think he's sending a picture from himself and then you might respond in a way that you still lie awake thinking about how stupid you were even after you get married and five years has passed. >> wow. it could potentially happen to someone. >> that's pretty funny. that could potentially happen to someone. >> not in this building, definitely not named catherine. >> that guy must've been -- >> speaking of little guy, i warned you earlier in the
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show -- just so you know the type of big guy this guy is, my kids are with me this week and he referred to oh, your relatives are here. he took a picture with my 9-year-old son and he's taller than greg. >> greg: thoughts like nft. >> i will wear your spinal cord as a chain. mark my words. the best part of that picture, he's stepped forward to try to look taller. a big man ladies and gentlemen. >> that is our nft, i'm telling you. is this a good economical game? >> it could become an but not having anything to do with anthony weiner for sure. i'll just say it in some ways i thank him for blowing up his
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career several times. so maybe we can get a decent mayor in new york who agrees with 70% of the voters that we should have more cops on the streets in new york. >> amen. >> good news with that. >> look, remember ten years ago when enter bring heart was the one who publishes photo and he claimed he was hacked and lied about everybody and he had to admit it was him. now he's making money off of it. so thank you for that. the other thing is remembered, i thought that after anthony weiner blew up hillary clinton's presidential campaign with a laptop that had her emails on it and he was like oh, we have a new laptop. that basically blew up the rest of her campaign, whatever was left of it. i thought he would want to stay in prison. but that i remember the jeffrey f delmont jeffrey epstein is in prison. >> greg: his two favorite words right now, hunter biden.
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8:58 pm
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9:00 pm
>> greg: we are out of time. to set your dvr every night so you never missed an episode. thank you to our guests. our studio audience. "fox news at night" with shannon bream is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news at night," i'm shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight, reports of the death of bipartisan infrastructure talks may be greatly exaggerated as the white house appears to be moving on to plan b involving members of the house problem solvers caucus. after the president earlier broke off initiations with a group of republican senators, we've got a breaking update on
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