tv Hannity FOX News June 8, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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a new episode of tucker carlson comes out thursday. part of that it wishart and sel el salvador as an investigation of msr. 13 in america. the great sean hannity takes over right now. >> tucker, great show as always. welcome to "hannity". tonight the far left agenda stalled in congress. democrats are fighting each other. they're lashing out and chaos galore. so sad to hear that. anyway summer and even questioning fight and pressing ability to carry out its duties amid his obvious now ongoing cognitive struggles a weakness. others are predictably crying racismne against joe mansion an other. one p idiot at the new york tim got triggered at the disturbing sight of thousands s"of america flags that she had to witness
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during a rare trip away from ne york city. been well barack obama, as tucker mentioned, is back at it again after getting elected and then reelected the highest office in the land, he just can't seem to stop obsessing about what he keeps referring t as the here and resentment of white americans, perhaps obama should direct his theory at zer experienced hunter biden tonight , who now now reportedly, according to his own laptop, called his own lawyer the n-wor multiple times in text messages. we will see a lot more later so i asked rock any comments at al for or joe? you do have to wonder if hunter learned that kind of wild language, did he learned from joe. joe work with the former o klansman to stop the integratio of public schools and busing. he didn't want public schools i his kids are up in schools that
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are racial jungles, his words. that was your vice president people get that that coming up the first we are now months int her role as -- as kamala harris is funny on a mission to fix the ongoing crisis. don't expect her to visit the border because she can'tn' eat bothered. watch what is safe train wreck up an interview with last year holt. >> to have any plans to visit the border? >> we are going to the border. we've been to the border. so this whole thing about the border, we've been to the border . >> you haven't been to the border. >> i haven't been to europe. i don't understand the point you're making. i'm not discounting the importance y of the border. >> i don't get what is so funny. what is with the constant
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never-ending nervous laughha. of courses through she hasn't been to europe i would guess sh probably hasn't been to the moo either. guess what, there is no order crisis in europe or on the moon that we can tell. kamala harris doesn't seem to understand why she would actually need to visit the border in order to address the crisis at the border. i've been there 14 times, kamala , you will learn a lott. trust me. she only seems be worried about the root causes of migration, which she is blaming on climate changeor, which, of course, is massive lie and you are now looking at the actual root caus of this your prospect mass migration and it is not climate changege. right there. the problem is caused by joe an kamala. they are the ones that ended th stay in mexico policy. they stop the wall construction. they stop any and all deportations and they bowed to open up all of our borders and
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promised free healthcare and amnesty when they were running profits. one of kamala's favors slogans was site that loud, say it clear , everyone is welcome here. on the campaign trail joe biden told migrants to search the border on day one. he told them to come. they are telling us that's why they are coming here we are believing them. take a look. >> what i would do as president is several more things because things have changed. i would make sure that there is an immediate search to the border. all those people who are seekin asylum deserve to be heard. we are nourishing -- nation us as if you want to fle abasing oppression, you should come. >> okay, joe telling migrants t come and they didn't record levels. many now decked out in biden campaign year. thanks for letting us in, joe. even the president of guatemala is now blaming joe and kamala
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for the ongoing surge, lecturin both of them. take a look. >> the message changed to we're going to read reunite families and children. the very next day that coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the united states. we t asked the united states government to send a more clear message to prevent poor people -- more people from leaving. >> this week kamala harris finally told migrants notn: to come because she believes they will be turned away, which all of the snow is alive. nobody is being turned away and that is the message there getting every single day. nobody in the biden had administration is upholding the law. the exact opposite is true. everybody knows that. joe and kamala are aiding and abetting all this lawbreaking and you are paying for it. regardless of that back, alexandria ocasio-cortez, although everybody is getting i and it was triggered by kamala' comments, don't expect oac to
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visit the border herself and we uncontrollably like she did whe donald trump was president. but not their socialist heart b troubled because as we speak th biden administration's disbursing migrants all over th country. nobody is being turned away. and somebody continued to excee capacity. so far this year the border is now experience the most illegal crossings of more thanen ten yes . by the way, most cases more tha 20 years. and the years far from over. soea tonight we have to ask onc again are the -- other ever going to visit the border. i've been on horseback and on foot. i've done, i've been there putting gang members are president to the drug warehouse i've seen that tunnels and done for tunnels in the us pretty
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might get an education. try. as usual, circle backme, jen ps a short on details. >> i she said we've been to the border, you know, no, she is not . >> as the vice president him sh does speak for the actions of the people in the administration . she certainly helps. i expect some mission to go to the border. >> as we understand it, her mai focus is to try to address the fruit causes of migration. did somebody decide here that i would not be helpful for her to go to the border and talk to people that have migrated here? >> again f, i think at some poi she make go to the border. we will see. >> clearly the biden administration wants to sweep the crisis under the truck and pretend it is no big deal but a we have detailed for months, there are serious national security dangers all associated with joe preston border search. one such danger in both the
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mexican cartels are now reaping the reports of the ongoing surge . not only are they making money and human trafficking but with border agents preoccupied with mass illegal immigration that's taking up all of their resources , the cartels, the drug smugglers, these operations are increasing on a massive scale. los angeles county just conducted what is their largest drug operation in history. that says a lot. joining us now, bill. he's embedded with the shares department. the biggest in la history? >> sean, good evening to you. it's massive and we're going to show if you are in the as you are well aware that these mexican drug cartels up and operating numerous marijuana grows in the desert north of lo angeles and the la county sheriff decided he's going to d something about it and he's going to put a stop to it and just put things in perspective for you, take a look at this
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video from a helicopter just to give you some perspective on ho large some of these illegal cartel grows are. there are hundreds of these tha they have mapped out all over the valley where you are, almos all them directly connect with mexican drug cartels are other crime syndicates so alex villavnueva lysed a massive operation. to click the video we shot. he brought in several bulldozer to the location that we are at and actually steamrolled a massive marijuana grow right there that was believed to be connected to a cartel. had more than 70 greenhouses filled with plants. they detained five mexican nationals here for the sheriff telling me some people think a little bit of weakness and a bi deal with these are criminals hotbeds and they attract criminal behavior and they siphoned n waterway from the lo farmers and some gunmen have threatened local residents so h said it is time and we're going back to the wild west. the sheriff is going to get
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control here t and do something about it. >> the origins of the shares department dating back to 1850, this was the wild west. them law and order back in thos days and not 20 that -- toy 21, we're going to be reintroduced on order make sure that drive the speed black business and get this community back to the residence. >> and the cartel to the big hi to their business today. 's stroke is behind us that was completely eradicated, the sheriff tells me was worth well over $15 million. this is likely one of their operation. the got moren.n. than 400 deput involved, including the dea. the rest of the week they have other locations that they are going to be heading all week long. h the sheriff of here is putting his foot down and he says cartels, you are out of here. we will send it back to you. >> thank you for that report. that is the biden administration , as they continue to flounder at the southern border, the predominantly hispanic border city of mc
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allen, texas, just elected the first republican mayor in 2 years. could that be are key to the upcoming elections? joining usd t is mayor elect ja villalobos. congratulations on your win, th first republican 24 years, not exactly a red town, but this issue, how paramount paramount was in people pressing minds. >> we were very excited about it . of course it was a nonpartisan election but what we campaign done of was pretty much conservative values, family values, fiscal responsibility and that sort of thing. when we got the win, we were very excited about it. >> that's phenomenal. by have republicans won in the past but why did they win this time.
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>> i think it's accommodation o things. hispanic community has been very conservative. harbor our families, our history , our grandmothers can our mothers is generally democrat. it's not something that we have been pushing. we need competition. these republican, libertarian, whatever it is, we are finally getting it. the hispanic community is a little worried about -- i have conservative values and am a republican. so we are excited about itit. the whole valley, competition i good. a good dose of competition is always good over europe finally getting it. not only here in mcallen, but all taxes. >> what does it mean for residence in your border town when people enter this country
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illegally in that don't respect our laws. that the don't respect our sovereignty. what does that mean directly fo the people in your town? >> you know what can i think with you or a democrat or republican, it is not a good thing. out give you an example if my mother and father in law who have all always been democrat who have always voted democrat, they don't like it. they think, you know what, we have a lot of patience with their border up with got to tak care of it there. >> are you sure your -- i'm kidding. >> traditionally it is always been that way. thingsgs are changing and prefe happy about it. competition is good. things are changing and what is happening is not good. 6-7 months ago, we didn't have we have today and we've got to make sure that we protect our borders and not only that, me a the new mere -- the new mayor here in mcallen,
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i've got to protect taxpayer funds for this the reason why w should be burdened with federal right now we have two international bridges, gues what happens, you go there now at at getting -- at any given time this hundreds of immigrants. they come, the border patrol drops them off at the bus station around that area. so what we do? we are very limited to what we can do so will do is more publi safety,. >> so we should not be doing that but we do for our resident else for that if the fence protection, we transfer at them and take them to the airport, whatever it is, but they leave. soir we are doing well. you've got a provide food, shelter, health care, some take cases education. congratulations on your win. of like to invite you, your mom andd dad bought a republican fo the first time.
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it's all inclusive party. congratulations. you made history. well done, sir. joining us now with more reaction on all of ethis is the host of the brand-new show here on the fox news channel, but certainly not going to be calle filtered with dan bongino. he does seem and know what that. but unfiltered with dan bongino. it open to huge ratings pick congratulations. it couldn't be more proud of yo but thank you, my friend. let's talk about this is super but more important let's talk but something even bigger. it's not only are democrats allowing this lawlessness to occur, they are facilitating it whether it's a sanctuary city o state or whether that it is joe and kamala, not only are they enforcing our laws on immigration, they are facilitating. they are aiding and abetting an providing transportation to
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other states. there providing the cages for the kids in the middle of a pandemic that we saw that so overcrowded. why do i believe that if you break the law, i break the law. people watching break the line we go to jail. >> that is because the democrat are hypocrites. sean, they don't even believe i their own agenda. this is quickly on the open borders front. the figured out a long time ago that they can't possibly win elections anymore because they're losing working-class voters. this has nothing to do with immigration. this is all about power to democrats. it's all about power. i think a few years ago, i forget who it was, maybe it was ted cruz, but someone put an amendment in the immigration bill that said, i hope was crew i don't want to get ahead of myself but if somebody put in a amendment that says you can sta here if you are here illegally, but you can't hope for ten years . the democrat said no, no, we don't want that, which shows yo
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this has nothing to do with being compassionate people here illegally. has nothing to do with any of that. this is all about power. they don't even believe in the own agenda. they are total frauds. they preach higher taxes, jeff john kerry, bernie sanders, the don't barrel taught -- they b don't voluntarily pay on time and higher taxes. they are full of it. they road -- preach they want to defund the police. they are totally full of it. you remember obama care. , healthcare and there was they tried to say, you guys up in th senate and the congress that th use of obama care, they front like screw that, we don't want that. that is for the losers on the poor folks out there. these people are frauds. >> and picked up by with that o a lot of issues here. i don't understand o, i guess probably i do, the democratic partyue is just this dual syste
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of justice we have. for example michael horowitz ca do for people for lying to congress and nobody is held accountable. if you're a republican, another system of justice exists. if you look at, i don't care, how does joe biden allow a waiver from vladimir. to build his pipeline. then fire people at the stroke of a pen building the keystone excel pipeline. how does he raise the price of oil and energy and everybody is feeling the impact up that and then go out and lie and say it' not going to impact you. it seems like we are living in time where of is down and down is up. is just echoed by the mainstrea media. >> i did not planned this, i promise. that is an awesome question. they told us that for 3-4 years that vladimir putin is giving
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trump back rubs and they colluded to win and election. yet i was going to cover this tomorrow on my podcast. political wrote a piece i have it right here, political, remember this one from 2017 coming to pretty create efforts to sabotage trump backfires. if i'm mistaken, january 2017. january 11. i was correct. you can look it up. "hannity" is a loser, that's what that means. >> that means you paid attention . they've write an article about four and into in elections. rudy giuliani said you guys into . and election and they investigate rudy giuliani. it's bizarre or. >> randy: land. everything is backwards.
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>> the very purpose of digging up dirt. and, of course, sarah experienced hunter on top it al of that is getting money from russia, cause extend, chinese nationals, the chinese government and, of course, ukraine. he says in his e-mail that he's doing business with the spy chief of china and liberals are like no big deal, it's hunter. no worries at all. these people are total phonies. what a joke. >> why would anybody think that dan bongino is ever going to be filtered? i'm looking at the name your ne show and it says filtered, dan bongino. i don't think that there is any other dan bongino that access. why don't we just say dan bongino and we know we are goin to get because you're not getting filtered ever. are we going to filter mark
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levine ever crack. >> no, it's not going to happen. >> congratulations. heavily unfiltered all the time. >> congratulations on your opening debut. coming up center lindsey graham talking about cope with questions on the wuhan lab and did dr. fauci lie to congress. later, you won't believe what msnbc is attacking now. you don't want to miss it straightahead. nbc is attacking
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was plausible an incredible all along. we're also reported that a 2024 port utilized by the state department concluded that underlie update was plausible even as dr. doom and gloom, doctor flip flop but she was -- when informed about the possibility in his private e-mails. breaking tonight, a new study from the cleveland clinic is finding that unvaccinated peopl who had covid have zero difference in reinfection compared to those who had the virus and also took the vaccine. but they are saying tonight, it doesn't look like there is a need to vaccinate those people that have the fire is. looks like senator rand paul wa right again. hit to react all of this, cell six -- south carolina senator lindsey graham. let's start with this cleveland clinic and this new knowledge saying, by the way, a lot of
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doctors that i've been interviewing on my radio show and elsewhere, they've been saying the same thing. even if your antibody levels go down coming to have t cell immunity for your body would recognize if in fact covid was reintroduced to your body. >> why does this matter? it matters a lot because you've got a limited amount of vaccine so people have had covid-19 previously don't need the vaccine. if reasonable it frees up a lot of shots for people throughout the world. so science matters here but the big story, this is the russian dossier all over again. this stinks to high heaven, china gate, but if you want to call it. remember when donald trumps suggest that this came out of china and there was a lamp leak do you remember that? and, by the way -- they studied coronaviruses and we all knew that they had gain
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of function research. >> we all need that and we knew that they had leaks out of the labs and not pass but unfit for 19, 2020, when we have the firs cases in january, 27 scientists signed a letter that said conspiracy theory student do nothing but create fear, rumors cup and prejudice jeopardize ou global collaboration to fight against this virus. and another first 27 scientists signed a political document shaming cotton and trump and anybody else shutting the media and it changed the course the election. the side desperate tied to this lab. they put a letter not based on science but trying to destroy the credibility of people who were suggesting it came out of the lab. what is this matter? if trump was right about the lamp leak in it would change th image of that the public had about president trump. if it came out of the lab in china, he puts her and it was
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the china buyers, and the 2020 election would've been about wh could hold china accountable trump or biden, who do you want to the room to hold china accountable for infecting the world. >> is out of the. question? the answer is pretty obvious. i think who is going to -- >> and i think that he would ea a biden's lunch. here's what we do know ten days after the first identified case of coronavirus generated one of the day that donald trump but the travel ban in fact -- in effect did that very same date dr. project received an e-mail saying that it looked like the genome sequence showed manipulation and a lab of the virus. that is ten days after the firs case in the us. and then we see a series of e-mails and i would call them
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cia e-mails talking about whether they'd fund at this, whether or not gain of function research was being done with american money and outright panic by fauci. but proud she went for congress and he said things at to read directly contradicted but we no know was in his own e-mails. >> it is more important than that. he did a heckuva job explaining the russian dossier to the american people, how they ignored every stop sign and the wanted no, not only did fauci ignore the warnings, i before 19 , a couple of weeks after the first case, 27 scientists produced a letter shaming those that suggest that the lamp leak very, calling them conspiratorial from that you ar a right wingnut, marginalizing president trump and tom cotton. if trump is right, it would've changed the outcome of the 2020
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election and if we could have proven them early on it was a lamp leak coming from china and not occurring naturally, the public with for revenge against china and who would they turn t fox biden or trump. i think this letter by the scientists was orchestrated by somebody to shoot down the idea of the lab league because they were worried about their only a being at this link because they were a relationship with china and i think it was a political motivation to destroy crump -- president trump's credibility. it was known that he was right in 2020, think you would be president today. >> he did such a good job with the russian investigation, can you please explain what this gu is? has ever been a sighting of the last year? what happened to the report, what happened to the work that he was doing? we where were the referrals rum michael hurwitz's inspector general report? let me ask you this, i'm
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watching what's going on and th way that the liberal media bob and democrats are reacting to joe mansion, who actually seems to have read the constitution and understands that no voter id , no signature verification, no checks and balances or integrity in elections is a bad idea. he's been called everything fro a racist on down, the same with cinema and the same with gettin bread of the legislative filibuster. as you look at joe biden pressing agenda, it seems like it is right out of the radical new green deal socialist spot and out of touch with the american people. how does this play out as we head into 2022? >> i think in 2022, it will be check and balance election. for going to win the house and take the senate, because the agenda for there pushing is tha the agenda that they ran on,
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that joe biden as president today is not the joe biden who ran in 2020. moderate joe is dented gone and that squad runs him. i hope he will stay on this china deal. the scientists wrote this lette to tamp down and undercut any idea that they could come out o this lab to protect their own rear and they change the course of election. don't let this go. >> fellow trump's begin in nort carolina. i think when donald trump says we need election integrity and competence and these of the things that we must do to ensur integrity, when he prosecutes the case against joe brayden an radical socialism and less of the american first agenda to make america great again agenda those three things i think lead to a republican wave election and the next two, collections elections. am i wrong?
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>> you are dead right. freedom wins out if prosecuted. they're doing everything they can to bring the republican party back. we just need to make our case. >> senator, thank you. appreciate it. >> the mother media, the reckless attacks have anything at all things conservative and you won't believe what hunter biden said in a text message to his lawyer. yeah, that n-word a lot. kamala harris and lou terrell and miranda devine reactive waiting for barack obama input on this, straightahead. lives of six million jews
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what or care. they find more ways to destroy any credibility that they have left, although it's pretty much down to zero. took at this moment today on morning joe where do your times writer mara gay talked about ho disturbed she was. why was she so disturbed? because she saw american flags. they had some trump flags too. the vapors. i saw an american flag. i can't believe it. take a look. >> i was on long island this week and visiting a dear friend and i was really disturbed. i saw dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with expected against joe biden on the back o them, trump flags, and dozens o american flags, which is also just disturbing, which is sending a clear message that
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this is our country, it's not your country. >> i saw a trump flight and it made me so upset. really? you expect me to believe that. i don't even believe it. >> a controlled tweet saying. remarks were taken out of context. we just played them in context. but you just heard them in full-time context. will that you decide. disturbed by american flags, cu the media be any more hostile t the country that they are supposed to cover. you will remember that mara gay is the same far left failure wh had this credibility kelly moment when she aligned brian williams struggled with basic math during his segment second on michael bloomberg quick. >> and 73% of the money that is spent, -- >> but put up on the screen. when i brought it tonight on
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social media, it kind of all became clear. 500 million on ads, us population of three to 27 million, don't tell us if yo are ahead of us on the map, he got it given american $1 millio and had lunch money left over. it is an incredible way of putting it. >> it is an incredible way up putting it. and in new orleans i saw bodies floating in front of my hotel, the hotel that wasn't flooded. they may want to double check the math. while the media spends time attacking the country and demonizing every day americans getting the vapors seeing the american flag at the name donal trump, they still pretty is the cover the biden crime syndicate and new developments surroundin hunter's hard drive from help. according to a new report, dail mail text messages on hunter's laptop show that he repeatedly used the n-word in messages wit
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this lawyer. and december 2018, he texted hi lawyer how much money do i owe you because the leap, you bette not be charging rates. i only love you because you are black and you are a true n-word. the letter happens to be white. imagine if this but donald trum or a dime junior art eric trump or anybody put the last named trump. here with reaction, fox news contributor miranda devine and lou terrell. leo, you are shaking your head. is he going to weigh in on hunter njoku expects a play right now, with all the facts you shown on this program about joe biden and you look at what hunter biden says, the biden them is a clan family. and joe is the wizard.
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that outweighs the terms that use, the most derogatory and prejudicial using n-word come u regarding diapers. that is a person who is comfortable using the n-word. this family that history and demonizing black and the number one reason, when i left the democratic party because joe biden, national brady up and said if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. this guy is a racist and he needs to look and the mayor and acknowledge that him and his family are racist. it's insulting. >> at that after hearing what obama said and now seeing these e-mails and then looking at joe biden, joe biden partnered partner with the former klansma the business. >> filibustered the civil right act the 64, the voting right back up 65, the former klansman to stop the integration of schools and school busing
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because he didn't want to becom racial jungles, and joe's respect the day and he prays this man when he died. what if any republican put the last thing trump ever did what hunter has done and had the history of joe. that they get the same pass tha biden has? >> of course not, sean. it's joe biden, this teflon coating that he has. this is projection by joe biden projecting his own family's white privilege could you couldn't get anyone more white privilege than hunter biden who has had everything handed to hi on a silver platter since he wa born. his father has made sure that his son has had jobs, has had university, has had clients shower him with millions of dollars. he has had at the door open to
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him and affect that is the way the joe operates with his entir family. white privilege. he projected his own racism ont the whole of america. he has sullied all of us. >> you are newspaper the new york post, broke the hunter biden laptop story to read now know that there are pictures. we p have tapes of joe biden tw times tonight that he suffered talked of hunter about this foreign business deal but we've got pictures of joe biden's vic president meeting prep hunter's for business partners. now, again, how does not a word how does the media get a free. that flagrant double standard? >> [speaking at once?
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please, go ahead, maranda miranda. >> quickly say we have pictures of hunter and joe media hunter' for clients at least ten of them . and he has gotten away with tha because the rest of the media about was doubly so that we hav the washington post yesterday back to check -- try to pack check our latest store and get everything wrong. all he managed to do was actually prove that where brigh cove that joe biden went to caé milano last year in 2015 when h was vice president and met with foreign clients of hunters from three different countries, from russia, kaz extent, and ukraine and he's pumping millions of
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dollars into the biden family. >> let's see how many democrats call out hunter biden, color jo biden for the these clan white statements against black people. if you don't have black voters, you don't have a democratic party. let's see if we have any lawmakers -- >> you know for fact is i do, you have sources as i do. there's a lot more to come on that laptop, true or false? >> what are preset there is a lot. and a book coming out. >> how bad a scale of 1-100? >> oh, 150. that's at my sources tell me. what do i know. i don't know a whole lot. think you both. from the come back from a obama.
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demographic changes and lowell galindo hold, the pacific bell most important issue to them to them right now is critical race theory. who knew. >> you might remember his remarks about other cases, ferguson, cambridge police, trayvon martin, i have a son, i want him to look like trayvon martin. >> the cambridge police acted stupidly and arresting somebody from the proof that they were i their own home. when trayvon martin was first shot, i said that this could've been my son. another brave saying that is trayvon martin car could have been me 35 years ago. his family will never hold michael in their arms again. than something like this happen the local on third authorities, the police have a responsibilit to be open about how they're investigating that depth and ho
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they are protecting the people in their communities. >> here put reaction, and might've hunter biden and joe biden pressed to history, a double interesting he picks and chooses only certain cases to comment on. >> it sure is, sean. and that meant doesn't get wher he got elected. he got elected because american thought he was going to be a uniter, not a divider. that that the guy that he hired was the guy he interviewed on 6 minutes when he was running and steve kroft asked him if he visits will that be because of race and obama said no. it would be because that articulated a vision that the american people can embrace. the person they thought they hired was a guy who gave a speech at a black church in 200 and as far as race relation can turn, we are 90% of the way there. he gets elected and what happens , the cambridge police acted stupidly and phrases in
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america's dna. and he invited all sharpton and to the white house of a 70 times . he played the race card every time he had no opportunity to b a that is what turned up americ and he still doesn't get it. >> you get the last word tonight . mr. obama is the last person wh should be analyzing the media and divide in this country. l president based on his action was of course to the press. this is a president who's justice department spied on a reporter from this network. that his parents. and then seized months of phone records secretly. >> i would like obama to come b and hunter's comments using the n-word. about holding my breath. more hannity next.
12:00 am
♪ ♪ that's all the time we have left . we hope you set your dvr see yo never miss an episode. tune in tomorrow night. my voice is coming back from that terrific allergies that we've had this year that is affected my vocal cords. might dr. won't let me take prednisone, which would bring m voice back quicker. let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham. you don't want to hear about that, do you? >> and the other medical airmen ailments that you want to share? >> any other medical ailments you want to share with us? we are not going to go to hemorrhoids at any point are we? >> are you going to go there really? really? the joe biden hour. >> you just a little croaky tonight but it is exotic. >> the joe biden sipy cup. >> it is an exotic cup. and alluring voice.
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