tv The Five FOX News June 9, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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>> neil: all right, i'm trying to make out with my own rudimentary knowledge of sand spanish, the smugglers saying he is not run into any trouble with police in mexico and the real disruption was once in the u.s. and at the border but it tells you everything you need to know about the disruption that is now getting kind of out of control, to put it mildly. here, "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone, i'm dana perino along with katie pavlich, geraldo geraldo rivera, jesse watters. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." >> none of this this success is an accident. >> dana: president biden has been boasting about the economy but not all businesses share the same way, many are struggling to
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hire employees, saying they can't compete with unemployment benefits, hitting a record 9.3 million in april, senator lindsey graham revealing members of his own family have not gone back to work because they can make more at home. >> i've got a lot of people in my family who ain't working, i will show you some in my family so bottom line is, there are people out there, they are not bad people but they are not going to work for $15 an hour if they make 23 unemployed. it doesn't make you a bad person. if you're working for $15 an hour that makes him almost a chump. >> dana: telling gregor biden administration is to blame for the labor shortage. >> it's a two-person household making $800 each in unemployment benefits, that's about $83,000 a year. the median household income is only $67,000 a year so you can stay home and exceed median income because right now they are preventing us from getting
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our employees back, restaurants are open two days rather than seven days and it's killing us. >> dana: greg, lindsey graham assaying their family can stay home, they are making a rational decision. >> greg: $83,000 a year is nothing to laugh at. i -- that's more than i make in a month. you know what it is? it's a radical departure for a free market economy, it's essentially guaranteed basic income, right? but without even comprehending the fallout, so it's going to happen as this will drive up unemployment and businesses will have to pay more to their workers which the left will say is great except the costs will then be found in the bread into milk and the gasoline and then you couple that with the inflation as the dollar becomes more and more worthless as we print more and more money, you're staring at a pretty scary future for your grandkids if you have them. this is a battle.
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this is the godzilla versus king kong battle of economic visions. let's say, all of us want the economy to grow but the left wants the government to grow so it's a war of who can expand the fastest and because economies expand naturally through human ingenuity, capital and innovation, the government must expand by taking what it's made from the economy hence the global corporate tax which is evil and i don't know if i'm right on this but the global corporate tax, isn't that something we fought a war against in the revolutionary war, didn't we fight so that others didn't decide our taxes for us? and isn't that what we are doing right now, meeting with these countries and deciding on a corporate tax? isn't this somehow against our values and we should invade countries and kill everybody? [laughter] >> dana: right there with you and president biden, the global
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corporate tax is terrible and also in order to get some of those people to agree to even consider it they said they would increase taxes on tech companies. where the tech companies based? in our country so that is wrong indeed. even president biden, geraldo has said that he doesn't take it's necessary to continue enhanced unemployment benefits. b3 thank goodness. >> dana: they finally realize this is having an impact. >> geraldo: the last time i did the show, i've been driving, i hate getting held up by tsa at the airport so i've been driving back to cleveland in the last time we stopped at, my buddy was helping me drive, we stopped at a rest stop, six restaurants in the rest stop, five of them are close. where is everybody? home collecting unemployment. when you distort the economy you are doomed to fail. one of the things i liked about president trump, i supported him until i didn't support him in
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one of the things i felt so bad about when he lost was the economy was all set up for him to hit a home run by doing nothing, all primed and ready to go so here comes joe biden, gets the luck of that draw and still spend all this money on the first bunch, to help the people really in distress and hunger and so forth, that's fine, but to keep it going and $300 on top of that is like, how much are you going to get? give them another, give them another, who's going to work? who's going to do all these jobs? and the good thing as wages are finally going up, $15 an hour, about time and it's because of demand and that's what should drive. >> greg: you know what else is going to drive? robots, you're going to see a lot of people losing jobs. >> dana: how do you figure out a way to get workers. jesse, i heard about a restaurant in new york last night, they had no filet mignon
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and the reason why was that the supplier doesn't have enough workers to help supply so it's going to have a ripple effect, right? >> jesse: that's a female cut of beef. i go with the strip steak or the porterhouse. you know, if she wants to get that, that's tough luck, i'm sorry. might've to get the chicken instead. i'm disappointed in lindsey graham, a sitting u.s. senator should be able to get his family a job. did it trump drain the swamp that much, at a pharmaceutical company, may be a defense contractor, can get someone in the graham family a gig or something? my goodness, you go to any beach community and small business owners will come up to you and tell you, we can't find workers for the summer. it's hospitality and its restaurants and i told him the same thing, you're blocking my son. but it's true and joe biden's hurting his own recovery and it's the $300 bonus, you put
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that out there and it keeps people on the couch. take it away and it forces off the couch. he doesn't get the math, no one gets the math in washington, double the balance sheet, they spend $5 trillion in a year and say we are worried about inflation, inflation is here. i went to fill up my gas tank the other day and the guy pumping the gas had a rolex, dana, they are saying, the colonial pipeline gas price or it was temporary. no, $3 a gallon, it's going to $3.50, as greg said, you've got a weak dollar that's going to make gas imports more expensive, it's a vicious cycle, people are going to have to carpool especially on fridays, sundays on the garden state parkway. it's the only way to do it. >> dana: you see, katie, the story about all the incentives some of these companies are coming up with, when they lose an employee it cost them $12,000 in order to train anyone and get
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it all set so they are providing scholarships, they will help your wife, your children get a college degree if you sign up with them. >> katie: the first thing that came to mind when i look at this list is that's great because people may want something outside of just a paycheck to go back to a job and that's how companies compete with each other but these are all big corporations like amazon, amazon, mcdonald's, chipotle, taco bell so again after a year of small businesses getting completely screwed, not only are they competing with corporations whether corporations can work around some of the government regulations they put in, small businesses can't afford to pay for a thousand dollar bonus for mcdonald's during the pay $50 just for someone to come in and interviewing for a small business to lose $12,000 trying to re-hire somebody, that is a massive cost for them and can put them out of business especially after having no revenue for a year so in terms of president joe biden disabling the economy to come back, this is what the left actually wants,
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joe biden's push in terms of government intervention, they are purposely fine with the government paying people and their responses, well, businesses should be paying people more money, that's how we effectively by default raise the minimum wage without having to pass i national minimum wage bill through the u.s. senate and the house and on the desk of joe biden. that's what they're trying to do but if you're a small business, none of this is available to you and it's going to be even more difficult for them to survive. >> jesse: you're saying it's $50 just to walk into a mcdonald's and do a job interview? >> dana: the taco bell is offering general managers 12 weeks of paid vacation. >> jesse: can you take that out front? >> geraldo: what we need is child care. if you had child care, not $300 supplemental unemployment, give them $300 a babysitting money.
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>> katie: open up the schools, which are already paid for. >> greg: that's discriminating against people that don't already have kids. they should say we will not adopt any woke policies, we will not monitor your language, we will not punish you for political beliefs, we will not force our political beliefs on you, that's an incentive. >> dana: that's the incentive some i like it. speak to you to pay $83,000 for your sneakers. >> dana: a live look at the border where migrants are pressing right now, we're going to take you there. ♪ ♪
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>> geraldo: this is a fox news alert, griff jenkins, our correspondent is live at the border where migrants are crossing, some great reporting with some stunning pictures, what can you tell us? >> hey, geraldo, it's been stunning here in the last 20 minutes, we've seen more than 60, maybe 70 migrants crossing, every one of them from venezuela, you can see they range in age, we've seen babies cross and now an elderly woman. obviously her family trying to help her and she's getting caught in some of the current waters the border patrol here says they rescue nearly 1300 migrants. you can see behind me another group of elderly folks trying to cross as they come and it's a tough, difficult journey. we did talk to the smuggler, his name is juan, young gentleman and a white shirt is been doing this every day. i asked him, are you afraid of the border patrol?
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and he said no. i said, what you say to the administration? president biden says the border is closed. he said no, no, it's open. [speaking non-english language." they've been traveling for days, a very difficult journey as we watch this startling image of humanity. they've been taken, by the way, to the border control, they've been getting received here, some given water as they are taking to the processing center, as is happening here, quite an image and certainly one of the locals and officials here hope that as a vice president or other numbers of the administration may come and have a firsthand look at it. >> geraldo: quickly, it seems to me like i'm like the typical flow from mexico and central american countries, this is more elderly, i saw you
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interviewed a woman, 74 years old who had made the track, more families, the venezuelan venezuela and group c seems demographically a bit different. >> that's right in that grandmother, 74 years old, from venezuela just breaking down in tears because her first son was killed by president maduro's motorcycle gangs that intimidate and ultimately killed them in her words, her son but it's just a part of, why they're coming. in this area i can quickly let you know that in the last seven days officials say they've encountered some 1500 migrants from 29 different countries, not just venezuela, geraldo. >> geraldo: griff, thanks. vice president kamala harris, this is what you would have seen if you had gone to the border. if you had done the obvious and saw the problem as it's
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manifesting itself, it's no accident that you're facing an avalanche of criticism following that first trip you made to guatemala and then to mexico, you know? she's declaring victory but it seems kind of hollow when the reality is so jarring compared to what she's actually accomplished. >> jesse: i haven't been covering this as long as you have but i've never seen people just like in a lazy river in broad daylight just turning themselves into a border patrol. that's never happened before, usually you see footage of border patrol pulling people out of cactuses in the dark of night and coming you know, i feel bad for the people coming across but this is a distraction. as they go across they have to have men single file pouring over well border patrol is dealing with these people and those people aren't being apprehended. make them remain in mexico like trump did and they can apply and come in through an orderly process. there is no victory for kamala
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harris, the reason she doesn't want to go to the border is that she doesn't want image want images aoc can play against her in a democratic primary, standing next to a border patrol agent in that green scary uniform saying don't, and praising them for apprehending the border people. joe biden got the stench of the deport or in barack obama on him. she doesn't want to do that so she's in a conflict between her duty to do what her president assigned her to do and politics and she looks like a fool as she wrestles with this. >> geraldo: the problem is she is getting it from both sides, she has a situation with aoc, saying these people are coming to seek asylum and it is the american way, it's described in our laws that someone can come and ask for asylum, what are you... you understand, do you sympathize with her dilemma or is that irrelevant, in this
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reality? 's view on the thing is because they have an act, they are making anyone who actually needs asylum, it's a much worse for them. now everybody will say it's clearly not working, you could apply for asylum and to be think about the refugees that were approved, they've gone through background checks and been approved, they are ready to comment they've already had all the things i needed to do legally with the fact that they want to actually try to deal with this is compounding the problem and going to make it harder and i don't care what aoc says because being in leadership means sometimes you have to do things that are unpopular with your base and the more they cater to the progressive left the more they are going to lose moderate democrats and the republicans have a real pickup opportunity there. the last thing i'd say on this is that it's going to be another ten days or so before for she even could because president biden is out of the country. she should have just said on our way home from mexico city, told the air force to pilate, we are landing in texas and i'm going
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to do this trip and get it over with so they can move on. until then i guess the real problem is not just a communications problem, they have a policy problem and until they fix the policy problem this is going to continue. >> geraldo: a policy problem but also the fact of the matter is venezuela has gone to hell in a handbasket. this is not going to get better, now you have south america itself, the nation of venezuela is huge and totally dysfunctional. >> katie: i remember talking to someone a couple years ago and questioning whether venezuela will become a problem given all the migration we've seen in the northern triangle countries and they kind of laughed it off like, venezuela's too far away for that to happen. now we are seeing it happen. you're right about it being a problem, they just change the policy to allow venezuelans into the united states to gain asylum. it's a little bit different from the status we are seeing from people from guatemala, honduras and el salvador but in terms of policy and how the vice president has not handled
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this well at all, in terms of the policies here, remember when those republican senators went down on the rio grande and they were heckled by cartel members? we have the vice president of the united states going to the border and being heckled by a criminal cartel, you can't have that happening. if they go they are admitting that there is a problem and finally remember that tiktok harris was a far left candidate, the most far left senator in the senate and joe biden needed to get the far left wing of his party on board. so he picked her with the reality of this open borders rhetoric she's been engaged in like aoc for years now is hitting her in the face and the policies of what really actually has to be done don't line up with the far left agenda. >> geraldo: and yet, greg, if you are an elected official, a position that turns back that grandma, are you going to be the
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politician that says grandma... before that grandma never would've come if i were president because there be a wall and it would say "don't come, grandma." joe biden is creating jobs for smugglers. someone has to tell him that doesn't factor into our unemployment rates. if she were a white republican male the media would be treating her like dan quayle and that rhymed. >> geraldo: the lady from venezuela? >> dana: kamala harris. >> geraldo: i couldn't keep up. >> greg: this is why the white house is perplexed over her terrible performance, they were never allowed to question her competence, in 2020 when you are only allowed to question the competence of white males. right? even the competitive -- even the competent white males can be fired, not so much a kamala. there's no way that kamala harris isn't an amazing overachieving superwoman so no wonder the white house is so confused that she's big dad, she
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supposed to be this incredible, amazing person. you know what she said? she said this was her take-home message that she learned from being in guatemala or venezuela or both of them, she said the respect and the love people have for their country. then why are they coming? that's the message. >> geraldo: because they want to make some money, they want to live a better life. >> katie: because they can. >> geraldo: jesse references -- i forgot. >> jesse: remain in mexico. you forgot already? >> geraldo: it didn't stick. as you know he just took a big shot at vladimir putin. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: president biden facing some challenges on his first overseas, he is set to meet with some allies, you will then meet face-to-face with vladimir putin and he is talking tough. >> i'm heading to the g7, then to meet with mr. boudin to let them know what i want him to know. we are going to make it clear that the united states is back. the united states will respond in a robust and meaningful way when the russian government engages in harmful activities. >> greg: you know, katie, this idea that america is back, i don't know if he understands what had been going on with president trump was president and the foreign policy successes on how our adversaries viewed him.
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it's pretty clueless. >> katie: i'm sure he's very worried about his upcoming meeting with president biden but i hope it's successful and it goes well but this idea that america is back, president trump was criticized all the time for not talking tough enough on russia but behind the scenes they were doing a bunch of sanctions, taking away their ability to give energy to western europe, they actually put teeth into it they were doing, joe biden just allowed russia to finish the pipeline which gives them control over europe and there's this question about nato and the role of nato for years now because nato was essentially formed to combat russia but if we are going to allow russia to control europe through energy or not for us all of these nato allies to pay their 2% which by the way is a legal agreement they made to contribute to this alliance that we have come of them what really is the point of nato and being strong? trump was tough on nato but it was a tough love, if you really want to combat russia and carry
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out the mission of nato that we've all got to be in this together and pay our fair share. so i don't see that going for a bite and right now but maybe he has a different thing to say at the end. >> greg: dana, the fact is is that as long as joe doesn't eat a live dog on tv the press will call this a raving success. >> dana: there's no doubt. this is the first. all the headlines, america is back, everyone is smiling. and the biggest issue for them media and a lot of europeans is the climate. remember that, pulling out of the paraspinal cord was the thing that really made everybody mad during the trump administration so tone and demeanor will be different but getting the media coverage on the first part of this trip will be a layup. >> greg: i think it was a myth, whenever trump showed up in these foreign countries, people were excited and they knew where he was coming from. they don't know where
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president biden is coming from, right? he's got no vision. >> geraldo: remember crimea fell to pollutant during the obama administration. and the democrats have been very squishy. katie is right, about nato particularly, as a war correspondent overall these decades something that always irked me was how little the presence was of our european allies, 2% of their gross national product should be spent on their own defense and yet we are paying for the bases in germany, we are paying for the bases everywhere and i don't trust a democrat regime, i like seeing trump and together, they seemed, maybe it's just optics, they seemed equal to me. trump, the boisterous bullying braggart and so is putin and i think they were evenly matched. >> greg: jesse, pollutant has to be disappointed because he can't blackmail president biden because everything is out there with hunter now, he can't find
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any -- hunters got it. >> geraldo: here's what i would do if i were president biden. in the middle of the meeting with food and i would defense department launch a cyber attack against their oil companies in the middle of the meeting and then after the meeting was over i would announce that i was going to double the military aid package and then when i'm talking to the e.u. guys i would say, guys, we are going to boycott the olympics in china, that would humiliate the chinese, bring the supply chains out of their and give us the moral high ground and then i would demand from china if it wasn't from the lab. not my problem anymore, i'm out of the middle east, you guys please your own neighborhoods. and then with the tariffs, here's what game i would play there, i would say, hey, mitch, you want the tariffs drop down from the whiskey in kentucky, i will get the europeans to drop
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down if you maybe halfway on infrastructure. i do the same thing with lindsey graham, boeing is in south carolina, i dial back this aircraft trade were a little bit if you meet me halfway. and then with germany, i keep the steel tariffs because screw them, they are buying gas from russia and anything else i wanted, orange juice tariffs, i'd use vaccine diplomacy. the one thing i wouldn't do, though, i wouldn't make a mistake in front of the queen. >> katie: if you are going to be president, how many scoops of ice cream would you have? >> greg: i think you should try to save the world, jesse. and leave a copy of your book in front of each world leader. >> dana: put that on an ipod for the queen. >> geraldo: there you go. >> greg: coming up, new text messages reportedly feature hunter biden using racial slurs.
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it's a whole new world out there. let's not keep it waiting. ♪ ♪ >> katie: hunter biden once again the source of controversy, this time of our new text messages obtained by the daily mail showing hunter repeatedly using the n-word well texting with his white lawyer. the messages are from late 2018 and early 2019 and we've reached out to hunter biden's attorney for comments. one of my favorite parts about this is that he complained about no one defending him but everyone's been defending him recently. >> jesse: well, well, well. i was off guard, this guy is using racial slurs, am i going to get giddy about this? it's very troubling. the media won't report it and
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here's why. to acknowledge what's happening on the laptop acknowledges the other stuff on the laptop. the holding tank for the big guy, all the shady foreign deals from the biden crime family, if you say yeah, he said the n-word on the laptop the media has to report all the other stuff and they just installed this guy. the laptop can bring down this presidency, they can't touch this thing so you have the son of a sitting president just casually dropping n-bombs in the media won't touch it, they wanted to put don jr.'s head on a stake and this guy gets away with anything. >> katie: there's a lot in here that we can only talk about on your show but he did say "i am sorry for sexting you accidentally." >> greg: i don't like looking at people's private text because
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i always imagine it's me about the fact that this is on a laptop he let out loose into the world. this is like i them media, big tech end of the democrats colluded to protect. when you go through all this stuff, this guy is a really slimy dude. this is the one guy they chose out of the whole world to protect and they wanted his dad to win and they hated trump so much. i will defend them on this point. he could be a hero for all the screw ups. if the media continues to excuse him for all the bad things he does, every bad guy can now point to that end go "you can't cancel me, look at this jerk." you never said a word about hunter. >> jesse: you've got to be kidding me right now. before ellie kemper apologized for going to a debutante ball 20
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years ago. and this guy can do this stuff and they just, you're right, he can do whatever he wants because it makes, the media stepped to the plate and does their job, they have to admit that they didn't do their job, they were corrupted, they colluded and they were corrupted. >> katie: it's like we are at the point of no return with how bad this is going to get. >> dana: this is like the presidential pass. the comparison to previous administrations is fair. imagine if this had been somebody in the trump family. there would be nothing else to talk about. >> katie: for years and years. geraldo? >> geraldo: they say you are only as happy as your unhappiest child, i feel so sorry, it is so humiliating, so embarrassing and the president of the united states, he wanted that job his whole life he... and here's his son doing these things that are so down and dirty and i really lament for
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them that this guy has their last name. >> greg: he still having fun, though. >> katie: he is an artist now. "the fastest" straight ahead. ♪ ♪ .. - thanks for telling me everyone 12 and older is eligible for the covid-19 vaccine. - thank you for loving me that much. - thanks. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? sorry? well, since you asked. it finds discounts and policy recommendations, so you only pay for what you need. limu, you're an animal! who's got the bird legs now? only pay for what you need.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: welcome back to "the fastest." first, just any boat. speak of their coming in! hey, it's coming in! one right there. >> shut up! up shut up! >> jesse: that's three women on a floaty being circled by a group of hammerhead sharks. luckily they weren't hungry and everyone was all right. those ladies don't look like her to be ready any defense right there. >> katie: the sharks look like they want some of that happy hour drink she's got in her hand. hammerheads are kind of and scary. i've swam with sharks many time, they're kind of whims for being
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in a boat, they could just get out. >> geraldo: i want to know what they are drinking. i've been in the water with hammerheads, they are not as aggressive as other species but this is a silly encounter. who's in charge of the floaty? the crew is not the sailors here. >> jesse: dana, you see sharks like this all the time off of your coastal estate. >> dana: i never go in, i look and that floaty does not vary float-icious e. >> jesse: everybody's making mas today. >> greg: sharks are probably a lot like me, i hate liquor-infused foods. when people give you chalk it, i hated on the sharks are going, let's have lunch. you bite into that, it's going to be all blues. the alcohol content is way too strong. it could be vegetarian, maybe
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they're trying to reduce their carbon footprint. >> jesse: style just met comfort, maybe. a luxury fashion brand is teaming up crocs for us a letter stiletto version of the popular shoe. dana, that's about what you pay. >> dana: i think sometimes fashion designers throw out something on a lark to see what soccer is going to buy it. >> jesse: katie, would you go for that? >> katie: if i had $850 i would wear them on "the five" if they want to send them my way to test them out. before this is like using suspenders with sweat pants you know? crocs are for the garden.
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when we were doing "the five," i was wearing crocs all the time and that little van, they're amazing especially when the lawn is soggy. i don't know. >> jesse: do you wear crocs on your vessel, geraldo? >> geraldo: crocs with stiletto heels make me throw up in my mouth. >> jesse: all right, tasty. a poll reveals some awful houseguest habits. putting your feet on the furniture and going upstairs without asking. that is really -- i think that would be my number one. >> dana: going upstairs? >> jesse: what are you doing upstairs? i didn't give you a tour. when i think greg is going to be like when your houseguest looks in your medicine cabinet. >> greg: how did you know i was writing that down? i'm the guy who looks at the medicine cabinet. you know with the worst guest is? the worst guest is the one who mistakes a real bed for a portable bed and just starts dismantling it after he leaves.
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>> jesse: i thought i was doing the polite thing. you have a very confusing so far. before it was a bad! speeches i was like a futon. >> geraldo: we had a guest a couple weeks ago who was wandering around upstairs and erica took a nap, very uncharacteristic, she's very high energy and she, heard this rumbling around, geraldo? boom, sorry, i got lost. it's a big house. >> jesse: it's a pretty big house, you can get lost in that house. >> katie: yeah, just be courteous and kind. >> jesse: be courteous and be kind. >> katie: treat it like own house. maybe that's a problem. >> jesse: i would've pulled up my own so far. before the worst person as the person who get super drunk and throws up everywhere. it's happened to me and i have been guilty of it before. >> dana: it happened one time timmy and peter and his friend came home really.
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each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. ♪ ♪ >> dana: it's time now for one more thing you missed a great commercial break. ever think of going crazy because something keeps moving in your house? what? i can't figure it out. see this pup playing a trick on his owner every time he goes outside he knocks. they would go out and put them back. they had no idea what was happening. they installed cameras to see what was going on. it was their dog. mischievous guys.
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>> jesse: jesse's cooking corner. first job restaurant didn't last long two weeks tried to take a vacation. guess too early to take a iction have a. it didn't go well. this is probably why we have obtained footage of me in the kitchen, watch. [laughter] >> jesse: mostly not my fault. it's the cutlery's fault, you call that cutlery? >> katie: that's a trying pan. >> jesse: that's why i got fired. i don't know anything. >> greg: much better looking back then. >> jesse: i have lost some weight. >> dana: your hair has improved. greg? >> greg: all right. let's do this. it's greg's nutrition tips. i like to eat with my friends sometimes i order stuff that i can't eat. always good to pick a friend and eat the exact same thing so you
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don't fall off your diet like these little people here. they decided they would eat the same thing. you don't want to be a guinea pig with your diet. they are calling high protein low carb diet with i don't know what they're eating. what is that? >> dana: string beans? >> jesse: edamme. >> greg: make great slippers. >> dana: geraldo you are next. >> geraldo: sunday will be the 64th annual puerto rican day parade. sadly it's virtual because of everything that's gotten going on with the pandemic and so forth. it's a great street party. i have been to probably 40 of them. of all my achievements my dad was proudest when i was selected the grand marshal of the parade. typically a million people watch it. they line the fifth avenue there is cardinal dolan.
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it's a wonderful, wonderful party. it's one of the first ones with her man the first puerto rican elected to the congress of the united states. this is 1971: a wonderful family party. it's a great time had by all. in -- miguel lynn miranda is doing in the heist's new movie. so that is going to be part of this celebration. virtual celebration. >> katie: awesome. >> dana: katie? >> katie: this is awesome. wisconsin father of three made a goal to set a new world record for the most pushups done in aer i don't. he accomplished it by doing 1,500,231 pushups in a year. his name is nate carroll and he did it to raise money to the tunnel 2 towers. pays off mortgages for law enforcement officers and firefighters who are killed in the line of duty who also have young children. so he did this and accomplished it at the metlife stadium in new jersey. broke the world record and in front of a bunch of first
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responders who cheered him on. nate carroll, good on you for all those pushups. deign congratulations. greg, who is on the gutfeld? >> greg: great martha mccallum kat timpf. a barn burner i'm not advocating arson. deign contain that's it for us. bret baier is up to watch. >> bret: that is a show to watch at 11:00. thanks, dana. breaking tonight president biden is in england right now on the first leg of his first foreign trip as president. a short time ago he boasted to an audience of air force personnel and some army soldiers that he was going to let russian leader vladimir putin know what he wants him to know. that tough talk will be tested during this trip as the president meets with his russian counterpart in switzerland. >> there will also be plenty of meetings with european allies dealing with climate policy, a world vaccination program and the threat from china. white house correspondent peter doocy is
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