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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 11, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> fox news alert, the white house sile oent silent over growing concern of ilhan omar comparing america and israel to hamas terrorist and taliban. i'm emily compagno, my co-host kayleigh mcenany, fox news correspondent, gillian turner, tomi lahren and joining us for the first time, clay travis, founder of outkick. he's the co-host of the future clay harris show. welcome to you all. the democrat civil war united when congresswoman ilhan omar quoted, we must have the same
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level of accountability for all victims of crimes against humanity. we have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the u.s., hamas, israel and the taliban. democratic leadership has a fire storm on his hands, dozen democrats blast omar's remarks in statement, "drawing false equivalency between u.s. and israel and groups that engage in terrorism, prejudice of peace and security for all. omar clarifying she was in no way equating u.s. the countries and democrats painting picture of her as dangerous. talib tweeting, the benefit of the doubt doesn't exist for muslim women in congress and cory bush tweeting, i'm not
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surprised when republicans attack black women but when it is democrats, it is especiallily hurtful and congresswoman, alexandria ocasio-cortez, they have no concept for the danger they put her in by skipping private conversations and leaping to fuelling targeted news cycles around her. clay, welcome to you and i'd like to go back to the statement that the 12 democrats finally released. it was rebuking omar's comments, but falling short of condemnation and requests more
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clarification to the rest of us what was clearly shocking anti-semitic and anti-u.s. sentiments. omar responded back to them and said, "it is shameful for colleagues who call me when they need my support to now put out a statement asking for clarification and not just call. she says, the islamophobic tropes are offensive, the constant harassment and silences from the signers of this letter is unbearable. clay, is this harassment or calling her out for anti-semitic comments? >> clay: well, first of all, i love that we have finally reached this point, right? without the great satan of donald trump to reunite idiocy of the democratic party, they don't know how to interact with each other now. it was hate of donald trump that drew the people together and now they're actually having to stand on their own statements, as opposed to merely react to his and what you are seeing is there
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is no basis for those statements. yes, this was anti-semitic. yes, this is just a larger issue reflecting the issues that the democratic party has with israeli democracy and their inability and unwillingness to confront the same kind of racism in their own party that they spent so much time focusing on for external factors. i love now we are getting the civil war in the democratic party and squad memberss will get called out for their ridiculous behavior and the way they did it when it was focused on donald trump, as opposed to internally here 6789 she can't clarify the statements, they are direct. she said what she said. many people in the democratic party don't believe america is forces for good and don't believe in massive democracy and that is an issue. >> emily: there is level of satisfaction watching them self-destruct.
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tomi, jump in to her defense and took it a step further and make it about race and gender. rashidaital sdlt ib. exclusive tone policing congresswoman of color. your thoughts on that, tomi? >> tomi: that is all the left has is race. their obsession with race knows no bounds. cancel culture is coming for the left and they're going to start to realize how damaging and destructive and annoying it can be. this is as clay mentioned, day of reckoning for the left, this is what i they wanted, the radical left, this brought them to power, this is what their base consists of and they have the squad they have to deal with, it has been a thorn in nancy's side. they needed the squad, needed appeal on social media and pop culture, now they are starting to turn on each other and the squad members will make it about race, that is all they have done. nancy and the otherss will
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realize, this is going to happen every time they criticize a squad member, member of the far left, they will be called racist and xenophobic, bigoting, basket hillary called us is what they will be called when they criticize a member. day of reckoning for the left. they will have to understand their base may not be as radical as they thought their base was and figure out what will consist of the mid-terms and what policy and people they want to push. for now, the squad and members like ilhan omar and aoc, they have a strangle-hold on this party. nancy knows it. they know it. joe biden probably knows it when he comes out of the basement. figure out what they want to do with that. >> emily: and kayleigh, congresswoman omar, she is a member of the foreign affairs committee and the white house remained silent on this. >> kayleigh: yes, they have and ilhan omar should not be a member of any committee, much
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less the foreign affairs committee. let's review her past. okay, strike one, she comes out and says it is all about the anti-semitic tropes. strike two, if you like israel, have you loyalty to that country. strike three, she says israel hypnotized the world. strike four, she has comparison between hamas and the united states and israel and the taliban, before we get to her comments about 9/11, some people did something. before comments about al qaida and saying that word in a menacing tone. in baseball, three strikes and you are out, in the democratic party, anti-semitic, you can have four, five, six, no consequences. they could not pass a resolution condemning anti-semitic. crickets from the white house. kevin mccarthy did remove a member from committee amid hot,
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bad, racist remarks from steve king in iowa. republicans have accountability, where are the democrats? they are silent in allowing anti-semitic to run rampant in the halls of congress. >> emily: gillian, such a good point and you chime the in last hour with marc thiessen, gop removed for comments made prior to election. this against the backdrop, if you can have a president, according to democratic party, responsible for anti-asian attacks, why can't you point to nexus between a sitting congresswoman and historic spike in anti-semitic attacks we've seen across the country? >> gillian: as with all things, emily, broader context is really important here. got to remind folks, this country just lived through one of the worst anti-semitic
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moments we've seen in decades. hard to live through that and decouple these events from the comments made by the congresswoman. however, i want to say here, as jewish american myself, we do have to be careful about equating criticism of the israeli government and israel politics and israeli state from anti-semitic. there is a difference, it is worth having a conversation about. a lot of liberal democrats here in the united states, are highly critical of the netanyahu regime and for good reason. the point is, saying the things like we've heard some other members of the squad say is not necessarily anti-semitic, but what ilhan omar did in her latest tweet was literally list out the united states and israel, the two governments, alongside hamas and the taliban, which are two terrorist organizations. what she was doing directly equating those systems of government with terrorists, that
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is something that should probably be cause for pause for house leadership, especially when they're looking at the house foreign affairs committee. above and beyond all this, she has an obligation, professional obligation not to dent great america's allies, special obligation that comes along with seat on that powerful committee. >> emily: that is exactly right. the same breath, she sort of questions what avenues of accountability u.s. citizens and global citizens have against in her words "the systems of governments that committed atrocities, including the united states and israeli governments," and clay, give you last word before we go on. >> clay: look, the democratic party, they are in the middle of a civil war. they will have to make a decision, are they willing to fully condemn in substantive way, other than words, are they going to take action? can they take action without their liberal base revolting
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against them? the snake is starting to eat its own tail, own head, amazing to watch. without trump, there is no one to focus on and they have to have the battles tin ternally. >> emily: take a seat at the table. another headline, vice president kamala harris mishap on her kamala harris mishap on her first trip enough, crohn's! >> vice president harris: i'm not finished. to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis... stelara® can provide relief and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer.
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>> emily: 79 days after president biden put her in charge of addressing the migrant surge, vice president harris said she will go to the u.s. southern border, but she'll keep us posted on the date. it came during her latest rocky performance on the international stage. the vp's first foreign trip to guatemala and mexico getting tough reviews from the media and now this testy exchange with univision reporter. >> vice president harris: i've said i'm going to the border. >> when are you going to the border? >> vice president harris: i'm not finished.
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i've said i'm going to the border and also, if we are going to deal with the problems at the border, we have to deal with the problemss that cause people to go to the border, to flee to the border, that is the root causes. >> emily, i was stunned when i saw this exchange last night, wow, first saying, yeah, i haven't gone to europe and now saying, i'm nots finished. does she know how to communicate? she's taking media training, i do not think it is working. >> emily: i don't see it working yet either, kayleigh. univision reporter demonstrated more poise and strength and unflappable quality than our vice president did, to that end, i'm embarrassed for her, constituent, for her to lose her mind everyone somebody asks what she perceives as a tough question or dares to interject, a ton of t-shirts made, i'm speaking, it rings like she's a maniac in these interviews.
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to go back to the earlier conversation about how criticism is framed, let's read a quote from edward isaac dover, harris' aides believe the republicans who attack on immigration are doing so because a, they are having trouble landing punches on biden and harris is a black woman and they want to damage her ahead of inevitable run for president. biden sees criticisms in similar light, i guess it is not possible she is simply failing at something and criticism falls squarely within that and yes, you would think after 18 years of holding an eshg lected position, she would do better in tough interviews. >> emily: gillian, the vice president staff told reporters they are frustrated by the questioning thinking lester holt's question was grounded in republican criticism, in fact it was a fair question, beyond what they are telling reporters, there are white house officials gone on background saying they
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are perplexed, told cnn this, the vice president's inability to answer a question. it is fascinating to see this kind of leaking against the vice president. >> gillian: it is and kayleigh, the best thing anyone said came from dana a couple days ago, dana perino said the big picture problem here is not a pr issue, not a communications issue, there is underlying policy problem and until the policy is refined and until the administration is unified around securing the border, which they appear to not be, messaing will remain tricky, it will remain awkward. people are going to have to go on defense because underlying reality seems to be the president and vice president are not on the same page entirely on this issue. they don't agree on whether or not it is a big deal crisis and don't agree how to address it, that is policy challenge. until you get at the root cause here, well, no pun intended, get
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at the root cause of the biden administration policy problem, you're not going to fix what we're see og tv, which is uncomfortable to watch. >> kayleigh: danaas right, they have a policy problem, substan problem, not messaging one. clay, the media is noticing how bad this trip was. i have headlines i want to put on the screen. we don't often see criticism like this. cnn, kamala harris first rocky trip. politico, trip showed her weakness and harris' trip to guatemala and mexico is mix of diplomacy and controversy, interesting to see the media taking notice. >> clay: yeah, the most shocking thing about the clip of kamala harris on the second interview, kayleigh, you would know better than anybody, she should have been prepped to finally answer this question. maybe she wasn't expecting it when lester holt caught her unaware and she made the comment
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about not having been to europe, failure she created herself. when you made that error, expect to get quizzed on it and have perfect response at your ready, that is why you are seeing officials leaking, i'm sure they prepped her and she failed again. the big picture story here, they are trying to avoid going to the border because there isn't a good answer for why the border is falling aparts and if she goes there, all of the media that might have been willing to pretend this was not an issue, was not a crisis will get on the airplane, fly there with her and all have to write stories about what a mess the border is. she can't communicate very well and has looming border crisis she's in charge of, this feels like to me, a mushroom cloud that will continue to grow and follow her and i don't think it is about race at all, it is about incompetence, she's demonstrated great deal of over the last several days. >> no doubt her aids prepped her, they have a problem with the principal, who has been in
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the public light for sometime, but does not seem ready for prime time. tomi, this comes at time the border is on fire, 180,000 encounters last month, 21-year high, 40,000 for individuals outside of central america, wow, they have a lot on their hands. >> tomi: yeah, when kamala harris says she want to address the root cause or see the problem of why people are coming to the border. address the problem, it is in front of us, vice president kamala harris and the biden administration and the democratic party as a whole. we know why people are coming. the fact democrats sit back like they are dumbfounded people are pouring across the border is amazing they can sit there and say that with a straight face. they said it over and over again, we are not going to turn people away. people are coming across the border with biden shirts on. we know what the root causes are, they are the root causes. the end of the day, instead of
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asking when she's going to the border, i would be surprised if any time soon, they have to ask, why are you not going today? what are you doing that is so much more important than the sovereignty of our nation, why is it you are avoiding it? it doesn't just need to be when, it has to be why. clay mentioned, democrats will have to confront the ugly truth they do not care people are pouring across the border, they don't care our country is being invaded and having hundreds of thousands of new people coming in at time we are picking up pieces from the pandemic. they don't care, it is not a crisis to them, it is an opportunity, but they can't say that to the american people. for now, dog and pony show, the question needs to be asked why, kamala harris, why won't you go? >> kayleigh: she is busy securing faceless cookies to hand out to the press corps. next, more questions of a double standard at cnn, after one
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anchor suggested this republican congressman support for president trump may be why his membership in congressional black caucus is being blocked.
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♪ red, gold -- ♪ [ tires screech ] [ crickets chirping ] for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. ♪ karma-karma-karma-karma-karma chameleon... ♪ >> emily: do not enter the congressional black caucus blocking membership to congressman byron donalds, trump-supporting republican from florida, who says he's tried to join the organization. the 56-member cbc currently does not have a single republican in its ranks. all this as the congressman gets into a heated exchange with a cnn anchor after she suggested his sports for the former president may be the reason he's been unable group. >> whatever the president said in the past has nothing to do with this discussion at all. >> you've defended him. >> please do not cut me off, i have not cut you off, please do
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not do that to me. thank you. as a black man in america, i have my own right to choose who i support. it is important talking about the black caucus or the national caucus of state black legislators, organizations i've been a part in the past, my support of president trump has been consistent, but i've had ability to advocate for proposals and funding that have helped the black community in my state. you are talking to somebody, my first three years in college florida a&m and hbcu. my support for president trump, for or against has nothing to do with this conversation, this is ideology of somebody who is conservative is welcome in the congressional black caucus, it is that simple. to bring up president trump and make it about him doesn't matter, it is irrelevant, nothing to do with the situation at hand. >> kayleigh: it is suggested
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congressman donald's views may not be congruent with the black caucus. the washington examiner pointed out, what about congressman davis, who has praised anti-semite, congruent with the cbc? >> clay: i happening the idea, kayleigh, have you to have a particular opinion to join the black caucus is indicative of the larger issue at play here, diversity of thought is not welcomed right now in much of american politics, particularly on the left wing right now. so what he is advocating for regardless of who the president is, regardless of whether he is a republican or democrat, there are a lot of things that can get done on a bipartisan basis, look at what senator tim scott tried to do in relation to the issues in the country right now, he couldn't find support either. getting in the room and having that conversation and being able to have diversity of thought is
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more important than diversity of color. we focus on diversity of color tochlt me, the cbc is making big mistake not welcoming diversity of thought, it reflecting weakness of their organization, not a strength. >> kayleigh: they used to, neil love, was a member, allen west, as well. i think i found the answer to why byron donalds is not welcome. maybe has something to do with this, pull up the tweet, tomi. yesterday i had the pleasure of meeting with potus trump, now he is out of office, under biden, open border and energy crisis. stagnant economy and weak foreign policy. we miss your leadership, sir. tomi, you think his affiliation with president trump has something to do with it? >> tomi: it does. the fact he is speaking the truth and nothing democrats fear more than when a black republican speaks the truth and
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might wake some people up, might change some people's minds. that is what they are terrified of. if they don't have a strangle hold on minority votes, they cannot win. terrifies them this gentleman, this congressman, this leader would come out and support donald trump and conservative policies and agenda items. his support for donald trump should be applauded within the black community, donald trump did more for the black community than many presidents before him, black, white, any person really, donald trump did amazing things for. black unemployment, opportunity zones, advocacy for getting people back to work, his protection of the border, donald trump is president for all americanss, did great for black americans, why are democratss surprised black republicans support former president trump, he did amazing things for us all. i hope these black republicans
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continue to speak and get louder because they will change minds, they just have to beat through the white noise and ridiculousness from the fake news media to do it. >> kayleigh: that is right. gillian, this seems to be a trend, beyond the congressional black caucus, the hispanic caucus bragged about not having a single republican member or asian pacific caucus either. caucus either. >> the nature of the caucuses is
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changing in the post trump era. not to make it about president trump, we know washington is much more highly politicized now than four years ago. i think they are moving away from this model of self-selection and moving to more sort of exclusive membership model. i agree with clay, i think that is really a liability, a huge liability for the cbc they have had plenty of republican members in the past, they don't today in the 21st century, when they say the whole raison detra for this caucus to promote equity and interest of black americans around the country. the other problem i see here, by excluding congressman donalds, you are not just excluding him and his beliefs, you are exkuzing the people who elected him democratically to serve. to me, that is the bigger problem here. if they took issue with the fact, with how he was elected,
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if his election was in dispute, might have grounds to stand on, that is not part of the equation. he is elected to congress and should represent his constituents in the caucuses he chooses, simple as that. >> kayleigh: it is simple as that. emily, circling back to where we began with the exchange on cnn, congressman donalds did fantastic job. oddacity of a white woman to tell a black man how he is supposed to think, an amazing exchange. >> emily: unfortunately, that is par for the course, kayleigh, the issue all of these activists, like alyssa milano, everyone taking up space and shouting louder than those whose communities they claim to represent, they come in with savior, we know better than you or stay quiet while i tell you what to think, it is ark
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pauling. my colleagues made excellent points on the 59el. to everyone's point, supposedly diversity of thought and equality inclusivity, equity, those are hallmarks of the democratic party, of this administration, cbc, furthering black communities, i would think those things would be hallmarks and that includes those of other political partiess. seems that inclusion and really the priority of communities first, those all fly out the window if someone is a trump supporter or republican in this day and age, gillian, your point about excluding larger community rings true. messaging is there for all of us what the priority is. right? it is not communities at all, it is getting a got you moment in, ability to swing the door shut behind someone or in front of their face. >> gillian: and prioritizing politics, emily, what caucuses are designed to fight, pushback
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on issues, we are losing the point. >> emily: exactly right. >> kayleigh: exactly right, harris always sdz, a lot of painting with a broad brush, we should not be doing. tale of two covers, time magazine hyping president biden as a tough guy ahead of his summit with vladamir putin. they did complete opposite with former president trump. will the coverage ever end? and it guides you. to shine your brightest. as you charge ahead. illuminating the way forward. a light maker. recognizing that the impact you make, comes from the energy you create. introducing the all-electric lyriq. lighting the way. ♪ ♪
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the newday 100 va loan. only from newday usa. >> kayleigh: president biden set to meet with russian president vladamir putin in geneva next week, the main-stream media is hyping it up as a win. time magazine latest cover reads taking on putin and showss biden sizing up the russian leader through his sun glasses. the headline inside, biden plans to get tough with putin. compare that to the cover after trump and putin held a summit, the two leaders moved together. kayleigh, first to you on this. what are your thoughts? >> kayleigh: incredible. time magazine transposes president trump's face to putin's and this came as the media, time included, entirety
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of the media with exception of fox and a few other placess telling us president trump was agent of russia, colluded with russia, mueller report would bring forth claims. adam schiff said he had evidence of this. we find out there was no russia collusion and now fast-forward to biden, they paint as some hot shot in pilot glasses going to stand up to poout after he gave putin the biggest geopolitical win, pipeline that circumvents ukraine. you can't make this up. democratic president, probganda for the russian -- for the republican, rather, but when democrat is in power, probganda for the party. >> emily: that is right, clay. >> clay: they are presupposing what is going to happen with no idea what is going to happen. they are setting the media narrative and agenda we are
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going to see biden stand up to putin and most will not pay attention to the nuances of this. they will see headline and pay attention to the cover and believe it is true, even if it is not as kayleigh said, the pipeline fiavo and the fact you are already creating this false narrative before we know what the interaction between the two guys is going to look like and it just builds on the further russia collusion ridiculous narrative, which was carried forth for years and is probably the biggest failure of the american media this side of covid in the 21st century. it is par for the course. it is pathetic. it is sadly totally expected. >> gillian: can i say real quick, flag this for you guys. listening to kayleigh and clay talk, i actually see this cover a little bit differently. i don't see it as flattering portrayal of president biden, i think the fact they put him in
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aviator sunglasses makes him look unserious. there are two putins in the image further promotes the idea biden is facing uphill climb. if you read the article, it is hardly some glowing portrayal of how the authors expect biden to handle putin. they say the entire landscape changed during the first four months he's been president. they say putin spent entirety of that time attacking u.s. food and gas supplies as kayleigh pointed out and paint this picture will it be tough to take on putin in one-on-one format. they wish him best of luck, but say it is good he is meeting with the european leaders first to show the world the u.s. is on this high-powered team now so when he meets with putin alone, people understand he's got backing from other major countries. i don't see it as flattering
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portrayal of the president. >> clay: i think it makes him look like a bad ass. i would love to be on that cover. >> gillian: i don't agree. >> kayleigh: tomi, do you think the american people will get a fair shake out of this? will the media cover adequately and accurately what happens rather than presupposing benefit of the doubt we know the prior administration did not receive? >> tomi: listen, that might as well be a rhetorical question. we know what the media is going to do with president biden, ask him questions about the flavor of ice cream he likes. as clay said, we know what it is going to be. you can put image of him, cartoon image of him wearing aviator glasses looking bad ass, wearing glasses, what i know majority of the american people do not think joe biden will stand up to anybody, nancy pelosi or aoc for that matter, the man is coming from place of
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weakness. jill biden says he is overprepared for his meetings, i don't think anybody is buying that on the righter left. the point about the pipeline and waving sanctions, someone from south dakota that got the news keystone pipeline has been officially terminated, that to me and not focusing on the giant win he gave to russia at detriment of american jobs and american communities, that is to me farce and ridiculous it didn't receive more coverage. >> gillian: yeah. >> emily: i agree and aviator glasses does not make a strong man. remains to be seen. >> kayleigh: thank you, emily. only for maverick. the woke crowd is going after something as american as apple pie. yes, guys, the actual pie. wait until you hear this. ♪ ♪
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>> kayleigh: a black republican lawmaker says he's being snubbed by the black caucus. why won't the cbc admit byron
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donalds? he will join us live in moments, plus civil war by president biden's own party, we'll ask rove whether this could derail his agenda. the cover of the "new york post" reading ""american idol," record number of job openings in the country begs question, are unemployment benefits keeping people at home? it is friday, join john and me as "america reports" top of the hour. ♪ ♪ bye-bye miss america pie. drove the chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry. ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: british news site guardian drawing scorn for branding apple pie racist. after one writer said the treat is linked to "a vast and ongoing genocide of indigenous people. the famously liberal publication, the food writer
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claims the all-american desert was born of americanism and slavery after highlighting how appless arrived in the west from central asia 4000 years ago. says colonnizers used apple trees as markers of civilization and drove native populations off their land. he says the sugared crust and the apple pie cooled on is symbols of racism. tomi, they cancel people, now food, this is crazy. >> tomi: yeah, imagine eating an apple pie and thinking to yourself, this reminds me of genocide of indigenous people. the left knows no bounds, they are offended and triggered by everything. what a ridiculous and sad way to go through life, to search and research things to be triggered and defended by. this is the modern day left dochlt they have anything better to do? anything more productive?
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maybe real journalism, focus on problems of the world, laundry list of items we're confronting because of this current administration? more productive use of time f. apple pie triggers you, life is going to be real, real tough. >> gillian: it is, clay, is that something you believe in? >> clay: you can't even satirize culture anybody. if you are trying to write the most ridiculous article to cancel something you can imagine, this article might well be it for apple pie. tell you this right now, if they come after cobbler, you will have to pry it from my cold dead hands. i gallon to war, especially blackberry cobbler, the best cobbler, i will take snied comments about apple pie, i'm not a fan. cobbler, going to war, kayleigh, i won't allow it to happen. >> kayleigh: i will not allow them to touch it, no criticism.
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gillian, this author did go on to complain about beef. for clay, going to war over cobbler, hey, you can touch the pie, the cobbler, do not come for my hamburger. we will have major issues. >> clay: that is coming. >> kayleigh: well, you could argue that already has come. >> gillian: time for climate change activists saying we should eat less beef, by the way, not a bad thing. we are learning more that red meat is not great for us in large quantities, you might want to follow that guidance for other reasons. what i want to say about apple pie, the problem with all this, where it is meant to be prescriptive, this is not just some intellectually thought-provoking article, what the article is trying to say, americans shouldn't eat apple pie, reject apple pie colonial heritage. if we eliminate every food that
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didn't originate in u.s. soil, we're left with nothing and by extension, other countries around the world would be left with nothing, as well, suddenly have major global hunger problems. what they need to get at here is a previption that is actually workable. i'm speaking to progressives, who are arguing here that this is some kind of culture misappropriation. come up with solution that is not insane and you won't have panels like ours sitting here laughing at you. >> kayleigh: exactly right. very good point, gillian. certain point, we have to eat apple pie and enjoy it. unfortunately, the left is not there yet. all right, we'll be right back with more "outnumbered." i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back, a lot is going on. tell us about your new radio gig. >> thank you for having me on. i'm having a fantastic time hanging out with you over the past hour and we'll have a lot of cool things cross-pollination, cross-pollination. it will connect fox news and fox sports, and we are excited if you haven't checked that out, make it part of your rotation and on june 21st, bud sexton and i will be stepping into the issues of rush limbaugh timeslot, nobody can replace him, but i know the battles that he had thought that matter so much to so many people. that is not a flattering photo, is that the worst photo that's ever been taken of me? we are going to have a lot of fun from noon-make 3:00 p.m. eastern. i'm sure you guys will come on as guests sometime and i hope you enjoy it. >> big shoes to fill there.
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the late great rush limbaugh, i listen to him and my dad's truck growing up. he had a boldness for proclaiming the truth and i know you guys will too. congratulations. >> congrats to back bucket, we all echo that. congrats to you both, and thank you to everyone for being here and now here is "america reports". to keep the congressional black caucus facing backlash after shutting out republican congressman byron donald's while welcoming other first-term members this year. donald says he's getting the cold shoulder, just because he has a different point of view. >> congressman byron donald himself joins us on that. coming up will also hear from the senator on whether china would ever come clean on covid. we take on the woke movement in the military plus we will have doctor nicole safire on hackers targeting intensive care units. and karl rove that's all coming up. >> he is fired up and ready.


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