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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  June 12, 2021 3:00am-7:00am PDT

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me. she reminds me of me. >> lawrence: how can you make this about you. >> greg: i'm a very giving person. >> lawrence: you cannot steal this moment from her and make it about you, greg. you get one hour a day plus another hour. anyway, that's it for us. we will see you back here on monday. have great weekend. ♪ ♪ ♪ want to have fun ♪ oh girls just want to have that's all they really want ♪ is have fun ♪ what in the world can pete: that's a beautiful shot here in new york city. thanks for being here, june 12th, year of our lord, 2021. that is not the most beautiful shot that we have this morning. as soon as they turn the robotic, yes. look who is here officially.
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we love her. we know her. she has been with us a long time but now she is officially a member of the "fox & friends weekend" team rachel campos-duffy. [applause] rachel: thank you so much. so exciting that was my music selection. i wanted to kind of be a theme for us going forward. pete: okay. rachel: girls just want to have fun. pete: only one girl here. rachel: you can join. in it's a new world. you guys know that. pete: it is true. rachel: also shows what you era i come from. i'm a little older than you pete and will. i'm not in 80's. any time i get to pick the music today, rick, for you, there is going to be a lot of 80's music. will: i don't know if that works rick reichmuth is right here in studio as well. pete: can we show him. will: all across the studio. there he is. [cheers and applause] will: rachel, i came just for your first day to be right here
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to celebrate. i know you think you are wisconsin. i think you are arizona. let's just get that very straight. i think arizona. you are my arizona girl. and i'm so happy you are here. rachel: thank you. will: we are one big happy family in studio this morning that only adds to rachel's massive family of nightbeat children. she now has two. i don't know what we'll served a dough less september children probably as children. rachel: guess what, you guys, later on in the show you are actually going to get an inside view to my family because the cameras came to wisconsin and got a little inside look at what it is like to put dinner together at our house and so we will do that. pete: a little preview there. this will be fun to see. i have seen a small glimpse of it. but this is -- it's like running an army chow hall. rachel: actually, pete, you kind of know what this means. pete: a little bit. rachel: don't pretend like you don't foe what that chaos. pete: see fun stuff and play the hits of rachel campos-duffy on
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the show. rachel: rachel campos-duffy/rick, too. pete: glad to see you rick. rick: i'm happy to be here. will: she is no stranger to rick and our audience and us but while it's no surprise that she is sitting with us here today it is so wonderful to have you officially part of the family. rachel: thank you. will: i know everybody at home feels the same way. rachel: you guys couldn't make me feel more welcome. i'm so happy. pete: we should just keep talking about that. not much news going on. rick, do you want to lead the news. rick: i'm going to work on weather maps. pete: pelosi. rick: it's my favorite. no, it's not. pete: we will be back with rick that second. nancy pelosi is the name atop our teleprompter here because she has made the decision yesterday not to take further action against ilhan omar after ilhan omar made some remarks earlier this week which our
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audience is probably familiar with casually comparing the u.s. and israel to the taliban and hamas. she put out a statement clarifying. there was no apology, let's be clear about that. she clarified her remarks. apparently that was sufficient for house speaker nancy pelosi. here's what pelosi said. >> should any further action be taken against representative omar for her comments. >> no, no i don't. >> [inaudible] >> no, i don't. i think she clarified her remarks and that was -- we accept that and has a point she wanted to make and she has a right to make that point. there is unease about how it was interpreted. she made her clarification. will: the "new york times" responded with a headline that says the following showdown over omar's comments exposes sharp division among democrats. i got it right here on my paper. hold on i can read it here. sharp divisions among democrats,
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representative ilhan omar equate u.s. and israeli atrocities with those of hamas and the taliban. prompting outrage at a time when her party needs unity to maintain its slim majority. represents two things on the part of omar foreperson ignorance to go about comparing hamas and israel and 'taliban to the united states. the united states is always the bad guy. to say compare the united states into entities we know are the bad guy. and the question is, here, does the democratic party follow ilhan omar or does nancy pelosi peel away? rachel: i thought a lot about what we thought about yesterday. there is collegiate -- we all went to university and that was the running line there anything that happened in the world was the fault of america and, you know, our colonialism and, you know, whatever else.
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but i do not think that nancy pelosi should do anything to omar because representative omar represents her district well. and you are from there. and i don't believe that our congress -- that we should be policing speech there. i think there should be no punishment. i do not think she should be removed from that committee. they put her there she represents her district. and i don't think-i actually think that the republican leadership should learn from nancy pelosi and they should not reprimand or castigate or punish members of their caucus that, you know, whether it's marjorie taylor green or whatever, she represents her district. let's stop with all this cancel culture. i don't agree with anything omar said. but i do think she represents her district well whether we like that or not. pete: it's a great point and ultimately a reflection of their voting base. rachel: right. pete: which votes for this.
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that's what the "new york times" said in that statement. last line her party needs unity to maintain the slim majority. they should have said our party unity. this exposes a fracture which is real which is representative of the way younger, more rad likized more left wing democrats view america's view of the world. they have been taught it, they believe it she reflects it the democratic party is basically owning it. will: a comment the past couple days by a commentator named charlotte climber. military. big lgbtq activist she was saying in comparing the united states to iran at least iran has trans affirming state sponsored gender assignment surgery. in other words, in iran you can get a state sponsored sex change. but the reason she doesn't understand. pete: i don't believe that. rachel: i don't either. en. will: they do that in iran they essentially outlaw homosexuality. if you are gay they force you to
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have a sex change. rachel: that's fascinating. will: shows you fundamental ignorance in how the world works. that's what ilhan omar fundamental ignorance in comparing the united states to hamas. ric grenell talked about this. she might want to educate herself a little bit more on how they treat various human rights. listen to ric grenell. >> instead nancy pelosi says she apologized. i have a question for nancy pelosi if she apologized why did they issue a statement. if everything was fine why did you publicly have to do something in the answer is because the public is outraged by these tactics. when are we going to ask ilhan omar and the squad about gay rights in palestinian territories. what about climate change? how are they doing with climate change in the palestinian territory? and this is ridiculous. rachel: ric grenell by the way i love him. i think he is brilliant. he brings up a good point.
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also in her statement when loirnl back at nancy pelosi she said other members of the squad did, they said that democrat leadership are trying to silence slack women. and i'm thinking wow, i know a place islamic women are silenced. i thought that was interesting, too. she is free to speak. her voters gave her that platform and up to them to hold her accountable. pete: as she sits on the foreign affairs committee next topic joe biden on first international trip in the u.k. he will be meeting with vladimir putin on wednesday in geneva. in the meantime meeting with the leaders of the g-7. he has shared a little bit of what he -- nicely bachelor style, socially distanced doesn't it look like -- rachel: it does. it looks like a dysfunctional globalist family to me.
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pete: it really, really does. about as functional as some of the comments that have been coming out as well. we are getting previews of what joe biden thinks he will say or believes at this moment he will say on wednesday and what vladimir putin will say. but boris johnson who is the prime minister of the u.k. head of the conservative party. these are supposed to be the conservatives over there in the u.k. he talked about some of the objectives of what the g-7 sees as the strong block foreign policy going forward. watch this. >> they wanted to be sure that we're beating the pandemic together. and discussing how we will never have a repeat of what we have seen but also that we are building back better together. and building back greener and building back fairer and building back more equal and how shall i -- in a more gender neutral and perhaps a more feminine way. how about that, anything else.
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those are some of the objectives that we have before us. will: a more feminine way. rachel: gender neutral, too? what does that mean? it's so bizarre and fake and phoney. empty. will: such a good catch there is a general push to push push away from masculinity. toxic masculinity as well as foreign policy. he said gender neutral right before he said more feminine. grabbing any cultural catchphrase he can at the moment. rachel: like a pot of like virtual signaling nothingness. it's dumb and week. it looks week. and you have the g-7. someone is watching, the chinese communist government and looking at weaklings and laughing. will: not just the russian government but how about vladimir putin. interesting comparison between our current president and the
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former. >> even now i believe that former u.s. president, mr. trump is, an extraordinary individual, talented individual. otherwise, he would not have become u.s. president. is he a colorful individual. you may like him or not. and but he didn't come from u.s. establishment. he had not been part of big-time politics before. and some like it. some don't like it. but that is a fact. president biden, of course, is radically different from trump because president biden is a career man. he has spent virtually his entire adult itd. oeahood in person. look how much time he has spent in senate there are advantages and discuss advantages there will be no impulse from this president. rachel: it when biden came into office he said the world is going to respect us again. this is what he says ahead of this big meeting? pete: of course they don't respect us more. the one thing trump, they knew about trump is that he was
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unpredictable. that he was going to put america first. just like putin said later on i put russia first. will: at the very end he said less impulse based. pete: more predictability. crimea, ukraine, do what we want to, let's expand our orbit. they know exactly what they are getting in joe biden you said the word it's weakness they will take advantage of it. will: joe biden does have the backing of the media. take a look at the "times" magazine. in a meeting with russia "times" is prepared to paint joe biden not as you said, rachel weak but strong. those your shades, man. rachel: does look a little like pete after his bahama vacation nice and tan. but i will say this, they couldn't actually use a photo because he looks so aged and frail and so that's actually like a drawing which i think is interesting.
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pete: who knows. we will see what he says on wednesday. he couldn't articulate what it is what will happen behind closed doors. rachel: maybe he will wear the shades to the meeting. pete: that would work. will: we will continue welcoming rachel to the show throughout the morning. we turn to additional headlines starting with a fox news alert. the shooting leaves 13 people hurt in austin, texas last night. police say the shots were fired at large crowds in a popular night life area in the city's downtown on sixth street. famous doubt party area. at least two people are in critical condition. police have not said what led up to the shooting. no arrests have been made. and chicago, multiple people reportedly injured during a shooting at a nightclub. seven people shot. three people transported to the hospital in critical condition. we will keep you updated as this story develops as well. and those are your headlines. pete: all right. well, still ahead.
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leo terrell said he wanted to be rachel's first guest on "fox & friends." he officially welcomes rachel to the family. that is next. ♪ obsession has many names. this is ours. the lexus is. all in on the sport sedan. lease the 2021 is 300 for $379 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. ♪ sometimes you wanna go ♪ ♪ where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪♪ ♪ and they're always glad you came ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see(ah-ah) ♪ ♪ our troubles are all the same (ah-ah) ♪
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♪ you wanna be where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ you wanna go where people know ♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you.
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rachel: our next guest had one special request for my first day co-hosting "fox & friends." he was the first to tweet after i found out i got the job he said congratulations, rachel on your new assignment. can i be your first interview? well, you got what you asked for. helping kick off the show all the way from california is fox news contributor and my friend leo terrell. hi, leo. >> hi, rachel. i'm so glad. i want to thank fox. i want to thank you. i have a big smile on my face. congratulations. i'm so happy to be your first guest. and i really want to say one other thing.
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rachel: sure. >> we work together on the big saturday and sunday show. i'm a pretty good lawyer. i'm offering you free legal services 24/7 if pete or will give you a headache. just call me, i'm a good lawyer. i'm a very good lawyer. and pete or will give you a hard time, give me a call, i will get to new york immediately. rachel: thank you. leo, that is a service that i will -- i'm going to have you on speed dial. because i expect that i will be needing that thank you, leo. you are the best. you are one of the early people to tweet me and say that to me and thank you so much. you know i love, love, woulding with you. i want to get to an important topic because black lives matter right now there is some infighting going on, we know that patrice cullors the co-founder spent lavishly on houses and misspent all this millions of dollars she got from corporations. she spoke yesterday at ucla, giving an address. so the question i have for you is what is happening with the blm. is this infighting going to have
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some long blasting damage the organization and reputation and what will pap happen to patrice cullors. >> let me be clear. first of all, i'm not a black lives matter fan. i believe it's very destructive in the black community. i welcome the in-house fighting, rachel, because black lives matter collected $90 million last year. and no one knows where that money is at. patrice cullors, during memorial weekend quietly resigned. why? she purchased three homes throughout the country. she paid for one in los angeles in cash. and a lot of people want to know where is the money? and i honestly believe, rachel, that the $90 million was used for the wrong reason. we need to van audit. i think the black community has been exploited. if that $90 million that black lives matter truly matters that money should be in schools, in helping black businesses. but no one knows where the money is at you will. i think the in-house fighting is great. let's find out where that money
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is at. rachel: what kind of messages to it send to the black community that they took this money basically because black people died and then they misspent it, misused it, and no one is showing any accountability here. >> i think it sends the wrong message. i honestly believe that the black community has been exploited by black leaders within blah black lives matter. they have been exploitsd. look. black lives matter has one scenario, they want to see a white officer involved with a black individual and then they raise national attention of racism. there is no systemic racism in america. they don't care about black-on-black crime in chicago. they don't care about david dorn a black police officer who was killed during the riots of the summer. they exploit people. it's the al sharpton shakedown theory of shaking down corporations for money. it is wrong. rachel: let's see if the members actually do something about it. leo, it's great to have you this morning. thanks for doing wonderful
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welcome on my first interview on "fox & friends weekend." we love you. >> thank you, thank you very much, rachel. rachel: come back, leo. >> will do. rachel: you got it janice dean is nag into puppy love as she spends the weekend at the westminster dog show. janice gets upclose look at the famous agility course when we come back. ♪ you need all the friends you can get. i'm tellingus you. ♪
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1b . will: over 300 dogs will test their skill on outdoor course first time in years westminster dog show. janice dean is live from tarrytown, new york with a sneak peek at the competition. janice, normally the westminster dog show is a parade of who looks best who fits breed stan
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ders. this is new to bring in agility course and open to mixed breed dogs. i'm kind of excited. tell me about it, janice. janice: i'm very excited all going to happen on fox sports tonight at 5:00 p.m. i to the a sneak peek with my friends chelsea and liz. take a look. ♪ >> chelsea. >> how do you get her to just sit and behave. >> a lot of work and a lot of treats. [laughter] janice: just like the weather person. i do everything for treats. has she done the westminster dog show before. >> she has. she has been in the finals. janice: how long does it take you to train a dog to do this course? >> when you start with puppies, you do just basic foundation work no. obstacles, then, over time then you start to add in the height of the jumps and the different obstacles. janice: how do you tell chelsea how to do it and where to go. >> we use a combination of both verbal can cues and will physical cues.
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>> jump dig dig dig. >> every course is different. never run the same course twice. 8 minutes to pretend you are running with your dog. janice: what about sweet chelsea? >> she just gets one try at it. janice: that's why it's called best in show. janice: how do you like the outdoor event. they haven't had the westminster outdoors since the very, very beginning. >> i love it outdoors. the dogs love running outside it gives them a kick in their step. i understand do you a little bit of agility yesterday. need to be better at performing and so i'm hoping that you and chelsea can really show me how it's done. >> we would love to. >> are you ready to do this? are you going to show me what you do? >> chel, dig dig dig, jump jump jump. zoey, yes.
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jump. around, around, around. yea. [cheers] janice: good job that was amazing. could i be a handler? >> yeah, absolutely. janice: chelsea, go, jump. go. tunnel, tunnel, tunnel. [laughter] janice: chelsea, will duty weather next time for me? oh my gosh. how fun is that? that's a first for me. this is probably one of my favorite assignments of all time. liz told me that chelsea has never taken direction from another human duke the agility course, so i am so honored. i will be here all day today at the westminster dog show today and tomorrow airing on fox, big fox tonight as well at 5:00 p.m.
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will, i know you are jealous. you have to be. will: i am. i'm a big dog person and you are alpha if chelsea followed you like that that's impressive. i'm not being tv host gratuitous and plug the corporate event. i love dogs agility courses they have been doing them five or six years. i'm jealous, janice it, looks like fun. i will be watching tonight 5:00 tonight. master agility on fox at 5:00 tonight. thank you. janice: thank you, my friend. will: take care. teen heart inflammation could be linked to getting the vaccine. why dr. marty makary says you should think twice before getting your kid vaccinated. that's next.
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this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. are >> the bottom line is that covid-19 in pediatric patients, although rare with regard to serious complications, definitely can be very serious. and the good news is that covid-19 vaccine have proven to be very safe and effective including in younger people.
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rachel: as dr. fauci pushes for more vaccines among kids, the cdc is holding an emergency meeting next week on heart inflammation in young males, potentially linked to the covid shot. will: in new op-ed you should think twice before giving covid vaccine to healthy kids. peter: doctor, break it down for us. why should parents think twice. >> look, i don't think people should be getting second dose right now if someone is under age 30 given what we know. we will need more guidance. right now it appears that there is 226 cases in the united states that we know of young people getting this heart inflammation we call myocarditis or perry car diets and probably dose related. the dose in children is probably a little too high. that's my conjecture. if you remember back when the oxford astrazeneca trial was done they accidently gave half a dose and it turns out they had the same outcomes.
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it's probably dose-related. rachel: what's more dangerous for a child, getting covid or taking this vaccine? >> well, i think they can get pretty good protection with one dose for now. that is if we end up delaying the second dose a little bit lower or changing the dose down the road. that is not a tragedy to delay the second dose. of course suzanne marquez other countries have done it if you look at israel, they have had about the same number of these heart complication cases with a population of about 1/50th the size of the united states population. they are no longer recommending the vaccine kids 12 to 156789 germany is also recommending kids avoid the vaccine. we need more information and right now i would tell people avoid the second dose. will: dr. in kara pfizer responded with the following: just on the way out, doctor, tell us a little more. what is myocarditis, heart
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inflammation what are the effects on a child of these conditions? >> well, it presents as heart discomfort or chest discomfort or chest pain, what it is general body inflammation that effects the heart. 95% of the cases are mild. that's what they observed in israel. certainly something that for an infection that a healthy kid has an almost infinitesimally small risk of developing a problem with. will: you are saying with covid the risk is infan tis sin. >> there has never been a child die of covid out of one or two test reports. rachel: no one says that they will give you the number of kids that have died from covid which is tragic. not one of them that you have seen or that you have, you know, looked at the data has been a healthy child and that would have taken so much fear out of parents so long ago. i just feel like there is such a
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lack of transparency. >> that's right, rachel. there is about 49 million kids in the united states. and 300 have died of covid during the entire pandemic. that's when the background infection levels were high. they are much lower now. they are 1/40th to 1/60th the number of cases we had just say five or six months ago. 4,000 cases of the multi inflammatory condition which are associated with covid as well. '. pete: dr. marty that carry as always breaking it down to us. we have reached tout to moderna. we have not heard back yet. thank you. turning now to a few additional headlines, including this. chicago police released body cam footage on a suspect who opened fire on officers at point blank range. >> stop. get your hands up. come on. [gunfire] pete: the suspect shot both officers responding to shots of
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gunfire in the area. one was hit in the shoulder and hip. the other was hit in the hand. both have been released from the hospital. the suspect was also injured now facing charges including attempted murder. they heard gunshots and ran toward them for you. virginia's loudoun county public schools plan to appeal a judge's order to reinstate p.e. teacher tanner cross. he was suspended after speaking out at a school board meeting saying he refused to refer to students by preferred gender pronoun. >> i'm a teacher but i serve god first, and i not affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa because it's against my religion. it's lying to a child. it's abuse to a child. and it's sinning against our god. pete: the district says cross violated its policy that requires use of gender neutral pronouns and it will appeal the judge's order to the state's supreme court. and a fisherman has a biblical experience off the coast of massachusetts. take a listen.
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>> everything went black. and i was like oh my god. what the heck? where am i? i just got a whale. pete: michael packer says he was swallowed like jonah for a whale while diving for lobsters. he believes he was in the whale's mouth for 30 seconds before he was spit out. he later revealed on facebook he was very bruised up but has no broken bones. rachel: do you believe that? pete: that sounds like your headlines. rachel: sounds like a fishing tale. will: eaten by a whale? rachel: i don't believe that. pete: right here on the cover of "the new york post." what do you mean? rachel: i heard a lot of people exaggerate their fishing tales. [laughter] will: turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth with a fox weather forecast. rick: it was this big the fish i
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caught. i don't think so. guys, i don't remember how to control my clickers. so marilyn, if you have been watching the show for a while, you understand sometimes i forget how to do things and lose stuff. marilyn you heard me say marilyn she moves the maps clicker for me. rachel: blame it on marilyn. rick: marilyn is saving my butt here. will: marilyn click to next map. rick: warm here across the ohio valley. we have a lot of moisture, it's hot. it's summer. it's humid and with that we get some afternoon storms. marilyn, one more. there you go. we had it yesterday especially parts of the mid-atlantic, calming down a little bit. see those fire up today. marilyn, one more. then across parts of oklahoma. big band of storms cutting through across parts of the red river valley. one other story we will watch a lot, marilyn, as you move forward, is heat building out across parts of the southwest. incredible heat building here. this is for rachel, who i'm trying to bring back to arizona. one more, marilyn, take a look at what happens over the nest
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three days phoenix. 119. will: way to win back. rachel: makes me want to stay at the lake in wisconsin. rick: so true. will: thank you rick and marilyn. the cartel activity is spilling over our southern border. lara logan has seen the crisis firsthand as we learn human smuggling going unreported online. ♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. right now, she's not thinking about her work
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over in all sorts of ways. will: this, as a report finds that facebook is failing to identify private human smuggling services using its platform. >> rachel: what does this mean for the ongoing crisis at the border? let's ask fox nation host lara logan. thank you for joining us. so what does this mean and what's going to happen? are they going to crack down on facebook for this? >> well, are they going to crack down on facebook for anything? i mean, if actions speak louder than words then we are in trouble. right in the irony here is if facebook had just been given a day's warning or something about this it would be one thing. but we are talking about a significant enough period of time to have taken real action against it just try posting something that they don't want you to say about trump or about the election or about, you know, fraud and the election or covid or any number of subjects that don't fit facebook's narrative? so there is no excuse for this anymore. the real question is why are americans still continuing to put up with it?
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it's ridiculous, really. pete: lara, you know this better than anybody else. what does cartel activity spilling over mean? we hear it? what does that actually mean for u.s. citizens? >> it means have you opened the border to the most violent criminal organizations on earth. and they're making so much money out of trafficking people for labor or for sex, that the u.s. taxpayer, the u.s. government have now become complicit in illegal activities. in fact, of the worst kind. what this really means in practical terms as well is that you are going to see more car thefts. you are going to see more home invasions as cartels invade each other and steal each other's stash of people or stash of narcotics. you are going to see more young americans dying from overdoses of fentanyl. it's the deadliest street drug in the history of the world. and it's coming over the border literally pouring across the border.
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and, you know, perhaps, pete, the most reprehensible part of all of this is that i'm dealing with so many reports of children being sent across the country, some of them in the middle of the night. being handed over to people without any checks being done imagine the united states government. human services into contractors who farm them out to subcontractors. and get rid of them as quickly as possible where they are going. wait for the fbi and child protection services or rate for the government it will be two or three years before they admit that they lost track of them and have absolutely no idea what happened to them. that is two years in which most of those children who are being trafficked will actually not survive because the average age that a child who is trafficked for sex survives is three years or less. and, you know, essentially what you are talking about is they are raped and tortured to death.
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will: talk about the complicity of the american taxpayer and american government. pete asked you what does it mean that cartel activity is coming across the border. you pointed out facebook has the ability to censor. this type of promotion of human smuggling. >> speak to someone in u.s. intelligence who too this type of analysis for a living. what they will tell you is you are failing to do something that somehow in some way you are complicit that can be intentional or, you know, it can be unintentional at this point we have to be conscious of what we don't know. right? we don't know how much facebook has done or hasn't done. but, look at the effect look at people all around you, tiktok for months and months and months, twitter as well. this is not the only company, it's all across social media and big tech hypocrisy in all of this is frankly just nauseating. and it's time for it to stop. we, the people, need to say no
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more. pete: lara logan as always does her homework and enlightens us all. rachel: great property. thank you, lara. >> thank you, pete. pete: meet the fishing family in this viral video. plus find out how bass pro shops want to reel you and your family in. ♪ is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis... stelara® can provide relief and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc!
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>> is it your personal best? >> one day going to be back
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again. i will see you later. pete: i will see you later. 2019 cooper reeled in the hearts of millions with a priceless video showing him catch and release a massive bass. the moment cheered on boy a father, grandfather and avid anglers everywhere. the viral clip even caught the attention of brops founder johnny morris. brops annual gone fishing event kicks off this weekend. to bring more families together around their favorite past time. he joins us right now along with his father and grandfather roosevelt and brops service manager frank lopez. thank you all for being here. it's great to have you here. can a marry, what were you expecting to pull out of the water there other than that massive bass. >> i wasn't expecting to catch that big of a bass feel like a . i wasn't fitting to be my pb.
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pete: pb, personal best. clearly you know how to fish. grabbed that thing by the mouth held it up and released it. have you caught anything bigger since? >> yes. later that month, later two months i caught an 8.1-pound bass. pete: 7 pounds bigger than anything i have ever caught. you must have introduced your son to fishing. talk to me about how special an experience like that is. >> yes. i introduced him at an early age at the age of 2. i always wanted me a fishing partner to go fishing with me just like my father raised me when we was little. and i raised a fine young man to be out on the outdoors and he has such a passion for fishing. pete: it's growing. you can tell that for sure. frank, from what i'm told you found out that they like to shop at brops. brops.
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>> this is one of johnny morris favorite videos out there. generational aspect of grandfathers, fathers and son fishing, the lessons that they bring to, you know, to each youngster out there. you know, are there is lots of families out there. lots of dads out there. and, you know, johnny morris really loved the whole joy that ke'mari had catching it and releasing it back into the water. pete: absolutely. father's day coming up, it's a great idea. what type of things will folks see at bass pro shops? >> this weekend and next weekend stores across the country, we also have lots of sales going on. $5 t-shirts. johnny morris rods and reels on sale. we have lots for the family. lots of gift ideas and we also
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have a special $10 off for father's day gift cards. so, if you don't find that special gift, dad can come and pick it out himself. pete: ke'mari, are you going fishing any time soon? how often do you get out there. >> every day, every day. of. pete: every day? are you already better than your dad and grandfather? >> yes, sir. [laughter] pete: a proud smile. i love it. i think it's really neat to see the generational aspect to that. i can't get my kids to catch anything. but i'm going to work on that. ke'mari roosevelt and frank, thank you for the cool story and opportunities at bass pro shops as well. be sure to check out bass fishing and gift cards for dad that are 10% off.
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thank you to all of them. rachel, i haven't caught an 8-pounder ever. rachel: me either. pete: 1 pounder maybe that's making it up. taking steps to break up big tech as one republican senator is suspended from youtube. the big tech censorship coming up next. ♪ ♪ the tempur-pedic breeze° makes because the tempur-breeze° transfers heat... away from your body. so you feel cool... night after night.
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don't take austedo if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, restlessness, movements mimicking parkinson's disease, fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, and sweating. (man) talk to your doctor about austedo... it's time to treat td. td is not ok. visit ♪ ♪ ♪ get real good ♪ honky tonk ♪ you know i understood ♪ i have been through the school of hard knocks and. will: good morning, welcome to "fox & friends." where the only thing happier than me watching these two try to figure out what song is playing is this show who has welcomed in our newest co-host rachel campos-duffy who is sitting on the couch this morning. pete: every hour. rachel: so exciting to be here. thank you, guys.
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will: this song was part of my welcome to you that's darryl dodd who is a big fasten the show watching "fox & friends" singing things are fixen to get real good. rachel: you know i love country so perfect. thank you, will. pete: i was really excited and that music started and i fell asleep temporarily. even though if you watch this show we love you. thank you very much. it's not a genre i grew up as a norwegian minnesota. rachel: he likes britney. pete: that the is genre we grew up with. will: that tells a lot. proud of it. pete: so proud to have you though. it is well-chosen as far as the title. things are fixen to get real good. we had a lot of fun yesterday at the diner. rachel: so happy to be here. thank you, guys. senator johnson is my senator in wisconsin. and he baby one of the most courageous truth seekers throughout this pandemic.
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along with a few other senators but i really think he has been at the forefront here. one of the things he has been champenning let's find out about early treatments. a few months ago he put on a hearing with some doctors about hydroxychloroquine and high enter mechanic continue big tech banned those videos, looking took a u.s. hearing off. pete: these are not like statements on tv. a hearing at the u.s. senate. rachel: u.s. senate hearing taken off, censored. and then he spoke about it recently, i guess this past week and now big tech has actually banned him. not just the hearing but now they have banned him. here is what senator johnson said about that. big tech and mainstream media believe they are smarter than medical doctors who have devoted their lives to science and used their skills to save lives. they have decided there is only one medical viewpoint allowed and viewpoint dictated by government agencies. how many lives will be lost as a result could have been saved with a free exchange of medical ideas. government sanctioned censorship of ideas and speech should
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concern us all. i couldn't agree more. by the way, you guys know that i had covid. my husband took hydroxychloroquine, did i not. he was sick for two hours. i was sick for 8 days. but, more importantly, there is another study that came out that predicted that, are you know, hundreds of thousands of lives could at least 100,000 lives could have been saved with early treatments is that, will, the biggest scandal, perhaps of this pandemic? will: one of the biggest scandal only reason i can't give you affirmative absolute yes there are so many scandals when it comes to misinformation, disinformation, outright lies when it comes to covid. then correspondingly the censorship from big tech. hammer home for one moment the timeline. president trump said grind with zinc could be a viable treatment for anyone diagnosed with covid. the mainstream media freaks out. everyone says that's misinformation. and you begin to censor anyone who repeats those claims.
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ron johnson in a government hearing was censored repeating that same idea. fast forward your clock to just this past week whereas you point out, rachel, a study proved that president donald trump and then ron johnson were correct that survival rate, if anyone took hydroxychloroquine and zinc was increased three-fold. survival rates increased 200 percent. one more turn of the clock ron johnson puts up another video repeating that study, those claims and youtube still takes down the information. after the study proves that what we said back in the spring was correct. pete: will, but youtube says you're wrong. here's what they said in a statement. they said we removed the video in accordance with our covid-19 medical misinformation policy which don't allow content that encourages people to use hydroxychloroquine or how do i say that. >> high enter mechanic continue.
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identifier mechanic continue. ivermectin. you learn from science and adjust accordingly. not according to youtube which says because orange man bad said it early on any iteration, including new studies, will, that is such an important point that could have saved lives has to be shut down. this is the worst manifestation of the collusion between government and big tech you can imagine. rachel: and imagine if you had a loved one who died during this pandemic and they could have possibly be saved with hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. >> we have early in the summer. pete: cost as dollar by the way. nothing. rachel: we have 60 million doses in fema waiting for use. we had on supply early this summer, both of you have people come to you with information because they think, you know you are going to get it out there somehow. this summer i had doctors come
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to me friends of mine said something weird is going on i'm prescribing hydroxy or ivermectin and having pharmacists call me and question me about it say i'm not supposed to do that in my entire life i have never had a pharmacist question any of my prescriptions let alone one that, as you said, is so -- has been studied for 70 years and doesn't cause any harm. there was something weird going on. thank god that senator johnson had the courage to do that. but, wow, what if your loved one died? will: absolutely. a personal question, medical question, and increasingly what would be important is a censorship question. should we do something about big tech at this point that is hurting people's lives? should we consider breaking up big tech. rachel: they are just pajama boys sitting around and telling u.s. senators and doctors. women will pajamas boy that we would a considerable amount of power we need to consider where they need to be broken up.
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kamala harris took first trip in connection with the southern border not too the southern border but to the root causes in guatemala. here is a quick montage how she has been asked about will you visit the southern border and her continuous response. watch. enjoy. >> do you plan to visit the border? >> um, not today. [laughter] >> we have been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. [laughter] i mean -- >> i said i'm going to go to the border. >> when are you going to of the border, vice president. >> the administration has asked -- i'm not finished. [laughter] i said i'm going to the border. rachel: okay, i just love that latina reporter. i don't know who she is. will: she is great. rachel: amazing, tough as nails. she was not going to fall for any of this. i think there is a lot of reporters out there, you know, in the mainstream media that should take a note from her.
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because she was not going to let her get away with that. that's exactly what you have to do to somebody like kamala harris. pete: that's what an unafraid press looks like. univision anchor saying how about you answer the question? i'm not in your pocket. this affects a lot of our viewers directly and you haven't answered it or answered for whether or not you are actually responsible for it or not because you told us you were but then you weren't. and then you went to the root cause. that's like saying i can't stop eating pizza hut it's in my fridge instead of getting rid of it out of my fridge i'm going to pizza hut until stop making pizza. that's not how it works. they will study this trip if they are smart it will be a case study in communication departments across america of how not to conduct your first foreign trip. go there on a farce and then not answer any of the real questions people want answered the entire time. will: case study in communications is an interesting way to look at kamala harris' nervous habit of laughing away tough questions. rachel: yeah.
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will: at first it looked dismissive when we saw this laughter con dessending and dismissive. i'm not telling you it's not. it's clearly nervous and anxiety in inability to answer the question. one thing to me, it's reflective of someone who has been incessantly complimented by the mainstream media on their nonverbal behavior and their response. do you remember how she reacted to mike pence all of her nonverbal condescending facial expressions during the debate. she was roundly applauded on social media and celebrated for being sassy in a sense. same thing when she went after joe biden, actually on busing. she was celebrated for her response. now it's her go to. her nervous tick go to to push away any type of confrontation. and for ari fleischer former white house press secretary he says it all reveals in the end she is not ready watch. >> kamala harris was never and is still not ready for prime. she is not ready for serious governance, the serious responsibility. she was a candidate who winged
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it more often than not. didn't prepare. wasn't thorough, wasn't substantive now she is the vice president shows those same bad tendencies on a trip abroad when all the eyes were on her. these were easily avoided mistakes. but she is gaffe prone because she is not serious. she is not thoughtful and she is not deep. i think that's the only take away when you watch her in action. rachel: you guys, i have to say. pete: amen. rachel: i agree with ari, but the whole premise of the trip was so dumb. i'm going to get to the root causes of the border crisis? well, the road causes are your policies so why are you going to guatemala? just stay in your office and change all the stuff that you did to change the trump policies. pete: how arrogant to say we're going to fly in for two days and fix all your root causes. will: arrogant enough that the president of guatemala said we don't need that. rachel: root cause is not essentially in terms of what is happening at the border right now, it's not really in guatemala. they change policies that were working effectively. the root cause is kamala.
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pete: therefore is the inverse of america first rather than going to the border and learning about the problems of our citizens did you go somewhere else and preach and get called out for it the dangerous part about this and we had lara logan on the program earlier the fox nation host. the danger coming across our border is only getting worse. listen to thsmght they are making so much money for trafficking people for labor or for sex that the u.s. taxpayer, the u.s. government have now become complicit in illegal activities. in fact, of the worst kind. and what this really means in practical terms as well is that you are going to see more car theft. you are going to see more home invasions. you gr going to see more young americans dying from year doses of fentanyl. it's deadliest street drug in the history of the world. and it's coming over the border literally pouring across the border. pete: every day. will: truly fentanyl is terrifying. truly it is a terrifying potential risk to our children.
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fentanyl is absolutely -- pinpointing one particular problem that really can impact americans. americans their children, their lives look at the fentanyl pouring across the border. rachel: i'm absolutely repulsed that our government is complicit in the child sense trade. lara logan has a series on fox nation about that. she has been investigating it very -- i mean, it's just awful. pete: where are the kids going. went on to say where are the kids going? who is accountable for it. don't know. rachel: they don't care. pete: government shipping them quietly in the night all across america to go to schools eventually to go people and organizations that they don't know what the custody chain is. it's mortifying. will: come to america to become americans to run the risk of having fentanyl pumped into your home once you become an american. will: turning now to your headlines starting with a fox news alert. will: three major shootings break out across the u.s. first, 13 people are shot in austin, texas. police say the shots were fired at large crowds in the popular six street night life area downtown. at least two people are in
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critical condition. police have not said what led to the shooting and no arrests have yet been made. and now nine people are shot, including a 2-year-old in savannah, georgia. police say one person has died and several others are critically injured. no word on what led to the shooting or any arrests. then, in chicago, multiple people are hurt during a shooting at a nightclub. the "chicago sun times" reporting 7 people were shot, three were transported to the hospital in critical condition. we'll keep you updated on all of these stories as they develop. chicago mayor lori lightfoot's attorney defended her decision to racially discriminate against white reporters saying it was only done for a strict two-day period. so racism is cool as long as it's really really in a tight time frame. this after the daily caller filed suit over light foot's plan to only grant interviews about her two-year anniversary to black and brown journalists. the democratic mayor lashing out about the lawsuit. >> the lawsuit is completely
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frivolous. i use a more colorful term if we weren't on tv. will: light foot went on tv to say chicago's press corps does not reflect the richness and diversity of the city. nasa administrator bill nelson is launching an investigation into ufo sightings. here we go. nelson says he wants to take a deeper look into the unknown, pete. after this footage was released of a possible ufo sighting. despite alien origin the pentagon didn't rule it out. pete: bill nelson is going to get to the bottom of it. will: yes he in fact quote said i asked our chief scientist and science director if they would look at it from a matter of science. a phrase i have lost faith in. there is something here we just don't know what it is. pete: exactly. that was a profound statement. there is something here, just don't know what it is. will: we have got to find out,
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pete. got to learn. rachel: i have want to find out. pete: president biden's middle east policy not making the grade for our next guest. former green beret joe kemp giving biden an f and running for congress to make his voice heard ♪ ♪ i can't go for that ♪ no can do ♪ i can't go for that and protect your money. an annuity can help cover ♪
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do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. it's time to start a new day. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at by september 11th. but our next guest is skeptical of that time line, in fact he says president biden's entire middle east approach deserves an f. former green beret and gold star husband joe kent is running for congress in washington he joins
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us now. joe, thank you so much for being here. thank you for your service, your sacrifice. your wife killed in action just a few years ago. you honor her legacy by continuing to want to serve. challenge trump in 2020. talk about your race and why you think our foreign policy is so upside down. >> thank you so much, pete, for having me on. primary representative buetler voted for the impeachment trial both for impeachment of president trump and also volunteered to be the democrat's star witness in the impeachment trial in the senate. she represents the failed political class failed to stand up for hardworking americans. she voted to withdraw the funding for the construction of the southern border wall. she voted for endless wars. she voted to keep our troops in syria to keep our troops in afghanistan. so joe biden right now is driving this country off a financial cliff. that issue that we are having right now with our debt being compounded is going to be exploited by our number one adversary, china, if we don't
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get our house in order and bring back production to this country and straighten out our economy. joe biden also is failing in the middle east. he wants to get back into the iran deal. there is a direct cause and effect between providing the iranian regime with more funding and then funding their proxies we have seen that already with what they are doing with funding hamas and as hamas attacks israel. we are also going to see an uptick in attacks against our embassies in iraq where the iranian government has so much control. thanks to the failed policies of joe biden as a senator, as a vice president and now as a president. so we continue to put precarious situation by these failed politicians like jimmy butler and joe biden who have con nothing but fail the american people. it's time to change all of that. pete: joe, you say we continue to do wrong things because people won't admit they are wrong. is it they won't nit they are wrong or they have a different view of the world that doesn't have america in the lead? >> i think it's a combination of the two. the people that have been
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advocating for regime change wars, nation-building and reaching tout a state sponsor of terror like iran, they continue to double and triple down on these failed policies. there is no way with a straight face or any kind of good faith they can argue that their have you of the world engage in bleeding and it lives and resources in the middle east, no way they can argue a case that that has been effective up to this point as someone who fought over there like you did, i really wish i could say that we had actually done the right thing. we have made our country stronger and better for the efforts and the loss that we have suffered in these wars overseas but we just haven't. pete: you know, if a green beret is telling that you nation-building is not working, people should be listening, especially someone who has given as much as you have. keep us posted on your race, joe, good luck and thank you for stepping up yet again. >> i will do, thank you very much. pete: thank you very much. joe kept. still ahead, the florida mom gives the board of education a lesson in truth about critical
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race theory. she joins us with her message. that's next. >> telling my child or any child that they are in a permanent oppressed status in america because they are black is racist. ♪ ups and downs of frequent mood swings of bipolar i? ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar effectively treats depression, acute manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms with just one pill, once a day. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. side effects may not appear for several weeks. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur.
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racist. will: kish quisha king joins us now. so happy to have you on the show. you make a point that is not highlighted often enough. people point out that critical race theory is racist for making white children believe they are oppressors. you point out from the opposite side how racist it is to teach black children that they are oppressed. tell me more about that. >> well, the essence of critical race theory is breaking people into groups and instead of using class, because we are americans, they use race and anybody that is put into an automatic and permanent status oppressor or oppressed is an insult to everyone. and that is not something that is tenable in the united states. will: how disabling is that to teach a black child you are at birth a victim, you are at birth put behind the 8 ball and incapable of aachieving? that seems to me the very essence of holding a child back
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and assigning them to very racist assumptions. >> it absolutely is when we tell people that they can't do something they won't even try so if you are telling young black children that they are anybody outside of that white, male, oppressor class or race they can't do anything, we are setting our future up and our children who are you are omost precious resources you are setting them up for failure and what will relook back to as a society when we see that, you know, these children have not succeeded? >> you know, quisha the proponents of critical race theory say the detractors the critics of critical race theory can't define it. do you feel you understand critical race theory and can define it. >> i think i have a good understanding. i think a lot of us do. it's true a lot of people don't truly understand what it is
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because they will say like oh, it's just teaching racial sensitivity or just teaching slavery history or jim crow. that's not what it is. it is dividing people up in different by their race. and telling them what their permanent status is. will: another really good point proponents of critical race theory that don't understand it think it's the trojan horse words of empathy and tolerance. you understand at its depth it's about oppressor or oppressed. it's marxist ideology. you have gone through interesting transformation. i was reading about your ideology change. you used to vote democrat. now you vote republican. what changed for you? how did you make that journey? >> the most significant change that happened was i'm a person of faith, woman of faith in christ and god spoke to my heart he said your race, your skin color has become an idol in your
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life. and that totally changed my life because i stopped seeing myself through my skin color and started seeing myself through my identity in christ which is who i truly am. it helped me really see the world in a more correct way. will: imagine identifying according to your faith your morals, your character, your actions and not your shallow characteristics. it seems likes a especially play not just for a person but for a country. keisha, thank you so much for getting up with us this morning. >> thank you so much for having me. will: all right. take care. for years, rachel campos-duffy served it up as a fox news contributor, but now she is ready to score as the new co-host here on the couch with me and pete on "fox & friends weekend." let's look at her greatest hits in just a moment. ♪ ♪ all for you ♪ liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need.
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♪♪ ♪ and they're always glad you came ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see(ah-ah) ♪ ♪ our troubles are all the same (ah-ah) ♪ ♪ you wanna be where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ you wanna go where people know ♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. bipolar depression. it's a dark, lonely place. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. emptiness. a hopeless struggle. the lows of bipolar depression can disrupt your life and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms, and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. now i'm feeling connected. empowered. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors or suicidal thoughts.
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of our favorite moments so far enjoy. ♪ pete: joining us now is rachel campos-duffy. what are you doing this weekend? rachel: i'm co-hosting with you, pete, this weekend. i'm super excited. rick: you are amazing person friend of mine a lot of people at the network. rachael rachael first time hosting with you guys. >> not first time on tv we're actually the first reality tv couple we have been together ever since. pete: very cool. >> sean comes out with coffee. rachel comes out with a sippy cup. >> superman and super mom, she is super mom. >> and i think you have a family announcement, tonight you? rachel: i do. we have having another baby. steve: that's fantastic. number nine? rachel: that will be number nine.
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>> nest guest who just had a beautiful baby girl named valentina. rachel: the amazing doctors in chicago children's hospital are going to operate on her heart on monday: our child was born with a congenital heart defect but also with down syndrome. >> i would just say to any woman who has a diagnosis who gets that call from the doctor just like i did, valentina has given me as much joy and pride as any of my other little babies. she is an american and she has a right to live. >> i happen to also be a pro-life woman. would i be welcome at this march? >> of course. >> tell me why you came to the march today. >> i came to the march because i'm fighting for life. >> we just need to stand up for what we believe. >> in i came here to farch for all the babies with down syndrome. rachel: why did you want to be the first sitting president to address this march. >> i didn't do it for that reason but a lot of groups rund siege in our country and they have been for a long time.
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rachel: these ladies are ready to fight. heels on, gloves off. we will talk to some of them right now: tell us what you think about the caravan. >> it hurts my heart to see so many people in desperation. >> are you guys latina. >> yes. rachel: what about the southern border? is that a manufactured crisis or real crisis? >> i think it's manufactured. rachel: now we're having record low -- the lowest ever reported unemployment rate for hispanics. what do you say to that? >> i would say have you ever taken an economics course. rachel: i majored in economics: vice president pence where is he in wisconsin? he is requesting to dairy land power. >> is this the right approach is this going to do something or is this really displacing the blame? the bottom line is this is a down payment on the green new deal. rachel: the parents pushed back. nobody gets points for just breathing. it's really dumb. >> when dad cooks actually cereal and milk in the morning. rachel: i'm the cook in the house. >> i like the team work that happens. a lot of flour flying.
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rachel: lemonry cat that but berry pancakes. using wisconsin cheese. pete: of course. it is "fox & friends" live from talladega. race day. cheerleading is what i used to do. i'm not very athletic. going to try this okay. oh, yeah. rachel campos-duffy. yes. nicely done. back next week. rachel: you are the best to work with. pete: see you tomorrow, too. will: that was awesome. rachel: so fun. pete: we will see you tomorrow too and next weekend. you are stuck with us.
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rachel: stuck. except i have leo terrell on speed dial. he came on earlier this morning and he said i am an amazing attorney and if you have any problems with these two if they are haranguing you call. already i already called leo on you. will: you did? already called them on pete. i wasn't there for a lot of that i'm newer to fox. have you been around this show for some time. you handled some situations wonderfully. sliding down a slide on the plaza but taking that kid and saying i majored in economics. so many different moments and reminded me of not only how fun you are how this show can and will soon be. rachel: too long all that stuff. pete: how excited are you to. rick: so excited. watching this how little i remember. i was there and i don't even remember half of it. that's what happens to you. maybe rachel is my age i'm glad to have somebody a little closer not as old as me but still much
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younger but getting a little bit closer. you are such a great person and so i'm so excited to be able to work with you. rachel: thank you, rick. rick: in a permanent capacity. rachel: i'm excited to be here. it will be a blast. pete: you will be fully black when the water slide is back. rachel: i want to see all these guys like compete again in these sports outside. pete: "fox & friends" trophy in the closet. has a lot of dust on it but i'm ready to dust it off. will: rick, if you need marilyn as well take it away to share the weather. rick: she is my security. all right, guys. here's a look at the weather. so we have a lot of moisture, a lot of heat across the eastern part of the country. of when that happens you get those afternoon thunderstorms this time of year we will see that again. a lot of yesterday it clears out overnight once the day heats up see another round of it temps really cooled down across parts of the northeast. nice break from the heat and humidity. one big storm moving across parts of oklahoma heading in
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towards parts of north texas. continue to watch that not getting any rain across parts of the west. this will be a major story for us. unfortunately i fear for this you remember is. drought expanding across the western almost half of the country, areas from north dakota across areas of the four corners and next number of days the heat really builds. heat on top of the drought. continue to try things out. fire season is going to be rough. take a look back into the triple digits pushing 117 in monday in phoenix. all right. back to you guys inside. pete: good stuff, rick. will: sitting here talking about "fox & friends." pete: didn't listen to it but sure it was great. good job. will: investigators release chilling new details on horrific murder suicide publix. he posted about killing people including children on his facebook before shooting and killing a grandmother and her 1-year-old grandson. then killing himself this as we learn the grandmother bravely tried to stop the attack.
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>> she struggled with him. able to push down to the ground and he shoots her down while she is on the ground. will: police have found to connection between the victim and the shooter. new mexico governor my shell grisham is defending her settle with a former staffer accused her of sexual harassment. she told reporters she was focused on the pandemic. the campaign paid more than $62,000 to a campaign spokesman who claimed she dropped water had his lap and grabbed him inappropriately in 2018. the governor denies the allegation. welcome back to wrigley field with this american baseball classic ♪ take me out to the ballgame ♪ take me out with the crowd
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♪ buy me some. will: comedian club super fan leading the packed house and singing take me out to the ballgame full capacity wasn't the only cause for celebration. the cubs opening day 2.0 beating the cardinals 8-5. those are your headlines. rachel: you know i'm not very much into sports but did i go -- i have only been to one professional cubs game, one game, one professional baseball game. professional game, it was the cubs and i was in the owner's box behind the -- i know, i don't know how i got there but, listen, sean had to tell me they are not all like this. pete: shirtless guy in the outfield? that's more me. enjoy it. true. all right. coming up. the congressional black caucus is facing backlash after shutting out a trump supporter freshman lawmaker.
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republican congressman byron donalds says he is getting the cold shoulder just because well, he has a different viewpoint. he joins us live next. ♪ ♪
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♪ rachel: democrats tout themselves as the party of inclusion but liberals on the congressional blackhawk caucus apparently didn't get the memo. they are blocking florida g.o.p. congressman by rope dodged' attempt to join and supposedly nonpartisan group has only had four republican lawmakers since its founding in 1971. so, are all voices really welcomed? well, congressman dodged joins me now. congressman? >> it's good to be with you. actually, congratulations and welcome to the show. rachel: thank you, i'm excited to be here today and excited to you have too my staff called me
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do you know about. this i said no. i wish somebody would have came. [cleaverring throat] excuse me. i wish somebody would have came and talked to me. as members of congress, we should have the ability to just get in a many radio, talk to each other, you know, if you tonight agree with my perspective, then just tell me face-to-face. you shouldn't really hear about it from the media. >> former congresswoman mia love is a friend of mine. she was allowed in the caucus. why do you think she was allowed in the caucus but you are not allowed in the caucus? for. >> rachael, i wish i could answer that question but i really don't know there has been no communication whatsoever. when i first got sworn, in a couple members of the cbc came to me about my interest to join. i said i would because when i was in florida's legislature i was a member of a legislative
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black caucus. i was a member for four years. for me it would be a natural progression. even though i understand that we would disagree on a lot of public policy issues, there are areas where we can agree and come together on the policy and also have good dialogue about implication whether they are good or bad or whether they don't. somebody i have been doing in my time in the florida legislature i would continue that in the congressional black caucus but that doesn't look like that's going to happen. rachel: we got a statement from the congressional black caucus. the congressional black caucus remains fighting for issues black community police, voting bills, protecting voting rights and any jobs bill that helps the community. in other words, they didn't actually respond to not letting you in to the caucus. i'm going to ask you for a final question. there is caucuses for everything. so for viewers out there finland caucus. caucus for whatever issue you find out there.
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tell me why you think it's important to have a race-based caucus and why it's important for you to join. >> one thing if you look a back there are been limitation once representation in congress. there is no doubt about that. those are the facts. and so i think it has been important for the black caucus to be able to come together and talk about policies that deal with those type of communities and how you can incorporate that into broader policy that effects the united states i do think that's a good thing and good conversation to be had. you have to have it from all sides of the political spectrum. it can't just be from the democrat side or from the liberal side if i have republican members and we have had republican members in caucus going back to reconstruction, they should be allowed to have that conversation as well. because, even though we might disagree when it comes to the nuances of policy, and even though we might disagree in terms of making sure we adhere to the constitution, we definitely agree with wanting to make sure that americans can thrive and prosper whether they
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are poor, middle income and, yes, rachel, allowed to prosper too. that's one of the differences. rachel: i'm looking at you look like a black congressman to me. if they don't let you, in are it must be that this caucus is about something else and not about helping black communities and from all points of view. then they should call themselves the liberal caucus. [laughter] thanks so much for joining us today, congressman, it's always a pleasure to have you and we look forward to having you back again. >> my pleasure and congratulations. rachel: thank you. big changes are coming to the westminster dog show but the competition is still fierce. janice dean is in the middle of all the action. janice: hello this is an australian sheep dog. we want you to look at the camera, my friend. look at the camera. say high to "fox & friends." sit sheeber. sit. look at the camera. there you do go ♪
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♪ pete: the competition at this year's westminster dog show heating up with new breeds and a new venue. will: first time ever the event will take place outside of new york city and without fans. you can catch all the tail bagging action on fox sports. rachel: what can we expect for the competition. for that we turn to our fox news senior meteorologist janice dean who is they event with the westminster kennel club. janice? janice: good morning, thank you for being here. >> thank you for being here. janice: it's been spectacular. i'm going to say we have cloud cover. you were saying earlier this is good for the dogs. >> yes, having been here earlier in the week when it was
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95-degrees and a little sunny this is great for dogs and showing. janice: great to have the senior meteorologist here. >> i appreciate it thank you. janice: tell us about this year. first of all, it's quite epic that we brought madison square garden to tarrytown. >> i will say that this year is a very different year. it's a signature year for us i'm so proud of the club and our partners for being able to put this on in tarrytown and it's quite a spot here at lyndhurst. we are really thrilled. janice: how was the excitement last night? >> it was magnetic last night. we were inside the big tent, and we had agility going and, you know, this is a lot of energy in tarrytown. janice: what can we expect today. >> a big day of shows. many, many groups showing today as you know it's breed by breed by breed and every person has their dream. they are showing up with their
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dog and they want to win their breed and get to that group. tonight we will have four different groups in our group test and then we will do it all again tomorrow and then best in show tomorrow night. janice: best in show and fox. fox sports on the big show tonight. >> i'm so appreciative the work fox has done. fox sports has been a great, great partner in this. tonight, yes, we are on main fox. we can't have an audience as we would in the garden normally. fox is allowing us to have a big audience tonight. i hope everybody tunes in tonight. janice: we will. thank you, so much. president of the westminster kennel club dog show. i mean plumb assignment here. the weather is holding up. so me and rick reichmuth brought this. will: real quick, janice any leaders really quick? doberman looking good? janice: i can't give you any hints or any favoritism here. i'm sorry. [laughter] will: routing for the doberman. janice: no i can't. even the president will say that
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no favoritism at all. rachel: i think will is going to steal janice's job next year. he wants that assignment. pete: have to fight janice for it and janice is going to win. janice: thanks, guys. will: from hydroxychloroquine media gotten wrong the stories on the media got right. joe concha breaks it all down. ♪ the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic responds to snoring - automatically. so no hiding under your pillow. or opting for the couch. your best sleep. all night. every night. experience the mattress ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by jd power, two years in a row. ♪ ♪ the light. in customer satisfaction it comes from within. it drives you. and it guides you.
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to shine your brightest. as you charge ahead. illuminating the way forward. a light maker. recognizing that the impact you make, comes from the energy you create. introducing the all-electric lyriq. lighting the way. ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back ♪ ♪ to that same old place that you laughed about ♪ ♪ well, the names have all changed ♪
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♪ since you hung around ♪ ♪ but those dreams have remained ♪ ♪ and they've turned around ♪ ♪ who'd have thought they'd lead you ♪ ♪ (who'd have thought they'd lead you) ♪ ♪ back here where we need you ♪ ♪ (back here where we need you) ♪ ♪ yeah, we tease him a lot... ♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you.
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♪ just go ahead now ♪ if you like to tell me, maybe ♪ just go ahead now. rachel: i guess -- that's good, pete. this is the song pete picked for me for my first day on the job. pete: i don't know if you could call will and i princes but we are vying for your affection for the foreseeable future. rachel: if you don't behave you will turn into frogs. pete: there you go. rachel: that was funny.
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pete: trying to be worthy of it. we are so -- for all our viewers out there we are psyched. this is officially rachel campos-duffy first day as co-host of "fox & friends weekend." you know her and love her now it's official. we put a ring on it. rachel: thank you we put a ring on it. [laughter] rachel: that was good. and so here we are on fox. pete: square. rachel: official name. pete: formally known as the plaza. rachel: beautiful day nice little breeze going on. will: absolutely. rachel: we have griff jenkins coming to us. wail. will: is he in del rio, texas. the mexican cartel activity is spilling over into the united states. rachel: his warning comes as our southern border faces a massive surge of migrants trafficking n violence. pete: griff jenkins is live in del rio texas. good to see you this morning.
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>> good morning pete, will and rachel. congratulations. it's an honor coming to you all the way from the mexico border. and where i am in del rio, guys, since i have been here this week, more than 7,000 illegal crossings from migrants coming from more than 35 different countries. and of those 7,000, many, if not all, will be indebted to cartels, to smugglers on the u.s. side even though they have gotten here. because they have their tentacles into these migrants when they brought them here all the way to the u.s. and this is why chris wray was sounding the alarm to congress. here what happens he had to say. take a listen. >> there's no question that the cartel activity on the other side of the border is spilling over. this goes beyond, way beyond law enforcement into other agencies and, frankly, the community as well. griff: here is some of the footage you can see of these migrants just crossing this river right here. most of them venezuelan. and the way they reach them is
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social media. no surprise. multiple reports coming out that on facebook these smugglers, these cartels are advertise tooing routes they can take. prices for their journey to the u.s. and then the cartels will hit them up for more money when they get here. >> we estimate the cartels are making $25,000 a week right now moving people through the del rio sector. they charge by demographic. by nationality, so, everyone has to pay a different fee. but everybody has to pay. griff: everybody pays and that's just humans. look at cbp putting out the seizures since october 1st. this fiscal year more than 60,000 drug seized. fentanyl and cocaine seizures
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already exceed that of last year. there are four more months to go in this fiscal year. all of this comes as the governor, greg abbott says that he is going to build his own wall. he has got to get this crisis under control. he allocated a billion dollars for that fight. and dhs meanwhile announces their plan to re-purpose the border wall funds left over from the trump administration saying they are going to focus on things like the environment. they are going to fix the live system in the rbg system ground zero just east of me. they are not going to build another inch of new border wall. pete, will, rachel? rachel: wow, that's interesting. that could have been a really good infrastructure project? that would have employed americans. pete: griff, thank you so much. >> richard: thank you, griff. griff mentioned everybody has to pay. what's interesting is those who can't pay become indentured servants. that's why i was happeny earlier in the show we had lara logan on she talked about the complicity
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of the u.s. government in this kind of activity and really many of the people who cross over are children who wind up in the sex trade because there is just no accountability for who comes over the border. pete? pete: yeah, for years we heard about separating kids in cages and being separated from parents will kids effectively disappear in america. that's live footage of the border wall in la jolla, texas. waves of people, minute by minute, hour by hour, live on television, with the coyotes just out in the open saying this is what we do. will: meanwhile, back here in, i guess, more simple part of america, the fallout has just gn from congresswoman ilhan omar controversial tweet. the tweet that shows stunning illiteracy and perhaps more deeply a hatred of america in
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comparing the united states terrorist organizations like hamas. just begun because house speaker nancy pelosi has distanced herself from those comments but only yet gone so far. she is saying there will be no further discipline nor congresswoman omar at this time. watch. >> any further action be taken against representative omar for her comments? >> no. no, i don't. [inaudible] >> no, i don't. i think she clarified her remarks and that was -- we accept that and she -- she has a point that she wanted to make and she has a right to make that point. there is some unease about how it was interpreted. she made her clarification. will: now, it would appear that those comments put an end to the story. i said the fallout has only just begun because i want you to take a look at this "new york times" headline and their sub-head reads the following show down
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over omar's comments shows sharp division among democrats and further says representative ilhan omar appeared to create it atrocities between u.s. and taliban outrage when a party needs unity to maintain slim majority. there is the fallout. what will happen he will the democratic party splinter over this issue? will it get more radical and will it pay with the voters in what are we looking at here a little over a year's time? pete: that's what the "new york times" is concerned about. they wanted protect their favored party. they don't like this fracture they could wish it away all they want. it's a real thing. ilhan omar was elected by her constituents. this is her view. some people did something according to ilhan omar. the moral equivalency is real for her even though we know it's absurd. she didn't apologize. it was a clarification. in the clarification she said american troops should be subject to the icc the international criminal court just like the taliban or just like hamas. that is not a pro-america
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approach. you want to send our boys overseas and subject them to a criminal court just like you would hamas or the taliban? clarify that one. rachel: again, the point is well-taken, pete. she represents her district well. the people in her district believe the same thing ilhan omar believes and that's why they sent her to congress. i have to tell you a lot of conservatives and even some democrats, especially those who are jewish on the democrat side of the aisle who think that nancy pelosi should do something about this. that somehow she should be, you know, castigated for it removed from communities that there should be some repercussions for what she said. i agree with nancy pelosi. i don't think anything should happen. i think a congressman and congresswoman are elected to represent their people and if we start censoring speech or policing speech, let the voters of ilhan omar's district take care of her if they don't like
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that. republicans, you should pay attention to what nancy pelosi is doing and stop silencing members on the right as well. will: my suspicion is something will happen. it will happen at the voting booth. it may not happen in ilhan omarens district. across the united states of america. let's move forward to this. we have a lot of conversation about critical race theory. there was a mom in florida who stood up and spoke loudly against critical race theory. now, what she had to say, i think, advances the ball. i think it's fascinating. at this point many people have pointed out this is a racist ideology. racist against white kids to cast them in the role from birth as oppressor. it's poison being taught in our school systems. but quisha king of duval county said something else. she said this is racist against black children and it's important and she is correct. i spoke to her a little bit earlier. listen to this. >> it is sad that we are even contemplating something like critical race theory where children will be separated by their skin color and deemed permanently oppressors or oppressed in 2021. that is not teaching the truth
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unless you belief that whites are better than blacks. tell my child or any child that they are in a permanent oppressed status in america because they are black is racist. pete: that was her at the school board meeting. you had a fantastic interview with her. here is a portion of that, what she said. listen. >> the essence of critical race theory is breaking people into groups and instead of using class, because we are americans. they use race. and anybody that is put into an automatic and permanent state of oppressor or oppressed is an insult to everyone. you are telling young black children that they are anybody outside of that, whites, males, oppressor, class or race that they can't do anything. we are setting our future up our children who are our most precious resources, you are setting them up for failure.
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will: two quick things on this. she is absolutely right to tell a child you cannot -- you are a victim, you are limited is not just racist but it's child abuse. rachel: i agree. will: put someone you are limited because of the color of your skin is absolutely racist. one more point, quisha king know what is critical race theory is. that's the current line on the left. none of you critics actually know what cr. >> it is. it's actually not about race. it's truly marxist ideology. rachel: thank you. will: changes society into oppressor or oppressed. puts you based on race or class. socioeconomic class. gender, sexuality. it doesn't matter. the point is to divide you and put you into two important classes. oppressed and oppressor. rachel: talk to people who come from china and experience the cultural revolution there they say this looks very familiar. people from foreign countries are the first to observe what is happening here. this is absolutely marxist.
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absolutely meant to fundamentally transform america into something we don't recognize and you are right, it's racist to tell kids that they can't do something racist to turn them into victims. racist to tell them they can't figure out how to get i.d. and so go vote. >> she said christian faith liberated her on this topic that she felt like she was holding up race as an idol. when she replaced that idol with belief in jesus christ. it liberated her to serve him and not hold something else up as the most important identifier of her. that's what we are doing with kids. you your race is who you are. glucket rest of your life as opposed to liberating them and saying hey, you hit the lucky lottery to be in the united states of america and, of course, we have stripped faith out of our schools a long time ago which we should not do. it was amazing to hear her talk about her faith and how central that was. rachel: can i put a button on this because it's my first day. pete: if you can talk over that jack hammer. rachel: i will talk over that
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jack hammer. you know, what you said really struck me today because we all are friends. and we're -- i'm not, you know, from the same race as you. i'm hispanic and you guys are a couple white boys. buff what we have in common is that all three of us and we talk a lot outside of this show we all three of us love our family and love our country and we love jesus. and i think those are the things that i wish our country would focus on really important' skin. you. will: point i appreciate you making. of we do talk off camera and yesterday at the diner we had a conversation about how important it is to understand each other beyond so many of our future characteristics, our moral identity, our children, sports. your character. these are ways you view each other. not through the lends of your skin color. and that's not just a human aspiration as i said earlier, that should you are our country's aspiration you have
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op-ed up. rachel: yes i have an op-ed on these marxist idealogues taking over our schools. i have an idea what you can do to fight back. that means can you fight back against wokism by starting your own freedom library in your family. read my op-ed. i will just give you one hint, the first books you should order are the ones they are canceling. so just start with dr. suess. little house on the prairie. believe it or not. pete: anything they say you shouldn't read. rachel: start with that and list of mine chinese immigrant who has had hers list helen rally. she gave her list i gave my list. start that for your kids and your grand kids. pete: rachel has thought a lot about this. definitely check that out. fantastic. pete: all right. coming up. indianapolis family are blaming bad policies for the skyrocketing murder rate. lawrence jones went there as he does so well to talk to a heart-broken family blasting the city for allowing their sister's killer to walk free.
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rachel: but, first, congressman mo brooks is ready to take the next step in washington announcing he will run for the senate in alabama. and he joins us next. ♪ ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ it's a new dawn... ♪ if you've been taking copd sitting down, it's time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it.
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pete: 2022 campaigns already heating up alabama senate helpful katie brit this week announcing her bid to retire richard shelby's seat. >> our next guest throwing his hat in the ring to run against britt laura blanchard. mo brooks joins me now. congressman, thanks so much for being here big question up front rye with you running. >> i'm running because the risk to america being promulgated by the democrats. defined to make us the greatest nation in world history they're under attack. freedom of religion, freedom of speech. right to bear arms whether we have honest and accurate elections. i hope the state of alabama will concur that i am the only proven conservative this in this race based on the track record that i have established and that they decide that no brooks is the one that they want to send to the united states senate
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representing our values in that body. pete: what different united states you from the other republicans. i believe you are endorsed by former president trump. what's the big difference between republicans here? >> there are a number of things different. we are not going to be able to cover them all at this point. let me say this at the starting gate, according to club for growth poll that came out last week mo brooks 59%. candidate number 2 was at 13%. candidate number 3 was at 9%. and the big defining difference between us is i am the only one with a true aproven track record. you can look at how i have conducted myself. can you look at my voting record. it's one thing to have candidates who parrot back to the public what their polling data says the public wants to hear. you often are fooled by those type of can be democrats when they get in audience and scratch your head who is that person. with mo brooks you know you have a proven concern because the votes that i have cast. the role that i have played in
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the united states house of representatives, as a state legislator, as a prosecutor in tuscaloosa and in huntsville and as madison county commissioner. pete: mo, were you to be elected to the united states senate. what would be issue number one for you? >> honest and accurate elections has to be number one. you do not have a republic if you do not have an election system that the public has confidence and trust in. and quite frankly in 2020 the election system the integrity took a hit what happened with the democrats did with voter fraud and election theft. right on the heels you have budget deficits $30 trillion debt mark going to blow through. battle between free enterprise based on liberty vs. dictatorial socialism. you have border security. as i said, we are under assault at virtually every angle from the socialist democrats and we have got to beat them back. pete: that's true, representative mo brooks running for the senate in alabama. thank you so much for your time this morning. appreciate. >> it my pleasure, thank you.
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pete: coming up, indianapolis families are blaming bad policies for the skyrocketing murder rate. lawrence jones went there to talk to a heart broken family blasting the city for allowing their sister's killer to walk free. that's next. ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see(ah-ah) ♪ ♪ our troubles are all the same (ah-ah) ♪ ♪ you wanna be where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ you wanna go where people know ♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you.
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rachel. when it comes to ankle monitors and a lot of these victim advocates have said, you know, there is a lot of talk about justice reform but what about victim reform? i had the opportunity to talk to the richardson family about their sister and what could have avoided this issue. take a look. >> what do you remember the most about your sister? >> ashley was the life of the party. that's what we like to say. any room that she walked in, she never knew a stranger. she just loved people and she loved life. >> we always did the same things. we played basketball together. we played volleyball together. we were both really good at sports. lawrence: tell me about when she meets this guy. what did you all notice that something wasn't quite right? >> the change in behavior. because she just wasn't as happy and lively as she was before. >> our family is very close. and we should have known at that moment when she did not invite
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him to all the social events. lawrence: did she ever come to you guys, either one of you and say this is a toxic relationship? >> never. >> never. i feel like ashley didn't tell us because she is the type of person she doesn't want to be a burden on anybody. lawrence: describe this hammer incident. what took place? >> my sister had called me like he just beat me with a hammer. i'm like, excuse me? she had hit her all the time. lawrence: you saw the bruises. >> all down her back, back of her arms. gashes on her heads. cops see the bruises and then he is finally arrested. lawrence: she took out a restraining order against him at that point in time. >> yes. he was supposed to stay away from her and he was also on g.p.s. monitoring. lawrence: what was the distance between the hammer incident and the murder? >> a month. >> he shot her in her head and in her heart.
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she was a breath of fresh air. he took my breath away when he took my sister away. sorry. lawrence: it's okay. it's okay. do you feel like the justice system let your family down? >> absolutely. 100 percent. how does a person who beats someone with a hammer get a $20,000 bond? and then he is walking free and put on g.p.s. to pacify us? lawrence: let's talk about this monitor. what was it supposed to do. >> no one really has a clear understanding of how it worked. >> what how it works is you are barely monitoring the person that's on g.p.s., how can you say they are away from, in my sister's situation, away from the other person. lawrence: did you know that it takes some times 48 hours for them to determine if the g.p.s. monitor is even off? >> no, i did not know that. >> wow. >> so, basically, when they're letting people out on g.p.s. monitoring, they are not doing anything for the community.
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lawrence: minneapolis has the most upon torres into the entire country. should this program still exist. >> no. absolutely not. we are proof that it does not work. lawrence: do you think that with this monitoring system that the criminals think they can just get away with it. >> yes. >> absolutely. >> do you know how many unsolved murders we have rawcious lawrence you are voice to get justice to the just for your sister but the others out there. what's next. >> our community needs to wake up and speak up against these crimes so that our communities can go back to being what they were. lawrence: you say the laws need to be changed right now. >> now, yes. we can't wait. we need to find something that works. and if that means keeping people in jail for longer, so keep them in jail. we have to fix the system. until the system is fixed, i don't feel like there is going to be any justice for my sister. lawrence: we reached out to the indianapolis correctional department who runs that ankle
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monitoring program multiple times and we have not heard back from them. rachel. and just to get some clarity on the issue, that $20,000 bond they only had to pay 10% of that so that means the -- that suspect went out on $2,000 after he had beat her 30 times with that hammer. this is what we are dealing with rachel. it's happening all across the country. rachel: irony that you can't even get ahold of the department that puts on these monitors and they can't keep track of the people who have the monitors. such a heart breaking story, lawrence. such a beautiful young woman and kudos and blessings to those sisters. they are hero sisters. really just trying to make some good out of this tragedy. lawrence: that's exactly right. thank you for having me, rachel. by the way, congratulations on your promotion. we are so excited to have you part of the "fox & friends" family we're going to have a lot of fun. >> rachel: thank you, lawrence. congratulations to you i'm happy to be working with you. lawrence: thank you, my friend. rachel: still ahead from the
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covid lab leak theory to hunter biden. we look at the running tally of all the stories the media claimed were trump conspiracy theories but actually he was proven right. stay with us. ♪ note
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delta airlines as a man tried opening the boarding door midnight. passengers say he got on the loud speaker telling people to put on their oxygen masks and then tried to open the doors. his motives remain unclear. the plane was forced to land in oklahoma city and stayed there for hours before finally arriving in atlanta. cooper type thing. ♪ will: powerful storm blows a church steeple it had been saved from a church fire last year and sitting in a construction area when strong winds swept it away. trees and power lines also brought down knocking out power to nearly 1,000 people. meanwhile in missouri, a storm rips the roof of a church despite hanging upside down. the roof is still in one piece. no one was hurt. pete? pete: are [inaudible] on the ground though. let's turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. rick: one piece is a pretty
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generous statement. pete: finding the glass half full in that one. rick: big storms again parts of the eastern half of the country we will see that today. take a look at the map and show you what's going on. temperature-wise warm and humid when you have got that heat and that humidity. you end up getting some of those summer thunderstorms. we will see that again. really nice cooldowns across parts of the northern tier, 66 in new york. 55 up in caribou. now up across the west we will watch a story develop this week. heat beginning to build, excessive heat warnings in effect anywhere where you see that dark maroon color colorado river and in across arizona. the next number of days take a look at this the heat really begins to build monday. in vegas you are up to 111. palm springs 115. phoenix 117. this is the month where you get that high really heat, really high temperatures and that heat. this is going to be extreme. because of the dry conditions really concerned about fires coming up over the next number of months. all right. guys, back inside. will: all right.
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rachel: thank you, rick. time for the 145th westminster diagnose show. more than 2,000 dogs have worked their tails off all year in hopes of becoming best in show. can you catch the competition today and tomorrow on fox sports. rachel: first, get inside look at how those little puppies are prepping. will: jen hale is live inside the groom tent. hey, jen. >> good morning, guys. this is the calm before the storm we are actually expecting 2500 entrants this year which is fantastic. we are outside at lyndhurst estate instead of madison square garden. first time in 145 years this show has not been held in the city and that's of course because of covid reasons. you are about to see this whole test explode into a beauty parlor for the most beautiful dogs in the world. will: jen, i didn't know if that was back to us. i'm trying to figure out if that's a chow behind you.
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pete: he was staring. >> distracted by the dogs, they are gorgeous. will: jen, listen, i have a bias. i'm into doberman so like the working class hasn't won pest in show. >> everybody does. will: what's yours, jen? >> golden retrievers. but i have one to show you this morning that you are going to love and it might change your mind. this guy is actually tara martin, she is a professional handler. this is lily claire. she is related to one of our former best in show winners, flynn. and, okay, i need some hair tips, one thing about it being outside it's beautiful here at lyndhurst but we are battling elements like humidity. how do you get this to be like this and stay. >> not ready for the ring yet. she will get primped and trimmed and combed and brushed and all of that before we go. one thing about a bee shawn you want the hair to be big so like we say big texas hair that's not
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a problem with this breed. so the humidity won't be too much of a problem for us today. >> the bigger the hair the closer to god is what we say in new orleans. now, she will be competing at 11:00. do you think the outside element as opposed to inside at madison square garden, will that affect the dogs today? >> i do think it will be a little different. more in a natural setting. i don't think they will feel the adrenaline that you feel when you are in enclosed space. i think we are all excited to be at this beautiful venue for the show. definitely different for all of us but i think it's going to be overly celebrate experience. >> we have been loving it so far. absolutely. lily claire, best of luck today. we can't wait to see you out there doing your ching. guys, would very got coverage all day long. fox sports 2 fox sports 1 and, of course, fox sports for the agility championships from 5:00 to 7:00. it's going to be a fabulous day. must-watch television. will: i will be watching. i don't know about these two. that dog is a beshon that's what
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you right, jen? don't worry i have got. this yes, indeed. >> won best in show three years ago. >> that was flynn her relative. this is westminster royalty. will: do the judges hold it against say that dog like do they try to make it spread the love around? i always wonder is it hard to follow up a breed that's already won? like you can't get, you know, beshon two years in a row. rachel: affirmative action trophy? [laughter] >> it's a great question. and, hey, there are lots of conspiracy theories out there. but i will tell you the judges say the way they judges this show is what dog is best suited, best resembles the purpose for which it was bred. now, of course, every year different people have different favorites and think that different ones should win. standard poodle last year, so we will see this year. it's going to be fun to watch. pete: looks like a cotton ball
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with eyes. were. rachel: i know you are a cat person. what's your favorite dog we know he is doberman. pete: dogs with functions bomb sniffing dogs, seeing eyes. will: they all have functions originally. pete: there is a function there. rachel: guess mine. just guess. will: beagle. pete: terrier? rachel: chihuahua. pete: least functional job. will: job was to hunt rats. pete: was. rachel: terriers. pete: show fun to watch. since president trump left office, several stories called conspiracy theories by the media, well, they have been proven true. joe concha delivers the running tally, growing tally next. plus, dan bongino, mike huckabee, kayleigh mcenany, and rachel campos-duffy all morning on fox. ♪ ♪
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will: less than a year after former president trump left office we are looking back at some of the many narratives the media and democrats pushed while he was president because it turns out most, if not all of them, were debunked. here to react, fox news contributor and media opinion columnist for the hill joe concha. joe, this is fascinating. i'm going to ask you for deeper meek but let's take a quick look. i think this is overwhelming. you recognize these one at a time take a look at them as they come in their totality. look at all these stories that have been debunked that were set at one time. i mean, just trump ignoring russian bounties on our troops, false. lab leak conspiracy, false. there won't be a vaccine by the end of 2020, false. joe, it was scrolling on the screen, i don't know a dozen more, flat out said to be false
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now are a year later are true including the latest about hydroxychloroquine and lafayette square. what do we take away from this? >> you know, just looking at that scroll, looked like the end credits to titanic when you roll it out. even more examples of that, will. look at lafayette square story for example and the "new york times" headline. the headlines were all the same across "the washington post" and cnn, abc,nbc, cbs, all had the same exact reporting amazing not one news organization can differ from the other. we will go with the "new york times" for the sake of this conversation. quote: protesters dispersed with tear gas so trump can pose at church. do you know how many writers are on that story? not one, three or five, 8 wrorts including be a i didn't hagman won a pulitzer. donald trump's presidency was dominated by a news cycle of three years of russia collusion between the kremlin and trump, which ultimately turned out to be a nonstory whatsoever. you see the fact checks on donald trump saying that there
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would be a vaccine in 2020. it would be available as if these fact checkers, will, some 21.1 jig was and dock brown's delorean to make sure that wouldn't happen in 2020 and can bounty on troops election day biden campaign or obviously hunter biden's laptop which the showed influence peddling, lining his pockets with millions censored forget reporting. wasn't allowed to be reported again and again and again we see this. that's why trust in media is at all-time low. people think that not only are they mistakes but intentional, will. will: there we go. the shear totality of there, joe, is overwhelming. unsurprising, and, yet, overwhelming. you brought up hunter, that's a good transition to this question. did so many say trump break the media or reveal the media? apply it to the story which is
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as you brought up hunter biden. the media completely ignored the story this week and i mean completely. zero mentions on your other networks that hunter biden used the "n" word several times in text messages with his lawyer. now, we have seen private individuals, joe. we have seen high school children canceled, have their college admission yanked away from the university of tennessee in one example for using this kind of language for being exposed as having use the. in word on social media or whatever. here is the president of the united states' son proven to have used and zero mention. why? >> well amazing, right? that a teenager used it on social media and then suddenly she is not going to tennessee anymore to be on cheer squad. i remember that story quite well. oh, why? i guess because, hunter biden's father has a d next to his name and he is the president of the united states. >> we have easy game to play right now time parallel universe game, will. you close your eyes and go to a place where donald trump jr. wrote something like this now
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close your eyes and imagine what the apocalypse would look like. the pitch fork store would run out of pitch forks. donald trump jr. would be impeached from the country if this was revealed in a situation. again, it's amazing how in lock step all these media organizations avoid all things hunter. he is like the third rail of journalism if that term journalism even exists anymore. ultimately this is the bias of 101 if you are teaching a class, this is at the top of it, will. will: just grotesque. i don't want to use the word stunning, grotesque. zero mentions and as you point out we know damn well the reaction if it was reversed. if the parties were reversed. >> indeed. will: if the media was covering this the way they would a republican. all right, joe, good stuff. thank you so much. >> great to see you, will. have a good one. will: up next, ahead of father's day bass pro shops quicking off gone fishing event. the fantastic journey doesn't have to end there. we will head to the wonders of the wildlife museum look inside what has just been named the
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world's best aquarium ♪ ♪ at aspen dental, today is the day to take back your smile. why wait? we're here nights, weekends and right now, to give you exceptional care and 20% off your treatment plan. new patients, take the first step with a complete exam and x-rays that are free without insurance. because our nationwide network of over 1,500 doctors at 900 locations all have one goal — to make you smile, today. start now. call 1-800-aspendental or book online at new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at ♪ sometimes you wanna go ♪ ♪ where everybody knows your name ♪
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rachel: bass pro shops kicking off annual gone fishing event today and stores will offer free activity for amateur anglers across the country. will: i get to read the pun again but the fantastic journey doesn't have to end there. check out bass pro founder johnny morris wonders of wildlife national museum and a&e square yum in springfield, missouri with over 800 species of animals been named the world's best aquarium. pete: jeff is with the museum. he joins us now. jeff, america's best aquarium?
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tell us about it. >> absolutely. we were so honored to learn that just this past monday we won for the third time america's best aquarium. will: what's inside, jeff? if i walked through and got to see that firsthand, what would i see? >> it's absolutely incredible. of course, this is another gift from noted conservationist and bass pro founder johnny morris. and he has done a spectacular job. his creativity is on full display here. there is so much to see and do here. it's 350,000 square feet. so it's huge. there is caves that you can explore with bass. there are sharks. you can actually dive down under the sea and swim with the sharks in a cage and feed the sharks. it's absolutely amazing. check this out. this is our shipwreck wreath and it's a great place to bring your kids and families. i wrought my kids here. and they are able to actually touch stingrays. this is a recreation of a ship
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that in 1996 the johnny morris foundation actually sunk a naval vessel to create an artificial reef for fish. rachel: i will put you on the spot here; what's your favorite spot in the museum and what's your kids' favorite? >> oh, absolutely. it's the penguins. so we have gen 2 penguins and you actually get to interact with these penguins. it's so cool. it's such a great experience. and my kids absolutely love it and it's a great place to bring kids for father's day coming up or any time this summer. we are located right in springfield, missouri. and it's connected to the granddaddy bass pro shops store which is a huge, incredible story and it's perfect for families. we even have a place for you to spend the night, a lodge for you to stay in so you can really create an entire family vacation out of this place. will: that doesn't seem like a roadside stop. that's a couple hours dedicated easily. >> not at all. you could spend all day here,
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absolutely. pete: you can't fish there but there is a gone fishing event for bass pro. tell us about it. >> absolutely. as you probably heard earlier this morning, you got to talk to kamari, that kid is fired up about fishing and passionate about fishing with he and his dad. that's exactly what we did is earlier this week we donated 40,000 rod and reels to i don't knowy morris foundation donated 40,000 rod and reels to get folks out fishing. we donated these rod and reels to nonprofits all around the country. it's an amazing way to get kids out fishing instead of behind those screens this place is another way to do it. when you walk through this wonders of wildlife. i guarantee you will come away being a conservationist and someone that's pass passionate about the outdoors just like johnny morris is. rachel: governor kristi noem says we have got to get kids off
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the xbox and picking up tackle boxes. this is a great way to do it. we have got get kids outside and doing good fresh air activities. pete: thank you, jeff. >> absolutely. pete, we need you to come get in the shark tank. i want to see pete. rachel: i agree. ♪ you love rich, delicious ice cream. but your stomach doesn't. that disagreement ends right now.
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now you know. sir, do you know what you want to order? yes. freestyle libre 14 day. try it for free. ♪♪ oh, i wanna dance with somebody -- ♪ i wanna feel the heat with somebody. ♪ yeah i wanna dance with somebody -- will: beautiful shot of clearwater beach, florida, as you're serenaded by whitney houston. right back here in the studio in new york city where we are welcoming in our newest cohost, we're making it official, putting a ring on it --
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[laughter] rachel campos-duffy on "fox & friends" weekend. rachel: that's right. that opening song is courtesy of me. now that i'm here, you're going to have to listen to a lot more '80s music. pete: that's fine. we are thrilled to have you, as are so many people. i have gotten texts from so many people, one from the honorable bill bennett, a big fan, shout-out here for rachel. weekend mornings just got happier, smarter and more full of life. [laughter] rachel: oh, that's so nice. little bit of a dig on you guys -- [laughter] but we love the secretary. thank you so much, we appreciate that. pete: love him. will: let's bike in another -- bring in another friend of the show, dan bongino, host of the dan bongino show, also host of the unfiltered show, that show's on saturday night. rachel: hardest working man i know. will: good morning, dan.
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>> thank you. and, rachel, well welcome -- welcome. i was watching that extended welcome with the montage, and i got choked up. you've been a friend to me for to long, you're to to wonderful, and you are such is an amazing addition. i know i'm getting up super early now -- sorry, guys, i usually miss the first hour -- [laughter] [inaudible conversations] rachel: that's so sweet of you. i'm tearing up, so thank you, dan. you know i love you. will: hey, let's talk about something that you know firsthand experience, you have firsthand experience in dealing with, and that is censorship on big tech. i know that you've experienced that. it's extended into our elected offices. we know the former president of the united states dealt with that even while in office. ron johnson did an upload to youtube where he was talking about the real and true story about the positive effects of
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hydroxychloroquine. there's a new study that says it increases the survival rate threefold. before that video, youtube has banned ron johnson for the time being, suspended him from their platte if form. your thoughts, dan -- platform. >> being an investor, disclosure, having been an investor in parler as well, i've seen this from the business side of it. this is really disturbing, can and i asked people when i would make the pitch about these alternate product, what is youtube, their parent company, alphabet-google, fakebook and twitter, what are they doing? it's a serious question that's any different from the soviet union's pravda. remember the alleged newspaper pravda? they said that the soviet union created annal alternate universe -- an alternate universe, they'd run that on the front page of pravda. i get the liberal response, i
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know what they're thinking right now, dan, it's a private company. technically it is, but when that private company is acting on behalf of what are essentially government structures, is it really a private company, or is it just, say, de facto private company? i mean, think about it. follow the rhetoric of the left. everything they want suppressed on these social media, leftist platforms gets suppressed. when miscomes out -- misinformation comes out on the left, all of a sudden that stays up forever. awfully odd how that happens, no? pete: dan, to your point, this is what youtube says, this is your statement, and it proves your point about how they're piggybacking off of government to enforce on their behalf. we removed the video in accordance with our covid-19 medical misinformation content -- rachel: [inaudible] pete: to treat or prevent the virus. so they're taking the guidance
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from government agencies, and they're the enforcement mechanism. >> yeah. was that the same medical information policy that waved them off the lab leak that now looks highly likely, by the way, that i lay out in detail on my show tonight? i'll tell you, this is very dangerous stuff. we can't as a society continue if we can't agree on a common set of facts, and how we going to get a common set of facts if we're not allowed to debate the facts? rachel: i get it, we're looking at this from the big tech angle, which fair enough, but 100,000 people may have died because they censored information about hydroxychloroquine that turned out to be true, that it has a 200% increase in survivability for anyone who has covid. >> yep. rachel: so this isn't just -- >> rachel, it's worse with. it's not just that they suppressed it, they pushed a lancet study the about the dangers, air quotes, of
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hydroxychloroquine that was retracted. it was based on -- they retracted the story. i mean, it's worse. this is outright propaganda. it's not truth telling. will: and to rachel's point, it cost lives for nothing deeper than -- rachel: it may be deeper because there may have been if people who had an incentive. if people couldn't get early treatment, then maybe they had to, you know, big pharma would be able to make money off the vaccines. pete: so much to unpack there, and we'll continue to follow it. we've got to get your take on another story as well. black lives matter has taken in almost $100 million, now there's in-fighting as members start to say, show me the money, where's the accountability over patrice colors and the spending there. meanwhile, ucla hosted her for commencement key note at their university. this is after, as we know, she's made anti-semitic comments about the end -- calling for the end
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of israel in the past. so no accountability for black lives matter. and when it comes to statements that are openly anti-semitic, go ahead and take the podium at ucla. >> yeah. listen, let's please stop calling it black lives matter. it's a black life matters, okay? that's patrice colors' life. i've got to be honest. i have, like, 25 jobs right now, i'm envious of her real estate portfolio -- [laughter] rachel: me too. >> it blows mine out of the water, and i've made some pretty smart business decisions. this game is strong, you know? here's the thing, i was watching the movie moneyball a couple of weeks ago, there's so many great quotes in that movie. there's one scene where billy vee says if he's such a great hitter, why doesn't he hit good? it makes me think about socialism, if it works so well,
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then why doesn't it work well? why do you not -- will: but, dan, it does work well. it works well for her. it works well for benjamin crump, for al sharpton, it works well for the people that purport to help ohs. rachel: right, it also worked well for castro. his son was off in a a yacht in the caribbean, and castro would have his favorite meat flown into cuba while everyone else was starving. another topic, now we know that the federal reserve is telling employees to avoid bias term it is like founding fathers. and a new jersey school district also removed holiday named from their academic calendar. so so founding fathers, we can't use that -- will: by the way, thanksgiving, i think -- pete: day off number one, number two, number three, no christmas, no thanksgiving -- rachel: well, maybe you could
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call it, indigenous peoples day, is that what they call it? [inaudible conversations] >> the best weapon in this fight is the truth. and speaking the truth. i mean that. being a truth teller out there in a sea of lies. it's not the first person who stands up. yeah, that person's important. it's the second person who backs them up. this war on language is a very deliberate tactic by the left. you can win an ideological war before a shot's fired by manipulating the language. when you change the language, you with recharacterize how people act and talk. think about it. the left has changed the rules on language a thousand times to make you -- you just said it, use the word thanksgiving, oh, my gosh, you're definitely a xenophobe. wait, what? i just want to enjoy turkey with my family. you lose before you even eat your turkey at thanksgiving dinner, you've lost to the left.
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you're already a xenophobe and an imperialist. do you get how this works? the best way to fight this language, which is a deliberate tactic, is to be that truth teller. flip 'em, i'm sorry, the double-barreled middle finger and use the language that's worked forever. they're not birthing people, they're moms. it's not indigenous people, it's thanksgiving. it's christmas, you can say merry christmas -- will: we know what -- >> right. baseball's not infrastructure, okay, gavels aren't infrastructure -- [laughter] pete: why do you have a ghafl. [laughter] >> joe biden, i used up my podcast with his son's business partners, that's not infrastructure, okay? this isn't infrastructure, glasses aren't infrastructure. use the language like the language was meant -- pete: and that's why donald trump was right over the target when he talked about political correctness. that was his phraseology for
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when you control the language, you control everything. speak freely, and they can't control you. really simple, ultimately -- rachel: be we all knew -- but we all need courage. pete: dan, will you gavel us out, since you -- [laughter] >> do not miss my show tonight, 10 p.m. i'm telling you, the question isn't just did we fund the coronavirus program, there's a deeper question i'm going to lay out the evidence for. i'm gaveling you out. my segment is over. [laughter] thank you very much. rachel: congratulations on the show, dan! congratulations. pete: congrats on the show. we'll be watching. thanks, dan. rachel: all right. pete: turning now to a few additional headlines starting with a fox news alert. three major shootings overnight. first, two men opened fire on a group standing on a sidewalk in chicago. it happened around two this morning on the city's south side. and at least 13 people are shot in downtown austin.
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it happened about 1:30 this morning in a crowded night life area. 6th street. at least two people are in critical condition. and late last night one person was killed and at least eight others injured including a 2-year-old in a shooting in savannah, georgia. so far no arrests in any of those shoots. and a nantucket restaurant is so desperate it to fill jobs, it's now interview aring eighth graders. rachel: bad idea. [laughter] pete: here's what the chef of the street wharf restaurant told neil ca cavuto. we're at the point in the hiring process where not only are we considering eighth graders, but we're interviewing them. that's a new one for me. [laughter] rachel: i've seen eighth graders load the dishwasher, it's not good. will: i have an eighth grader, he doesn't do anything.
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[laughter] pete: he might soon be working -- more than ten opening positions you said that's a lot of eighth graders. he says he used to get 20 applications a day, but now he gets one or two. and a nascar driver takes a unique approach the find new sponsors. watch this. >> are you tired of spending your company's or hard-earned dollars on some of these garbage advertisements? come on down where the 68 works for you! [laughter] pete: 68 works for you! channeling his inner used car salesman in this hilarious new ad to attract sponsorship. he's promising fair prices for business owners looking to break into the nascar market. it's true, if you're one of the lower dollars on the circuit, you're finding new sponsors all the time. i think there should be a "fox & friends" weekend car. we should sponsor his car with someone else's money. rachel: that's a great idea.
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we could just nominate someone like geraldo -- pete: or dan bongino. rachel: let's see all the people we know who have money. will: patrice colors, you could spend obviously that money on nascar. rachel: well, ilhan omar has apparently done enough to clarify her comments according to nancy pelosi. where's the accountability? mike huckabee reacts next. will: plus, pate trottism on -- patriotism on ice. the singer who helped lead that crowd, he's going to join us live. ♪ ♪ ered the master bath. you created your own style. and you - yes, you! turned a sourdough starter into a sourdough finisher. so when you learn your chronic dry eye is actually caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation you take it on, by talking to your eyecare professional about restasis®... which may help you make more of your own tears
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accept that. she had a point that she wanted the make, and she has a right to make that point. there's some unease about how it was interpreted, she made her clarification. will: speaker pelosi dismissing any further action against congressman omar after her controversial tweet comparing the u.s. and israel to hamas and the taliban. here to react, former above of arkansas, governor of arkansas, governor mike huckabee. governor, great to see you as always, on a saturday morning this time instead of sunday morning. let me ask you about this, just had a fascinating conversation about this, and while there doesn't seem to be any more accountability from nancy pelosi for i'll i'll hand to omar, will there be at the voting booth? or is omar representing her con constituents well? is she echoing the viewpoints that many on the left have? >> i think she's representing a
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lot of those leftist viewpoints, and it's why the democrats are going to lose control of the house next year and possibly the senate as well. in one sense, i'm kind of glad nancy pelosi didn't do anything to slow her down, because it's the comments like that that even people who are democrats but are not crazy, they listen to that and they say that's bizarre world. what kind of universe do you live in when you compare the united states of america and israel to hamas and the taliban, for seven sake -- heaven sakes? and then you go on to say we ought to be prosecuting u.s. military for trying to stop these murderous terrorist groups that slaughter people and who really threaten not just the middle east, but the whole world. so, yeah, let her talk. and, you know, if nancy pelosi's going to start policing her people and take away the popsicle money that they're supposed to get in the afternoon during their breaks, she's got a lot of people to censor including people like eric swalwell. how come he's still sitting on
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the foreign affairs committee? so there's a lot of people that are still doing their thing. that's fine, let 'em do it, because in the long run i don't think the american people are as stupid as some of these folks on the far left think we are. will: i don't think so either, governor, but i can't escape that kind of viewpoint -- i've heard it, you've heard it, we've heard it on college campuses, on social media, it's out there. the extent to which this is widespread, i don't know. we can have that debate. my question to you though is where does that viewpoint originate? is that a general belief the united states the center of all e where is that mentality coming from that you can compare the u.s. to the taliban in. >> if you look at academia today, it's largely coming as these kids are growing up, and that's what they hear. they hear it in their schools, critical race theory. then they get to college, and especially if they go to a very expensive college where parents are spending $75-80,000 a year,
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and they get fed this stuff. and by the time they come out, they're full blown loons. so until the parents quit paying for it and until parents quit standing up for it and stand up against it, we're going to see more of it. but you don't see this as much as people get a little older, a little more mature, they start living life and they realize, you know what? this is a pretty doggone good country. and especially if you get out and travel a little bit, go to some other places. if you can find a place anywhere on this planet that you think you could live a better with life than here, i think the best expenditure of taxpayer funds is to get you a one-way ticket, give you $1,000 and say have at it. good luck over there. [laughter] tell us where you want to go. will: i think you're absolutely right. how about this, let's just have an open border policy, you can move anywhere you want, anywhere. do you think we'd have population influx or outgoing?
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i have a pretty good idea which way the population's going to flow. >> we're already seeing it. if it's such a bad country, how come so many people are trying to break in? will: all right, governor, i got that run. thank you. four new dog breeds are going to make their debut at the westminster dog show. we're going to check in with janice dean next. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive to dairy. so anyone who says lactaid isn't real milk is also saying mabel here isn't a real cow. and she really hates that.
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ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. ♪♪ pete: the competition at this year's westminster dog show is heating up. rachel: for the first time ever, the event will be taking place outside of new york city and without fans, but you can catch all the tail-wagging action on fox sports. will: so let's bring in senior
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meteorologist janice dean. she's out there in tarrytown where the dog show's being held starting today, tomorrow on fox sports. janice, what's going on? >> reporter: we have the best in breed going on right now. it's going to happen today, and then tomorrow, of course, we've got this show, westminster dog show, and that's going on the on fox sports as well as big fox this afternoon at 5 p.m. now, i want to bring in a junior handler, this is emma. this is clark. and, j.d., thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> reporter: tell us about clark. what kind dog is he? >> he's a halve news. >> reporter: is he going to be shown as best in breed? >> yes, at 11. >> reporter: has he done this before? >> yes, but never at westminster. >> reporter: is he nervous? doesn't look nervous. j.d., how do you become a handler? >> i married into it. [laughter] my wife's been doing it for over 30 years, and my mother-in-law
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and father-in-law are both judges. >> reporter: so it's a family affair. >> it's a family affair. >> reporter: how do you learn allowed to do this? >> just repeat, repeat, repeat and listen to my wife. [laughter] >> reporter: excellent. emma, how did you get into this? >> through performance events, finding out, -- going, i love i, finding a mentor and falling in the lo with my own breed. >> reporter: i love this. you're a young lady, a lot of people are on tiktok and social media, and this is what you love to do. how are you going to do today, clark? what do you think? wanna give me a little kiss? [laughter] j.d., how much do you love the dogs? >> absolutely love them. i have to love them, we have 14 of them9 home -- >> reporter: can you show us how much you love the dogs? [laughter] we -- thank you, j.d. and emma, and good luck, clark. all right. back to you, rachel, will and
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pete. will: j.d. tried to pawn it off on his wife, and then we saw the ink -- >> reporter: what are the chances you might put a dog on your body? pete: that's a beautiful tattoo. >> reporter: it is, i like it. will: human name on a dog, i like those. catch the westminster dog show today and tomorrow on fox sports. and we kick off with the masters agility championship which airs at 4 p.m. on big fox as well. today. pete: there you go. as we welcome rachel to the show, we want to get to know her a little better behind the scenes. so up next we're going home to wisconsin. will: yes. with the duffys. ♪ we are family, i got all my sisters with me ♪♪
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♪♪ pete: this morning we are officially welcoming rachel campos-duffy as the new cohost of "fox & friends" weekend. will: yes. and while we're used to seeing rachel, and sean for that matter, on our airwaves, we wanted to get to know the whole family better, so cameras -- [laughter] all the way to wisconsin for an inside look. rachel: they did. will: let's take a look inside your family, our family. rachel: i haven't seen this yet, so -- will: off we go. [laughter] ♪ >> hey, everybody.
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welcome to our home. come on in. the skippy, come in. rachel: welcome to our kitchen. so it's going to be chaotic, guaranteed. ♪ >> so rachel's the commander of the kitchen. she runs a very tight ship. rachel: people always say is, how do you do it, rachel? i have lots of little hands, and i'm not afraid to ask people to help me. maybe a little more lime. it's mexican night, and that's what my kids love the most. >> the best mexican food comes from rachel's kitchen. she is a fantastic cook. i didn't grow up with mexican food. she's a master a magician, and it tastes so good. all right, everybody, let's eat! come on. >> come on, dinner! rachel: this is the duffy family table. we're missing one, we're missing my son jack. but this is j.p., patrick who
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just under the 5, everyone knows sean. this is baby valentina, and this is margarita, and this is maria victoria and -- in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, bless us, o lord, for these gifts we are about to receive -- >> what happens is people can actually order what they want on their taco, and rachel makes it. it's really cool. all together in the house with mom, right? now leaving wisconsin on the weekends to go to new york, and dad's in charge, which is a lot more fun. rachel: if you've ever seen the cat in the hat, then that last scene where everyone's trying to put the house back together, that's what it's like. when my mom got her very first job as an american citizen, she took us all to great america
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with her first paycheck. so i decided i was going to do something really nice for the kids. we found a used sailboat to take to the cabin. >> all of us go out on the boat, it's a windy day, and we're like, okay, we're going faster, and all of a sudden big gust comes, up, over, dumped. we all go in, i lose my phone, capsize. so she came out on the jet ski, picked the kids up. it took us about 45 minutes to get the boat upright. rachel: in the summertime, we basically move if up to the lake, which is the lake that sean grew up on. a lot of kids. >> what would the total for that? >> that would be nine. seven with -- [inaudible conversations] >> we add --
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rachel: after my first weekend, i'm going to try to bring one kid each weekend. which is interesting, they don't get a lot of alone time. this might be cartoons in the green room and barbies. [laughter] we're a catholic family, and for us that's the center. it's sort of like the road map, i guess, for how we operate as family. and it always starts that whole process of tapping on our faith and traditions. it all starts with prayer. so so our meals start with prayer. when we go to school, we pray before they go to school, and then we pray at night. in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, amen. we do a lot of movie nights. karate kid? >> oh, the disney -- rachel: what other suggestions do you have? that's one suggestion. >> no, not watching -- [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] rachel: we're going to get
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started with our duffy family movie night. so thanks for stopping by. >> bye! [laughter] rachel: all right. so so for the record, movie night usually ends in a fight. pete: i was going to say, how do you get consensus? rachel: we can't. because the older ones want to watch something that's not appropriate for the younger ones, and it's really hard. that was definitely not the way movie night ends. somebody always gets ticked off and leaves, and, you know, what do you do? [laughter] will: can i just say in all sincerity? that is beautiful. that is such the american story. you have a massive, beautiful family, children of all ages, brought together two different cultures, which by the way, god bless you for introducing sean to mexican food because barbecue, the best food. a hamburger has nothing, i'm sorry, on good tacos. that's something you learn growing up in texas. honestly, that was beautiful. rachel: thank you. pete: and, rick, i know you know
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rachel well and pretty cool to see all that. rick: yes. mexican food in central wisconsin? [laughter] rick: rachel, i have a question for you, what's the -- [inaudible] [laughter] rachel: 16. will: i just was amazed you were struggling to add your kids with pete's kids -- will: she added will's kids. rachel: that was 18. so you didn't know that i added will's kids. and, by the way, that is an open invitation. the hegseths come over, they've come over to the cabin and stayed with us, chaos. we invite the cains as well. there's nothing better than wisconsin in the summer. pete: and the cool part, you know this, guys, you can show the things when cameras are on, but having been there multiple
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times with their family on the lake, it is real and awesome and authentic to see and so much fun. absolute complete, utter chaos. i've experienced mexican night, it is really good. [laughter] she does run it like a commander. will: rick, we've stolen all your time. rick: oh, wait, we do have time. i thought it was all gone. is it all gone? rachel: i know it's 117 in phoenix. pete: just give us the temperature in central wisconsin. rick: it's a little bit quicker. real quickly, show you what's going on. it is cooling down a little bit behind some storms. a lot of storms especially across parts of the south. today we're going to see another without of storms that pop -- bout of storms that pop up. you get the idea, garden variety summer stormses, pretty big across parts of oklahoma, heading in towards north texas. and then the story we're going to be talking about in the next number of months, i hate to say it, big droughts building across
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the west and high temperatures building right now. rachel: all right. vladimir putin speaks out with piing calling him a -- president biden calling him a -- kayleigh mcenany is on deck. ou . hot dog or... chicken? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ paul loves food. but his diabetes made food a mystery. everything felt like a “no.” but then paul went from no to know. with freestyle libre 14 day, now he knows how food affects his glucose. and he knows when to make different choices. take the mystery out of your glucose levels - and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit
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nationals. they weren't coming across the river into the u.s., they were trying to go back because they said their mother has a hernia. they'll be arrested and deported the proper way. if you check out our sky drone cam, which i believe should be up, it's over la jolla over in the rgv sector. tata's ground zero -- that's ground zero for this border crisis. this week they arrested a mexican national there who was convicted of murder in 2008, sentenced to 15 years in prison, and he was back in the u.s. that is why fbi director chris wray is sounding the alarm in congress. here's what he had to say. listen. >> there's no question that the cartel activity on the other side of the border is spilling over. this goes beyond, way beyond law enforcement into other agencies and, frankly, the community as well. >> reporter: all week long migrants have been coming across the river behind me here in del
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rio. at one point i confronted a smuggler in the middle of the river, he told me he makes $100-200 a day moving the my grant, and part of it is because of social media. on facebook smugglers posting ads that are like vacation opportunities where they offer the my grants a trip -- migrants a trip all the way to the u.s. we talked to the director of dps, colonel steve mccraw, he talked about how the cartel has their hands on both sides to have border. listen to this. >> both sides of the border they're operating stash houses, they're extorting people. the most people organized crime, texas and the rest of the nation is the mexican cartel x. that's an absolute truism, and there's no question about it. >> reporter: and, rachel, it's so bad that the governor, greg abbott, is going to spend $1 billion in the crisis and try and build with his own wall if the feds won't. dhs yesterday announcing their plan to use leftover border wall
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money from the trump administration to repurpose it for environmental reasons in part to fix levee systems in rgv, not build more border wall. rachel? rachel: thank you, griff. great reporting. today we have with us as well kayleigh mcenany, cohost of" outnumbered" and former white house press secretary. so great to have you on the show today. you saw griff's report. we know that kamala harris hasn't come to the border, we know it's a disaster down there. do you think they know that it's a disaster and that they just don't care? this is exactly what they want to have happen? >> i think that's exactly right. but first, i'd be remiss if i didn't congratulate you on your first day, rachel. i loved watching those beautiful images of your family, and i'm so happy for you and all of your fox colleagues, me included, are cheering you on. rachel: thank you. >> there's no doubt about it, kamala harris, joe biden, jen psaki are directly responsible
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for this. those young girls you saw thrown over the wall, that heartbreaking video to have boy saying they left me, they left me, the fact that we've seen a triple, threefold increase of people dying crossing our border, it sounds harsh but it is true, they are responsible. when you say there's free health care in this country if you come across the border, when you say we will open children with open -- welcome children with open arms, do not take it from me, take it from the guatemalan president who said that very thing, the same president kamala harris just sat across from. rachel: we don't have a lot of time left, but i do want to get your thoughts on putin. he spoke out ahead of the meeting with joe biden, he praised your former boss, president trump. he called president biden a career man. what do you think, what's he up to? >> doing what he's always done which is mislead the media. hook, line and sinker, he convinced this country that president trump was an at of
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russia. the media, the best propagandist, carried his water, and that's what he's doing again. he feared president trump who put sanctions on him, wouldn't allow nord stream 2 to happen, joe biden reversed it and basically green lighted, and it leads me to ask as david harsanyi said at "the new york post," what does vladimir putin have on joe biden? because joe biden is carrying his water and so, too, is the american media. rachel: great point. congresses a lot, really appreciate it -- thanks a lot. >> congratulations again. rachel: up next. an electrifying performance of the national anthem brought an entire arena together. ♪ what so proudly we hailed -- ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming. rachel: up next, meet the singer who helped lead the inspiring
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♪♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed -- ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming. ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight -- pete: a viral patriotic moment this week when a sell crowd of 12,000 took over singing of the star-spangled banner at a new york islanders game. nicole led that crowd in song, and she joins me now live and in the flesh. so great to have you. >> so great to be here. pete: what an inspiration that
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was. last year the season was in a bubble, so you couldn't do it in person. you're a singer/song writer, you've been singing for the islanders, now you're in front of that crowd in the playoffs, but at game four your mic cut off, and it happened organically, right? >> yeah. so what happens was i was experiencing some technical difficulties, and the mic just went out -- pete: that's mortifying. >> but the crowd jumped in, they came in strong, they helped me out, and when the sound came back on, we all sang together, and we just wanted to carry that momentum. pete: so you got a chance to see game six, so it was intentional. you wanted to get the crowd going. >> yeah, of course. pete: did you know they'd come behind you? >> i was hoping. i really was hoping, and once i heard it and felt the energy, i kind of handed it off. better president a lot of patriots out on long island. >> oh, yeah. pete: you love that fan base? >> love the fan base. pete: and now they're on to the
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semifinals playing the fam bay lightning. and -- tampa bay lightning. and you'll be singing again. that is so cool. we would love for you to perform here for us on "fox & friends." would you do that? >> sure. pete: our nation's anthem. take it away. ♪ o, say can you see by the dawn's early light -- ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming. ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight -- ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched
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were so gallantly streaming. ♪ and the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air -- ♪ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. ♪ o say does that star-spangled banner yet wave -- ♪ o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> rachel's pick. >> my pick. reminding me of being on the boat in the summer. i have a sea boat. pete: because you're cool. we are so happy to have you, rachel. today is national red roses day. >> oh, my god. pete: rick and i, national red roses day for our new rose in between thorns. >> between 3 thorns. pete: absolutely. >> you guys, this couldn't have been a nicer day. will: we are really happy to to have you.
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glad to have you. i tried to put words together. this is it. this is -- i don't know completed show but this is what -- >> we have to bring back lawrence. pete: let's do it again tomorrow. 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. ♪ ♪ neil: all right a low me to add two sents, rachel, has been here a long time, i don't know in the warmth is going on in the g7 in cornwall, england, we do there's a lot of warm on joe biden maybe because they are all on the same kind of spending page and that could be worry down the road. we are looking at


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